Transcripts for VOA [Voice of America] Global English VOA [Voice of America] Global English 20200212 180000

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One day I forgot. About you. This is v.o.a. News I'm Jim bird tells Democrats vying to challenge us President Donald Trump are turning their focus to Nevada and South Carolina today one day after Bernie Sanders won a narrow victory in New Hampshire via ways Jim alone has more Bernie Sanders rode strong support from progressive Democrats and younger voters to a top finish in New Hampshire our campaign is not just about beating trawled it is about transforming this country works former Mayor Pete though to judge was a close 2nd place in New Hampshire after finishing 1st in delegates in Iowa last week perhaps the surprise of the night was the strong 3rd place finish of Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar who was sure is top 3 finish came at the expense of Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and over a vice president Joe Biden Biden is 5th place showing was a blow to his presidential hopes Jim alone Vo way news Washington with Biden sub par showing in New Hampshire he's Julie Pace says his campaign is in trouble the problem for Joe Biden is that the crux of his argument right now is that he is the most electable candidate and electable candidates have to win and he's not only not winning he is placing far below expectations so he has a real challenge ahead of him in terms of trying to keep his donors sending checks to his campaign and trying to keep his support in those states that come backs that's a Julie Pace Afghan government sources say u.s. Taliban peace deal could be something this month if the Taliban significantly reduces violence that is a key step towards an eventual withdrawal of u.s. Troops from Afghanistan for more on all of today's news please go to v.o.a. News dot com or use the v.o.a. Mobile app this is v.o.a. News. Health officials say the number of new cases of the coronavirus in China dropped for a 2nd straight day as the death toll rose to will over 1100 Vo ways Mariama Diyala has more on the operate a new name for the corona virus that so far has killed more than a 1000 people and infected more than 43000 worldwide mostly in China having a name my tears to prevent the use of their names that can be in our curage all of the stigmatizing It's called Covidien 19 the World Health Organization says it selected a name that didn't refer to a specific geographical location animal or an individual or group of people meanwhile as additional cases are confirmed in China and elsewhere the global community is having a tough time keeping up with the virus. Via a new President Trump is praising his Attorney General William Barr for intervening in the political corruption case against Mr Trump confidant Roger Stone a.p. Said Donohue reports Democrats are calling for an investigation the president tweeted congratulations to Attorney General William Barr he called the original sentence recommendation against don't very horrible and unfair for prosecutors in the case quit No I didn't speak to the just I'd be able to do it if I wanted to have the absolute right to do it that is 3rd world view or not American behavior Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer wants the Justice Department's inspector general to investigate Schumer pointed out the president has talked about draining the swamp what is more swampy what is more fetid what is more stinking than the most powerful person in the country literally changing the rules to benefit a crony guilty of breaking the law on Twitter President Trump suggested the prosecutors in the stone case had gone rogue and Donahue Washington Pope Francis. Is declining to approve the ordination of married men to address a shortage of priests in the Amazon Reuters The McCarthy has more in one of the most significant decisions of his papacy and an apparent bow to pressure from more conservative Catholics Pope Francis has dismissed a proposal to allow married men to become priests the idea has long been debated specifically targeted at remote regions of the Amazon as a way to offset a growing shortage of priests there the recommendation was put forward by Latin American bishops the pope rose that new ways must be found to encourage more priests to work in the remote region and allow expanded roles for lay people and permanent deacons or ordained ministers that is Reuters him or McCarthy reporting in Washington I'm Jim of or Tel v.o.a. Nudes. This is Africa news tonight on The Voice of America. Good evening and welcome to Africa news tonight from the English to Africa Service of the Voice of America your source for Pan African news and world developments I'm Jason Patinkin in Washington coming up Sudan's government has made a tentative agreement with the rebel groups to hand over former president Omar al Bashir to the International Criminal Court. And 5 I think that you know we had very bad at that at that he I think he is anathema to carry component a broader a program a tent that you know that. Also late former Kenyan president Daniel arap Moi he was buried on his a state today plus talks on the controversial Nile dam project resume and the African