away, getting a vacation. you think you can't afford it but guess what. we have great news. that's not a good vacation. wow. our director joe michaels came back from vacation a little slow. if you can't afford some of this stuff, we have good news. >> the flooded plains? >> captain wants to water ski! we have knockoff vacations. just like designer shoes there are designer vacations. we have no video whatsoever to roll. do you? anyway. we'll show you some of the great vacations coming up. >> ifs a knockoff if you're cruising -- >> i would like to knock off my director. >> plus, she's tough talking and pulls no punches. suze orman is back with tough lo and says it's time to reimagine the american dream. she'll answer your questions from what to do if you're behind on house payments to how to establish a good credit rating. >> important information. let's go inside -- oh, there we go. >> let's take a vacation. >> that's how you save money on the car. ann has a check on the headlines. >> all right, matt. thank you very much. good morning, everybody. in the news at least 17 states from georgia to new england are under flood watches today with a half foot of rain expected in areas where rivers are already overflowing. ron allen joins us from wayne, new jersey, with more. no laughing matter there, ron. >> reporter: no. it's a serious situation. we are getting more light rain now. it's been off and on this morning. that's the last thing people in these waterlogged neighborhoods need. most of the homes have been evacuated down there. the water is about at least a foot or more deep. some people are hanging in. the man who lives here has several boats to get where he needs to go. town officials have been warning people that this is a serious situation and they have been urging them to be prepared. >> reporter: all week now the passaic river has been wreaking havoc along its banks. turning residents into evacuees. forced to use a swimming pool float and a big stick to get from their home to dry land. the river almost rushing in their home. >> they are saying it's supposed to rain all weekend. it will probably come inside the house then. what are you going to do? can't fight with mother nature. reporter: downstream in ound by boat.get to higher e often dangerous rescues because of swift currents. all of that is just round one. with torrential rain now forecast for the next two days, it is all hands on deck. even these inmates from the county jail were put to work, with guards watching, making sandbags to go. at this strip mall they know what a few more inches of rain can do. >> last year around the same time, got about four inches that flooded out this entire area. >> reporter: while floods drench the northeast, tornadoes blow through the southeast. as many as 16 tornadoes reported on wednesday from louisiana to florida. part of an intense weather system stretching so far across the country, as many as 100 million americans may be affected. >> i grew up here. i'm 33. so it happens. >> reporter: 33 times? >> not quite that many, but yeah. >> reporter: like most residents here in the flood zone, brian tries to take it in stride, taking a row boat to his house. most people say it usually doesn't get this bad. the fear is it could get much worse. the rain is supposed to start falling heavily later in the day. the problem is the passaic river is about a hundred yards behind this house. and it is now all over this community. the state of new jersey governor chris christie declared a state of emergency in much of the state. the concern is rivers like this could reach record levels given the forecast. ann? >> thanks for the warning this morning. ron allen on the scene there. also in the news, wisconsin democrats are vowing legal action after losing a three-week budget battle in 30 minutes last night. protesters voiced outrage after the senate voted to strip power from unions without a single democrat present. they left the state in an attempt to block the vote. moammar gadhafi's forces say they have retaken control of zawiya, the strategic city near the capitol that had fallen to the opposition. government forces are using war planes to push back rebels from the towns in the east and the rebels have asked the international community to establish a no-fly zone. defense secretary robert gates warned that such a move would have to start with an attack on libya's air defenses. for the first time in more than 50 years the fda approved a new drug to treat lupus. hundreds of thousands of americans suffer from the debilitating disease. the price of a drug that prevents premature labor in high risk women is about to skyrocket. a weekly dose currently costs about $10. now that kv pharmaceutical has won exclusive marketing rights they are raising the price to $1500. microsoft chief bill gates hasn't just given a third of his fortune to charity. he's given away the title of world's richest person for the second year in a row. he donated billions making him a distant second to the $74 billion amassed by mexican business tycoon carlos lien. it's six minutes past the hour. now out to matt and natalie. >> thank you very much, annie. >> now a check of the weather. we know what it will be for the east coast, al. >> we have friends here from brooklyn college. from london, they are here in case they decide to come over here for the royal wedding. let's see what's going on again. we are talking about rain. we have flash flood watches all the way to new hampshire today. as you can see here's