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Really happened this morning on Capitol Hill they are bring in right now fan Brian Todd it as well as Jonathan Wacker out he's a former Secret Service agent who served under President Obama Brian 1st you how did this all play out this morning what's the latest we now. Kate it was a pretty harrowing incident at 1st and given what happened in London last week it was caused a lot of alarm here on Capitol Hill what we were told a short time ago by even Malecki the public information officer from the Capitol Hill police was that about 9 22 am they 1st got the reports of shots being fired the details are as follows they observed according to the Capitol Hill police they observed a driver driving very erratically and aggressively just over my shoulder here on Independence Avenue and 1st rate Southwest when police officers tried to stop that vehicle the vehicle made a quick u. Turn nearly striking an officer and striking another vehicle then shots were fired and the vehicle was stopped I believe now we've got 2 different angles of the vehicle on the street it is a gray sedan we're told that there is glass on the ground we were asking the public information officer here about the nature of the shots fired because we were initially told by Metropolitan Washington Police that they were warning shots but our photojournalist Peter Kavanagh who got another angle of this vehicle says that from his observation what he was able to film there are bullet holes in the windshield and glass on the ground that one of the windows is either completely down or might have been shot out there's also a black jacket marked as evidence on the ground what we're told by Capitol Hill police is that the driver is a woman and very importantly she said there was no nexus to terrorism that this is a criminal investigation in nature at this time but that it is very early on in the investigation but again you're right at the foot of Capitol Hill here given what happened in London last week and just all the precautions that have to be taken here on a normal basis this caused a great deal of alarm here on Capitol Hill Kate scary situation playing out just a short time ago Brian thank you so much. For giving us the timeline let me bring Jonathan on this now Jonathan. There are incidents and traffic incidents we have the barricades in Capitol I've been in the Capitol when you hear you know the come over the speakers not often or ever do you hear shots fired when you hear shots fired what does that tell you Well that tells me at that moment that police officer she or he felt that their life was in danger or that the life of the general public was in danger they had to take that use of deadly force to stop that threat so that happens very quickly the Capitol Police say that they are investigating this as a criminal incident not they don't see it right now is that with any nexus to terrorism the fact that they have said that publicly so quickly what does that tell you what do they know already well listen it looks like this was a initially a traffic stop when the individual did not obey the law full commands by the Capitol Police a chase ensued So that raises the level of tension all of a sudden use of deadly force comes into play to stop the threat at that point in time you know it's great that the Capitol Police have said that this is not a nexus to terrorism but you know we are going to tell that this is still in its infancy. I'm happy that it's on but time will tell and it's really early on and. Thank you for coming in and laying that out for us watching now keep an eye on that Brian thank you so much on the ground for us there but even if there were also keeping an eye this morning on a drama of a very different kind Capitol Hill the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Devan uunet still standing firm in the face of growing calls to recuse himself from the panel's Russian destination but right now a good question is is there a Russia investigation hearings have been canceled none yet rescheduled and the committee itself not even meeting you know is under fire for canceling a public hearing this week where the former acting attorney general Sally Gates was set to testify that is yes the same. Trump fired after she said that she would not defend the administration's original travel plant ban all of this adds up to Democrats saying noonish and step aside now one Republican has joined in that called money Rush is following all of the latest from Capitol Hill and there is always on a day to day basis a lot to follow on this non-issue is there any news from the House side on where if and when and the investigation continues or is it all eyes on the Senate now. Well no deal yet in the house to move forward on this investigation no deal over scheduling a public hearing which is what the Democrats want and to move forward with a private briefing which is what Devon Nunez and the Republicans are calling for they want a private briefing with f.b.i. Director James Comey James Clapper as a as well as Mike Rogers the n.s.a. Director both of those men of course testified in a public setting last week with Republicans arguing we need to get answers some more of those questions they cannot answer in a private public setting behind closed doors but the Democrats say that it's time to have this public hearing that was supposed to be scheduled for Tuesday and as a result of this stalemate as well as Mr Nunez surprising decision to go to the White House last week briefed President Trump on surveillance matters that was a particularly appeared to be unrelated to the issue of Russia according to Mr Nunez and the Democratic calls for him to recuse himself all of which has led to this committee to essentially be ground to all hold a lot of questions about