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Boarded a piece Charles the last man has the story China's National Health Commission says just over 120 more people have died and there'd be nearly 5100 new confirmed cases the numbers have been rising mole quickly off of the hardest hit province changed on Thursday it's method of counting the province not includes cases based on the physician's diagnosis and before they have been confirmed by lab tests the commissioner said the change is aimed at identifying suspected cases in which the patient has pneumonia so they can be treated more quickly I would use the Lockley would of more serious illness or death I'm shells delivered as my Japan has reported its 1st corona virus fatality a woman in her eighty's authorities say it is not clear how she was infected noting she had not travel to China nor had contact with anyone from han the epicenter of the virus North Korea has apparently escaped the new virus so far but there are concerns if it comes Pyongyang could face severe containment issues Bill Gallo reports from v.o.a. From Seoul South Korea it isn't yet confirmed that the new coronavirus has reached North Korea but if it does experts warn the North could quickly face a humanitarian disaster not only does North Korea lack proper medical supplies and infrastructure to deal with an outbreak many parts of the country are poverty stricken and aid groups that want to help must 1st get permission from the United States and United Nations because of international sanctions on North Korea's nuclear weapons program but the u.s. State Department on Thursday signal it supports providing quick exemptions for those groups a spokesperson said the u.s. Is deeply concerned that North Koreans are vulnerable to the disease Bill Gallo the way News Seoul from Washington this is v.o.a. News u.s. Defense secretary Mark esper says he's decided to deploy a so-called security force assistance brigade to Africa he says the unit will be trained organized and equipped to aid allied African nations in the face of what he called Great Power calm. Petition on the continent at the same time esper said the United States will pull some combat forces out of Africa Pakistan has approved a new set of rules to regulate social media platforms and move critics denounced as an attack on freedom of the press and free speech in the country companies such as Facebook Twitter and Google will be required to remove content that Pakistani authorities deem unlawful but man is that the companies provide information about users accused of posting blasphemous material or content that could incite violence and endangered national security here in Washington u.s. Attorney General William Barr is complaining about things that he says make his job more difficult one of them president trumps tweeted messages of displeasure with the Justice Department a.p. Correspondent Tim acquire reports Attorney General William Barr tells A.B.C.'s Pierre Thomas I think it's time to stop the tweeting a bad Department of Justice criminal case bar says chumps tweets have done real damage people in the department are men and women hear about cases pending in the department and about judges before whom we have cases. Make it impossible for me to do my job the a.b.c. Interview comes after bar over ruled his own prosecutors who recommended Trump's longtime confidant Roger Stone be sentenced to 7 to 9 years in prison and then he took the extraordinary step of lowering the amount while not offering an amended number bar is scheduled to testify to Congress at the end of next month to McGuire Washington. The White House responds that President Trump is simply exercising his right of free speech saying nothing about whether he will end his tweets aimed at the Justice Department the United States confirms it's negotiated a 7 day reduction in violence agreement with the Taliban in a step toward a political end to the war in Afghanistan u.s. Defense secretary Mark Asper told reporters at NATO headquarters in Brussels that quote 7 days from now is sufficient to determine whether the insurgent group is serious about settling the conflict which is nearly 2 decades old Asper declined to discuss further details noting it was consulting with u.s. Allies he added that a lessening in violence could offer a basis for a peace accord they want Central Command says it seized a large cache of weapons ammunitions likely headed from Iran to hoody rebels in Yemen the hall was intercepted during an operation earlier this week in the Arabian Sea and involved a small fishing vessel More news at v.o.a. News dot com Gene Randall v.o.a. News. Better happy birthday to him he turned 20 this week. I have the weekend on the way for you. Here is Liam Payne and a bookie would. They hit. I don't want to. Be. Given the cliff. And. All the good. In. Such a. Good school. away when they hit. Welcome to learning English a daily 30 minute program from the Voice of America Jonathan of it and I'm Ashley Thomson this program is aimed at English learners so we speak a little slower and we use words and phrases especially written for people learning English. Today on the program you will hear from Pete Musto Brian Lamb and Alice Bryant later we will present our American history series The Making of a nation. But 1st here is a peep