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According the number of confirmed cases from the Corona virus outbreak surpassed 70000 on Monday with the death toll rising to nearly 1800 Reuters Libby hoping reports authorities imposed a ban on vehicle travel across the province and at least 48 cities had new lockdown policies where residents of building blocks own neighborhoods must register to be let go out meanwhile Singapore reported its biggest jump in virus cases so far rising to 671 of the highest tallies outside of China the city also downgraded its 2020 outlook for its economy it and Japan now face the looming possibility of recession under the impact of the virus that is Reuters Libby Hogan reporting Meanwhile 2 charter flights from Japan carrying Americans from a cruise ship were a corona virus outbreak occurred landed in the u.s. Or early this morning a piece Julie Walker has details this State Department says 14 people on those flights confirmed to them they tested positive for the corona virus but were allowed to get on the planes because they were not showing any symptoms all the evacuees about $340.00 in total will be kept in quarantine for 2 weeks at 2 Air Force bases Travis in California and Lackland in taxes Meanwhile officials in Japan say more than 450 people from the Diamond Princess cruise ship at least 40 of them Americans who are still there have been infected with the coronavirus I'm Julie Walker a u.s. Embassy spokesman says that no one was injured after several rocket struck a coalition base in Iraq's capital the attack is the latest in a recent string of attacks targeting coalition troops for more on today's top news please go to v.o.a. News dot com or use the v.o.a. Mobile app this is v.o.a. News. The Taliban appears confident it will sign a peace agreement with the United States by the end of this month to close the 18 year old war in Afghanistan a senior leader of the insurgent group totaled up pro Talabani newsagency the 2 adversaries had mutually decided to hold the signing ceremony in Doha which hosted the 18 month u.s. Taleban negotiations candidates for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination are campaigning today ahead of Saturday's caucuses in Nevada a piece to McGuire as more at a Democratic Party gallop near the site of the Las Vegas massacre former Vice President Joe Biden criticized Bertie Sanders vote in 2005 to protect gun makers from being sued over gun not a factor. Sanders says his populist plans are what the people want. Is Exactly. The working class of this country want Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren calls it a key election I believe 2020 is our moment in history former South Bend Indiana Mayor people to judge says old ideas won't beat President Donald Trump can't go up against most disruptive president American history both by falling back on the familiar I am to McGuire the United States and Europe appear divided over the health of the transatlantic relationship following a key security conference in Germany over the weekend as 100 Ridgwell reports from Munich European leaders believe they must take control of their own destiny French president Emmanuel macro said the u.s. Was undergoing a rethink of its relationship with Europe and the continent must take charge of its own destiny. 15 years ago we thought our values were universal that we were going to dominate the world in the long term and I look at the horizon of him with his teenage years we're going to be increasingly pushed by other agendas. They all emerging said it was time to have a strategic dialogue with Russia Moscow's foreign minister told the conference it was time to abandon the cultivation of the phantom Russian threat most European nations say Russia's invasion of Ukraine is evidence of the very real dangers and which Well view a news Munich Germany Syria's military says its troops have regained control of territories in northwestern Syria in record time bowing to continue to chase armed groups wherever they are the new advances along with securing a key highway there ran through rebel territory are said to facilitate movement between northern and southern Syria including the city of Aleppo Syria's commercial center before the war from Washington I'm Jim bird tell be away news. They hid so city would do away but you like to see the high of make you stronger that Harry Styles on the way as a post alone and Ed Sheeran here is that a Yankee and Katy Perry would. Be My friend set the table. Kissed me. Alley broken Tyga low key cell alley broke is going to be going on tour starting in March so I expect her album to drop sometime this year perhaps before the actual Taurus so grab a good job right around the corner My name is biggest wrong this is below a one they hit. Welcome to learning English a daily 30 minute program from the Voice of America I'm Jonathan Evans and I'm Ashley Thomson this program is aimed at English learners so we speak a little slower and we use words and phrases especially written for people learning English. Today on the program you will hear from Brian Lenny and Mario Ritter Jr later we will present our American history series The Making of a nation but 1st. New research suggests that dogs might be able to help save diseased citrus trees a group of scientists trained dogs to use their sense of smell to detect a crop disease called citrus greening. The disease has affected lemon and grapefruit trees in the American states of Florida California and Texas the dogs can detect the disease weeks 2 years before it appears on tree leaves and roots the researchers report a study on their findings was published recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences the report says using dogs is also faster less costly and more exact than having people collect hundreds of leaves for lab analysis Timothy got Wald is a researcher with the u.s. Department of Agriculture and a co-writer of the study he told the Associated Press this technology is thousands of years old the dog's nose we've just trained dogs to hunt new prey the bacteria that causes a very damaging crop disease citrus greening is caused by a bacteria that is spread by a tiny insect that feeds on the leaves and stems of citrus trees once a tree is infected there is no cure the disease has also hurt citrus crops in Central and South America and Asia in one experiment involving grapefruit trees in Texas trained dogs were correct 95 percent of the time in telling the difference between newly infected tree ease and healthy ones. The earlier you detect a disease the better chance you have at stopping an epidemic by removing infected trees got Walt said but. Studies plants at the University of California