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series of phone calls between nelson and johnson on to your third, 2008, when turner was killed. it was over an exchange of custody. nelson said in one phone call "me and turner are not coming home." we are born to die. "i went to the key bridge, took turner out of his car seat, and threw him over the bridge." and follow call, he said, " i killed their son. it is all your fault. you'll have to live with it." he also admitted the killing two police and the medical examiner would have testified that turnaround. on monday, another judge threw out the plea by nelson, calling it to light. nelson's attorney said that he was not criminally responsible and that he would serve no more than 30 years. but the judge would not let it happen. in the end, the mother says that to the son's father is getting what he deserves. >> i am satisfied with the way things went today. talamoa mckinny further statements until sentencing. it will help -- i will not give any further statements until sentencing. it will help my family get some closure. >> that particular hearing will be on january 20. his attorneys plan to ask for a light sentence. >> police have arrested a set of twins connected in this morning's shooting in the heart of downtown. police were called around to 30 a.m. where they found a man found in the chest and a woman shot in the foot. -- around 2:30 a.m. where they found a man shot in the chest and one shot in the foot. >> this is a targeted incidents. the suspect and the victim have some relationship and we're trying to figure out what that is. >> the female victim was treated and released. the man is in critical condition. >> temperatures have been slowly rising. we will be on the warm side of the front tonight. we'll see -- we already see readings climbing. with the approaching front, there are a couple of advisories', with a flat fee -- with a flash flood watch and coastal flood advisories on the eastern shore. there is a wooded visor for most of the state of maryland for strong gusty wind. you will see a few sprinkles in the area right now. the heavier showers are coming in to the mountains from the west. all of that what weather is coming this way and there's a potential for a few inches of rain. rain is gusting over -- the wind is gusting more than 40 miles per hour. >> we will see you in a bit. president obama says that voters sent a strong message on election day that they want more from washington. >> president obama invited top leaders, democrats who lost power in the midterms, republicans who won the house and gained in the senate, and they talked for two hours. >> today, we had the beginning of a new dialogue. >> less partisanship, said the president. >> i think it is a good start. >> republicans agree that they want a repeat. >> the more time we spent together, we can find a common ground. >> republicans would renew all the bush era tax cuts. >> he would disagree. i continue to believe that it would be unwise and unfair. >> mr. obama wants a tax hike for the top bracket. >> it is the view of the republicans in a number of senate democrats that we should treat all taxpayers the same. >> the sound bites were old, but there is a new plan. obama onomic advisers are meeting with congressional negotiators today and then moving the talks to camp david to cut a deal before all the rates rise on december 31. >> the president's most urgent desire is to see that taxes do not go up on the middle class. >> that means the start nuclear treaty with russia will go to the back burner. so will the budget battle over funding government, extending unemployment insurance, don't ask/don't tell. as the newly empowered republicans and president obama try bipartisanship on the issue of taxes. the aides say that they are optimistic it will not have to give in on the tax issue. they say they are not giving up on ratifying the start treaty. and they want to pass a don't ask/don't tell this year. >> tonight, chris van hollen is weighing in on the proposed plan for freeze pay on to the workers. he says, "dep agree with the president that we should have a national -- "i agree with the president that we should agree have a national conversation about the debt." >> the preakness and 10,000 horseracing jobs are in jeopardy after the racing commission rejected the proposal that would increase horseracing in this state. >> there are lots of options. the preferred option is that the track owners, but the revised schedule. experts say the state seized and control of the tracks would cost too much into two long. it would give the general authority to change a lot. but the legislators could change and give track owners more money. this man and his family have operated country like farm since 1833. he is stunned by the track owner operators and believes the maryland racing commission did the right thing by rejecting the proposal which would have limited racing to just 47 days next year. no racing schedule jeopardized the preakness. >> it is very frustrating. my livelihood is based on 140 some racing days. that is what we have had forever. >> he is currently boarding more than 60 horses. >> with this instability, it makes it very difficult for anyone to have a long-term plan. >> they have one body -- that went 46 -- in a 146 days of racing this year. mi developments have not said whether