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With sfgovtv and mr. Clerk. Call the roll. Commissioner chan. Present dorsey. Present. Chair mandelman. Present. Commissioner mar. Present. Commissioner melgar. Present. Peskin. Present. Commissioner ronen. Present. Commissioner safai. Absent. Stefani present. Commissioner walton. Absent. We have clothes requested some to be absent for portions of this meeting commissioner safai will be arriving late. Commissioner mar is here remolt but need to leave probably before 11, commissioner walton will also be about between half an hour and hour late im going to excuse those folks for the portions of this meeting that they miss. And i believe you have announce ams . Yes. Members of the public interested in participating in the meeting we welcome you in person in the chamber room 250 or watch channel 26 and 99 depending or stream it live at sfgov. Org. For you those wish to comment remotely dial 4156550001 then access code 2493 887 6145. You will be able to listen in role time. When Public Comment is called press star 3 to be added to the queue. Upon dont press it again or you will be removed. When it says you are unmuted you will be allowed 2 minutes to speak. Calls will be taken in the order they are received. Speak slowly and clear and turn down the vol um device urined. Public comment will be taken first from the public in attendance in the chamber then after, from the remote speaker queue on the phone line. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Clerk as chair i like to invoke rule from the rules of order to limit the comment to 30 minutes for todays meeting and with that, mr. Clerk. Call the next item y. Item 2 final approve the resolution to allow teleconferenced meeting under code 54593e this is an action item. I dont think this point there are comments or questions from colleagues but can we see if we have Public Comment in the chamber. Seeing none. Remote Public Comment . Checking for remote comment on item 2. I see no Public Comment, chair. Okay. Public comment on item 2 is closed. It there a motion to approve item 2. Moved by peskin. Seconded by melgar. Mr. Clerk . Commissioner chan. Aye. Commissioner dorsey. Aye. Commissioner mandelman. Aye. Commissioner mar. Aye. Commissioner melgar. Aye. Commissioner peskin. Aye. Commissioner preston. Aye. Commissioner ronen. Aye. Commissioner safai. Absent commissioner self neil. Aye. Commissioner walton. Absent motion is approved thank you, mr. Clerk. Item 3 approve the minutes of the september 20, 22 meeting an action item. All right. I dont see comments or questions. Lets open up to Public Comment. Anyone with Public Comment. Check for remote Public Comment. Chair there is no Public Comment. Public comment on item 3 is closed motion to approve item 3 . Moved by dorsey seconded by peskin. Mr. Clerk . Commissioner chan. Aye. Commissioner dorsey. Aye. Chair mandelman. Aye. Commissioner mar. Aye. Commissioner melgar. Aye. Commissioner peskin. Aye. Commissioner preston. Aye. Commissioner ronen. Aye. Commissioner safai. Excused. Commissioner stefani. Aye. Commissioner walton, absent. Motion is approved. Thank you. Mr. Clerk, call item 4. Item 4 Community Advisory Committee Report this is an informational item. And i think we have our vice chair kevin ortiz giving this presentation. Thank you very much. I will be broef on my report. So, at the september 28cac, we had an update stot by laws with commissioner chair larsons departure, we had chair cline or the earlier meetings and admitted our by laws to allow for a vice chair election at which point i was elected the vice chair. The other updates for the meeting of the september 28 meeting we unanimously supported prop 30. As well as had a report on the Planning Department southeast rail yard study and approved 3. 7 million in prop k funds and 5 different projects. We had a vision zero update and San Francisco Transportation Plan update. As well as reviewing the Transportation Authoritys cycle 3 grants. I point that the cac was updated this the changes have been made to the elevator modernization and redesign funding for this prop. Thats all for my report. All right. Thank you mr. Ortiz. Lets she if we have Public Comment on your report. Any in the chamber . Nope. Lets check for remote comment. Checking Public Comment on item number 4. I see no Public Comment, chair. Well, then again with gratitude to all the members of the cac and vice chair ortiz we will go to item 5. Item 5 appoint a member to the Community Advisory committee. This is an action item. All right. So we are going to talk a bit a cac appointment but before we do that, i would like to invite peter tannen to come up if he is here. Peter tannen, you are the out going district 8 representative you stayed on longer than i think you intended to. And patience with me approximate my office as we tried to fiejdz a replace am you are irreplaceability. You have been on the cac for 14 years providing insight a long time San Francisco resident and cyclist. And sharing your wayed dom and knowledge be be decades long career with the sfmta and its predecessor. You served vice chair and acting chair and has been there to support other members. I have a certificate of appreciation for you signed by executive director chan and myself. I and wanted to give you an opportunity you wanted say anything you like. Good morning chair mandelman and vice chair peskin and members. I thank you very much i appreciate being recognized like this. And im happy to have