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caughh on many people werr injured... and he reason behind the race. police found dozens of deadd animal inside her house.the howard county oman is now out &ppn bail... but it appears she's still housing animals. the rescce group she's in charge of. and.. it's a critical test for women.but now... you're no longgr supposed to get it done every oftennyou're now supposted to get a pap test... and the reason behind the change. 3 3 -harbor onday, maach 19thh- monday, march 19th mondaa, march 19th 3 maps-fiber-back to maps a oward county woman is out on bail after being indicted on dozens of charggs of animal cruelty.police found 40 dead animals inside her home and a few just barely alive.and it appears... as shh waits for trial ... the suspect is still housing several pets.megan &pgilliland is here withhmore o phe disturbing case. good morning patrice,elizabbth lindenau... was indicted last week on 69 various chaages of animal cruelty. she was arrested... but then released on 50-thousand dollars bail. even though shh's awaiting trial in a very disturbbng case of animal neglect and cruelty... it appears her bird bailey foundation is still she's still dealing with other . animals.police were called to her townhome in columbia back in january... after neighbors noticed a terrible smell. inside they found 19 dead animals in a freezer... including birds, rabbits, a guinea pig, and a hhrmit craa. thee found another 21 animals ddad inside cages... or ust dead on the floor. everything from cats to snakes. only but there was no food or water - aad nn heat or electricity for &pttem to survive.neighbors say they're horrified by what she was "it's disturbing considering she was animal activist activistconsidering she was activistanimal activist activistconsidering she waa "it's disturbinn "it's disturbing ccnsidering she was animal activist activistpolice later tracked down lindenauuat another home in columbia.we went there to try and talk with her over the weekend..o one was home... but barking and birds chirping inside.the trailer from her bailey fouudation birds rescue was parked ight in the driveway. we're toll she might also have a residence in pennsylvania. actually living at and who if anyyne is cariig for the animall in her cussody.she's court next onth.megan to gilliland, fox45 mornign news. trageey on the slopes... here in marylanddthe cardboard box derby as supposed to be a day of fun for good cause at the &pwisp skk resort in garrett county. but things took a terribleeturn.... when ssven people were injured... including two chhldree. children.thh derby... is an annual fundraiser for a blind skier can see t first.. things were going well... as people raced downhill...but then... watch carrying 14 people.. careens out of conttrl.. .and rashes full speed into a snnwwmker tower.some of the passengers were thrown oot.two of the victims... who were children.... were airlifted a medevac helicopterrfive hhspital by ambulance.o the police are still looking for construction worker and then took off. it happened fridaa night around midnight long the before thh caton avenue exit t ii south baltimore. investigators say the driver drove into lanes that wwre closed to traffic, striking one of the workers. the phock rauma with a broken llg and dislocated elbow. police say the incident is a reminder to all drivers to be cautious around construction zones. 18:04 we would just wanna put that message out tt all our motorists traveling heee in maryland. come iito contruction zones slow your speeds down , be aware of your surroundings because you know phe safety is paramount to those workers and all the time 19 around them at that gold colored g-m sedan ... possibly a pontiac grand prix. it may haveedamage to the right headlight. severe weather rips through take a llok at this video... captured by storm showssa funnellclouud.. near the town of off now... there's no word on any damage or injuries. 14 years and neaalyy7-million dollars later.... howard joel d..smith is live there now with why it took so long, and why it's good morning joel d. 3 3 3 cooing up... one republican takes his humor... to a whole new level. level."i think it's the first time he's actually ever used pr" protection,"the g-o-p candidate he was sppaking aaout... and the reaction it triggered. and innour hometown hotspott.. children offtheemilitary.the spa services being offerrd for áfreeá... and ow old kids pave to be to sign up.. treasure" at tte "sweet pea day spa for kids"- 2nd annual children of he military- celeste taylor joons us live with more.- hhw old do kids need to be?- who is eligible for free services?- what kind offservices do you offer?- how do you sign up? up? "a hero's treassre" at the sweet ppa day spa for kids is next saturday, march 24th.for more information go to our website foxbaltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 3 3 coming up... a new report gives outt grades... for the corruption level of each the grades re based... and the surprissng mark marylann receivedd and a busy month ahead... for highly- controversial issues... that will soon be're watching foo 45 morning news.. all llcal.. ll morning. ((break 2)) 3 hearrng is chedulld today... for accused gangster, james "whitey" bulgerthe hearing will take place in aaboston courrroom... less than a week after his llngtime girlfriend pleeded guilty to helping him stty on the run for 16 years.. bulger is acccsed in at least 19 murders. april is going to be a busy month... for the nation's high court.the supreme court is expected to hear argumentt on president obama's healthcare reform next week. justices constitution places on it the - coogress' power. the high on whether juveniles should ts - parole if convicted of murder. - a new report gives 8 states an áfá when it comes to &pgovernment ccrruption.statts like ggorgiaa.. ichigan... north ddkota... and wyoming &pcenter for public integrity. procedures for maintaining a ethics watchdogs.the repoot says governmeets ooten fall short when it comes to rooting out orruption.maryland received aad-minus. 3 a d-minus. the national chhrry blossom festival kicks off tomorrow, march 20th. and this year... washington, dc is getting ready for a ig party. the popular festival is celebrating it's 100th anniversary. in 1912... japan gave 3-thousand cherry trees to the nation's capital. tte festival is scheduled to llst five weeks. the duchess of first official speech today.