i kind thought maybe there could be because it kept raining. >> now things have eased up quite a bit and cloudy skies, just the eastern shore seeing a few showers this morning. we're really doing better and it will get better this afternoon as the showers move in. partly cool to start the day, mild for low temperatures. we won't climb a whole lot from here. 51 in hagerstown, and you can see the showers to the eastern shore moving off in that direction. we should look forward to drier air. on the backside of that low, there could be a ripple of energy producing a light shower in spots today. that will be generally it. a little windier as we sit between the low and the high and we will look for drier air and warming upcoming your way for the rest of the week. breezy and drier today, cool, tomorrow in fact, and windier too, warming mid-to late week. in fact, we may be talking about mid-to upper 80s bit end of the week, how about that? >> let's see what is happening on the roads with candace dold and she likes the forecast. >> reporter: i do. we don't exactly have such a fantastic situation in harford county this morning. there's an accident that shuts down all lanes of route 24. it's at route 126. to get around it, use fawn road as the alternate route. heading on route 45, northbound and southbound lanes, well those cars are cruising along up to speed. we will take that there and that is pretty much the same deal on the southbound stretch all the way down toward that beltway. once you finally do hit the beltway the outer loop lanes, 95 toward 83, 11 minutes, 54 miles per hour. and from 83 up toward 795, at 8 minutes with the same speed. now from 795 down toward 95, it's in excellent shape there be 11 minutes, 55 miles per hour. that's a look at the morning travels, patrice, over to you. we have new information on a story you saw first on fox. there are now more reports of bullying at a west baltimore elementary school and it's forcing the city's teacher's union to take action. the president of the union is expected to visit gilmour elementary this morning. megan gilliland joins us with more on that. good morning, megan. >> reporter: good morning, patrice, parents are worried. violence prompting the teacher's union to investigate. last week we reported to shania story. she is a disabled student targeted by bullies. since then more parents have come forward with similar stories. so far 7 students at gilmour have been suspended for bullying, 18 for other attacks and the baltimore teachers' union says that the real number of incidents is probably a lot higher. >> i do believe that the principals still want to keep their schools known as safe schools. if you -- the least suspensions you have the better your school is so they try to keep the numbers down. >> we did ask school administrators several times to do an interview on camera regarding the bullying at gilmour but they denied those requests. some staff members at gilmour tells us that the administrators want the trouble swept under the war at thcarpet. the teachers union is expected to participate. we want to know what you think. who should be held accountable for bullying at public schools? that is the question of the day. we will take your calls at the 7:00 hour. you can go to ask tell us what you think or sound off through facebook or send us a tweet at fox baltimore. baltimore county police have identified the young mother killed after being hit by a truck. her family is calling her a hero for getting her 2-year-old son out of harm's way. 17-year-old mavi maldonado was crossing the street at the entrance of the golden shopping complex at philadelphia road. she was pushing her son in a stroller as they headed to the us bus stop. as she stepped on to the sidewalk a pickup truck hit her. >> investigators don't know why this pickup truck hit this woman. they are checking many things as far as even just the vehicle safety itself so see if there was any esh use of the vehicle itself. >> the driver did stop to help the mother and child. an investigation is underway. charges could be pending. a major defense contractor almost brought hundreds of jobs to maryland, but instead it's moving to virginia. nonorthrop grew grumman. employs hundreds of jobs. the company employs 120,000 people in all. a new poll shows the race for governor may be a close one. rasmussen reports shows governor o'malley three points ahead of former governor ehrlich, and that is with a 3 point margin of error which makes it heat. this is shaping up to be a historic battle that could be the closest and dirtiest of all time. joel d smith is live from fells point where governor o'malley is relaunching his bid for re-election. everybody is talking about this campaign already, joel. >> reporter: they hav are and it's not even close to the election time officially. former governor bob ehrlich is running again and today to make it official, we are seeing the current governor incumbent govern o'malley. that is coming up at 12:00. we expect to have a lost his supporters here. then he will go on a special 3 day tour to 10 battleground areas across the state calling moving maryland forward. that is coming on the heels of the rasmussen poll that you talked about which has the two maryland governors in a virtual dead heat. the last rasmussen poll was done in february and that was close but still a 6 point difference, now the margin is less than. it's because ehrlich has officially entered race and followed by of course, governor o'malley. they say the race will remain close and probably dirty whether the candidates like it that way or not. >> i'm opening very much that this doesn't turn into a personal bashing campaign, you know, i did better than you as governor. >> people don't want that and if governor o'malley and governor ehrlich shook hands and said they are not going to do, it will still become dirty because outside forces will bring forces into the state and make it dirty dirty. >> reporter: the race is unique, because, each candidate have seen their guy win before. o'malley defeated ehrlich by 6.5 percentage points. today this is where current governor martin o'malley will be here to on to announce his re-en campaign. will he talk about why he should be the governor. you heard from the folks, it could get dirty again. both of these guys have to win when it comes to september. that is when the primaries are. joel d smith, fox 45 morning news. baltimore's fire union continues to fight plans to close hir fire houses on a permt basis. early sunday morning, firefighters rescued four residents from this burning building but it took twice as long for more fire trucks with more equipment to arrive. unions representing firefighters blame the rotating closures of four fire companies. mayor stephanie rowlings lake budget calls for reducing the closings of three fire houses but that depends on the city council to approve her comprehensive plan to raise taxes and fees. >> we want to make sure that we keep every firefighter and community libraries open and we reduce the number of closures than we have currently. >> we cannot continue to protect the people of this city with the amount of companies that they're closing every day. >> the final decision on more cuts to the fire department may not be announced until june when the city council takes a final vote on the budget. stay tuned on fox 45 morning news for continuing coverage of this story. the fire union president will june us instudio to tell us about the closures and how the fire union plans to fight it coming up later in this hour. coming up the maryland woman reported over a phone call. the law that is tearing apart her family. >> reporter: i'm jessica starr, i'm going to tell yo this race is on this weekend and it's works of art that are speeding toward the finish line. it's the art museum ke kinetic sculpture race. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. this is the 12th year they have been doing this and these kinetic cultures are amazing and they have to go through land and water. tell me about the criteria and how these huge kin 1 10 kinetict usculptures have to go through o much. >> they have to go 15 miles and through the harbor and have to be able to float and a sand pit at patterson park and make it back to the museum after a long day. s. >> reporter: is there a winner? >> the top prize goes to the group that comes exactly in the middle of the pack. it's a grand mediocre award. >> reporter: that's great. so no one is a winner, you can be a middle person and still win. everyone is a winner many i'm joined by teams a couple of members from mobi media. they are here this morning and they have made this kinetic skull up tour behinsculpture be. how long did it take you to make this. >> we spent six months me and the guys that are into welding. we spent 3 1/2 months on this year exclusively doing all the design work and testing for that. so there's a lot of work that goes into it. >> reporter: real quickly, where did you get your inspiration for this? >> for this particular incarnation of the vehicle, we are all artists on the team and knemusicians. what better way to end to the race than make our piece a big rolling ca canvas for everyone o draw. the vehicle is all white, and you know it's a big rolling canvas and we will play music while we roll. >> reporter: it's a very creative artwork. you definitely need to come down and check out all the exciting things that will go on this saturday. for more information on the american visionary arts museum art race that will kickoff on sunday. log on to and the weather for saturday, it's going to be warming up by saturday, partly cloudy skies and low 80s. 81 degrees for a high temperature. it's a beautiful day to be in downtown baltimore. for a look at the forecast for today to see if the rainshowers will go away. let's head to steve in the sky watch center. >> reporter: thank you very much, jessica. the rainshowers should taper off and we should be seeing improvement. could be a light shower passing through on the backside of the low pressure that is moving out. generally drier air and you see that on the sky hd radar looking at drier air. when we had showers right there on the central part of the eastern shore. now we're not seeing it, improvement with the drier air moving in. we are looking at showers moving off the eastern shore and out of here. look at the picture and the showers from the mid-west are going to move out of south and tennessee valley so not a concern here. cloudy skies and we will see sunshine later. northwest winds at 10-15 miles per hour and seeing w 12 miles n hour downtown. got 55 degrees in baltimore. 55 in d.c. and 55 in salisbury, up in hagerstown and a cool 37 in oakland at higher elevations. there goes the upper level low moving north and east. showers steering to the south. one thing can he will see is the high pressure moving in from the north and west. the winds will pick up and become breezier today. the high pressure will bring more of a southwesterly flow. what that will do with the jet stream rising to the north it will bring more warmth. that means temperatures climbing through the week into the 70s as early as even as the next couple of days and then 80s for the weekend, but not today. today it's still cool. 63 degrees, can't rule out a shower around with a 10-15-mile-an-hour wind. for the central part of the state, look for a high of 62. we will start pardon me, we more cloud cover and we will see more sunshine later. it gets brycey and bac breezy ad back to the west partly cloudy skies. a 10-15-mile-an-hour wind so chilly. as we move through the day today, look for temperatures to climb to 50 degrees by noon. partly cloudy at 6:00 p.m. with a temperature of 57 and after today, 63 degrees for the high tomorrow mostly clear. 