whether if this can move forward at all which is what is pointing to the Senate whether the Senate can actually come to a bipartisan result later today Richard Richard Burr of the Republican North Carolina chairs that committee alongside the Democratic the top Democrat on the panel Mark Warner and have a press briefing to lay out exactly what they're doing and they're hearing investigation as well as you know what coming as the most testimony given here in a private setting for the president's son in law Jerde question or to make it look like that they are moving forward interviewing witnesses. Together and evidence while the House side has been bogged down in the more distant read blogs so it will be in the house an effort as unable to restart but in the meantime the focus is now started on what if they could produce the many bipartisan on this issue are Russia and Russia meddling in any case we could talk to them. And it's going to be important whatever they think because it is in contrast what we're seeing in the house we have not been seeing press conferences from the leaders of the Senate Intelligence Senate Intelligence Committee you know I guess I'm going to go from monument of thanks so much I'm actually going to take you over to the State Department right now 1st Lady Maloney of Trump making what is a rare public speaking engagement and words luncheon she's hosting at the State Department Let's listen in dignitaries esteemed guests ladies and gentlemen. I'm deeply humbled to be here today to honor the remarkable any. Who have given so much for so many lists of the. Threat to their own personal safety. Each one of these heroic lead men has an extraordinary story of courage the spider each of the last 2 also achieved more than we had ever imagined. Their lives but in mind as the bond lists guppies capacity of the human spirit when guided by more clarity and desire to do good to. These honorees over the understates we mean have fought for da rights and for the rights of others. Each battle for Cis such as governments the courts and thereby is terrorism war and corruption and we're really. In each moment to face. Including. Imprisonment and death. As they continue to preserve and imaginable ards these 3 men are extraordinary examples of reaching we've been to find the courage that lies inside all to change the world. While learning the stories of these 12 honorees I would like to ask each of last to take this moment and try to imagine what it would be like to experience that trying. Mastic of youths and their bias violence or God or no God no impression that some of these 3 men have faced. Let us try to envision ourselves in their place struggling against and to a kid Jan their bias and discriminatory lost which serve to protect the prep or doors of unthinkable crimes. Even dare to speak out. Ask yourself if you would have the fortitude the spirit the courage of your convictions. And the enormous strength required to stand up and Fi against such a overwhelming odds. Amazingly in each of our honorees has courageously answered yes to those questions. For you because their strength and the strength of all others. A global battle against inhumanity. To gather with the international community the United States must stand. Watching. It is therefore our duty to continue to sign on each miraculous to the 30 achieved by we men all capable of tri truly leading the change to fight for goals that canard try to put themselves. There so the stories of human greatness that will continue to inspire and there for most of these told far and wide. These under East who have fought on the frontlines against injustice to heroes. Their stories of an individual. But in mind us there is always whole whenever the human spirit is brought to bear in the service of our theirs. And that healing and personal empowerment often bore and from such deeds. I believe that the bravery is their ability to leave one sly diffusing to be discouraged unease that choosing a life of purpose. Only when we do these we will be able to suppress what we previously believed to be possible. Each of the. Presidents I live on an hour miscarriage to save a child. A family to make a neighborhood school safe or to bully speak out against evil but a few too bad. No Mad there the person. Could be people here today. I ask you to allow that. Exemplified by these heroically men to inspire you in your own lives and you don't mind. You'll tool capable of greatness. Due to urge you to nod to be afraid to fail speed there will never have the power to find you as long as you learn from it. And realize that your 1st stabs will always involve taking a leap of faith but believing in yourself while choosing that a place fear for a whole. Let these body remains say about the nation as it is now up to each of you to remain to remain vigilant against injustice in all its many forums. As you go forward to demand their dear journeys as Bush had and strive to bring about a better community a better contrie and a better world ongoing 5. Over my. We must continue once again to shined a light on the horizon this atrocity theses taking place in neighborhoods around the corner and around the globe put innocent families. To leave in safety. We must continue to fight injustice in all its forums in whatever scale or shape it takes in our lives. Together we must declare the air of allowing begin to brutality against women and older while affirming that the time plan powering we men around the world is now a. Part of our ever we men I didn't initiate the entire world is diminished we've done. However wherever we men power. And religious schools. All made stronger. We must begin now to challenge old fierce. Long good justices and stand up against evil and injustice where the average may be. As leaders of our Sergt we need we must