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On is lower end of wage aribnb careers they need to do everything to help their names our staff assist and reached a tentative agreement we have to go and do the ratification everybody abroad were happy to see the managers of the buildings and the labor unions and the membership avert a strike and thats in a way why were here today because awhile weve diverted a strike and something for the janitors the ultimate reason were here is about labor peace it mroo project is what i think our brilliant Department Head harlan kelly said this is the expression of a pipeline a pipeline that the labor unions know about when they form unions this was the feeder into all the great jobs we have and people working really hard to make those labor union pipelines for directly beneficial i have educators people in education with the city college or Public Education you have people unrunning for officer in the school board i hope youll have people on the school board trying to tell our kids heres his or her how to be successful and build careers work in the Education System and make those connections with our nonprofits communitybased organizations theyre doing a lot of training getting ready for the jobs the pipeline that our workforce confirmations Development Workforce hopes to work with our labor organizations and enforcement people are making sure that everyone knows those are our pipelines pipelines is more than pipes it is the extra and how to get both that infrastructure if you know me i think the trades know me as the infrastructure man, im all g about infrastructure selling it to residents through bonds weve been successful with the General Hospital or the water system were able to do or the Emergency Water system were in the middle of completing we want to make sure this water system infrastructure works for everyone not just the system and not just the handling of the water and the cleans water by the wastewater as well and mr. Kelly reminded me take a drink and said thank you for drinking the watering no, no its clean water but clean enough for all of us to be respect of we want the water that everybody is drinking in the city whether the living in our Public Housing or living in the highest unaffordable unit in the city they have to have clean water and the warriors eastern will have water and itself lucky museum every infrastructure in our city will be touched with this infrastructure were building a 7 billion investment 7 billion clapping. of rate payers and residents and communities particularly the bayview will all be proud because what we are talking about today is a project Labor Agreement that isnt just about our unions it is with our unions creating the Apprenticeship Program and now because of special leadership that people have over the years working with us on local hiring the preapprenticeship communitybased organizations getting people ready for jobs who were not ready if you took them off their jobs now wouldnt succeed a apprenticeship and the Union Hiring Hall and the agreements we reach this is the pipeline that were talking about that will reach our residents or rate payers for all the jobs and what makes our city successful with our bond and ratepayer programs what the infrastructure programs were not just talking about bridges and revise but Water Systems that the rest of the country are talking about we are doing it and doing it the right way thank you to everyone in the entire spectrum of this building of pipeline from our trade Union Leaders to their activation working with the brvrtsdz, to our workforce ready folks to the people that are in the communitybased organizations saying we have hope for you if you learn those skills while your young those skills will help you get into good fatiguing jobs that are whether carpenters or all the disciplines, transitioned all the other disciplines that help us focus on the infrastructure of our city so on a role no labor and peace pa p is what it takes and several billions of of construction with the airport and the revising our terminal and the port working on the piers and get publicprivate partnerships that will again respect our labor pipelines to make sure we are fitting in the local residents we are and already not even the major contracts that coming up apprentice hours on the water system 77 percent San Francisco residents how about that. clapping. and just didnt happen by itself it takes dedication of everybody in this yard working together collaboratively together making sure were not working in silos but making sure we talk and think about not only the labor peace both who it is were trying to get jobs for and be a part of this Labor Movement im very proud of the city very special time to the be the mayor of the San Francisco sure challenges and Housing Affordability and homelessness need for more Affordable Housing are all there to tackle we can never make any significant really improvements in all those areas without labor working with us, without our collaboration with community this is all works together really well, were building a pipeline and the other thing i want to say is this this program particularly are harry lanes leadership is a direct contribution to reducing violence in our communities direct contribution clapping. wet have our kids really touched and involved themselves in the hopefully jobs in the skill setsdz in the preApprenticeship Programs and getting them out of the isolated things we know contribute to less than peaceful resolution of peoples problems i know i see offstreet parking here thank you youve been a big champion as a former supervisor of this district and know full well, we have the conversations how to make sure those pipelines are created but all the Community Activists that have been here for years were fulfilling old promises not creating new ones that water system when we were doing it and the creation of pipeline is a promise weve always said to be there were now making it work for the right folks thanks to everybody that is here and dedicating their time in doing this and making sure were doing the right thing a keep the collaboration going it will be to everybodys benefit that our unions have a lot good Talent Resources that will feed into their pipeline that will feed into the major, Major Projects in the city and ill keep on doing any work building more Affordable Housing and getting people off the streets, keeping the city economically strong to have good partners in private sectors and a Public Sector to keep the jobs going congratulations vince for your leadership. Thank you everybody for being here clapping. thank you, mayor ed lee for helping you guess in the Career Pathway and shout out to the Northern California carpenters for being here clapping. thanking you for helping me understand the finer points and commissioner Shamann Walton thank you for all your hard work. And it is a special treat after school maxwell thank you for being here and all you do appreciate it. Our next speaker a mentor of anything like that helping me understand more about the ropes and expand any scope understand how it is we can add value not only to 9 Community Workforce but to san franciscans in general im proud to stand with them im proud to have an opportunity to learn from him he sees the good orchestra that the water system improvement and obviously clean power and now with the general manager launching this great Sewer System Improvement Program harlan kelly clapping. thank you vince the amazing Vince Courtney thank you very much laughter got to give each others names i know thats how that works first of all, i want to thank the mayor for those of you who dont know the mayor and i go back when he was the director of public works and we knew we had to make sure that the Community Participant in the building of that when i came to the puc those were the traits i carried forward and coming to the puc i came to run or construct the waters System Improvement Program a 4. 6 billion program i know that has an engineer 70 percent of the cost is new construction i knew i had to make sure that we had harmony out in the fold and make sure we have quality contractor and employ people in the community so we reached out to the building trade and the unions and got the deal of 4. 6 billion and the System Program is a model of how successful programs could be rolled out and what is really amazing about the mroo is that in times hiring local people they stepped up we had a lot of specialized projects and how to get the Community People to participate we went to the union they came up with a Training Program with people in the community to participate in the training and worked with the contractor to put them on projects thats the model in the community i want to applaud the union for coming abroad clapping. and not only that theyre working to help Small Businesses get on board and role them of course, like them to be union but it is a great opportunity also want to thank my staff where is tommy . Tommy the one that has the 7 billion im sure he got chance lying around and so tommy has the money and karen is spending it and where is ma suicidal making sure our Union Community and contractors are 2, 3, 4 alignment and todd wheres todd theres todd hes a big part of getting this together so heres a great opportunity and great to see folks who ive been working with i remember offstreet parking we went to florida and i played i got the mike shamann he wants to know when the program is rolling out i like being a member of the community i cant get any hair cut or play basketball when are you going to do this im proud today, were signing the project Labor Agreement i know this is how we embrace the community and have them participate in building this awesome facility we plan to build thank you, everybody for coming today and look forward to signing the contract clapping. can i get Robert Harrison and megan please come up to the front. clapping. so ill tell you ive learned a lot from a lot of the people in this room right now but learned pro bono more from the workers we represent i know that john you know what its all about and charley and anthony the union labors guys know you in fact on the work and forgot to focus on the people we do a good job in focusing on the needs of folks all over the place proud of the work weve done and harlan ann and the mayor to make sure we connect folks to those Career Pathway and connection them to sold careers again in the just jobs but solid careers in the industry and would San Francisco for tomorrow mayor ed lee deserves credit for being the workforce hero and not forget what the workforce can teach us so, please robert. clapping. first of all, how is everybody do thank the mayor first and foremost for the programs what am i speaking about oh. First of all, i have im a resident of San Francisco i have been for 35 years and i have been trying to find a way to get ahead you know with the jobs i was landing im saying not enough inform support my family and not enough to do anything ive been hearing about w c, d, and city build i took it upon myself to get into the program you know and to see in any could you know obtain some work i went through y c, d, and did a 12 week program at the w cd and the service i objected at w cd was enough to get into the construction field and further i want to you know thank 4ru67 and Western Water for giving me the opportunity to show any skills pretty much and im approval of the draft minutes right now you know what im saying my whole thing was like going through the program so, so other guys like in any community could you know one day theyre saying like they never get the opportunity to get a job or to get a better job so as people start seeing me going introduce the class they saw how serious