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keep that in mind but speeds aren't indicating any delays. 50 miles per hour on the north side. 53 once you get toward the northwest corner. looking at a nice ride on 795 so far this morning but between 12:00 and 2:00 we have a police funeral procession from i-70 up towards the beltway then north on the harrisburg expressway. be prepared for some delays. 12 minutes to be north side. five minutes on southbound 95 to the 895 to the fort mchenry split. here's a live look at traffic in the dulaney valley area. a live view if you're traveling in howard county no delays to report. that's the latest on traffic pulse 11. back to you. >> our big story this morning your days of legally holding on to a cell phone while driving could be numbered. >> the house of delegates is expected to vote on a bill that is -- would man the use of handheld cell phones. >> the bill that pass indeed in the senate that would allow drivers to use their handheld cell phones at red lights and for emergencies only. using a hands-free device would be legal but using a handheld device while the car is in motion would be against the law but would be a secondary offense meaning you can't be pulled over for it but if you're pulled over for another reason or involved in an accident and it's found you were using a handheld device the fine would be $40. >> one of the things we want people to do is drive with both hands on the wheel at 9:00 and 2:00 and haveing hands-free, you'll be able to do that. >> so the bill did pass in the senate. if it's passed in the house it will head to the governor's office to be signed and the new law would go into effect october 1. jennifer franciotti, back to you. >> police in northeast baltimore continue their search this morning for whoever shot and killed a man looking for a late-night bite to eat. charles was on his way to his overnight job as a security guard when he stopped to pick up a meal at yao brother's carry out. 12:30 in the morning and surprised a pair of gunmen who shot and killed the 72-year-old. it's a crime that has left family and friends in shock. >> for something to happen like this is devastating for all this. >> shocking. >> we've lost a friend. we've lost a person we depended on to watch over us and take care of us here, and there will be a hole that can't be filled. >> that store's no stranger to violence. just over a year ago that same carryout was the scene of a triple shooting in march of 2009 that left two of the victims dead. elsewhere in the city police are searching for the person responsible for a murder in north baltimore. 40-year-old shawn was shot in the back around 11:30 thursday night. he died some 45 minutes later at hopkins hospital. so far no word on a possible motive or suspect. >> one of the cornerstone's of governor martin o'malley's crime fighting strategies has been shelved. since 1999 city committee have held meetings where they would pore over crime statistics but the commissioner put a 30-day hold on those meetings calling them stale and laborious while others say the meetings often developed into blame sessions. >> one witness is cooperating with prosecuters and another missing. davis charged with two couns of attempted first-degree murder after allegedly opening fire in broad daytime injurying a 5-year-old girl. yesterday one witness identified davis as having a gun in his hand at the time of the shooting meanwhile an arrest warrant has been issued for his 16-year-old girlfriend after she failed to appear in court. police identified two of the three people killed a, 23-year-old jessica ray was killed after her pick-up truck crossed the centerline and into the path of an s.u.v. driven by 57-year-old preston matthews. no word on the identity of the third victim riding with matthews. >> there's progress in the search for the four missing coal miners. early this morning officials determined the air was safe enough to enter the mine. jay gray has the latest. >> for the third time since monday's explosion, an anxious and determined group of rescue members made their way into the upper big branch mine some time after midnight. >> we're going to be in a position this evening or this morning to make a mad dash. >> carrying four extra oxygen masks, the crew will push toward two reenforced safety chambers about five miles inside the mine, experts agree the only way they could have survived is if they made it to these safe havens stocked with food, water and oxygen. >> i've been praying hoping they are going to come out alive. and i hope my miracle will come true. >> as they pray for that miracle, they must also prepare for the reality of the lives that were lost. today recovery teams will begin the grim task of removeing the bodies of the miners who died in the blast. >> it's going to be a slow process. we've got to respect the bodies. i don't have a time frame on that. we're just going to try to do that as soon as possible. >> i believe the families are going to be relieved knowing this process is starting, which the end will be near. >> a somber journey home for a group of miners now embraced and remembered as