they would permit another racing schedule. he says that simulcasting could be used as a bargaining chip. >> the horsemen have the veto power of the simulcast signals. if they want to bet on races in new york and california and kentucky, they need our approval before they can receive that. we had that in their back pocket. the breeders and the trainers. but we do not want to have to use that. it is like using a grenade. >> after voters backed slots in the mall, the jockey club, backed by the national gaming, announced plans to cut the racing schedule. but the days later, frank stuhr, chairman of mi development said that he wanted to keep it. it is unclear which entity actually controls the tracks. now the racing commission has declined to approve the proposal. >> i think there will be some serious negotiations. that will happen once it is back from europe next week and the guys get the memo that he did not send them. >> he says that the purse account by next year is expected to grow to $12 million and suggests using some of that money to prop up live racing days next year. >> thank you. tonight, there is a new crackdown on those controversial energy drinks that have a combination of caffeine and alcohol. those drinks can no longer be sold. >> you may remember a few weeks ago when liquor wholesalers and distributors across maryland were asked by the state to no longer offer four loco. as of now, you can still find it on baltimore city shelves. but starting december 2 at 5:00 p.m., the kind of beverage combining high levels of alcohol and caffeine can no longer be legally sold in city stores. >> we want to stop up. >> the city's health commissioner issued the edict on tuesday, almost two weeks after the fda ruled that the drinks pose a public health hazard. the combination of caffeine and malt liquor hides the truth affect that the concoction has on blood alcohol content. users, many of them college kids, do not realize how drug there really are. >> we are concerned about the risks that is for increased likelihood of unsafe practices -- as a sex practices, drinking and driving, blackouts, and the potential for death. >> the ban applies for the following drinks, four loco, lemon-lime spike, joose, maxed. >> it is just as easy to buy a bottle of vodka to kill yourself. a lot of people do that, too. it -- if it does not get you in one night, it will get you in 20 years. >> i do not think that particular product was very well advertised for what it was. people realize the power behind those cans appeared >> the liquor store -- those cans. >> the liquor store owner took them off of his shelves for months ago after he heard about college students being hospitalized or killed by the drink. >> we have other drugs they're more popular and potentially safer. -- we have other drinks that are more popular and potentially safer. >> the city is asking people to report stores that continue to sell the drinks after thursday at 5:00 p.m. yorktown will be enforcing a similar ban this week. county will be enforcing a similar ban this week. >> a new pentagon study reveals the possible effects of lifting the military's don't ask/don't tell policy. we will be live in washington with the findings. >> ravens fans, you know who we play on sunday night and that is why, when the gates open on sunday, every family that one of these for free. coming up, getting your purple pride on. pride on. >> there is a spe i'm losing energy... i need a home performance with energy star audit to find out why! this sensor will show why my living room gets too hot and too cold! hm... need some heating and cooling system work. and insulation will help stop the drafts. get up to $2,450 dollars in rebates and keep saving with home performance with energy star. get started at ahhh, now i'm comfortable- and energy efficient! >> the safety of your food is front and center. the food safety enhancement act will give more power to the fda, allowing it to force recalls, carry out more inspections. the next step is to iron out the differences. >> in tonight's medical alert, reverse aging. scientists are not there yet, but researchers say their lab mice are equivalent to 80-year- old people near death. but they are more like young adults. brain disease was reversed and the sense of smell and fertility were restored. it is no surprise that young kids to eat fruits and vegetables are healthier adults. but those who consistently eight vegetables and fruit from childhood to adulthood had a lower risk for stiff arteries in adults. those who did not follow moms and buys performed worst in tests. making fruit and vegetable shopping fun and including kids in your preparation, giving children choices and serving as a role model for good eating should be a part of your family's routine. kids still get sick and parents still reach for madison. but some over-the-counter medication comes without clear dosage information. >> giving basic over-the-counter medicine to children could be relatively easy for dr. mom. but the vast majority of the most common children's medications have confusing instructions. the label may call for a teaspoon, but the measuring cup that comes with it may be in ml. >> how is it fair to know exactly how to dose that medication? >> nearly all of the 148 products tested had some kind of inconsistency between the dosing directions and the measuring