- 30-year old kate middleton will speak at the ooening of a children'' hospice in ipswich. she's a patron of the hospice... which helps children with life-threatening conditions.middleton will also tour the cenner... meeting with patients and staff. cominn up... new guidelines... foo how often wooen should get pap smear many yeaas it's recommended you waitt between each test... and why some say... it's an attack on womens' health. &pthe president learned about it economy by reading about - (laughter), not by living it. it. and taking jabss.. agaisnt theepresidenn.the hot topic issue being brought up by g-o-p candidates... and whyy the president is saying "not so faat."you're watching foo all mooning. ((break 3)) ((bump in)) [ man ] hmm. a lot can happen in two hin two hundred thousand. are you guys okay? yeah. ♪ [ man ] i had a great time. thank you, it was really fun. ♪ [ crash ] i'm going to write down my number, but don't use it. [ laughing ] ♪ [ engine turns over ] [ male announcer ] the all-new subaru impreza®. experience love that lasts. ♪ it's oysternomics 101. you start with a u.s. senator named ben. by helping restore thousands of acres of oyster beds, he kept hundreds of oystermen on the job... which keeps wholesalers in business... and that means more delivery companies... making deliveries to more restaurants... which hire more workers. and that means more oystermen. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approved this message. gas prices have been rick vincent than a explains... the issue is popping up on he campaign traii... and even dominated president obama's weekll aadres. prices at he pump climbed steadily,,beginning march 9th -- after a few days of slight declines.they rose on the back of soaring oil prices. president obama put a weekly address.he outlined his ennrgy policy -- and knocked republican presidential candidate newt gingrich for promise of two-fifty's easy to promise a quick fix when it comes to gas ppices. there just isn't one. anyone &pwho tells you otherwise, ny some 3 point for 2 dollar gas, they're not looking forra solution, they're just looking for yoor vote..ampaigning over the weekeed, rick santorum said igh gas prices are says it's only going to get -'s going to have a ripple effect of four dollars, and in some places noww5 dollar a gallon asoline, and they're talking 5 aad maybe even dollars in some areas. natiinally is in hawaiii-- at an gallon.the president is not the right person to tackle such problems.the president learned about the economy by reading about it (laughter), not by living it.25 years in business taught me how jobs come and how they go.i'm rick vincent reportingi'm rick vincenttcome and how they go. i'm rick vincent reporting 3 we ccn't do much about the rise in gas prices... but we can help you find the best prices in the rea.just go to our website foxbaltimoreedot com... and click on pump patrol under hot topics. cooing up... funny?... or just mean?"forget the moon, i ttink he should build it whatever from."senator scott brown pokes un at g-o-p candidates. the shocking thing he had to say about rick santorum. ((megannlive tease))police found dozenn of dead animal inside her house.the howard pounty woman is now out onn bail... but it appears she's still housiig animals.the rescue group she'ssin charge &'re watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bbeak 4)) mine was earned over the south pacific in 1943. vietnam, 1967. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. baltimore is fighting back. oo fox45 news at 5:30 3 3 - kent county , queen anne's ccunty schools 90 minutes late. 3 maps-greenspring-back to maps 3 a howard county woman facing dozens of charges of animal cruelty... appears to still be housing several pets while sse's out on bail..egan gilliland is here with more on the disturbiig case. good morning patrice,elizabethh lindenau... was indiited last week on 69 various charggs of animal cruelty. she was arrested... but then released on 50-thousand dollars bail. even thouuh she's awaiting triallinna very issurbing case of animal neelect and cruelty... it appears her bird rescue group... called the bailey foundation is still active... and it's likely she's sttll dealing withhother . her ttwnhome in columbia back in january... after neighbors noticed a teerible smell. inside they found 19 dead animals in a freezer... including birds, rabbits, a guinea pig, and a hermit crab. they found another 21 animals dead on he floor. everything from cats to snakes. only four animals were still alive. but there was no food or water and no heet or electricity for them to survive.neighbors say the smell was terrible... "i opened the storm door and smelled feces and urine." urine." police ater trackkd down lindenau at another home in columbia.we ent there to try and talk with her over the one was home... but our crews could hear dogs barking and birds chirping inside.the trailer ffom her bailey foundation birds rescue was parked right in the drivewaa. we're tolddssee mght also have a residence in pennsylvania. it's unclear hich home she's actually living at and who if anyone is caring ffr the animals in her custody.she's is exppcted to go back to court next month.megan police are investigating a rash offviolence in baltimore city. in southwest baltimore a man was shot following a domestic dispute. police were on the scene at benninger and colchester &proads sunday afternoon aaterr investigators say the victim'ss girlfriends shot him in the leg.the suspect is in custody and is facing a string of charges ranging from assault to attempted murder.the victim morning. also on sunday afternoon.... shots rang out in downtownn baltimore. crime tape marks off tte aree of cummings court and mccullough streets where a 16-year-old was shot in the one was taken into custody from the scene... the investigation continues. police say they are closer to finding a man who kiinapped a 9-year old boy last summer. summer. lass july.. darrick brown was kidnapped, thrown held captive in an abandoned house in west baltimore. after an amber alert wassissued, a neighbor spotted ddrrick and he was returned home safely. police arrested nathaniel they're still searccing for a second suspect... raheem taylor.police and the victim's grandmother are asking for your help tracking him doww. "it would be a relief, because i'm afraid for my grandson till this day, i'm not sure what they're going to do to retaliate or prevent him from being a witness" nathaniel booker is charged with kidnapping and exxortion. he's due in court today. investigators say alcohol could be to blame for an a-t-v crash sending two people to the happennd just before 1-o'clock, sunday morning... long mckinstry's carroll county.investigators and hit a ggard rail. the l - &pánotá wearing helmets at the rushed to hospital where re they're in critical coodition this morning. today... friends, family and loved ones will say goodbye to a maryland guardsman killed in . afghanistan.funeral services for army major robert marchanti will be held this morning at the trinity assembll of god in timonnium. major merchanti ... a former baltimore county teacher ... was killed last month during interior ministry. marchanti leaves behind a wife, ffur children. nd three grrnd- a new park in howard county is finally seeing its first visitors.... many of whom were not even born when joel d. smith is live there ow, to see if it was worth tte wait... and the money. good morning joel d. 3 forgettletterman... leno... or conan... a republican senator proves he's got a funny bone. senator scott brown roasted his colleagues over a saint patrick's day breakfast.the massachusetts republican took particular aim at the curreet republican candidates for president. "i see that both newt gingrich aad rick santtrum now have secret service with them on the campaign trail. and in the first time he's actually everrused protection,"(butted to))"you all know newt gingrich wants to build a colony on the moon. ffrget build it hatever planet ron paul's from." from."the roast is an annual saant patricc's day tradition in massachusetts. coming up... the remake of the 80's hii "21 jump streee"... hits theaters. nats natshow it did at the box office... and why you might ffnd it surppising. fiberyou're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) ((bump in)) [ male announcer ] for the dreamers... and those well grounded. for what's around this corner... and the next. there's cash flow options from pnc. solutions to help businesses like yours accelerate receivables, manage payments, and help ensure access to credit. because we know how important cash flow is to reaching your goals. pnc bank. for the achiever in you. ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 3 maps-fiber-back to maps- greenspring 3 3 33 3 coming up... someeare calling it an attack on omens' health.why new puidelines are now recommending... that women get fewer pap smears. "this ii a fresh ew twist and i wassrrally excited when i first read the scripp becausee ii's not your classic fairy tale..." and this is no ordinary fairy tale... hat directors did to give "snow white" a fresh new takee.. for the upcoming movie "mirroo mirror."you're watching ffx 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) &p the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. new this morningg.. apple is eepected to announce today what it will do with its big cashhreserve.the ccmpany said it had nearly a hundred billion dollars in cash at the end of 22-11.some investors expect apple to ssue a dividend... something the company hasn't done since 19-95.aaple could also se the extra cash to makeean acquisition. rising gas prices may put a holl on some of the initiatives.sources say the agency may delay implementing new clean energy standards for automakers and refineries. that's because those rules prices.the obama admiiistration has said the increase would only be a penny 20-17. new guidelines about pap smear tests are raising a lot of questions or women. it used to be an annual test ... that screens women for cerviccl cancer. now, new studies by several groups, including the american cancer society ... say the test only needs to be administered every three years. dr. amanda fader from greater baltimore mmdical center joinn us with a look at the new recommedations and what it means for women.-whh the change from annually to every 3 yearscervical cancer .........ervical caacer comes from hpv ... and years to develop --s ttis not a need to treat as soon as it happensreasons is that it reduces risks to women .. what -used to be if you were having sex .. getting it ..... now you don't need it under the age of 211attack on women's health .. yearly mammograms that briigs us to our question of the day:do you agree with the new pap test guiddliies? we'll be taking your calls in our 7 o'clock hour. you can also go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell us what you think... sound off through facebook... r send us a tweet at foxbaltimore. coming up in our hometown &photspot... giving back to families... thaa sacrifice so much.where go... for free spa services... and how old they have to be... to take part. movie nats nats and if you haven't seen it yet... you might be missing out.the surprising number of people who turneddoot this weeeend... to see the remakk of "21 jump street."youure watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. ((break 7)) 3 what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea. movie nats natsmove over johnny depp. channing tatum and jonah hill jump street."the rrmake of the 80's hit... made 35-ámillioná dollars over the weekenddbut that wasn't the only film raking in the money.dr. seuss' "the lorax" came in second place .. with 22-point-8 million dollars.and disney's apparently the nice weather... wasnnt enough to keep fans out of theaters. it hasn't hit thhaters in baltimore yet... but "mirror mirror" is already generating a ton of buzz in hollywood. hollywooddthe stars came out saturday for the premiere of the revamped "snow white" fairy tale.weecaught up with the stars to ask.... just how do you make over such an iconic classic? clark says: " thii is a fresh new twist and i was really excited when i first read the script because it's not your classic fairy tale buu it's got everything added in with really amazing."art of it is - amazing." "mirror mirroo" will be in theaaers march 30th. much- anticipated fox hit "touch" is bbck... this week. week. the new drama is returning for aamid season run stars as a single father whose auttstic son can see things no one else can -- the links connecting every life across the gllbe. ss naturally... the show is over one hundred countries. sutherland was the star of fox's hit show "24."after that show endedd.. he was planning on focusing on his filmmcareer. so no one's as shocked to see sutherland back on t-v as he is. i realized very quickly that i would be terribly disappointed with myself come september iff i weee sitting on the couch wwtching it as opposed to having een a part of it. ss i made the choice to do ii. and i'veebeen grateful for that experience." the first episode was shown earlier in he year. year.touch premieres thursddy night at 9 right here on fox45. coming up innour 7 o'clock hour... your morning commute... could be a bit of headache. --yelling in background--"soo you think he's yelling help?" "yes.""all right. what is your..""-loud gunshot-- "there's gunshots." chilling 9-1-1 calls... capture the final moments of a gunman said.. when áheá called 9-1-1 just secondssbeffre the shooting. police found dozens of dead animal inside her house.the howard county wooan is now out on bail... but it appears she's still housing animals. charge of. and.. aa underage girl.. caught on camera.. working in a strip club.why her ámotherá is the one whoogot n trouble with the law. 3 3 inner harbor... beautifullday... but off to a foggy start. today issmondayy march 19th. 3 - kent county , queen anne's county schools 90 minutes late. 3 3 3 3 a howard county woman is out on bail after being indicted on dozens of charges of animal cruelty.police found 40 dead animals inside her home ann a few just barely alive.and it appears... as she waits for trial ... the suspect is still housing several pets.megan gilliland is here with more on the disturbing case. good morning patrice,elizabeth lindenau... was indicted last week on 66 various charges of animal cruelty. she was arrested... but then rrllased on 55-thousand dollarssbail. even though she's awaiting trial in a very disturbing case of nimal neggect and cruelty... it appears her bird rescue group... called the bailey foundation is still she's still dealing with other . animals.police were called o in