Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20091111

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xt on fox 45 morning news. mr. muhammad do you have any last words. the execution of the d.c. sniper, the final moments of john allen muhammad? police still need your help in finding this man. where they say you need to be a on lert this morning. the make of jury in the mayor's trial, what it could mean for her defense. good morning. it's wednesday, november 11th. i'm patrice harris. yes, it's 11-11, people are making note of that, meteorologist steve fertig one of them is here to tell us about our forecast on this 11-11, so far windy. >> yeah, absolutely and the winds higher than 11 miles per hour, gusting up to 25, maybe even higher than that in spots. we do have our share of showers out there. we take a look at the sky watch radar, we see lesser amounts of rain, as we go to the north and west and you see the blue as you travel closer to i-70. closer view of the surrounding city, of course, a look at the heavier rain for the eastern side of baltimore, even there, not heavy rain, just heavier than it is to the west. back to the west further, you see lighter rain as you travel route 70 past the sykesville area. back to the east, that is we will see the heaviest rain today. the eastern part of the eastern shore will get the heaviest rain today. we have a coastal flood watch in effect until right now 6:00 a.m., maybe extendible, we will have to see. that is where the heavier rain will be coastal flooding. here it is, and you can see all of that rain moving to the north and east, it will be due to the remnants of ida which is moving in our general direction and the easterly flow bringing more moisture. temperatures in the low 50s, with the exception of hager town at 44 degrees. you want to have the umbrella handy, because there could be showers, a cooler than average day as well. let's take a look at what is happening on the roadways. here is candace with the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we have talking about trouble on the street, because of a broken watermain at franklin street. it happened at 8:00 and we were there. unfortunately it's going to be shutdown this morning. there are no problems to report on baltimore street moving through the area, so just be aware that there's a lot of equipment on that scene there, so that is going to be the case this morning, unfortunately. as for the main lines, though, there's trouble already, heading out we with can show you 95 at 395 and i can tell that you it's already going to be a busy ride. you can see the flashing lights there and as the camera bobbles you can see the fact that there's a lot of cars on the road. it's all because of an accident on the northbound lanes at 395. the main lines heading traveling from 795 to 95, pretty normal there, a 12-minute ride, 54 is the average speed. on 95 toward the beltway toward route 32 the volume is increasing but so far an 11 minute clip, so you will be traveling 60 miles per hour. on southbound 895, no problems to report. you will want to stick with 895 this morning from the harbor tunnel to 795, a 5-minute ride, 50 the average speed. patrice, back over to you. 6:03 on fox 45 morning news. the mastermind bheen behinde d.c. sniper attacks is dead this morning. we were there for the final moments. megan joins us with the final moments. >> reporter: last night new maimed was served chicken with red as his final meal. shortly after that he was brought for execution. prison officials told our crew that he was quiet and relaxed and in his final moments he didn't say one word. his attorney was on hand last night. he told fox 45 that the convicted killer was fearless. he said prison did not make him so prison would not break him. hours before he was excused muhammad met with relatives, his first watch said he reached out to her to apologize. >> he apologized for a lot of things. he apologized for the marriage not working for the infed illty. he a follow jizzed for a lot of things, he wanted to let me know that he was sorry for the wrong that he had done. >> reporter: he was accused of killing a man, and the terror that affected d.c. and virginia. in 10 days they skilled 20 people. many of the victims and families were there for the execution. one mother couldn't bring herself to get out of car but called muhammad a demon. a student is stabbed? a high school cafeteria. it happened at 1:30 yesterday at marvo high at baltimore. the student was treated by the high school nurse and taken to a hospital. he is expected to be okay. 5 students not from mirvo are being questioned. first on fox an east baltimore woman has a medical emergency and dies four days later. her family bleez the city's rotating fire station closures could be to blame. on october 25th marqu tirks, a lindsay suffered an asthma attack, somebody called 911. a baltimore engine several miles away responded with firefighters and paramedics but no ambulance, >>i can see them cutting other things but emergency services that will be a matter of somebody living or dying, it's obscene it's unreal. >> the closest company was a mile away but could not respond. the medic unit was temporarily shutdown as par o part of the cs fire rotation closures. the fire department did not return our calls for comment. a maryland rair marine diesn afganistan. charles cart wright died on saturday. he assigned to the first marine special operations battalion at camp pendleton, california, cart wright was from union ridge. a suspected rapist is still at large, one week after police release a sketch of the man to the public. the suspect is thought to have raped three women and broken into a number of homes all near city bus stops. joel d smith is live at the city bus stop with the latest. good morning, joel. >> reporter: good morning, patrice, we're talking in that two week span nine rapes. people at the bus stops very much on edge, because especially at night, in the overnight hours in the dark is when the attacker has been doing his dirty business. what we're talking about is this bus stop in particular, this is the last location where a reported rape may have begun, where the two men. this is at the intersection of brandon avenue and bel air road. it's two weeks ago when a 22-year-old woman got off the bus and was dragged into the brandon avenue and that is where she was raped in an alley. this would have been the 3rd in two weeks near bus stops and the night rapes overall that were reported to police. one a victim was tied up before the rape. a sketch has been released by police to trying to get more leads and trying to find out who this person is. the police think someone has seen this man, even on a bus. >> somebody is going to look at this guy and look familiar. don't be afraid to call police. we saw that guy at the corner on a bus stop, because we are going to look into it. >> reporter: a task force is being formed to try to stop the attacks and working with the mta to beef up security at bus stops. there's even decoys, that are being used to try to track more leads. in the meantime until this person is caught, they're asking for people if they have seen this man to please call police and travel in pairs, be cautious and be aware because this person is still on the loose and may be responsible for nine rapes in the city. we're live in east baltimore, joel d smith, fox 45 morning news. coming up the healthcare bill could is supposed to cost $1.3 billion, but it could cost even more, the monetary help make the holidays happier for the men and women who serve our country. give them a taste of home. meteorologist jessica starr is live with the detail details ono do that today. good morning, jess. >> reporter: today is veterans day, you need to help those that are he deployed and give them a taste of home. and to get more information on how to do that. how does case of home help those that are overseas. >> a taste of home provides a lot of support services for our men and women who are deployed in harms way, particularly those of the maryland national guard. what we do is we supply phone cards so that the soldiers can call home. and that is a big deal, not just for the soldier but for the families. and the other thing we do is we provide hue among yous care packages that we fill with really, really cool goodies. not just like the usual care package stuff, like snacks, and wipies, but ipods and dvds and really cool stuff that the soldiers have said they really appreciate. >> reporter: how much can people donate and how much do you need to donate? is it just what you can give. >> what you can give. if you would like to serve, send your tax deductible donations to taste of home as seen at our website at taste of >> reporter: if you want to get more information on the taste of home, log on to or a high temperature in the mid-50s and winds at 10-20 miles an hour. i'm standing in the rain, will that let up, let's head to the steve in the sky watch center to find out. jessica, i'm going to tell you, don't let go of the umbrella. you will need it today. sky watch hd radar indicating showers throughout the area, scattered around as far as the intensity goes. we will zoom on in toward the beltway. you can see toward the washington area, they're not seeing some light rain. where we are light rain but picking up downtown, the moderate rain indicated by the yellow. you see points west, you will see lighter rain in the western part of baltimore city and then beyond 695 seeing lighter rain still in sykesville and west on 70 as you go in that direction, probably lighter still, the further west you do head in that direction. meanwhile down to the south and east, seeing the heavier rain in the salisbury and the southern part of the eastern shore. that is where we expect to see as much as 1.5 an inof rain. inincinch of it moves ie will have the rain haft yesterdaheaviest tothe east. the low pressure center, -- well, it's jumping all over the place. let's try that again. there it is, much more slowly. it won't move as fast as i originally showed you but about like that. very slow to move offshore and out of our way. what we have is high pressure off the north that is going to keep it to the south and the east. this high pressure to the north will help to dissipate it to the west. here is look at that over the next few days. it's a slow-moving system, that doesn't get out of here real soon but the concentration of the rain. an inch .5 expected in salisbury. if you're traveling in virginia, you are headed in the wrong direction if you want to be away from the rain. 50 degrees in baltimore, 52 in salisbury, and certainly cooler in oakland where it will be drier and is right now. as we look for the had i too muctemperatureright now. the winds up to 15-20 miles an hour. the central part of the state climbing to 55 degrees, that is certainly cooler than yesterday when we were in the mid-60s instead. northeast wind at 10-20 miles per hour with the shower chances but lesser amounts of rain as we get toward the west where 53 degrees should do it for the high. showers and a 10-20-mile-an-hour wind. as we move through the week, tomorrow boo degrees52 degrees,m is slow to move. 61 and dry saturday, 66 and partly cloudy sunday, real nice looking weekend. 62 degrees mostly clear for monday and 58 partly cloudy on your tuesday. sky watch fox 45 doppler radar you can use for tracking incoming storms. the interactive tools will let you see when rain or snow will be over your house h. thank you, steve. we have been talking about the speeds and right now it's still far away. 49 miles per hour traveling on the stretch in the northeast corner. if you are going to approach the top part of the north way, it's in the green. i can tell you that the traffic is flowing freely. on the jfx once you finally approach that at 58 miles per hour. all in all, not a bad ride. on 95, though, we had earlier trouble, the good news is its finally in the clearing stages. an accident on the northbound lanes at 295. we can show you the scene on the 95 stretch and there's a lot of cars traveling there. this is right at the sky ram and you can see the roads are a bit slick out there. be sure to show the straw caution if you're headed out the door. as far as the city, it's right outside at calhoun street, a lot of equipment there trying to pass this one up. it's still going to be blocked this morning. so you will want to used edmondson avenue as an alternate route. no problems to report on the northbound and southbound making that into the downtown area. on the beltway so far so good in excellent shape moving toward pikeville. and wrapping on the westbound side. on the utter loop lanes you can see a lot of cars starting to congregate, but no brake lights in either direction. patrice, back to you. candace, thank you. the jury is set for mayor dixon's trial, will the makeup of men and women benefit or hurt her? 