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[captioning made possible by constellation energy group] >> welcome at the 11 news sunday morning. >> we'll get to our top stories in just a moment. but first we'll take a look outside. >> it was a steamy start to the day. a lot of fog and haze. very warm. temperatures started off in the 70s. it's going to get hotter. we have showers and thunderstorms. look, there's not too much going on around the state just a shower popping up now. however, plenty more on the way through west virginia right now. charleston getting soaked by heavy downpours. so this is in the forecast for us. scattered thunderstorms in the area. some of them could bring some heavy downpours even enough for localized flash flooding out in the western mountains. temperatures will be warm and humid. upper 80s to low 90s. this heat will last into tomorrow. finally break at the end of the week. >> a big story this morning a teenager is in custody charged as an adult in the deadly stabbing of a legally blind man. >> 17-year-old darnell graham attacked the man inside his apartment. >> he's just 17 but now he is facing first and second degree murder charges. he stabbed a blind man to death as he was trying to burglarize the man's apartment friday night. authorities say he was startled to find patrick ward in the apartment and then stabbed him multiple times in the chest. around 9:00 a few neighbors heard yelling from the apartment. they tried to help the 29-year-old but couldn't get in the front door. authorities say the neighbors then climbed the balcony of his apartment and got in. >> when they went inside they were able to locate the victim and spot it had suspect who fled in a direction of the neighborhood. trr neighbors identified graham to sheriffs deputies. a k-9 unit then tracked his scent from the crime scene to his apartment building. why graham chose ward's apartment to burglarize and the relationship between the two are unclear. >> detectives are investigating. they both lived in the same neighborhood. >> massachusetts senator john kerry says a small minority faction in washington is to blame for the u.s. government losing its top credit rating. senator kerry spent saturday riding with cyclist super star lance armstrong in an event to raise money for cancer research and treatment. kerry says he is frustrated to see the downgrade the u.s. from its top credit status for the first time in the nation's history. this could mean bad news for your family's bottom line. >> a year looking for his florida retirement home. today he decided he needs to find it fast worried that interest rates will go up now that the united states credit rating has gone down. >> i don't have the luxury of time any more if the interest rates are going up. >> the downgrade could demand higher interest rates for u.s. bonds. that would raise consumer interest rates for everything from credit cards, student loans, car loans and home mortgages. a little increase can mean a lot. on a $200,000, 30-year fixed mortgage, just a half point hike would mean an extra $740 a year. realtor kevin gal ger worries what that will do to business. >> with all the fear in the market it just scares people and everybody is very, very cautious. >> but that's all in theory. the real impact is uncertain. much will depend on how global investors react starting in the asian markets, the first to open since the downgrade. >> this effectively throws gasoline on the fire and asian markets sell off sharply it's likely we'll have a difficult time in our own markets. >> the biggest impact could be more psychological than practical. further shaking americans' confidence in the economy. that could be a potential knockout blow. >> i'm already upside down in my house. how much worse can it get? >> i think we'll have a harder time. >> the financial implications unclear experts have advice for investors and consumers. >> the last thing you want to do is hi that panic button altogether that will kill off confidence both for consumers and for businesses alike. >> advice that's been increasingly hard to follow in this week of financial turmoil. >> 9:06 and 76 degrees. with the recent 500 point plunge on wall street is now still a great time to invest? >> the national turns 30. live at baltimore's deep blue sea. >> 78 right now. very warm start to this day and going to get hotter into the afternoon. also with the threat of thunderstorms. have that coming up in my full forecast after ♪ [ rock ] [ chattering ] [ man on tv ] 96309. [ man ] ♪ she got it, you got it ♪ i got it, we got it [ groans ] ♪ who's got it see you later. ♪ yeah! ♪ come on, she got it you got it, we got it who's got it ♪ we're all different. that's why there are five new civics. the next-generation civic. only from honda. i think it can. one of the challenges for kayla being gluten-free is actually finding choices the whole family will love. then we discovered chex cereals. five flavors of chex are gluten-free, including the honey nut flavor, and that's amazing to a mom like me. as a parent you don't want to have to tell youkids "n all the time. it's nice for me to be able to say "yes" to something that they want to eat. [ male announcer ] chex cereal. five flavors. gluten free. >> thanks for joining us on this sunday morning. it's been a very warm and humid start to the day. quite a bit of haze. you can see how much moisture is in the atmosphere and that could translate into heavy downpours as we go throughout the day. already storms throughout the night in western maryland. pretty quiet out there except for showers showing up could bring showers to the city of frederick. showing up west of us in the mountains of west virginia also into eastern kentucky as well. this is ahead of the next cold front which is going to swing over the ohio valley and head our way into monday. behind that more showers popping up in the midwest. secondary cold front which will be bringing the big change to our weather pattern. that's what we're looking for now we have to get through this warm and humid air mass. warm front lifting up across the atlantic so the winds out of the southwest. brings in more moisture also warmer temperatures. behind us we'll see a series of fronts and areas of low pressure move across the area. for these next couple of days it's going to be unsettled through wednesday a chance for thunderstorms. behind that event tuly the final cool front will pass by. behind it a large area of high pressure. drier weather. also cooler weather as well. maybe not extremely cool but back to where we should be this time of year. we did start out the day above normal and already looking pretty warm. 81 at the harbor. 81 right now in annapolis. and you can see mostly in the upper 70s and low 80s all across the state except for the far western high winds out there. oakland at 68. those are the cool spots to be at today. but all throughout the area we are expecting temperatures to get 5 degrees above normal. 93 in central maryland. 88 in southern pennsylvania. and 88 on ocean city. showers and thunderstorms in the forecast. any time of the day. but especially into the afternoon. and with so much moisture in the atmosphere any of these storms could bring heavy downpours. especially if you're heading outside or along the shore keep in mind thunderstorms in the forecast throughout the day, into the early part of the night. monday mostly dry. slight chance for storms. temperatures heat up on monday. 95 in baltimore. lower 90s across the state and the end of the week looks good. back to where we should be this time of year thursday and friday with plenty of sunshine. >> the national aquarium in baltimore turned 30 years old and to celebrate it held a three-day family festival. this morning we're joined with more on today's entertainment. good morning. thanks for being with us. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> what's on the agenda today? >> today we're going to kick off the festival at 10:00. at 11:00 we have the singers, at 12:00 we have milk shake which is always a family favorite. around the back of the pier we have a lot of kids activities, fun where the kids can come in and bang on drums. a good time for family fun. >> so this is the last day of the three-day festival? >> yes. today is the last day. but tomorrow the first 1,000 people do get a free cup cake on the inside. we're also going to have some fun things in our australia exhibit where the kids can paint on the walt wall. and tomorrow if you were born in 1981 you can get in for $5 all day. >> how about the festival today? >> the festival is free. if you come outside over on our main stage and in the back, it's all free. we do have inside activities that are free with admission. >> any new exhibits to look forward to there? >> i personally really like our australia exhibit. it's very fun. you've got to try to count the crocodiles. >> thank you very much for joining us. hopefully you have a great time out today. >> thank you. >> all right. >> where should you put your money? we'll have answers to all of your money questions this sunday business report. >> first, here's a look at some of the events going on around town. stay with us. >> all right. just before 9:15. time for our sunday business report. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> is it a good morning? i don't know. after last week. >> it's the big story. number one, the huge drop on wall street and number two, this recent downgrade by . people are saying what should i do now? whether or not is your best advice for folks that are dug into the market? is it a good time to buy? to sell? what are you telling folks? >> just the fact that people are asking both of those questions reinforces the fact that we don't know what this is going to mean and how it's going to play out not just on monday which is what everybody is talking about but over the next tweak, months, year, multiple years. what that means is you need to stick with your plan. it's not about trying to guess what the future is going to be because there's only one way to be right and lots of ways to be wrong. so if you've got a plan stick with your plan. if you don't, now is the time