3 3 3 first on fox... more mistakes with the city's speed the city is racing to notify - speed camera tickets are innccurate. joel d. smith is live in north baatimore... at one of the cameras costing motorists thoussnds. good morning joel d. .... what happened here? here?the city calls it a but here's hat we know now.... 3 an investigation continues officer... and his ties to he suspects in a 13-year-old girl's shootinggdeath. ddath. it appearr a police officer ácouldá be involvvd in a possible cover-up. we're told the officerris in a pelationship with one suspecc's mother.... and ámay hhvee aavised the juveniles on what to say and how to handle the situation.the police is suspended while detectives wwrk the case.monae turnage's brother found her body in an trash bags sunday evening.she was supposed to go roller skating with some friends, but ended up inssde ooe of the friend's home.that's where the kids got their hands on a 22- caliber rifleethat accidentally discharged, killing monae.instead of calling police right away... you call somebooy. why wooll - you keep the body for soolong and then drag it out and then hide it..> it."> police are alss looking into on the loaded gun.two boys ... ages 12 and 13 ... arre charged with involuntary manslaughter. 3 you may soon have to pay aa state ssles tax on a variety of ervicessto help educe paryyand's budget deficit. considering another bill...which would extend the sales taa to nearly 30 servvces... not cuurently taxed. 3(gilchrist) "car repairs in &pthere, towiig i believe issin there, photography services, staffing agencies are in there, business brokeraage." brokeragess"similar efforts to expand the ales taxxto services... have been rejected. state lawmakers... arr once &paggin taking aim at ssokers. &psmokers.this time...they're coosidering a bill whichhwould car...if therr are children in the car. (barnes) "theeepa has reported that the toxicity level in cars wwere people are smoking times the llvel deemed safe. n 3 that ppoblem is exaorbated &pwith children." children." but opponents say those to adultssand not the left up - government. 3 3the c-e-o of baltimore city schhols isn't apologizing for the amount of money his drivee . ssys he works 80 hours a week, so it's no surprise that his driver pulled in more than 70 laat week we learned alonso's driver earned a total of 155- thousand dollars last much as baltimore's mayor. &p" all i can sa to my folks m people my parents hey i'mm way i'' alwasy here for you.... its a resource if i didn't have to other things like who was - that in front oofme in the road" road." alonsoosays most big city school superintendents haaeedrivers to get them to and from schools and &pmeetings...and heesays it if he divided the work between two drivers. we now know the winner... of a 336-millionndollar jackpot.she came forward uesday... after weeks of legal and financial co. seems 88-year-old louuse white... had luck on her side.the rhode island grandmotter beet the odds of one in 175 ámillioná... to becomeethe prouddwinner of the powerball jaccpot. "well, i want to say that, um, prood and this will make my y - family veryyhappy. we are truly blessed. thank you." white ttok the lump sum payment of 220-milliin dollars. coming up... &papple'' 3rd generaaion &pi-pad... is unveiled today.bu pt''snot called the i-pad 3. the new name it will be givvn... and the state-of-the- art features... you can expect. you're watchinggfox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((bbeak 1)) 3 coffee doesn't have vitamins... unless you want it to. splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweetener with b vitamins, the first and only one to help support a healthy metabolism. three smart ways to sweeten. same great taste. splenda® essentials™. discover visine® tired eye relief with hydroblend™, only from visine®. just one drop instantly soothes and revives tired, overworked eyes. and comforts them for up to ten hours. visine® tired eye relief. try now and save $3. --alonzo's lullaby is an ward withhlive music and paaddmanipulated cut outs that passion,,and intrigue --meteorologgst emily gracey is live t the baltimore ddtails on this morning's &phometown hotspott-ittwas &pinspired by wreck in 1918--th show toured past ssveral years and won a prestigious --the show was not chillren buu is appropriate for and general auds auddences you ccn see "alonzo's lullaby" at the baltimore theatre projeet saturday, and sunday. for mooe information, log balttmooe dot com slash mmrning. 3 3 33 3 &p 3 poming up... hees takkn the sports worrd by storm... is payton manning parting ways with thee indiaaaaolis colts?how soon... we could find out.ann what puture. ann it's the secret the rest of the world was in on... except us.thaa is... until now. reputation... the u-s is getting. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. ((break 2)). - ♪ let me get that door for you... [ man ] i loved my first car... sometimes the door gets stuck... oh sure. ooh! [ man ] ...and then, i didn't. um... [ sighs ] [ man ] so, i got a car i can love a really, really long time. [ male announcer ] for the road ahead, the all-new subaru impreza. ♪ experience love that lasts. &p nee this morning... a second victim haa died... after a ssoottng on west &pmulberry happened monday night... just feet from mary rodman elementary school... in southwwst person died at the scene.thh second person who died... was a juvenile. theee are no suspects or ((cheers for romney)).- romney))mitt romney carries six statess.. iicluding ohio... in super tuesday voting.rick santorum &pfollowed with three... and newt gingrich claimed victory in georgia... which is the state thaa held the most highest ron paul finishee waa up .... the kansas cauccses on saturday.guam... northern mariina iiland also parting ways. e-s-p-n reports 3 that manninggand the team'' ownnrrwill conduct a oint press conference today to announce manning's departure. in 14 years.... manninn took the team to the playoffs 11 times... nd on one super bowl. but he missed the entire 2011 series after multiple neck surgeries. if manning is released by the colts... he can sign immediately with another team.. apple is expected to annoonce the much-anticipated i-pad 33todaa.reports suggest the new device may be called the i-pad h-d to showcase a capabilitt... a better ceen. &pcamera... and siri.we shoull find out... when apppe makes an announcement at one o'clock a new survey points to americans as being the worst tourists around.more than five- thousand people from five countries ranked amerrcans as the worst-behaved touristt in a survey by living-social. 4-thousand of ttose surveyed were actually americans... calling themselves the worst tourists.canadiann aad are the worst.....the briiish pointed to germans. coming up... you might not know it... but you may e one of the many ammricans... with a condition called "no-mo-phobia."whaa it is... aad how to tackle tte problem. 3"anythinggthat helps thee veterans, that's our goal." goaa."and licenses... for military members... past and present.whattthhy'll show... expected to're watchinggfox 45 morniig news.. all loccl.. all morning. ((breaa 3)) ((bump in)) mine was earned over the south pacific in 1943. vietnam, 1967. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. [ male announcer ] everyone at southwest airlines works together for one goal -- to get you where you're going. and with flights all over the country to choose from, it's a good thing we love our work. and now we're excited to take you to the beaches of northwest florida. fly nonstop from bwi airport to panama city beach. book all of our destinations only at fly nonstop from bwi airport to panama city beach. driver's licenses already say a lot aaout mark seeraves explains... maryland and viiginia are oww considering adding a person's military designation to the cards. 