that changed a lot of things like hanging out and hanging with the you know guys i used to hang with and have to say w cd gave me the steps you know what im saying the real you know what im saying the strength to know that i could you know go through these with the certifies with the certifies i objected and saying that to say i have been like a kind of like a role model like a lot of people that see me and like knowing how i used to be and used to do and like go through city build and w cd also and saying that to say man, im drifting. Okay but my overall thing is that the program is working you know i mean because of myself you know i dont know about a lot of people i got a lot of people that friends that went through the program not just me and seeing what i went through i gave them and pushed them through the same thing i went through like for instance, i got a nephew that also went through city build and got you know a couple of nieces theyve seen any check saying laughter clapping. they seen one of my checks and saying wow. laughter like how did you get all of that on one check you know so i was explaining through them in the course i went through as far as like city build i mean w cd that was my whole thing to say to walk them through steps they can you know what im saying get what i have and basically got two niece it is trying to follow any lead and nephew that is working also you know and what else do i say laughter clapping. so i know that ramon and shall shamann knows this is what success looks like thank you very much brother. clapping. hello my name is megan im super excited i live in bayview on top of the hill and cant tell you hoechlts the sewer has backward on any street and; right . So im here because im an african engineer and got to be an operating engineer thank you. clapping. and is i got through through city build and this was a great experience and my friend didnt make it past orientation helped me get in it is crazy shes not in i am but happy to be in and happy to be here and anyone that wants to join should give the operators what else lets see well thats it i guess thank you all for coming i had more clapping. short and sweet. Thank you sister for being here. clapping. so i saw martin brand earlier hi marty for joining us martin understand really, really well, how difficult sometimes to represent multiple interests we do it all the time in marketing martin showed me an awful lot of of ropes what is a skilled trade the collective bargaining trade our next speaker is one of the highlevel skilled new yorkers a lot like kevin hughs with the ibw is level of sophistication and Strategic Thinking you know there are a lot of competing interests and have to your your sighed of the table to Barbara Garcia like the bargaining with our own folks you have to ratify and bargaining with the other side of the table one of the things organized labor in San Francisco was very, very lucky to have that extremely well is my brother and the secretary treasurer of the San Francisco Building Council mike. clapping. there just about the right height oath of the the folks in labor i will actually reiterate one guy behind closed doors ma sew and he had manning that is hiding back there the two behind the scenes guys as much as vince says i maybe a skilled bargainer nonetheless thats not possible without a willing participant on the other side that are willing to arithmetic the difficult details of an agreement such as we came to early on for the water System Program and to the estimation to the sewer System Program i want to tell you that sewer systems get a bad wrap but behind us there no great city and there are none of the long time highrises thank you, mayor ed lee were happy to billed and without what is behind us none of the charming and comfortable neighborhoods that whos residents defend them vigorously and without what is behind us that ferry time of ideas the cost of bring people together does not and cant occur it is an essential item in San Francisco the sewer system it is recommended behind us well upgrade and when i was young this plant had been established and it was a new thing and doing what it could but not what it should and it was a dirtier thing and the ocean was dirtier and when the system were about to put in place it will be better the ocean and the bay well have cleaner water and better finish for the folks to catch and better water to bath and swim and we will have a wonderful environment for the cyber bay area and country clapping. but the theme for this event has been the entry for a apprenticeship when i broke in i was as iron worker they came from this part of town as the first job were here on this plant those were tough jobs and stuck with them and at the time all guys theyre retired which means they had good careers and these careers began here thats what we intended to do with the mroo extension were proud of a great job with the puc and with the communitybased organizations around the bay area and with city build a after school maxwell helped done a great job from bringing people from privileged areas including here those folks are launched on these keys and include other projects and other far beyond the city and far beyond the region and be proud to talk about those later and proud to talk about how they worked on the sewer system of San Francisco its a great job and great career and an essential piece that makes San Francisco the great city it is thank you. clapping. back down a couple of inches. laughter . So, please join me in giving a a round of applause mayor ed lee and harlan kelly and the Community Workers and at this time, id like to invite the mayor and harlan kelly up to the table to execute this special agreement tuesday, august 16, 2016, meeting of San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency board of directors and Parking Authority Commission Call roll. Yes. Director brinkman director borden director heinecke director hsu. Director nolan director ramos and director rubke. Thank you we have quorum. Item 3 electronic devices. Any person responsible for disruption may be asked to leave the room. Cell phones set on vibrate can cause interference with the microphones, we respectfully ask they be turned off. Item 4 approval of the minutes of the july 19th regular meeting. And the. And is july 21st special joint meeting. Okay motion to approve pursue any further discussion . The is have it. Thank you very much. Item 5 communications. Please note we have asked members of the public to ask that certain items are severed from the agenda item 10. 2 and 4, 10. 5 a there c and 10. 6. Thank you. Item 6 introduction of new or Unfinished Business by Board Members. I felt remiss a at the last meeting a geary bart and in our Newport Beach we neglected to mention how much work has been done on that corridor in terms of red transit and the lower superintendent gerrero transit priority signals and what improvements on that for running time i didnt want to leave it is a of with the expression were not aware of the work in our enthusiasm to discuss the work yet to come and bring that up i take that line back and forth and this morning coming from carrie had 38 rs within a minute ever each other. Seeing none. Item 6 drorts report. Director reiskin. There is an overflow room. If you dont have a seat make your way to the light court. And well call four or five names at that time, and during the agenda too big items this afternoon scheduled for 2 and 12 oclock to move general Public Comment to the end of the meeting. Director reiskin members of the public and staff start off by recognizing a couple of folks normally were recognizing your own employees today, the first person we want to recognize is actually anyone that is not technically an employee but treated her as such mary from the deputy City Attorney from the deputy City Attorney office is retiring and want to recognize her shes worked as if an employee and partner of ours worked directly with kate on taxi issues so kate is going to provide the recognition but first i want to see if jessie smith wants to come forward and say a few words one the chief deputies for the City Attorneys office deference good afternoon ms. Smith. Thats the line item. Not a line item. On now. Thank you, again i want to take too much 7, 8, 9 i know with a busy agenda a bittersweet moment to say good job to mary and very much appreciate it is rare one the or of the Unsung Heroes is recognized by the clients were preservative of your action and well all missions miriams council and calm steady thoughtful and creative approach to legal issues and again, i thank you for giving us the opportunity to recognize her as well. Thank you, ms. Smith. Good afternoon. Hi kate director of the Taxi Services and especially happy to be honoring Miriam Morley and miriam can i call you up to say nice things about you we have a long list get comfortable. Start with some of the details and into the personally miriam a dedicate and valued members of the City Attorneys office for 28 years and recommended numerous clients in the extensive criteria and the rent board and the Police Commission and rec and park the investing and the Mayors Office on disability over the years developed expertise of law including the americans with disabilities act where they lead the implementation and Training Programs citywide she spear headed legal advice n judah the initial agreement with two on the city and the zoo society the creation of Golden Gate Park Concourse Authority and the development of the sanctuary city ordinance, and for the past 8 years on the mta team and advising the mta a intern General Council shes couldnt the agency through integrate issues that may familiar recommended to taxis and city tow contracts and others too newcomers to mention an interval part of Taxi Services i talked to miriam daily and provides council on many issues in the taxi world and help to she said arrested the rules preceding and provided goons on guidance on the taxi and drug and Alcohol Program and all transportation codes amendments flow through miriam we keep her busy and obviously going to miss her shes so dedicated agreement sensitive issue miriam is 1r5ush8 over the weekends they called me on sunday for a hostile topic about to collapse think monday, i couldnt have been more thankful and the time she spent spoke volumes to me an Excellent Research and writing skills they acquired at the bottle in a two year clerkship that the Supreme Court rose bird and with the sounds like calm donor helped to guide the clients towards solution shes a suburb lawyer and implementing the effective Government Programs and shuns the spotlight for the author analysis a regular thinker and an extraordinary mentor and miriam never takes a shortcut if were talking about an issue that is complex miriam thinks through youll see relates aspects and weaves and cycles back to what we call weavering a basket not a shortcut but a basket that miriam we have the tonnage of our appreciation our basket filled with good wishes from the team for miriam for her retirement and best wishes from all of us and thank you clapping. ms. Moorely on behalf of the board of directors and the entire agency thank you for your outstanding work. Good afternoon director reiskin and members of the board i see you get a lot of the accommodation i didnt think of myself as such again thank you very much as jessie and state said ive been a City Attorney for 8 years its been glorious by many departments theres been numerous really interesting legal issues and many smart people to work with thats not more true than the last 8 years with the mta i appreciate working request director reiskin as you may know always wellinformed and is the most interesting legal issues concerns and his staff ive been just repeatedly