Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20100927

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it's a rainy start to the morning. harris. let's check in witt meteorologist steve fertig and %-rain to stick around.ect the unddr normal circuustannes, we will talk about a flash flood or warning, but we are not, because e have been so dry handle a lot of rain. we are going to get needed rainfall and we shouldn't be too upset about this much the rain the yelllw up toward brooklyn parks and the western part of ú%e state, seeing that eavier rain toward the oranges toward seeing more actiiity and also up toward perry hall up around 85 and near bel air and a etter seeing heavier rain there. day. and as we get a low pressure center moving in thattdirection, could bring us as much as 2.5 inches of rain. temperatures start off in the upper 60s to low 70s. pretty mild start actually but rain today and tomorrow. ssme thunder, temperrtures in thh 70s all the way hrough friday. we cool down and dry out with %lenty of sunshine forrthis we will be in the 60s for highs then. let's see what is happening on the roadways now with laurenn3 cooke. >> reporter:: w are ealing wih heavy raii and that eads to slick roads across the renalio. w-- region aad we have several accidents at rice tear!! reisted and one on the inner loop and another on the outer loop at 833 as we take a look at the west side of the 83 at liberty road, this is oing to be old court road where ou an see nn delays in the area. people are using slower speeds thaa usual, do useethhm if youú can at all possible. no delays from 795 to 95. that trip will take you 12 minutes, you're looking aa an ankanaverage speeddof 53 miles r hour. all is clear on the northeaat corridor of 99 from whitemarsh boulevard to the beltway, you're looking the a 4-minute trrp with an average speed of 54 miles per hour. -hat's he traffic edge report. ppatrice, back to you. hank you, lauren. 6:03 on fox 45 morning nees. the first casino in maryland is about to open its doors. hollywood kass iny i casino in e has 1500 slot machines ready to go this morning. the soft opening fundraiser on saturday went so well that the gaming officials signed the license yesterday allowinggthe casino to open in just a few hours. penn national invested $97.5 million in the lace and earlier. the maryland state lotte lotters or is leasing the 1500 slott3 machines there. that shhuld bring milliins of ddllars a year in state revenue. the earlier oppning means that maryland can start competing3 with the borddr states that have been no the slots games nor years. >> obviously thh competition is relativeey clooe. there's casinos within 30 mmles we feel that he product we have the best slot product on the east coast. have been created and 80% ofjob3 hollywood casino of perryville emppoyees aae cecilland harford county maryland re residents.ú governor o'malley will be on3 hand for the ribbon cutting on tuesday. it appears that the ocean downs ccsino will be the next slots opening in maryland. theemaryland lottery commmssion comes out wiih a rules for them. it prohibits themmfrom playing the machines unless it's part of official duty eets. they ban the employees from using their positions to gain ffvors. will you play for the slots now they're in mmryland? that's the questionnof the day. we will take your calls in the 7:00 hour. yyu can go and souud off through facebook or text your answer to 45203. enterrfox 45a for yes or foxx45b for no. a patient at the clifton pishing inns hhspitaperkins hosd in her room. her bed.úhs was found dead ii ú%ey went to check on her. she wws killed by 4-year-old 46-year-old aa!46-yearroldtaylo. tayllr has been charged with3 first and second-degree murder. investigators re have not released a motiveefor the crime. a towson universityyrugby player was laid to rest this weekend. he was found dead in his apartment last week. police not suspect foul play but it's unclear how he diid. philosophy.wson high graauate his famill asked that the donations be made to the ssca or the americanncancer society in abraham's memory. lease are looking for a sex offender who has spent the last foor years on the loose and thee are asking for your help. 6 feet, 2 inches tall and weighs about 170 pounds of tte he had 3 -ourt datt four years ago and h3 never shhwed up. since then he has failed to register for maryland's sex offender renal industry. rrgistry. -f anyooe as any informatton theyyare urged to call police. as always, aal tips are confidenttall kidnapped and killed in salisbury last decembee, wants the current wacomico county to prosecute the suspect.ú the relatives, released a statement on friday, they say that he is familiar with the case and they beliive heeis the best person tt prosecute the case thomas legg junior. legg's trial ii scceduled to trial in april. the republican cannidate for what companwacommco has offered3 remain lead attorney in the case, nd he has not ruled out the possibility. applauddng congress for passing legislatioo that eliminates the term mental retardation froo federal laws.ú it's call rose's law, named for when her parents registered her mentally retarded box. it was a label that they found offensive. >> most of the time peooll use mentally retarded as stupid or dumb, but rosa and all of her other friends anything but stupid. changed lot. %-to go aaay.attthe term needed >> the macel irk nos took their fight to the general assembly and this spring, govern opally change!!o'malleychange the law. ú%e bill is going straight to the white house to be signed by president obama. are you feeling this morning, that purple pride? after a tough game the ravens walked off the field yesterday with a big win against a division rival. now fans are guessing what is guill lan is live aa the paaera in towson with post ame reaction. we have a big game coming up nexx so we do want to know what is going to happen. >> reporter: we want o know whht issgoing to happen. bbt they're rinking up the in filling up on what happened yesterday. before we move on to what happens next week, rank s already heee. he is aaregular here at pannra and we talk to him aamost every week after thh ravens win. what do you think, was that a big one. loss.certainlyybetter than a i think the ravens are improving, they have a little way to go there, some views ii their offense aad ddfense. i look for them to come around. >> reporter: they are supposed to face the steelers next weekend. they had strong deffnse. we were surpriied that they weren'' able to hold them back as much. >> i kind of think that bothú their offense siev!! and defensú need immrovement. it wasn't much of a fans rrnn yysterray. and the offense the blockiig left a little to be desired. >> reporter: wereeyou -mpressed with flacco, though? >> flacco did come around. -e had a good day anddthe 3 passes to bolden for a touch down were good asses that were on target. >> reporter: frank, final prediction, are we going to win next weekend? >> that'ss atough one. >> but i think the ravens will win. i say it's going to be a veryú close game but i do think they will win. >> reporter: frank, thank you very much. -eewill wait to see what will happen. we have had nail biters. it seems ttey have been pulling it on the at end. back to you. ravens fans are showing oof ú%eir purple pride on our webbite.3 diana in albutris has a dog that gets decked out, buzz thes but o guys gettdecked out when thhy go to traiiing camp. of--show off your purple pridd. find out how you can party in the park coming up next in the hometown hot spot. the grate the greatest westeen maryland wherr we will westeen maryland wherr we will pick up two inches of rain or bob ehrlich pretends to be for the working guy... but he's not on our side. i thought i knew bob ehrlich, but then i found out... he raised property taxes on every maryland family... and business. he increased college tuition... by 40%. 40%. and i thought i knew bob ehrlich. he was against raising the minimum wage. made $2.5 million... working for a lobbying firm. $2.5 million? he's not really on my side. with this tough economy, we really need a governor on our side. music, food and fun. ú%u can paaty in the park. kristen is live with the this morning's hometown hot spot. tell me about this party. it's a good way to start the week. it's saturday, october second at tte padonia park club in timonium. >>tell me about the food. my faaorite part. >> everyone's favorite part. we will be one of the ffod vendors. we will be elling chicken and be!!boobarbeque. >> what is thh purpose of the party that not i question a good partyybut what is tte purpose of it. >> all the proceeds are going to owgo to the ikki perlo >> who is what that is? >> the nikki perro foundation gives money to people who are recovering from recoveringy issues. >> we were looking at the guy that is prettt impressiveewhht he just made. >> i'm watching and kind avenue mazed at some the balloons that are coming out.ú he will be at the party as well. we got music, food and all kinds of entertain: it's nice for families growing up. it's a lovely time. thii the second year we're doing it. last year it wws a faaulous party. >> it sounds good. i an't wait to see what that balloon ends up being when we come back to see you ggys in a few minutes. thanks, kristen. -p party at the club is at padonia park, on saturday and its way into the staae. take a look at what we have on the hd radar, as it gets closer. a few waves of energy that brings showers. heavier rain to the northwest part of the ccty as you can see and into ppkevilll up along 695 and to the northern part of the beltway anddalso up 833around cockeysville seeing heavier raiú there as well. -lso toward fallson, seeing heavier rain as well as areas and aaerdeen, soon yyu enough e will be seeing heavier rain there. moossure frommthe south, continning to stream up from the eastern seaboard, commng up tropical moisture and that is feeding all of this rain. typically we will talk about a flash-flood or warning at this or 2 1// iiches. we are so dry that we can accommodate more ttannthat. thh showers this morning, we do expect to see a concentration of rain later this morning. into tte evening hours we could %-rumbles of thunder, as the low pressure moves in. that low could bring us more energy as we get overnight inno tomorrow morning when we could ú%ve rumbles f thunder as well witt more showers, too. later tomorrow afternoon, it will taperroff as high pressure builds and it brings us a drier tuesday night and wednesday, especially. ú%arting outttemperatures pretty in the central part of he state, 69 degrees in baltimore, 66 in d.c. and 71 in salisbury. cooler to the northwest and boo cooler than averagg. the 78 degrees for the high there. 10-15-mile-an-houu winds theree you come closer to the snarl part of th--central part of the. and an east souuheast 10-20 for a breezyyafternoon, too..3 getting cooler, 68 degrees there, so definitely cool wiih a 10-15-mile-an-hour wind raanshowers througg the -fternoon and evening. 69 degrees for the vernight the teeperatures don't drop as much as typically do. through the whole day and not shifting a lot as muc as far asu into tomorrow morning a prettyú good chance of showers with ven some thunder. 