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blind and badly disfigured. two years later, a surgery has given this courageous woman a new face and we'll see it for the first time today, thursday, august 11, 2011. captions paid for by nbc-universal television and welcome to "today" on this thursday morning. i'm ann curry. >> i'm matt lauer. for the last three days, the dow has either closed up or down by more than 400 points. >> it's been incredible. things are mostly bearish right now over the last 14 trading days. the dow has lost more than 2,000 points and that is nearly 16% of its value. and on wednesday's plunge, it was fueled by concerns over banks both here in the u.s. and in europe. so we're going to get the latest on this story straight ahead, matt. >> also ahead, the latest on the search for a maryland woman. she vanished more than a week ago. the fbi is joining the investigation. the police have a suspect in custody. we're going to talk to that missing woman's boyfriend about the cryptic facebook message he received from her shortly before she disappeared. on a different note, what is more important to women? sleep or sex? i'm not looking at you. have you ever wanted to spend more time at work to avoid your own kids? we're going to talk about a revealing survey of moms coming up ahead. as we told you a second ago, we're going to show you chimp attack victim charlotte nash's new face three months after the ground breaking surgery. a lot of our viewers will remember a couple of years ago when we saw how the chimp attack left charlotte's face. it was difficult to see. as bad as that was, today you're going to be very, very happy to see a remarkable transformation. we'll get to that latest in the show. we begin with another tumultuous day on wall street. maria bartiromo is here with her take on this. there are people at home right now shaking their heads because they think this seems so random. they want to know why investors felt good enough about the market to drive it up 400 points on tuesday and bad enough about the market to drive it down 500 points yesterday. >> i think the day we saw gains in the market, people were looking for a bottom. we're all trying to figure out when this ends. we did see money move into the markets. the federal reserve came out and said they were going to keep interest rates at low levels until 2013. on the one happened, nd, okay, s for the next two years, did they tell us 2013 because the economy will be weak for a couple of years. >> france, we have a problem in fran. their debt may be downgraded now. are we to believe on tuesday no one had a thought that might happen? but on wednesday, it's a great problem? >> it's a great point. day-to-day, different sentiments to take place and manifest in major moves in the stock market. the bottom line is france, all of the eurozone have a bigger problem than the united states right now. that is spending more than they're taking in, massive amounts of debt. so that's really what's under the european side of thingings. >> are we at the point where investors are so nervous and lack so much confidence that any piece of information, any rumor drives the market dramatically in one direction or the other? oh. >> it's the right way to put it. the bottom line is we're looking for evidence that there's reason to buy in a sustained manner. better than expected earnings, a deterrence of economic development in the u.s. we haven't seen that, we haven't seen a sustained move to the upside. >> banks took it on the chin yesterday. >> big time. >> maria bartiromo. thank you very much. appreciate it. now here's ann. >> thanks. the three siblings that spent more than a week on the run from the fbi are behind bars this morning. they're arrested following a dangerous high-speed chase in colorado. miguel, good morning? ann, good morning to you. all of the siblings are being held here at the pueblo county jail. they face four counts of assault on a peace officer. the first will be a long laundry list of charges. a caravan and a jail for a family of fugitives who spent eight days on the lam. the end of the road for the dougherty gang after a high-speed chase here along southern colorado's i-25. >> proceeded at a high-rate of speed. obviously you have individuals who have been identified as very dangerous. >> reporter: with officers tailing lee grace dougherty and brothers dylan and ryan, police say the sibling suspects opened fire on patrol cars with an ak-47. officers ahead used so-called spike strips to flatten the trio's tires, sending the white sedan crashing into a rail. >> we heard the gunshots and sirens and we come running out and we see the cops ha s have t guns drawn. >> police say leigh grace drew a handgun and officers shot her in the leg. one of the brothers was tackled by police. the other captured on foot a short distance away by nearby workers. >> i told him, hey, there's nowhere to go. just give up now. he proceeded to ignore us. that's when we decided to take him down. >> for the 20 something siblings with a long criminal history, it's the second high-speed gun-blazing chase in eight days. >> the crime spree occurred when the officers tried to pull the trio over for speeding. police say just five hours later, the dougherty gang robbed a bank in georgia using an ak-47 and a machine gun. >> arsenal weapon. weren't afraid to use them. >> with their faces plastered on billboards from florida to texas, the outlaws made it all the way to colorado. tuesday, police say they bought camping gear at this store, then tried to buy ammunition at walmart, following tips the police tailed the dougherties on the the interstate, the bullet pursuit over a mile later. >> this went as it was supposed to. >> reporter: three of the most wanted now captured. a fugitive family's cross-country mayhem is over. the dougherty gang will face serious charges in three states but because they're arrested here in colorado, the legal process will begin here. they could be in court as early as today. ann? >> miguel almaguiere, thanks very much. cook taylor is the sheriff of pueblo county, colorado. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> sheriff taylor, let me ask you, it's not every day that armed and dangerous fugitives are in your jurisdiction. what can you tell us about the citizen's tip and how you responded? >> the whole investigation was the combination and collaboration between all of the law enforcement agencies here in pueblo. the citizens giving us a tip that our initial contact with the individuals down in southern colorado and the state patrol is incredible chase and stoppage of the vehicle is all put together by collaborating together with each other. >> on that point, how was it that you were able to take these three in without having any officers hurt and being able to take them down alive when one went down fighting and profilers predicted a shootout, sheriff? >> well, when you have -- quite frankly, the state patrol that's in their professionalism and how they do business, they were chasing the vehicle. they deployed the stop spikes. our deputies were behind them. we got help from another jurisdiction. just everybody working together and the training and everything else that came together that day. >> okay, can you describe quickly the guns and ammunition that you found on them. also their common? >> i can't tell you much about the demeanor, i can tell you there were two ak-47s or skss after the car was crashed according to the state troopers and my staff that were on scene as well. the young lay i cunoung lady hab gun when she exited the vehicle and subsequently that was taken to the custody. we're doing an inventory right now for the state patrol. we have the vehicle here for the sheriff's office. they'll do that inventory. there were indications of additional weapons in the vehicle. we don't have a complete inveb toir yet. >> it does seem to be a good example, good cooperation between local authorities and the fbi. you actually had billboards up with the faces of these fugitives on -- on them. what can you tell us about what worked here? >> again, a terrific collaboration of local, state, and federal agencies sharing rapidly using our tools and advanced technology. it started on the east coast with both florida and atlanta field office engaging really the media to start that man hunt. and working with the state figs centers relaying to all of the law enforcement agencies around the country the armed and dangerous nature of the subjects, the dougherty family, and, more importantly, things to be cautious of as you approach them. so it was a terrific collaboration. that information was relayed here and then the good citizens of colorado started calling in tips which again helped the fbi, local and state agencies focus their efforts. and then at that point, the colorado information and analysis center tore kayak fusion center here in colorado passed pertinent intelligence to all of the local, state, and federal agencies for us to move in. >> well, sheriff kurt taylor, congratulations to you and all of the officers involve in this effort. