the gooernor says the number of out-of-state crews has now doubled from 1- thousand to 2-thousand. that's help for neighborhoods like this one in woodlawn.. where several huge trees have dropped on power lines.. and left several homes without power... since friday. it's a neighborhood sttll waiting for b-g-e crews. and tonighh, residents say they're tired, hot and frustrat. frustratee. (mr..cross) "the most how they responded to this area and not the biggess &pmess....""ms. weathers) "the &ponnfirst. then the middle class are the very last ones and the poor. and i'm sick of it." a b-g-e spokeeman saas crews are taking thh balanned ppproach to restoriig power... particular area is getting &pmore resources and crrws.. than ann other. live in glen burnie, keith daniels, fox 45 news, late edition. a maryland lawmaker wants to prevent futureoutages... by buring power lines uudergound. senator jim rosapepe is calliig n the marylann pubbic service commmssion to come up with a plan for buuring critical electric lines... he says power companies are intentionally under investing rosapepe thinks the intiative will create jobs.... but bge says its not coot effective. "it's financially impractical, that you spend illions upon, - underground the systee, aapropriate rights of way." way."b-g-e says burying power lines would cost about a miilion dollars per mile... and reppirs can take longer since crews have to locate the one of the hardest hit where clean uu is still more, underway toniggt. days after the storm.... residents of chinqqapin parkway are dealing with a major mess.fallen trees still sitting on houses.... cars crushed by branches.neighbors say they've tried to remove thh debris themselves... but some limbs are just too big... and all they can do iss ait for the city tt respond. "i aw one truck come through here, and that wasthe day aater, which was saturday andd havent seen nobody since." //buut to//"where the help aa,, five days. days. 3&the same street is still wittout power... and neighbors say they'reeworried about some &pddnt have air conditiooing. meanwhile governor martin o''alley continues to urgee people to be patient s b-g-e works to restore power. at the maryland emergency king management agency in reisterstownn.. reminded those pithout power aad with damage to their homess.. that the impact of this storm was much bigger than expected and that crews are working around the clock to get the area cleaned up.despite thh thousands of power restored... the ggvernor is still not satisfiid. 00016:24-16:43"i'm not satisfied and won't be until every home is restoreddbuttii have seen steady progrees and that progress is happening in the estimatessthat were ggven to us immediatly following this hurricaneelike hit by the utility companies." companies..b-g-e has said it hopes to have 90- percent of the people without power.. back up and running by friday. pand ower outagee aren'ttthe &ponly problem in the state...the áheatá wave is being blamed for at leastt3 deaths in maryland.the viccims montgomery county... one from wicomico county... nd one from baltimore officials remind residents that humid cooditions can lead to heatstroke and heat exhaustiin. that brings us to our qqestion of the day.we are asking you aaain if you are satisfied &pwith the mergency response t the ssvere storms. head to our facebook page and join the discussion. you can also comment from your mobile device, juss search fox baltimore and find us onlinee is churning ff to our - east.will theyyhii baltimore or will we be spared this time. time. let's go to chief meteorologist vytas reid 33 the hunt is on for the gunman who shot two people inneast bal. happened near the intersection of preston and north spring stteet... about found the victimmunresponsive when they arrived.homicide &pinvestiiators were callld to the worr on any suspects. police say thee're ready for fill the inner harbor for the f. &pfourth.janice park is live at there's heightennd security s, follooing last year's marred by violence. janicee they have a nn tolerance y policy this year...where they will be arresting trruble pakers. and in ordee to cootrol the crowds...they're expecting t least 200 will be seeing these waist you - harror. you'll remember last year things got out of stabbed...and a 4 yearrold was hit by a celebratory bullet shot into the air:tomorrow, yoo will see baltimoreecity police...maryland state police....nd officers from the maryland transportatton authority.they will all be working together.police say they have a new deployment strategy his year...where they will constantly move officers around to areas wwere up.y know the crowds will end "come come tomorrow, tte cops are goinggto be deployed, we're set" set" "i think pplice ill mman a lot and people will be happy and safe" the fourth of july party &pis nderwaa at oregon ridge t. 3 3 the croww cheered as the orccessra pumped out the distinctive sounds oo he fourthhof july holiday. the roccets red glare was bursting in air. t's all couldn't havv hadda better night o do it, weel maybe a bad day for cat owners.a new litter boxes... are more at risk of suicide. suicide.the studd claims there could be aalink to a parasite that's commonly found inside litter's the same parasiie that's been knoww to have an effect on pregnant women.researchers say as always... more reseaach is needed. bad day for an air conditioner repair man in florida.the heat can make people do some crazy things.but one guy takes it tt another levell level.sean hickman was called to repair the air conditioner at a home in deltonn... but he wasn't prepared for the homeowner's hot temper.hickmaa sayy he tested the voltage on the unnt and sparks went the comprrssor was broken and handed him a bill for 109-ddllars....that's when the man got upset..... and pulled a gunn 3hickman says::"that's when i was scared becauseei knew tte safety was diseegaged. i froze sat down on my bumper."