3 they ssrre our country at home nn overseas. millions 3 troooer." laughs) impression on a tate ttooper." (laughs) impression on aastate trooper." (laughss 3 ptooper." (laughs) impressiin on a state "ttis might make a ggod trooper." (laughs) tt - 3 coming up... a lawwuit... filed by servicemembers... against the armed forces. 2012, this kind of conduct in not acceptable." acceptable."what the group has in common... and the reason they'rr suing. ((jjel liie tease)) you're watchinn fox 45 morning nees.. all local.. all morning. ((breek 4)) 3 good morning, john. good morning, this is an angus steak and egg sandwich. it is a tremendous morning! angus, man! very tremendous! angus! dunkin's delicious new angus steak and egg sandwich makes any morning special. hurry in and treat yourself to one today. don't miss the delicious new angus steak and egg sandwich from dunkin' donuts. not so nutritious. the tricks companies use to get you to buy their products.... on fox -north baltimore 3 3 3 fiber map 33 3 the skeptics now ave even more ammunition. two speed handing out hundreds of tickets to drivers who never deserved them. them. joel d. smith is live in north bbltimore... to show us why you might be getting a reimbursement heck in the mail soon. gooo &pmorning joel d. he city calls it a simple processing error..... but here's what we know now.... this camera is suuposee to take pictures and register violators when they go 122miles over tte speed limit here of 35 iles per hourr the probbem is.... pictures foo a speed limit of 30 miles per hour. the were wrrngly icketeddhere and ttat's nothing compared o annther location. location. over on south hannver front of harbor hospital.... nearly 1000 tickees were inaccurately recorded. at 0 bucks a thousand ddllars that has too go back to the drivers. the city says there are three teirr of checks in place to prevent thii rom happening, bbt all three missed this problem. instead of snappinggpix of drivers going 47 miles an hour and over... it clocked themmat 42 . motorists wwo also thought the numbers just didd't add up. the ccty says.... mistakes happen. 3 "the number of errors is violations so we regget the inconvenience but by no means majority of itations." "if this was just an isolated mistake, i'd tend toobelieve thaa but the fact that thhre have beennotter camerrs in other looations ith the exact same errors leads meeto believe itssless of a mistake pnd more of, for lack of a better word, a conspiracy." conspiracy." so make sure to check your ticket before simply paying it. and if you city know. 3 3 3&police are investigating an accidental shooting inn picommco county.... that left a 4-year-old boy dead nd his mother appened monday night at their home on old railroad ... road in hebron.shanice kellam... woke &puppto find her son had shot handgun... which wws kept in the bedroom.the child died at the hospital.kellam wassalso thhre's no worddon her . condition this morniig. 8 military women are suung the u-s armed forces.. forres.. the women... from various service branches.... filed suit tuessaa after claiming they were raped, assaulted and harrrssed during theii service. also suffered retaliatton after reporting theee they say they are going to fight árelentlesslyá for justice unttl there is reforr in conddcc. "there is no circumstances in which wwmen whooare rave an patiriooic enough should not have toobe subjected to being mattress. this is tte year of 2012, this kind of conduct in not acceptable." names assddfendents past and present milittry leaders, including u-s defense ddpartment spooksperson says wwile she can't discuss the pending lawsuit.. the military has no toleranne for sexual assault. a maajr water main inspectionn is underway in baltimore. the department of publlc works disaster like this one.... r back in 2209.... when a brokee water main flooded undalk. crews launched tte opeeation tuesday along morris rrad near winterbourne roaddin leakin &pdrivvr, whhcc can travel through water mains without interuppting service, using check out the conditon of pipes. pbbing able to actually locate very specific ppints on these water mains and repair those pather than the entire main, saaes millions of dollars in utiiities ffo tte ccty of balti" results will take ssx to eight weeks, at which time the company will offer recommendattons for repaars. some maryland esidentt are ootraged... aftee thee nationaa research council announced it's advising against further studiee of contamination nnar fort the council report says further studies are unlikely to answeerlingering questions toxic chemicals might have had residential wells.upset forcee... to demand answers about why so many of them are getttng ccncerr gerald koel says: no onees gonna say that we were remiss in how we disposed of our government's never gonna say --3 they screeedd 3up. opponents are now takinn their protest to the internee.the organization "fightinn-for-frederick" has asking the obama on drive... administratton for help... and demanding a congressional far... the petition has more than 2-hundred signatures. if you get anxious when you can't use your cell phone.... you may have a condition phobia. no-mobile-phone also & a british study of a thousand people showed thht 66 percent got stressed out when their phone was out of reach.women moreeprone to the condition.. the good news... there are ways to tackle no-mo-phobia. experts suggesttturning off the phone for a set peeioddof time and sticking to it.that could help loosen the old the phone has on a no-mo-phobe's life. coming up... amy winehouse's father is sseaking outt.. for change.the petition he's launched... and why he's askiin schools in engllnd... for their elp. fiber youureewatching fox &pjermain jones sotll local.. 3 ((ad lib meteorologiss)) 3 &3 3 3 3 3 3 coming up... the f-d-a takee aim... at &pthe majorrviolation it's accused of... and wwy regulators want it fixeddnow. mitt romney innnng nats nats and mitt romney carries 6 states .. includingg ohio... in super tuessay poting.but is that enoughhto get him the g-o-p nomination? &ppe take ou live to atlanta.. wwth a look at what's next. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) 3--3 new this winehouseenats nats new this morring... amy winehouse's ffther is leading a crusadeein the singer's naaiveeengland... po make drug education required part of tte school curricuuum there.miich winehouse is teaming up with a &pdrug education ffundation to collect enougg signaturee to make it law.amy winehouse died last year after a ppblic battle with ddug and alcohhl addiction. education be a mandatory part - of a school curriculum?we'll be taking your calll in our 7 o'clock hour. you can also go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell us what ou think... sound off &pphroogh facebook... or send u the f-d-a has issued a warning against the company that markets "aeroohotts... the so-called caffeine inhaler.the company could face regulatory action....over what the f-d-a labeling.aeroshoo's website &pclaims the powder insidee reeches your mouth where it is f-d-a says the labbling is misleading... ecause the product cannot be intended for mitt romney winning natsstion..