70 and clear skies on thursday, 77 mostly clear on friday, 81 on saturday. mid-80s for sunday and monday with showers possible late sunday into monday. fox 45 sky watch weather is available at your finger tips. iradar is available at you can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. the enter ak o interactive toolt you know where rain and thunderstorms will be over yousr house, go to and click on iradar. here is candace dold with a look at the traffic edge. >> reporter: there's a lot of improvement from yesterday morning. we are seeing that this morningment 57 miles per hour on the beltway through catonsville and at 49 near security boulevard. as for 95, traveling near 395, 62 miles per hour. and just at 49 on 95 traveling through whitemarsh. all in all, it's looking much better. as for incidents, we do have a couple of things to talk about. there's a crash in baltimore, frederick avenue, that is at pulaski street and yet another one on hillen street at forest street. crews are on the scene of those. all travel lanes are getting by, though. as for 83, well, there's nothing to annoy you on the jfx. the southbound lanes no more flooding to talk about and the northbound stretch all the way up toward that beltway. as for the beltway, let's check in right now moving through the pikesville region at park heights avenue, you can see the lanes are wide open outer loop lanes and inner loop stretch as well. that's a look at the morning travels, patrice, back over to you. thank you, candace. why watch american idol at home when you can catch all of the action live in california? fox 45, mix 106, and value furniture are giving a trip away to the los angeles and two tickets to the american idol finale. we have come up with five american idol trivia questions. log on to and answer them all correctly and then, you will qualify for the big competition, singing for your seats. whoever scores the highest during our karaoke challenge gets the trip to l.a. for the american idol finale. again, you just need to log on to, read the official rules and answer those a maryland woman could be deported after she was caught selling a go $2 phone card. we have the story. about 60 members of prince george's latino community are protesting outside of the county jail, calling attention to the plight of this 26-year-old immigrant and mother of three arrested at her home last week now facing possible deportation. >> so what happened to her is she got picked up for selling a $2 phone card that to somebody that she thought she knew in a bad economy. because of that crime, she is at the risk of having her family destroyed. >> reporter: because her fingerprints taken at the jail were sent to ice, part of a new program called security. >> the reality is that any person who is arrested for anything and the majority have been non-alcohol related traffic offenses have their bio me information sent to costumes. >> the state of maryland is not arizona and we will not stand for these kind of agreements in our backyard. >> reporter: protesters say there's an interesting in the latino community ta in exchange for their cooperation on the streets police will not hand them over to the feds. there's a county resolution not a law whereby police agree not to enforce federal immigration policies, but prince george's county police say flor indah was arrested on a crackdown on after hour can tina where three recent killings have ms convictions. she as hoffe over stayed her vir six years. >> it was very difficult for me to be separated from my babies. >> reporter: but with three children who are u.s. citizens, she may not have to worry. >> she is certainly eligible for humahumanitarian. >> reporter: immigration a clash point once again. coming up the battle more governor is about to heat up. this is going to be one of the dirtiest campaigns if not the dirtiest campaign in the history of the state of maryland. just how close the race between o'malley and ehrlich has gotten. they hit them with sticks. they were kicking imi in his he. he was bruised from top to bottom. it's gone beyond the [ male announcer ] this year, get the most out of your lawn with the fertilizer that gives you the most for your money. scotts turf builder. it has what other fertilizers don't. scotts patented all in one granule. every key nutrient combined into a single particle so every part of your lawn gets more even feeding. bargain brands have separate nutrients on separate particles, so feeding can be hit or miss. and a lot of what they give you isn't even food, it's filler. some have up to 40% sand, sawdust, even gravel. but scotts turf builder is 100% food. the perfect balance of nutrition lawns need to be beautiful, durable... barefootable. it all adds up to the scotts advantage. it's a difference you can see. a difference you can feel. it's a difference you can enjoy. and now it's up to $5 off your next purchase. go to to get your coupon. for a lawn that can't be beat, get a fertilizer that can't be copied. get the scotts advantage. to kill dandelions, get turf builder with plus 2 weed control. >>heavy machinery caterpillar rallied on a better than expected earnings report but stocks ended mixed. the dow ended higher closing at 11,025. and the nasdaq and finished lower. they unfailed plans to sell 105 chairs in the giant banking citi group. the government owns 27% stake. it would cut the government holdings to under 22%. the shares sold could give taxpayers a profit of $2.4 billion. hertz plans to acquire thrifty. the deal would combine two of the most prominent players in the car rental business. hertz plans to keep the dollar and thrifty brand name. despite the recall of vehicles in the last month, production for toyota soared. toyota cars and trucks have been the subject of a u.s. government investigation and at least three major separate recalls in the past year. for business brief, i'm stan case. coming up fighting fire house closures. how the firefighters union hopes to keep the doors open. and more reports of violence inside of a west baltimore elementary school. i'm megan gilliland, what the teacher's union is expected to do today to protect your children. >> reporter: i'm joel d smith live at fells point where the governor will kickoff his re-election campaign [wind rustling] [sound of waves crashing] [upbeat whistling in background] discover all that northwest florida has to offer. seventeen hidden beaches, one revealing destination. fly southwest's new nonstops from bwi airport to panama city beach starting at $99 one-way. (ding) 6:30 is the time. i'm patrice harris. another rainy start to the morning. will it continue? meteorologist steve fertig is here with the that answer. just a chance for a spotty shower, but really we're going to see drier trend -- or trending toward the drier. >> is there some spots because we noticed that joel put his jacket on. he didn't have it on earlier. >> it's breezy cool with the winds picking up 10-20 miles per hour. the tf temperatures not so bad. some the showers moving off of the eastern shore not a whole lot less but ripples of energy that still could produce a pop up shower in spots. very light today. it's nothing like we have seen in the last couple of days, but 55 degrees like we have seen. those temperatures are not bad. temperatures will climb a little today but not a lot. it will be a cool day ask after the morning -- and after the morning showers, in the eastern shore and showers later. northwest wind at 10-20 will make it cooler. let's see what is happening on the roadways. here is candace dold who has the traffic edge. candace. >> reporter: we're not talking about any flooding and we're checking in on the actual roads and things are looking much better than yesterday morning. here it is on the beltway at dulaney valley road and you can see there's a lot of room in between all of those cars, both the inner loop lanes and the outer loop stretch. as far as the outer loop lanes from 83 up toward 795, we're in the green but note the volume is increasing and in fact, that is the trend pretty much over the corridors. from 83 up to 795, 8 minutes at 52 miles per hour. it does dip down to -- rather 45 miles per hour with a 14-minute ride from 795 down toward 95. but then, southbound 95, traveling through baltimore, fort mchenry tunnel, down toward the beltway, 8 minutes at 55 miles per hour. that's a look at the morning travels, patrice, back over to you. new information this morning on a story you saw first on fox. today the president of the city's teachers union will visit a west baltimore elementary school to investigate more reports of bullying. megan gilliland joins us now with the latest, good morning, megan. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. there's a lot going on behind those closed doors. 7 students have been suspended for bullying, 18 for attacks on students and also teachers. last week fox 45 first reported on that violence. you may remember shania, a disabled student targeted by bullies. now more parents have come forward worried about violence in the classroom. >> they hit them with sticks. they were kicking him in his head, like he was bruised from top to on bottom. >> they are called bullies, really bad bullies. now we did ask school administrators several times to do an interview with us on camera regarding the bullying at gilmour, but they denied those requests. some staff members at dil gilmor tells us that administrators want that swept under the carpet. the president is expected to be at the school later this morning to take a closer look at what might be causing all of that violence. megan gilliland, fox 45 morning news. we want to know what you think. who should be held accountable for bullying at public schools? that's the question of the day. we will take your calls at the 7:00 hour. you can go to to our website at and tell us what you think, talk to us on facebook or send us a tweet at fox baltimore. baltimore county police have identified a young mother killed after being hit bea truck. her family is calling her a hero after getting her 2-year-old son out of way. mavi maldonado was crossing the street on philadelphia road. she was pushing her son in a stroller as had h they headed te bus stop. just as she stepped to the sidewalk, a pickup truck hit her. >> the crash investigators don't know why this pickup truck hit this woman. they are checking many things as far as even just the vehicle safety itself to see if there was any issues of the vehicle itself. the driver did stop to help the mother and child. an investigation is underway and charges could be pending. police are looking for more suspects in a home invasion robbery at an off campus towson university frat house. police have already made two a arrests after several men broke into the fraternity house last week and stole computers, mp3s is other electronics. one resident who was home at the time, told police he was doing homework when six men wearing red bandanas over their faces stormed into the house. police are looking for 20-year-old troy taylor in connection with the case. they are also going after a 4th unidentified suspect. governor martin o'malley's re-election campaign officially kicks off today and based on a new poll the race could go down to the wire. rasmussen reports governor o'malley is 3 points ahead of former governor ehrlich, with a 3 point margin of error. compared to the poll conducted three months ago, governor or ehrlich has cut the lead by 3 points. joel d smith is at fells point where governor o'malley will get his campaign started. >> reporter: good morning, everybody. this is where the official kickoff will happen at fells point. it's the beginning of a 3-day 10 city tour throughout the state of maryland called moving maryland forward. it's a chance to sort of get his backers energized again looking forward to the 2010 election, trying to get the same results in 2006. it looks like he could be going against the same opponent as well. this comes on the heels of the rasmussen poll you talked about that has the two elected governors in a dead heat. the last one came in february, that is when the poll was conducted. that one had a 6 point difference between the two governors, o'malley and former govergovernor bob ehrlich. now it's half that. ehrlich has now officially entered the race. race is historic because it matches maryland's two elected winners. most voters have seen their candidates win once already, so it might make them inspired to see them win again. >> i think he will come back stronger this year. i think he will win it some. >> it's ridiculous. o'malley has been a good governor. tough times and having the situations best as ca he can. >> this is going to be one of the dirtiest campaign if not the dirtiest campaign. >> reporter: it appears to be such a close race so they're expecting outside money from the republicans and democrats to come into the state. even if the two candidates pledge to run a clean campaign, the outside groups would make it dirty anyway. first things first when it comes to having the potential rematch in november. you still have to win your party's nomination. the primaries are first in september, so there's more work to do before then. that kicks off today with they election campaign from governor o'malley here at noon. joel d smith, fox 45 morning news. there's $42 million in unclaimed property this year and some of it might be yours. starting today the comptroller's office will publish information in newspapers statewide. in the articles you will find the names of the 60,000 people who can claim a piece of that money or property and that could include you. that information will run until may 12th. to see if you have any unclaimed money, there's a link on our website. fox slasher/news links. stay tuned for coverage the story. the state comptroller peter franchot i will join us on whato do to claim that money. a change in education president obama wants to see in your child's classroom. check out the beltway at old cord road. a lot -- old court road. a lot of cars are 6:41 on this tuesday morning. things have quieted down quit ibit. thunderstorms last night and we had a tornado warning in st. mary's county. what we have gotten back as far as reports is hail that fell there. that is good news. we're looking at improving conditions no matter where you are. we had showers earlier along the eastern shore and along the caroline county area. right now we are looking at a drier air moving in. that will be the general trend improving weather where we will find as we put things into motion. you will see the showers moving off to the east. and more showers off to the west. this is moving to the south as it moves off to the east. it should not affect us as high pressure is affecting us. we are seeing a few showers in spots but just light. northwest winds at 10-15 miles per hour. 86% relative humidity and any shower this morning will be very light. 55 degrees in baltimore and the same for d.c. 55 in salisbury but the same for hagerstown. pretty mild already, 37 in oakland. there's upper level low. it brings ripples of energy and that is why we could see a spot of rain here and there. 