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3 3 it's going to be hot, hot, hot . today.a heat advisory will go into effect in just tto the day. day.tom rodgers is here with more on how dangerous the heat can be along with today's other top storiee.tom? the heat has gone from uncomfortable... to dangerous. 5 more deaths in maryland are being attributed to this latest heatwave, which means seeking relief is a must. must. joel d. smith is live at ooe of the cooling centers in baltimore with some ways to cope a little better in this awful heat. good morning joel d. how hot is it already? already? 3 3 3 3 a masssve watermain break &pdowntown is still causing problems this morning... and now it looks like repairs will take nearly a month. the water was gushing from the pavement near light and lombard streets just before rush hour n monday evening. now crews must reelace two aging pipelines... the oldest one was installed in 1889. it's estimated the work will take three tte meantimm... the city was able to create a temporary above- ground pipeline to restore water service to nearby businesses. baltimore county police are investigating a deadly car accident this morning. happened just after 5 'clock in phoenix... on old ooe person died on the scene.. another was taken to the person's condition... or the cause of the crash right now. the government is investigating ford and mazda vehicles....after getting nearly 1-hundred reports of stuck gas pedals. pedals. the national highway traffic safety administration says there's been at least one death suspected from this defect and nearly two dozen accidents.n-h-t-s-a says more than 700-thousand vehicles may be impacted.the two models involved are the 2001 through 2004 ford escape and mazda tribute with v-6 engines. the food and drug administration has officially banned using b-p-a in certain baby produccs. products.b-p-a is a chemical used in many products... including cans and clear plastic bottles.f-d-a regulations now prohibit the use of b-p-a in making baby bottles, sippy cups and cans containing infant formula.most manufacturers have already stopped using b-p-a in baby products over concerns aaout health problems linned to the chemical. for thh second time since june... the f-d-a approves a new rescription diet drug. it's called qsymia ... and patienns who took it in clinical trials... lost an average of 23 pounds.the drug is recommended for obese patients... with a b-m-i over 27 and who also have other weight-relaaed health issues. "belviq" wws the other drug approved by the f-d-a this yeer. a controversial street name in howard county... may soon be changing.the street in the oakland mills village is called "coon hunt courr."a name some call racially the howard county department of planning and zoning will meet in september... to talk about changing the name to april wind circle. money generated by the alcohol tax will take center stage today in baltimore. baltimore.ssate health officials are scheduled to generated by last year's dime-a-drink increase.the tax has generated more than 68 million dollars so far.most of the money is now set aside for health nitiatives.. including aid for the developmentally health advocates will discuss using the money to support long term home care. a baltimore county man takess b-g-e to court... for one ábillioná dollars. dollars.ralph jaffe was without power at his pikesville home for nearly seven days.he says b-g-e's customer service record is 'disgraceful.'the company says last month's storm... was worse than hurricane irene, and gave them no notice to alert out of state crews. ralph jaffe: 1.01.43 "about six hours short of seven days. it's unconscionable. nobody should have to suffer like that."rob gould, bg&e: 1.20.24 "we're going to let the public service commission review process take its course. that's the appropriate venue utilities peformedd" peforred."jaffe says he will donate any money rewarded to him to the needy. in a virtual world popularity contest... google-plus ii beating facebook. facebook.the one-year-old social netwwrk tops a list from the american customer satisfaction tied with wikipedia as the most-liked social media sites. bottom of the list... even though it dwarfs its competition in terms of users. facebook has 900-million active users compared to 150-million using google-plus. toss to ancs a city police officer responns chasing children... and eeds up addpting the dog. dog.baltimore officer dan waskiewiczsays when he got to the scenn.. he follooed the dog into an ally to evalute its bbhavior.the dog then came over to him with his tail between his legs... and started licking him.the officer says while waiting for the pound to show up.. he &pdecided to keep the dog and began the adoption process.the dog is now named "bo" and lives with the officer and the officer's two other dogs. it all happened in a new york m. minute.coming up... the stunning scene after a parking attendant takes the keys to a luxury'll be glad it wasn't your car. car. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) with a little magic all things are ppssible and some children are leerning to spark their creativity. emily gracey is joining us for this mornings hometown hotspot. - what is the magical reading adventure? - what age group is this show for? - how long is the show? show? the magical reading adventure is taking place today at the carroll county arts council theatre from 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. for more to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. one bad day for a parking atten. atttndant.see the incredible reason why coos... firefighters... and an ambulance were called to a new garage. you're watching fox 45 good ay baltimore. ((break 2)) the first time i saw fios it was ababsolutely amazing. for years and years we had to put up with cable. once we got fios it was like somebody like took our computer and shook all the junk out of it. [ male announcer ] don't settle for the same old cable technology. switch to a verizon fios triple play and upgrade your entertainment equipment with our 100% fiber-optic network and whole home solution, including a high-speed wireless router plus a new multi-room dvr and new hd set top box free for 12 months. everything has to be fast now, and that's what fios provides us right now when we want it. [ male announcer ] and now, with new fios quantum speeds, you can enjoy internet more than twice as fast as anything you've ever seen. fios gives me way more for my money. [ male announcer ] switch to fios for just $99.99 a month with a two-year agreement. and get our whole home solution -- a $359 value. call 1-888-879-fios. that's 1-888-879-3467. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. say goodbye to your old technology. welcome to life on fios. ♪ talk about a really bad daa..a new york parking attendant got drove a luxury s-u-v into a he fifth ffoor vehicle elevator... only to find the elevator car wasn't there. the car plunged about four stories down the elevator shaft... landing on top of the elevator below. both the attendant and another worker in the elevator were injured... but are expected to be okay. 3 3 3 3- the kiss cam controversy contin. continues.coming up... the reason the fiist lady says she didn't iss the presidentt.. and video of ne steamy redemption kiss. ... you may think you're protecting your pet from fleas and ticks.but up next... whyythe prevention medicine you use... may not actuully wwrk. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 3)) 3 cocococococococococo[ barks ] g] [ cat meows ] [ woman ] ♪ i just want to be okay ♪ be okay, be okay ♪ i just want to be okay today - ♪ i just want to know today - [ whistles ] ♪ know today, know today - [ cat meows ] - ♪ know that maybe i will be okay ♪ [ chimes ] travelers can help you protect the things you care about... and save money with multi-policy discounts. are you getting the coverage you need... and the discounts you deserve? for an agent or quote, call 800-my-coverage... or visit fllas and ticks are a seriuos problem this time of ear for our pets... and wwat you're doing to prevent them... may working.dr. elianna amstalden from the belvedere veterinary why is it important to use flea prevention? -why is using tick medicine important?-what are some good at home medicines we can use? - hhw do we apply flea mmdicine? dr. elianna amstalden will be answering any questions you may have about your pet ... in the next half hour. hour.pee ... in the next questions you may amstalden will be dr. elianna amstalden will be dr. elianna dr. elianna amstalden will be answering any questioos you may have about yourrpet ... in the next half hour. if you have a question... send us a tweet at comment on ur facebook page . an escalator tumble caught on c. camera.the shocking way she tried o get up... next. next. you're watching fox 45 gooo day baltimore. ((break 4)) 3 3 p fiber map 3 temperatures are climming to dangerous levels. a heat advisory will be in effect for much of the day due to the weather.tom rodgers is here with more on tteeheat... along with today's other top stories.tom? the number of heat related deaths keeps rising with the teeperatures. 5 more deaths in maryland are being attributed to this latest heatwave, which brings the total number to 23. 23. on this code red day in the city, joel d. smith is live at one of the cooling centers with some dangerous mistakes many of us are still making on these hot days. 3 3 first on fox...nearll 70 passengers on a "megabus" headed o baltimore are stranded in new jersey... when &pthe driver refuses to bring them any further. further.take a look t these pictures sent to us from a can see everyone is off the bus at this point. we're told it started when someone asked the drrver if working.paasengers say the driver got mad... pulled over and slammed on the brakes... forcing a jolt so hard that one woman was later sent to hospital. (corrina) 17:52 she was going down 95 and she was like ruur and it's a double decker.(corrina) 23:14 everyone is confused, everybody is worried and some people are scared.sitting there going wow my first trip to manhattan always drove myself for reason's like this. eventually the passengers did make it back to baltimore. megabus has now issued a ptatement... saying it's looking into the matter... but maintains the driver did evvrything by the book. a disturbing incident out of virginia... where a man is hit by a car and ignored by people nearby. the entire thing was caught on camera... and we want to warn you... because of the outcome... this could be disturbing to some viewers. viewers.this is daah cam video from a bus that stopped just feet from a man... who lay dying on the sidewalk in arllngton.passengers look at buttnot a single person stopped to check on him.police say the pedesttian was hit by a car... that didn't stop at a traffic signal. the man later died. a burglary suspect in ohio tries ggtting away from police by stealing one of their cruisers....and its all caught on ccmera.when police approach the scene... shots are fired... and a 21-year-old man ssspect hops into a cruiser... and takes off with police firing shots at the car. but he doesn't get far. police arrest him minutes after he crashes into another apartment building. they are now looking for a second suspect. surveillance video catches escalator... in boston's subway system. it shows a woman on motorized scooter trying to ride up an escalator... despite the fact that there was an elevator 50 feet hat there was an despite the fact that there was an elevator 50 feet away.within secoods of trying... she falls backwards... with the scooter flipping over her.other passeegers come to her rescue... pushing the escalator's eeergency stop button.aftee all that... the woman manages to walk away from the incident unharmed. 