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Presentism commissioner mar, abstant. Commissioner yang, present. Commissioner yee, present. We have quarm thank you very much. Can you please call item 2 item 2, chairs report. This is a nrfgz item. Colleague yz hope everyone had a great recess and break. Since we last convened in last july of this year a lot has happened around transportation in our satey and region. At the state level as you may have followed in the press we were very hopeful the governor and legislature through the legislative session on transportation would actually produce sig cnts revenue for transpor maintenance and infrastructure impruchbments. Assembly members chew and mullen strongly advocateed for transportation to be incrude cloouded and i pressed for transportation and safer streets alt a hearing held in oakland. Unfortunately the ledge 14r5i67er waechbt able to secure the 2 3 votes need today move forward a transportation focused revenue package. Subsquentsly the special session was extended and we remain hopeful that some sort of proposeal can which out of the legislature with our serious transportation funding challengesment mean while, we have many positive mile stones to celebrate in San Francisco. I was pleased to tour the central subway projects which is making progress on station construction and aquipping the tunnel construction. Commissioners ist crian kim and i celebrated the launch of historic Trolley Service with mayor lee, director chang and Many Community members including the Market Street rail way. The Transportation Authority provided 19 Million Dollars between the pop b and k programs mptd other great events in augincluded the initiation of sfmt safer market [inaudible] and the opening of barts Civic Center Bike station all received support from sales tax fungds. I want to thank the sfmta for delivering long overdue improvements in my district along upper Market Street to make that very challenged corridor safer for everyone and have nor improvements to come on upper markets. I also want to cumind bart non smooth transfwai closure over 2 weekend allowing the agency lay 5 miles of track to insure safe operations along the corridor. Colleagues this is just the beginning of the huge amount of maintenance and capital work barts needs to do over the next decade. After 40 years of providing Reliable Service bart is basically operating with that 40 year old original system and it is coming apart at the seems. Bart needs massive investment and the agency needs our support in San Francisco to insure this system which is part the life blood our regions economy and quality of life continue to meet the needs of a growing population. San francisco is growing by 10 thousand people a year. The region is project today grow by over 2 Million People between now and 20 fourtd and bart has to operating at a glaiter level of reliability. That is quhie i hope next year we insuch join qu alameda and contra costa to pass a very significant bart capital bonds to rehabilitate to improve station squz beginning the plang process for a second transbay tube not just for bart, but for high speed rail and to connect cal train with the capital corridor. We need to make sure that bond is large number and meets barts capital needs, we should not skimp on the bart bond. Given the tremendous demand we see on all our transit systems and in light of the regions grow we need to plan forerally and subway tanst in all of San Francisco. As result earlier this month i introduced legislation calling for San Francisco to prepare a subway master plan and i know the Transportation Authority will be a participant in that process. We shouldnt repeat past mistakes where we completed the Market Street and bart and waited several decades before plang more subway lines mpt we need to insthur successful deliver of our current endeavors including the transbay terminal , cal trainect fiication and cal train and high speed rail. We had a reliminary report from the Transportation Commission which i requested along with colleagues on the mtc in terms of cost review the Transbay Transit Center project. I look flward to working with our director to bring the studies findings and recommendation tooz the full authority later this fall. I also want to note that we found out through the grapevine that 2 member s of the assembly [inaudible] introduced Assembly Bill 24 which dissolves the Transportation Commission and relace with a directly elected body. I think a lot of us think that is not a good direction for regional Transportation Planning in the bay uria area so we look forered to having a dialogue with the author squz sure that bill quh xh to the transpor thaigz authority through our norchlal legislative process and think we need to make sure as we move forward with the transpor thaigz needs in our region we have Real Solutions without taking major steps backwards which this would end up being. Colleaguesthality conclude my cort rort and well move to Public Comment on item 2. Any Public Comment on item 2 . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. This was a nrgz item. Item 3 exponenttival director report. This is a information item. Director chang. Good morning. Tilly chang executive director. Niges oo see. We remained bus a tracking a number of state and local legislative efforts. Chair mentioned the special session it was disappointing they were not able to reach consensus but havent given up hope. Wree tracking the federal legislation taz moves through congress and hope that will result in a long bill. One bright spot at the state level is ab 1 94 sponsored by Assembly Member fraisier is moved forward for the governors signature. This sh st. Express lane Authority Bill that reauthorized these lanes throughout the state that we have been coordinate would the self help county to support. This is important because we are looking at our freeway lanes here in and do believe the high occupancy vehicle strategy combine would the express lane can be effective our fr our county. Assembly member chews 1287 pass thd assembly and present today the governor for signature. This is reauthorization the transit only lane enforcement. Mta has for the muni system so we have forward facing cameras and enforce the double parking violating so hope that will make it through the governors signature. The 2015 active Transportation Program was not successful not only for San Francisco but the entire bay area region. This was a heavily over subscribed benefit to support bike improvements. There was [inaudible] but only 8 sish projectess received 180 million of funding. There is a huge demand for these type of improvements. The bay area only received about 11 percent the funding versus the 20 percent share the population so we are concerned about that. Not entirely spizeing, surpriseing we knew there was risk where w the disadvantage communities that the bay area wasnt well positioned for the program. That said, we will continue to learn how we can improve our applications awlaung the partners i hope the regional round of active Transportation Program will yield better results. California High Speed Rail Authority kicked offthe Environmental Planning wurg. We are very excited to see this mile stone. This is a segment of high speed rail that will enable the service from San Francisco for transbay terminal to is san jose and connecting to the central valley. The High Speed Authority met with a number of agency squz we coordinate behind the scenes to insure good outreach and technical input. There was a open house ateneded on september 8 so the high speed rail can atened the community meetings. We thank them for compling to San Francisco and taking the input from our community. The transbait Transit Center will be the northern terminus of high speed rail and we coordinate with mtc cost review which is under way. As yoi recall the Transportation Authority asked for [inaudible] work with us on the mtc cost review and we have reviewed ways to help close the funding gap. Several strategies emerged. There was a reliminary report and look forward to seeing the full recommendations as well aathize phase 2 cost review within a 90 day deadline that was set. What has emerged is the need for better risk management, cost estimation and perhaps also Cost Containment working group orchange mechanism so we can review the change orders as they which dlou. We are confident we will get to a agreement. On the local front we are happy the geary corridor bus rapid transst will release our environmental document next month thmpt release date is scheduled for october 2, so we are very very excited for this mile stone. This project has been under development for many year jz this will begin the 45 day Public Comment review period. The mile stone will allow us to get 1 step close toor completing the project which already began design. Mta began design the phase 1 portion thf project so we can begin providing reliability and Pedestrian Safety improvements in the corridor as we complete the environmental process. The goal would be to complete this round of review by the end of the year and so that we would brin it forward to 3r50u6b8 approval in the summer of 2016. There was be a public comabout meeting october 5 at saint mar ys. [inaudible] our long range Transportation Planning as the chair mentioned will build off the chairs wequest for subway master plan and our acknowledged need for long range transit planning throughout the silty and county along with various other modes. The county wide Transportation Plan is track with the regional transportration plan update ment we are irk wg with planning department, sfmta and regional partner tooz create a framework that looks beyond 20 40 so we can imagine what the future could be with more coordinateed land use and transportation and investment and policies and programs to help meet the climate environmental and liveability goals. Well bring that update in the coming months. [inaudible] we identified a consultant will help conduct this pole so we can be also ready in november 2016 potentially with a revenue measure to the voters in conduction with the bart bond. Beyond this ill mention our muni historal street car service was a great celebration and we were able to provide Important Fund frg that project and congratulate the f line for its 20 Year Anniversary which happened september 1 as well. Vision 0 we have seen good project. Our committee immet met and we are well under way with the projects the mta committed to delivering. The video we sponsored is release frd large vehicle Training Program jz encourage folk tooz check that out at vision 0 sf dot org. The Presidio Park way achieved a mile stone nearing completion and as the transporpation authority [inaudible] for substantial completion the facility. There is one more year of work to do observe we reachfiant acceptance, however, this marks with the opening of the facility and the completion of those substantial civil works and mile stone for the project. A contract made progress on work force. They brought on 376 new hires of which 142 are San Francisco residenceo we are appreciative of that working with the office of economic and Work Force Development and city force. This is a very welcomeed achievement. Our fiscal audit is on track and want to thank deputy of finance sintia fong. Finally, one great update for you, the 100 million mile stone for prop k was observed last month. The state board of equalization shared results that we have passed the 100 Million Dollar mark for sales tax for prop k which is a mile ston so thank you and thank you to the San Francisco voters for providing this funding for the project across the sit a. Colleagues are there questions or comment regarding executive director report . Seeing none. Any Public Comment on item 3 . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. This is a information item. Item 4 approval the montsf july 28 meeting colleagues are there questions or comment or corrections regarding the july minute . Seeing none is there Public Comment on item 4 . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Can you please call the roll on item 4 item 4, commissioner avalos, aye. Breed aye campos, aye. Christensen, aye. Cohen, aye. Farrell, aye. Kim, aye. Mar, absent. Tang, aye. Wiener, aye. Yee, aye. The item passes. Okay. Item 5. Item 5, adopt position ons state legislation. This is a action item, are there questions or comments on item 5 . Seeing none is there Public Comment . Seeing none Public Comment is close jd can we take item 5 same house same call mptd without objection that is the order. Item 6 execute Funding Agreement for 3 year period in the amount not to exceed for 406, 00 for San Francisco bart travel [inaudible] this is a action item any questions or comments . Any Public Comment on item number 6 . Seeing none well close Public Comment and colleagues can we take item 6 same house same call. Without objection that is the order. Item 7 appoint cyndi baker, joana fong, peaty gal oughta, benjamin horne, and jolsna john. Any comment . Public comment is closed. Can we take item 7 same house same call . Without objection that is the order item 8 allocate 9, 878, 876 in prop k funds and 120, 800 in prop k funds. I would like to make a motion to amend the item to remove line 33. That is theened tip allocation. We want to move forward with that expenditure but Center Detail tooz work out in the scope and i have spoken to mta and ta and think we can eeurn iron that out commissioner christensen made a motion to amend, is there a second to that motion . Second by commissioner tang and if no other comments well move to Public Comment. Is there Public Comment on item 8 . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. With regard to the motion which has been seconded, can we take that motion or without objection . Without objection the amendment is adopted and can we take the underlying item as amended same house same call. Without objection that will be the order. Item number 9. Item 9 introduction of new items. Colleagues are there any introductions of new items . Seeing none pub comment on item 9 . Seeing none comment is closed. Is there general Public Comment . Please come forward. [inaudible] thank you for letting me [inaudible] this afternoon. Thefiant voting for the [inaudible] look ing forward to [inaudible] thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item number 11. Item 11, adjournment. We are adjourned. Thank you. Amazing district. Some of you know that i grew up in Public Housing. I live there more than half my life, right down the street at eddie and laguna. Good morning out, everything my name is linda and breed in him the supervisor for this amazing district. Some of you know that i grew up in Public Housing. I lived more than half my leaf at eddie and laguna. When i became a supervisor and met with the mayor he asked me, what my three Top Priorities were on the board. And, number one, Public Housing. Number two, Public Housing. Number three, Public Housing. Since then, the mayor and i have been working hand in hand to do something different. 1960 housing policies cannot solve our housing crisis in the city and county of San Francisco. Nor, can we continue to allow the residents of Public Housing to be neglected. The conditions that exist in many of these developments existed when i was growing up there. Bad plumbing. Rodents. No response to fixing the problem. Discovering that we had about 10 12 million to fix over 4000 Public Housing units, and we had over 200 million of the deferred maintenance, well, it really upset me because there was nothing that i felt that i could do to change the lives of the people who live here. So, i did working hard with the mayor, with edward lee to try and figure out something different. No, its not a perfect solution, but its whats going to change this community for the better. Today, we have our amazing representative, leader nancy pelosi, who continuously fights for San Francisco and fights for the rights of those who dont have any fighting for them in congress. It is a battle she deals with every day. Ive witnessed it personally. We are so appreciative of her hard work. We also have the hud secretary, julian castro, here today was a former mayor, and he has a few words that he wants to say and whats great about having the mayor and these incredible federal, National Leaders, to talk to us today is that they get to see firsthand the experience of people who live here. They get to meet the residence. They get to see the conditions, and what i hope that they walk away with is a desire to want to do better. A desire to want to work hard for the folks who live in these units. Every single day i know its a struggle. I have not forgotten about where i came from. That is why, on the board of supervisors, it is been my priority to deal with changing the lives of folks here because even though i made it out, even though im a success story, even though so many people who i grew up with are proud of me, they deserve the same opportunity that i have and today, is a new day for that opportunity. So, at this time, i would like to welcome mayor ed lee to the podium. [applause] thank you. Thank you, pres. Lyndon breed. Were very lucky to have you as not only a supervisor for this district but as our board president and obviously all of you can feel the passion she has and we have ours to share our family stories with each other for quite