Up at one game a piece. Instead the mets are heading into this game and every other possible game ahead of this without ruben tejada. After a controversial play with lingering side effects. Immediately after saturdays game two in the nlds, there was anger in the mets clubhouse, after chase utleys controversial slide into ruben tejada breaking his leg and ending his season. My experience is that is not a slide, that is a tackle. We all know he plays hard. I play hard. I have done my fair share of takeout slides. And i have never done anything like that. In the aftermath, the anger is still there. But the mets are trying to move on. I lost a pretty good player. A pretty big piece of the puzzle. Im not very happy about it. Im not going to get into it. This is not the place. Reporter utley was suspended by Major League Baseball for two games but is appealing the punishment. The appeal wont be heard before tonights game three, so utley will be available to play. And the dodgers support him. If nobody got hurt, it wouldnt even be talked about today. It would have been a hard slide. And maybe it would have been controversy back and forth that it was hard. But since someone got hurt, now it is a story. The mets may be tempted to take some sort of revenge on utley or another player in the dodgers lineup tonight, but the stakes are high. In any playoff game. And matt harvey who will make his post season debut is just focusing on pitching and getting the win. It is a playoff baseball game. Obviously, my job is to go out like i said and put up zeros and go as long as i can. And regardless of what has happened, what happened yesterday, in the past, you know, all that has been taken care of. Now, chase utley did release a statement today, reiterating how terrible he feels for the injuries also saying that his agent and the Players Association are handling his appeal. He is simply focused on tonights game three. We are live inside citi field, channel 7 Eyewitness News. Mayor deblasio will be at tonights game and he is not hiding his thoughts calling it illegal and sickening on the utley slide. It is a tackle. It was illegal. It was sickening. And i guess he has a right to appeal but that appeal should be immediately dismissed. He should serve that suspension and the rules are pretty clear. He shouldnt have done it. But if Major League Baseball needs to look at the rules, they should, because thats not how the game is supposed be played. Thats the may area short time ago. As for how the fans will react Eyewitness News reporter anthony wanda is at citi field anthony . Beautiful afternoon. It looks like a beautiful night for baseball. We are standing out here on the plaza, pretty soon a lot of here. But we did find some fans who got here real early. As early as 9 00 this morning and they are gearing up for the big game and of course, they are getting ready for the big day. They are cooking already as the early tailgating has begun outside citi field. Fans are serving up burgers and sausage and planning to turn up the heat on chase utley when he hits the field tonight. The mets will play their game. I dont think they will fall prey to getting into it with them. Because it is such a short series. You cant afford to do that. But i think the fans are another story. I think the place is a nasty place tonight. I honestly believe that. Utleys controversial slide taking out ruben tejada in game edge. Want retaliation. They just want to see the mets win. Control your emotions. When you play the game, it is hard, when you play with emotion, you dont want to play with emotion, because then it gets to much. Goal. So the hard part for harvey tonight, is just to come out, is our ace. He is the ace. At the mets store in manhattan, business was brisk. Several fans were making their way to the stadium, and saying game three is a mustwin for the mets. I think the ultimate way to get to chase utley is not to throw at limb. I think it is at him. I think if the mets can win today and tomorrow, sending chase utley home and sitting on his sofa and playing golf for the rest of the offseason is the best way to deal with chase utley right now. Certainly what would make mets fans the happiest, getting a lot of homeruns and seeing the apple like this one, the one that is in the stadium, go tonights game. Remember, tonights game does not start until after 8 30. So a whole lot of people will be getting here very, very shortly and theyre getting ready to cheer for the mets and chase utley, is probably going to hear a lot of boos. Thats the latest from outside citi field, anthony thompson, channel 7 Eyewitness News. Going to be a raw raucous game tonight, no doubt. We want to see how youre getting ready to game three. Send your fan photos use the bc 7ny and mets manager Terry Collins is expected to speak in a half hour from now. We will see what he has to say and bring it to you as all eyes are on citi field tonight. Following. We are learning more about a brooklyn music producer and father of three who was gunned down in his car last night. Police say that after he was shot, Eric Mckinney tried to drive himself to the hospital. Eyewitness News Reporter Sandra Brookman is in the fort queen section with more on this story. Sandra. Reporter that shooting happened on a corner behind me. The