Musto. Statues of historical figures have been the subject of much debate in the United States in recent years the debate has centered mainly on statues of individuals linked with the Confederacy the losing side of America's civil war in the 18 sixty's among other things the Confederacy fought for the right to continue in slaving people with African origin. Now the state of Maryland has revealed statues of 2 famous anti slavery activists or abolitionists they are Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass lawmakers presented the statues to the public during a ceremony Monday night in the Maryland State House and the life sized statues were dedicated during a special joint session of the Maryland General Assembly in the Old House chamber that is the room where lawmakers agreed to end or abolish slavery in the state in 800 $64.00 House speaker Adrian Jones is the state's 1st black and 1st female House speaker in a prepared speech she spoke of the importance of Tubman and Douglas and their fight against oppression the statues are a reminder that our laws aren't always right or just but there's always room for improvement Jones said. The statues dedicated during Black History Month were made to show Tubman and Douglas as they would have appeared in age and dress in $864.00 both Tubman and Douglas were born on Maryland's Eastern Shore Tubman escaped from slavery to become a leading abolitionist she helped slaves as scape using an organized group of anti slavery activists called the Underground Railroad Douglas also escaped slavery he went on to become a writer speaker abolitionist and supporter of women's rights he wrote and published the story of his life in $845.00 it was a bestseller that helped fuel the abolitionist movement the statues are not the only recent example of the state taking steps to demonstrate its rich black history last month a portrait of a black female former lawmaker took the place of one of a white governor who had been on the wall for 115 years the painting of Virgil welcome who was elected to the state Senate in 1962 is the 1st portrait of a black person on the Maryland Senate walls Maryland also has removed painful reminders of its past in recent years in 2017 the state removed a statue of Roger b. Taney the u.s. Supreme Court justice and Maryland native. Taney wrote the $857.00 Dred Scott decision that permitted slavery to continue and denied citizenship to African Americans. Musto. Says. A robot has led human musicians during a live performance in the United Arab Emirates the robot called Alter 3 has a human like face and 2 long arms video from the recent performance in the Emirate of Sharjah showed the machine turning to face orchestra members and waving its arms altar 3 even sang at times the performance was an opera called scary beauty created by Japanese composer. He told Reuters News Agency that the robot acted as the conductor by setting the speed and sound level of the performance she said the involvement of robots in the everyday lives of humans is continually increasing. But he said he thinks people will need to decide in the future how artificial intelligence Ai can best improve the human experience she added that he believes humans and robots can learn to work together to create beautiful art this work is a metaphor of the relations between humans and technology he said she noted that sometimes the music leading robot can get crazy making it difficult for the musicians to keep up but other times the humans and machines cooperate very well she said the robots and Ai that exist today are far from complete he is interested in studying how such incomplete technology can be combined with art from those who witnessed it the performance drew mixed reactions I think this is a very exciting idea we came to see how it looks like and how much is possible said on a co-author of h another attendee who gave his name only as below him said after the show you know a human conductor is so much better. Although he said he is interested in ai and looks forward to big developments he noted of the project the human touch is lost. I'm Brian Lamb. Wow. Wow wow wow wow. Wow Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. On a recent every day grammar program we talked about the phrase be willing to for example you might say she was willing to travel during the rainy season the adjective willing belongs to a group of more than 30 adjectives that are followed by infinitive verbs you probably remember that the infinitive form of a verb is 2 plus its simplest form in the sentence about the woman the infinitive verb is to travel adjectives followed by infinitives are the subject of today's everyday grammar program. Generally the adjectives in this group describe a person or people not a thing many of them describe a person's attitude toward or feeling about something listen to 2 sentences and decide which sounds better I am happy to see. I am happy seeing you if the 1st sounds more natural it is probably because you have heard infinitive verbs after the adjective happy many times an English in the example the infinitive is to see if the 2nd sentence I am happy seeing you sound strange it is because we don't use Jaron after happy a Geron is a verb that and and i n g such as seeing the grammar of I am happy seeing you is incorrect but the listener