continue to work towards. Empowerment and respect for people old bread and backgrounds and it. Remembering always good to be all the members of one race the human race each one of us is uniquely gifted. We must continually at a theater and out of American values as we join with the international community to make our world safe for 2 acts of. An individual. Thank you on every story of courage. And thank you best c.n.n. For your support that bless you and God bless the state needs and. You're looking right there of 1st lady Malani and from Apple State Department because of the International Women of Courage and Ward ceremony that she's taking part in and honoring inspirational women about a dozen recipients of the award this year women from around the world places like Syria Yemen Iraq who have fought against this she laid out gender based violence child marriage they've done extension extraordinary men it measures to benefit women vs in many of their fields and also important we haven't heard much publicly from the 1st lady important to hear from her today let me bring in right now White House reporter Kate Bennett. She's joining me and Kate Anderson Brar c.n.n. Contributor and author of 1st women the grace and power of America's modern 1st ladies Kate's Cape Town today Kate it's great to see you guys thanks so much. Kate Bennett let me 1st say I think it's important full stop that we take a moment to pause and honor great women the 1st lady is honoring in this award ceremony today but also important as I noted we haven't heard much from Malani and from since the president took office why today why did she choose this ceremony if you think. First of all I think that was a pretty significant speech from the 1st lady we really haven't heard her talk for that long or sort of lay out an agenda and I think there are things she has to do that like women's empowerment and gender equality this event in particular tails nicely with the bits and pieces that we have heard of her platform she really feels like she wants to be a humanitarian sources tell me she wants to really sort of make an impact on women's issues and with children so therefore this is the event today makes a lot of sense of the 11th time these awards have been given out so it's a pretty special moment. I mean how does it stack up when you look at previous 1st ladies in the 1st 100 days of the presidency in terms of activity and appearances. Another author said you know she had a low profile no she isn't a low profile she has pretty much no profile at this point I think there is a big question mark about what she's going to take on we just saw that she hired a communications director which I think can make a really big difference for her but by this point during Michelle Obama's tenure she had a staff around her she was very involved she had graced the covers of magazines they've been and been a real force in Washington and because money doesn't live here we don't see much of her and I agree with Kate Bennett I mean this was a really effective speech and I think she had on the humanitarian head of softer side that her husband doesn't often often talk. About how important your friends are from are today and important I like these great women that the State Department and the 1st lady are honoring today Kate that's also an honor to be here with you thank you so much guys and coming up for us Bill O'Reilly Fox News host making fun of a congresswoman fair White House press secretary dressing down a White House reporter both moments inspiring Hillary Clinton to speak out it appears in her most political speech since the election why all the Scots Plus President Trump remarks about Iraq that American soldiers are fighting harder than ever than they ever have it's raising eyebrows but it's also what he did not say that for the of discussion at that. Time she says. She. Practically grew up with the question power of Fred. Do you see in just one week one nutrition. From beautiful healthy. Which. Are you once these. Away from being voted out of the car pool tries or it starts working. 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Before the break we told you about growing calls for the Republican in charge of the House Intelligence Committee to recuse himself from any investigation of the trumped up campaign campaign ties to Russia and also any investigation involving the Trump transition at the same time the Senate Intelligence Committee is getting ready to make its really almost 1st public remarks about its investigation holding a press conference later today joining me now to discuss the state of play on that c.n.n. Political analyst David Drucker He's also senior congressional correspondent for The Washington Examiner and Julie Pace is here Chief White House correspondent for The Associated Press guys great to see you so David the moving ball the bouncing ball what we're following today with this you have clear turmoil on the House side with regard to this in any investigation what do you think we're going to hear this afternoon from this Senate side of this intelligence investigation very different so far it's been 2 very different tales right well look I think both Senator Richard Burr and Senator Mark Warner are doing everything they can to try and keep this thing bipartisan and on an even keel I think that's one of the reasons we haven't heard much from them and I'd be surprised if they really reveal too much in their news conference but it'll be very interesting to see what they have to say I think one thing to remember though about Chairman Nunez is that despite some of the unrest over there he has the full confidence of House Speaker Paul Ryan the 2 of them go back a long way when Paul Ryan was just a backbencher proposing his wild ideas about reforming Medicare Medicaid Social Security only