Transcripts for VOA [Voice of America] Global English VOA [Voice of America] Global English 20200102 230000

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That a paying well field a new domestically produced transport. Basically vehicles for its largest Miss Isles and that is Lauren Anthony of Reuters reporting about North Korean leader Kim Jong un being seen on television riding a white horse which typically is indicative of changes in Pyongyang's policy now here's Joe Davies report about Lebanon receiving an Interpol arrest warrant for Carlos Ghosn During was 1st arrested in Tokyo in November 28th he faces 4 charges for large financial crimes including hiding income and enriching himself through payments to call dealerships in the Middle East charges which he denies on Thursday Turkish police detained 7 people including 4 pilots as part of an investigation into guns passes through the country. Who holds French Lebanese and Brazilian citizenship has deep ties to Lebanon and the country of his childhood a senior Lebanese security official said it wasn't clear if the gun would be someone for questioning over the Interpol arrest warrant but said Lebanon doesn't actually taught its citizens the foreign states that's Joe Davies of Reuters a state of emergency is under way in New South Wales and Victoria state has declared a state of disaster as Australia continues to battle deadly bus brush fires fill Mercer has more from Sydney the mass exodus from southern New South Wales is under way the or far it is a raging tourists and residents to leave while they can more dangerous bushfire conditions a full cost for southeastern Australia in the days ahead well Thora says are extending the evacuation zone in New South Wales the nation's most populous states to include more areas of bush land and National Park a week long states of emergency will be imposed which gives fire officials greater powers film Assefa v.o.a. News Sydney a record setting do. Day on Wall Street with all 3 major indices starting trading of 2020 in positive territory for more be sure to visit our website v.o.a. News dot com I'm David Burd news. I think he's a man of his word so we're going to find out but I think he's a man of. That trust Kim John not heard by the u.s. President lies in the balance this is Friday January 3rd and this is b.o.h. Or I remembered why she didn't also coming your way it has not been a joyous holiday season for millions of people in Australia investigators worldwide are looking into how a powerful automaker escaped Japan and who will build the structures for explorers has survived the moon and other planets so all coming your way on today is be a way Asia. In the wake of Can John Good's announcement of an upcoming new strategic weapon u.s. Secretary of state might pump a overexpressed cold bed said the canoe North Korean leader will take a different course echoing President download Trump pump a 0 said talks with North Korea have eased long distance tensions between the 2 countries but is be always lot of hope reports Kim is signaling that he is not happy with the status quo talking to communist party officials at the close of the year North Korean leader Kim Jong on announced that Pyongyang will soon reveal Korea's last resort if they didn't possess them the u.s. Would let them be so that's why they are trying to secure nuclear weapons and why the u.s. Was pressuring the North with economic sanctions because they should the escalate step by step the north should give up their nuclear weapons and the u.s. Should lift the sanctions I think we need to find peace this way Trump counts easing tensions with North Korea as one of the key achievements in his foreign policy but negotiations with Pyongyang have been largely deadlocked since Trump and Cam summit in Hanoi last February and Kim gave Bosham town until the end of last year 2000 is the sanctions slide it's a whole. Washington So what comes next stay with us on the b.o.h. You will hear from someone who's been following us North Korea relations for some time. These are among the top Asia headlines you'll find right now would be your way to News dot com us leaving go she it is. It is expected to be cut her base Taliban on board is later this week to find out whether be insurgent group is ready to reduce violence in Afghanistan for the sake of preserving peace talks Taiwan's top military officer was among 8 people killed Thursday when their helicopter crashed into a mountainous area outside the capital Taipei more than 30000 people have been displays than just carded due to flash flooding and landslides triggered by heavy rains that hit this city on New Year's Eve retailers in Thailand picked up 2020 with the ban on single use plastic bags joining the battle against throwaway carriers in this op East Asian nation where stations they are go through an average of 8 bags every day this is v.o.a. Asia joining us now in v.o.a. Asia is Joe servants see on the president of the plough shares fund that's a public grant making foundation focused on nuclear weapons policy and conflict resolution Joe what's the cause of the apparent delay in showing whatever this Christmas or holiday surprise is or was from Kim. Well it's possible they ran into some technical problems but more likely Kim Jong un is leaving the door open to talks with the United States he threatened a Christmas present he didn't deliver it he's now threatening a test of a new strategic weapon in quote the near future but that's not now it