the system making it up to the ohio valley. a lot of rain from raleigh up to bangor. we could be looking at an inch of rain but the heaviest rain will be in northwestern new jersey, northeastern pennsylvania. new york. three to seven inches of rain possible in some areas. to get flash flooding, all you need is less than an inch of rain and generally an inch to an inch and a half everywhere around the northeast will cause flooding. you do the math. >> good morning. obviously, the rain is the headline today. it will be heavy at times. there could be a few thunderstorms thrown and that's your latest weather. ann? >> all right, al. thanks. this morning more of our series "the new american dream." on tuesday and wednesday financial guru suze orman told us why it's time to rethink our financial plans for the future. today she's back to answer more of your questions. her new book is called "the money class: learn to create your new american dream." good morning. >> good morning. >> a lot of responses to calls for questions. the first question is on the phone from sharon in virginia. she has a question about the dream of owning a home. hey, sharon. what's your question? >> caller: good morning. my husband and i have no credit cards. his credit rating was zero when we applied for a car loan. mine was around 650. we got the loan and have been paying it on time. what can we do to get ourselves in a position to try to buy a home? we are in our 50s and would love to make this dream come true in the next two to three years. >> first of all, sharon. everybody listening to the question should be aware that in order to have a fica score you need a credit card. if you don't have one you don't generate information and therefore you don't have a score. you need a score to be able to get a home loan. the problem is not only do you need one, but your husband needs one as well because when you both apply for a home in both names, the mortgage lender is going to look at both of your fico scores and probably take the lowest of the two for your interest rate. your goal right now is to make sure your husband does things so he can get a fico score. what should he do? yes, the car loan. he should open up a secured credit card in his name that reports to the credit bureaus. you need to build a credit file. you also need to make sure you have enough money for a 20% down payment, eight-month emergency fund but keep doing it, girlfriend. in two, three years you should be fine. don't worry about interest rates or the price of real estate. i don't think anything's going anywhere quickly. >> right, but you don't want to open a credit card and create debt. >> a secured credit card is where they take money, put it down and the credit limit is based on how much money the bank is holding. >> there's the secret. sharon, thanks for the question. we now have susan in connecticut. she's got a question on the phone. you have a question about affording college? >> caller: i do. my husband and i are both behind in our house payments. we are basically behind in everything and we have a daughter going to college in the fall -- maybe. i hope we haven't trashed her dreams. it's just broken our hearts. we need help before we both have a nervous breakdown. >> oh, susan, listen to me, sweetheart. the new american dream isn't about you feeling like you trashed your daughter's future because you can't pay your own bills. your daughter can dream on her own. your daughter can go to school and take out student loans. in fact, the less money you have the more she'll qualify for financial aid so that may be a great thing. but you aren't trashing her dream because things have happened to you and you can't pay your own bills. the greatest education you can give your daughter is to show her that mom and dad can take care of themselves. they need to make hard decisions. they need to do things. just stand in your truth. maybe the best move if you can't afford your mortgage payment which is more important than sending your child to school right now is to possibly do a short sale, let the house go. stand in your truth. take the actions right now so that your life isn't miserable. you can do things. >> i'm going to jump in here. i know you can hear in the question she cannot -- you can see it. she wants to make sure her daughter goes to college. so what is a way her daughter can go to college and she stands in her truth? >> the best advice there, ann, like i said. tell the daughter the truth. she can want afford it. >> apply for loans? >> yes. that's what i said. the less money she has now the more the daughter qualifies for financial aid. the daughter may have to go to community college or a college she can afford. >> she can also move up eventually to another college. >> correct. >> it's about rethinking. >> she hasn't trashed her daughter's dreams. she's going to show her daughter how her daughter has the ability to do it herself. >> good luck to you and your family. >> you can do it, susan. >> i'm sure she knows from the question how much you love her. we have another question now from amber in maryland. her question is via e-mail about affording a car. she's saying we are getting a $4,600 tax return. we have $10,000 in credit card debt. we own two cars but it is a struggle to fit a family of four in the back of a small car. do we use our tax return to pay down our credit card debt? or add it to a trade-in for a down payment on one really great and affordable family car? your answer? >> oh, my dear amber. the truth