Transcripts for VOA [Voice of America] Global English VOA [Voice of America] Global English 20200107 220000

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This is the only news I'm arisen Melton Iranian state media reported Tuesday a stampede at the funeral for top military commander Qassam So the money stampede killed at least 32 people and injured 190 others tens of thousands of people had gathered to honor Selma still a mani in his hometown of c'mon before his burial it was following similar ceremonies this week in Tehran and other cities state media reports the burial was postponed following the stampede us President Trump on Tuesday defended the strike on sell the money he's been called a monster and he was a monster and he is no longer a monster expect. Solmonese killing last week at a u.s. Air strike has sparked fears of wider conflict as the United States and Iran threaten strong responses to each other's actions a peace Shelley Adler has more defense secretary Mark Asper is calling for Iran to deescalate United States is not seeking a war with Iran but we are prepared to finish one we are seeking a diplomatic solution but 1st this war require Iran to deescalate reaction from Michael O'Hanlon the director of Foreign Policy Research at Brookings I wouldn't be surprised if they do something and then end it there but I would be very surprised if they let Mark aspart persuade them not to do anything at all so what's he expecting some kind of a response that is significant painful tragic at a personal level for the parties involved and yet also constrained and limited shall we have Washington Venezuelan opposition leader one guy Joe and his new rival lawmaker Luis power calls for competing legislative sessions on Tuesday after both claim to be the country's parliamentary speaker on Sunday Venezuelan security forces blocked from entering the National Assembly chamber where he was expected to be reelected more online at b o a News dot com from the new center in Washington d.c. You're listening to news. Firefighters in Australia are taking advantage of a change of weather to shore up defenses against the massive bush fires that have burned millions of hectares for over 3 months southeastern Australia is due for cooler temperatures and rainfall throughout this week giving firefighters time to bolster containment lines but the current rainfall is not enough to extinguish hundreds of fires Prime Minister Scott Morrison The Commonwealth is committing an additional an initial $2000000000.00 I the next 2 calendar years starting right now to support all of the efforts of recovery right across the country this is not just in those areas that are experiencing PI's now diet in those areas that have already experienced Fawas particularly up in Queensland and northern New South Wales the fires have killed 25 people since the start of the disaster in September some 2000 homes have been destroyed. Deputies prosecutors have issued an arrest warrant for Carroll gone the wife of Carlos gone the former head of Nissan and now international fugitive writers Matthew Lawrence on to has more to tell you that the rest warrant comes just a day before the auto industry titan is expected to speak at a press conference from his refuge in Lebannon Carlos escaped house arrest in Tokyo last week Carol is believed to be with him she is accused of lying to investigators this upcoming speech from Carlos going on Wednesday will give him a chance to lay out in detail his long standing claim that he is innocent of the financial crime allegations levied against him and his assertion that he is not only the victim of a Machiavellian boardroom plot at Nissan but one that was also orchestrated with the aid of the Japanese government itself Lebanon has no extradition treaty with Japan and shows no sign of handing him over that's right it's Matthew Honda reporting Harvey Weinstein's trial in New York is underway a.p. Correspondent Mike Hampton Judge James Burke order jury selection to begin as scheduled rejecting a request by defense attorneys for a cooling off period Weinstein's lawyers question the timing of new charges that were brought Monday by prosecutors in Los Angeles the judge also denied a prosecution request to revoke Weinstein's bail and jail him until the trial is over Weinstein is charged in New York with raping a woman in a Manhattan hotel room and forcibly performing a sex act on another woman in l.a. He's charged with sexually assaulting 2 women I'm Mike Hampton a strong earthquake struck up struck Puerto Rico early Tuesday morning it was the latest in a series of quakes to hit the u.s. Territory in recent days 6.4 magnitude quake was located near the southern coastal city of Ponce a tsunami alert was issued but later canceled I'm ricin this is the news. He was plotting to kill and to attack American facilities. Good some in from. Some information about what precipitated the killing of an Iranian general it's Wednesday January 8th and this is v.o.a. Asia I'm Ira Mehlman in why she did You are part of this program join us please on The View we age of Facebook Also ahead the South Korean leader calls for desperate measures to improve ties with North Korea which some call the world's biggest adult toy store opens in Las Vegas and you'll hear another way of growing lettuce in Japan it all comes your way on today's Asia. In the White House Oval Office Tuesday President Donald Trump told reporters the u.s. Military is totally prepared should Tehran carry out threatened retribution for America's targeted killing of one of its