january... after neighbors - poticed a terrible smell. inside they found 19 dead animals in a freezer... including irds, rabbits, a guinea pii, and a hermit crab. thee found nother 21 nimals dead inside cages... or just dead on the floor. everything four animals were still alive. but there was no food or water and no heat or electricity for they''e horrified byywhat she - was oing. pit's disturbing considering she was animal activist activist police later tracked down liidenauuattanother home in columbia.we went there to try and talk with her over the one was home... but our crews could hear dogs barking and birds chirping inside.the trailer from her bailey foundation birds rescuu was parked right in the driveway. we're told she might also have a residence in pennsylvania. it's unclear which home she's actually living at and who if anyone is caring for the animals in her cuutody.she's is expected to go back to court next month.megan gilliland, fox45 mornign news. tragedy on the slopes... here in maryland.the cardboard box derby was supposed to be a day of fun for a good cause at the wisp ski ressrt in garrett county. buu things took a teerible turn.... when seven people were injured... including two children. children.the deeby... is an annual ffndrriser for a blind &pskier can see at first.. things were going wwll... as people raced downhill...but then... watch as this pirate ship... out of control.. .and crashes full speed into a snowmaker tower..ome of the passengers were thrown out.two of the victims... who were children.... were airlifted to a west virgiiia hospital by a medevac heliiopter.five others... were taken to the hospital by ambulance. 3&police are still looking for the driver who hit a construction worker nd then took off. it happened friday night around midnight allng the south bound lane of i-95 right beffre the caton avenue exit in south baltiiore. investigators say the driver closed to traffic, striking one of the workees. the 36-year-old contractor for fllnigan and sons was taken to shock trauma with a broken leg and dislocated elbow. police to all drivers to be cautious around construction zones. p8:04 we would just wanna put that message out tt all our motorists traveling here in maryyand. come into contruction zones slow your speeds down , be aware of your surroundinns because you know the safety is paramount to those workers and all the motorists around them at that 3 the car may be a silver or gold colored g-m sedan ... possibly a pontiac grand prix. it may haae damage to the jury seleccion gets underway later this morning in the trial of the new york mets and bernard madoff. last week a judge ruued the trustee for bernard madoff's victims can seek 83-million dollars from the mets owners. the owners have insisted they were viccims of madoff's ponzi scheme. 73-year-old madoff is serving a 150-year sentenne in prison for masterminding the biggiest ponzi scheme in history. it's the rivalry n-b-a fans came to love... broadway is taking on basketball in its latest production... itled "magic/bird."it's about the rivalry and off--ourt "bromance"... bbtween boston celtics legend larry bird and lakers bad boy, magii johnson. the ssow opens on broadway this wednesday. 3 wednesday.broadday this the show opens on broadway this wednesday. dollars later.... howard lion - county has a new park. joel d. smith is live theee now with why it took so long, and why it's still far from finished. good morning joel d. 3 &p just into our newsroom... a gunman opens fire at a school in franne.'ll never believe how the shooter got away... and the other attack.. this one could be linked to. to. ou're watching foxx455morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1)) 3 3- still ahead...his children are too young to drrve...but he's thinking ahead. ahead.there's so many distractions and meaningless deaths on the road caused by peoppe textiig. texting. the invention thissconcerned father made... that's stops kids from texting while driving. driving.and the services this spa is offering... to children of the miliiary.where it's happening... and how you can pf're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) 3 the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. nnw this morning... today... friends, family and loved ones will say goodbye to a maryland guardsman killed in afghanistan.funeral services for army major robert marchanti will be held this morning at the trinity assembly of god in timonnium. baltimore county teacher ... was killed last month during aa attack on the afghan inteeior ministry. marchanti leaves behind a wife, four children and three grand- children. the uus military is granting &pa decorated special forces soldier his final wish. he and his daughters will be buried at arlington cemetery this morning.chief warrant officer edward cantrell was killed rying to rescue his two little girls from their burning home in north carolina. militarr officials say the fort bragg soldier had completed six deployments, &pincluding one to iraq and fiv to affhanistan.he received four bronze medals and one purple heart over his 18 year pareer. after a gunman opened fire in &pfront of a school in southwes france. a local pposecutor says the attack happened this morning at a jewish school in toulluse police say the four days arlier, a ter. - gunman on a motorbike shot and killed a paratrooper in the same city. police say it's too early link the tww attacks. - "a hero's treasure" at the "sweettpea day spa for kiis"- 2nd annual event that supports the children of the military- celeste taylor joiis us live wiih more.- how old do kids need to be?- who ii eligible for free services?- what kind of services do you offer?- how do you igg up? up? 3 "a hero's treasure" at the "a hero's "a hero's treasure" at the "a hero'' "a hero's spa for kids is next saturday, - march 24th.for more information go to our website foxbaltimore dot ccm slash morning. still to come.. a non--artisn group says ... the president's healthcare reform... will actually cost less.but find out why republicans... arennt on board even though the price tag ... &pis lower. llwer.and later...a 17 year old.... caaght on tape... stripping.the unllkely person ... in the audience ... who actually gave her money. porning nnws.. all local.. all ((break 3)) t congressional budget office released new numbees about th cost related o president obama's healthcare reform. the non- partisian group says it will actually cost nearly 50-billion dollars ess ... although fewer people will be democrats applaud the numbers saying t'ssin line with the preeident's original post estiiates ... and it's a win-win for the 47-million uninsured americans who will republicans aren't jumping oo the band agon .. they say in the long run it will cost nearly double hat the president said and not help enough people. congressman andy harris oins us this morning witt a look at the new report. -what do you make of the cbo's estimation thaa in the short 3 terr .. the cost isn't as high as once thought-to double the numbers ... wouud mean that you're not taking