//butt &pto///"he basically ssid you stuck screwdriver in my unit, unnt."ow up my unit." peputies showed up shortly homeownee with aggravattd 3&bad day for a driver in wiscoossn.a stretch of roadway buckles during a heatwave in ... and look what haapens to one drivvr. driver.a woman pulls over to taae photos of the road... and cell phone s-u-v goes &páairborneá... after hhtting the buckled road... and goes acroos the median into oncoming lanes.the people inside the s-u-v were injured. 3 obamacare is here to stay and apparently so is the era offbig government. why the supreme court's landmark decision is building washington's bureaucracy at a for those days at the balllark you want to eat a hot dog and workout. why this seven pound hot dog is coming to a grrll near you. a special goodbye for &pmayberry's sheriff.. the abrupt end to andy griffith's legendary life. 3 the i-r-s is beeffng up t's workforce to accommodate the ncrease in collections that are anticipated with the now we are learning ttat the depprttent of health and human services will also be bringing &pangll shhws you the costs of supporting and enforcing the new healthhcare law... law... with the supreme court giving the new health care law a green light, officials are turning to implementing the law - a llngthy and massive undertaking still in its early stages but already spending money: rehberg says: "they implementation money. that moneyyis goneealready n additional bureaucrats and it programs, compuuerizztion ffr the impleeentation."dorn says, "oh boy.. hhs haasa huge amount to work to do and the states do too ttere will be places in every state in the country. places you can go online, compare health plans." the i-r-s and h-h-s, he health and human services department, ann many, many othee agencies wwll noo write thousands of pages of regulationn - an ffort well pnderwwy: ehberg sayy: "there's already 13 thousand pages of regulations. and they're not even done yet." spalling says: "a delegation of extensive authority from congress to the department of health and human serrices and a lot of boards and commissions and bureaus throughout the buueaacrrcy. we counted about 180 or so, the rest is unknowable." all the focus on the individual mannate makes it sound like the entiie law revolves around it... but analysts say itssreally just a small part-- covering only a few pages out of 2700spalding is, the mandate ii about twoo percent of the whole piece of the legislation. it's a minor part." much bigger than the mandate itself are the insurance exchanges whhchh will administer 681 billion dollars innsubsidies over ten yyars, which will require several hundred new employees pt the i-r-s and h-h-s:dorn says: "you have ulessyou need tt write and you need lawyers so there are lots of things you need to do when you are for some, the ise." bottom line is clearrand troublingg-- the federal government s about to assume massive new powers:capretta says, "designing insurance plans, telling people where &pthey can go for coverage how mmch insurers are allowed o charge ... really how octors and hospitals are supposed tt tag)angle ays, "h-h-s is m - still writing regulations, ... which can be controversial themselves. one already wrrtten rrquirrs nsurance cootraception... and has been legally challenged byycathhlic groups, in a case likely to end up in the supreme court. so many more chapters to gg in the sga of mister obama's health care law. in news." 3 3 eat this hot dog and win a free trip to the cardiologist. why this mass in one state. andy griffith passes awayy tooamerica's sherifffcoming up. quick how many devices in your home use the internet? you're still counting aren't you? today we live online and in a few years the number of devices in your home will double. some networks can't handle it, but verizon fios is 100% fiber optic so it's faster and can handle it, and now a revolution in speed is here -- fios quantum speed, more than twice as fast as america has ever seen. to find out more about fios quantum go to call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. go to çç 3 common senne says, coovicted penn state assistaat foooball ccach jerry sandusky coull soon loss his pension, if one pennsylvania lawmaker gets his . representative eugene depasquale is proposing a nee would prevent public employyes ccnvicted offcertain crimes againsttchildren from receiving pension benefits. right now, sandusky ii eligible to continue receiving his state peesion of almost 59- thoosand-dollars a year... "i don't think therees anybody ii the free world that thinks jerry sanddsky should be getting a ppnsion." pension.""it would apply to anyone, but he certainly would be the biggest target of this l" proposed egislation ii expected to include a clause to make the law retroactive to begin june fiist.sandusky was sexually abusing 10 boys over &p common sense says it ssunds liie a joke..... or the title to a country song... but if you like to play in the mud...then you'll love the redneck resort mud park in sweetwater tennesse. tennessee."4-wheeler engine noise"the resort feetures mud pits for your off-road vehicles... 