military generals he's been called a monster and he was a monster and he's no longer a monster he's dead other high ranking u.s. Official said Tuesday that cost him so the money of the Iranian general the u.s. Killed in a drone strike posed a distinct threat to Americans in the Middle East but again publicly offered no specific evidence of any attack he was about to carry out Secretary of State Mike pump aoe told reporters that multiple pieces of information from intelligence sources were given to President Trump before trial made the decision to target so the many in last week's attack that killed him in Iraq at the Baghdad airport. Partly vested excellent work and the president had a entirely legal appropriate and a basis as well as a decision that fit perfectly within our strategy and how to counter the threat of malign activity from Iran more broadly national security adviser Robert O'Brian said does so the money was plotting to attack American facilities but similar to pump a O'Brian offered no specifics on the timing of what Trump administration officials have called an end of the threat that so the money posed it was plotting to kill and to attack American facilities and diplomats soldiers sailors airmen and Marines were look at those facilities defense secretary Mark esper and interview on c.n.n. Characterize the evidence of saw them on these men line activities in the Middle East as more than razor thin things all the money was caught redhanded meeting with a terrorist leader this is not an innocent man he said later at a Pentagon news conference esper said he believed an attack planned by us all the money was days away he encouraged Iran to deescalate tensions with the us and open the go ga sions where they behave more like a normal country from Peo 'd added that there were continuing efforts on behalf of this terrorist to build out a network of campaign activities that were going to lead potentially to the death of many more Americans a top u.s. Diplomat concluded that the drone attack was the right decision he said we got it right Iran has vowed to exact revenge for Silverman these killing with O'Brien saying we take those seriously and we're watching and monitoring them but with Trump threatening to respond to any new attack O'Brian said we hope that their deterred and that they think twice about attacking America and its interest even as threats and counter threats ricochet between washee did in Tehran O'Brien said he believes the world is a safer place with the killing of so the money. Look over over the past 4 months the 2 greatest terrorist threats in the world Islamic state leader Bakara Al Bhagat Eve And so the money had both been taken off the battlefield Oprah and said outside the White House said I think that makes us safer and in fact we've been getting graduated and told that privately by world leaders from every region in the world who have reached out to congratulate us for this activity in Iran officials delayed some of these burials state media reported after more than 50 people were killed in a stampede of mortars and more than 200 others injured tens of thousands of people gathered to honor so many in his hometown of Kerman before the planned burial following similar ceremonies this week in Tehran Coleman follows many of the mortise scream for retaliation against the United States for the killing of so the money no compromise no submission revenge they shouting so the money is killing us sparked fears about a wider conflict as the United States and Iran threaten strong responses to each other's actions the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif contended in a c.n.n. Interview that the u.s. Killing of Silva money commander of the Revolutionary Guards Quds Force constituted state terrorism with heightened tensions. Between the United States and Iran Washington has denied Zarif a visit to travel to New York for upcoming u.n. Meetings Pompei or refused to spell out the reasons behind the denial of the visa following the air strike Iran announced it was further cutting its compliance with a 2015 agreement that restraint its nuclear program that prompted Trump who withdrew from the deal and applied new sanctions against Iran to tweet on Monday Iran will never have a nuclear weapon Meanwhile Iran Iraq's outgoing prime minister said Tuesday that the u.s. Has no alternative and must pull its troops out of its country or else face an impending crisis as the remains of a senior Iraqi militia commander killed in a u.s. Drone strike was brought to Iraq from Iran for burial Abdel Abdul Mahdi who resigned in November amid mess anti-government protests that Iraq once a u.s. Troop withdraw to avoid further escalation as tensions soar between American and America and Iran we invite you to read more of our top story by following us on Facebook be away Asia and then be away News dot com website. These are among the top Asia headlines you'll find right now at v.o.a. News dot com Tesla's Shanghai factory delivered its 1st cars to customers Monday and chief executive the Elon Musk said the electric automaker plans to step up a design center in China to create a model for worldwide sales 4 children were killed 5 injured alongside their teacher as an explosion hit while they collected firewood in an area of me in Mars right kind State beset by fighting between the military and the ira Khan Army rebels lawmakers in Pakistan's lower house of parliament voted Tuesday in support of it staving the tenure of that country's army chief read and watch more on the away Asia Facebook and