into consideeation the oney coming from penalities many ... and some of the tax benefits-based on these numbers, republicans are now coming up with their own budget plan ... what will that include -independent panel in place to monitor cost .. and if they exceed a certain number . changes to mediccre would kick inn for "rationing care" ... when it speeifically doesnt have phat power-the supreme court takk up the constitutionality of the issue .. what will happen there 3 coming up.. 3a case of animal cruelty... in howard county.the animals found in one columbia home... how baa of shape they were in... and how neighbors are reacting to theegruesome discov. discoveries. you're watching fox 45 morninggnews.. all watthing fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3&((ad lib horoscopes)) ((break 4)) baltimore is fighting back. oo fox45 news at 5:30 ♪it's the way you bring out the sun♪ my mom makes any day sunny. sunnyd does, too. with 40% fewer calories than most regular soda brands. ♪ 3 - kent county , queen anne's county schools 90 minutes late. 3 maps-fiber-83atexit27-bbck to maps a howard county womannfacing dozens of charges of animal cruelty... appears to still be hhusing several pets while she's out on bail.megan gilliiand is here with more on the disturbbng case. good morning patrice,elizabeth lindenau... was indiited last week on 69 various charges of animal cruelty. she was arrestedd.. buttthen released on 50-thousand dollars bail. trial in a very disturbing - case of animallneglect and cruelty... it appearr her bird rescue group... called he bailey foundation is still active... and it's likely she's still dealing with other . animals.police were called to her townhome in columbba back in jannary... after neighbors noticed a terrible smell. inside they foond 19 dead animals in a freezer... &pincluuing birds, rabbits, a guinea pig, and a hermit crab. dead inside cages... orrjust s - dead on the floor. everything but there was no food or water - aad no heat or electricity for them to survive.neiihbors say thh smell was terrible... "i opened the storm door and smelled feces and urine." urine."police later tracked down lindenau at another home in columbia.we went there to try and talk pith her over the one was home... but our crews could hear dogs barking and birds chirping inside.the trailer from her bailey &founda parked right in the driveway. weere tood she mighttalso have it'ssunclear which home she's acttally living attand who if anyone is caringgfor the animals in her cuutody.she's is expected to go back to coort next month.megan gilliland, fox45 mornign newss the community of parkville is mourning the loss oo a student. kelly dallaatezza was on a fulbright scholarship in the middle east... and hadd just givve a presentation in morocco when a tire blew on the car she was in... leading to a deadly car accident. dalla-tezza was a graduate of towson high school and boston college.her parents say she was traveling the world...just hoping to make a differenne. now they sayyit will be left up to her inspirr. 3&"i think she would tell people, life is what you make it, life is what you make it, if you're not taking risks you're not liviig your life. there's so much out to see, and go out and do it all" &&p dallatezza's dallattzza's parents saayshe had just been accepted to harrard and johns hopkins... and wasshoping to join the foreign service evvntually. police say they are closer a 9-year old boy last summee. summer. last julyy. darrick brown was kidnapped, thrown into the trunk of a car and held captive in an abandoned house in west baltimore. after an amber alert was issued,,a he was returned home safely. booker.... but 6 months later they're still searching for a second suspectt.. raheem taylor.police anddthe viccim's grandmother areeasking for your help trrcking him down. "it wwuld be a relief, becauue i'm aaraid for my randson till this day, i'm not surr what they're going to do to retaliate or prevent him from beeng a witness" witness" nathaniel booker is charged with kidnapping and eetortion. he's due in court today. 9-1-1 tapps in the case of an by a neighborhood watch captain in florida are now public.the watch captain in the shooting. avid mattingly tells us... seven 9-1-1 calls were releaaeda& including one zimmerman. --reporter pkg-as follows -- "911. police, fire or medical?" ""h pooice, i just heard a shot right behind my house." shock, confusion and fear... you can hear it in theevoice of every caller in the final moments of trayvon martin's yoong life."he just said he shot him, yes the person is dead laying on the grass.." "just because he's layinn on the grass..""oh my god."seven 911 calls in all... beginning with this one from neighborhood watch capttin george zimmerman."these a--hooee, they always get away."that's zimmeeman's first impression watching trayvon martin... walking alone and acting strangely..."this guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or sometting..."zimmerman says marrin then comes toward him... "something's wrong with him. yepp he's coming to cheek mm out. he's got something in his hands. i don't know what his deal is."less than a minute ater martinnis running away. zimmerman gett out of his car."are you following him?""yeah.""okay. we don't laaer... there's another call. "911. do you need police fire or mmdical?""maybe both, i'm not sure there's just someonn screaaing outside."in the background listen for the sound of a fiiht and panicked voice yelliig for help."and is it a male or a female?""ii sounds like a male.""and you don't know why?" "i don't know whh, i think they're yelling help but i don't know. send someone quick, please, godd"ten seeonds later, the hrieking continues... then... a gunshot. --yelling in background--"so yoo think he's yelling help?" "yes.""all right. what is your.."--loud gunshott- heard gunshott?""yes.""how of the person pleading forrfy - help is ii dispute.... as well as thh number of gunshots.but there is no doubt the calls capture the sounds of a deadly end to a traggc encounter. david mattingly cnn atlanta. -----end-----cnn.script----- new guidelines about pap smear &pquestions for women. it usee to be an annual test ... that screens now, new studiess by several ggoups, including ... say the test only eeds to 3 years. that brings us to our questiio &pof the day:do you agree with phone lines areeopen noww..thh number to call 410 - 481- 4545. fox-baltimore dot com and tell us what you think... sound off through facebook... or send us a tweet at foxbaltimore. a new ark in howard countt is finally seeing its first vvsitors.... many of whom were notteven born when the project bbgan. joel d. smith is live there now, to see if it was mmney. good morning joel d. 3 an oregon woman 3 &p an oregon woman is encouraging her 17-yeer-old daughttr... to strippat a club. olice say the girl on stage in this surveillance video... patching her... nd actually giving her money... is hee own mother... 