3 3 3 &p3 3 map fiber map 3 a jury returns to court this brothers are guilty of setting a pitbull on fire.after nine hours of deliberation, jurors left the courthouse late last night, without a verdict... the fate of travers and tremayne johnson, still undecid. undecided.3:14we love you travers it's ooay baby... 3 hear a woman yelling, "we love you travers" in the background... after hee spits and walks, handcuffed back into custody..e and his brother tremaynn, are charged with setting aapitbull namedd phhenix on fire back in may off 2009.during closing arguements, the defence pointed out poor police work in the case and lack of evidence... while prosecutors highlighted evidence of the &pbrothers on the scene of the crime. it was really really difficult and the hardest thing phhenix is not here any longer and the pictures are so hard to llok at it's going to ssay with me alwayss because of the extent of her injjries. jurors will resume deliberations again this morning. drivers could be paying higher tolls by the end of the . year... the maryland transportation authority is recommending tolls be bumped up.. by up to 75-cents ... but they are not saying which toll facilities will be affected. that means, the bay bridge, which hasn't seen a toll increase in decades, could be targeted. the m-t-a says major road projects and maintanance is driving up costs. first it was the communityy group "acorn"... the subject of an undercover video sting that helped bring it down. now... planned parenthooddis facing the same sort of attack. attack.undercover video... shot at two planned parenthood clinics... is beeng released on "live action-dot-org."in it... you see actors posing as a pimp aad prostitute... looking for abootion advice. the two claim they are running young teens who may not be in the country legally. 3 "we're pretty good at handling if someone, you know, doesn't want someone else to know, or doesn'ttwant parents ." ..."planned parenthood as since fired one of the employees in the vvdeo... but argues theesite is spreading lies about what thhy do.the organnzation is now working with the f-b-i to investigate the visits. it could be one of the biggest holl-ups in history. history. anthony carleo is accused of robbing the bellagio casino in las vegas.. at gunpointt! he got away with one and a half million dollars in chips. police caught carleo.. but they say he cashed a lot of chips before they nabbed him. "we did recover roughly $900,00 in chips. we have been able to account for approximately $1.2 million of the $1.5 million that had been taken from the robbery." robbery." this robbery is especially embarassing for carleos family. the uspeet's father.. is a las vegas judge. 3 clydesdales.. supermodels.. and talking babies. sometimes superbowl commercials are just as memorable and the game itsel. itself. so to breakdown the best ds coming up on the superbowl, joel d. smith is here now with the commercials monday morning. good morning joel d. good morning guys, i'm not the guy at the superbowl party giving high 5's and noogies.... i'm the one glued to the tv duringgthe breaks watching the commercials!! and i'm not alone. according to a new rasmussen poll, , 40 percent of americans say socializing is number one when &pit comes to super bowl watching the game. so s let's take a look at one of the commercials we'll be talking about soon, this one is about the dangers of dieting. 3 (pepsi max 3commercial) commercial) she said sorry at least!! the rest of the ads vary from movie ads, to website ads, cars, beer, soda and everything else.... the cost this year for a 30 second ad? 3 million dollars, and they sold out in october. what bad economy? most ompanies consider it actually a bargain if they can get folks back to their homepages, or facebook pages interacting more with the consumers. so how much time is committed to all this? last year the final number was 104 commercials taking p 48 minutes! that's a lot of time patrice, and at 3 million dollars for 30 seconds of that? ' it's a lot of money. but that commerciaa was worth it!!! 3 it will be a full day of great programming sunday on fox45. super bowl coverage begins at noon. the game is at six o-clock. an all new.. sppcial episode of glee is on after the game. that episode by thh way is an hour and six minutes long.. so don't forget to adjust your d-v-r. after glee.. the most a wintry mix... ten..- moving into maryland tonight. what the weather could mean to our weekend plans. plans.. and.. brothers try to wow the judges on american idol. find out if booh ad what ii takes to get to hollywood. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) it's not a long way to hollywood from los angeles.. if you've got the voi. voice..singing nats nats the gutierrez brothers won over the judges with their rendition of "lean on me.. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 map bus map fiber mappwilekns 3 cooing up... got hit by cupid's arrow?how you can make &pthis valentine's the best one. yet.and.. tune in.. to a good time.where you can see some of the best big band classics.. performed live.. in our hhmetown hotspot. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 2)) with the weekend.the baltimore symphony orchestra is performing ii "biggband hit parade."david stambler is live with the details on this morning's homettwn hotspot. at this concert?--what are the highlights oo the concert? --can you play for us? us? see the "b-s-o superprops: big see the "b-s-o superprops: big band hit parade" at the joseph meyerhoff symphony hall tonight ann ttoorrow at 8pp and sunday at 3pm still ahead.. you don't have to dread valentine'ssday.. to celebrate .. without a ways - significant other. other.and.. ll of these couples have been struck by cupid..but only one of them will win an entire weddiig.. on us.we announce the winner of our "wedding in a week" contest.. in just 30 minutee! you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. 3 with fios, when you're watching the picture, it just jumps out at you. it was like, "wow!" [ male announcer ] decisions don't get any easier than this. now you can move up to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year with no term contract required. [ mr. donovan ] we have more choices. so many more hi-def channels. with fios, i really feel like we're getting a great deal. [ male announcer ] call now and we'll include a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. record a show in one room. watch it in up to six other rooms. [ mrs. baltin ] fios dvr is very easy. even i can do it. even he can do it. [ male announcer ] fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, with hd picture quality rated #1 by changewave research, plus the fastest internet in the u.s. switching to fios was the best thing we've done in a long time. and my wife reminds me of that often. [ male announcer ] hurry, this offer ends soon. get fios tv, internet and phone for this great price plus a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. call 1.888.818.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.888.818.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. one of those holidays that you either love or matter what your relationship status is...we have tips on how to make this valeetines day the best one margaret mccraw, a relationship expert, joins us this morning with more.--valentine's day, the one day of the year set aaide for love, romance, and passion, creates singll, coupled, and even married...why is that? --regardless of your marital status, valentine's day can evvke feelings of insecurity and there anything we can do about that?--what are some good ways to celebrate whether you are married, single, or coupled? --it's important to remember that love is not about a particular day....we should also remember all of the people who love us, not just our significant other --how can you make people feel special? --what can people do for children and pets? pets??or more and pets? pets? for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. still ahead.. ((studio b))one of these couples will walk down the aisle next friday.who will it be??we reveal oor winning couple.. in just 20 min. minutes. you're watching fox 45 good day [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. you'll get a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. record shows in one room and watch them in up to six other rooms. call now. offer ends soon. there's no term contract required. you can cancel anytime with no early termination fee. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers superior picture quality, more hd; plus the fastest internet in the u.s. why keep paying for cable? get fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month -- plus a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. don't wait. this incredible offer ends soon. call 1.866.680.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.680.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. get the network that delivers more. get fios. a network ahead. 3 3 3 3 - benfield map 3 a school bus hassbeen involved in an accident on dolefield poulevard at easter court in owings mills. this is a live look at the scene of the crash. children on board at the time. serious injuries being reported. a greyhound bus.. hijacked in north carolina. the bus was heading from virginia to raleigh.. when a man told the driver to pull over. he allowed 33 passengers to get off the bus.. but the gunman.. the driver and two others drove to a gas station where the bus parked.. and was surrounded by officers. he was eventually arrested. today... nasa could announce a new commander of the next space shuttle launch... scheduled for april. it was supposed to be astronnut mark kelly... seen here in video from 2008.but kelly's future wife... congresswoman er his - gabrielle giffords... was shot in the head almost a month ago. kelly has been by her side while she recovers. if you spent 3 million dollars for just 33 seconds of air time... it etter be good. that's whh the superbowl commerciils are often the most memorable part of watching the big game. but for that money, you get 100 million viewers. joel d. smith is here now with the ads many of them will be talking about long after the game ends. good morning joel d. good morning guys, good morning everyonn. we all remember the e-trade baby, and the clydesdales, and what about the betty tackled? good g stuff... so what was the big play in last see? the real memorable stuff mighh be right here... the ads that keep us talking. ( ads vary from movie ads, to website ads, cars, beer, soda and everything else.... second ad? 3 million dollars, and they sold out in october. what bad economy?? most companies consider it actually a bargain if they can get folks back to their homepages, or facebook pages interactinn more with the consuuers. 