hospital just one block in the other direction. The victim here, apparently just could not drive himself fast enough to the hospital in time to save his own life. The black Jeep Wrangler with its shattered windows evidence of the shooting last night that claimed the life of 31yearold Eric Mckinney, a brooklynbased family and friends, as karl. He dont bother nobody. Police say as mckinney sat at a red light, at ashton place and fulton street about 10 30, a man walked up to the drivers side window and started shooting. Hit in the arm and torso, mckinney was able to drive away, against traffic, about a block away, he hit one fence, and backed into another, before coming to a stop. He was later pronounced dead at nearby brooklyn hospital. He was trying to make it to the hospital. And he got into an accident. Reporter among the social media tributes to the father of three today, this instagram from wellknown rapper fabulous, my brother love forever. Unclear tonight, was mckinney specifically targeted . Or was he the victim of a random attempted robbery or carjacking . Now, there are reports tonight that someone saw a man leaving that scene quickly, immediately after the shooting, dressed in dark clothing. Police found at least eight shell casings at the scene. We have also learned this afternoon that Eric Mckinney is apparently not the only Family Member with ties to the Music Industry to die a violent death. More on that part of the story, coming up, on Eyewitness News at 6 00. For now, live in fort green brooklyn, im sandra brooklyn, channel 7 Eyewitness News. Andrea, thank you. There was also a deadly shooting in manhattan overnight as well. This one outside of a nightclub. Police say the gunman was aiming at a bouncer at club motivo in the Flat Iron District when he shot three female bystanders instead. 24yearold ralequa fausef died the at the hospital two. Other victims are expected to survive. The vicks devastated family is de the victims devastated family is ze manding justice for the young mother. She was a great daughter. A great friend. An exceptional mother. She cared a lot about her son. Her only son. She was just since she was a no issues. So much going for her. She is in college. Very independent woman. And you know, she is going to be missed tremendously. Police say the shooter was upset about being told to leave the club. We will have much more on the 5 00. Well, fire on board a passenger jet out of Newark Airport forces the pilot to make an emergency landing. The Alaska Airlines plane landed at Buffalo Airport this morning after issuing an emergency. The airline says a credit card reader started to smoke up. Apparently from a melting battery. The machine was sprayed with a fire extinguisher and they tell us no one on board was hurt. Stocks on wall street making gains on the first day of the trading week. Edging higher as investors looked ahead to the release of Major Corporate earnings reports. The dow rose 47 points, closing at 17,131. Well, today is columbus day. And italianamerican pride was on full display this affect for the parade stepped off this morning and traveled along fifth avenue from the 44th to 32nd streets and the route had celebrities and dancers an musicians, fancy cars and thousands of marchers, for many, it reminded them of their rich heritage. My blood. My mother. All of my family. I love them. But nobody can touch this for me. The parade also brought along a lineup of dignitaries, including governor cuomo, and mayor deblasio. Well, the vice chairman of the institutional clients group, the grand marshal, there, and the parade airs on channel 7, you can see more of the parade, and get behind the scenes details on our web site abc 7ny. A Staten Island home was on fire and this man ran back into the family of the hero speaking out about the brave move that saved other people inside the fire. A city councilman speaking out after he was stunned with a police taser, this is as we learned that one of the officers involved was also behind another high profile arrest. And im meteorologist, what a perfect day for a parade. Great fortune with the Summer Holiday weekend. It continues in fall. Here is the signal as we are going out and about on this columbus day. Fantastic out there. Convertible weather. Amazing autumn evening. Beautiful at citi field. Just need a light mets jacket. The sevenday forecast is coming up. We return you to the bronx right now, a live scene over 138th street. And the fort morris section. Six suffered minor injuries. It is 4 14 on this columbus day. Lets check the roads. Primarily easy day but here on the l. I. E. In new hyde park, you can see there is some traffic eastbound that is a little bit built up there. As for the hudson river crossings though, like i said, no issues to report. The tunnels or the George Washington bridge. Students at Umpqua Community college in oregon returned to classes today for the First Time Since the deadly shooting. The campus reopened last week, but today marks the first day tragedy. The snyder hall however where the rampage happened will remain closed for now. Investigators say christopher mercer, the gunman, killed nine people and wounded nine others, oregons governor was there, as there is a very strong and resilient community. And they will provide the support