Twitter plus the away News dot com on our website. The away Asia continues now there is a desperate need for practical ways to improve ties with North Korea the South president Moon said on Tuesday adding that he was ready to meet with the crew reclusive leader in Pyongyang repeatedly if necessary Michel him if he reports a warning from South Korea's president during his New Year's speech on Tuesday j n u z on religious to say there's a quote desperate need for improving ties with North Korea and said he would glass a lack of progress in negotiations to go you sometimes in a time of deadlock and u.s. North Korea talks and where we're even concerned about a step backward in endure Korean relations we're in desperate need of practical ways to improve cooperation between the career's moon added that he was ready to travel to Pyongyang again and that peaceably meet with the crew simply to Kim Jong un if necessary North Korea has been unmissable is said to other reason proposals by the South and some pledge x. Between the Koreas have stalled in the face of international sanctions over the new year Kim promised a new weapon was coming in the face of quotes gangster like Precious from the United States signaled there was still going for dialogue with the u.s. Something moonset on cheese date must continue That's Michelle him as he reported. Happening now in Asia bodies in Japan have issued an arrest warrant for the wife of former Nissan chairman Carlos go on to lead the country last week while awaiting trial on charges of financial misconduct Prosecutors accused Carole Gordon of providing false testimony of a Tokyo court last year in her husband's case remember to stay up to date with feel way this is the away each of. The 2020 consumer electronic show kicked off Tuesday in Las Vegas people flock to C.E.'s to see the latest technologies from big and small companies robotics drones artificial intelligence virtual reality and how things we use every day are changing thanks to technology Michelle Quinn reports. Las Vegas known for gambling and lights turns into entirely something else this week the epicenter of the technology industry more than 4000 exhibitors and 170000 attendees many from around the world are here to get their hands on new technology everybody is really looking at technology to help themselves. And so every. Technology. Company more than one 3rd of visitors to C.E.O.'s are from outside of the United States drawn to Las Vegas to be part of what the future will hold one of them is Pierre Rene who comes to see us from France to show off his robot Rechy it plays the game tic tac toe with humans to show sadness when the game is over. A lot of. Communication. Some unexpected companies aren't C.E.O.'s to make a splash this is the 1st C.E.O.'s for Sharman the toilet paper brand which came to Las Vegas as part of Procter and Gamble's technology display today it's a robot that delivers toilet paper you're on the commode you look over no toilet paper nobody there to help what do you do. You're fired up using Bluetooth and here comes the Sharman robot it delivers a fresh view saves the day they are smart I've been smart pet doors smart showers and more than once more tooth brush this one uses radio frequency to clean teeth see as an innovation exhibition and this is the Fairy. Tale industry there are not many innovative products. When you talk about just precious basically that are the same for many many years now but this is this text rushing to the next level of course. Many innovators are working on new things such as smart classes the come with I track in technology where I don't how you like it as I took us to the store to get when you are not what's your what's your name was his name for example or brainwave readers which is something of a new trend this year this one comes with an app to help a person meditate each year the Consumer Electronics Show is a reminder that even if you think you've seen it all technology is always changing even for cute robots Michelle Quinn d.o.a. News Los Vegas coming up a lift for lettuce in Japan we'll explain you're listening to v.o.a. Asia. Away Asia is on Twitter followers of v.o.a. Asia for developing stories in Asia perhaps close to you Twitter feed also has updates on programmes you can hear and see with links to easily find them with v.o.a. Asia also follow radio program host peel away Stephenson and the away moment v.o.a. Asia Twitter We're always online for you. This news alert from v.o.a. Asia exhausted firefighters in Australia are taking advantage of a change of weather to shore up the fences against the massive bush fires that have burned millions of that there's over 3 much badly needed rainfall to where temperatures are forecast for southeastern Australia throughout the week. This is the only Asian. Weapon to business the time I remember the nondescript building on an industrial site near Kioto Japan gives a little hint of the productivity inside 30000 heads of lettuce grow here. Every day under artificial light and with barely any human intervention this Bestival factory using the latest vertical farming techniques is part of a trend borne out of necessity in Japan where traditional farming faces a double threat from the aging population and migration toward the city is one of the few comp of these to turn a quick profit spread produces a leaven 1000000 ahead of what is every year from its latest factory and he auto Abass there will area where the vegetables are stacked on shelled several meters high synergy and not I who started the spread business said