Union summit has wrapped up we'll have these stories and more so stay with us there's lots more ahead on Africa news tonight to. Our top story this hour Sudanese citizens are reacting to the agreements by Sudan's transitional government and are free rebel groups to hand over former presidents Omar al Bashir and 3 others accused of crimes against humanity in the country's western Darfur region to the international criminal courts yesterday during peace negotiations in Juba South Sudan the parties said they would cooperate with the courts which 1st indicted the men more than 10 years ago some Khartoum residents welcomes the decision as last year's revolution in Sudan which toppled al Bashir included justice along with peace and freedom has its main themes many Sudanese say that true reconciliation in their war torn country will only take a. When victims see that perpetrators of human rights abuse abuses face justice Michael it eats has the details for Vo away from Khartoum. Sudanese rights activists who works for the national N.G.O.s. Praised the transitional government and the death for groups for showing courage by agreeing to hand over but 3 of his former officials to the i.c.c. She says thousands of Sudanese families have been waiting for this for a long time. So . She would like to see more concrete the steps taken by the transitional government to implement a decision to hand over their 4 men to the i.c.c. She said but ensuring that Bashir and others Triton the heck Sudan will prove to the world that it is committed to protecting human rights in the country is speaking in Arabic. Resident of Al Jenin a town in West Africa state by phone that Hunding over Bashir and other suspects advice will help heal the trauma that victims have face for years. Very important to all of us. Citizens which have been happening since the beginning of the war and therefore in 2003 have cost sufferings to the people so what I see that if they are handed over to the court it will be good Hashem a buck works as a legal advocate in speaking in Arabic. Hunting over to the i.c.c. Might have a negative impact on the political scene. One incident an egg used that Bush's supporters could try to cause insecurity by protesting against the move or are well cared for and this decision would have some political and security implications on the country on I'm quite sure that politicians try to meet sound professional supporters of those accused in the whole Sudan would not just keep silent on this matter is speaking in Arabic to reporters last evening in Juba Mohammad has an attack a member of the government's negotiation team saying that their government is committed to fulfilling its promises made to the Sudanese during the evolution of a kind I've got that I left our conviction as government which made us to agree to allow those who have been issued arrest warrants to be taken before the International Criminal Court this decision is based on the principle of justice which is one of the scenes of their evolution based on the present of an all impunity. And if the men face judges folk rhymes against humanity and genocide committee to indict for v.o.a. News. In Khartoum for more on this developments in Sudan Human Rights Watch senior researcher John Henry spoke to me earlier today from Khartoum to explain what this decision means for justice in Sudan and the world. Of yesterday is one of the officials of the sovereign council made a statement in the context of peace talks happening in Juba right now to the effect that the parties agreed that the the i.c.c. Would would be a one part of sort of a 4 pronged approach to transitional justice or dar for and that in that respect that the government would cooperate with the i.c.c. And at that the people who are you know who are suspects would appear by. For the court that is the statement and we thought clarification today in and heard in meetings both from the head of the sovereign Council of the facts of the hand and also in another meeting with the prime minister some talk that indeed the government does intend to cooperate with the i.c.c. However the details of that cooperation have not been made public yet or have may not have been decided as yet it appears to be a reach that they reaffirmed the commitment that as Heisey made yesterday in Juba but that details haven't really been spelled out yet so that's where things stand we think that's very positive and that such sort of commitment to the i.c.c. And to cooperating with the court and to being in touch with the court to work out Mo Dalla to use is absolutely the right thing for this government to say because it signals you know a real turning of the page on this legacy of impunity in Sudan so we've been welcoming these statements but it is true that the details are not are not clear yet I think a lot of things need need to be decided and this will happen fast through conversations direct conversation between the government and the i.c.c. . To figure out you know in in what manner things will occur and how people will be appearing before the court and so one of the big questions after yesterday or during yesterday was the issue of the civilian side of the Sudanese government and the military side of the Sudanese