that these students need to move forward and begin the healing process. Mercer was a student at the school but his motives are still unclear. Law enforcement Officials Say his family told them that he suffered from mental illness. We are learning new details this afternoon on the tasing of a City Council Member by Police Officers in texas. This afternoon, officials in prairie view announced that the investigation has been turned over to the district attorney. Last thursday, officers used a stun gun, on 26yearold city councilman jonathan miller. He had approached the officers who were questioning two of his friends outside of his home. And today, police chief, the police chief depended the departments taser policy. The use of the taser is to avoid injury. Prolonged physical combat with someone. Miller was charged with resisting arrest. Police say one of the officers was also involved in the controversial arrest of sandra bland back in july. She died you may recall in her jail cell, three days after being taken into custody. Turning now to the race for president , in just one day, from the first democratic debate, and who likely wont be there is making a big buzz. Still no word from Vice President joe biden about whether he will run. Some of his advisors have apparently talked to the dnc about the rules of an election late last week. The frontrunners in the debate in las vegas tomorrow are Hillary Clinton and bernie sanders. The other candidates who will participate are martin omalley, and jim webb. Interesting to watch. Yes. Meanwhile, can i just say, the foliage, it is just spectacular. And the backdrop of that deep blue sky, yes. Uhhuh. Coming out very gradually because of the lingering warmth up here. We have seen some satellite pictures from nasa and i posted them on social media where you see the follage upstate that oozing in slowly. This is a top 10 falls ever here in new york. I want to go on the record. Listen to you. You are following up one of the best summers ever. So here we are. Enjoying a great stretch of weather. So beautiful out here tonight. Warmest day of the week. There is something for everyone forecast. Away. We will get into that. Manhattan. A lot of sunshine. Sun soaked and also a clear blue sky. 73 degrees, the air is nice and dry. A pair of fours for the humidity. South wind about 6 miles an hour and the wind is Holding Steady and the highs in the middle 70s. And ridgewood at 73. And sunset, 69. And Cambria Heights at 71. Riverdale and the bronx. Room temperature, 72. And poughkeepsie, 77 degrees. Thats the warm spot. Jersey shore, eastern island, upper 60s and low 70s and showers in eight hours or so. And 68 degrees at 7 00 tonight. And mainly clear skies. A few patchy fog will be coming in during the midnight hour. And then i think we wake up to partly to mostly cloudy skies and a few showers on the east end of long island, and maybe the connecticut coast and also the jersey shore. And most of us just stay mostly cloudy through the midday and late morning on, there can be a couple of rounds of showers that swing through. Once again, not a significant rainfall but you might want to have the umbrella handy for a couple of rounds of showers. Satellite very clear right now. When we look down the coast, a plume of tropical moisture from the bahamas. Most of that seems to be aimed offshore. However, a little spin, this low pressure off the carolina coast, and that is going to go east of montauk and east of cape cod, but it is going to have some showers on its western side, and it gives aus chance of showers later on tonight, into tomorrow morning. And mainly east of new york city. The rest of us will wait for showers tomorrow afternoon. And from this system, you almost have to have eyes in the back of your head for the forecast. East and a weak front from the west, it is impressive with. A classic comma shape. And the clippers are stepping down the temperatures slowly and a big plunge in the upcoming weekend. The numbers in the 70s and if not lower 80s across the great lakes. And then in the 30s west of hudson bay and central and western canada. Now we will get a piece of that air mass. That is going to come in late week, into the upcoming weekend. But tomorrow, it is just a few showers around. You have to watch out for eastern sections in the morning. And then any time from late morning to early evening, there are a couple of lineses of showers that will pass through. It is by no means a washout. It is actually a mild day. A couple of breaks of sun from time to time. So dont cancel the outdoor plans. You might be interrupted every once in a while by a passing shower. Once we get to wednesday, the sun is back. There is a fall breeze out there. And we knock the numbers down a little bit to 68. And wait until you see the chill later in the week. Increase this clouds. A nice clear evening and increasing clouds. A few showers late. Mainly over long island and jersey shore, and connecticut coast and tomorrow, we are all at risk for a couple of showers from late morning into the early evening but highs are nice in the low to middle 70s. Then partly cloudy, and 56. And we got another gorgeous day coming up on thursday. And that chilly air is closing in. More on that, in the sevenday forecast. In the next half hour. Meanwhile, david and live, liv, could not be nicer for the columbus day weekend. Perfect for the parade. See you in a few minutes. Actor randy quaid is in jail. Find out what he did this weekend that has him in trouble with the law again. A major honor in hollywood for our own kelly rippa. Hear from the live star, as she gets her own star looks like we have some sort of sea monster in the water hazard here. I believe thats a kraken, bruce. It looks like hes going to go with a nine iron. That may not be enough club. Well hes definitely going to lose a stroke on this hole. If youre a golf commentator, you whisper. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Oh, stay on that one. [changes channel] sometimes its hard to catch all your favorite shows. Youre killing me, dad. Give me that, please. With time warner cables enhanced dvr, you can. Record up to 6 shows at the same time. Plus, you can record in one room and watch in another. So you can enjoy tv on your schedule. Welcome to the future. Yes, welcome. Get over 200 hd channels, internet, and unlimited calling for 89. 99 a month. Time warner cable. Are you happy with your bathroom . I wasnt. Until i learned about bath fitter. Bath fitter puts a new bathtub right over your old one. Isnt that amazing . Bath fitter will measure, custommake and install right over your existing tub. And only bath fitter has seamless walls, which guarantees a watertight fit. Plus, they do it all in just one day. We have some breaking sports news. On the mets game tonight, we have just learned that dodgers have decided not to put chase utley into the lineup, even though he could play because of the appeal. Utley was slapped with a two game suspension after this slide that broke the leg of mets shortstop ruben tejada. And it was thought that utley might start tonight. But the dodgers tweeted just a little while ago that that would not be the case. Of course, we will stay on the story and bring you the very latest. Well, a very big congratulations to one of our friends here at Eyewitness News. Live with kelly and michael, co host and our good friend kelly rippasm the latest celebrity to kelly rippasm the latest celebrity to have her name cemented in hollywood elite talent. She was honored with a star on the hollywood walk of fame and started with abc back in 1990 as haily vaughn on all my children. Remember that . Yes. I remember that. And this season marks her 15th year with live, a run that has included three daytime emmy awards. I would also like to thank my parents who do not fly and my mom who has never been to california for going to all of this trouble and coming and spending time with us, and really being a great parent, and great parents, and encouraging my career in showbiz, instead of putting me on the medication that i so desperately needed. Always. You can see her cohost michael strahan, is there, along with w abc manager general manager dave davis, our boss and kellys family there as well. Congratulations. So proud of her. One of new jerseys best products, i have to say. Great. I love it. I will get a compliment any chance i can get. The next person was a household name when she was promoted to principal dancer with the american ballet theater. The first africanamerican woman to achieve the status but Misty Copeland almost did not make it to stardom and it is the story now being told in a new documentary. Entertainment reporter sandy kenyan is here with much more. Sandy . Reporter the director of the new movie, a ball rias tale, calls Misty Copeland the first ballet superstar in 40 years. She is famous in the world of dance and well known to the public at large where she is increasingly seen as an inspiration to people of all ages. Im a black dancer. Thats who i am. Misty copeland is also a pioneer. As a new documentary makes abundantly clear. I first discovered ballet at 13. I had no exposure to it. Stardom beckoned. But there is a lack of diversity in ballet. So coneland had to hear the copeland had to hear the word no over and over again for years. Based on my body type, pedigree and background i should not have been a part of one of the worlds greatest ballet companies. Vindication came from that same company. When she took her place as the first africanamerican woman to be named principal dancer at abt. I had moments of doubting myself and wanting to quit because i didnt know there that there would be a future for an africanamerican woman to make it to this level. And she almost didnt. The new movie is described by its director as a snapshot of an artist in a moment of crisis. She said to me, im in a lot of pain, nelson. Diagnosed as a mid tibia stress fracture. And the prognosis was bad. That it i would possibly never dance again. Misty says she stayed positive and proactive. I found a doctor that told me that i would dance again and that this is an injury that a lot of athletes have. That made me feel comforted. She recovered fully. To keep her date with destiny. I understand what it can do for generations to come. For them to be able to envision and visualize a future for themselves in this world. As a little girl, Misty Copeland first found inspiration moving to the music of mariah carey. A ballerinas tale is in theater es on wednesday, and one week later opening her first season as principal