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it has the potential to drop into the low teens. can we expect any more of that snow to move our way? the forecast in just a couple minutes. >> the cold temperatures make their way into our state and the state -- the state health department is sending out an reminder -- a reminder to everyone to bundle up. your life may depend on it. >> if you have been outside at all today, you know it is cold and windy. a temperatures are expected to drop even lower. and now a warning from the state health department whose has already this year, four people have died from hypothermia hot. if you were outside today, it was rough walking around and it is about to get worse. >> today was not so bad. we were already in the low 40's early this morning, but the temperatures are consistently dropping. >> but we are not just talking about falling temperatures. >> when you factor in the wind, i we are talking -- we are talking the single-digit temperatures by tomorrow morning, real temperatures. >> there have already been four hypothermia-related deaths in maryland since november 21. >> this is the time of year when unfortunately, you start to see this. like every other year, these are preventable deaths. the >> it does not have to be in the single digits for you to be injured from the cold. preparing for the worst will not only make you more comfortable, but also save you from injury and even death. >> make sure that you are covered up, all your fingers and toes, your head most important because it is a big source of heat loss. >> also wear layers of thick clothing, cover your mouth to protect your lungs, and cover your legs and wear heavy socks. he also says to wear waterproof shoes. if you're headed out to the cold temperature to celebrate cannot take it easy on the spirits. >> oddly enough, alcohol does not warm you up. it turns out to have the opposite effect because of the way it is handled in the circulation. it can actually cause you to get cold more easily. the other thing is that people who drink oftentimes have impaired judgment and when that happens they can get into trouble because they do not recognize they are in jeopardy. >> meanwhile, a volatile winter storm is being blamed for more than a dozen deaths across the u.s. severe temperatures and heavy snow blanket two-thirds of the country. >> the winter storm that began by dropping several feet of snow across the midwest is dropping temperatures across much of the country. thermometers are in the single digits from iowa through illinois with windchills in some places at 25 below zero. this double decker bus toppled over on interstate 90 in buffalo. eight passengers and the driver were take -- taken to area hospitals. none of the injuries are considered life-threatening. power lines were down across several states, forcing many to brave the elements as they struggled to clean out and get ready for even more severe weather. the conditions did not mean all work and no play. with classes canceled at the university of wisconsin, madison, organizers say that more than 5000 people showed up on campus to try to break the world record for the biggest snowball fight. >> it is a good time. >> the first snow day in 20 years. kind of a big deal. >> thousands trying to make the best of it as winter maintains its icy grip across most of the country. >> and remember, you can follow the forecast through our interactive reidar that allows you to track the weather down to your own street, or you can track it across the u.s. go to and click on whether. >> people in denver are breathing a sigh of relief. they woke up to a water main break not far from the site of that massive brick that flooded the area a few months ago. fortunately, this was not as bad. >> d.b. w. crews are still on the job, repairing a 12 inch water main and have been at it all day. >> a 12 inch water main burst in front of a shopping center. this is eerily close to the six- foot line that brought back on september 18, floating -- flooding more than 100 homes. it turned homes and exchange way to waterfront properties. >> it affected my grandbabies. we lost everything. >> baltimore county police spotted this pipe burst just before 8:00 a.m. dp w crew's pinpointed the problem and took immediate steps to control the flow. >> it has been moving around in the ground for years. other double shift this way, a little that way, and it will cause the final snap. it? the faint sound of rushing water can be heard from the backyard. it serves to provide painful memories. >> it was heartbreaking. we have been here 30 years and i have never seen nothing like that. it was devastating to the whole neighborhood. >> this family is struggling to get their house back in order, putting up christmas decorations provides a brief distraction. >> [unintelligible] i do not have the money. we lost a lot of food. does anyone want to help? no. trex debora is on disability and battling over a workman, -- >> debora is on disability and battling a workman's comp claim. her husband is scheduled for surgery. >> i have a hernia. >> oh, man. >> but we will make it with the board. >> authorities say the destruction -- we will make it with the lord. >> authorities say that with this construction, a water main break is likely to happen again. >> tonight, firefighters are looking into the cause of a to alarm blaze in west baltimore. flames erupted in the 4400 block of main ave. fire crews had to battle high winds to bring it under control. fortunately, no one was injured. the cause remains under investigation. >> police are looking for a carjacking suspect. 