6:00 p.m. on the future scan model. the wind are going to take over as the low pressure moves to the north and high pressure sits in. we sit between them and we sit between the lines of equal pressure. the winds will get stronger. that will be the story today and tomorrowment we will have breezy conditions to windy conditions. the winds will subside later and we will get more of a southwesterly flow behind high pressure in the jet stream to the north. warmer air is on the way and expect to see 80s around here by this weekend. for today, still cool, 63 degrees, northwest wind at 10-15 miles per hour. a couple of showers around as you can see. the central part of the state 62 degrees for high with partly cloudy skies becoming mostly clear later on although we do start with our share of clouds and light showers in spots. back to the west, look for i high temperature of 60 degrees, partly cloudy skies, again, can't rule out a shower in isolated locations. 40 degrees tonight, it will be chilly with a wind out of the northwest and 63 degrees. you know what, before we get there, i want to show you this. if you are going to the game, they're back in town this weekend, the yankees tonight and 7:05 starting the first pitch temperature. cool and breezy with a 10-15-mile-an-hour wind. tomorrow 66 degrees and mostly clear, 77 on friday as we warm it up with mainly clear skies, a little more cloud cover with mixed sun, 81 on saturday, 81 and 44 for saturday and sunday with late showers possible late sunday into monday. the sky watch weather is available at your finger tips. i radar is available at you can use the powerful radar to track incoming storms. go to and click on iradar. now candace dold is back with another look at the traffic edge. candace. >> reporter: thank you, steve. it's definitely not a brutal ride like it was yesterday. we are starting to see things slow down a little bit. right now 37 miles per hour on 95 traveling through whitemarsh. at given on the beltway near harford road and 58 on the jfx. the jfx, no more flooding to talk about it's all out. as for what is happening out there on the roadways, let's check in on the beltway traveling at liberty road this morning. the outer loop lanes, we have already seen our fair share of volume and there it is, you can see the cluttered pace there from liberty toward the triple bridges. once you get past awful that and heading -- all of that and heading near the road bridge area, let's check out and see what that looks like. the volume does thin out there. that's at least the silver shrining of it all, inner and outer loop lanes down toward 95. speaking of 95 traveling through baltimore the fort mac mchenry tunnel, we haven't had anything to complain about. it's in incidents to talk to about it's just the volume that is starting to congest on the southbound lanes down toward the catonsville area. that's a look at the morning travels, patrice, back over to you. thank you, candace. is your mom baltimore's best mom? 100 words or less tell us why your mother is baltimore's best and she could win a trip courtesy of southwest airline. you need to mail that entry to baltimore's best mom 2,000 west 41st street, baltimore 21311. you can enter by logging on to and if your entry is chosen your mom could win the grand prize. a trip for four to anywhere southwest flies, a 100 visa gift card and an oriental rug from universal carpet. coming up fighting fire house closures. >> we cannot continue to protect the people of this city with the amount of companies that they're closing every day. >> how the fire union president hopes to keep the doors open. and keeping with music, the new teaching philosophy that president obama is considering loving free to lose weight. loving free to eat what i love. loving free to live my life. ♪ loving free on weight watchers. and you will too. since right now you can join for free. weight watchers. because it works. .4 fold man sacs chief executive and other employees will be at the hot seat. they will be testifying on the investment crisis. it's aimed a avoiding the future melt downs by overhauling the banking system. they have been on the hot seat, since they filed charges against the firm saying it profited from the housing crisis. a delaware judge approved horse track owner magna entertainment bankruptcy plan. the judge approved it yesterday. shareholders complained that the settlement allows magna parent to acquire the pimlico racetrack and the preakness for a fraction of their value while avoiding the legal liabilities. they filed for bankruptcy after falling to $1 billion in debt. a fire in baltimore city over the weekend destroyed a business and quickly spread to an attached home. four people were quickly rescued from the building. firefighters were able to get them out safer but the story could have been much different because of budget cuts. the fire house that responded was supposed to be closed and fire trucks took much longer to get there. the fire house president joins us this morning. >> good morning. >> let's talk about what happens in this fire. these are the real life examples this you talk about? >> this past weekend our members responded to a fire at liberty heights avenue. the latter company got there first and had a report of people trapped. they could hear them through the smoke and they immediately went to work to rescue them. unfortunately, with our job it's very difficult to start doing that without the protection of a hose line. our members put themselves at great risk without having any water to back them up. two of the members then went inside. there was somebody still inside, and they finally had the sense to leave because the place was getting so hot. >> where was the hose truck, though? >> well, the engine company from that fire house was actually transferred to another house that was closed because of the rotating closures. so they had to wait for an engine company to come from a longer distance. >> right now you have several rotating closures in place. under the mayor's proposed budget, what impact would that have on you, because she is talking about hopefully being able to reduce the number of closures. >> right now the budget calls for three companies to be permanently closed and 4 to continue rotating closings. if the fee increases pass and we certainly ask the citizens to look at those, some of that money would come back to the fire department and hopefully some of the rotating close closs will stop. right now because of a similar fire we had earlier this month, where one of our members was seriously injured, we're asking the mayor to stop the rotating closings right now. >> right now. >> the fire earlier this month. this young man has been hospitalized for three weeks and will be hospitalized for a while longer. you know, very well could have been deadly. and at that point, the people at city hall would have said, we have to do something, but the fact that somebody is seriously injured isn't quite serious enough. >> if there's no way around closing something, whether it's rotating or a permanent, is there a best case scenario, if you do have mak make choices to close something, would you prefer rerotating closures, permanent closures and hen you know what you're dealing with on a daily basis, or is there a best case scenario. >> when they permanently close a fire house at baltimore city, it's never opened back up. we don't expect that would ever happen again. but again, our concern is we now have one seriously injured member. we were seconds away from having two more this past weekend. and you know, the time has come for the mayor who has sworn to protect its citizens to do her job. it's not up to the budget director to run the fire department, it's up to the experts and the mayor to do their job. >> all right. and we will have to see what happens with the march mayor and th-- the mayor and the city council who they make that vote. >> thank you. school bullying has taken a drastic turn. >> they hit them with sticks. they were kicking in his head, like he was bruised from top to bottom. >> what is being done to put an end to it. this is going to be the you know of the dirtiest campaigns if not the dirtiest campaign in you will soon be able to cut the amount of sodium in your diet without changing what or how much you eat. >> reporter: from bottles of catsup to 5-dollar-foot longs, 16 food companies are cutting the amount of salt in their products. the amount of salt initiative was announced on monday by new york mayor michael bloomberg. >> ultimately this will bring us one step closer to our goal of reducing salt intake by 20% among americans in the next 5 years. if we reach this goal, we will prevent thousands and thousands of lives in our city and our country from being lost to cardiovascular disease. >> reporter: the agreement cuts off from -- cuts salts from 65 products and restaurant meals. companies can decide which product they want to change and by how much, as long as the average sodium reduction is at least 25% over five years. >> i tend to look at labels, but i don't think sodium is any red flag for me, really. >> reporter: the dieticians say it should be. eating too much salt causes high blood pressure which raises the risk of heart attack and stroke. the changes are voluntary on the parts of the companies but the fda is considering regulating the amount of salt in foods. some say that is going a bit too far. >> i don't want somebody to regulate. i think it's nice to know how much sodium is in something and we can make that decision whether we want to or not. >> reporter: the program is modeled with a program in the uk where they are reduced salt in products. coming up in the 7:00 hour, millions of dollars go unclaimed each year. how to find out if you're eligible and how to get your hands on what is yours. more reports of violence inside of a west baltimore elementary school. i'm megan gilliland. what the teachers union is expected to do today to protect your children. >> reporter: i'm joel d smith at fells point where governor o'malley will relaunch his campaign looking to get another >>next on fox 45 morning news. >> he kicked me on my forehead, right here. >> more reports of bullying at a baltimore city school. who is taking action. maryland top prosecutor retires but not before bringing down baltimore's mayor. how widespread robert rohrbough says corruption is in our state. i get my preakness on for 8 straight hours. >> and get your preak on. what lawmakers have to say about this ad campaign that is stirring up controversy. good morning. it's tuesday, april 27th. i'm patrice harris. a rainy start to the morning. i shouldn't be smiling quite it big because it's rainy is messy but it's going to be get better. meteorologist steve feein fertis here. you know it's not that messy anymore. when we came in, it was rainy outside. >> but it's wet outside. >> you're right. >>we are seeing improvement. >> i'm going to let go. >> when you go home you will like it a lot better. here is what we got at the bus stop, a couple of light showers around, but really they have dissipated quite a bit. 62 degrees is the mild start. the showers are moving off. you will see a couple of light showers there off the eastern shore just south of caroline county, around dor dore dorchesr county. could be a shower popping up in spots but really it's going to be drier air as we sit between the system that is the low pressure center that pushed through our area and the one at the northwest which is going to push south and east. temperatures will get up to 60 degrees at noon. a mix of sun and clouds by 6:00 p.m. and a 56 degrees reading after getting to a high of 62 degrees at 3 or 4:00 this afternoon. warmer air is on the way i promise you for later this week. and you're not going to really want to miss that, because temperatures are going to warm up for the weekend. i will tell you about it in a few minutes. right now candace dold is here with the traffic edge. candace, how are we looking on the roadways. >> reporter: well, steve we do not have andon't are have had issues. there's a crash at north avenue. we will continue to monitor the situation but as for the alternate routes you can always use charles street instead. on 83, just above the beltway, let's check out that region for you and show you what will find there. a much prettier picture, northbound and the southbound lanes the coast is clear. the how ther loop lanes from 83 up toward 795 it's just the volume that is increasing there. 