3 3 3 3 3 3 more and more people are cctchiig the flu acroos the nation. And right here in maryland. On the increase in patients. Along with your other top good morning, patrice andd megan. Take a look at this recent map from the centers for disease control. All but 5 statts are seeinggregionnl or wide spread outbreaks of the fl. Flu. Jay payne is ne of more than 100 patients admitted to gbbmc this week for ffu llke symptoms. He was so sick he had to be rushed o the hospital. P 45 24 chills fever i awfuu. 45 32 ive had the ffu before two three times bad. Doctors say ttey havenn seen vvlumes like this since 2007. And its happening all over the country. To avoid getting sick. Reeember to wash your hands. Cough into yyur elbow. And ssay away from people f youre sick. Also doctors say its nnt too late to get a flu shot. 155thousand jobs wwre aaded in ddcember. Thats according to a new jobs report. Rrleased by the labor departtent ust minutes ago. Pgo. It finds ttaa the Unemployment Rate stayed at 7 the biggest hiring comessfrom pmanufacturing and construction. Which aaded 30 thouuand jobs. That likely reelects additional hiring nneded to reeuild after superstorm sandy. A traffic stop arress on the eastern shore. Leeds to tte recovery of more than 350poundssof marijuana. Today. Police will meet ith the worcesteecounty states attornny. To announce the the ot was packaged in an attempt to reduce its scent. But aapoliceedrug dog was able to sniff it out. A 6yearood from silver spring. Who was suspended from schoollfor aking a un gesture with his hand. Is now peaking out. The boy says preeending his scissors were a gun. But to himm. It was all fun aad games. 1 01 rodney lynnh just pointing your ffngers like this, and she did theepow sound. I just went like hat pointing his finger . And thee i got sent to thh office again. And im the one that gets suspended for nothing. Nothhng. His parents argue the school went too far with the punishment. Nd wishes it had handled he situation in a different manner. School pofficials made a statement earlier in the eek. Saying there was a serious discussiin with the student and parent about thh boys problematic beeavior. In tte wakk of last month sandy hhok shooting. A group in connecticut is forming a buyback event. Not for guns. But for violent video g. Games. Innreturn. Those who bring back games. Will get a pgift certificategrouu members say theyre nnt claiming theres aalinkkbetween violent media aad sandy hook. But that violence in video games can act as a catalyst in phootings. P 37 the use of violent video games doesscause an increase fear and anxiety and desensitization about acts of facts. The event will be held on januarr 12th. Advertiserss ae paying topdollarrfor super bowl comme. Commerciaassthii years price for a 30second spot . A record setting a4milliona dollars. Godaddy, hyundai and skechers say theyve bought time uring this years game. Which taaes place february 3rd. 3 its tte playoff traditton thats been paying off withh wins the last 4 seasons. The purple caravan is back and ready to rrmp up the raven fans excitement one more time. Joel d. Smiih is live at the green turtle at mchenry postseason compares o others. Others. 3 3 3 3 commng up. Pp. We take you innide tte pchance to win a family 4pack of tickets is next. So listen n for your cue to call. Pnd in our hooetown hotspot. Whether its real or fake. Ouija boarrd are popular enough. That they have tteir own exhibit. What youll learn. By going to athisa one. Natsand if you arennt already pumped for this weekends big game. Yoou ill be soon. A Live Performance of ttis song. Just minutes from now. Day baltimmree fox 45 good bumm out break 1 of the ouiia boord . The pexplores the ouija boord. Catherine dunkes from tte baltimoreemuseum of industry joins us with his ornings hometown hotspot. Tell us about the exhibit. Why is the ouiia board o mysterious . Whht else can we see at the museum . Let the spirit move you ouija, baltimores mystifying oracle is on display at the Baltimore Museum off nduutry until the end of this montt. Bbltimore. The crew comes to oss First Mariner Arena january 11t. 11th13th. Tickets are on sale now. But we want to get you inside for free. Feld entertaanment sent us sooee this morning. Ve away to you mooning. The 10thhcaller right now at 4104814545 wins a pfamilyy4 pack. Coming up. He may beeleaving the mean well stop seeing ray lewis ffce on tv. What hes after the eason. 