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thanks, ann. >> now 7:11. here's matt. >> the 2012 presidential race is heating one the first major test for gop hopefuls. the iowa republican straw poll takes place this weekend. two names not on the ballot getting a lot of the attention. chuck todd is the political director and chief white house correspondent. he's in des moines. hi, chuck. >> good morning, matt. we're in for a whirlwind 48 hours. there's a republican debate tonight. the straw poll on saturday. but the two noncandidates are testing a large shadow of the field of actual candidates. >> i believe in this country. because i believe in americans. >> reporter: leaving little doubt he's about to jump into the republican presidential race, rick perry tested out possible stump speech lines wednesday. >> this west texas optimist sees our brightest hour is just around the corner. >> reporter: in an exclusive interview with "time" magazine provided to nbc news, perry says he has the fire in the belly required for a grueling campaign. >> getting to the all in point and the idea that this is what i'm supposed to be doing. >> reporter: another noncandidate is making waves with most of the political world in iowa, sarah palin is trying to keep her name in the mix, releasing this video saying her bus tour is back, coming to tomorrow's iowa state fair. >> they love their country in good times and bad, and they're always proud of america. >> meanwhile, the official republican candidate s crisscrossed iowa in saturday's straw poll. mitt romney in pella sounded nonchalant about perry's possible candidacy. >> a fine man, a fine governor. >> he expressed his own specious over perry's 26 consecutive years in the private office. >> i know how the economy works. >> the next three days will be crucial for the two minnesota repibbs camped out in iowa. tim pawlenty and michelle bachmann. she's playing up the iowa roots and outsider status. >> from waterloo, we're honest people. i lived a real life. i didn't go to washington to be a politician. i am not a politician. >> former governor tim pawlenty who struggled to catch fire and backed off a promised attack on romney in a previous debate says he's prepared to go on the off tonight. >> i know how to put the hammer down when that needs to happen. i've done that as well. >> fair or not, saturday's straw poll could be make or break. >> for some candidates, rick pawlenty, if they don't do well, it could have a hard devastating impact on the campaign going forward. >> on a scheduling note, just this morning, we learned that sarah palin will be in iowa today, bus tour events today. we'll try to step up a little bit on the debate tonight. the white house reconfirmed that the president has no plans to cancel the vacation that begins next week after a trip to iowa, matt. >> chuck todd in iowa this morning. thanks so much. 14 after the hour, here's ann. now to london and that city's violent riots. police raided the homes of the people suspected to being involve in the violence as vigilantes took to the streets to protect their neighborhoods. michelle is in london again this morning. good morning. it's been a gang of teenagers armed with bricks, not guns, the fact that this has been a failure for police is so outrageously stunning to british citizens that some are now forming groups to protect themselves. is britain really broken as some would say? or could this really happen anywhere? >> what looks like more rye yolting is police chasing bands of vigilantes seeking justice. >> we're here for one reason -- to stick up for our families. >> and getting lots of support. >> they need backup. >> some turned on police. these guys armed themselves with stones. some threw rocks at teenagers riding a bus. britains are fighting back against so-called jobs, hooligans, and for four nights turned cities into war zones. >> all they want to do is kill, take, steal, or rob from their own or people who are working hard. >> no more room for it. >> in birmingham where three young men were run over protecting their street, the father of one spoke out. >> i lost my son -- blacks, asians, whites, we all live in the same community. why do we have to kill one another? >> the prime minister offered this -- >> when we see children as young as 12 and 13 looting and laughing, it's clear that there are things that are badly wrong in our society. >> unemployment here hit a record high. many are bored. >> they feel they've got no future, they have nothing to lose. >> rather steal it than go out and work for it and earn it. >> the level of violence has been sickening. this man is in critical condition, beaten trying to stop rioters. the breathing victim here, a malaysian student in the uk one month was just attacked as bicycle stolen. seeming to help or robbing him? he's now awaiting surgery. the government vowed to crack down after the fact through prosecution. and getting some help on-line for more citizens willing to turn in their young neighbors. >> you have to set an example because we have to punish people to stop this mess. every single day here in england, we heard people say, you know what, this would never happen in america. police would put a stop to it. they say that's what we need here. just this morning, the prime minister said they're going to take a closer look at cities like boston as examples on how to deal with gang problems. ann? >> michelle, such a sad tragic there. thank you so much. natalie has a look at the headlines. good morning, nat. good morning, matt, ann. good morning, everyone. we start with five service members getting killed as fighting intensifies. 51 internation unanimous service members have been killed there so far this month. after spending the night searching the ocean for a missing navy fighter jet, the military says they've recovered the two crew members. the plane crashed near san diego last night. good news to report in the fight against cancer, scientists have been able to successfully destroy cancerous tumors in patients with advanced leukemia for the first time ever. robert bazell has more on the achievement 20 years in the making. bill ludwig said doctors told them without the experimental treatment, he would only have weeks to live. >> in the position of full health, no cancer in oh my system. >> ludwig is only one of three patients who have gotten the novel treatment in the most novel form of leukemia called cll. the results are so spectacular, many believe it could mark the beginning of a major advance in cancer treatments. >> each of the patients was eradicated. >> reporter: the team at the university of pennsylvania removed white blood cells that normally fight infection, genetically engineered them with a harmless form of hiv, to reform themselves and return them to the patients. the research was too risky to win government support, but barbara netter, who started a foundation with her late husband, edward, provided the seed money. >> we wanted to do something more -- hope to do something more. >> it will take years more of study to know if the initial excitement is warranted. but at least three lives have been saved. robert bazell, nbc news, philadelphia. attorneys for arizona governor jan brewer are asking the supreme court to rule on the constitutionality of that state's tough immigration law. the controversial measure makes it a state crime to be in arizona illegally. the parts of the law were blocked when taking effect by a lower court judge. a colden opportunity this morning for nasa's mars rover as the six-wheeler reached the rim of the endeavour crater after the three-year journey across the red planet. the crater will give the opportunity a snapshot of martian history by exposing rocks and land much older than the rest of the planet. now 7:20. back over to matt, ann, and al. amazing to see the pictures for millions of miles away. what an incredible piece of technology that these have been for us. >> cool stuff. natalie, thank you very much. let us get a check of the weather from mr. roker. beautiful day. >> we're going to get a big break. a big area of strong storms all the way from the dakotas back to arkansas and parts of mississippi. >> no rain in sight for the forecast today. sunshine at all across the area. upper 70's in the mountains. at very low humidity. that's your latest weather. ann? al, thank you. still ahead for the first time since the ground-breaking transplant, charlotte nash reveals her first fanew face to world. we'll have that coming up. but first this, is "today" on nbc. coming up, a maryland woman missing. now the person she was traveling with is under arrest. >> why did she leave a cryptic message for her boyfriend on his facebook page. after your local news. >> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am stan stovall. here is the sarah caldwell and traffic pulse 11. >> problems on the northbound harrisburg expressway, but we are also attracting a new accident southbound i-95 approaching the 895 split. six miles per hour on average approaching white marsh towards the split. the right lane is taken up with this accident. best bet is to take a beltway on the keybridge or to take pulaski highway at philadelphia road to avoid it altogether. madison closed due to police activity. 