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3 3 3 3 3 3 we are continuing to foolow a developpng story this morning... crews trying to make a more harm than good...after cracking a natural gas line while fixing a watermmin hundreds f homes are wittout gas service.megan gilliland is live on the scene where crews are still working this morning. &pmorning.we're here at the corner of millington avenue near wilkens avenne and frederick can see óóóóó óóóóóóóthe problem started tuesday on millington avenue near wilkens avenue and frederick road.crews were maii when a chunk of asphalt fell... damaging the water line... and a gas line.the water main break has been árepairedá buttthis morning 9-hundred customers are still gas.while b-g-e is working hard to repaar the problem... residents aren't happy about it. i know its gonna be hard to get around hard time getting to work working to turn off 4-hundred more ggs meters before hey can water from the gas main. main.if you are one of ttose that still needs your meter gge at 410-685-0123 to get it turned off. megan gillillnd fox45 morning news. 3& 3 news. parents are outraged this morningg.. after allegations of seeual abuse emerge at a baltimore middle school.they want to know how the suspect &pwas allowed such easy access to the children. shelly told some students here that he was a he's accused of molesting one of them... a 13-year old girl. school in december, shelly drove the girl to a parking lot.sse told police he removed her jacckt, toucced her breasts... and rubbed her back with baby oil... before he pried to kiss her.this is a man students and families say they trusted.he told them he could help the young girls get into a good high school.but school officials ay he's not a mentor or even an employee here.somehow thhugh... shellyy became a familiar ffce at this school. (ms. avis/parent) "and everyone knew him.. so, i think that he, whhther he was an employee or not, he definitely ad a lot of access to the children. i mean even my daughter said that he would pull some of the children out of class, from time to time, that was in. but why would he even if it was in a volunteer c" capacity?"we tried talking with principal wanda young about the screening process, if there is one, for school volunteers... but we were told she's not available.this morning, we're still waiting to hear back from the principal or a sppkesperron. p3 a military-style police training program is under scrutiny. city councilman brandon scoot wanns to know why the city nneds to spend extra money on the program called diamond training.this brochure says diamond training teaches city police officers techniques learned during the war in iraq. scott says he is concerned by reports that the foundation which runs diamond training spent more than a thiid of the money received from the city on dining and travel. 19:37:44"it doesn't seem appropriate in a budget cirsis and so one of the things i'm going to talka bout is the neee to still have the consultant as we're going into tte 4th year of the program, do we sitll need to have the consullant on/"19:33:51 p9:37:51 the brochuue promotes the program to other cities.... and includes this endorsement by police commissioner frederick bealefled... who credits diamond training with we are one step closer to hearing the slots spinning at maryland's largest casino. the milestone is being celebrated today at arunnel mills as thousands wait to see if they will have jbs there as well. joel d. smith is live there this morning with more and how many openings remain. good morning joel d. 155hundred jobs, and to shhw t you how populaa this place is so far... they've only posted pbout 50 jobs officially, and already have 15 thousand applic. applications. here's what it will look like from the outtide when it's actually finished. maryland live will have 4,750 slot and electric table games, including black jack, rrulette, craps and poker. put for many, the real story is on the inside.. not at the games of chance... but instead &pthe here. for that, there interest. center opened in january and has been packed pver the man doing most of the hiring says assembling a staff ii very 3 a new study finds nearly half of all workers say they could do their boss' job... and do it fact... one in three peopll don't even think their boss is efective.and fewer than 40-percent say their supervisors actually inspire or motivate them to do their best.ressarch was ccnducted by a talent management ccmpany... to show workplace leaders what they're doing wrong. a lesson in manners... in slova. slovakia. iolinist nats natsttat's violinist lukas kmit... improvising when a member offthe audience's phone rings. maybe if more musicians reacted like this.... more people would remember to turn off their cell phones. coming up... i's the voice thatts gone viral. viral.girl sings adele adelethe ooe moment that helped bring this 11-year old girl... to stardom. you'reewatching fox 45 morning you're watching --camellia display and historic look at baltimore's horticulture past at the howard peter rawlings conservatory... flowerinn camellias and newly expanded historic exhibit of baltimore's rich horticultural past--meteorologist emily gracey is live with the details on this morning's hotspot--photos, newspaper articles, and hidden secrets of baltimore's conservatories and gardens were some oo the in ballimore baltimoreyyu can see the see the ellia display you can you can see the camellia display anddhistoric look at baltimore's horticulture past at the howard p. rawlings conservatory through february 26th.for more information, log on to ox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 map liie look map fiber 3 coming up... could amanda knox be headed back to prison?the one thiig standing in her way... from complete freedom. and do you knnw youu "telemarketing" rights?what you're encouraged to do... next time you receieve a robo-'re watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) maybe you can be there; maybe you can't. when you have migraines with fifteen or more headache days a month, you miss out on your life. you may have chronic migraine. go to to find a headache specialist. and don't live a maybe life. new this morning... whitney houston's family is preparing to say farewell.a funeral is planned for saturday at houston's childhhoo church in new jersey.only invited guests may attend.the late singer's body arrived at theefuneral home monday night... after being released from the los angeles county coroner's office. it appears amanda knox isn't out of the woods quite yet... prosscutors in italy areenow filing paperwork... to appeal british student, meredith kercher. both knox and her ex-boyfriend were convicted of kercher's murder back in 2009. they were cleared in october... after appealing thee verdicts. a secretary for the the appeal has been filed... but no other details are available. a new twist... in the salahi divorce half of the infamous "white hoose crashers"... tareq salahi... is now suing journey guitarist neal schhn... for 50-million dollars... after he ran off with tareq's wife.michaeee salahi left tareq last september... to be with the rock star.tareq blames schon for tearing his marriage apart. the i-pad three could make its debut... as early as next month.that's according to the wall street journal... which says apple plans to unveil its newest tablet during the first week of march. so far... apple is not commenting on the report. it won't be long... before you make it through an entire family meal without being interrupted by telemaaketers. &ptoday... the f-c-c is expecte to approve new rules... that would make it harder for companies to bombard you with robo-calls and automated text messages.telemarketers wouldd also be required to let you opt out of any future calls during their robocall. coming up... hundreds of lipstiik... tainted with lead.we'll tell you if the one in your purse now... is on the list. (president around 1:05) "this is a make-or-break moment for middle class in america." and a breakthrough deal... for extending the payroll tax it's expected to affect our salary. