against instant tax service on west pptapsco avenue. she wanted them to file her taxes but changed her mind two days later. but it was too late.... she learned they had already fiied thh return and deposited two checks, tottling about 6-thouuand dollars in an unknown account. but towson says she never gave the company permission to file her taxes... and never got the money.........and tonighh,,she claiis the company committed personal information to get her tax money. //////////////////////sot/////// ////// (towson) "it's unbelievable how the small person is being ripped off by large companies who have the power to do whatever they wann...." cont/////////////////////// tonight, that company has shut down... a sign on the door, says they're closed for tth season. meantime, veronica towson must now do a paper tax return.. loved ones gather to say goodbye o a teenager shot to death in northhast baltimore. baltimore. a viewing was held tonight for 13-year-old monae turnage, followed by the southern baptist church on chester street.police say two boys, ages 12 and 13, weree playing with a 22-caliber rifle when turnage was shot. she was then dragged across an alley aad overed with trash bags.police say the gun was later found in a city police officer's vehicle. that officer's conduct in now under investigation. a newborn baby is found dead in the trunk of a car at a trailer park community in prince rederick. police say someone was cllaninggout the car of a family member last pnght when they found the infant. investigators did not release the child's name or gender. no charges have been filed at this time. police.../ are investigating.../ two... suspected cases.../ of... dog fighting...///. the inveetigation comes after - two pitbulls were left for dead in anne arundel county. janice park is live in brooklyn park where a good samaritan found one of the injured dogs. janice? 3 //karen//a major bust in several locations leads to three arrests and the evidence homes in baltimore city were raided includiig one on rosedale street... and among the evidence found... weapons... ammunition... bullet proof vests... and drugs including raw heroin. police make three arrests... ronald van prince jr., james keith and andjessica correa, desppte the bust.....some residents blame police for the (monet carter) "they need to do their job at all times not just when they feel there is a call or some one is informing them of something thaa may not even be true..they need to do their job every day all day" police say the street value for the evidence colleeted so far... is more then 30 thhusand dollars. talk.../ show hoot .../ montel... williamss../ is... in... annapolis.../ ááurgingáá lawmakers.../ to... eealizee../ medical marijuana. mmrijuana.williams.../ who... suffers from.../ m--s.../ says... áheá smokess../ marijuana... to relieve...// chronic pain...////. ááheáá wants lawmakers.../ to... allow doctors .... to... prescribe.../ pot... for patients...// ááwhoáá suffer from ...terminal cancer.../ orr.. (williams) "i loooed over the backs of several people that are here who are sufferinn every day, eeery day." day." the... governor's... office...// says.../ governor o'amlley./..// ááwilláá likely... veto... the bills.../ áábecauseáá he fears.../ they'll... violate.../ federal ...drug laws. here's... our... question of the day. áádoáá... you think...medical marijunana... should... be legalized...? legalized...? ááyou'reáá... about...50-50...// the... debate...// on our.../ facebook page tonite...// heated talks.../ at... tooson university.../ last night. studentt.../ confronted.../ a... campus group.../ alled.../ " youth... for western .../ civilization.".../// áátheáá &pggoup...// defends... itself.../ ááforáá chalking messages.../ like.../ "white pride,".../ round campus....//// ááwhite-poweráá... was... also... seen...// ááalthougháá.../ we'd... like tt... make... it clear...// áátheáá... group...// says.... it's.... ánotá... esponsible.../ for... those.../ words .../ áátheáá group's leader.../ pride"...// is... not.../ a... mmssage.../ of hate. 3 a ad day a one driver filling up at a gas ssation in . massachusetts. a fiirce island juut after he pulled in. it happened during a period of high winds that produced gusts offup to 50 miles an hour. the good news is no one was hurt. a good day for a police dog.a blooddound named matty was called in after a bank robbery in a small california town. matty took a whiff of a hand written note left by the thief and two hours later matty and her partner got their man. shows says, "she's able to smell each one of the people that were there, were present that touched the article during this incident. and she realized they are here, i'm not looking for them, she's looking for the missing members" members." the suspect was trrcked down about a half ile away from the bank. 3 and a bad day for peace and quiet in grand rapids, michigan. more than six hundred people braved chilly temperatures there to making clucking sounds while wearing chicken beaks.they were trying to set the record for mostt people wearing animals noses at a single event. 