dancer of the american ballet theater right across the street at lincoln center. I find it so captivating and beautifully shot and not to mention her magnificent artistry, combined with such a compelling and inspiring story. And she is one of these artists who is so succinct and so profound when she talks about her art. She really can do that well. And a great message for young and inspiring athletes and dancers and artists all out there. Great for young girls. Thanks, sandy. Thank you. Family tragedy. A man runs into a burning building to save his mother. But it cost him his life. We have new information about what may have led to this tragedy. Plus, new developments in killed a beloved lion, will he okay. So everyone is saying, hey you gotta get fios but why . Why fios . Well fios is a 100 percent fiber optic network, so you can get 100 out of all your devices. Whatever speed you need, fios has it. So if you need more streaming for more devices, fios gives you options with the Fastest Internet and wifi available from 50 to 500 mpbs. And were not just talking downloads. Were talking equal upload speeds, too. You can upload your favorite videos up to 5x faster than cable. Plus with the fios mobile app, you can view your entertainment at home, or on the go. But the main reason to get fios . Were rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. Why fios . Ultimately, thats why. Right now, get 50 meg fios internet, tv phone starting at 79. 99 a month, guaranteed for two years. Plus get 350 back with a two year agreement. It is 4 30. And all new this half hour, a man sacrifices his own life to save his mother. When the fire rips through their apartment on Staten Island. He was a family man. Very good person. We have new information on what may have sparked this family tragedy. Plus, lending a hand, new york city firefighters on a mission to help communities in the historic flood. And a warning for parents, Young Children racking up big bills on phones and tablets, and it even forced kanye west to go on a social media rant. We continue to follow breaking news in the bronx. News chopper 7 over the scene involving a cocacola truck. At least one person is dead. Injuries. And this happened along east 138th street in the fort morris Eyewitness News reporter jim dolan on the way to the scene and we will bring you any new it. We want to take you live to citi field, and the mets speaking, this collins is game three tonight. Lets go ahead and listen in. The people in charge of this, you know, we will support whatever they decide to do and when i heard he would get a two game su pension, we appeal it. Im not shocked that is what happened and that is what has taken place and i told several coaches, and everybody else, we got to get ourselves ready to play a baseball game. We want worry about what happened two days ago. We got to move on and we got to go play baseball. Some type of a grudge match, we are going to make some mistakes and we cant do that. John, second round, terry . Terry, what went into the decision to from garis over gadire. Michael is one for 12 against anderson. Good matchup. And righty does hit homers off this guy. And the one thing we have not asked michael to come forward to do, since he has been called to the big leagues is start again against a lefthanded pitcher and i didnt think game three in the playoff, with all of the other attention going on, to what is going to happen out there tonight, that it was first shot. So i think he can hit lefties. I told you guys, i think he is going to be outstanding player. But this is what we have been doing since he came here and we just said, it gives us our best defense, if we need some offense, we can certainly pinch hit. Thats how we thought we would start the game. Over here, terry. Been a strange year for willmer and this situation, what did you tell him and just your confidence in him, that he can do the job for you. Well, i have great confidence in him. I have played him a lot. To be honest, one of the reasons why he didnt play towards the end of the season, and even the first two playoffs in los angeles was due to the fact that after he injured his back, it took him a while to get better and then he got the strep throat and got so weak to play. The other day in los angeles, i tonged to him and he said i talked to him and he says he feels 100 . The back feels great. The strep throat, the throat is fine. He is eating again. He has some energy back. So just told him to go play. Not to get caught up in anything. But you know, going out and playing shortstop. And you know, hes the guy we got to turn to right now and i think thats why, you know, he is up for it, and i dont want to put any more pressure on him but we just protected ourselves by bringing Matt Reynolds here just in case something happens and we need a guy who has been kelly has. Thats why he is here. Third round, an hone . Terry, after the first two games, what you have been listening to Terry Collins talking about tonights game three Division Series blaif playoff against the dodgers and what everyone wanted to know to the dodgers two game suspension. And the dodgers are now saying they are not going to play him and when asked about the retaliation, the manager said we dont have to worry, not about that but winning and we