impressed by their dedication to the public good and want you to know ive been combrelsz with our work as a board your prepared, you appreciate your staff hard work and showed genuine interest in what the members of the public say and a lot of difficult decisions on tough issues i seen how seriously you take this responsibility. It is really been a pleasure. Thank you very much. clapping. director reiskin. Very big shoes to fill were confidence that jessie and dennis will do their best to fill them but hard to incapacitate slut the roll well miss miriam and next john haley to come forward to recognize one of his folks that keeps the buses and trains moving everyday. Good afternoon ed and Board Members it might honor to introduce and recognize somebody who is very much in the forefront of the transformation that is taking place across the transit city we are literally introducing new infrastructure and vehicles everyday and somebody that has to help operationalize or make all the things work the way their supposed to today, were asking you to recognize mr. Ben hes served as the our cannery in the coal mine fulsome, if you will, number one when he was in the control center not only was the senior controller but in fact, the teacher he trained everyone in how to use effectively the thinking tries of the automatic train system like double bettering and how to do it so if the software didnt do what it was designed to do we turned to benefit what do we do and benefit made that work, and, secondly, hes now pioneering the concept of those to better manage the stiffer service and provided more stereotyping managerial level for the supervisors and the operators he left west portal and 55 market and working on the streets as a regular shift now overseeing major incidents taking corrective action and doing followup with all that and he will be one of the people that well look to tie all the technology to the Service Principles when the new radio system is in effect and to a full transformation and his my pleasure to introduce you to benefit. clapping. thank you and recognize the hard work. The microphones. Thank you thank you mr. Haley i could have told you. Thank you for recognizing the hard work that went into the agency its my pleasure to improve the system and more effective for the citizens of San Francisco and thank the senior staff mr. Brent jones, jeff and many of the senior staff for recognizing this hard work it is given me a great opportunity to work at tnc to learn the modes and finds the issues to try to correct the problems thank you. On behalf of the board of directors and the entire agency thank you. clapping. mr. Reiskin. Move on just want to highlight a few things one significant one on august 4th mayor ed lee issued an executive directive for vision zero and grateful to direct the city departments to step up our games with the principles of vision zero amongst the elements of the executive droifshg for the sfmta to deliver the improvements on 7 and 8 street for rec and park to work with us to deliver the safety improvements for the safety and traffic on jfk directive drive and the restrictions on the Golden Gate Park and continuing to automatic speed transportation at the state plentiful were working with others and were going to sacramento to keep the momentum up department for the 5 goals as the Quarterly Report and presentations to the commission for the mta to implement Vision Zero Campaign within the next thirty days with the widespread Public Knowledge well hear about that in the city fleet and also to make sure we are regularly reporting to the public prairie to this board as well as other venues like the Transportation Authority and the zero committee that is in line with what director brinkman asked well do that each month so just some highlights today first is that we have some radio adds on the air those are 15 second aids that people will hear about Pedestrian Safety and over and over again, we cant do that with the design and enforcement we need kind of citywide behavior challenges and raising the awareness for the behavior changes and those ads will run when the transfer reports are running when people are sitting in their car those were launched for back to school in the School Districts and side adds from the Research Driven comprehensive approach were taken not thirty something out but trying to understand who the audience is this the first in september with theist speeding campaign to keep the campaigns rolling every other month so we can get that awareness raised and understanding that each individual has an opportunity and responsibility to be part of the solution not just someone elses problem that each of us need to be personally involved to make the change and getting this upcoming we met the thirty day requirement so i want to ask john one of the people that reels spearheading the efforts on vision zero to play a clip well hear in english and spanish. speaking spanish. sports teams and tourist transmissions we are perfectly it vision zero sf to get to zero traffic deaths at the vision zero sf. Org. Thanks john the first of many folks well be hearing them they started this week; right . People will be hearing them as they drive around the city and hopefully start thinking of their responsibility when their behind the wheel or, however, a couple of vision zero speed radar designs in district 7 last month those i believe came to rec and park from an ad back if the board of supervisors in the last budget cycle those signs went in on alamany and panning ram and others those are generally an effective tool where other traffic calming tools are not appropriate for whatever reason we collected the speed data and continue on the valuation part of vision zero making sure the things were doing is effective glad to see those were requested by Community Members and supervisor yee. Is department of health launched safe streets for seniors and dpw made advertising on the high injury districts and grants to provide Traffic Safety education for seniors and people with disabilities as well as to citywide grants to focus on citywide traffic twoer citywide and 5 are neighborhood grants 58124 hundred an important part of population we want to reach sadly a disproportionate of the folks that are hurt and killed in traffic collisions then the last vision zero ill note it is on the calendar today, i think i heard it discussed 10. 4 the a gill bike and pedestrian project the cruise will complete the implementation next month for the vieblthd of people on bikes and separate bikes introduce Motor Vehicles and everyone who is a good project and it was Community Driven and supervisor mar was a big driver of this project and i bike up and down argyle it is a good thing for consideration a couple of muni updates on the things weve authorize one on the part saturday amended the changes to help the twoway used to be the south bound south and 10 go to battery and come back that put them in congestion with other cars to get them out of the way and not serving a ridership youll authorize the muni for recognize changes for the two ways for the 3 blocks that went into effect riding muni and people driving on battery a winwin there the other win because of all the changes that you have authorized on 5 fulsome over the years and they data back many years since 2009 and spending the Evening Service to transbay terminal and making mcallister a twoway then, of course, the limited service we stopped that became 5 r a couple of safeties improvements and a lot of things weve done and Traffic Signals under construction and a lot of ripen along the line as a result we firmly believe that are in part because of changes to help accommodate that ridership we have started running larger buses moving from the the 40 feet to the 60 foot trolley buses on the 5 r that started this week and good problems to have improved service more people want to ride so happy to see that go into place and did want to note for the public just a reminder that based on what you all approved and the board of supervisors approved in the twoyear budget the first increase in the fair buses for the two year period on september one effects the monthly passes the r m the bart plus muni those passes the monthly pays for kwvlth the seniors and people with disabilities adult lifeline and basically all the pass products will be incrementing up on september one and the single fair both passion and limited cards will remain the same going up on january 1st when the next round happens we have that had buses we understand the barts closures weve assisted with i had to get to the airport on saturday that is an experience getting on bart and the shuttle bus worked smoothly and working together with transit and muni and bart and continue to support those in the first two weekends i believe 5 more to come weve been using our parking control officers to help to manage the traffic and other moving around generally worked well likewise, the ousted side lands generally went well, we had more than 20 thousand people on muni particularly the 5 r and 5 and the 28 and 29 and, of course, the n judah we had extra service and implemented some changes based on lessons in previous years and generally events from a transportation stand point went very well and this coming weekends were getting ready for the mission on august 21st and last thing i want to mention the Second Annual muni art project which is a collaboration between sfmta and the San Francisco beauty to beautify the consumers by the showcasing the local artists on muni is currently now on the artwork will replace the voluntary space this is double than last year a great visibility for the local artists and great for folks you recall from last year, it makes a difference to see some of the artwork and 60 bay area artists submitted applications and 10 finalist with local gallery owners and institutions and sfmta and now public voting that is why i wanted to mention so the public voting to determine which 5 of the 10 finalists will have their work displayed and the online voting is up until august 29th up to the end of the month so we want to encourage folks go to sfmta. Org slashing muni arts and vote for the winners. Thank you director reiskin members of the board questions or comments and. I thought you may want to mention some thank you for that yesterday actuary and i along with director borden and the mayor and representatives from the Mayors Office and representatives from the new Office Department of homelessness in support of housing met with a dozen or office space so members of the Small Businesses citywide leaders if the Small Business community and had a frank confusion about the concerns the business communities generosity concerns, concerns about taxed, concerns about public process one of the issues their reinforcing the message of making sure that Small Business has a seats at the table as we as staff and the board are making policy decisions weve talked some, some of the outreach weve been doing such as when the Small Business commission and other forms getting representation on the board and cac from the Small Business communities and equipment to meeting regularly with Leadership Groups to continue and improve the conversation it was a good discussion i think there was acknowledgment of some of the at least after the meeting acknowledgment of some of the good things the Small Business communities is seeing in terms of engagement and really ill say a reinforced commitment to Work Together to make sure as we are vance in the interest the transportation doing it in a way that is communication can benefit the communities a constructive discussion and glad for the opportunities. Thank you would the public care to address the board any. None submitted a speaker card. The calendar. Item 8 the Advisory Board no report so, yes well skip 9 and go the 10 consent calendar, are considered to be routine and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items. A motion to approve the consent calendar for 10. 