had the opportunity to chair on the cac for so many years. I first joined after working for the city for 14 years. I thought it would be interesting to sit on the other side of the table to ask questions and answer questions as a city staff member and wanted to stay current in transportation issues and policies in San Francisco. And hopeful low i have been able to offer my experience as a Community Member and former city Transportation Planner. And im going to miss my colleagues on the cac and the Transportation Authority staff. I have known actual and he maria for 20 years since i joined the Transportation Authority and i known ana back in her days and worked together so i no longer on the cac i will listen in to the meetings and might call in with comments so00 eye will not fade away. Thank you. All right. Thank you, peter. If my colleagues will indulgs me will i invite director chang and we did a photograph as i give you the certificate. [applause] thank you, clothes. And now i would like to invite amillia wily to present on item 5. Good morning, commissioners amillia wily Program Analyst the Transportation Authority has [inaudible] Advisory Committee with each serving a 2 year term the board appoints individuals to fill open seats. Applicanting must be resident and, peer before the board at least once to describe their interests in qualifications. There is one open seat requiring board action district 8 resulting from residence ignition of the prior representative peter tannen. Continues to work to identify candidates for the open district 4 and 11 seats. Those interested in applying see www. Sfcta. Org for information. Can i take questions and chair mandelman an applicant Richard Ortega is here to introduce herself. Thank you i will invite ms. Ortega to come up. Hello. Ja im Rachael Ortega i have been a resident of district 8 for a year but in San Francisco for 4 and a half years. In this time, i have taken every method of Public Transportation i own a car and i have a bike which means im familiar with all modes of transportation in the city. My background is in facility planning and operations. I currently now operations planner for a company in soma, shape are tools. During this iune manage budget, review upon discrepancy, cases and have done a variety of different business projects including projects work with the board of santa clara and getting items certified for build. San francisco is a wonderful city. And i want to continue to make sure that critical look at the transportation infrastructure. My goal is that i would like to have equal Transportation Options for everyone in that i want them to reflect the change think landscape of the city e involving since 50 years ago when the Transit System took off. I understand there is current Infrastructure Projects that are in consideration and want to ensure their success Going Forward whichinging cal rain and upgrading the bart and muni cars. I want to ensure we have safety for bicycles and pedestrians. [inaudible] i [inaudible] um and i want to encourage at the end of my term the use of all Public Transportation by everyone in the city the one most environmentally friend low options we have. Thank you. Thank you mrs. Ortega i sat down with you. And have been impressed by you and think you will be an excellent represent for all of san front who are grateful for the Public Transportation we dwot and wish we had more. So with that, i think we should open this up to Public Comment. You dont have to stay up there. [laughter]. Thank you. Come on up mr. Tannen. Good morning im peter tannen im the former district 8cac member. And i support the appointment of Rachael Ortega. We met and talked about the cac and i was impressed with her interests in san front transportation. And her goals that she stated for serving. And the fact this she uses so many transportation modes. And i think her professional certains in operation bunkham facilitys planning, budget management and analysis and a variety of industriless would provide good backgrounds for the service on the cac. I support her appointment. Thank you. Thank you. Is there other public ment in the chamber . See if we have Public Comment remote. Chair there is in Public Comment on line all right. Public comment on item 5 is closed. And then with that, i would like to make a motion to appoint Rachael Ortega to the cac is there a second . I think stefani got it. And we have been joined by commissioner walton. And mr. Clerk, call the roll. Commissioner chan. Air. Commissioner dorsey. Aye chair mandelman. Aye commissioner mar. Aye. Commissioner melgar. Aye. Commissioner peskin. Aye. Commissioner preston. Aye. Commissioner ronen. Aye. Commissioner safai. Excused. Commissioner stefani. Aye. Commissioner walton. Aye. There are 10 ayes the motion is approved. Great, thank you mr. Clerk. Next item. Item 6 state and federal legislation update an information item. All right. And we have mark watts remote appearing sacramento advocate. Good morning im pleased to be here today. In september, i was here to present before you to present the status update on legislation that the governor acted upon. That were on the list you taken position. Since this point in time he acted on 6 additional bills i was going to cover those and they were measures that you support. And i will start with the first measure and give you background on this one. Ab117 the e bike incentive project the governor did veto it. In talk with cal bike and other there is is a strong feeling the 10 