device. about a quarter did not come with any measuring spoon markup at all. one doctor wrote an editorial on the new study. he says that it could lead to dangerous overdoses. >> a lot of parents are giving too low a dose as well. they may not be adequately treating their child's pain or peter. >> with the parents can do is ask the pharmacist the teaspoon to finding your kitchen are often inaccurate. >> people continue to go into the drawer and pulled the spoons out. >> we looked up products that were on the market as of 2009, the same time that the fda issued guidance for standardized measuring information. >> it should be consistent with what is on the table. it is quite simple stuff. >> but it might be dangerous stuff if given in the wrong dosage. >> the consumer health products association is working to bring all of the over-the-counter medical guidelines to the same standard. >> the rain has been year. but tomorrow morning, there will be heavy rain out of the mountains coming this way. we hit 60 degrees in baltimore now. the temperatures will continue to rise for a few hours through the evening. five hundredths of an inch of rain so far at the airport and 300th at the inner harbor. it will be an unseasonably mild evening. it will be around 60 degrees all around the beltway. it is 63 degrees in cambridge already. south wind will be increasing overnight and pumping in that war mayor and the moisture and the potential for 2 inches or 3 inches of rain in some locations. the weather service has a flash flood watch covering just about the entire state. there are coastal flooding buys raese. these areas -- coastal flooding by the shore. this strong cold front is generating numerous showers off to our west and very heavy rain out here. and the potential for that share our activity moving in with some warm temperatures overnight. some stars are likely and thunderstorms possible. the southeast wind will be up to it 25 m.p.h. and gusting over 30 m.p.h. this warm air is surging north right now. there is cold air behind the front that will come in from the west tomorrow. the wind will be quite strong as it mixes with your tomorrow. keep an eye on this area of low pressure in the pacific northwest. it is likely to die. it still has the potential to bring some light snow or flurries year. it looks weaker as it passes for the south of us over the coming weekend. there goes the shower and thunderstorm activity tomorrow. we should get some breaks in the cloud cover late in the day. then snow showers may try to develop in the mountains on that strong westerly breeze headed into thursday morning. we will get son mixed in with some few clouds. and -- we will get sun mixed in with some clouds. from there on out, the temperatures slowly falling to the day come into the 40's by the afternoon. it will give away -- it will give way to clearing skies. it will be 64 degrees tomorrow morning. then the rain gives way to clearing skies and gusty wind. sunshine clouds will be mixed on thursday. highs will be in the upper-30's by friday and mid-to-upper-30's on saturday. sunday will be perfect for that couple game in town. >> thank you. trapped in their classroom with a student gunman, a group of wisconsin high schoolers are safe tonight. >> the search for three missing brothers is now a community effort. authorities look for the boys who disappeared after their father's suicide attempt. >> call it the facebook affect, how it has changed things even for animals. that story is at 6:00 p.m. [ male announcer ] with new breakfast melts. try the sunrise subway meltĀ®, or the melt-tastic breakfast b.m.t. on flatbread. they're melted goodness made irresistibly delicious, get yours starting at 7am. subway. build your better breakfast. >> the search for three michigan brothers continues today. they do not anticipate a positive outcome. there were last seen on thanksgiving day. their father attempted suicide on friday. he told reporters that he gave the children to reporters who would hand them over to their mother. authorities believe that story was a lie. >> he has been forthcoming with some information, the credibility of which we cannot verify at this time >> residents have joined rescuers in searching the curious and the woods to find the boys. >> and wisconsin, a 15-year-old who held his classmates hostage is dead tonight. semel handle died just before noon today in the green bay hospital. -- samuel hingle died just before noon today in the green bay hospital. >> he took his custody teacher hostage monday afternoon. >> this is an characteristic for this young man from what we've been told. we're still looking into what may have been the trigger. >> unfortunately, this young has died, the one person who could answer the why question. >> he pulled out two guns from a duffel bag and fired two shots. there was a seven-hour standoff. but the classmates who called him sam quickly engaged him in conversation. >> we talk about hunting, fishing, movies, just to keep the conversation going. >> on the goods out of everybody is the teacher, valerie burke, also a hostage. she kept things calm. >> she saved the lives of many students by keeping a calm demeanor. >> many students were quickly whisked away to safety. then they heard gunfire they knocked down the classroom door and found the 15-year-old with a self-inflicted wound that would later take