28 miles per hour in the area of providence. tractor-trailer accident in the parkton region. first, live view in the area of the accident, or rather, traffic approaching it on 95 coming towards us in the southbound direction, back up towards the 895 split. big jammed up without 83. -- a jam up northbound 83. ava has a check on the forecast. >> lots of sunshine all across the area. high temperatures in the mountains may not make it out of the 70's. seven-day forecast, holds the through tomorrow with a high of 85. storm chances return this weekend saturday night into sunday, but temperatures in the 80's for the foreseeable future. >> check the bottom of your screen for updated news and traffic information. back at 7:55 with another live update. 7:30 on a thursday morning, august 11, 2011. blue skies indeed as you look out over the western side of manhattan, central park in the foreground. george washington bridge way in the background in the hudson river on a beautiful morning here in new york city. and the music by the way is our way of letting you know that grammy winning zac brown band will be live in concert here on "today." meanwhile, inside the studio, i'm matt lauer alongside ann curry. new developments in the disappearance of a maryland woman in aruba. >> that's right. 35-year-old robin gardner was last seen a week ago. but now her travel partner has been detained. we'll talk to gardner's boyfriend about the cryptic facebook message he received shortly after she disappeared. >> flash mobs. you saw this. they were meant to be a lot of fun. people dancing and singing. police are seeing a spike in flash mobs with a more sinister purpose. one woman recovering as she was attacked by a group of young men. >> also, we'll be talking about the road to recovery for chimp attack victim charlotte nash. two years after her vicious mauling, she's received a rare facial transplant. this morning, her new face will be revealed for the first time right here on this broadcast here on "today," talking to charlotte's daughter and brother about that as well. >> people will really be encouraged to see these images. it's great news. but we want to begin the half-hour with the new details in the case of a maryland woman missing in uba. tom costello has the latest on this story. tom, good morning. >> hi, matt, good morning to you. this case is similar in some ways to the case of natalee holloway who disappeared in aruba six years ago. 35-year-old robin gardner left maryland on the way to aruba without telling her boyfriend. the man she travelled with is under arrest. that's gary giardono on baby beach in aruba telling police he last saw her when they snorkeled together. now he claims she never came back to shore. his attorney in aruba is michael lopez. >> my client has been detained for a murder investigation. he gave the police all kinds of cooperation. >> they met on a year ago and agreed to fly to aruba when she lost her job recently. she had a boyfriend richard forester. she told him she was going to florida to see family. now he fears for her safety. >> i'm not angry with her. if she's found and brought back to me, i'll be angry then. but right now that's not even a factor. >> back in maryland, gary giordono has a violent history. allegations of domestic violence against an ex-wife and two restraining ordered requested by previous girlfriends, one claimed he started to hit me on my face, neck, breast, and buttocks. he started to choke me with both hands. another report said that he threatened her and said the world would be better off without me and he could help. in 2003, he was convicted for shoplifting electronics, the fbi has joined the investigation in aruba. former fbi profiler, clint van zandt. >> giordono is alleged to have had a history of violence with past girlfriends. the authorities have to look at that and look at any evidence that's going to suggest they left the hotel together or he left by himself. >> robin's disappearance is an eerie reminder of 18-year-old natalee holloway's disappearance in aruba in 2005. jury ran van der slojuron van d never charged. but despite the concern about the impact on tourism, robin gardner's disappearance needs publicity. >> no matter what they want or what they think is right, it is important that we get the media involved. aruba, of course, is a dutch territory. we're told that robin gardner's blackberry and ipod have been turned over to the police. they sent the blackberry to the netherlands for a more thorough analysis. matt? >> tom costello, thank you very much. robin gardner's boyfriend, richard forester is with us. mr. forester, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> tell me about the relationship with robin, how long have you been dating her before she took this trip? >> we've been together for about 2 1/2 years, but fairly exclusive, i guess, since about january of 2011. >> she told you she was going to see family members in florida. how did you find that out? >> i found that out once i'd spoken to a family member when they told me she'd been reported missing. >> did she send a text or e-mail at some point admitting that she's in aruba? at that time, did she admit she was there with someone else? >> no, i did get an e-mail saying that she was in aruba, but it's just a change in plans as far as where they were going. >> mr. forester, have you heard of gary giordono? have you met him? do you know anything about him? >> i never met him. i heard his name before. i was under the assumption he was just a friend. >> when you got that e-mail that she was in aruba, she added no other information, she didn't talk about it being fearful, nothing that might help in this investigation? >> no, i have to tell you, not when i got that e-mail. on tuesday morning on the second of august, a little after 2:00 in the morning, she posted a note -- a message on my face book wall saying this sucks. i didn't get it until the morning when i got to work. i questioned her, i didn't know what it feels. she didn't respond. i e-mailed her throughout the day. later on in the day, between, probably i don't know somewhere around 3:00 in the afternoon, she sent me an inbox message on my face book saying, you know, i love you, i care about you. we'll talk about this and sort it out when i get back. >> sounds like she left more questions than answers. >> yes. when you hear that the two of them went snorkeling and she didn't return to the beach when he did. he then tried to leave aruba, you say that has to be a lie. why do you say that? >> just knowing her, matt, i -- i believe that she's too concerned about her hair, about her makeup. at that point in the evening afternoon, she -- being in a place like aruba or somewhere, she's probably had a couple of drinks and she's not going to stop to go swimming in the ocean at that point. she's probably going to be getting readdy to go out for dinner for the evening. but i know she's never been a fan of snorkeling, she said she may do it, but wasn't that interested. she is a swimmer, but would prefer to be in a swimming pool. now, being in a place like aruba, that might be a little different. but i just don't accept it for one minute that she was snorkeling. also the story from what i understand the change too, from they were snorkeling to they walked out to a point where the water was almost above their heads and they decided to swim back to shor. when he got back to shore, turned around and she -- he couldn't see her -- he couldn't find her. >> i asked this. i hope you understand the tone that i ask it with. you seem to know her very well about what she would and wouldn't do, and, yet, it comes as a surprise to you that she would actually be in aruba with another man. >> you're right. you're absolutely right. i do feel like i know her very well. she was going through some -- some tough times. she'd lost her job recently. so i can't say where her mind is at at that point. my biggest concern she was there with another man. obviously that's an issue. but my biggest concern is that she's found and found safely and i'm able to have that discussion with her. >> when you hear allegations that mr. giodono has perhaps been violent or threatened other women in the past, do you fear that he has in some way brought harm to her? >> very much so. >> well -- >> very much so. i've done my own research. i've had people come out from his past who have contacted me and told me some pretty -- pretty bad details. so i -- i definitely have a -- a very bad feeling. but at the same time, i just try to stay optimistic and hopeful that -- that she'll be -- she'll be back and return home safely. >> richard forester, i appreciate your time this morning. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> let's get a check of the weather. today's weather is brought to you by certified service. expert service right at your chevrolet-buick-gmc-and cadillac dealer. 14 years ago, matt and i held these twins and here they are now 14 years later. what's your names again? >> madison. >> and -- >> i'm ashley. >> couple of siblings. >> courtney. >> where's mom. >> hi, mom, dad. >> 14 years. you guys look a lot better. we look a lot worse. fantastic. so nice to see you guys. thanks for coming. check your weather to see what's going on. starting for today, afternoon temperatures cooling off. gorgeous, new england, the northeast and the great lakes, 70s and 60s, low humidity. going to be fantastic. hubs still continue down in texas. 48th day in row of 100 plus readings in dallas. some thunderstorms in northern mississippi up to the dakotas. beautiful weather the pacific northwest. temperatures in the 70s along the california coast. 90s in florida and miami. going to see showers, hit or miss thunderstormings. the national park service in the >> looks like clear skies will last through the day. low humidity, as conditions. >> too that's your latest weather. matt? thank you very much. just ahead, the chimp attack victim charlotte nash unveils her face for the first time. the transformation is remarkable. x back now at 7:44 with a twist on flash mobs. what started as a way for groups to organize through social media has taken a violent and dangerous turn in cities across the country. we have details on this from chicago. mara, good morning. good morning, ann. these flash mobs are what happens when social media meets mob mentality. they're happening in places all over the world from london to chicago where last week hundreds organized to crash a street festival. the problem is especially bad in philadelphia where lately the city of brotherly love has been a rash of hateful behavior. if you want to know what can go wrong if you're running through a flash mob, just ask emily. >> a few people in the mob started yelling, you better run, we're a flash mob. >> the 27-year-old editor for the satirical newspaper, "the onion" was walking through a philadelphia neighborhood with friends when pandemonium broke loose. >> i got punched in the face. i tried to run, i fell down and i got hit and kicked a few more times. >> according to police reports, she was jumped by a flash mob, beaten ferociously by a group of young men, her leg seriously broken in two places. some say the flash mobs have come a long way from their beginnings as an way to organize pillow fights to dance parties. but there's nothing fun about the latest form of flash mobs. in cities all around the country, teams are organizing mayhem in ways never seen before when social media meets mob. last month in l.a., crowds shut down hollywood streets and clashed with police after a dj tweeted about a free block party that never happened. at times, the flash mob turns into a flash rob. in april, 20 teen s stormed thi upscale store. in june, a group of 40 kids, some as young as 11 raided a pennsylvania sears grabbing everything from socks to watches. >> when we become part of a flash mob, all of a sudden, that am anymorety takes over and we no longer look at consequences to our actions. we let the mob dictate for the most part what the behavior will be good, bad, and the ugly. >> it's a big problem in philadelphia where emily was attacked. >> they had a lot of really angry kids who don't really have respect for other people. >> reporter: emily ended up hospitalized for ten days, racking up overwhelmingly high medical bills. city officials are now fighting back, extending a weekend curfew for minors. >> if you're doing things you should not be doing, we are going to get you off of the streets. >> trying to ensure the only flash mobs in the city's future are the fun kind. now, while there have been arrests in some of the cases we showed you in the case of emily's attack, police showed up on the scene immediately but no arrests have been made. ann? >> thank you so much. still ahead this morning, do you look for reasons to stay at work instead of going home to be with your children more. a surprising survey of mothers. but first, these messages. finding a perfect match can be a lifelong quest. people are getting help thanks to a new twist in the world of dating. kerry sanders explains. >> you could -- you like the camera, don't you. it's date night for norville and kabob. >> oh, a good boy. >> two homeless jobs. >> a handsome dog when i'm done. >> like so many single people, just looking for some loving. since this the "today" show and we love the before and after pictures, first, the before, a springer spaniel dropped off at the shelter by his owners due to the tough economy. and kabob, a stray mutt found in a ditch. if speed dating works for single women, why not for dogs? so scrubbed clean and sporting new dos. >> you smell better. >> kabob before, norville after. >> just be yourself and you'll find a perfect home. >> joined a dozen other cleaned up pooches and speed date. the mood set, a little wine and cheese. >> speed dating for dogs. >> and in minutes here in orlando, kabob finds chemistry. >> big date night. what do you think of kabob. >> i love him. >> you love him? you just met him. >> that's all it takes. >> this underscores a serious problem in the united states. too many dogs, not enough owners. >> only 56% of the dogs that go to shelters are put to sleep. euthanized. which means kill. >> a couple other there i want to see. >> jess and margaret want to be part of the solution. >> i love him. >> what's going on, huh? >> as for norville -- >> love at first sight. >> it really is speed dating. he found his new love cindy wiggins in like ten seconds. unfortunately, speed dating for dogs is a lot like speed dating for humans. you don't always wind up with a match. but, oh, there you go. there's always next time. speed dating for dogs, because for so many of these guys, time is running out. for "today," kerry sanders, nbc news, orlando. ahead, a remarkable new look for chifrp attack victim, charla nash. >> her new face for the first time. but first, your local news and weather. >> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am stan stovall. time for another check of the morning commute. here is sarah caldwell. >> just when we thought it was getting better on the harrisburg expressway, although volume coming into play on the northbound direction. jammed conditions all the way back to mount carmel up to past york road. we continue to have the right lane closed in the northbound direction in the parkton region due to a tractor-trailer accident. meantime, northbound j.f.x. at northern parkway, we are talking in accident. not a lot in the way of delays there. another crash could up near the 895 split. looking at delays, down to 15 miles per hour towards the split, and the north side outer loop back up to belair road towards the harrisburg expressway. addison is close at north ave due to police activity. around i-70 is with a slowdown starts. 95 south of the beltway northeast, southbound traffic backed up believe there due to an earlier crash at the split. live view of harrisburg expressway. no, the shot is not frozen. it is actually completely jammed from mount carmel towards york road. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. ava, hopefully you have better news. >> yes, i do, and that looks like a mess out there. plenty of sunshine throughout the day. a very low humidity. this is what makes things feel as comfortable as possible in the beginning of august. highs will be in the low-to-mid- 80's this afternoon 70's in the mountains. next couple of days, the 80's. storm chance is return this weekend. >> check the bottom of your screen for updated news and traffic information. back in 25 minutes with anothere . ♪ audios and vaya con dios >> thursday, the 11th day of august, 2011 as we say hello to everybody who gathered in rockefeller plaza. the comeback tomorrow. several times from grammy award-winning zac brown band. going to be a lot of fun. i'm ann curry along with matt lauer. we're talking this morning about a wonderful new face for charla nash. >> she was horribly mauled by a chimpanzee in 2009. she went through a grueling surgery. she received a face transplant this morning for the first time. we will show you how that went. we'll talk to her brother and her daughter. that's coming up. it will make people feel a lot better about this story. >> after this morning, we're going to talk about a serious habit -- raising the question of whether or not you have tried to medicate your children with cough medicine to help them stay asleep before a long trip. that question was asked thousands of women in a new survey. if it's an uninterrupted night of sleep or satisfying sex. going to get into the survey coming up. >> and who here? bobby flay is in the house. >> bobby. >> it's raising the bounty. we love when flay is in the house. >> smells terrific. >> a little later. >> go inside. natalie is standing by at the newsdesk with a look at all of the headlines, good morning. good morning, it's an anxious morning on wall street. the day after the dow plummeted 540 pounds over fears of the u.s. and world economy. the dow is down 16% from its high back in april. this morning, asia's markets were mixed and london's ftse has gone up and down in early trading. >> the republican presidential candidates will face off tonight in the first iowa debate two days before the crucial straw poll there. meantime, texas governor rick perry is expected to jump into the race this weekend. and potential candidate sarah palin arrives in iowa also today. three siblings accused in a multistate crime spree are in custody after a week on the run. leigh grace dougherty and brothers ryan and dylan were captured after a shootout near colorado city. leigh grace was shot in the leg as she was captured but her injuries are not life threatening. churches in missouri are looking frantically this morning for a 3-year-old girl who vanished near her home this weekend. we have the latest from senath, missouri, good morning. >> authorities said they found a couple of items that could be potential evidence in this case, not far from the family's home. but this morning, no sign of 3-year-old brianne rodriguez. the search for 3-year-old brianne rodriguez turned to a wooded area just a mile from her home. k-9 teams tackling heavy brush and the sheriff hoped the specially trained cadaver dogs wouldn't find what they were trained to uncover. >> this is not the first time you've been through here? >> no, we've been here a couple of times today. but sometimes you miss things. >> what led them to this isolated patch of land? the police chief tells nbc news the investigation has turned up potential news. >> you have dogs out here today. what are you looking for? why this specific area? >> this area was of interest. we have another that we detected. >> breanne's parents said she disappeared saturday as she was riding her bike on the dead end street near her home. they believe someone abducted her. >> what have you heard from the police today? >> they said they're working on it and as soon as they find something, they're going to call us. >> on wednesday, friends and neighbors gathered at sundown for another vigil as much to comfort breeanns's parents as themselves. and authorities are looking for a late-model white van that could be tied to this case. natalie, back to you. >> we hope for a break in the case there. thanks so much. brian williams has a preview of what's coming up tonight on "nbc nightly news." brian? good morning, coming up tonight on "nightly news," tough troubled young people who found peace and purpose in an unlikely place and they work hard for the privilege. interesting story. have it for you tonight. natalie, for now, back to you. now for a look at what's trending today. a quick roundup of what has you talking online. a new poll about the most hated person in america is the top ten. number one is casey anthony followed by spencer platt and octomom nadia sulieman. there's a question encouraging burt and ernie to get married. it would prompt a positive message to young people. the latest craze, deep-fried butter. yes, you heard that right. it was a big hit on the texas state fair. but you might want to keep the cardiologist on speed dial. it sounds disgusting. 8: 8:05 right now. weather with al. >> al's venture of the day is brought to you by the capital one venture card. what's in your wallet. >> the pick of the day happens to be los angeles. hey, did you know that if the city of los angeles were a state, it would be the fourth largest state of the united states. wow, i did not know that. the weather from los angeles looking pretty good too with clouds and fog burning off in the heat of the day. a high of 76 degrees. we look at the record showing you for today, we are expecting the showers and the thunderstorms making their way through the mississippi and lower mississippi river valley. a risk of strong storms from the dakotas all the way down to the mississippi. beautiful along the west coast. 74 in seattle. 80 in portland. few leftovers in northern new england. around the great lakes and the mid atlantic states. and the northeast as well. where are you from? >> arkansas. >> arkansas. >> you're blocking this guy, though. >> great weather at pattern as we slighted towards the weekend. low humidity. high temperature in the low-to- mid-80 this's the latest weather. head back to mr. lauer. chala nash's new face. wait until you see the transformation. show you that and talk to her brother and daughter after this. thanks to the venture card from capital one, we get double miles on every purchase, so me and the boys earned a trip to dc twice as fast! oh hi! we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add up fast... one more chariot please. ...we can bring the whole gang! i cannot tell a lie. he did it. right... it's hard to beat double miles! read my lips -- no new axes! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one, and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to what's in your wallet? so, you're a democrat right? richard, why are you wearing grandpa's jacket? i'm not richard. i'm grandpa smucker. [ male announcer ] tim and richard smucker knew that just like their grandfather they too would make the world's best jam. with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. it's the perfect time to save big and get the toyota you've been waiting for. take advantage of the summer's best selection and the year's biggest deals on our most popular models. and toyota has the lowest ownership cost of any full-line car brand, which means you'll not only save now, but down the road as well. plus, every new toyota comes with toyotacare, a complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance. toyota's nationwide clearance event ends soon. hurry in today before time runs out! ♪ ♪ look around, it's happening ♪ oh, yeah ♪ imagine that ♪ imagine sunshine always shining ♪ ♪ ♪ imagine that when they taste the food that you cooked, it does something to your heart. i think what people like most about the grilled food is the taste. the flavor comes from that oak wood. the shrimp, the fresh fish, the steaks. it locks in the flavor, it seals in the juices so that when you put the fork in it, it just goes through it like butter. it's beautiful. [ laughs ] i'm proud to be a grill master. i love food. my name is charles himple. i'm a red lobster grill master, and i sea food differently. back now at 8:10 with the latest chapter of charla nash's amazing recovery. in may, she underwent a face transplant. we're about to see her new face for the very first time. it may be disturbing that the transformation is really remarkable. jeff ross has the story. hey, jeff? hi, ann, good morning. charla nash was attacked in the highway behind me. it was violent. travis the jifrp ripped off her face and her hand, her survival, a