government but it sounds like you've spoken to both sides and both sides are actually committing to this cooperation whatever that might entail exactly to they both civilian and the head of the sovereign Council as military both men reaffirmed the. Government's commitment to cooperating with the i.c.c. But didn't spell out details I think there there is a clearer understanding that this requires communicating with the i.c.c. Directly and both both offices talked about that communication so we're hopeful that that's going to happen very soon if it's not already happening and that the strategy will be put in place were also you know emphasizing that you know we understand that this that the i.c.c. Is a necessary component of a broader program of transitional justice it's not the only piece of it it's a very small piece of it in some ways but it is a necessary piece of it and I we think that that is a share we think that's also how the government is saying it last question you've talked about how this is you know a turning of the page for Saddam itself what about for Africa generally or even for the world this has been one of the most high profile cases for the i.c.c. Obviously the i.c.c. Has come under a lot of pressure from governments around the world particularly in Africa over the last few years what does this mean globally for international justice Yeah I mean it's true I think the i.c.c. . I mean that it's definitely been a huge case in the in the history of that courts been pending for a long time the Sudanese government under the shares rule was expert at. Evading just say I think it would be hugely significant for justice on the regional and international stage to have this cooperation move forward certainly the people and our 4 who were most affected by the crimes there they've been holding must in their minds for all this time and they have you know and they've been holding out hope for this all this time so for them obviously this is an opportunity this to see finally some result after all this waiting and all of these statements and all of these demands and all of the all of their efforts. That was Human Rights Watch senior researcher John Henry speaking to me from Khartoum Sudan earlier today. Daniel Arap Moyet Kenya's longest ruling presidents was given a 19 gun salute as he was buried today next to the grave of his wife on his sprawling estates in Kenya's Rift Valley His coffin was flown by military helicopter early in the morning before a gun carriage transferred it into a large tents for a religious service and speeches by politicians Moya who died last week at 95 leaves behind a mixed legacy his tenure was marked by brutal autocratic rule including torture extrajudicial killings and rampant corruption that has become endemic in Kenya but he also oversaw a transition to multi-party elections before stepping down from power Reuters quoted deputy president William Ruto at the funeral telling more mourners that Moyes said that tribalism is stupidity. The Egypt Sudan and Ethiopia will resume the talks tomorrow regarding the construction of the controversial grand Ethiopian Renaissance dam view a senior analyst Mohamad Elsham Now we spoke with former assistant to the Egyptian foreign minister and expert on the Nile Basin Mohammed Higazy I think that among the other remaining on the will settle the question for good and waiting for the suggested meeting on the 13th and the Philippine of this month and this will definitely bring us to define that is where a legal agreement should be signed between the Balti this when definitely Egypt worries and it will help also the kitty 80 is the expected regional development approach to see it region moving further and moving up from a nationalistic the method lintels you to a larger regional approach with a definitely and somebody had more nice to get this as the agreement typically but some Egyptian and that is expressed some concern about the loose language that could open the door for possible disagreements that the human the 3 parties understood the importance of called the Titian for them and how water can be up a cause for them let alone how kind will try to be at ease in a school of the nation so the language choose is quite sufficient from a technical and legal point of view the political willing nests of the 3 countries I'm sure that the 3rd party in that of an ssion I mean the United States of President Trump interest influence of the fighters instead of on meeting the wealthy all. That really suggests that we have to trust each other because many here. As of the studying that is a padding the integrated approach of lending would and national rivers one can really not only dream of seeing Ask most corporations as they trigger the statement that at each and all approach to develop so we will have a legal binding duck and a political support and with international supervision and with the support of the World Bank and the rigidity introducing through the 3 countries a scheme of school foundation where we can link the power grid Egypt pencil done very closely. Which is why not with that initial them which electricity can be used in the markets so than an Egypt and then exported to the region other Gulf markets so that you go to we can