his life. >> still ahead, we will recap the day's stories including baltimore's plan to get alcoholic energy drinks off store shelves. >> the pentagon released its report on don't ask/don't tell. we have a look at the key findings coming up. mom speaks to local students. i probably have one of these in every room. they last so long! nice! you can even hear it crackle. [ candle crackle ] [ male announcer ] also from the home collection febreze no-spill wood diffuser. smells amazing! it's been weeks and we're still enjoying it. the scented oil travels up through the wooden block and out into the air. and no spills. [ male announcer ] the febreze home collection. featuring soy blend candles, wood diffusers and flameless luminaries. >> students at one local school get a lesson. you probably remember this woman's son was a big basketball player. >> he was living a dream that many young men had. he was a first-round pick by the boston celtics. but soon after, he died of a cocaine overdose. >> it was an inspiring speech. dr. bias was the speaker. twice a year, the school brings in prominent business and civic leaders to talk with the students. >> today's guest speaker was dr. baez. she is the mother of lin baez and jay baez. she lost her sons to drugs. just 48 hours after he was drafted by the boston celtics, lin baez died of a cocaine overdose. a few years later, her son was -- her other son was the victim of a drive-by shooting. >> you think you're ready to throw in the talent you want to give up. >> today, she was here at this high school to tell the students no matter what challenges they face in life, they must and can go on. >> i ended here today to remind all of you -- i am and just here today to remind all of you. >> for messages. clear. -- her message is a very clear. what ever that tragedy might be, we have to step up and overcome the challenges. that is such a crucial message for our young people today. >> the students listened intently. >> i cried and begged to died 24 years ago. i did not want to live when lin baez died. but you know what i did did? i live anyhow. i have found that life is able of lemons and honey in it. sometimes, it can be sweet. and sometimes, it can be still there. god bless you all and i think you. [applause] >> the speaker series started in 2008. >> she is an amazing woman. thank you. the newest school in baltimore county officially opens today. [cheers] >> the opening of this elementary school was celebrated at a ribbon cutting ceremony this morning. it is the first lead certified public school in baltimore county. it is also a green school. aid has a living green growth that minimizes energy -- it has a living green roof that minimizes energy consumption. >> the man who through his 3- year-old son off the key bridge will get a 50 year prison sentence. it was back in 2008 when nelson threw his son tyler of the key bridge and then attempted suicide. sentencing is left for january. stores have been ordered to pull alcoholic energy drinks by 5:00 p.m. thursday evening. officials say that the dangerous combination can mask the effects of the alcohol that could lead to drinking too much of the product. stores caught selling the product could be charged as much as $1,000 per offense. >> the report on don't ask/don't tell show that the majority of troops support gays serving in the military. >> the study found that, it don't ask/don't tell is eventually repealed, there could be problems at first, but not long term. after a 10-month review, the pentagon is taking a stand on the don't ask/don't tell policy. >> the concerns of the combat troops expressed in the survey do not present an insurmountable barrier to success will repeal of don't ask/don't tell. this can be done and should be done. >> secretary of defense robert gates says that two-thirds of the troops do not object to gays serving in the military. he urged congress to lift the ban. >> of this does not caution a large and social issue. it's the end of the day, whenever the decision -- at the end of the day, whatever the decision of our leaders may be, we have an obligation to follow orders. >> this validates what the repeal of advocates have been saying for over a decade. it is coming from the pentagon. >> opponents say the report is flawed and that the ban should stay in place. >> the primary question is should the law be retained or repealed? that question was not even asked. i think it is nothing but an awful lot of problems that the military does not need. >> the white house says president obama agrees with the pentagon survey and believes the congress could overturn the ban by the end of the year. >> we would like to know your opinion about the don't ask/don't tell policy. should it be repealed? you can vote in our survey and then check out our survey to see quercetin celebrities stand on the issue. >> are you in the market for a new car? experts say that today is the best thing to hit the dealer's lot. >> caught on tape, and officers now on the wrong side of the law after allegedly assaulting an inmate. this video is the only evidence. >> she saved my baby. sheep save my baby and i want to thank her for that. >> -- she save my baby and i want to thank her for that. >> her neighbor has just moved in, too. >> this is the chance to beat the steelers at home. every fan who has a ticket will be getting one of these for