30 year-old man robbed and carjack demand on december 3 in late march. police believe there are three other suspects involved who have not been arrested. if you think you know where the suspect is, in your being asked to call baltimore county police. carol suggs is facing a $70 million lawsuit. -- terrell suggs is facing $70 million lawsuit. the woman who claims she is the mother of his two children is suing for custody. she said she was attacked on more the medication and he threatened to kill her. a hearing on the case is set for tomorrow. dashon more than one occasion and he threatened to kill her. a hearing on the case is set for tomorrow. >> baltimore police and the city had agreed to a contract to avoid furloughs. it is a one-year contract that ends on june 30 of next year. no police officers will be furloughed and the city is expected to meet its projected savings. police officers must vote on the deal next tuesday. you can read the details on our website baltimore mayor sheila dixon now has a sentencing date after consultation with both sides. the judge set the date for january 21. unless the mayor is granted probation before it sent in -- before gentljudgment, the senteg could remove her from office. >> president barack obama is in oslo, norway tonight. this morning, he accepted the nobel peace prize and admitted that his accomplishments are slight compared to previous winners and you recognize the irony of a wartime winner inheriting a peace prize. >> iraq and michelle obama tonight, and the crowd -- brock and michelle obama tonight and the crowd in oslo. the winner himself was caught in a dilemma. how to be gracious, but at meet he is less than -- less accomplished than, say, martin luther king. >> dr. kean won the prize that had a galvanizing -- when dr. king won this price, it had a galvanizing effect of run the world and especially in the u.s. >> you have really created a new climate over international corporations -- of international cooperation to your influence. >> but president obama acknowledge the other controversy, a peace prize winner escalating a war in afghanistan. he had no apology. >> we cannot stand idle in the face of threats to the american people. negotiations cannot convince al qaeda's leaders to lay down their arms. tuesday that force may sometimes be necessary is not a call to cynicism, but recognition of history. >> the president made clear that lots of afghan -- of u.s. troops will stay in the afghan war after 2011. >> we will not see some short drawdown -- some sharp, a precipitous drop down. >> and the ironies of and a proven leader and a war escalator winning the nobel peace prize did not spoil tonight's party in oslo. >> president obama is dying out of a second day of celebration, heading on to focus on -- is bowling out of a second day of celebration, heading home to focus on americans out of work. >> a recall for a children's toy that may be on your child's wish list. >> also, the year may help fight cancers, research says -- also, researchers say that europe may help fight cancer is. >> -- beer may help fight cancers. >> and what we're doing to develop the work force of the future. coming up new fr 30 p.m., by sticking with the basics is so -- coming up at 5:30 p.m., sticking with the basics is so important. >> outrage from coast to coast. >> did this american girl got a bad rap? coming up, with a local expert has to say about her and some other choice. bucksport thanks to the lottery, but today, park service directors met with students, teachers and community leaders at fort mchenry. the goal was to the iraq how to raise appreciation for and at -- was to figure out how to raise appreciation for and interest in american history. >> kids like to learn through electronics and be hands-on. they find? but it's a bit boring. -- they find textbooks a bit boring. but when it can come out here and hear a canning goff, it is american history. orix since 1915, the american national parks has cared for the history of the u.s. >> in tonight's medical alert, we debate over health-care reform. in washington today, a democrat and republican teamed up to move for the very slow for -- a process of fixing health care. their idea, letting you shop around for a medical plan while your boss pays for it. >> frustration over the long health care debate. today, a democrat and republican pitched this idea, let companies give workers vouchers to shop and insurance exchange for a cheaper plan than what the employers offer. the boss gets a tax break and the employees get to look at tax free. >> we want to make sure that people have a choice to have a choice. >> people over 55 make it to buy an early. >> if you add 15 million new people to medicare, what you will have is that 15% of them will not find a primary-care physician to care for them. >> we do not think that 80% of the population who qualify for medicare ought to " bear the financial burden for the benefit they never get. >> tax burdens on the insurance companies and others would start four years before any new it benefits kick in. >> it is like buying a car and pay on it for four years and not getting the car for four years. >> it would not start until 2014. >> also introduced today by a republican, john mccain and byron dorgan, a plan to the u.s. drug companies bringing drugs that are usda approved from other countries like canada that are cheaper. >> do the soothing strains of mozart help preemies grow faster? listening to the classical genius for just 30 minutes per day helps premature babies use less energy and allows them to grain -- to gain more weight. researchers believe it helps to quiet the pathways in the baby's brain and decreases sensory overload. there is evidence that drinking a beer may help prevent