that a new way of growing the produce was an assassin that you're going to have a sub Iowa it's true that we use more energy compared to production use in the sun but on the other hand our productivity is higher on a similar surface area we have a cycle what's allows us to produce 8 times the same but it's in one year and we have more effective space management by using height Fred's lettuces found all supermarket shelves in Kioto old man the capital Tokyo and another says he has grand the expansion visions to move production closer to where the bets the bulls are consuming. Retailers in Thailand kicked up a new year with the ban on single use plastic bags joining the battle against throwaway carriers in the Southeast Asian nation where citizens go through an average of 8 bags every day the move taken by several major mall operators and the $711.00 convenience store chain is aimed at replacing the plastic with customers paying a small fee for reusable bags made of a cloth like fabric some shoppers However like saying Cheryl Kiko were unimpressed that having to pay for the new back I mean what if it only got a nice flat out of time bought and they gave us a free cloth bag it's not much it's. They use these bags it will be better off and richer but other people will suffer I admit that he can help with the problem of global warming the European Commission estimates some 70 percent of plastic waste Quark's the world's oceans killing a range of species from turtles seals whales and sea birds to fish and shellfish m I remember with business see. This newsbreak from the b.o.h. Environmental groups a Indonesians flood hit capital Jakarta must protect in plain Preez start extracting so much ground water and develop long term plans together with surrounding towns if it's to keep pace with the growing threats from climate change plus he has killed at least 60 people there since December 31st. It may be hard to believe that in modern day America not everybody has access to high speed internet but that is reality for many Americans especially those in rural areas of the country we always Julie Tabeau travelled to the southern region of the state of West Virginia to learn how the lack of connectivity is affecting members of a farming community. Work starts early at sprouting farms in this rural area of West Virginia. Employees hand pick the organic produce. Rinse prepare and box it up on site. Ready to distribute to area customers. But the farm also serves as a training center for aspiring farmers who want to learn how to grow and market sustainable produce. The challenges making that process profitable says Project Director for its Spetner nor to improve the bottom line for the farmer we have to keep what I would call the food costs down so that's the cost of aggregation distribution marketing all those things and that he says takes broadband connectivity which is limited or unavailable and rural areas such as this right now I would say like half of our farmers maybe do not have access to solid internet or even cell phone communication can make these types of transactions happen. In the town of Hinton the 30 minute drive from sprouting farms connectivity is not an issue. One said thriving railroad community the town now depends on high speed Internet to connect with the outside world can all men says online business venture which connects hospitals and physicians around the world would not exist without access to high speed Internet the fact that our team of people in Hinton West Virginia are working with people in Mumbai India or in Tel Aviv Israel to solve problems and in our field across the u.s. Speaks to the magic what broadband and mobile can do in a small community job Rouse agrees as executive director of the New River Gorge Regional Development Authority his job is to help stimulate and promote economic development in the region but he says it like. Connectivity is handling that objective businesses expect that. Households expect that if people want to live here they need to have access it's an aspect of being in the modern world the topography of the state and low population levels are among the reasons why affordable broadband is lacking he says but he remains hopeful our economic development agency works with the state of West Virginia to kind of look at creative solutions to it that might involve a mixture of grant and loan programs to entities that can. Can own the fiber and help with the delivery system. He points to Hinton as an ideal model by many standards it's a small place but it's actually ahead of the game in terms of providing broadband that's the story we want to tell all over the state we're all Appalachia. That's encouraging news for Fritz but no if I'm thinking about the future and we're going to grow these farmers and they're going to be doing more we want more farmers in the network that connectivity issue needs to be dealt with. Julie Tabeau the only news Summers County West Virginia. Thank you for being with us v.o.a. Asia as both is often controlled with an inhaler or sometimes with medication where neither works that might be that the patient doesn't have asthma at all we always Carol Piers that reports that researchers have found another disease with the same symptoms as asthma that actually starts in the stomach for more than a decade Michelle Skelton kept getting stronger and stronger medications for asthma as her breathing became more and more difficult just to walk that maybe 5 steps. You know was extremely hard for me and it was hard to breathe and at one point I was actually