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I'm Jim Byrd held the corona virus in China is being watched with a wary eye around the globe the death toll is now $56.00 in China meanwhile the u.s. Consulate in. This city at the epicenter announced it will evacuated personnel and some private citizens aboard a charter flight Reuters Edward Moran has more the ability of a new coronavirus to spread is getting stronger China's National Health Commission said on Sunday as authorities in the country and around the world scramble to prevent a pandemic more than 2000 people have been infected globally and dozens in China have been killed by the disease a handful of cases have been reported outside China including in Thailand Australia the United States and France China says knowledge of the virus is limited and the containment efforts which have thus far included curbing transportation and travel and the cancellation of big events would be intensified the virus is believed to originated late last year and a seafood market in a central Chinese city of that was illegally selling wildlife that is Reuters Edward Baron reporting working against the clock Turkish rescue teams are pulling more survivors from collapsed buildings Sunday days after a powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake hit the country's east Charles De Witt as my has more health ministry says rescue workers are continuing to search for dozens of people their age under the rubble of collapsed buildings in central Turkey warning that the death toll is likely to rise the quake hit Friday evening at a depth around 4 miles monitoring centers they back to dudes ranging from 6.5 to 6.8 at least 5 buildings reported to have been destroyed while hundreds of other structures damaged and made unsafe rescue workers working round the clock with the 1000 personnel involved I'm Charles the letters mom and from Washington you're listening to v.o.a. News u.s. President Donald Trump legal team began their defense in the press. That in Senate impeachment trial this weekend Sunday on Twitter Mr Trump is praising his defense team and criticizing Democrats on A.B.C.'s This Week Republican Senator James Lankford says the trial shows the House of Representatives failed in its investigation looks like they're asking the Senate to go be special counsel go search go seek out that's not really the task of the Senate the task of the Senate is to hear the trial the house is the one that's actually gathering the information for impeachment so we're acting on what they're sending us on the same program Democratic senator and presidential candidate Amy closure tells Republican senators . The it says Republican senators face a crucial test in the impeachment trial here with the Says plus their evidence it was their own justice and you can't have a trial without the witnesses however they vote whatever they chose to do when that evidence comes in they can not go down in history as the people that blot the truth from coming forward because eventually it will come forward Mr Trump is only the 3rd u.s. President to be impeached and tried before the u.s. Senate meanwhile a video has emerged over 2018 dinner in which President Trump appears to call for them ambassador to Ukraine Marie Obama bitch to be removed Reuters diva duel has more it's April 30th 2018 and hopefully through a dinner at the Trump Hotel the u.s. President can be heard appearing to give the order to remove the u.s. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie your vantage. A video of the meeting a merged on Saturday and was obtained by Reuters from Joseph Bundy the attorney for lead us. He's the former associate of Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani and has been providing evidence to Democrats as a part of the president's impeachment trial in the Senate Trumper said he had the right to fire your benefits I mean figure in a series of events that led to his impeachment which he did in May 29 teen that is Reuters David Dill reporting hundreds of anti-government protesters flooded the streets of Iraq's capital in southern provinces on Sunday the following a powerful Iraqi religious leader who recently withdrew his support from the popular movement security forces fired tear gas and live rounds to disperse the crowds at least 22 demonstrators were reported wounded by Iraqi security forces Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he hopes to make history during his upcoming trip to the White House for the expected unveiling of President Trump's Mideast peace plan the plan to release has been repeatedly delay. And it seems to have little chance of success the Palestinians have already rejected it accusing Mr Trump of being unfairly biased towards Israel from Washington I'm Jim birds help deal with a news. Good evening and welcome to Nightline Africa we are coming to you live up from the English service of their Voice of America thanks for joining us I'm Peter Clottey in Washington. Doesn't he I'll keep you on Will. Get me. One. On one. And fall my it will stay govern up petitions of a Nigerian Supreme Court to reverse a ruling removing him from office. To build 100 they loved ones will call to vote on the drug lords putting makeup on they can figure it out they did that all indications that reeked of that he needed. To knock on little I think. They've got an opposition people Paul movement risk it all as it's consultation program ahead of next year's general election that I doubt that the judiciary let us here's what they determined for follow the law of the potter that followed lumbers their good will of law we want to be able to do that so that we are told it could. Have been in power what delivered up on the Malawian main opposition leader praises of the activities of the human rights defenders coalition which