9 minutes 50 miles per hour. it does dip down 38 miles per hour with a 17-minute drive from 795 down toward 95. but then, we are not talking about any mishaps this morning on southbound 895. harbor tunnel all the way down toward 95, 9 minutes 54 miles per hour. threat a look at your morning travels, patrice, back over to you. new information this morning on a story you saw first on fox. there are now more reports of bullying at a west baltimore elementary school and it's forcing the city's teachers' union to take action. the president of the union is expected to visit gilmour elementary school today. megan gilliland joins with us more on that. >> reporter: good morning, patrice, parents at gilmour are worried. there's attacks on students and teachers inside of that school. violence prompting the teachers' union to investigate. last week we reported to shania student, a disabled student, targeted by bullying. since then more parents have come forward with more stories. since then 12 students have been suspended and the real number of incidents is probably a lot higher. >> i do believe that the principals still want to keep their schools known as safe schools. if you -- the least suspensions you have the better your so they try to keep the numbers down. >> reporter: we did ask city school administrators to do an interview on camera regarding the bullying but they denied the requests. they tell us that the administrators want that trouble swept under the carpet. the teachers' union is expected to step to investigate. the president is expected to be at that school later this morning. megan gilliland, fox 45 morning news. we want to hoe what you think. who should be held being abilite borfor bullying at public schoo. that is the question of the day. miammany of you have sounded ofe facebook and you can send us a tweet at fox baltimore. police have identified the young mother killed when hit by a truck. her family is calling her a hero for getting her 2-year-old son out of the way. mavi maldonado was crossing the street on philadelphia road. she was pushing her son in a stroller as they headed on the bus stop. just as she got on the sidewalk, a pickup truck hit her. >> investigators don't know why this pickup truck hit this woman. they are checking things such as the vehicle safety itself to see if there was any issues of the vehicle it self. >> the driver did stop to help the mother and child. an investigation is underway. charges could be pending. a new poll shows the race for governor might be a close one. rasmussen reports shows governor martin o'malley just three points ahead of former governor robert ehrlich and that is a with a 4.5 margin of error which makes this a dead heat. political analysts are saying this could be a hiss ic battle that could be the closest and dirtiest of all times. joel d smith has more from fells point where governor o'malley is relaunch his bid for re-election. good morning, joel. >> reporter: of course, no surprise here. we knew that the incumbent would try to keep the top spot in the state. now we know it will be a rematch of 2006. these folks know each other very well. that's why so many are saying this could be a dirty campaign. the poll says things are very close. it's a different story than we saw in february. back then the mas has rasmussenl came out and it was 6 points then and 3 now. it's a virtual dead heat like we were saying. del gratedelegates from each pay because ehrlich has officially entered the race. the race will remain close and get dirty whether the candidates try to make it that way or not. >> i'm hoping very much that this doesn't turn into a personal bashing campaign, you know, i did better than you as governor. >> people really don't want that, and if governor o'malley and governor ehrlich actually shook hands and said we're not going to do anything, is it still would be dirty because outside forces will bring television and radio into the state and make it dirty. >> reporter: both delegates agree turn out for this election will decide the winner. the race is unique because supporters for each candidate has seen their guy win before. o'malley defeated ehrlich in 2006 by 6 1/2 points. the official launching of the candy dacandidacy trying to rete top spot. will he hit different spots, glen burnie calling it maryland moving forward. that all kicks off today at noon. joel d smith, fox 45 morning news. still ahead, it's your chance to sing orfur seats. find out how you can win seats to the american idol finale. i'm jessica starr coming up this morning on the hometown hot spot, i'm going to [ male announcer ] this year, get the most out of your lawn with the fertilizer that gives you the most for your money. scotts turf builder. it has what other fertilizers don't. scotts patented all in one granule. every key nutrient combined into a single particle so every part of your lawn gets more even feeding. bargain brands have separate nutrients on separate particles, so feeding can be hit or miss. and a lot of what they give you isn't even food, it's filler. some have up to 40% sand, sawdust, even gravel. but scotts turf builder is 100% food. the perfect balance of nutrition lawns need to be beautiful, durable... barefootable. it all adds up to the scotts advantage. it's a difference you can see. a difference you can feel. it's a difference you can enjoy. and now it's up to $5 off your next purchase. go to to get your coupon. for a lawn that can't be beat, get a fertilizer that can't be copied. get the scotts advantage. to kill dandelions, get turf builder with plus 2 weed control. on your mark get set go. the race is on at the american visionary of arts museum this weekend. it isn't runners that are headed toward the finish line. jees ka starmeteorologist jessis live with the hometown hot spot. good morning, jess. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. to get more information on the kinetic sculpture race that will be going on this saturday, i am joined this morning. good morning. >> good morning thanks for being here. >> reporter: tell me about the criteria and what the sculptures go through. >> they are human powered sculptures. they go 15 miles through baltimore and take a dip in the harbor and then make it home in one piece. >> reporter: real quickly, i'm joined this morning by a couple of members of mob media airway. tell me about this sculpture, how long did this take to build. >> this took six months. we used car parts and it's got a full transmission, and four wheel disk brakes that are hydraulic and we build the chassis ourselves. >> reporter: tell me about your team. >> we have eight members total, an additional car that attaches on to pull us. our inspiration is varied, but this year it's mostly on promotion of the arts and interactive arts and all types to get the people involved. that is why i we are white so that everybody can paint us. >> reporter: i'm going to try to do the weather forecast. if you want more no foundation on the kinetic race, log on to may day weather is going to be beautiful. low 80s, 81 degrees with partly cloudy skies. if we look at the forecast for today we will see the sunshine. let healet's head to steve in ty watch center. good morning, jessica. take a look at what is happening out there. hd radar showing showers and last night we had a tornado warning at st. mary's county and all that amounted from that is some hoyle. hail, still storms moving through. we had showers moving through on the eastern shore along caroline county but now seeing improvements. the showers moving off to the east, back to the west more showers in the midwest toward the tennessee valley. this is going to steer to the south. good news it's going to miss us as we sit between two systems today. 42 degrees with mostly cloudy skies sitting at the inner harbor. and the humidity at 82%, 29.03 and rising on the barometer and high pressure building it. 54 temperatures starting out this morning. 55 in salisbury and 55 in d.c. up in hagerstown, 51, cool 37 in oakland. as we get some energy moving around the departing low, it's still enough that we could see a shower in spots. we see it indicated here at the south later into the early evening for the southern part of the state, maybe seeing a little bit of activity. the windy conditions will start to move as the low pressure moves out and the high pressure builds in. we get a pressure gri gradient. we should see sunshine for the second half the day today. we will see more of it tomorrow especially into the later part of the week. the jet stream rises further toward the north. what that means is we get more the warm air from the south moving in. we should see temperatures getting into the 70s and then 80s for the weekend. for today, though, it will be cool. 63 degrees, a couple of light showers this morning is all. but then we will see drier conditions for the afternoon. northwest wind at 10-15 miles per hour. it's a light shower popping. don't be too surprised. it will be spotty. for the most part drier air and turning sunny to cloudy for the central part of the stay. making for a breezy afternoon though, and 60 degrees for the western part of the state with a 10-15-mile-an-hour wind. tonight, 40 degrees for the overnight low. some places may drop into the 30s so it could get rather chilly with a northwest wind at on top of it and a 10-15 miles per hour. we will talk about moderating temperatures. tomorrow 63 for the high so not much of a change there. 70 degrees on tuesday with a lot of sunshine, looking like a very nice day. 77 degrees as we get toward friday with mostly clear skies. 80s coming for saturday and sunday. 81 and 4 for sunda 84 for sunda. showers on monday and maybe a thunderstorm not out of the question and into monday as well chances of showers. a warming trend coming your way and that kind of thing. iradar is available at you can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. the interactive tools will let you know when rain or thunderstorms will be over your house. go to and click on irk radar. on iradar. what about today with candace dold is the traffic edge. >> reporter: not as bad as yesterday. that is for sure. we definitely deserve it after going through all of that. as far as well, the actual speeds right now, they're dipping down but we don't have any major incidents on the west side of the beltway. 36 miles per hour traveling on the outer loop lanes right near security boulevard and it's 50 miles per hour on the outer loop stretch right at catonsville. as for 95, traveling at 395, 63 miles per hour. there's trouble on the jfx. it's not flooding, and it's on the northbound lanes. it's an accident that is going to be right near pastry. use charles as the alternate route. once you finally get past all of that, we are in the green all the way up toward the beltway. as for beltway, let's check in at harford road. those outer loop lanes, we definitely have our fair share of stop and go delays down toward towson. inner loop stretch is in the clear. again, just note the raindrops and of course, use a little bit of extra caution because you will find that the rods are a bit slick of the that's a look at the morning travels, patrice, back to you. thank you, candace. why watch american idol at home when you can catch all of the action live in california. fox 45 morning news, and mix 106 and city value furniture are giving away trip for two to los angeles and seats to american idol. all you have to do is prove you're the biggest idol fan in baltimore. we have come up with 5 american idol trivia questions and you need to log on to and answer them all correctly. then you will qualify for the big competition singing for your seats. whoever scores the highest during our karaoke challenge gets the trip to l.a. for the american idol finale. just log on to so many people have done it already. you need to read the official rules and then answer the trivia you might want to check the newspaper today because there are lots of money in there that could be yours, or maybe not money but items, property, you might not even have known it belonged to you. the comptroller easy office is issuing it's unclaimed list today. comptroller fe peter franchot is joining us this morning. >> good morning patrice, it's amazing when we do this every year. so many people don't know what money is out there. >> this is a list of $42 million we're holding for marylanders. >> that is 62,000 marylanders who don't know they have stuff out there. >> and it's on top of the almost 91 million we are holding through the years. we are ro are interested in gete money to the people. we are like the lottery except you don't have to buy a ticket. you need to lock a look at our . >> who are these people or the money or items come from that they don't know they have? >> this money comes from banks or insurance companies that have money that they owe people but they can't find them. in other words, someone has a state safe deposit box, doesn't tell that they have it. they pass away, the safe deposit box they can't locate the person. after a certain amount of time the bank has to turn it over to us. we engage in a search to try to reunite marylanders with their money. last year we gave almost ask millio$62 million back to maryl. >> ss not always just money, it could be items. >> right. we open the box and there's coin collection, a a rolex watch you were glancing at. what we do is put it up on ebay ask we have made almost $800,000 in the last few years from selling these items in ebay. >> you give people ample amount of time to come and claim it than the last result to sell it. >> if we sell this woman's rolex watch on ebay, we will then hold -- we will hold the money. i mean f that person 10 years from now shows up and said you sold my rolex watch and i can prove it, we will give them cash. >> got it. >> but in the interim, the general fund is allowed to use the mo money for roads et ceter. this is the day to get your hands on this, a lot of names on here. for a link to the unclaimed property website, with you through our website at links. still to come show your mom how much you care. look for her name in here, but you can find out how she can win free airfare just in time for mother's day. i get my preak on with my ex-husband's money. and next get your preak on. what local lawmakers have to i'm done with all these lists. and driving all over town. i want one list. for one store. [ female announcer ] at safeway, you get it all. great quality and great prices. so you just need a safeway list. [ male announcer ] with thousands of everyday low prices you'll save all over the store. [ female announcer ] plus we have great club card specials like oven joy bread is just 89 cents and safeway apple juice only $1.79. [ male announcer ] quality and low prices. so there's one stop for everything. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. >>i get my preak on for eight straight hours, woo-hoo. >> that is the new ad ad campain the jockey club is using to get people back to the infield. they were down 35,000 people because of a stricter alcohol policy, but critics think that the ad are to racy and inappropriate. good morning, to the both of you. >> good morning. >> i'm going to get your reaction to the ad campaign. we will start with you delegate carter. what do you think about the ad. >> they don't appeal to me and they're appealing to the lowest elements. but they achieve their intents and purposes to get the people talking. get your preak on, you're going to find that people's opinions are going to be divided often along age. i think that the younger people it's going to not matter and it's going to appeal and older people will find it offensive. as talking to my mother, she said why can't they advertise it with horses or something. >> delegate mcdonough, let's bring you into this, where do you fall on this. >> i think it's stupid, offense sieve and it's rude. the reason it's stupid is because it doesn't accomplish what the racing industry and pimlico need to accomplish which is to bring in long-term customers on a regular basis. what they're doing is trying to appeal to young people in a lame sort of way to get them there for the one day event. what they're saying is we don't have enough drunks so now we're going to have more beer and boosboosesboos sboose sowe can . >> because of bad marketing and bad decisions in the past that is why that is the about biggest day which is why they're not making more money. we're going to bring howard stern. thank god that jay leno and david letterman do not pick this up and give us the national image of stupidity for maryland. >> you are saying that this appeals to the lowest common denominator, but when you talk about people that are in the infield, isn't that what you're talking about compared to the people that are going to be on the grand stands or actually watching the races. these are people that do the port a pot erase potty races, aw beer at each other. is this not working for that crowd. >> i think it's for the intents and purposes. they're trying to get the people in the infield. when i say it's age wise it could be that some the older people, not to be offensive, it doesn't appeal to them because they're not going to be getting their brok preak on. >> wasn't radio ads talks one nerdy guy wants to get his preak on with a woman at a nursing home, not elderly woman and hopes that his hip doesn't break because it's an all day. the guys who created this ad should be looking for a job. >> the reality is and it may be attributed to these ads but ticket sales are up 5% not from last year when the sales were so low but the year before when you you could bring in all the alcohol. it's working and if the industry is so desperate to getting people in there. >>not working. all it's doing is bringing in 30,000 more people to get drunk and run to port a potties. getting the pimlico pass to have more daytime racing and bringing in revenue so the state of maryland doesn't have to support it. that is why they are bankrupt. >> to be fair to the jockey club, they do have other commercials running. there's a distinction and they have made that. we will see. are you two going to be in the infield? >> yes, together. >> i won't be in the infield. it's one day and we have to get all the revenue that we can and make the most of the one day that we can. >> just so jay leno doesn't pick it up. >> this was almost worth it to [ male announcer ] this year, get the most out of your lawn with the fertilizer that gives you the most for your money. scotts turf builder. it has what other fertilizers don't. scotts patented all in one granule. every key nutrient combined into a single particle so every part of your lawn gets more even feeding. bargain brands have separate nutrients on separate particles, so feeding can be hit or miss. and a lot of what they give you isn't even food, it's filler. some have up to 40% sand, sawdust, even gravel. but scotts turf builder is 100% food. the perfect balance of nutrition lawns need to be beautiful, durable... barefootable. it all adds up to the scotts advantage. it's a difference you can see. a difference you can feel. it's a difference you can enjoy. and now it's up to $5 off your next purchase. go to to get your coupon. for a lawn that can't be beat, get a fertilizer that can't be copied. get the scotts advantage. to kill dandelions, get turf builder with plus 2 weed control. good morning. welcome back to fox 45 morning news. 7:32 is the time. i'm patrice harris. let's get a check of today's forecast, meteorologist steve fir tig ifertig. he is talking about rain that is out of the way. >> there could be a pop up shower but generally there's dry working in. it's going to be moderating temperatures, not today so much, it's going to be cool. yesterday we got to the 50s for a high. today we will get into the 50s and at least we won't have to talk about thunderstorms. take a look at where we start the day. in fact we start at 54 degrees. a mild start. it doesn't climb a lot from here. 55 in hagerstown. we're going see the showers move out of here with a chance of a light spotty shower in spots as the upper level low pulls into the north and east and out of our way. we have ripples of energy around that could pop up a shower. drier air but windier conditions as the drier air moves in. here is what we're looking at, today breezy and drier, although still cool, tool tomorrow and windier, and then warming into the mid-to late week as we get into the 70s and really for the weekend 80s. we will have more on that in a few minutes. here is candace dold with the traffic edge report. candace. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we don't have any weather related issues to talk about, but fortunatel unor opportunitia crash at keith avenue. we have delays stacking up through the region. you will want to use route 1 or even route 40 as the alternate route. let's talk about the beltway this morning the outer loop lanes we don't have incident to talk about from 95 toward 83, but we definitely have a lot of cars. right now 22 minutes at 28 miles per hour. now at 45 miles per hour with a 10 minute clip from 83 up toward 795, the volume is increasing there. the same deal from 795 toward 95, it's only a bit slower there, 19 minutes at 33 miles per hour. that's a look at your morning travels, patrice, over to you. today the president of the school union will go to investigate on the bullying. 7 students have been suspended for bullying, 18 for attacks both on students and teachers as well. last week fox 45 first reported on that violence. you may remember shania, a disabled student targeted by bullies. now more parents have come forward worried about violence in the classroom. >> they hit them with sticks. they was kicking him in his head. like he was bruised from top to bottom. >> i would call them bullies, really bad bullies. >> reporter: we did ask school administrators several times to do an interview on camera with us regarding the bullying at gilmour. they denied those requests. some staff members at the school tell us administrators want that trouble swept under the carpet. again the teachers' uion is uuns stepping in to investigate the matter. the president is expected at the school to investigate what may be causing all of that violence. megan gilliland, fox 45 morning news. we want to n know what you think. who should be held accountable for bullying at public schools. our phone lines are open at (410)481-4545. go to and tell us what you think or sound off through facebook and send us a tweet through fox baltimore. balt mower county police -- baltimore county police have identified the woman killed. mavi maldonado was crossing the street at the entrance of the golden ring shopping complex at philadelphia road. she was pushing her son in a stroller as they were headed to the bus stop. as she stepped on to the sidewalk a pickup truck hit her. >> our crash investigators don't know why this pickup truck hit this woman. they are checking many things as far as even the vehicle safety itself, to see if there was any issues of the vehicle itself. >> the driver did stop to help the mother and child. an investigation is underway. charges could be pending. a major defense contractor almost brought hundreds of jobs to maryland, but instead it's moving too virginia. nonorthrop grew man is relocatig its headquarters from los angeles to virginia. those jobs rohig are high salard positions much the company employs 120,000 people in all. a delaware j judge approved horse track owner magna entertainment bankruptcy plan. shareholders complain that the settlement plan allows magna development to acquire the racetrack and the preakness for a fraction of their value at the fraction of their value. magna filed for bankruptcy after falling to $1 billion in debt. governor o'malley's re-election campaign kicks off today. based on a new poll the race could go down to the wire. the rasmussen shows o'malley 3 points away from ehrlich. compared to the poll conducted a month ago, governor ehrlich has cut the lead in half. good morning, joel. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. it's a good day here, warming up just fine for the kickoff officially again. you got a good backdrop and a good day for it. tell me why you are starting things off. >> we have a great day. we are kicking off a great tour in baltimore. we are excited with govern ore e opallo'malley and lieutenant brn and kicking off the move maryland forward tour. >> reporter: this recent poll, why do you think that it would be just three points. >> we always expected this would be a close race. we have two governors running against each who are well known with records. we figured we will start with a closraceclose race and this wila well fought race. >> reporter: he certainly has a record. he is not someone who can run as an empty vessel. we will have a good comparison on what the governors were able to accomplish in the four years. we looking forward to that debate. >> you're going to 11 cities in three days. how were those chosen. >> reporter: we wanted to make sure that it was a statewide tour. kicking it off at baltimore was no brainer, but we wanted to make sure that we were hitting every part of the state. we're going to rockville later today ssments princ. prince george county, southern maryland, frederick, eastern shore, harford, anne arundel. we're trying to cover every corner of the state. a true statewide tour, and true statewide campaign. >> reporter: it will be very busy and it starts at noon with the kickoff at fells point. governor o'malley trying to become a 2 term governor. joel smith, fox 45 morning news. the man who is formerly known as prosecutor sheila diction is stepping down. state prosecutor robert rohrbough is spending time reflecting on the dixon trial. despite all the crticism, he believes it was a strong case. he also has a comment on what led to her downfall. >> pure greed. you look at it from congress to local politics it's greed. to this day, miss dixon has never explained to the public what that cash was doing in her bank account and where she got the cash. >> rohrbough says he talked with dixon once and that conversation took place during the trial when she asked about getting her fur coats back. that and the verdict are the two most memorable points from the trial. still to come, show your mom how much you care. how you can get her free airline tickets just in time for mother's day. we're talking about the roads this morning and 95, we do have reduced speeds on the southbound lanes here at o'donald street and it's all because of an accident in the area. i will tell you what you need welcome back. 7:43 on this tuesday morning and we had some showers earlier. now looking a bit better on sky watch hd radar seeing a dry scan out there. 54 degrees and mostly cloudy skies at inner ha harbor. northwest winds at 8 miles per hour. the barometer is on the rise at 29.33, 49 is the dew point number and 54 is the dew point in baltimore almost the same in d.c. and salisbury at 55. intun degree51 degrees at hagerd 44 degrees at oakland, the upper level low the one that brought us rain over the next couple of days moving north and east now. in its place high pressure moves in and the high pressure moves in the winds will pick up. we be sitting between the low and high, expect the winds to be around 5-10 miles per hour and getting gustier for tomorrow. a couple of breezy days if not windy, and drier air moving in with warmer temperatures as the jet stream moves to the north and the trend for the rest of this week will be warming temperatures. bit weekend, we will be in the 80s, not today, today it's cool but prettier with more sunshine coming your way for the afternoon. we had a couple of showers earlier but we're seeing more sunshine. 53 degrees for the eastern shore look for the central part of the state to get up to 62 degrees. 10-15-mile opinion o ---mile-an. 40 degrees tonight for the overnight low and by the way if you're going to the game tonight, yankees are in town. the yankees are in town. one of the first pitch temperature around 56 degrees as the temperatures drop to 57 at 6:00 p.m. but partly cloudy skies. it should be a nice night for the game at camden yards. 