will continue to stay on the latest developments. Cant make it a grudge match. And we will turn to the hero son who died trying to save his mother from a fire. Cale wander rushed into an apartment on Staten Island after the fire was started by a candle. We have more in the Mariners Harbor section on this story, with mallory. Reporter we have learned that this man was actually outside of the apartment when the fire started. He very quickly ran into this burning building. You can see there, that unit, now boarded up tonight, and the survivors, cannot go home. Just before midnight, flames tore through an apartment on braivan street in the mariners section. Investigators say 37yearold caleb wilder died after rescues his mom. His mom has been living there well over 20 years. Family friend Ralph Williams says wilder lived in delaware and friends. I broke down. Total disbelief. He was coming to visit me today actually. They took the elevator up to the second floor to rescue their mom from the flames and made their way from heavy smoke and got her out of the apartment and took her down the stairwell where fire crews met surfers from asthma began to experience shortness of breath and went into cardiac arrest and taken to Richmond Medical Center where he was pronounced dead. He didnt think about his asthma or any of that stuff. Not a selfish bone in his body. Family man. Good person. Good human being. It is just tragic that the good die so young. Investigators say five other people were treated for injuries. They are all expected to be okay. Friends say wilder should be remembered as a man willing to true hero. A hero, a lot of people around this area calling this man that tonight, and again, investigators telling us that candles started this fire, and coming up tonight at 6 00, what investigators say happened in the moments before this fire got out of control. Live in Staten Island, mallory news. Thank you, mallory. New york city firefighters getting ready to lend a hand in carolina. They volunteered the group as that is called dart, disaster resistance response team. And they are looking at flood relief including distributing supplies and serving meals and helping with shelters. It is so personal the people around america, they get to see new York Firefighters out supporting the cause and these firefighters have given so much to our city, and through the red cross, they continue to help relief operations in south carolina, and whenever disaster strikes. A flooding this month has killed at least 19 people in south carolina. Away. And many families forced from their homes. Drama involving Actor Randy Quaid and tell you why he and his wife were held fugitives and what happened when they went baby i love that were spending the weekend together. Oh i know hey, why dont you turn off your phone and all your stuff. Good idea. Its off. Mom . Oh my internet is so slow when anyone else is using it. Did you like want to do something . I am doing something. Leave slow downloads behind. Its good to be back. The 100 Fiber Optics Network gives you the Fastest Internet available for all your devices. Get out of the past. Get fios. Im michael douglas, and new york is my home. Theres no place like it in the world. And theres no time to see it like the fall. Take metro north to take in the beautiful fall foliage from high above the hudson. See spectacular sights underground. Or thrilling sights above it. Theres so many incredible ways to experience the fun of fall in new york state. Plan your trip at iloveny. Com. A professor at Princeton University has won the nobel price for economics. Angus deacon was awarded the honor for his works examining the link between individual consumers and broader economies and spoke at princeton about receiving the call from stockholm this morning. They were very keen to make sure that i did not think it was a prank. [ laughter ] and i dont know whether this is common. I have never had a prank phone call like this. And of course, as soon as they said that, i thought oh, my god, maybe it is a prank. [ laughter ] economist and standup comedian. He says he is grateful for the honor and hopes his research will help improve the lives of people in developing economies. Well, no charges will be filed against a dentist who killed a well known lion in zimbabwe. Authorities in disabz authorities in zimbabwe is no longer pressing for charges against walter palmer. He is a tourist, not a hunter and he hunting illegally when he shot the lion back in july. Actor randy quaid and his wife appeared in court for separate hearings this morning but the same case. The quaids were arraigned on fugitive charges in vermont. The couple was arrested friday night while trying to enter the they are wanted in california, on vandalism charges. Stemming from a 2010 incident, and some reports say that the quaids tried to skip out on the charges by seeking asylum in canada. Well, still to come, kanye west goes on a rant about a surprise bill. We will show you how to make sure your kids dont accidentally charge up your credit card while playing video games. Well a quickthinking girl used improvised road skills to get the help her mom needed. 