to put one together. >> and then people look at this big drop and they say oh my gosh i've got to get my money out. but if you're a long-term investors which most people are, this really doesn't matter. right? >> it doesn't. if you put it in the right perspective. for the money you have in stocks, that's money you shouldn't be using for multiple years. so what happens in the next three weeks doesn't have that much of an impact on it. if you recall the recent financial crisis back in 2008, the stock market went down 37% in a single year. but if you looked over the previous 15 years, through the end of 2010, you earned an average of 7% every year for 15 years. so you hear a lot about the short term but make sure you put it in the proper long-term perspective. >> i've been reading a lot of articles where a lot of analysts say that the downgrade really shouldn't have too much effect on what happens on wall street. do you agree with that? do you think maybe some things with interest rates possible but that's possible, that's not even a truth. >> people are still trying to figure out and we don't know until it happens. so as an individual investor, that's even more of a reason why uff got to stick with the plan you have. it's not about trying to guess and react and then change and change again. it's about figuring out when it's going to be that you are going to use your money. what that time horizon is drives how much you have in stocks bonds and short-term investments. long-time horizon, more in stocks. shorter time horizon less so the impact is muted. >> where do you think people should be putting their money now? let's talk about the folks who are maybe thinking about starting a plan. they may be afraid to stick their feet in this cold pool of water here. >> well the first thing you need to do is save. everyone wants to focus on the investment but the most important and most powerful thing you can do is save the right amount for your goals. the second thing to do is figure out what your time horizon is, how long before you use the money. that dreist how much to have in stocks, bonds and short-term investments. if you need help figuring that out you can come to our website. and then put it all on auto pilot. don't try to make a different decision every day. automate the savings, use an investments that's going to change over your time horizon. those will keep you on track to achieve your goals. >> sounds great. and i know we put up those bullet points. you have that information on your website. we'll put it on ours as well. we'll have on project economy i know we have some links. so i wish we had more time because i know a lot of people are interested in this. >> it's important. and if you stick to your plan are more likely to achieve what you want to achieve. >> thanks a lot. really appreciate it. >> stay with us. there's much more news ahead. we'll be right back. >> this morning, i thought we would talk about native plants. they should be easier to grow like this is actually a maryland native. >> we're going to talk about plants and some of the native plants. >> that's called a sneeze weed. >> it is. >> we'll be back in just a minute. >> we'll be back in just a minute. stick around. hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. >> good morning and welcome. i'm john collins. >> good morning. >> it's august already. >> it happened fast this year but it's been this hot for a long time. >> absolutely. now today what we want to talk about is native plants. i jokingly mentioned earlier before we arted doing this that that's we'd. but it's more involved than that >> it is. and you have to be careful because there are some plants that are invasive. it's really an invasive plan plant. you do want to be careful when you plant your things. so it can become a problem. one of the sources we use for native and invasive plants is this. if you go on line they have a great list of both problem plants and plants like these that are great to draw in a lot of humming birds, butterflies other animals. >> so if you want to add some to your garden and they're acmailted to this climate, be it hot and humid or they winter through just fine, go through a few. ferns do well you find them in heavy wooded areas. >> and this is a fench. there's various varieties. and that's the we talk about we are including this today. but the ostrich fern, some will get up to 5 feet tall. i like christmas fern because it's a nice sized fern but it is everygreen so you have color in the winter time. >> way back here. >> this is a plant that you're going to see a lot of now so you move into fall and give us some great color from here on out. >> these are kind of anle. >> that's, this is called false indigo. gets beautiful flowers and seed pods on them. make dye out of the flowers and whatever work with that in a lot of different native. >> i kind of like this grass plant. >> i love the grasses. >> let's see. it is fassmantice. that is a northern oak. if you look at those sea heads and everything. you watch the wind. >> they kind of >> exactly. >> cool. all sorts of other things. a