medical miracle. that wouldn't been bthe only miracle. charla nash has a new face and this morning you're about to see it for the first time. the transformation has been difficult to watch from beautiful vibrant mother to helpless victims, disfigured and unrecognizable. after the attack, charla nash wore a veil to cover herself. travis the chimp came at her with such force, charla never stood a chance. >> he's killing my friend. >> who's killing your friend? >> my chimpanzee. >> it took off charla's nose, mouth, and hands and left her permanently blind. doctors saved her life, but wouldn't stop there. attempting the country's first ever double hand and face transplants. charla spoke with nbc news just weeks before her life-changing operation. >> this is my face and hands together. that would be nice. be able to do everything on my own. >> these are the first images of charla's new face revealed this morning for the first time. her brother and teenage daughter, briana were at the hospital when the ban daniels ca -- bandages came off. the progress is stunning. this photo was taken two months after the surgery two months ago. this is charla today. the swelling has gone down and her new face has molded to her bone structure. >> i think she's pretty impatient as to the recovery. but she's recovering very well. her speech is getting much better. she's been getting up and she's starting to eat. >> charla is still too weak to give an interview, but told us, i'm beginning to feel my jaw and chin and i can move my mouth and smile. >> yes, yes. can you smell charlie? yeah. >> reporter: charla is now breathing on her own now. and remember, she hasn't eaten solid foods since the attack. her first meal, eggs with cream cheese. i still feel weak, charla told us, but little by little, i'm getting stronger. >> charla has been doing well. she's met all of her milestones so far and has been stronger every day both mentally and physically. >> the surgery took more than a dozen doctors and lasted 20 hours. there were complications, though, after the operation. and charla's new hand had to be removede e removed. her new face took and has already changed her life. today charla is in intensive therapy and for the first time since the attack, she's able to do things most of us take for granted, eating, talking, smelling. doctors aren't sure when she'll have full function back in her face. all depends on her progress. but so far, they like what they see. and for charla's family, there's new hope after years of such pain. ann. >> jeff rossen, thank you so much. rossen's brother, steve and daughter briana are joining us exclusi exclusively. good morning to both of you. a miracle? what other word would you use? >> you've been watching her face form over this period of time. the last time we talked to you, she was in icu. what has it been like to see her emerge again. >> it's good to see the rapid progress and a happiness -- a new hope has been sparked. and it's so nice to see her ready to get at it again. >> what about for you, steve? >> initially after the operation, she was quite sick. so i was there for like two weeks and i don't know if she said ten words to me during that time. and so from that point and now they interviewed her this morning. they got her to talk, you know, they mentioned her statements and everything. and her optimism is, you know, back again and so we're quite ecstatic. >> the idea that now there's the possibility, the beginning of her own ability to smile. i see you smiling too. and just thinking about that. what does that mean to your family? what does that mean to charla? >> just for her to make an expression, something that we've had to take from her words before, just nice that she -- her body language can express how she feels. >> hitting all of the milestones, doctors say, breathing on her own, smelling, eating solid food. it really is amazing. at the same time, she has faced such a grueling challenge after the other. shortly after the surgery, she had to have both hands removed because of the complications. what would you have to say about her resiliency? >> first, i want to mention that the hands were a successful transplant. there were complications with pneumonia that made it so that the doctors say they didn't thrive. there's no circulation to the hands or not enough circulation. so i forgot the question. >> she wants independence. >> yeah. >> it's got to hurt to not have the hands. got to hurt her emotions. how has she stayed strong? >> all she said was just like with the attack that we're going to start from this point and look forward, you know? and very optimistic that the face thrives and looking forward to the next attempt at the transplant. >> there will be another effort to transplant her snands many more surgeries planned? what is the future? >> i know for now, we're worried about her getting her strength back and just in general getting her back on her feet and used to her face. and just wondering about the steps in the process. >> you don't know who donated so that your mother could have her face? >> no. but i -- >> what would you say to that person's family. >> what they've done for us is so amazinamazing. i'm so thankful. this has given my mom the hope to move forward and a chance at a life again. >> you want to encourage other people to donate if they can? >> right, this is a good opportunity to mention the people that they should prepare for that event now that the loved ones can express the opinion on what they wan to do. it's just modern science moving forward, you know? but if they do consult with their loved ones, they know the feelings and make an educated decision. >> we're so happy to see your familiar moving forward. briana, look at you smiling. there you are, briana, thanks for being here. it's been great. we're back after this. there's only one way to really take care of your pet's fleas and ticks. and that's with the highest quality medicines available. so, for years, i would offer frontline. but now i have a new recommendation one that can be found right in this store. petarmor plus. it has the same active ingredients and the same flea and tick protection as frontline, but costs about half the price. always give your dogs and cats the best. and now, for a lot less. new petarmor plus. same protection as frontline, at about half the cost. only at walmart and sam's club. hey parents, it's going to be a see, i'm not just teaching woodwinds and strings. i'm teaching attitude! if your kids want to sound cool, they have to look cool! so, here's what they'll need: denim, graphic tees, leggings and tunics, more denim, backpacks, headphones, hair gel, denim, converse one star shoes, denim, shaun white hoodies and denim. school takes a lot. target has it all. [ female announcer ] real fruit... means real fruit smoothies from mccafé. real delicious and made just for you. ♪ a network of possibilities. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's the at&t network... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. the tree house i built with my dad. (girl) really? yeah. there you go. okay, i'm gonna work on the roof. dad, i'll be right back! (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. you made that for me? well you're making this for me. (announcer) choosey moms, and dads, choose jif. this morning on reque"today kitchen" cook twg the bounty of fruits and vegetables cooking with bobby flay. welcome back. we get to cooking. >> yes. >> no! >> no you're playing yourself on "entourage". >> you're playing a fictional version of flay. there's a flays in l.a. doesn't exist. i'm singleton show. >> but having an affair with ari's wife. >> but married to my wife stephanie in real life. >> how's this story line playing out at home? >> the actress that play terry reid and my wife are good friends. >> you might want to keep it that way. >> relishes now. the first is a corn and onion relish over here. tell me about it. >> here's what i'm thinking. summer is -- you can almost see the close of summer. let's get to the bounty of summer. when i go to the farmer's market, as i'm sure you do, to me, the three things i see a lot of aretomatoes, corn, and peaches. why not utilize it in a unique way. fish tacos. i make them a lot at home in the summer and for lunch. and i can make a corn in and onion relish. and, of course -- >> the spiciness of onions goes right with the sweetness of corn? >> right. >> so what i do for the corn relish is grill the corn, shuck the corn. if you don't want to, make sure you cook it and take it off when it's cool. i add balsamic vinegar to this. again, another great summer ingredient