heroes here. >> now officials are in constant communication with the rescue teams around expect to have new information in just a few hours. >> jay gray, nbc news, raleigh coun, west virginia. >> well, we may be nearly a week spot 2010 baseball season but for many orioles fans the season kicks goo full swing today. after playing their first three games on the road they return for the home opener against the toronto blue jays. the o's arrive on a high note after winning last night against the rays. keith will have more and sandra shaw will join us with a look at how camden yards is preparing to welcome the team and its fans far brand-new season. that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. do you think the 2010 orioles will fare better than the 2009 ball club? you can email your response to >> the time is now 6:70, 49 degrees on tv hill. coming up the morning's financial bloomberg record. >> and his jones for a cigarette sent national security officials into a frenzy. the mideast diplomat who started this whole security scare, what will he face? >> and looks like "oprah" isn't leaving tv just working a little later. we'll tell you what her future plans may be. >> and we're life at camden yards hanging with the birds. the park looks fabulous. details coming up in a live report. stay tuned. >> and we're also going to detail your morning commute. so far, so good but we'll tell you where to expect delays t >> welcome back to 11 news today, the time is now 6 i don't know 10, 55 degrees in downtown baltimore. well, the field's been groomed, the bunting's been hung and in a few hours the crowds will descend on camden yards for another home opener. >> sandra shaw joins us live from the stausmed with a look at what's new this year. >> hey, the tarp is up over the field right now. we're hanging with the bird. we've got all new seats on the lower level redone. monica, you're here with us to tell us about some new food options. >> our fans are really going to be excited to see a lot of local restaurants that have been added this year. specifically atman's deli to be first floor is new, pickle's pub has the stand on utah street and the green turtle is going to be to be lower concourse. >> so sounds good. bring your appetite. i want to ask the bird about some players. first off, there's a lot of buzz about adam jones. [when i say 8ing] >> ok. there you go. the starter is brad, he's so stoked about pitching? >> that means strike! you're out. >> and what about nick mar cakes? >> a favorite. >> there you go. home run, baby, how about a grand slam. ing for for the game day forecast, opening pitch is at 3:05. going to be pufe. dry. no problems with the rain but very windy, in fact it is cold out here this morning with a brisk northwest wind, the wind up to 20 miles per hour at the game but 59, 60 degrees, not bad for a first baseball game day in april in baltimore things are looking great. >> i think you need an sbretchter when you interview the bird. >> with the tweets? you don't understand tweet language? >> no. but i am glad you understand. >> we're one with the bird this morning. >> all right. thank you, sandra. beautiful stadium. great to be in there when nobody's around. really cool. game time temperatures going to be in the upper 50's and lower 60's. all the rain we had is pushing off the coast. rain in the eastern shore counties should be gone shortly. in western maryland we have clearing around hagerstown and so the further we go into the morning, the more sunshine will break through the clouds and eventually we'll get mostly sunny skies. several inches of snow but high pressure will be the dominating factor and the story going into the beginning of the weekend and least that means dry conditions but there will be a significant change in the temperature department. 48 in tawny town, same thing in westminster. when you factor in a northwest wind at 15 miles per hour it feels like it's in the 30's so that's what you want to dress for this morning. a mixture of clouds and sun thine. sunshine. any rain left over will be ending shortly. high between 58-63 but the breeze will make it feel cooler. temperatures tonight will drop in the therts. some near the pennsylvania line will drop near 32. but dry conditions for saturday and probably sunday as well. but we're watching a cold front coming across the great lakes. that will go through late sunday but we think it will come through dry. 60-61 today, 62 tomorrow. up to 70 on sunday then the front will shift the winds to the northeast on monday and tuesday dropping the temperatures back into the low to mid 60's but back to the 70's by thursday. overall looks like a good weekend. for baseball. >> that's a look at the seven-day forecast. let's see if sarah has good news on the roadways. >> plenty of good news. not dealing with anything out there in terms of incidents or delays other than we have a defective traffic light at lumbar and gay street. in the green on area roads, though. between 12:00 and 2:00 lease a police funeral progression planned along i-70 up toward the beltway and then to the harrisburg explessway. you'll see the note on the message boards. 