prostate cancer. it is a chemical compound derived from hops. the substance was able to block the effects of testosterone on the prostate. the finding is in its early stages and experts point out this does not mean drinking a lot of beer would have any preventative effects. but now, the insta-weather error plus forecasts with tom tasselmyer. >> temperatures outside are getting chilly. the wind chill will be affected in the next couple of days. an arctic air mass screening and so far today, not that bad for this time of year. but the temperatures are still falling. low temperatures the corinna brac b.w.i. marshall, 35 degrees. -- low temperature for the day at b.w.i. marshall, 35 degrees. those afternoon temperatures are pretty typical. but the cold is coming in and it will still be coming in across the great lakes and upper midwest. still producing snow into the great lakes and snowfall and showers into western maryland. we are starting to feel strong winds gusting to 20 m.p.h. -- 29 miles per hour. back into the mountains, strong wind gusts are showing up as well. windchill will become a factor as temperatures drop in western maryland. a day of very cold temperatures and add the wind chill and it will feel below zero in some parts of western maryland. be prepared for winter conditions heading west if you are traveling. 22 have prospered, below freezing at hagerstown and frederick. across the coast, it feels like 3 above 0 at mchenry this hour. the wind chill is starting to drop into the teens north of baltimore as well. a cold night at a bus, winds brisk, 17 to 22 and by morning, single digits and low teens. look how clear the skies are across the midwest. if you get away from the great lakes, a lot of dry air and that high pressure will produce sunny skies for friday and most of saturday. lots of sunshine, but not very warm. it deeper into the weekend, the next storm approaches and its baltimore by afternoon on sunday. it might be enough for a snow mixed. although, temperatures will be above freezing. sunny skies for friday, a breezy, cold day, highs and only 33 to 38. the normal high is 48. a couple of inches of additional snow in western maryland in the next 24 hours. snow -- a small craft advisory on the day today. the insta-weather plus the forecast, 35 degrees on friday, even though we will seize any skies. down to 18 saturday morning with a high of 39. sunday, temperatures morning to 41. monday, partly cloudy skies, tuesday, a warmup followed by rain and and other cold blast on wednesday and thursday. >> if you take public transportation, you'll have to wait even longer for a smart card. why transportation officials are delaying the program. >> special winners at the lottery. that story, coming up. that story, coming up. >> the maryland lottery and baltimore ravens have partnered with the $5 scratch off program. >> first-place ranges from $1 million with winning tickets to seeing that ravens play this ticket -- play the steelers. the crux -- >> usually the winick -- the winning of the lottery means lots of money, but this time it is a trip to a football game. 10 people won a trip to pittsburgh to the game against the steelers. >> the departure in baltimore, to staying in the team hotel and tracking over to the stadium, it is a very unique experience. dabel to the players in business mode and they know it is an important game, but they will be in the interim -- in the inner sanctum and get to see what it is to travel with the team on the road. >> i am very excited. i'm ready to go. i cannot wait. and once in a lifetime experience. get to fly on a plane with the team, go to the game, cannot ask for anything better. >> it just so happens to be my birthday that day >> really? >> i'm excited. i'm taking my daughter. i'm looking forward to it. we are going to win. i thought i was being punk'd and i was looking for ashton coucher, actually pureed [laughter] >> i could not believe it. i was watching my grandfather liked, woo hoo! >> it is our best ever $5 ticket, best-selling ever. we still have other great prizes like season tickets for life. >> the ravens and their fans will be leaving for pittsburgh on december 26, the day after christmas. >> i guess it won't be a problem with security in pittsburgh. still ahead, a west virginia mom is in trouble for the note -- she is accused of abusing her daughter, but you may be surprised when you hear the reason why. >> and it takes -- and you will hear what it takes to prepare students for a high-tech work force. >> and >> and >> maryland continues to push a key educational program it believes will give kids a break for the future. the state says it has become anything but an option for students from elementary to college. 11 news education reporter tim tooten has that story. why is it such a crucial program? >> because of what students learn now in the field of math, science, and technology could add to -- at up to a lot of jobs in the future. >> maryland is one of the state's pouring millions of dollars into programs like this high-tech virtual classroom at chesapeake high in baltimore county. but maryland cannot afford to stop there. that was the message from the chancellor of the university system of maryland. he testified before the board. >> we are well-positioned and are led -- a leader in the stem field, but others are not standing still and are making investments. if we do not do these kinds of things, we could slip. >> stem programs are running short on money as well as those of more qualified to teach the subject. >> the size and technology program has become the pursuit of college. >> it has been put on the front burner in part because of the changing job market in