talk about the roadway and a ways as well so if you as a landlocked country can use the Mediterranean ports of June in Alexandria and that's where one has to be cautiously optimistic however indications to me is that if we want to hunt that is the eco system if we want to hug the people economy in the 3 countries we have to employ on the regional framework with a lot of security will not be decided by the National Ice by addition on the legion of speculation maybe with claim such as. The 3 countries will signed by the end of the month an agreement legally binding agreement which will set the. Dories Plus he's and it's with respect that I over the c.p.s. To develop the night and for Sudan to regulate that ever and for Egypt 2 months and it's historic but I think will too. That was Mohammed Ghazi who is an expert on Nile Basin issues and is also a former assistant to the Egyptian foreign minister speaking to my colleague Mohammed El Shaarawy. You are listening to Africa news tonight live on the following frequencies 155-8068 killers on the Voice of America I'm Jason for thinkin in Washington the United the African Union finished its annual summit in Addis Ababa Ethiopia this week and the theme is silencing the guns but can the council or full body help end wars in Libya Faso and elsewhere International Crisis Group's director of African regional advocacy Alissa Jobson was just in Addis Ababa Addis Ababa and spoke to me earlier today from Nairobi So it sounds in the gums is one of the it's one of the big themes it's the African Union paying for the pledge was made in 2013 to try and find this because by 2020 Obviously that was an enormous ask not something that would be possible today whether in Africa or elsewhere but I think this year the the African Union wants to focus on. Trying to move forward and trying to. Reach a point where some of the conflicts are least whether engaging more anthem of the conflicts so I think one of the big outcomes that we've seen is that the there is likely to be an extraordinary summit specifically on silencing the guns in May which I think will likely be an. In South Africa for about one big step forward for the Crisis Group and one of the things that we've been seeing in recent years is but you know that there seems to have been a. Action of interest I think amongst heads of state to work collectively on peace and security and peace and security hasn't been getting the amount attention that it has has done in the past a year summits you know always the cases could count for me to some a level this year they did but it's no longer a given and a number of states are sort of wanting to work more unilaterally or work more in in regional groupings in the news the African Union so I think it is good to see a reemphasis on this and you know it's something that South Africa is really taken . Taken hold of now in terms of peace far in terms of peace and security 2 issues but been high on the agenda. Of Libya whether anyone is seeking a. A greater role and also the so help and so looking specifically at those 2 can you go into a bit about Libya there's been a lot of diplomacy in in Russia in Europe regarding Libya and so far it hasn't really achieved much at all. It can do better I don't think you can do better on its own I think it can. I think it can have a role at the moment it hasn't defined what that is and it needs to do you need to do so in Libya is a you know it's a really crowded space and we've got really big powers are engaged and you know sort of playing in the edge. So the a you really needs to define what is. What it's comparative advantages and it hasn't done so yet. And I'm not convinced that this is that it's that it's managed to do that at this summit so I think if you are you is going to have a role is going to be effective then it does need to decide what it wants to do when and when how it comes. To how it can fit into that big jigsaw of other plans. And then what about the Somehow there's been really over the last few years but especially in the last year or 2 there's been just an explosion of violence there particularly in breaking a fast so if you say this how is a big priority and especially breaking a fast so it's something that we've been asking the African Union to to engage in and particularly this year we really called on it to really focus on making a fuss so. There's a proposal being discussed at the moment about potentially sending. A force in to into to support the g 5 by the states been affected by. Jihadism over the last 3 years and they've been working together to try and push back jihadist groups is not had a great deal of success and I think. He would like to try and support the constituent members of the g. 5 and so they might actually put together a force would that be similar to Amazon which is in in Somalia it's not clear this is just under discussion and there aren't really that many details surfacing as to what what force would look like the language in the lesson in the draft decision is around the African standby force for standing that up in connection with the with ECOWAS. West African regional grouping. That was Alissa Jobson of the International Crisis Group speaking to me earlier from Nairobi Zimbabwe's cash