11 minutes to be outer loop. moving very well out there so far this morning. the qatari diplomat who touched off a security scare in the skies over denver, colorado by sneaking a cigarette in the lavatory. he was questioned after reportedly joking he was in the lavatory trying to ignite his shoes. he was flying to denver to meet with a qatari prisoner serving time for terrorism. a network television produceer is under arrest in mexico. 38-year-old bruce redmond is being questioned in the death of his wife. she died of as fixuation or blupt force trauma. her husband who produced "survivor" and "pimp my ride" was found with scratches on his face and arms. >> and astronauts rick and clayton anderson ventured out to remove and replace an ammonia tank onboard the spl space station that helps provide coolant. pass thea officials canceled the second task out of concern the pair might get shocked. >> in this morning's consumer alert about half of all americans won't pay a dime in income tax according to the tax policy center, 47% of u.s. households will pay no federal income tax at all for 2009 up from 38% in 2007. there are so many credits for low and middle income families a family of four with two children under 17 won't owe any tax most likely. but citizens still pay federal taxes on things such as gasoline, saveuation fuel, alcohol and press >>. the united postal service plans to hire 27,000 drivers to replace baby boomers scheduled to retire. drivers for ups make an average of 74,000 a year. and more home financing executives prepare under dressing down on capitol hill. 11 news reporter jane king has those stories and more on the morning's bloomberg business report. >> it is day three of the hearings on the roots of the economic downturn. fannie mae will testify. yesterday two top former city council executives said they didn't know how exposed city group was. as for markets, we did have a high. the dow headed up. locally your bloomberg maryland index also rising. in the meantime new jersey is looking to maryland for advice. an analyst saying the tax increase on millionaires didn't end up driving many wealthy residents out of state. new jersey is considering a similar law. finally, she's got the beauty and the brains and yes i'm talking about barbie, the wall street says they will release a new computer engineer barbie after thousands voted on ma for the new barbie career choice. young girls were hoping to get anxious of woman barbie so ma tell will release both the computer engineer and anchorwoman dolls barbie has had over 124 professions. that's business. i'm jane king, bloomberg news reporting for wbal-tv 11 news. >> barbie is just a busy woman. 124 different professions. >> move over leno and letterman it looks like the queen of day thyme talk is about to mov to the night shift. "oprah" has announced her new "oprah's next chapter" that will run two to three nights a week. on the the owned nrk owned by oprah. >> and another check on weather and traffic straight ahead. >> also high ate us the? what high ate us the? tiger woods returns after a scandal-filled four months off and looks like he never left the game. >> and here's a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers. good luck. >> good morning. hope any you're doing well this friday morning. roads are starting to dry off, but volume will continue to build and we may have delays shortly. right now a traffic light out at gay and lumbar. approaching the beltway and once you get on to the beltway right along the harrisburg expressway, you're tapping your brakes. let's give you a quick live look at traffic. north side looks good going away from us is outer loop traffic and looking well. a live view of 95 north of the beltway, problem-free here. area bridges looking good and same goes for the items. that's the latest on traffic pulse 11. tony? >> we had a strong cold front go through last night and temperatures in the 40's and 50's this morning. still picking up a little light rain in the eastern shore areas. that should end shortly. we'll see partly cloudy skies this afternoon with highs in the upper 50's and low 60's. if you're going to the o's game be prepared, especially if you're sitting in the shade. keith garvin? >> >> i'll be the man today, because they won i'll take full responsibility for that. the orioles and fans celebrate their 57th year. home opener, 3:05 and every one of them in a much better frame of mind after their win last night. 5-4. brian wasn't perfect but was good enough. gets carlos pena. gave up two hits in five innings. gets the win. no score in the third. nolan off andy, first home run for him. 1-0, orioles. 3-2 in the sixth. garrett atkins the new first baseman opposite field, luke scott and matt weeder score. 