Million Dollars that was included in the state Budget Program for transportation infrastructure, the e bike program one time basis was a great step forward. I think s it was unfortunate that the legislator had approved 117 at the moment in time when the revenue pictures got cloudy. So. The governor did address the uncertainty that may be the chair loyals for the state budget i will talk about that afternoon the bill. This measure was vetoed. Ab1938 was a modification to earlier legislation on traffic speed limits. Clarified the intent of the prior bill by freedman the chair of the transportation commit eat upon governor sign today and it is law now. Ab2147, this measure authorized called the jay walking bill i dont think it does it justice. It says a peace officer shall not stop a period of time for a violation of illegal crossing unless there was a threat or danger apparent. So, it gives flexibility for pedestrians. If they are careful. Sb942, this measure allowed the Green House Gas Reduction Fund program called the low Carbon Transit Operations Program which is a transit operation support program allowed transit agencies to use the funds to help implement reduced fare transit programs. That is a door opening for that policy effort. Ab2594 another bill supported by the board, really took on a reform of the chart system made a number of changes to the administration of bridge and toll road notifications and provided for additional access for the unbanked in the system. And finally, ascertain wiener sb922, deals with expanding the ceqa exemptions he enacted for transit, bicycle and pedestrian projects that extend today to 2030 that this measure or the this Exemption Program for transit would be allowed. So that brings to a close the legislative cycle for the year and bills. Looking forward to seeing legislation introduced in early december and january and get to work with amber and your staff. One of the basic trendses emerging in sacramento or the state, is we are final low seeing a slow down in the estimated revenues that have been collected and projected to produce over 100 billion dollars in so called, surplus in the current budget fiscal year. And the governor in several of the measures that he vetoed. Cited the fact the legislator sent 20 billion dollars in total cost in measures in one time commitments and 10 billion dollars in on going commitments that were not accounted for in the state budget. With that impact he felt he had to make those adjustments and did express concern about the emerging frailty that may be motorizing before us in state revenues. I mentioned i was going to give you detail on the e Bike Incentive Program that one time funding. Is being developed in a program boy the air resource board. And they anticipate now that the Incentive Program will launch in quarter one of 2023. And open to anybody who lives in california. It is bringing that to the close, the program will support class one or 2, which are [inaudible] and some the class 3 which is a higher performance measure. But not the included. It is mated the 10 Million Dollars initial Budget Allocation will fund in the order of 7,000e bike incentives during the year. Look forward to that and i think the cal bike folks intends to come become and finds a Funding Source to extend their program. And finally, i jumped over a piece when i was talking about the state budget. Yesterday, the d. Finance announced that september receipts were 2. 8 billion below the estimate. When you add that with estimate and ends of year 2 billion dollars e range of motion we look at 7 billion dollars below the estimate. I would be happy to answer questions completed what i was going to present. And if appropriate i was going to wrap up on behalf amber approximate myself she is remote location as well. Thank you. All right. Thank you mr. Watts. I dont see comments or questions from colleagues. Do we have Public Comment in the chamber . Remote Public Comment . On item 6. There is in Public Comment. All right. Public comment on item 6 is closed. Just for female who are keeping track of our agenda, i have received a request that we continue item 9 and it is my intention to if you happen to be here for that or at home watching for item 9, it will not come up today. So mr. Clerk call item 7. Item 7 allocate 3, 701 thousand dollars in prop k funds with conditions and appropriate 8 huh thousand dollars for 5 requests, this is an action item. All right. Linda and andrew . Good morning. Linda Transportation Planner. We are pullingum our slides now. Sfgovtv we have our slides shared. The first of the 5 will be presented by andrew and for the bay vow Station Design [inaudible]. Good morning. Andrew principle planner the first request follow up to the presentation the board heard july 26 from the Planning Department on southeast rail station study to advancing a station in the bayview. Planning made a recommendation to advance oakdale based on feedback, we heard questions unanswered for the community. [inaudible] a final decision can be made. Information about project costs, ridership and potential environmental impacts. This request is 800 thoubldz for the Transportation Authority to complete design, preenvironmental work and arrivad a preferred location for a new Bayview Caltrain station. Continuing community engagement. Important the process answers the questions we heard in prior out reach and center Community Members and creating that recommendation. Seconded, in answering the questions advance the Station