include demanding they are style the chairperson of a letter from commissions those stories and more coming up Nightline Africa. Therefore my inmost state governor has petitioned the Nigerian Supreme Court seeking to return to office his lawyer. Says there is need for the court to reverse the decision which led to the removal of America head from office and its ruling the court declared said Hope those on the ruling party are progressive Congress or a.p.c. County did ask Governor the ruling prompted a series of protests in the most state in other parts of the country the protesters decried their judgment saying it was a miscarriage of justice from the petition calling on the court to reverse its decision rich and the lawyer for the deposed most a governor and. One of the. Oh. Well. What do you see as the prospects of your case for socks is. Coming up. The country in the middle of the. Damage. In the country. This. One that you can. Believe. From. The. What could be called. Oh how confident are you that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the current governor will reverse its decision to hand it over to your client. If you can call. By name. On one of the. Men. In the Supreme Court. On. T.v. . I will believe what you. Want to. Know what I'm not. Game on. In dot com make the. Ultimate judgment on walkable people. Living on walkable. Begin shooting. All Evil. What is the current situation. And what has been the reaction of your client following the ruling by the Supreme Court. If. You cannot. Even though. It would. Seem. As if the lawyer father deposed him or state governor. He spoke with me from the Nigerian commercial capital Lagos. Ugandan parliament. He says his people move meant his risk of losing his public consultation program as part of his presidential campaign that decision to risk that the consultation program followed a meeting with representatives from the electoral commission and the police meanwhile Deborah mock the outgoing u.s. Ambassador to Uganda says a discussion about. A transition is inevitable in Uganda Joel same spokesperson for the people meant work in the u.s. And were a statement saying the country's youth want a change in leadership he also tells me the group will see the New Deal of its rescheduled consultations in an effort to wrestle power from the government in the next general election. On how to proceed. If the Constitution. To operate ahead of the elections and the clearance from the police and electric commission that what is the problem here in the consultation says that is guaranteed in Uganda an electron in. The country. But did you get any guarantee from the electoral commission and the police that this revision of your new strategy to have a consultation with your supporters across the country will not be thwarted or hampered again. Stated well. All right let's get another chance to see what I want to say that. We are waiting to see and that's why we decided Ok let's forget about the past let's now. Look. Again so what. They are going United States ambassador to Uganda Deborah Mark saying that a discussion on transitioning the East African nation is inevitable most of them are like a good friend of Uganda government. For the government for human rights violations. That's what you do. When you see that the. State is part of the global like national community so our appeals court and I are not then I don't do whatever it was. I will do what I want . To know what. I mean. That. Country. For example stop human rights violations. This country Ok I'm not the question I'm. Concerned about. Denmark's. The parliament. The Constitution can be amended for him to keep in power which I don't appoint but the joy. Is where Ugandans are voting for president 70 ruling National Resistance Movement party they have a majority in parliament for them the opportunity to amend the Constitution to unravel presidential $72.00 additional terms so they are voting for him and his ruling party. And Ugandans wanting to stay not to think so look. Because it's just wonderful. But I did. It with. The boat that would not be contingent again would you then I told him not to amend the Constitution and I believed I had given you had begged him to do that because you're going to comply but also the Supreme Court had said look once not twice and thrice and that I got to believe it then he considered it as big but. That he did not. State security for him it's a bit of what I've said that 3 times you don't need some sort of saying let's have another you that's. The spokesperson for the get out of position people power movement his spoke with me from the capital Kampala. The work of the human rights defenders correlational r d c a political pressure group is commendable the group has been organizing a series of demonstrations demanding the ouster all resignation of Dr Justice Jane and son Chavez and for the electoral commission supporters of the main opposition Malawi Congress party or m.c.p. Participate in the protests demanding she steps down and packed 2 of my interview with the main opposition leader. This as our d.c. Is playing an important role in the country's young democracy I was grateful for them as they represented the lobby and this is a coalition of. Civil rights groups and so you know what they have been doing has been representing Malawi and Steve let me ask you about your message to the people often held a press conference and interacted and asked and said questions they posed to you what was your message to them No I just gave the message to the and at and but in that we have sex. In the last 8 months or so and the problems that we keep faith in. These are birth pangs because Malawi will be reborn as a new jam and therefore people should not lose hope and say that everything is just . Gloom and doom this is far back and that there is