Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20120821

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two people are confirmed dead in a train derailment in ellicott city.what happened... and what we are learning about the victims this morning. layed off and lookkng for answers.what steel workers from sparrows point learned last night about their future and the mill's future. you are what we would call in britain, a gutless little twerp" twerp."and... piers morgan.. lashes out at a no- show guest. the person on the receiving end of his public rant. 3 3 3 tuesday, august 21st 3 3 3 3 3 laid off steel workers voice their concenrs about the futurr.this comes after sparrows point was sold recently to a liquidator for 72 million dollars... leaving thousands with out work. work.megan gilliland is here with more on what happens now for ll of those families. good morning guys,take a look at this video we captured last night.the line stretched around the block... as hundreds of laid off steel workers from our area... packed into this bingo hall with a lot on their mind... 1.16.50 "are we coming back to work? hopefully, we will be. and when..." when..."inside... they learned their health benefits will expire at the end of this month.they were given cobra options and government assistance programs.but there's one big question still up in the air... will the liquidator that bought sparrows point last week find another steel company to buy it... and put these people back to ork. joe rosel, union president: 1.42.30 "i'll be happy to help them flip it and make some money, but to the right buyer." brock wilssn: 1.26.58 "we're just in limbo. people got bills to pastill has to get them. he still needs them"y. my son's going to get braces in two days and my insurance ends at the end of the month. he the right buyer would be getting a plant with one of the best blast furnaces in the country... according to the local steelworkers union. coming up next half hour... how they plan to use that to their benefit.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. a prince george's county police officer is killed during a policc chase monday. monday. 23-year old adrian morris died when the cruiser he and his prtner were in went off interstate 95 and into a ditch near beltsville. police say two officers were ttying to pull-over a car ... believed to be involved in a theft.police say morris was an officer for two-and-a-half years... but had been involved with the department since high school. vasquez says: "and i thought he was ok. i thoughtt e was breathing. i didn't know what his status was. he moved his head, i thought. i didn't know he didn't make it." it.""he was an explorer at district six. that's why this district station is taking it so hard, they've known him since he was 15-16 years old. old.the other officer is expected to recover.police are still looking for the car they were was a silver acura... with temporary maryland tags.anyone with information is asked to call police 3 we are following breaking news out of howard countyy.. two people are killed after a train derails in ellicott city. city.joel d. smith joins us live from the scene with what we're now learning about the accident.joel? joel? 3 a high school basketball star is accused of attacking his ex-girlfriend... and today she's speaking out. 18-year-old aquille carr has made a name for himself playing for patterson high school. but on friday, he was arrested and charged with domestic assault. police say he pushed his ex-girlfriend.. and mother of his 5-month old &pchild, to the ground.. then kicked and punched her. since carr's arrest... treshonda williams says she's received threatt for filing charges against the player. (williams) "honestly, aquille is a good person and i don't know what took over him that day. but i know that's not him, i don't want anything else to happen at this point. i just want the safety of me and my daughter to be fine because.. all these threats.." threats.." carr's family members deny he did anything wrong. meantime, we've learned e-s-p-n has dropped carr from an upcoming all-star lineup this weekend. he was scheduled to play in the "under rmour elite 24 national high school showcase" in california.. the baltimore grand prix is less than two weeks aaay ... and organizers are working around the clock to get he course set-up. they are also &pworking hard to fill the seat. weather... we found crews working to put up a pedestrian bridge across lee street, last night. they've spent the last week working on barricades and fences too. but the toughest task ... is selling tickets. in a final push to draw fans... promoters are offering deeply discounted tickets on the bargain website - living social dot fans can score a pass for 40-percent off the original price. the discounted tickets range in price from 9 to 90 dollars. are you our biggest fan?then you can become.. our fan of the day! everyday we'll pick one of our viewers from our facebook page... and feature them on fox45 news at become a fan just go to our facebook page... facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore. coming up... michael phelps in hot water with the olympic committee.. for these modeling photos. photos.the rule he broke.. aad why his manager says he shouldn't be stripped of his medals. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all are stricter rules for travel visas really keeping us safer after 9/11? "you have to go through a lengthy application process 4.01 and also have an in-person interview 5.14 with a consular office to be approved for a visa."or is the loss of tourism dollars hitting us harder than expected? "they have opportunities and money to spend. they want to see america." would easing travel restrictions be good for america? 3 michael phelps' agent believes the olympic champiin from baltimore... won't lose any of his medals over a photograph controversy. controversy. we first reported last week the photoss... like this one.... were leaked online in july from an ad campaign phelps did with designer louis vuitton.the pictures were not supposed to be published until now... because of a rule that puts limits on olympians from appearing in ads for non- olympic sponsors. but phelps' agent says... the swimmer shouldn't be in any trouble because he didn't authorize the use of the pictures. (toss to weather)) 3 3 3 map fiber map mw2 map bbl air map of summer.for the best 11 days - summer.the maryland state fair runs from august 24th through ssptember 3rd. 3rd."nnwsboys and the after" will be performing tuesday, august 28th at the maryland state fairgrounds. fairgrounds.anddwe're giving away a family 4 pack to the show.just be the 10th caller right now at 410-481-4545 for a chance to win. win.and don't forget... you caa catch the fun at the fair speciaa this friday at sx on the c-w baltimore. coming up... it's better to give than to receive.the surprising group of americans who donate the most money to charity. and.. we are continuing to follow breaking news out of ellicott city. a train deraiiment kills two people. joel d. smith is heading closer to the scene of the crash.. and will bring you a live interview with police in just're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ú new this morning... investigators are still on the scene of a train derailment in ellicott