one guy would usually show up with him at these news conferences to push these bills and. So there are very tight and I think Republicans are generally unified behind him I've also spoken to Chairman Una's And basically what he what he believes is going on is that. They need to speak to director Komi in a closed session before he can move on to speaking to General or to to James Clapper and John Brennan which they want to do also in a closed session they're done with the open hearings and Komi is refusing to show up until he gets a bipartisan invitation that would include shifts signing on to an invite letter and I think Republicans believe that the Democrats in effect are holding this up or refusing to join in inviting. F.b.i. Director call me so I think both sides on the House side are playing politics Nunez is coming under a lot of fire because of what happened last week but it's interesting that's on the that's on the Russia investigation track if you will if people can follow me Julie how do you with kind of the incidental surveillance of the transition track of this and this is why I move it that reaction because that is where a lot of a lot of the fire and questions have been around the chairman and his whereabouts if you will and in the past week what's still not known is about that whole thing is who cleared the chairman into the White House into White House grounds did the White House know about it because of course he says they did not which raised some eyebrows Republicans say honestly about the side the point Julianne It doesn't matter does it. I think it does matter because we're talking about an investigation on Capitol Hill that as David pointed out is just ripe with partisanship on both sides here so yeah this is part of this broader picture and certainly someone from the White House knew that the congressman was going to be over there because someone had to clear him into the building and it's not as though lawmakers can just show up wander through e.o.p. And pop into a secure room and view classified information it doesn't work like that so the question is whether the information that he was courting needed. With the White House and I think the problem that the White House and that Nunez are running into here is that the circumstances of it and the fact that they didn't come forward and just disclose right upfront that this meeting happened at the White House has overshadowed the actual material that they're trying to talk about if they wanted the focus to be there then transparency about how it came about is generally the best way to ensure that that happens so I also got another headache for Republicans in the White House right now health care after last week's embarrassing defeat they're now vowing to keep up the fight where is the president on this his words it's going to be easy listen guys. I know that we're all going to make a deal on health care that's such an easy one so I have no doubt that that's going to happen very quickly I think it will actually I think it's going to happen because we've all been promising Democrat Republican we've all been promising to get to the American people so I think a lot of good things are going to happen. Julie how do you gauge is the White House right now in renegotiating a health care bill we pick it up. Well you hear it you hear it's a mixed messages on this obviously the president is trying to voice them confidence about moving forward on this by saying it's easy though I think he's really stating the actual circumstances if this were something that were easy to do you forget exactly what happened they were actually trying to move forward on this so trying to move forward with Democrats is going to be incredibly complicated and it doesn't resolve the internal divisions within the Republican Party on health care Paul Ryan and David he says that they're not giving up Steve Scully he says that there are you said on Friday that there. Monday I'm forgetting my days they're closer to repealing health care than they were on Friday how real is this you know they're not they haven't resolved the differences that caused the collapse of the American Health Care Act nothing materially has changed since Friday are they not giving up yes that's true are they trying to see if they can find a way to get this done. Yes that is true but the differences that separated moderates and conservatives and the lack of trust in the negotiations that contributed to the breakdown are still there and then if you talk to Senate Republicans Kate they really don't have an interest in doing this anymore the way that it was set up you know originally the house was supposed to pass this bill it would go right to the Senate floor into that vote or on the session I was talking to Senate Republicans yesterday McConnell's pretty clear they couldn't get to this until May even if they wanted to and they don't like the process they want to be more deliberative they want possibly to work with the work on an underlying bill that is different than the h.t.h. So I think this thing is a long way from done given the old college try pat on the back for not giving up but they're no we're closer than they were a few days ago and for p.r. Purposes it never has to say we're going to keep talking and in the meantime we're going to move on to other pressing issues it's great to see you David thank you so much Julie Pace great to see you thanks so much thank you have for us Hillary Clinton in her most political speech since the election calling out of Fox News host and the White House press secretary for racism and sexism how they're responding today plus president off the cuff remarks about Iraq raising questions about the role of u.s. Troops over there right now and the status of the war against ISIS in general. Nobody. From being told we're going to be. Trying to. Work twice as hard when you take you to the next. Room when did you see that when I needed to jump start sales. 