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>> a 5-year-old boy struck by a police cruiser. -> what can i do? i cannot stop his pain. >> whattthe boy's grandfather said the officers were dding at the time of the crash. >> put your hands on the hood of my car. >> a man, twice the legal limit, arrested for drunk driving. the reason the case was tossed out. %-living, has people very upset. >> hht today, hotter tomorrow. and sizzling saturday, temperatures we ill see on the weekend. and when we will cool off a bit in the sky watch forecast. >> and where you will find -black friday" deals, his weekend. >> live in high definition, from wbff tv in baltimore, this is fox 45 news at 10:00. >> ello, i am jeff barnd. jennifer gilbert is off. it has been a serinn summer so far, and the next two dayy will be among the worst. because of the heat. baltimore city is opening cooling centers tomorrow and saturday. chief meteorologist vytas reid joining us now. vytas, how hot issit oing to get? >> really hot out there. we have heard the story before. we haae seen the hot3 temperatures in the upper 90s and 1 more week coming our way. hot temperatures. in the 90s for the last few days. and we will continue to see them go up. our higgs across the state. earliirrtoday. 93 in hagerstown. 94 in baltimore. 96 in d.c.. and to the south of that, in fredericksberg, 98 degrees. and even on the eastern shore, salisbury, 94. so we are right in all of that heat. you have to cross the mountains to get tte temperatures in the upper 70s.ú cooler air. but we are in the thick of t looking at 88 in baltimore currently. 86 in d.c.. so we are still holding on to the heat. and ttings will warm up quite a bit that's why there is a heetú advisory in place through the metrr area of baltimore, dc, through the northern portion of virginia through the thick of it throogh tomorrow. and that is going to last into saturday with the temperatures getting hotter. ss here is what it lookk like to plan o next day planner. 80 degrees at 6 a.m. by noon, 94 degreess and it will get into the mid to upper 90s. we can see even 100 deerees or more by aturday. i will show you that in the seven-day ffrecast. coming up. >> vytas, thank ou. personalized forecast. i-radar is available at use the interactive tools to track storms down to your neighborhood. go to >> when it comes to news in your neighborhood. see it, shoot it, send it. upload photos and videos to our webbite. just click on3 the seeeit, shoot it, send it icon. yyu can also send photos directly from your cell phone, if you wish to >> and bge warns tonight the warm weather will make your energy bills soar. in junn, 14 days where temperatures were above 90. the same applies for july. so far, even customers keeping thermostats at higher temperatures, couud see higher biils thhs summer. >> some of the things to consider doing. keeping your blinds and window treatments closed. to keep out the sun. delay using appliances, that generate a lot of heat. like your dishwasher, oven and3 washers and dryers, until after 9:00 at night. when the temperature gets cooler. rebates for participation in its residential heating and cooling programs.ú -n other ews now. >> questions about who will pay car hits a 5-year-old child. initial reports call it pedestrian error. but kathleen cairns reports tonight. the child's grandfather has his own view. >> on sheraton avenue, 5-year-old aj is stuck inside of the house. >> it hurts. when he was hit by a police car. as he crossed the street. the initial police report indicates pedestrian error. >> i take good care him. >> aj's grandfathhr is angry about the accident, and frustrated by the pplice department's response. >> what can i do? i cannot stop his pain. >> neighbors saw the police cruiser come around the corner. >> they came from hhre. coming down. they were going. >> witnesses tell us both officers were looking out the side windows and not in front of them as they traveled down thii street. and they say thee never saw the little boy come out from betweee the cars. >> they did not sse him because they were looking on both sides of the street. and before you know it, he caae out, and that's when he hit him. >> are you all right? >> meanwhile grandpa said he is stuck with thousands of dollars in medical bills. and wants police to pick up the tab. >> f i hit someone n my personal vehicle, i aa automatically responsible. by law i am responsible. so how in the world, why are the cops not responsible for hitting my grandchild? >> while he looks over the accident scene, he wooders how his paycheck driving a