city.police have ponfirmed two people have died in the happened &pjust before midnight last night.joel d smith is on the scene and is heading down closer to the tracks to get an interview with police.we will bring you the latest as soon as it becomes available. a man found dead in the inner harbor is raising questions about the status of the city's dive team. baltimore ácountyá divers had to be called into lead the rescue effort this weekend because the ácity'sá dive team is suspended. that's because of a near fatal accident last year. but the city insists that a dive team based closer to the incident would not have mattered in this case. 14:41:50"when someon is found not breathing they literally have about 4 to 6 minutes before any type of recessitation efforts are implemented before ttey are considered clinically dead." dead."fire crews say they are currently re-training city divers.there is still no word on the idennity of the man found in the inner harbor or how he got there. a comedy legend has died. phyllis diller passed away in her sleep in her los angeles home monday.known for her self-deprecating humor ... diller's career took off in phe 1960's when she made numerous appearances with bob hope on his t-v specials and u-s-o tours. diller was 95 years old. rosie o'donnell is recovering this morning after suffering a heart attack.the 50 year old comedian says she waited a day before seeing a doctor after her symptoms started.o'donnell is now encouraging women to not wait like she did.. and to be aware of signs of a heart attack.they include chest pain and sore arms in women. they have less to give... buu one study finds middde class americans are more generous than the wealthiest one percent.on average, households that earn less than 75- thousand-dollars a year donate more than seven-percent of their discretionary income to charity. people who make 100-thousand-dollars or more give away just over four- percent.the findings are based 2008 i-r-s records. coming up... harsh words... from piers morgan. are what we would call in britain, a gutless little twerp." twerp."the no- show guest the c-n-n- host targeted in a public rant. andd.. that labor day roadtrip.. is just around the many millions of americans will be on the road... and three things you can do to cut the cost of your trip... despite rising gas're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. now you have the power to lower gas prices with the bp visa with pump rewards. apply at our most concentrated all! packed with all's active stainlifters, each pac has more cleaning power per ounce to help tackle tough dirt and stains the first time. new all mighty pacs™. powerful clean. mighty results. powerful clean. ((bump in)) it's hard to believe it, but the long labor day weekend is just around the corner. karin caifa tells us....even with rising gas prices and a sluggish economy, a new survey finds americans ready to pack up and go. 3 --reporterrpkg-as follows -- the llst major travel holiday of the summer is expected to be a busy one. according tooa new forecast from triple-a, 33 million americans will enjoy a labor day weekend getaway at least 50 miles from home. that's an increase of two- point-nine percent over last year. they'll also spend a little bit more on their long weekends, 749 dollars on average, up from 702 in 20-11. the average trip will be about 626 miles. but about half of travelers will stay a little closer o home, between 100 and 400 miles round-trip. 2.3 million americans will travel by rail, bus and cruise ship. 2.5 million will take to the skies, thanks to a slight dip in airfares. and the overwhelming majority of travelers will go by car -- 85 percent of them, or about 28-point-two million. that's despite the recent uptick in gas prices. gasoline is stiil lower than an april peak of 3--4 per gallon, but higher than when triple-a did its labor day forecasting last august. of those looking to trim travel costs most will family or friends. others will cut their trip a little expensive mode oo less transportation. for consumer watch, i'm karin caifa. -----end-----cnn.script----- coming up... looking to trade up to the new iphone 5?the best time to sell... to get the most cash for your old phone. and... crews are still on the scene of a fatal train derailment in ellicott city. joel d. smith is getting an interview with police as we speak.he brings us the newest information he's learning righttnow.. after the break. ((megan live tease))layed off and looking for answers.what steel workers from sparrows point learned last night about their future and the mill's future. ((break 4)) look..../what its like to be driver in the grand prix of baltimore.tonight on fox 45 3 3 3 3 3 map fiberrmap they were laid off... anddnow their benefits are about to end.thousands of steel works from sparrows point are wondering what's next after their company was sold. sold.megan gilliland is here with more on the one thing that could save them all. good morning guys,recently... sparrows point.. was sold to a liquidator for 72 million dollars.for the thousands of men and women who worked here... the only hope now... is that the liquidator will sell the mill to another steel company that can put them all back to work again... and soon. 1.20.34 joe rosel, union president: "let'' stick together, and make sure sparrows point survives! are you behind that?! (cheers)" (cheers)"those cheers were heard inside and outside the bingo hall last night... as hundreds of union workers met to talk strategy.they believe sparrows point has one of the best blast furnaces in the country... and because of that... they hired a consulting firm to market the plant to potential buyerss joe rosel, union president: 1.41.23 "failure's not an option for me. in the war of 2012 for sparrows point, failure's not an option for me."brock wilson: 1.27.20 "it's sad, but that's the state of industry in america." lenny elliott: 1.34.11 "this is the backbone of the country. we make steel, been making steel for over 100 years. these people want to work and we put out a good product. we just needda good ow" owner."and they need one fast. workers learned last night that their health benefits will be ending at the end of the month. they were given information oo cobra plans and government assistance to help out just in case.