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( ding ) book now at after my quick home energy wocheck-up from bge.ew house it's the closest i'll ever get to a day spa. they wrapped my pipes, installed cfl bulbs, recommended a little nip/tuck around the old windows and more. [announcer] learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at, and pamper your home with a quick home energy check-up. [sigh] ah... the efficient life is the good life. jp morgan is increasing its sale force and google unveils a holiday gift to travelers. shsheshelli lynn unveils the details in today's business brief. a mixed day on wall street after monday's big rally. the dow industrial edge up 20 points closing at under 10247. the s, and p5 unand th500 and ne unchanged. one of the nation's top lenders will boost its force. they will hire 110 mortgage officers. the increase is to help chase customers buy and refinance homes. social networks, starting today tweets can link you to the linkedin sites, and twitter and linkedin will be able to share across bloat platforms. and google is giving air travelers the holiday gift. the company is putting the bill for wi-fi in 47 of the nation's airports. that means that travelers can google free of charge. among those airports getting the holiday perk, houston, miami, and seattle. coming up after the break, he destroyed the lives of countless people. >> i lost a friend. >> the d.c. area sniper john allen muhammad is dead this morning. his final reaction before he died is coming up. >> reporter: the sketch is out of welcome back to fox 45 morning news, 6:29 is the time. and you are taking a look at some wet streets out there. that is what you're waking up to this morning, a little bit of rain and in some places more than a little bit of rain fortunately for me and my dogs who had to go out this morning, just a little bit. they don't like the rain and it causes problems for me. good morning, i'm patrice harris. you don't want to cause problems for me, because i then take it out on meteorologist steve fertig. but not today. he has company. >> reporter: this is brandon milan. and you go to school in finkburg at what school? >> the port academy. >> and you are from mount airy. >> what grade. >> second grade. >> you're going to be doing the weather with me in a little bit. brandon, you can come back and point to where the rain is falling around the baltimore area. can you plainly see it there. you can see to the western side of the city lighter rain there and even lighter rain still as we walk across i-70, be careful when you walk across i-70, very busy street. here is what we got showers that are heavier down toward the eastern shore. that is where we expect to see the most rain today. we will be talking about that in a little bit, and as far as the coastal flood watch that, is on the west side of the chesapeake bay, through tomorrow, you can see a lot of rain on the way, isn't there, brandon. >> yeah. >> temperatures will be in the low 50s today. to start the day, we will see temperatures climb in the mid-50s at the bus stop at 52. you will want to have the umbrella handy today, don't you think this. >> yeah. >> absolutely and temperatures will slowly climb and it will be a cool day today. brandon will tell you about the forecast in a bit, but right now? >> back to candace. >> reporter: thank you, brandon. a plus on that one, that is for sure. if you're heading out and hitting the roadways, we need to talk about unfortunately a serious incident, a crash on the inner loop lanes of the beltway, at capital mea camp mead road. we can show you the scene at bwi parkway, and here it is, you have to deal with the drench roads because avenue the all of the rain and the volume that is starting to trickle in. that is going to be a hot spot this morning. as for the trouble times, taking the beltway from 95 toward 83, so far a normal ride, no delay, an 11 minute clip traveling at bowe54 miles per hour. on outer loop lanes, 795 it's getting busy, a 12-minute ride and speeds dip down to 53 miles per hour. the southbound end down toward route 32, that will take 11 minutes traveling at 60 miles per hour and traveling at 53 miles per hour and southbound on 895 from the tunnel down toward 95, we're looking at a 9-minute ride. that's a look at the morning travels, patrice, back to you. 6:42 on fox 45 morning news. the mastermind behind the d.c. sniper area attacks is dead this morning. john allen muhammad was executed last night. fox 45 was there for his final moments and megan gilliland joins us now with the latest. good morning, megan. >> reporter: good morning, patrice, muhammad walked in to be executed under his own power. prison officials told our crew there, that he seemed quiet and relaxed. in his final moments he didn't say one word. muhammad was executed for killing harold myers at a gas station during the sniper spree that terrorized virginia. in 23 days they killed 10 people. one mother couldn't bring herself to get out of car, but being there would help her move on. others spent the night remembering their loved ones. >> the people are gone, but this is a guy you can wake-up at 3:00 in the morning and a my car broke down. he wouldn't say, well, he would say, yes i will be there to get you. he was that kind of a guy. >> while some say they will never get over the loss and the pain that ne muhammad caused th, being there last night brought closure for some. his final meal was chicken with red sauce and at 9:00 he was pronounced dead. he went on to say that he died with dignity. we will have more on ne muhammas final moments coming up in the next half hour. megan gilliland, fox 45 morning news. day two of mayor sheila dixon pretrial is over. and it will now be up to men and women to decide her innocence. >> mayor dixon was present on both days of the selection process as 440 potential visitors were whittled down to 12. six alternates were seated. dixon's lead attorney says the jury represents a nice cross-section of the city and will take this trial seriously. >> we're satisfied with the jury had a has been selected. we look forward to a fair trial and you know the outcome that we're looking for. the prosecution hired a private consultant to help with the jury selection process, but attorney warren brown who is unrelated to the case believes dixon's defense has the advantage going into opening statements. >> they only need one juror out of those 12 to remain instead fast in their resolve not to convict. >> courts are closed today because of veterans day, but opening arguments could begin as early as thursday. the trial is expected to last three weeks. again the jury is made up of on three white women, 1 black woman, three black men, and one asian woman and we want to know what you think. does the jury's makeup benefit the mayor? it's the question of the day. we will take your calls coming up in the 7:00 hour, right now you do a number of things to interact with us. can you go to and tell us what you think, or you can sound off through facebook. we already have comments coming in this morning on facebook. mayo says, no it won't help her, because black women don't like her. it doesn't matter because no one is standing up for what she did. continue to send us your thoughts on face book and on our twitter page as fox baltimore. you can also text your answer to 45203, enter fox 45a for yes or fox 45b for no. stay with fox 45 as mayor dixon's trial continues. we will have in-depth analysis every night. for more information on the trial, you can always log on to and click on dixon on trial. police are still looking for a man that could be responsible for three sexual assaults near city bus stops. in the days since the sketch of the suspect was released bus riders have been on high alert, but police are still asking for more. joel d smith is live at northeast baltimore with latest on the investigation, good morning, joel. >> reporter: hi, patrice, no doubt riders still on edge. it hasn't been that long since the sketch was released and just a week since the last rape actually happened. we're at the bus stop at brandon avenue and bel air road. it was here about a week ago, where a 22-year-old woman said she was sexually assaulted. you can see the bus stopping here right now. she said that she got off of this bus stop around 1:00 in the morning and then it was to the -- she was approached by a man holding a gun, a light-colored gun, she was hauled away to the 2700 block of brandon avenue. that was a week ago and nothing much has happened since then. the sketch was released but it was the 3rd rape that was named, the 9th rape overall. they believe they are connected, and they're not sure at the same time. 1 of these was named as a break-in scenario. the sketch has been out for a week. police are hoping for the best. they think that someone has seen this guy, maybe even at a bus stop. >> somebody knows who this guy is. he is going to look familiar. don't be afraid to call police you think i saw that guy on the corner or at a bus stop. we will look into it. >> reporter: the police are forming a task force and they're even using decoy to try to track leads. in the meantime they want people to being cautious, work in pairs and never be alone especially at night, if you see this suspect, call police. joel d smith, fox 45 morning news. still ahead violent kids to case steeper punishments as schools than ever before. we are in the mile of the morning rush, rain is a phak or fofactorfor the commute. now we have a new accident. can you see a lot of cars ( piano music playing ) by putting an end to paper medical records, we have ushered health into the digital age. saving lives, sometimes when seconds count. managing chronic conditions. making amazing new discoveries. and, oh yes, saving a lot of trees. kaiser permanente. thrive. 6:40 now on fox 45 morning news. it's weather kid wednesday and i can already tell you, this is going to be fun. i will let meteorologist steve fertig and brandon take it away. >> we found out that yo you're m mount airy in carroll county. and what grade are you? in. >> i'm in the 4th grade. >> who do you want to say hi to before you get started. >> hi, mom and dad. i want to give a shout out to everybody who is at my school. >> you are you ready tare you rh this? >> yes. >> tell us what is going on downtown at the inner harbor. >> downtown at the inner harbor they're going to be getting 52 degrees. >> yep. >> rain, winds north to northeast, 10 miles per hour. >> yep and the humidity? >> the humidity 66%, pressure 30.24 inches rising. >> yes. >> dew point, 41 fahrenheit. >> what about the temperatures, you want to throw those out there? >> nice toss. >> i went right by it. my fault. i'm definitely going to be get fired. take a look at sky watch radar, what do we have here. you take over because i'm not doing too well. we have a coastal. >> a coastal flood watch on chesapeake. >> on the west side of chesapeake. that is through tomorrow. the temperatures are in the 50s, by the way, that is the graphic up. >> right? >> yes. >> thank you for bailing me out. >> sky watch hd radar showing us a lot of what? >> a lot of rain. >> especially for what part of the state? >> off to the east. >> he yeah, more at the east as we expect the heaviest rain with lesser amounts to the west? >> you got it buddy. and it's all due to this? >> ida. >> it's ida coming up the coast, right? >> yes? it and the high pressure is going to bring us a nice weekend you told me? >> yes. >> you want to tell us the forecast for today? >> 55 degrees fahrenheit, northeast, 10 to 20 miles per hour. >> that's right with some rain. >> windy, rain and cool. >> theaters a lot tthat's a lot. tonight. >>43 fahrenheit, northwest wind 5-10 miles per hour. >> a little breezy. >> what about the seven-day forecast? >> right there. >> today? >> 55 degrees fahrenheit. >> yeah. >> with rain. >> tomorrow, 53 degrees fahrenheit with some rain. friday, 56 degrees in and out with rain. >> right. >> saturday 61 degrees. >> yeah, nice weekend? >> yes, sunny. sunday. >> uh-huh. >> 66 degrees. >> and partly? >> cloudy. >> and what about monday? >> sunny with barely no clouds. >> and a high of 52? >> 52. >> and what about tuesday? >> 58 fahrenheit, not raining that is good. partly cloudy. >> and i tell you what, can i tell you what? you did so good. >> thank you. >> give me a high 5. now you want to send it back? >> back to patrice [ laughter ] >> brandon, that is the most fun i have had watching the weather in a while i have to say. did you have a good time? >> yes. >> all right, brandon, what do you want to do when you're all grown up out of school. what are you going to be? >> probably an astronaut or a twister chaser since i like weather so much. >> brandon come back anytime. steve you have vacation coming up. >> i got to tell you, come in and fill in for me and taking over for me. >> no. >> because. >> you're too nice of a man and you need a job, too. [ laughter ] >> i wanted to get that on record. >>give me a high 5. >> brandon, thank you for making us smil all smile this morning. >> if you want your kid to be a part of weather kid wednesday, just send steve a note or you can send him a note at and you know, brandon didn't do it. i will let you know, though, iradar is available at fox you can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. the interactive tools will let you know when rain or at this point snow will be over your house. he go to and click on iradar. let me turn it over to candace because i need to go off and laugh some more. what a hard act to follow, very good job. if you're headed out and hitting the roadways it's not going to be exactly all smiles. it may be your laugh for the morning as you head out the door. 43 miles per hour and 58 traveling on the top end of the beltway. now at 62 on 95 through the city. now here is what we need to talk about, though, and this is why it's not going to be all smiles. a crash completely shouts down 40. this is moving through the frederick area. be aware that it's completely shutdown, no lanes will be able to get by. there's a lot of crews on the scene. we will continue to keep you up-to-date on this one. as soon as we get more information we will relay it to you. talking about baltimore county, a crash on the northbound corner of 83. you 63 the cars in the yellow. this takes out one lane. we can see the scene right on mount caramel road. and there's no troubles, but take a look at that, the cars are stacking on the southbound lanes heading toward the scene. you will want to stick with york road or even falls road as an alternate route. 