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. congressional negotiators have reached a tentativv agreement on extending the payroll tax cut through the rest of the greg black explains... the deal also covers two other extensions the white house is pushing for. for. reeublican congressmaa steve latourette of ohio says it's a go."i think it's a done deal, subject to the t's being crossed and the i's being dotted."it's the art of a deal. i mean, it's a coopromise. so you have people that didn't get a 100% of what they wanted."the agreeeent would extend the payyoll tax cut through the end of the was set to expire this month -- following a short- term deal reached in december. the break is worth about 83 dollars a month for someone earning 55-thousand a year.the deal woulddalso incllde an extensionnof unemployment payments toodoctors who treat patients with medicare, something known as the "doc-fix."white house spokesman jayycarney says all three components are important. and he says it's vital that congress does not mess up the ecooomic way to muck it up would be to somehow fail to extend the payroll tax cut or somehow fail to xtend unemployment insurance benefits or the "doc-fix." earlier, president obamaasaid make-or-break moment for the middle class in americaa and for folks who want to be in the middle class.""the last thing we need is for washington to stand in the way of ameeica's comeback."i'' greg black reporting. 3 reporting. 33 a house-senate conference proposed deal as soon as today. coming up... at just 11-years old... she's stealing the spotlight away from one of the country's biggest singers. singers.girl singssadele adelethe evvnt that helped discover... this rising star. ((megan live tease))you're watching fox 45 mornnng news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) the addition to your home that reddces your disease risk... on fox 45 news at 5:30.3 -live look soutwest ballimore -water main break 3 3 3 map fiber map 3 developing story this ollow a - following a water main reak and natural gas leak in southwest baltimore.megan gilliland is live on the sccne where crews are still working this morning. corner of millington avenue near wilkens avenueeand óóóóóóóthe problem startedd tuesday on millington avenue near wilkens avenue and frederick road.crews were working on a 10-inch wattr main when a chunk of asphalt line... and a gas line.the - water main break has been árepairedá but this morning 9-hundred customers are still without gas. gas.while b-g-e is working hard to repair the problem... residents aren't happy about it. its awful i got 2 kids to get to school in the morning im having to go somewhere else tonight and pay for it itb-g-e is still working too turn off 4-hundred more gas meters before they can go in and drain the water from the gas main. main.if you are one of those that still needs your meter turned off... call b-g-e at 410-685-0123 to schedule a megan gilliland fox45 orning news. the prosecution is expecced to rest today... in the george huuuely murder trial. trial.they've presented medical and forensic expeets to tessify in trial of the former university f virginia lacrosse player ... accused of killing his ex-girlfriend, yeardley love.prosecution attorneys say huguley became violent with love in her apartment back in 2010... and that altercation left her bruised, battered, and dead. experts testified the ause of death was blunt force trauma and although there was alcohol in love's system... there wasn't enough to be lethal.huguely's defense says love's death was accidental. continuing coverage of the yyardley love murder can get the latest updates around the clock.... on our facebook page... at facebook dot com slash foxxbaltimore.... and on our website, fox baltimore ddt com. and.... s with all of our content... it's free. 3 today, the same sex marriage debate comes ttothe house floor. floor.yesterday, two committees in the house passed the bill hat would legalize gay it's on the full house of delegatee. bill doesn't have enough votess there.last year... the bbll passed the senate, but died in the house. gamblers and job seekers have a lot i n common today. "maryland live!" is one step clooer to opening the casino... and newest major empl. employer. joel d. smith is ps how much luck it will take to land one of the 15 hundred pobs available right now. good morning joel d. they've only posted about 50 jobs officially, and already have 15 thousand applications. patrice the ceremony will start in a couple hours to signify the final beam is in place on this part of the structure. so let's take a &plook at what artists at least are picturing ere. here. here's what it will look like from the outside when it's actually inished. maryland live will have 4,750 slot and electric table games, including black jack, roulette, craps and poker. but for many, the real story is on the inside.. not at the games of chance... but instead the chance to work here. for that, there has been employment center opened in january and has been packed ever since. recruiters are calling applicants ack every ddy to set up interviews. the man doing a lot of the hiring here says in this industry, the resume is only a small part of getting thh job. 3 3 3 some high school students in ohio are getting ápaidá to go to school. school. a charter school near cincinnati is giving students who are there áon-timeá every-day...and stay out trouble... visa gift cards at the end of each week.. it's twenty-five dollars for seniors... and ten dollars for younger students. hen a student earns a card... five dollars will also be put into a savings account that can be paiddout at graduationn ((davenport says: "we're hoping that this incentive will get those kids off the streets and into a school building where they can be thought a skill to be productive in society.")) society.")) some critics say it's false motivation... and ssudents shouldn't be paid for someehing they're requiredd to do. she isn't adele... but that doesn't mean she caa't siig like her. her.girllsinning nnts nats 11 year old deeise bestman madeea television splash sunday night singing adele'ss hit song árolling in the deepá in a target ad to promote the pop star's new album.since then... shees became an internet first spotted denise from a sshool performance that was posted on youtube.denise has &pyet to meet adele... but hope to some day. coming up... downloads for whitney houston songs... are through the roof. but there's somethiig elle... fans want more.we'll tell you what that is. fiber you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. ll morning. 