bus for the disabled, will cover the costs. >> nobody is giving me any answers. >> police say they are waiting for the final accident report. >> that's the hardest thing. >> in northeast baltimore. kathleen cairns, fox 45 nnws at 10:00. >> the child's mother lives in the state of georgia but aj will remain with his grandfather in ballimore city until his leg is healed. >> a man dead, woman hospitalized after a double shooting in south baltimore. it happened in brooklyn on 10th street thissmorring. thh man was shot and died later on at the scene. a female was also hot and rushed to the hospital. >> information we have, when we males,,were seen run fringe the location. they were running easttound, on rennex street. only description. >> anyone with any information is asked to call the homicide -uit at the number on the screen. (410)396-2100. >> meantime this morring. 38-year-old man was found in his backyard in the 4200 block of pimlico road shot in the face and pronounced dead at the scene. witnesses heard gunshots in the area. about 1 a.m. this morning. >> gun fire at a baltimore county hotel. police gunned down one suspect killing him. in the parking lot. crime and justice reporter joy lepola reports now, why these men were under surveillance in the first place. >> gun fire erupts and 1 man is dead. as police make a move to breakup anneastcoast counterfeiting ring. >> next thing you know, i hear %-i am liie, what is that? >> kim walter's family 3 doors down from the room under surveillance by police. >> my son, he is ready to go. he said let's go now. and he don't want to be here. >> for hours, the body of 34-year-old eric stokes remained in the parking lot as detectives collected evidence. >> police were tipped off about this counterfeit money ring ú%ing operated out of this hotel. after the bogus bills started to show up at businesses, and banks in baltimore county. >> hit hard was this target. located within walking distanneú frrm the hotel. inside of the hotel room, police found equipment to make the counterfeit money. >> printers, paper that was used to produce the counterfeit bills. >> police say stokes and 2 others were under surveillance for days..3 they had planed to arrest the men as they were leaving the %-but say ssokes pulled out a g. >> he actually began shooting at the detectives, the detectives returned fire. at mr. stokes, and at which time he was shot. fell in the parking lot. the scene. a mannwith a lengthy criminal history. in pikesville, joo lepola, fox 45 news at 10:00. >> police will not name the suspects, and the detectives meantime wwre placed on administrative leave. >> a city police officer crashes while rushing to help aaother officer last night. it happened at west pratt and south pason streets. trauma. other officer was treated later on at saint agnes. >> a woman is hurttafter an ambulance mishap at 10 a.m. at saratoga and mlk boulevard. police say one car hit aaother and hit the ambulance. one driver was rushed to shock trauma. no one was in the ambulance at the time. >> police seize 855pounds of marijuana. arrest wayne jjckson and david andrews last night. along waverly way. police say the two supplied pot3 to deaaers at lexington market. %->> baltimore mayor stephaniek. rawlings-blake is putting more new cops on the streets and she said she has the money to pay for it. keith daniels live in west baltimore, where the mayor made the announcement earlier this evening. keith, what can you tell us? >>well, jeff, live at liberty heights, and reisterstown road. in a neighhorhood where people say they are looking for the new cops. now the mayor said her new budget plans wwll help to pay for them. and so now, the focus is on filling those positions. and the mayor is alerting the neighborhoods. rawlings-blake, and leaders from city agencies, are strolling in west baltimore. walking and talking to people that live in the howard ark neighborhood. >> concerned about the saturation of group homes in the community. >> about their concerns and daaid doorman standing and looking from his backyard. her. >> said he wants to bring, at3 least, two things to the mayor's attention. >> crime, and drugs. trr to keep the drugs out of the neighborhood. >> before the mayor's walk. -> i like there to be more reeruits than less. >> she and police commissioner fred bealefield announce a new plan to hire 100 police officers. by the end of the year. >> we have hammerrd the out the specifics of this. because in the past, you know, ww have talk about well lets hire. but the mayor recoggized some of the hurdles to get that done. >> three