Glad you came. We are so glad you came. Oh, my gosh. I dont even know what day it is anymore. I know its thirsty thursday, but who cares . It is february the 21st, 2013. We dont want to go home. Its too gorgeous out here. Universal city walk. We want to say can we give a big shoutout to the l. A. Tourism board . Theyre amazing. These people have been incredible to us, and we just want to give them a big wet kiss. A slurpy one. Theyve been so lovely, havent they . Theyve been the best. We make it look so easy. We know that. Its really not. A lot goes into this, and were really grateful, too. Heres a drink. This is called california dreaming. Its inspired by something, im sure. The sheraton universal. Thats a lovely inspiration. What is that . You love that. Thats sugar all the way around. We have a big day, you guys. We have Jason Kennedy from the e network with us, too. Right around the corner, and we want to get he is going to predict for us. Can we see your signs, you guys, because you have had the most Creative Signs . Just call us the kathie lee and hoda of the o. C. Uhhuh. Every day is wines day. Hire me. Will work for wine. I love that. Hire me, will work for wine. Thats a good one. Some of you hey, hey, hey. You guys, we saw that one yesterday. You put a little kid in the middle of it. It looks so much better that way. Yes. Okay. The winner of the sign contest is going to get a mug thats worth 5. 5 in todays economy, thats good. We give a few prizes, a few giveaways down the road. Yes, we do. We might give a few things away right now. All right. Were going to play a little trivia. Are you ready . Here we go. There are bees around our drinks. Youre so honey sweet. The sugar. I love you for saying were so sweet. Here we go. Los angeles can boast it has more museums than any other city in the country. True or false . Raise your hand. Dont yell it out. What did you say . I said true. The answer is true. It has 105 museums. [ cheers and applause ] what did she win . No, im sorry. Yes, you can. Yes. Oh. Lets just live there for a minute. Just for a moment. You mean that threeweek bestselling New York Times author hoda woman . Thank you for wanting that. Heres the next question. The california sky end center is home to the space shuttle. Here are the choices, a, enterprise, b,flash, c, endeavor or c, orbiter. Whos got the answer . Endeavour . You are so right. All right. She is the winner of a universal bag. Next question. All right. Name the cemetery because what more fun than a cemetery . Where hundreds of celebrities are buried that doubles as a movie screening facility . Oh, yeah. The hands went down a little. Stars forever, hollywood forever or, d, never say goodbye, and go. What is it . Forest lawn . No. No, no, no, no. Would you like the book or a cd . These are huge. Did she get it . Hollywood forever . She got thats the loser prize . My book . Oh, excuse me. No wonder hoda drinks to excess. The correct answer hollywood forever. I cant hear sara. She didnt get it right. Nobody gets it right. Now, griffin park home to an observatory. Jason and i went there the other day. The gene autrie museum, pony rides, and so much more was named after whom . Here are the answers, a, andy griffith, jay griffith, Melanie Griffith or d, merv of griffith. What is it . Griffith jay griffith. You are correct. A free universal pass. Congratulations. For all the people that are already in the park get free passes to the park. Which dynamic duo does not have a star among the more than 2,400 stars on the hollywood walk of fame. Here are your choices. Brooks dunn, ozzy and harriet, sonny and cher, or kathie lee and hoda . Whos got it . Kathie lee and hoda. But they should. You made us one. Oh, my god. It says will you be my valentine day, and valentines day was so over a week ago. Bummer. Bummer bummer bummer. Poor baby. Youre so sweet. You might win. Its doubtful. Its doubtful. The hollywood walk of fame was developed the year i was born. Do you know how old that is . How old . Tell us. 1953. How old are you . Going to be 60. This is the big one. 60 love to know what you guys think i should do to celebrate. I got oh, i got a way to celebrate. How about with my ihoda. Okay. This tune you are going to like this one. This is a Little Old School because its for your birthday. Excuse me. Upcoming. This is ready . Hit it, baby. Do you remember when it was time, september changing your mind september we were chasing the stars away our hearts were winging souls were singing as we danced in the night remember while the stars blew the night away oh, oh, dancing in september oh, oh, never was a cloudy day come on. You can sit it on down. Can we give up . Yall, come on. You can sit it on down. People, you are going to need your energy. Yes, you are. Who has talent . This is a game were going to play. We found that a lot of people have hidden talents that we are unaware of. Some of you are in our audience today. Because you never can tell by just looking at someone. Kathie lee has a very special hidden talent. Its not hidden. Do you know about kathie lees talent . Can we get a tight shot on klg . If youre the regular watcher of this show, you know you cant see a closeup. You can look at the big screen. One, two, and go. One nostril goes in, and the other stays out. Not everyone can do it. Dont try it at home. All right. Mine is who else can do it . I can do that. You can do that too . Lets see your nostril. Show me your nostril. Do it to a camera, hon, right here. One, two, and go. We missed it. Be serious. Let me show you my hidden talent. You know what it is. Ready . Are you ready . Too much pressure now. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Who else has a hidden talent . Raise your hand if you have one. Sara, you got one . What do you got . Its alan and the chipmunk voice. Ill try to say your names. Alvin and the chipmunk voice . Hi, kathie lee and hoda, how are you . My name is lyra. Nice. Okay. Who else has one . Thats enough of that. Our monkey lady has one. You want to tell them what it is . I make a cricket sound with my tongue. You make cricket sounds. Wow. Were ready. Were ready. Were ready. That was good. Do it again. We are that was a burp. I cant hear a thing. Shes doing it. It sounds like crickets. That okay. Congratulations. Your mother must be proud of you. Who has one . Raise your hand if you have a hidden talent. Boy, we have a talentfree group. You can do another thing with your we love the fancy nose trick. Come on. Shes got a nose issue too . Its a skill, hoda, not an issue. What is your skill . Oh, she does a little nostril flare. Wow. Everybody has that. Its not a skill. You guys, we have a big, big, big giveaway. This isnt a book. Its not a kathie lee cd. Its something much bigger. Were going to reveal it in a minute. First we need to pick our lucky winner. Bring it on, baby. Thank you. Hoda, do the honors, please. Guys, the winner is going to love the prize. Youre going to be very excited. We are so hightech. Is that a drum roll . The winner is caroline monteo. Caroline. Nose lady. Come on, nose lady. Come on up. So we have caroline, weve got nice to see you. Youre so beautiful. Hi, darling. How are you . Okay. Come over here. Come over here. Thank you for coming to california. Were so happy. Is this all your wine bottles . Youre going to have to guess your prize. Oh, boy. Okay . Thats one of your clues. This is one of your clues. Shes on to us. Then this is your second clue. Careful, dont spray the crowd. Anyway okay. Its water. Okay. Supposed to be water. Kath all right. Here is your third clue. Canadian and american flags. Youre going somewhere. Do you know where youre going . Oh, my gosh. Thank you, lord. Where are you going . You are going to water and canada and america have in common . I think what did you say . Niagara falls. You are right. Youre going to niagara falls. [ cheers ] thank you. Thank you. Oh, my god. Heres what the trip includes. It includes discovery passes for you to explore all things niagara. You get tickets to the maid of the mist, the cave of the winds, and fort niagara. Youre going to be staying at the giacomo hotel. Three nights. Giacomo. Exactly. Thats what i meant. Were so happy for you. Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming. We love you. Thank you, babe. Take care of your nose while youre there. We have a big show, you guys. Coming up next, Jason Kennedy with oscar predictions, hoda woman. Right after this. Have given way to sleeping. Tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. And lunesta® eszopiclone can help you get there. Like it has for so many people before. When taking lunesta, dont drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. Walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. Lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. Abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. In depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. Alcohol may increase these risks. Allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. Side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. Ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. Then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at lunesta. Com. Theres a land of restful sleep. We can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. But they havent experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. In fact, in a recent survey, 95 of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. Visit fastreliefchallenge. Com today for a special trial offer. Visit fastreliefchallenge. Com what did i do with my last fii was a dietician. A housekeeper. A pediatrician. Yeah, that was a third degree booboo a housekeeper. A sanitation engineer. A housekeeper. Good thing i had 5hour energy to keep me going. What will you do with your next five hours . Welcome back with us this beautiful thirsty thursday here. Universal Studios Hollywood where its city walk, and it is glorious, and were having a good old time. If theres ever a good time to be in l. A. , its around now, which is around the time of the oscars. The 85th annual oscars. I cant believe its been that many years. I was at the first one. Of course, you were. Jason kennedy from e joins us. He was not. Hello. How great is this that theyre here in los angeles . Its so good to see you guys. You can stop me whenever you want. This is going to be an interesting year at the oscars. Seth mcfarlane is hosting, and you know that is going to be full of surprises. I think a lot of people expected him to host the Golden Globes first. This isnt a roast, were celebrating the arts here, so hopefully he keeps it classy. But i think its going to be a good move. Hes a talented