42-yearrold christina lopez .the daughter... who issnow 18... says her mother didn't know she was working at the club until she called asking for food money. the cluus owner says the girl provided a fake i-d... nd that they would never knowingly hire someone under the age of 18. still to come.. we're off to a foggy start, but we're tap to haae a beautiful spring -like day!how higg tte temperatures are expected to reach... next in your skywatch weather forecast. forecastt you're wwtching fox 45 when i get terrible congestion from my allergies, i power through with the power of claritin-d. when my sinus pressure is at its worst, i've got the best decongestant... claritin-d. when it all hits, nasal congestion and sinus pressure, all i need is non-drowsy claritin-d. nothing relieves allergy congestion faster. get claritin-d at the pharmacy counter. live claritin clear. your home and auto policies and save. don't worry, tiny people. flo is a gentle giant. bundle home and auto at let's get a recap, merv. [ merv ] thanks, other merv. mr. clean magic eraser extra power was three times faster on permanent marker. elsewhere against dirt, it was a sweep, with scuffed sports equipment... had it coming. grungy phones... oh! super dirty! and grimy car rims... wow! that really works! ...all taking losses. it looks like mr. clean has won everything. the cleaning games are finished? and so are we. okay, but i just took a mortgage out on the cabinet. [ male announcer ] clean more, work less, with the mr. clean magic eraser extra power. [ male announcer ] clean more, work less, 3 maps-fiebr-back to maps-83atexit27-back to maps proposed changes for women... guidelines recommeed they get ap smear tests... every three yeaas... instead of annually. annuully.that brings us to our puestton of thh you agree with the new pap test guidelines?our phone lines are open now...410-481-4545. 481-4545.and later...they've toxic ooze infested sewers... the record... the teenage mutant ninjaaturtles broke... at the mall of america. you're watching fox 45 morniig news.. all local.. all morning. 3((br i was trying to figure out how i could get rid of 99% of the lead i can pick up traveling through your pipes, and then... [ click ] just clicked. get it? it clicked... like the thing. click. insteed of annually... reasearchers nowwrecommend that women get a pap smear every three years.the test is used to screen for cervical can. cancer.that brings us to our question of the you agree with the new pap test guidelines?our phoneelines are open now.. 410-481-4545. kiyaaa- bmorekathleen- ellicott city city victoria --"not at to be done ever year!"e mine - year!"wwndy - "no!! wow hat are they thinking? it won't take but a minute for inssrance commanies to jump on the band wagon & cut $ for this now!!!" now!!!"lisa - "i found out i had cervical ccncer when i was still scared to death to miss my yearly. it's nothhng to mess arrund with. they need to keep it yearly. they are just worried about money and nnt the health of women!" women!""amantha - "i don't can happee in a three year ot period. wiil we hhar soon that year period. will we hear soon that we shouldn't have mammograms either?" his children are too young to drive...but he's thinking ahead. phead.there's so many distractions and meaningless deathsson the road caused by people texting. texting.the invention this concerned father made... thaa's stops kids from texting while driving. you're all local.. all morning. ews.. - ((break 7)) (((ump in)) ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide. save with a shake. feel good about your decisions. you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework [ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider. ♪ love can be so mystical ♪ ♪ love can be so mystical crash into pole nats natsa cardboard derby crash.. people were injured... and the reason behind the race. 3 and....a zombie survival kit, a foot shaped stooe and a see- through canoe..hy the conomy may be to blaae for these &pitems goinggup for sale on th internnt... and which one of those items is going or 1 pillion dollars! 3 3 monday, march 19th - ent county , queen anne's county schools 90 minutes late. 3 maps-83atexit27--iber- back to mapsácams are otá a howard county woman is out on bail afterrbeing indicted on dozens of charges of animal . it appears... as she aits for trial ... the suspect is still housing several pets. pets.police werr called to eeizabeth lindenau's townhome in columbia back in anuary... after neighbors noticed a terrible smell.insidd they found 19 dead animals in a freezer... including birds, rabbits, a guineaapig, and a hermit crab. they found another 21 animals dead inside cages... or just dead on the floor. only four animals were still alive. "it's disturbing considering she was animal actit activistpolice later tracked down lindenau at another home pn columbia.we went thhre to try and talk with her over the one was home... buu our crews could hear dogs barkiig and birds chirping inside.we've learned shh is thh executive director of a bird rescue group... called the baileyyfoundation.the trailer was parked right in her drivewaayshe's is expected to go back to court next month. tragedy on tte slopes... here in marylann.thh cardboard box derby was supposed to be a day of fun for a good cause at the wisp ski resort in garrett county.. but things took a teerible turn.... whhn seven people were injured....including two ccildren.the derby... is an annual fundraiser for a blind skier can see at first.. things werr going well... as people racee downhill...but then... watch full speed nto a snowmaker ns towwr.some of the paasengers were thrown out.two of the victims... who were children.... were airlifted to a west virginia hospital by a medevac helicopter.five others... were taken to the hospital by ambulancc. poday... friends, family and loved ones will say goodbye to a maryland guardsman killed in . afghanistan.funeral services for army major robert marchanti will be held this morning at the trinity assembly of god in timonnium. baltimore county teachee ... was killed last month during an attack on the afghann interror ministry. marchanti leavessbehhnd a wiiee four children and three grrnd- childrenn severe weather rips ttroughh paats of oolahoma sunday night. videoo.. captured by storm of now... thhre's no word on any damage or festival kicks off tomorrow, march 00h. and his year... wassington, dc is getting ready for a big party. the celeerating it's 100th anniversary. in 1912... japan pave 3-thousand cherry treess to thh nation's capittl. the festival is scheddled to last five weeks. 14 years and nnarly 7-million dollars later.... howard county has a new park. joel d. smith isslive there now with why it took so long, and why it's ptill far ffomm inished. good morning joel dd &33 3 3 it's taken manyyyears... but "thh muppets" re finally getting a star... on the hollywood walk of fame. fame.tomorrow... the hollywood chamber of commerce will honor the characters... ith the day the d---d will hht store shelves.the muppets have been around since the 1950''. ninja turtle nats nats phey've come a long way from phe toxic ooze-infested sswers. now... the teeeage mutant ninja turtles are helping the mall of america with the largest gathering of turtlee.on sunday... 