11yearold katie boven and her mom shiloh were on the interstate when her mom suffered a seizure and her head rolled backwards and the suv drifted off the roads and katie unbuckled her seatbelt and took hold of the Steering Wheel but the 6 g9 grader could not reach the 6th grader could not reach the brakes. When she was telling me the story, i was scratching my head, thinking wow, what a brave little girl. Incredibly brave. Katie was able to pull the suv over and bring it to a stop. And some other alert drivers saw the entire thing happen and then they pulled over to try to help. Her mom was taken to the hospital. She is expected now to make a full recovery. Wow. That is an awesome daughter, right . Awesome daughter. And managed to stay calm in a situation like that. And any time that seems to pop in my head, doing things like escape routes and i say it outloud rather than think it because you never know when it may come in handy. Show a story like this for everybody. Absolutely. A good night for game three. Weatherwise. Yes. But drama. A soap opera. October baseball weather in here. Sometime soon, the next couple of days, chill coming back in. But right now, it is all about the warmth. It is great. Look at the view toward the hudson and the George Washington bridge. Our temperatures, we approach the 5 00 hour, it is still in the low and middle 70s. And wind is out of the south, and gusting near 15 to 16 in a couple of places. And a beautiful clear start to the evening and clouds start to roll in. And especially at the coastline. About 60 degrees by 4 00 in the morning and that should be our actual low as we go through the overnight. And first pitch temperature, about 67, at citifield and probably lower to middle 60s by the end of the game. Should be very comfortable for this time of the year. 60 degrees 7 00 in the morning. Mostly cloudy skies at that time. And i wouldnt be surprised with some showers on the east end of long island. And then by noontime, there can be a shower just about anywhere coming in from the front from the west. And during the afternoon hours, again, a couple of spotty showers that come through, and one more line during the early evening ha comes through with the cold front and at that point it might be a brief heavy shower. And here is the future cast, watch how we have a clear evening and clouds start to increase late tonight, especially along the coast and there is that area of low pressure, awfully close, flirting with the twin forks and make a couple of showers sneaking back to the jersey citiy shore and eastern fairfield county. That will move away. If you look at your day break conditions, we have a range of a shower east, with some breaks in the clouds everywhere else and then go to the middle of day and a front is coming at least closing in. There might be a shower or two point. Through the lunch hour. And then spotty showers through the evening commute. A couple of breaks of sun and the last line with the cold front that could actually have a couple of heavier showers in there. Before it leaves the scene during the evening hours. And then skies begin to clear out. And the air quality is moderate tomorrow. We said the v index on average is a the u. V. Index on average is a 3. But the average is higher. Sun block is not a bad idea. Sunglasses. Side. Ragweed and elm. Going through the week with temperatures stepping down slowly through the 60s. But by the time we get to the 50s, we could see snow showers in the upstate. And frost concerns if the wind dies down saturday night. The great lakes. Thats what happens with the coming in. Here is the sevenday forecast. A few showers tomorrow. 74 degrees. But on. Early morning. If youre watching from eastern long island. And wednesday is a beautiful day. Breezy. Thursday is great, too. And showers on friday. Steadier north of the the city. So we end the week for the second week in the row, we end the week with some showers and coolest weather so far. 58 degrees on saturday. Only 54 on sunday. What . And a weeks time, 20 degrees cooler than we were today. So it will feel a lot cooler. I was in my car saturday whoa. It is just beginning. It is just beginning. I know. Thanks. Thats why im living in thats right. All right. Time to take a look at the top stories trending on this monday. Two topics burning up facebook and twitter feeds. Columbus day, and chase utley. Mets fans look forward to bouncing back from utleys leg breaking slide into the mets ruben tejada. 21yearold student from canada, becoming an internet hero. The picture of a canadian man comforting a special needs stranger on a bus in ontario is just so heart warming. The passengers took a liking to this guy, and passenger captured godfrey quato holding the mans hold and reassuring him on the crowded bus and the passenger who took the picture was so touched by it, he posted it on facebook and showed a strange sore much kindness and wanted to share the special moment with the rest of the world. Great to see. You never know who you will run into at comic con. Jed leto and mark ruffalo walked around incognito. Underneath the creepy mask, the man who plays the joker and there was a picture of the man dressed as the joker and tweeting he has no idea. And ruffalo walked around and posted pictures in this scary luigi mask. I love they joined the crowds out there. Meanwhile, penn state alum Keegan Michael key, surprised the homecoming team, homecoming