79 forrthe higg, we cool down on wednesday but dry out 76 degrees then. another rontal bounddry approaches, look a the cool down bhien the nex beeind the nh aalot of unshinee it will definitely be a little bit cooler as well. we need to check on the wet roadways. here is lauren cooke. unfortunately all of that ccmmute. we are dealing with a ton of -ccidents, do expect flooding, and watch out for that. right now there's four accidents on the outer way, and one on the outer loop at 795 and another one at reisterstown road as we take a look at i liberty road. problems will pprsist as we makk our way oward the top side. both accidents at 83.3 and as we make our wayyto parkville, checking innand takkng a live look at harford road. noodelays on this vicinity traveeing along thh inner and we are dealing with nother accident at arford road at llng green pike. and there'sstwo accidents. one along the southbound lanes at caton avenue and another one and take a live look here. it's going to be a slow ride. traffic is going o be jammed up to dundalk avenue. that is the traffic edge repprt. thank you, lauren. do try this at home. expert tips n getting rid of stink bugs the right way. i've bben accused. ú% next he is fighting back. what is thh atllnta pastor accused of sexually abusing four teens is sayinn this morning. ú% embattled atlanta ppstor long is speaking outt.33 in front of his congregatioo, he vowed to fight the alleeattons againnt him. %-young males into sexualour relationships. %-earlier, i am not a perffct m, but this thing, i'm oing to fight. [ cheering ] >> four membbrr of long's were teens the pastor had sexua3 buy them gifts. long didn't specifically address the charges but he made this statement to the media. p> i willlsay that i'm going to fight, fight vigorously against these charges. >> reporter: for the most part parishoners are standing by his side. >> the fact that he is is innncent and he didn't do anything. i believe him. and that is all that matters. >> i have been going 11 years and before this you couudn't have paid me to go to this church. since i have been in had minute ministry. he never said he was innocent. >> theee ccarges are especially controversial since the 57 years ú%d pastor pubbicly condemned homhomosexuality and is known to minister to young men. i'm sandra endo. pests on the planet. the dos and don'ts of stink bug3 extermination. and next recession the reaso >>is tez the thawsh inforr claims jumped 60% from the prior -ear. the rticll says more than 70,000 people files claimme with the eeoc, sayyng they suffered job discrimination in the six it's law that the employers ccnnot discriminate n tte baais of age, sex and genddr among other categories. it does not breakdown the ttpe of claims. they filed lawsuits against the3 stores forrage discrimination. empplyers often look to reelace older workerr with youngerrones who will work foo slower salaries. attorneys say there's been an increase in disabblity bias claims because congress more empllyees to claimm3allow disabilities. still ahead, they're evvrywhere. and expert exxeriment e tism eg blue diamond almonds! more bold flavor! more variety! more value! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds. (play-by-play announcer) it's up and it is... good! more than a snack. welcome pack to fox 45 morning news. 6:30 is theetime. a wet start to the morning. %-is here with the foreccst.ig take a look at the hd radar aad here is what you will findd part of the state, not now asl ú%avy as it was in ee hee elkri3 and more aa we can see up in cockeysville tooard fallson. about the chance of thunder afternoon and evennng as more moisture streams up from the soutt. looking at temperatures at 65 degrees starting out at the bus stop. it's goinn to be a mild start but it will be a cool midday as we will only get into the 70s. again the story is the needdd rainfall.ú expect? -e will check on that in a few minutes. ffg aahectic commute. do use reduced speeds where ppssible. ú%other accident at the keith a live look, traffic will bee a dundalk avenue. we do have 5 more accidents to tell you about on thh bbltway, more along the outer loop if we can go back to the map right now. at 795 as well at reisterstown road. trouble persists as weemake our waa to the top side the beltway at the innee loop at 83 and the outer loop at 83. that's the traffic edge report. patrice, back to you. 45 morning news.ú%-the ffrst cas aaoot to open its doors..3ú hollywood casino in perr perryve has 1500 slot machines to ready to go. the oof of the opening sunday raiser on saturday wenttso well that officials signed the license yesterday allow the casiio to open n an hour and a half. penn national invested $97.5 million in the place. they finiihed construction three weeks earlier. it should briig millions of dollars a year in staae revenuee ú%ryland can sttrt competing with the border states that haae ú%en in the slot ggmes for years. >> obviously the competition is ú%latively close. tte casinoo are within 30 mmlls the ccosest oon. but we feel like the product we have here, the slots it's going to be the best sot product on the east coast. >> more than 30 go full-time been created and 80% of the employees are cecil and harford county maryland residents. it appears ocean dowws casino will e the nexx slot parlor to open in maryllnd. three others that were orrginally planned ould still be a year or more away.ú the maryland lottery commission comes out with a code of conduct for themselves and the employees at the perryville slot arlor. the rules rohibt the workers from playing the machines, they ban the empllyees from using their position to gain favors. %e wwnn to knnw what you think? that's the question of the day. we wwll take your calls during the 7700 hour. sound off through facebook. seed us a tweet through fox baltimoreeor text your answee to 45203, enter fox 45a for yes or fox 44b for no. a white supremacist whh pleaded guilty gnat tac!!!! guiú elderly fisherman will be sentenced today. james privon in august of 2009 while he wws fishing at according o prosecutors lockner tolddpolice it wouldn't have had halved if prrvot was white. privot will be ii couut foo the sentencing. he will deliver a victim impact statement. looal fbi agentses are n robber. since 2009 the man innthis survvillance photo has hit nearly 40 reetaurants across thh sttteein our area. most of the robberies occur in the latest was at this one at other targetss bobb bob, evans -estaurant, and several ooher restaurants across the area. in all cases the an choseea -andgun and shoulddbe considered armed and dangerous. >> that's what makes itteven he has the target. frightening. >> takk another ook at the the sussect is described ass3 6 feet tall with a largg build, deep voice nd distinct blue or greenneyes, police don't know his race but say he has a liiht complex. authoritiis are offering a $10,000 reward for informatioo leading to the man's arrest. you can all a confidential tipline at 1-800-442-tiis. the ravens finally made their way back to baltimorr thiú weekend marking their home opener with a win againss the cleveland browns. anquan boldin hhd a great game innhis first regular season appearance at m&t stadium. hh caught a oe flacco pass for the first 4 and in the second the ravens number 1 receiver in the ravens end zone. it's theesecond touch down forú and an "10! anquan boldin brougs 3rd touch down. and flacco came back from throwinn ffur picks to the bengals to thrower thhee picks and no iiterceetions.ú the ravens win their first game as a cardinal, you know, the crowddwas the same way but to be a part of it itts unnelievable. it'' second to none. to go out and have a performance like that. anquan boldin came up withú big lays for us. tough win against a really good team. i hought the crowd was tremendous and we move on to pittsburgh. the avens can't home for long. they have anooher tough road ggae ahead of them this weekend. they will facc the steelers in %-kickoff is scheduled for 1:00. now it's a monday morning, but it always seems a little easier waking up after a ravens win. they got it done yesterday agaiist the divisionnrival nd it is the tlk of the bbeakfast3 tabll this morning.3 megan gilliland is live at the panera inntowson to see how ravens fans are feeling. not everyooe likee the way we won thinking weecould do beeter, but a win is a win. >> reporter: a win is a win, anddgood news spreads quickly..3 in case yyu didn't know, aven'3 win. boldin making another miraculous he and fllcco again and again finding themselves ut in the field. it's the ttlk the table. %-discussion over here.table %-othees. to frank and some and arbara was actuallyyat the game yesterday. feeling confident heading into this eekend..3 -p>> i think so. the biggeet thing is the calls that the reff made. forth. do you think they need to e more disciplined out there? >> they can aaways be more disciplined, but again, i think a lot of it stems back to the calling, because whee they showed some of the replays, i -hink it was bad calls and then 1 of the -- the other teammate members went up and started taunting. he wasn't called for that. i tink that the revvs need to take a step back before they sttrt throwing flagg on the field. another big game.s before another rival,,we have been headed into pittsburgh. we have been asking everyone do you think we arr going to win. >> i think we're going to in if they keep their heads on straight and the revvs are fair. i think we have a good chhnce. especially with roettlisberger being there. they have been playing well wwthout him beiig there. that is something ttey need to address in the future as well. i think weere going toowin. >> reporter: you heard it from someone bleeding the it seems like thhy're winning at the very end. they got what ii taaes so far. >> we ike that. all right, megan, thank ou. website. game face in her cheerleading outfit. -hh looks happy. no matter whhre you are from, show off your photts showing off purple pride. go to and click on thh community ffatures section.ú still o come, take rrssell croweehome with you. your chance to win robin hood on dvd. a hectic commute. there'ssan accident on 95 headinn into the city. i will let you know wheee america saves on dunkin', america runs on dunkin', with three freshly baked bagel twists for only $3, like our delicious new tomato basil or sweet chocolate chip, so grab three for 3 today. [ ding! ] i need a home performance with energy star audit. this sensor will show why my living room gets too hot and too cold! get up to $2,450 dollars in rebates and keep saving with home performance with energy star. get started at welcome bacc. we'reecoming up on 6:43 on this monday mooniigmenn a we morning. we're goinn to need the rain. lighting up some down toward glen burnie and brooklyn park, there's a little bit of rain toward severna and more toward elkridge..3 the city getting a bbt of a break but there will bb breaks of rain, buu there's light rain not showing up on radar and heavier as we head toward cockeysville nnrth points of 833 toward the border riggt there as you see around the pennsylvania border, mason-dixon ine..3 aad it's all from the moiiture streaming up from the south, a lot of it with the low pressure center that wwlllhelp to lift the moisture and produce the rain that weere getting thankfully though. as far as how much rain? here is the llok at where the rain will be he heaviest rain as amouuts to the east even though the eastern part of the state. when we are done wiih it, it will be the western part of mmryland ta will pic that will k tomorrow morning as tte low is over us, we could have showers and thunderstorms then as weel. rainfall to add to our totals. and more showers for the northeass paat of theearea by tomorrow afternoon, and then tapering off as high pressure builds in behind the system and we get a drier air come in wednesday. temperatuue wise, mild to the 65 in baltimore, 66 in d.c. toward salisbury, warmer of 72. hagerstownn 58 ann oakland, -here you go, 52 degreee there. we're headed only into the 70s todaa. we will see aaain, showerssthis morning and into the afternoon and nighttime, too. not as much rain, we expect as we ill see furtherrinland. the centtal part oo the sttte,3 72 degrees for the high, a little cooler and some showers that will beeaccompanied by breezy conditions in the %-a thunderstorm moving through later in the afternoon or maryland where we could hhve the 69 degrees shhuld do it for the overnight llw with a 10-20-mile-an-hour wind. tomorrow 79, more showers aad thundersttrms possible in theú morning especially more likely. 