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And Melania Trump. And the moving moment that left millions speechless this week. Who is our person of the week . Good evening. Its great to be back home as we end the week. But we begin with a new scene of terror unleashed. Americans among the victims inside. A hotel under attack, with at least one american killed. S. W. A. T. Teams moving in, 170 people held hostage. Several americans inside. Tonight, at least 27 dead. A pane of glass shattered. Snipers peering through the window. And tonight, the major question, was this connected to the terror unfolding in paris one week ago tonight . Reporter 7 00 a. M. Local time. The terrorists, armed with guns and grenades drove up to the radisson blu, a luxury hotel in bamako, mali. Trapped inside the hotel, 140 guests, 30 staff. They started to shoot everywhere, this man says. And they were shouting allahu akbar. And forced to recite passages from the koran. A cameraman crouching behind this officer as authorities approach the scene. Shattered glass on the floor. Guns raised, prepared for anything. Sirens blaring all around as they evacuate the citizens. I opened the door a little bit and saw bullets on the floor. I walked out, it was full of police and special forces. Reporter guiding them downstairs, to safety. This employee, blood staining her sleeves. The United Nations says at least 27 in all, and the state department confirming at least one american death. Mali a former french colony. At least three of the hostage french Officials Say they were a part of a north african group. And we know a state Department Security agent happened to be on the scene, and he helped pull people out of a smokefilled room. Martha, thank you. It was one week ago tonight, we were just beginning to learn the scope of the horror in paris. And tonight, a major development. The alleged eighth attacker on the run. Making phone calls after his escape. What was he calling for . Hes believed the be the gunman we saw. Taking aim, his gun appearing to jam. Friends telling abc news he made a calling pleading for help as he now hides. Brian ross with where authorities believe he could be now. Reporter he is believed to be the gunman seen shooting that dramatic video at a parisian cafe obtained by the daily mail. But Salah Abdeslam did not blow himself up, he fled the scene, and is now described as armed and dangerous. And tonight police in the International Manhunt say they believe he is hiding somewhere near his hometown in brussels, belgium. And so do two of his neighborhood friends, who tell abc news that abdeslam actually called them on tuesday night, saying he was nearby, desperate for help to avoid the police and get to isis in syria. Those friends told abdeslams brother, mohammed, about that call, and mohammed issued a new plea today for his brother to turn himself in. Quote, because its the only way to avoid being shot down by police. Salah abdeslams friends say he also feared isis, apparently because he did not detonate his suicide vest. He was particularly scared of the mastermind of the attack, abdel hamid abaaoud. But abaaoud was killed in wednesdays bloody police raid. And tonight, the fugitives brother sent this message. Abaaoud is dead. He doesnt need to be afraid of him now. We contacted belgian authorities and the fbi about the friends account, and they had no immediate comment. Do they still believe hes in belgium tonight . Yes. And weve been reporting on the fake passport discovered next to one of the attackers. Its believed he posed as a refugee. And tonight, new evidence that he may not be the only one. Tonight, french authorities saying fingerprints have been found. And a woman, a new mystery, authorityies believe it was someone next to her detonating their vest. Heres matt gutman. Reporter tonight, two attackers blowing themselves up during this game, both passed through greece on the same day, october 3rd, following the same path as the wave of syrian refugees. Finger fingerprints matching those registered on the island. And the dramatic scene on the streets of paris wednesday. The target, abbaoud. And french authorities revising their account of that explosion. Saying the woman was not the one and tonight, a third body in the wreckage, identity still unknown. Police teams are still combing through that building, dumping debris into that dumpster, and putting evidence into that white van. Someone would detonate that vest. Then the s. W. A. T. Team sending in its dog, diesel. When she got in the flat, we didnt see her anymore. She saved the lives of colleagues of mine. Reporter exposing that last shooter to snipers. That officer telling us he was surprised about how selectively they chose targets,. Extended for another three months. And tonight, the possible of another attacker fueling the debate over refugees here at home. Donald trump, clarifying his comments about whether this country should have a muslim registry. Jonathan karl with what trump said, and what hes saying now. Reporter trumps answer to this question about setting up a National Database of muslims in america has set off a furor. There should be a lot of systems, beyond database. There should be a lot of systems, and today you can do it. But right now, we need a border, strength, a wall, and we cant let whats happening to this country happen. How do you get this registry . Good management. I find it abhorrent that trump is suggesting we register people. That brings you back to a time that no one wants to get back to. Reporter trump later tweeting, i didnt suggest a database, a reporter did. We need to defeat islamic terrorist to protect america. And he insisted he has nothing against muslims. You have good christian people, and the muslim people are good, too. And trump saying he never suggested a database for muslims, it was a question posed to him . Thats right. And its true. He didnt suggest it himself. But in