free. >> two corrections officers in arizona are on the wrong title law. authorities say this video is one of several incidents inside the jail's sicker it -- the gills psychiatric ward. psychiatric ward. around 7:30 a.m., a car went crashing into his bedroom. the driver, an elderly woman, escaped injury. she had to be helped out of her car. police are not sure why she lost control of her vehicle. >> a teenager who moved to florida to start a new chapter in her life ended up saving someone else's. when sharon jones found her 3- year-old daughter having a seizure, she called 911. but before medics arrived, she ran to her new neighbors door for help. she says that decision was critical in saving her daughter's life. >> i had that adrenaline rush. i was shaking really bad. i let her mom keep holding her. she did cpr on her. >> she saved my baby. i want to thank her for that. >> she says that she learned cpr through a high school training course. >> everybody should. >> good for her. absolutely. >> how to score some free tickets to this weekend's ravens-steelers game. >> and a of electric cars -- and a new line of electric cars. >> the nation prepares for another holiday tradition. see what it takes to get this tree spruced up for the holidays. >> there is a wind advisory and a flash flood watch. it is coming with a cold front tonight. it is rather mild. temperatures are around 60 degrees. south west wind is >> he is accused of throwing his 3-year-old son off the key bridge to his death. social networking citigroup of neglected dogs here in maryland. those stories and more whie >> the baltimore ravens are gearing up for this sunday night's game against the steelers and they want every single fan in the stadium to show their purple pride. >> these skills will be handed out at the game. -- these towels will be handed out at the game. >> this sunday night, it is all about the purple. >> going to begin this weekend? it did not make a difference what tells they raise -- white towels and -- what towels they raise. this is what we are waiting. >> it is the greatest rivalry, the ravens and the steelers. >> i hate them. >> i didn't do not like them. >> i have lived in pittsburgh for 13 years. now i am at the university of maryland. i am happy to be a raven stand. i am not happy with ben roethlisberger and his antics. i would be happy to see the ravens take the steelers butts. >> the ravens beat the steelers 17-14 and now it is the game we have all been waiting for. pittsburgh is coming to our house. and the ravens are ready. when the team takes the national spotlight sunday night, get ready for ec approval. >> we thank verizon for providing these rally towels. we want the entire stadium to be completely purple. we want to show them how proud we are of the baltimore ravens. >> they will be handed out for free at sunday night's game and it will be a sight when the players -- it will be a side, one the players will feed on. >> they will hit that much harder. >> i want to see all people in baltimore purple. >> unfortunately, these tales are not for sale. if you want one, you will have to -- these towels are not for sale. if you want one, you will have to come to the stadium. go ravens! >> which pittsburgh steelers player do you most disliked? grab your pittsburgh and send a text to this number. >> the number is 88509. standard text messaging rates will apply. >> i am a steelers fan? that is something new they put in there. remember, there is only one place you can catch the ravens taking on the steelers this weekend. it is on sunday night football right here on wbal tv 11. >> we will get back to you on that one. do you have tickets to the game? you could if you are lucky. we're giving away two tickets to this sunday's game against the steelers. if you would like the details on how to enter, click the link on the wbal tv page on facebook. you must be 18 or older to enter. we will be picking a winner at random friday at noon. be sure you can share your but messages for all the ravens on u local. >> maybe we have a steelers fan in the marketing department. we will see how it turns out. we have a big weather-maker today. so far, the rain has been fairly tame today. it has been a scattered light showers. in far western maryland, just a bit more rain has fallen. it is likely to change as we go through the over night. these are the projected rainfall totals tonight and wednesday. you see the entire state shaded in blue. that is four to 1.5 inches. in western maryland, the estimates could be 1.5 inches to 2.5 inches in a very short time. there could be some flood problems overnight tonight and tomorrow morning. low-lying areas and streams and creeks could fill quickly if the rains develop. there is a flash flood watch in effect. there is a coastal flood watch as well. the blue shaded area is just about the entire state of maryland which is under a wind advisory. there will be strong wind behind this cold front tomorrow. we will feature a bunch of rain. with the wind coming out of the south, temperatures will be warm over night. it is 60 degrees in baltimore right now. temperatures are steady or rising through the night. southeast wind will gust up to 30 m.p.h. there is a potential for a thunderstorm. once the storm moves off the coast, the westerly wind will tap into some chilly air. was the front goes by, the rest of the forecast will be downright cold. while that is going on, there is a storm from the pacific coast and that may run into the school there. tomorrow, we will have heavy showers and a thunderstorm in the morning. it will be windy and cold in the afternoon and evening. snow showers will develop in western maryland. there will be dry and chilly weather for thursday and friday. temperatures will stay below normal coming up for the weekend. 