light and might that allow we can overcome these things and become a better nation as a result how to engage the members of the international community including Sunday to help resolve what Mullen say is the tension in the country we have always made our case known everywhere and so. Even I speak have been United Nations folks in the country they've been meeting with their various stakeholders and so forth so far as we are concerned. We believe that moderates future is great but we cannot have peace with some people have called for all political leaders including yourself to encourage and educate the supporters not to engage in acts of violence in anticipation of the ruling of the court what specific message of you being telling your supporters I have been very consistent and I believe I'm the only one that has been we haven't heard anything from the top leadership of the other ideas including whoever is supposed to have won the election so you need to ask them what they've been doing precisely this is exactly what I was doing this morning in educating Malawians and in general and my congress party members in particular what album of the performance all the police have been professional because of her accusation and contact the scene. The police favored one group against the odds that what has been the performance so far I am for the rule of law and some of the things that have happened I decry and I condemn that but because it's not been the best at all in fact they are even as we speak issues to do with police such abuse of force as well as a stand up women. Who don't rape and that's not a good report at all this. Thing the public talking about the rule of law recently there when calls for down time corruption rule 2 are asked alleged individuals who attempted to bribe the judge is I who are overseeing the case that you presented to them challenging the outcome of the election what do you make of the action and did you also call for an expedited auction for those who have committed this act to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law in Malawi since these matters are in court as we speak I do not want to say anything to say let's let the quote processes take you know. Let them take place and then let's respect what is going on what is your message to the people of Malawi in anticipation of the court's ruling about the case you send there challenging the outcome of the presidential election my message has been consistent ever since we closed given testimony in court that let's respect the judiciary let us respect what they determine person that follows the law as a part of that follows and respect that will up the law and we want to be able to do that so that we are upholding it due to shows that have been empowered to deliver just. As the presidential candidate for the Congress pocky m.c.p. He spoke with me from the capital on the lonely. To. Be on the groceries all the dishes generated 25 Revolution with strap veteran Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak from power entering to 11 is being observed in a fairly low key mana as most Egyptians were given that day off and the government celebrate to the rule of the country's police in meant in order for the only added You're in reports from the Gyptian capital Cairo $100.00 young I think at the same . Time is the last seen in a good few months Senate Islamist opponents of the Egyptian government had harsh words for President updo Fatah al Sisi in social media and on t.v. Channels originating from Qatar and Turkey which support them but in the Egyptian capital Cairo and most of the rest of the country there were no significant protests and most people stayed home after being given the day off Cairo's iconic tire Square where most of the major protests against former President Hosni Mubarak took place in 2011 remained eerily quiet except for some light traffic and police were on heightened alert along the major arteries leading into the city center. A number of government organized events took place to mark the events including the one at Cairo Stadium with music to entertain the crowd. It Gyptian t.v. Played music to honor the country's police and Presidency see attended a number of events in recent days to hand out awards and personally thanked top officers and commanders that day originally marked the anniversary of a police. Sensor rection in a smiley in 1952 which was seminal in the country's 1st revolution that overthrew King for Roque well known political sociologist cited Sadik tells v.o.a. That the 2011 revolution left the mark on the country in many ways despite the fact some analysts outside the country have negative words for the ultimate outcome we have to remember about that if we do not produce immediate facades to fix crime we have some results and maybe we'll get more for example for the 1st time you should begin to talk about reforming to do commission system reforming illusions discordance this never happened before so a lot of cowboy topics began to be psychic also notes that both women and cops who were previously marginalized began to play a major role in politics after the revolution due to their firsthand encounter which were oppression and violence under the Islamists who ruled the country from 2012 to 2013 Qatar who teaches political science at the University of Paris tells v.o.a. That Egypt's unhappy period of Islamist rule put a damper on efforts to democratize the country. He says the big problem with the Egyptian revolution is that it wasn't carried out by democratic forces that would have been able to effect a veritable transformations the attempt to replace a military system of government he argues with a totalitarian Islamist regime was a trap that ultimately destroyed the revolution notes the Egyptian revolution was a historic phenomenon given the