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area of harford road. it is delay-free at this time. we switch over to the west side at liberty road. it looks fine and in great shape. the only problem spots is in brooklyn. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> a state trooper suspended after authorities accuse him of distributing child pornography. >> he is out on bail this morning. jennifer franciotti joins us with more. >> bruce tucker had spent the last eight years on executive prevention detail. his duties included protecting martin o'malley. now the maryland state police veteran stands accused of distribution of child pornography. we have some video of bruce tucker. we have interviewed him a number of times. police began their investigation last month. a search of his home revealed over 3000 images of children involved with sexual acts. many of the pictures showed adults engaged in sexual activity with the girls and boys. >> there is no indication he was involved in the taking of pictures or he was depicted in these images with these children. >> tucker has been suspended without pay. jennifer franciotti, wbal-tv 11 news. >> the police officer who struggled to detain a woman who later died was acting according to police policy. the officer came upon mary beth crocker. the officer said crocker stabbed him with a pen. after the other officers arrived, she became unresponsive and stopped breathing. >> four men are in police custody charged with sexual assault. they reportedly attacked a woman last month. we're told a woman claimed that renard james, dante green, dale lawton, and howard cook smith sexually assaulted her on june 30. it appears the victim knew at least one of the suspects. >> we are unaware of any additional victims. we would ask the public if they are familiar with these individuals to contact us and we'll follow those leads. >> two of the suspects are students at morgan state university. >> trash collection which was suspended back in june will resume next week. city residents can colorado 311 all 311dule -- can col to schedule a scheduled pick up. >> it happened 41 years ago today. more than a billion people watched and listened to neil armstrong landing on the mona. buzz aldrin joined him a short time later. michael collins awaited their return. that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. as we observe this anniversary of the moon landing, what you think america's future in space exploration should be? e-mail your response to bp has confirmed that oil and gas are leaking from its new well. >> officials agree the company sealed fort another 24 hours. >> officials keep watch on the small gas leak that has developed, bp is considering a new way to seal its damage well for good. the ruptured well can stay plugged. the company has new time to test the new containment cap. >> the small seepage is we are finding do not present any indication there is a threat to the well board. >> as the well stays sealed, talk of a top kill 2.0. officials are considering a static killed. they would pump heavy mud and forced oil and gas back down. >> we need to take the time and plan it out and think through all the rest and then we will make a decision in the next couple of days. >> the white house says bp will be on the agenda when president obama meets with david cameron. >> i do not think it will hamper any of our discussions. >> prime minister can print is expected to press president obama for a better indication of the final cost of the bp oil spill. kate amara, wbal-tv 11 news. >> if the static kill worse, would they still need to drill the relief well? >> they say a successful static kilt will speed up the completion of the relief wells which they then will use to confirm that the well has been killed. >> kate amara, thank you. the federal judge who overturn the initial six month moratorium on deep water oil drilling has refused to step down from the case. the judge has been asked to withdraw from the case. a federal appeals court failed to restore the temporary ban. justice department later issued a new moratorium that they hope will pass muster with the court. a woman is accused of killing her own child. >> a controversial abortion law is delayed once again in the state of oklahoma. >> here is a live look at traffic. this is frederick road in catonsville. [ male announcer ] achin' for steak & bacon? try the subway steak & bacon melt. tender juicy steak, sizzlin' hot bacon, fresh veggies on a blanket of bubbly cheese on freshly baked bread. and when morning rolls around, the new steak and bacon muffin melt with fluffy egg, melted cheese, and, oh yeah, bacon. all on a fresh toasted english muffin. mmm. guess we should leave you lovebirds alone now. crank up the flavor at subway. >> welcome back. it is 10 minutes after 5:00 p.m. 80 degrees at the top of the hour at the maryland science center. is another warm start for us. there could be some thunderstorms by the time we get into this afternoon. 75 in westminster. 72 in frederick. 75 degrees at the airport. is going to be warm and humid with a high temperature near 92. there could be a chance for a passing shower or thunderstorm this afternoon. we will check the seven-day forecast coming up in just a few minutes. for now, to the news desk. >> a woman in texas reportedly strangled her children and then called police. authorities found the body of a girl and a boy. there is no clear motive on the mother's motivation. the family was from pakistan. spotlight will be on elena kagan later today. the republican minority delayed the vote by a week. kagan said she plans to recused herself when there is a potential conflict. she is expected to be approved. she was nominated to replace john paul stevens. a lot requiring women to receive an ultrasound before having an abortion has been delayed. a temporary restraining order has been delayed. the law would allow doctors to describe the fetus in detail. some say the law is unconstitutional. >> 75 degrees here on tv hill. coming up, the morning's financial news in the bloomberg business report. >> retailers want you to start your christmas shopping early. >> we are looking at your early morning rush. there is some fire activity. [ female announcer ] welcome to busch gardens virginia, where baltimore goes to get away. maybe it's because baltimore loves the legendary coasters. or that your entire family will have fun, even the little ones. it could be that water country usa has more of the waves, slides and rides everyone wants. so plan your getaway and come play. you never know who you'll run into. get started at >> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> how is it looking? >> pretty good. we only have one problem. fire activity in brooklyn. there could be some fire activity in the road block hoffmann. 50 miles per hour on southbound 95. 