53 degrees for tomorrow's high temperature, and 70 on thursday, there's beginning of the warm up, 77 on friday, and 80s for saturday, sunday and monday with some showers late sunday into monday possible, but only at 20 to 30% chance. fox 45 sky watch weather is available at your finger, and iradar is available at you can use the fox 45 radar about thunderstorms. go to and you will see it all right there just click on iradar. now, here is candace dold with the traffic edge. >> reporter: no more snow, yes! all right. if you are heading out and hitting the roadways, you will be saying no more delays. unfortunately we're sage sources of congestion out there -- we're seeing sources of congestion along the beltway at catonsville, 41 traveling near security boulevard. as for the jfx much better than it was yesterday morning at 51 miles per hour but then it dips down to 12 miles per hour on the outer loop lanes of the beltway traveling near harford road. there's some trouble on 95 this morning, an accident that blocks two left lanes on the southbound direction. it's right at keith avenue. you will want to use 8 bel air road or even route 40 as the alternate route. on 95, the cramped ride does continue through baltimore county. let's take a look at whitemarsh boulevard for you. the southbound lanes, there it is, you can see the cars are starting to bunch up approaching the beltway. we don't have any incidents to through the county. it's just the sheer volume that you will have to deal with. then on the beltway, there's two separate incidents, one of them is an accident on the outer loop lanes that is right at 7:02. that's a look at the morning travels, patrice, back over to you. thank you, candace. is your mom's baltimore best? in 100 words or less tell us why your mother's is baltimore's best mom. she could win a trip courtesy of southwest airlines. just e-mail an entry courtesy of southwest best mom at 2000000 west 41st street baltimore 21211. if your entry is chosen your mom could win the grand prize, a trip for 4 anywhere where southwest flies. a $100 visa gift card and an oriental rug from universal carpet. coming up a disturbing trend in city schools bullying. now there's reports of bullying at a west baltimore elementary school and the city's union teachers' uniyok union is taking action. who should be today the president of the city teachers' uio union will vt a west baltimore school to investigate incidents of bullying. this is the latest in a string bullying in the city. we want to know what you think, who should be held accountable in at city public schools. the phone lines are open now at (410)481-4545. our first caller is lashand a in parkville. good morning, what do you think about what is going on at the schools. >> i think it's very, very sad. everyone should be held responsible, teachers, administrators and parents. i was a teacher at gilmour elementary and i actually know the young lady and my heart goes out to her. teachers are responsible because they know when a child is being bullied or they have a sense of it. it's going to be right in their face. >> so you think they should step up and report it and do something about it even though they may not be able to control the behavior? >> most definitely and then administrators will step in. when administrators, you know tell the parents that is when the parents step in and do their part. >> very interesting from your perspective, especially being a teacher there at one point. let's go to duante at baltimore. good morning, duante? >> good morning. >> yes, who should be held accountable? >> i think the school administrators should be held accountable. >> do you think they should be doing more than what they're doing or they should be able to prevent it altogether? >> they should be able to prevent it altogether. they should have after school programs for these kids to get into. >> so far we have a couple of people saying that the schools and are responsible? what do you think? >> i think they should go to the old fashion way. which means get the parents and tell the child you don't fight, you're coming to school to learn. if the principal doesn't do anything, after they talk to the parent and the parent is not going to do nothing, that is when they should take action and go higher than the principal, you know what i mean. >> well, tutor your thoughts this morning. a lot of people weighed in our faceboofacebook page. we have 70 comments on this. the person doing the bullying should be responsible. go to your parents and if you can't go to them, go to law enforcement. straight ahead step up on your path to fitness. how you can get back into the habit of good health. i wake-up everything evening ♪ with a dig smile on my face >>see the star of fox's new hit show. see mi it's the chevy spring event. and everyone deserves a car they can count on. one that's backed by a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. and named a consumers digest best buy, two years in a row. discover malibu for yourself and see why over a thousand people a day are switching to chevy. during the spring event, qualified lessees can get a low mileage lease on this new malibu ls for around $199 a month. call for details. the switch to chevy starts at chevy dealer dot com. we all have habits in our life, the question is are they good habits. when it comes to nutrition and fitness if the thins you do on a regular basis aren't healthy, there's ways to change that. we have a new book dr. a dr. anderson's habits of health and he is here to share a few tips. >> if people are trying to get a path, it's hard to do it themselves, they don't know where to begin. >> it's baby steps you o how ton elephant one bite at a time. we teach them things to do. >> what are some the those baby steps. where do you begin step to step. >> the critical part is reaching a healthy weight. as you mentioned i work with medy fast. i'med medical director with medy fast. we use meal replacements. they start eating every three hours and start losing weight. during that teachable moment, they are feeling healthy and losing weight. that is when they are more teachable. sleep is an important part. they drink coffee all day, they can't get to sleep at night so we teach them how to do the other things that are necessary. sleep well and start moving their body not running out and doing aerobics but moving forward. >> you have life coaches to help you move through the process. they need motivation along way. >> many of the coaches have lost weight themselves and staying healthy. diets by themselves don't work. 85% of the people who lose weight yo-yo and gain the weight within a year. our coaches create health versus reacting to the disease. >> you are going to be at the be more healthy expo this weekend? >> yes, i'm excited to be there. >> we are excited. there's going to be a ton of people that need this information? when it comes to living right, fox 45 is stepping up to help you on your path to fitness. the be more healthy expo is this saturday at the baltimore convention inner. there will be experts and admission is free. for more information go to be more healthy coming up in the 8:00 is she or isn't she. the truth behind mariah carey's pregnancy rumors. that is on tabloid tuesday inside i'm joel d smith, where the governor is kicking off his [ telephone rings ] by 3:00! 15 more. need this in 10 minutes. [ machines ringing and whirring ] let's do this. multitasking runs on dunkin'. america runs on dunkin'. with our new freshly baked bagel twists, available in cinnamon raisin and cheddar cheese. pair it with america's favorite coffee today. america runs on dunkin'. hurry in today and try our new cheddar cheese and cinnamon raisin bagel twists. he tried to kick me in my forehead. >> several children bullied at a city school. the investigation now underway. because of that crime she is now under risk of having her family destroyed. >> deported over a phone card. why a program targeted on violent offenders could get one woman kicked out of the country. and the star of glee is going back to her roots. leah michelle's ties to maryland. good morning. it's tuesday, april 27th. i'm patrice harris. good morning, i'm megan gill gilliland. we have had a lot of rain and a lot of cloudy skies. today that could change. >> meteorologist steve fertig we warmer nicer weather. that is going to improve and seeing nicer weather throughout. you can go to iradar and go to i said we don't have to talk about snow anymore, do we? >> we don't. i'm going to talk about it for a second. take a look at the sky h radar, i do want to show you that while we have showers moving out. up to the northern part of the new york state there's know sphawlg. there's col-- there's snow falling. there's cool air from that direction. just an indication, that you know, while we're doing okay around here, we're not talking snow, there's still snow up in the northeastern part of new england. 25 degrees, the temperatures are mild around here. it's definitely mild enough to be just plain rain. even that is gone. 66 degrees at d.c. and we should get rid of the strange shower icon. 62 degrees with mostly clear skies coming your way with the remainder of the way. will be cool and breezy. wins out of the northwest at 5-10 miles per hour. now with a look at what is happening on the roadways. candace dold, can you believe that, there's still snow in new york. >> reporter: i cannot believe that. fortunately we're not talking about snow or flooding. we're talking about an accident on 95. there's a crash on the northbound lanes, it shuts down two lanes at keith avenue. we want to show you what the area looks like on 95 traveling through ow o'donald street and e it is, things are finally actually starting to clear up. you will find the activity, but hey, no lengthy delays as a result of that one. now the beltway, well that is a different story. it's going to be heavy from 95 up toward 83, 29 minutes at 29 miles per hour. we are in the green though, from 83 up toward 795 with a 10 minute clip now 44 miles per hour there. look at it from 795 down toward 95, it's slow go, 19 minutes, 34 miles per hour. that's a look at your morning travels, patrice and megan, back over to you. new information this morning on a story you saw first on fox. the president of the city's teachers union will visit a west baltimore elementary school to investigate more reports of bullying. last week we reported on shania's story a disabled student targeted by bullies. now since then, more parents have come forward with similar stories. 7 students at gilmour have been suspended for bullying, 18 for other attacks and the baltimore teachers union says the real number of incidents is probably a lot higher. >> i do believe that principals still wasn't to keep their schools known as safe schools. the least suspensions you have, the better your school is, so they try to keep the numbers down. >> reporter: we asked city school administrators to do an interview on camera regarding the bullying at gilmour but they denied the request. baltimore county police have identified the young mother killed after being hit bea truck. her family is calling her a hero by getting her 2-year-old son out of harms way. 17-year-old mavi maldonado was crossing the street at the entrance of the golden ring shopping complex at philadelphia road. she was pushing her son in a stroller as had he were headed to a bus stop. just as she stepped on the sidewalk, a pickup truck hit her. >> our crash investigators don't know why this pickup truck hit this woman. they are checking many things even as far as the vehicle safety itself to see if there was any issues of the vehicle itself. >> the driver did stop to help the mother and child. an investigation is underway and charges could be pending. police are looking for more suspects in a home invasion robbery at an off campus towson university fraternity house. police have already made two arrests after several men broke into a fraternity house at east burke avenue last week stealing computers,mp3s and other electronics. one resident who was home at the time told police he was doing homework when six men wearing red bandanas over their faces stormed into that house. police are looking for troy tail tailor in connection with that case. they are also going after another unidentified suspect. a new poll shows that the race for governor is a close one. the rasmussen poll shows governor ow o'malley 3 points ad governor ehrlich. this is shaping up to be a historic battle that woul coulde one of the closest and dirtiest of all time. joel d smith has no more from fs point where governor o'malley is launching his campaign. you had the campaign manlie mans it going to be dirty like everyone is saying. >> reporter: she wants to know, is this going a dirty campaign like last month? >> i don't i can speak on the dirty 1. we expect to run a campaign on the issues. >> reporter: somage some analy this is going to be one of the dirtiest campaigns? sometimes s it's people's perceptions. >> reporter:we have issues. we fully expect the campaign to go in that direction. we don't expect it to be a dirty campaign at all. >> reporter: some say because ehrlich came out and said he is running. do you think you might get a boost because you're hitting the pavement? >> i'm sure the polls will go back and forth all the time while we go through this race. this is going to