lot of other grasses. we're going to call this blue stone because i can't say this. these get beautiful pink or yellow, white or purple flowers. >> a lot do well in shady areas. >> a lot of the this does. this i have in here this will do ok. some of the varieties here. >> that is a flower on it very interesting. >> we do here, everything likes this plant. all sorts of stuff. but we're kind of bringing this up at this time because this is a wonderful native area explore nature kind of place on the western side. >> they have a native plant seminar coming up on august 27. we talked about this in year's past but this year they have wonderful speakers. they have a really nice program. they are going to talk about insects. so there's rally a lot of information. and i would suggest going to their website. and get their schedule. >> but make plans to go there because we've done program segments from there. it's a beautiful place and you can see these plants in action so to speak. >> exactly. around they also have animals there in their setting. we got a kick out of seeing a lot of native animals. >> it's a fun place to go to to see and you might get some ideas, that would look great in my garden. i've got a perfect place. >> great speakers and people like us into plants to talk to. >> thanks for the tip. and just to wet your appetite. on things like -- >> we're going to say spy dealia. >> all right. it's a great little plant for your garden. >> that's the last time i'll attempt that. next sunday we're still in august and we'll be back with more about your garden on your sunday gardener. we'll see you then. >> if you have a garden question you're trying to discover your inner gardener, send it to sunday gardener. you can also go to our website. >> it's fair. not great. i live in the city. 9:27. much more news ahead including our top stories which are coming straight ahead. >> also an update on the condition involved in friday's accident. >> we started off the day above normal. temperatures will stay that way into the afternoon. the humidity 89%. very steamy. chance for thunderstorms. the forecast is coming up. >> welcome back to 11 news sunday morning. thank you for joining us. >> our top stories in just a moment but first a look outside. >> i haven't been outside since 3:00 this morning but looking at the sky cam pictures i don't think i want to go outdoors. you can sfeel the stickiness. >> the condensation has built up. >> we're fogging up the windows. >> go look outside. clouds in the area and the clouds are going to keep our temperatures down a little bit but not too much. even with not too much sunshine peaking through the area we are still expected to climb up into the 90s this afternoon. right now mostly into the upper 70s and low 80s across the state. 81 baltimore. at the inner harbor 82 out towards the west in frederick. above normal 85 this time of year, upper 80s. low 90s as you get into central maryland and showers and thunderstorms are in the forecast at any time but especially this afternoon and they could comb with some heavy downpours. we'll have to watch out for that. storms in the forecast but change is in the way late week. i'll have my forecast coming up. >> thanks. taking a look at some of our stop stories this morning we know the names of two people involved in the accident that shut down part of i-95 near the beltway. police say 51-year-old teresa was killed and 47 victor huntly of baltimore was injured when the moped they were riding was struck by the car. the two were not wearing hements and that type of vehicle is not legal on the interstate. this morning maryland state police are asking anyone who may have information on the accident to call. the off-duty corrections officer involved in a motorcycle accident has died according to the family 34 develop low max was a montgomery county correctional officer he was riding his bike along bel air road and southern avenue when he was hit by a car around 8:45 friday night flt he was rushed to the hospital. no word on if any charges will be filed in this case. residents and community leaders joined the mayor to announce the new power in derts initiative to reduce barriers that prevent residents and organizations from revitalizing vacant lots. provides support. the power in dirt initiatives is the initiative to the vacant to values project. and time now for our sunday morning q&a. joining us is peter. thanks for being with us. >> great to be with us. got to meet your kids. what an impressive young men they are. >> they were happy to meet you as well. what's going on in washington. it's been devastating. you know we had the debt deal and then all of a sudden wall street crashes and then we've got to deal with what s and p is reporting the downgrade. >> that's a big deal for maryland because we may lose our aaa bond rating. not that we did anything wrong but because we're linked to the federal economy so much. and they don't have clean hands. they were involved in all the subprime mortgage but they did write a scathing report and anyone who reads it has to recognize that our political system