15 jackson says try it hamilton says really . Seriously . Jackson says ere not going to haa this conversation unlees you say it. But next. One reporters uncomfortable interriew. With samuel l. Jackson. What the actor wanted him to say. Yourr watching fox 45 good break 2 re. Many children in this thailand orphanage are not orphans. In orphanages, in thailand especially, youll find many they receive what their poor families cannot provide. But is it enough . Its a home but its not a home. Its a family. But its not a family. Finding alternatives to orphan age care in thailand. On the 700 club, friday at vr,3 p3 p 3 3 3 3 to contact the spca, go to our pebsite at Foo Baltimore ot com slash morning. Ssmuel l. Jackson pis making headlines today. Foo an uncomfortable interviee critic. The actoo wass discussinn his role of a house slave. In a new Quentin Tarantino movie called django unchained. The movie has been receiving some criiicism. Nword. During the interview. Jackssn tries to get the reporter to say it. Hammlton says theres been a lot of controversyysurrounddng this movie and. Jackson saas no . Nobody . None . The word woull be. . Hamilton says i dont want to say it. Jackson ays why nott hamilton says i dont like to say it. Jackson says have you ever said it . Hamilton says no sir. Jaakssn says try it. Hamilton says i don like to say it. Jackson saas try it hamilton says really . Seriously . Jjckson says were not going to hav this conversation unless you say it. You want to move on to another quustiin . Hamilton says ok. Awesome umm. laughter i dont likeant to say it jackson says will you say it . Jjckson says no. beep no theyre going tt bleep it when they aar the show, so saa it. Hamilton sayy i cant ssy it. If i say it this questiin woot maae air. Jackson says ok forget it. Hamilton says great question if you cant say the word. Word. He reporter says he stands by his decision not tt pay the word. Video of this uncomfortable interview has since ggne virall coming up. Make Healthy Habits a seccnd nature. Some tips for eepinn those new years resolutions. Next. Ravenssnation nats pumped up for the big gamm. The are here in studio. For a live performacc. Youre waaching fox 45 good day baltimore. break 3 3 3 its aanew yearrand its time to make healthh habits Second Nature. Amy dean kemp frrm weight wwtchers joins us thiss morning with moree how can we make eating healthy Second Nature . Eating healthy hhve or us . What causes most people to over eat . Peat . To learr more log on o Fox Baltimore dot com slash morning. Up. A staggering new statistic among drivers. What 1 in 24 oo us admit to doing. That might leave you surprised. Yyure watching fox 45 good day baltimore. break 4 3 3 3 3 p 3 map 3 if youre feeling sick lately. Yyure not alone. There is a flu outbreak. Pappeninggall across the countr. Country. Tom rodgerssis here with more on why tte nnmbers other top sooies. Good morring, tom. Good morning, patrice and megan. Flu season usually peaks gbmc say they startee s at treating patients in late pseptemmer. Noo. Theeemmrgenn rooms are flooded with patients. Patients. Just this week. Pmore than 100 peopll were doctors ay they havent een. Volumes liie this. Since 2007. 51 07 yesterday was the higgest amount of patients we have seen ii probably two to three yeaar in one 24 hour period. 45538 ive juss never had it knock me out like this. I passed out. Out. Nless you have severe breathing. Confusion. Orr faintinn. Doctors say its best to cheek with your in to the emergency room. This can elp reduce some of the heavy traffic and wait timess remember to wash your hands. Cough into your elbow. And stay away from peoppe if youre ssck. Doctors say its theres no word yet if. Your tax refundd will be delayed this year. Because fiscal cliff. The irs says its reviewing the deeails of this weeks tax legislation. And asseesing what impact t will have oo this years filing season. If youulook at the 1040 form for 2012. Reserved. Tte is says as phose are placeholders for provisions it was waiting on at the time. You can eep the state of maryland prepare for future superstorms. Just by taking photos. The departmenttof natural rrsources is asking the public to take pictures of higher than normaa king tides. That are expected o hit maryland next week. King ttdee occur several times a year. When the eerrt, moon and suu lign in a way that increases normal hhgh tides. Pphotoogaphing areas thht floo during the hhgher than normal tides. Helps the state prepare for future uperstorms. Can post thhir photos to the flickrdotcom weesite. Annalarming nnmber of americans admit to having fallennasleep. Behind the wheel. Accordiiggto a Government Survey released thursday. Morrethan 4 percent of people say they sometimm in the ast montt. Hhwever. Health officcals think ttat number may actually be higher. Beccuse many peoppe doot realize it when ttey nod off for a second or be more common in mee. And main factor. Eople who sleeppllss han 6 hours a night it looks likeeray lewis is already starting to make plann for his postfootball career. Career. Accooding to sports illussrated. Lewis is close to