2 p and 10 point a there c. Second and. All in favor, say i. I. The is have it. 10. 2 b thank you director reiskin. Must be that submitted a speaker card calling names . Good afternoon thanks for moving me to the front of line theres a lot of people here im here to 1956 in favor the Traffic Control worked with the house and senate for the building in the immediate neighborhood the 8 car garage and recently created a perfect storm of Traffic Congestion issues and they include the leasing of buildings that have been vacate for a long time the economic approach that brought pedestrians and tourists and the compliment of the Mission Building closed from the jessie Street Garage and in turn puts the vehicles on jessie street at the intersection of jessie and the first of several positive changes over the course of time but particularly this change about improve the Pedestrian Safety by preventing vehicles into pedestrians that are crossing according to the survey of 8 hundred and 50 an hour at this intersection on behalf of the Public Health department and easing the Traffic Congestion we encourage this. Anyone else car to address. A motion. All in favor, say i. I. The is have it. Thank you okay 10. 4. The first person that submitted a cards was kathy followed by calling names and calling names . Kathy da luck. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Corrections director reiskin im the policy and Program Manager for walk sf and first, i wanted to on behalf of the walk sf thank supervisor mar foyer championing this project and working closely to make sure this phased protects the pedestrians and looking forward on the future repaving part of the project that has the concrete part and make sure the project goes far enough for robust and Pedestrian Safety today, im here to speak in support of numerous Community Members about the intersection of fulsome and argyle specifically if i can take a just a seconder overhead okay, here we go. So residents have talked about concerns when they cross argyle traffic 2, 3, 4 fulsome almost hits them on a regular basis near brushes with traffic turning left on arguello and residents will talk about that we urge the city to address those we know we have tool in the tool kit that protects the pedestrians a basic safety measure at the intersection to protect pedestrians go a step further by having a protected left signal and go a step further you can have left turn restrictions a lot of things the city can do to protect the pedestrians and staff modesty come up hear and say we cant do those things we know that is a matter of which trafrltz are prioritized it is okay to protect the pedestrians we urge you to urge staff to take concrete steps if i cant say percent im in trouble. Lisa. Thank you other Board Members as kathy noticed im here on behalf of the 9 residents and building on arguello neighborhoods and got r lived there many years routing ive experienced or also observed several near misses where the east bay fulsome traffic turning left think syndrome arguello was careening across the sidewalks and had a shopping bag in my hand graze by cars not entering the crosswalk until the light no way to protect myself and month basic measures it is incumbent upon the city to do this in the context as well as the wellness and safety projects and other ways to address as a serious condition i have 9 letters from the 9 of us im submitting ill submitting some slides i made that demonstrate 5 basic scenarios and many sub scenarios within those to create the most dangerous incidents so we dont feel it is an xaerpgs to call this you are not in closing were hoping for a signal listed x and the lp a light for a dedicated left turn to the traffic by theres a mist e Mission District this is not solvable by the sfmta and reading the literature this is solvable there are options available thank you, thank you. Next speaker steve good afternoon mr. Farrell. Pardon me. Good afternoon. Im steve a Civil Engineer my kids are 6 generations from the panhandle neighborhood we attend Nutrition School into previously and in the future roosevelt on arguello i take my kids to school to Roosevelt School and so on im here 2, 3, 4 so forth of improvements youve done at the geary and arguello with tbulb oe benchmark to check every time i pass arresting guerilla trucks doubled user double parked a 11 going to reality street it is drawings and wait for the ambulances someone will get nailed out there please keep an eye on and a Bigger Picture creating a childrens Transportation System by making the bike lanes like ma song with the future of arresting guerilla think of the beautiful bike lanes to turning a dump street into a san martin street and for children to be independent to so when a middle school for seven hundred and 70 kids and 7 staff and 10 bikes in the bike rack you guys not doing our job but a potential for a lot more bikes in the bike rake and thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names. good afternoon. Hi good afternoon to the board and i am a resident of district one and a neighbor to arguello im speaking an, an individual but the arresting umbrella safety a bikes person and a multi modal person and first of all, heather was killed in Golden Gate Park two months ago it was reenthused the bikes infrastructure specific near the park on arguello boulevard tourists unfamiliar with the streets and with the carelessness that drivers use on arguello so i will say first, we need to you know make this arguello safety project happen for vision zero. Lets see second for climatic change we search warrant climatic change goals to reach in the city safer streets and better transportation you know that all supports our Climate Change goals and individuals and as collective body another point id like to make im not sure it part of this plan are the ubers and lyfts that park or double park to pick up and drop off passengers i see this around arguello and block traffic and park in the bike lanes and lastly to make arguello more beautiful will slow down the traffic if that area and making the walking distance between Golden Gate Park and the city that will make arguello street a designation thank you. Charles. Next speaker good afternoon, sir. Im charles a campaign corridor on the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition and a riders of these arrest umbrella boulevard im here to speak of the short time and the longterm this is a highlevel of pedestrian and bicycle use between the businesses and traveling between presidio and dwlrp sglrp the man corner arguello is a designation point for people seeking nature an important step towards the long term step for safety in arguello with green bike lanes and flashing crosswalk beacons this received thirty letters of support and hearing the commissioner pating walking tours and membership and several merchant isnt neighborhood. It is clear the Community Wants the we applaud our friends at the sfmta for the schedule for 2017 with the preliminary changes and look forward to the final vision that makes the corridor safer for everyone thank you and have a good day next speaker, please. Thats the last person that turned in a speaker card. Supervisor mars office here good afternoon thanks for coming by. Speaking on behalf of supervisor mar. Thank you for reviewing the project before you it says something about the office work working closely we understand arguello not a key designation but something for the interresponding community is it so great seeing the project including a number of communities and walk throughs with residents something that walk throughs is the need to look more closely at the intersection of arresting grand larceny guerilla and fulsome for safer intersection for everyone crossing we feel as fulsome as an aerial and in need avenue second look while the office is in support of proposed improvements wed like the board to direct staff to look at closely with the integral at the intersection recorded data collision is one important metric but one limit to the puzzle and got experiences of the residents a number who submitted letters of support into the Decision Making process theyll live with the streets that are designed for them the lp i will under the visibility of pedestrians and much needs with the treatments that are currently before you such as pretending the left turns into the park and creating double yellow lines will create a safer environment not just for drivers but pedestrians we urge to indirect staff to improve the project as is. Anyone else seeing none, director. Ill be happy to make a motion to approve i want to thank everyone. Second. Second. I want to thank everyone that came to speak i want to agree that the intersection of arresting guerilla and fulsome needs additional attention it is a barrier to get into Golden Gate Park for anyone trying to take advantage of the park feel theyre putting their lives in danger but have the staffer look at this. I agree and thats one of the things okay. So we have further all in favor, say i. I. The is have it. Thank you very much. 10. 5 a through c. Okay ronald calling names . Hello good afternoon. Im the president of the cal supermarket and the Second Generation owner and Third Generation were lessor about the bus stop it is since weve been there since 1952 i dont think ive seen any accident maybe two small ones the movement from spruce to move the bus stop up will create a lot of unsafe walking habits when the customers coming across the street and everything i think the right turn lane is a very busy through fair to go downtown and by moving the bus stop up youll take away 50 percent of the cars around the Lower Village theyll have to turn and swing into to go around the bus into the second lane up think that is disastrous and not able to see the pedestrians crossing over the main concern is even though that has been there over 60 years and everyone loves it as an institution i hated to see some of my customers get run over i dont think to move it you say the project in 2023 for the whole block anyway, thank you for hearing me my hearing aids not too good thats why i speak like this. Next speaker, please. calling names . Overhead please. Good afternoon good afternoon. Im kathy from the Laurel Heights improvement we urge you not to approve those the existing bus stops were insulated out of the way of cars exiting the Shopping Center the stops shouldnt be move to spruce and laurel the do you believe will be moved to the 8 meter Parking Spaces will be removed and paved those offering those spaces are important their in front of the the Laurel Village and the mta needs them the drawings shows a car flipping into the left turn to get around a bus stop at the do you believe i believe this is infeasible d putting the do you believe to the right will 3e78d the Shopping Center the boub will be the same well loss Parking Spaces that are important for the vinyl the entire california street moved not considered until 2023 corresponding is a a staff email attached to my letter im submitting for the record and some copies so those two stops shouldnt be boubz alone and potentially save a couple of seconds if at the decide to boub the rest of the corridor along cool streets why exempt the Shopping Center at the first meeting thirty residents 0 objected to the boub and not mentioned after the next meeting we submitted a letter from 20 merchants against the boubz the program eir didnt talk about the conditions and there should be a traffic study to talk about the impediment the mta states the boubz through the traffic by 14 percent not the iconic to do within a Shopping Center thank you very much. Next speaker, please. calling names im and resilient of the laurel height and the improvement soefshgs the bulb outs will remove the Parking Spaces their valuable spaces 90 percent of the village merchants as i understand letters against the bulb outs which were sent to the mta obviously not take into consideration the mtas rep told me at a meeting the reason theyre putting in the bulb outs theyll save ten seconds on the route and called a 3 ringed circus the cars coming out of Parking Spaces and cars waiting to get into a fair and reasonable will block the bus to move forward and not take into consideration ann as you see on the priority red lines east into california but no take into consideration the cars turning eaton california thats another line of traffic and i hope this will not take place it will cause be a mess really thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Herbert wiener followed by howard. Herbert wiener mta more tact a ways the head now you do not understand the explicit planning the project that is a dense area the bus stops are widely spaced it is a long walking distance between bus stops and parking space is heavy why are you eliminating parking space along the street their creating a problem apparently mta thinks if you cant solve a problem make it worse or become part of the problem i strongly object i shop frequently in the area youre making things worse for everybody if youll widened the street the sidewalk how will 3 benefit people will that allow bicyclists to ride which is illegal who does this benefit i dont know so all i can say the model of mta we break it you hold it and ride it. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Howard. Anyone else. Good afternoon directors howard i want to speak in favor of far side muni knows how they work and give you a chance to work signal free with muni to save a few seconds you say many, many seconds and adds up to seconds and millions of and get more people to ride muni no long have to be greatly concerned some concerned with moving cars i mean even the cool street no longer says traffic is something we care about we want to move people along the streets and the buses are the best way they have a parking lot in the back of that Shopping Center and parking all around people what walk a little bit i hope youll keep whenever you get a chance i spoke up with the staff to the far side at pdr and you stand there get on the bus whoops the light changes and this way the light is held and the people get on the bus and the buses save loads of time. Anyone else care to address the agency. No other cards. Speaking on 10 point a through c . Please. My name is jerry he represent two of the Property Owners at the Laurel Village and want to say that in light of the major developments that are going to occur around Laurel Village specifically the example s sf and the condos at the school of pharmacy and the california Medicine Center across the Street Medical Center has over 4 hundred and the usf has over 6 hundred units maybe theyll be circulated down and frightened over the parking is situation now the parking lot we try to monitor the people who park there dont belong there in the near future parking will be to sways so were very against losing those Parking Spaces and i said it is up to 10 and 10 two many thank you. Anyone wish to comment on item number good afternoon. Patricia owens as an individual person on this issue the 4 hundred units are high ended units they are going to have cars and you just might as well cars to be there this is a low to moderate housing high income and they drive a block i want you to be well aware when the gentleman said it will cause big problems in the area i dont understand just are chang it until we see the repercussions of what is happening i think you are premature until the massive buildings are being built thank you. Anyone else care to address the board. You spoke on this. I want to make a correction. No. You cant lets close. I was going to go ahead and make a motion to approve based on a couple of thoughts. Second. I feel like you know were constantly faced with the challenge of making sure our transit stays comprehensive competitive for people up and down the corridor and as someone who is familiar with this corridor i had brufrn the other day with ed and see the challenges of the transit along that corridor with having to pull over at american peoples angle and louis time and disagreeing transit riders but not pulling up alongside a bus boub this is going to be worse and worse as traffic gets more and more traffic and more and more development the buses and the transit gets slower as we get more and more development along the corridor especially the new units coming online if parking is a problem i think weve been able to demonstrate with better managed parking we can insure there is parking for folks when we actually prices parking at the rate it is demand for which it is demanded i know a particular center is surrounded by parking and for people saying it is a tensecond benefit you multiply that for every person on the bus that turns into a whole lot of time not just for the one bus but hearsay of buses that translates to costs saving and safety it translates to ultimately a better flow we make transit more competitive and attractive and 83 30i7 can leave their cars and Parking Spaces for people that need to drive ill continue to support 24 item i think it is worthwhile endeavor the bus obstacles are invaluable for people getting on and off the bus to step down on a sidewalk makes a huge difference as we get older and stepping off that highstep into the street is challenging id like to move we adapt it. Is there a second. Thank you and i think thank you first and foremost the members of the Community Talking about their challenges i plan to vote for this and not create any false exceptions at the same time i hear the concerns coming from the Business Community this is not you know a business corridor like west portal subway serving but a business corridor i expect relies a grateful on people that are driving to the Business Districts removing 10 Parking Spaces is a threat to business a threat to the ability of those customers to come to the business corridor to me what im hearing a rather concerted statement from the Business Community in that district that statement theyre worried about some limitation on parking low effect their business to follow up on what director ramos said i wouldnt mind hearing from staff or a recommitment to see how this is impacting Customer Relations for the businesses and things we can do with Parking Management to help them for example, lots of side streets with unmerited parking there e r right there if you put on more metered parking to create i dont know. I dont have the answers were hearing from the Business Community a pretty fair concern about an ear they bought their business with the parking x and owe it to the communities to follow up and see how this plays out and use other means for Parking Management to help them more metered spaces into unmetered spaces to create that is something ill be open to and especially once that goes in to solve that but not pass this and then cut off the communication with this valuable business district. Maintain a dialogue with them and see if theres an impact and if so come back and quickly manage parking in 3 area so a flow and so people can get to the businesses the way they should. Ill support that my only concern to watch that intersection there is a lot of traffic with the bulb outs with the flow of the traffic as people are crossing over california street and making turns if we can monitor that so make sure were not creating new conflicts there i think this is really important. Also in general well talk about as we can do a better job get faxed data from the Controllers Office to look at how businesses are doing in corridors and start pulling that date to have a better sense if there are impacts and kind of the mitigations are if there are. Yeah. I think that director heinecke stated my position in what he said this is a tough one 10 spaces is not a big amount i usually go for the parking lot in the back you said we have to focus on using Parking Management to respond to the Business Community and ways to make that thank you that has been all in favor, say i. I. The is have it. Thank you okay one more item on consent before the 2 oclock item. Madeline followed by calling names have submitted speaker cards on this item. Madeline boyd. Good afternoon. Good board of directors item of thank you all for keeping this running smoothly im here in the Mission District speaking in support of commuter shuttle and thank you for the new ones i know your possibly removing some in the past removing outlined stops before the new stops in best caused huge disruptions for myself and future colleagues im in favor of more stops as a rider of Public Transit in general and in the city i found the greater number of the commuter stops the less disruption to traffic and the less disruption of traffic and also like to add that i oppose the hub model as it stands an hour to and a half a hub model will push that up to 2 hours one way and that will be disruptive to the quality of life and like to speak on behalf of some of my friends and colleagues that lost their stops in the parking space and have a 20 foot walk thats on top of a drive down the 101 so thank you for your time. Thank you next speaker, please. Michael calling names james wilson the last person. Good afternoon im michael a residence of San Francisco in the russian hill neighborhood. Thank you for the licensed program for years id like to say thank you for the stops on lombard and turkey i ride one of the buses and seen a lot of consistency at the golf and bush and the buses get lost in the traffic and things that happen so echoing the previous speaker i think that it will help with unblocking muni and so i know that is often a common complaint for the shuttles so the the better off the program will fair with the opposition the last thing id like to talk about is completely different a turn around for the buses because of the restrictions any bus it stops and lombard and piers goes to the presidio to go back setting the city as circling i think a turn around increases the traffic especially in the busy afternoon commutes so, anyway we can quickly get back to this will be additional thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Next speaker. Patricia calling names . Parish boyd first of all, the merchants were never shown exactly when you were doing this plan is going against vision zero because if you have one and 44 feet of buses coming from the east to the west even if you take out a parking place you cant say see because of the narrowness of the street it is not going to work number one, your not taking into consideration how the accidents are happening at scott and divisadero and broderick and running the lights and taking a left while the people are in the admitted felt intersection and hitting them there not here number two other places to have the hub to pick up at scott and not have a lot of buses where they can pickup them up at scott and number 3 the loss of parking 4 out of 5 of our restaurant near the corner but it didnt address vision zero is just will not do it going both ways and taking the Parking Spaces carry place disturbs me in the morning people get up between 8 and 10 morning but the vision not going to work and we were not ever they mentioned this was coming but didnt present it to the public this is piecemealing the project by the way, they didnt present it to the public we had a meeting with some of your people saying whats the problem has been no outreach i want this