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Speechless. Gli good evening. And we begin tonight with the mystery for hours today and the concern. F16s scrambled up and down the coast when a military blimp broke free, tearing loose, floating away. This is what it looks like, a giant high tech air ship. 240 feet long. 175 million in your tax money. This is what it looked like floating over a school. Later, spotted floating over a neighborhood, crashing through power lines, knocking out power. And heres the path it took. Breaking away from the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in maryland, floating across pennsylvania and coming down in motherland township. Abcs Lindsey Davis on the scene tonight, and many asking, how does a military blimp break free in the first place . Reporter for hours today, a mystery. Just where was the 175 million it knocked down our power erer at school. Reporter 12 20 p. M. , the blimp detached from its station at Aberdeen Proving Ground many maryland. Traveling north you 16,000 feet in the air, floating into pennsylvania. Its going to land right in the corn field. Reporter the blimp floating over a high school in bloomsburg, pennsylvania. Its going down reporter dragging a long metal tether, a cable several thousands feet long, wiping out power lines along the way. Lights out for us at fowlersville and 47. They lost power out there, also. Route 11s dead. Reporter listen to this neighbors recording from the ground. Whatever this thing is doesnt appear to be attached to anything. Reporter the top secret balloon cost 175 million. The program, more than 2 billion. The balloon is equipped with high tech radar, and Early Warning system that can search the area the size of texas for incoming cruise missiles, unfriendly aircraft, even tanks on the ground. 242 feet long. Threequarters of a football field. The secretary of defense telling reporters today hes seen these balloons break free in afghanistan. Stephen ganyard saying, make no mistake. It was a lot of taxpayer money floating for much of the afternoon. So, this protects the National Capital region but its a very sophisticated military technology. Very classified. Its the best capability in the wormentd. Reporter shortly before touching down, the tail fell off a quarter mile away from the massive balloons final resting place in moreland township, pennsylvania, just after 1 00 p. M. Al 150plus mile journey from that base in maryland, sending f16s in the air and officials and the ground scrambling. It was not far from here, in columbia county, pennsylvania, when the blimp started to deflate on its own. And now a warning from officials for people to stay away from the balloon, even with it now back on the ground. David . Linsey, thank you. And we turn next here to that explosive video. That officer who flipped a student over and dragged her out of class. Tonight, hes been fired. But he is also speaking out. His first statement. The video, the officer appearing to put his arm around her december there. He drags her away. The other students frozen in place. Tonight, the image of the officer smiling before he learned his fate today. And what hes now saying tonight. Abcs mary bruce in columbia, south carolina. Reporter just 48 hours after this video surfaced showing his disturbing classroom takedown, that smiling officer just moments before he learned his fate. Seen here in exclusive photos taken by dailymail. Com. School officer ben fields was terminated from the Richmond County sheriff department. Reporter Authorities Say the 16yearold student was being disruptive and was repeatedly asked to leave. But refuses. Either youre going to come with me or im going to make you. Reporter she refuses several more times, the situation quickly escalates. Saying that officer crossed the line right at this moment. When the girl is thrown across the room. When he threw her across the room, he lost control of her. Thats not acceptable. Thats what violated our policy. Reporter but officer fields just releasing a statement, saying his actions were justified and lawful. That student tonight charged with disrupting class. The girls lawyer says she was physically injured. Her arm is in a cast. Shes got a band aid on her forehead. His methods of removing the child from the classroom were absolutely inappropriate and unreasonable. Reporter parents at the school divided now over who is to blame. Some even defending officer fields. That student was given ample opportunity to do the right thing and she chose to not do that. Reporter and david, the girls attorney tells us that regardless of whether she followed the teachers instructions or not, he says the deputy had no reason to toss her across that classroom. David . Mary bruce with us again tonight. Thank you, mary. School video making news tonight. This one from sacramento, california. A lunchroom brawl between students. The principal jumping in to stop it. Then it is the principal that is slammed to the ground. The principal then getting up and tackling that student. Three teenagers were arrested afterward and tonight, Florin High School saying the principal suffered minor injuries and did need medical attention. We turn tonight to the