Designs more information on ride areship, station access and Community Know integration, costs and potential funding opportunity. And third like to be red to move in the environmental clearance process. So the scope includes preenvironmental work identifying resources, roles and respondents. Full environmental clearance is in the included and will require additional time and funds. Proposing a quick process, 12 montes to continue toward implementation of the station. Then staff will provide a report with recommendations to the Transportation Authority board for approval. Back over to linda for the remainder of this item. Thank you. The second is from Golden Gate Bridge highway and transportation the funds of San Francisco Ferry Terminal security improve am the design phase and has seen the security fencing constructing the new security fencing and installing modern Access Controls help with unauthorized entry. Completion is anticipated for fall of 23. The next 3 projects are from sfmta this is to Fund Application based traffic calming for fiscal 21, construction phase. It was group of applications received in june of 2020. There is a list of location in your board packet on page 78. This is for 102 locations 200 individual traffic calming measures. 200 is an estimate based on past cycles and assumed 2 device at each location. There is about 2. 1 million visible and to full emfund there is 663,000 to be reprogrammed. Required an amendment to the traffic calming five year Priority Program to reprogram from schools engineering, vision zero traffic calming and speed radar sign installation. With had amendment sfmta will have sufficient funds for schools engineering and speed radar installation with respect to vision zero Proactive Task calming sfmta does not plan to request funds until mid 2023 after coordinating with Public Health on the updated high injury network. This is to funds the application for fiscal 2122 for design phase a group of applications receive in the june of 2021. A list of location in your board packet on page 97. During the design phase sfmta determine what measure impelemented at each location. There san estimated 208 locations with 396 individual traffic calming measures. Of the approved locations, 208 applications were accepted and a total of 341 applications received. This requires an amendment to the traffic calming reprogram 312,000 from speed radar sign installation. And the last request, is it fund the schools Engineering Program for fiscal 2223 for Planning Design and construction. Schools engineering a Program Within san front safe routes to school will fund 5 walk audits and 30 measures recommended from those. Walk audits are assess ams involve gathering information about infrastructure issues. Motorist behavior and pedestrian, bicycling behavior around schools. They require support from school staff, principal, pirnts and sfmta staff. This is over lapping schedule, planning, Design Construction phases at different schools and schools engineering is a program and the other 2 parts have already been funded. So. Sfgovtv i finished. Im able to answer questions we have our project managers and staff from other agencies available as well as well as anna ford. Thank you, mrs. Ray. Commissioner safai. Thank you, chair mandelman i directed to the director and ms. Laford over the last year and a half2 years about 10 e mills and questions from the elementary asking for their to be traffic calming we would like the ta to study jose ortega to see about the traffic calming on sergeant that could be done. We reached out to staff to lead let you know we like that include. There are safety concern and speeding in this area and families are concern body the safety of the children. So i dont know if director chang wants to respond but i like that included as part of this process. If possible. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner safai commissioner chang . Through the chair, commissioner safai and deputy director, is this the wuk audits i want to confirm or for residential traffic calming . Traffic calming okay, thank you. Pass it on to mta. Okay just im sorry mta is, way we contacted them. I think it is another level of engagement not just about asking them to look at this. They are aware of the situation we engaged with them and like to see some action taken, please, thank you. Thank you commissioner safai. With this we will open this up to Public Comment. If there is Public Comment in the chamber . Not seeing any. Is there any remote Public Comment . Checking for Public Comment on item number 7, for those ofow the line if you wish to make Public Comment press star 3. There is no Public Comment. Okay. Public comment on item 7 is closed. Is there a motion to approve item 7 . Moved by walton. A second . Seconded boy melgar. I think well is a bunch of heavy neighborhoods as they inch close to mcgonigling the traffic calming they have been asking for years and years. With that mr. Clerk . Commissioner chan. Aye. Commissioner dorsey. Aye. Chair mandelman. Aye commissioner mar. Aye. Commissioner melgar. Aye commissioner peskin. Aye. Commissioner preston. Aye. Commissioner ronen. Aye. Commissioner safai. Aye. Commissioner stefani. Aye. Commissioner walton. Aye. Ja 11 ayes it is approved. Thank you. Call next item item 8 approve the tpgz Authority Project priorities for Senate Bill One local Partnership Program Competitive Grant Program this is an action item. Why planner Mike Pickford . Good morning. Should be able to see my