appears that we're Kim is trying to do is get what he really needs some sanctions relief or some security guarantees of from Donald Trump and giving him one more chance to do so we don't know how long that door may be open maybe it's a week maybe it's a rest of the month but he does appeared to be determined to launch or to test a new weapon should the administration fail to respond now as far as what they might be developing what do you think what do you think it is they've tested some longer range intercontinental ballistic missile. Devices in the past is that where they're going are they going back toward nuclear or it's probably a missile test any normal missile program would require many more tests than what they've had so far they've had 3 tests of 2 different kinds of long range intercontinental ballistic missiles they could use another one they've shown that they can get them up in the air but they really haven't demonstrated they can get them back down that that is that they have a workable we entry vehicle that can deliver the weapon with accuracy on a target so you could just do that there's some speculation that they have a solid fuel missile ready to test the previous ones have been liquid fueled these take longer to put on launch pad and fuel making them more vulnerable a solid fuel i.c.b.m. Would be perhaps a mobile k. Capability that would be more to it into the United States and there's also some thought that it could be a submarine launched ballistic missile the why. They've tested so far had been from underwater test barges but they knew they have a very large submarine under construction a test from that would be a dramatic advance in North Korea's capability where do you think the u.s. Goes here the u.s. Seems to try to everything some. Rating from belligerence at some point and bad relationships between the u.s. And North Korea. So far what that the trumpet ministration by you know reaching out a hand of so-called friendship well they're doing everything except offer them a reasonable compromise deal Donald Trump appears to have great confidence in his own ability to get a deal sort of on the fly one on one in just a meeting with Kim is clearly hasn't worked and for good reason it's not the way you negotiate complex agreements like this and it's also been hampered by infighting you've had some reasonable people like the current deputy. Secretary of State Steve Begin who is wanted to have a step by step approach that North Korea give up a significant amount of its capability in exchange for significant sanctions relief and then we build on that but he's been undermined by John Bolton now departed who wanted to Libya style deal which is what they presented at the one noise summit that is North Korea do everything to disarm before we do anything in terms of sanctions will leave for security guarantees the administration's appears either underling or an able to put forward a reasonable compromise plan they may be able to mount such an effort in the next couple weeks but I wouldn't be optimistic do you think politics enters into either side what they're doing. Oh absolutely I mean Kim Jong un has his own internal politics he's getting pressure from his military from some of the people involved in the programs for the tests I mean they want to see these to if these weapons work or not and on the Trump side he does not want to go to war so he's looking for steps that can sort of minimize the North Korea threat and therefore minimize any actions he might take in the wake of a test he's looking at the 2020 election that's what he cares about more than anything else so if and I would say when Kim does to test this weapon I would expect somewhere to Rick from Trump some some actions at the lower end of the escalatory ladder like so new exercises or moving some ships into the area but I don't think Trump's going to do anything that will provoke a crisis in situations like this like this situation with Iran right now what you're worried about is an unintended consequence one side thinks they're taking a reasonable step that appears to the other to be highly provocative and they respond in an unexpected way and the things spirals out of control that's why it be so urgent to get talks going again between the u.s. And North Korea you seem to shy away when I ask you about the testing already developing as far as the nuclear area is concerned or the or what's happening there is that just they're not going to develop it or are they doing it secret or what do you think. It's possibly you could get a new nuclear weapons test but the last one was pretty successful they seem to have demonstrated a hydrogen bomb a thermonuclear device they could do another one of those but in some ways that's more provocative to Russia and to China and so I think Kim might try to thread the needle here do a missile test that is primarily a threat to the United States Japan also and less provocative for China and Russia they want to wean China and Russia away from. The global sanctions that were imposed at the United Nations they're trying to get some of this some sanctions will leave nothing the United States then from China so they're there the least provocative action towards China Joe Cirincione is the president of the Ploughshares Fund Joe Happy New Year and thanks for being with us we're off to a rocky start Thank you Ira. I've Happening now an age of some $400.00 people arrested in New Year's Day protests that afterwards it is a peaceful March of tens