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garrett and somerset county schools are closed today. allegheny and baltimore county schools are operating on a two-hour delay. and remember, whenever severe weather hits just tune in to fox 45 morning you because our morning news ticker will have the latest closings, delays and traffic conditions. the ticker updates automatically whenever there's new information just like baltimore county is added to that list and the ticker runs during commercials. for all of our live ticker with the weather information we need, meteorologist steve fertig is here. >> the ticker is working. >> that is a good thing. it was so windy driving into work, the snow was blowing across the lanes. you could barely make out the lanes. >> you don't need a lot of snow with these strong winds. we will hear from candace dold in a moment about the roadways. can you see the concentration of further north. to the west in garrett county, the wind don't blow au way, this information might, they might say 12-20 inches of snow. that is enough before the day is done in the highest elevations onliment once yoonly only. ons you get over the mountains the next place that will see snow is cecil county, 6 or 7. and the further points south nothing more than a dusting. up in the northeastern part of the state is where we're watching it closely. as we check out the future scan model, you will see the snow tapers off as early as 11:00 or 12:00 in the afternoon. then we had leave the winds. the winds will be the main story for the magority of the area when we get gusts up to 60 miles per hour in spots. therefore we have a winter weather warning in cecil county until noontime and also garrett county until 6:00 p.m. tonight. and also a winter weather advisory for the central counties and the eastern shore so those areas picking up a little bit of snow making for inclement roadways. this is going be the big story is the strong winds gusting 50 to 60 miles per hour. we will check on when you can expect the winds to start to subside but right now candace dold has a look at the traffic edge. candace. >> reporter: this is quite the morning out there. the blowing snow is making for treacherous conditions. we have new information that we want to relate to you, that baltimore county schools the harford scene is closed and imagine this. we're talking about an accident on the southbound lanes of 83 at caramel road moving through her feared this is going to be a dicey area. we will continue to monitor the area and as far as closures we don't have any of those. moving above the beltway, and here you can see a slick ride on both the northbound and the southbound lanes, so that is going to be the story, slick and blowing snow. now taking the outer loop lanes of the beltway from he 83 up toward 795, that volume is already in increasing there looking at a 9 minute clip right now at 47 miles per hour. the same deal on the west side of the beltway, the volume that continues to build from 795 toward 95, looking at a 12-minute ride at 51 miles per hour. please, don't have to he go this fast, it's going to be a treacherous ride. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, back over to you. you heard both steve and candace say it gusty winds are blowing through our region right now and with the high winds comes power outages. so far no major troubles to report but bge says they're preparing for problems. megan gilliland is live in north baltimore with more on what doing. good morning, megan. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. to say that it's windy is perhaps an understatement here this morning. the blustery conditions can take your breath away especially as the snow picks off the hill and the mountain. very wet when the snow comes and hits you. we're dealing with gusts 50 to 60 miles an hour. you probably heard the howling from the gusts of the winds picking up speed every hour. after two blizzards some say, they have just had enough. >> it's crazy. it was bananas on the beltway, it's hard to keep focused. >> you try to push right through the wind, definitely ready for some warmth. >> reporter: the ground is already saturated from the melting snow, it's not going to take too much to blow these trees over and perhaps even into some power lines. right now we're dealing with more than 600 customers out at this hour across our region. the majority of them are in anne arundel county. the problem is if the winds are too high, the crews might have to wait until things die down before they can go and jump into a bucket truck and fix things. bge says they're not expecting as many power outages as we saw in recent blizzards. hopefully this will blow right past us, live in north baltimore, fox 45 early edition. when it comes to snow, cecil county could end up getting the most snow in our area today. that is where joel d smith is live with the conditions this morning. hey, joel, is it just as windy as it is here? >> reporter: at least if not