3 it was the kiss cam rejection seen around the world. ((:09 nats)) nats)) coming up... a look at one steamy redemption kiss.... and the first lady's explanation for he rejection the first time around. beating down this morning... buu severe storms are moving in to tte area... what you can expect today... next. you're meteorologist)) it was the kiss that wasn't. &pwasn't.the president gets denied on the kiss cam... the reason the first lady denied him... next. next.and a reminder... we are still giving away 2500dollar giant giftcards.if you want to win one... just go to our faceeook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore... become a fan and complete the entry form to be eligible to win.go to our website for complete contest rules. rules. yyu're watching pox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 6)) they are readily think it can't happen to you. sad truth is any of us could do that. every summer the risk is there. if you are the driver, you can't tell if there is a baby in that car seat or not. get the latest technology to avoid hot car tragedies this summer. so the parts are inexpensive. they are readily available. the first lady did not kiss the president wwen they endedd up on the kiss cam" at a basketball game monday. monday.we showed it to you yesterday.. the first couple was booed bb the crowd when they didn't indulge... but they got a second chance... and this morning we've got video of that redemption kiss! tell now from jeanne moos. moos. whee you see yyurself on a kiss cam, especially if you're famous, like tom hanks, you better pucker up or you'll get booed. something president obama learned the hard way when he and the first lady kissed their first chance goodbye by not kissing.(nats) but in the second half they got a second go! yayyyyy! (nats)wait a minute. there are no do-overs on the kiss camera. that's not allowed. but the president gotta pardon, and his do-over got rave reviews...whew hoo hoo hot in here. mr. president get a stadium. (laughsson new york's wpix, they micro analyyed the body language...look at how they hold each other. when they look at each other they gaze before they kiss which is really intimacy. look she the few people not going ga ga was the unsmiling secret service agent watching the president's back. now mitt romney's wife knows how to cuddle up against her husband and warm up both him and his image. but it's tough to coopete with the lovey dovey obamas.(nats) obamas.lovey dovey compete with the it's tough to and his image. but warm up both him and his image. but it's tough to compete with the lovey that's why what one website called the kiss cam whiff was so surprising. michelle obama resists barack's advances to which the white house replied reports the president was rebuffed are false. a spokesman says tte first couple didn't realize the screen they were on was the kiss cam...boooo! they didn't their daughters who arrived late asked why they hadn't kissed. the press pool had already been taken out of the arena to wait for thee president to leave. and then the doors to the van opened and they said is anybody interested in going back in and watching the game. the white house says the press pool was not brought back in to record the econd chance at the kiss cam, but the pool sure did return conveniently in time. love may not last forever, but kissing on camera does. we're still dragging out that old al and tippee gore liplock. (nats) the one re- enacted on ay leno's show. what you doin al (laughs)and while many were smitten by the obamas' belated public display of affection....this is true critic noted i have something else he can kiss.jeanne moos, cnn,(nats) new york. 3 when do you spay and neuter your pet? pet?our veterinarian has an answer to an old wivess taae.. . next.if you have a question for our veteeinarian... call us right now at 410-481-44-45. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. 3 ((break 7)) 3we aae back with dr. elianne amstalden from the belvedere veterinary hospital.she is here to answer questions you may have about your pet... so noo is your chance to get free advice... justtcall 410-481-45-45 right now. 3 jacqui says, "issthere a rule that you should let your female puppy go throughhher first heat before getting her fixed?" she wonners if it's an old wives tale.--delphia from mount washington washington 3 3washington washingtonmount --delphia from mount washingtoo 3 washington &p stacey says, "how long should you let your dog stay out on today?"nea says, "i'm always taking my dog out to wants to use the bathroom in the house....why?" sizzling temperatures and severe storms. storms.what to expect for the rest of the week... ext with your 7-day forecast. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. áá7 day forecastáá the first time i saw fios it was absolutely amazing. for years and years we had to put up with cable. once we got fios it was like somebody like took our computer and shook all the junk out of it. [ male announcer ] don't settle for the same old cable technology. switch to a verizon fios triple play and upgrade your entertainment equipment with our 100% fiber-optic network and whole home solution, including a high-speed wireless router plus a new multi-room dvr and new hd set top box free for 12 months. everything has to be fast now, and that's what fios provides us right now when we want it. [ male announcer ] and now, with new fios quantum speeds, you can enjoy internet more than twice as fast as anything you've ever seen. fios gives me way more for my money. [ male announcer ] switching to fios has never been easier with our whole home solution. get what you need in one easy package -- a $359 value. call 1-877-827-fios. that's 1-877-827-3467. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. say goodbye to your old technology. welcome to life on fios. ♪ welcome to life on fios. the dream act the fight over the november referendum is heating up. tonight on fox 45 news at five.

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United States , New York , Carroll County , Maryland , New Jersey , Baltimore County , Pikesville , Boston , Massachusetts , Phoenix , Arizona , Virginia , Ohio , Howard County , Washington , District Of Columbia , Baltimore , American , Ralph Jaffe , Nats , Michelle Obama , Obamas Nats , Tom Hanks , Joel D Smith , Jeanne Moos , Emily Gracey , Tom Rodgers ,

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