singer. They might do a big musical number to begin with. Maybe an appearance by ted the teddy bear. There are only so many things ted can say on television. Ted can get dirty. Thats a naughty little bear. Best picture, what do you see . Argo. Its on a hot streak. It won the bafta and the sag award, the critics choice award, the golden globe, or maybe lincoln. What about lincoln . It got 12 nominations. Thats the most, right . Its one short of the most. I mean of this batch. Of this batch it is, but its one short of the record, and then life of pi what, like ben hur or yeah, one of those. Life of pi has 11 nominations. Its not going to be life of pi. Is it the whole deal if you one win those other awards it means youll get the oscars . A lot of them are precursors, and then people are saying silent one could be Silver Linings playbook. That could be one that comes up there and surprises everybody. Everybody is talking about the fact that how could it be best picture without ben affleck being nominated for best director. He got the snub. He won the dga, which is a huge honor. I think the academy got it wrong with not putting him in there for best director. Among those that are in for best director, who do you think will take it . Steven speilberg, for sure. When he makes movies about historical figures or moments, i think about schindlers list he won for that. For lincoln he was incredible, and he didnt get nominated for warhorse which was a big surprise. I think this is speilbergs year. If not, david r. Russell, Silver Linings playbook. All right. What about best actor . Thats a tough one. We better go through these quickly. I think hugh jackman has a chance. People are saying, you know, if its not daylewis. He has three nominations, and, listen, if he wins this, its never been done before. He has never won three oscars for best actor before. Thats never been done by any man before. He deserves it. If its not daniel day lewis, i think it could be hugh jackman. A lot of people adore hugh. He certainly deserves it. As much as daylewis. Theyre so different. The performances and movies are so completely different. What about best actress . Its definitely between Jennifer Lawrence or jessica chastain. Jennifer lawrence, its a perfect role for her. She just won the sag award. I think were going to hear her name. Jennifer lawrence. Okay. Thank you. I love your shirt. Thank you. I appreciate it. I love being here. Of course, you do. Coming up next, our girl sara haynes. [ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. Its hard to turn off and go back to sleep. Intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you cant get back to sleep. Its an effective sleep medicine you dont take before bedtime. Take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. Do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. Allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. Intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. Do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and youre fully awake. Driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. Abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. Alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. In depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. Intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. Common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. So if you suffer from middleofthenight insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. Everybody say oh. It is that time of the week. Sara haynes finds a video cuter than these babies. We want to get your fans early on. Yes, you do. This week i hear were in for a real treat with a prankster and some passers by, huh . You remember probably when your mom used to lick her finger and get a smudge off your face. Imagine if someone did that to a complete stranger. Thats exactly what comedian jack fale did. Im going get it for you. Thats okay. No, ill get it. I can get it. I can get it. Its no big deal. Its already wet. Thats okay. You sure . All right. Ill get it. No, no, ill get it. Let me get it. Here let me get it. No, ill get it for you. I was just going to get it for you. You got something right here. Like a little smudge or something. Oh, okay. I got it. Boy, i will beat you down you do that. I will jack said he hated it when his mom used to do it, so he decided to try it on other people. Oh, my god. That is gross. You have something on your face. No, you do. Get it. Get it. Turn around. Maybe its better to get it from that other side. I got it. Jack. I would shake your hand, but this is good. We love you, jack. You rock. You guys that was awesome. Thank you. Coming up next, real estate in los angeles. And wine. So if you have a flat tire, dead battery, need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geicos emergency roadside assistance is there 24 7. Oh dear, i got a flat tire. Hmmm. Uh. Yeah, can you find a take where its a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah . Yeah i got it right here. Someone help me i have a flat tire well its good. Good for me. What do you think . Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. But im still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesnt unstuff your nose. What . [ male announcer ] alkaseltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. Thanks. Thats the cold truth you know, what are you thinking . Oh, i had a knot in my chest. I didnt really want her to go but. I knew she could do it. I felt like there were bigger and Better Things for me to do. [ mom ] she took what she was doing seriously. [ hosmer ] my selfconfidence just went through the roof. [ dad ] it was awesome to see her transform from a girl, in a small town, to a soldier. [ male announcer ] you made them strong. Well make them army strong. Talk to your son or daughter about joining the army. Find out how at goarmy. Com parents. Talk to your son or daughter at more than a paycheck. Is we know all the hammering, shaping, driving, serving, planning, writing, nursing and teaching it took to earn it. So we give you the power to keep as much of your hardearned money as possible. Our customized interview covers everything from a Service Members deployment to a Students Loan interest, right down to a teachers crayons. Youve worked hard to earn your money. Were here to help you keep it. Turbotax. The power to keep whats yours. Try it free at turbotax. Com. All right. The sun is so addicting out here in Southern California, so we thought we would take a look at the local Real Estate Market just in case youre in the market. You can live next to george clooney, ryan gosling, eva longoria, and it may not set you back as much as you might think. Thats right. Mauricio is the founder and ceo of the agency. Look who is here. How are you . Great. Thank you for having me here today. Congrats on all your awards. The wall street journal picked you as the top realtor or Something Like that in the area. Yeah, thank you very much. Yeah, its great to be picked like that. What is your secret . All that charm. All that sexy charm. Thats what does it. Lets look at the affordable stuff to sometimes you think l. A. And you think its not affordable. But studio city could actually be an affordable place for people to live, right . Studio city you could find some great places. You know, the average price in los angeles is 1,230,000 compared to the midwest where you are able to pick something up in denver for 434,000. Its more than double here. Its more than double, but not as pricey as manhattan where the average price is 2. 3 million. Tell us about a condo in studio city . Theres one condo in studio city thats two bedrooms, two baths. Its listed at 399,000, and its just a beautiful condo. Its classic 1950s style. Its got a courtyard, garden complex with pool, beautiful treelined streets. Its a corner unit with a split floor plan. This is the area like celebrities like clooney and zach ephron live in this area. Vanessa hudgens. You can get everywhere. Take us to calabasas. Which is lovely. A threebedroom home there goes for . Well, calabasas is fantastic. Theres a threebedroom home thats 569,000. Thats where Justin Bieber recently purchased a property, and, you know, of course, the area of many celebrities like and reality shows like nick lachey and youll run into a lot of kardashians. A lot of kardashian love going on down there. And theyre breeding like flies. By the end of the day there could be three more babies. Thats for sure. All right. Take us to silver lake. This is an 1800squarefoot home, and what would this cost you . Yeah, this home is really cool, and this is this home will cost you 799,000. Its three bedrooms, two baths. Its an old 1949 charming spanish house. Really beautiful. Its got, you know, views from every window, outdoor spaces, gracious Outdoor Living and entertainment areas. Thats the guest house, i guess, we just saw . Thats a cool tree house. You know, the archways are really beautiful, and you have a nice pool and spa, and the views are fantastic down there. What about West Hollywood . Thats where folks like lindsay lohan, kelly osborne. Lindsay lohan party in West Hollywood. You better be a late nighter in West Hollywood. West hollywood is a fun place to live. Its one of those great spots. This particular condo is actually owned by the famed playwright jerry herman who wrote hello dolly. Songwriter. Gorgeous. Look at that. Wow. He combined two units. He has 4,000 square feet. A real open loft style. Really spared no expense. You have the limestone floors. Piano comes with it. Boy, its terrific. That would make it all worth it, right . A lot of hits on that thing. Finally, we have the 11 million property in the hollywood hills. Thats what hoda wants. Exactly. Thats the one were getting ready to show you later on today. Is that right . Yeah. This property is actually fantastic. This is listed at 11. 7 million, and its the famed bird street. Its all open floor plan. Really cool contemporary house. Wow. Have. The master bedroom is 1200 square feet. Thats crazy. Spared no expense. 1,200 for the living room. Its like my new york city apartment. Just the bedroom. You can see all the way out to catalina and overlooking the entire l. A. Basin. Thats one of the most chic places to live in right now. Thats terrific. Thank you so much for joining us. By the way, how are the housewives . The housewives are all great. Of course, they are. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for your time. Thank you so much. We got a lot coming up. Dont leave us. Well be right back. Wait and see. Where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. And lunesta® eszopiclone can help you get there. Like it has for so many people before. When taking lunesta, dont drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. Walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. Lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. Abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. In depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. Alcohol may increase these risks. Allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. Side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. Ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. Then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at lunesta. Com. Theres a land of restful sleep. We can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. Plays a key role throughout our lives. One a day mens 50 is a complete multivitamin designed for mens Health Concerns as we age. It has 7 antioxidants to support cell health. One a day mens 50 . I want to be a billionaire so bad, buy all the things i never had i want to be on the cover of Forbes Magazine smiling next to hoda and kathie lee every time i close my eyes i see my name in shining lights yeah a different city every night chelsea. Chelsea, wow. I want to get more of her. Shes fantastic. She is a home run. Oh, my gosh. We love your voice, honey. Encore. It is now time for sara in the city where she sets off on an adventure. A subject very close to our heart. What do you think it might be . Wine. When you think of wine country in california, you usually think of napa valley, but on the Central Coast of california just a couple of hours north of los angeles the santa inez valley is becoming the hottest spot for wines. I love it. I know. Me too. Somewhere between los angeles and San Francisco amid the Rolling Hills twolane roads and dude ranches, vineyards are sprouting up all over the countryside. We are right now in happy canyon. Im here with jim and mary who own deerberg vineyard and star lane vineyard. How did you end up in happy canyon . And did you name it yourself . It was happy before we got here. Its been happy a long time. The deerbergs spent 20 years looking for the Perfect Place to turn these grapes into wine. Their search brought them here to the heart of the santa inez valley. What are we watching right now . This is pruning . Yeah. This time of year were setting up the vines. Red, red wine i think i did a pretty good job on this one. How many more do i have to do . Okay. So we have 200 acres, and theres about 1,000 vines per acre, so you have 199,999 vines left to go. Im going to need to reapply the spf. During the fall, workers harvest hundreds of tons of grapes in less than three months. After grapes are harvested, theyre brought back to this threestory gravity flow winemaking facility. Were on the second floor of the winery. And our facility works with gravity as our main driver. Gravity. Gravity. It literally falls down to the first floor, or into the cave, into barrels, where the wine will age. We have to get them from the fermenter down to the wood vessel. Can i do it . Go ahead and open up. Oh. So youre ready to shut the valve. Shut the valve. Oh, that was not bad. The barrels are stored underneath the winery in a 25,000squarefoot network of caves where the wine is stirred, not shaken. This is official name is a bung. So the bung plugs the hole. Thats right. Thats why they call it wines day. Every morning while kathie lee and hoda are getting their drink on, the winemaker is doing his own private tasting. Usually by 5 00 a. M. , i have evaluated anywhere between half a dozen to three dozen wines. Three sheets to the wind. All of it spitten. Its just you spit. We dont do that. We dont waste wine like that. Were actually we consume. Now you can taste it. Fruity. Someone told me that i might be able to tap one of these things and fill my own bottle. Yeah. You have to do that kind of secretly. Can you show me . Lets do it. Is it going to pour out fast . Yes. It is . Uhhuh. Oh so thank you very much for allowing us to visit your winery. What better way than to toast with a bottle of wine . I brought you one that i stole earlier today. Well, you certainly are welcome to it. It says, i stole this wine. So i didnt steal this wine. When you return it to the owner, its not stolen. Cheers to that. Cheers. Im beginning to see the light that was great. You are fantastic. Next up were going to make great balls. Falafel. Wont stop until the sun comes up till the sun comes up want to know what i did in the last five hours . I disproved the theory of relativity. I mastered origami while beating the record for hacky sack. Found bigfoot. Swam the english channel. And then i swam back. And then i took the dogs for a walk. How do i do all of this . 