maryland. >> we are going to be receiving jobs equating to about 48,000 to 50,000 jobs coming in and most of them are stem related. we want our students to be prepared. >> the students will take $75 million over five years to support stem programs. most of which, they hope, will come from washington. >> there is an enormous amount of money available at the federal level that we have the potential to tap into. >> money maryland state -- plans to spend to help even more students for the future. trex of their students are also counting on -- >> other students are also counting on help from the private sector. chadwick elementary school from woodlawn is picked as one of this year's title one distinguished schools. schools use title 1 money to improve education of students in high poverty ebbert -- areas. cheswick got the highest score in category 14 exceptional student services for two years. the chadwick will be going to washington to be honored by the u.s. department of education. >> here's a look at some of our other top stories at this hour. the maryland department of health says four people have this -- have suffered hypothermia and died over the last three weeks. the department says hypothermia was a contributing factor in each person's death. it was a contributing factor in the deaths of 54 maryland residents in last year's winter. the estimated start date for smart card has been pushed back to next fall. the mta has talked about introducing smart card technology since 2001. a spokesperson says the agency needs to conduct more testing on bus and light rail systems after testing on the subway. the car as an embedded microchip that will be accepted on mta buses, light rail, and the metro subway, but not on at night trains or commuter buses. and president obama the debt is nobel peace prize today. in norway he says -- picked up his nobel peace prize today. in no way he says he does not doubt that there were others more qualified and he says he does not doubt that it was premature. >> pilot fatigue, pilot training, by that distraction, all things that have been in the news for the wrong reasons lately. 10 members of recent crash victims looked on while it concerns are addressed. >> it has been almost a year since flight 3407 went down on an icy night in buffalo, new york. today, victims' families appeared before congress at a hearing they hoped would bring comfort and changes to the nation's flight safety. >> their activities, act -- relentless activities on behalf of their loved ones will end up saving lives. >> but it did not go as far as many had hoped. the subcommittee questioned the mta chief -- the chief ought -- >> the most telling was the conversation between the captain and the first officer were the first officer told the private that he had never deice or experience any of that. >> they indicated they would not mandate 1500 hours of copilot turning some were looking for. that would look at enhanced commercial pilot license for beginning copilots. as for private patika ma'at -- as for pilot tfatigue, the faa will unveil new measures next year. the debate over air safety is unlikely to be put to rest. the faa working for improvement, but for those who have lost family members, it seems it is not enough. >> has four private destruction, the fac -- chief said not just laptops, but anything that can distract our audits should be banned. >> and news conference today saying criminal and regulatory action has been taking during morant -- been taken up against more than 200 individual companies in 2009. also, 50 have been charged in court this year. there's a link between mortgage fraud and the state of our economy. >> mortgage fraud is both a cause and the consequent of the recession. it is a cause in the sense that people became over leveraged, ala fraudulent loans were made and that cause problems throughout the financial system. it is also a consequence because we see additional mortgage fraud and related activity perpetrated against people who are in difficult financial position is. >> those who have been charged with mortgage offenses have been convicted and sentenced. >> dramatic video of a shootout involving police officers. white has been months since it was made public. -- why it has been months since it was made public. >> anbar is the target of a multimillion-dollar lawsuit. that story is at 6:00 p.m. >> it is always more fun to work out with a buddy. kids and family members are working out together. >> the video from a dramatic shootout in missouri has finally been released. the suspect on the right side of your screen in the white t- shirt, shot at the kansas city police officer at close range and missed. the suspect was killed in the gunfire. the video is from september of this year and it was just released this week because the grand jury just recently cleared both officers in the shooting, ruling in justified four south florida teenagers are recovering after apparently overdosing on cough medicine. -- cold medicine. four 14 year olds were treated after taking pills of a powerful cold medicine. three of them had to be taken to the hospital. officials say there's a nationwide problem with teens abusing cold members and -- medicine bought over-the-counter to get a little high. >> and mother stands accused of abusing her daughter of rybak report card, that is, if you consider all a's and one be a bad report card. the fifth grader told her teacher that when she showed her mother the report card she was with about 20 times and was forced to stand out in the gold until she became sick. >> -- a stand out in the cold until she became sick. the mother is now charged with child abuse resulting in injury and domestic