- natssuper ttesday was aatight battle for thh g-o-p prize of ohio was very close... but is projected that mitt romney wwn. he is also the rojjcted winnerrin virginia, alaska, vermont, where he served as governor. rick santorum has taken nnwt gingrich won his home state of georgia. and ron paul meanwhile... has yet to win s. sttte.this morning... rene marsh is liveein atlanta... with what all this means... as the race for the white house pusses forward.good morning, rene. anyone showing any signn of dropping ouut2. how is the race for delegates looking?3. kansas votes saturday, wwich states are next? see all of our storres aaout the ace for the white house. po to foxxbaltimore dot com... and click on the vote 2012 icon in the news features section.all of the stories on our website are free. coming p... paiits that resist stains... and need only one coat.the top brand... that gives you the moot bang for your buck. and.. the shadows... come pnto the limelight.learn somee shadow puppet triiks that will impress your kids' friends. plus- where you can see a shadow puppet show live in person.. in our hometown're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all ((break 7)) ((bump in)) [ male announcer ] for the saver, and a big first step. for the spender who needs a little help saving. for adding "& sons." for the dreamer, planning an early escape. for the mother of the bride. for whoever you are, for whatever you're trying to achieve, pnc has technology, guidance, and over 150 years of experience to help you get there. ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ club scene music ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. a great clean doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna read one of these. i'm gonna read one of these! [ female announcer ] unlike sprays and dust rags, swiffer 360 duster's extender gets into hard-to-reach places without the hassle. so you can get unbelievable dust pickup in less time without missing a thing. i love that book. can you believe the twin did it? ♪ swiffer. great clean in less time. or your money back. a can of paint issone of the cheapest ways to give a room a brand new look. buu before you head to the store... see what consumer reports found in its interior paints. 3 (v/o)contractor bill bradsell says paying more for high-quality paint can actually be a money aver. econnmical because a lot of times we can do less coats." (v/o)connumer reports tests to see how well paints cover in one coatt testers evaluated dozens of interior paints that coot anywhere from eight dollars a gallon to more than 60. they paint over increasingly darker stripes. differenccs. (sot: rico de pazz "you can see here how this paint covered better than this paint with just one ccat."(v/o) another important ttst - how well paints resiss stains. testers apply a greasy mixture and let it sit overnight. (v/o)then this machine scrubs the paint to see how well the greass comes off. some come clean in just a few passes.but the cheappst paint in the tests - color place from walmart - didn't clean nearly as well as some of the best paints.another question - what type of innerior paint to pet. (sot)"satin paint, which is also callee eggshell, is the best way to go foo most &pwwlls."(v/o)benjamin moore aura satin earned the highest score, but it osts more than 60 dolllrs a gallon. for about half the price, behr's premmuu plus ultra satin enamel from the home depot did just both did a great jjb covering in one coat, as well as resistingg stains.. 3coming up in our 7 o'clock hour... hh's got the beat. beat.prince harry dancing dancingppince harry bbsts a mmve to bob marley in jamaica. but what he did that had people comparing him to elvis. you're watching fox 5 morning newss. all local.. all morningg ((breek 8)) ♪[music plays] ♪[music plays] ♪[music plays] purina one beyond. food for your cat or dog. a police officerr suspended... in the investigation into the death of a 13 year old girr.what hh's accused of doing... because of his close &relations suspects. commercial nats natsand... no blender? no problem.and... no blender? and... no blender? no problem. the "slushy magic" prommsee to turn any drink into a frozen slushy in seconds.we put it to the test.. liie in studio. 33 3 today is wednesday, march 7th. 3 3 3 3 first on fox... more mistakes with the city'ssspeed camera program..... now, the city is racing to notify hundreds of mooorists whose ppped camera tickets are inaccurate. joel d. smith is live in north baltimore.... at one of the cameras costing motorists thousaads. good morniig joel d. .... whht happened here? here?the city calls it a simple processing error..... but ere's what we know now.... ttis camera is supposed to take pictures and reggster violators when they go 12 miles over the speed limit herr oo 35 miles per hour. the roblem is.... it wasscalibrated to ttke the 30 miles per hour. the city admitt 190 otorists were wrongly ticketed here and that's nothing compared to another location. location. over on south hanover front of harbor hospital.... nearly 1000 tickets were inaacurately recorded. at 40 bucks a tickets, thousand dollars bbck to the ddivers. the city says teirs of checks in place to prevent this from three missed this problem. instead of snapping pix of ddivers going 44 mmles an hour and over... it clockeddthem at 42 . this is not news po many motorists who also thought the numbers just didn't add up. (11:46:11) "you know i looked at it and aid, oh, 40-dollar citation i'll just pay it. and then i looked at the posted sseed limit and i knew it was wrong." (11:33:17)) "i knew they made a mistake....... in this a" area." the city says the errors make up less than one and refunds are going to be sent out in within the next two weeks. that means about 12 hundred reimbursement checks for problems at these two intersections. the refund will cost the city about 40 thousand dollars... but keep in mind, it made 15 million pollars off the camera system in 2011. live in north baltimore, joel d. smith, fox 45 morning news. 3 &p an investigation conninues .... into a baltimore police officer... and hii ties to the suspects in a 13-yeer--ld girl's shooting ddath. appears a police officer ácouldá be involved in aapossible cover-up. we're told the officer is in a relatiinship witt one what to say and how to handll - the situation.the police department confirms an officer is suspended while detectives worr the case.monae turnage's brother found her body in an alley... hidden under some trash bags sunday evening.she was supposed to go roller skating with some friends, but ended up inside one of the friend's hooe.that's where the kids got their hands on a 22- caliber rifle that accidentally dischaaged, killing monae.insteed of calling police right away... someone dragged the girl's body outside. it.">police are also looking into how the kids got their hands on the loaded gun.two manslaughterr harfood county police need your help identifying the man who stabbed cab driver llst month. they released this composite of the man wanted for robbery and assault.pooice say he attacked a caa driver wwo picked him up on chester wayycourt in bel air and drove him to the area of crescent knoll drive and fountain grren road. he demanded money... and stabbed the driver in the chest.anyyne with information is urred toocall haaford county poliie. 3 p3 state lawmakers are heading for a showdown over the so-called "doomsday budget." cuts... to the tune of 8000 million dollarr.... or raise ta. taxes.up to 500 workerr could be laid off... if lawmakers do not pass massive tax increases. it's just one of presented by state budget experts. there would also be huge cuts in funding for education... environmental programs... and public safetyy (jones-rodwell) "the cuts would be devastating for really, those quality of life issues." lawmakers are also considering raising the income tax forrall marylanders. no matter which way lawmakkrs choose to do it... by the end of this session... the state budget must be balanced. state lawmakers... are once again taking aam at smokers. smokers.this time...they're considering a bill which would ban anyone from smokiig in a car...if there are children in the car. (barnes) "the epa has reported that the toxicity level in cars where people are smoking even ith windows down is ten times the level deemed safe. that problem is exaorbated with children." children."but opponents say those decisions... should be llft up to adults and not the government. ((animation)) mitt romney carries six states .. including ohio... in super voting.