some time now. With the hopes that we would have a better outcome for our residents here in San Francisco. Let me begin by saying that its not only a pleasure to work with the supervisor, it is a privilege because not only do we share the stories we get to do something about it. One of the things that we get to do about it, we get to and the description that oftentimes is made about Public Housing residents. That is to say that, i want to be here when all of us can say theyre not Public Housing residents. The residents of San Francisco. Thats a difference. Its a complete difference in the relationship that we have with our Housing Authority, the relationship we have with the tenants association, the people that live in a just so happens, it might be economically challenged, but theyve got the strength and hope like all of our families do. When we talk about our stories, we often talk about the strength of families, the hope that people have, the things theyre doing for themselves and for each other to build strong communities. This is what i think, but it was all about when they first began to build these Housing Units and over the decades been challenged with all of the Asset Maintenance jones, the lack of funding, the lack of cooperation between local governments and the Housing Authority. We have been through all that. But we have new leadership. We have walking torres and all the new commissioners that are in line with the Mayors Office of housing and the board of supervisors. We have a federal government that not only listens. They fight for all of us to make sure were doing the right thing. We have a hud secretary that i got to meet again. The last time sec. Castro and i met we had not won the nba championship yet. Of course, i probably stuck out my tie. Welcome former mayor. San antonio. This is warriors ground. Of course, he got it immediately but i also say to the secretary, too, having a former mayor in that position means an awful lot and will go into detail later on about that. I am here today to announce, again, that the robert pitts housing complex is the third of 15 sites that weve already begun. This result Assistance Demonstration Program with our federal government. We arty started at hunters view. If you go down there, take a good look at it. Without rebuilding Public Housing. Rebuilding a community with residents formerly of Public Housing. You are part and parcel of that through a program that leader pelosi has helped that be so much hope sf. It is giving everybody the chance and hope to be part, equal parts, of building a stronger community. Second project, up and center wasnt within urban and thats down that alice griffith. Thats already underway. In fact, the Senior Housing is under construction and pretty soon see some of the seniors that will move over from the dilapidated housing bearing, Public Housing, into a very modern complex as we knock down and rebuild their housing. Now, its robert pitts is turned until the 15 sites for this, over 700 million effort that we call phase 1 of that. Phase 1 of our rental assistance program. It is a program that is new, quite frankly, to hud and to all of us. Because when we got together with supervisor breed and with all of our people in the city we no longer wanted to have a Housing Authority that would build and maintain poverty isolated housing. We wanted to invest in the people first. We had to make people believe that we are going to do a new model. Something that involved them in their futures. So that we could try to do and demonstrate, what i think is a discussion all across the country. How do you and intergenerational poverty and needed to ask not just have poverty go from generation to generation, from kids to the grandkids, and it takes an entire village to do that. Housing is a great part of it. Affordable housing is a great part of it, and thats why we have a 310 million commitment on the ballot, opposition a to use that money, to use that resource to rebuild Public Housing but also in the private sector as well to upper middle classes as well as our low income residents have we built housing for them. But, we never lost sight of the other things that we have to do as a city to end poverty as well. Our communities have to be safe. So we invest in our kids. We invest in education. If a Good Transportation system. Will we rebuild all of this housing, its going to also be accommodated by worldclass Transportation System. How does it feel to have our kids writing for free by the second year in a row. He didnt do that with having a strong city. They got municipal so excited after we got the google donation that now we have free invisible for our seniors and people with disabilities to ride a worldclass Transportation System that is accessible to everybody and used by so many people. Dont have to own a car to get around to your job and anyplace else. You also have to be safe and thats why we are investing in not only police force, but in job programs. We have tech programs. We have healthy San Francisco. We have so many programs that were investing in to make sure communities are strong. So, i say to you that im a in addition to a revitalized Housing Program for Public Housing residents, where we are no longer building isolated low Income Housing, their integrated communities. They are building the strength of our best nonprofits that are now integrated with our Housing Authority. In working with the residents to make sure they are part of the voice as to how these units are built, and we are hiring as many of our Public Housing residents to do the building themselves to city built. Another Great Program that weve reached in to the heart of our residence in Public Housing and say, we can train you to build and to manage this housing at this same time. This is all part of what we call brad. It