83 farther down at 695, traveling on both the northbound and southbound lanes, no problems to report. of course, we do have to deal with the rain and it's causing a bit of a slow go on the southbound lanes approaching the beltway. favorable conditions through the city, though, on 83. it's going to be incident free on northbound and southbound making the approach toward the city. one final incident to talk about, it's a broken watermain, at baltimore city, franklin street at calhoun street. it happened at 8:00 last night. we can show you the scene. a lot of crews on the scene and unfortunately that road is still blocked. - oh, it's on. - it's on. it's on. - it's on. - it's so on. it is totally on. jimmy, it's on. it's on. oh, yeah, it's on. pilot: affirmative, it's on. southwest airlines is proud to announce new service to milwaukee. fly southwest nonstop from baltimore/washington (bwi) to milwaukee for just $69 one-way. ( ding ) book now at the man who terrorized the d.c. area and virginia 7 years ago is dead. john allen muhammad was executed last night. in 2002 muhammad and annapolis killed 10 people. many of the victim's families were at the prison to witness the sniper's take his last breath. it left a mark on the community from people afraid to leave their homes to law enforcement working toe trac to track the sr down. that was such a hard time back then, but just as difficult as it was for the people who lived in the area, i imagine it had to be that much tougher for guys like you who were trying to get to the bottom of this and keep people safe. >> it's a very difficult time. it's funny regardless of what capacity you were in then, law enforcement or not, the unknown. it wasn't a good place to be. >> and one of the things that was so interesting after all the details unfolded how we were all fixated on the white box truck, which turned out object nothing. talk about what it's like for law enforcement when you're trying to get to the bottom of something like that and how the mind sets go, the mob mentality, maybe. >> oftentimes what happens is tunnel vision. that is all you see. >> yeah. >> you oftentimes don't see much else around you. that was kind of a detriment to us, but we used it as an opportunity to learn. you know, we need to know that all of the information coming in that we kind of work with all of information and not try to narrow it down too quickly. >> what were some of the other lessons learned for law enforcement as a result of that sniper spree? >> working together. working together, i think we're still working across the country on how to work together, but that was a great example over a three week period, everyone came together, federal, local law enforcement and the citizenry. >> has that continued? >> it has continued, unfortunately. the tough time that we went through, it took that for us to understand to work together. >> what do you remember from that time, because i grew up in prince george's county. i remember when you went to get your gas, people would tell you don't stop moving while you you're pumping your gas. you don't want to be a target. when you go in the store, don't go straight, zig sag. it's a surveal time when you think back on it. >> the unknown it's a realm no one wants to be in during the time, i can tell you even as law enforcement officers, things were very tough for us. >> uh-huh. >> you know, the public looks to you. >> right. >> to be secure. they look to you to give the answers. we did not have the answers. >> so what do you say to the families. >> the families that lost loved ones? >>very unfortunate, our prayers go out to them. it's a very unfortunate time for all of us, something had a we can't even imagine today, the terror that was plagued on that county. >> and hopefully we don't have to imagine anyone. it's good that there were lessons learned as we went out of that. thank you for coming in. >> thank you for having me. you may think that you won big money in the mail but it could all be a big trick. how to avoid getting scammed this holiday season. first remembering those who give their lives to protect hi. hey, i need a new cell phone. well right now you can get verizon wireless plus fios tv, internet and phone. wow... it really is beautiful, isn't it? it's gorgeous! who would know? no one would know. would anyone know? hey, buddy... what are you doing here? well...i believe that answers my question. (announcer) get verizon fios tv, call the verizon center for customers with disabilities internet and home phone, at 800-974-6006 tty/v today, plus verizon wireless service, at 800-974-6006 tty/v today, and save $14.99 a month, plus get $150 back. only from verizon. plus get $150 back. today president obama will salute all of the men and women who have served in the millitary. with veterans events at the arlington and the cemetery. this a day after he attended a ceremony for those who died at fort hood. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. the president's schedule is filled with veteran's day event that honors those who servedded yesterday. boots, helmet and rifles represent those killed in last week's massacre in fort hood. president obama head the names of the 13 victims one by one. >> staff sergeant amy krueger. private first class. >> reporter: the president posted thousands of mourners at fort hood including survivors of the attack. those who lost family and loved ones were in the crowd. >> those who cared for those who didn't. they're lives speak to the strength, the dignity, the decency of those who serve. that is how they will be remembered. >> reporter: today president obama will mark veterans day. he and the first lady are having a special breakfast at the white house. later the president will travel to virginia for a wreath ceremony at the arlington cemetery. >> as we honor the many generations who have served, all of us, every single american must acknowledge that this generation has more than proved itself to be equal of those who have come before. >> reporter: later today the president will be meeting with his security team talk about whether to send more troops to afganistan. patrice. thank you, megan. coming up in the 7:00 hour, a beauty product that promises to combat signs of aging. >> first it felt a little strange. >> we put the neck line slimmer to the will it work test. and john allen muhammad is dead this morning. i'm megan gillila next on fox 45 morning news. >> mr. mu muhammad, do you havey final last words? the final moments of the d.c. area sniper. it promises a chiseled scene without going under the knife. we put the neck line slimmer to the will it work test. good morning. it is wednesday, november 11th. it is veterans day. and there are memorials all across the country today as people remember and honor the vets who served our country and for those soldiers who are still serving our country. we're going to take a look at some of those throughout the morning, but first we need to get a check of our forecast, because they're going to be doing at some parts under rainy weather. steve fertig is here to fill us in on the details. a lot of moisture and id ago coming up the coast and it's rutting on showers as you can plainly see on the hd radar. we have seen varying amounts of rain at the 95. we have seen showers that are lighter to the north and east and towson seeing a bit of light rain. heavier as you move further points east toward essex but the heaviest rain should be toward salisbury. you see it moving in from the virginia and heading in our general direction. it's the southern part of the eastern shore where you expect to see the heaviest rain, maybe an inch 1/2 of rain expected through today and tomorrow. we do have again more on the way and a coastal flood watch on the west side of the chesapeake bay. temperatures are going to be climb a little bit today. we are at 51 degrees today, surrounding areas in the low 50s, more rain on the way and with it comes a chance of continued showers. better chance this morning and tapering a little bit and seeing additional rainfall, and 56 degrees. you will want to have the umbrella handy, topping out at 55 degrees for the high. it will be windy and cool. let's see what is happening on the roadways with candace dold with the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we do have the rain that is coming through the area. unfortunately you know how that feels on you the on the roadways never a good ride. across from the southbound lanes of 83 at belfast road. can you see all of the cars on the red, we can show exactly the scene at 83 at mount caramel road. these delays are starting to ease up a bit through the mount caramel area, but further down is where you will find that activity. use york road as an alternate route. along the main lines, 83 to 95, pretty normal no delay an 11-minute ride. you will be traveling at 54 miles per hour. taking the southbound side of fort mchenry tunnel, an 11 minute clip. 55 is the average speeds. pretty much the same deal continuing from the beltway toward route 32. that will take 11 minutes traveling at 61 miles per hour. no problems to report on southbound 895, traveling from the harbor tunnel toward 895, a 9 minute clip, 53 is the average speed. that's a look at the morning travels, patrice, let's turn it over to you. candace, thank you. 7:04 fox 45 morning news. the mastermind behind the d.c. area sniper attacks were executed last night. fox 45 was there for his final moments. and megan gilliland joins us with the latest. good morning, mess an. >> reporter:, megan.>> reporterd died at the correctional center at virginia. he was executed for killing michael myers at a gas station during the sniper spree that killed 10 people. his accomplice plead guilty and was sentenced to life in prison. muhammad stood trial and a jury sentenced him to death. his attorney tried to peal but the supreme court denied that appeal. fox 45 was there and spoke with prison officials just moments after he died. >> at 9:06, they pulled the curtain back. you could see muhammad strapped there. they asked him right after that, mr. muhammad do you have any last words? he didn't say anything. >> at 9:07 you could see him twitching a lot and blinking a lot. you could see his breathing increase. at 9:08 he was there motionless. at 9:11 p.m. muhammad was pronounced dead. >> reporter: the only thing that could have stopped the execution would have been in virginia's governor would have stepped in. he sent a statement, i find no compelling reason to set the sentence set by the jury. he declined to intervene. muhammad had nothing to say in the final moments. hours before he died he reached out to those closest to him. hear what his ex-wife said he said to her coming up in the next half hour. megan gilliland, fox 45 morning news. police identify a person of interest in a deadly baltimore stabbing. they got a warrant after the body of a 15-year-old boy was found yesterday morning. the teen was discovered at 5:00 a.m. in a closet in a home at lueland avenue. he had several cuts to his upper body. neither the teen nor the person of interest has been ide identi. a maryland teenager who died while attending the institute. funeral services are scheduled on saturday. the cadet collapsed in his room last week after taking part in a 10-mile running march. he died the same day. the cause of death still has not been determined. day two of mayor sheila dixon's theft trial is over and it will now be up to a jury of nine women and three men to decide her guilt or innocence. >> i'm fine. >> how is jury selection progressing? >> it's interesting. >> mayor dixon was present on both days of the selection process as 140 potential jurors were whittled down to 12. 