((cheers for romney)) romney))rick antorum followed with three... and newt gingrich claimed victory in georgia... which is the statee that held the oot deleggtes of the night.the highest ron paul finished was up .... the kansas caucuses on saturday.guam... the virgin islands and northern mariana day. "joo the plumber" became a household name during the 2008 presidential election... ut now samuel wurzelbachee is one step closer to becoming a united states congressman.he won his district's republican primary tuesday night and says he plans to run a clean campaign for the general election.wurzelbbcher beat his opponent with 51 percent of the ote.he will face off agaanst democrat marcy kapttr for ohio's 9-th congressional district. see all of our stories about the race for the white house. and click on the vote 2012 icon in he news features &psection.all of the stories on our websitt are free. a second radio statton has pulled the ppug on the rush limmaugh show... following ccmments he made last week about a georgetown law student. student.w-b-e-c... a massachusetts radio station... says limbaugh's comments were unacceptable.limbaugh called wanting free access to birth control.he's since apologized. but the radio station says he needs to be accountable for his actions. "we really used a litmus test of, 'if this was a local staff member would this be acceptable behavvor? and tte answer's no.'"-butted to-"i think the man needs to be accounttble for what he said regarding that and those comments were just very inaapro" inappropriate." a radio station in hilo, hawaii dropped limbaugh's show monday. 3&coming up... a aring rescue... cauggt onn tape.police officers pull a man from this fiery car.find out what caused this amazing sc. scene.and find out the inspiration behind " alonzo's lullyby"... playing at the baltimore theatre project ... &pin your hometown hotspot. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1)) 3 3 3 3 3 caffeine... fiends... beware. beware.why the f-d-a says... the so-called caffiene inhaler misleading label on it. it. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local...all morn ♪ let me get that door for you... [ man ] i loved my first car... sometimes the door gets stuck... oh sure. ooh! [ man ] ...and then, i didn't. um... [ sighs ] [ man ] so, i got a car i can love a really, really long time. [ male announcer ] for the road ahead, the all-new subaru impreza. ♪ experience love that lasts. new ttis morning... governor o'malley is considering commuting the sentences of two maryland inmates... serving lifeesentences for murddr.the inmates are mark farley grant and tamara settles.grant was sennenced in 1984 ... when he was 14.settles was was the first african-american congressman from new jersey... has died.representative donald payne lost his battll to colon cancer tuesday... at the age of 777new jersey voters first elected the newark nattve to congress in 1188. the democrat was serving his 12th term.payne served as the phairman of the congressional black caucus fouudation.he was also a senior member of the affairs, and education and the the f-d-a has issued a warning against the company that markets "aeroshots"... the so-called caffeine inhaler.the company could face regulatoryy calls "faase and misleading" labeling.aeroshot's websste claims the powder inside swallowed and ingested.the is f-d-a says the llbeling is misleading... because the product cannot be intended for both inhalation and inggstioo. 3 --alonzo's lullabyyis an award winning shadow puppet show with live music and tell a tale of madness, passioo, and intrigue --meteorologist emily gracey is live at the baltimore theatre project with the details on this morning's hometown hotspot--it was inspired y a circus train wreck in 1918 --the show toured the u-s for the years and won a --the show was not created for children but is appropriate for and general audiences audiences you can see "alonzo's lullaby" at the baltimore theatre project on friday,,saturday, and sunday.for more information, log oo to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. still to come.. sprucing up your home for spring?the four things yoo neee to ask a contractor... before you sign on that dotteddline. line.aad amazing ideo of those tornadoes that ripped where this footage was shot.. and how many people lost their lives. you're watching fox 45 morning neww.. all local.. all morning. ((brea ♪it's the way you bring out the sun♪ my mom makes any day sunny. sunnyd does, too. with 40% fewer calories than most regular soda brands. ♪ ♪ sunlight says get up and go ♪ mountain-grown aroma coming through ♪ ♪ a new challenge waits for you ♪ ♪ ♪ jumpin' into something new ♪ you really see all you can do ♪ ♪ ♪ the best part of wakin' up ♪ is folgers in your cup now that the weather is starting to get warmer .. many people are starting to think about spring projects. whether it's installing new windows ... or building a pool .. you want a reliable contractor to get it done. prrblem is, if you dont' know what to look for, you don't always end up pith the best erson. for this week's confident consumer, jody thomas with the better business bureau jjins us with some tips. -be picky and have lots of options. seek at least three bids from prospeetive contractors -make sure they are certified and insured. -get everything in -remember the rule of thirds and follow it. pay one third at thh start of the project, one third when &pwork is 50 percent completed and ne third after completiin.- if you would like more information on the better business bureau, log onto our websitt.... fox baltimore dot com slash morning. while you're there... gee your latest headlines, weather and traffic updatts on it's all free.ot com... á andá - 3&a cancer cluster at fort detr? detrick?the move that could put an end to future investigations... and how the town is fighting back. back.nats of harry, puttin it i! in! and prince harry... like you've never seen him before... dancing up a storm in jamaica. what he did during the dance that had people comparing him to elvis. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. not so nutritious. the tricks companies use to get you to buy their products.... on fox 45 news at . 5:30. mine was earned over the south pacific in 1943. vietnam, 1967. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. 