Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20130125

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No Police Officers ill be chhrged innthh murder of an east baltimore man who died in their cussody. The decision was just released from baltimoress states attorney. Gregg berns. Bernstein. Megan gillillnd is and why some people arent eisi happy with it. Good morning guys,bernstien says he hopes the results of his invvstigation will bring a sense oo closure to Anthony Andersons family. Butt. Family members ell us. Theyyre not leaaed. Pleased. anderson son justice is ot bbing served. Its not fair. 46yearold anderson was thown to the ground during a drug arrest in september of last yeer. Aad died from blunt force trauma. Rom thh beginning there was controveesy. Andersons pffmily and others claiming pollce brutality. While. The city Prosecutor Saysshis investigation has determmned that one f the offfcers actions acauseda anderson death. He says anderson died during the course of a legitimate arrest. Nd tte ptates Attorney Office will not pursue criminal charges against the three Police Officerr involved. P ernstein i am committed t violates the llw and ddshonor the bbdge. In this case however, he evideece does not establish any viollaion of he criminal laws in our judgment based on our investigatioo. Sttaes atttrneys e the 3 investigation may be complete. Its nottover yett thh new investigation nnw punderray and by who. Cooing up in 30 min. Im mmgan gillilaad, fox45 morninn news. Pthe defense i expecteddto begin presentinn its case. Pin the misconduct trial of tte state rested yesterday. Ttve ttstimony revolved around a trial of money that officers on leooolds securrty detail received. A former employee ptated that he drove leopold earning overtime innthee prrcess. He testified thht hh rrassignedd 3 piis a disgrace i just cant sickeninn to see police its jut officers of this county have po ennure such treatment p3 its absolutely unacceptable for an elected official to do that and for our county taxpayer dollars to be used for that rrason. Several people were not called to testify. Including former Anne Arundel County Opening Statements are e. Scheduled to egin this pmorning. In the murder tria of phylicia barnns. Barnes. Michael johnson ii paccused of killing the 16 yea old wwen she wws visiting ffmily innbaltimore. Thurrday. A judge ruued that a eperaae investigation of pthe lead homiiideedetective i bbeeking nto Harford County home wearing a black hoodde while hh searcheddfor his daughter. The ncident occuued two days before Police Charged jjhnson with barnes muuder. There arr warmer waas to rrise 1 point 5 millioo a more ennertaining one. One. The 17th annual Polar Bear Plunge is this weekend, wiih ssme of thh events startinn this morning. Anddjoel d. Smith is streaming now at Sandy Point State Park preparing o entee the icy water hiiseef. Good morning joel d. D. 3 3 3 3 coming up. Follow thh yellow brick roadd rood. Where yoo can go tt maae your children feel like theyveestepped in thh wwrld youre watchhng fox 45 morring news. All loccl. Ll morning. bump out [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway the big hot pastrami melt. We perfected the pastrami sandwich filled with hot, juicy pastrami, pickles, yellow mustard and bubbly melted cheese. All piledhigh on our signature freshly baked bread. Made hot, toasty and just for you. And dont be afraid to put your spin on this deli style deliciousity add your favorite ingredients, like spicy jalapenos or crisp green peppers. Get to your local subway and taste some perfect pastrami today subway. Eat fresh. 3 get swept away to thee wonderful land of tte wizard of ozzchildrens eduuational xxibition opens thii weekeed. Nora moynihan from port mornings hometown otspot. What can we see . What is the recommend age group for he exht 3pexhibit . 3the wizard of oz phiidrens educational exhibition opens saturday, januury 6th. For more information log on to foo baltimore dot ommslash morning. 3 3 3 3 3 cooing up. What you can do today to enter ttowin a frre and. Say it aint so what happened last summer. Thats causing a hot wing shortage. Just days beforeethe superbowl youre watchiig fox 45 morniig news. All locaa. All mmrning. A can of del monte green beans . Grown in america. Picked and packed at the peak of ripeness. The same essential nutrients as fresh. Del monte. Bursting with life. The same essential nutrients as fresh. That have earned the keurig brewed seal of approval. The keurig brewed seal is our commitment that the coffee inside will deliver a delicious cup of coffee every time. Keurig brewed look for the only mark of genuine keurig quality. New this morning. A poorry written rape bill is sparrinn outrage ii new mexico. The pills says it would becooe pregnant ann et an o abortion. It would with evidence. But a lawmakerrwho reated the bbll says its aal a misunderstanding and she is working to correct the language so that rape victims knowwthht they are not the ones ho would be punished. Eating fruits and vegetables may lowerryour risk researchers analyzed theelinn between low and high fruit and vegetable intake and power your risk of estrogen receptor negatiie breaat cancer. The sttdd also founn tumors have lower survival rates aad depend lesss on estrogen levels. Star wars ffns are rrmors are spreading that jj film titled episode seven. The star trek franchise or paramount in 2009. But maay are waiting for the official ssatement from disney and lucasfilms aaout tte deal. Just in time for the chickee wing ssorrtgee the National Chicken council saay ddmand for wings this produced last year because of 12 percent mooe for wings this 3 year. Some couplee take a year or morr to plan their wedding. But were doong it in just one week. Its our wedding in a week contest. And you can paid wedding. On us. Xpenses 3 ps. To enter. Tell us in a hundred words or ess why you shhuld win. Send your entry to wedding n a week. 2000 baltimore. 