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. in southwest baltimore... police are investigating a fatal shooting along walbrook avenue near north ellamont street.a man was found shot in the head inside an apartment about 9 o'clock , monday night. homicide detectives are pnterviewing neighbors to figure out what word on a suspect or motive at this time. you can track criminal activity in your neighborhood with 'spotcrime.' get email alerts when crime happens. log onto fox baltimore dot com and click on spotcrime in the hot topics section. missouri congressman todd akin is vowing not to quit his campaign for the u-s senate after his controversial comments about rape and pregnan. pregnancy.akin said that women are able to prevent pregnancies in cases of what he called "legitimate rape"... as part of his argument pgainst abortion rights for rape victims.despite akin's vows to stay in the race... the g-o-p senate campaign committee says it's withdrawn 5 million dollars in advertising it planned on using for the missouri senate race. meanwhile.... akin canceled an last minute last night... and host piers morgan.. let him have it. it.piers: "good evening, you're looking live at the empty chair that todd akin was supposed to be sitting in for a live prime-time exclusive interview. he's of course the only man that anyone in america is talking about tonigh" tonight."congressman, you have an open invitation to join me in that chair henever you feel up to it because if you don't keep your promise to appear on the show then you are what we would call in britain, a gutless little twerp" twerp."akin apologized for his comments in a radio interview monday, saying he meant to say "forcible rape" and acknowledged that women "do become pregnant" during such instances. that brings us to our question of the day:should congressman akin drop out of the missouri senate race?we'll take your calls in our 7 o'clock hour. you can also go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell us what you think... sound off through facebook or send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimore. if you're planning on upgrading to the new iphone 5... now is the time to dump your current phone. phone.the trade- in value of older model iphones will drop in about two weeks... so if you trade it in now.. you'll get more for it.and you don't have to live without a phone to do it.most tradeein services will guarantee a you can wait until you hhve the new phone in hand before handing over your old one.the only catch... the release date of mid- september is still a hasn't set an official date. 3 we are following breaking news out of howard county... two people are killed after a train ddrails in ellicott city. city.joel d. smith joins us live from the scene with what we're now learning about the accident.joel? joel? 3 coming up... is your ride at risk? risk?the list of the most stolen carssin america.. and some of them may surprise yyu. you're atching fox 45 morning morning. ((break 5 ((bump in)) (toss to weather)) 3 ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 coming up... the best places to live.. in america.the city in our area that made the list. and next... the surprising new models that made thh list of the most stolen cars in're watching fox 45 orning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) 3 new this morning... investigators are still on the scene of a train derailment in ellicott city.police have confirmed two people have died in the happened night.we have joel d smith on the scene talking withh investigaaors.he'll bring you a live report in just 15 minutes. apple is now the most valuable company... ever.the company's stock rose to a new high monday... breaking microsoft's record set in 1999 aatthe height of the "dot- com"'s value is now 622 billion dollars.the company was worth less than 0 billion as recently as 2004. a mmryland town mmkes the top ten ... in money magazine's list of the best places to live in america.columbia and ellicott city came in at number 8.the city that topped the list?carmel, indiana.the list takes into account several factors including the housing market... crime rates.. and schools. if you think no one would want to steal that old, beat up car of yours -- think again. the national insurance crime bureau is out with its annual list of the most stolen cars surprised to learn what models makeethe list. stacey cohan joins us from washington with m. more. 1) so why steal such an old &pthat much value in it?be 3 coming up... five cases of swine flu.. confirmed in maryland.where they've hit.. and what you can do to protect yourself. and... voice control... remote controls.which ones will make ii easier for you to watch t--... and which ones will actually just get in your're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all ((break 7)) you know what's exciting? graduation. when i look up into my students faces, i see pride. you know, i have done something worthwhile. when i earned my doctorate through university of phoenix, that pride, that was on my face. i am jocelyn taylor. i'm committed to making a difference in people's lives, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. ((bump in)) & ok... anyone remember when you change thh t-v channel? things have come a long way since then!the latest remotes go far beyond the push of a button. and consumer reports wanted to see if they actually make watching t-vvany easier. easier. remote controls that work differently withhfar fewer buttons are coming with smart use this one from l-g like a wand. it moves a cursor on the screen to navigate the menu. but it's not perfect. (sot)"this tv remote does make itharderrto navigate the usual functions like change the input from your cable box to the antenna."(v/o)it also has voice recognition.(natsot: chris andrade)"consumer reports."(v/o)that's fine for searching the web... but not panasonic tv cooms with a s traditionaa remote and one that performs basic tasks like volume and channel changing and a ouchpad for smart tv functions like searching thh web.(sot: chris andrade)"while the second remote lookscool, like most remotes that come with the tvs, it's not universal, sooou can't control your cable orsatellite box." (v/o)samsung also has a set that comes with a onventional and a touchpad remote. but it can be used as a universal the samsung set has gesture and voice controls. but consumer reports finds they make some things more difficult, like turnnng up the volume.(sot: chris andrade)"volume up. volume up. volumeup."(v/o)so do the newest tv reeotes really ake watching television easierr (sot)"they're really designed to helpyou navigate apps, do searches,and surf the web. and it pretty well."(v/o)but if do you're just trying to catch the latest episode of mad men... you're better off with your regular old remote. mmre televisions are coming with internet capability, and that's where these touchpad pemotes shine.consumer reports says while these reeotes have some kinks to work out, you can expect to see a lot more of them in the future. coming up in ur 7 o'clock houu... it's beeter toogive than to receive.the surprising group of americans who donate the most money to charity. ((joel live tease)) two people are confirmed dead in a train derailment in ellicott city.find out what happened... just moments before the train went off track. that labor day roadtrip.. is just around the many millions of americans will be on the road... and three things you can do to cut &pthe cost of your trip... despite rising gas prices. and ... she graduated at the top of her class.. but isn't going to graduate.why one high school valedictorian isn't getting her diploma. 3 3 today is tuesday, august 21. get ready for the est 11 days of summer. summer.the maryland state fair runs from august 24th through september 3rd. will be performing tuesday, august 28th at the maryland state fairgrounds. fairgrounds.and we're giving away a family 4 pack to the show.just be the 10th caller right now at 410-481-45455for a chance to win. win.and don't forget... you can catch the fun at the fair special this friday at six on the c-w baltimore. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 we are following breaking news out of howard couuty... two people are killed after a train derails in ellicott city. city.joel d. smith joins us live froo the scene with what we're now learning about the accident.joel? joel? 3 3 3 laid off steel workers voice their conceers about the future.this comes after sparrows point was sold recently to a liquidator for 72 million dollars... leaving thousands with out work. work.megan gilliland is here with more on what happens now for all of thhse families. good morning guys,take a look at this video we captured last night.the lineestretched arounddthe block... as hundreds of laid off steel workers from our aaea... packed into this bingo hall with a lot on their mind... 3&1.16.50 "are we coming back t work? hooefully, we will be. and when..." when..."inside... they learned their health benefits will expire at the end of this month.they were giien cobra options and government assistance programs.but there's one big question still up in the air... will the liquidator that bought sparrows ppint find another steel company to buy it... and put these people back to work. joe rosel, union president: 1.42.30 "i'll be happy to help them flip it and make some money, but to the right buyer." brock wilson: 1.26.58 "we're &pjuss in limbo. people got bills to pastill has to get them. he still needs them"y. my son'ssgoing to get braces in two days and my insurance ends at the end of the month. he the right buyer would be getting a plant with one of the best blast furnaces in the country... according to thh coming up next half hour... how they plan to use that to their benefit.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. a murder in baltimore county has detectives searching for a killer, this morning. morning.this is what many people in the colgate neighborhood woke up to monday morning. officers say they were called to a home where they found a man inhis early 20's stabbed to death in the &pbasement. the suspected killer possibly injured as well ... as police followed a blood trail four blocks from the home. (samantha) 10:56:24 i seen police there (pointing) and there blocking them off and the cones going down the alley :30butt bite(elise) 11:59:50 we brought in some detectives who were fluent in spanish to help us with the investigation which remains extremely active at this time as you can tell. :9 :59 so far police have not made an arrest in this case. a an found dead in the inner harbor is raising questions about the status of the city's dive team. baltimore ácountyá divers had to be called into lead the rescue effort this weekend because the ácity'sá dive team is suspended. that's because of a near fatal accident last that a dive team based closer mattered in this case.not have - 14:41:50"when someon is found not breathing they literally have about 4 tt 6 minutes before any type of recessitation efforts are implemented before they are considered clinically dead." dead."fire crews say thhy are currently re-training city divers.there is ssill no word on the identity of the man how he got there.r harbor or - the baltimore grand prix is less than two weeks away ... and organizers are working around the clock to get the course settup. they are also working hard to fill the seatt. seats.despite the stormy weather... we found crews working to put up a pedestrian bridge across lee street, last night. they've spent the last week working on barricadessand fencesstoo. but the toughest task ... is selling tickets. in a final push to draw fans... promoters are offering deeply discounted tickets on the bargain website - living social dot fans can score a pass for 40-percent off the original price. 3 the discounted tickets range in price from 9 to 90 dollars. &3 this november... you'll be doing ore than just voting for your favorite politicians...there will also be ásevená ballot questions.... the most ever on a maryland ballot. ballot.they include the maryland dream act....expanded gambling... redistrcting and legalizing same-sex marriage. say it's crucial advocates e - step uptheir camppigns to educate voters. (glenn) "it's fair to make sure that the constituents understand and are educated on what that question means, what the end result will be if it it."another ballot question it" would automaticaaly remove public officials from office...once they arr convicted of a crime. the army is turning to an old cold remedy.. to treat soldiers with depression. depression.researchers are studying whether a nasal spray can safely deliver a certain anti-depressive chemical to the brain, helping curb suicidal thoughts.the naturrlly-occurring chemical.... "t-r-h"... has trouble reaching the brain through pills or injection. this news comes after a ssike in soldier suicides.the army counted 38 in july alone... and at least 120 so far in 2012. they have less to give... but one study finds middle class americans are more generous than the wealthiest one percent.on average, households that earn less than 75- thousand-dollars a year donate more than seven-percent of their discretionary income to charity. people who make 100-thousand-dollars or more give away just over four- percent.the findings are based 2008 i-r-s rrcords. a pennsylvania man and roller coaster enthusiast... finds the ultimate way to ring in his 80th birthday. birthday.(nats of him being bucked in) vic kleman rides the "jack rabbit"... 80 times in a row.kleman has ridden it 47-hundred times... dating back to may ask why he loves roller coaster so's his answer. "the fascination with the roller coaster is fun, it's exciting, and it, just, well i don't know how to explain it, it just makes you feel good." good."the ride itsell... is 12 years older than vic. the augusta national golf club... maaes history. history.who they're are now allowing in their club... after 80 years. years. you're all local.. all morning. ews... ((break 1)) [ male announcer ] there's chicken and there's juicy chicken hellmann's is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy so delicious it's your secret to making dinner disappear hellmann's. bring out the best to making dinner disappear a california man is finally free after being trapped in a concrete hole for almost a day. the victim was walking home from a friend's home when he lost his shoe in the concrete hole.when he tried to get it back. . .. he got stuck. a group of horseback riders heard the man yelling... and called for help. firefighters were able to hammer away at the concrete and pull the man to safety. he was not seriously injured. 3 3 3 3 3 3 traveling for labor day? day?you're not many people will e accompaaying you on the road, rail... and waterways. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) 3 new this morning... investigators are still on the scene of a train derailment in ellicott city.pooice have confirmed two people have died in the happened just before midnight last night.right now, we're learning police are investigating reports oo people drinking on the train tracks..oel d smith is on the scene right now, gathering more details... we will bring you the latest as soon as it becomes available. 