of thousands filed into chaotic for years with police firing tear gas to disperse the crowd I've a up to date with v.o.a. You're listening to be away. We continued our Vo Asia thousands of holidaymakers have been warned it is not safe for them to stay in bushfire ravaged parts of eastern Australia had a more dangerous conditions at the weekend a tourist leave zone has been declared for a large stretch of the New South Wales coast from Sydney Phil Mercer has more the mass exodus from southern New South Wales is under way the all far it is are urging tourists and residents to leave while they can more dangerous bushfire conditions a full cost for southeastern Australia in the days ahead all Thora days are extending the evacuation zone in New South Wales the nation's most populous state to include more areas of bush land and National Park a week long state of emergency will be imposed which gives fire officials greater power as as dozens of blazes continue to burn across several states the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison who's a strong. I'm supporter of the nation's launch coal industry is defending his handling of the Imagine say he acknowledges that climate change is one of many factors fueling the blazes but he insists his climate change policies are adequate and responsible and missions are adoptions policies protect our environment and seek to reduce the recent has it's that we're saying to die at the side on it will seek to ensure the viability of people's jobs and their livelihoods all around the country the crisis has been devastating and deadly today the funeral has been held for Jeffrey Keaton He was one of 2 volunteer firefighters killed when a tree hit their fire engine last month names Sidney He was posthumously awarded a bravery commendation almost 1300 homes have been destroyed in the states of New South Wales since the fire crisis began in September at least 18 people have been killed these are extraordinary times in Australia the bushfires have brought terror into the lives of ordinary people film a sense of a away News Sydney covering up investigations are underway into the secret escape by the former leader of a worldwide auto maker This is Rio Asia. You play a judge is going to order follow was a real way a job for developing stories in a job perhaps close to you our Twitter feed also has updates on programmes you can hear and see with links to easily find the real way Asia also follow radio doesn't cause its citizens to fall in states that's Reuters correspondent Joe Davies. Has another news break from b.o.h. a Tesla Incorporated will deliver its 1st China made model 3 Sudans to the public on can you already 7 that have been at it Shanghai plan according to a representative Reuters reports a deliberate cover year after construction of Tesla's only plant outside the United States speak at play with us on the away 8. Thanks to a very special gift one family is especially grateful to be celebrating the New Year together bishop here Bronwyn Benito tells us about a new surgical technique that makes it easier to give the gift of life more than 14000 people in the United States are waiting for a lifesaving liver transplant sound in the end stage of liver disease Abraham Aviva is no longer one of them. I feel like it's me. Again the moment the liver is one of the few organs that a living person can donate to someone whose time is running out one of 5 people expire while on the list it's best 20 percent of people die on that list you call the last case the boyfriend of Eve starter did not like those odds so he decided to get tested when he learned family members didn't match for a transplant like Ok times right out an office an office we gotta do this they're like you're a match that was unbelievable. That is going to have an 11 helpful statute Q Klein says a new surgical procedure at the Cleveland clinic called laparoscopic liver resection makes it safer and easier for living donors like Nico. With his message surgeons are able to perform the opera. Ration using much smaller tools and a camera it could have an inch size about 5 holes and we did the whole procedure through the smaller one seems to take the organ out you could maybe 5 inch incision or less right above. The pelvic area donors experience less pain fewer complications and quicker recovery than with the traditional open for seizures. And a donor and recipients liver both immediately begin to heal following the surgery. The portion of the liver donated in this case 33 percent regenerate it's back to full size quickly often in less than 8 weeks I've felt like I didn't even have surgery about 2 weeks later it's amazing Dr Klein's goal is to expand the Cleveland Clinic sprog ram and increase the availability of this technology while large medical centers in Asia perform the procedure to Cleveland Clinic is only the 2nd medical center in the u.s. To offer and Dr Kwan is one of a handful of surgeons in the world who can use this technique he and Nico hope it helps encourage others to consider being living donors and it is Bronwyn Benito v.o.a. News now for a story that's right out of a science fiction movie a California startup called for old has ambitious plans that are out of this world they're working on developing autonomous robots that would be able to mine the Moon and Mars Alexei Gorbachev has the story narrated by Anna Rice it has been a long time coming but it's safe to say that the e.u. Of space tourism is about to be a reality for the