21221. Or log onto foxxaltimore ddtt com tt enter. Be suue to rred tte official rules and include a ppooo with your ntry entry and its all brought to yyu y the balttmore bridal show at the baltimore connention center februaay 2nd and 3rd. Coming up. 3 its a record cal ipken woul be proud of. How llng one man went without missing a day of work. Uu to illness. And next. Our dc goal s. Duuing his second fox 45 morning news. All local. All morning. Presiddnt obama for a seccnd term. His inauggration was earlier this week. Now that tte festivities arr over. The work bbgins. And unforrunatley. So does the not so kind back and forth between democratt and republlcans. Our insider, armssrong williams c joins us live via skype. And bipartisianship tartee g py saying the president has a diabolical plannto anniahilate that pcentral theee in his inaugurl speech was inaugurl sppech wassfinding common groond. Not tteeting debate. Invvted republicans to white house to get on good foot. Then bbehner comes out ann says thh president wanns to annihilate republicanshe of affhanistan. Gun control. Working on thh debt ceiling can the same nottbe said of the other sideyou say he ppunders our wealth. Wants us disarmed and akes away our religion. Others woudllsay he wants more than woudl say he religionn. Others ttkes away our disarmed and wealth. Wants us plunders ouu you you say he plunners our wealth. Wants us disarmed and takes away our rrligiin. Others woudl say he wants mooe ptan the 1 to have wwalth. Wans criminals disarmedd. And your religion is yoursyou others might calllit eliiism pothers ight call exceptionalism. You call it excepttonalism. Others might call it litism poming up. Ed reed. Saas he not what a bicycle had to do. joel live tease joel live ttass youre all local. All morning. A new winter blast. How much snow well get this timm. On 3 3 3 3 3 break 4 all morning. break 4 3 3 3 st. Marrys county Public Schools closed closeddorrhester county publii delayand. The early dismissals arr already coming close at 1 00. Cecil ounty l elementtry schools will closee at. 3 p, map 195 map the baltimore ciiy ssatess pattorneys office Just Announced thaa they will anota pursue criminal charges involvee innthe death of an past baltimore man. Killed whileein their ccsttdy. But its not over yet. Yet. Megan giililand is heree wiih more on the group who is planning to fight this deccsionn good morning guys,46yearold Anthony Anderson waa thown to the ground durrng a drug arrest in september of last year and died from blunt force trauma. From the beginning there was controversy. Andersons famillyand oohers claiming policeebrutality. While. Thee city Prosecutor Says his investigation deteemined that onn of tte officers aations death. E says anderson died during the course of a legitimate arrest. And the use of force was not excessive pis a decision ttat now has the Civil Rights Division of thh department of justicee investtggtion. ree. Withhrspoon he indicatessthat he ddd a queetion that because we cant pind one singleeperron that wwll attees tt the fact that theyyspoke to the statees attorney gregg bernsttin. anderson son the whole family is justtin disarray and distraught. Juuticc is not beinggserved. Its not fair. Fair. As it stands. None of three poliie officers involved will face criminal chaages. Im megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. Arylands higgest court has ruled statt police must release fills relating to how they investigate racial prooili. Prooiliig. State police had arrued the documents are from disclosure. Court of appeall rulee in land pavor f the American Civil Liberties union and the ndouble cp which contended the files shoold be turned over. Over. The ndoubleacp says thh ruling givvs it the ability to determine if andd when repprts and commlaints are throughll investiggted. A subway customer files a federal lawsuit because she says the sandwichs ffotlong ssbsarent eally a foot loog. Long. You can see that these subs come up shoot by to twoo inches. Now a class action lawusit claims the sandwich chain acted fraudulently and the subs to beeaafoot long. The Million Dollars in damages. The company says that footlong is a traaemark descriptive name for its sandwiches and is talk about dedicaaion. One postal worker is retiring. With quite a record. She hasnnt called out sick in the llst 44 years that means shes worked more than 11thousaad days withouttcalilng out. Sse says serrous than aacold and just works throogh it. Theepooar bear plunge is backkthis weekend. Pust inntime for the snow. The annual event raises more ppecial olympics, and this year those brave souls will be cold. Joel d. Smith is bearinggit as well. And is livv t sandy point state ark and a littll later this morning you aae goiig in pright . 3 p 3 there hhs been a lot of speculatton that safety edd retire after the super bowl. Bowl. But at a press conference reed clearee up a lot of that speculation. No its not my last idee. I just boughtta bike not too longgago. Oot being around my teammates 3 3 it not eds laat ride. But it is ray lewis. And were newworleans. See our stories on the ravens playoffs. Hearr raw interviews from the links by going to our website. Foxbaltimore dot com. Click on the rays last ride banner on oor homeeage. Coming up. Think you know your credit score . Think again. Pagain. Thh big discrrppncy you cculd find. Depending on what you can do to oost your p youre watching fox 45 morning. Meteorologistt 3 p, 3 p3 3 3 3 3 3 minute. Bad credit the next. Good creddi ne minute. Bad credit the next. The eason behind a big discrepancy in your redit morning news. All local. All morning. break 6 this is amazing, how did you find us . I thought we might be related, so i had a fiber analysis done and sure enough, were family. But youre not even shredded. Youre. Crunchy . that happens sometimes. And you help keep people full with whole grain fiber . Just like you guys. [ female announcer ] theyre different, but the same. New frosted miniwheats crunch. A tasty square packed with a crunch. [ crunch ]. Of whole grain fiber that helps keep you full. Its a big breakfast. [ crunch ]. In new a little biscuit. Smile ohhh bring it in ooohhhooh smile ohhh bring it in p new thhs morning. Almost 6weeks after the connncticut shooting rampage. Lawmaaers are proposing a new federal gun ban. The proposal would upgrade an assault 2004. It would also ouulaw ammunition magazines thaa hold moreethan 10 oundd. Investigators are still bbeings troubbed dreamlinnr. After two 787s expeeiennee issues surrounning the jets unique use of liihiim ion batteries. All 50 787s worldwide remain grounned but the ntsb has ruled out excees voltage as a cause. Think you have an excellent credit score . . Ittturns out not all scores are createdd equally and it may not get pyou the good credit deals you rene marsh is in washington to. Explain. 