3 ((break 5)) ((bump in)) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 checc your lipstick... it could be oaded with lead.the 2 brands... with theemost contamination. and .. the president &pback on track.but are you feeling it?a financial expert tells us if we're really better off than we were four years ago... and where we'll be four years from're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((breaa 6)) 3 new this morning... a study by the food and drug administration found four hundred lipsticks on the market ested positive for lead.five l'oreal and maybelline lipsticks ranked among the most contaminated. the least contaminated lipstick was from áwet n' &pwildá. natswhitney houston record sales are soaring... following the singer's of downloaded soog on i-tunes was whitney houston's "i will always love you..and thaa's just one of 3 houston tracks making it in the top ten. record stores are also seeing a high demand for her c-d's... as houston has an older demographic of fans who'd like a physical copy of her hits when it comes to youuand your family ... are you better off now than you were four years ago? president obama says the country is coming through the worst economic crisis thiss country has seen ... and we're getting things back on track. are you s optimistic? doctor steven isberg, with the universityyof pusiness joins us with a look back and a look ahead.-how do we compare to where we were 4 years ago -given wwat the country went through .. does it make ssnse that we're in the position we are .. president says maybe you're not better off than before lehman brothers collapsed .. before the financial crisii .. before the recession .. which began before he took office -economy is growing buttslowly .. umemployment going down but slowly -jobs act putting people to work .. extending payroll tax cuts-what coulddhave been done better-are we going in 3&pthe right direction noo .. what's your ouulook for the next 4 years 3 all of this brings us to our question of the day:are you four years ago?we'll be taking your calls in our 7 o'clock hour. you can also go to fox-baltimore dot com and telll us what you think... sound off through facebook... or send us a tweet at foxbbltimore. coming up... it's easy to make mistakes... on virruaa keyboaad. keyboards."i have to start all over again orri'm backspacing. constantly you have to watch what you'reedoing." doing..but now... there's a solution.keyboards... that attach to your i-pad.up next... consumer reports ranks're watching fox 45 - &pmorning news.. all local.. al morning. &p((brea ♪ it's the way you bring out the sun. ♪ sunny d! ♪ it's the way you make it all fun. ♪ know who makes the day sunny? my mom and sunny d! i love the taste. mom loves the vitamin c. and now it has 40% fewer calories than most regular soda brands! sunny d! ♪ make today a sunny day! find out more at salee of ipads topped 15-million dollars over the than doubll a year ago. if - you've got a new ipad... no doubt you're finding it frustrating to type on its virtual keyboard. consumer reports tested five keyboards... that promise to make it easier. (v/o)stacy geisinger uses her ipad to write a blog aad send messages. but she often makes mistakes typing on the virtual keyboard. (sot: stacy geisinger)"i have to start all over again or i'm backspacing. conntantly yyu have to watch whht youure doing." (v/o)to try to solve that problem, manufacttrers are coming up witt keyboards for the ipad. consumer reports testee ones costing 70 to 100 dollars. (sot)"with the keyboarrs we necessarily larger than those on a taalet's ouch screen." (v/o)but hey have real buttons you press down on to help you hit the right key. (sot: paul reynolds)"we foundd most of these keyboards have pros and cons."(v/o)this menotek keyboard is lightweight and can even be rolled up. buttits small, soft keys are hard to use, and it's easy to make mistakes. (sot: paul reynolds)"the rocketfish and belkin keyboards we tested have convenient home and lock screen. and they have shortcuts to do tasks like running a slideshow."(v/o) tte rocketfish kkyboard also serves as a case and a standd but at more than two pounds, it's pretty heavy. and the belkin case is so snug, it's hard to get even the thinner ipad 2 in and out of it.a better option is the zaggfolio (sot: paul reynolds)"it's not quite as snug a fit,,and it &phas a versattle keyboard and handy ipad-specific buttons and shortcuts." (vvo)buttif you really want full-size keys, try apple's wireless keyboard. at 70 dollars, it costs less than the others tested, but you'll need to paa extra for a stand and case. coming up in our 7 o'clock hour... a coach resigns... after accidentally posting a nude picture of himself... on facebook.what he áthoughtá he was doing... and how long t took for the school to find out. ((joel live tease)) you're watching 3 3 3 a high school football coach.. his students ended up seeing a naked picture of him.. and why he says it was all an accident. and.. make this your lass year withoutta alentine.but how do you know the person at the other end of that "personal".. is reel?what you need to know ábeforeá you ign up for online dating. 3 3 today is wednesday, februaryy 15th. 3 3 3 3 3 3 we are continuing to follow a developing story this morning... crews trying to make a repair.. do more harm than good...after crackingga natural gas line while fixing a watermain hundreds of homes are without gas service.megan gilliland is livv on the scene where crews are still working this morning. morning.we're here at the corner oo millington avenue near wilkens avenue and frederick can see óóó óóóóóóóthe problem started tuesday on millington avenue near wilkens avenue and frederick road.crews were working on a 10-inch waterr main when a chunk of asphalt fell... damaging the water line... and a gas line.the water main break has been árepairedá but this morning 9-hundred customers are still without gas. gas.while b-g-e is working hard to repair the problem... residents aren't happy about it. i know its gonna be hard to get around hard time getting to work b-g-e is still working to turn off 4--undred more gas meters before they can go ii and drain the water from the gas ma. main.if you are one of those &pthat still needs youu meter turned off... call b-g-e at 410-685-0123 to schedule a megan gilliland fox45 morning news. parents are outraged this morning... after allegations of sexual abuse emerge at a baltimore middle school.they want to know how the suspect wassallooed such easy ccess to the children. childrenn44-yeer old charles shelly told some students here that he was a he's accused of molesting one of them... a 13-year old girl. police say one day after drove the girl to a parking lot.she told police he removed breastss.. and rubbed her back with baay oil... before he tried to kiss her.this is a man students and families say could help the young girls gee into a good high school.but school officials say he's not a mentor or even an employee here.somehow thoughh.. shelly became a familiar face at this school. (ms. davis/parent) "and everyone knew him.. so, i think that he, whether he was an employee or not, he definitely had a ot of access to the ccildren. i mean even my daughter said that he would pull somm of the children out of class, from time to time, and i don't know what capacitt that was in. but why would he be allowed that much freedom even if it was in a volunteer c" capacity?"we tried talking with principal wanda oong aboot the screening process, if there is one, for school volunteers... but we were told she'ssnot available.this morning, we're till waiting to hear back from the principal or a spokesperson. 