3& johns opkins universityy says one of its proffssors willlaccept the gruber prize in cosmology in beijing. charles bennett will receive the 500-thousand dollar prize today at a eeting of the international astronomical union. bennett led a 26- member team that worked on a nasa probe... information from the probe has helped astronomers refine their understanding of the age, shape and makeup of the universe. a comedy legend has died. phyllis diller passee away in her sleep in her los angeles home monday.known for her self-deprecating humor ... diller's career took off in the 1960's when she made numerous appearances with bob hope on his t-v specials and u-s-o tours. diller was 95 years old. augusta national golf club....will finally welcome its first two female members this fall. the home of the masters tournament extending invitations tt former u-s secretary of state condoleeza rice anddsouth carolina financier darla moore. the exclusive club---under increasing criticism the last decade---- as been men-only since its founding 80 years labor day weekend is expected to be a busy one!according to triple-a... 33 million americans will enjoy a labor day weekend getaway at least 50 miles from home. they'll also spend a llttle bit more on their long weekends... 749 dollars on average.2-point-3 million americans will travel by rail, bus and cruise ship... 2-point-5 million will take to the skies, thanks to a slight dip in airfares...and about 28 point two million will go by car. the swine flu... hits maryland. many cases have been reported...and what you can do .. to protect you and your family. family.and...find out why ánowá is the best time to trade in that old i-phone. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. ll local.. all morning. ((break 3)) excuse us, while we change into something more comfortable. cool. introducing, the square sunnyd bottle. ((bump in)) with more than 200 confiimed cases of the swine flu nationally... six in our state ..the centers for warns thosee ho may come in on contact with pigs. howard county health peter beilenson joins us now to explain the virus and how to avoid it. > first known as the h1n1 swine flu in 2009 the new strain is called h3n2 is it more dangerrus?> no one has reportedly died and few are evvn hospitalized... so why is the virus gettiig so much attention??how can familles prepare if they plan tt go to the state fair? 3 aaple... breaking more records. records.the new acheievement...the tech company is celebrating. celebrating. 45 morning neww.. all local.. all mooning. ((addllb horoscopes)) look..../what its like to be driver in the grand prix of baltimore.tonight on fox 45 wow, look at this bed! this nightstand! this wardrobe! what are you doing here? you're in ikea. my dream bedroom is in ikea? yes. what's that bedroom over there? that's your husband's dream bedroom. whatever your style, take home your dream bedroom together. ikea. the life improvement store. 3 3 3 map fiber map they were layed off... and now end.thousands of steel works from sparrows point are wondering what's next after their company was sold. sold.mmgan gilliland is here with more onnthe one thing that couud save them all. good morning guys,recently... sparrows point.. was sold to a liquidator for 72 million dollars.for the thousands of men and women who worked here... the only hopeenow... is that the liquidatoo will sell the mill to another steel company thattcan put them all back to work aggin... and soon. 1.20.34 joe rosel, union president: "let's stick sparrows ppint survives! are you behind that?! (cheers)" (cheers)"those cheers were heard inside and outside the bingo hall last night... as hundreds of union workers met to talk strategy.they believe sparrows point has one of the best blast furnaces in the country... and because of that... hey hired a consulting firm to market the plant to potential buyers. joe rosel, union president: 1.41.23 "failure's not an option foo me. in the war of 2012 for sparrows poont, failure's nottan option for "it's sad, bbt that's the state of industry in america." lenny elliott: 1.34.11 "this &pis the backbone of the country. we make steel, been years. these people want to work and we put out a good product. ww just need a good ow" workers learned last night st. that their health benefits willlbe ending at the end of the month. they were given information on cobra plans and government assistance to help out just in case.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. a prince george's county police officer is killed during a police chase monday. monday. 23-year old adrian morris died whennthe cruiser he and his partner were in went off interstate 95 and into a ditch near beltsville. police say two officers were trying to pull-over a car ... believed to be nvolved in a thefttpolice say morris was aa officer for two-and-a-half years... but had been involved with the department since high school. vasquez says: "and i thought he was ok. i thought he was breathing. i didn't know what his status was. he moved his head, i thought. i didn't know he didn't make it." it.""he was an explorer at district station is taking it so hard, they've known him since he was 15-16 years old. old.the other officer is expected to recover.police are still looking for the car they were was a silver acura... with temporary maryland tags.anyone with information is asked to call police 3 we are following breaking news out of howard county... two train derails in ellicott city. city.joel d. smith joins us liveefrom the scene with what we're now learring abouu the pccident.joel? joel? eeecutivehoward county in southwest baltimore... police are investigating a fatal shooting along walbrook avenue near north ellamont street.a man was found hot in the head inside an apartment about 9 o'clock , monday night. homicide detectives are interviewing neighbors to ffgure out what word on a suspect or motive at this time. 3 you can track criminal activity in your neighborhood with 'spotcrime.' get email lerts when crime happens. log onto ox baltimore dot com and click on spotcrime in the hot topicss section. missouri congressman todd akin is vowing noo to quit hii campaign for the u-s senate after his controversial comments about rape and pregnan. preenancy.akin saii that women are able to prevent pregnancies in cases of what as part of his argument pe"... - against abortion rights for rape victims.despite akin's vows to stay in the race... the g-o-p senatt campaign committee says it's withdrawn 5 million dollars in advertising it planned on using for the misssuri senate meanwhile.... akinncanceled n appearance on c-n-n at the last minute last night... and host piers morgan.. let him have it. it.piers: "good evening, you're looking live at the empty chair that todd akin was suppooed to be sitting in for a live prime-time exclusive interview. he's of course the only man that anyone in america is talking about tonigh" tonight."congressman, you have an open invitation to join me in that chair wheneverryou feel up to it because if you don't keep your promise tt appear on the show then you are what we would call in britain, a gutless little twerp" twerp."akin apologized for his comments in a radio interview "forcible rape" and acknowledged that women "do become pregnant" during such instances. that brings us to our question of the day:should congressman akin drop out of the missouri senate race?phone lines are open now...the number to call 410-481- 4545. apple is now the most valuable company... ever. ever.the company's stock rose to a new high monday... breaking microsoft's record set in 1999 at the height of the "dot- com"'s value ii now 622 billion dollars.the company was worth less than 10 billion as recently as 2004. upgrading to the new iphone 5... now is the time to dump your curreet phone.the trade- in value of older model iphones will drop in about two weeks... so if you trade it in now.. you'll get more for it. and you don't have to live without a phone to do it.most trade-in ssrvices will guarantee a price for up to a month... so you can wait until you have the new phone in hand before handing over your old one.the only catch... the release ddte of mid- september is still a hasn't set an official date. are showers looming? looming?meteerologist steve fertig wiil ttll us whether you need to take an umbrella with ou today as you head in your skywatch weather forecast. foreeast. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all locall. all morning. ((break 5)) chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save. ((aa lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 missouri congressman, todd akin...says he's not quitting his campaign for u-s senate... even though hh's come under fire for some controversial com. comments.he said women were able to prevent pregnancies... in cases of what he calls.. "legitimate rape." rape."that brings us to our question of the day.should congressman akin droppout of the missouri sennte race?our phone lines are open now.. 410- 481-4545. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) ((questton of day animation)) &pcongressman akin says..he's staying put.he says he'll continue to run for u-s senate...even though many believe... he should stop... after those cootrovvrsial remarks he made. made.that brings us to our question of the day.should congressman akin drrp out of phone lines are open now.. 410- 481-4545. 3 3 3 jay " no...while it was stupid, t's his opinion. just like cfa ceo had a right to his opin" opinion." jennifer "fine... he can stay in the race.. that's his right. but i hope he does not get the votes!" 33 get ready for the best 11 days summer.the maryland state fair runs from august 24th through september 3rd. will be performing tuesday, &paugust 28th at the aryland state fairgrounds. fairgrounds.and we're giving away a family 4 pack to the show.just be the 10th caller right now at 410-481-4545 for a chance to win. win.and don't forget... ou can catch the fun at the fair special this friday at six on the c-w baltimore. coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. traveling for labor day? day?you're not many peopll will be accompanying you on the road, rail... and waterways. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) you know what's exciting? graduation. when i look up into my students faces, i see pride. you know, i have done something worthwhile. when i earned my doctorate through university of phoenix, that pride, that was on my face. i am jocelyn taylor. i'm committed to making a difference in people's lives, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. and there's juicy chicken hellmann's is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy so delicious it's your secret to making dinner disappear hellmann's. bring out the best to making dinner disappear coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. the thing... the middle class is doing... that's surpassing the 1-percent. percent. mooning news.. all local.. all morning. hmmm, i don't think i took my pill today. there's birth control you don't have to think about taking every day or even every year. i'm painting my arms. i want another child, but not for a while. it's mirena, a small intrauterine contraceptive that's over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy for as long as you want, for up to five years. then again, i'm not sure i want to wait. don't use mirena if you have a pelvic infection, get infections easily or have certain cancers. less than 1% of users get a serious infection called pelvic inflammatory disease. if you have persistent pelvic or stomach pain, or if mirena comes out, tell your healthcare provider. if it comes out, use back-up birth control. mirena may attach to or go through the uterine wall and cause other problems. although uncommon, pregnancy while using mirena can be life threatening and may result in loss of pregnancy or fertility. ovarian cysts may occur, but usually disappear. bleeding and spotting may increase in the first few months and continue to be irregular. periods over time may become shorter, lighter, or even stop. mirena does not protect against hiv or stds. oh, i can wait a little longer. ask about mirena. when you have time. did you know ? if you choose mirena to prevent pregnancy, it's also approved to treat heavy periods. 3 &pyou are what we would call in britain, a gutless little twerp" twerp."piers morgan.. lashes out at a no- show guest.the person on the receiviig enn of his public rant. and... that labbr day roadtrip.. is just around the many millions of &pamericans will be on the road... and the three things you can do to cuttthe cost of your trip... despite rising 3- 3 tuesday august 21st 3 3 3 3 3 3 we are ollowing breaking news out f howard county... two people are killed after a &ptrain derails in ellicott cit. tom rodgers is here with ttat.. and theeday's other top stories. we are learning that police are now looking or more victims.joel d. smith is streaming now from the joel? 3 3 ,3 a prince george's county police officer is killed during a police ccase monddy. monday. 23-year old adrian morris died when the cruiser he and his partner were in &pwent off interstatee95 and into a ditch near beltsville. police say two officers were trying to pull-over aacar ... believed to be invooved in a theft.police ay morris was an fficer for two-and-a-half years... but had been nvolved with the department since high school. vasquez says: "and i thought he was ok. i thought he was breathing. iididn't know what his status was. he moved his head, i thought. i didn't know he didn't make it." it.""he was an explorer at district six. that's why this district station is taking it so hard, they've known hhm since he was 15-16 years old. old.the othee officcr is expecttd to recover.police are still looking for the car theyy were wassa silver acuua... wwth temporary maryland tags.anyone with information is asked to call &ppolice the baltimore granddprix is less than two weeks away ... and organizers are working arounn the clock to get the course set-up. they are also working hard to fill the seats. seats.despite the stormy peather... we found crews working to put up a pedestrian bridge across lee street, last night. they'veespenn the llst week working on arricades and fences too. but the toughest task ... is sellinn tickets. in a final push to draw fans... promoters are offering deeply discounted tickets on the bargain website - living social dot com.raccng fans can score a pass for 40-percent off the original price. in price from 9 to 90 dollars.- 3 3 to work or stay home... many moms spend a lot of time &pwonderinggwhich would be may have your answer. answer. researchers say they found moms who work full time report better mental and physical health than stay-at-home moms or women who work part time. they found moms who go back to work soon aftee having children had more energy and mobility and less depression at age forty... while moms who were persistently unemployed reported the most health problems. the team suggests full time work may benefit moms for manyy reasons.. ncluding financial security and ssnse of self worth. coming up... a poppstar with iconic platinum lockk.. is going back to her roots. cann read my pooer face facewe show you what lady gaga looks like.. as a brunette. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone at southwest airlines works together for one goal: to get you where you're going. and with flights all over the country to choose from, it's a good thing we love our work. and now we're excited to take you to the beaches of northwest florida. fly nonstop from bwi airport to panama city beach, florida, for just 99 dollars one-way. book all of our destinations online only at are stricter rules for travel visas really keeping us safer after 9/11? "you have to go through a lengthy application process 4.01 and also have an in-person interview 5.14 with a consular office to be approved for a visa."or is the loss of tourism dollars hitting us harder than expected? "they have opportunities and money to spend. they want to see america." would easing travel restrictions be good for america? 3 3 3 3 3 3 &pcoming up... pake fitness.. a family affair. up next... three exercises you can do with your kids to help them stay in shape. and.. do you want free itness advice?our expert is taking your calls right after he break.our phone lines are open now...'re watching fox 45 morning news.. pll local.. all morning. ((break 2)) there are projects. and there are game-changers. those ideas that start with us rolling up our sleeves... ...and end with a new favorite room in the house. and when we can save even more on those kinds of projects... ...with advice to make them even better... ...that's a game-changer in itself. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get flooring for every budget with pergo gunstock oak laminate for just $1.88 per square foot. ((bump in)) adults aren't the only ones that need to worry about their fitness, it's also a concern for children. tarik harris from gold's gym is joining us this morning for fit with fox. - what are good ways for children tt get in shape? - how can we make working out some other things we can do to keep kids in shape? shape? &p mike- im trying to gain more upper body strength...what are some good workouts to do without weights? weiggts? tarik harris is jooning us during good day baltimore to show us a few new exercises and answer your questions. meantime, you can send us a tweet or post your question on our facebook page. coming up... an 80's heart throb... makes a big fashion faux pas.the outfit that landed coreyyfeldman on our worst dressed list. and ... she graduatee at the top of her class.. but isn't going to graduate.why one high school valedictorian isn't getting her diploma. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. ((bump in)) rihanna opens up about chris brown... and lady gaga goes back to her roots.'s tabloid tuesday. brandi proctor joins us this morning with more. 3 the internet has been buzzing since rihanna's sit down interview with oprah aired sundaa...first off she admitted to still keeping in close contact with chris brown...she says since the restraining order was dropped in february theyve been working on their friendship... she said it's especially hard bc she still l;voes him...he's in a relationsip and she's single...rhi rhi admits that when she sees chris her stomach drops... and she has to maintain a poker face.she got emotional when talking about the incident but says said a lot but overall...we - love each other, ann we probably always will. and that's not anything that we're goong to try to change. it's not something you cannshut off if you've ever been in love." thoughts? of course we've been following the chad johnson and evelyn lozada divorce....last week she canceled all upcomign appearances...her ppl say she's not readd to anser the questins.. i think it's that but also she's not ready to show that scar on her forehead... we all watched as chad was tape...and now he's been refleeting...i told you about the statement he posted on his website saying he loved her to sources say he's been trying to get her back but she is not having it... they say he's been calling...texting...cryiiggbut she's not having it. ev says she is done done done... it seems like his career maybe he lost an it's a new look for lady gaga...the blonde bombshell is officially...a brunette!a designer brunette at that... she says..."definitely feeling less blond lately and little more progressive brunette. i am louis vuitton brown. báááá thats lv." she kept one little portion blonde i'm gonna leave one streak of bad by my left ear. lady when its down, and gaga when its up. could we belong together?" we've been taking a break from celebrity fashion faux pas... but we could not let this one go...corey remember him...embarrassed himslef big time this weekend. everythingis wrong... from the hair with the backwards rattail..the see throgh shirt.. whtie pants.. black belt...ponity shoes.. i mean must we go on...then to come in with "double" arm candy was just a no go..this outfit wouldnt have coming up... harsh words... from piers morga. are what we would call in britain, a gutless little twerp." twerp."the no- show guest the c-n-n- host targeted in a public rant. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) are stricter rules for travel visas really keeping us safer after 9/11? "you have to go through a lengthy application process 4.01 and also have an in-person interview 5.14 with a consular office to be approved for a visa."or is the loss of tourism dollars hitting us harder than expected? "they have opportunities and money to spend. they want to see america." would easing travel restrictions be good for america? ((open)) 3 3 3 3 3 3 we are following breaking news out of howard county... two people are killed after a train derails in ellicott city. tom rodgers is here with that.. and the day's other top stories. we are learning just how long clean up could ttke... and it won't be anytime soon.joel d. smith is streaming now from the scene.joel? joee? 3 a high school basketball star is accused of attacking his ex-girlfriend... and today she's speaking out. 18-year-old aquille carr made a name for himself playing for patterson high school. but on friday, he was arrested and charged with domestic assault. police say he pushed his ex- girlfriend.. and mother of his 5-month old child, to the ground.. then kicked and punched her. since carr's arrest... treshonda williams says she's received threats for filing charges against the player. (williams) "honestly, aquille is a good person and i don't know what took over him that day. but i know that's not him, i don't want anything else to happen at ttis point. i just want the safety of me and my daughter to be fine because.. all these threats.." threats.." carr's family members deny he did anything wrong. meantime, we've learned e-s-p-n has dropped carr from an upcoming all-star lineup this weekend. he was scheduled to play in the "under armour elite 24 national high school showcase" in california.. missouri congressman todd akin is vowing not to quit his campaign for the u-s senate after his controversial comments about rape and pregnan. pregnancy.akin said that women are able to prevent pregnancies in cases of what he called "legitimate rape"... as part of his argument