Berkeley he says the new research shows that dogs can detect an infection well before current methods. A lotto has been involved in similar research but had no part in the new study Laura sometimes is a plant scientist with Louisiana Tech University cheap rate eased the steps taken to find out if the dogs were detecting the bacteria itself or a plant's reaction to an infection to do that the researchers infected different unrelated plants with the bacteria in a laboratory the dogs were still able to pick out the infected plants got Walt said you've seen dogs working in airports detecting drugs and explosives maybe soon you will see them working on more farms. The Amazon river dolphin faces new threats because its meat is used as bait to catch a popular catfish the fish like mammal is considered intelligent and friendly the animal is known as the pink dolphin because its skin turns from gray to pink as it ages or when it gets excited but some wildlife activists are concerned about new threats facing the world's largest freshwater dolphin Brazilian fisherman hunt and kill the animals illegally to make bait for a catfish called the Pira Kuching got. A temporary legal ban on fishing for pier record ended last month since then environmentalists and researchers have called for the ban to be restarted to help save Amazon River dolphins one supporter of bringing the fishing ban back is biologist Vera does Silva. She has been working to protect Amazon River dolphins for the past 25 years Silva told Reuters News Agency that she and her team catch dolphins to examen measure and mark. The animals are then released into the mommy. Sustainable Development reserve in northern Brazil such wildlife areas are established to protect land and animals in places where traditional populations live the mommy raw reserve covers about 11000 square kilometers of flooded rain forest and wetlands we captured a dolphin mother and her calf today and saw them calling out to each other said they have a very strong relation until the calf becomes independent after 3 years after being brought to a floating research center in the reserve Silva's team takes blood and milk samples from the Dolphins a pregnancy usually lasts about 13 months the mother then feeds her calf under water for 2 years because of this extended feeding period females only reproduce every 3 to 5 years so says the slow reproduction rate increases the risk of extinction when the population of the Amazon River dolphins suffers major drops legal officials in Brazil's Amazon us state sought the catfish ban in 2015. At the time they warned that as many as $2500.00 dolphins were being killed each year for bait currently Amazon River dolphins can still be found in large numbers across South Americans huge Amazon and Orinoco river basins but Silva says she fears the animals could disappear like the yang sea river dolphin did in China in 2006 after years of overfishing and pollution. We don't want the Dolphins to become just a legend of Amazonia she said. I am Brian lan. A team of scientists plans to explore a little known part of the ocean to search for new sea life and to investigate the effects of pollution and climate change scientists well and turtle what they call the midnight zone of the Indian Ocean. It is an area at a depth of about 1000 meters below the surface where light does not reach but life still thrives the project is expected to begin on March 16th and to last about 5 weeks most scientists aim to explore huge underwater mountains also known as seamounts the scientists involved in the project are part of necked on an ocean research group that works with the University of Oxford in Britain they are working with the Seychelles and Mal dives governments in an effort to protect ocean areas all over Steve's is the director of the nec tahn effort he told the Associated Press that the area his team will explore is home to many forms of life what we do know is that beneath 1000 meters there is no light down there but a lot of animals are bio luminescent its life that close he said speaking to a p n Barcelona Spain steed noted that his team was going into an unknown part of the ocean the neck ton scientists will be using one of the most modern deep sea submarines in the world it is named a limiting factor last August the limiting factor completed another project. To dive to the deepest point in each of the world's 5 oceans that effort was called the 5 deeps expedition the deepest of these dives took the submarine to nearly 11000 meters below sea level the limiting factor is built to withstand the huge pressure that exists in the ocean's deepest places the compartment for the crew of 2 people is surrounded by titanium 9 centimeters thick the submarine also carries enough emergency oxygen for up to 96 hours Robert McCallum is the leader of the expedition he said vehicles that can dive deeper into the ocean are rare the scientists will use sensors and mapping technology to identify new species and land forms deep beneath the sea but they also want to observe the facts humans have on the deep sea and Vironment they will be trying to measure the presence of plastic pollution and possible effects of climate change limiting factor crew already have seen evidence that pollution is affecting places considered untouched in May they saw a plastic bag at the bottom of the Mariana Trench the deepest point in the world's oceans. Danl of folly is a marine expert for the International Union for Conservation of Nature or group based and Switzerland he said exploration of the earth's living space is extremely important he added over 90 percent of that living space is in the ocean and most of that ocean is unexplored luff Ali said it is urgent during a time of change that we get people down there we get our eyes and the ocean and we see what's happening then act on scientists or combine their observations with an earlier study of the deep endian Ocean last year they planned to present their findings in 2022 I'm Mario Ritter Jr. Welcome to the making of the Nation American history in v.o.a. Special English. The 1920 s. Were a time of economic progress for most Americans during the administrations of President Warren Harding and President Calvin Coolidge many companies grew larger creating new jobs wages for most Americans increased but many people began to have enough money to buy new kinds of products. The strong economy also created the right environment for many important changes in the day to day social life of Americans but 19 twenties are remembered now as an exciting time that historians call the roaring twenty's Cagle lanta and Harry Monroe tell more about that period. The 1920 s. Brought a feeling of freedom and