on oxygen after a serious case of pneumonia Skelton's lung specialist center to see Dr Jeffrey King a gastro enter ologist at National Jewish Health in Denver Colorado what we try to do is take a step back and say Is there a root cause of those long symptoms is a possible this is an asthma tests showed skilled in stomach acid was flowing back into her Sophos the tube that connects the mouth and the stomach King says she did not have asthma it is very common for us to see people here in National Jewish We have come to us with a diagnosis of asthma and once we put them through formal Palmeri testing we actually find that they probably don't have asthma at all some reflux is normal but when the contents of the stomach travel up the esophagus and into the back of the throat the liquid can flow into the airway and and through the lungs that can cause a slew of symptoms including cough hoarseness shortness of breath pneumonia is what Skelton had with gastro was Sapa Geale reflux disease often called by its acronym Gerd risk factors for gerd can include obesity or pregnancy smoking eating fatty or fried foods and drinking coffee or alcohol can increase the symptoms losing weight or making other lifestyle changes can help so can medication or even surgery which Skelton had to prevent her stomach contents from reaching her lungs as soon as I had the surgery done it was a totally different world. Well the coughing stopped it was amazing is like night and day left untreated Gerd can lead to permanent lung damage or even a sufferer Geale cancer King says Gerd is something to be taken seriously if a patient is having more and more symptoms is requiring more and more medications or and or is not responding to those medications as well as they previously did that should set off alarm bells that some other condition may be causing their symptoms Skelton is relieved that her life is once again back to normal with no shortness of breath Carol Pearson v.o.a. News. This is some of the image. Data from NASA is new planet hunting spacecraft the transiting exoplanet Survey Satellite or Tess has led to its 1st discovery of a circum binary planet one that orbits 2 stars now called 1338 b. The planet was discovered by a high school student who spent last summer as an intern at NASA is Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt Maryland the space agency says that the exoplanet resides in the system 1300 light years away in the constellation picked up and that the stars already Jether every 15 days according to NASA to your wife $1338.00 is the only planet known to exist of the system its size is described as being between that of Neptune and Saturn test find 6 of planets by detecting dips in the stars brightness signaling that a planet is passing in front of it I know via ways Rick Pantoliano. You have been listening to b.o.h. Air remember to get our program on i Tunes and Sound Cloud download our podcast and take video a few of you going to visit our be away News dot com program page and see it's on you to follow us on b.o.h. Or Twitter fact there's no way you cannot get that here and let's hear from you know Asia Facebook other e-mail deal way Asiad v.o.a. News dot com Thanks to our director Tracy Carter our engineer Dan craft and Diane Gower managing editor and our team of Jim Stevenson Keith lead and Doug Burns I'm I remember in the one she did make sure you enjoy your day. Welcome to learning English a daily 30 minute program from the Voice of America I'm Jonathan Evans and I'm Ashley Thompson this program is aimed at English learners so we speak a little slower and we use words and phrases as specially written for people learning English. Today on the program you will hear from Brian lan on a Monday oh Kelly Gene Kelly and Alice Bryant later we will present our American history series The Making of a nation but 1st here is Brian Lamb. India has announced plans to land and unpiloted space vehicle on the moon in 2020. The plans mark a continuation of India's drive to expand its space program the head of India's Space Research Organization case Yvonne made the announcement on January 1st the planned mission called Chandrayaan 3 aims to land an exploration vehicle on the moon's surface Trondra is the Sanskrit word for Moon vehicle savant recently told reporters that mission planning had progressed smoothly so far we are targeting the launch for this year but it may spill over to next year Sivan said Indian sources told the French news agency a.f.p. That officials had set November as a target launch date India is seeking to become only the 4th nation to land on the moon's surface after Russia the United States and China Israel made an unsuccessful attempt to land a spacecraft on the moon last April India has worked to establish itself as a low cost satellite launcher it is seeking to become a world space power however the country's space program suffered a failed moon landing attempt last September that mission Chandrayaan 2 ended with the lander spacecraft crashing on the moon's surface Chandrayaan 2 had aimed to land on the south pole of the moon where no other lunar mission had gone before. The area is believed to contain water because it is largely unaffected by the high temperatures of the sun Chandrayaan three's Explorer vehicle hopes to confirm the presence of water in the form of lunar ice which it 1st discovered during a mission in 2008 Sivana said the new unpiloted mission is expected to cost about $35000000.00 with additional launch costs Sivana also announced that India had chosen for candidate