takes a lot of different parts of hard and i know that leader pelosi, every time i called her, shes been so wonderful in answering my calls as we explain the latest thing we have to do with hard and to make sure that everybody understands, because we are all subject to old ways of doing things. San francisco is subject to many old ways of doing things. That is why we didnt build enough Affordable Housing and how could we go for two decades without having an Affordable Housing in the city . Are we embarrassed by that that we do not build housing in operation for young family to grow up in different ways . This is what were fighting against. Old traditions of not building well, not building efficiently, not doing it in collaboration with our residents, and getting their talent involved in using the power of hope sf to do so. This is all part of those hours of conversation that ive had with london with the board of supervisors, with our Housing Authority, with our Mayors Office of housing, in our commissioners. So, we have a lot to celebrate as we begin these projects. Robert pitts is going to be retouched, we first, all 203 units. Guess what . Weve got to make sure we do this to give hope to families that are headed up with people like marty anna johnson. You know, she is a 15 year resident of robert pitts, and i know having raised two children herself and being a Strong Family leader, she cannot be more excited than any of us to see a refurbished unit become her permanent home for her and her family and to have it not only upgraded, but maintained for the long period of time and having the touch of other residents feel the same, that theyre not Public Housing residents. There residents of the great city of San Francisco. So, i would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to someone whos working directly with us. As a parent, as a woman, as a strong leader of the tenant here, residence here, Arianna Johnson. [applause]hello. Hello, good morning. My name is Arianna Johnson dominated here of San Francisco. I resided here at robert pitts for 15 years and am the mother of two beautiful daughters. Today is a very special day for me. My grandfather was James Henry Johnson almost San Francisco first African American Services Group what an honor and blessing and for for me to be here. [applause] this project is also very special to me. Not only is a resident here at the robert pitts community but also as a former employee of San Francisco Housing Authority. I was a building concierge here for six years. We as residents affected by this process are excited for a new horizon. For generations, Living Conditions have been heartbreaking and challenging. The majority of us residents that live in low Income Housing desire a clean, peaceful, habitable, safe, functioning and desirable place to live. The majority of us are working or senior disabled persons that are committed to the improvement of our community and our family and refused to leave our great city. But, the reality is, our city is very expensive. So, we have to live here in low Income Housing. We are praying that the citywide that project is not only improves the Living Conditions at home, but that it also ratifies permanent jobs and great benefits for all us residents, such as San Francisco Housing Authority has done for me and many other residents during its history. Im currently in the application process for Construction Administration jobs and renewing my security certification license. We are hoping and praying for new Youth Services and violence prevention here. Here, at the robert pitts community alone we have several mothers that lost children under the age of 25 years. So, i would like to say, let that stand forth. We knew, additional desire. We are the city of champions. The new, additional, desire, for all those who live here, welcome back, government officials and thank you. [applause] now you can see why arianna is our concierge. Yes, thank you. Thank you. Well, i get excited every time i leader is able to come back to it aint easy to maloney type working in dc these days. You all know that. We all read about it you will see it and you all feel it. Every time that we in San Francisco can demonstrate to our federal leaders what weve done locally, it gives them hope that all the arguments that they have to have them all the challenges that they have to meet on a daytoday basis, back in dc, it is not forgotten. It is deeply appreciated by those of us that are here in San Francisco, and someone who as i told you earlier, honestly takes our calls, goes into detail with her staff about what it is we need and what exceptions to different rules that we might want to be advocating for, but also gives us a forethought about where congress is going so that we can be prepared. I have been with her when we got funding restored in hiv cuts and aids programs. I have been there when she says, hey theyre not going to do but be prepared. Start working with your folks. Get ready. We are always ready and the constant partner for us. I so appreciate her every time her visits here that we have Something Else to announce because we are getting things done. That is of course democratic leader nancy pelosi. [applause] thank you very much mr. Mayor for your very generous and for your tremendous leadership. And for making possible this coming together here today. We use the word demonstrate, and the rad rental assistance demonstration has that word demonstrate in it. So here we all are to demonstrate to the secretary as to how San Francisco, not only responds to initiatives from the federal level, but really demonstrates how they could work and how they could work better. Its really an honor to be on the program with a arianna, James Henry Johnson, her grandfather is in a pretty exciting . How proud he would be to see you