all the back and forth, he did not say that he opposes the idea. And we have trump and his wife here on the broadcast a little bit later. And three new isis videos in the last three days with images of new york city and washington, d. C. , vowing to take aim at the white house. And tensions running high. A Spirit Airlines flight diverted, a passenger taken off the plane. David kerley covers aviation. Reporter it was a reported the Spirit Airlines jet to lauderdale. A passenger taken off, but misunderstanding about an overheard conversation. The man, a u. S. Citizen, taken off believes that wasnt the only reason. They treat me like a terrorist guy. I have to pay a price for my reporter just the latest incident as more than 25 million thanksgiving holiday. Many are jittery. In los angeles people are now in fear. Its the new reality. Reporter to washington. Ill look my head will be on pivot and ill be looking. Reporter the bombing of that russian jetliner, possibly using a soda can, and lingering fears it may have been placed in the jet by an insider, an airport worker. Could that happen here . The responsibility for screening airport workers is left to the airports. In miami, nearly 100 of those workers are screened before entering secure areas. Our threat is the Insider Threat and we know what we have to do to deal with that. Reporter but tonight, miami is only one of three u. S. Airports which conducts 100 screening. There is no mandate for airport worker screening. Some say its time for congress to require exactly that. And now to the storm, Winter Weather alerts up this hour. A winter blast, whiteout conditions. And a pickup truck flipped. Up to a foot of snow expected in some parts. Chicago in the path. Lets go to rob marciano with the trick. For the big cities like chicago, its the first real snow storm of the season. Stretching from wyoming to michigan. And snowing in iowa, over a foot in some spots. Moving into chicago by tomorrow morning. Especially away from the lake, snow. In some spots, over 10 inches, just outside of chicago, and very, very coal. Windchill near zero in chicago. Rob, thank you. Headlines. Convicted spy jonathan pollard, challenging terms of his parole. He went to federal court, objecting to wearing a monitoring device. And also cant leave the u. S. For at least five years. Coming up, an abc news exclusive. The interview with donald and Melania Trump. And the children also speaking to barbara walters. Also, the Popular Hotel chain hacked. Dozens of locations, personal credit card and debit card information. And hotel guests. And the amazon black friday deals. A few coming up, and how quickly they change them, coming up. 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I also sat down with his grownup children. Your father has said, he was not very present, using his words, when you were growing up. I would challenge him on that. He was very available. Regardless of who he was meeting with, if we called, he took the phone. Who was his favorite . Im going with ivanka. Thats a tough question. Barbaras exclusive with donald and Melania Trump and the children, tonight at 10 00 p. M. When we come back, the hack on the major hotel chain. And news on the e. Coli outbreak at chipotle. And the black friday sales at amazon. The index is next. Look, the wolf was huffing and puffing. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hat air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. 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Did you know that Good Nutrition is critical for brain health . Brain food, hmmm. Ensure has b vitamins that help support brain health now thats smart nutrition. Ensures complete balanced nutrition has 26 vitamins and minerals and 9 grams of protein. Ensure. Take life in. To the index tonight. The Popular Hotel chain hacked. Starwood says hackers stole debit and credit card numbers from 54 of its hotels. Information taken from Customers Using cards at their restaurants and stores, including some sheraton, westin and w hotels. That e. Coli outbreak involving chipotle, bigger than we knew. Not just in the pacific northwest. The cdc now revealing, cases in six states coast to coast. Investigators still trying to determine which ingredient made customers ill. The cdc saying the outbreak appears to be over. Amazon, starting its black black friday. Going live tonight, lasting through the 28th. Some device prices cut by 40 . In some cases, the sales change every five minutes. When we come back, the moment as the camera was rolling can you guess our person of the week . You get a cold. You cant breathe through your nose. Suddenly, youre a mouthbreather. A mouthbreather how can anyone sleep like that . Well, just put on a breathe right strip and pow it instantly opens your nose so you can breathe and sleep. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right [sfx bell] [burke] its easy to buy insurance and forget about it. But the more you learn about your coverage, the more gaps you may find. [burke] like how you thought you were covered for this. [man] its a profound statement. [burke] but youre not even covered for this. [man] its a profound statement. [burke] or how you may be covered for this. [burke] but not for Something Like this. And see what gaps could be hiding in your coverage. [sfx yeti noise] we are farmers bum pa dum, bum bum bum bum with the pain and swelling of my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. 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We cant stop our lives. Reporter the bartenders, the waiters, all serving again, they say the terrorists will not win. Its our life. The restaurant, the cafe, the reporter this bar. And the father reassuring his 6yearold son. His boy still afraid of all those men with guns. Reporter and tonight, that symbol everywhere. And that song, from the man who simply showed up to play

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