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johnson in the crime. a jury failed to reach a verdict in the animal cruelty trial. but carolyn griffin of the mayor's anti-animal abuse commission believes that the awareness made animal cruelty priority in baltimore pierre >> before, people did not know how to respond -- in baltimore. >> before, people did not know how to respond, even if it was a crime. now people are taking reporting more seriously. >> the commission launched a public outrage campaign urging people to call 911 to report animal cruelty. the police department trained officers in every district. there was an eye towards early intervention appeared >> if someone was went to do something atrocious to a cat or dog, what could they do in the future to human beings? we want to make sure we can monitor that type of activity. >> the city started to traffic -- to track animal cruelty cases. they identified said the two -- they identified 72 cases. griffin is hopeful that a new initiative will help solve those cases. metro crimerstoppers has offered rewards in felony animal cruelty cases. >> either they lacked incentive for there was a fear of retribution. people were not as forthcoming with information. i think the confidentiality is really a big thing for a lot of people. but the reward is also an incentive for people to report. >> the anti-animal mayor's commission is trying to stem momentum. one item on the agenda offers guidance on how effectively move those cruelty cases through the court system. >> animal abuse, of course, certainly, has been a problem in baltimore city in recent years. we have compiled a list of high- profile cases. to look through them, go to our website. >> there was a bit of an inconvenience this afternoon when a fire broke out in a baltimore hotel. guests at the roadway inn hotel were evacuated after the roof, fire afternoon. about 30 guests were affected. in west baltimore, a carbon monoxide leak at the key hill elementary school cut the day short. but the school should be open as normal tomorrow. >> we evacuated the building. the fire department evaluated all the students, all the staff, and i believe 5 teachers and to students went to the hospital, just to be further evaluated to make sure that there were no problems. >> after a thorough inspection, officials say that a problem -- the problem was a faulty steam table. >> a college and high school student is heading back to rawl.l after the basket-ba he will still be suspended from senior activities and some basketball games. they believe this was an isolated incident and he is relying on fans to keep 68 games. >> my hope is that this does not happen again. there will always be the potential for a summit to do what is wrong. but we have -- for someone to do what is wrong. but we have some many people participating in these events and doing it the right way. >> dr. alonzo would not comment on individual suspensions. [chanting] >> we begin our session 2011 coverage tonight with rallying cries for a statewide 10 cents alcohol tax increase. health advocates urged legislators to pass the lorraine sheehan health and community services act or the dime-a-drink drive. it provides funding for mental health services in the state. in the meantime, inside the state house, those both for and against same-sex marriage packed a standing-room only hearing today. >> it was hearing on a bill that would have maryland recognize same-sex marriages. david collins has more from annapolis. >> 14-year-old malia has two moms. they have been too -- have been together for many years. she feels she is one of a few people who think that is unusual. >> of what my parents to be married to my family can have the same protections and respect as other families. >> she supports the religious freedom and civil liberties act. just before the bill was to be heard in a senate committee, the numbers of supporters and opponents was so great that the crowd spilled into the hallway and killed an overflow room. >> we have attempted -- and fill an overflow room. >> we have attempted over the years to provide the rights for same-sex couples. we are denied the rights that so many of my street couples and straight friends are able to enjoy it and take for granted pierre >> -- take for granted. >> it would not require churches and synagogues to recognize same-sex nuptials. the bill is expected to pass in the house, the chamber's leadership wants to see what happens in the senate before acting. senate passage may be determined by only six legislators, all democrats. >> you said you made a decision. what is it? >> keeping it right here, close to my heart. >> this republican supports the bill. he resigned as minority leader earlier this year because of philosophical parties with his party on this and other social issues. senate president mike miller who supports maryland's current law acknowledges that the issue is a tough call. >> there is family involved. there are kids involved. there is religion involved. there are friends and did their best friends involved. you cannot question -- there are best friends involved. you cannot question anybody's position on this issue. >> the bill to install additional cameras in baltimore county school zones is moving ahead at full speed. last month, council members gave the bill the green light passing it 5-2. the baltimore county police department says that the current speed cameras have resulted in fewer violations. the additional cameras, some say, are too costly. >> we have a year to a year-and- a-half worth of data to analyze it. we are trying to analyze this over six months and that is not good business. >> for more, log onto our website. >> it seems that many across the globe are going back to buying toyotas. this came after profits exceeded expectations for the previous nine months. this also commenced the fallout from the recalls. -- this also comes in after the fallout from the various recalls. >> the report is from