a leader carrying on in that tradition. Wasnt she wonderful . [applause] San Francisco is a very special pl. , mr. Sec. , honored to welcome you here to see how we respect people. We respect our residents and when were going to have new housing is oneonone replacing the residents who were here for those who want to continue to be here. It is also about their selfdetermination, about how a project will function, how it will be to run. This project, this will be a demonstration to the country of a way to get the job done. In San Francisco were entrepreneurial in our thinking. We like to take advantage of exploits in the best possible way every opportunity that hard provides to grants and policy and the opportunity that the code enables us as low income tax credits and other tax considerations, which enables us to have publicprivate ownership joined with our nonprofit partners. Really, demonstrating to the country how we can respect our residents, have them have Affordable Housing in a way that maintains community. Because, this site over housing is a challenge that is about the soul of our city. We are a city that wants to be representative of every aspect of life in our community that Cultural Diversity as wells economic variation is something that is important to the father of who we are. Our mayor has been such an incredible champion on this subject. He and london bridge, she said she was the supervisor from this area that she grew up in the neighborhood and the mayor acknowledged that she is the president of the board and has used that opportunity to benefit individuals. I salute london. Mdm. Chairman, mdm. Pres. That has a nice ring to it. [applause] for your leadership. The mayor has done a great deal to bring jobs to San Francisco and back dimension transportation mr. Mayor because it gives me another opportunity to salute our president barack obama. Under the recovery act that was passed we were able to do so many things for San Francisco. You know why . Because San Francisco could demonstrate that they knew how to be a model to the nation. To have initiatives that were of national significance. Its a continuation of thursday rail, central subway, transbay terminal, the puppy whatever it is, jobs immediately promotion of commerce and transportation, cleaning the air, promoting qualityoflife, this is really important but sometimes those advances raise the price of housing in a community. So we have to mitigate for that one part of that success by addressing it directly. That is the mayor is the full package. Job creation. Transportation initiative. Jobs immediately and jobs jobs long term but also recognizing the responsibility we have to have Affordable Housing in our community. This secretary is really remarkable. He was amir sue will grant him that. His brother served in congress with me. His twin brother. Joachim castro former mayor of san antonio. We will talk about the spurs in the warriors just now. However, i had the privilege of being invited to his swearing in. I wish you could have been there. I went of course to pay tribute to the new secretary of hud but i mainly went because i was honored to be invited so i could say directly to his mother , rosie, congratulation kit woolseys mom had was actually barefoot into archives. This is the American Dream personified. She made a success of herself but these twin boys trailing along to public civic events, growing up with a sense of responsibility. Of getting back. They had the advantage the best education someone say, that our country could provide, and they were prepared to give back. As i said, i served with walking in the house of representatives. His twin brother, and mayor caster went from being the mayor of san antonio to be the secretary of hud. On that day, read this i get it right. The president said, walking is a proven leader a champion for safe Affordable Housing and strong sustainable neighborhoods. In building a Housing Market we do some homelessness among veterans, thank you and connecting neighborhoods with good schools and good jobs that have our citizens succeed. He has in the one year he is been secretary, lowered mortgage insurance premiums to make ownership more affordable, help families access strong neighborhoods with sure housing choice vouchers and empowering local leaders with new tools to invest in their communities and thats one of the reasons we are here today. That is one of those new tools. In july of 2015, just a couple months ago, pres. Obama wants one of secretary casters signature project. Connect home. Which accelerates internet adoption in 20 communities providing broadband Electronic Devices to children living in public or assisted housing, secretary castro continues to strive to make housing a platform that helps folks achieve a better quality of life. How perfect. How perfect. These two measures, one for mayor my current mayor at that goal, to achieve a better quality of life for the people for whom we are responsible. We think, mr. Sec. , that San Francisco is a model to the nation. We are very proud of the successes and the challenges, and the successes that we have had. We think that when we take on a project we will do it in a way thats about national significance. We are not competitive or anything. We are not proud or anything. We just want to help others and i know you did to. Please let us welcome this wonderful great sec. Of hud, boolean castro. [applause] thank you. Thank you so much mdm. Leader. It is wonderful to be here whoever worlds great cities. I want to say thank you for hosting me. You know, my brother joachim is a privilege of serving with the majority with leader pelosi soontobe speaker pelosi. Again. And by brother joachim, habitually introduce himself by saying a way that tells about since wetlands, minute other than he is. So, hope youll