1 if these lenddrs and companies are all using different grading sscles for consumers credit are they determinnng your when it comes to same facttos looking at he are thhy at least consumers deteemining scales for pnd companies are 1 if these 1 if these lenders and companies areeall using determinnng whether too ive at least looking at thee hey same factors when it comes to coming up. P maryland native. Is still in the running to be the next american idol. What the show ppoducers just tweeted us. About thee urbinatoo. And. Were not in kansas anymore. Where you caa go too make your children feel like theyve sttpped in the world oo oz. Oureewatching foo 45 morning news. All local. All morninn. break 7 Turkey Sausage. Turkey what . Amazing. Dunkins new Turkey Sausage breakfast sandwich. Surprisingly great sausage taste with under 400 calories. Try one today. America runs on dunkin. So i get claritin clear. For strong, nondrowsy relief of all my allergies. Like dust. Mold. Pets. And pollen. Looks good. Thanks. I live claritin clear. Maryland is in the national superstar siigers. Candace is here to explain for todays lowwownmiraada lambert and Dierks Bentley are currently touring around the couutry for their locked and reloaded tour. They stopped in baltimore at ffrst marinnr arena ast night and take a look at this. Thanks to my friends over at live nation for sending this picttre toome. Miranna. Dierks. Nd the opeeing act thomas rhett all wwoe ravens jersies last ightt miranda wore the number 52 jersey. Dderkk sported joe flaccos jersey. o the opening aat for the show thomas rhett wore poo twitter and said this is about to happen. Ravenn anc in other musii news. Americcn idol 3 auditions continuud in Baton Rouge Louisiana last niggt. The judges founddsomeereal talent. Nats singing 3 that is miss baton rouge megan miller. She impressed the judges whill auditioning on aaccutccesaa. She is throuuh to sse will have some competition from our loccl contestant. Urpreet sinn turbanator. Lass night. I tweeted the producer of american iddo. Patrick lynn thoughts on the turbantor. And said i really like the turbanator. Hessa greet guy. This comes one day after the executive produccr of thee show. Nigee lythgoe. Tweeted me ann said tte urranator haa a great sweet voice. ess amerrcan idol will continue next weddesday and 3coming up in our 7 oclock hour. Its called the no wwrk porkout. We tell yoo exactly how the new fittess crrze goga will help trim your and. The sun is rissng over the baa brdigg. Buu iis not doing a whole lot to help joel get warm watch him get rrady to ttke the Polar Bear Plunge. Oure atching fox 45 morning news. Allllocal. All mornnng. 45 morning news. Allllocal. All m[ male announcer ] when moisture is this light, it floats. When hair is this hydrated, it flooows. Introducing Nexxus Hydralight a higher standard in hair care thats full of moisture. Free of heaviness. Hydralights salon formulas with light, deepsea minerals give up to 80 more moisturization that wont weigh hair down. For hair that captivatingly flows. New Nexxus Hydralight. [ woman ] youll never settle again. [ male announcer ] raise your standard. The Police Officers involved in the deatt of an eestt baltimore ann. Will not face criminaa charges. Why. They were cleared of any wrong oing. Cleared of any wrong another blast of winter. Is cooing our way. What time the snow will start to fall. Anddwhos going to get hit the hardest. And. It got a cool namee. But it willlleave yooufeeling really sick the symptoms of the ferrari of viruses you need tt look out for. 3 3 bay ridge brrrrr friday, january 25. St. Marys county ublic schools closed closeddorchester closed closeddorchester county public y delayand. The early dismissals are alreadd comingg pinto our newsroom. Cecil count middle and high chools will close at 1 00. Cecil coonty Elementary Schools will close aa 2. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 no police officees will be charged in the murderrof an east baltimmre mn who died in tteir custodd. He decisson as just releasee frommbaltimores states attorney. Gregg berns. Bernstein. Megan gilliland is and why some people arent cisin good mmrning guys,bernstien says he hopes the results of his investigation will ring aa sense of closure to nthony andersons family. But. Family members tell us. Pleased. anderson son justice issnot being served. Itts not fairr46yearold anderson was thownnto the ground during a drug arrest in september of bllnt force trauma. From the 3 police brutality. While. Thee investigation has determined that one of tte officers actions accuseda andersons death. He says anderson diid during the course of a legitimate arrest. And the use of orcc was not excessive. Beeause oo that. Baltimores states Attorney Office will against the three Police Officerr involved. bernstein i am committed tooprosecuting ann officerrwho violates the law eviddnce does not eetablish llws in our judgment baseddon investigation. While the states ttorneys commleee. Its not ovee yet. Underray and by who. Coming gilliland, fox45 morning news. Its officiil. English is the official language of carroll county. The all republican oaad of county commissioners voted. Unanimously, yesterday. Too it the official language of the county government. Carrool joins freddrick aad ppueen annes counties in adopting a similiir policy. Pheesandy hook Advisory Commission siftee throuuh schoollsafety rulee, ggn control laws and mmntal Health Issues to see how or if. The been preventtdd prevenned. The shooter. Addm lanzas mediccl recorrs could be kept rivvte. Because of certain confiientiallty laws. So the motive could remain a mystery. That as a singularreventt would hope that our recommenddtioos would be a little more broad thaa that. We have reached the tipping something and we have have o big. The ivestigation could take sevvral more months. But the commissions recommendatiins are expectedd in march. Super bowl animation 3 there has been a lot of specclaaton thht safety ed reed might joon rry lewis and rettre after theesuper bowl. Bowl. But at a press conference reee cleared up a ppot of that speculatiin. No its not y lass ride. I just bought a bike not too long ago. 3 long ago. It is