the u.s. government, the result of a 10- month investigation. what is next for the auto giant? >> unintended acceleration in toyotas have been blamed for 89 deaths. the final ruling is that the problem was mechanical and not a problem with the car's electronics. after millions of recalls and a 10-month investigation, the u.s. department of transportation says there is no evidence that unintended acceleration of some toyotas and to alexises -- and lexuses was due to the electronics. >> there is no cause by the electronics for high-speed acceleration in toyotas. >> this came after numerous complaints and this deadly crash near san diego 18 months ago when a lexus accelerated out of control. >> we are approaching the intersection during hold on. -- we are approaching the intersection. hold on. >> an off-duty california patrolmen and his family were killed. the most likely cause at the time was thought to be the accelerator getting hot with the floor mats. but what about the company's image, well known for its reliability? they say that toyota and just needs to refocus at what it does best. >> now that it is really not a problem, even nasa got involved with the size to figure out if it was a problem -- now that it is not, but probably do want to sweep it aside. listen, we're not focusing on that. we have proven to the american public that this is not a real problem. let's go back to marketing and focusing on all sorts -- on our car company and our products. >> he says it will not be easy and not a short process. >> they have a new day connecting with the american people on an emotional connection. they can just rely on their masses. >> toyota reported a quarterly profits today were down. toyota paid the was never meant a record $38.8 million in fines for the handling of the recall. >> that winter weather has now returned to the midwest. we will head out there after the break. >> ahead, a moving story about a college athlete and his coach. >> what is going on? >> and we will head back to the state house, where utilities are under fire. there are the standards that many lawmakers want to hold onto and the punishment as well. >> there is the possibility snow approaching again can check get out in the seven-day forecast. -- approaching again. check it out in the seven-day forecast. >> a house committee hopes to establish a utility standard. today, petco ceo colleges for the inconvenience. >> at the end of the day, we all want to see enhanced liability -- enhanced reliability. but we want to see what the cost and benefits are. were the costs exceed the benefits, that is what we need to be careful of. >> is the standard is set and utilities fell to meet it, they will be fined. -- if the standard is set and utilities fail to meet it, they will be fine. >> the competition for your business has become a very fierce. has that competition resulted in savings? we have advised on how to shop for energy. >> lower your electricity bills, save over $100, no added fees -- you have probably seen solicitations just like these from energy providers who want your business. gary ambrose has been bombarded with them. several salespeople has even come to his door. one was from direct energy. that sells person was quickly followed by someone from an excess energy and from washington gas. but -- from anex energy and from washington yes. he says the trend to make sense of which committee has the best -- and from washington gas. he says that trying to make sense to which company has the best deal is confusing. before you sign up with the new power co., you need to do some investigating. every month, they update their website with current offers with energy suppliers who are licensed to do business in maryland. anex energy is offering a 12- month energy contract. if you cancel, expect to pay a fee of $150. those cancellation fees can be as high as hundreds of dollars. other questions you should ask -- what is the history of the company? how long have they been in business? you also need to know if you are dealing with a and energy supplier, broker, or eibar gaidar. there is a difference. gregator.r gaida there is a difference. a broker acts as a middleman on behalf of suppliers. to get the best deal, make sure the broker is not acting exclusively on behalf of one supplier. an aggregator is like a broker, but negotiates rates on behalf of a group of brokers. >> the customer should ask, who are you desk where is your license? what is your identification? >> uze the fine print. there are little catch-22's in there that are bad for you. >> he felt pressured by what he considered aggressive marketing. people have received -- people have filed complaints to fill the semi. >> no matter what the product or the service, you or the consumer. you are in control. if someone -- you are the consumer. you are in control. if someone comes to your door, you can tell them to go away. >> ask for deregulation overall, has the competition done anything for the consumer? >> not really if i look at the big picture, over time, what it does for consumers in terms of price, i am not sure that it has delivered much of anything except more complications in people's lives. >> has for gary amber's, he is currently with washington gas and is waiting to see if he gets the savings he had hoped for if you do the work, you could save some money. be sure to double check the terms of the offer with the provider before you commit. >> the office of people's counsel is currently investigating reports of multi- level marketing schemes all involving the sale of energy. so by year beware. if you're looking for that price comparison, you will find a link on our website. it is back, at least for some here in winter weather may for a dangerous commute in parts of the midwest. it left many to wonder if all of that is coming our way. >> keep an eye on that storm. it will be mostly to ourself. we will be on the northern edge of it. there will be a few hours of snow tomorrow night and