of the matter is that if you have credit card debt, you don't have the money to buy a new car. it also probably means you don't have an emergency fund. please do not buy a new car. if you have to, go in two cars. do not increase your expenses that way. simply stand in your truth which is save the money or pay down the credit cards. don't you dare buy a new car at this point in time. >> suze orman helping us with finances. thank you so much. good answer this is morning. coming up we'll mention that suze orman will be back tomorrow. that's right. with another money lesson from her book. still to come, the latest on mel gibson's domestic battery case and also coming up next, want to get away? we'll show you how you can share the splurge experience without paying big bucks. suze will be happy. that's after these messages. when you wake up, your body craves fuel. make sure you give it something that counts. i love quaker oatmeal, it's seriously a superfood. it's fuel that your body needs to get going. this stuff is a game changer. and now it's better than ever. it's got a heartier texture, and in some of your favorites, all natural flavors and 25% less sugar. i can't think of a better way to kick off your day. so i just have one question for you. are you eating quaker for breakfast? but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] introducing purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. developed with dermatologists... it's clinically proven to remove 99% of dirt and toxins and purify pores. and with natural willowbark it contains no dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. dirt and toxins do a vanishing act and my skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser from the new line of neutrogena naturals. [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser hey! hey! hey! that's our snack machine. you should try something new. activia parfait crunch! crunchy granola you mix right in to creamy and delicious activia yogurt. mmm! crunchy! and creamy! watch your toes! new activia parfait crunch. this morning, splurges. everything has inexpensive knockoffs. travelle journalist valerie is here to tell us when the splurge and when to go for the knock off deal. >> good to see you, al. >> spring break's coming up, family vacation, so you want to splurge. >> for families the gold standard is beaches resorts. there are three in jamaica. they have an association with sesame street. so you can go to a lot of activities. that's $7,000 for a family of four, but it's 65% off in the summer. that's as good as it gets. to go for the steal. >> especially for characters. >> "sesame street" is with beaches but then norwegian cruise line has the nickelodeon characters. that's good for older kids with spongebob squarepants. for a family of four that would be $3,000 versus $7,000. >> you save four grand. >> you do. that's correct. >> that's pretty good. there's chum-chum and fanboy. nickelodeon is on in my house all the time. you want to do foodie travel. say you want to go on the ship without the kids. >> this is the oceana marina, a new luxury cruise ship. they have a relationship with the bon appetit. you can do hands on cooking. this is $10,000. all inclusive. >> two people? >> yes. ten days. >> now if ten grand is hard to -- stomach. >> exactly. >> go to the culinary institute of america and do a day-long five-hour saturday class for $250 a person. this is in hyde park, new york. combine it with a trip to new york city. they also have four-day boot camps for $1700. >> there is a savings there. >> right. >> spas. the gold standard? >> pritiken. the no salt, low fat diet. it's a life changer. i made a visit a couple years ago. i have not touched a salt shaker in years. for people with high blood pressure, hypertension and people without acute conditions can get the benefit. >> that's $8,000 for two people for a week. it will make a difference in your life. >> if you want to save. >> if you are not as much into deprivation and want pampering head to the mountains outside mexico city. this resort is a week for $2400 for two. you get two spa treatments a day. 18 spa treatments in that week. 50-minute treatments. >> a lot of folks think about safari. to splurge? >> best trip is bali. they can be expensive. i priced a luxury one with extraordinary journeys for $29,000. i know. for a family of four. it includes three nights on the savannah, four nights in cape town and travel. if you want something -- >> the steal deal. >> the steal is down at disney at the animal kingdom. they have a wild africa trek where you tether yourself to a safety line and you go over bridges and look down at hippos and crocodiles. $1100 for three hours. this is not disney animatronics. real animals. >> if you want a splurge or a steal it's right there. coming up, giving your home made pizza pizzazz with flavors from portugal. we'll show you how after these messages. chanelle pickens. i was tired of living in my apartment and decided hey, let's go buy a house! i could go to and sign all of the paper work i needed to take care of. it was nice to being able to call them whenever i needed to answer questions. quicken loans made everything super convenient and easy. so the fact that they could work with my schedule was just wonderful. that's why i love quicken loans! [ male announcer ] and you'll be glad to know j.d. power and associates ranks quicken loans "highest in customer satisfaction." to learn more call 800-quicken or visit us online at is a fun way to hydrate. that's a choice you can respect. ♪ other choices...not so much. [ pbht! ] capri sun roarin' waters. they smell really fresh. what if we told you we washed these sheets seven days ago? really? no way? are you serious? downy! [ male announcer ] ultra downy april fresh. give us a week and we'll change your bed forever. don't suffer waiting for your pills to kick in. add alaway. for fast eye itch relief that works in minutes and lasts up to 12 hours. only alaway comes from bausch & lomb. for fast eye itch relief, add alaway. [ laughs ] not funny. act my age? -why? -why? -why? i love the sun. past sun goddess. every line has a story. 