rayylewis. And werr bbt following rays last ride all the way to the superdome in new ooleens. See our sttries on raw interviews from the hear playerr. And find other web links by going to oor website. Foxbaltimore dott com. Click on the rrys last ridee banner on our homepage. Anddcharr city is sending the ravens off to the super owl pn style. Wiih a rally in the inner harbor. Ittwill be held on monday at the amphitteaterr mayor sttphanie rawlingsblake psays embers f the ravens team ill be ttere aaong with current players and coaahes. The purple and bllck face off pwth tte 49ees. In new thereeare warmer waas to d. Raise 1 point Million Dollars, but it hard to ffnd a more entertaining one. One. He 17th annual polar bearrplunge is this weekknn, starttng this morning. And joel. Smithhis ptreaming nnw at Sandy Point State Park preppring to enttr the icy water himself. Good morning joel d. Dd 3 3 3 new evelopments in the john leopold case. Just into our news room. Poom. Tte new strategy the defense plaas o nnounce in court today. And what will happen, if all doesst go as pl. Youre atching fox 45 morninggnews. All local. All morning. Turkey sausage. Turkey what . Amazing. Dunkins new Turkey Sausage breakfast sandwich. Surprisingly great sausage taste with under 400 calories. Try one today. America runs on dunkin. We know some people are never happy with the way things are. At honda, and are always dreaming of how they coube. Smarter, simpler, howonearthdoesitdothat. Er. And they make it that way. Because things can always be better. We like those people. They think like us. Introducing the best civic sedan yet. Made possible by honda. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 sooe coupllsstake a yeaa r pore to planntheir wedding. But were doing it n just one weee. Itssour weddiig in a weee cootest. And ou can enter to win an all expenses paid wedding. On us. Ussto enter. Tell us in a hhndreddwords or less why you shoulddwin. Send your entry to weddiig in a weekk. 2000 pest 41st stteet in baltimore. 21211. Or log ontoofoxbaltimore dott com to enter. Bb sure to read the official rules ndd includd a hoto with yoor entry you by the altimore bridaa show at the Baltimore Convention center ffbruary 2nd and 3rd. Theres not curr. And its us. The new strain of stomach need to look out for. Many 3 for. And follow thh yellow brick road. Tt see the wizard classsc storr this wwekeed inn charm ity. Oore watching fox 45 morning news. 3 p3 new this morning. Ust into our newsroom. Were learning the defense attorney in anne aruudel couuty executive john leopoldds case. Will eek a motion for acquiitallif thh motion ii rejeeted. Tte pdefenseewill present its cas. The prosecutionnrested theirs, yesterday. Leopolddis acccsed of misconduct for allegedly personal nd olittcal use. R a new strain oo stomach bug is sweeping the country. Health officials are calling ittthe ferrari of viruses. Its a experts sayy. Its usually not dangerous. People aafected are pick for days. With vomiting aad diaarhea. Theres appprrnnty no cure. And youll just have to ride it out for a couppe of days. Since outbreaks have bee reported in you may not be getting those valeetines day. Thats becauue were apparently in the worss helium shortage in decadee. Paffecting balloon prices. Thh feds say oneeof the caases for the shortage is because f tte federal ressrve depleting the helium supply. 3 p explore the munchhin houses and meet all of dorthys frrends. Port dissoverys wizard of oz childrens this weekend. Nora moynihan from port discovery joins us for this morningsshhmetoon hotspot. Tell us about thh exhibit . Which oneeof 3 pdorthys friends which one of which one of dorthys friends caa we meet . What i the recoomeed age pprouppfor he exhiiit . Theewizard of oz childrres educational childrens the wizard of oz the wizard of oz childrens educational exhibition opens saturday, january 26tt. For mooe information log on o foo baltimore dot com ssash porning. 3 pyou may not want tt pay wit new charge that you could be e 3 added to your purchase. Purchase. But first. The phhlicia barnes aseeis punderway. Up next. What e pcould xpect to happen. Aa ttissemotional rial. Uufolds. Youre watching fox 45 morning news. All lloaa. All morning. break 3 [ lane ] are you growing old waiting for your wrinkle cream to work . Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. To visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. Neutrogena®. To visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. P it was a case that made national peadlines for months. 16year old phylicia barnns pas visiting faaily in baltimore for christmas two disappearrd. Onths lattr hhrrbody was founddin the susquehanna river. Hhr sistee exboyfriend is nnw on trial for her murder. And the eviience ii raising a ot of questions about phylicia, the suupect and policeeinvolved in he pase. This morning. The jury was ii it to find an impartial jury in such ppblicized case openingg statements are opennig Opening Statements are set tt sweet innocent girl. Noo the possibility of a sexxtape pinvolving herr her sisttr and the 3sussect a ot haa been made of the storage container. He sayss he was moving out. How will that lay outthe Police Officer 3who investigated is in trouble for rogue tactics lookiig for his own daughterhow do yyu paint the piccure as defense prosen 3 cissy houstoo. Speaks out abbut life after whitney. Granddaughtee. Bobbi kristina ps doing. Almost a year afttr the singerssdeath. And whooshe plaas to have her firss in ddpth interview withh a new winter blast. How much snow well get this timm. On [ harry umlaut ] here we go. [ sally umlaut ] what . The five stages of muller. Ah yes. Stage one suspicion. Its a yogurt, how good can it be . Stage two revision. Actually, this aint bad. Stage three surprise look at this cool cornery thing i love this stuff stage four desolation. Its gone stage five anticipation i guess i could always have another. Have you been through the five stages of muller yet . Yeah, just now. [ male announcer ] muller. The european for yummy. Yeah, just now. 3 p,3 st. Marys county ppblic closeddorchester ccunty Public Schools 2 hour delay delayand. The eerly pdismissalssare already coming into our newsroom. Cecil county middle and higg schools will close at 1 00. Cecil county elementary schholl will close at 2. 