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The c. And most inane. We're doing very well in Iraq our soldiers are fighting and fighting like never before and the results are very very good. Present Trump raising eyebrows there with remarks about the fight against ISIS in Iraq keep in mind the u.s. Combat mission there ended in 2010 and the American role now is to only advise and assist Iraqi forces from your perspective on this let me bring in General Wesley Clark the former NATO supreme allied commander General thank you so much for coming in Jim what does that statement mean from a military perspective coming from the president is it clear to you what fighting he's talking about. It isn't clear it sounds like a little cheerleading I think the troops always need some encouragement to cheerlead we've been engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan for over 15 years now. It's a long time it's the longest war if you nail it down really here's the problem we're really good at blowing things up and attacking people who are pretty good at training people in how we should use weapons but this really isn't our war directly and at the end of the day even if we eliminate ISIS The question is what's going to happen to Syria and that's what we're expecting to hear from this administration they've got guys like Joe Madison George to war zones in charge of state what's the plan what's the strategy what are we over there doing because we're working side by side with the Iranians to try to defeat ISIS the Turks and the Kurds are at odds and we're trying to work with both of them and they don't necessarily agree with the Iraqis or uranium what's happening here is really unclear and so when the president that makes those remarks and then also calms it as the u.s. Military has acknowledged that the u.s. Might might be behind an airstrike in Mosul that killed dozens of civilians and it's under investigation currently and listen here to General Stephen Townsend he's the top u.s. Commander in Iraq listen to what he said. If we didn't strike in that area I'd be trying to right now it's unlikely but because we struck a Met urea I think there's a fair chance that we did it my initial assessment is that we probably had a role in the candidates now here's what I don't know what I don't know is. Were they yeah it is by the enemy. It's important here General the president did not mention the airstrike or is investigating during his remarks last night you might not of course expect him to but is it concerning that what he did say last night was we're doing really well in Iraq then when you hear this from the from downtown. You know well I think what I think what you're hearing is that when you're using firepower like this and u.s. Troops aren't gauging you're fighting someone that's using civilians as human shields and trying to make the war as bloody and awful as possible 8 Journal towns and quite right they may have staged a bunch of civilians in that in that building they may have sought to bring u.s. Airpower in there it may be one of their tactics is to try to discredit the United States and India because from using our air power against them it's also true that whenever you use air power you can make a mistake so these things happen in conflict that that's what war is all about that's why you have to work at the political level 1st what's the instate we're after what are we trying to do still trying to get rid of Bashar Assad we're going to cut a deal with the Russians where are we going with this and that's really what the questions that I hope our leaders in Congress and our public affairs leaders will ask of this administration we've got American troops on the ground we've got more than ever they're at risk they're doing damage what's the end state we're after Caroline. Clark thanks for coming in appreciate it. Thank you coming up for us the White House press secretary under fire right now after clashing with a White House reporter in the daily briefing coming up why critics claim it's another blow to his credibility. I joined the Army. I do to actually do the moving years talking to restore our 18 $59.01 way yes Tony Harris and I think that's transparency. Pressure you're countless hours of preparation. When the clock is ticking down and it's. Your turn. People confuse nice and kind but they're different nice tells you what you want to hear what kind is this bar is made with cranberries So that's what they call it very all meant give kind a try. It's not an anti-aging face cream it's realizing that beauty doesn't stop election rocks adapts to tell a kid skinny and. Here to simply reduce to 4 weeks just neck and. A scream from Working hard to lower your l.d.l. Bad cholesterol. 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Back to the investigation that appears to be going nowhere fast at the moment about Russian meddling in the 2016 election House Intelligence Committee chairman Devon Nunez is can't had canceled an open hearing this week where the former acting attorney general Sally Gates would have testified along with former intelligence chiefs that moves seen that move seems to have brought the probe to a standstill Democrats accuse Nunez of stalling Republican congressman now saying joining Democratic calls saying that noonish should recuse himself but Republican leaders importantly are standing firm standing firm by him I want to talk now with Republican Congressman Mike Turner of Ohio he of course sits on the House Intelligence Committee Congressman thanks for your time thank you Kate you have Adam Schiff he tweeted this just this morning the following he says Sally is willing to testify White House says