more. we keep hearing steve say this is the worst spot, so we are here to show you what it looks like. ed roads are wet on 95. we get out at the pulse chi puli highway things are wet. and you can see the ground is starting to get covered, getting clumpy but it's more of a slush filled mess than anything else. people are getting where they need to go, including this hearty soul, jimmy harvey. no jacket for you. >> no, just getting coffee on the way to work. >> reporter: coffee equals jacket. you like the snow. >> i love the snow. i loved it when i was a kid and i liked to go on and play it. if i don't work today, i will play. >> reporter: is your work going as scheduled. >> i doubt it. if they need us we will be there. >> reporter: how are the roads in your opinion? >> pretty slippery. there's not a lot of snow but it's slick. you get the slush and it's worse than the snow is. >> reporter: there's so much snow are the people getting ready at driving, the other people. >> i think people are slowing down, and they're getting used to i can't run like they usually do. i think they're getting practice at that. it's not too bad. >> reporter: a snow day and if you don't work, a play day. it's very cold out here and very windy. we will keep you updated on how things change out here, live in cecil county, joel d smith, fox 45 early edition. a man serving three life sentences for attempted murder escapes out of prison. taylor was reportedly put in a cell with a inmate who was about to be released while taylor himself was waiting for a transfer. then taylor passed himself off as the other inmate and was freed from prison. >> case manager checked the inmates for release and that part of it went well. it was the other three checks from the cellblock to the board to the street that didn't workout very well. taylor has been released and he has escaped from custody, my custody. no i do not think that there's correctional staff involved. officials say anyone who has information about taylor's wractwhereaboutswhereabouts sho1 immediately. this surveillaace picture was taken outside of the club. police pad locked the club after hundreds of people became unrulely because they couldn't get into an over sold event there. 50 officers had to be called in to restore order. it's friday and that means it's your turn to sound off on our phas facebook page about ang you want. let us know your response and they could air on the feedback segment. we want to start the weekend right, the two facebook 45 fans to post our code word at our facebook wall, will win a great prize. just go to facebook/fox baltimore and that way you can become a fan. we are shy of 10,000 fans. we will try to hit that today. pension and retirement accounts took a big hit during the recession. >> 65 is getting risky. >> how bad are the problems and what is being done to find a solution. we have got 25 to 30-mile-an-hour winds right now with gusts up towards of 45 miles an hour. is this as windy as it will get coming up in a few minutes? i'm herb stephenson, the p>> much these places have gotten a fresh -- here is herb stevens the skiing weather man with more. this is gun stock new hampshire a skiing area with a gorgeous view. recently the sluggish economy has slowed dealment i developmet ski areas. in the process they spent $3.5 million. much of the east has had a very snowy week and the stage is set for a phenomenal week on the slopes. in virginia, they missed out on the heavy snow but believe me they have plenty on all of their trails. the homestead of the winter green are the deepest in years and they are in great shape as they head into march, canaan valley in west virginia are ahead of their snow and more has fallen since wednesday. wind top in pennsylvania have enjoyed a great year, and they will end this year with another shot of powder. snow mountain will be having fresh powder. out west even though new snow this week has been hard, snow bird, alat and the canyons started the week with the fresh snow. late week snow showers in the mid-atlantic and southeast will continue into the weekend, i'm herb stevens, the skiing weather man. in the poconos they got to be loving it with a couple of feet of fresh snow falling there. where we are, we are getting the outer bands of the same low pressure center bring the snow to the poconos and points north. you can see we are seeing north and east and back in allegheny county they may see 12-20 inches of snow in the highest elevations. in the east the hundred thousand tans th-- in the eastern mounta, will you see the wider shades moving through there as we see the snow continuing to fall at a moderate range. back to the north we go, this is where the center of the storm will be moving and you can see changing cold air into snow, cold enough for just plain snow here. the low pressure center is taking an unbelievable turn as it moved north end anded a little bit of a loopy loop as it came back to us and will move to the north. it has been hanging for a while and