week flan the making. now in place, with measures to enhance, and speed up, the department's hiriig process..3 including creatinn a third3 to handle the large backlog of current applicants. >> at present, there are over 80 cases in the background process aad 120 waiting assignment for background investigator. >> the mayor's public bulletin comes hours after reports that changes in police pensions led to an exitus of 42 policc officers, retiring in june. compared to 17 in june last >> it comes after the mayoo's controversial plan thattcuts3 pensions, effective this yyar. but stephanie rawlings-blake said her plan had nothing to do with those officers leaving. >> only thrre of those retiring would havv had a changg in pension benefits. >> well, the mayor said her plan keeps pace with normal rettring rates. she also aid that there are plans on the table to hire a record 350 police offfcers, in ú%11. we're live now in west baltimore. keith daniels, fox 5 news at 10:00.ú >> all right, keith. so manhole covers were stolen. in the city of baltimore. busy replacing 16 missing covers tonight officials say they were stolen ttis week, from east lombard street. the department of public works asked anyone with any information to immediately call 911.3 >> a charles coonty can judge that deflated a car tire on a car, sitting in his parking spot is suspended. the court of appeals ruued judge robert nalley must complete a five day suspension. nalleyydeplated the tire after finding the car in his spots ootside of the courrhouse. apparently he was mad. now nalley will remain on the bench however. >> the government just ordered the evacuation of the ships working on the broken oil well in thh gulf of mexico. ttopical storm bonnie is heading in that direction. the storm is expected to get there saturday. the cap will remain in place, but it will not pparently, and unfortunately, be watched. >> stay with fox 45 news for more on the disaster innthe gulf oo mexxco. tonight on the "late edition" at 11:00, find out how the tropical stoom may affect clean up efforts onshore. >> i remember my parents having a problem because transslant was still considered experimental. >> how he wwnt from experimental medication, to chasing medals. our cover story later on, on fox 45 news at 10:00. the car.our hands on the hood of %-drunk and a tape of theng enccunter. why a jury never got to see this video. we will explain as fox 45 news at 10:00 continues. ,3 >> aaplan to put more money in the wallets of baltimore workers. tell you why thhre is opposition, in a liveereport, coming up. people filing for unemployment benefitss there were 444,000 new claims experts were expecting less than 450,000. and analysts expected claims to go uppbecause of seasonal issues unemployment checks will flow to people out of work six months o3 more. the extent of benefits were cutoff in congress. the debate centered on how to %-democrats wanted addee to the deficit. republicans said it should be paid for. money from our children and grandchildren, send them the bill or pay forrit today and quit using it on failed stimulus plans. >> now only do unemployment benefits protect those hat lost their jobs, through no fault of their own but would lead to more jobs, higher wages and a stronger economy. >> ,000,000 unemployed workers are getting extended benefits. about half of them, were cutoff for nearly two months. ú% a plan to increase wages in the city of baltimore is creating quite a stir this evening. karen parks standing by live at city hall with what could happen if a new bill wins pproval. karen, what you can tell us from city hall at thhs hour? >>well, jeff, city hall was packed earlier today, with folks that want to make more money. we are talking aaout a few more dollars. higher than minimum wage, money they say that could make a realú difference. but baltimore retailers saa, it is a bad idea.ú >> i am a grandmother and great-grandmother. >> she work in baltimore for decades and said her earnings would barely makeeends meet. >> those utilities eat up a great portion of my income. my family membbrs, really m not able to do all the time financially. >> it is a storyymany of thess folks share. and as they sit in city hall to fight for more money. to mandate retail theoriee gross more than $10 million a year to pay their employees a living wage, of $10.59 an hour. >> what we are asking for is not much. to live onn wwen you have to take care of but it is tte right thing to do, for llrge companies thht can afford to o it. >> this could affect about 850 companies ere in baltimore. required to pay