is fresh basil, of course. salt and pepper and move on. >> it gathers a little bit. >> the onion takes over, doesn't it? >> exactly right. >> tell me about the peach -- >> you cook peaches a little bit. they bring out more of the natural flavors for the point. what i like to do is put a little ginger in there, fresh ginger, to cut the sweetness. it's fresh ginger, peaches, i cook them a little bit. i add green onions and cilantro. >> but i was reading you add some uncooked peaches to this same thing. is that consistency? >> a little bit of contrast and texture. if you throw the hot pieces over the uncooked peaches, they'll cook a little bit. you want to keep the extra peaches as well. >> put honey in there. >> a little bit of honey. instead of making tacos, you can take a fillet and add a little bit of this ginger peach relish right to it. this is just from the farmer's market right to the table. >> you can use the corn relish on this too. >> yeah. absolutely. >> this is great for any kind of grilled fish. citrus from fresh lime and a little bit of oil and i pour it over the top of the grilled fish and it's light and it enhances the flavor. >> you make the taco and you take the fish fillet and crumble it. >> you break it up any way you wan to. take that vinaigrette and start making our tacos. gor corn relish, tomatoes, lime, corn tortillas, and just away. >> can almost see the end of summer. we're back with much more ahead on a thursday mor >> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. let's get a check on the morning commute with sarah caldwell. >> it has been a really rough ride out there. heavy dela on the northbound harrisburg expressway. traffic barely moving from mount carmel to past york road. we have a right lane closure due to a tractor-trailer accident. lots of debris to be cleaned it there. only the left lane squeezing by. it will be awhile before that filters out. continue to use york road as your alternate. 95 is still running at a slow pace, 11 miles per hour traveling southbound from white marsh to the 895 split. if you are going to travel in the rest of the major roadways, so far so good. we of a problem in the city did madison closed at north ave due to police activity. so far so good at i-95 in the northbound direction. southbound traffic, like unto the place, looking a little better when you get down to the beltway. on the expressway, no progress to report yet. john collins joins us with a look at today's forecast. >> what an outstanding morning. 72 degrees at b.w.i. marshall. 77 at the science center. humidity low. at the moment, the barometer is slow but a big area of high- pressure is keeping us in great shape this morning. it has just gotten itself established. all the heat and humidity is being pushed to the south. we are in good shape today and tomorrow as well. mostly sunny skies. nice, with low humidity. high temperature of 81-86. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you for joining us. we ♪ >> 8:30 on a thursday morning, august 11, 2011. just 137 shopping days left until christmas. oh, boy. those are the world-famous radio city rockettes performing a "wish you a rockette christmas" one of the brand new number from the christmas spectacular. november 11 to january 2. tickets are now on sell. ♪ ♪ the radio city rockettes, ladies. thank you very, very much. merry christmas, i guess. good to see you. al roker and natalie morales. more great entertainment coming up tomorrow when the zac brown band will be here for the summer concert. >> we want to mention what's coming up in this half-hour. we'll talk about the latest gadgets for students of all ages. it includes an alarm clock that will have your kids jumping out of bed to go to school. >> jumping out of school okay. >> we need that, also, have you looked forward to a pile of work at your office? maybe to keep you at work a little longer so you don't have to go home and face your kids. it happens. a lot of us, i think, get so burdened a lot when you get to taking care of other kids. apparently, we'll be talking about a new survey. >> survey at kids -- >> yeah. >> first check of the weather? >> absolutely. look ahead to the weekend. first, tomorrow the storms in the mississippi river valley, up in the plains, beautiful west. mild on the east coast. saturday rain moves to the ohio river valley. sunshine in the western 2/3 of the country. sunday, sunday, heavy rain here in the northeast. more rain in the >> looks like clear skies will last through the day. low humidity, as conditions. that's the latest weather. we want to tell you about a great idea coming to the weather channel with the best of twitter and the weather channel. they're teaming up with twitter to bring you the weather channel social. it will allow you for the first time to see all of the weather-related tweets for your city through your local forecast, on the web or on the mobile phone. join the conversation, head to and you'll need your zip code. check your zip code and get all of the tweets. as a matter of fact, a lot of the social networking has been helpful and beneficial in the severe weather in the last year. >> great. >> thanks for that information. when we come back, our survey of what mom said about that. but first, here's "today" on nbc. back now at 8:38. back with the special series, "real mom secrets." this morning, what moms confess to doing in our today's mom's blog and survey to get a break from their kids. every mom needs an escape. >> sometimes at the end of the day, the greatest reward is bedtime. >> you'd be surprised what they'll do to bring order to the home. >> i let my kids have soda with breakfast on the weekends, it was like magic. sometimes you use whatever you work. >> adults it's a bonus or incentive, it's still bribery. i don't see how it's different for children. >> in a survey by, 30% of mothers say they use their job to avoid taking care of children, a stat that might hit close to home. >> sometimes i pretend i'm busy on the computer. i can't do the 10th jam of the day. >> i have been known to obsessively clean the house to get out of playing little games like memory with my kids. >> my secret is i take my time and go down every single eye of the grocery store. even though i'm only there to get a few things. >> 53% of moms would rather have a night of uninterrupted sleep than sex. >> no, no, no -- >> doing whatever it takes for shut eye. >> i pretend to be a sleep for my husband. the editor and director of which helped to conduct this survey and dr. nancy schneiderman is the chief medical editor. good morning to you. good morning to both of you. what did you find about the length that some moms will go to get a little piece and quiet. >> it's amazing. it runs it gamut of the innocuous i will run through every aisle of the grocery store which i have to say i'd if with. i pretend i'm working. i let my kids watch too much tv so i can get some peace and quiet. it goes on from there to extreme measures too. >> it tells us the significant number of moms feel they need breaks. 23% say they missed their alone time most. 14% they miss their prebaby body most. sleep and 13% said spontaneity. >> i think that alone time is low. we tend to think that women who want alone time are selfish. that's exactly wrong. i think this is self-preservational. women put themselves on the back burner. when we have given to our kids and husbands and our friends and family, we really run out of steam. that's when we get sick or frankly feel like we're going to fall apart. one, i think a lot of the women are fibbing and they should be saying -- i think the numbers are all higher. but then let's get back to the society and say, of course you can get some time by yourself, that's how you recharge your batteries. >> a healthy thing to do. help you to prevent something else. 18% of children have calmed him or her down with a long car ride or plane ride. 8% medicated their child on a regular night just to have some peace and quiet. if you get to that point, obviously you need some alone time. >> i think it covered -- >> yeah. absolutely. >> we think -- you know, people don't know what they're doing it. it's so common,, talking to moms, we talk to moms all the time. >> did you ask what they're doing to medicate their kids? cough syrup or what are we talking about? >> ranges from i give my kids a tiny bit of alcohol at night to get them to sleep. >> whoa, whoa -- are you serious? the alcohol -- a glass or a sip of wine. >> this is a response. she said i gave my kids a tiny bit of alcohol a night. i don't know what tiny means. >> that comes from generations and generations and