slides the Partnership Program is state grant rewards jurisdictions with the voter approved taxes and fees or imposed fees dedicated to funding transportation. The Program Begin by the California Transportation Commission distributed 200 Million Dollars a year through a Competitive Program that is when we are discussing at this time prospect k and a add administrator the Transportation Authority is eligible to submit applications for projects that will be implemented by Partner Agency the funding cycle of the Program Covers fiscal 2324 through 2425 and distribute 144 Million Dollars. There is transit facilities and vehicles, roadway revukz and safety enhancements and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Funds visible for construction only dollar for dollar match and mack grant of 25 Million Dollars. Lpp has extensive evaluation criteria more competitive projects are red to start construction. Air quality and safety benefits and community support. For this cycle we recommending submitting 2 applicationos behalf of agencies. The first is next generation fair gates project. Bart is requesting 5. 4 Million Dollars to replace gates. The new fare gates improve reliability and access abilitiability the second sdpt transbay hour street scape project. [speak fast] create a new 2 way cycle track and signal modifications with bold outs, curb respects and make the streets safer for pedestrians. A comp lirmentary project will implement similar improvements to howard between fourth and 11th street. Should the board approve we will work with the experiences to get applications submitted by the november 29th deadline. Since they reserve the right to review one per applicant will cord nit with the city eligible to submit the same applications to ensure about this projects are reviewed. We will not hear results until next june. With that i can take questions. Thank you mr. Pickford i dont think we have questions for you. I will open up to Public Comment in the chamber and i dont see any. So can we check for remote Public Comment on item 8. Checking for Public Comment, one moment. Caller your 2 minutes begins now. Um again, chair mandelman, for the record pronouns are she and her i will talk about the park fare gate this is is important to me because i use bart. And fare gates are getting over due. I think it is important to ask as we all take them to the fare gate project and how many are built. Is to consider the current status that bart has not yet sunseted the paper ticketing. They do not sell the paper tickets anymore with they temporary exception for San Francisco airport. But eventual low paper tickets will go away. We have to ask that when the new fare gates are put in, how much is the incremental cost to add a paper ticket reader and the cost to remove that paper ticket reader and perhaps we will be better off in not converting all quick gates in the fare rates but may be 80 of them and we wanted to paper ticket compatible fare gates for until the fare gate program sunseted. Dont want to spends money when we dont need to which paper tickets will eventual low go away. We want to look at fer gates that are going to last for several decades that are not going to take the paper tickets to use the money instead to buy more and better fare gates i deally that run on electric and not air. Thank you. Thank you, caller. There is no a additional Public Comment. Why Public Comment on item 8 is closed is there a motion to approve. Moved by dorse and he melgar. Call the roll. Commissioner chan. Aye. Commissioner dorsey. Aye. Chair mandelman. Aye. Commissioner mar. Aye. Commissioner melgar. Aye commissioner peskin. Aye. Commissioner preston. Aye. Commissioner ronen. Aye. Commissioner safai. Aye. Commissioner steph stefani. Aye. Walton. Aye the motion is approved. I indicated earlier, commissioner mar requested we continue item 9 to a date we will be able to attends which will be october 25th. We have a meeting that week to make up for a meeting we did not have earlier in the month. And so i dont think we need to vote im just doing temperature yep. And so mr. Clerk. Item 10. Introduction of new items an information item. I dont see any new items. So call item 11. Item 11 Public Comment. If there is anyone in the chamber withhold like to address us during general Public Comment. I dont see anyone. Check our remote lines. We have Public Comment, hello caller 2 minutes begins now. Good morning, [inaudible] i would like to summarize the new packet i express concerns about a comment by caltrains executive director that she was planning a co so called world class term not of the [inaudible] location. The first point in the letter is under existing legislation that established location of such a terminal as a Transit Center. Not fourth and king. Second point is that there is also a [inaudible] team [inaudible] concerning the location of the terminal new Transit Center and i quote. Not stop 1. 