3 a maryland entrepreneur can truly be called a 'small' owner. gabrielle williams has started her own jewelry bussness, and she's only twelve. williams started making jewelry at the age of seven. when a friend bought one of her rings, she decided to start her own commany. williams says she hopes to be a millionaire by the age of pifteen. williams says: "i decided 15 would be the best time because it's not too old and it's not really young." young." williams has even wrote a book called "the making offa young entrepreneur." she says she plans to donate part oo the profits to charity. 3 3 " get off the plane,,, get off the plane." plane." stranne moments on board an american plane.the unexpected person who went on a frightening rant. this car may look nice.... buu we tell you why it getssugly when you find out what its costing taxpayers. and a child ducted taped to a chair in school.why the peacher said she did it... and going to police.mother is - oh dear... oh dear! ohh dear... i'm not sure exactly what happened here last night. i was out helping people save money on their car insurance. 2 more! you're doing it! aren't they doing great?! hiiiiiii!! come sweat with me! keep going richard. keep sweating!! geico. fifteen minutes could save you falsey says: "she started repeating herself, very incoherent in a way and people started to pay attention." the incident happening just as the plane was preparing to take off from dallas-fort worth to ccicago. the commotion near the cockpit reaching aafever pitchhwebber says: "when we first got in and oarded he said 'oh i forgot to take my meds ann we to the gals." during a fifteen minute address... the flight attendant allegedly asked if the plane was on auto pilot... and said she waan't responsible for the passenner's safety... lozano says: "she said she would not be responsible for the plane crashing and we hadn't even left the ground yet."stewart saas: "afttr those comments were made then it really started o get a little scary." witnesses the ride tried to subdue the woman. a couple in first class also stepped in to help restrain her. termunde says: it was a good wrestle tt get her to her seat. they had to subdue her. there were about pive people holding her down." in a statement -- the association for professiinal flight attenddnts saying quote - "there was an unfortunate but non-violent confrontation involving a flight attendant aboard an aircraft preparing for takeoff this morninn at dfw. the incident is being investigated by the proper airlines officials also ican confirming the incident. but saying no charges are being filed at this time.(onn cam tag)gallaghee says: "that flight attendant was taken to a hospital forrevaluation. the shaken passengers eveetually took off on another plane with a different flight crew of fliiht attendants. in los angeles, trace gallagher fox news the unemployment rate remained steady last month but the labor department says the economy aaded ore than 200-thousand joos. and president obama says that's good news. news.obama says, "ii gives me confidence there are better days ahead. i know it because i would bet on americaa workkrs and american know how any day of the week." week." while the president was speaking about recent job presidential candidate mitt romney circled back to the aatack. rommey says, "37 months ago told us that if romney says, "37 months ago told us that if he could borrow $787 billion, almost a trillion dollars, he would keep unemployment below 8 percent. it has not been below 8 percent since." since." the reason the current unemmloyment rate did not go lower than eight-point-three percent is a good sign: hhlf a million people re-joined the job market and are looking again. severall..// good samaritans.../ come... to the reecue .../ of.../ an... officer.../// when... a mann.../ tried... stealing.../ a... customer's backpack.../ at... this florida.../ mcdonalls..../// áápoliceáá... arrived...// áábbtáá the suspect.../ wasnt easily...// ááheáá attacked... the deputy, .../ ááknockingáá off... his radio,...// áá soáá he... couldnt call.../ for... back--up...///. áá3áá homeless... cop's... rescue...// ápullingáá the.... suspect .../ off... the officer. 3 "i think they are phenomenal. you know, they didn't have to get involved. pnvolved. the suspect .../ has... a history... of.../ drug possession....//// áátheáá officer... thanked...// the... 3... heroes...// //3-shot toss to tony// 3 3 getting old and fat.why some say it might not be so bad. and a sleek car with a big problem. why its costing yoo big bbcks even ttough you probably will never ride in one. ooo getting older and being overweight does not necessarily hurt your mental well-being. british researchers annlyzed lifestyle and health patterns in more than ten thousand people in the u.s. and the united kingdom. they discovered people reported better mental quality offlife as they ge... despite a decrease in the ppysical quality. the team also discovered being overweight or obese did ot have a significant impact on mental well-being.. a.../ d-c... teacher.../ has... a...// álotá... of.../ seese...// ááunfortunatelyáá none... of it...// is...// common...// ááshe'sáá placed on ...administrative leave.../ ááafteráá taping.../ a... 9---year-old... student.../ to.../ a chaar. chair. it.../ happened wednesday .../ ááafteráá school .../ at... the... friendship... public charter.../ school ...