ultra rich at least but a California startup is already looking beyond that off world is developing autonomy us robots that will be able to mind the moon and Mars folders building the world for us to colonies of machine intelligent robots these robots think and operate from so. As they take decisions on their own I'm a whole point in swarms of hundreds together to solve problems such as mining and construction and the structure of pad tunneling and other complex industrial tusks that know many years people for founders of the startup say their robots will be able to be from the telescopes that will never before and trust it to machine screen so we'll talk about yeah that's going to afford to buy it sometimes as soon as we have specialized transport that will be able to put us on to other planets the 1st wave of commuters who will fly there will not be people they're going to be robots out of the gut they will prepare the infrastructure and we'll maintain it on an appropriate level but you're staying off world finds with an engineer who's a basing their work on existing technologies the ones used in mining on earth and other don't want that at all but shucks Tony this one here is a mining robot that used to break rocks that are in front of it when it senses rocks just in front of it it starts moving along the obstacle using one hand to loosen the rocks sawing it into smaller pieces and chipping off loose rocks with the other I mean repeatedly then another robot arrives that collects the rocks and takes them to wherever they are needed a way of growing up with such don't need any other. The idea is that while method preps manned expeditions off world these robots will be there 1st and get things ready to send national both of our robots will be I used for industrial construction there and the best real territory development in the place is where we're going to land on different planets are going to mean to lose the robots will use o.e. To sell in a disco song developers think they will be able to cut through the hardest of rocks like granite but their main value lies in the ability to wood autonomy and law and that means they can be programmed to be form so you can tell but they will also learn based on their experience some instead of a machine learning offers us a chance to let the computer explore the different action possibilities instead of us programming the robot to do certain things this way others are the machine will find solutions itself among the many possible options. In the high seas what's clear is that robots in space will be part of our future and off well to me just be the company that makes that future a reality for Lexie from Washington and really news. This is in a minute. In 2012 NASA is Kepler spacecraft discovered 3 on exoplanets circling a 500000000 year old star some 2400 light years away 2 years later find his found that the planets seem to have a lower density than any planet in the solar system and that they appeared to be light fluffy and resembled cotton candy the favorite surface street a team of scientists led by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder recently used the Hubble Space Telescope to confirm these earlier findings and find that the planets in the Kepler 51 star system represent a new class of exoplanets nicknamed Super Power according to NASA although they each have a mass that's no more than several times that of Earth because of the rabbit Spears of hydrogen and helium are so bloated they are nearly the size of Jupiter find be always right painful a 0. You have been listening to v.o.a. Asia I remember to get our program allied tunes to the Sound Cloud download our podcast and take v.o.a. a Few of you visit our view a new thought com program Page thanks for joining us thanks to our director Tracy Carter our engineer Calvin file there are managing the app diet managing editor Diane Gallagher and our b.o.h. a Team of Jim Stevenson the Steve Lynn and Doug Barnard I'm Ira nominated watch you didn't have a great day. Welcome to learning English a daily 30 minute program from the Voice of America I'm Jonathan Evans and I'm Ashley Thompson this program is aimed at English learners so we speak a little slower and we use words and phrases especially written for people learning English. Today on the program you will hear from and ball and Brian Lynn later Ashley and I will present our American history series The Making of a nation. But 1st. Lego those have been a popular toy a for children for more than 60 years when children get older boxes of plastic Lego bricks often end up unused and stored in out of the way places around the home parents sometimes end up throwing the Lego's away now the Lego Group toy company is testing a program to make sure the unwanted bricks do not go to waste the program is called Lego replay. It am Stu make sure the unwanted building blocks continue to make children happy 10 Brooks is the Lego company's vice president of environmental sustainability he told v.o.a. Nearly all Lego bricks we see that are out there have lots more play value and I'm multi generations of play value it's a waste of energy and resources to grind them up and make new bricks Brooks said the idea came from parents who do not know what to do with the old bricks placing old alay goes in waste containers is not a good answer birds and other wildlife may try to eat what looks like colorful food with deadly results with the Les Go replay program parents load unwanted Lego's of all shapes and colors into boxes then they go to the program website and print out a mailing label the boxes are sent to processing centers where the bricks are sorted cleaned and shipped to aid groups and donation center. 