is broken and as a result unfortunately marylanders are going to be pay iing higher interest rates for adjustable rate mortgages and higher interest rates for automobile and student loans. it's a really unfortunate situation. >> and actually it ties into some of the questions we're getting on facebook. stewart checked in he wants to know how you think officials handled the debate. >> well, both parties are responsible and it's just so frustrating for me as chief fiscal officer of the state to see this kind of performance. and you just wish for franklin roosevelt or somebody strong to come in and say to congress for goodness sakes, put country over party. stop this squabbling. take care of the fiscal situation and then get back to your partisan battles. but this is really a travesty that the united states government for the first time in its history has had its aaa bond rating removed. and as i said, we in maryland who have always paid attention to doing putting our fiscal house in order and we have a aaa bond rating that we worked really hard for. it's probably going to be taken away through no fault of our own. so i hope we can get back to whatever that feeling was where we were all americans together and all marylanders and working towards a common purpose to get jobs and get employment and prosperity. and stop this squabbling because it's really damaging the country. >> ray on facebook is also chiming in. he wants to know what the downgrade will impact maryland in the short and long term. >> i mentioned the higher adjustable rate mortgages are going to go up. automobile, all the consumer debt is going to go up. we're probably as a result of this squabbling washington going to be draconian cuts in federal spending that also will impact maryland uniquely. so -- >> what can marylanders do to kind of protect themselves or prepare? >> the best thing would be just be very cautious in your own personal spend bug the state has got to change its focus from public jobs and public economic growth all of the stimulus money that we have talked about over the years. we have to shift focus an get the private sector creating jobs in maryland. that's something that we haven't paid enough attention to as a state. it's why we're 51st in the country as far as job creation over the last year. and we have to change that. if we wake up and we really go out to the private sector to small business and say look, we want to be a partner, we want to help you create jobs for our citizens, i think we can turn this thing around pretty quickly. but it requires a see change. >> let's shift our focus to some good news. >> august 14 to august 20 is going to be a tax-free holiday for maryland consumers. and we really want people to go out and buy clothing and foot wear. any item less than $1006% sales tax is forgiven. from the state of maryland to its citizens. it's a little bit of good news. we lose a little bit of money in tax revenue but it's a gift to our consumers who really need a break right now because of these hard economic times. >> and back to school time you tend to really take a hit when it comes to spending. >> i also want to mention that half the schools in baltimore city and baltimore county have no air conditioning. and when these kids go back in august to school, and the temperatures heat up, it's almost insufferable in these schools. and i have advocated that every school in baltimore city and baltimore county should have emergency air conditioning just go down to cost coand buy some units and put them in these class rooms so the kids are not cooking while they're learning. >> i think that's a good idea. thank you very much. we appreciate your time. always good to see you. don't go away. we'll be right back with more news in a moment. first, david gregory with what's coming up on meet the press. >> good morning. coming up america's credit rating downgraded for the first time ever and volume entitle on wall street and unemployment numbers parked over 9%. is the united states headed toward another recession in i'll speak with alan green span and outgoing economic advisor. the single deadliest day in the afghanistan war this weekend 30 u.s. soldiers were killed when their hell copter was shot down. this raising new questions about the administration's efforts to end the longest running war in american history this morning we'll talk to senators john kerry and john mccain. all coming up on meet the >> good sunday morning to you. thanks for join us. it's been a warm and humid start to the day and only going to stay that way now as we head towards the afternoon. a couple showers in western maryland this morning. now we're seeing a resurgence of some of this activity. you can see in frederick county also into carol county as well we do have a couple showers popping up and reaching the ground but a couple sprinkles possible there. but more activity is on the way. here you can see through west virginia quite a bit of showers now south of charleston some of these heavy not too much lightning being report bud downpours of rain and behind that rain could be on the way. all