strapped government is moving to raid exporters foreign currency balances in a movie seen as an attempt to shore up its dry coffers via ways Eddie Gondo has the story about a central bank issued to secure that authorized dealers this week instructing them to liquid it all foreign currency that will be channeled into the country via their banks after the prescribed 3 month period the secular stipulates that exporters selfie to the expected attention portion of the export proceeds through the liquidation of such funds and the prevailing interbank market rate in exchange for the drop in local currency currently exporters can attain 50 to 80 percent of foreign currency after exporting according to Zep's that Zimbabwe exports account for 60 percent of the foreign exchange inflows into the country telling us $4500000000.00 and a bt which as the Public Accounts Committee in Parliament which supervises that is if banks operations criticize the bank's plan. Here in the opex is over that is their. Experience and it's called for in the requirements you've got no food in unconstitutional because you say there is no enabling legislation for the whole of continued expropriation of private property and likely punitive sense. That you cannot exclude giving in the right to be aired and we all know that in the course is off period. When you have nothing to do we do export our order the important observer say governments bodies of directors I want to the country's biggest sources of market economy instability they say it is an indication that the central bank's coffers are county economic analysts gift I'm gonna say the government directive is a sign of desperation that would negatively impact the private. Yes when I think someone in my liquid did. You are foreseeing me is an exporter to. A list that expenditure for to go. Serving my friend. Because the thing is with it's a call and the consumption of for a credit is what they say it's not if you want. Somebody is experiencing excruciating foreign currency shortages which a trucking industry and Government Operations Committee is importing key commodities such as fuel pharmaceuticals medicines cleaning and electricity requires foreign exchange I'm gonna say the central bank wants taxes to exporters for the exchange innings and possibly possibly to Cuba holding off money while some sectors require the same amount of money gonna get used an example of the mining sector which is going to be 60 percent of total exports innings so I think the balancing act and the one of the classes that. I think they need to send a big is not if you have the foreign cut and we're there what to do next what the protocol and got in a ballot bowl or what's going to get it loaded in the bench will that be they think century and I think they want to use that money to make it a Ballot Bowl for the one to manage in the bank but to be telling what the center of danger that didn't they were in a war make for the garden you need to put in Couldn't all denotable for the government has been accused of lying more and more on punitive damages to shore up its findings is it the reason fees for its services across the board even though also the incomes of not increased They say the populace is feeling the weight of an incompetent government that is settled with corruption and mucker economic policy quality reporting for viewing this is that a good bill. That wraps up this edition of the Africa news tonight I'm Jason Patinkin in Washington thanks to our producer not a good time and our engineer citric Franklin and thank you for choosing the Voice of America. Friends we can all this into the sunny side of sports. Right here on The Voice of America. This is video way Sunny Young in Washington well. Sunny side of sports. The countdown continues for the Tokyo a lympics the year's biggest international sporting event we're now $163.00 days away to the multi sports jam brewery and Japan athletics will be one of the marquee sports said Tokyo 2020 most of the track and field action will take place at the renovated national Olympic Stadium in Tokyo the stadium will also be the venue for the opening and closing ceremonies but because of concerns about the heat in Tokyo the men's and women's Olympic marathons as well as the race walking a vents have been moved to the cooler climate of Sapporo Japan the world's top athletes continue to train for the Tokyo a limb picks the Scottish city of Glasgow is the venue for Saturday's Moeller indoor Grand Prix mate one of the athletes who will be competing in Glasgow is Sweden's Armaan Mondo to plant who broke the world record in the pole vault last weekend in Poland the 20 year old Duplantis cleared 16 metres excuse me 6 metres 17 Jamaican sprint star Shelley and Fraser price. A 2 time Olympic champion will also compete in Glasgow as she gets ready for the Tokyo games Shelley and will run the women 60 meters dash in Glasgow also in that race is Miri l o Jorge of Ivory Coast the reigning world indoor champion at 60 metres Meanwhile the Athletics Federation of Nigeria is organizing and all comers mate and Delta State on Friday the competition is one of several events used by the Federation to prepare Nigerian plates for the Tokyo alum picks to find out more Iron Mike M.