race for 2016 and this evening, the high stakes Republican Debate showdown. And a big change, even before the debate. Donald trump no longer the clear frontrunner. Heres where they stand going in. Ben carson taking the lead nationally, though win the margin of error. Trump, a few points behind. Then marco rubio, then jeb beshush and carly fiorina. Tonights trumps frustration very clear, with a question he asked a room of iowa voters. Abcs tom llamas with what trump asked. Reporter before the debate, some answers. What the hell are you people doing to me . Reporter trump sounding slightly impatient with iowa voters. He cant understand why dr. Ben carson has toppled him as the frontrunner. Will you get these numbers up iowa, please . This is ridiculous. I mean, i am second. Its not, like, terrible, but i dont like being second. Second is terrible. To men. Reporter but trump promising not to cut and run. Im not leaving iowa. Im not leaving iowa. Now, if i lose iowa, i will never speak to you people again. That i can tell you. Reporter tonight, trump tweeting hes looking forward to what i am sure will be a very unfair debate. Also sounding frustrated these days, jeb bush. I got a lot of really cool things that i could do other than sit around and being miserable, listening to people demonize me and me feeling compelled to demonize them. That is a joke. Elect trump if you want that. Reporter but bush is hoping a Strong Performance tonight will jumpstart his struggling campaign. Senator marco rubio, his former protege, who the Bush Campaign now calls the gop obama. Attacking him for missing more votes than any senator this year. Today, one of rubios hometown newspapers, the sun sentinel, which endorsed him for senate, calling him to resign over those missed votes, writing, you are ripping us off, senator. Rubio promising to address the issue. Tune in tonight, youll see it. And tom, we know there are really two battles playing out tonight. Donald trump and ben carson, but also two friends now sparring, jeb bush versus marco rubio. They both need to do something here, do they not . Reporter thats right, david. They both call each other friends, but theres been nothing friendly about the relationship recently. And sources within the Rubio Campaign point out that tonight on that debate stage, rubio will be in between donald trump and jeb bush. The two people who have been hitting him the hardest in this campaign. But they say with jeb, its a than when you are standing right next to someone, someone you call a friend. Well be watching the dynamics. Tom llamas, our thanks to you. Even before the debate, some of the candidates very unhappy with their green rooms where they wait before they go on. Sending out tweets and photos. Check it out. Donald trumps, thats his room right here. Leather couch, chairs, the flat screen tv. Rubios team, well, it looks like a theater there to watch the debate. Then theres rand pauls room. Tweeting irritation over that small room, a tiny work table and a bathroom. Weve been told at this hour that its all been straightened out but showing they are very touchy going into this debate. We have jon karl here. You told us, when it comes to donald trump, he cannot afford to do something tonight. Reporter he cant look like a guy that is losing. Hes a successful businessman. A guy thats going to make America Great again. For the first time, hes going into a debate with his frontrunner status challenged. And, you know, david, he cannot look like hes worried thats you saw going into this, hes already saying its going to be unfair. Thats a bad sign. The team that complains about the refs is usually the losing team. Before the game even begins. Jon karl, always great having you and the entire Political Team with us tonight. In the meantime, remnants of Hurricane Patricia tonight bringing a blinding rainstorm. Rain and win from florida all the way up to maine. 50 Million People in the path. Flooding roads, images from connecticut at this hour. And the fierce wind whipping up the waves off the coast of massachusetts. Look at the radar tonight, showing the massive storm at this hour, making for a dangerous commute home. Meteorologist rob marciano outside for us tonight with how long this lasts. Rob . Reporter david, it is really coming down here in the Upper West Side of manhattan. A rough commute home for millions of americans. The George Washington bridge barely visible behind me. The winds also a problem, especially across upstate new york. You mentioned the damage up there. And wind advisories and warnings remain in effect from new york through maine. We have High Pressure to the east, low pressure to the west. Coastal flooding a problem, too. Heres the future radar. The heavieststuff falling now. That will continue for the next sixth or so hours. By this time time tomorrow drier here. All right, rob, come on inside and get dry and warm. Thank you. Hill tonight. The house, one step closer to house. House republicans officially nominating paul ryan, putting aside the differences that drove john boehner out of the job. Ryan promising to move forward and unify the party. A formal vote now by the full house is set for tomorrow. And in chicago tonight, a