6 alwer6 alternates were also c. three white women, 3 black men, and one asian woman. the jury represents a cross-section of the city and they believe they will take this trial seriously. >> we look forward to a fair trial and you know the outcome that we're looking for. >> the prosecution hired a private consultant to help with the jury selection process, but attorney warren brown who is unrelated to the case believes dixon's defense has the advantage going into opening statements. >> they only need one juror out of those 12 to he remai remain d fast in their results not to convict. >> courts are closed today because of veterans day, but opening arguments could begin as early as tomorrow. the trial is expected to last three weeks. again the jury is made up of three white women, 5 black women, one black man and one asian woman. we want to know what you think. does the jury makeup benefit the mayor. we will take your calls but you can reach us by going to ask tell us what you think. many of you have sounded off through facebook. one of the comments, is everyone has their opinion about her, and it's completely different. don't know if it will hurt or help us. >> we have gotten twits at fox baltimore and you can text your answer to 45203. enter fox 45a for yes, or fox 45b for no. make sure you stay tuned to fox 45 as mayor dixon's trial continues. we will have in-depth analysis every night. for more information on the trial you can log on to and click on dixon on trial. animal control officials confiscate 19 horses belonging to baltimore a rafers. authorities shutdown the stable on fulton street. they claim the horses were living in unsafe conditions. they say that's not true and they're blaming the city for keeping the animals in tents instead of permanent stables. >> any vet in america will cross these and come and check our horses, they're in good shape. they're talking about the environment, it's water puddles, how are we going to control that? >> right now the horses are being taken care of at a rescue farm at wood bine. coming up, howard county passes a tanning ban aimed at teens, why the vote is a his historic one. >> reporter: i'm jessica starr, coming up i will tell you how to for delicious fall flavors. for a short time, we have all your seasonal favorites. try any of our authentic hot lattes, including our pumpkin latte, for just 99 cents. america runs on dunkin'. hey, i need a new cell phone. well right now you can get verizon wireless plus fios tv, internet and phone. wow... it really is beautiful, isn't it? it's gorgeous! who would know? no one would know. would anyone know? hey, buddy... what are you doing here? well...i believe that answers my question. (announcer) get verizon fios tv, call the verizon center for customers with disabilities internet and home phone, at 800-974-6006 tty/v today, plus verizon wireless service, at 800-974-6006 tty/v today, and save $14.99 a month, plus get $150 back. only from verizon. plus get $150 back. connect soldiers with their families this holiday season. it's au all part of operation call home for the holidays. meteorologist jessica starr is live with the details for this morning's hometown hot spot. good morning, jess. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. it's veterans day and we need to think about those who are serving our country abroad. what exactly is taste of home and how can you give our soldiers a taste of home! talking to us is cecil. talk about this program and how can people help out. >> taste of home is an organization founded by dr. bob sprout so we could support maryland's men and women who is serving in the national guard and particularly in places like kuwait, afganistan, and iraq. and what we do is we send stuff, things like ipods, dvds, turkeys, the things that will help soldiers and air men feel better about their situation. we send thousands of items and hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of things. again to support the morale and the welfare of our men and women serving in the millitary. >> reporter: that is great. one of the main things that you do is phone cards. we have sergeant sexton here. talk to us a little bit about what it's like to have a phone card and be able to call home and hear the voices of your loved ones while you're deployed? >> it means everything. when you're deployed, you do have a family, the unit that you're with, but your family back home also means a lot. so it's definitely a good thing to have. >> reporter: to hear the voice of your loved ones at home. perfect. you definitely need to come and check out and log on to as well as to our website at, to make a do nation to those who are serving our country. today is veterans day and it's going to be a lot of parades out there. it's going to be cool and rainy and breezy conditions as well, winds out of the northeast at 10-20 miles per hour. but for the full forecast today let's head to steve in the sky watch center. thank you, jessica. the showers will be heavier in some parts the state like the eastern shore. elsewhere, not as bad. take a look at the sky watch hd radar and take a look as we zoom closer to the baltimore region. you can see around the beltway, heavier amounts to the he east but eve -- but even there, callt light to moderate. to the west side of 695 heading toward 70 and you can see beyond as you travel 70, seeing the blue area making lighter rain still. the showers will be heavy in some spots, but not here. it more so is going to be heavy at the eastern shore where we expect to see the system of ida moving north and east and moving off the atlantic ocean but blinging a lot of rain as it gets through there at the eastern part of the shore. the band of showers is where the heaviest rain will be today. let's take a look at the coastal flood watch in place for the west side of the chesapeake bay all the way through tomorrow and through the southern part of delaware as well. you may have seen, watching the low pressure center as it moves to the north and east, expected to tell all to the east and atlantic bringing the heaviest rain as i told you for the southern part of the eastern shore. we get the easterly flow, that is bringing the more moisture and high pressure to the north which will exert its pressure on our region and allow rain to be dissipating somewhat to the west, but then again, also keeping it at bay and further toward the east. it will help to steer it out of here. that is what we see on future scan model not as much concentration on the rain. as far as how much rain, more specifically, looking in the salisbury area, as much as a half an inch there. traveling in that direction, you can run into a lot of rain. temperatures in the upper 40s to low 50s throughout the state and as we climb through the day with those temperatures it's not going to be as much as if we did see the temperatures climb yesterday. 52 degrees for the high in the eastern shore, with a 15-20 miles an hour wind. 50 degrees for the high with shower chances, but not as intense and certainly points west. maybe cloudy skies there, 53 degrees for the high, could be a couple of light showers around. tonight, light showers, 43 for the overnight low. after the 55, 53 for tomorrow, more showers chances, 56 degrees, the system is going to be slow to get out of here. we will still see a chance of a shower then, a 33% chance of a shower then. a high of 5 52 on monday and 58n tuesday. iradar is available at you can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. the interactive tools will let you see what rain or snow will be over your house. go to and click on iradar. now for a look at what is happening on the roads this morning, here is candace dold with the track edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. as you head out this morning, we are talking about the rain. it's making for a bit of a slick ride out there. use extra caution if you're traveling. we're tracking the speeds right now. not doing too bad at 95 through the city, look at that 62 miles per hour, it slows down a bit moving through baltimore county as 44 miles per hour. on the top end of the beltway at 53 and at 52 at the jfx. all in all the speeds are up there but they're definitely starting to reduce a bit. they're already reduced on the northbound lanes of 295 and it's all because of accident right at route 32. you will want to use 95 as an alternate. here is 295 at 32 and you can see there's a lot of cars that are slowing down a bit there on the northbound lanes. they were cruising along fine a little bit ago but stick with 95 as an alternate route this morning. heading on 95 through the city and all the way down toward the 395 exit at the noter pa fort my tunneling all cars are in the green. we're loving that for the morning commute. we have a broke watermain at calhoun street. use edmondson avenue for an alternate route. we saw that last night, a lot of equipment trying to patch this up. this still the case, just stick with edmondson avenue instead. farther up a new crash at howard street at 24th street. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, back over to you. candace, thank you. still ahead, permanent expulsion, the new policies being considered in baltimore county. you can't always take those sweep steaks victory claims to heart. the scams to look out for. that is coming up in our new this morning, if you're under the age of 18, tanning beds are off-limits in howard county. last night the howard county board of health approved the regulations anyone under 18 from using tanning beds. howard county is the first jurisdiction to provide protection for children on the use of bed tanning. they go into effect tomorrow. balt more countbaltimore cos taking part in violent incidents could soon face permanent expulsion. the county board is scheduled to vote on whether to change the disciplinary policy today. the new rules would apply to kids 16 and older. schools instituted a similar policy a year ago. it includes kids who set fires and those who detonate or bring explosives in school. it's veterans a day and a new poll reveals that many americans who have fought for our country want to keep serving their communities. you can see that story and more in today's washington times. julie bedane has this morning's briefing. >> reporter: today we recognize vet answer for their service -- veterans for their service overseas. a survey released today by the civic enterprise firm shows 90% of returning veterans say they believe they have a lot to teach young people and want to serve their home communities. but despite that eagerness of those surveyed, nearly 7 in 10 said they had not volunteered because they had not been asked. meanwhile more people than ever are signing up over a different kind of overseas service with the peace corps. they received 9,000 applications for the volunteer program founded to promote international development and goodwill. that is up 18% from last year about a 3rd of those will be selected for service. and it's off to asia for president obama. he leaves on his first official trip to continent on wednesday evening. trying to limit expectations, white house visors are character advising the trip to set new and not about solving longstanding disputes. they're working on issues like human rights don't disrupt the positive out reach. julie bedane, back to you. you can read those stories and more by logging on to and c ♪ i, like cooking breakfast for my family. daddy is cookin' ♪ ♪ some eggs right here. with the sausage you follow. ♪ ♪ aaannd, heeeere, it is. yea dad, maybe tomorrow we could just talk? oh, sure sweetheart. ♪anything for you. jimmy dean fully cooked sausages. all of the taste, none of the prep. with the holidays approaching everyone is whirring they had extra cash to spend but when on unsolicited text or mony is showing up on your mailbox, don't start shopping just then. we are joined this morning. >> good morning, patrice. >> beware, be. and you brought examples of these sweep stakes and they look very official. >> they're very real. they have seals on them. they have bar codes, they have all kinds of incredible little things that to make you think these are official documents. >> a lot of people do send away for sweep stakes, so they could think, i won something i signed up for. >> about 50% of americans do sign up for a sweeps stakes but you have to be cautious and be careful what you do. you can put yourself at great risk for phishing scam. in this case the reason i brought these, these are what i truly say are scams, because they're asking you to pay money. they will give you a credit card form. they will want you to send or wire money but they're warning you to pay to collect your winnings or pay to enter. if you got to do that, it's not legal. >> what are the other signs that it's a scam? is one of them -- do you have to enter into a sweep stakes in order to enter something. i don't sign up for them, so if one comes to my door. >> when people call the better business bureau, i will say did you enter the sweep stakes. the second sign is if you got to pay to collect. the other thing i tell consumers, look at the envelope in which it's delivered, if it's bulk mail rating and low class. you are not a winner if they send thousands of these out. those are warning signs really quick. >> look for the company, is it something you heard or can identify, even if they make it look so official, this one is not as official looking maybe. and this is from another country. >> i brought that, because it's from the netherlands. how many of us have signed for a sweat stakes, but there's a check or whatever appears to be a check with it. as they try to deposit that check they would be held liable for any money spent through that check deposit. >> this is the time of year when people are wishing they had some money so they're willing to believe at anything that comes in the mail. >> you got to remember that some of these sound official. we're seeing some that are using the words "national sweep stakes bureau" so it sounds like a government agency. and we see ones that sound like reader's digest and bubblish -- publisher's reading house. >> be careful otherwise you will have no money for the holidays, you will have spent it on this. >> thank you. for more information log on to lay torlater on fox 45 morng news, a thur 3rd developer could be called to testify in mayor dixon's trial. his connection to the case. >> reporter: i'm joel d smith, outside of wal-mart in dundalk where people have been welcome back to fox 45 morning news. 7:32 is the time. the master of hora is bringing his scare to baltimore. you're taking a live look at the line outside of the wal-mart on north point boulevard in dundalk where stephen king will be later on today for a very rare book signing. he is not coming in until much later today, but these folks are already lining up hours in advance in the rain. these are big fans. joel d smith is out there. we're going to check in with him in a little bit. he is going to give us more details, but that is amazing. people are dedicated. meteorologist steve fertig is here with the forecast. what a messy weather for them to stand? that sounds like a stephen king novel, just rain. there's a lot of rain coming our way especially for the eastern shore that is where the heaviest con ven trace wilconcentration . we will get strong winds gusting which on 25 miles per hour and even up to 30 miles per hour. as we look at the model, the heaviest concentration of the rain expected to stay in the southern part of the eastern shore. that is we expect to see the heaviest rain for the few days. further points west, lesser amounts if anything. 