astronauts to take part in the country's 1st planned to pilot admission into orbit that mission is set for late 2021 at the earliest the 4 candidates are expected to start training in Russia later this month up to 3 astronauts are to take part in the flight the piloted mission is one of India's main planned projects to mark the 75th anniversary of India's independence from British rule. I am Brian Leonard. In 2013 doctors expected. To live only a few more years he was only 26 years old at the time cancer was destroying his body. After 6 months of an ending pain says a doctor at the sun yet sun University Cancer Center and one Joe China tried to make him feel better the doctor gave a note permitting him to take a drug called Oxy cotton oxycontin is a painkiller created to help people like Woo cancer patients in the final months of life but those who take Oxy cotton risk becoming addicted to it in the United States about 400000 people have died from taking too much of the drug they died after taking increasing amounts of it to be able to feel its effect. Said no one in China warned him about addiction risks he said his doctor told him to take as much Oxycontin as he wanted so he did and it worked the drug brought him relief from his pain 6 years later Woo was still alive the cancer was no longer in his body and the pain was under control but he was still taking Oxycontin when he tried to stop using it he found that he could not do it this drug is addictive who said 100 percent addictive who fell into drug abuse the same way many Americans do through a doctor's prescription but while the u.s. Is battling its prescription drug crisis China appears to be ignoring the rise in the use of painkillers there. The country offers few treatment choices for addicts and it does not count prescription drug addiction in its official count of drug abuse how way is president of the Chinese Association of Drug Abuse Prevention and treatment he said he believes abuse of prescription drugs is limited in China but he adds that official data largely over looks at Chinese officials say the situation in the United States is different than the situation in China in the u.s. They say the painkiller addiction epidemic comes from the large number of people who are asking for the drugs they also say use of the drugs is not well controlled in China strict laws and policies govern where and how painkillers can be given but more painkillers may be available in China than officials admit addicts can turn to on line black markets for oxy cotton and other prescription drugs we says his parents locked away his painkillers after that he was one of the people looking for the drugs on the Internet he joined an online group of abusers and dealers they connected with grieving family members who were trying to give away leftover pain medicine after a loved one had died by then was trying hard to limit the number of pills he used every day. In April 29th teen he ran out of money and was forced to stop taking oxycontin completely quitting the drug was extremely difficult however he was not able to sleep for $4.00 days finally a doctor gave him sleeping pills and a warning do not take more than 3 at a time. Took 154 weeks visited a number of doctors to get more sleeping pills he took so many that the pills stunned him he did not sleep instead he would fall down unconscious. It's good I didn't die he said doctors finally sent him to a hospital for the mentally ill but wood did not believe he had a mental problem he told doctors he was going through withdrawal the painful process when someone stops using an addictive drug a.p. Reporters later called the mental hospital the man who picked up the phone said the place does not have an addiction treatment program and he said doctors had never dealt with prescription pill abuse in time whose withdrawal symptoms eased without medical help. I'm Kelly Gene Kelly and I'm on a tale. Of Google artificial intelligence system was as good as expert radiologists at discovering which women had breast cancer and a new study. The system made the findings from thousands of mammogram emonges researchers in the United States and Britain reported this is the newest study to show that artificial intelligence or a I may improve the accuracy of mammograms breast cancer affects one in 8 women around the world the study was published in the journal Nature the American Cancer Society says radiologists miss about 20 percent of breast cancers and mammograms and many women who get the tests have a false positive result at some point a false positive result shows a woman with cancer even though she does not have it the findings of the study were developed with deep mind a high which joined with Google Health in September the study results represent a big step toward the possibility of early breast cancer detection said Mazi our Edom Adi he is one of the study writers and based at Northwestern medicine in Chicago the team included researchers at Imperial College London and Britain's National Health Service together they trained the ai system to identify breast cancers on tens of thousands of mammograms they then compared the ai systems performance with the actual results from a set of 25856 mammograms in the United Kingdom and 3097 from the United States. The study showed the ai system could identify cancers with a similar level of accuracy to expert radiologists at the same time it reduced the number of false positive results by 5.7 percent in the American patients and 1.2 percent in the British patients It also cut the number of false