76 and dry on wednessay, 77 and3 showers return on thursday, but then look at the cooler temperatures behind the ffont that bring us those showers, drr, 77, only for friday and 63 and 75 for the saturday and sunday. it should e cooler but pretty weekend coming up. let's see what is happening on the roadways with lauren cooke. we have a wet look at the traffic edge. lauren. ú%%-steve.r: thank you, we are dealing with a hectic ccmmute. do expect slow speeds on many of our main lines. we're dealing with a ton of accidents because of all of this rain. trouble on 95 where e're dealinggwith a crash along the southbound lanes at caton avenue. the acccdent has cleared at keith avenue, but as we check in and take a live llok. the southbound lanes will be very low. the traffic will be jammed. if you're traveling on route 40, watch out for flooding and we do have big problems on the beltway. accidents here one the on outer loop at 95 and anothee as we make our wwy up at 795. we're traaeling on the top side. we're dealing with two %-as we check in and take a live llok at libertt roaa, will you be dealing with very, very heavy delayy on the west side. you're looking at a twin 21-mine tax on everything you buy? that's in andy harris' unfair tax plan. 23% sales tax. a 23% sales tax will cut my business in half. would be devastating. andy harris' 23% sales tax absolutely makes no sense. 23% sales tax would really make things unaffordable. that's too high for the average american out here. i don't know how we would manage it really. don't like that idea. we can't afford andy harris' idea. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. it happennd at 10:00 on deniy son feet from at peed mont avvnue..3 >> a man is in critical condition after a shooting on saturday afternoon. he was shot in the ccest in northwest altimore. so far police have no leads, %-chances are, the annoyiiggs is critters are taking up residence all ovvr your residence, your car and just about eeerywheee in between. >> michael schwartz with pest. control joins us thhs mornnng. >> good morning. >> youurr popular these daas and busy. why are there so many ssink bugs. i hhve neeer seen them so bad? >> they were imported in shipping containers from asia 10 years ago. they have my griot grate migratr area. they do tend to come back to the -ame place each year andú reproduce. and that is hy we'reeseeing more and more of them. >> 'cause they're just reprooucing. >> and they do come back to the same places eacc year is what we're finding. you will have an innreesing large population returring each ú%ar and llttleeto control them. >> how do you get rid of them? because i can barely make it in anddout of my front door without haainn, 20 r 30 of them all over the front door and the sides of them, what do you o? -p>> getting rid of them is easr said than done. -t should be clear when we're proposing services ta like thes3 that we can reduce the numbers they are looking for places over the winter. this time of year as thee3 temppratures ool down, theyyre windows and doors as you areú%gd describing, up underneath siiing. that's why we're seeing on any inside anddon the house. >> is theee anything i caa do or dd i need to call in a professional to do this? >> homeownees on their own can seallup crevasses, and making sure weatherrstripping is in calk the cre!! crevasses that cn exist. that is the best thing that the homeowners ccn do. any application of pesticides shoulddbe left to the professionals. >> eeen now, i understand trying to seal everything so they can't come back with a vengeance next year. %-they're all over there.on't >> what you need which is a vacuum. the ppeferably a shop vac. they have a foul ordere odor, sg with a shop vac, that once you collected them you can get them out of house. >> this is a daily battle. it's not just a spray once and ú%ne kind of thing. >> it's not. to keee contrrl of them and thhy come back hereafter a year. it requires consistenn applications to the aaeas where they live to reduce the numbers that make it in. >> michael, thank you. you ar have thhroughly depressed me. i don't know how i can continue with the show. a lot of people aae going to ccll you guys to help cllan it up. >> i hope so. thank you. >> the raaen waking up at home with a win. how ballimore fans are feeling about the this mmrninn. next, t's the sequel ta tht iron man 2 proved to be one the strongest forces of the summer season. it brought if $43 million domestically, making it the most successful ilm of thh yyar. it's on ideo tomorrow..3 iron man 2 brought in oreú than $300 million domestically, making it the 4th most successful film of the year. robert downey junior returns as tony stark. >> you got a shoo. >> this time he takes on a russian who claims the starkk3 familyystole theeppans for the suit. the movie introducee anothee3 for the avenger. all of them are together in the film apocalypse.3 a issister you yous pp mysteri. travels around the world to show how children are raised in similarities that bind all paaents and children together. ♪ the love affair between two creative giants is told in the period piece, cococaanel. they fell for each otherrwhile in paris in the early 1900s. the final season of the sit-com scrubs is also out tomorrow. you can pick up the 9th3 season or get scrubs the complete collection. year is already on video, robin hood starring russell ccowe telllsthe storr of how robin long stride became robin the hood. we got copies of the direct %all (410)481-4555 to win the on ttis raany monday morning, ravens fans soaking up a big green against the browns today. it's the alk of the blue diamond almonds! more bold flavor! more variety! more value! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds. (play-by-play announcer) it's up and it is... good! more than a snack. >the state's fiist slots parlor opened for businesssthii morning.3 >> definitely a change of pace. >> a lots offglitz and glamour. where you will be able to >the mayor wants to keep you healthy. stephanie rawlings-blake joins city wants to help. touch down, anquan boldin. >> the ravens pull out a win for the first gaae of the season. wwat the fans are thinking about their super bowl chances now. gooddmorning. it's monday, eptember 27th. i'm patrice harris. let's getta check of the forecast on this wet start to the week. meteorologist steve fertig is here. good morning to you. if you stepped outside this morning with out an umbrella, the good place to e is iinoors. it's going to be showery throughout the day. take a llok and we have showers concentrated toward the east in delaware seeing the heaviest rainn but we're seeing our share of moderate rain falling here scattered about right now is heavier and more pervasive this morning. we are getting waves of energy. we will get more showers through the afternoon.ú ww need the rain badly. all of that rain and the3 temperatures are going to climb a little bit from 69 degrees starting out this morning, up to it will be cooler than average on the high, again, a big story, the rain. we will tall more about how much in total you can expect n a few minutes. right now lauren cooke has the traffic edge. lauren, good morning. >> eporter: thank you, steve. and good morning. the rain is leading to a hectic commute. for those of you in anne arundel county, you want to waat for and more flloding on route 40 at beltway, watch out for a crash at the outer loop at 795. as we take a live look attthe beltway at liberty road, you willlnotice the outer loop is %--ou are looking at a 23 averre ride. it will remain heaay from 95 to ú%that stretch is going to take you 16 minutes, you're looking at an average speed of 57 miles per hour. the congestion will continue as northeast corridor from whitemarsh to beltwwy a 6 minute trip with an average speed of 36 miles per hour. thatts the traffic edge report. patrice, back to you. 7:02 on ffx 45 morning nees. the first casino in maryland is hollywood casino in perryville has 1500 slot machines ready to go this morniig. the opening is happening three days ahead of schedule. %-wenttso well that gamingay officials signed the license penn national nvested $97.5 million and finishedú earlier. the maryland state lottery is llasing the 1500 slot machines which shoulddbring ii miilions of dollarr a year in state revenne. the opening means that the maryland can start competing with the border states that hav3 been in the slots games for years. >>obviously the competition is relatively close. the casinos are withhn 30 iles from us, the closest one. we feel thaa the proddct we have here at the slotssit's going the best slot product on the ast coast. >> more than 350 full-time jobs have been created aad 80% of hollywooo casinn and perryville coonty maryland residentt. govergovernor o'malley will be e for the rib cutting ceremony. that brings us to the questioo. dayy now that here's slots in maryland, will you play nor3 slots? send us a tweet at fox baltimore or texx your answer at 45203,3 enter foo 45a for yes oo fox b a paaienn is found murdered in her oom and police say another patient is responssble. susan sachs was found dead in yesterday morning.l workers they went to check on her when she didnnt show up for breakfast. she was killld by 46 years ollú. both about had been placed a the statt hospital after being found not cciminally responsible for murderr taylor has been charged with first and second-degree murder. investigators are not releaaed a motive. a towson university rugby player is lid to rest this -- laid o west this weekend buu questions still remain abbut how he died. ú%baham was found dead in his apartment last week. police don't suspect foul play, but it's unclear how he died. the 2008 to you ho!! 2008 towsos majjring in physics. are you feeling ittthis morning??3 that purple pride. after a tough game, the ravens walkee off the field with a big noo the raven are wondering what is going to happen with the megan gilliland is live at the panera in maryland with postú gaae rraction. >> reporter: making headlines, the ravensswin. weehave bollin makinn one of many, many catthes, he nd flacco seeming to find each otherragain and agaii on the field.ú it haa a lot of people talking, of course, the talk of he breakfast table. a lot of peoole wondering what this meaas. we have been talking to frank and a lot of his friends this ú-the avens can go beyond this and make ittto next weekend ann dare we say it the super bowl. >> i don't know about the super bowl. take it one week at the time. hopefully they will knock offf3 pittsburgh sk take it from there -- and take it from there. that's a big hurdle. >> reporter: what are some work on? >> penalties, number one, and a pass rush and some decent ú%ocking in tte offenne sieve line--offensive line and theú %-think they need improvement. >> reporter: you see the paper is reading heree as soon as you open the sports here, it's got flacco's face and that is one of the things that we saw yesterday, flaccc coming through. a lost cri critics said he didnt have what it takes. now we see that he is baak. >> i'm looking at that paper. he is back but we need the defense and ffense together doing the same thinn. >> reporter: what everybody -s saying here no penalties, with us. all right megan, thank you. ú% reporter: hopefully, not. commng up the un is in fulú %-the party going on this weeke. and rain is with us, feignly. you will see that the showers with us, heaviest rain ccming later in the day. thunderstorms around the i-95 corridor. it continues iito to estax on everything you buy? that's in andy harris' unfair tax plan. 23% sales tax. a 23% sales tax will cut my business in half. would be devastating. andy harris' 23% sales tax absolutely makes no sense. 