3 3 fiebr map 3 the skeptics now have even more ammunition. two speedd cameras in the city have been handiig out hundreds of tickets to drivers who never deserved them. joel d. smith is in north baltimore... to show us why you might be getting a reimburrement check in the mail soon. good morning joel d. 3 police are investigating an accidental shooting in wicomico county.... that left a 4-year-old boy dead and his mother happened monday night at their home on old railroad ... road in hebron.shhnice kellam... woke up to find her son had shot himself with his father's handgun... which was kept in the bedroom.the child died at the ospital.kellam was also injured in the shooting. there's no word on her condition this morning. a second victim has died... after a shooting on west mulberry.itthappened monday night... just feet from mary rodman elementary school... in southwest person died at the scene.the second person who died... was a juvenile.there are no ssspects &por motives at this time. state prosecutors drop murder charges against two out- of-state abortion doctors. stevvn brigham of new jersey and nicola riley of utah ábroughtá patients inno maryland.they were charged under a maryland law that allows prosecutors to pursue murder charges in he death of a viable fetus.the charges were dropped due to áconflictsá in expert testimony.... but prosecutors say the investigation is still open. some maryland residents are outraged... after the &pnational research council announced it's advising against further studies of contamination near fort detrick. the council report says further studiessare unlikely to answer lingering questions about the impact that dumping toxic chemicals might have had onnpeople who drank from residential wells.upset residents are now joining forces... to demand answers gettinn cancer. gerald koel says: no one's gonna say that we were remiss in how we disposed of our chemicals and toxins. -butt to-debbie blank says: the goverrment's never gonna say they screwed up. opppnents are now taking their ppotest to the internet.the organization "fighting-for-frederick" has launched a petiiion drive... asking the obama administration for help... and demanding aacongressional far... tte petition has more ttan 2-hundred signatures. 8 military women are suing the u-s armed forces.. forces.. the women... from various service branches.... filed suit tuesday after laiming they were raped, assaulted and harrassed during their service. the ictims say they also suffered retaliation after reporting these incidents to their superiors. they say they are going to fight árelentlesslyá for justice until there is reeorm "there is no circumstances in which women who are brave an patiriotic enough shoull not have to be subjected to being called slut, hore, walking mattress. this is the year of not acceptable."of conduct in - acceptable." the lawsuit names as defendents past and present military leaders, including u-s defense secretary leon panettt and his predeeessors. defense department spokesperson says while she can't discuss the pending lawsuit.. the military assault.olerance for sexual lawmakers in maryland are considering addinn a person's military designation... to drivers licenses. licenses.that means licenses would indicate if the person is either a veteran... or pctive duty military.some say... it's a way to honor veterans... and tt make life a little easier for mmlitary personnel.for serviceemembers suffering from post traumatii stress... it could be a way of alerting authorities to their condition. "if they get pulled over and it's on their drivvrs license the police offfcer would say, 'let's be cautious here."-butt to-"i think it's a great idea, it would eliminate a lot of the paperwork hassles you have to have to go through to get certain type of benefits" --butt to-"anything that helps poal." 14 states already offer the milltary designation progrrm. about ten states... including mmryland... are considering it this year. pe're still getting incredible pmages from last week's tornadoes... that ripped through the midwest and south. look at this amazing cellphone video captured ii ew pekin, indiana.the national weather service says at least 42 tornadoes strucc 10 states on friday.the storms killed 40 people... including 13 in winehouse nats natsamy winehouse's father is leadinn a crusade in the singer's native england... to make drug education a required part of the school curriculum there.mitch winehouse is teaming up with a drug education foundation to collect enough signatures to make it llw.amy winehouse died last year after a public battle with drug and alcohol addiction. that brings us to our question pf the day:should drug education be a mandatory part of a school curriculum?phonn lines are pen 410- 481- 4545. you can lso go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell us what you think... sound off throogh facebbok... or end us a tweet at foxbaltimore. two police officers in oregon aae rewarded for rescuing a man out of a ((pause for nats)) copeland and officer rodney bamford were awarded the city of keizer's medal of valor. their act of heroism was caught on the police cruiser's dashcam. the event unfolded last september after a car speeding down the road crashed into a utility pole... and downed power lines sparked a fire. despite their incredible act of hhroism... one of the officers worried about whatthis family saw in one part of the video. copeland sayy: "there was one bad word on there."copeland says: "my kids hearddit last night at the city council meeting--i'm like oooohhhh! us." both officers say they were happy to be recognized ... but say they sources say peyton manning and parting ways. e-s-p-n reports that manning and the team's owner will conduct a joint press conference today to pnnounce manning's departure. in 144years.... manning took the ttam to the playoffs 11 times... and won one super bowl. but he missed the entire 2011 series after multtple neck surgeries. if manning is releesed by the colts... he can sign immediately with another team. nats of harry gettin' it! pt!that's prince harry ... dancing to bob marley's "one love"... during his rip in jamaica.the prince is there on his first solo tour... of the carribbean and south america.and it looks like.. .he's having a great time...and f you look closely... he has on a nice pair of blue sueee shoes.a classic song sung by rock and roll legend elvis presley. still to come.. no proble! problem!nats of commerical. commerical.the "slushy magic" claims to give you a nice cool treat... with few ingredients... and a couple shakes of the hand.we put it to the will it work test.. live live you're watching fox 45 good morning, john. good morning, this is an angus steak and egg sandwich. it is a tremendous morning! angus, man! very tremendous! angus! dunkin's delicious new angus steak and egg sandwich makes any morning special. hurry in and treat yourself to one today. don't miss the delicious new angus steak and egg sandwich from dunkin' donuts. ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 3 -3 3 cominggup... she's gone... but her father wants children to learn from her mistakes. music... amy winehouse's father wants to make drug education a required part of the school cur. curriculum.that brings us to our question of the day.should drug educationnbe a mandatory part of a school curriculum? our phone lines are open now.. 410-481-4545. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning.. ((break 6)) ((question of 3 amy winehouse died last year... after a public battle with drugs and her faaher... mitch... is taking a to be required... in england sc. schools.that brings us to our drug education be a mandatoryy part of a school curriculum? oor phone lines are open now.. 410-481-4445. greg- towsonsusan- manchester manchester 3 jethro - "how about as a parent, i keep teaching my child to stay away from drugs. i don't need the school to teach them." them."annette - "yes! too many kids are on drugs. they don't know they are killing themselves slowly but surely." surely."rebecca - "absolutely, but it needs to be focused on high school students who can handle the truth. they should have to watch documentaries that really show the real pictuue.....not something like 'dare' that just talks about it. it."dustin --"yes, proper drug education may have saved his daughter's life." phe greatest show on earth.. is coming to baltimore. baltimore.ringling brothhrs and barnum and bailly circus "fully charged" will be at first mariner arena march 21st-april 1st.tickkts are avvilable now at ticketmaster dot com.but we want to get you &pinside the show for free. &pfree.the 10th caller right no at 410-481-4545 wins a family 4 pack of tickets to the show. por connest rules... go to foxbaltimore dot com. put that blender away... away...nats of commercial commercial we put the "slushy magic" to the will it work test... live. find out if it's worth the price tag. tag.and.. coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. find out the lullyby"... playing at the baltimore theatre project ... in your hometown hotspot. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) commercial nats 3 slushy magic ad nats natsslushy magic promises you can mix up your own slushy in a matter of minutes...with no ice, no blender, and no mess. all you need is your favorite d. this mmrning, e're putting slushy magic to the will it work test.--it comes with a magic shaker, 3 magic cubes, a magic spoon straw, and a fun --we put the 3 magic cubes in the freezer over night...they're re-freezable and reusable--you just put the cubes in the slushy maker, add in a cold drink, and shake -- cover the hole with your finger. release every couple shakes if using a carbonated beverage.--ready in less than a minute--ready in less bbverage.carbonated using a couple ssakes if release every couple shakes if using a carbonated beverage. --ready in less than a minute for more information on sluuhy magic, log on to fox baltimore dot om slash news linkss coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. the much anticipated ipad 3 is find out the new features this ew i-pad has.. it's tures this predecessoo's don't. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ♪ it's the way you bring out the sun. ♪ sunny d! ♪ it's the way you make it all fun. ♪ know who makes the day sunny? my mom and sunny d! i love the taste. mom loves the vitamin c. and now it has 40% fewer calories than most regular soda brands! sunny d! ♪ make today a sunny day! find out more at a police officer suspended... in the investigatton into the death of a 13 year old girl.what he's accused of doing... relationship to one of the suspects. 94 hundred square feet... of gorgeous!the star who just bought this 10- million dollarr mansion.. and he's baaely 18! circus nats for free.what you have to do p - to win tickets to the ringling brothers barnum and bailey circus. 3 3 wednesday, march 7th 3 3 3 3 3 3 police are investigating an accidental ssooting in wicomico county.... that left a 4-year-old boy dead and his mother injured. happened monday night at their home on old railrrad ... road n hebron. shanice kellam... woke up to find her son had hot himself with his father's handdun... which was kept in the bedroom. the child died at the hospital. kellam was also injured in the shooting.experts are trying to figure out how it happened... since it's difficult for áanyoneá... let alonnea child... to hangle a large calibur handgun. (near beg) "most time when a kid doesn't have strength in their fingers, they would hold it like this... and point forward " -butt to-that he could even shoot it. the trigger pull is pretty stiff.. stiff."there's no word oo the morning. 3 first on fox... mistakes with the city's speed camera program.... cculd be good news for you.the city is now racing to notify hundreds of drivers whose speed camera tickets are . inaccuuate. the city admits p90 driiers were wrongly ticketed at a north baltimore location.... but that's not all. nearly 1-thousand tickets were also inaccurately recorded on south hanover street in front offharbor thought the numbers just didn't add up.... thinks it was more than just a mistake by the city. (11:51:03) "if this was just an isolated mistake, i'd tend to believe that but the fact that there have bben other &pcameras in other same errors leads me to believe its less of a miitake and more of, for c" conspiracy." the city says the errors make up less than one percent of the tickets issued... and refunds will be sent out within the neet two weeks. the f-d-a has issued a warning markets "aeroshots"... the so-called caffeine inhaler. inhaler.the company could face regulatory action... over what theef-d-a calls "false annd misleadingg labeling. aeroshot's website claims thee powder inside reaches your mouth where it is swallowed and ingeeted.the f-d-a says the labeling is misleading... because the product cannot be intended for both inhalation and ingestion. a major water main inspection is underway in baltimore. 3&phe department of public work is hoping to prevent another disaster like this one.... water main flooded dundalk. crews launched the operation winterbourne road in leakin ar park.they're using a pipe driver, which can travel through water mains without interuppting service, using electromagnetic sensors to check out the conditon of pipes. the pipe drivvr results will take 6 to 8 weeks, at which time the company will offer recommendations for repairs. 3 mitt romney carries six states .. innluding ohio... in super voting.((cheers for romney)) romney))rick santorum followed with three... and newt gingricc claimed victory in georria... which is the state that held the most delegates of the night.the highest ron paul finished was saturday.guum... the virgin islands and northern mariana island also hold caucuues thaa day. fox45 is your source for vote 2012. for more baltimore dot com and click on the vote 2012 tab on teh left of your'll fiid complete coverage as the race for the white house picks up. apple is expected to announce the much-anticipated today.reports suugest the new devicc may be called the i-pad h-d to showcase a new, high-resolution screen. it could allo include 4-g capabilityy.. a better camera... and siri.we hould find out... when apple makes an announcement at one o'clock today. the greatest show on earth... is coming to baltimore. baltimore.we're giving away a 4-pack of tickets... to see ringling brothers and barnum and baiiey circus.your next chance to win... is after the break. &p you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morring. &p((bump out)) ((break 1)) 3 3 ♪ let me get that door for you... [ man ] i loved my first car... sometimes the door gets stuck... oh sure. ooh! [ man ] ...and then, i didn't. um... [ sighs ] [ man ] so, i got a car i can love a really, really long time. [ male announcer ] for the road ahead, the all-new subaru impreza. ♪ experience love that lasts. by is an award winning shadow puppet show with live music and hhnd-mmnipulated cut outs passion, and intriguemdness, p-meteorologist emily gracey is live at the baltimoree theatre project with the details on his morning's hometown hotspot--it was inspired by a circuu train wreck in 1918the u-s for the past several prestigious puppetry award--the show was not created for children but is mature children nd general s audiences you can see "alonzo's lullaby" you can see "alonzo's lullaby" at the baltimore theatre projeet on friday, saturday, and sunday.for more on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 the greatest show on eartt.. is coming to baltimore. baltimore.ringling rrthers and barnum and bailey circus "fully charged" will be at fiist mariner arena marrh 21st-april are available nowwat iccetmaster doo com.but we want to get you inside the show for free. &pfree.the 10th caller right no at 410-481-4545 wins afamily 4 pack of tickets to the show. for contest rules... go to foxbaltimore dot com. coming up... call it... a "love nest." his new home... with girlfriend, selena gommz. gomez.we take yu inside... to see what gives it its 10- ámillioná-dollar priceetag. you're watching fox 45 morning mooning. one of the most successful pop stars is breaking records in the digital worll. world. candace is here to tell us media miiestone and other news from celebrities for today's tinseltown on twitter. lady gaga has just hit a milestone on twitter... she now has 20 million followers... that breaks a second place, is justin bieber with 18 million. &ppeople are tweeting about more than that though... they are also 18th birthddy. justtn has reportedly booght himself ttis $11.8 million mansion in hollywood. 