battery. she, by the way, is a kindergarten teacher. >> strange, very strange. still ahead tonight, a first for baltimore city, holiday pop-up shops. we will take you to baltimore east for shopping with a twist. >> 90% child, 10% learning. >> we will give you info on toys, including the homeless american girl doll that has been getting a lot of attention. >> for our region, it is the wind and cold coming in. we're down to the 30's now. with wind gusts over 24 miles per hour, >> here's a look at what we're working on for 11 news at 6:00 p.m. , on tape, what happened inside a west baltimore bar. now the key evidence of a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against baltimore city police. and it was déjà vu for some residents when the -- for some residents when they heard there was a water main break in the same area as one in september. fortunately tonight, this >> in the middle of the artsy harbour east, five new shops have popped up. >> it is upscale, contemporary, and temporary. welcome to baltimore's first holiday pop up shop. >> it is the same thing as in london and new york where empty spaces are occupied for three weeks or four weeks. >> this is one of the five pop ups in the heart of harbour east. >> we have men, women, handbags, shirts, cufflinks. >> on the wall, one-of-a-kind photography. that will change as well throughout the holiday. >> tomorrow i will put up all of my work on indian tribal art. >> and a fashion film. >> i like to find hard to find items. >> and the originals from all over the world. >> we love this neighborhood and want to be part of it. >> the idea was embraced by the development property. the shops are open from noon until 7:00 p.m. each day until december 24. from the bracelets to the? , everything here is unique. also the concept is unique -- from the bracelets to the handbags, everything here is unique. also the concept is unique. >> and now the forecast with tom tasselmyer. >> the next couple of days will a brief warm-up in the middle of next week and then another cold blast will come in. it is starting to feel like winter are around here a couple of weeks ahead of schedule. 46 at b.w.i. marshall for the high today. throughout the afternoon we have seen the temperatures slowly backing down. record low, however, is a bit out of reach, one degree on the 10th of september we back in 1876. -- on the 10th of december way back in 1876. still producing some snow showers near the lake's. 30 miles per hour gusts at frederick within the past hour. gusting to over 35 miles per hour up at westminster. breezy on the eastern shore as well. the temperatures are dropping and the winds will stay out. there's a wind chill advisory from western allegany to garrett counties. windchill will go before -- below 0 overnight. ski season is underway. they do not mind the cold that much. although, you have to bundle up. above freezing in central and eastern maryland. 41 at ocean city, but when you factor in the wind chill, the feels like temperature starts to show in the upper teens in western baltimore to devote 20's in other areas -- to below 20's in other areas and almost down to zero in a cannery -- in mchenry. an arctic air masses moving south and the next couple of days. 31 below zero in canada right now. 13 below zero at key lake. international falls, right on the u.s.-canadian border, already below zero. they will go with the lozier tonight. and the arctic winds are dragging it -- they will go way below 0 tonight. and the arctic winds are dragging across the country. flurries in western maryland to mark. the rest of the region, mainly sunny skies for saturday and sunday. sunday, when this next system r rice, a twins will be shifting to the south -- when his next system arrives, the winds will be shifting to the south. breezy tomorrow, west winds at 10 to 20 miles per hour. a couple more inches of snow possible in garrett county. snow flurries and about 21 for the high temperature at deep creek tomorrow. those will be in a single digits. 31 anthony skies today. at ocean city tomorrow cannot -- had ocean city tomorrow, 41 degrees. hanukkah begins at sunset tomorrow evening. it on saturday, 18 in the morning and a high of 39. a that a bit of rain and snow on monday part the cloudy -- on sunday. partly cloudy monday. a bitter a warm-up by tuesday and called again by mid week next week. -- cold again by mid week next week. >> a recall for a children's learning toys. they can actually cause a choking hazard. the tip of the snap beat the egg can break off under repetitive pressure. they were so that various retail stores and online from july through september of this year. for more information, go to our website and click on consumer other. all week long we have been talking toys. tonight, we have some that do not make a lot of sense in an opinion of an expert at the toys foundation -- at the parents' choice foundation. plus an american girl doll that it may be misunderstood. >> it really seems as though glenn thompson and the new american girl doll that got introduced this year did get a bad rap. >> the company got a bad rap for putting out such an expensive -- with the term "homeless" attached to it. clucks a homeless dol for $95. there was outrage -- >> a homeless doll for $95. there was outrage across the coast. >> upon closer inspection, you'll find that she is part of a group of dolls introduced to bring awareness about aggression and bullying. the fact that she is homeless is a subplot of her 32-page book. and she comes not with the homeless story, but with a book about navigating french ships. -- french ships. -- french shipfriendswhips. what happened to the pac-10 play? >> -- the pretend