be a hard fought race and it will be decided on the issues and it will be decided on which candidate they think it ready to move the state forward. >> reporter: it will start at noon is when the incumbent is here governor o'malley. he goes on a 10 day city 3 day. don't forget primaries on september first. joel d smith at fells point, fox 45 morning news. the public will have a chance to pay their last respects to a civil rights leader today a public viewing for dr. dorthy heights will be held tonight at the national council of negro women from 6 to 10:00 p.m. funeral services will be held on thursday at the national cathedral. dr. height died last week at the age of 98. she was the long time president of the council and a life long champion of civil rights. there's $42 million of unclaimed property this year and of some of it may be yours. starting today, the comptrollers office will publish information in newspapers statewide. in the article you will find names of 60,000 people who can claim a piece of that mon he other. the informatio-- money. the information will run until may 12th. to see if you have unclaimed money, log on to links. a maryland woman could be reported for selling a $2 phone card. the mother of three was arrested last week. she sold the card to someone she thought she knew. with the arrest and finger print ideidentification was sent to costumes to check it out and now that has her in trouble. >> the reality is that any person who is arrested for anything, and the magority of nonalcoholic offenses? as it turns out the visa expired 6 years ago but because of her three children who u.s. citizens, she may be able to stay in the country. well, coming up american idol goes country. ♪ ♪ forever and more >> shania twain tips for the idol hopefuls. and i'm jessica starr coming up this morning on the hometown hot spot, i'm going to tell you about the now pay just $99.99 a month for verizon fios tv, internet and phone -- guaranteed for two years! it's an amazing offer that could save you hundreds of dollars. call now to lock in this guaranteed low price for two years. with 100% true fiber optics to your home, fios delivers the future and gives you more of what cable doesn't. the best channel lineup and more hd. america's top-rated internet. even facebook and twitter on your tv. enjoy a bigger, better entertainment experience. and the peace of mind that comes from knowing you'll pay the same low price year after year. call now and you'll also get a free dvr for 6 months. get it all for just $99.99 a month with a two-year agreement -- a price guaranteed for two years! don't wait. call 1-877-4fiostv. that's 1-877-4fiostv. this is beyond cable. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities this is fios. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. the american art museum is having the kinetic sculpture race. that is where meteorologist jessica starr is at. good morning, jess. >> reporter: this will be the kinetic sculpture race going on through the streets of baltimore. to get you more on the criteria on the beautiful sculptures, i'm joined by jessie. jesse. tell me about the sculptures. >> not the helmet first, but safety first. we have 40 vehicles, human powered sculptures works of art that have to go through the streets of baltimore and take a dip at the harbor. and head up to patterson park for a mud pit and a sand pit and a random obstacle and a blitz back to the museum. >> reporter: real quickly. tell me, is there a winner? does one person win something? >> people win by surviving this amazing race, but the top prize goes to a group that comes exactly in the middle our grand mediocre award. that is the top prize that everybody is fighting viciously for. >> reporter: i can't believe that these go into the inner harbor. do they really float or that is the entertainment for the day? >> the idea is that -- the intention that they float, but of course, a lot of these people, a lot of people are working them and they end up testing them. but our pumper is tried and true and it does it. >> reporter: you need to come out on saturday and check out the exciting and beautiful and creative sculptures that going to attempt and float at the inner harbor. you with can get all of that information by going to the weatherpo weather for satur. we're going to warm up and start feeling warm. 81 for saturday for the race, for a look at the full forecast, the sunshine is shining. let's head to steve in the sky watch center. >> reporter: i kind like you squinting out there an indication that there's a lot of sunshine out there. you can see. sky hd radar showing a lot of improvement now. we did have showers overnight and especially into the eastern shore even this morning. that has moved toward the east as the high pressure builds in and it's the high pressure bringing us a nice day. i wanted to show you the northeastern part of the new york state, snow falling there. meanwhile showers on the west around the tennessee valley is coming to the south and east of us. that should miss us as well as we sit between the two systems. the high pressure will build in and will make for a pretty day today as we joy more sunshine as we go here. 55 degrees the temperature at the inner harbor, northwest winds at 9 piles per hour. and the -- 9 miles per hour and the barometer is on the rise and that is why we're seeing the clearing skies. 54 in salisbury and 54 in hagerstown. out in oakland, 34 degrees. there's the high pressure that brought us showers overnight. in fact, stormy weather especially to the south at st. mary's that we had a toured 9tornadowarning last night. we had hail and thunderstorms but nothing that reached tornadic activity. we sit between them so that the pressure gradient creates the winds. we look at the jet stream moves further points north and brings the cooler toward the south and it brings the 80s for the weekend. 64 degrees for the south, a 10-15-mile-an-hour wind out the northwest. the central part of the state getting to 63 degrees for the high with sunshine builing sunsg right now. and a mix of sun and clouds, 60 degrees for the highs 10-15-mile-an-hour wind. a bit chilly with a northwest wind at 10-15 miles per hour. could be upper 30s in spots. tomorrow is cool, 63 for the high. 70 and sunny on thursday, 77 mostly sunny on friday, and 81 saturday, partly cloudy, and grie85and 84 for the sunday andy late showers possible for monday. i radar is available at you can use fox 45's powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. the interactive tools will show you when rain or thunderstorms will be over your house. go to and click on iradar candace dold is back with a look at the traffic edge. candace. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we don't have nearly as many problems as we had yesterday morning. checking in on the actual speeds, though, and it still is a slow go out there. we're seeing a lot of volume 5 miles per hour on the outer loop lanes at the beltway at harford road. 11 miles per hour on 95 traveling through whitemarsh. now we do want to talk about 95, there's an accident farther down if you do need to travel toward washington d.c. this morning. you will find it. it's on the southbound lanes right near route 198. now 95, a little bit farther up,let check it out at route 100. we haven't had any mishaps to report there and that continues to be the case. so we don't really have any significant delays moving through the area, just the congestion again. , the southbound lanes and the northbound stretch up toward the beltway. as for the alternate route, use 295 instead. and then, speaking of beltway,let check it out at frederick road this morning. that traffic is flowing freely on the outer loop lanes and the inner loop, we definitely have a lot of cars that are filling it up there, and farther up at liberty road, let's check that out for you. pretty much the same deal, it's the inner loop stretch that we're concerned with. not a lot of accidents, it's just unfortunately that congestion. that's a look at the morning travel. patrice, and megan, back to you. thank you candace. is your mom baltimore's best. in 100 word or less tell us why your mom is baltimore's best. she could win a trip courtesy of southwest airline. just mail your entry to baltimore's best mom at 2,000 west 41st street baltimore 212 un1. if you21211. if your mom wins you she could win a trip for 4 anywhere where southwest flies, a visa gift card for $100, and an oriental rug from universal carpet. i wake-up every evening with a big smile on my face ♪ >> the school that claims to fame thanks to one glee star. forever and for all always ♪ >> and next american idol calls on shania twain. we get a preview to it's me proof, in a way. 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[ machines ringing and whirring ] let's do this. multitasking runs on dunkin'. america runs on dunkin'. with our new freshly baked bagel twists, available in cinnamon raisin and cheddar cheese. pair it with america's favorite coffee today. america runs on dunkin'. hurry in today and try our new cheddar cheese and cinnamon raisin bagel twists. fox 45 be more healthy expo is know just four days away. if you are looking to jump-start your own healthy living, we're going to help you by getting you involved. you can workout with celebrity fitness trainer monty sanders who will be at the expo this weekend. he joins us with a preview of those exercises. good morning, monty. >> good morning, megan. >> how are you? >> can you believe we are four days away. >> we're going to do aerobic exercises when people come to make it nice and fun for them. a lot of times when we do aerobics, we think it's hot and high-impact. here these laid are doing it nice -- ladies are doing it nice and easy and working on their side. you got a work punch for guys who like to workout. >> i got to back up. >> but what this does is give them more range of motion with their waistlines. then we can back it up and 1, 2, 3 and bring one leg up. you're kind of here doing the same movement and but then you add more ab time. we go one leg, a lot time we will make it fun and the leg is nice and light. making a waste and turning the elbows, excelling and we do those type of movements on saturday as well. good job, ladies. >> that's just the start. you have a lot of things that the folks will be able to come and do. >> our most popular, our camps of the we have a lot of fun with the camps, the kids that come out we are v have a lot of fun. these ladies can do the left leg where you get the hip and the waste involved. a lot of time it's fun but we target a lost our abs and arpz oarmson this one. we can change direction and just fun aerobic drills we will do a saturday at the po expo. >> you can come with the workout clothes and do all of these exercises. you can come and do these. >> we are inviting everyone to join us so we can fun together. >> monty, thank you for joining us. and come out to the expo when it comes to healthy living, fox 45 is stepping up and helping on your path to fitness. it's this saturday may first at the baltimore convention center. there's going to be experts on everything from nutrition to physical fitness with monty to nutritional health. for more no foundation, go to hope to see you here. when you know something is wrong but you don't know exactly what iit is. how to determine when you need help. one of glee's stars is from right here in maryland. we take a look at where leah michelle got her start. now pay just $99.99 a month for verizon fios tv, internet and phone -- guaranteed for two years! it's an amazing offer that could save you hundreds of dollars. call now to lock in this guaranteed low price for two years. with 100% true fiber optics to your home, fios delivers the future and gives you more of what cable doesn't. the best channel lineup and more hd. america's top-rated internet. even facebook and twitter on your tv. enjoy a bigger, better entertainment experience. and the peace of mind that comes from knowing you'll pay the same low price year after year. call now and you'll also get a free dvr for 6 months. get it all for just $99.99 a month with a two-year agreement -- a price guaranteed for two years! don't wait. call 1-877-4fiostv. that's 1-877-4fiostv. this is beyond cable. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities this is fios. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. welcome back to fox fry morning news. 8:30 is the time. i'm patrice harris. good morning, i'm megan gilliland, meteorologist steve fertig is here with slightly good news. >> we are headed to nice days. >> we are with temperatures that are moderating. the next couple of will be cool still, but mild. it looks real pretty, a little windy. that is all. take a look at the sky watch hd radar and this is what you will find. not a whole lot. the showers moving to the northeast and the drier sunshine and temperatures that will worm a little bit because the flow will be out of the northwest it won't warm up a whole lot this time tomorrow. 