against abortion rights for vows to stay in the race... the g-o-p senate campaign committee says it's withdrawn 5 million dollars in advertising it planned on using for the missouri senate race. meanwhile.... akin canceled an appearance on c-n-n at the last minute last night... and host piers morgan.. let him have it. it.piers: "good evening, you're looking live at the eepty chair that todd akin was supposed to be sitting in for a live prime-time exclusive interview. he's of course the only man that anyone in america is talking about tonigh" tonight."congressman, you have an open invitation to join me in that chair whenever you feel up to it because if you don't keep your promise to appear on the show then you aae what we would call in britain, a gutless little twerp" twerp."akin apologized for his comments in a radio interview monday, saying he meant to say "forcible rape" and acknowledged ttat women "do become pregnant" during such instances. if you're planning on upgrading to the new phone 5... now is the time to dump your current phone.the trade- in value of older model iphones will drop in about two weeks... so if you trade it in now.. you'll get more for it. and you don't have to live without a phone to do it.most trade-in services will guarantee a price for up to a month... so you can wait until you have the new phone in hand before handing over your old one.the only catch... the release date of mid- september is still a hasn't set an official date. they have less to give... but one study finds middle class americans are more generous percent.on aaerage, households that earnnless than 75- thousand-dollars a year donate more than seven-percent of their discretionary income to charity. people who make 100-thousand-dollars or more give away just over four- percent.the findings are based 2008 i-r-s records. as september approaches so does the beginning of tte nee school year.... and along with that comes the high costs of school supplies. the national retail federation estimates the average cost for school supplies this year is arrund seven hundred dollars -- per child. that makes back to school shopping the second largest consumer spending event of the year. a high school valedictorian is denied her diploma.... for using a curse word.. in her &pgrrduation speech. speech.kaitlin nootbaar has been at the top of her class for years.... bbt the board of education is refusing to let her graduate.her dad is furious with school officcals... he says it all stems from something she said in her graduation speech..... a curse word..that some say is pretty mild for most high schoolers. when she first started school, at one time, she wanted to be a nurse. then, a little bit later, she decided she wanted po be a veterinarian. and now that she's graduated, or was getting closer to graduation, people would ask her "well, what do you want to do?" and she said, "how the háll do i know?" nootbaar says his daughter had planned to use the word "heck," but accidentally curseddin the moment. the school wants a written apology.... but kaitlln, who staats college soon on a full schhlarship, is refusing to say sorry.she oesn't think she did anything wrong and her family supports the decision. coming up... traveling for labbr day? day?you're not alone. many people will also be hitting the road... plus-- three ways to slash the cost of your trip. 3 - fog video- fallston ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 coming up... we are continuing to follow a fatal train derailment in ellicott city.joel d. smith is on the scene... where he is talking to neighbors about what they what mmy have happened moments before the crash that police are investigating. and... that labor day roadtrip.. is just around the many millions of americann will be on the road... and three things you can do to cut the cost of your trip... despite rising gas're watching fox 5 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) ((bump in)) it's hard to believe it, but tte long labor day weekend is just around the corner. karin caifa tells us...even with rising gas prices and a sluggish economy..., a new survey finds americans ready to pack up and go. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows -- the last major travel holiday of the summer is expected to be a busy one. according to a million americans will enjoy a labor day weekend getaway at least 500miles from home. that's an increase of two- point-nine percent over last year. they'll also spend a little bit more on their long average, up from 702 in 20-11. the average trip willlbe about 626 miles. but about half of travelers will stay a little closer to home, between 100 and 400 miles round-trip. 2.3 million americans will travel by rail, bus and cruise ship. 2.5 million will take tt the skies, thanks to a slight dip in airfares. and the overwhelming majority of travelers will go by car -- 85 percent of them, or about 28-point-two million. that's despite the recent uptick in gas prices. gasoline is still lower than annapril peak of 3-94 per gallon, but higher than when ttiple-a did its labor day forecaating last august. of those looking to trim travel costs most will skip hotel rooms and stay with family or friends. others will cut their trip a little shorter or take a less expensive mode of transportation. for consumer watch, i'm karin caifa. -----end-----cnn.script----- coming up... it looks fake... but it's very real.the story behind this incredible video that's going viral this mroning. &p and.... it makes living with multippe sclerosis... a little easier. our next guest tells us about the program making a difference in the lives of're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local..'re watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. well another great thing about all this walking i've been doing is that it's given me time to reflect on some of life's biggest questions. like, if you could save hundreds on car insurance by making one simple call, why wouldn't you make that call? see, the only thing i can think of is that you can't get any... bars. ah, that's better. it's a beautiful view. i wonder if i can see mt. rushmore from here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. low detergent gasoline. the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. now you have the power to lower gas prices with the bp visa with pump rewards. apply at juggling the challenges of work and amily is hard enough for any parent, but what if you also live with multiple sclerosis? jim stoneberger is one of only a handful of people selected by the national m-s society to share his story and encourage others through the everday matters program. --you were selected from hundreds... nationwide... why do you think you were chosen to be a spokesman for the disease? --everyday matters program - when were you diagnosed? p- how did you ggt selected for this program? - how does the - how have you helped others through this ? program? for more information on the everyday matters program and to get more innormation on m-s log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. coming up on good day baltimore... is your spouse driving you to drink?the gender more likely to drink excessively... after tying the knot. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 8))

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