5-2 orioles. if you have a heart condition, folks, you might want to be careful watching mike gonzalez this season. walks carl crawford. you can see rick going can you believe this, skip? well, believe this, because it's the first win of the year. to nick, 5-4, first win of the year, again, opening today, day -- opening day, today. brandan morrow starts brooks robinson and 2:30 the opening day ceremonies begin. >> opening rebounded of augusta where father time took the day off. freddy couples has the lead, 60-year-old tom watson is one shot back and tiger woods, remember him? ha. tiger who? >> who is that die? he was mobbed. by the fans, by the cameras. by everybody. and he responded. birdie on number three. three birdies on the day for tiger. he had two eagles, and check out the reaction on this shot. this is like carol park. you know where 95 is and you're trying to go find it while it's rolling down the expressway? >> oh, many times. >> that's tiger and gets a little roll right there. tiger birdie that is hole. first round 68 two shots back but tiger woods and tom watson. sean mcmanus, president of cbs sports, you think he might be saying a prayer to the golf gods? give me tiger and tom watson on the back nine? >> unbelievable. >> thank you, keith. the time is 6:27. much more to come in the next half-hour of 11 news today. >> driving using a handheld cell phone could soon be a thing of the past. i'm jennifer franciotti. details are next. >> hundreds of thousands of out of work americans took a big hit when congress took a recess two weeks ago. what lawmakers must decide when they come back to work on monday and how that might impact your bottom line. >> and it's opening day at camden yards. the orioles take on the toronto blue jays. stay tuned for a live report. good morning, everybody. welcome back to 11 news today. i'm stan stovall. >> and i'm mindy basara. meteorologist tony pann has check of the forecast for us. >> obviously you're going to notice a big change in temperature. we're in the 40's and 50's right now. we've been used to the 80's and 90's and the cold front that triggered that is pushing off to the east. we can see a couple sprinkles that will be ending shortly. sunshine will break through the clouds and this afternoon upper 50's and lower 60's. we'll check your seven-day forecast in a few. >> our big story this morning the maryland general assembly is poised to take a major vote aimed on cutting back on distracted driving. >> jennifer franciotti joins us in the studio with more to be story. >> good morning to you both if the bill passes and signed by the governor the law won't go into effect until the fall but a family who lost a driver to distracted driving doesn't think it goes far enough to protect drivers. >> heather herd was just 26 years old when her car was hit by a tractor-trailer while she was driveing in florida. she was killed instantly. her parents later learned the driver of the truck was texting on his cell phone at the time of the crash. >> i know the pain of losing someone to be highway. >> we lost our daughter heavyweightier needlessly. >> since the crash in 2008 the herd family has testified on mav of their daughter and they were happy when maryland outlaud texting while driving but now it will ban handheld devices while driving. >> the deterrent factor is good because it will keep people from doing this dangerous practice. it's as dangerous as drivering while drunk. >> drivers may only use it at red lights but using a handheld phone for any reason while the car is in motion would be against the law. >> one of the things we want people to do is drive with both hands on the wheel at 9:00 and 2:00 and having hands free, you'll be able to do that. >> but the herds worry the bill isn't strong enough. it would be consider ad secondary offense meaning police could not pull you over for that reason alone and the fine would be $40. >> i would like for it to be more of a fine than $40. >> and if the measure passes and is signed by the governor the law will go into effect october 1. jennifer franciotti. stan, back to you. >> thank you. the debate over the maryland budget, it's all but a done deal. teachers will be breathing easier for another year. the committee agreed to put off the decisions shifting some of the teachers' pensions. the decision now clears away the last of the major road blocks to reaching a budget agreement. >> the g.o.p. has said right from the git-go they were not and within our own party it was a difficult pill to swallow. but more importantly, i think they wanted to take a comprehensive approach. not just shift the cost but look at what is driveing the cost. >> both chambers will vote on whether to pass or refute the vote. >> and a hasty exit out of an afamily louse bar after a fire broke out. the governor and lawmakers were inside o'prines. the governor's security detail noticeed the smoke, escorted him out of the building and everyone got out sail. no word on what cost the fire. >> spring break is almost over for lawmakers. they iran to a busy agenda including benefits. what that means for you? good morning, kate. >> good morning, mindy. before i begin i'd like to pick a fight with tony pann. i didn't know it was going to be this cold and windy this morning. it's cold and windy here on capitol hill which at this point is a lot like a college campus on spring break. it's empty. but when these lawmakers come back it will be like when you and i come back from vacation. you eel find a long list of work waiting for you and a huge