they want her to testify public wants to hear from her Brennan and Clapper What's the hold up he asks Do you have a date set yet to reschedule that public airing that was canceled yesterday no we don't know what's really interesting about his tweet is he knows the reason Komi came before with Rogers before a committee in a public hearing and was unable to answer in a classified setting over 100 questions the chairman said we need to bring these 2 gentlemen back into classified session answer those questions before we bring back the others Clapper Brennan and Yates so we can be more informed of those questions now what's interesting is that the ranking membership is not cooperating in bringing those 2 gentlemen back so the delay at this point is really his own if he would just join the chairman in getting back to work on you know looking to Russian interference in these elections and the Trump campaign connections and also the unmasking the improper use of the anode is not a congressman we move forward if Adam Schiff would agree to sign on to a letter to call me to talk to him in a closed session you can guarantee that there'd be a new public hearing back on the schedule with Gates Clapper and. I can only tell you what the chairman his self him so. Has said even on your own network that this was not a canceled hearing that it was a delayed hearing and as you can imagine it was you when as you've done many interviews if you talk to one person and they don't complete the story but they you know in a later time he gave you the information you're going to wait before you interview the others. I want to get to kind of where this investigation stands right and you 1st of all that this is stalled like right now everything is stalled in your company that I agree that we need to get back to work that Adam Schiff needs to come back to the table and say I'm ready to do work and stop doing political stunts and say let's interview Komi let's interview Rogers Let's get them in a classified session and let's get these other people in front of us one more more informed on the questions that he could that those 2 gentlemen couldn't answer in the public session I want to I wanted to get that question answered 1st because I want to get to this here is what a Republican you know him well Congressman Charlie Dent he said today he basically doesn't think that you guys can handle this investigation anymore Listen to this. What I think should happen right now is that the Senate is going to lead this discussion this investigation on the Russian meddling into the election I think that's where it is it's unfortunate we are where we are in the House it seems like there's not going to be a House report on intelligence on the Russian meddling and so I think we have to turn our eyes to the set of. What you say to Charlie Dent put Charlie Dent doesn't sit on the Intelligence Committee so he has no idea of the status or invest of our investigation he doesn't know what we've looked at or what we intend to look at by a bit lazy in the way I membered up telling him how lonely it was like well like Walter Johnson Charlie Dent is that is that a good thing Well again I think it's the partisan politics it's stalling this and causing others to question what's happening but if you're on the Intelligence Committee I mean unanimously you have every member of the Republican side who saying let's get to work now we have seen in classified sessions the information you have the chairman of our committee agreeing with Clapper the director of now. Intelligence there's been no evidence presented of any collusion between the Trump White House the Trump campaign or the Russians in the Russian meddling in our campaign we know how important this issue is to get to on the Russian meddling so we can stop and ensure the quality or elections for the future let's get back to work. So Adam Schiff he says that Chairman Yunus should recuse himself from the investigation and let me I want to make sure for our viewers because there are 2 tracks here basically you're talking about the Russian investigation and you have this new information that the chairman has that you all have not been briefed on quite yet the reason Adam Schiff now is saying that he thinks that Chairman Yunus should recuse himself is because supposedly this new information involves surveillance of folks that were on the trunk transition and chairman Nunez was on the Trump transition team do you see a conflict of interest there absolute not it's not about the truck tradition seaman and by the way he was an advisor to him he was in on the team and I'm certain Adam Schiff was very active with the day he was on the air you know any of the transition team I mean everyone during He was in the Congress Hall is that he was an avid members of Congress he was not a staffer of the transition team I'm certain Adam was very very active on the other side but the issue here is is right is true and what happened is the chairman came into information that shows that there were were possible intercepts that were improperly used Now if you recall back to the open hearing with comi and Admiral Rogers Admiral Rogers admitted in a question that I posed to him that there were no limitations on the n.s.a. For him to accepting the communications of the incoming administration and now we're aware that you know through the information that newness was brought forward that there may have been some of that information improperly used by the outgoing administration oh we're doing is waiting the trial we're hearing is that all of the time we're in this and that and that's and that's what Devon you know as himself has said and that's why I asked it because Adam Schiff he is a conflict of interest you're not going to let me tell you why let me tell you what because all of this goes