2 groups taking part in the test program are Teach for America and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston in the last 2 months Brooke said the 2 groups have received $3000.00 boxes of Lego bricks users have downloaded about 9000 shipping labels Brooks said the Lego bricks made it 60 years ago can still be used as part of a Lego set manufactured just last week. He added You can't think of many things you can buy off the shelf today that work exactly with something you bought in the late 1950 s. The late go replay test program is set to last through March if it is successful the program may be expanded to include other early go products the lake Oh group is also looking at other materials to use in their toys while plastic has proved to be the strongest material Ledo has begun making some bricks out of sugarcane. Clothing designers are turning to unusual plants and used materials to make products that better use natural resources more people are paying closer attention to how the production of clothing affects the environment however some experts say that the idea of buy and throw away still rules when it comes to clothes this is true although some famous people support a movement to reuse and recycle clothing. Actress Maggie q. Created a line of clothes from recycled fabrics she is among activists who believe more can be done to waste less she says she feels sick about fast fashion low cost clothes that can be worn once then thrown away the British design team Vin and Omi looks for creative ways to make the industry more sustainable their clothing is worn by former 1st lady Michelle Obama and singers beyond say and Lady Gaga The team found latex from Malaysia but when they discovered the conditions for the work there were bad they bought the operation in their office in the English countryside they grow unusual crops for cloth development These include chesnuts from trees and horseradish their latest line of clothes includes ones made from nettle plants alpaca hair and recycled plastic from paint containers another English designer Zoe core solace keeps her carbon footprint low by manufacturing her clothes in London the cloth comes from the United Kingdom and Germany she makes the cloth from wood products c waste and something called piece silk. It is considered a better method for silk worms then the traditional silk production process Belgian designer Sebastian de new a berg is recycling plastic bottles car parts and machines used in homes plastic waste is collected and torn into small pieces for a 3 d. Printer waste I believe is design failure he said more famous people are also playing a part in the movement they are buying vintage or old clothes used by people long ago others where a set of clothes more than once thi Gill feather is sustainability expert with the nonprofit group Oxfam she said there is hope that more will be done the textile industry is getting close to working out how to do fiber to fiber recycling she said such recycling takes clothes that are no longer wanted or needed and breaks them down into raw materials to make new clothing she said the industry needs to move faster because carbon emissions from the textile manufacturers are predicted to increase 60 percent by 2050. Some fast fashion industry leaders including Zahra and h. And m. Stores have launched clothing take back play ens aimed at recycling old clothes but for now recycling and a 0 waste goal is mostly a small part of the world wide industry. I'm on ball. America's strongest digital privacy law has taken effect in California the law known as the California Consumer Privacy Act c c.p.a. Requires businesses to inform consumers about the ways in which they collect and share personal information the law gives consumers the right to request that companies not so or share their data it also requires businesses to destroy information already collected if the consumer asks to have it removed the law covers the sale of data related to almost any sharing of information that can help a business this includes information sharing between companies as well as the selling of data by 3rd party businesses. Large online businesses such as Facebook and Google are affected by the law so our major retail companies Wal-Mart and Home Depot among others say they have added Do not sell my info links to their websites to make it easier for consumers to exercise their rights the businesses said they have also put the information on signs inside their stores digital experts say it remains unclear how the c. C.p.a. Will affect the kind of targeted advertising commonly used by companies like Facebook and Google Facebook collects large amounts of personal data and uses the information to direct ads at different groups of people the data could include someone's sex race or religion Facebook says it does not share that kind of personal information with advertisers the experts say that because the law covers any company that meets conditions for interacting with state residents the California law might end up serving as a legal model for other states if we do this right in California said California attorney general Xavier Becerra the state will put the capital p. Back into privacy for all Americans California's legislation is the nation's biggest effort yet