disabuse them of that notion in the future. They told me that was unseasonably warm here in San Francisco. Some glad that i got home a couple days ago to 97 heat to practice for here. Mayor, thank you for having me. This is not the first time that weve had a chance to spend time here in San Francisco, but each time that you visit very impressed by the work that you and the board of supervisors and all the folks that you collaborate with are doing to provide housing opportunity for san franciscans. I also want to commend supervisor london reed could we are in her disappeared as she said, she is only talked about this shes lifted. Because of that emma i know like me, she feels very blessed in her own life to had opportunities in the doing everything that she can for Public Service to give that opportunity to others. Thank you supervisor breed for your leadership. [applause]i also want to recognize just briefly Barbara Smith the second director of this in francisco housing. What about ago . Thank you for the work that you are doing here we cannot do it without a Housing Authority. And of course, to Arianna Johnson. Great Community Involvement and tenant leadership is so important to success in all that we do, so thank you for your inspiring words today. Keep it up. Keep it up. I also want to just briefly recognize all of our private partners who are here. Theyre too many of them to name, but they are integral to the success the reynolds assistance budget please raise your hand if youre one of our private partners. [applause] thank you. We are here today because we believe that housing is a powerful platform for greater opportunity in peoples lives. And because we believe that everyone ought to have access to good Affordable Housing, to build up to other American Dream. We also know that our nation is in the midst of an a for the housing crisis. In fact, just a couple months ago the national low Income Housing coalition reported that in no single community, if youre working 40 hours a minimum wage, can you afford a twobedroom apartment. That in very few places, could you even afford to rent a onebedroom apartment. In fact, here in california the person would have to work 92 hours a week to afford a place. The Affordable Housing crisis comes at a time when our nations Public Housing stock is particularly challenged. We have roughly 26 billiondollar backlog in capital needs. We lose 10,000 units of Public Housing to disrepair every single year. Now, we know that leader pelosi and folks like her have been fighting like crazy and then right on this issue. To ensure that the resources are there. We also know, though, we live in a resource constrained environment and for that reason, in 2012 hud wants the rental assistance demonstration. Also known as rad. Fundamentally, it is housing authorities and owners of assisted housing convert to longterm section 8 contracts. That allows them to better Leverage Private debt and equity to improve their properties. So, instead of falling into disrepair, they get renovated. I am proud to announce that this effort has established a proven record of success in just three years, that has leverage over 1 billion in new construction dollars of Public Housing properties throughout the united states. [applause] that is making a difference in communities throughout our nation and committees like this one. The rack conversion of robert b Woods Apartments will of the San Francisco Housing Authority and its partner to invest 31 to rehabilitate over 200 family units. This investment will help ensure that these families have a modern and safe, good place to live. We want to see rad make a difference in more communities. So hud is working with congress to lift a cap on this program so that we can help more families across this nation also have good housing. We know that the Affordable Housing crisis is growing, and we also know that that is part of a solution. Ive had the opportunity now as hud secretary to travel to more than 50 cities in 14 months. I can tell you that San Francisco is a National Leader when it comes to collaboration and creativity in creating and sparking new housing opportunity. Congratulations, to San Francisco. [applause] so, we look forward to the renovation of these homes and to all the wonderful opportunities that will be made possible because of the work that you are doing here in this beautiful community. Thank you very much. [applause] my pleasure to bring back up leader pelosi. Thank you seconded. Well, let me thank everyone here today. I see across this wonderful field a bevy of nonprofits that i know i can help us rebuild all of our communities from Chinatown Development to bridge to mercy to tabernacle to tenderloin, and then i also does a thank you to bank of america. They won the right to leverage. Two words secretary breezy more often these days in San Francisco. When teaching it to kids. Were teaching it to parents. That is, invest and leverage. Invest and leverage. Because the best investment anybody can make in San Francisco is to start your family here because when you start a family, that means schools, transportation, housing, safety, are all been taken care. Thats the best investment. Then we got a leverage that by people participating making sure you vote and making sure we pass proposition a and all the things we need to do to build an rehab and stabilize our neighborhoods. Thank you everybody very much. Thank you to our federal representatives, two. [applause] good afternoon, i would like to call to order the regular meeting of the San Francisco Public Utilities commission. Todays date is tuesday september 22, 2015. Roll call, please. Commissioner caen. Here. Vicepresident vaoet tore, chasing ner courtney, commissioner kwon, mission xher moran, and we have a

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