to. The n.s.a. Which is the collecting arm it doesn't go to Devon Una's to decide whether or not it's occurred the question is then posed to those who collected the information and who are charged with deciding who gets access to it so the question has been posed from the committee show us all the information that you collected if there was inadvertent collection of the truck transition team tell us if it was unmasked meaning that the identities of the individuals were revealed and it was shared with now that's not Devin Nunes doing that that's the n.s.a. That has nothing to do with and they knew it but it's Devan as leading the investigation of the committee that has oversight of the intelligence agencies if it does include surveillance of the tram transition that is why Adam Schiff says that he thinks a conflict of interest and this is why I get to where I want to go during the election I recall that you were one of the 1st to call for an independent counsel to step in to take over the investigation of Hillary Clinton following that infamous airplane meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch you said that it was a conflict of interest because of that meeting if that was a conflict of interest why is it then you're talking in transition team that are investigating surveillance of the transition right Ok so that the meeting between the Clinton and Lynch was a communication on a decision making that was going to happen India the Department of Justice and the f.b.i. As to whether or not investigation should go forward it wasn't a discussion about facts what happened with Devon Una's is that he met with an individual who disclosed to him the existence of something that's a fact which is then given to the n.s.a. The n.s.a. Isn't making a judgment as to whether or not an investigation should go forward or whether or not someone should be be prosecuted there are only coming forward facts now and you know Adam Schiff is well aware of that when this comes from the n.s.a. It's going to have no influence from Devon Una's no influence from any of us it's merely going to be a hero the facts now I think the reason why the Democrats are so worried is because there's probably is they're taking a while putting together a lot of information that we're going to get and if this leads as it could all the . Way to the White House having improperly used intelligence community communications this raises you know what I mean if that is I mean it that's pretty serious you have to grind like that are you saying this came from the White House then because that there's been no suggestion at all that this came any of this came from the Obama White House to this point it's just been that there was improper surveillance unmasking of illegal surveillance of the transition team I know this gets into the as an editor at this point you know active the White House now I don't know there's the next step in that is and who saw all the information that's an important step we're going to be told because we all know this goes back to leaks right this information was leaked there were people in the administration who were saying that there's information that shows that there was you know collision. Connections or collaboration between the Trump campaign and the Russians this was all evidence and information that it was there might have anything or you were right to Congressman those this letter when you have anything to do with Russia those were leaks that were coming from the White House about intelligence information that was improperly handled and used most likely So what we did do is ask the question and Kate this is pretty serious if this comes down to improper use of of intelligence committee information that's serious. Congressman thanks so much I've got a 1000000 more questions and not enough time let's have this is the this conversation what I really appreciate All right thanks they have for us the White House press secretary now playing defense after clashing at the White House reporter and the daily briefing how he's addressing the backlash that's coming up next. It was going to be a struggle to get in and out of the time we were really worried about flying and we White House press secretary Sean Spicer and the process safe to say at times has not been the most harmonious of relationships but one really has it ever where the press secretary and the press one that is often led to some fiery exchanges in the daily press briefings like this one yesterday with reporter April Ryan watch. It Yea people you eat you it seems like you're hell bent on trying to make sure that whatever image you want to tell about this White House sees because at the end of the day let me answer Ok but you know what you're asking me a question and I'm going to answer which is the president I'm sorry please stop shaking your head again. Joining me now c.n.n. Political commentator Angela ride a former executive director of the Congressional Black Caucus Joe we're always here public and New York City Councilman Jack Nicholson issues here c.n.n. Political commentator Washington bureau chief for The Daily Beast All right Angela a lot of people talking about that moment April Ryan having her own say about it did you see a problem with that exchange with a pariah Yes absolutely absolutely in part because this is now the 3rd instance of disrespect for April Ryan in this White House Donald Trump set the tone they had an issue they were once friends and now this April Ryan for many people not just African-Americans but many people is a very straight shooter a tremendous reporter and deserves that most respect he doesn't get to be her daddy in a place breaking into are not the shake Ok And do you think you know it gets the point that Hillary Clinton is God Do you think it's a race as. I think that it definitely