massive mobilization of crowds in a peaceful manner and that there are always been conflicts between military forces and Islamists in the Arab world which. Clouds the horizon and makes Democrats zation a difficult process given the recent wave of protest movements sists he sees some reason for optimism in Iraq in Lebanon with efforts to create a national discourse but that the process is mired in regional and international rivalries between Iran the Us Israel Saudi Arabia and Turkey Edward Uranian for v.o.a. News Cairo the United Nations is condemning the deadly attack on a village in the disputed area between Sudan and South Sudan and is calling for calm in the wake of the attack by gunmen which left dozens dead and scores injured from. More from Geneva armed gunmen reportedly killed 32 people injured 25 and went on a rampage burning homes and causing other devastation in the Dinka village of Colo folks meant for the un office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs the ns like tells me away the attack on call Oh about 9 kilometers northwest of the town of Abi a which straddles both sides of the Sudan South Sudan border sent people fleeing for their lives he says the village reportedly has been emptied of its inhabitants I cannot say for sure who instigated the attack we are not there to witness what happened we know it is it's I think a village and that people have left but we have assessed since the attack that some $500.00 people are now in a town where they are sheltering I believe in some schools there in the aftermath of the attack the un interim security force and obviate issued a statement saying suspected nomadic mystery I heard years from Sudan attacked this is the latest clash between the Arab mystery a tribe to the north of the border and the un got big. To the south since November this oil rich region has been in dispute since South Sudan gained its independence from Sudan in 2011 by r.k. Says humanitarian organizations on the ground are providing health care including emergency surgical operations to the survivors of the attack is coordinating humanitarian response us in and we. Dispatch and into agency needs assessment team to the area shortly to continued into community tensions population movements including during last year's flooding and the absence of public institutions and services have resulted in high humanitarian and recovery needs. The u.n. And humanitarian organizations aim to provide aid to 200000 people in the Abi area this year priority needs include health nutrition food and water as well as protection for people at risk of sexual and gender based violence and protection for children and for v.o.a. News Geneva. This is the Voice of America and you are listening to Nightline Africa host Peter Clottey in Washington coming up in the 2nd half of my Africa sports with. And that will be followed by a comment Dr James drew a. Political Affairs from our African collections. But 1st the Food and Agriculture Organization is warning. Me Feel and Somalia already precedented in their size and destructive potential exponentially the it is a war it will increase food insecurity in a region already botted by drought and then. Keith Christman the EFI all seem forecasting officer is in Nairobi now spot of the team working to try and stop the storms he spoke with the pond Dorsenne about the ramifications of the must of storms and their force to stop them what we're seeing now is really 3 areas of very important locust developments probably what you heard the most is the Horn of Africa and I'll go into the Upton and just a 2nd but the other 2 areas we're watching very closely is in southern Iran and on both sides of the Red Sea The 3rd one is the Horn of Africa where I am now and and that by far is the most significant and the most dangerous of these 3 say hotspots at the moment of does or locusts I say that because for the Horn of Africa it's by far the worst situation of desert locusts up they've had to face and a quarter of a century particular new Theall grandson Malia and in Kenya for more than 70 years there are very large swarms that are present in the 3 countries and high number of them so this is. A very dangerous combination and a very strong potentially threatening situation to food security so to agricultural production to. Very important for grazing animals and for people's livelihoods in the Horn of Africa is already straining all normal of course to any disruption to their production systems and you know they face a series of droughts that they've had recently heavy rains and floods so it's already a very precarious situation without the desert locusts you are in involved or you lead the effort to forecast. Where the storms are going what's that outlook the next couple weeks are and until probably sometime in February there will still be storms invading northern Kenya coming from Ethiopia from eastern Ethiopia and Jason areas of Somalia and these storms are coming into northern Kenya and then they're spreading in Kenya mainly and the central and moving towards the west of the country towards the Rift Valley and towards the northern parts of the country which are a bit drier which is really what the desert locust like you know name implies there is certainly a threat to adjacent areas of Eastern Europe Gonda and to the south east corner of Southern Sudan this is very important because both of these countries the last time they faced desert locusts warms us and 9610 so some 60 years ago which means that they have virtually no expertise and this matter what need a geisha efforts be put in place now both in countries where we are seen swarms and in countries where you there are concerned swarms will move to those countries that are currently incest and so this is mainly Kenya and Ethiopia and Somalia control operations both