////. ááchristianáá washington, .../ ááaáá... visually... impaired...// 4---th grader.../// áásaysáá the... teacher.../ taped him.../ to... his chair...// ááafteráá... he... asked.../ to... get up.../. áátheáá boy... told his mother,.../ ááwhoáá confronted ...the teacher. washington: "you taped my son to the chair? and she said, think that this was malicious. i don't want you to think that this was done out of spite, he was in on it and it was a game and i said that's not a game." game." the mother... also... filed aacomplaint.../ with... d-c.. police. 3 seems...// our...federal gov't...// getting intoo..// the... car-making... business...// ááisnntáá working...// working...// fiiker...// corporation...// ááwhicháá... got... a... 530--million dollar... federal... bail--out...// áámadeáá... a... green... hybrid.../// áácalledáá the... 'karma"...// ááthisáá... 2--seater...// áávveyáá... affordable...// 100-thousand dollar,.... clunker...// áábrokeáá down.../ in... road... tests...// áásoáá ii's... back to...// drawing...// board...// ááandáá... 26--workers...// have... been... laid--off...// in... delaware...// ááreally?áá a... 2--seater...// for... 100-grand...// during.../ these tough...// economic... times? &páábraceáá yourselves... for...// another solyndra...// 3 3 3 a little cat's big adventure. how it was lost and found 25 miles away from home. 3 mine was earned over the south pacific in 1943. vietnam, 1967. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. a little cat in california now may be short one of its nine lives... after having an amazing adventure under the hood of a c. car. "squeak" was found cuuled up in the car -- found at a honda dealership. managers on duty calleddthe owner of the carr-- but neither he nor his neighbors were missing a cat. luckily, the cat had on some i-d tags -- nd the shop owner cclled squeak's owner. the owner still isn't sure howw squeak ended up tweety-five miles aaay rom home... but it's thought he may have curled up on the warm engine 3 3 3 3 you cann be in charge of yourrown personalizee forecast. i-radar issnow available at foxbaltimore dot com. use the interactive tools to track coming storms down to your street. go to foxbaltimoreedot com and click on i-radar nolan reimolds is taken to the hospital after being hit in the head...the latest on his condition... plus major breaking news in the nfl... next in sports unlimited... p that's it for us. sports unlimited. if maryland ends its season in the a-c-c tournament... sophhmore guurd terrell stoolin wants it to be on a bang.after dissed by media &pvoters...and named 2nd team all a-c-c...stoglin's making the tournment his personal play ground.25 points yesterday... dropping even more today against u-n-c. uun-c.b-f-f's roy williams and mark turgeon chatting before the game...turgeon was kansas....1st half....trps down 8...stoglin spotssup from downtown...he led both sides with 30...maryland down 5.... 30 seconds left in the hhlf... carolina up 8...tylerrzellar tip in...tar heels upp10 at the breek....out of the locker room...heels inntransition... kendaal marshall feeds reggie bull-lock for three...12 assists or marshall...setting a-c-c's single season assist record with 311....terps get half...but the tar heels slam the door on marylann's season...85-69 final. the orioles are winning at spring training...but losing in the injury department.brian roberts concussion symptoms... nick markakis abs still not 100 percent...they've got 5 guys in camp with back injurres.and today.... nolan reimold got smoked in the head.... listen. listen. 3 33 nevee want to see that... especially in spring training...rays pitcher alex cobb said the pitchhgot away from him...reimold taken to the hospital for a cat scaa whicc was negative...he has loose of the 4th...ryan flair-it-ty gets drilled in the head by alexander torres...he actually stayed in the game and scored on a bases loaded of the 6th...xavier avery rips it to right...josh bell ccmes in to score from 2nd...orioles tie it at of the 7th...mar-keys flemming dirt...scott beerer scores - from 3rd to give the o's the lead...but the rays score in the bottom half...this gamm ends in a 3-3 tie after 10 positive...jake arrieta tossed 2 scoreless innings and hit 97 miles per hour on the radar gun. fox sports dot com reporting... st. louis has agreed to send it's number two drrft pick to washington.... for 3 first round piiks and the rrdskins second round pick this it's lookiig like r-g-3... baylor q-b robert griffin the third will lead the skins.the trade cannot be signed off on until the new league starts on ttesday.good news for ravens fans... because the browns were leading that trade hunt until tonight. uh oh... tim tebow better get tebow-ing...peyton manning in denvee tonnght meeting with the broncos.48 hourssafterr being cut by the colts... . this was just a tour... and 12 - teams have expressed serious interest...manning met with broncos v-p john elway and coach john fox. finally, reports out of n-y-c...the jets have givenn q-b mark sanchez a three year contract no manning brothers in the same city.that's it for sports unlimited... what are your monthly expenses? you keep your r receipts in plastic baggies? seriously? 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