this head ourg way. warm front pushing across the mid-atlantic and what this is going to mean a very unstable atmosphere today. so showers and storms called for any time but especially into the afternoon. also producing quite a bit of clouds. you can see mostly cloudy across the state with a few peaks of sunshine out to our west and even larger shield of clouds out towards the ohio valley with an approaching cold front. right now into the warm sector of things. going to feel that. the cold front is going to swing by into monday. that will bring another round of showers and storms and another cold front will push through tuesday to wednesday. this one again will bring chances to rain. but behind that we're looking forward to a large area of high pressure also bringing in some cooler air to the northern plains. this is going to head our way as we look into the end of the week. now, not going to be extremely cool but temperatures will finally get back to where they should be which is basically the mid 80s. now these are also doing a good thing for the tropics steering our latest system well out to sea. here we have emily a tropical depression likely to track away from the eastern coast could get near bermuda though this storm is likely to weaken lower than tropical depression which will put it down to a remnant low. as for all forecast calling for clouds in the area today. scattered thunderstorms could bring heavy downpours and lightning at times. high temperatures upper 80s to low 90s puts us at least 5 degrees above normal the humidity is going to feel hotter than that. watch out for the thunderstorms today especially this afternoon in central and eastern tier of the state but could pop up at any time. thunderstorms will remain in the forecast even for ocean city tonight monday very slight chance for them although will be warm in the low 90s. talking mid 90s in baltimore for tomorrow. thunderstorms remain in the forecast monday, tuesday, wednesday. and then finally that area of high pressure that i mentioned comes in thursday and friday. sunshine back. temperatures will be comfortable back to mid 80s. >> thank you so much. and joining us now fashion and style expert. thanks for being with us. always a pleasure. talking denim today. >> and the biggest trend right now is colored denim and a lot of women don't know how to do it so we're going to jump into it and show different trends. >> where are we going to start? >> erin is wearing a great blend. they're brand new to the market but they're definitely not veterans behind the brand. they've been in the industry a long time and they combine a great fit for women with comfort and style. you should feel these jeans the stretch is amazing without losing shape. you get into that stretchy denim. >> i like the detail. >> it's all about the detail they're the only collection in market right now that is tasteful embellishment. it's warrable art. and here's the best part under $100. so with that kind of style and detail you can spend hundreds of dollars and they're affordable. >> can you also wear it with a heel? >> you sure can. this is kind of fall but a great knee boot, a riding boot is always a great addition. especially to take those cropped jeans into fall. >> what do you have next? >> next, talk about evening. and with evening a lot of us wear black den anymore but our model is wearing brown denim. and this is by habitual. try brown if you're going out. she's wearing a great beaded tunic and it's got this leathery look. and it's really nice. it's a great alternative. she's got a great snake skin wedge with it and she just looks really cute. >> love it. what kind of price point is that? >> habitual jeans are over $100. you can go to their website and check nordstroms and a couple other places. >> let's go to the next one. >> back to school. and this is katie. girls that are teens can have a lot of fun with tex turs and colors. her shirt from dirtee hollywood and really cute. and then a skinny fit by jones jeans in a great blue. you can go to jones >> and then want to talk about dark dernim. >> and talk about business because denim is very acceptible in the workplace but women stay with dark or black. try brown and this is a great chocolate and this is patty and she is wearing a great top and blazer. and her denim again is a dark brown almost chocolate. and you have to get close to know that's not black. and again she is wearing a great pair of shoes by toms. and she just looks great. so try brown. >> and they're all skinny. >> they're all skinny. >> which is the style right now. >> they're not going anywhere. >> that's right. >> so last we're going to talk about thai and she is doing kind of the business casual. her top is from marshals. under $20. and she is wearing a beautiful red. again by habitual leather look coating. and it's edgy sophisticated and all the girls are wearing jewelry by leah >> what a great fall color. >> kind of rusty very pretty and she looks great. >> what other looks? as we get everybody up on the stage and what other looks are we going to see? >> a lot of cherry which i