-Bone Yeah they contacted the federations technical director Sunday. Face. Book every. Exhibition. Game on object. Choice gave. Me enough money to be kings Well it's going to. Change how many of them officials did to take. A very difficult. People Guy King said he's only going. To. Watch along. Side the some good new how about events you know. Where you are going to meet up to the time you start to show. Us we have actual coach Sean some guy. We have like for example we see. Trees that. Track makes us want to see those farms do in our training program training. For the. Most. They are. Not ready. To show us. How you read. The events. Because. They taught was even in that last. Series we. Also didn't get. To see them perform on. That Sunday and the way the technical director of the Athletics Federation of Nigeria and he spoke with Iron Mike in bone Yeah on the telephone from Nigeria I might in the song get the lead to technical director. Nigeria I want to say a special shot so just from inside all sports thank you very much for the day. The 2008 African Footballer of the year Emmanuel Adebayor your of Togo has signed with the Paragon Paraguayan club a Libya a song see. Own at 35 years of age the lengthy striker is definitely in the twilight of his career at a buy or has played the past few years in Turkey he had his most European success with Arsenal in England at a by or has also played in France and 1st Spanish powerhouse Ryall Madrid and Paraguayan at a by your will be reunited with his former Manchester City teammate roquet son to Cruz who captains the Limpia Emmanuel at a buy or is Togo's all time top scorer with $32.00 goals and he played for to go at it's only World Cup appearance in 2006 Nigeria's 4 time African Women's Footballer of the year a Schola says she's hungry for more success with Barcelona Femen ino after winning her 1st major trophy and Spanish football the 25 year old a Shola scored 2 goals on Sunday when Barcelona routed Ryall society died 10 to one to clinch the inaugural Spanish women Super Cup Shola says her professional priority is to keep doing well and winning well unbeaten Barcelona has been winning in the Primera Division as they seek their 1st league title in 5 years. Elsewhere in African football host Cameroon recently confirmed new dates for the 2021 Africa Cup of Nations turn a meant our Voice of America football fans will remember last year's Nations Cup in Egypt was staged in June and July but Cameroon says June in July is the rainy season in the country so the 2021 Nations Cup will revert back to January and February the change in date says already frustrated some top European clubs who will be without their 1st team African players at a crucial stage of the season. For more on the change in Afghan dates here is Magoo may Davis Rockaway huge income Pala Uganda Anthony before way the configuration of a 2nd football did the general secretary really communicate in the only committal announcing changes he said the coming government asked this because a bet with you in the month of June and July after listening to the various arguments and viewpoints in particular from the common room literal logical or authorities and the coaches and players presenting teas we are going organizing committee which received the Monday from the cup executive committee to take a decision granted this request the month of June and the committee will receive a heavy rains which organisers of can believe could negatively affect the tournament but despite the changes of dates expect a good tournament going to journalist Steve My youngest is the change of dates will affect both the going isn't of course for years and local tournaments just simply means for far too kid you deal local games here. Remember we have John. Stands for Fed listen you can a Football Association might enjoy the changes will have adverse effects for European clubs that feature African players David rounder sports analyst and reporter agrees it. Is a lot of African players you know she does with their clubs imagine taking away more maids taking always had your money taken away and maybe cater from Liverpool and for 7 to 8 games in a season. That's a very huge loss if you missed. In London this is a French championship league with a lot of African players what will happen if a pool manager Deccan club are going to have nations like the competition I watch a lot in the past in my life very interesting tournament most difficult circumstance. This is where a lot of times players when they may go for it sensational players you see the 1st time they become the last time because they show up in Europe and everywhere but it's an obvious problem but to play a tournament in the middle of the season it doesn't help African players. We will not sell. More or not be now because they have a tournament and turn around February of course not but if you have to make a decision about bringing in a player it's a massive form the changes mean that some prominent African players. Period a medical to me Yank and you could be away from club duties in this period other clubs like my sister city to me some of them services a 1000000000 I had my head at the top players lake. And Senegal. Blissful committed. Or here because the