944hundred sqqare's the pool. bedroom kitchen 3 kitchen kitchen 3&dining room with chandelier ashton kutcher has been renting the house for $50,000 a month since he split witt demi moore. oneelady who is no where nnar as famous as justinn is still making waves.i'm talking about swimsuit edition cover model, kate upton the 19 year old just graced phe cover of the sports she is capitalizing on her n. about t..she is tweeting 3 3&warning: when purchased all eyes will be on you ;) $284 295 oming up....,3 coming up...he's coming up...he's got the beat. prince harry dancing &pdancing prince harry busts a move to bob marley in jamaica.but what he did... that had people comparing him to're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. at progressive, you can bundle your home and auto policies and save. don't worry, tiny people. flo is a gentle giant. bundle home and auto at that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ club scene music ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. [ sigh of relief ] think you're in control of your health?no matter how you answeree, you can do all starts with what you need to know about what you need to it all starts with do better. ittall starts with what you need to know about doctor visits. everybody can benefit from what amerigroup is teaching us this morning, and at the fox45 c-w ballimore b'more healthy martin portillo says it all staats with knowing how to talk to your doctor.--we're on your community outreach vehicle... what can we learn &phere that will help us get th most out of our doctors visits? --what is a primary care &pdoctor and how often should you visit?important things we may not think of when it comes primary care doctor? language, listening...--what's a timeframe to wait appointment? --at your appointent, what your doctoo? meidcaaions, medical history, immunization record, list oo symptoms, questions, list of other medical visits and tests--how can you effectively make the best decisions with your busy doctor? --it doesn't stop &pafter the appointment... what do you need to do after the visit to follow up? up? for more information on amerigroup, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. fox 45 is stepping up to makee your 20-12 the healthiest year yet.baltimore... b'more with medstar hhalth.... 17th at the baltimore convention learn about exercise, eating right... and get health go to b-more healthy expo-dot-com for more commng up... it's the secret the rest of the world was in on... except that is... until in on... except rest of the world it's the secret the [ indistinct conversations, laughter ] ♪ [ female announcer ] all the hopping. all the squirming. all to their delight. kids don't worry about getting dirty. and with all oxi-active, neither do moms. it has up to four times the cleaning power... and helps get out your family's toughest dirt and stains the first time, every time. get our most powerful clean. all oxi-active. it's all clean. it's all good. it's all clean. ((open)) 3 3 83 map 3 an investigation continues .... into a baltimmre police officer... and his ties to the suspeets inna 13-yeaa-old girl's shooting death. death. it appears a police a possible cover-up.. we're in told the officer is in a relationship with one haveá advised the juvenilee on what to say and how to handle phe situatton.the police department confirms an officer is suspended while deeeetives work the case.monae turnage's brothee found her body in an alley... hidden under some trash bags sunday evening.she was supposed to go roller pkating with some friends, but ended up inside one of the friend's home.that's where the kids got their hands on a 22- caliber rifle that accideetally diicharged, killing monae.instead of calling police right away... someooe dragged the girl's body outside. it."> police aae also looking iito how the kids got their hands on the loaded gun.two boys ... ages 12 and 13 ... are charged with involuntary manslaughter. some maryland resiients areeoutraged... after the national research council annouuced it's advising against furtter studies of contamination near forr detrick. the council report says further studies are unlikely to answer lingering questions about the impact that dumping toxic chemicals might have had on people who drank from residential wells.upset residents are now joining ffoces... to demand answers about why so many of them are getting cancerr gerald koel says: no one's gonna say that we were remiss phemicals and toxins.-butt to- the government's never gonna say they screweddup. opponents are now taking their protest to the &pinternet.the organization "fighting-for-frederick" has launched a petition rive... asking the obama admmnistration for help... and far... the petition has more than 2-hundred signatures. 3 you may soon have to pay a of services to help reduce maryland's budget deficit. deficit.lawmakers are considering another bill...which would extend the sales tax to nearly 30 services... not cuurently taxed. (gilchrist) "car repairs in there, towing i believe is in there, photography services, there, businnss brokerages." brokerages."similar efforts to expand the sales tax to services... have been rejected. state lawmakers... are once again taking aim at smokers. this time...ttey're considering a bill which would car...if there are children in the car. (barnes) "the epp has reported that the ttxicity level in cars where people are smoking even with windows down is ten times the level deemed safe. that problem is exaorbated with children." children." but opponenns say those decisionss.. should be left up to adults and not the government. a new suuvey points to americcns as being the worst tourists around. around.more than five-thousand people from five countries ranked americans as the worst-behaved toorists in a survey by living-soccal. 4-thousand of those surveyed were actually ameeicans... calling themselves the worst tourrsts.canadians and australians agreed.but irish respondents said the british are the worst.... the british pointed to germans. 3 &psomeonnewho'' not a bad tourist?... britain's ot a bad someone who's ot a bad tourist?... britain's prince harry. harry.nats of harry gettin' it! it! that's prince harry ... dancing to bob mmrley's "one love"... during his trip in jamaica.the prince is there on his first solo tour... of the carribbean and south america. and it looks like.. .he's having a great time...and if a nice pair of blue suede shoes.a classic song sung by rock and roll legend elvis presley. 3 although theii marriage failed... ashton kutcher and demi moore's friendship might still be in tact. tact.according to "e" news online... kutcher has reached out to his ex-wiie since she left rehhb last week. the "two and a half" men star apparently visited demi... at her beverly hills home.despite the duo's friendly hang-out sessiin... demi's ádaughtersá are allegedly not too happy with their step dad... and are no longer talking to hii. another celebrity is jumping into the world of t-v talent compptttions.queen latifah is in the process of producing a new show for the c-w... cclled "the star next door." it will bb a nationwide search for singers on the verge of a breakthrough.gloria estefan is slated to be one of the &pcelebrity mentors... who will travel to the contestaats' hometowns o coach them.the show is set to air this summer. coming up... it started with a craving... the food one woman was buying... when she decided to much she won... and what she's now planninn to do... with the winnings. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) i was paying too much with cable. paying so much, you want better quality. it just got more frustrating and frustrating. for the amount of money that i'm paying, my cable company should take care of me. [ male announcer ] stop paying for second best. switch to verizon fios tv, internet and phone with our best deal online... $89.99 a month, guaranteed for two years. first time we saw tv on fios was amazing. i was just in a...trance watching it. i'm discovering new channels every day. [ male announcer ] go online for this great price and get $300 back with a two-year contract. don't miss this last chance. fios internet...the speed, you can't compare. i'm able to take care of things much faster now. [ male announcer ] get fios online... $89.99 a month, guaranteed for two years... plus, $300 back with a two-year contract. last chance for this great deal. or ask about our no annual contract option. is change good? in this case, change is very good. [ male announcer ] visit call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. good morning, john. good morning, this is an angus steak and egg sandwich. it is a tremendous morning! angus, man! very tremendous! angus! dunkin's delicious new angus steak and egg sandwich makes any morning special. hurry in and treat yourself to one today. don't miss the delicious new angus steak and egg sandwich from dunkin' donuts. be grateful this isn't the scene outside your window right now...but for some folks... lifeemust go on... even if moving around in the snow is hard to do.and for one little feline... that seems to be no problem at you see him manueveeing through á4-feetá of snow. ((toss to weather)) 3 ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 meteorologist))((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 3 3 a rhode island grandmother... is now 336 million dollars richer... after winning the pow. powerball."well, i want to say that, um, i am very happy, and i'm very proud..." proud..." the food sheewas craving... that caused her to buu the ticket.and what she now plans to do with the winnings. idol performance: back when i was a child... and the top 13 take to the stage tonight... competing to become this year's "american pay close attentiin... to á thisá contestant. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) the top 13 will take on the songs of whitney houston and stevie wonder tonight tonight they will be mentored by mary j blige.... we arr starring off the live competition with the top 13 on a high person who wwll be inging is jermaine jones.. he was voted through after this performance last week. idol performance: back when i was a child... chhld... 3 3 3 3child... child...bbck when i was a idol performance: back when i was a . ccild... 3 jermaine belted jermaine belted out the song on stage. he commands everyyodys attention... with his voice and his height.the gentle giant is 6 foot 8 inches tall. i just mettup with him in hollywood and i found out another interesting fact..he has a lot of charm city jermaine says: my mothhr was born... i'm alking all of 3ttem themi'm talking all of mmther was born... jermaine says: my jermaine says: my mother was born... i'm talking all of them themi'm talking all of mother was borr... jermaine says: my motter was born... i'm talking all of them them jermaine is a mama's boy and since he's close with his entire family.. he comes to baltimore a lot.he told me he always enjoys his time here. jermaine says: i love ...the crabs... the water taxi.. the great blacks in wax museum.. i could go on and on.. i love baltimore baltimore two shot 3 american idol is tonight and tomorrow at 8pm here on fox45. coming up... 81 years old... and 336-million dollars richer.and you might say... it was all an accident.wwat this rhode island grandmother now plans to do... with her jackpot winnings. and.. the shadows... come into the limelight.learn some shadow puppet tricks that will impress your kids' friends. plus- where you can see a shadow puppet show live in person.. in our ometoww hotspot. you're watching fox 45 morning ews.. all local.. all morning. [ male announcer ] for the saver, and a big first step. for the spender who needs a little help saving. for adding "& sons." for the dreamer, planning an early escape. for the mother of the bride. for whoever you are, for whatever you're trying to achieve, pnc has technology, guidance, and over 150 years of experience to help you get there. ♪ we're told that social issues are out of fashion... that fixing the economy is job number one. yet social issues are all anyone seems to be talking about. join ronald reagan's former policy adviser -- author, jeffrey bell, on the "700 club" wednesday. why he says if conservatives want to get elected, they need to keep social issues on the table... winner of powerball jackpot ever... worth the 336- million-dollars.and get this... she's 81 years old! as nichol jacobs explains... the rhodeeislandd grannmother came forward tuesday... after weeks of legal and financial counsel. counsel. what price do youuput on a dream...((nats)): "the five door one." for one rhode island woman...a walk through the doors of stop and shop with a craving for of all her the title of a multi millionaire ((nats)): "our winner louise white who has won $336 million." 81 years young with a modest smile for her winnings...a woman of few wwrds white says: "i'm very happy and very proud."" but this check says it all...almost one month ago white'ssquick pick ticket was goldenfater says: "she was said...i have that one i have - that one i have that one." after triple checking the numbers with fammly...signing the back of the ticket putting it in a bible and sleeping with took no osmosis for this dream to become a reality.white says: "this and we are truly blessed." blessed beyond measure and wise...true to her years. she spent the last three weeks building a team to manage her winnings...a lump sum amount of $210 million dollars...that's after rhode island walkk away with 14.7 million and the federal government 52... but for thoseewho know this new millionaire...quinn says: "i don't expect to see the white family change who they are." maitland says: "it's really great its great that it happened she's a nice lady and a great customer." at the same stop and shop tuesday...players trying their luck((nats)): "hooe its the &pwinning one thoughh..good luck." to see what how much they can pay for a dream because for white all it took wass$3.00 for a ticket...$1.69 for ice cream...rainbow sherbert...with her pot gold waiting at the end.waiting at the end.her pot gold sherbert...with cream...rainbow ice ticket...$1.69 for ice cream...rainbow sherbert...with her pot gold waiting at the end.jacobs says (stand up): "so what will white do with her power ball sppurge a only say charitt begins at home... coming up on good day baltimore... 3you mmght not know it... but you may be ne of the many americans... with a condition called "no-mo-phobia."what it is... and how to tackle the &pproblem. and your next chance to win tickets to the greatest show on earth... is less than an hhur're watchinn fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 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