23% sales tax would really make things unaffordable. that's too high for the average american out here. i don't know how we would manage it really. don't like that idea. we can't afford andy harris' idea. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. craat, gain and great times. park. joan is live with all the details for this morning's good morning, i am great.ú >> tell me about this party. baltimore party in the park s this saturday october secood from 1030 enclos 10:30 to 5:00 t the nikki perlo foundation. gging to fall off of your head. >> yeah, we have jugglerss we have food and face painting. >> i'm quite impressed talk about the nikki fu url o foundation. and ell usswhat they are doing. >> they offer young adults suppoot withhaddiction issues. >> iisaw a balloon that was very impresssve, is this part of the festivities. >> yes, wes owen is here and he %-saturdayy be there on >> wes hollie and he will be juggling and balloon animals and on stills and doing magic all day. >> thank you for joining us this %-weeappreciate it? >> thank you, very will see you3 sattrray. >> party at tte park is at padonia park on saturday, from 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ú%r more information, log on to is that the spinning class that i heard so much about, itt3 looked pretty good. low pressure spinning in our direction, and that is going to bring us rainfall thrrugh tomorrow morring. the sky hd radar indicating a few breaks and not as intense as it was a few days earlier. %-you go north where we saw some rain in the city getting a bit of a break. to the nnrrh up in parkville a ú%ttle bit of light rain and also up toward the mason dixon line. probably the most, i wouldn't say the heaviest rain but moderate rainfall as you move ú%ong the mason dixon line from west tooeast. we are expecting more as we gee norrwavessof energy moving n a lot of moiiture movvng in from -dditional rainfall this morning. how mmch? take a look and you will see. we are going to accumulate a bit of rain. not concerned about flash-flooding because we have so much of a deficit that it's been so dry at the groond. and tomorrow. look for two inches plus as wee3 go points toward the east. we will take whatever we can get it. 55 degrees in balttmore, and 66 degrees in wassington. a little bit above average for this time of year. cooler in hagerstown and oakland. -he temmeratures will warm up some from here, but ii will be a cooler afternnon, although the eestern part of the state, probable leet warmes!!!!!probabt 78 degrees. the evening and thunderstorm possible. that would be the central pprt not quite as warm, only getting to 72 degrees for the high and ú it will be breezy s well.aning back tt the west, 68 stilll possible early on but even later on at night. we will get to 79 degreee for the high. early showers and thunderssorms with some drying out by later in date and especiaaly for wednesday, high f 76 and partly ccoudy, 76 and showers on thursday.73 behind the front ths uu the thuusday showers and it cools us down and 73 with mostly cloudy skies. lots of sunshine but onlyy57 and 65 for saturday and sunday. now forriloo for a look at whats happening on the roadways, here is lauren cooke with thh trafffc edge. >> reporter: thank you, very much, steve. well, the rain is leading to a ú%ctic commute. we arr dealing with flooding in -nne arundel county in glen burnie at route 640 at hol way road. road.ven more flooding on 48 we have more trouble on the outer loop at 95. as we make our way up to liberty road, we are dealing with sloww3 checking in and checking out. the outer loop is ddaling withh3 12 mmles per hhur. we do have another accident on the top side right aa the inner loop at 83. fortunately this is confined to the shoulder. we have anothhr crash aa loch aa we check in and take a look at theebeltway, at erring parkway. itts going to beeslow. do expect he slow ride as you make the push towarr providence3 road. we do haae ant accidenttalonn middletown road and another in you do want to sttck wwihn harford road as an alterrate. thattthe is the rack edge report. ppatricc, back to yoo. the evidence and witness testimony the defense is callin3 %-harris.tion in the case of ken he ravens offense puts up a ♪ ♪ i like your messy hair ♪ i like the clothes you wear ♪ i like the way you sing ♪ and when you dance with me ♪ you always make me smile ♪ don't know why i love you [ male announcer ] we believe you're at your best when you can relax and be yourself. and at thousands of newly refreshed holiday inn hotels, you always can. holiday inn. stay you. bob ehrlich pretends to be for the working guy... but he's not on our side. i thought i knew bob ehrlich, but then i found out... he raised property taxes on every maryland family... and business. he increased college tuition... by 40%. 40%. and i thought i knew bob ehrlich. he was against raising the minimum wage. made $2.5 million... working for a lobbying firm. $2.5 million? he's not really on my side. with this tough economy, we really need a governor on our side. new this morning, a whhte3 preppissupremacist who pled ggin ú%ttck of a fisherman. he and two teenagers attacked, 77 years old james privot while prprivol will deliver a victim congress has assed the rosa's law which eliminates the mental retardation. the bill is going t!! going strú the white house to be signed by presidenttobama. a new initiative gets an overhauu with a walk. stephanie rawlings blake and ben cardin will put on their walking shoes for the start of the citycam ain. residents are being enkurnlg!! d to make good lifestyle hoices like eating ighh and exercising often. good morning, everyone, i'm chrikristen bbrret wwth a firstk at sports. anquan boldin was the target for flacco. 6 players caught a pass from -lacco. it wasn't the prettiest of wins but the ravens got it done against the division rival.3 ray rice cuts it back to the near siie, ak seem rates down ae ú%de line and is tripped up after a gaae of 25. joe flacco hits todd heap. crossing over the middle. the ravens tied end takes on 15. capping off the drive, get used to hearing this, flacco hooks up with anquan boldin with 8 yardd and a touch down. boldiin becomes theefastest to -et six catches. bolden gain, wide opee.n a he is taken down inside the 20, stayyng connection, this time no one is even close to the ravens number one receiver in the end zone. for bolden and flacco. the browns did not give in. jeromeeharrissn was inactive for today'ssgame. pay ttn harris ii storms through the lane. a pick up of 25, he had 73 yard3 rushing in the first half. later innthe yard, and that is defense has surrendered allvees season. %-half.nd trailed 14-10 at the deep and brown's territory finds a hole and runs like a mad man downnthe fiell. -om forces him to the side line but gets a flag for a laae hht out of bounds. 15 yards on the penalty, a gaii of 61 on the play. hillis ran for a 45 on the day. and runs around the nd and picks up 19 yaadsment down yard. down inside f the 5 setting up there. seneca allis, and blocks to, aad gets pushed a locke!! alongl liie.3 latee in the 4th quarter things get physscal. robar smith gets iito a pushing match, but the cal varyyis coming in thh forr of michael he ii takes a swiig at smith. oher gets flagged as does heat for the fflse start. nothing for smith. the ravens lose 20 yardd on second the and 3. ú%%-the ravenssdig out of the bg hole. and anquan boldin brings in his -rd ttuch down of thh game. he caught 8 asses for flacco comes back from throoing power picks to the benggls o throwing three touchdowns and no tte raaens win their first home game of the yeer 24-17. bruce had this report from m&t bank. >> reporter: heading into the game the raven ere installed a3 las vegas odd makers but thee clevellnd browns weren't buying it for one minute.ú -n the same hand, neither were the raven.ú%with a divisional on their opener. >> that'' a good football team. >> when he they stored the two touchdowns, it was, you know, the defense we file. >> reporter: there could be -te ravens star was for anquan boldin playing his firss regular season game before theú ffns oo baltimore..3 8 reeeptions, 142 yardssand 333 touchdowns..3 all in all not a bad deeut. going into the game. everybody takes it personal, you performance we put outlast week. >> when you get anquan, and itnd worked out how we drew up today. q did a great job with coming up with the ball. >> all i can say, is oh, my goss, anquan boldin is the man right there. >> while bodin was the big hero. ddn't forget the guy who threw him the foooball. joe flacco, three touchdowns and 128.7.3 this coming ut the brutal 4 inteeception performance last week intense cincinnati. a pe performance that put him in the dog house. >> he caught tto much slack last -eekk but thht is, you know that pooition. i ddn't think it waa going to ii's kind of the perronality he i don't thinn he really paysú attention to all of hat too much are not thhnking too much of thoseekinds of things when ú%u're out there playing in the heat of the hame. you are trying to complete the pass. whatever happens, happens. we will see if we can put some games on the board. >> that bunted baltimore 12th man had a part in the victory as well. %-crowd definitely opene played3 in the game and you bettee believe that the players noticed. >> i never heard the staddum get that loud. even that, i was going to call it timm out. i couldn't get arm play. >> they definittly brought it. they showed us the team no matter how the mood is oing. after thh hard fought win easiee, ot at all. the ravens next week travel to ttke oo another divisional ooponent. the steelers in pittsburgh. chrikristen, back to you. joe flacco goes 22 to 31. anquan bollin had 8 catches for 142 yards and three scores. ray rice wwth a relative lie quiee game. 15 carries for 80 yards. his ounterpart stole the showú for the browws. he comes nd racks up 144 yards on the ground. but the ravenn get the win, they old gibbs canning company. today these factories are full of dot com businesses. and now my job is helping maryland create new economy jobs. training new math and science teachers investing in our institutions of excellence pioneering new cyber security jobs and giving an old gm plant a jump start building electric motors. i'm barbara mikulski. i approve this message so you'll know i'm fighting for you. fense attorneys in the trial of three men accused of murdering ken harris conttnue to hammer away at the evidence and the witness inside the case. the trial eeters week two and there's manyyunanswered questions as the case moves forward.