stunning fall for a former speaker of the house. Entering a guilty plea in a criminal case involving hush money to hide alleged misconduct. The accusations dating back to when he was a Popular High School wrest. Ing coach. It is a stunning fall for a man who was once second in line for the presidency. Abcs chief Investigative Reporter once a symbol of power and authority, a humbled Dennis Hastert came to court today in chicago to admit he broke banking laws as he paid millions of dollars in hush money to cover up a dark secret. Mr. Hastert, do you have anything to sail to your victims, sir . But by pleading guilty, the former speaker avoids having to public address the ghosts of his past. It all goes back to the 1970s, when hastert was a popular Illinois High School wrestling coach and allegedly sexually abused several teenage boys on his team. These boys were 14, 15, 16 years old. Reporter Jolene Burdge told abc news her late brother steven was one of his victims, which he revealed to her when he came out as gay. I asked him, stevie, when was your first samesex experience . He looked at me and said that it was with Dennis Hastert. I know i was stunned. Was disappointed, but not surprised hastert made a deal with the government. I think its unfair. His victims didnt get a choice. Reporter david, the crime hastert pleaded guilty to today carries a maximum sentence of five years. Yet, under his deal, the government will recommend that hastert serve at most only six months and probably in a halfway house, not a federal prison. David . Brian ross and his team covering this case from the start. Brian, thank you. And next here tonight, to a stunning image of a Young High School Football Player collapsing on the side of the field. At first, the teen stumbling off the field, and then collapsing, rushed immediately into surgery. This incident, of course, the latest in a dangerous season already. Seven Young Players losing their lives in just seven weeks. And tonight, there are new questions about the helmet this player was wearing, with a sensor designed to give warning. And the question why didnt it pick up this particular hit . Heres abcs matt gutman. Reporter number 18 josh nava makes the tackle. Hes in pain. Reporter but he barely makes it back to the sideline friday props him up. Then collapsing under that bench. Came off the field, reporter this ambulance rushing the 17yearold defensive back to a hospital in riverside, california, for emergency surgery to stop the brain. Like his teammates that night, nava was wearing riddells insight impact helmet rimmed with sensors. That censor is in there to monitor this severity of certain impacts and also the frequency of certain impact, as well. Reporter but in navas case, the School District says his helmets sensor did not go off. Recent studies show that the helmets produced in the 125 Million Dollar a year industry do not reduce the risk of concussions. Sensors like this are not going to stop the concussion epidemic but if a coach sees a red light like this blinking at least he knows to take a second look at a player. Tonight, nava is still in an induced coma, but at least now on his own. Angeles. You. And there is still much more ahead on world news tonight this wednesday. Tonight. Has it really come down to just two pharmacies in america . The major change coming for you. Walgreens making a huge buy, challenging cvs as americas largest drugstore. Tonight, how it will affect you, and we have three tips right after the break that will help you save money on your prescriptions right away. Also tonight, the deadly explosion inside a world war ii tank, right here in america. Authorities now investigating. Theyre on the scene tonight. And the world series, were you watching last night when it went to black . Not once, but twice. The announcer surprised. Does that mean were going back to kansas city . No, the music did not mean that. Who is apologizing tonight . Did someone pull the wrong cable . On how were going to take on directv. So over to you. newhart thank you. cw exec yeah, we got messed up last night. Youre lucky were even here. newhart but, we did bring breakfast. jmh bagels . newhart nope. woman oh my goodness. newhart peel and eat shrimp. cole not how i would have gone but its good, its innovative. And thats what we want here. vo get rid of cable and switch to directv. Call 1800directv. vo around age 7, the glucose metabolism in a dogs brain begins to change. ray id like to see her go back to her more you know social side. She literally started changing. It was shocking. Shes much more aware. jan she loves the food. ray the difference has been incredible. She wants to learn things. vo purina pro plan bright mind promotes alertness and mental sharpness in dogs 7 and older. Purina pro plan. Get fastacting, longlasting relief from heartburn with it neutralizes stomach acid and is the only product that forms a protective barrier that helps keep stomach acid in the stomach where it belongs. For fastacting, longlasting try gaviscon. I built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Were going to turn next tonight to that major headline that affects americans headed to wahl greens buying rite aid for