negatives where tests are wrongly listed as normal by 9.4 percent in the American group and 2.7 percent in the British group these results show differences in how memory grams are read in the us only one radiologist reads the results and the tests are done every one to 2 years and bridge and the tests are done every 3 years and each is read by 2 radiologists when they disagree a 3rd radiologist reads it in a separate test the researchers put the ai system against 6 radiologists and found it performed better at correctly detecting breast cancers Conny Leaman is chief of the breast imaging department at Harvard's Massachusetts General Hospital she said the results agree with findings from many groups using ai to improve cancer detection and mammograms including her own work the idea of using computers to improve cancer detection has been around for years and computer aided detection or cad systems are common in memory graphy health centers but cad has not improved performance and health practice. The issue Leaman said is that current cad programs were trained to identify things human radiologists can see but with Ai computers learn to find cancers based on the actual results of thousands of mammograms so Ai has the possibility of going beyond human ability to identify small signs the human eye and brain cannot Muzzy are at a muddy added that the study has shown in tens of thousands of mammograms that Ai can make a very well informed decision the study has some limitations most of the tests were done using the same type of imaging equipment and the Us group had a lot of patients with confirmed breast cancers importantly the team has not yet shown that the tool improves patient care said Dr Lisa Watanabe She is chief medical officer of the Cure metrics a company whose Ai mammogram program won us approval last year she noted that Ai is only helpful if it creates noticeable progress for radiologists at a Madi agreed that those studies are needed as is regulatory approval a process that could take many years I'm Alice Bryant. Welcome to the making of a nation American history in Vo always special English. President James Garfield was shot and seriously wounded in the summer of 1881. The man who shot him said he supported the political group that supported vice president Chester Arthur the gunman was found to be insane but some people were ready to believe the worst about Vice President Arthur. They knew that many of the vice president's political allies disliked President Garfield. They thought the vice president might have helped the gunman in some way Harry Monroe and Cagle and tell what happened after President Garfield was shot for a time it seemed the president might get better but the bullet wound became infected he died of the infection 2 months after he was shot Vice President Arthur took the oath of office a few hours after the president's death Chester Arthur had been a successful lawyer he had worked in politics for a number of years but he had never before held an elected office many Americans questioned his ability to serve in the White House. One person put it this way Chet Arthur president of the United States Good God almost everyone feared Arthur would be a tool of a Republican Party Leader in New York Roscoe Conkling they were sure Conkling would be the real power in Arthur's administration they were wrong Chester Arthur surprised everyone he broke all his ties with the Conkling political machine he remained independent of any party group Arthur asked Garfield's cabinet to resign he chose new men for all but one department in his 1st message to Congress President Arthur asked for changes in the way government jobs were filled he proposed a new civil service system that would let ability not to politics decide who got to government jobs Republican Party leaders opposed to these proposals the civil service system would stop limb from giving federal jobs to their supporters it would destroy a much of their power these Republican leaders controlled Congress they refused to act on the civil service proposals civil service reform however was an important issue President Garfield had been assassinated by a man who believed he should have gotten a government job because of his politics. Also new cases of dishonesty had been discovered in the Post Office Department the public began to demand laws to clean up the civil service in $882.00 a new Congress was elected the new Congress was controlled by the Democratic Party President Arthur again appealed for civil service reform this time he got results the new Congress passed a civil service bill that required 10 percent of all federal jobs to be filled through competitive examinations this 10 percent included half the officials in the Post Office Department it included most workers at federal customs houses the bill also said it was illegal for politicians to ask government employees for campaign money and it set up a Civil Service Committee to enforce the new law President Arthur also found himself face to with an on usual problem the government was earning more money than it needed most of the money came from tariffs taxes on imports each year tariffs brought in $100000000.00 more than the government needed the import taxes had been set high to protect American industries from foreign competition President Arthur wanted to reduce the tariffs Congress wanted to keep them high. Industrial leaders wanted to keep them high too they did not want to compete with low priced foreign products Congress saw no problem with the extra money Broady and by high