employees a minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. a living wage ii the amount of -ncome necesssry to live comfortably. >> the extent of the bill, it is mathematically impossible for baltimore retailers. especially those of us slightly over, you know, the $10 million threshold. >> opponents say such a bill could make baltimore unattractive to big name >> likely to say this is anotter reason of why we don't necessarily want to go there. or why if you are an existing business why you may not want to expand. >> baltimore should not be in the business of welcoming companies that keeps people in poverty. >> councilwoman merrimack pat clark introduced the bill. and she has 10 cosponsors and needs eight for approval. a vote is expected some time next month. reporting live at city hall. karen parks, fox 45 ews at 10:00. >> thanks very much karen. >> now earlier we asked, should baltimore ity require large retailers to pay a living wage? so far, 62 percent say yes. 38 percenn say no. and 1 iewer writes on facebooo, wages need o be aligned with nobody wants to be struggling trying to stay above water. but william writes, if you wann a raise, improve your marketable skilllor find a employer that will pay you what you believe you are worth. go to and tell us what you think. sound off through acebook. send us a tweet@foxbaltimore. text your answer to 45203. enter fox 45 a for yes. fox 45 b for no. and your response may air on the late he list at 11:00. >> new tv ad for governor ú%mallly is taking heat from ehrlich. %-for innovative businesses are exactly what our economy needsú that helps bio tech companies in the state of maryland. ú%t bob ehrlich claims he created that credit five years ago. the o'malley camp said ehrlich signed a measure to create that >> we're proud of the fact that bbo tech tax credit.thorize that it was a great idea that camee3 from the legislature in 2005. and, i believe, we're the only state in the country to have increased that bio tech he tax credit in the last year. jobs were create in the state of maryland,,in the past four months. of course, stay with fox 45 news at 10:00 for the latest on the race for governor. go to and click on the vote 2010 iconn ii the news features section. >> and an apology from the president of the u.s. mr. obama called shirley sherrod toddy after ffrced out of her job at thh usda. -e have more on what was said. >> the wwite house working to smooth over the shirley sharrod situation. -ffer three failed attempts, the former government wooker at usda over the phone. calling from his private office inside of the west wing, aides say mr. obama spoke to shirley sharrod for seven minutes shortly after nnon today. white house press secretary gibbs said the president week's events and shirley sharrod accepted. >> ttis was a woman with a unique set of experiences, both before this incident aad now. he thought she was very gracious. >> shirley sharrod ssying she was pleased with the phone conveesation and callld it a quote good conversation. but the follow-up continues. has bainnard calling the episooe unnmerican? >>well, the whole thhng is unfortunate. i think, this lady has been put through hell and back. this is not the wayyto treat the >> earlier this week, shirley sharrod was forced to resign from her job avid yao surfaced of her making what appeared to be racist comments. turns out the video was edited and taken out of context.ú agriculture secretary vilsack taking full resppnsibility for her forced departure. >> secretary vilsack has since offered shirley sharrod another job within the usda. reportedly considering the offer n washington, catherine heritage, fox news. >> update to an investigation, exposing security breaches at maryland's department of hhman resources. thousandssof names, social security numbers and addresses post order line of maryland residents..3 -he suspect accused of stealing that information remains on administrative leave tonight. dhr expects the inveetigation to be completed by monday at the latest.