to be put on the table to solve the problem but once again it is good evening railroaded through an this facility thank you. Next speaker, please. James wilson the last person to submit a speaker card on this item. Good afternoon mr. Wilson. My name is james wells fargo son lived in the Mission District and ride the shuttles to work and effected by the closure of stocks a great hole in the middle of the mission if 24th street from the castro and the west to bryant street no shuttles available in particular i think that the mta restate the the church line it is walkable from castro to the mission and i think that stop were made available or other stops will make that easier for people to get to work id like to speak in opposition to hub mold model this will make the commute for myself less amenable and save and poem driving adds congressmen to the city streets in San Francisco and outside the city this will not be productive. Anyone wish to comment on item number. Good afternoon. Good afternoon mary alyssa. speaking spanish. an an individual person that recently drove to marin and experienced a one hour waits we had others people in the car but telling you ive got questions to ask you a few questions one is how flow is slow enough for you an hour on lombard to get to Golden Gate Park is awful darn slow do you want to be us to be going 2 mileperhour and how much more emissions do you on the cars are putting into the air as driving slower and slower and circling and waiting i mean, i dont know where you think this is a green and clean process that youre dealing with here what youre doing adding more emissions into the air and creating frustration on everyones part and not doesnt make sense youre out to kill all the merchants i can give you within information 56 percent of income is out of castro area youre getting ready to add more confusion to the castro i dont know what you expect to do but killing all the businesses. Next speaker, please. Doug the last person. Good afternoon. Good afternoon Board Members doug with Teamsters Joint Council 7 i just want to give an update on what is happening with the teamsters and bowers and Intelligent Transportation which is not much of an update actually we were asked as you may know to give the company an additional thirty days to achieve labor harmony under the commuter Shutter Program mysteriously well have zero consumptions during the thirty days and hard to imagine how to find labor harmony if theyre not talking to us in the meantime to we have strike sanctions we decided not to take any action around the outland festival and notified rec and park about the future labor actions around bowers including the day breakers theyve lost salesforce as a client and goat kicked out of standford university. And love to find a settlement with the company but hard to see when necessary ask for more time and doesnt call us they must be playing games with us and with the mta in respect to the labor harmony policy you adopted. Any Public Comment . I met with you and speaking under general Public Comment. At the end. Do you know. Well, he we have one at 2 and 3 before 4 oclock. No one else cares to address the board. Second. Any further discussion . All in favor, say i. I. I do want to thank staff for their work we specifically asked them to look at the intersection of golf and irving and thank you for looking at Church Street and make sure we acknowledge that. I to thank. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Emphasize well go to the set item at the 2 oclock the boards certifies. Authorizing the director to develop a project that provides clarity for parking meter and increasing the delores busy limiting where and when metering can appear with the people to return for the proposal to the transportation code. Good afternoon mr. White. Good afternoon directors john concoction white a planner with the sfmta were here at the end of long process started almost two years ago with a Community Meeting with concerns about the effects of parking on some of the mravrpts guerrero have been a long time practice in the neighborhoods and raise concerns amongst the neighborhoods through the years they direction of director we launched a committee of 9 members four residents, 2 Business Owners and 3 faith organizations to come together on what was to be a 7 month turned into a 9 month processes and met 7 times to develop to try to find a nexus position how to address the parking needs and parking space concerns of the delores park area so we had a ninth Person Committee one of the business members dropped out halfway through the process and the committee developed their own criteria and submitted 19 potential solutions to staff that we as staff went and evaluated and present to the Committee Last fall that documented in the package once we had gone through the evaluation we development a survey that was depth as a single input one with many voices in the communities and 37 hundreds responses throughout San Francisco and 17 hundred from residence in the area in analyzing the data 74 percent of people in the areas lived there not necessarily identified theyll support the mediums and the less than 50 percent will oppose findings a way for the parking to continue they felt that is open and whatever what the rules were in february after two meetings trying to come to a consensus in december the committee with 7 members presents voted 4 to 3 on a recommendation to remove the parking under the rules 5 votes to make a Committee Recommendation were required and therefore consensus was not find at that time, we returned to the decoration with the action and asked the committee to reconvene in order to have a consensus but some members of the committee felt that was not necessary and refused so that brings us to today, were here with what youll call a highlevel request we want to honor the process that we went through but wasnt able to come to a final conclude not with the proposed plan not to ask you to legislate anything at this time but give you compute and see if you are in a aircraft with our proposal to find a way to clarify the rules related to the parking on delores there was one temple there was throughout the process that was some of the safety issues related to parking near the interconnection as well as places on the corridors in which people park perpendicular that blocks the access and the committee was anonymous that needed to disappear and the Fire Department raised the concerns during the process were here asking for your concurrent moving forward with the process that allows us to say have a 12 month pilot to see what hours we can paradox and equally providing clarity we heard that enforcement because no hours posts it is unclear people will be cited, etc. That is for the pilot will include improvements if we get that concurrence tonight or today hopefully not tonight well come back with a pilot as you can imagine with any that requires the legislative and Public Comment. calling names . Good afternoon director nolan and good afternoon and members im jim senior nature san franciscan born and raised in the Mission District and lived in San Francisco million entire life passed a half century mark not been a parishioner 200 and 40 years outlined ive not been around that long but the first building and the outlined i did building im a proud parishioner and raised my family and attended mass there ever sundays since first grade and asking you all to take into consideration the impact your disconnections will make and into the future relative especially for the vulnerable in the different congregations that make up that there are seniors and disability folks members of the parish will will be greatly impacted if we dont get the parking its been around inform a half a centuries remember that as a childs never realizing that it was not actually authorized but i ask you to take into consideration the great impact your decision will make i hope we come to a very amenable and architectural solutions. Thank you all volunteers for serving i know that some of you are diligent about the care for the citizens thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Next speaker. Is stephen. Thank you thank you for the opportunity ill address delores street im stefanone lived off of delores for 24 years the medium parking has been interest since weve been with the popularity of the delores park and is businesses that moved into the area and we all know about the lack of enforcement by wholesome is appropriate to do that delores park church and Mission Delores have parking lots it is that they dont they judge dont utility them you can go there ever sundays and see numerous empty spaces not used and quite frankly i dont know understand why were including in the whole discussion the park goes and the park has been done because of churches not because of businesses and not because of park goers restrict the parking realistic that may start out well, we know what will happen in the long run the office of the city administrator only place in a shortterm well be back to the same outlined thing a lack of enforcements been that way for years and years and years the reality i dont see that changes you people will change the Police Officer will change and the meters people and go back to the other if this is supposed to be a transit first city than we should act like it we have the 22 bus and 23 bus and bart so many accessibility be that Public Transit there is no reason to allow Public Parking and the churches have lots theyre not using i asking am asking this body to enforce the law and stop agreeing last week delores street is a parking lots. Next speaker, please. calling names immigration im chris trainee under a daily city a county politician for the city of daily city im here to support the parking without creating a barricade im a face goer of corner stone for 3 nature years i was informed of this parking initial im not familiar with transit or anything going on i did read the 97 page report without reiterating the fact to i found it through the pages of 3788 proposals or the 19 items you know proposals that 83 percent of our worshipers in that survey that was provided were in support of maintaining those mediums we as a church definitely do not block intersections we do not block the mediums we have volunteers who wear bright vests hear for three or four hours you know and escaping is well even taken care of we volunteer our time to take care of that that was the survey i do have a call to the question as to why the committee didnt reconvene and unfortunately, it was left to your board to debiscuit moving i think that i thank you every single for your time and just asking for your support today. Thank you next speaker, please. calling names. good afternoon. Hi good afternoon directors and thank you director i wear a few hats but here as a private citizen we came my family and i from chicago and San Francisco has been a wonderful home for us open arms to us and as a person the first one we sought a church that inspires love for the community i came from did apartment to find this place and wife and i want to be involved in the community and volunteer and have your children grew up in the communities itself last week some of the attendees, of course, dont serve the community as part of this Church Family which was founded by better and better an mta bus driver in the 60s it supports communities supervisors youll find the people that attend this Church Volunteer they food bank in the city impact a broad part of this extension here i think the important part nevertheless of worshipping our ability to engage and assess the church itself 2014 director reiskin we walked district 4 for the transportation bond were a typical san franciscan but those who couldnt assess the church except