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[ male announcer ] get fios tv, internet and phone for this great price, plus $100 back. call 1.866.699.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.699.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. >> live, local, latebreaking. this is a wbal-tv 11 news update. >> it is going to be a wet day. heavy at times, possible flooding. temperatures not rising very much. about 50 per the temperature for got colder in the west, where the rain has been in a beer. it does not look like we will break into the 6 ♪ i think i love you ♪ america's favorite singing family from the '70s, the partridge family. mom played by shirley jones who won an oscar in 1960. she has a new album and e we'll visit with her tomorrow on "today." >> that will be fun. she's so gracious. i loved watching that show growing up. "the partridge family" also inspired fashion. fans coveted the style worn by the stars. the '70s style is back. some of us wonder how, but in fact they are better and updated. we're showing you those styles with a modern twist courtesy of bobby thomas. >> and on a more serious note mel gibson is due in court to enter a plea to charges that he hit his ex-girlfriend during a rage-filled argument last year. we'll get the latest on that. then switching gears we'll show you three different ways to whip up a pizza with portuguese flair. >> i thought it was italian, the pizza. >> portuguese. and a sauce called espresso ragu. >> they use powdered espress, oh. great for the kids. >> mom, i can't sleep! i can see through my eyelids! let's see what's happening today. we have heavy rain in the northeast. a slight risk of strong storms along the midatlantic states. wet in the pacific northwest. sunny texas into the plains. tomorrow, heavy rain in new england. more wet weather in the pacific northwest. plenty of sunshine along the southern tier of our country. >> the rain is going to be with us off and on it today. there could be a few thunderstorms out there. flooding possible in a few flooding possible in a few that's your latest weather. let's check in with uncle willy scott. >> come see us. captiva, florida is always perfect and beautiful. happy birthday to north carolina's macie garmon. 100 years old. take a look, if you will. here comes lawrence hurd, bangor, maine. 100 years old. we did pretty shows up there years ago. anyway, served in world war ii and the united states navy. my kind of guy. also loves to paint and he has mastered the art of basket-making. sweet, very nice. mary miller fromle wellsboro, pennsylvania. loves to watch jeopardy. one of alex trebek's favorite. he gives me a plug on there as the first ronald mcdonald. glen yarger from boone, iowa. still drives his own vehicle. attributes longevity to riding his bicycle every day. and beautiful maria trevino from falfurria, texas. loves to make home made corn and flour tortillas. i bet they are good. stuff them with some meat. >> leo weisz from philadelphia, pennsylvania is 100 years old. he walks and swims. loves to play pool and poker every weekend. that's all from beautiful florida. back to new york. >> willard, thanks. now to today's royal treatment. we're sending a lucky viewer and a guest, all expenses paid, to england during the week of the royal wedding. only a few days to send your most creative video to tell us why you want to be in london during the wedding. >> i have two tickets to london, the place i love with a guest. tickets are now a double decker bus. they will take me right by westminster abbey. >> that's pretty good. almost as good as one of our '70s models that made a surprise visit. think you can top it? the winner gets two first class tickets on british airways to london during the week of the wedding. be creative. the deadline is tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. for details, head to >> up next, switching gears here, mel gibson heads to court. is a plea deal in the works? >> and the fashion show on the '70s. right? this looks better on her. right after this. i couldn't wait to skate on that ice. what was i thinking? but i was still skating on thin ice with my cholesterol. anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack. diet and exercise weren't enough for me. i stopped kidding myself. i've been eating healthier, exercising more and now i'm also taking lipitor. if you've been kidding yourself about high cholesterol, stop. lipitor is a cholesterol-lowering medication, fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. lipitor is backed by over 18 years of research. [ female announcer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. let's go! [ laughs ] if you have high cholesterol you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk and about lipitor. talk to your doctor about your risk introducing honey bunches of oats, raisin medley. there's