5hour energy. Hours of energy now with no crash later. Andale i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products dont treat cough. They dont . [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ breathes deeply ] oh, what a relief it is [ angry gibberish ] time to take you in todays kitchen with a very popular middle eastern treat. Falafel balls. Your favorite, of course. Here to show us how its done is none other than the Sheraton Universal Hotel executive chef, reza. Thats correct. Hello, reza. You are making filafel balls. Very, very easy. Its a twostep process. Very, very easy. All you do is take the chickpea flour. Mix all the dry ingredients, which is salt, pepper, baking soda, chili pepper, garlic, and coriander. All of it in. Down the hatch. Mix it up a little bit. Okay. Mix everything together. Okay. Disappears in there. Okay. Then we have cilantro. I love cilantro in everything. Me and reza are the same. Then italian parsley. I love that. That makes me and reza like the same. Youre twinsies. I dont like those. Put them in any way. Reza, put them in. Its good for you. I like them. Mix everything together like that. Very quickly. All right . All right . Okay. Then you add some water. Why . One cup. For the taste. You dont add water, it wont come together. It will not come together, hoda. Thats what i said. Once you mix it up, youll shake like that. Kind of like this. Then what i do, i take a scoop and scoop it and put them in a hot pan. Thus, the balls. Just be careful. I dont want to splash. Now, what kind of oil are we cooking in, reza . Extra virgin olive oil. Everything. Balls are in extra virgin olive. Extra virgin. Okay. Okay. Once this is done this is the final how long do you cook these . About two to three minutes on each side. Okay. Until it is brown. This is really the final product. They look good. Filafel. You try one. Of course, you do. Have a ball. Okay. Then what i do is just to finish it off what i do just to finish it off, i take some israeli salad and some real asparagus, put them on a plate and finish it off with baby arugula. Drizzle olive oil. More. Extra virgin olive oil. There you go. Squeeze of lemon. All right. Now, here baby arugula. There you go. Put it right there. Well have to say goodbye. We love you. Everybody enjoys your balls. Everybody. There you go. Oh, wow. Theres a lot more coming up, but, first, this is today on nbc. Aspirin, really . I havent thought about aspirin for years. Aspirin wouldnt really help my headache, i dont think. Aspirin is just old school. People have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. But they havent experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. In fact, in a recent survey, 95 of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. Whats different . It has microparticles. Enters the bloodstream fast and rushes relief to the site of pain. Visit fastreliefchallenge. Com today for a special trial offer. In the middle of the night it can be frustrating. Its hard to turn off and go back to sleep. Intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you cant get back to sleep. Its an effective sleep medicine you dont take before bedtime. Take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. Do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. Allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. Intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. Do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and youre fully awake. Driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. Abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. Alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. In depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. Intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. Common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. So if you suffer from middleofthenight insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. Welcome back, everybody. We said we were going to give a prize for the best sign today. We always keep our word. Were scanning the crowd. Theyre all beautiful, but, im sorry, but you went to so much trouble. Were just going to quickly show this sign. We will sign your sign. Well do it right up here while we talk to chelsea. Thank you very much. Chelsea williams is one of the street performers here at city walk. Youre a Southern California girl, right . I grew up in los angeles. How long have you been singing . Pretty much my whole life. My mom was a singer. It ran in the family. My grandpa as well. You have such a beautiful voice. Just cuts through. Who is your early musical influence, would you say . I love sheryl crow and i love joni mitchell. Well, ladies and gentlemen, youre going to get to hear her sing in full. This is chelsea williams. [ cheers ] tried to be cute but got so hot they melted i fell right through the crack now im trying to get back before the cool done run out ill be giving it my best and nothing is going to stop me but divine intervention i reckon its my turn to win some or learn some but i wont hesitate no more, no more it cannot wait im yours open up your mind and see like me, open up your plan and then youre free look into your heart, and you will find the sky is your so i wont hesitate no more, no more it cannot wait, im yours oh oh ive been spending my time tracking my time in the mirror and bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer but my breath fogs up the glass, so i go to a place and i laugh i guess what ill be singing is there aint no better reason to rid ourself of vanity and just go with the season its what we aim to do our name is our virtue but i wont hesitate no more, no more, it cannot wait, im yours open up your mind and see like me open up your plans and then youre free look into your heart, and you will find the sky is yours so i wont hesitate no more, no more it cannot wait im yours [ cheers ] thank you so much. Thanks

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