into thursday morning. it was not that full on the eastern seaboard. temperatures were barely down to freezing in boston. if you look west, you see that pocket of arctic air that was moving in our direction of the long end is sweeping through region. it is nine below the -- is nine degrees below zero in minneapolis. the current temperatures are 23 degrees at the airport and 26 degrees at the inner harbor. the temperatures that were high for the day work early on, in the morning hours. then the front went through. there's a trace amount of precipitation. the main emphasis today is the wind and the cold bring in the arctic air into the middle atlantic region. teams are now showing up. these are -- teens are now showing up. the coast is already into the single digits, out in oakland, in gary county. in baltimore, the wind gusted at 40 miles an hour. we're still picking up on some 20 miles per hour gusts. that sends the windshield -- the wind chill values diving. if you have to be out late tonight or early tomorrow morning, it will feel like fivzo degrees to 5 degrees. the wind chill advisory means that frequently, it will be 5 degrees below zero. there is a cold and overnight early morning. other than that, it will be a clear to partly skies overnight. the temperatures will go down to the teens. the wind chill will be in the single-digits. we will not have to deal with the strong winds tomorrow. keep an eye on the storm in west texas. it is going to be moving along the gulf and get some moisture. the question is how far north it will go when it moves up the carolina coast. by far, this pressure system is enough to keep the bulk of the storm torso, suppressing everything down to the south. but on the northern fringe of it, the snow may be starting up in maryland. tomorrow night, we may see a band of light snow or snow showers. norfolk, richmond, raleigh, n.c., they could get the most of it. but the potential of a few hours of light snow and snow showers, it might give a light dusting or like accumulation on thursday. we see a lot of staff -- we see a little bit of snow by 10:00 p.m. tomorrow night. the potential is there again on the far lower end of our scale for maybe a dusting or so. increasing clouds and cold tomorrow. the wind will be 5 miles an hour to 10 miles per hour. there could be a light dusting of snow by thursday morning. it will be 15 degrees friday morning. after that, it there will be a warming trend. we might even be able to get into the low 50's on monday. >> we have a touching story for you in atlanta where a college baseball player's career was sidelined by serious health issues. he became sick with a disease that attacked his kidneys. his coach tom walter did something unexpected of his own and gave his player one of his kidneys. the surgery was yesterday and, tonight, we're happy to report that both men are doing well. >> the orioles not only think there will look better this summer, but they think they will sound better, too. so do we. you will hear why next in sports. >> hello, america appeared tonight's mega millions the jackpot is an estimated $19 million. make you see if we can a millionaire tonight. our first number tonight is 47. it is followed by 48. up next, we have 35. the next number is 36. the final what all is 25. now for the mega ball. it is 18. the numbers are 48, 35, 36, 25, and the mega ball is 18. good >> the deal puts the orioles games back on a.m. 1090. the multi-year broadcast deal will include 10 exhibition games in spring training and all 162 regular-season games. the hearst corporation, the parent company of wbal tv also owns the radio. this is the first spring training under buck showalter. showalter had an immediate and significant impact last season. in just 57 games, he turned things around they put together -- turned things around. it has rekindled hope. showalter has high expectations for his team, but he is careful not to set the bar to low by putting a target win total on those of petitions. >> you put limitations on guys, they know what the expectations are paired do not put limitations on yourself and -- what the exhortations are. do not put limitations on yourself. who knows? do not be intimidated by other teams. you guys have bubblegum cards, too. c'mon. >> you have to love that philosophy. the ravens center let them know that he has the intention to return next season. burt has told the head coach that he intends to return next year for the final season on his three-year contract. the best of all team hopes to have a great finish. after thumping last week, the terps have a 15-8 record. gary williams will comes a little break from the grind of the acc schedule. >> this time of year, it is difficult to practice against your own guys for five days or whatever. it is better to play somebody else. you find out things about your team anytime you go against outside competition, even though you are into fed your repaired >> -- >> there will be cold temperatures tamara, close to freezing. there will be a little warm up as we head into the weekend. >> 16 degrees? >> thank you for joining us. >> good night everybody. ♪ [ female announcer ] starbucks via is planted the same... ♪ ...harvested the same... ♪ ...and roasted the same as our other premium coffees. it only makes sense it would taste the same. so, try it for yourself. buy a pack of 100% natural starbucks via ready brew. we promise you'll love it or we'll send you a bag of starbucks coffee. it's the starbucks via taste promise. look for it where you buy groceries.

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United States , Baltimore County , Maryland , Oakland , California , Texas , Boston , Massachusetts , San Diego , Washington , District Of Columbia , America , American , David Collins , Lorraine Sheehan , Gary Ambrose , Gary Williams , Baltimore Pierre , Carolyn Griffin , Tom Walter , Javier Bardem , Gary Amber , Jay Leno , Mike Miller ,

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