ssgning a multiyear contract with espn. He would reportedly have a significant prole on the networks monddy pight ountdown program. No pformal announcement on a deal is expected until after the ravens season endss thh town is painttd purple. Now its time to see pow eady those purple fans really are are joel d. Smith is liie at mchenry row for the purple new level. Cittment at a whole level. Good morning, joel. Joel. 3 3 3 coming up. It was an exxiiing week here at ffx45. Fox45522 26 30 28 say what a new baby on the way his cheers cheers but that wasnt the onll surppising moment. The surprise we have in store atodaya. Forrmmteorolooist jonathan myer. Myers. Ttats just minutes from p p youre watching fox break 5 s. S. S. S. S. I was always interrupting my teammates. Earlier in my career, my coach approached me. He said, i think that, you know, sometimes i dont feel like youre focused. So the next day, i went and saw a doctor. It was my adhd. Like many kids with adhd, i didnt outgrow it. If you were diagnosed with adhd as a kid, you might still have it. Find out more. Take a quiz at ownitquiz. Com to help recognize the symptoms. Then talk with your doctor. Its your adhd. Own it. ad lib meteorologist 3 pcominggup. Were wrappiig u week. 22 24 11 56 say what tom the announcee tom jon sunday. Wait until you see the surprise we have in store forr myers. Minutes from nnw. Ravens nation nats pnats pbut nextt. Were getting you purple pride goong. A Live Performance of this song. Next. Youure watching fox 45 break 3 3 this is our unofficial fight song for the baltimore ravens. And we are getting you pumped for sundays gaae we have special treat for you. Rappers matttew richeyy and robert norton. Performing ravens nation. Good morning. How does it feel into such a big game . Going take ii away 3 3 break pnto the new year. Take us year. Emily has a surprise additionn. To her forecast. Forecast. We puttouu announcer skills. To the test. Tapingg. Leave us rolling with laughter. Lauggter. These are just some pof the moments that had uu al going. What . at . 22 25 23 42 saa what were gonna surf, wwo cares . 22 24 08 40 say what tom the to doomy voice. Yyu know the voice at the monster truck . 22 23 47 3 say what emily reveal emily i dont normally get nervous beffre air, but really dont knoo whats going to happennhere. 22 25 21 59 say whaa rebeling jonattan f you have any late night rebelingg sundayysunday sunday. Uuunnay 22 26 06 06 say wwht rebbling jonathan late night reeeling . Candacc laughs jonathan did i say rebeling . What emily reveal emily ii dont have connrol over the situation 22 24 18 02 saa what too the annnuncer jonnthaa yea, testosterone level just uhh steedied out. 22 23 54 05 say what tom pregnant patrice laughs dead silence p2 26 42 14 say what rebeling megan coming up, loseeweight, quii smokingg maybe some revvling. 22 24 03 41 say wwat tom pregnant patrice im not pven sure what thaa meant 22 26 42 14 say what rebellng tom loos of reveling going on around here. P2 23 50 41 say what wx kid jonathan whattdo we have today . . Kid points wrong way jonathan oops other way 22 22 55 55 say what drumming drumming nats 22 24 10 39 say what tom were tossin to now is ot the one who made the announccment. 22 25 37 06 say what crooked tie jonathan oh. Oh laughtee22 23 55 55 say whaa drumming more drumming nats22 25 41 24 say what crooked tie jonathan this s confusing. Fiddles with tie 22 26 30 28 say what emily reveal emily i got some bigger news. 2 22 14 01 p say what om pregnant jonathhn no i am not pregnant. P22 26 30 28 say what emily reveal emily ttere is a new baby on the way this summer cheers22 25 46 42 say what crooked tie jonathan this still looks like a mess. 22 3 55 55 say what pdrumming more drumming nats22 24 05 24 say what tic tacs end of animation jonathan hey everybody im meteorologist. Wait a minute, i have tic tacs. pls donnt include crap 3 pls dont nnlude crap minute, i havv tic tacs. pls 3ont innlude crap coming up. 3 3 s. S. S. S. S. I was always interrupting my teammates. Earlier in my career, my coach approached me. He said, i think that, you know, sometimes i dont feel like youre focused. So the next day, i went and saw a doctor. It was my adhd. Like many kids with adhd, i didnt outgrow it. If you were diagnosed with adhd as a kid, you might still have it. Find out more. Take a quiz at ownitquiz. Com to help recognize the symptoms. Then talk with your doctor. Its your adhd. Own it. Geering uppfor the playoffs. How baltiiore is shhwing its spirit at a huge rally for the ravens. 3 aa7 day forecastaa 3 marylann screen printerss morning. Theyyweee contracted by ray to make the official p raven zonndj liquidatorspoor readings grocerygreetings and p 3 3 3 break 8

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