was sexist and I think that the other issues that she's had with the White House have issues with racism and again we've had issues historically of people believing that all black people the same well Donald Trump all black people know each other and she says set up a caucus meeting with the c.b.c. Despite being a reporter I will say this Sean Spicer has worked in Washington a long time I think a lot of folks are there no one has ever sent any racism or sexism coming from them Jackie he was asked to respond to this this morning and he would show here's what he said. Q. Able is a top reported know how to you know throw it out and take it back so to somehow I did get it right we did meaning to take you for some folks to say that she can take it we went back and forth I disagree with her I'm going to call her the angle in the you know the way to choose coming out the question. But but that's what we do we go back and forth and I don't treat one person different than the next But to suggest that somehow because they were gender or race should be treated differently I think is monthly demeaning to her White House briefings get tense that's not unique to this White House do you think though Sean Spicer is more helping or hurting the White House with with with the stuff I do I don't think that this had anything to do with her race or gender I think this has to do with respect and I think the way that this White House is conducting themselves with reporters and adversaries in general the name calling the condescending nature on that we saw yesterday that's corrosive and we've all had chippy conversations with press secretaries that's the nature of this job but it does go too far I mean Charles Meister also called another reporter and this week that's not a person with a lot of meat on a playground and it certainly isn't appropriate in the White House briefing room if you take this and misstatements coming from the podium since Inauguration Day Joe do you think the press secretary's credibility has been her I think Sean has a tough job and one that he certainly needs to repair some of the damage that he may have done over the 1st a few months the initial press conference with. You know. Oh a little bit but look we can't treat every instance like this one like it's a unique 1st time it ever happened there's absolutely no evidence of any gender discrimination in this show as an equal opportunity bresh responder to people of both sexes he's not the 1st one to do it Robert Gibbs was cited by The Daily Beast as having a potential relationship and shouting matches Yeah. President Obama in 2016 got into a little shouting match with a Washington Post reporter in October it was headlines about that we can't treat this as unique because it's and because the book I'm class and I have clashed many of which I was by far I've never thought that it had to do with going to say that much but to this point if his credibility is has taken it if he's lost all credibility if you go that extreme Who is he losing credibility with here's my point would it be any different coming from that podium from a different press secretary when the tone is set from the top man and often it's very true and part of the issue here is I think we I don't know Sean Spicer but I've watched him interact with you during the campaign that is a completely different person who is presenting himself at the podium every star he's a totally different guy I've heard people like Jack and others saying that he's very respectable and all of that is the problem at the very top Donald Trump does set the tone and you see how leadership trickles down to the bottom he is absolutely the person I think that is to blame for this new spicy shock Spicer do you think that it would be different if it was a different press secretary I mean that because the tone is that from the top of the message has been all along with this administration that often what it comes from those daily briefings is for an audience of one the president. It is the audience of one and look how this or some of his people on the campaign behaved during the campaign toward reporters all you need to know this and like this combat it. Are Blind and swarming around your home that could be swarming to our minds knowing the difference between these insects could save you time money and worry if you're uncertain about which type of insect is invading your home call the experts cooks pest control will be happy to come to your home and apply in sex organs and image Bria charge with no obligation to. Call cooks today for a brief evaluation. Once again here's feed. Sufficient sure but he still happy because he knows his game boring for a song or something so you tell you he is growing you come to the sun and dies by schoolteachers of the finest. Army of the flying for the challenge for all are happy she's the flying carpet Savannah Highway Florence call 764-1852 visit flying carpet dot com. Talk sports 971 f.m. W.b.-c. Of radio. As unique guys thanks so much Ok thank you that is our buddy Inside Politics with John King starts right now. Thank you Kate welcome to Inside Politics I'm John King thanks for sharing your day with us the White House briefing scheduled to begin momentarily we will take you there live a child Spicer at the room the president also this hour in a meeting with a lot of his cabinet officials the New Jersey Governor Chris Christie a listening session on the opioid crisis reporters are in the room right now we'll have some tape of that event will bring that to you too in just a few moments one likely question for child Spicer what he preached today after the Republican Obamacare debacle last week what did this come from. And I know that we're all going to make a deal on health care that's.

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