generations of moms with colicky babies. they put the pacifier in whiskey. the joke was put the pacifier in rum and you should take a swig. it calms down. that turned to over-the-counter medications like antihistamines that caused drowsiness. i think that number is low. a lot of parents take their kids on long trips will give them something. there's no standard for pediatricians to say, okay, you can medicate your kids other than some kind of medical procedure. and don't assume if you give your child a medication it's going to sedate them, sometimes it revs them up. >> get to the last number, the 53% of moms surveyed said they would opt for a night of uninterrupted sleep versus a satisfying sex with their partner. you think that's lower too? >> 80% at least. >> you telling me you've never been there. >> of course. we made them -- >> you'd choose both if you could. if you had to pick one -- >> yeah, sleep. >> men, be warned. that's the reality. >> that's why we wear flannel! >> thanks, nancy, so much. on that note, we have to leave. oh, well. coming up next, some styles, the hottest back to school gadgets for your kids. bu ♪ up in the morning and out to school ♪ >> 8:45. this morning on "back to school today," gadgets for your tech savvy students all of the cool kids in school will be using the latest tech gadgets. digital life style expert mario urkel arm strong here. let's start off with saving parents money. if they don't do their homework, they can miss out on savings. what's the suggestion? >> two main things. schools have prearranged deals already for the vendors already. if you shop unline or on-line o store, have proof you have a student in school. >> lap tops, standard operating equipment for a lot of students. you have one that's not expensive. >> $399. a g-16. a great performance. for $399. comes in a variety of colors. 15-inch screen size. not too heavy. not too small. >> memory, 2 gigs. >> i would recommend bumping up the random access memory or the processor. >> this is going to last for a little while. >> no. won't have to upgrade every year. >> every kid carries a backpack. >> these are cocoon innovations. inside there's an organizer for all your cables and wires. it makes it easy and complete. it's waterproof or resistant. a build-in stowaway cover inside the bottom of the backpack. >> rain yea day, you know what will happen? >> how much? >> $70. >> great. tell me about this over here. >> the i safe backpack. great for kids 8 and up. a security feature, like regular backpack and everything else. if the kid is in danger, there's an alarm to emit a loud alarm and flashing lights. >> what's the cost on that one? >> $50. >> keeping the lap top shape. >> lojack. >> they recovered 20,000 lap tops from this particular software. the way it works is you file a police report and they recover a team from absolute to track it down. >> how much is the service. >> $39 or $59 for the premium. buy one, get one free. >> reliable printers, very important. not the printer that costs so much. nine times it's the ink and the kar cartridges. >> love that, compact, dorm room. it's wireless. you can share it among family members and it does scanning and copying. it's no problem. going to be fine. you won't run through it every week paying more money on it. >> talk to me about this. >> web cam. this is a logicam web cam. they're great for kids traveling and going away and you want to see your kids. >> this should come with a conversation. you want to make sure that your kids are not capturing things on the web cam they'll be sorry about later. >> good safety point right there. but i think this is a way for you -- instead of picking up the phone to talk to my son orp daughter, i want to see them, how they're going on. what's going on in school. >> that's right. i skype a lot. i love that. talk to me about the alarm clock. >> everybody has challenges getting up. especially when we start back in september. this alarm clock is the sonic boom. it vibrates and has a loud noise. i put this vibration in my kid's mattress and it literally shakes the bed. he didn't like it -- he didn't know i was doing it. for example, let me see if i can make it do this. he didn't know i was going to do it for him. here's the hour, 8:48. the alarm is set. and -- >> that will get you out of bed. >> put that in your mattress. >> thank you. all right. >> taking notes with a pen and paper no longer. you can use this to record. >> sony recorder. you can pick up lectures from afar and record over 500 hours. >> and downloading textbooks, save a lot of money this way. >> 80%. >> people think you have to carry heavy textbooks. go to amazon, look for your listing for textbooks, see if they're on-line to rent instead of carrying the textbooks around. >> talk to me about the software. >> evernote, a free application, three different devices, a phone, tablet, or computer. when i take notes on class, i can do it on any of the devices. they're all synced up. great research tool, powerful. i keep my notes from in school. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. up next, the lighter side of sports. spanning the world with lynn ber mapp. but first this, is "today" on nbc. back now at 8:50. good friend lynn berman is here to take us on a wild ride of sports. good morning. >> good morning. >> see this month's feature. the all-star baseball game and the end of the nfl walkout. what were truly the top sports stories. let's go spanning the world. >> unbelievable. >> all right. >> on your mark, get set, and a cirque du soleil first pitch. >> all right. >> play ball! in soccer, you can bend it like beckham. no, really, that's david beckham with a goal. yeah, or blast it like bing hamm, goalie bing hamm for san jose, 90 yards for the score. here's my favorite. australian rules football. they don't let you do that over here. miguel jimenez. you put your left foot in, you do the hokeypokey. oh, the twins, and -- safe. how about the seniors at wimbledon. a little backhand, forehand, back -- oh, this could go on all day. how about golfster martin kimer putting out of a helicopter -- >> and -- >> no! yeah, right? what's parker doing 200 miles per hour in a funny car. it would be nice if the steering wheel didn't break off in his hand. that's a tour de france, the car gets in close to the action. the motocross, it's chad reid. every one of these highlights. >> nobody got hurt! >> right. the genius of the month, the running of the bulls, he decides to go naked. and the bull decides too. he wasn't hurt either. the hot dogs. >> i don't believe that. >> the united everett soccer player went backwards on a penalty kick. that's not sportsman like, is it? then they tried it in manchester city right in the game. he missed his shot. the coach was not amused and then he benched him. and when rapino scored from the u.s. and she got musically patriotic. ♪ born in the usa >> our invocation of the month. nascar, please rise for pastor joe nelms. >> lord i want to thank you for my smoking hot wife tonight, please forgive me. >> religious, huh? >> and the baseball game, david is the human home run. he proceeds to blast himself out of the park. >> oh! it is gone! >> oh, my gosh! >> human home run. >> hey, it's a living, right? >> thank you so much. just ahead, ways to stay cool and chic in the dog days of summer. but first, the local news and weather. >> i knew you'd like that. >> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. and mindy basara are. police in baltimore county and hope a surveillance photo will help them find out suspect in a double stabbing. to do what men were confronted at the patapsco it stopped. they robbed and stabbed the victim multiple times. there were last seen running towards the cherry hill area. any one with information is >> now let's look at the forecast with john collins. >> absolutely perfect morning this morning. not a cloud in the sky. pleasant, with low humidity. you can see on the satellite picture, the south, where there are more clouds and rain activity, much more humidity. the key to the forecast is it is going to stay there for awhile. mostly sunny skies, nice, translates into low humidity. 81-864 the high. north winds at 5-10 miles per hour. the weather tips of the weekend. navigating today's real estate market is complicated. you've seen the signs. that's why having the right real estate agent is more important than ever. at, you can find experts in short sales or bank-owned properties or commercial real estate, agents who can help speed up the process, no matter how intricate. and that's good news,

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