by cars their elderly and i volunteer as a parking person and as the previous speaker noted our goal to make sure that things are taken care of were not interfering this is an complicated issue we love our neighbors and want to serve our community we ask you take into consideration thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names good afternoon mr. Kim. Good afternoon director reiskin im one of the pastors at the corner stony was on the committee that john convened 18 months ago i must say that john and his team have been an amazing job for a challenging issue a lot of strong feelings on both sides but just as it referred to the email he sent you and the gentleman mentioned the coalition of 40 goes up we participated in good faith knowing and trying to hope that there is a way that we can accommodate as many requirements as possible and i do want to stress that again, the exist of the coalition that is requesting immediate parking i think it truly amazing and it others overall value i cant say is my church is the most involved in the city but plenty of churches on this coalition have served the homeless and free dental clinics and something as anyone dan as parking youll hear from some of the on the members potentially shut down so we believe john and the staff recommendation although not perfect for your needs a good compromise and lastly i request that we we dont to Church Together and try to be responsible in the community and have volunteers out there and saw we are following the sfmta guidelines which is to be responsive and identifiable volunteers and coned off areas and helped maintaining some of the medium that has happened we enjoy the meeting and greeting as much as everybody our church has done as many greeting as much as anyone so lastly we i believe we submitted those to you collected over 15 hundred signatures from the communities and shows strong support for again, this need we have and i would say that the systic fibrosis stooifkz thank you look at what happens ill argue the signatures is a strong proponent of our request for support for the medium parking thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . Hello my name is reeds porter i live on delores street and owe recognize the need for improvements for parking in our neighborhood obviously with the enumeration popularity of restaurant right now things are San Francisco bald im hoping youll consider the polite program to refine the park sidewalks and presented i would like to add that you know the effects of our local churches are not limited to a few center cars on delores street on sundays weve served the community and our church we are a Holding Place and post matters of and a medical equipment reuse program, we have historical reached out to as hospice care and the list is on and on this is one congregations many congregation i think i will just submit that our communities needs our father based organizations and they need your city support and think what we see is a very large return on a small investment thank you for your time. Thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. calling names. good afternoon tom nolan and respected members of the board and director reiskin thank you for the opportunity to come and speak with you im michael im the executive director of the San Francisco interfaith counsel and the Human Rights Commission we council the 8 hundred congregations in the city and county of San Francisco as well as the people that are are hearted here but have a regional scope our faithbased Service Agencies that provide the social net for the san franciscans here in the city and county of San Francisco my purpose to assure you and to commend john concoction whites for the important work in this process throughout the process to make sure i observed this offhand that the process was credible and it was serving your ability to make an informed decision i can speak on behalf of everyone i cant but the father organizations came with the spirit of cooperatirdination ang Good Neighbors as youve heard provide Many Services not the least that is educating young people especially at Mission Delores with all their institutions having education aspect to it theyre here to nurture the community but take the spirit into the Pilot Project and ask you give every consideration for their request. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names good afternoon. Good afternoon, board my name is dwa staff i work here and a residents i live on church and 15th i ask you to strongly consider support of Pilot Project program on to delores street that is something that i was also on the committee to look at this whole project and we want to come together and want everyone in the community to utilize the an end to the means parking we want it on for everyone and thats how we feel we wanted to propose it, it is not only limited to the churches and Work Together with sfmta and anyone else to enforce the parking rules and regulations on delores street and making that save it is more congested on sunday but it is satisfactory because people are for the there through delores streets i mean ive been almost hits on 15 many times it is looking into it we strongly urge you to consider supporting the Pilot Program thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names good afternoon. Good afternoon nominees a andrew i happen tobacco the Museum Director at old Mission Delores my ancestry is tied any ancestors were bafdz in 1794 so folks i think my ancestors greeted our ancestors my ancestors built the place laughter understanding that for many, many years my ancestors hooked their horses to the horse stalls that were in the center of the street and now we park our cars on occasion there but i think as Museum Director i want to mention is that the street is named delores this is a parking project study for delores street the hearts of neighborhood is the Mission Delores at Mission Delores we received three hundred thousand visitors a year tourists who are both national and International Visitors our School Children study them and receive thirty thousand fourth grades on their mission Mission Delores is a central portion of the study we as a parish and mission encourage the study to continue and allow you to vote in favor of the proposal in front of you at this time so we can continue to do this parking as need be there are times when events happen in the schools parking lot that do you recognize and a as parish parking on weekends that take up the lot and our option to park on the street come to the 43 even though of the foundation of our mission stricture thank you. calling names. good afternoon rabbi. Thank you. Im ted a rabbi at the congregation in 197 that 3 gay men needed a place to pray and find community to San Francisco was nor friendly than a lot of people the synagogues city included members by their first name it was save and weve become the home and San Diego City Council for lgbt jews from around the world were unique in the bay area and not an understatement of fact indeed it is a statement of pride there is no other place within three hundred miles that is able to offer the same welcoming to the Lgbtq Community of jews and we are we celebrate our difference gender and embrace not only other jews but those of faith and no faith on 16 and delores a former mortuary write we refurnished we bring an affirmation of life to our communities and created a set free elevator access to buildings and proudly share our pace with the minute nights and open our doors and businesses looking for meeting spaces and there are times we need more parking and valuable on the curb and times where Public Transportation cant adequately serve our community and our members many of whom have moved out for financial reasons and not able to use Public Transportation went to gather with the community and their family we hope we therefore fully support of the if not report pushed by the sfmta and a responsible way to move forward and ask you to adapt it without reservation. Next speaker, please. calling names. good afternoon. Good afternoon. Thank you for letting us speak my name is alice im treasurer of the congregation our congregation call it a Jewish Church provides Community Connection for people in a very transient city our members and visitors take Public Transportation and carpool i myself to bart and jay and took bart to the meeting but as the rabbi said there are times when the members and visitors need to take their car and were asked the members to instruct the members when they attend the services if they pack their car in the medium only park for services and move that after the services making sure that no one is take advantage we understand that some of the neighbors dont want any parking i ask for flexibility awhile maintaining safety i ask for the flexibility for the members to be part of the community and maintain that connection so i have it you, please support your staffs recommendation very much thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . Good afternoon, sir. Thank you members of the board im michael mooirns are part of congregation and proud to serve on the board of directors briefly im very much aligned what the comments of rabbi rider and any board colleague about our support for the Pilot Project that the sfmta staff is bringing before you today i would like to add that im a long time officer of Park Association and have observed and participated in many often contentious neighborhood discussions about traffic and parking and seen that goals of different stakeholders and residents, businesses and vifrtsz can meet to good compromise and balanced solutions the sfmta staff proposal for the Pilot Project is the right step to improve the delores streets medium parking conditions thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names ladies and gentlemen, of the board thank for listening im theth of the congregation and ill keep any remarks brief puncture of our manipulating lives in the area of Mission Delores street corridor i personally live in glen eagle park and many of the members live in noah valley and because of our history we have many members that left the city and live in the east bay and marin and live on the peninsula we consciously choose our location 20 years ago because of accessibility of Public Transportation and many of the members come using Public Transportation with the church the bart to mission and 16th street but particularly the members elderly and the members with disability and members of small children parking is essential and the reality is if this pilot didnt go forward we will lose members and have people not able to come to pray with us and be part of our community so i urge you to accept the recognition from the staff for this Pilot Program and want to see is that our Community Deeply understands this is a privilege and not a right and that were here to maintain the enforcement of the regulations that are proposed and to be responsible citizens to insure this is something that is successful and meets the needs of neighborhood thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names good afternoon pastor williams. Good afternoon chairman and Board Members and wasnt paeveng but anyways im a veteran of 20 years and this is one of the issues i we fought for our Constitutional Rights to speak against or for issues right before coming here i was watching the news and saw some cushions and fellows slain because of their faith and i thank god this is not the case in San Francisco i support everything this was said about how we support of mission i support it and hope that will be favorable with you thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Pastors andrew calling names . Good afternoon pastor. Thank you for your patience im pastor and