50 degrees if baltimore, 50 in d.c., and 49 degrees in hagerstown, cooler at oakland at 37, we are heading to 55 degrees for the high. it will be windy and cool, and showery today, gusty easterly winds for today through saturday, in fact, as it stays a little breezy then. temperatures closer to normal through the next few days before we warm up for the weekend. we should be back into the 60s, guys, with drier conditions then. looking good for the weekend, but until then definitely wet. speaking of the wet roadways out there, i really wasn't but now i am. here is candace dold with the track edge. >> reporter: it's going to be a slick ride so we're talking about that this morning. just make sure to use extra caution as we are traveling on the roadways. as far as accidents we do have a long list of them. there's one on the northeast corner right on route 24 right at 95. now no problems to report on 40 or route 1 or even on 95, we can check in on 95 right at mountain road and it's going to be a nice and calm pace there, northbound and southbound lanes making the push toward baltimore county. of course, it does get heavier as usual moving through whitemarsh. right now the outer loop lanes from 95 up toward 83, it's going to be a slow go, we're dealing with a 6 minute-delay. it will take 17 minutes to get there and check out the average speed 35 miles per hour. southbound 95, right now from the phot mchenry tunnel to the beltway, no problems to report. 55 is the average speed there. taking it from the beltway down toward route 32, looking at a 10 minute clip. we will be traveling at 60 miles per hour. southbound 895, it's going to be relatively quiet a 9-minute ride, 54 for the average speed that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, over to you. we are following breaking news this morning out of east baltimore. police are on the scene of a police involved shooting in the 2700 block of jefferson street. we will continue to bring you more information as soon as it becomes available. the mastermind behind the d.c. sniper area attacks is dead this morning. muhammad was executed last night. >> reporter: as muhammad was brought in for execution, prison officials told our crew that he was quiet and relaxed in the final moments he said not one word. muhammad's attorney was on hand saying that the convicted killer was fearless saying that muhammad would die with dignity. he was executed by lethal injection. he met with his relatives. his first wife says he reached out to her to apologize. >> he apologized for a lot of things. he apologized for the marriage not working, for the infidelity. he apologized for a lot of things. he wanted to let me know that he was sorry for the wrong he had done. >> reporter: muhammad was executed for killing harold meyer at a gas station during the spree that terrorized, maryland and virginia 7 years ago. in 10 days the snipers killed 10 people. family members who were there for the execution, one mother couldn't bring herself to get out of the car and called muhammad a demon. he was pronounced dead at 9:11, his last meal chicken with red sauce. several patients accused him of misconduct. miguel frontera psychiatrist reported performed unnecessary physical exams on five boys. he treated them for behavioral issues from 2002 up until this year. at this point frontera isn't facing criminal charges. baltimore county say they -- they could only confirm one complaint and investigations in march and april did not turn up sufficient evidence of illegal activity. day two of mayor sheila dixon's theft trial is over and it will now be up to a jury of 9 women and three men to decide her guilt or innocence. >> i'm fine. >> how is jury selection progressing? >> it's interesting. >> mayor dixon was present on both days of the selection process as 140 potential jurors were whittled down to 12. six alternates were chosen. the jury seated is made up 3 white women, 5 black women, 2 black men, 1 white man and one asian woman. , dixon's lead attorney says that the jury represents one cross-section of the city and they believe they will take the trial seriously. >> we are satisfied with the jury that has been selected. we look forward to a fair trial and you know the outcome we're looking for. attorney warren brown who is unrelated to the case believes dixon's defense has the advantage going into opening statements. >> they only need one juror out of those 12 to remain instead fast istead fastin their resolv. the trial is expected to last three weeks. the jury iwe want to know what , does the jury's makeup benefit the mayor? it's the question of the day. our phone lines are open right now at (410)481-4545. can you also go to and tell us what you think or sound off through facebook. you can send us a tweet at fox baltimore and you can text your answer to 45203. enter fox 45a for yes or fox 45b for no. prosecutors want a 3rd developer to testify that he donated gift cards to the mayor meant to be used in connection with her church activities. according to court documents, glen charlo bought the cards and dropped them off at city hall following a request from a development partner who has been named as a witness. however, the papers don't say how the prosecution believes the cards were used or how much they were worth. the defense plans to file a motion to block the testimony when the trial resumes tomorrow. halloween may be over, but the scares keep coming in baltimore county. the master of horror, stephen king is in town today. he is holding a very rare book signing in dundalk and joel d smith is live at the wal-mart at north point boulevard to tell us all about the building, excitement and i'm amazed at at line behind you, joel. >> reporter: you should be amazed by that, except when you think that he hasn't done a book signing in 18 years. we have fans from all over the country here right now as far away as new jersey and even further on. when you're a big fan of somebody like this and it's been that long, that is why they're waiting out in the rain. they are rewarding these guys. they weren't going to let them in until 10:30. and tell us about the book and why are people so excited. >> this is his newest book. it came out yesterday. it's exciting for us. he is doing only eight events in the country. this is only one of two signings where he is going to sign the book in front of the customer. 400 of them. we were picked because our wal-mart sells more stephen king books than any other wal-mart. he decided to do a signing here in baltimore, this site was picked. >> reporter: you only have 400. some people waited overnight and some are coming now. and they're in the same group, aren't they? >> the folks who got here last night, he is going to speak 15 minutes before the book signing. this is one of two events he is going to speak in front of. those people will have a good view of that. >> reporter: how many different spots can still be claimed here with the wrist bands and people can come back tonight and do that? >> we have wrist bands available, but we definite have over 100 wrist bands left. >> reporter: still 100. if you want to come here, you got to come here quick. if you come here in the morning, you got to buy one. new books. you got to have that receipt and get in line for the actual book signing a rare speech and rare event for those who love the master of horror, stephen king. even though you waited, you can still come here. >> patrice, what do you think? >> i don't know what to think? >> i'm amazed that we have so many stephen king readers in dundalk. i didn't know that the baltimore area was such a fan of stephen king. >> reporter: some people were here last night at 6:00 p.m., spent the night and told ghost stories to each other. >> i grew up reading stephen king. i got out of it as i got older. i loved them growing up, but i'm not sure i would go there and stand in the rain for him. i'm thinking what author i would do it for? >> reporter: 100 spots left, these folks waited overnight a lot of them. you can come here and still get your wristband and get inside and only one of a few fans in the country to have a real signed copy of the stephe stephg book. >> if you don't get back to the station soon, we know are you in line. a beauty product that promises to erase the signs of aging. >> we put the neck line slimmer to the will it work test. welcome back, 7:45 on a wednesday morning. it's been showery, some places more than others. take a look at rain moving from the north and east to the south. the area where we expect to see the most amount of rain would be at the eastern shore. still seeing showers that are somewhat moderate in the central parts the state. the bigger picture shows that there's more on the way. as we look at the low pressure center that has remnants of ida and as it sits with the blow pressure center and we get strong winds as the low pressure gradient stren strengthens righ. we could see showers anywhere. coastal side flood on the west side of the chesapeake bay and that will continue today and through tomorrow with more additional rainfall or additional rainfall coming your way. sky watch hd radar showing the band of heavier rain moving to the north and east, how much rain shall we see? it looks like as much as an inch 1/2 for the northern part of the eastern shore. more as we head toward virginia. a lot of this is going to push toward the northeast. the high pressure helping us out. only a quarter of an inch for the baltimore area. cooler in hagerstown, and 49 and 37 out in oakland. the eastern shore getting up to 52 degrees for the high with a 15-25-mile-an-hour wind. we will have the showers that will be heaviest there. showers somewhat lighter for the central part of the state with 55 degrees for the high. northeast winds at 10-15 miles per hour. the point west less of a wind but still 10-15 miles an hour, for a breezy day and a a chance of a light shower there, high of 53. northeast winds at 10-20 miles per hour so it will be breezy, moving through the day today, look at temperatures at 54 degrees at noon and 48 at 6:00 p.m. as the temperatures start to decline quickly. 53 degrees for the high tomorrow with more showers chances and again on friday with a high of 56. partly cloudy skies, 61 and 66 on sunday, so a nice weekend in store. 62 on monday, mostly clear skies and 58, partly cloudy on your tuesday. we want to check on the roadways, candace dold is here with the track edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. well, we are dealing with two accidents this morning on southbound 83. we will get to those in just a minute, because first we need to tell you what your average speed looks like. it's not going to be a pretty picture. check it out 28 miles per hour, traveling on the beltway moving through catonsville, further up at 51, near the security exit. doing much better on the top side the outer loop lanes traveling at 60 miles per hour. here is what is happening on the southbound 83, we had an earlier accident cleared out at belfast road. we had a one in middletown road. you can see a lot of raindrops on the camera and a very wet drop there and a lot of volume. it's going to be a pretty busy ride on the entire corridor this morning. you will want to stick with york road to get around the accident scene to get further up in baltimore county. once you approach the 83 down toward the 695 exit, well, of course, it's going to be busy near charles street and only a little bit busier moving toward overly showing you the scene at 695 at harvard road. it has been a packed house as that continues to be the case as the cars continue to creep along the outer loop lanes headed toward towson. on 95, no problems to report on in the area. and on 895 through a great broth brings out the best in your dishes. and your dishes get the whole family together... to share and connect. college inn broth. your recipe for goodness. who says lightning [ tnever strikes twice? introducing the supercharged new blackberry storm2. wi-fi enabled. ultra responsive. tons of apps. and because it runs on the network with 5 times more 3g coverage than at&t, it just may be the perfect storm. ♪ this is the sound i'm fine. >> how is jury selection progressing. >> day two of mayor sheila dixon's trial is over. the jury is composed of two black women, one white woman, three black men and one asian woman. they represent a nice cross-section of the city. that brings us to the question of the day, does the