3 3 map 40 map 3 the altimore states announced thaa theyywill anota pursue criminal charges against the Police Officers invvlved in thh death oo an east baltimore man. Killed itssnot over yee. Pet. Megan gilliland is here pith mooe on the group who is planning tt fight this decision. Gooddmorninn guys,44yearoll phe ground durrng a drug arrest in september of last yeaa and died from blunt ffrce trauma. From the beginning therr was family aad oohers claiming pplice brutalitt. While. The pcity pposecutor says his investigatiin etermined that onn of the officers actions did acausea ndersons death. E says annerron died during the course of uss of force was ot excessivv its a decision that now as the civil righhs division of the department of jjsticc initiating its own pinveetigatton. rev. Witherspoon he indicates that he did a thorough investigation. We question that because we cant will aatest to the fact that attorney greeggberrstein. anderson son the wholee family is juss ii disarray and pistraught. Justice issnnt being serree. Its ot fair. Fair. As it stands. None of will ace criminal charges. Im megga gillilandd fox45 pmornnng ews. 3 first on fox. Foxx. Arresss during a 3 day sweep targeting convicted sex offenddrs. Who are also illegal aliens. Pnatz yeaa 104, its this end unit ere. Being callee operation soar. Hey spent hours searching for their targets and this weekk they arrested been cnvicted of ex riies while in the us illegally. Therrs a largg large pnumber of illegal alienssinn this countrr but our focus is to thoss cases that will have imppct. Publii safety impac those arreeted aae beinggheld in a federal lockup as aaents begin the process of haaing themmremoved ffom the country. On sundaa, you could be paying a little extra if you use a purchases. Its the first ddy tte cceck out ffe begins. Iis a deal credit card pcompanies and retaiiers came up wiih. In order tooavoid the cost oo swipe ffes charged worry thhugh. Itts unlikely pto kick innright away. Speccialy in biggerrretail whitney oustons mother. Cissy. Says hes worred about her granddaughtee. Kristinn. According tt people magazine. Cissy houston says its been a difficult tiim for hhr and that shes not handling it well. Houston also says she doesnt hear from Bobbi Kristina as often as she woulddlike to. Cissy is expected o sit down wwth depthhinterview since whitneys death. Almost a year ago. Ousson is also releaseing a memoir. A waiter in ttxas is beingg haille as a hero. After refusing to serve a particular ptable full oo customers. At hii restauraat. Applauding michael garcia. For defending a child with special needd. Garcia was waiti reportedly started to complain aboutta 5yearood boy sitting aa a nearby table. He says the child. Who has down making little noises. And the othhr family asked to be moved. Affeewards. Garcia claams they ere stiil 3upse allegedly saiddquote special Needs Children need to be special somewhere else. Thats oo them. And ttey left the restaurant. A beautiful child. Thats t how feel about hhi. Him. Garcia sayy thaa although his bosses were unable to support suppoot his ecision on a impossible. But thats e georgia s promising its client. Clients. The workout. Is called goga. It stands for aativee. It involves a wholebody vibrating maccinn. Trainers at the ggm say that people stand on aappatform and muscles to contract. Sinn the ou get abbut 4 to 6thousand muscle ccntractions in a 10 minute session. Session. Your circulation psystem is stimulated so your improve bone density, its kind to the joints, theres no impact. The compann cites decades of research that it says shhws that whhle body vibration works to tone and the pplar bear plunge iss back thii weekendd. Just in time for the snow. The annual event raises more than a Million Dollars or special plympics, and this year those brave souls will be facing extreme cold. Cold. Joel d. Smith is pearinn t as well. And is at Sandy Point State Park and a little later this morring pou are going n right . 3 3 most children at the age of three are juut starting pentences. But one how three yyar old in california superstarrlets do ii lii rome says skateboarding issfun because i love it. I like to go to the skate park meet lil rome. Hes coull barely walk and nce hh mastering tticks that only tte pros can pull off. Robinson says he justtstarted peealing awaa. Let him do his own thing. I didn know what to think robinson says he has nn fear. I just support him in it. He loves doing it so i love to see him doong it skating since he couud bbrrly walkk. And heealready has big careerr your morning commute may have pbeen smooth. But this pfteenoon. Could be a pdifferent story. Story. When this Winter Weather could hit your neighborhood. And if its ticking arouud for the eekeed. Next in your skywatch weather forrcaat. Porecast. 45 morninggnews. All locall. Mmmmmm. A choice of 6 skillet entrees, each with an appetizer, and dessert . Whoa no wonder they call it a complete meal. 3 courses, one diner price. Complete skillet meals, starting at 8. 99. Only at dennys. ad lib meteorolloist 33 33 3 still aheaa. Ahead. Its time. To let it all out. Ttll us what youre thinking about. And your response might air in our faaebook feedback segmeet. Segment. And later. This weather has many school and dellys. The important sures things schooo officials havee to weigh. Before coming to these decisons. Youre watthing ox 45 mooning news. All local. All morning. 3 question oo day nimation its friday. And that meenss its time ffr fox44 vieeers to sound off about anything you want. You want. Aaout anything you want. Weve been skinggyou aal on your mind for our afacebbok feedbacka segment. Gerald so happy my mighty men arr going to the big shoo in new orleans ravensnatioo pr mention the super bowl . . Happy ppurple friday. Go raaens ravens ebony the ssperbowl, i cant wait to sunnay so the wholl city can be flooded witt purple shirts. Gg ravenssssssesss mmny school isttrctssare either delayed. Oo closed in pmmrlyyand. Due to theeweather. Pweather. Up next. The Actors School districc officials have pto consider. Before making those calls. Youre watching ffx 45 morning news. All local. All morning. breaa 7 living with moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis means living with pain. It could also mean living with joint damage. Humira, adalimumab, can help treat more than just the pain. For many adults, humira is clinically proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. Blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure have occurred. Before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. Ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. Tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. You should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. Ask your rheumatologist about humira, to help relieve your pain and stop further joint damage. St. Marys county Public Schools closed closeddorchester county Public Schools 2 hour delay delayand. The early dismiisals are already coming iito our newsroom. Cecil county middle and high schools will pclose at 1 00. Cecil ccunny elemmntary schools will clooe at 2. Those are just the delayy and that list s growing. Do youuut ever wonder how schools decide whether orrnnt to close . Jim mitcherling with baltimore countt Public Schools joiis us 3 prryyhangs it up after hhs humorous response he gives. E question. And later. Show your ravens pride. In a different way. Tte accessory you can add to your hair. To show yourr purple and black pride youre watching fox 45 morning neww. All loccl. All morning. 3 p another blast of pinter. Is coming our way. To fall. And whos going to get hit the hardest. 3 and. Its got a cool name. Buttit will llave you feeling really sick the symptoms of thheferrari of viruses yyu 3 3 33 friday, jaauary 25th. St. Marys county Public Schools closed ccossddorchester ounty Public Schools 22hour delay delayynd. The early pississals are already coming into our nnwsroom. Cecil county middle and high schools will closs at 1 00. Ecil county elementaay schools will closs aa 2. 3 3 3 3 no police offiiers will bee charged ii the murder of an their custody. The decision was pust releasee from baltimores bernntein. Tom odgers is here why some people aaent happy wwth it plus your other top stories of the morning. Morning. 3 pbbrnstien says he hopes he results f his investigation will bring a ense of closure ps. Heyre ottpleased. Y. Pleased. anderson son justice is not being served. Its noo fair. 46yeaaold anderson was thown to the ground during a drug arrest in seetember of last year. And died rom blunt force trauma. From the beginning there was controversy. Andersons family and others claiming police brutality. Whill. The investigatton has determined that one of the offfcers actions aaauseda annersons during tte course of a use of forre was ot excesssve. Because of that. The Baltimore City states attorneyys officeewill not pursue criminal charges against the three Police Officers involved. bernstein i am commmtted to prosscutinggany officer who violates badge. In thhs cass however, the evidence does not estaalish any violatiin of the crimmnal laws in ur judggent based on our investtgationn investigationnwhileethe staaes attorneys investtgation may be commlett. The civil ighhs division of the deeartment of justice is noo initiating its own investigation. Were learning arundel county execctive john leopolds case. Will seek a motion for acquittal. If the motion issrejected. The defense will ppesent its caae. The prosscution rested theirs, of misconduct for alleeedlyy pprsonal nd political use. Opening statements re morning. In thh urder trial of phylicia barnes. Barnes. Michael johnson is accused of killing the 16 year family ii baltimore. Thursdaa. A judge ulee thht a seperate innestigation of the ead homicideedetective in the case cann e brooghh up during the trial. Daniel nncholssn has been accused of breaking into a harford counny phome weaaing a black hoodii while hh searched for hii poccured two days before polic charged johhson with barnes murder. Ppolice mmke ttooarresss in. P a. Fatal phooting. In annapolis. Williaa chase. And. Chhrles spriggs. Are harged with. First degree murddr. Durley wedneeday night around 11 30 on copelaad streett near broach court. Ollie say durley was ttrgeted for aa. A woman. Almost 6weeks after the connecticut shooting ramppge. Awmakers aae proposing a new federal gun ban. Theeproposal wwuld upgrade an assauut 2004. Ii would also that hold more than 10 roundd. A new train of stomach bug s sweeping the ountryy callinn it the erraaiiof virussssts a new strain of norovirus,but experts say. Peoppe affecteddare sick for dayy. Witt vomiting and diarrhea. Theres apparently no pure. And youll just havv days. Sinceeseptember. More than 140 outbreaks have bee reporteddin theeuus. A service dog in colorrdo is geeting a second chaace aa annactive liie. Shenandoah as a neurologicaa disorder ann is unable toowalk long distances. The 900dollar piece of makes equipment donated it. There are warmer wwys to raise 1 point 5 millioo dollars, but its hard to find a moreeentertaining ooe. One. The 17th annnal Polar Bear Plunge is thii weekend, with some of the events and joelld. Smith is joel d. Imself. Good mornnng d. 3 3 3 cominggup. Its an 3exhibit that more than ust over the rainbbw. Rainbow. Oz comes to life this weekend. Proviiing lessons for kids of youre watching ffx 45 morning nees. All local. All pmorringg bump out [ male announcer ] this is bob, a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. The usual, bob . Not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib Atrial Fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem, a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. I dont think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin, and made a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. But not anymore. Bobs doctor recommended a different option onceaday xarelto®. Xarelto® is the first and only onceaday prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem, that doesnt require routine blood monitoring. Like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce the risk of an afibrelated stroke. There is limited data on how these drugs compare when warfarin is well managed. No routine blood monitoring means bob can spend his extra time however he likes. New zealand xarelto® is just one pill a day, taken with the evening meal. And with no dietary restrictions, bob can eat the Healthy Foods he likes. Do not stop taking xarelto® rivaroxaban without talking to the doctor who prescribes it for you. Stopping may increase your risk of having a stroke. Get medical help right away if you develop any signs or symptoms of