836 nnnja turtles turned out... more ttan the previoussrecord of 786.the record-breaking event was held to celebrate the grand opening of the mall's ninja turtles shhll shhck." coming up... there's an item for just about every need.... including this pillow tie... for sleeping o &pit... and the othee ootrageou items... being sold online. and in our hommtown hotspot... an event that supports children of the military.the activiiies being offered for áfreeá... and how old kids have to e to sign upp you'reewatching fox 45 morninn news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1))))- çia÷ maybe you can be there; maybe you can't. when you have migraines with fifteen or more headache days a month, you miss out on your life. you may have chronic migraine. go to to find a headache specialist. and don't live a maybe life. - "a hero's treasure" is pea day spa for kids"- 2nd annual event that supports the children of the military- celeste taylor joins us live with more.- how old do kids need to be?- whoois eligible services?-phone number to appointmentt- hat kind of serviccs do you offee?--how do you sign up? pp? "a hero's treasure" at the sweet pea day spa for kids is next saturday, march 24th.for more information go to our website foobaltiiore dot ccm plash morning. 3 3 3 3 3 poming up... &pthe perfect gift... for fans of the hit show "the walking dead."where yoo can go.. for a zombie apocalypseekit." and we're just one day away from he start oo spring.why not freshen up our wardrobe?a styles... hitting stores. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all ♪ ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ ♪ no more, no more, no more ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ [ male announcer ] want your weeds to hit the road? hit 'em with roundup extended control. one application kills weeds and puts down a barrier to stop new ones for up to four months. roundup extended control spray once. stop weeds for months. and deposits at the same time. for paying your friend back for lunch from your tablet. for 26 paydays triggered with a single tap. for checking your line, then checking your portfolio. for making atms and branches appear out of thin air. simple to use websites, tools, and apps. for making your financial life a little bit easier. low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. we canndefinitely ffel that it's getting to be this morning's makeover for - mondaa, we're going to first showwyou the top casual clothing trends.marissa nicolaescu from macy's joins us with some models ttis morning.--color block trend trend--color block ,3 trend--colored jeann --maxi dresses --stripes we'll be baak during fox45 good day baltimoreeto show off some ddessy trends for spring. coming up... from a zombie survival kit... po a foot shaped stone... to a see- through canoe.they're items... being sold online.the for ome great gag gifts. nd friendships come in all shapes and sizes... the hilarious thing this gorilla does with her best friend pou're watching fox 45 morning news.. all ocal.. all p(break 3)) mine was earned over the south pacific in 1943. vietnam, 1967. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. ♪ it's sunny d!you bring out the sun. ♪ ♪ it's the way you make it all fun. ♪ know who makes the day sunny? my mom and sunny d! i love the taste. mom loves the vitamin c. and now it has 40% fewer calories than most regular soda brands! sunny d! ♪ make today a sunny day! find out more at with hard economic times... many people turn to the internet for good dealssbut many people alsoogo online... ffnd in stores. stores.yyhoo finance has comppled a list of some of the most bizarre items bbinn sold on the internet... and this morning... we'rr giving you a peak. if you're a fan of zombie shows like "the walking dead"... you might like this: this:-zombii aaocalypse kit -made by "gerber gear dot com"-super durabll caavas carrying with weapons to protect you from zombiee -currently on back ooder -how about this??-a stoned foot -askinggprice??.. á1 million dollaasá-you can find it on ebay 3 - see-throughh below you-weighs only 400pounds -weighs only 40 youuweighs only 40 poundssbeing sold by "dude want ttat doo com"... which sells a lot of odds aad ends items -this item is good for people who love naps-pillow tie!3- coming up... a new report givee out grades... for the corruption level f each state. state.we'll tell you what the grades are ased on... and the &psurprising mark maryland reccivvd. you're watching fox 45 mooning news.. all ((break 4)) ((open)) hello. we're doing a taste test. ocean spray cranberry juice versus vegetable juice. first the cranberry. mm! tasty. now, the vegetable juice, with more than 10 times the sodium of cranberry juice. we have a winner! are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries. i cannot tell a lie. 'tis tasty. okay, george washington, did you take my truck out last night? 'tis tasty. 3 - kent counnt , 3 3 3 ((open))((open)) -columbia 3 - kent county , queen anne's county schools 90 minutes late. maps-fiber-83at27-back to mapsácams areehotá :) police are still looking for the drivee who hit a construction worker and then ttok off. it appened friday night around midnight along the soutt ound lane of i-95 right before the caton avenue exit investigators say the drivvr drove into lanes thaa were closed to traffic, triking one of the workers. the 36-year-old contractor for flanigan and sons wws taken to shock trauma with a brokkn leg ann dislocated elbow. police say the incident is a remmnder to all drivers tt be cautious around consttuction zones. 18:04 we would just wannn put that message out to all our motorists ttaveling hhre in maryland. ccme into contruction zones slow your speeds down , be aware of your ssrroundings ecause you know the safety is paramount to those orkers and all the time 19 3& the car may be a silver or gold colored g-m sedan ... possibly a pontiac grand rix. it may have damage to the right headlighh. police say they are closer to finding a man who kidnapped a 9-year old boy last summer. summer. last july.. darrick brown was kidnapped, thrown held captive in an abandoned house in west baltimore. fter nnighbor spotted darrick and - he was returned home safely. booker.... but 6 months later they'rr still searching for a second suspect... raheem taylor.police and the victim's grandmother are askkng for your help tracking him down. "it would be a elief, because i'm afraid for my grandson till this day, i'm not sure what they're going to do to retaliate or prevent him from being a witnes" witness" nathaniel booker is charree wiihhkkdnapping and today. a new report gives 8 states n áfá when it comes to government corruption. corrrption.statesslike georgiaa.. michigan... north dakota... and wyoming all faaled the test by the center for public integrity.tte report looked at state's procedures ffr maintaiiing a says governments often fall short when it comes to rootiig out corruption.maryland &preceived a d-minus. &p a new park in howard county is finalll seeing ts first visitors.....many of whom were not even born when the project began. there now, to see if it was - porth the wwit... and the money. good morning joel d. p 33 3 3 &p thousands of people ssent their aatrday... taking a hard look at their health. health. for the third more healthy expo wwere phousands peoole learned the secrets to healthy living. (wide shot festival) (17:40) (audio) "would you like a free hug....?" its not what you may expect at a health fair..... (16:55) free hug....get you a hug. how are you today....?" ut at the baltimore convention centerr ......thousands discovered there's a hhg..... (20:23) (nikole jones) "we just want peple to know they matter...and we're giving them informatiin to pnow the risk factors of suicide so they can protect their familiies.,..." (1:24) "3-2-1......" at b-more ealthy expoo.....thousand of people learned the realities of hhaath living. (13:30) everything rom ahppy kids to people whooneed medical caae so we give advice. there's vision testt, blood pressure screenings and they're given some good aavice...." (15:15) (william davis) "these days, people getting stuff younger and younger like my daughters pre-diabetes, she's only eight, thats young, so....." at this free health fair, they learned how to....reach nnw heights with their helath...... by learning more..... and being more..... (1:33) (cummings) "there we go i -" (8:38) (nicola london) "there's many patients ith diabetts and high blood pressure aad do notteven know it and because of insurance because of know it and and do not even blood pressure diabetes and high many patients with diabetes and high blood pressurreknow it and because of insurance &preasons most patienttsdon't g to doctors and this way you got a free health screeninn anddknow what to do with your liff and your health..." (19:20) "free hugs.......?" it wasn't alwayssan easy sell.....for nikole jones.... but after awhile..... (16:40) "therapy or your poul. oh yes, how are you?? everyone needs a hug...." (21:24) "one person said they hadn't had a hug in a couple of years...." they felt value in a hug.... (17:10) "how areeyou....good good....thanks for coming out....:" aboot 255thousand people attendee the event. evvnt. coming up.... it's definitely not something you see everyday... 3what this gorilla and her best attracting zoo visitors from everywhere. 3 you're watching fox 45 morninn news.. all local.. alll porning. ((break 5)) an unusual pairing at a pennsylvania zoo... is getting &p thhi gorilla and rabbit are best buddies.believe it or not... they live together in the same haaitat. the 47-year-old gorillaais named needed a companion... so they introduced her to a abbit, named panda. "she shares her food with him so she will sit ttere and bring foodddown and set it next to er so he can eat and she's very protective offher baby, her stuffed animal. she he's not really allowed to get too close that,,usuaaly she'll movv it away." away."the zoo ays the twooare &pa big hit with visitors. ((toss to weather)) 33 meteorologist)) weather kid teass 3 3 3 coming up... march madness... means thousands of dollars in lost produutivity. proddctivity.but this year... pome companies are encouraging that!why many businesses are nowwchanging their policies... so moree eople can watch basketball games... at work. you're watching fox 45 morning news...all local.. all morning. ((bump n)) it's oysternomics 101. you start with a u.s. senator named ben. by helping restore thousands of acres of oyster beds, he kept hundreds of oystermen on the job... which keeps wholesalers in business... and that means more delivery companies... making deliveries to more restaurants... which hire more workers. and that means more oystermen. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approved this message. baltimore bakes! well, at least one resident does.susann studz is a finalist in the pillsbury bakeeoff contest. but is her culinary creation worth 1 million bucks?--you've earned a coveted spot in the 45th pillsbury --your original recipe, sushi-style crescent craa recipe, sussi-styll --your originaal--your oriiinal recipe, sussi-style crescent crab rolls is in the entertaining appetizers category -- in the running to win 1 million dollars at the placeat the end of this month in orrando, florida..arr preparing for this cooking eventinspiratton behind your - 3 for more information on the pillsbbry bake-off contest, log on to ffx baltiiore dot commslash it's a good yyar... to be a -& companies areenow changing their policies... so morr're watching ffx 45 morniig news.. all local.. all ((break 7)) & vvvvvvvvvvvv march madness is officially undeeway... and with so many ways to sseak a peek at hoops action... online or check a bracket on a smartphone... some employers have simply stooped fighting the madness. have even embraced it. some - it. p arch madness has arrived and not even thh most powerful from a little diversion.... the way it brings the country together and families and communities,,people rooting for their alma'' aaways been a challenge for employers, ith some games during the day, others late workplace ritual: the office pool.aamost one in five employees surveyed by carrer buiider said they'll spend pore than an hour of thhir workday ccecking sccres, most of them onntheesneak. and more thhn ever drama on theecourt, willlbe debated on social mmdia, another distraction.a lot of companies put restricttons on their network and the sites that you can go to, or teel their eeployees that they can't do that. well, in today's day and time, it just makes liars out oo your employees. because with so many smartphones in employees' pockets, workers don't need so rrther than fight to do it..- &ptechnology, a ew employers like the motley fool in alexandria, virggnia, are boost workppace morale -- with barbecues nd ii screen -v's. it'' wonderful to ncrease collaboration. it helps the employees get to know each company is there juss yet -- so ii you plan to watch, cheer, or trash talk your way it's on your oww devicee ust be awaae of your company's you're now, clicked in. &pcoming up on good 3&pday balt the hilarious prank one gorilla managed to pull on a zooworker... and what he did to get away with won't want to miss this. turn left. the passat is one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. not that we'd ever brag about it. turn right. come on, nine. turn left. hit the brakes. huh? how'd that get there? [ male announcer ] we can't hide how proud we are to have nine 2012 iihs top safety picks. so we're celebrating with our "safety in numbers" event. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 passat for $219 a month. ♪ it's sunny d!you bring out the sun. ♪ lease the 2012 passat ♪ it's the way you make it all fun. ♪ know who makes the day sunny? my mom and sunny d! i love the taste. mom loves the vitamin c. and now it has 40% fewer calories than most regular soda brands! sunny d! ♪ make today a sunny day!

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