ú stephen janice joins us with this morning. >> good morning. >> it sounds like the defense is poking a lot of holes in the defense and testimony, is that the case? >> there's a lo lot the questions about a lot of the procedures that went n ddringú the investigation, like did they take finger print at the bar. did the suspects jump over, or what was the timing the videosú. these are technical questions. you ddn't know if they're having an impression on the jury until the end of the case. >> so not necessarily something off the bat that is going to throw this whole caseeout? >> not at this point. they hhve given me scationnthatú that there's going to be something about the dna >> talk about timothy hel hep b, who is he. >> he pointed in the directton of three suspects. he was lattr murdered last year. hh is a key part of this ccse. he is a key waar of another murder case and sort of the violence ttat occurred in that neiihborhood. >> what are some the speeific fingerpriits that was not checked, but what are some the other specific things that the defense aae saying, hey, you mishandled this case, so how can weetrust everything that you left coming out. >> reporter: there's that mysterious man thht when he was dying in the car was never identifiee. there wereefour en who attackee rather than 3. later in croos-examination, tte detectives say, yeah, i suggested that there were three on covington. those are things that raise quessions. some thh hings thatthave the dna on the map and tte camerass3 which have been ideetified. ú%d hebrrn when he was viewing the tape he identified as the man as a different person, who trevonnwhite. and still it was a contrary idea to what theyyeventually came up with. >> that is interesting, oo. if your witness says it was this guy. >> right. >> and none of three guyy that3 you have in custody. >> and then he ends up dead. there's a lot of quustions and mystery shrouding this case. >> a several weeks left to play it out. thank you so much. if yyu want to read more about this story gg to our coming up theeravees comm out on toppon their first ome game of the season. how fans arounddbaltimore are reacting. parlor will open its doors in about a half an hour.  3 welcome back to fox 45 morning news. %-monday morning but we're all still smiles around here because the ravens won yesterday.ú >> good morning, i'm patricc harris. meeeorologist steve fertig is here with a look at the rainy forecast. nothing is going to bring us down today. %-bbrds feeder.o be good for the the rrvens will be extra happy today. we need the rain. heavier con ven trac!! concentre eastern part of the state. the heaviest total to be in the west of maryland. showers tomorrow anddeven accompanying thunder later in thh day tomorrow and into tomorrow morning arly we think. %-morning with those be prepared, and scattered about ann not as intense ut %-baltimore and hagerstown.ue in expect for thh weekend ahead, not too early to check it out. here is lauren cooke with the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. the heavy rain is making for heavy slick roads. we're dealing with several accideets. trouble on 3 where there'' an accident on tte southbound lanee accidents along thh beltwayment one along the outer loop at 95. as we heck in and take a look at perring parkway, you will to be sllwwouter loop is going you do want to expect delays traveling along the outer loop at 83. thhttis going to take you at 33 ú%nutessand an average speed of no rellef as we head west from 795, you're looking at an 8-minute trip. and lotssof son jetion o congesm whitemarsh to 83..33ú patriie, backkto you. thank ou, lauren. 7734 on fox 45 morning news. the first casino in marrland is3 about to open its oors. hollywood casino in perryville hhs 1500 sllt machines ready to go in just a half an hour at the opening is happening hree days head of schedule. ú%e soft opening fuudraiser on saturday went on well that %-license yesterdaymeet penn ye. penn national invessed $9777 million in the place and infished three weeks earlier. the eerlier hopin opening meanst maryland cannstart comppting %-years. he slots games for have close..3ompetition is relatively the casino is within 30 miles of %-but ww feel likeethh productt3 ú%at we have here, the slots it's going to be the best slot product on the eass coast. >> more than 350 full-time jobs haae been created and 80% of hollywood casino perryville employees are cecil and harford governor o'malley will be on hand for the ribbon cutting on thursday. that brings us to he question offtoday. will you play sllts more noww3ú thaa they're in maryyand? the phone lines are open at (410)481-4545. can you go to and tell us what you think or sound off through facebook.3 send us a tweet at fox altimore or text your answer to 45203, enttr fox 45a for yes or fox 45b for no. city olice are called to a late night shooting in northwest it happened around 10:00 last3 niihtton the denison street near piedmonn avenue. whhn they arrived n theescenn. officers found a man ho had been shoo several times in the stomach.3 there was no word on hiss condition or a suspect in the -hooting. he wants more than fries with that. local bi agents are on the hunt %-police say since early 2009, e man in he surveillance photo ú%at hey should his hat neerly 40 restaurant across four stttes? our area. moot of the robberies occur at popular restaarant chains. the latest was an applebee's restaurant in colum columbia. in all cases the man shows a handgunnand he should be conssdered armed and dangerous. >> hat ii what makes it more frightening is the faat that he knows what he is doingganddhe he is described as 6 feet tall with a large build, deep voice and distincttgreen or blue eyes. police don't know his race ut %e has a light complex. $10,000 reward. call a confidennial tipline at 1-800-492-tips. the ravens finally made their way back to baltimore this opener with aawin against the cleveland browns. anquan boldin had a ggeat ame. ú%the first 4 and in thh second3 qqarter no one even came close to the raven's number one receive either in theend zone. the second touch down fof the ú%me for the boldin and flacco. boldin caught 8 passes for 142 yards and flacco ame back from throwing four picks to the bengals llst week to throwing three touchdowns and o interceptions this week. the ravens win heir fiist home and it may be a monday morning, buu it always seems a %-ravens win and they got it doe rivaa and of course, t the talk at the breakfast table this morning.3 mmgan gilliland is live at panerr in towson to see how the ravens are feel, good morning, megan. -> reporter: good morning, patrice and good morning to all in case you didn't know, ravens win. take a look at the rrnt page, a great shot of boldin caathing another pass, you know waive many. he and flaaco finding each other again and again out on the field. this monday morning, fans are soaking up the rrin. we are talking to a lot of people where ttis is theetalk oú the breakfastttable. frank, we have been talking to you after many every ravens game ttat we have. >> there's need for iiprovement. i think the oofennive line and the defensiie rush were a little thee need aagood bit fú improvvmmnt there. think we need to improve if we head to pittsburgh. this sfs !is a bigggamm. >> we have it, -- the penalty is still a factor with the ravens they didn't have that many. yesterday there were a few stupid penalties on there. i'm not saying that the officials called a couple that -houldn't have been called, but i wasn't totally iipressed with the whole game, but they're starting back to where they already should be, especially -he offense. >> reporterr we have six days to see if they whht this takes. everyone is putting their thumbs up but they're rossing their fingers at the that the raven's win next weekend. >> megan gilliland. fox froif mornin!!! 45 morning . the city prrgram aimed at lifestyle choices. the rain is makeefor a hectic commutee youudo exxect delays on thh west -ide offthe beltway blue diamond almonds! more bold flavor! more variety! more value! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds. (play-by-play announcer) it's up and it is... good! more than a snack. intense as it was earlier this morning or as pervasive across the tate. as we are lookiig toward bbooklyn park, whereesaw more rain, nd glen burnie lightening more rain. and the some light rain indicattd by theegreen. we had moderrte rain falling and heavy rain at cockeysville. %-moving thhough and a few hans for some showers today. -s you see to the north, around the mmson dixon line where weú were seeing rain earlier. -urther pointt north and easttas the motion continues to stream we will continue to see chaaces for rain. that is as you sse through the north carolina, south carollna as well moving in our general direction. expect that to move here for llter this afternoon and evening when weecould haveú thunderstorms, oo. meanwhile, as far as how much we caa handle it, because it's been so dry around here. we should still pick up n inch and quarttrs for baltimore and a 3rd inches of rain.lmost 2 an3 ann lesser amounts on easternn3 part of tte state. while the temperatures are warmer thannthhy ssouud be for tiie of year and 72 innd this salisbury,,62 in hagerstown, ddn't expect the temperatures to warm up as high as much assthey3 usually would. 77 for height, and the eastern shhre will be warmmr. thereabout 78 degrees wiit the showers. inland, temperatures getting to 72 deggees because of the cloud cover nd the raii ttat we've got, 72 houud do it. 10-20-mill-an-hoor ind, will ww coull have thunder later ind tte afternoon, too as we get more moisture and iistability to move into region. 68 degrees for thh high in the western part of mmryland..3 it means it will be a cooler than average there, and even more so and 68 on the overnight low on average through the area. eeening thundeestorms, still. tooorrow morning, could have showers and thunderstorms early on. and showers lingering as they taper off for the day. 77 on thursday wiih the chhnce %-and into your friday especialy as high pressure builds back in3 as the front moves further toward the east it brrigs us cooler air. llok at the weekend, cooler, but only 67 for the higg on saturday and 55 on your sunday. now for a look at what is happennng on the roadways, here is lauren cooke with the traffic edge. >> reeorter: thank you, sttve.ú all the rain has made for a very we do have rouble in anne arundel ccunty where weeaaee3 dealinn with a crash that shall be down the lanns of highway at 97. yoo do want to stick with ritchie highway as an alternate route and do what is funny in glern beeniglen burnie. we do have several accidents, also to talk about in a city one in annapolis road at route 2 expect slow speeds ay we are looking at 10 miles per hour there as we make our way t3 the beltway in parkville. we are dealing withha crash at loch raven boulevard.3 at perring parkway it'ss oing a slow ride here so do exppct delays as you make your way toward the towson aaea. %-along the southbound lanes ath middletown road. that's the trafffc edge report.3 ú%trice, back to you. it's mobi ddal monday. every monday we will bring you a deal of the week from mobbi deal. you caa get armsttong laminate3 for $0.99 a ssuare foot. just see tore associatts for details. can you go to mobbi deals to get started and ii's a product of our parent company sinclair broadcast grrup. maryland's first slots casino is officially open for ú%siness in just a few minutes. ww want to know what you think? ú the first casino in maryland is set to open its doors laterú on today. %-slots machines o open ahead f scheeule. the soft opening went ss well on satuuday that the gaming ú%ficials ssgned the license on sunday allowing the casino to open early. the casino is expected to brings millions of dollars a year? state revvnuee >> that bringgus to tte qqestion of the day. wwll you play slots moreenow that they're in maryland. our first caller is kristtn. >> good morning, kristen. >> are you headed to the slot pprloo? >> excuse me? >> are you headed the slots parlor here in maryland nnw thht it's open. -p>> were one of the players tht went to ppay? p> yes. >> absolutely. >> warrennin baatimore is oo the liie. good morning. >> what dd you think about the slots parlor. >> i'm very ecstatic and happyy3 of the slots mmchines coming to baltimore maryland, aad you will be one the main players there to -lay for a winning anddi'm happy toosee theestate of maryland getting more money also.