jury's makeup benefit the mayor. call us at (410)481-4545. our first caller is sandy. what do you think of the makeup of the jury. >> i think the jury is set up for the mayor on the mayor's side. >> why do you say that? >> because there's too many black women. >> that you think will make a difference. >> let's take a at the facebook page, a lot of people commenting on what they think of the makeup of the jury. one says, i believe it will not help her. people already have a bad taste in their mouth about her, trash days, and gift cards. one says i think they should have taken people from other jurisdictions because no city resident is going to want to convict the leader of their city. i honestly believe she is going to get off with those jury because they're not going to want to convict her. let's go back to the phones with alvin in wood lawn. good morning, alvin. >> good morning, patrice. >> what do you think about the jury and how it could help or not help the mayor. >> i believe the makeup of the jury will help the mayor of baltimore city in many ways both positive and negative. with all of the things that are happening at city hall, like you said before, some of the residents of baltimore city do have a bad taste in their mouths from previous and prior city hall politians, but in a positive way because they're not trying to lose what could be potentially a great leader for baltimore. i think that given the case presented before them, i think it will help her in a positive way. >> okay. thank you for your call. i want to get to some of our responses right now. one other person says, as long as each member of the jury is not biased and they carefully review the case and hear the facts, i believe it will all workout the way it should. now whether that is in favor of the mayor or not the person does not mention. we do appreciate all of your thoughts this morning. it's an interesting topic. it's steering up a lot of conversation at our facebook page and twitter page. we ask you to continue to send those responses? coming up a little nip and tuck without going under the knife. >> at first it felt a little strange. >> find out if the neck line slimmer can really replace laladies want a firmer neck line but don't want to go under the knife. the firmer neck line says you can exercise your way to a firm irnecfirmer neck line. it claims to radically change your neck and cheeks without going under the knife. >> the product comes with three exercise coils that increase in intensity. after reading through the instructions. >> the neck line slimmer in the turning position. >> ana and susi get started trying out their new daily exercises. it looks silly but they tell us it's not difficult. for eight weeks, the ladies use the product every day. reveal day finally arrives. >> it felt strange because we didn't use the muscles in that way, but looking in the mirror susi didn't see any results. >> i don't see any difference in this. >> i don't know that there's anything much down here. >> but will pictures show a difference? here is a look at the before and after pictures. ana and susi say they can't notice any real change. remember, the product promised dramatic results. >> it didn't work. >> i didn't see really any difference from when i started. >> we wanted to know what it actually takes to make a difference. so we visit dr. virginia ill willard a board certified plastic surgeon. >> it's skin under the mus musc. unfortunately the only thing for that is surgery. >> it's not a small surgery. it's not a huge surgery. i call it in the middle ground of the things that i do, but it's a significant investment in money and time. >> time and money that an a and susi don't have right now which is why they had such high hopes for the neck line slimmer. >> i want it had to work. if it did work it would be a great product. i was going to tell all of my friends and we were all going to look 10 years younger. >> instead they will tell their friends something else. >> bad. for more information on the neck line save up to an extra 30% when you use your jcpenney card. save even more with doorbusters this friday and saturday. plus, 60% off all outerwear for the family. go to to see everything on sale. style, quality and price matter. jcpenney mr. muhammad, do you have any last words. >> the execution of the d.c. area sniper, the final moments of john allen muhammad. you have to protect them. a raven on the big screen. stay tuned for your chance to win tickets to see the story of michael orr on the blind side. you want it ♪ ♪ you got it. major drama on fox's break out. why the cast of glee says you can't miss tonight's episode. welcome back to fox 45 morning news on this wednesday, november 11th. you're taking a live look there at one of many ceremonies going on around the country today. >> of course this is the national park service. they're commemorating the day with a wreath laying at the national world war ii memorial at washington d.c. >> it's the first ceremony at the world war ii memorial. this celebrates americans who emerged from the depression and won the most devastating war in world history. they're going to pay a special tribute today as well. a lot of the rain out there. they will be sitting through that. meteorologist steve fertig is here to let us know how much rain we will be seeing today. of course, you will want to take the umbrellas with you as you head out. good morning, steve. it will be raining especially in the eastern shore where the rain will be heaviest. we're looking closest to the beltway around 695, seeing light rain in spots, in fact seeing some spots of rain, the lighter rain the further west you go. to the east heavier but still on the light side expecting the eastern shore to get the heaviest rain as far as ho how much, an inch 1/2 expected there. elsewhere, not as much especially as you go further points west. you do have a coastal flood watch on the west side of the chesapeake bay. this rain continues fall as remnants of ida move off to the northeast. showers lingering and generally in the low 50s throughout the area. look for a bus stop forecast at 52 degrees. you will want the umbrella because the showers will be heavier in the morning lingering through the day. 54 at noon, 48 at 6:00 p.m., topping at 68 degrees. now let's see what is happening on the roadways with candace dold with the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we are talking about a new accident on the outer loop lanes of the beltway this morning. it's right at york road near towson, so you know that usually hectic ride, unfortunately it's going to be a lot worse this morning. checking in at 695 at harford road at the outer loop lanes, it has been generally jammed heading from the harford area to york road. we can show you the scene right now. it's not going to be a pretty picture there. just be aware that that is going to cost you extra time there. there's all the brake lights, just a straight line of cars there. for the travel times, we're checking in on them for you, and not too much to complain as far as incidents, but a slow go on the outer loop lanes from 795 toward 95, a 13-minute trip, 48 is the average speed. now on southbound 95 from the beltway down toward 32, doing much better there an 11-minute ride, 58 is the average, and 55 miles per hour is the average speed on southbound 895 this morning, so if you're going to opt for that instead from the harbor tunnel all the way to 695, just an 8-minute ride. patrice, back over to you. we are following breaking news this morning out of east baltimore. police are on the scene of a police involved shooting in the 2700 block of jefferson street. we're are still trying to get more information about exactly what happened and who is involved. as soon as we get that information, we will bring it to you when it's available. the mastermind behind the d.c. sniper area attacks is dead this morning. john allen muhammad was executed last night by lethal injection at the greensville correctional center in virginia. he was convicted of killing haired myers at a gas station during a keeling spree that terrorized d.c. virginia, 7 years ago. in his final moments of life, he said not one word. fox 45 was there and spoke with media witness just moments before he died. >> at 9:06 they pulled the curtain back. you could see muhammad strard sd there. they asked him, mr. muhammad do you have any last words. he didn't say anything. at 9:07 you could see him twitching a lot and blinking a lot. you could see his breathing increase. at 9:08 he was there motionless. at 9:11 p.m. muhammad was pronounced dead ro. >> reporter: muhammad's final meal was chicken with red sauce. holy win may bhalloween mayt the scares keep coming in baltimore. the master of horror stephen king is in baltimore today. >> joel d smith is in dundalk and he is not alone this morning. >> reporter: definitely not, the horror fans are here. the master of horror is stephen king will be here later today. the only way to meet him is to come here early. there's a few spots left here at the dundalk wal-mart. people from spain are here, because it's just so rare to have the master of horror around and people from argentina; is that right? how long have you been planning this trip? >> actually, six months. a friend of mine told me. i was going to the stephen king presentation under the dome. i said, i will save it. i can make it and here we are. >> reporter: when you say that he was coming to dundalk, maryland, did that mean anything to you? did you know where dundalk was? >> i have been in baltimore, but i didn't know the city. i don't care. i will be there. >> reporter: what is it about him that inspires you to come this far just to see him? >> he is my favorite author. i have been reading him for more than 15 years. yeah, i really have to -- it's a once-in-a-lifetime chance. >> reporter: do you know what you're going to say to him yet? >> no. i say hi, i probably be frozen. >> reporter: we appreciate you joining us thank you very much. they might be frozen but they're happy to be out here waiting in the rain. you had to be in the line to get the actual book and come back for the book signing. a few spots left. patrice, these guys came from all over the world, what do you think? >> i'm amazed. i'm truly amazed. >> this is the first time he has done a book signing in years and years. why did he come to dundalk? >> reporter: he came here, megan, because the percentage of books sold at this wal-mart from stephen king books is the biggest percentage from across the country. percentage wise, this location sells the most stephen king books. that is what made this spot wortworthwhile for the quick ofe king of horror. >> michael jackson private family funeral was fit for a king and had a price matc priceo match, $1 million, that paid for the cars, the post funeral dinner. the private ceremony was held at forest lawn memorial park at glendale, california, september 3rd. this is from the movie. there's no doubt this show is a hit. [ cheering ] what all of these glee fans are celebrating. and i'm jessica starr. coming up this morning in the hometown hot spot, i'm going to tell you how you can give the men and women who serve our country a gift that will matter to them this holiday season. help them connect with their families. it's all a part of operation call home for the families. meteorologist jessica starr is live at the hometown hot spot. >> reporter: to get more information on the taste of home, i'm joined by cecil phillips, good morning? >> good morning jessica, how are you. >> reporter: good, give me an overview of what exactly is a taste man of home. >> taste of home is a charity that was founded in 2006. in 2006 with the intention of supporting maryland's national guard men and women who are serving in combat zones throughout the world. >> reporter: you were telling me about the care packages and the phone cards that you donate. >> since 2006 the organization has contributed dvds, ipods, calling cards, at&t calling cards. we have distributed over thousands of these calling cards and over hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise to support the morale and welfare of our men and women in combat zones. >> reporter: perfect. i have sergeant benival is tell me what it's like to get the phone cards to men when they are deployed. >> it's nothing like getting a phone call from your loved ones when you're deployed in the middle of nowhere and to see the gifts that they sent is awesomes. >> reporter: it gives us a taste of home while you are deployed. definitely make the donations. for more information go to on where you can send your donations and the website link. a lot of parades going on around town. going to have to bring your umbrella, a high temperature of only 60 degrees and the windy conditions out of the northeast only 20 miles per hour. a look at the weekend forecast, let's head to steve in the sky watch center. >> reporter: thank you, jessica. it's going to be a rainy period that we have to go through over the weekend. ida's influence on the weather and she is coming up of the coast and she is angry. no, she is not that angry, but she is coming up and bringing us showers that could be heavy downpours for the eastern shore is what she may be bringing and lesser amounts for the central part of the state and even lesser amounts still for the western part of maryland. the greatest influence will be to the east. and actually calming down some, certainly