play? >> and check out this toy. the person holding it is supposed to throw it back and forth and then the person left holding it is supposed to act like a dog. >> green says she worries about the valleys -- these values that the dog in a purse says. >> dogs are not accessories. they are animals. if you want your children to imitate and emulate someone like paris hilton, then by all means. >> brean says parents need to think about the messages that toys sent and the messages they want their children to receive. >> the parent's choice foundation put together a list of award winning twice each year and you can its -- you can find it at mcdonald's is rolling out $8 to menu in january. -- is rolling out a dollar manute for breakfast in january. at&t plans to offer iphone users some incentives to slow down excessive data usage. wednesday's announcement did not offer specifics, but the wireless industry has been wrestling with growth in the use of data services like internet browsing that require more bandwidth. it has been a particular the acute for at&t because of the millions of customers with smart phones. >> for more information, go to and click on technology. also under technology, apple says it is expelling more than 1000 iphone applications, and it involves a scam. also, some cereals may soon taste different. general mills plans to reduce the sugar in the cereals. and if you have not gone to a movie or a jazz concert or an art exhibit in recent years, you are in a growing company. find out why fewer americans are going to the movies and a museum. >> a multimillion-dollar lawsuit. cox and the plaintiffs said they have the pictures to back up their plane. >> and you take on the idea that healthy habits begin at home because here at this elementary school, students and members are king starting a healthy lifestyle here. (announcer) this holiday there's only one gift that will light up your house. verizon fios. i know, i couldn't sleep either! (announcer) this holiday, give your family amazing hd and get $150 back along with a free multi-room dvr for 3 months. just call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v now for verizon fios tv, internet and phone for... for dad, there's tons of hd sports available and more. mom can use the home media manager to play family photos and videos on the big screen. the kids can connect with facebook and twitter right on tv using fios widgets. and it all comes with $150 back when you call right now. but fios fits your budget all year long - the average customer saves over $100 a year versus their previous triple play provider call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v to get the whole family great entertainment for just... plus a free dvr for 3 months and $150 back. >> it is hard to get up early for work or school, let alone for exercise. and for some kids, is like pulling teeth. one elementary school has found ways to get families living in a healthy direction. jennifer franciotti has more. >> this may look like p e class, but it is not. in fact, school has yet to begin for the day, but at scott elementary in randallstown, students and their families are here working out together. the before school program twice a week is run by instructor patrice bacher. it is called acc plus, which stands for aerobic conditioning club plaza and the plus is for family. this data is teaching his daughters, if he can do it, so kendeigh. >> obesity is a big problem in the u.s. today -- so can they. >> obesity is a big problem in the u.s. today. >> if they exercise together, they stay healthy together. when a child sees that the parent is focused on exercise and sees that it is important to them and the health of the family, i think they will stay healthy. >> kerry brown and her daughter decided to join the exercise program and they say that buddy system works. >> it helps me lose weight and die like to -- lose weight and i like to do it with her. >> she was like, you have got to come, you're got to come. >> an inspiration to families everywhere. >> that is a great idea. that is all at 5:00 p.m. if you missed any of this newscast and would like to see it again, we will rebroadcast at 7:00 on wbal +. >> worried and it has to do with the reason why there is working on right over there. >> a big lawsuit now filed against police that make a difference of the evidence caught on tape. >> four people have died of hypothermia in the past month and temperatures are expected to plummet. >> live, local, late breaking, this is wbal tv 11 news in hd. >> our big story tonight at 6:00 p.m., coldest temperatures of the season may very well be upon us. >> the department of health and mental hygiene has announced there have been four hypothermia related deaths in the last few weeks. >> temperatures are cold and getting even colder. with that, a warning to people. already, four people have died of hypothermia in the last month. >> this is the time of year when we start to see this, unfortunately. like every other year, these are preventable deaths. >> it is two men and two women, and their locations span the state. dr. clifford michel says they are not alone. nearly 600 americans die each year from hypothermia. >> last year, we had 54 people died in maryland do to the cold directly. those are 54 preventable deaths. we would like to see that not happen this year. >> how to guard yourself from the cold, dr. mitchell says it can be as easy as protecting your hands with men's and your head with a hat. keep your extremities warm and dry and pack on the layers. with the impending cold temperatures, also plan on staying indoors. >> i do not plan onri

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