that's why it's moving with the winds. even if it if it's slight snows moving there. the winds will be a factor until 6:00 p.m. tonight. we have a high wind warning that we will get to in a moment. it will be breezy through the weekend. that low pressure center will stay out of our way. the next low pressure center could be one that will be bringing us a chance of snow. we will be watching that one closely. as far as snow fall totals, maybe an inch to 3 inches in the baltimore city area. you go further points north, mason dixon line and further up toward cecil county toward kent and queen ann's county, 1-2 inches elsewhere, really not as much as you go further points west and south and west. 28-mile-an-hour winds is what we have in baltimore now. even sustained winds upwards of 30 miles per hour in hagerstown coming out of the west. the westerly flow should help cut the snow totals some. 28 degrees is the temperature right now in baltimore, 32 in washington d.c. and 32 in salisbury. we do have winds gusts upwards of 40 miles per hour and it could get stronger and it's making temperatures feel like it's 13 in baltimore, 15 up in hagerstown and 19 in salisbury. we're headed for a high temperature in the eastern shore of 39 degrees with the snow and 25 to 35-mile-an-hour winds gusting to 55. winds mighting stronger inland on the outer bands of the energy moving around the low pressure center as intensifies in the central low. a 20-30-mile-an-hour winds gusting to 60 at times that is the possibility for late morning and early afternoon. for the western part of the state, 34 degrees with a 20-30-mile-an-hour gusting to 60 and the higher elevations picking up more snow as you mention a lot of snow for the folks. 29 degrees for the overnight low with a little bit of rain mixing with in the snow. it will taper off with showers in the evening. and 20-35-mile an you hour winds. as you move through the day, high temperature of 28 degrees, 35 at noon and backing to 35 at 6:00 p.m., still a couple of rainshowers mixed with snow showers later in the day and tapering off later tonight. still breezy tomorrow but not nearly as we are seeing, a chance for a flurry moving through and sunday 45, 46 on monday, he low 40 low 40s, for wednesday, thursday and can't rule out a flurry by thursday. the iradar is available at you can use fox powerful doppler radar to track the incoming storms. the interactive tools will let you see when rain or snow will be over your house. go to and click on iradar. now candace dold is look ago the slippery roads on the roadways. >> reporter: we have the snow that is blowing overall of the roads. the other thing i noticed on my way in, is you will be traveling on the beltway and you will think you have all four lanes, but then snow starts to cover two of the lanes and then it's down to just two. please be careful as you travel out there, a lot of unexpected issues that you will definitely will encounter. we can tell you what to expect at 695 at the key bridge, the winds are whipping and as a result we do have a wind restriction in effect which basically means no mouse -- house trailers or empty semi, hold on to the wheel marv you're drivin-- whateveryou're drivinge it's going to be a tricky ride. you can barely some the cars so that is going to be another issue with all of this blowing snow, unfortunately making for the hazardous conditions. 95 moving through rosedale it's just a good crowd that you will have to deal with. on the beltway at harford road checking out that area for you and again, pretty much the same thing that reduced visibility just looking over the area. and this is going to be the case pretty much throughout the central part of the state. now we do need to talk about a fallen tree. i think we're going to see a lot of them this morning unfortunately. it does completely shutdown dulaney valley road as old bossily road near the loch raven first it was the housing market, then the stock market. now the recession is hitting maryland's retierm retirement ad pension system in the back pocket, but why aren't lawmakers talking about it. jennifer miller has more in the pension problems. >> reporter: it's a multi-million dollar system with obligations to hundreds of thousands of former state employees and it's in trouble n the current situation is not sustainable for a long period of time. >> reporter: during the past two years the pension system lost $10.8 billion. money lost in investments in the stock market and the real estate market have been described as devastating. >> it's bouncing back from a serious down turn of wall street. >> reporter: $8 billion lost during .09. 