less angry than when she made her appearance for the gulf coast area earlier this week. now we see a weakening that moves up the east coast. nevertheless, heavy downpours bringing an inch 1/2 of rain for the eastern shore and only a quarter of an inch for the central counties. we look at hd radar lighter rain in the central parts of the city. light to moderate rain for the eastern part of the city and the heaviest rain as i told you will be in the southern part of the eastern shore whereas much as an inch 1/2 of rain will fall. let's take a look at what we have in terms of our flood watch in place. it's on the west side of the chesapeake bay all the way through today and tomorrow and also the southern part of delaware as well and the new jersey coastline, too. the showers will move up to the north, and we will not see as much rain as they are seeing at the north carolina where 7 to 8 itches of rain may fall. as it moves away from the coastline that, is why the eastern shore gets more of it and lesser amounts out to the west. high pressure is starting to build from the north. it's trying to keep everything at bay. in between the high and the low we get the easterly flow and that makes the winds streng enas we -- strengthen as we get the high pressure. the rainfall totals as i just told you will be the heaviest to the east. here is how much and i just told you that as well. an inch 1/2, if not you get a second shot. an inch 1/2 expected for the southern part of the eastern shore. that is coming up in 15 minutes. temperatures are in the 50s throughout the area, back to west 49 degrees, in hagerstown 37, cooler in oakland and the temperatures only get into the mid-50s for highs today. back the low 50s for the eastern shore 52 degrees there, 15 to 20--mile-an-hour winds. the western part of the state getting to the 15 miles for a high -- 55 for a high. 210-15 miles per hour. 43 degrees showers still. it will be breezy with a 10-20-mile-an-hour wind. look for the temperatures to pick up to 54 only by noon, dropping back to 50 degrees by 6:00 p.m. showers lingering as the impact of ida's remnants hand hangs ard and brings remnants of rain. mix of sun and cloud on sunday with a high of 66, not bad, 62 mostly clear on monday and 58 degrees and partly cloudy for your tuesday. and of course, sky watch weather is now at your finger tips. iradar is available at you can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. interactive tools will let you see what rain or snow will be over your house. go to and click on iradar. now candace dold is here with a look at the traffic edge, candace. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we have breaking news into our newsroom. there's a crash at ross mil bloostled aboulevard,. preliminary reports are saying that kids are on the bus and possibly entrapment. there's another vehicle involved in this. we will keep you up-to-date as soon as we get more information and pass it on to you. we have a crew on the way to the scene. it's obviously going to be a traffic issue, you will want to stick with bel air road as an alternate route. headling out on the main lines, it's a pretty slow go add 36 miles per hour travel traveling through catonsville, 63 through howard county and toward the city as well. on 95 in baltimore county, this time around now looking at 50 miles per hour. on the top end of the beltway, though, once you finally do approach the area, it's going to be completely packed there on the outer loop lanes from overly down toward towson. to make matters even worse, we do have a crash in the same direction at york road. be aware that it will definitely cost you a lot of extra time and the delays start back at parkville. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice and megan bark back oveo you. the only thing that can stap an alien in-- stop an alien invasion is a group of kids. fox home entertainment sent us copies to give away to you. you can win a dvd right now if you are the 4th or 5th caller at (410)481-4545. still ahead decorating for less. we will set the thanksgiving dinner table for just $20. her show might be single handedly hitting the schools of america. it's a good thing to thanksgiving is just around the corner and we have something that you can be thankful for. if you are hosting dinner this year, we have table setting ideas that will wow your guest and save you money this holiday. the samantha fox from michaels joins us with more. good morning, samantha? >> good morning. >> you have brought us things to show us that we can add to our table and things that are very much in our price range. >> $20 or less you can have a beautiful spread and it will still give off what you need. we have the glasses, the leaves are $1.99 so you can sprinkle them all over or put them in your glass. we have the scare crow which is $1.99. >> all of this stuff goes on sale. you are going to take the napkins and do a little decorating. this is the end result. >> yeah. >> you roll that up. pretty. >> it goes all well with the fall colors, stay with the fall colors. >> what amazes me are these dishes. these are a good deal. >> right. you can get a whole pack for $3.99. >> my mom hosts thanksgiving and the centerpiece is the big thing. what are good ideas. >> we have the beautiful corn copiah which is $6.99. all of the things inside are $1.99. we have the beautiful gores in here and stuff them right in there there. there. >> and you can make your own, too. >> that is the best thing the creativity! you have the ribbons. the end result will be this. >> samantha that is beautiful. >> and the bow on top. >> and you can either use this as a centerpiece or the scare crow. >> great ideas for people and great things to look at while saving money there. >> yes. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> for more ideas go to coming up glee fans go crazy. [ cheering ] >> the club the show is inspiring in schools across the country. if i lost the weight, i could stop taking so many medications. if i lost the weight, maybe my feet... my back... knees would stop hurting. if i lost the weight, i'd feel more comfortable shopping for clothes. i'd visit my sister in seattle more often. i might be able to improve or even resolve my type 2 diabetes. so, i finally lost the weight after talking with my doctor about the lap-band system. announcer: the lap-band is placed around the upper part of the stomach-- often as an outpatient procedure-- to help you achieve long-term weight loss. unlike gastric bypass, it can be adjusted, and there's no stomach cutting or stapling. call for your free fact kit or visit lap-band is not for those who are pregnant, or have symptoms of autoimmune, severe heart, lung or gastrointestinal disease, cirrhosis or pancreatitis. surgery-related fatalities, reoperation, and band removal are rare. band slippage, stomach injury, vomiting and heartburn may occur. i'm ready. i'm ready. i'm ready. announcer: ask your doctor about the latest generation lap-band system. fans are giddy over glee. they are turning the cast into overnight stars and making fans at schools around the country. >> they rule big time at fox's glee and hundreds of fans showed up to celebrate the release of the track. they got a preview of what is to come this week. mixtion humor, and popular music and the story of what is coming seems to hit a the right note. >> i think it's a new genre. i this is so popular and refreshing and we're reach out to new audience of kids who are under dogs. we are teaching kids to be different and embrace that. >> you want it ♪ ♪ you got it. >> it expresses a lot of story that people can relate to. a lot of different genre so a lot of people can relate to. it's an inclusive kind of experience to the sound track. >> the cast has seen the series inspire many schools to start their own glee club. >> i think the magority of people in high school they are usually not cool. it's nice to shine a light on it and hopefully people will join it and think it's not so bad. >> our show might be single handily saving music in the schools of america. >> a rumored michael jackson show and madonna green lighting her catalogue, the sky seems to be the limit. >> we are really lucky. pretty much every performer that we have gone to, has been agreeable to use using their music. we have been lucky about that. but no one like as madonna has been as accepting, but that is great. >> she is living ♪ >> that was done by somebody from maryland so pretty interesting there. of course, we want to tell you to stay tuned this morning, because the stars are giving us a sneak peek of tonight's episode. you can find what is in store. we will talk with them a little bit later in this 8:00 hour. and glee is on tonight, so you two better watch. >> i want to know, what do glee clubs do in school? what do they do since they're spawning these glee clubs? >> i never heard of this phenomenon of these glee clubs in school. i didn't have one. >> i told you we had barbara shop quartet. >> we had that and i remember the holidays them coming and singing and that was me. i liked it. i thought that was great. >> i don't know. we have to see. i think it's kind of an interesting concept. one thing i about the show is there's a little bit of everybody. there's a child in a wheelchair, there's somebody that dresses a little differently. it's nice to see a difference. >> american pie, the cool jock club was in the glee club. >> of course it's on tonight. >> can i change the subject to a show that i did watch. coming up, you know him best as gomez adams at the adams family. >> now what this baltimore born actor is up to and why he is back here at home. >> reporter: the master of horror will be at dundalk. we are talking about stephen king making one of his first appearances in 18 years. up next, we will tell you how you welcome back to fox 45 morning news. 8:31 is the time. i'm patrice harris. i'm megan gilliland. a rainy start to this veterans' day. dare i say it's going to rain on your parade, if you're on the eastern shore, i think. i dare. take a look and you can see the eastern shore getting showers that are heavier than elsewhere. we zoom in on the baltimore city area and you can see there's lesser amounts of rain falling further west you go. the purple indicating rain on the west side of the city and further points west. and lesser amounts still and areas where they're not seeing rain at all as you go further on i-70 this morning. the eastern shore the heaviest rain expected to fall here around salisbury. this is the area that is expected to see the heaviest rain this morning and again, continuing to fall until about 10 or 11:00 as far as the heavy rain and a little bit of lightening up with the central counties and a little bit more on the way beyond that. more coming your way. here is a look at what we have in terms of the coastal flood watch the west side of the chesapeake bay the coastal flood watch through tomorrow. the temperatures that are going to stay cool today and windy, too as the rainshowers continue to move in. a look for temperatures to get up to 54 degrees at noon, 46 degrees at 6:00 p.m., topping out 55 degrees at 1 or 2:00 this afternoon, it will be windy and cool for sure. we will take a look at rest of the forecast i in a bit. right now candace dold has the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we have been tracking breaking news for you in baltimore county this morning. in fact, it's confirmed an accident involving a school bus on rossville boulevard at franklin boulevard. now the reports are that there's an entrapment and there's rescue operations underway. a lot of ambulances there. this is getting a lot of attention. it's becoming a bit of a traffic issue as well. you will want to stick with bel air road. as for further updates, we do have a crew on the way to the scene. we will continue to keep you updated on this as soon as we get more information for you. checking in on the beltway at harford road it's going to be an absolute headache on the outer loop lanes traveling toward towson. on the time traveling from 795 down toward 95, once you approach the west side, doing aa little bit better, a 12-minute ride, 54 for the average speed. check in on southbound 895 from the harbor tunnel toward 695, not too bad, 9 minutes and 54 is the average, and 55 is the average speed traveling southbound 95 from the fort mchenry tunnel down toward the beltway a 9-minute ride. it slows down from route 100 to 32, 47 miles per hour. patrice and megan, back over to you. we are following breaking news out of baltimore county just into our newsroom as candace was just tell you, children were on a school bus at a crash at intersection of rossville boulevard and perry hall boulevard. there's one injury. we're learning that that person was injured on the bus. we do have a crew on the scene and we will bring you the latest information as it becomes available. halloween may be over but the thrills keep coming in baltimore county. the master of horror, stephen king is in town today. he is holding a book signing in dundalk and it's drawing hundreds and hundreds of people. goljoel d smith is live at the wal-mart and people can't wait to see this guy. >> reporter: they have been waiting. that has been the whole problem. it's been a long time since he held a book signing. we are at the wal-mart at dundalk. 