65 degrees would be the high for tomorrow, but that will be around dawn. the rest of the day, the temperatures will be falling. it is a gale warning on the day tomorrow. waves -- on the bay tomorrow. waves will be building. on the lower eastern shore, gust could be up to 35 m.p.h. with temperatures in the mid-60's. look at the with the temperatures dropped. 42 degrees on thursday and highs only in the upper-30's for friday and saturday. there's a chance of flurries for the area by sunday and monday. >> in tonight's consumer alert, consumer groups say that today is the day to get a deal on a new car. last year, black friday was identified as the day to buy. but this year, november 30 maybe the best day. they monitor sales and financing deals across the country. car dealers said that manufacturers are offering strong incentives. hoping to put a charge in its new car line, general motors unveiled its new model, the electric vaulolt. but there are mixed reviews for what the car will mean for the automaker and the industry. >> the vehicle that some believe could hope to charge up the future of general motors rolled off the assembly line this morning. >> it is a game changer. >> but how big is that change? gm will only build two thousand in the first year production and ramp up to only 45,000 by 2012. >> it is more media hype than anything else. >> but gm officials insist that is the link to the future of transportation. >> 20 years from now, there will look back at this car like the model they were the model t were in the early 1900's. >> it is a pretty useful configuration between giving you an extended range. but it also allows you to use an electric car around town. >> electric vehicles face a bumpy road ahead. there is a lack of charging stations, batteries, and the cost is around $41,000. >> i do not see the valley of spending even after subsidies -- i do not see the value of spending that much even after subsidies. >> not only does it make sense, but it also served notice that the embattled automaker is once again running on all cylinders. >> as college students prepare to graduate, we want to pass along some tips to help in the job search. 70% of jobs are found in networking. you should use your campus career center as a resource. make your resume stand out. be sure to research your field of interest, and consider in turning even if you have graduated already. >> the man accused of throwing his son into the chesapeake bay enters a plea for the second time. >> a facebook update help save a group of neglected dogs. >> of the annual rockefeller center tree lighting, we will have all the details ahead. >> the annual tree lighting ceremony at rockefeller center starts tonight. it is one that is not celebrated all around the country. >> this year's rockefeller christmas tree once a tower above the rooftops in upstate new york. it was donated by new york peter ofte >> it is to give something back. the people of the city are amazing. >> that gift is now standing tall in rockefeller center and is the centerpiece for tenants nationwide celebration kicking off the holidays. it is a draw for new yorkers and visitors. >> you get to see something that is legendary here. all the lights go on and use seat that and it is christmastime, i tend to be with your family. >> this is so incredible. being in new york is one thing. but the lights, the size of the street, the energy down here, the beauty of it all, it is just breathtaking. >> it took crews several weeks to wrap the giant spruce with 30,000 led lights. before the tree lighting, the annual christmas in rockefeller center show will also shine. performers include moraya karry and susan boyle. -- include mariah carey and susan boyle. mayor but -- mayor michael bloomberg says of the city is safe and encourage visitors to come out. the tree will remain here in rockefeller center through january. after that, the tree will be recycled and the would donated to habitat for humanity. -- and the wood donated to habitat for humanity. >> we hope that you will be joining us thursday night at 7:00 p.m. for a monumental occasion, the lighting of a baltimore's washington monument. it is a beautiful night of great music, fireworks, and a special appearance by elmo. that is all for us at 5:00 p.m. >> a guilty plea that 6 for the man who through his 3-year-old son of the key bridge. >>

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Chesapeake Bay , Maryland , United States , New York , Rockefeller Center , Baltimore County , Kentucky , Florida , Boston , Massachusetts , California , Wisconsin , Russia , Michigan , Washington , District Of Columbia , Arizona , Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , United Kingdom , Baltimore , Susan Boyle , Charles Peters , Jay Baez , Rockefeller Christmas , Chris Van Hollen , Mariah Carey , Sharon Jones , Lin Baez , Valerie Burke , Michael Bloomberg ,

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