4- wheelers, playground.and there's a 240- foot slip án slide. 25-39""t's just somethinn littte bit different. really really no place to have a sociallgathering like this aad have fun witt all those kinn of vehicles. we know peepll kind of thing so we waated to provide a venue for that to haapen."" the resort plans to be open eight weekends a year. common sense says a foot long hot dog is good enough. but apparently nnt for ooe man preparing for the fourth. this is jasoo ssetz. he's a butcher in faago, north dakota. trying toobreak a record. he's created a seven and a half pound, two foottlong hotdog, that's more than 30 tiies the size of the average, dog. common sense says, bringgextra mmstard and a really big rrll. the final sign-off for a television legend. we say goodbye to america's sheriff. [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the new santa fe steak melts. get extra grande flavor with the santa fe steak & bacon melt. juicy steak, crispy bacon, and melted cheese with creamy santa fe caesar. or try adding egg for a santa fe steak, bacon & egg melt -- a favorito for breakfast but muy bueno any time of day. get to your local subway and claim your steak today -- with new santa fe steak melts. subway. eat fresh. ♪ ♪ looking for someone you can trust? with ase certified technicians and the latest technology, this is the exception to the rule. this is sears auto center. actorrandy griffith -- whh entered many of our homes ass died.the televisiinnstar died this morning at his orth carolina home on roanoke reportedly buried early this evening just five hours aater pis death. griffith is best known for ppaying a small-toww heriff and a defense lawyer on the series "matlock" in the eiggties and nineties..oday.... residents of his homeeown are reacting to the news. "the locals, particularly those who ad been here for a long time, were very oyal to live in where he didn't ave - to be a celebrity and he didn't haveeto be on all thh local. e was just another 3&stilllno word on the cause of says he died peacefully... he waa eighty-sii-years-ood. 3 against seattle tonight....nd the ravens quarterback has a big fan in philly...brucee cunningham has those sttries next in sports unlimited...ñ ñ 3 3 phat's all for the late edition. but we're not done yet. hhre's birthday boy -& pnlimited, happy birthday brucee the orioles continued tonight in seattte..and things arr not going all...and may be even worse went in tonight having loss 0 of thhir last 12... 12... ...a verr good pitchinn matchup...former cy young award winner felix hernandez goiig for the m', he &ppuncces oot chris davis to ee the first......the o's countered wiih wie-yin chen and he was throwing well, too...he gets former towson last night's victory...he's perfect thru scooe righttnow in the 6th.... meanwhile...bbian roberrs is heeding back to he diiabled list...he spent nearll 13 months recovering from returned just 17 days ago... tte problem his's a groinninjury....he's hittiig just .182 with nn home runs pnd 5 rbi...outfielder xavier avery is being recaaled to replace him... but help is on the way from familiar name...showalter has for the birds onnwednesday..he has an 8-8 record and a 3.63 earnee run aveeage, but lately he's been stelllr..ovee his last 3 staats tillman is 3-0 with a 1.06 era and 23 strikeouus to o with just three will be his 4th tour of duty with the birds...heedidn't makk the 3&with seven sports being cut this week, maryland's athletic department is leaner aad meaner...and the football terps will get theenew season underway when summer practice opens next month..todayycame news that the champion of their conference will continuee to have a place to go plaa.. play.. tte tlantic coast conference will cointinue to send t's they did in 2001, when the terps won the confeernce, seen here...the two entities announced a new commences in 20144 the same year the new playoff formmt goes into afffct...under that plan, the acc champion plays in iami unless a, the orange not playinggin it or if the acc champ is a national semifinaaist but tteeorange bowl is not a host...under the bowl moves back to januury 1st toothe proo, where the ravens quarterback got vvry nicee compliment east one media member thinks he has &pthe strongest arm in pro pootball...former eagles qb ron jaworski is breakkng doon eveey quaatyerrack for espn, anndhas joe flacco 9th in the leagge, buu says he has the ability tt attack all areas oo game.."thhn why the rankiig off performance doesn't always match his skillset...ffacco anddthe ravens open raaning camp in just three weeks. championships are windiin down at wimbledon...and american serena williams is in ggeat shape heading into the &pbeat the defending champ to advanne to her 8tt wimbledon semifinaa...perta kvitova was winning streak, but serena - snapped it 6-3, loss came to errna in 20100.. pilliams isstryiig to become the first woman 30 or over to that'll do it for thii edition of sports unlimited...i'm bc... and be sure to tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 55am.

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