stack of unpaid bills. come monday morning lawmakers will be back at work. number one on the to do list a 30-day jobless benefits both of them stopped april 5 leaving many without assistance. lawmakers on both sides of the i'm agree an extension is needed but some republicans don't want it. >> if we're going to spend new money we ought to cut some of the money we're spending now. >> a few members of the minority party are yet again stone walling a piece of legislation. >> also hitting a wall the so called doc fix a 21% rei mean bursement doctors get from medicare. >> the rei mean bursement rates are supposed to drop which doctors say make it harder for them to provide services. >> the federal agency put off lowering the payments until congress had time to act and the federal flood insurance program has dried up pulling the plug on people looking to open new policies unless congress renews it. >> other issues they will be taking up, banking, regulation reform and jobs creation and nuclear arms control. the senate to ratify the arms control treaty president obama signed with his russian counterpart yesterday in prague. i'm kate amara. mindy, back to you in baltimore. >> first of all, tony says you have to stop watching the d.c. weather forecasters because he's been telling us it was going to be cold all week long. >> they said it was going to be 55 but they didn't say windy. >> there's pole poll out that says most americans aren't happy with the job lawmakers are doing. >> they found if the election were held today a lot of lawmakers would be out of a job. 65% of people polled said they don't think members of congress deserve to return to washington and just 49% of the peel polled said they would re-elect their current member of congress. mindy? >> all right, kate amara, live in washington. thanks, kate. stay warm. >> bye. >> well, the baltimore coun police foundation honed the department's finest in hunt valley. they recognize employees for their outstanding performance and professional nism several different categories. the honorees received a plaque and a specially designed ribbon bar and i had the privilege of presenting the awards last night and our con it's been a nice spring to far and it's going to be a great opening day here at camden yards. how about a few tweets for stan and mindy? [whistling] >> oye speak bird. >> what did he say? go o's! >> the time is 6:40. we'll introduce you to a >> if you are looking to spress that someone special and have a little extra cash lying around. this 18th century fresh water pearl necklace that once belonged to a chinese 'em poror sold for $8.7 million eight times its asking price. maybe some considered it a consolation price but a white jade seal also broke an auction house record fetching $12.29 million. >> wow! >> just incredible. >> well, you'd have to have deep pockets to feed what you're about to see. meet george this 4-year-old great dane stands under man 49 inches tall and despite his size he just loves little kids and not just his as a midday snack. he's playing with kirned garth they are ins where he serves as a goodwill ambassador. he was certified as the tallest dog in the world. >> great danes are very gentle. 6:434, 53 degrees on tv hill. coming up we'll take a look at this morning's headlines. >> an accident reported on 895. tony? >> things quiet in the weather department but it is breezy and chilly. you can see the camera shaking around. northwest wind at 18. northwest wind at 18. feels like it's in the 40's. things are getting downright twisted at dunkin' donuts. hurry in for our new freshly baked bagel twists, available in delicious cheddar cheese or cinnamon raisin. here for a limited time. america runs on dunkin'. get swept up with the big chocolate taste of mocha iced coffee from dunkin' donuts. it's just another one of our delicious, refreshing iced coffee flavors -- grab one today! america runs on dunkin'. >> welcome back to 11 news today, in the headlines police in northeast baltimore continue to search for whoever shot and killed a man looking for a late-night bite to eat. charles was on his way to his job as an overnight security guard when he stopped to pick up a meal at yao brother's when he apparently surprised a pair of gunmen who shot and killed the 72-year-old. anyone with information should call the city police. >> and 40-year-old sean was shot in the back around 11:30 wednesday night along york road and glen view avenue he died 45 minutes later. so far no word on a possible motive or suspects. >> we may be nearly a week into the 2010 baseball season but for many fans the season kicks into full swing today. the birds return to camden yards for today's home opener against the toronto blue jays. they arrive on a high note after winning last night against the rays. >> that brings us to some of your answers to the water cooler question of the day. >> how will -- will the 2010 club fair better than the 2009 club? >> i hope so. especially for the youngsters who haven't been on earth long enough to be a winning team. >> and another writes no. not until the owner stops using it as a tax writeoff. >> they said they should put