3 accordiig to a new rasmussen reports poll, released first to fox news, 40 percent of aaericann say socializing is number one when sunday.... 54 percent ssy it's year the final number waa 104 commercials taking up 48 minutes! that's a lot of timeepatrice, and aa 3 million dollars for 30 seconds of that? ' it's a lottof money. meg/pat/joel chat 3 coming up.. take your princess to see disney on ice.. princess wishes.your chanceeto win tickets.. on us. us.and they're sitting on pins and needles....stay tuned to find out which couple will win a wedding in a week! you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. 3 ((toss to weather)) 3 ((ad lib 3 ((toss o weather)) 3 ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 3 map fiber map wilkens map 895 3 it's our it's our mobiddal of the day! every day.. we'll bring you a deal from mobideals... which provides coupons directly to your cell phone! phone! today's deal comes from illiano's j&p restauraat in glyndon. get one 14" two topping pizza for $10.99 - carry out only. just go to mm-mobideals- dot-com to get starred.. or lookkfor mobideals on your smar. smaatphone. mobideals is a product of our parent company.. sinclair broadcast group. ((pat))in just a couple of minutes.. one of these couplee will win a 36-thousand dollar wedding from us.((meg)) find out who it is. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 6)) happening now.. police have just cleared a school bus accident in owings mills. it happened on dooefield boulevard at easter court in owings mills. there were children on board at the time. there are no serious injuries being reported. 3 people in ddllas are waking up to a fresh layer of snow. temperatures are in the 20's there. of course the super bowl is beeng played there sunday. ((wipe at)) president barack obama will meet with the canadian prime minister at the white house today. the two leaders are expected to discuss climate change.. and a security agreement that will increase cooperation between the homeland securrty department and canadaa we are just minutes away from announcing the graad prize winners in our wedding pn a week ontest. the married.. live on good day baltimore.. next friday morning.áátalk to couplesáá áátalk to diana 3 venditto - eventi planningááá áátease drawingáá 3 you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 7)) hi, anne. how are e you doing? hi, evelyn. i know it's been a difficult time since your mom passed away. yeah. i miss her a lot, but i'm okay. wow. that was fast. this is the check i've been waiting for. mom had a guaranteed acceptance life insurance policy through the colonial penn program, and this will really help with the cost of her final expenses. they have been so helpful and supportive during this time. maybe i should give them a call. i really could use some more life insurance. is it affordable? it costs less t that's pretty affordable, huh? less than 35 cents a day? that's less than the cost of a postage stamp. so, you said it was guaranteed acceptance? yes. it's permanent coverage with guaranteed acceptance for people ages 50 to 85. there's no medical exam or health questions. you can't be turned down because of your health. it fit right into mom's budget and gave her added peace of mind. you should give them a call or look them up online at i definitely could use more coverage. i think i will give them a call. man: are you between the ages of 50 and 85? or know someone who is? do you think that quality insurance at an affordable rate is out of your reach? for less than 35 cents a day, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program. you cannot be turned down because of your health. there are no health questions or medical exam. your rate will never go up, and your benefit will never go down due to age-- guaranteed! these days, the average cost of a funeral is over $7300, and social security pays a death benefit of just $255. don't leave a burden for your loved ones. since 1994, over 6 million people have called about this quality insurance. there's no risk or obligation. call about the colonial penn program now. you'll be glad you did. ((break 7)) ((pat))wedding in a week announcement & ((pat)) 3 toss to break ((pat)) ((patt)toss to break 3 arielle.. arielle.. snow white.. cinderella.. and more of your child's favorite disney characters ill be all in one place.. disney on ice.. princess wishes is coming to the first mariner arena february 9th ttrough the 13th. tickets are available now through ticketmaster. ticketmaster. and feld entertainment sent us tickets to give away. you can win a family four pack of tickets to disney on ice right now. just be the 10th ccller at

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