bleeding, like unusual bruising or tingling. You may have a higher risk of bleeding if you take xarelto® with aspirin products, nsaids or blood thinners. Talk to your doctor before taking xarelto® if you currently have abnormal bleeding. Xarelto® can cause bleeding, which can be serious, and rarely may lead to death. You are likely to bruise more easily on xarelto®, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Tell your doctors you are taking xarelto® before any planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. Ready to change your routine . Ask your doctor about onceaday xarelto®. For more information including cost support options, call 1888xarelto or visit goxarelto. Com. 3 were off to see the pwizard. The onderfuu wizard of oz port discoverys wizard exhibition opens this weekend. Nora moynihhnn rom port discoveryyjoins us for this pornings hometown hotspot. Tell us about thh exhibit . What can children learn in this eehibit . What is the recommend age grrup for the exh . Exhibbtt 33 3 the izzrd f oz childrens paturddy, anuary 26th. For more information log on to Fox Baltimore dottcom slash morning. 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 coming up. Geeting to the root of the patter. Well ave advice for brides who are searching for that erfect hairo. Nd. A buuglar found out the hard way that he shouldnt mess with a veteran. Youre watching fox 45 morninn news. All local. All break 2 [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway the big hot pastrami melt. We perfected the pastrami sandwich filled with hot, juicy pastrami, pickles, yellow mustard and bubbly melted cheese. All piledhigh on our signature freshly baked bread. Made hot, toasty and just for you. And dont be afraid to put your spin on this deli style deliciousity add your favorite ingredients, like spicy jalapenos or crisp green peppers. Get to your local subway and taste some perfect pastrami today subway. Eat fresh. Forget planning a wwdding forr in aaweek we aree etting you ready for wedding nna weee and we want to start off with pour hair Lindsay Carroll from up dos for ii dos joinssus this morning with more. What kinds of hair this year . What are some ood should we style our hairrif we haae longer hair . Sticc stick around hair . Stick aaound lindsaa carroll will be joining us during ood day ballimore to show you just how her hair tuuneddout. In the meantime. Meantime. To learn more log on to Fox Baltimore dot com slash morning. For more information about up dos foo i do. Go to their website. Up dos for i dos dot com. To enter ouu wedding in a week connest. Tell us in a hunnredd words or less why ou should win. Send your entry to west 41st street in baltimore. 1121. Or log onto foxbaltimore dot com to enter. Be surr to read the officcal rules and include a hhto with your entry entty anddits alllbrought to you by the baltimore bridal show at the ballimore coovention centerrfebruary 2nd and 3rd. Coming up. Dont mess with a vet. Believe ow he fought off morning news. All local. All morning. break 3 an army veteran put his gun to good puse when a man attempted to burglarize his house. Jjlia reynolds has more on how the whhelchair bound vet senn the wannabeeburglar runnnng for his life. Sikes says i aid what wheelchairrbound, armyy . Veteran mark sikes talks about fending oof a burglar with this gun. Sikes says i waaching tv. I heard thissbang ann next thing i know theres a man standing in the hallway of myyhouse, looking in my bedroom. Sikes didnt hesitate whee he heard the noise. He grabbee hhs 9 millimeter haadgunnsskes says i reached and got the gun out of mm draaer and kind of raised it up. Hh took off and ran out the front door. Sskes or him. One of uu has got o phome. Athensclarke county policeeare nowwlooking for he buuglar. Hile mark even closerr this veteran who served his country as a military Police Officer n korea has a mmssaae for theeman. Who broke in. Siies says find something rob people. Because you came real close to losing your life reid has ended speculation ed about his future. Future. Well telllyou what he had to say. Yoore watching fox [ male announcer 1 ] verizon fios is the Fastest Internet in america. Just ask pc mag. [ male announcer 2 ] cable cant touch fios upload speeds. Its hard to imagine anyone ever beating fios. Theres no doubt fios is the fastest in the country. [ male announcer 1 ] after 110,000 speed tests, nothing came close to fios. Upgrade now and get fios internet, tv and phone for a great price online. Just 89. 99 a month with a twoyear agreement. Plus 300 back. Dont miss this last chance. Our 100 fiberoptic network can deliver americas fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet with no caps on usage. Switch now with this great price online. Just 89. 99 a month with a twoyear agreement plus, get 300 back. Or get this great price with no annual contract. Last chance, this deal ends february 2. Visit verizon. Com superoffer. Thats verizon. Com superoffer. Once youve got fios, you get it. And according to pc mag. [ male announcer 2 ] if its available, you should get it. And according to pc mag. 3 st. Marys ountyy publiccschools closed closeddorchesterrcounty publii sshhols 2 hour ddlay delayand. The eerly dismissall are already coming into our ewsroom. Cecil county ccose at 1 00. Cecil countty pElementary Schoolsswill close 3 395 map the ballimore ity states ttorneys office justttes announced thht they will anota pursue criminal charges against the police fficers involved in the death of aan east altimore man. Illed wwile in theirrcustody. Butt pits not over yet. Yet. Tom rodgers is hhre with more on the group who is deciiion plus youurother op stories of the morning. Anthony ndersoo wws thown to the ground during a drug year and died from blunt force trauma. From the beginningg here was controversy. Andersonns family and others claiming police brutality. While. The investigation determined that one offthe officers actions did acausea andeesonns death. He says anderron dded use of force wassnot eeceesive the Civil Rights Division of thh depprtment of justice initiattng itssown investigation. rev. Witherspoon hee indicates thhatheedid a thorough inveetigation. We question that because we cant find one Single Person thaat pill ttest to the ffct that they spoke to the states aaderson son the whole family is juut in ddsarrry andd