aimed at fighting against so-called surveillance capitalism. This term describes the business of profiting from data that most Americans give up often unknowingly in exchange for free and often ad supported services in a statement about the c.c.p. a In October but Sarah said that personal data is what is powering today's wealthy digital economy it's time we had control over the use of our personal data that includes keeping it private he said but Sarah added that he sees the law as a historic step forward in putting the people of California 1st in the age of the Internet some experts have noted that some parts of the law will likely bring legal challenges one such challenge could center on constitutional concerns related to the many different areas covered by the law the experts say the law's many exceptions could also be problematic as well as the fact that it only affects information collected by businesses not the government critics say the law's exceptions permit companies to keep holding personal information on consumers in some situations even after individuals request that the data be destroyed for example a company can keep personal data if it decides it needs it to finish the sales process a company could also continue to hold information in a way that the consumer would reasonably expect them to Joseph Jerome is a policy director at the privacy group Common Sense Media kids action. He told the Associated Press that the law is more of a right to request and hope for deletion the law offers stronger protections for children for example it bans the sale of data on children under 16 without permission digital experts also noted that the law leaves it up to California citizens themselves to exercise their new rights to make the law effective consumers will need to take direct action to opt out of data sales or request collected information Margot Kaminski is a professor of law at the University of Colorado who studies legal technology issues she told the a.p. That many people currently do not take the time to read existing privacy agreements because they are long and complex Kaminski said if you aren't even reading privacy agreements that you are signing Are you really going to request your data I'm Brian Len. And now all we present the making of a nation. The American nation began to expand west during the middle $1800.00. People settled in the great open areas of the Dakotas Utah Wyoming and California. The movement forced the nation to deal with great tribes of Native American Indians. The n.t. And sad lived in the western territories for hundreds of years. Settlers and cattle ranchers pushed the n.t. And out of their homelands. The result was a series of wars between the try and the federal government. At 1st the United States government had just one policy to deal with the Indians it was brutal whenever settlers wanted Indian land the tribes were pushed farther west if the Indians protested or tried to defend their land they were destroyed with crushing force by the middle 18 hundreds almost all the Eastern Indians had been moved west of the Mississippi River they were given land in Indian Territory in what is now the state of Oklahoma the government described these Indians as civilized This meant they were too weak to cause more trouble many agreed to follow the ways of the United States government the n.d. Ends of the Western grasslands were different they refused to give up their way of life these planes Indians were always on the move because they hunted buffalo the American bison they followed a great groups of the animals across the grassy plains at that time there were millions of these animals in the American West. The end the ends of the plains depended on the buffalo for almost everything they needed many of them were fierce fighters the Plains Indians did not want settlers crossing their hunting lands they often try to destroy a the wagon trains carrying settlers to California and Oregon the United States Army was given the job of keeping peace soldiers were sent to build roads and forts in the western plains they tried to protect the wagon trains from Indian attacks they tried to keep settlers from invading Indian lands there were many fights between the soldiers and the Plains Indians the soldiers had more powerful weapons they usually won some Plains Indians tried to live peacefully with the settlers one such group was part of the Sioux Tribe Called sente Sioux it was the largest and most powerful group and the West the Santee Sioux lived along the north eastern edge of the Great Plains in what is now the state of Minnesota they signed a treaty ease with the government giving up 90 percent of their land the sand agreed to live in a small area in exchange the United States agreed to make yearly payments to the tribe this made it possible for the n.d. Ends to buy food and other things from traders trouble started however in the summer of 1862. The government was late giving the Indians their yearly payment as a result the Indians lacked the money to buy food traders refused to give the Indians credit to buy food one trader said if they are hungry let them eat grass the Indians were hungry soon their hunger turned to anger finally the local Indian chief called his men together he gave the orders for war early the next morning the tribe attacked the trading the stores many of the traders were killed including the man who had insulted the end Ians he was found with his mouth filled with grass the governor of Minnesota