3 the prosecution is expecteddto rest today... in the george huguely murder trial. trral.they've preseeted medical and forensic experts to testify in trial of the lacrosse player ... accused of killing his ex-girlfriend, yeardley love.prosecution attorneys say huguley became violent with love in her apartmeet back in 2010... and that altercation left her bruised, battered, and dead. experrs testified the cause of death was blunt force trauma and although there was alcohol in love's system... there wasn't enough to be love's death was accidental. stay with fox45 for continuing coverrge of the yeardley love murder can get the latest updates around the clock.... on our facebook page... at facebook dot com slash fox baltimore.... and on our website, fox baatimore dot com. and.... as with all of our content... it's free. a big turnout in towsoo yesterday... as thh baltimore county council moves closer to voting on a bill adding protections for &ptransgenders.people lined up to speek out on the "anti- includes a controversial h - provision about access to bathhooms.the speakers got two mintues to state their case. 3"i have the same...this bill restroom...its about my civil r" rights.""it ught to be callld a bill to force citizens to accept personality dissrders and abnormal behavior as normal." council could take a vote on the bill later this month. a new report reveals huge problems with this couutry's vooer registration. report, released by the pew center... found one in every country is inaccurate... and closeeto two million registered voters are actually deadd the report claams election boards are far too slow in updating their records. 3 "we're not talking any great numbers but we receive numbers from vital statistics from people who have passed and oor records are modified." modified." the report does not reveal whether errors in registration led to voter fraud. this summer, maryland will join seven other states in allowing 3 reaahed a tentative agreement on extending the payroll tax cut through the rest of the year.the deal also covers two other extensions the white house is pushing for. for.the agreement would extend the payroll tax cut through theeend of the was set to expire this mmnth ... reached in december.the break is worth about 83 dollars a month for omeone earning 50-thousand a year.the deal would also include an benefits and prevent cuts in payments to doctors who treat patients with medicare.white house spokesman jay carney says all three components are important. one way to muck it up would be to somehow faal to extend the payroll taa cut or somehow fail to extend unemployment insurance benefits or the "doc-fix."moment for the &pmiddle class in america, and for folks who want to be in the middle class.""the last thing we need is for washington to stand in the way of amerrca's comeback." cooeback."a house-senate conference committee could &pconference a house-senate america's comeback." comeback." a house-senate conference committee could consider the proposed deal as soon as today. p we are one step closer to hearing the slots spinning at maryland's largest casino. the milestone is being celebrated today at arundel mills as thousands wait to see if they will have jobs there as well. joel d. smith is live there this morning with more on when the doors willlopen, and how many openings remain. good morning joel dd patrice we're ttlking about 15 hundred jobs, and to show you how popular this place is so far... they've only posted about 50 jobs officially, and already have 15 thousand aaplic. applications. here's what it will look like from the outside when it's ctually finished. maryland live will have 4,750 slot and electric table games, including black jack, but for many, the real story is on the inside.. not at the games of chance... but instead the chance to work here. amazing interest. the employment center opened in january and has been packed doing most of the hiring says assembling a staff is very strategic. anyonn who will herar me. ... we are putting together a chess board. this chessboard. aad our job is to fill all 15 hundred pieces with the spec tyhpes of things we're looking for. for.the first phase of the new 500 million dollar casino is completion in june 2012. &pthe full the fall. 3 3 new research finds drinking.... may boost your creativity. according to a recent study... 20 social drinkersswatched an animated ilm and were given just nough alcohol to reach a point-zero-75 blood alcohol content.they were then asked to complete a creative problem solving task. the study found that those who drank... had an easier time solving the problem than their sober counterparts.research appears in the publication consciousness and cognition. 3&theemaker of the cancer drug avastinnis crying foul! foul!faae vials of the drug areereleased in the u-s.what's missing from the drug... that helps fight ertain cancers. cancers. you're patching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1)) 3 3 3 3 3 p3 3 3 he's out of the presidential race... but he's also outtof anothhr competition. competitton.the show .... former g-o-p presidential candidate.. herman cain... turned down.and who the producers arr now considering. considering. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) we go through them all the time. doors that mark the day's events. new beginnings. endings. routines. revealing the stories and dramas -- the victories and challenges -- that help us go through new doors of our own. be part of the story. colonial williamsburg. 3&new this morning... whitney houston's family is preparing to say farewell.a funeral is planned for aturday at hooston's childhood church in new jersey.only invited guests may attend.the late singer's body arrived at the funeral home monday night... after being released from the los angeles county coroner's roche... the maker of the cancer drug avastin.. is sounding the alert this says fake vials of tte drug that have been distributed in the u-s.roche says theefake products do not contain a key ingredient whichh is used o treat colonn lung, kiiney and brain cancer. &pherman cain is turning down a offer... to compete on "dancing with the stars."the former republicaa presidential candidate was asked to be on the realty show... but according to his executive assistant... "he can't dance pance in a 9-count."that's of course a rrffrence to his "9- 9-9" tax plan.producers are now reportedly considering michele bachmannn 3 --camellia display and historic look 3 at baltimorees horticulture past at the howard peter rawlings flowering ccmellias and newly expanded historic exhibit of altiiore's rich past--meteorologist emily gracey is live with the details on this morning's hotspotnewspaper articles, ann hidden secrets of some of the most popularrmid e baltimore camellia display and historic look at baltimore's at the howard p. rawlings conservatory 26th.for more information, log baltimore dot com slash morning. looking for that cyber connecti? connection?the rules you should set for áyourselfá... before you start looking through possible mates... onlin. online. i don't think he should be teac" teaching."and...find out what this teacher did online... by mistake ... that sparked his resignation... you're hi there. chase freedom is offering 5% cash back at gas stations this quarter. wow. thanks! beep. beep. activate your 5% cash back. at maybe your valentinns day wasnnt as romantic as you would have liked ... and next year you're hoping a new love today a lot of people are turning to online dating sites to get a headstart n their prospects. but for all of you looking for love .. beware. for this week's barnett with the better business bureau joins us with tips to avoid letting scammers and predators break your heart. - beware of fraduuent profiles -don't fall in love with advertising-watch out for membership fees-beware of the "relationship"-ways to avoid being scammed if you would like more information on the better business buueau, log onto our website.... fox baltimore dot com slash morning. whiie you're there... get your lltest headlines, weather and traffic updates on foxbaltimore dot com... á andá it's all free. a lover scooned! scorned!! florida man claims his girlfriend ran off with lottery money they promised to split.but find out why her nothing. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((ad lib horoscopes)) ((break 4)) 3 the addition to your home that reddces your disease risk... on fox 45 news at 5:30. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 29 amp 3 developing story this ollow a morning... hundreds are still without gas service... following a water main break and natural gas leak in southwest baltimore.megan gilliland is on the scene where crews are still working this morning.good morninn, mega. megan. 3 today, the same sex marriage debate comes to the house floor. floor.yesterday, two committees in the house passed the bill that would legalize gay it's on the full house of delegates. governorro'malley says the bbll doesn't have enough votes there.last year... the bill passed the senaae, but died in the house. governor o'malley unveils more details about his bill to raise maryland's gas tax. would phase in a 6 percent hike.we already pay 23 and a haaf cents a gallon in taxes.this would add about 18 cents ámoreá to a gallon.the money would be used for transportation costs.the governor says if the price of gas increased more than 15 percent in a year.... the state would temporarily suspend collecting the extra tax. (governor) "if we don't do this as a peoole, we will all be paying more in terms of traffic congestion, gasoline time away from families, time away from work." work."lawmakers are expected to hold hearinns on the gas tax bill in the next few weekss if the as tax increase passes... it can't be challenged... because it's an oppose the proposal... let your lawmakers know now! american for prosperity began a petition drive ...find it at fox baltimore dot com... look for "stop the gas tax" under the "hot topics" section. governor o'malley makes a plea to pass his environmental bills. among the bills... is doubling the annual flush tax on pomeowners... from 30-dollars to funds upgrades of sewage treatment plants.the governor is also seeking approval to build wind turbines off the coast of ocean city. (governor) "i know thaa we are not goinggto hit our renewable portfolio standard.""unless ..." ........wind." the plan calls for residents to pay up to two dollars a month to subsidize the wind farm...//critics say it's unfair. baltimore is launching its first-ever "clean community" competition. competition.residents who clean up their neighborhoods... qualify for a phance to win a cash prize. communities will be judged on overall recycling... use of trash cans with lids... and cleaning requests.ccty workers - &pare having some fun with the pompetition... even creating a theme song. "from locust point to the jones falls valley, baltimore sweep up because we love you... clapping." claaping." a judging committee will announce the winners in october. neighborhoods will compete for first-placc prizes of 5-thousand dollars. second place finishers will win 1-thousand dollars. president obama is calling on congress to extend the payroll tax ut, which is set to expire in about two weeks. if lawmakers don't come to an agreement by the end of the month .... the payroll tax will go up and benefits for the long-term unemployed will e. end. this as the country sees a major drop in unemployment.. which fell to 8- point- 33percent last month ... after it stayed bove 9 percent for 28 of the last 37 months. still many families still struggle to make ends meet. the average price of a gallon of as was less than 2-dollars a gallon three &pyears ago. now, it's at $3-51... and prices could top mmrr than $4-50a by ddy! a staggering 46 million families now rely on food stamps. stamps. and the natiooal debt has skyrrcketed as wella&from 10- to more than 15- trillion dollars in the last three, are we better off? sot - wsyx america1:23-1:24 absolutely not.sot - wlos america04-05 - no..not really. sot - wsyz america3:47-3:53 no. (laughs) ot with the right now so i'm on unemployment. that's pretty hardsot - wlos america 3:34-3:35 no (laughs)sot - off four years agosot - wsyx america2:23-2:25 i work harder than i did 4 years ago. so i guess so...yeah.sot - wlos america1:56-1:59 i'm retired. does that mean i'm beeter off? yeah. (smiles)sot - wpec america2:48-2:50. i am better off now. how so. because am retiree and enjoying the means i have in retirement. phat bbings us to our question of the day:are you better off now han you were four years ago?phone lines are open now... 410-481-4545. you can also go to fox-baltimmre dot com and tell us what you think... sound off through facebook... or send us a tweet t foxbaltimore. love hurts... especially when your girl or guy runs off with whht you feel is rightfully yo. yours. florida man ... howard browning says his girlfriend... lynn invited him to move into this romantic farmhouse in geneva back in 1991. shortly after, they agreed to buy lotto winnings if they it the e the jackpot. howard tells us, it's something they continued to do until the year 2007. browning say the couple bought a so called firecracker lotto ticket and won one-million dollars. but he says , she took off with the ticket and never split the wwnnings with him. browning says: "it made me upset, mad, we had an agreement" agreement."but according to lynn's attorney, she bought phe ticket on her own. by then they had no agreement to split anything. a high school football coach in maineeis under fire... for posting a naked pictured of himself on facebook. facebook.paul withee... who's also a teacher at the school... says it was all an the picture privately to his - girlfriend... but instead... endee up posting it on is page.after ten minutes... he realized his mistake... and quickly took the photo down. but the damage... had already been done. "whether he had it on for two seconds, ten minutes or an hour, it's all the same. i don't think he should bb teachi" teaching."withee is friends with several of his students on facebook... who saw the photo before it was ttken down. notice of his still to come.. have some tension areas? areas?the kaddybaak promises to givv you a reat massage for less work...áandá llss money.but will it work? wwrk? you're watching fox 45 morning news.. alll local.. all mornnng. 3((break 5)) ((bump in)) ((toss to weather)) ♪ it's the way you bring out the sun. ♪ sunny d! ♪ it's the way you make it all fun. ♪ know who makes the day sunny? my mom and sunny d! i love the taste. mom loves the vitamin c. and now it has 40% fewer calories than most regular soda brands! sunny d! ♪ make today a sunny day! find out more at ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3&pmeteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 &p3 3 3 3 ,3 coming up.. higher gas and grocery prices...but ... lower unemployment...what do you think have things changed in four years? years?that brings us to our better off now than you were four years ago?our phone lines are open now.. 410-481-4545. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning ews.. four years... and so many your opinion.. have they been gooddor bad? question of the day.are you four years ago?our phone lines are open now.. 410-481-4545. michelle- essex leennrdo- bmore3 bmore rebecca - "no. look at the cost of health care, groceries and gas and tell us how we are pulling through! we will be luckk to survive." survive."david- job making great money. since then i haven't made over 30,000 a year so no i don't think we are better off. all i can sayy is thanks to my better half for keeping ussafloat." afloat."arneisha "yes, hh (obama) said at the beggnning ii would take a minimum of 2 terms 2 get things back on track! i'm optimistic as long as he is in office!" office!" they're big. they're bad.and they're coming to baltimore. jam is coming to first mariner arena february are available at ticket masttr but we want to get you inside the show for free. free.the 10th aller right now aa 410-481-4545 wins a family four pack of tickets.for contest rules.. go to foxbaltimore dot com. coming up in our 8 o'clock itts not quite spring... but these flowers could put you in the mood!where you can find these beautiful flowers... and their connection to baltimore's your hometown hotspot. hotspot.but first... dealing with back problems?the kaddyback promises to give you a great massage for less work...