might still understand your meaning happy follows the structure b. Plus adjective plus infinitive other adjectives in this group include easy hard careful prepared good relieved and difficult next I have Jill Robbins joining me to demonstrate the grammar with a short exercise Jill I'll ask you a question and you answer it using an adjective followed by an infinitive verb are you ready yes I'm ready here's the 1st one crossing busy streets in d.c. Can be dangerous what are you careful to do before you cross the street I am careful to put away my phone before I cross the street I am also careful to check whether the sign says walk or don't walk. Good job you use the adjective careful plus the infinitive verbs to put away and to check in your answer I noticed you use the adverb also in your 2nd sentence that's great adding an add verb is common in b. Plus adjective plus infinitive phrases since we often use them to express attitudes and feelings let's do another I noticed that you worked long hours yesterday when you got home last night what were you relieved to do I was relieved to take off my shelves I was also relieved to sit down for dinner later I was ready to sleep very good you used the adjective relieved followed by the infinitive to take off and to sit down and I used the adjective ready which also belongs to the group of adjectives we're discussing today I followed it with the infinitive to sleep yes and you use the past tense of be which is was let's do one more some things in life are easy to do and some are hard to do what is something that is hard to do it is really hard to change a habit you're right about that it is hard to change habits Jill used the adjective hard followed by the infinitive verb to change notice that she started this sentence with the pronoun it. When we use it in this way the pronoun is not the true subject of the sentence the true subject is the infinitive verb but we do not speak this way consider these 2 examples which sounds more natural it is hard to change a habit to change a habit is hard the sentence it is hard to change a habit sounds more natural even though the true subject is to change in English we rarely begin sentences with infinitive verbs except in some kinds of writing such as poetry and other forms of literature by the way if we wanted to write the sentence another way we could replace the infinitive subject to change with the Geron and changing then the sentence becomes changing a habit is hard and changing is the subject of the sentence but for today's lesson what's important is knowing you will see and hear sentences with b. Plus adjective plus infinitive everywhere and they sometimes begin with the pronoun it so what can you do to practice here's one idea try to become familiar with the 30 plus adjectives that are followed by infinitives without trying to memorize them I will provide the list on our website. Then the next time you hear those adjectives in real life in a song on television or in a movie listen for the structure we talked about today try to make note of the example in your phone or a notebook you can also practice writing your own sentences and using them when you speak English to friends or practice partners with time and practice you will be delighted to use the structure whenever you speak or write English I'm Alice Bryant. Welcome to the making of a nation American history in v.o.a. a Special English Doug Johnson and Shirley Griffiths discuss the presidential election of 1920 and the man who won Warren Harding. The presidential election of 1920 was a turning point in American politics it ended a period of social reforms at home and an active foreign policy it began a period of conservative thinking in both the political and social life of the Nation American reporter h.l. Mencken described the national feeling this way the majority of Americans are tired of idealism they want capitalism openly and without apology. President Woodrow Wilson had suffered a stroke during his 2nd term he was very sick no one expected him to be a candidate again yet he refused to announce that he would not run for a 3rd term Woodrow Wilson had done much during his administration he helped pass important laws dealing with trade banking and the rights of workers he led the nation through the bloody World War in Europe he tried but failed to have the United States join the new international organization the League of Nations the American people honored Wilson for his intelligence and ideas but they were tired of his policies of social change and they did not want to be involved in international problems anymore the leaders of President Wilson's Democratic Party understood the feelings of the people they knew they had little chance of winning the presidential election if they nominated a candidate of change delegates to the Democratic nominating convention voted 44 times before agreeing on a candidate they chose the governor of the state of Ohio James Cox the Republican Party also had a difficult time at its nominating convention 4 man wanted to be president the delegates voted 6 times. None of the men gained enough support so several party leaders met in private they agreed that only one man a compromise candidate could win the support of the convention he was a senator from the state of Ohio Warren Harding the delegates