200 people have come in and gotten their wristband and bought their books. that gives them a space to come back tonight and do the book signing with the master of horror. if you come now, you don't have to wait overnight, you can come and get your wristband and still do it. how rare is it actually to see stephen king in person and do a book signing. >> stephen king doesn't come out and do a book tour in 10 years. this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. >> reporter: people came from overseas. we hear people from argentina came. >> it's on the way through advertise book tour. he is seeing stores and new york at barns and noble. he is on his way down to atlanta and this happened to be on his tour and this is one of wal-mart's best products in the past. >> reporter: you don't have to wait overnight. you can come right here right now, get a wristband, buy the book and meet the master of horror himself stephen king. it may be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. and christmas is coming, could be a good gift. joel d smith, fox 45 morning. you know him best as adams gomez. he is here in the studio to tell us about the his play and as a bonus you brought us mack kinsey as -- mckinsey as well. thank you for coming in it this morning. >> part of the package. >> tell me about the because it also involves you, correct? >> it's a very exciting event for us. i have been with the john hopkins theater program for a few years now. >> you graduated from there, correct? >> i did, i grat wad graduated e 11 years ago. >> that makes you like even younger. >> he is about 4. >> but one of my students, about 2 or 3 semesters ago won first prize at the kennedy center for a 10 minute play nationally he came in number one. he has written a full length play. we are doing that and the mackey is playing. >> i like that. >> -- the guest star. >> it's a terrific play. the kid is a fantastic writer. it's a beautiful building that is called the m er merit farm. it's been there loaning are -- longer than the college. >> give me the plot of the play. >> the play right is a real talent this is a play about a playwright who is writing a play while you're watching him and having conversation with you and then his whole play begins to play. it's a play and a play within the play. it has a lot of stuff going on. a lot of humor and a lot of deep soul searching. it's very, very funny. >> in the play about the play that is watching the play, what part do you play. >> i play the guy in the play, a character called ben. he is on stage for 131 pages straight. >> is that a good thing or a bad thing? >> i don't know. >> he is a very talented hopkins students. >> this is very good and you are directing it? >> i'm directing it. >> how about that? he gets to tell you what to do, not that he doesn't already. >> he is telling me how to live my life and telling me how to live my life. it's fantastic [ laughter ] >> you all have a great relationship obviously so this is going to be fun to work together, i would think. >> it's been an exciting time in rehearsal. i know once the curtain goes up, it's going to be more exciting. >> what is it like to come back and do this at hopkins because you kept that tie there? >> i had a great learning experience when i was a student at hopkins, and i have stayed in contact with the university most of my life. >> okay. >> and i was invited to come back and teach maybe, 10 or 12 students. >> uh-huh. >> an acting and directing workshop, this is back in 2000 . i saw they don't have a theater program anymore. they hadn't had one for a long, long time. i thought, hum, you know, the university really needs this. they asked me to come back the following year to teach again. well, the first group that came out. there were so many i had to take everybody. i had 5 54 students to start wi. the next year i had 75. >> oh my -- it was growing? >> yeah. >> so they said, can you stay the whole school year? >> if you let me try to start a theater program. so we now have a theater minor. i hope it's not long off that we will have a major. the great thing is a lot of our graduates are now working regularly in the business of shows. >> that's a good thing, isn't it. >> absolutely, especially in this economy. >> absolutely. well, thank you both so much for coming in. it's a pleasure to meet you. >> thank you, patrice for having us all. >> we will give them information to see you coming to see you in the play, tomorrow, and tomorrow. it's happening at the john mars theater a welcome back. it's 8:42 on this wednesday morning. not the prettiest veterans day ever, but it's not going to be too bad if you're further west. if you're in the eastern shore, you will run into a lot of rain in that direction. the downtown area at 6:45 you will see the rain light to moderate up toward perry hall seeing more rain. but back to the west, further points west toward randallstown and beyond, you will run to less rain in that area. the heaviest rain will be for the eastern shore. you will see more rain thanks to ida moving up the coast and the easterly flow bringing more atlantic moisture as well. as we put things into motion you will see the rain streaming in from the south as the coastal low continues to move up the south and east. the coastal low is going to bring us remnants. of ida. high pressure to the north is going to allow for a couple things, drier air trying to keep it off to the east but also bringing strong winds as we sit between the high to the low and the low to the south. meanwhile coastal flood watch to the north. and the southern part of delaware. if you look at hd radar image seeing the showers that scream heaviest to the south and east. here is what we in terms of the rainfall total is expected. as much as a half an inch of rain for the southern part of the eastern shore. baltimore itself about the same. so much more rain toward the south as you head toward virginia and north carolina, 3, 4, 5 inches of rain, and more of that, 5 inches toward north carolina. if you are headed in that direction, you will want more than a raincoat and umbrella. you will have to stay dry if you're headed in that direction. it may be a bad place to stay in terms of safety. 51 degrees in baltimore, 54 in salisbury. 41 in hagerstown and 51 in oakland where it's cooler. instead of mid-60s, degrees for the -- 52 degrees for the high in the eastern shore. the central part of the state, climbing to 55 degrees, with a 10-15-mile-an-hour wind, off with showers, and further points west, temperatures there getting to 53 degrees with a lesser chance of rain and where we do have rain lighter 10-15 miles an hour. 53 for the overnight low. showers tonight, moving through the day today, don't expect the temperatures to climb a whole lot as i said. 54 at noon, getting to the high of 55, around 1:00 p.m. and dropping back to 48 tonight with more light showers then. 53 degrees for tomorrow. we won't get rid of the impact of ida anytime soon, because thursday and friday more shower chances. 56 for the friday high. 61 degrees on saturday with partly cloudy skies. partly cloudy on sunday with a high of 66. 62 degrees on monday with mostly clear skies. 58 and partly cloudy on tuesday. fox 45 sky watch weather is at your finger tips. iradar is available at can you use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. interactive tools will let you see what rain or snow will be over your house. go to and click on iradar. now for a last look at the traffic this morning, candace dold is here with the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. it's an accident involving a school bus. it's on rossville boulevard. it's going to be near perry hall boulevard. it's going to be reports of a rescue operation that are underway right now as we speak because of an intrapment. we will continue to keep you up-to-date. we have crews on the way to the scene. we will let you know of more information as soon as we hear of any. as for the traffic, stick with bel air road to avoid all of that activity and use that as an alternate route. on the beltway in the same area it's going to be very of much of a headache, persistent delays traveling from ha harford road toward towson. there's a crash on the outer loop lanes right at york road. 95 this morning it's running heavy moving through baltimore county but eases up moving through baltimore county near the merge. there's trouble, new accident southbound 395 right at 95, we can show you what had a looks like right there, if you're heading out in that area, there's the accident scene that we're zeroing in on, you can see the suv completely turned around to the side and into that wall. obviously, the flashing lights means that the activity is still there. you will want to make sure that you allow yourself extra time if you're traveling through the area. 95 no problems to report heading near the airport. there's an accident farther down, kind of an interesting one. the tractor trailer hit a roadside on 95, use 295 as an alternate. that's a look at the busy morning travels, patrice and megan, back over to you. candace, thank you. a raven is going from the playing field to the big screen. michael orr was the raven's first round pick of 2009. now the story of how he got there is the subject of a new film called the "the blind side." it's the beginnings of people who took him in and made them a member of his family. you can see the movie before the rest of baltimore. warner brothers is having an advanced screening and sent us passes to give away to you this morning. you can win a pair if you are the 10th caller at (410)481-4545. i want to see that? >> yeah, i think it will be good. coming up tonight's glee episode takes a big turn. we will talk to two of the show's stars coming up. we are heading to the kitchen to find out how you can help people with you can help people with disactdisabilities get the medil equipment they need. chef bryce from winfield is here with more. >> tell us who the benefit benefits. >> you have the robert and peter claire foundation. the foundation is for people who have in need in south a 46 a an, so they raise money to send equipment to south africa and the united states. >> you will raise money by making great food like this. >> today we're going to make the foreigflor entina. >> traditionally you take rose marie and sugar and they take and rub it on to tuna on the steak. we are going to sear off a nice piece of tuna. >> we don't have a lot of time as indicated. we have time to only sear it, that is right. perfect dish. >> sear it off. what we want to do is plate it up. >> okay. >> this is all good for somebody who is in a hurry and is very hungry and wants to have it right now. >> yes, it is. >> absolutely. >> are you kidding me. you're already almost done. >> what is the key. what is going to give this the most taste on this some. >> the most taste is going to be the rosemary flavor that you're going to have. >> you want to take some the caviar that we have here. we make caviar out of parsly and we marinade it in infused oil. you want to take a little bit of the balsamic reduction that we have here. you want to finish it with the vinaigrette. >> it looks like artwork when you finish it off. >> that is beautiful. >> terrific. >> thank you so much. for more information log on to you are watching fox 45 morning news, all local all morning. the club is ready to rock 'n' roll tonight on fox's hit glee. the kids will be challenged to astep out of their comfort zone experience life from a different point of view. we caught up with two of the stars who say you don't want to miss it because this is a pivotal episode in the season. >> there's a secret with everybody at this point. all of characters are kind of letting things go. things are coming to the surface. this should be an interesting episode. it will be really fun for everybody to see. >> the turning point. >> all right. you can catch the wheel's episode of glee tonight at fox 45. candace was telling us earlier. >> another thing that i want to talk about is idol. it's a few months away but some the last season's alums are coming to baltimore. thanks to everybody here in charm city. ryan sea crest is hosting a contest that will bring them together for a one night only concert in one town. the city with the most votes, will get to the host the show. if you want them to come to baltimore, you need to vote. we have a link at our facebook page. make sure to tell your family and of course, all of your friends to make your voice heard. >> we will want to get people on facebook. >> we have a lot of fans there, keep it up. and brandon from mount airy came here. >> he was awesome. >> he was professional. >> absolutely. listen to him. >> 52 degrees. >> yep. >> rain. >> wind. >> winds north to northeast 10 miles per hour. >> yep, and the humidity. >> in the humidity 66%. >> and he was from gersel academy. very great job. he made everybody there proud, too. >> he could be your new assistant. >> he could have the job, really. >> he told me. no. i need the job. >> he says you're a nice man. look for some showers especially for the eastern part of the state, 55 degrees, ida remnants will stay with us for the next few days. the weekend looks nice, 51 or saturday and 66 on sunday with partly cloudy skies, a nice period as we go through monday and tuesday a 50 degrees. >> if you are headed to the veteran's parade, you need the umbrella. >> definitely have it handy especially further east you go. >> we will see you back here tomorrow morning. take care. bye-bye.

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