ú >> all right. well, thank you so uch for your call this morning and gooo luck to you as well. janet in arnold is on the line. good morring, janet. >> what do you think f the new slots parlor? >> why not.3ever play there.ú >> because the state wants 67% back from the casino opeeatorr that doesn't leave a whole lot forrthe casino operrtor to pay thhir help. how much are they going to pay out on the machines. >> as a slots layyr, you take all of that into consideration when you deeide? ú% absolutely yes. %-across state lines. stiil go >> it will go ver to dover. >> thaak you for youu call this morning. people are saying on our website and facebook page..3 do not gamble. i work hard to make a living and will not throw it away gambling. robert on facebook said, yeah, about ttme the state catches p. also i live a mile away. >> victoria says, yes, finally whennfamily comes out, we don't %-i'm gging to check it out tod. a lot offppople in favor of the. ú%>lots parlor. hhnoring the memory of yeardlly love. next encoouaging baltimore > this week in baltimore kicks off healthy city ddys. the goal is toogivv people more information about the iiportance the good nutrition, regular exercise and preventive health screeeings. mayor steppanie rawlings-blake is leading the day.ú walk to the inner harbor and she is joining us this morning. >> good morning. -p>> good morning to you. >> ii ove this idea. how did thii come about, healthy city ddy. >> the city health departmenn did a helg health aasessment ofe city and found that there were disparities. someecommunities the life expectancy was 80 yyars old and than a few miies away it was 60. >> people don't think abouttthat but it's important, and we have tt do something to raise awarrness about diaaetes, heart healthy eating and just mooing a little bit more in your day. ú% this week issall about showing peeple how they can do -hat. everybody wants to be heelthier. sometimee thhy don't know the steps to take.3 >> that's right. we're goinn to be every wheree we're going to be in doctor's offices, we're going o beeout onnthe streets doing health3 wwe're going to be everywhere w3 can telllng people about what you need to screen for, making sure you re a priiary health physician aad little ways you can do to increass your heaath. >> you all have events planned all day, every day starting today through fridayy harbor with ray rice. you all have a lot f people >> yess yes.thiss we'reetrying to get ggd involved so he can let up on some of his ú%lot of people are excited about the possibility of comiig ú% do su!! zumba with ray rice.. >> issthis something you want to do more frequently in one year. >> there's a lot of interest. weere trying to figure out what would be tte next step to healthy city day. whhle people are interestee, we want to keep the mommntum going. >> what are some of the biggest -roblems that you see why aren't bb. >> so many people put themselves last. they make shore thei!! sure ther -- men put themselves on the you take carr oo everyone else but yourself. that is what we're trying to shoo people, it doesn't take a lot of effort. just be vigilant. make sure you get screened. -ake sure you have a primary care physician.3 make healthiir choices when it comes to eating. increase fresh frrit and vegetables. you can do that ithout totally changing your lifestyle to be ú%althier. or ak veess!!or access to the o having ii all innone place it makes eesser or the people. >> and we will be goong out o the neiggborhoods. >> you will get this kicked off today, a prrss conferencc in a little bit. >> yes, i look forward to inn >> and we willltalk to steve anú god aboot getting the weather cleaned up [ aughter ] >> thann you. >a focus on campus saaety and healthh relationships. how talk show host is getting the message outtthis season. and sticking with the passion even during thee3 recession. how one maryland couple has found a parlor open for businesssthis morning. where you will be ble to has game face is replaced by tears of joy. what brought in too football plr to tears. and the ravens pull out a win for the fiist home game of the season. their super boww chances now.out good morning. it's monday,,september 27th. and t issa hazy, rainy wet ú%art to the morring even in ou3 nation's capitaa. >> it has been non-stoo raining here in baltimoreesince we got coming doon this morning.still ú% overnighh hhurs and good morning, 'm patrice harris. ood morning, i'm megan gilliland. we want to see when the raii is going to stop, but we need the rain. >> and raany daas on monday gets ii's going toobe pretty by next ú%ekenn ann coolerr though. scattered showers around the area and not s intense everywhere. now more scattereddabout and more scatteree showees. look at the moisture coming up there is where we will get the source of ore rrin. we will get an incc 1/2 to twor the future scan model moving throughhthe area and as the low moves through. ittcould bring thundersttrms with it as well. %0s riggt now, it's prettye -arm to the sttrt offthe day, buu it won't get much warmer. rainy today, and tomorrow, thunder possible and temperaturee, 70s monday through friday but cooler this weekend in the disiz 60s. 60s. let's see whht is happening on theeroaddays. lauren, good morning..3 >> reporter: good morniig,3 ú%evv. all of this rain as made the roads extreme will heeslick across the region. you want to be extra careful and 95 is going to be shutdown at cecil county due to aacar fire. aa you can see, it's stiil an active scene. it's going to be shutdown for33 quite sometime.ú becomalmost extin gished but a y active scene. we do haae several accidents to tell you about. watch out for a crash on the beltwayyat the outer loop at loch raven boulevaad. as you take i live look at harford road, you can see it's going tt be extremely slow travelinggalong the outer loopad towson. if you aar traveling allng outtr loop, you're looking at a3 166minutt ride ffrm 95 toward ú%3 with an average spped of only 21 miies per houu..3 we will remain cleavey as we -- heavy as we travel on the west side. that is going tike youu31 minutes and an average speed of 21 miles per hour. there will be quite a bit of congestion on the northeast33 corridor of 99 traaeling southbound from the harbor tunnel thruway to tte beltway, you're looking at 9-minute trip with average speed of 55 miles perrhour. thaa's the traffic edge report. paarice and megan, baak to you.ú ccsino in maryland is the opening it happening three days ahead of sccedule. theessft opennng fundraiser on saaurday went so well that3 gaming officials signed the penn national invested $97.5 miilion in this place and actually finished constrrction four weeks early.ú the maryland state lottery owned ---the marylann state lottery owner is leasing tte 1500 state of the art slot machines there millions of dolllrs in the state revenue..3 the earlier opening means maryllnd can staat competing with the border states that have been in sloos gameefor years. obviously the competition is relatively clooe. there's casinos within 30 miles is the closest one. but we feee like the product product on he east coast. mmre than 350 full-time jobs havv been created and 80% of hollywood casino perryville employees have he is zill aad cd the maryland lotteey. commission comes out with a code of conduct for itself and the ú%ployees at the new perryville slot parlor..3 the rules prohibit casino workers and commission members from playing the machines unlees it's part of official duties.ú they ban employees frrm using thhir position o gain favors. a white supremacist wwo an elderly black fisherman will be sentenced today.3 kelvin loc lockner will be speng -00years in jail. he and two teenagers attacked privot. according to innestigators, lockner told police it wouldn't been whiie.ppened in privot had privot will deliver a victim statement. police say since early 2009, the man in this surveillance video that you're about to see has hii nearly 40 restaurants most of thoseerobberies occur at a popular restaurant chain. the lattst was at this apple bee's restaurant in column bee33 ocolumbia onseptember 14. a red robin in baltimore county, and severaa riendly's restaurants across thh area. inveetigators say in all the cases,,the an shows a handgun and should be considereddarmed ann dangerous. %-more frightening is fact thate kkows what he is doing.. he has his tarrets,,it's frightening. surveillance photo ttere.the 6 feet tall with a large build, %-police did not know his race t say he has a light complex. authorities are offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to this man's arrrss. you can call confidential tipline at 1-80004922tips. thanks to ne maryland family new legislation takes an -ffensive term off of the books nationwide. diiability advooates are applauding congress orrpassing legislaaion that eliminates the term ental retardatiio from federal laws. a 9-year-old from edgewater wiih down syndrome. when rosa's parents registered her for school they had to check the mentally rettrded box. it was something that hey found offensive. >> most of the time people use %-other friends are anything but stuuid. >> we know that attitudes have changed a lot so we thought that the term needed to go away. >> the marce lirk elinos took tú fight to the gennral assembly.ú theebill is goinggstraight to the white house to be signed byú president bama..3 ravens finally make their way back to baltimore this ú%ener with a wii against the cleveland browns. anquan boldin had a great game ii first regular seasonn he without a joe flacco pass for the fiist score there aad the second quarter no one is even cloos to the ravvns number 1 receevvr in that end zone.ú ii's tte second tooch down for the ame for boldin. it gave the ravens a lead. and joe threw ovee he top and -nquan boodin brought his 3rd touch own. flacco came back from flowing pour picks to the bbngals to throwing three touchdowns and no interceptions.ú thht's the big keyythere. the ravensswin their first home game of the year. final score iss24-sevvr17. a cardinal, two years ago when the crowd was the same way but to be a part of it, it's unbelievable. this is second to nooe. -p>> annuan boldin came up with biggplaguee fo plays for us. a tough win against a good team. the crowd was tremendous and we move on to pittsburgh. >> they weren't home for long. the ravens have another tough road ahead of them, the other they're going to face the steelers n pittsburgh.ú kickkff is scheduled for 1:00. raven fans are showing ff3 their purppe pride in our website. that is rrally ute. her dog ypsiy is alwaas deckkd out in the raaens gear for we want you to send s photos showing of your purple pride. we haveeincredible video to caught n ttpe from inside the plane. >> brace for impact. p> stay down. stay town. heads down, stay down. heads down, stay down. >> [applause], [ cheeeing ] >> they made it. the piiot on the delta airlines3 made the emergency landing lat night of at new york's jfx airport after one of the plane's whhels got stuck in the up position. the plane slammed on to the runway and sliddto a stop in a shhwer of sparks, but applauding there, can you >> once it comes to the stop, you'rr happy? >> sure thing. workweekkwwth a party. find out hhw you can party in the park coming up ii the home hot spot. coming down ffom the skies, mooeerain through the afternoon mooeerain through the afternoon and iito the next dayyas bob ehrlich pretends to be for the working guy... but he's not on our side. i thought i knew bob ehrlich, but then i found out... he raised property taxes on every maryland family... and business. he increased college tuition... by 40%. 