tariffs it found many ways to spend it for example Congress raised payments to soldiers who had fought in the Civil War during the 860 s. It also approved money to build roads bridges and waterways throughout the country many of these things were not needed they were approved for political purposes they put government money into the home areas of powerful congressman in $882.00 Congress passed the rivers and harbors bill the bill would cost almost $19000000.00 President Arthur vetoed the bill he said it would waste too much money but Congress passed the bill into law over his veto next President Arthur urged Congress to form a committee to find a way to reduce tariffs Congress formed the committee the committee proposed that tariffs be reduced by 20 percent but Congress did not consider the proposal when it began debating a new tariff bill President Arthur was more successful in getting Congress to reduce the public debt during his term the debt was cut by more than $400000000.00. Chester Arthur his efforts for honest government and lower taxes won him much support among the people but he could not win the support of his Republican Party Arthur wanted to serve another 4 years in the White House his name was put before the Republican nominating convention in 1884 the name of Senator James Blaine of Maine also was put before the convention on the 1st ballot Blaine received 334 votes Arthur got only 2783 ballots later Blaine won the presidential nomination however many Republicans refused to support Blaine they accused him of being dishonest they said he was controlled by powerful politicians the Democratic Party chose New York governor Grover Cleveland as its presidential candidate like Chester Arthur after the national level Grover Cleveland was known for fighting dishonesty in government at the local level he began as mayor of the city of Buffalo New York he cleaned up the city government and saved the taxpayers much money next he was elected governor of New York State there too he helped end the dishonesty in government Cleveland refused to give jobs to Democrats because of their political ties. Instead he filled a state jobs with men of ability this early success helped him win the Democratic presidential nomination the campaign of 884 between Republican Blaine and Democrat Cleveland was one of the most bitter in American political history a group of Republicans who opposed Blaine published letters to prove he was dishonest Blaine had written the letters several years earlier during a shameful incident concerning the sale of railroad stock now he was forced to defend himself against those old charges Blaine's supporters fought back by discovering a scandal in Cleveland's past Grover Cleveland had never married but more than 10 years earlier he had been involved with a young woman the woman gave birth to a boy Cleveland was not sure the boy was his son but he accepted the responsibility for the child he sent the money to help care for him a Republican newspaper published the story soon Republican crowds were shouting a joke about it ma ma Where's my pa gone to the White House ha ha ha both candidates campaigned hard it was clear to everyone that the vote would be close. Election day was cold and rainy early results showed the 2 candidates with almost the same number of electoral votes the winner would be the one who captured a majority of the popular votes in New York State that candidate would then get all of New York's electoral votes it was not until 3 days after the voting that election officials announced Cleveland had won his victory set off wild celebrations among Democrats across the country Grover Cleveland really was going to the White House hahaha his election what brings some important changes to the country. And that's our program for today listen again tomorrow to learn English 3 stories from around the world I'm Jonathan Evans and I'm Ashley Thompson. This is the away News I'm arisen Melton dozens of people were killed in a stampede as mourners packed the streets of chrome on home to Iranian slain Iranian general Qassam saloon money Tehran is looking at a number of scenarios to avenge his death according to official David Newell has more and tens of thousands called on to the streets of the slain general's hometown come out on Tuesday to bid farewell but his burial was delayed by several hours because of the deadly crush come on is Saddam on his final resting place offered Jamie to Iraqi and Iranian cities since the u.s. Strike in Baghdad that killed him provoking fury and calls for revenge and then bomb a game as the last crowd shouted death to America Tehran was considering 13 sonorities to avenge one of its most powerful men according to a top official on. The weakest of which would cruise quote a historic night Mass for the Americans as writers David Durrell reporting Meanwhile the us has denied a visa to Iran's foreign minister for a trip to un headquarters in New York to attend its Thursday Security Council meeting foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said he was informed of the decision by un Secretary General Antonio Terra's the United States is generally required to file to allow foreign officials access to the un headquarters in New York City but the trumpet ministration maintains it can deny the says for reasons related to security terrorism and foreign policy astray and Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he will pay whatever it takes to help the victims of bushfires that have killed 20 .

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