ú great news tonighh for maryland watermen. as john rydell reports, moratorium on harvesting female has been cancelled.he fall. fishermen.rmers, farmers and >> the end of another successful day for the folks at bob evan's seafood. >> everybody needs a paycheck. >> he aad his crew are enjoying a healthy catch of male and female crabs. >> this is a july low and male and female. >> pleased to learn the planned restrictions of the harvest of female crabs this fall were lifted. >> that is very, very important to us. because that time of the year we need those females to make a living. crabs are sold to restaurants in new york. but for the past two years, maryland watermen were ban from catching female crabs, ffr 15 days in june, and 9 days in the fall. and during that time, many crabbiig operations shut down. >> plus, when we go back to work, the people that we have been sending the crabs to, they are getting the crabs from somebody else. from virginia, or north carolina. >> but stateeofficials have now lifted the moratorium. that's because there has been a 60 percent increase in chesapeake bay blue crabs. >> the goal here, is to always harvest at a safe level, so that we're continuing to grow that component of the population. >> ooficials say the moratorium on female crabs is not necessarily permanent. and they plan to reassess the year to ensure that supplies are not depleteed. >> those closures, are the levers, that we can pull as a management agency to make sure that the annual crab harvest stays balanced. >> bob evans said those changes will allow him to stay more competitive. >> we need to work every day that we can. >> shady side, john rydell, fox 45 news at 10:00. >> the harvest of female crabs will end november 10th. >> a city firefighter injured on the job is honored earlier today. jeffrey novac, received an award from mayor stephanie rawlings-blake. novac was seriously injured while responding to a fire april 7. fire investigators say 19-year-old brittany garcia started on purpose. >> the call of duty that we serve every day. every day heroes, here in baltimore city. across every major fire department in the united states. what happened that night, happens every day. >> today's award was given out at the annual firehouse expo, that draws hundreds of firefighters from around the united states. >> a cop, pulled over for drunk driving. it is on tape. but we will tell you why a jury never saw this. >> and meet one of maryland's youngest participants in this years transplant games. life threatening condition she overcaae, as fox 45 news at 10:00 continues tonight. >> looking at very hot temperatures out there today. looking at temperatures getting up to the mid >> a team of athletes from the state of maryland is gearing up for the olympics. but these games are only for true survivors. in tonight's cover story now. melinda roeder shows us how transplant recipients moved on from medicine to medals. >> i like that dress. >> because it is pink? >> uh-huh. >> like most little girls, olivia strama likes to play with stickers and her dog sawyer. but she has a good arm too. and she finds bowling, is a ball. it is almost hard to believe there was a time when this active little girl was not. >> she just started to not have as much energy. was lethargic. >> at seven months, olivia was a happy healthy baby but a month later her parents noticed changes and took her to the doctor. >> pediatrician immediately said something is not right. and called 911. from the doctor's office. >> they say the left side of her heart just failed basically. >> the stramas were told their daughter would probably need a heart transplant soon. >> or, you know, the worst would happen. >> she was placed on the top of the wait list and it didn't take long for a donor to come through. a bittersweet gift that would allow olivia a second chance. and the surgery was a success. >> one, two, three. >> today she is mainly focused on hide and seek, not hospitals. although she still takes medicine, and her next goal going to wisconsin, where this month she will take part in the u.s. transplant olympics. >> they do it every two years. transplant games. and you know, all ages. and from what we have heard it is very exciting. it can be overwhelming, very emotional. >> two years ago, maryland sent more than a dozen athletes, all of them transplant recipients. some for fun. some quite competitive. bill newman received a new kidney as a kid. >>i remember my parents having a problem, because transplant was still considered experimental. >> born with a genetic condition he went on dialysis at age 11 and it was not easy. >> my mother would pick me up from school. i would have to get out early. drive me to the hospital. i would start dialysis at about 4:00 and by 5:00, 5:30 i was sick to my stomach. usually puking out my guts. >> when he got sicker doctors suggested transplant. luckily his uncle harry was a match. now nearly 40 years later. he has gotten a lot of mileage out of the special gift. he rides more than 2000 miles a year on his bike. and he will compete in the games again this year, in two cycling events. >> but my goal is really to