on the ground and there are progress and yet in Ethiopia and Somalia it's most more challenging because of the security issues there and the infrastructure but at least and those areas that can be accessed in Ethiopia and Kenya of the 2 May and countries these efforts now are being very rapidly upscale so that they have been in Ethiopia the efforts have been underway since the summer in Kenya for almost a month now but so far that hasn't been enough so there's a great need to upscale on the number of teams on the ground the number. Keys Christiane as they. Look us focused in office as he spoke with his kids pound dossing from the king and capital Nairobi. It's now time for Nightline Africa sports and for violence joined. By beach and giving sports fans a World Com to Madelyne Africa supporters in African football hold the spirit of Tunisia drooled through to. Morrow confident as both clubs book The Places in the fortified nose of the African Champions League that result ended the faint hopes of group b. Is a kiss in cock Despite is v. Tech labs a $41.00 win of Algeria as good as Cup ballot Indiana Congo the division of clubs on my leg who drew 00 with already fortified f.t.p. Mazin be able to get up on one frame in high definition to the knockout phase a come from after this call United drew 11 with the premier The dog was still going on in the other group a game on Saturday in group h. . Agreement of Sudan and beat plus now $10.00 in the Zimbabwe thanks to a goal from homemade die. And now live well with a group lead that was a hell of an easy Egypt really had a father 2 points adrift in thought. 31 win over Algeria USA gone Friday night was enough for them to qualify from group c. Along with suffer because the Mamelodi Sundowns who drew 22 with the Petrel outlet to call on Saturday in Angola Meanwhile a competition of I'm from football cop has invited Libya to take fight in the upcoming African mission of Championship finals in Kameron ca follow can put a team for a place to Musea who have withdrawn from the. And I meant for local best players because clubs were reluctant to release their players to Musea beat 24 tea in China champions Libya 31 on the grid to clinch a place in the finals that are due to kick off in April on another ticks understand I've just had to buy medicine at a wild up let's go to the liberal road resort afraid and if your piano commish the gift of a wad of the women's wrist in 2 hours in 1000 minutes I'm 48 seconds in the men's wrists to debutantes I don't know if Europea and Eric can we cut into that bit out of reach into the tried and tested model for nods to finish 1st and 2nd in the men's wrist to get by one by half a minute to from compatriot to get to now Sean with another if your pee on the bed that will help our father back in for in the minutes recess the Shah you see here in 6.34 which would have been a world record 2 decades ago yet he's 11th place meant he'd go to 0 prize money to my sprinter was aboard a minute sense of a truck event the experienced marathon as were keeping a close eye on one another and ignoring God. But when it came down to speed rather than staying power I do not follow the initial sprint of 2 from moving from 500 metres out then. After another 100 metres on top of the victory and a $100000.00 fast prize to him with Europeans followed with said that getting the nod of his 5 they give a one piece race on how on debut in 2017 and finished 4th the following year Meanwhile both on Athletic Association has announced the 10 National fields for the Boston amount of thought on April 20th led by defending champion and if your piano record holder will commission the game for the women's field contains 2 of athletes with personal bests of faster than 2 hours 23 minutes on 5 with a stop to 20. It's true the 1st 4 are past winners of the Boston Marathon us is 28000 champion visit a linden 2 time world champion and I could plug out of Kenya 10 to 15 Victor in a row teach. The mesh who set the course record in 2014 challenges for the Tate include 10 to 15 while champion and Olympic bronze medalist Matadi Bubba 2017 World Champion Rose chillum of Bahrain on 2015 wild 10000 meter silver medalist to lead to a book called with your pm for time in New York on London we made it a tiny had accepted an invitation to run in Boston but she's got into the satellite and with a back injury and with 10 men holding personal best times inside so I was 7 minutes on the most having compete against each other in championship events there is up front should bring competitive on the challenge in your post on course defending champion of Florence general was a walk in the Chicago last year for 3 of the past both time champions 2 time winner and while champion Lisa 2018 Victor who How would she have just done on 10 to 17 World Champion Joffrey Uganda has granted 12 Olympic champion on the 2013 while jumping on Stephen Cooper teach will make his Boston marathon debut album Corina of the run up to New York last year and the Jenna debil a run up which I don't know by one second in Chicago will be just in the a fost wild might have been made as a victory and that's about Teach for this edition of a never for sports now back to Peta Thanks a lot Douglas it's always a pleasure to hear from you link up with you again next Sunday for another look at African Sports nightlife Africa sports. Now let's take a closer look at Africa and the problems with the prospect of time of conflict in time of peace here as well most part of the with Dr James doing a full. You and I and the secretary general is going to fan out of the journal Good evening how for k. In the car and dish on the trial in the United States Senate before that in the proceedings in the House of Representatives led to the impeachment of President John some similar sevens getting exiting the