65 degrees starting out in baltimore certainly not a bad starting temperature. we will only climb to 62 later into the afternoon around 2-3:00. northwest wind 5-10 will make for breezier cool. we could frost bit way out on western part of the state as temperatures drop into the 30s there. we will get you the full forecast and tell you about the warm up and how warm it will get to this weekend in a few minutes. candace dold is here with the track edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we're trying to wra up this wras morning's commute. we like the looks of this, the cars are cruising on the southbound and northbound laibz. lanes northbound northbound lan. 55 miles pour hour and only 54 miles per hour with a 9-minute ride at the harbor tunnel down toward 95. but then the party ends from there. the outer loop lanes on the beltway it's indeed heavy from 95 toward 83, 35 minutes as 17 miles per hour. that's a look at your morning travels, patrice, back over to you. here is a look at our top stories. goldman sachs chief executive and other employees will be in the hospita hot seat at capitol. they will testify in a hearing that will look into the. it comes as a bill is a trying it avoid future melt down. goldman sachs has been in the harsh spotlight since the fcc filed fraud charges against the firm saying it profited from the housing crisis. >> reporter: i'm joel d smith at fells point where today the re-election campaign begins for governor martin o'malley. he will most likely be going against former governor bob ehrlich in the fall. the two had a close race in 2006. the rasmussen poll shows they're closer now. they're three points between the most recent maryland governor. some say because ehrlich has recently announced. others think this will amount to a very close race that will result in dirty politics. either way, it all kicks off today with the current governor o'malley starting off his re-election campaign again. he will go to lec 11 cities ovee next three days. a major defense contractor almost brought hundreds of jobs to maryland but instead it's moving to virginia. northrop grumman is moving its headquarters tr lo from los ango virginia. those jobs are high salaried executive positions. it provides aerospace, electronics and technical services remember the company employs 120,000 people in all. would you know something is wrong with you but you don't know what it is, it can be very scary. sometimes it can be tough for doctors. spots the lung or lung nods pose a tough challenge for doctors. it can be difficult to determine whether those spots are cancerous and most patients are referred to surgery when they may not bed this morning we are joined by dr. richard buterfrano and doctor of the cancer surgery. good morning. >> explain what a lung noddl nos and what to do. >> we are starting to see spots that would never have shown up on a chest x-ray. sometimes they are smaller than the tip of one's small fink the. they are very small and only picked up on the sophisticated ct scans. >> if you see that spot, what does it mean for the patient. >> if the patient is a young patient who has never been a lifetime smoker, the chances of that being cancer which we worry most could be quite low. the alternative if it's a lifelong smoker, we coul would e worried that could represent a cancer. >> most people are referred to surgery when in fact they don't need surgery. how do you know when that necessary and when it is not? >> i work closely with our chest radiologist, we look at the size of the noddle if it's 12-millimeters it's safe to watch that. then i look at the characteristics, is it irregular shape or does it look more like a scar or like a growing cancer. what we will do then is watch it with the ct scan, 3 or 4 months, if it starts to grow, then it's acting like cancer then we will treat it that way. if it stays like that, we will watch it as long as necessary. >> if you decide that there's a need for surgery, there's innovations that will make that the easier because of it? >> we start with a minute yum inhave a -- minut minute numb ia sis technique. at the university of maryland we take a lot of pride of being able to do good at cancer operations. >> you use a multidisciplinary approach there to treating these noddles. >> reporter: but then if a patient has compromised lung function, their breathing isn't so good. the noddle turns out to be a cancer, we are able to do a surgery with minute mum inhav ma si--inhave invasive see techniques. doctor thank you for joining us. thanks for having me. if it's not one thing it's another. who lindsay lohan is having a war of words on twitter. i wake-up every fink ♪ >> and from the school choir to gl loving free to lose weight. loving free to eat what i love. loving free to live my life. ♪ loving free on weight watchers. and you will too. since right now you can join for free. weight watchers. because it works. 8:40 on this tuesday morning. nice conditions coming your way with more sunshine. mostly clear skies right now. showers from yesterday have moved off to the east this morning. we look to the north. i want to show you some north falling in the northern part of new york state just to make you feel a little better even about our cool temperatures that we have today of the tennessee valley showing showers there. that is going to steer to the south and east of us so we are not too concerned about that either. looking sunny today but a little breezy. the winds at 9 miles per hour out of the northwest. rising on the barometer an indication that the high pressure is rising and bringing us the sunshine. 56 in d.c. 54 in salisbury and the same or hagerstown. in oakland a little chilly as you see 36 degrees. overnight tonight there could be frost out there as the temperatures cool down. here is a look at showers over the next couple of days. the upper level low moves north and east. behind that we get a northwesterly flow. a couple of showers south but generally drier air moving in with all of the sunshine we're starting to enjoy. high pressure is doing its thing and bringing us the sun. the winds will be a fobbing tarr today and tomorrow, too. that will bring the warm air as the jet stream aloft further points that is going to allow us to get temperatures into the 70s a couple of days from now. 80s into this weekend. we may be talking about a couple of late showers on sunday into monday. here is what we're looking forward to today, 63 degrees with sunshine, this afternoon, sunny and mid-afternoon clouds. back to the west we go looking for partly cloudy skies there, high temperature of 60 degrees. 10-220 an hour wind. sometime outlying areas could be cooler yet. we will definitely make for a cold evening for nighttime. 63 degrees for tomorrow's high, mostly clear skies and plenty of sunshine for the thursday, there's the 70. 77 better on friday mostly clear and partly cloudy, 81 on saturday. 85 and 44 for the sunday and monday with a 20 to 30% chance of some showers late sunday into monday. fox 45 sky watch weather is available at your finger tips. iradar is available at can you use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. the interactive tools will let you know when rain or thunderstorms will be over your house. go to and click on iradar. now candace dold is back with a last look at the traffic edge. candace. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we have been monitoring the actual speeds is they're not exactly buzzing on parts of 95 right now still at 12 miles per hour on the southbound lanes approaching the beltway moving through rosedale. and it's 6 miles per hour on the outer loop lanes of 695 traveling at harford road. now as far as what is happening, well, we do have an accident right now. it's in baltimore county on lake side boulevard. na is at owings mills boulevard. 795, we do have a good crowd there on the southbound lanes from owings all the way down toward 695. there are no incidents. it's just that volume. on the beltway right at liberty road, let's check out that region for you and well, the outer loop lanes and the inner loop lanes, now actually running to up speed. so we will wrap up the morning commute. that is not looking too bad. further down on frederick road we have been in clear. however look at the that the --t clutter on the inner loop lanes. the commute through baltimore no problems to report. 895 moving through the harbor tunnel and the cars are cruising along northbound and southbound. that is a look at the morning travels, patrice and megan, back over to you. why watch american idol at home when you can catch all the action live in california. fox 45 morning news, mix 106, airtran and value city furniture are giving away a trip for two to los angeles and tickets to american idol. all you have to do is prove that you're the biggest american idol in baltimore. we have come up with 5 trivia questions. all you have to do is log on to and answer all of the questions correctly. then you will qualify for the big competition, singing for your seats. whoever scores the highest during our karaoke challenge gets the trip tol.a. for the american idol challenge. go to and read the rules and answer the trivia questions. she is the star of glee and from close by. >> anwake-up every evening. >> where leah mitchell go michet pregnancy rumors swirl and an internet war of words. >> it's tabloid tuesday and brandi proctor has more. we have to start with the celebrity rumor that has been swirling everywhere. folks, mariah carey is not, i repeat, not pregnant. the bloggs have been going crazy since these plump pictures showed up. she doesn't look huge like everybody says, but she has put on a few healthy pounds. the couple plans to have a second ceremony to celebrate their anniversary. a super slim jennifer hudson was snapped strolling with her baby in l.a. last week. isn't he cute and big, he isn't one yet, not until august. mr. big has flown the coupe. he served three long years behind bars for action evasion. now that he is out, he is planning on his next album and plans to feature big names. while in jail he mentored younger prisoners. he claims being able to make it through his bid from visits from his wife and son. it's been a tough week for lindsay lohan. first she gets dropped from what is supposed to be her new film. lindsay hasn't been this a film since 2007. now there's a debate on whether it had to do with her or the unknown director. either way, she got the axe. now there's an all out twitter war between lindsay and paris hilton. bby then of the gloves were off. he reposted the stories, so she posted pictures of him while he battled with his weight and the pink hair. >> i will keep you posted if any punches get thrown. peaking of throwing punches. i told you about this a baltimore rapper. keith has made another response. this time a music video, not only taking lyrical shots but mocking nikki. it is funny. she has baltimore hip-hop and smash ban behind her. this video hit the net on friday and has gotten more than 7 million hits. more than a 7 million. she performed with kass delast weekend so it kind of seems that it would be best for nikki to keep quiet at this point because i don't know of any youtube videos he has that has gotten 7 million hits. i will keep you posted on responses and of course, i will keep an eye on our rising star from baltimore. let's hope when she makes it he will stay as far away from the stylist, our fashion faux pas. those way overdrawn lips, okay, i have no word for them. but the fact that he stopped pumping gas is went all out in fashion strut mode for the paparazzi, that is priceless. i'm brandi proctor, i will see you next week. i don't know. but i think that the fact that you're pumping gas in that outfit and not worried about son taspontaneously columbus compas eversmart choice is carmax. the way car buying should be. students in one mrnlg high school have one -- new jersey high school have one more thing to brag about. we find out about leah's michelle life before glee. >> leah michelle rocks out on glee, but not long before her role as a high school music devotee she was living that life at high school in new jersey. >> there's a buzz around the whole school about the show. people are kind of that much more interested because leah was here. ♪ ♪ rain down >> she was in the honor's choir and music instructor jim mallard says leah shares a lot of qualities with her t.v. character rachael barry. >> she has always had one goal. she has been very persistent about it. she always know what she was going to do. there's no ca question in my mi. >> thethe current choir memberse too young to have known her but they are huge fans. >> you see stars and you don't realize their background. i see one star and i can totally connect because i'm from the exact place where i am. it gives everybody hope. >> i want to thank her for inspiring us and being a great role model to all of us. >> it was just eight years ago when leah was starring in carnival her sophomore year. these pictures reveal she is confident on stage. music instructor susan tal says susan was a regular high school girl with an extraordinary talent. >> when she steps out on the stage she just grabs the stage and everybody is mesmerized. >> reporter: now in the hallways, glee mania has hit a high note. >> i'm like obsessed with glee. like i have never missed an episode. i can watch them over and over. >> reporter: unlike t.v.'s mckinley high, the honor choir has always been a cool thing to do. >> it's a nice environment. everybody is friendly. >> reporter: after watching one of their own make it big there's a glee effect. >> definitely the show has inspired people to want to sing more and get more into it. ♪ ♪ sing along >> leah actually has ties to maryland. she lived at bethesda, she was in a production of ann frank and she did star as ann frank. you can watch [ telephone rings ] by 3:00! 15 more. need this in 10 minutes. 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