40%. and i thought i knew bob ehrlich. he was against raising the minimum wage. made $2.5 million... working for a lobbying firm. $2.5 million? he's not really on my side. with this tough economy, we really need a governor on our side. >>we're not talking about excessive amounns of rain that willlnot be able to bb handled by the ground. we can a accommodate as much as 3 to 4 inches of rain. noo seeing a whole lot of rain in the city, but to the north there. to south not as much. cockeysville, eerlier where earrier thhre was heavier rain. we are getting light rain moving the grounds are going to be wet. %-through the roadwaysswithhthe3 wet grouud even f there's not was earliir. delaware and the southern part of new jersey. it will continue to move toward the north and the eaat. we will get more, though ccming3 up from the southh it's all of this tropical possibility and thunddr out therr to get more instabillty in ú%e atmospherr. here is how much raannww are expecting, an inch and 3 quarters anddalmost a 3rd, and lesser ammunts toward the still everyone getting a healthy actually use. futureescan model and the days rum b!! ruubles of thundere frontal boundary heads in our3 direction. hear thunddrstorms as well they before it moves out of hhre by later tomorrow afternoon. as the high pressure moves out of hhre, it will make for a prettier day on weddesdaa. in the meaatime let's appreciate the rain we are getting. 71 ii baltimore, 68 in d.c. and 73 in salisbury. 61 and 82 in oakland. the temperattres are going to climb some, and a little more elsewhere here we get up to 78 degrees for the igh. definitely a chance of ore showwrs coming our way through the ddy. we have a wavv of showers, we got the earlier one this morning is 72 foo the high for the 10-200mile-an-hour winds will make for a breezy afternoon especially as we get a thundersttrm activity. 68 degrees for the ees!breezy t of maryland. we are staying in the 70s baaely butttte showers continue with maybe the mmrning hoursú being the most likely for 76 on wednesday, a drier day. in comes the next front which brings us 77 degreessbut some rainshowers again, and then we dry out behind the fronn, fridaú 73 degrees, mostly clear, and then looo at the weekend. cooler with a orthwesterly flow. -7 degrees on saturdaa, 65 on sunday, bott though, with -leontyyo!!plentyof sunshine. lauren cooke who is here with the track edge. lauren..3 >> reporter: thank you, steve. theerain has made for a hectic commute. the roads areevery slick. -ou want to be extta careful as you head out. whereethere's a carrfire working along the southbound lanes. as we cheek in and take a live look, will you notice quite a bit offactivity. you wiil want to stick with route 40 as an alternate rrutee we are dealing with several other accidents. do watch out for a crash in the parkvvlle area at east joopa road at wal cal ter walter boul. as we take a live look at the beltway in the parkviile area, here at harford road, you ill notice the outer loop is going to be packed. loc!och raven boulevaad.ú that's the traffic edge report. patrice and megan eing barks t. it is all ffn and games at the virginia pprk club and you can parry at the park all for a good cauue. we have live with all of tte detaill of this morning's hometown hot spot. good morning, cllff. >> good morning. >>itts going to be a party rain or shine. >> i heard the forecast that steve that is it's going to bb a beautiful weekend out here. >> tell everyone what they'rre3 going toodo. >> it's going to run 10:30 to 5:00 on sundaa at padonia maryland. we have great mmsic for theekids ú%d milk shakes starting off t noon which are a grammy nominated band for the young children. later in the afternoon we have the bridge, a looal band that has made a splash both nationally and internationally. >> a lot oo fun for the whole familyy i know this is personal to yoo. tell everyone why this is so meaningful. >> the nnkki perlo foundation was formed after my daughter passed away with a battle of with addiction. we have had great succees. -hat we do is raiseemoney for families ann yoong adultt o fight addiction and we give them financial help, lodgistic al support and emotiooal help -hrough thher journey through recovery. >> cliff, we wish you mmre success. -ope people ccme out and joon you. it's from 10:30 a.m. to3 5:00 p.m. party in the park. for more information log n to is our city ore expennive than others? cold well bankerris out witt a list of the most expensive and caadwell banker real estate is making ceo available to talk with us. ú% good morning, p!! patrice, tk >> when we are talking about the about the home markettor the market in general. >> at kal calú we have an apple to apple's comparison. thh veragee$353,000. and baltimore is pretty affordable. your average price for a 4 bedroom is $281,000. yoo're below the average a across the country? %-talk about the most expensive p> sii of the most expennive markets are in california and leading the way is newport beach ú%little bit of a difference in baltimore. >> a littleebit. >> all right, nowwtalk about tte most affordable places,,just in case people need to go the other directionn >> sure, as you might expect, markets arr in the idwest,le three of those are in michigan and the most afforddble is in detroit, mmchigan. in detroot michigannwould be $68,0000 -isten to this..3 >> if yoo put 20% down at today's low interest rate, your mmrtgage payment for that property would be 3 by. >> n$350,,sno way, people have carr that are double that? >> what about within our state. baltimore s one area. how does the baltimore rate that you gave me compare to other places within the state?3 %-d.c. area, but again, you kno, everything is relative. everything is -- it's right at the most affordable in he state of maryland. >> so bottom liie, no matter whether it's the more expensive to move around. >> the good thing is prices have been stabll the last 12 months3 realtors is gging to put out their report on prrce as well as units sold. bloomberg didda survey earlier this week nd their economistsú are predicting a nice jump of 7% think is important for getting real estate goinn. whee real estatt gets going then the economy gets going. >> absolutely, all right, jjm, thank you so much for talking with us this morning. aapreciate it. >> good day, atrice. ♪ ♪ i like your messy hair ♪ i like the clothes you wear ♪ i like the way you sing ♪ and when you dance with me ♪ you always make me smile ♪ don't know why i love you [ male announcer ] we believe you're at your best when you can relax and be yourself. and at thousands of newly refreshed holiday inn express hotels, you always can. holiday inn express. stay you. come to the yard for yeardley. yeardley love was of the university of virginia lacrosse playerrwho died this spring. her ex-boyfriend is accused in her murder. hosting a barbeque in her honor. the director is joining us this morning to ell us more about3 the event. ú% good morning to you..3 >> gooo morning. >> this is a story that has touched many people. a lot of people want to know how they can help so this is one -ay. yes, we are gathering at the for yeardley lve. >> where will the money e going? >> it will gooto build something in yeardley's memooy. >> something that is needed. facility in the state of the art for athletes and the demand f the private sector and the schooo system. >> t's all in her honor. >> absolutely..3 >> thh game is at 7:05 friday night. dome, they have to buyyonline in order to contribute. >> that's the big part of it. only online and you caa't ggt them the day of, too. >> in correct. >> that'ssright, the sales ú%nish at midnight on the 30th. >> so far so good, lot of people buying in? >> yes witt plenny of room. >> who aae the orioles playing that nighh? , the detroit igers. %> if your schedule doesn't llow you to go is there another ú%y that they can ave donntions come online. >> they can cootribute online at any an no tre dome,.com.3 staying in business through the recession. i have personally been in the secret to one maryland's ú%mily'sssuccess. laterra game ddy surprise,,3 what brought one football player -o tears. we will let you know. 8:28 is the time. you are watching fox 45 morning neww, all looal alllmor welcome back to fox 45 morning nnwss 8:30 is thh time. i'm patrice harris. wwking up to a rainy morning but ravens fans aren't too upset. >> not the all, don't mind the rain not theeleast. >> let's check out the rain and -ee how long it's going to last. >> it's the clevelanddtears. >> they ought to be happy that they did as well as they did. >>they did betttr thaa expected. >> for us,,a win to win, happy. as far as the rain, it's aa3ú winning situation because we not as pretty as one may want it ú% to be. it's going tt be a bit oo a rainy one wwth showers thht wee3 heavier this morning, but now scattered showers around. %-into the nd see thh moisture and a lot of tropical moisture now. 71 degrees the temperature in baltimore. 73 in salisbbry aadd61 in salisbury. the temmeratures are going to not climb a whole lot staying in the loo 70s on and off the3 showers throughout the day. %-kept all of this rain to end d how much we should nd up wwth in a little bit. right now lauren ccoke as tte traffii edge. lauren. >> reporter: thhak you, steve. the rains have made for slick roads across the region. if you''e traveling on 95 at out ffr a ar fire along the southbound lanes. as we check in and take i live look leer herr north of the chesapeake, youucan find it hasú been coofined to the shoulder.3 you want to sticc with route 44 as an alternate route.ú we are dealing with a bii of congestion on beltway moving through parkville. do exxect a that stretch is going to take you 20 minutes there. it will remain heavy as we head west from 775 to 95. you're looking at an 20 minute trip. %-you're traveling on thenue if nnrtheaat corridor of 95, fromú the whitemarshhto the beltway, you're lookinn at a 20-minute trip with an average speed of 20 miles per hour. thats th!!thaa's the ttaffic ed. paarice and megan, bbck to you. here are the stories ww are following thissmorning. is found murdered in her room and police say anooher patieet susan sachs as found dead in her bed. authorities say she was illed by 46 years old taylor. both had been placed at the state hospital after being found not criminally responsible for a murder. a tooson rugby layer is laid to rest, but questions still remain about how he died. abraham was found dead in his apartment. police don't suspect oullplay bbt it's uncleer how he ied.ú he majoring in physiis and %-his family has asked that donations be made to heespca or cancer society in abrahaa's pollwoopollwood kass owepoln perryville has opened their ú%ots facility. the soft opening fundraiser on saturday, went so well that gaming officiall signed the license yesterdaa allowinn the casino to open this morning. penn ational invested finished construction aboot four weeks eaaly. working in the rts business is toughhespecialll when the economyyisn't doing so well. >> a couple foundeddhere in maryland has found a creative way to keep their businessú alive. >> it's alwwys seen as mang mag, material boxxs,,technically a metall >> the art glass makers such as ourselves wwrk in a small we have the same type of equipmenn that they woold have in the industrial situation. they're cut wise, they remain in watee for the life of thh tool. >> the concept that you see here are ttm timeless. p> glass is a material as been3 known for roughly ,000 years with aamassive glass n the end of a an iron. - bubble could be entered into that glass and blown and shaped -n form into desired end result. my name is footer holkum. i personally have been blowing glass for almost 30 yeers now.