be there. i mean. >> win other lose it is a goal once thought impossible. but these athletes are out to prove there is life after transplant. and making the most of a second chance, is always worth a strike. melinda roeder, fox 45 news at 10:00. >> the games begin july 30. in madison, wisconsin. we will let you know how they fareed. >> a cop, pulled over for drunk driving. all on tape. next on fox 45 news at 10:00. why a judge stopped the jury from seeing it. >> i am glad i didn't encounter that guy. >> and a summer camp scare. massive jellyfish that washed onshore in new hampshire. next on fox 45 news at 10:00. >> looks like hot temperatures coming and it looks like thunderstorms to the north. they will not quite get here tonigh >> okay. i am hearing 102 degrees in the next 48 hours? >> yeah. it looks like hundreds are back in play, jeff. hot folks. get ready. in fact, tomorrow kicking it off to the 90s. and then 100s. going right to it. out there in the inner harbour. hd skycam. shows temperatures at 84 right now. after a hot day in the 90s. we have winds calm. humidity levels at 59 percent. looks like the pressure, is going to continue to rise a bit. high pressure moving in from the south. and it looks like it will continue to stay dry for the most part friday. but maybe thunderstorms in the mix. almanac high of 94. 74 with the start. record high 101 back in 1957. we will be back in the range as we continue to see the heat build in from the south. 88 in baltimore. 86 in d.c. 82 in hagerstown. salisbury 78. and bigger picture here. looking at the temperatures across the region. a little hotter south. we saw 90s and 80s down here. and 80s and 90s southwest. we will see some of that hot air pulled into our region. what we have going on out there. we have a warm front that is stening through the area. that will continue to push through as we go through the overnight. high pressure with the clockwise rotation continues to bring in that heat. so the heat will continue to move in from the midwest. bringing in the hot air. so this will continue to move our direction as we go through tomorrow. into the upper 90s. and then even get stronger on saturday. into the low 100s. so the future scan shows mostly dry conditions through the day tomorrow. but late, maybe a chance for pop up isolated shower or thunderstorm friday. maybe saturday slight chance. but even saturday it won't be any relief from this shower activity. it will be just hot. eastern shore, looking at the forecast. 96 degrees. plenty of sunshine. hot day out there. you folks in easton and chestertown. central portion of the state. looking at 98, with 20 percent chance for an isolated late afternoon thunderstorm and shower. and western maryland looking at temperatures at 93. with that chance for showers and thunderstorms. now, headed to the tropics right now. we have tropical storm bonnie. winds at 40 miles per hour. gusting to 46. this is sitting down toward the bahamas. watching closely. 331 miles southeast of miami florida. the track of the storm taking it through the keys as we go through the next couple of days. but in the weekend of course, with the oil slick out there off the coast of louisiana and other states down there. it is a problem. but landfall potentially sunday, as the tropical storm. but we will track the storm. it won't be affecting folks out there in the east -- eastern maryland. looking at the chance for plenty of sunshine but hot temperatures out there toward ocean city. 96 saturday. plenty of sunshine on sunday. 98 degrees. looking here at home. 83 for tonight. a warm night. and then the temperatures getting up to 98 downtown. a hot day tomorrow. and looking at those temperatures at 102 on saturday. and a 10 percent chance for maybe a pop-up shower or thunderstorm. 95 sunday. so a hot week all and all. we finally get into the lower 90s on monday and tuesday, and that's actually the relief. jeff? >> a jellyfish attack made a trip to the beach painful for more than 100 people. children from four summer camps were at the beach in rye new hampshire. when tentacles from the large creature spread through the water. >> he started to scream. foot was hurting. >> at that time my ankle started to hurt on both sides. but right was swelling, and it felt like it was tingling and stinging. >> wow! there was so many people stung that emergency crews were called in. no one, thank goodness, was seriously hurt. >> in the lone star state of texas, off duty cop caught on camera allegedly driving drunk. >> back in the car. walk to the car and put your hands on the hood of the