3 miles short [echo] final point is that it would be helpful if the [inaudible] could provide guidance to caltrain to relocate the [inaudible] we should ultimately result in hundreds of millions of dollars in local funding for the dtx. Thank you. Thank you, caller there is no additional Public Comment. Thank you. Public comment on item 11 is closed call item 12. Item 12 adjournment. We are adjourned. The Bicycle Coalition was giving away 33 bicycles so i applied. I was happy to receive one of them. The Community Bike build program is the San Francisco coalitions way of spreading the joy of biking and freedom of biking to residents who may not have access to affordable transportation. The city has an ordinance that we worked with them on back in 2014 that requires city agency goes to give organizations like the San Francisco bicycle organization a chance to take bicycles abandoned and put them to good use or find new homes for them. The partnerships with organizations generally with organizations that are working with low income individuals or families or people who are transportation dependent. We ask them to identify individuals who would greatly benefit from a bicycle. We make a list of people and their heights to match them to a bicycle that would suit their lifestyle and age and height. Bicycle i received has impacted my life so greatly. It is not only a form of recreation. It is also a means of getting connected with the community through bike rides and it is also just a feeling of freedom. I really appreciate it. I am very thankful. We teach a class. They have to attend a one hour class. Things like how to change lanes, how to make a left turn, right turn, how to ride around cars. After that class, then we would give everyone a test chance chance to test ride. We are giving them as a way to get around the city. Just the joy of like seeing people test drive the bicycles in the small area, there is no real word. I guess enjoyable is a word i could use. That doesnt describe the kind of warm feelings you feel in your heart giving someone that sense of freedom and maybe they havent ridden a bike in years. These folks are older than the normal crowd of people we give bicycles away to. Take my picture on my bike. That was a great experience. There were smiles all around. The recipients, myself, supervisor, everyone was happy to be a part of this joyous occasion. At the end we normally do a group ride to see people ride off with these huge smiles on their faces is a great experience. If someone is interested in volunteering, we have a special section on the website sf bike. Org volunteer you can sign up for both events. We have given away 855 bicycles, 376 last year. We are growing each and every year. I hope to top that 376 this year. We frequently do events in bayview. The spaces are for people to come and work on their own bikes or learn skills and give them access to something that they may not have had access to. For me this is a fun way to get outside and be active. Most of the time the kids will be in the house. This is a fun way to do something. You get fresh air and you dont just stay in the house all day. It is a good way to exercise. The Bicycle Coalition has a Bicycle Program for every community in San Francisco. It is connecting the young, older community. It is a wonderful outlet for the community to come together to have some good clean fun. It has opened to many doors to the young people that will usually might not have a bicycle. I have seen them and they are thankful and i am thankful for thankful and i am thankful for i am iris long. We are a Family Business that started in San Francisco chinatown by my parents who started the business in the mid 1980s. Today we follow the same footsteps of my parents. We source the teas by the harvest season and style of crafting and the specific variety. We specialize in premium tea. Today i still visit many of the farms we work with multigenerational farms that produce premium teas with its own natural flavors. It is very much like grapes for wine. What we do is more specialized, but it is more natural. Growing up in San Francisco i used to come and help my parents after school whether in middle school or high school and throughout college. I went to San Francisco state university. I did stay home and i helped my parents work throughout the summers to learn what it is that makes our community so special. After graduating i worked for an Investment Bank in hong kong for a few years before returning when my dad said he was retiring. He passed away a few years ago. After taking over the business we made this a little more accessible for visitors as well as residents of San Francisco to visit. Many of our teas were traditionally labeled only in chinese for the older generation. Today of our tea drinkkers are quite young. It is easy to look on the website to view all of our products and fun to come in and look at the different varieties. They are able to explore what we source, premium teas from the providence and the delicious flavors. San francisco is a beautiful city to me as well as many of the residents and businesses here in chinatown. It is great for tourists to visit apsee how our community thrived through the years. This retail location is open daily. We have minimal hours because of our small team during covid. We do welcome visitors to come in and browse through our products. Also, visit us online. We have minimal hours. It is nice to set up viewings of these products here. Tonights forum will give you an opportunity to learn and to be better informed before you vote. The questions for forum were submitted by San Francisco residents. Many of you are in this room as well as community organizations. On your mark, get set [laughter] we will start off with 75 second Opening Statements in alphabetical order. Beginning with brook. I want to welcome the candidates and thank you for participating in this forum. Please, introduce yourself. Tell us which neighborhood you live in and why you are running for San Francisco

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