more than 9 billion. It will now be walgreens versus cvs. Abcs Rebecca Jarvis with ways to save on your prescriptions. Reporter its a far cry from the local pharmacy on the corner. The remarkable new medicines found in all drugstores today. Reporter tonight, industry giant walgreens with its 8,200 stares acquiring rite aid and its 4,600 stores. Creating a drugstore colossus. If regulators approve, it will mean the market for your medicine is dominated by just two major players. Walgreens and competitor cvs. Typically, less competition means higher prices, but that might not be the case here, because walgreens will now have the upper hand when negotiating prices with drug companies. Americans spent a staggering 13 more on drugs last year than the year before. Use apps like good rx or lower meds, which let you compare prices at local pharmacies. Check Discount Warehouse clubs like costco and bjs. They offer some of the lowest prices and you dont have to be a member to buy. And try mail order. If your insurance offers it. Theyll typically send you a 90day supply. And heres an additional tip for you tonight. Dont forget, you can negotiate with independent pharmacies. They will often cut you the best deals, so, check out the local inte den feint pharmacy in your neighborhood. Rebecca, thank you. When we come back here tonight, the deadly accident on the firing range. The explosion inside a world war ii tank, right here in the u. S. Also, the new report revealing how often mistakes are made during surgery, right here in america. And then, what left prince obama speechless today . Cant afford to let heartburn get in the way . Try nexium 24hr, now the 1 selling brand for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection with the new leader in frequent heartburn. Thats nexium level protection. You get a cold. You cant breathe through your nose. Suddenly, youre a mouthbreather. Well, just put on a breathe right strip which instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. Breathe right another day, and im still struggling with my diabetes. I do my best to manage. But its hard to keep up with it. Your body and your diabetes change over time. Your treatment plan may too. Know your options. Oncedaily toujeo is a longacting insulin from the makers of lantus. 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They suggest similar results could come at other top hospitals. Drug labels, incorrect dosages and needed medications not given. And a royal moment in virginia. Prince harry and First Lady Michelle Obama thrilled right there during a special visit. The two were in awe because they were watching Wounded Warriors play basketball. The prince reminding us all to honor our wounded veterans. When we come back, the apologies are coming in tonight, so, what really happened at the world series last night . But twice . How much protein does your dog food have . 18 . 20 . Nutrientdense purina one true instinct with real salmon and tuna has 30 protein. Support your active dogs whole body health with purina one. I accept im not 22. I accept im not the rower i used to be. I even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. But i wont accept is getting out there with less than my best. So if i can go for Something Better than warfarin, i will. Eliquis. Eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis had both. That really mattered to me. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. I accept i dont have to set records. But im still going for my personal best. And for eliquis. Reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. Ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. Here at humana, we value sticking with things. When something works, people stick with it. More people stick with humana medicare advantage. Because we stick with them. The plan people stick with. Finally, after last nights game, we learned today that the royals star pitcher in the game, edinson volquez, was unaware his father had passed away. His family wanting him to play the game, telling him afterward. Were wishing him well. And there was Something Else about the game, and now the apology over going to black. Abcs t. J. Holmes on the glitch hi. Were having some technical reporter it was the middle of the fourth of an epic 14inning world series opener when tvs across the country went to this. Fox commentators at a loss. I dont think it was a weather problem, because it wasnt raining at the time of Fox Broadcasting has taken some kind of a technical glitch. Reporter the game was halted here in the stadium. Fans at home were having a field day on social media. For one fan, it was kind of like watching baseball with the flyntstones. Another asking, did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in . I hear our music, does that mean were going back to kansas city . Reporter after five minutes and a second outage, power restored. He got him fox now apologizing, blaming the outage on a rare electronics failure. Google fiber, provider of high speed internet, apologized to its customers, too. As for game two tonight,less assured, baseball fans, all systems are go. T. J. Holmes, abc news, kansas

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