voted 10 more times before choosing Harding as their candidate for president for vice president they chose Calvin Coolidge of Massachusetts. Warren Harding head oh and a newspaper in Ohio. People advised him to enter politics because he was such a good public speaker during the campaign he promised lower taxes less immigration and more aid to farmers he called for normalcy I new period of peace and quiet with few changes that is what the voters wanted to hear in 1920 Warren Harding won the election with 68 percent of the popular vote in his 1st act as president he invited people to visit the White House he permitted them to walk in the garden the act was a sign the government seemed to be returning to the people Warren Harding is remembered mostly for 2 events one was a successful international conference the other was a shameful national incident. After World War One Britain Japan and the United States expanded their navies they built bigger and better ships many members of the United States Congress worried about the cost they also worried about increased political tension in Asia they asked President Harding to organize a conference to discuss these issues the conference was held in Washington in November 1921 President Harding invited representatives from the major naval powers of the time Britain Japan France and Italy he also invited representatives from countries with interests in Asia China Portugal Belgium and the Netherlands he did not invite the new Soviet leaders in Russia Mr Harding secretary of state Charles Evans Hughes spoke he offered the conference a detailed plan to reduce the size of the world's major navies he proposed that the world's strongest nations should stop building war ships for 10 years he also proposed that Britain Japan and the United States should destroy some ships to make their navy smaller immediately delegates to the conference debated the plan for 3 months Japan demanded and won the right to have more ships. But the final agreement was very close to the one proposed by Secretary Hughes the conference was not a complete success for example it did not prevent countries from building some kinds of ships these ships would prove important in the 2nd World War Also it did not create ways to protect China and the islands in the South Pacific Ocean from Japanese expansion yet the Naval Treaty of 1921 was the 1st in which the world's strongest countries agreed to reduce the size of their armed forces most people thought it was a good treaty the 2nd thing which President Harding is remembered is the Teapot Dome scandal it involved the misuse of underground oil Oh and by the federal government Warren Harding was an honest man but he did not have a strong mind of his own he was easily influenced and he often accepted bad advice he explained the problem with these words I listen to one side and they seem right then I listen to the other side and they seem just as right I know that somewhere there is a man who knows the truth but I do not know where to find him President Harding appointed several man of great ability to his cabinet they included Secretary of State Charles Evans you treasury secretary Andrew Mellon and commerce secretary Herbert Hoover. However some of his appointments were dishonest man one was Interior Secretary Albert fall he was responsible for the Teapot Dome scandal secretary fall gave a private company the right to take oil from land Oh and by the federal government in return the company gave him money and cattle the oil was not supposed to be taken from the ground it was supposed to be saved for the United States Navy to use in an emergency private oil companies and many politicians oppose this policy they said saving the oil was unnecessary Albert fall oppose the policy when he was a member of the Senate when he became interior secretary his department took control of the lands containing the underground oil then he permitted private companies to use the land for a period of time during that time the companies could take out the oil some of the oil was in the western state of Wyoming the rock mass on the surface looked like a container for making tea so the area was called Teapot Dome when the Senate uncovered secretary falls wrongdoing the press quickly called the incident the Teapot Dome scandal the Senate investigation led to several court cases which lasted throughout the 1920 s. Secretary fall was found guilty of misusing his government position he was sentenced to prison for one year. President Harding did not live to see the end of the Teapot Dome incident. In the summer of 1923 he made a political trip to Alaska and Western states on the way home he became sick while in San Francisco he died of a heart attack Vice President Calvin Coolidge was in the northeastern state of Vermont when he heard that President Harding had died Coolidge's father was a local court official there he gave the oath of office to his son that is how Calvin Coolidge became the 30th president of the United States. And that's our program for today listen again tomorrow to learn English 3 stories from around the world I'm Jonathan Evans and I'm Ashley Thompson. This is v.o.a. News on Jayaram in China soon a province 100 more people are drawn from a coronavirus covered 19 as they.

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