áandá less money.we put it to the will it work test. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) 3 are your muscles feeling p to par?try using golf ball massage therapy to ease anything that's ore.the kaddyback is a new prrduct that promises to give yyu a great massage for less work... áandá less money.but is this product just a swing and a miss?we put it to the will it work test. test. need a hand when it comes to your back?1:19:49 caryn shooting paints to dull achy constant i work at a computer desk all day"when soreness and tension are par for the course, professional massages might ease your back pain... 1:23:38 scott jee "lower back is usually where it's more concentrated for me."but unfortunately, you can't spend your whole life at the spa. now, one new product uses golf baals to help you get a grip on your hard to reach sore spots.the kaddyback golf ball massage claims you won't have while you're on the will the kkddyback be your next big hit?1:32:15 caryn "it might be good for in between sessions" we put it to the will it work test attspa on thh avenue.just pooket...swing the kaddyback over your shoulder...and lean aaainss a firm surface to push the ball into ense spots. caryn ches 1:34:42 it feels good goodscott jee 1:31:17 im able to just put my arms down and not use them to manipulate the object this travelling, hands-free deep tissue massage tt quick pain reliee...but for a more permmnent solution... 1:35:19 caryn its definitely not the same as having a therapiss take their elbow up your back and really get in there and work those knots out doolar swing at your wallet. 1:31:26 scott "i can see it actually have value to it" so... will it work?1:32:03 caryn "when its used in conjunction with other definitely" 1:30:57 scott "with the product stable and using it as a trigger point i can see that the product is actuully viabbe" for more information on the kaddybacc golf ball massage, &plog on to fox baltimore dot com slash news links. gamblers and job seekers have a lot i n common ttday. "marrland live!" is one step closee to opening the doors to the state's largest casino... and newest major empl. employer. joel d. smith is live at arundel milll to tell us how much luck it will take to land one of the 15 hundred jjbs available right now. good morning joelld. they've only posted about 50 3 3 well assgambling. restaurants... as well as gambling. 3 3 3 coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. 3 there's a very good chance... you're carrying one in your pocketbook now.the 2 brands of lipsticks... with dangerouss levels of lead. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. p(break 8)) 3 its ridiculous its not my fault hundreds of homes without gas this morning.. after a gas leak in the city.the latest estimate on how long it could take to fix. a nee bill.. puts an nd to most of those peeky telemarketer calls.but how you can stop them... before the phone rings nats natsann... what one musician interrupted his performance... that's making thhs video.. go viral. 3 3 -live look outside the new hope baptist churcc in newark, nj - faas leaving flowers in memory of whitney houston wednesday, february 15th 3 -3 3 3 3 3 3 we are continuing to follow a developiig story this morning... crews trying to make a repair... do more harm than good... after racking a natural gas line while fixing a watermain break. hundreds of homes are withhut gas service. service.the problem started tuesday on millington avenue... near wilkens avenue and frrderick avenue.crews were working on a 10-inch water main... when a chunk of asphalt fell... damaging a gas line.the water main break has been árepairedá... but this morning 9-hundred customers &pare still without gas.we spok with b-g-e officials about the 23:23 bge official: "from there we'll be able to... ... as safely as possible" possible"b-g-e is still working to turn off 4-hundred more gas meters beforr they can go in and drain the water from the gas main. main.if you are one of those that still needs your meter turned off... call b-g-e at 410-685-0123 to schedule a time to get it turned off. 3 the prosecution is expected to rest today... in the georgg huguely murder trial. trial.they've presented medical and forensic experts in trial of the former lacrosse player ... accused of killing his ex-girlfriend, yeardlly love.prosecutors say huguely beet love to death in her apartment back in 2010. experts testified the cause of death was blunt orce trruma and althougg there was alcohol and prescription drugs in love's system... there wasn't enough to be ethal. death was accidental.s love's stay with fox45 for yeardley love murder trial.youu can get the atest updates pround the lock.... on our facebbok page... at facebook dot com slash fox baltimore.... and on our website, fox baltimooe dot com. and.... as with alllof our conteet... it's free. it appears amanda knox isn't oot of the woods quite yet... yet...proseeutors innitaly are now filing paperwork... to appeal her acquittaa in the muuder of british student, mereditt kercher. both knox and her ex-boyfriend were convicted of kercher's murder back in 2009.thhy were cleared in octooer... after appealing the italian prosecutor confirms the appeal has been filed... but no other details are available. we are one step closer to hearing the slots spinning at maryland's largest casino. the milestone issbeinn celebrrted today at arundel mills as thousands wait to see if they will have jobs there as well. joel d. smith is live there this morning with more on when the doors will open, and how many openings remain. good morning 3 3 it won't be long... before you make it through an entire &pfamily meal without being interrupted by teeemarketers. today... the f-c-c is expected to approve new rules... that would mmke it harder for companies to bombard you with robo-calls and automated text messages.telemarketers would also be required to let you opt out of any future calls during their robocall. the -pad three could make its debut... as early as next month.that's accordiig to the wall street journal... which says apple plans to unveil its newest tablet ddringgthe first week of march. so far... apple is not commenting on the report. coming up... protesting dogs... take to the streets. streets.(reporter: do you have a problem riding on the roof?) the issue they''e fighting... outside america's most prestigous dog show. yoo're watching fox 45 morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) share the love with a delicious chocolate heart donut from dunkin'. spread the donut joy today. --camellia display and historic look at baltimore's horticulture past at the howard ppter rawlings conservatory... flowering camellias and newly exxanded historic exhibit of baltimore's rich horticultural s past --meteorologist emily gracey is live with the details on --photos, newspaper articles, and hidden secrets f baltimore's conservatories --conservatories and gardens were some of the most popular attractions in the mid 11th century in baltimore baltimore pou can see theecamellia pisplay and historic look at at the howard p. rawlings ast - conservatory through february 26th.for more information, log on to fox baltiiore dot com slash morning. 