nothing like it! the only cereal with 1, 2, 3 kinds of raisins and crunchy multigrain flakes. you gotta try new honey bunches of oats raisin medley. ♪ [ male announcer ] what are you gonna miss when you have an allergy attack? benadryl® is more effective than claritin® at relieving your worst symptoms and works when you need it most. benadryl®. you can't pause life. thanks, skyler. let's go to last night's highlights. there's mom and dad cleaning up. and there's the meatloaf. yuck. look what sometimes happens with the ordinary bag. it slips, oh, bingo, falls in. mom was mad. mom should have used glad forceflex with the stretchable drawstring that grips the can and stays in place. plus, it has the stretchable strength of forceflex. that's all today for glad tv. [ both ] don't get mad -- get glad! that's all today for glad tv. heaven comes to earth. rich, creamy, thick dannon greek, the most delicious yogurt imaginable. heaven on earth! discover dannon greek from hollywood comes word that mel gibson is set to appear in court to face charges that he hit his ex-girlfriend during a fight last year. nbc's george lewis is in los angeles with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. people are saying mel gibson will appear in court tomorrow to enter a no contest plea, all of this stemming from a fight gibson allegedly had in january of last year with his ex-girlfriend. the l.a. county sheriff's department made gibson the target of a domestic violence investigation after the mother of gibson's youngest child alleged he hit her. shocking recordings of the two fighting on the phone seem to back it up. >> you were hitting a woman with a child in her hands. you. what kind of man is that? hitting a woman when she's holding a child in her hands? breaking her teeth twice in the face. what kind of man is that? >> ooh, you're all angry now. you [ bleep ] deserved it. >> reporter: gibson's lawyer issued a statement saying the actor sought to avoid dragging his family through the media circus. blair berk said it is only with that in mind he asked to bring this to an immediate end. >> reporter: she was asked about the deal. >> how do you feel about it? >> some people will think mel gibson is getting the celebrity deal because he's not getting jail time, a no contest, but there may be a problem with the evidence in this case. they got the tape but it seems there is a dispute about what happened. >> reporter: a source close to gibson confirmed the star is in guatemala working on a project to save the rain forests. he plans to be back in time for friday afternoon's court appearance. with that, gibson who won the academy award for directing "braveheart" will avoid serving time behind bars. >> but they will never take our freedom! [ cheers ] >> reporter: legal experts say he'll probably be given probation and may be ordered to behave himself and may be ordered back into counseling. al? >> george lewis, thank you very much. coming up next, that '70s style is next. we'll show you a modern twist on the retro look after these messages. heaven comes to earth. rich, creamy, thick dannon greek, the most delicious yogurt imaginable. heaven on earth! discover dannon greek don't suffer waiting for your pills to kick in. add alaway. for fast eye itch relief that works in minutes and lasts up to 12 hours. only alaway comes from bausch & lomb. for fast eye itch relief, add alaway. time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze. but with zyrtec® liquid gels, i get fast, 24-hour allergy relief. so i feel better by the time we tee off. zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. so i feel better by the time we tee off. ♪ [ female announcer ] mini, meet berries. introducing new kellogg's frosted mini-wheats with a touch of fruit in the middle. helloooooo fruit in the middle. ♪ this morning on bobbie's style buzz, '70s chic brings us back to the days of disco. it's all about retro style with a look that's soft and sophisticated. bobbie is here along with tanaya to show how you can bring '70s style back into your wardrobe. one of our little models. >> she loves this but the clogs keep falling off her feet. on or off? off. we have our inner '70s groove going on. >> we are wearing longer dresses. the length this season is all about a longer hemline. this, of course, we got these at bloomingdale's, but diane von  ferstenburg rereleased some. >> the trend is longer lengths. >> we have new lengths. >> and we'll talk about that. let's talk about fit and flair. let's bring mom out, tanaya. now with denim, it is all about sort of the bell bottoms and the fuller wasted look. >> absolutely. >> there, she's going to dance. this is a great thing, especially if you're curvy. skinny jeans have been around for a while. the fit and flair is flattering for a lot of body types. you can wear -- she has on great clip-on clog heels. they are from call it spring. she's balancing it out with a striped top. she looks fantastic. have fun with the flair. the retro bag is a great extra touch you can find at a vintage store. >> that '70s music, the polyester an platforms have been updated. the more modern woman. >> right. >> a mom with a little gorgeous girl. >> absolutely. >> all right. do you see yourself on camera? yeah! thank you so much. >> next we have melanie. this is the example of sort of the longer, the midi length skirt which also is all the rage on the runway. >> this is from anthropology. what i like is it is a more demure lenlt. a lot of women think i can't pull it