sent a force of the state soldiers to stop the Indian revolt the soldiers had artillery they killed several 100 Indians in battle they hanged several others soon their revolt was over trouble came next to parts of Colorado and Wyoming this is where the su Nday ends and the Cheyenne Indians lived the chief of the Lakota Sioux Tribe was named Red Cloud the end DNS fought bitterly to keep settlers out of their hunting grounds after 2 years of fighting with many deaths on both sides the government decided the struggle was too costly it for Pete's. The Sioux and the Cheyenne agreed they were given a large area of land and north of Wyoming and the Dakota Territory they also were given the right to use their old hunting land and farther north the government agreed to close a road used by settlers to cross the hunting grounds and all soldiers were withdrawing from Sioux country 'd 'd. The war ended and peace came to the Sioux and the Cheyenne with peace came a new United States policy towards Indians of the west the government decided to put aside an area of land for each tribe the land was called a reservation each tribe would live on its own reservation most of the reservations were in Indian Territory and what is now the state of Oklahoma other reservations were n. Dakota near the land of the sue the government believed it would cost less money and fewer laws to keep the ends on reservations the n.d. Ns would be away from possible trouble with settlers. Instead of moving freely over the plains to hunt buffalo the Indians would live in one place they would receive food and money from the government officials came from Washington to explain this new policy to the end the ends a big meeting was held chiefs representing many tribes attended the Chiefs spoke one after another to the government officials all of the chiefs said they too wished to live in peace with the United States government but many questioned the decision to move to reservations one who did so was chief 10 bears of the Comanche tribe he said there are things which you have said to me that I do not like you said you wanted to put us on a reservation you said you would build houses for us I do not want your houses I was born on the plains where the wind blows free and there is nothing to break the light of the Sun I was born where everything breathed for you breath. I want to die there not within walls. So the government and the end aeons reached a compromise the tribes were given reservations in Indian Territory but they were also given permission to hunt buffalo in a wide area south of the reservations. The n.d. Ns agreed to give up all their old lands they agreed to live in peace on the reservations in exchange the United States promised to give the n.d. Ns all the food clothing and other things they needed it also promised to give them schools and medical care the Indians were not happy with this agreement they did not want to give up their old ways of living however they saw they had no choice the government was too strong they waited weeks then months for help to move to the new reservations they could not understand the delay in carrying out the agreement the delay was in Washington d.c. Congress could not agree on how much money to spend on the Indians so the lawmakers refused to approve the agreement they left the situation on settled again Indians were forced to watch angrily as settlers began moving on to lands they had agreed to give up as the settlers moved in the Buffalo and other animals left the Indians had difficulty finding food soldiers shared their food with the n.d. Ends it was not enough Western officials sent urgent messages to Washington asking for supplies for the end DNS. No supplies could be sent until Congress approved the money to buy them as before some of the Indians became angry and refused to wait any longer their anger led to new fighting and the end it was a fight that failed to win back their land. And that's our program for today listen again tomorrow to learn English 3 stories from around the world I'm Jonathan Evans and I'm Ashley Thompson. This is v.o.a. News I'm David Berg at least one person was killed and 9 wounded when 3 Katyusha rockets fell on Baghdad International Airport Friday the state run military security media Shell said in a statement as a peace agreement got a report of the attack came after u.s. Defense secretary Mark esper warned against Iran or any of its proxies attacking u.s. Interests in the Iraqi capital as persons the u.s. Will do what is needed to protect American personnel and partners if we get word of attacks or some type of indication we will take preemptive action as well the Pentagon chief says the game has changed to citing a series of attacks by Iranian backed militia groups he'd earlier announced about 75082nd Airborne Division troops will go to the.

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Radio Program , Divided Regions , Republics , East Asian Countries , Law Enforcement Terminology , Great Plains , American Old West , Unmanned Vehicles , Plains Tribes , Member States Of The United Nations , Law Enforcement , Ballistic Missiles , Single Party States , North Korea , Western Asia , Privacy , Sioux , Nuclear Weapons , Criminal Law , Member States Of The Union For Mediterranean , Rockets And Missiles , Ballistics , Recycling , Fashion , Solid Fuels , Wagons , Southern Levant , Radio Voa Global English , Stream Only , Radio , Radioprograms ,

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