believe eva is wearing this morning and it's a very big color in makeup trends and even in clothing but running out and buying a great cherry color dress is great. >> and here they are again. >> good looking group of girls and beautiful jeans. i love the variety. thank you very much. and don't go away. up next we are in the kitchen for sunday brunch. but first last night's winning lottery numbers. good luck. >> welcome back. it's time for our favorite part of the day or i should speak to myself, my favorite part of the day, sunshine brunch. here is kneel from the langerman's restaurant. earlier we made an avocado inspired ipe tider. what are we making these now? >> cape fear scaplops. appetizer over creamy grips. sea scallops and we finish it off with a bacon-studded butter sauce. >> all amazing. where does the name come from? >> down in carolina. we do a little bit of country food. >> but we shouldn't fear this meal? >> no. this is beautiful actually. we cook the scallops so they get a nice carmization on them. >> about how long? >> about two minutes on each side. and what's going to happen is we made the grits ahead of time. they get flown in from georgia and what we do is put a nice little scoop of creamy grits in the bottom of the bowl. >> that's the base? >> that's the base. put these over the top of that and have this beautiful sauce over the top. we do this to order takes about 5 minutes in the restaurant. probably number one, we have right now, also restaurant week. >> that geegan on friday. >> to next sunday. >> tell us more about restaurant week. >> restaurant week is about having three courses, lunch is $20, and dinner is $35.11 so it gist people a chance to get an affordable meal and hopefully putting forward the best ingredients. >> so this is one of meels? >> this is the rest raubt challenge and have the public award for that. so restaurant challenge. >> congratulations. >> and featuring this today for you. i know you haven't tried grits before. >> i'm from the west. >> ok. it's a kind of looks like mashed potatos to, tap yolka tex tur. what does it taste like? >> corn. >> let me finish this dish. >> it's butry. >> it is butry. a lot of people use milk or water we use butter and milk. >> do you -- >> some people ask us to put cheese, some ask sugar. we like to serve them like this and then this dish actually finishes up. >> with butter. >> we have to have butter. >> what else is in this butter sauce? >> bacon, diced tomatoes. a little bit of scallions. notice how the dish would look when it came to you. you should eat that too. >> is this lunch or din center >> appetizer, lunch, dinner. we did an eent reveshes of this. we can go ahead and give you a portion for entry. >> triple this. >> make sure you triple it. what else can people look forward to? >> well, we do everything fresh. we have a fresh kitchen. we try to cook everything on aday by day basis. it would be easy to come in and make big batches but we prefer to come in and start from scratch. we're a fresh kitchen and try to use local seasonal ingredients. obvious obviously the grits coming in from georgia aren't local but they're the best we can find in the country. >> it was worth it. you can taste it. so good. and if you would like a copy of today's recipe, log on to our website. and click on food. you can self-a self-addressed stamped envelope. i'm going to take down this recipe. i need to learn how to cook some good meals to keep my marriage happy. >> we'll cook for bodes of you. >> i like that part better. >> leave the cooking to us. >> we'll be right back with a look at more news in just a moment. >> we're back. we want to take one more look at the finished product here. the muffins of the sea. >> ok. butter everywhere. we love it. >> from langerman's by the way. check them out. >> thank you. >> let's get a final check of the weather. we do have a chance for storms today. some could be heavy. hot and humid, 93. 95 tomorrow and we slowly come back down we'll be in the mid 80s thursday and friday. high pressure will be in control. lots of sunshine. back to where we should be. >> by the way. >> i'm not afraid. >> meet the press is next with senators john mccain and john kerry. >> see you. >> >> with racing around the inner harbor at speeds of 180 miles an hour the baltimore grand prism will be the most exhilarating event downtown has ever seen. it will bring over 100,000 race fans as well as national and international exposure. there will be something exciting for everyone including an combractive raising zone, a family fun zone and party zone featuring some of the hottest local acts and initiatives for conservation minded race fans. general colin powell will be the grand marshall as the racers start their engine. city officials are also expecting the engines to have great impact and the entire 5-year contract. some are calling baltimore the long beach of the east which is hosting the race for three decades. tickets are still available and more information about the exciting weekend is available at click on hot topics.

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