off. >> i'm one of those. you think it will overwhelm. >> the most important thing is make sure you cinch it at the waist with a belt and have a heel. if you do a flat you have to be taller. but you really can wear it and it's flattering. >> a simple silhouette on top with a fuller, longer skirt. >> a simple silhouette especially with the print. but something more fitted to show off the hour glass silhouette. we have curves. >> yes. embrace them. next we have maggie showing us the high-wasted pant look. >> hi, maggie! >> a lot of people think this is something that won't be flattering, but you can pull it off if you do it the right way. >> absolutely. >> what's the key? >> again, the belt. you want to do a feminine top. you also want to make sure if you are on the petite side put on a pair of platforms under the pants to give you a couple extra inches. >> you will look good but you can't walk. >> this will elongate the frame. these pants are $50 from h & m. it's an instant update to the wardrobe. the '70s have effortless confidence. this is great for the office. >> thank you very much, maggie. now a look at the jumpsuit which is not really just for teens or 20 somethings. we have barbara showing us a great way to wear this fashion. jumpsuits, i think really of the leisure suit '70s thing. >> yes. >> but not when you see barbara. >> the fabrics are updated. this is for women of all ages. you don't have to be in your trendy 20s. barbara's working it. >> gorgeous body. >> this is by aqua. i like that it's loose. in the summer she could take off the jacket and wear it for an evening out. the blazer gives you that effortless cool and add a few bohemian accessories. >> i love that it's so easy. you put on the jump suit and that's it. you're dressed. >> the wood jewelry dresses it down. especially something black and shiny from the silk. it's great. >> beautiful. more natural looking. ladies, let's bring you out one more time for a last look. >> go stand with mom. >> thank you very much. >> you don't want to leave? okay. >> that's okay. bobbie has a new child. >> thank you, ladies. you look great. thanks for the outfit. >> you bet. >> up next, pizza with a portuguese flavor. first this is "today" on nbc. ♪ this morning on "today's kitchen" easy as 123 kitchen with a portuguese flair. they don't sound like they go together but our guest says the right ingredients makes the perfect meal. he's the chef and owner of guarro in greenwich, connecticut. you made it happen. >> yes. >> it's italian? >> but i add a twist of portuguese ingredients. >> like -- >> collard greens, chorizo, quince paste, sardines. >> you made this up? >> i made up the espresso sauce. >> why do you want to wire up the kids? >> we use decaf. >> use a little bit of garlic -- >> little bit? >> and then a pinch of chilies. we'll toast up the espresso. >> you get this -- >> ground espresso. >> do you want to stir it before i mess it up? that smells amazing. >> red wine to deglaze the pan. >> does it matter what wine you use? >> usually something hearty and robust. that's good. let it come down and simmer and add fresh crushed tomato sauce. >> which we can get out of the can? >> you can. >> now you're doing it by feel. >> this is all by feel. i do it every day. so i know. we have the sauce going. >> come cook at our house. >> absolutely. this is fresh chopped parsley to add herbage to the sauce. >> i like the color. >> the product looks like this toward the end. take this. >> smells amazing. you're not using a pizza dough but a flat bread. >> it's easier for the home cook. it gives it a different texture from regular pizza dough. take a little bit of sauce. add it to the center, layer it out. now here comes the portuguese toppings. we have a few collard greens here. >> i had no idea that was portuguese. >> one of the staples. >> wow. >> a little bit of goat cheese. >> there you go. >> sauteed shitake mushrooms. two or three minutes in the oen. we have one here ready to look at. >> beautiful. oh, this is beautiful. it's fantastic. >> there we are. >> nice and crispy. pretty, pretty. >> now we'll cut it up. >> i don't want to miss the chance to tell people what you have over here, so i'll cut it. >> over here we have sardines, ricotta and baby arugala done on the naan bread. we have chorizo, manchego cheese. >> you could have a little pizza party. >> great appetizers to start with or serve it for cocktail hour. again, get creative and add your different toppings. >> fantastic. you invented all of this. >> right. >> you invented the portuguese pizza. you heard it here. >> yes. >> we serve it at the restaurants. people love the quince and cheese. it's a big popular one. >> it has the sweet underneath. >> sweet and sour. it's good. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> coming up, we have dionne warwick in studio. >> first a check of your local news and weather. >> live, local, latebreaking. this is a wbal-tv 11 news update. >> lots of rain coming our way during the day today. moisture streaming out from the south. there's even some to the west. all day today and even the evening hours before we get rid of this stuff. southeast winds at 10-15 this week, make pasta night more exciting for your family with a little help from the italian sausage experts: try... since 1945, this delicious italian sausage has been made with only the most premium cuts of pork and unique blends of quality herbs and spices you can actually see. and the taste? 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