coach. James franken. They look a lot alike. But the team was not fooled for too long. Guys, i dont know why youre acting like that. We got to settle down during this meeting here, okay . What a great reaction. Isnt it great . He uses all of the terms and does. And of course, the crowd loved it. You know, finally, as parents, we all want our children to be open to eating Different Things but this babys reaction to trying avocado for the first time was a little too precious. [ laughter ] it is good. Hmm. Tasty. [ laughter ] oh, my gosh. What the heck is this . Do i like it . Do i not . What is going on in my mouth right now . That is just the greatest reaction ever. But you can see it, is like maybe, maybe not so bad. I dont know. You have to do a before and after, 15 years. Yes. Guacamole and chips. And enjoy it. I love this stuff. And the baby is like no im not into this. As always check out the trend online at abc 7ny. I love it. So cute. And still to come, children accidentally running up huge bills on phones and tablets. Weve seen it before. We will show you how to stop the surprise bills and why kanye west is now even getting involved. And there are some on the hudson river crossings. 20 minutes inbound on the George Washington bridge. And the the lincoln tunnel. And 10 minutes both ways at the holland. And we continue to follow breaking news this afternoon. One person is dead and six others hurt after an out of control truck jumped a curb in the bronx. You are looking at live pictures right now, from news chopper 7. We are told that the woman who died was over 30. We will have much more coming up on Eyewitness News at 5 00. We will hear from him smells like spaghetti with johnsonville italian sausage. My favorite. Bad news. The johnsonville factory burned down brian. Its terrible. Well if you cant serve tasty sausage why are we even a family . I may as well move out. Well, if thats what yo. Youre right. Ill stay. And tomorrow were going to help johnsonville rebuild that factory. Ill take dinner in my room, with chocolate milk. Make pasta tastier with johnsonville italian sausage. We all know the kids love playing games on iphones and tablets, but what do you do if your child accidentally racks up a big bill on your credit card . Its a growing frustration for so many parents. Even some celebrity parents. Kanye west took to twitter to vent. Reporter it drives parents everywhere nuts, including, it turns out, kanye west. Kanye has a 2yearold daughter, north, with Kim Kardashian west. Taking to twitter over the weekend, ranting about companies that put inapp purchases on games designed for kids, writing we give the ipad to our child and every 5 minutes theres a new purchase. If the game is allowed for a 2yearold just allow them to have fun and give parents a break. Toddlers using ipads, racking up big bills with inapp purchases without their parents consent. We had a conversation with our children about being responsible users of technology. We made sure they knew the rules of using the technology and the rules. Reporter a 2012 survey by the federal trade commission took a look at 400 apps made for children, reviewing 200 from google play and 200 from apples app store, the ftc finding 17 of them had the ability to make purchases for virtual goods within the app, ranging in price from 99 cents to 29. 99. Apple and google both settling complaints with the ftc, refunding millions to consumers for those inapp purchases, apple coughing up 32. 5 million, google, 19 million. What can you do to insure your kids arent breaking the bank . Set a password so your kids dont want them making. Secondly, if they happen to make those purchases, you can go ahead and request a refund. Theres still much more news ahead, including an update on that out of control truck that crashed in the bronx. Eyewitness news at 5 00 begins now. The search is on tonight for a gunman who opened fire outside a manhattan nightclub, killing a young mom and two other women. And game 3 at citifield just hours away. Weve learned new information about chase utleys plans after the illegal slide that took out ruben tejada for the season. Good evening at 5 00. Im diana williams. Im David Novarro in for sade. We have new information from citifield and well bring you that in a moment. Right now we have breaking news in the bronx. One person has been killed, another half dozen injured out of an out of control truck hit them on east 138th street. Eyewitness News Reporter jim dolan has just arrived at the scene and is there now with the latest. Its a tragic scene. Lets get right to the scene, right over here. You see this truck coming off bruckner boulevard, slammed in to the scaffolding there and struck the building at 138th street. It killed one person. Six others were injured. There were a lot of people out on the street at this hour. A little before 4 00 this afternoon, a lot of people out on the street who saw this some who were hit by that truck and injured. Many witnesses say the truck was swerving to avoid a black suv that had cut in to its lane and thats what caused the driver to lose control. The 30s, works nearby. There are friends and relatives of hers at the scene. Some of whom saw this accident happen and saw her hit

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