sandra on the roster. richard, sandra's very talented but we all here in the studio know she can't catch. that's a big part of baseball. we'll post more of your answers on our webpage at >> poor sandra, she can bat, though. a little credit for sandra. let's look at what's going on on the area roads. it's getting a little busier. at lum bard at gay watch, defective traffic lights. and on the west side at 48 miles per hour. another accident reported southbound to be bw parkway just past i-197. in terms of other delays, we are seeing them slowly but surely begin to fall into place. outer loop traffic backing up now. beginning at hartford toward move dinse. so far so good to be west side but security to i-70 you will start to back up in traffic. that's the latest. now live to sandra shaw we need you to defend yourself. did you hear what stan said about you? >> no. did he knock my fielding ability? >> he said you can't catch. >> i'm going to field a ground ball at the end of is this live shot. you are the guru behind this awesome song. about a year. one of the gurus. but what are your feelings going into the game? >> we're going to bin this game if we're here to be warning track, baby. >> taking out the blue jays 3:05 is the first pitch. we're going to hear about them o's. how about you guys start? >> ♪ >> will you throw it to me? throw it to me. >> all right, guys. ok. stan, how about without a glove? stan, i can field. i can catch it without a glove. on over to you. >> i stand corrected. >> outstanding effort. [laughter] what we don't know is that the cameraman was two inches away from her just off-screen. [laughter] i got it. [laughter] it was a good catch, nums, and she did prove stan wrong, she can catch each if it is from two inches away. the game forecast temperatures will be around 60's degrees. northwest wind at 10-20. if you're sitting in the shade you're going to feel it so bring at least a light jacket or sweater with you. but at least it will be dry. there's still a few sprippingals left in the eastern shore couns. if you still have rain at your house, give it an hour or so and things will clear up. out in western maryland it's clearing so the skies will gradually break up. it will feel cooler than the 50's and 60's we have forecasted for this amp. but this big area of high pressure will be the dominating factor and it will stay dry through saturday and sunday. temperatures in the upper 40's and low 50's. 48 in westminster, so again, when you factor in a wind that's going 15 miles an hour, the windchills are running in the 30's so, that's what you want to dress for. a big change from the 80's and 90's. a mixture of clouds and sunshine. any rain left will end. the high temperatures this afternoon between 58 and 63 degrees. it's going to be cold tonight. temperatures will drop back into the 30's by early saturday morning. a dry weekend coming up. 62 on saturday. we'll hit 70 on sunday but the winds will shift on tuesday dropping the temperatures back in the low to mid 60's but will jump back to 70 on thursday and a die forecast through the end of next week. so all in all looks like a dry forecast but breezy and chilly today for the o's game. >> thanks, tony. lawmakers will decide on a ban, outlawing handheld devices. >> the bill would allow drivers to use their handheld cell phones at red lights and for emergencies but using a hands-free device while driving would still be legal, however, handheld devices while the car is in motion would be against the law. it would be considered a secondary offense meaning you couldn't be pulled over for it but if you get pulled over for another violation or you are in an accident and it's found you were using your handheld device you will be fined $40. >> just ahead we'll take a look at weather and traffic together. >> friday we're all a little giddy around here. >> roads under the most part are good, but lumbar road, watch for a delay and a traffic light plob. you're in traveling 29 5 past 97 watch for an accident there. 83 knot of the beltway. there will b delays between 12:00 and 2:00 the police proseg from 70 up to the beltway then north to be harrisburg expressway. there will be pretty sfapt delays. you'll see it on the message boards all morning so expect delays this afternoon. >> meanwhile what color snuggy should i take to the ballgame? >> as you look for hers in her orange snuggy. if you see one behind home plate, it's her. >> would be appropriate if you are sitting in the shade. the breeze will make it feel like it's in the 40's. i think we'll make it into the upper 50's and lower 60's but dry through the end of next week. this morning if you vice president left the house be prepared for a big change. we're used to 80's and 90's. it's in the 40's in most locations at the present time. >> you have an orange snuggy? >> no. >> got to find one. >> she can make it look fashionable. with a little belt. [laughter] >> all right. thanks for joining us this morning for 11 news today. >> back with a live update. >> fashionable snuggies. >> be sure to tune into our weather to be five's. >> go o's!

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