2.8 billion in '08. leaving the system funding at only 65%. >> 65 is getting a little risky. >> reporter: stephen is an economist with the university of maryland baltimore. >> i think you can tolerate 65% for a report period of time but if it's not around 80 within a year or 2, you got a serious long-term problem. >> reporter: the system under funded by at least $19 billion. >> it's not as a result of the economy. it's as a result of poor plan something th. >> the big concern is looking further down 10 years down the road. >> reporter: the problem is between the money coming in and the money being paid to state retirees. >> we're going to have trouble making pension payments. >> reporter: in 2005 they paid $2.5 billion but only receives $1.4 billion in contributions it over spent by $700 million. >> this year, contributions are less than your disburse ments, that means you're liquidating your portfolio nurs. >> reporter: in 2009, it paid $2.5 billion, but the system only took in $1.6 billion in contributions overspending by $600 million. in just two years the state paid out $1.3 billion more than it brought in. keep in mind it's on top of the $11 billion lost in investments. >> where you have a a shortfall of contributions relative to your disburse ments that is where you got a double whammy which is what they were hit with last year. >> reporter: it's gotten so bad that the pension board has recommended changing the way maryland fund is pension. >> this should have been dealt 5 years ago, 10 years ago. >> when the market falls, the contributions increases are going to lag behind and that is the problem. >> reporter: few lawmakers seem willing to talk about the looming crisis. >> no, the pension program is very solid. >> reporter: maryland comptroller peter franchot who is the vice chair man of the pension board had this to say when we asked about the pension crisis. >> it's the nature of the financial issues like these. it's pretty complicated stuff. there's a lot of money involved. >> reporter: there's a lot of money involved but pensions are also a political risk. >> what legislators are saying, the governor is saying that we will push this off until after the election. >> reporter: a system losing more money by the day waits another year for the a fiction. >> w fix. >> we have over 200,000 people who rely on this. their financial future depends on a good system. >> if it's ignored it could accumulate into quite a storm. coming up later on fox 45 morning news, bruce willis and tracy morgan are trammin teamin. hear about the new movie they have coming out this weekend. next the terps manage to make up a 12 point deficit and beat wouldn't it be great if it were easy to spot the good guys ? you know, the guys who do a super job. introducing the superguarantee. use your verizon yellow pages to find a business with the superguarantee. we're so confident in these super businesses, we stand behind their services. you'll get the job done right or we'll step in and help to make it right. look in the verizon yellow pages being delivered now for the superguarantee from supermedia. making the good guys ... easy to find. for the superguarantee from supermedia. gary williams and his team has 4 in a row, 10 of the last 12 and have passed the 20 win mark. good times indeed down in college park. against clemson on wednesday night they fell behind by 15 points at one stage but they kept their cool. they battled back to tie the game at 63 and then didn't look back. jordan williams added 18. and vasquez added 13 assists. overcoming a slow start to take over the ball game in the second half. >> it was a good test for us not that you want to be in that situation, against a team as good as clemson, but we were there and we ha to handle it ane did a good job in the second half and came back against a good team. hopefully that will give us some momentum going into the last three games. >> we knew it was going to be a fight. we didn't want to give up. a good team is never giving and up and always sticking together. we always stuck together. >> i thought we shut off clemson today, tonight and it was a great team effort. i had no doubt we were going to win games. my team is carrying me once again, no question they did a great job had 13 assists and we won again. >> and remember, you can see maryland's next acc game over at our sister station at the wc cw baltimore. they travel to to take the next team over at the cw. and manager dave tremendousy was happy. last year cogi was the new kid but this year it's adkins. he averaged 22 runs and 77rbi but his numbers fell off last year and the rockies gave up on him. the o's are taking a look in hopes that he will bounce back. he is being scrd t asked to plat this year and it's not an he had as justment -- an easy adjustment. >> i one or two games in the spring. it's trying to get used to things that you're not used to doing. things like that will take sometime. >> pro football and the ravens biggest rivals handout o the money. the reported 21 million, 7 million of that guaranteed. considered one of the best at his position in the nfl. they had 23 tackles. and the steelers had considered franchising but reached agreement instead. they took that tag and put it on the veteran kicker. an 8 veteran reid was 27-31 for field goal last

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