ddstraughh. Justice is not being served. It not faii. Fair. As t stands. None of the sandy hook advisory volved 3 schoollsafety rules, gun control laws and mental Health Issues to see how or if. The school shoooing oulddhaae been ppevented. Prevented. The shooter. Adam lanzas medical records could be kept private. Beeause of laws. So the motive could that was a singular event pould hope thattoor recommendations would be a we have rrached the tippinn poiit we have to do something and wwehaae hhve to do something bii. Pbig. The invessigatiin ouud ptake severrl more mmnths. Bu the commissioo recommendations are expected in march. Supee bowl animation ttere has been a lot of reed might joon ray lewis and retire after the super bowl. Bowl. But at a press conference reed cleared up a lot of that speeulltion. No its not my last ridd. I just bought a biie ot too long ago. 3 long ago. Just bought bike 3 its not eds last rrde. But pit issray lewis. And ere following ray last ride all pthe way to the superdome in the ravens playoffs. Hear ra players. And find oher wwb pcom. Click on the rays homepage. And charm city is sending he ravvns off tt the supee bowl in style. With a raaly in the on monday at the amphitheater. Mayor stephhnie rawlingsblake says members offthe ravens 2000 super bbwl championship teammwill bb there alonggwith current playerr nn coachee. Orleans. On february third. 3 humans have conquered the ppad. Now its the annmals turns. At thh sithsonian natiinal zoo in d, orangutans are using them to communicaae. Its all parr of apee sttrted by the noo profit rganization orangutan outreach. The technology with hopes of providing orangutans wwth unlimited eerning ppportunities. And to also raise Awareness Among zoo to protect ooangutans in the wild stromberg sayss well, poranggtans are very theyre very curious about thinns that go on outside off purious of wwat the ipad is and theyre certainly more than wiiling to play around itt some ther zooss the oregon zoo. Uston zoo and p3 the polar beer plungeeis time for the snow. The annual event raises more ttan a million dolllrr for special brave ouls will be facing ss extreme cold. Pold. Joel d. Smith is live at Sandy Point State Park and a little later this mooningg ou are going in riggt . 3 3 3 coming up. Bargain hhnters rejoiie. Rejoice. A local store is offering a halfoff ddal ttat folks cant youe watching fox 45 mornnng news. All local. All morni break 5 i do interior decorating and styling for bars and restaurants. [ male announcer ] whenever a business switches from cable to verizon fios, there comes a moment when they get it the powerful difference 100 fiber optics really makes. I got it the first time i uploaded these massive design plans. It was kind of mindblowing because it happened so fast. [ male announcer ] now do more business per second with the speed and reliability of verizon fios for business. Get internet and phone for just 94. 99 a month when you sign up online with a twoyear price guarantee. Plus, get a 200 verizon visa prepaid card. Verizon. Verizon visa prepaid card. 3 3 3 3 coming up. Pllyinn the name. Pteam has rrlled oot a new look ooe store is wweelinn and dealing with half off specials. Youre waaching news. All local. All morning. bump in p hey its half off. Best frie deaa for you. For just 255 dollars, you cannget a 50 dollar gift ceetificate there. Pkelly cullum from best riend fur ever joins us this morning with morr. Tell us about best friends fur ever. What can we uss the gift carr owards . What servvces are offered at besttfriends furrever . Ever . Tt get your half 3 33ever . Ever . Best ffiends ffr aree offered at whht services towards . The friends ffr everr ever . 3 to get your alf off gift card, log on to hey its half limited, soodont wait. Coming up. Ravens fans are feeling the pooee of purple. The unique waa onn local business has. To showwoff yyor pride. Youre watching fx all mornnngg p break 7 [ regina ] i got it when we could download an hd movie in like. 2 minutes [ male announcer ] once youve got verizon fios internet, you get it the difference 100 fiber optics makes. But dont take our word for it ask a real fios customer. Ask me why fiber optics matters. Ask me about the upload speeds theyre sick [ male announcer ] so go online and send a tweet to a real fios customer. Because once youve got it, you get it. And now theres never been a better time to get it. [ female announcer ] upgrade to fios now for just 89. 99 a month with a 2year agreement and get 300 back. Hurry, last chance to get this incredible deal. Fios brings you internet ranked the fastest in the nation and unbeatable picture quality. Its 100 fiber optic, 100 different from cable. Switch to fios for an incredible price online, just 89. 99 a month with a 2year agreement, plus get 300 back. Or, get this great price with no annual contract. Hurry, this offer ends february 2nd. Go to got2getfios. Com today. And see why millions have switched to americas fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet. Contact the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities at 8009746006 tty v. Most reliable internet. bump n on this purple ffiday all everyone is talking about is our team going to the super boww if you want to shhw your pride today. And eeeryday untiilthe big game, weve gotta wwy for you to do it. Stephanie gladden owns janlitlefeather. A company that uses feathhrs to make every design and accessory you can think of. You have everything feather wwere ollowwng raas last ride all the way to the psuperdome in new orleans. See pour stories on the ravens playoffss. Hear aw interviews from the players. And find otter web linkssbyy going to our website. Foxbaltimmre dot com. Cllck on the rays last ride banner on our homepage. 3cooinggup on good daa find out hoo a fiesty goat rattled a eporter. 3 p33 youre looking live at sand Point State Park where just in a couple of minutes. Ur own watching fox 45 morninggnews. 3 all local. All orring. There is something that is missing and i want to tell you that something missing is jesus. It was the beginning of a road of redemption for me. There is forgiveness, a new life, everything in trusting god. Take that one step, that is all it takes. I felt like a new person, brand new creation. Ill felt like i had had a weight

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