police force in that scene and willfully does. You will be Victor Wanyama. Then you are mighty. And several others would be big for their respective clubs sports committee data bases and decision but he says couple of issues should lead balloon ahead of time to avoid such inconveniences but trying to avoid a scenario where a game is washed out because of heavy rain. Flooding you've seen a recent We've got a lot of floods because of I think of the element of increase of temperature and everything so going forward I think it's high time that sits down to its gut and realise these clubs are obliged. To grant permission to their players to play for their respective countries during international tournaments for the Senate side of sports. Me divison rocketing in Uganda Thanks Magoo may. Seem a country. In African athletics the race that every marathon fan is longing to see is set for a brawl in the British capital Elliot Kidd so gay and Kenenisa Bekele will meet April 26th in the London Marathon so far the Kenyan world record holder has beaten the multiple Olympic champion for me Theo b.-a in every one of their 4 encounters in the marathon but in an extraordinary last 12 months for the event the energetic good day Edwards in London says this race could be wide open and this has every prospect of being like a heavyweight world title fight but instead of verbal and physical punches the dedication and meticulous ability of the kitchen I am Bakaly chems will be put to the test just a moment another intriguing ingredient to this brew is that both men and managed by the same agency global sports and its boss the only former Dutch international run to your sermons has a good loose relationship with both the results of the past couple of years suggests that 80 years could she Keiko's the start line in London his favorite he is the world record holder with 139 feeling pick champion and the only runner to break 2 hours for the marathon which he did in Vienna last October although the n.a.s. Won $59.00 challenge did not conform to official race for a delay sions Nevertheless for all the help from teams of pacemakers the barrier still had to be broken and kitschy k. Did it even looking fresh at the end Kenny said Becky his career looked on the brink of closure before the Berlin marathon in late September he had failed to finish his previous 3 marathons and manager yours Herman's has expressed how much words for what he called the stance of wavering dedication to training distracted according to Herman's by. Business interests Bekele a return to form with a vengeance not only winning but running to within 2 seconds of kitschy gaze world record that achievement restored his status as a threat to anyone in the marathon 24 hours after his win he says his long term injury problems were behind him and he was ready for the ultimate challenge. Very happy if I run again with the elliptical job. Anywhere so whatever. That lady becoming kitschy go you have raced twice before in London in 20162018 Elliott kitchen has emerged victorious on both occasions as if their contest doesn't have enough talking points already both men are likely to be wearing the Nike vapor fly shoes or whatever will be by then the latest development in the model which have stirred up the running world how much the glut of extraordinary Fast Times recently is down for the shoes water the men and women who wear them is an ongoing debate the London Marathon on April 26th could be just round one with a rematch likely in the Olympic marathon later in the year not in Tokyo but in the somewhat cooler climate of Sapporo in Japan as early as Kitty go pointed out after winning the London title last year championship racing and the Olympics above all set a radically different test event feeling because not best make us. You can't. Provide that to win. Mentality City strong like Muhammad Ali's epic contest with Joe Frazier and George Foreman versus Kenny's to decide who is the top man is unlikely to be settled by just one bout for the sunny side of sports this is Andy Edwards in London thanks Sanjay. This is the post of faith for. On the next Africa protection patronage for plunder a new book examines how colonialism influenced the development of the you've got thinking down. On the next. In the when is the day that they thought that you would be right here. Ve always sunny Young in Washington and you're listening to sunny side of sports on the Voice of America in auto racing news Formula One Chinese Grand Prix in April has been postponed due to the recent outbreak of Corona virus in the country organizers announced the postponement on Wednesday the race was scheduled for April 19th that the Shanghai International Circuit the Chinese Grand Prix joins a growing list of international sporting events that have been postponed or canceled due to corona virus more than 1100 people have died in China and more than 44000 have been infected sense coronavirus 1st emerged in Woo Han late last year. This is a member I'm from Africa I'm not here to you know thousands of children every day don't let your child be warm Meg's sure this leap into the mosquito net hitting my mouth is and we. Need to get to the net. This is a virus. Really. Why. See . The National