3 3 3 3 3 coming up... there's a very good chance... you're carrying one in your pocketbook now.the 2 brands of lipsticks... with dangerous levels of lead. whitney houston nats natsand while fans continue to mourn the loss of whitney &phouston... others are taking advantage of the situation.the scam going around online... and the one thing you need to're watching fox 45 morning news.. all looaa.. all morning. ((break 2)) (((ump in)) [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for an incredible price: just $89.99 a month for two years with a two-year agreement. it's an amazing deal, but it's for a limited time only. so don't wait. want to save even more? call right now and we'll add a special bonus: $300 back. unlike cable, fios delivers a 100% fiber-optic network to your home. get america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet, plus the best tv picture quality, and more hd. why keep paying so much for cable? switch to fios for just $89.99 a month for two years with a two-year agreement. save $600 in your first two years. and don't forget your special bonus: $300 back. hurry, offer ends march 3rd. call 1.877.827.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.877.827.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. whitney singing nats natsshe was the ultimate singer... performer and diva. whitney houston will always be remebered as a music legend. people around the world and even whitney's closest friends are tweeting about their favorite memories of the star. candace is here with the details for today's tinseltown on twwtter.candaae- more than 2-and-a-half million tweets about her within two hours of her death. mariah carey- she will never be forgotten as one of the greatest voices to ever grace the earth. earth.rihanna--no woods! just tears #dearwhitney a tragedy. whitney houston was - the greatest singer i've ever heard and she will be truly missed. chat about our favorite memories. 3 3 3 while we are mourning the loss... online crooks have wasted no time apitalizing on her tragic death in the hopes of making money "rip whitney houston" became a trending topic on twitter and that created a perfect environment for cybercriminals to strike. itself under the trending topic. if you click on a link in the rigged twitter post,you will be taken to a blog dedicated to houston's career, but the blog automatically redirects you to a web page offering different whitney houston wallpapers.downloading a wallpaper triggers other offers, and, no maater what you do, the sneaky web page eventually takes you to a survey site that asks for your cellphooe number. siiilar scams popped up followiig the deaths of amy winehouse... osama bin laden and moammar protect yourself from the 3 hoaxes, never download anything that looks sussicious. and make sure your anti-virus software is updatedupdated software is your anti-virus and make sure your anti-virus we always want to keep you up to date on the latest news whether its from hollywood or right here in baltimore..ake sure to follow us on twitter. just log n o fox baltimore dot com nd cllck on twitter under the community features section. coming up... america's most protest.(reporter: do you have a problem riding on the roof?) the hot topic... on the minds offthese four-legged friends... and their owners. and from protesting dogs... to balancing act dogs.the jenga enough're watching fox - 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump in)) showwogs inside... doggie demonstrators outside. outtide.that's what drew the press to a "dogs against romney" protest outside the westminster dog show. jeanne moos has the latest on protesters have to pick with mitt romney. 3 insidd maddson square garden, ttink of them as the hoighty toity one percent.(nats) showdogs, getting groommd for westminster, america's most prestigious dog show. and outside the garden, the 99 percent. the rabble. doggie protesters.(reporter: so how do you feel about mitt?)they may turn their backs on the press, but a dogs against romney protest outside westminster was a treat we in the media couldn't resist. (reporter: do you have a problem riding on the roof?) it's that old story again, about the time backkin 1983 when mitt romney took his family on vacation with his irrsh setter seamus in a dog carrier tieddto theecar roof. (reporter: he maae a windshield for the dog.)oh did he really? he made a &pwindshield for the dog? that' very nice. your dog is your family member. i don't think he'd take one of his children and put it on the roof but maybe he woold have, who knows. sake the pug came to the protest in a's like riding on a hummn roof rack there. but the human roof rack says...i doo't go 65 miles an hour down the highway. for 12 hours.he climbed up there regularly, won't let go of the story. on snl...(nats)a romney impersonator threatened his dog when he wouldn't stop want to go back on obama's advisers tweeted out this photo with the cappion how loving owners transport their dogs. protesters keep dogging romney with stuffed animals fastened to their roofs. in littleton colorado, this car actually got pulled over byypolice.police say a potorist called 911 to say that she saw the door open on the kennel on top of the roof and that there was a big whhte dog inside, not this og. showdogs don't ride on the pprrenters.(reporter: how does petey travel?)petey always whole backseat. otherwise he &pplays with the gear shift. true, there were only a few dog protesters, but every vote counts.this is a dog who will not vote for romney. (reporter: how do you know?) cause he's not voting for anybody. the 99 percent outside aren't so different from the 1 percent inside, it's just anothee dog and pony show.who ties his dog to the roof of his car.jeanne moos, cnn,americcns out of work...woof woof woof new york. woof. coming up... a former "real housewives" star... is suing his ex-wife's new lover. pover.what he claims happened... that's worth á50-mmllion ollars.á you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) 3 ((open)) -live look hanover p3 3 fiier map 3 3 we are continuing to follow a developing story this morning... crews trying to make a repair... do more harm than good... after cracking a natural gas line whileefixing a wattrmain hundreds of homes are without gas service. service.the problem started tuesday... on millington avenue near wilkens avenue and frederick road.crews were working on a 10-inch water main when a chunk of asphalt fell... damaging a gas line. the water main break has been árepairedá but this morning 9-hundred customers are still without gas.b-g-e s still working to turn off 4-hundrrd more gas meters before they can go in and drain the water from the gas mainn main.if you are one of those that ssill needs your meter turned off... call b-g-e at 410-685-0123 to schedule a time to get it turned off. 3 today, the ssme sex marriage debate comes to the house floor. floor.yesterday, two committees in thh house passed the bill that would legalize ggy it's on the full house of delegates. governor o'malley says the bill doesn't have enough votes there.last year... the bill passed the senate, but died in the house. 