independence to millions of Americans especially young Americans young soldiers returned from the World War with new ideas they had seen a different world in Europe they had faced death and learned to enjoy the pleasures that each day offered. Many of these young soldiers were not willing to quietly accept the old traditions of their families and villages when they returned home instead they wanted to try new ways of living many young Americans both men and women began to challenge some of the traditions of their parents and grandparents. For example some young women began to experiment with new kinds of clothes they no longer wore dresses that hid the shape of their bodies instead they wore thinner dresses that uncovered part of their legs many young women began to smoke cigarettes to cigarette production in the United States more than doubled in the 10 years between 19181928 Many women also began to drink alcohol with men in public for the 1st time and they listened together to a popular new kind of music jazz young people danced the foxtrot the Charleston and other new dances they held one another tightly on the dance floor instead of dancing far apart. It was a revolution in social values at least among some Americans people openly discussed subjects that their parents and grandparents had kept private there were popular books and shows about unmarried mothers and about homosexuality. The growing film industry made films about all night parties between unmarried men and women. And people discuss the new ideas about sex formed by Sigmund Freud and other new thinkers an important force behind these changes was the growing independence of American women in 1920 a nation passed the 19th Amendment to the Constitution which gave women the right to vote of equal importance many women took jobs during the war and continued working after the troops returned home also new machines freed many of them from spending long hours of work in the home washing clothes preparing food and doing other jobs education was another important force behind the social changes of the 1920s more and more Americans were getting a good education the number of students attending high school doubled between 19201930 many of the schools now offered new kinds of classes to prepare students for useful jobs attendance at colleges and universities also increased greatly and the colleges offered more classes in such useful subjects as teacher training engineering and business administration. 2 inventions also helped cause the social changes they were the automobile and of the radio. The automobile gave millions of Americans the freedom to travel easily to new places and the radio brought new ideas and experiences into their own homes probably the most important a force behind the social change was the continuing economic growth of the 1920 s many people had extra money to spend on things other than food housing and other basic needs they could experiment with new products and different ways of living. 6 of course not all Americans were wearing strange new flapper clothes or dancing until early in the morning. Millions of Americans in small towns or rural areas continued to live simple quiet lives life was still hard for many people including blacks foreigners and other minority groups the many newspaper stories about independent women reporters and doctors also did not represent the real life of the average American woman women could vote but 3 of every 4 women still worked at home most of the women working outside their homes were from the nor of the groups or foreign countries. The films and radio stories about exciting parties and social events were just a dream for millions of Americans but the dreams were strong and many Americans rich and poor followed with great interest each new game dance and custom the wide interest in this kind of popular culture was unusually strong during the 1920 s. People became extremely interested in the exciting court trials disasters film actors and other subjects for example millions of Americans followed the sad to store a of Floyd Collins the young man who became trapped while exploring underground newsman reported to the nation as rescue teams searched to find him even the New York Times newspaper printed a large story on its front page when rescuers finally discovered the man's dead body another event that caught the public attention was a murder trial in the eastern state of New Jersey in 1926 news men wrote 5000000 words about this case of a minister found dead with a woman member of his church again the case itself was of little importance from a world knew his point of view but it was exciting. And Americans were tired of reading about serious political issues after the bloody World War. The 1920 s also were a golden period for sports people across the country bought newspapers to read of the latest Gulf victory by champion Bobby Jones Big Bill Tilden became the most famous player in tennis and millions of Americans listen to the boxing match in 1926 between Jack Dempsey and Gene Tunney in fact 5 Americans reportedly became so excited while listening to the fight that they died of heart attacks. However the greatest singles sports hero of the period was a baseball player they brutha Ruth was a large man who could hit a baseball farther than any other human being he became as famous for his wild enjoyment of life as for his excellent playing on the baseball field Babe Ruth loved to drink to be with women and to play with children the most famous popular event of the 1920 is was neither a court trial nor a sports game it was the brave action of pilot Charles Lindbergh when he flew an airplane not crossed the Atlantic Ocean without stopping. He was the 1st a man in history to do this but Lindbergh flew his plane alone from New York to France in May 1927 his flight set off wild the celebrations across the United States newspapers carried story after story about Lindbergh's success President Coolidge and a large crowd greeted the young pilot when he returned to Washington and New York congratulated Lindbergh with one of the largest parades in its history Americans liked Lindbergh because he was brave quiet and handsome he seemed to represent everything that was best about their country. The 1920s were also a time of much excellent work in the more serious arts we will take a look in our next program at American art writing and building during the exciting roaring twenty's. And that's our program for today listen again tomorrow to learn English 3 stories from around the world our Jonathan other means and I'm Ashley Thompson. This is v.o.a. News I'm Diane Roberts to charter flight.

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