Basketball Association hottest team is the defending champion Toronto Raptors the Raptors well try to extend their club record winning straight to 16 games later Wednesday night when they visit the Brooklyn Nets and New York City and Houston Texas on Tuesday night the Houston Rockets snapped the 7 game winning streak of the Boston Celtics the A.P.'s Adams Bill Lane reports from Houston James Harden and Russell Westbrook combined to score $78.00 points as the Houston Rockets beat the Boston Celtics 116105 hard and scored 42 points and added 8 rebounds and 7 assists while Westbrook chipped in 36 points and 10 rebounds Arden says Westbrook gives the Rockets an added dimension is ability to sit around and then to go to chooses. Vice versa. The winner we're double teaming this image of. You know all the laws our drivers in our shoes to be able to see the letters. Jessica's here if you're going to the last ended Boston 7 game win streak despite 20 points and 8 rebounds from Gordon Hayward Jaylen Brown connected on 43 pointers and finished with 1000 points of spelling he's to thank sad now let's go to Philadelphia Pennsylvania where the Philadelphia 76 ers have proven very tough to beat this season Philadelphia improved the N.B.A.'s best home record to 25 wins and only 2 losses with a victory over the Los Angeles Clippers the A.P.'s Michael Luongo reports from Philadelphia 76 has got a big 4th quarter effort from guard Josh riches in the pull away to a 111 of the 3 win over the Clippers for the longer lead by one man Richards enough a point basket that was followed by a lay of that push delayed the 6 is a 3 point play with $337.00 the goal in the game pushed a late goal lead and Richardson had 21 points 17 came in the 4th and 4th quarter our condo started talking a little more and I was kind of history and defense put the ball in my ass and gave me the freedom to read Ben Simmons and to all the beat 826 Collider lettered at a game high 34 Los Angeles played pretty well you know just in those. You know possessions where you can be as beef stew saying you know his position is just down there too easy to do a better job with it Michael Longo fellow FIA Thanks Michael I'm Sunny young and you're listening to the sunny side of sports on the Voice of America and more n.b.a. Action Tuesday night the New Orleans Pelicans defeated the visiting Portland Trail Blazers 138 to 117. 19 year old Zion Williamson the 1st overall pick in the 2019 n.b.a. Draft tallied a season high 31 points for the pelicans Zion also had 9 rebounds and 5 assists for New Orleans and Zion is definitely starting to get a feel his oats in the n.b.a. Definitely a player to watch 19 year old Zion Williamson in more n.b.a. Results the San Antonio Spurs scored a one Ford team to one of 6 road victory over the Oklahoma City Thunder and my favorite n.b.a. Team the Washington Wizards they were victorious here in the nation's capital beating the Chicago Bulls 126-2114 Bradley Beal had 30 points and 7 assists for the Wizards Meanwhile the n.b.a. Is getting ready for its annual all star break the all star game will be held on Sunday in Chicago and here are a few fun facts about the annual n.b.a. All-Star Game this year a record 8 international players from 7 countries will participate in the all star game they are Younis on to to can go who represents Greece in international competition and he represents the mo Walky bucks in the n.b.a. Luca dontcha from Slovenia Luka plays for the Dallas Mavericks Joe Elam being made of the Philadelphia 76 ers and Cameroon really go bare of France Nicola yo kitchen of Serbia and the other international players in the all star game are de Montas a bonus from Lithuania Pascal SIAC I'm from Cameroon and Ben Simmons from. Australia more and more international players in the n.b.a. All star game and that wraps up the Feb 12th edition of the sunny side of sports thanks to my producer Nadia ta Thanks also to v.o.a. Engineers Zubair and fake you for tuning in m v always sunny Young in Washington and that's the sunny side of sports. When I listen to the latest African music dance for the best African beach from a wealthy African continent then you have a problem just you need to be on the Can people the Voice of America Mondays through Fridays I'm exhausted soon 90100 units of us on top. We can be sure they'll be competent legal minds on who can join be your vivid band the Monday through Friday if you know 921 when you give us some time on the claims of a man. We can be is the best it's number one leave. What's up Africa it's just a movie on you and I'm not yes I mean take that idea with you that's exactly what not you and I plan to do every When they had 730 you d.c. Out front look the issue that affects you is going. To be. Good. To see you Canadian man was French and boy jumped at me after being pulled over and his mum is motorized wheelchair. And you. Will find him please sample based in the music Coca Cola detainment celebrities you name it we'll talk about it and of course we'd love to hear from you find us your thoughts on the coming out email up front v.o.a. News dot com So don't forget to check us out every Wednesday a 730 u.t.c. On The Voice of America. 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