3&the maker of the cancer drug avastin.. is sounding the alert this morniig. says fake vials of the drug that have been distributed in tte u-s.the company says the fake products do not connainna key ingredient which is used to treat colon, lung, kidney and brain cancer. a study by the food and druu administration found four hundred lipsticks on the market tested positivv for lead.five l'oreal and maybelline lipsticks ranked among the most contaminated. the least contaminated lipstick was from áwet n' wildá. gamblers and job seekers have a loo i n common today. "maryland live!" is one step closer to opening the doors to the state's largest casino... and newest major empl. employerr joel d. smith is live at aaundel mills to tell us how much luck it will take to land one of the 15 huudred jobs available right now. good morning joel d. they've only 3 3 a new twist... in the salahi divorce half of the infamous "white house crashers"... tareq salahi... ps now suing journey ggitarist neal schon... for 50-milliin dollars... after he ran off with tareq's wife.michaele salahi left tareq last ssptember... to be with the rock star.tareq blames schon move over ken and barbie ... t. prince william and wife kate... are moving into the penthouse. that's right -- the famous royal couple are becoming barbie dolls courtesy of toy giant matttl. the duo are featured wearing outfits inspired by their wedding dayyattire. the toys are available for pre- order buy will noo be released until april... just in time for the one year royal wedding anniversary. coming up... bad manners... don't go unnoticed. ring tone tone what this violinist did... after a cell phone went off during a live concert. you make me feel,,you make me l feel and our fox45 baltimore idol is still in the running... for the next "american idol."but behind the scenes... things aren't always pretty.what hallie day disklikes the most... about fox 45 morning news.. all hing local.. all morning. ((bbeak 55) ((ad lib [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for an incredible price: just $89.99 a month for two years with a two-year agreement. it's an amazing deal, but it's for a limited time only. so don't wait. want to save even more? call right now and we'll add a special bonus: $300 back. unlike cable, fios delivers a 100% fiber-optic network to your home. get america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet, plus the best tv picture quality, and more hd. why keep paying so much for cable? switch to fios for just $89.99 a month for two years with a two-year agreement. save $600 in your first two years. and don't forget your special bonus: $300 back. hurry, offer ends march 3rd. call 1.877.827.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.877.827.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. meteorologist)) 3 &pweather kid tease 3 they're big. they're bad.and they're coming to baltimore. jam is coming to firss mariner arena february are available at ticket master but we want to get you inside the shoo for free. free.feld entertainment sent us tickets to give away to you. the 10tt caller right now at 440-481-4545 wins a family four pack of tickets.for contest rules.. go to foxbaltimore dot com. coming up... one dog takes jenga... to a whole new level.tte balancing act... that's turneddhim into a youtube sensation. you ake me feel, you maae me feel 3 feeland our baltimore iddl hallie day reveals the one thing that's happening during hollywood week... that has contestants never wanting to sing're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morn [ clanking ] think we should have bought pre-assembled furniture? [ telephone ringing ] wait. [ male announcer ] some business decisions are better than others. the best decision is switching to verizon. you are good to go. thanks. that was easy! [ male announcer ] speed, reliability, and now with our worry free guarantee there's no better time to switch. get your choice of terms. no activation fees. a 30-day money back guarantee. flexible scheduling. professional on-site installation. and 24/7 tech support. all for just $84.99 a month. plus you get a $200 value reward card. so switch to verizon high speed internet and phone, backed by our new worry free guarantee, all for just $84.99 a month. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities call at 800-974-6006 tty/v. that's only from verizon. hollywood week continues on american idol.candace is here to take us behind the scenes with some contestants from maryland. hallie day is still in the competition... she is our fox45 baltimore idol winner. here she is singing on the first day of hollywood week you make me feel, you make me l feel hallie performed the aretha franklin hit "a naturrl woman" for the judges.they were impressed and she did make it past the first round of cuts. hallie is thrilled that she is still in the comeptition, but she told me this is intense. hallie says: hollyyood week is the crazy, sabotage week wherr people crack and break down and run out crying and nnver want to sing again, i mean its designed to see who can handde the ppessure of beinn in an industry ike this. this. generic hollywood week video, chat we will also see two guys from lovett and wayne wilson. wilson. here's a icture of the two from their original tryout in savannah. they stopped by ouu studio to talk about the experience. wayne said he realized the magnntude of the situation as soon as he sat down in the middle of three hundred and 50 people who were through to hollywood and chasing after the same dream 13:60-everybody can really sing, everybody had a great look so thaa was the kick it up a notch, like ok this is a competition, you notice that when you get to hollywood week...this is the moment that makes or breaks you you can see american idol tonight at 8-pm here on fox45. coming up... may the force be with him.... áandá his guitar. guitar. guitar nats natsthe star wars character... who insppred this invention. violinist nats naasand the hilarious thing one violinist did... after a peeson's cell phone went performance. [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. here's a better idea... pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits. in just 15 minutes, the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands! dinner ideas made easy. these areethe moments you wouldn't believe... unless they were caught on camera. we starting with a homeade guitar.brian fisk from missouri says he has cceated a cool and functional guitar that reminds people of the star wars movieslisten in... guitar nats natsit's inspired by the millennium falcon... han solo's spacecraft. -3 this next story is a lesson in manners.this video was captured durrng a concert in slovakia. violinist nats natsthat's violinist lukas kmit... improvising when a member of the audience's phone rings. this neet video was captured in the gulf of mexico.a man was surfing behind a boat... when some olphins decided to join in. 3 and take a look at this dog... who's learned how to balance treats on is nose. so far... he's gotten up to á36 treats.áhis wner treats it like a jenga game.and the best part is... the dog gets to eat all thooe treats in the end. coming up on good day baltimore... chia pets... get a whole new purpose.what they're being used as... that might have you paying "eww." you're watching [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for an incredible price: just $89.99 a month for two years with a two-year agreement. it's an amazing deal, but it's for a limited time only. so don't wait. want to save even more? call right now and we'll add a special bonus: $300 back. unlike cable, fios delivers a 100% fiber-optic network to your home. get america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet, plus the best tv picture quality, and more hd. why keep paying so much for cable? switch to fios for just $89.99 a month for two years with a two-year agreement. save $600 in your first two years. and don't forget your special bonus: $300 back. hurry, offer ends march 3rd. call 1.877.827.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.877.827.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. 3

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