Imax demonstrated in the appearance before the House of Representatives hired professionalism dedication that commitment to the Goes to Titian on that impartiality does become important because the executive was not prepared to provide documents or witness to the House of Representatives so the American people came to realize the importance also a competent and impartial civil service few years ago the British House of Lords issued exit poll on the British foreign policy in the Middle East it was back at the kind of reports and his dad said that this sale of the British always in the Middle East was due to the fact a blast and less reliance was being placed on the British civil servants on the felt that they should leasing more to them this is a very interesting turn of events because the British Civil Service was highly guided over the centuries the British themselves learnt a lot about independent income but. Savors this from Ensign China where the civil service was developed by the Ambrose. Ego us in terms examination was required to enter the civil service under the tunnel in this sci fi tracks demonstrate their the evolution of civil service it is I'm sure true that the British government to govern to hand in the ground in India to develop an exceedingly competent similar sudden singing the. Civil service was deprived of all the Indian people in government I mean stood to say that the British government in the Corona do you it did develop competent civil servants that is the only way. Been able to govern their vast empire I know when they handed over the colonies to independent outfit governments then never behind hired me but then civil service but after of the end of the 2nd World War something happen the fact the civil service in the 1st instance wanted to show in this began to see politics as a profession and this changed things and became a clash between politicians and civil servants if you years ago the b.b.c. Then is serious because it is called Yes Minister and that shows you imagine the conflict and the way that competition the 100 was initially to create Argonne themselves and nuns it will sound stuff that will give them what they want to hold their began to politicize the civil service these became extremely bad in Africa in Africa the. Returned since others were pushed aside politicians want their own people their own party members of the civil service and that became a very serious obstacle to good governance in Sunday's their high coalition we politicise it was so is not administration I need became so bad that the politicians for no naming the Sabers of and so corruption So what should happen now it is not clear for all to see that no country can govern the way on. Higher really competent. Areas men and women off and get rid. Of that mission I'm not the party in power so also going to governments. Want to see around the world and begin if they have not yet done so do it some though it is you who of the Civil Service to see that they have independent civil service commission to see that they have a strong proper eggs them in mission for entry into the civil service because if this is done those other governments will form aside from the universities and he's in the compete in the examination they don't doubt that they're going to be a bucket member to be in the civil service so did is the lesson that we are learning Americans today would tell you yes we didn't know that b.c. Was $0.07 a competent enough accounts in the 60s could have said that though this it was so politicians must know that it is in their own interest to ensure that they have highly competent civil servants to help them when the government because that is common. Oh many times common to you and me to someone in institutional memory I mean did my dad minister as Mr Minister you would not be so bad because contrary to the National did just this religion is remembered this it is a wise person to learn from he so I experience it is a way as a person to know from the experience of. I thank You that was one man's point of view a commentary by Dr James Joyner for my you and I and as a cottage in our political office. And it's something on Madeleine Africa as the time would get to relax and reflect or flush struck me as a from the continent you hear from Tony with. Kansas it's true but the Rocky will follow with the war out and they. All got. Think. Nothing ever done to. Bring up your book The Much. And I will suck his soul Soraya cold that was our Sunday music spot hope you enjoy the music from Madman Africa here are the only survivors of the. Voice of America in Washington. Nightline Africa comes to you from the English service all the Voice of America I hope you enjoyed the program tonight as you know by now that I on Saturdays and Sundays at 16 and 18 guys you see from of in my plan Africa to managing it it does shock a solid reporter Douglas simple deputies aside I'm doing and I do now for today and Nelson Lopez received by his for joy and I think I remember that they all the same no matter how full the river it still wants to grow on your whole speech took all day in Washington Africa. This is v.o.a. News I'm Jim Bertil.

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Radio Program , Human Rights , Human Rights Abuses , Personhood , East Africa , Law , Civil Servants , Federal Republics , Federal Countries , Political Science , Least Developed Countries , Elections , Decision Theory , Western Asia , Constitutional Law , Member States Of The African Union , Eastern Europe , Member States Of The United Nations , Election Commissions , Economics , Abuse , Westminster System , Marathons , Food Security , Political Terminology , Middle East , North Africa , Radio Voa Global English , Stream Only , Radio , Radioprograms ,

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