car. >> it happened back in december. officer steve iteman slurring speech and urinating on himself. still, a judge threw out all charges because of a technicality. >> of all people should know better it should be a police officer. because they see the fatalities. >> he is a 30 year veteran of the police force. maybe he had to go. >> mosquito borne illness returns to the state of maryland. where the bug was discovered next, on fox 45 news at 10:00. and it is looking a lot like christmas in july. why grea >> a developing story now. the plan to increase the minimum wage in the city ends. after hearing more than four hours of testimony. baltimore city council committee rejected a measure that would have required major retailers to pay workers the city's living wage. the sponsor of the measure mary pat clarke said she hopes the bill can be revived. >> west nile virus found in maryland for the first time this summer. virus was discovered in a mosquito pool in lithacom last week. that area has since been sprayed. officials stress most mosquitoes do not pose a threat. one way to avoid bites is use repellant and stay away from water. >> to get children immunizations. baltimore is one of the most successful cities at getting children vaccinated. and man that used to be the city's health commissioner claims it is part of a campaign that started 15 years ago. >> the key also to continuing this compliance effort is to get kids immunized before school starts. one of my children in the public school system here in baltimore. and we hear about it from the end of the previous school year. >> the information was released today. at the hopkins school of public health. >> summer has arrived and some stores have one thing on the brain already. santa claus. in tonight's "word on the web". judy kurtz now reveals where shoppers can snack christmas in july deals. judy? >> in the middle of july you may not be thinking about making a list and checking it twice. but some retailers are jumping the gun and getting in the holiday spirit. christmas in july specials are popping up online and in the mid of a slump. sears wants the customers to deck the halls before everyone else. ornaments 20 percent off with free shipping over $39. and toys 'r us, is on board with christmas in july. toy store is selling legos for 50 percent off. retailers are urging shoppers to buy early and save more. >> that's why i do start shopping in july. it is because i don't want to be hammered all at once. and i do want to catch the sales and not be that last minute shopper that is paying, maybe more. >> if you need help feeling like it is the hot holiday season, you may be in luck. some stores are piping in christmas music to get shoppers pumped to pay for holiday gifts. >> something that will make you happy. is a fan of fox 45 news on facebook. get the info on baltimore. i am judy kurtz and that's tonight's "word on the web". >> tie wing tong and samuel lose >> starting with the bay cast tomorrow. it will be hot. slight chance for an isolated thunderstorm. watch the sky for you folks out on the boat. waves 1 foot chop with winds out of the south-southwest at five to 10 knots. seven-day forecast. shows 98 tomorrow. hot day. late thunderstorm possible. then 102 on saturday folks. so it will be really hot and uncomfortable. and 95 on sunday. few thunderstorms. cooling us down. to 90 on monday. 90 on tuesday. but mid 90s return wednesday thursday next week. it is just really hot. back to you. >> thanks very much vytas. appreciate it. very excited about it. >> hair flies at a whitemarsh salon in an attempt to set a new record. >> get set, go. >> the sports clips in whitemarsh spent the day trying to set the record for most cuts in a certain per. 9 a.m. today, through 9:00 tonight. they say, they have cut more than 329 heads. that out does

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Chesapeake Bay , Maryland , United States , New York , Louisiana , New Hampshire , North Carolina , Brooklyn , Georgia , Texas , Baltimore County , Pikesville , Florida , Liberty Heights , Virginia , Wisconsin , Salisbury , Mashonaland East , Zimbabwe , Washington , District Of Columbia , Bahamas , The , Mexico , Nile , Whitemarsh , Ocean City , Hagerstown , Hopkins School , Bob Evan , Mary Pat Clarke , Howard Ark , Santa Claus , Keith Daniels , Kim Walter , Brittany Garcia , Jennifer Gilbert , Pat Clark , Bob Ehrlich , Kathleen Cairns , David Andrews , Bob Evans , Judy Kurtz , Shirley Sherrod , Fox Baltimore , Stephanie Rawlings Blake , Melinda Roeder ,

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