ú in 1984 i met my wife teda. we're in our 11th year of operation here with the art of firee our own personal longevity has been thrrugh our innovative ability to adapt to markeeing conditions. we produce a wide-range ofú%pro, vases, christmas ornaments and the like. it's ultimately a material that we take for granted in our every day lives. ú% very prrtty. >> i lovv the pumpkins that you can make, too. i just think that s eat. ú%'s fun to ee. coming up ou jjst cannot look away. peek on the drama offhis all new hit show. wearing shirts ♪ ♪ which caused a trend alert ♪ and everyone ♪ saw everybody ♪ tell'em all ♪ tell'em something, where to go and what it's all about ♪ ♪ tell them how to feel when they shout it out ♪ ♪ tell everybody else ♪ and everyone ♪ tell everybody else with three freshly baked bagel twists for only $3, like our delicious new tomato basil or sweet chocolate chip, so grab three for 3 today. [ ding! ] a 8:38 n fox 45 morning ú%ws. rain, rain, go away but not at least for a little wwile. >> a little while longer. ú%eee is here to tell us how long it's going to sticc around. >> it's gging to sttck around shouldn'ttbe hat upset abbut3 we're goiig to be geeting it.and we had heavier rain earller and more pervasive to the wwole state. now you're seeing rain and the ú%owers fallinn tt the north. it could be drizzle that is not showwng up on radar. as you head toward he mason dixon line, there could beú liggt attthis time. %-rain coming our way. see a chf around the carolinas a lot of ú%our direction and eventuallyú %-especially tonight when we cod have rumbles of thunder, too. as far as how much rain, we can accommodate a lot of rain because it's been so dry.3 no flash-flood watches out there this morning though we expect to pick uu an inch and 3 quarters in baltimore and a 2 ann a -rd inches in hagerstown.3 ú%e heaviest rain toward the west. with lesser ammunts half inch to an inch to the eastern shore area. the warm front is going to push in and bring us the shower chances consuming this afternooo, as we get toward 5 will be seeeng yellow areas indiiaaing heavier raan and looking at theelow ppessuue center that will be headed in our direction. that will bring us additional %-when we could have thunderstos then even early on ii the day i3 the morning hourr tomorrow with the showers continuing unnil late afternoon. by 3:00 it looks like we mmve out of the noorheast part of the state and high pressure builds in making for aanicer looking wednesday. as we checkkout tte baltimore, 68 ii d.c. ann 73, very warm in salisbury for the3 61 degrees in hagerstown and 52 in oakland. the only thing is ttmperatures won't arm up a whole lot. we will get to 78 for the higgh3 which is not so baddfor the33 easterr shore. for the central part of the state, gettiig up to 77 degrees for the high temperature.3ú plenty of shower activity coming ú% way and later tomorrow before it's all done and getting up o 68 deggees with a 15-25-mill-an--our wind. it will becooe breezy at 59 degrees nd theeovernight low. mooe shower and thunderstorm chaaces tonight.ú aad tomorrow morning, more thunderstorms possible then, at leastta high of showers, and warmer, and 77 on wednesday, a drier day s igh presssrr builds back in ttmporarily, becaase another front brings us with high of 77. behind the front cooler air, 73 ú% friday, but 67 ooly on saturday and 65 on sunddy so a shhuld enjjy it, because there will be plenty of sunshine. let's sseewhat is happening on the roadways with lauren cooke who ii back with the trrck edge. lauree. >> reportee: thank you, %-all the roadways have made the rise click across the region. if you're ttaveling on 5 in cecil county, good news, the ca3 fire has cleared from the sob lanes at the chesapeake area. it willlbe a conggsted so you can stick with route 40 as an alternate route. ú% yyu're traveling in the wwite matcwhitemarsh area, expect slow speeds in this vicinity, north of route 43. ccngestion along the southbound you're looking the at aú 10-minute trip from here to the beltway. an accident on the east joppa road and on the at taylor avenue at old arford road. do expect congestion on thee3 beltway moving through the hardville area. those how ther loop lanes will usual as you make you are the push toward providence road. as for west side f heebeltway, and you will notice more olume at this vicinity.ú for those of you raveling in baltimoreecity, no problems to report on the jfx. we are dealing with a crash at bel air road. %-patrice and megan, back to yo. it's mobi ddal monday, every monday we will bring you a deal of thh week which provides coupons irectly tooyoor cell phone. >> this deal comes from next day floors.ú you can get armstrong ffooring for just $0.99 square foot.3 go to mobi deels.infoo to get started or mobi deals at your smart phone. still to come, the economy can have you pinching pennies how tt keep financial stress from going to your waistline. later, he is back with more drama. steve tells us why he is having blue diamond ads! more bold flavor! more variety! more value! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds. (play-by-play announcer) it's up and it is... good! more than a snack. p>> keep your kids safe andd3 happy this school year. talk show host steveewilcox is %-nbc universal is making him available to talk with us. >> good morning, steve. >> usually yyu're having your guests comeeto you to help them. now you're doing a tour going out and findinn students that >help.3 >> yeah, we're going to a speaking tour, going to college3 campuses and different things every year. a lot of times we bring it to the studio anddthe sororities, this seasonnwe will bring young -eenage boys and talk aaout gging their teenage years and going to school and just really doing something diffeeent. >> are you going to be %ncorporating your toor into >> it might be, and a lot of times when we dd thess things, we incorporate them. that is something hopefully we can do. >> we have a lot of our viewers ú%o atch all the time what we cacanwe expeet. >> we are gging to have cal ripken on the ssow. we have -- i hink what we have done is pretty good. our show has gone up in the ratings, every year since we debbt in 2007..3 we are definitely on the right path. on thh right path is givvng the ú%diince at home what they want to watch. what we have been doing is different topicssthat they can relate to.ú and topics that most people who are involved with every day or ú%mebody that they say no. it's a show about what a police officer deals with everr day3 durrng his 8 hour tour, and 'm very intense at the show. what you see is what you get. %-shoo is how i am in my real life. the way ideal with situations if with the show. %-i think that people that. somebody they know. when you see the other shows, you are getting xperrs, -octors, celebrities. with me you are getting the guy ttat mighttbe living next door. i think that isswhy the ssow is so popularr cal doing on theeshow? >> i say that -- what is funny aboot cal ripken and i say ttat jokingly. every day of my life they say you know who i look like. >> we all said the same thing n that poor guy. and he just get it. for me it's a compliment, hey, you lookklike cal ripken.ú we are ggad to have the3 steve wilcox show at our networú and wish you best of luck this year. >> thankkyou for havinggme. >> you can catch the steve wilcox voo 3 itts hard enough to eatú %-but if your family is making t hard to make ends meet, it may be even tougher. dr. mollica marshaa has tips on -ow to make best choices. >> financiaa stress can ead to weight gain.ú if you are finding it hard too3 there areeeasy ways to budget as well as eat smarter. 71% of shoppers reported cooking at home more and eeting out less. and 68% ssid hey're eating more llft overs..3 eat proper portions. a meat portion is he size of a %eck of cards or go meat less money and still get adequate %-that is when fresh fruits and vegetables are mmre affordable. otherwise, try frozen r canned produce, it asts longer and is3 equally truetriccous. be choose he when you sttetch that food dollar and your scall will thank %-entire university and an entie family for one person. >> major sergeant carla muuphy missed her son's graduationnand send off to college but he wasn't about to miss his first football game of the season. ú% football in the fall, it doesn't get any etter than this yyur bulldogs and hot dogs but wait it does ggt better.ú major sergeant carla murphy waits under the bleachers for her son. %-collegees first home game of e season. he has no idea what issabout to hit him, a surprise from his home home from afganistan. >> seeing that is carla burg -- >> singing the atiinal anthem before as hh grew up. >> and tte home of the brave ♪ ú% they haven'ttseen each other since mother's day. mom haa been away at war, her second tour of duty, badly missinn a couple of milestones. >> i missed his graduation. i missed him coming to college.3 >> nnw a moment to savor. >> i knew he would be surprised, i wouldn't think he would be this emottinal. >> the initial hocc s overr >>i missed her a lot. iie-mailed her every day. it's hard to caal her every day. >> a elf proclaim mama's boy whose mom idn't lettseas of distance gee n the way. >> e-mail about doing homework. -e knows. i was in constant contact with his teaccers. >> her boy is growing up now realizing it's scary out there. a proud son who has carried a lot on his shoulder over the ú%> how nice.ths. >> a good surprise. >> i know, but now i wonder if we can tackle him.said, he is a >> hh issa mama's boy. >> when it comes to your mom, you are allowed to cry. >> i would agree with that? >> very nice, the very nice the rain ssfalling. i know it's not nice for a lot they doo't want rain. we neee it and we're getting it. it's going to stay arounn herr to for a while. get thunderstorms mixed in. and 76 and drrer ay for tte wednesday, thursday 77, ndd3 %-weekend..3ready for the big eejoy a lot of sunshine, cooler 66 and 65 for the saturday and sunday. >> it's the fall weather. >> it's the fall. -p>> it's coming and staying. -p>> now you're goiig to start o see the leaves changing, too? >> i am already seeinn it out my back window. i said,,that is verr nice. %-until late october.esn't occur >> we still have sometime. >> you are gging to mmss the hot weatter, aren't yyu? >> yes, i will miss the hot weather. p> isn't it friday the first. ú% take a nicc watches it. >> wwll, combine all of the preschoolers you an comeeup with, the show dinosaur trained. the they feature animated dinosaurses they learn will history. they have seet us copies of dinosaur train. -he 4th and 5th aller at (410)481-4545 wins a copy on >> i didn't know, steve. >> woo. >> a lot of people are going to3 >> all over the paaer. %-how welllhe did.. >> just finding each other. it waa a big game for flacco. he needed hat. defense showing up together.and >> if they can show up on the same day ii the same game and both sides play at 100%. p> ann not get penaltiesful both teams showing up and no penalties, too. >> we need the offense and defense and no penalties, too. >> come on,,megan. >> that seems easy. -p>> i hope so. >> if we can win or when we win against the steelers that will be hugeefor us.

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