57 on the southbound j.f.x. just south of the beltway. south on the harrisburg expressway, 54 miles per hour around shawan road. looking good on the rest of the roads. this is a quick look outside. harford road and traffic is still light this morning. not a lot of volume on the west side either. so far so good at liberty road. enjoy this quiet commute. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. let's check the buses and trains. >> on the buses, the 15 and 77 buses are running with 20-minute delays. there is a diversion at pulaski and pratt. the metro subway is on time. we have the marc trains on time service at penn, camden, and brunswick lines. now back to tony pann. good morning. >> good morning. we are off to a quiet start on this tuesday. no rain to contend with this morning. 72 in parkton. 75 at the airport. it is another muggy start for us. the dew points are in the upper 60's and low 70's this morning. we could see a few thunderstorms later today. there is another one of those atmospheric waves coming from the ohio valley. it is moving it into west virginia and indianapolis. as it gets closer to us, we will see a chance for some thunderstorms to develop just past lunchtime. a dry tuesday morning commute expected. a mix of sunshine and clouds. it will be hot and humid. the high temperature around 92, kind of like yesterday. if you take the boat out, variable winds. tonight, partly cloudy skies. a chance for a thunderstorm mainly this evening. but temperatures will drop back into the 70's. not much will change for tomorrow. there is still that stalled front. we will be on the hot side again on wednesday with a few scattered thunderstorms drifting by. things will not change until we get to the weekend. a chance for a few scattered thunderstorms each day. we may get up to 97 on saturday. the heat wave should break by early next week. >> airplane manufacturer boeing is doing brisk business. capital aviation services has ordered 40 boeing planes 40 $300 million. there was another order for jet liners. it is worth $9.1 billion. there is an air short outside london to place orders for new aircraft. some retailers are getting into the christmas shopping spirit six months early. you can look to save on holiday shopping this summer. >> tank tops are still on sale. but for some stores, the mind set is on something else. the focus is on christmas and shopping for it in july. >> similar to a day after thanksgiving sale. >> is a new black friday. >> retailers have done it in the past. >> for target, the deals will only be on line. expect price reductions for toys and electronics on friday. there are big deals all week on line and in stores. sears have been offering christmas sections. >> i have not been thinking about christmas. >> ridiculous. let us enjoy it our summer. >> kind of a good idea if you are shopping for december. >> i could forget i've bought it. >> this is just too good for consumers to ignore. i'd be a reason to stick this one out. we always had to wait until after thanksgiving to listen to christmas music and it seems to be happening earlier and earlier each year. >> ridiculous. amazon is reporting the-books out sold hardbacks. amazon sold 100 kindle -- they did not disclose how paperback sales compare with e-book sales. but sales likely outnumbered paperbacks. >> getting a mortgage continues to get tougher. jane king joins us live with today's business news. >> good morning. help may be on the way for millions of out of work americans. the senate is scheduled to vote on unemployed insurance. there was a standoff on deficit spending. now democrats should have the 60 votes needed. in many states, you could only collect unemployment for a number of weeks. we are bracing for more troubling news. builders may have broken ground on the fewest homes since december. the tax credits began expiring. if you are looking for a mortgage, you might want to think twice about getting pregnant. banks are taking a second look at anyone whose income has dropped while on maternity leave. some lenders are holding back on approving loans. but you do have rights. banks will be required to tell you why they rejected your loan request. there is optimism about the upcoming earnings reports. that is business. i'm jane king reporting for wbal-tv 11 news. back to you. >> thank you. >> 75 degrees on tv hill. we will take another look at your morning commute with traffic and weather together. >> and orioles outcome you will very much believe. you have to see this crash. >> as we observe the 41st anniversary of the moon landing, what do you think america's future role in space exploration should be? e-mail your response to >> this morning we have a pair of accidents this morning. one is the orioles. let's start with the orioles. in tampa bay, the orioles on a four-game losing streak. chris tillman trying to build on a great start a week ago. it did not happen. matt joyce, fair ball, right field. in the third, bases loaded. 3-0 tampa bay. it would get worse. seven runs in the inning. evan longoria scores. he drives in a run later in the inning. tamper runs away. the orioles have scored only six runs since the all-star break. here is the other accident. he loses control of his car and flips over the barrier into the crowd. it has disaster written all over it. neither the driver nor any of the fans or any of the pit crew members suffered a serious injury. that proves miracles happen every day. wow. i hope your day is off to a fantastic start. >> wow. that looked like you under way to work. it has been a lackluster year for the orioles. lackluster attendance. the worst record in baseball. michelle obama will be throwing out the first pitch at tonight's game. she will announce her new partnership with major league baseball. last night joe biden attended a fundraiser in baltimore for martin o'malley. >> are you doubting michele? >> i am looking forward to seeing her. coming up -- >> 8 maryland state police trooper is arrested on charges of child pornography. >> the new british prime minister coming to the white house but the gulf oil spill is overshadowing his visit. that story is coming up. >> things are pretty quiet right now but we do have some more thunderstorms in the forecast. >> still quiet on the ear roads with one exception. with one exception. he inherited a $1.7 billion budget deficit... then an economic crisis. but martin o'malley went to work. cutting $5 billion in waste and government spending, while also making opportunities for middle class families a priority. freezing college tuition four years in a row, record investments in our schools, and tax credits for small businesses to create jobs. while other states are still struggling, martin o'malley is making the tough choices... to move maryland forward. >> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal-tv 11 news today in hd. >> good morning, everybody. welcome back. i am stan stovall. >> and i'm mindy basara. thank you for joining us this morning. let's get a check on the weather and traffic. >> tony pann trying to get me

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