we celebrated our 50 years in the same location on guerrero from all the years utilizing the privilege of double parking on the street on sunday. And we have members that they comes from move out from the city and they still coming from sacramento from livermore and coming because their faithful supporting the ministry but another thing id like to say because we have visitors there are people from germany they look at the website and look for a church and come and they were surprised i came out but they didnt know we can utilizes parking in the street and they asked me boy there is the first time only i said San Francisco only San Francisco and i appreciate for the privilege that utilizing that parking for us to park on the street to hold our service and he is this often in my heart 50 years in the same location that we celebrated 50 years and a mayor that said you know wrote a real nice letter and feinstein and pelosi appreciate the same location for 50 years thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . Good afternoon thank you very much this remarkable thing youve done in providing parking for the churches in the Mission District many years this is not an xaerpgs for saying that the city of San Francisco grew up around Mission Delores rather than the other way around on one street i encourage you to go an indication Mission Delores was live founded in 17765 days about the dags and a reasonable thick thing for the medium parking to support the people that want to go to the other churches to worship ive been a consumer off medium parking and drove to the Corner Stone Church because it the wonderful i can i have to tell you it is really has been a tremendous benefit to me to be able to park in the medium and also been my experience to note it is very well organized and managed there is a strong Factoring Team that watches over the process and so i think it is wonderful youve done done and want to support reconsidering the rules to make sure that is safe and not fwlok the author fairs i thank you once again and have to run ill get a parking ticket ticket laughter . Thanks calling names and good afternoon. President nolan and members of the board thank you for thank you for your time my name is eileen im a resident of San Francisco i moved from washington, d. C. To San Francisco in november ive been involved in Mission Delores ever since area here to support allowing the medium parking for a few reasons major reasons one is didnt obstruct traffic ive been there many times on sunday morning and not seen issues with traffic whatsoever and two for unlimited number of times only on sundays and the weekends and i think that is basically worse the amount of you know opposition the number of oppositions versus the fact it is just for a limited period of time number 3 the mission the church has been extremely supportive of the Actual Community and have been generous and helps a lot with the community so i think that is it will be harmful if we can stop people from coming to the church and not allow the church to continue its Service Within the communities and number 4 i heard today a suggestion that that basically suggested that people take Public Transportation to come to the church were talking about i believe 6 hundred members of the church i currently dont have kids but can imagine myself putting my kids in cart or their stuff together on sunday morning and getting myself to the bus or muni with everything i need and getting to the church by 10 00 a. M. So thats why im in support of this thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . Good afternoon and hi, im william thank you electronically and commissioners and director reiskin i service with the agency with weight wellness city and here in the city for the office of the Small Business commission buses born and raised isnt mission as many people suggested those institutions prior to the United States existing i was part of the Advisory Panel that commodity all stakeholders and very excited to be in San Francisco and seeing the city progress being an inclusionary body i thank john knox. I my mom had a heart attack as a Small Business owner in the Mission District those institutions are anchors through the gentrification their constituency has been general it is my duty out and draw on a weekends basis a large pool of consumers that consume products to the businesses in the Mission Holding on by a thread i just want to give that perspective i dont see them as institutions but anchors that were in the mission prior for the mission trendy you see people speaking in opposition looking me, im the other voice i like to be equitable and process and like that all stakeholders with being held accountable and sclrgs and this process was inclusionary thank thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . Good afternoon. Hi Board Members im jake a residence on 21st street and a Board Members of the liability hill a a block champion in the planting of guerrero for your medium between 21st and 20 street and maintenance that medium at my own personal risk we actually recently replanted all the plants in the medium at our own expense the neighboring neighbors paid for them and when they get trampled on their expensive and believe me those plants are expensive as far as when i say i have have to do this at my own reflex the city didnt water the medium we go out there twice and week watering and i have to dodge traffic and not get run over and yet every weekend and sometimes during the week churches get to park for free and tommy dont i get it if we move forward i suggest we make the medium parking open to everyone and not favoring a religious group come on we cant pay for religious organizations right now that is technically if were all going to break the law lets break it for all of thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names my name is elizabeth i wanted to ask for more time as effective counsel of the Advisory Board this meeting that is being held i dont want to take this off any time its not fair. Rules are rules. No the rules are not the rules this was supposed to be heard two years ago and no other Community Member can be here i have a computerized chip i want to show images of can i do that. You can go ahead but not a lot of time. Can you stop the clock. Everyone gets two minutes. Thank you very much for the lack of communication okay. Youve been give from the churches churches a question of churches versus everyone the churches and the synagogue want special privileges theyve had illegally and everyone from John Knox White says this is illegal the recommendation that john knox said will be presented not present and the meeting on february 25th of this year was that there be no medium parking permitted on delores or guerrero a report as such as the recommendation of the committee by the two professional journalists and one hundred person of journalists in the examiner it was the recommendation of the committee it is not true that we abated by a rule that everyone has to and go that is discussed at the first meeting at subsequent meeting we discussed how to try to reach consensus but the recommendation of the committee and mr. Knox white that there or members of the bar permitted to practice agreed a recommendation of the committee transit first, the people like me that live in the neighborhoods were told this is a transit first the people that dont live in the neighborhood are supposed to park where the people in the neighborhood cant. Thank you thank you. Maam. The next speaker is howard ever youre out of order police radio your time is up. So the last couple of speakers talked about the Fourth Amendment it is pretty close to a First Amendment you cant do something for the churches make even if you did it for fridays and saturdays and sundays you scant is that we have a 34e6d to talk about of parking for disabled people we think if we find a parking space along the medium on disclose and not impediment traffic and fire engines and garage trucks we can park there one of the directors suggested that for california street there say you can pet meters my place if you want to do that and allow people to park put in meters it is dangerous park it red or disabled paint it blue dont have to mess around with the First Amendment i hope you do something good like make thatable for people to get around and carpool never use anything no transit can compete with free parking. Anyone else here to address the board not seeing any, director borden. Thank to everyone that spoke obviously an important issue and emissionly charged one that extends to everyone not just those who patron news religious institutions this hearing is not different concerns about the loss of parking that laurel vinyl and the one later talking about Mission Street talking about the houses of worship and people not staying in San Francisco for cost of living and others reasons that have their because of their hairstyle lift or are their Foster Restaurant or whatever they want to patron news to better balance the transit first is exactly what we want everyone to do coming further and further to the city to support part of their lives may not be able to assess transit for the time is distance and the time takes so long people dont choose to do so one of the things to reduce the time from point a to b and hopefully use transit and be able to patron news those businesses i used to live in the neighborhood i saw the you know parking along the medium for a long time delores street the street is probably half the people were park goers that were using the parking and true that corridor has changed with businesses the advantage of the parking not just for the religious part of worship but for the people there i think this pilot makes a lot of sense if we are actually collecting data and making informed decisions weve being doing this for years and cant forgot by the fact that these institutions were there along before transit first came into fruition and the behaviors and patterns around the social networks are a real thing figuring out how to do that better by having this pilot is the only way to move forward this is obviously not the only neighborhood in the city where the issue comes up there is the example of our responsibility to try to weigh all of the xooeft issues and interests in the city and i think about the way forward and having a pilot to collect data and make informed decisions and the path forward in this record regarding i think the truth those institutions as well as the other businesses provide are part of the fabric that makes San Francisco what that is and we tend to support that because people mentioned worship aa centers and also places where communities and things happen you know like i know there is schools that are housed around there so i think that we have to look at that way and understand the concerns of the people that are experiencing the difficulty of the Traffic Congestion because of parking i will say that cars drive slowly on delores street where people slide down the street the reason im supportive i think this is the best pathway to make informed decision. Thank you. I think this is it is a fascinating topic and anyone that knows f many if you brought this up a couple of years ago lets enforce it but on my time in the 6 years San Francisco is not good at doing things 100 percent out of the gate this Pilot Project will be a good first step i hope my fellow Board Members take this pilot a little bit faster and take advantage to ask for what we asked for twice as director borden pointed out the Parking Management and obviously not doing a good job of managing parking negative impact that grandchildren neighborhood im willing to support this along it evolves into a Parking Management study for the overall neighborhood i can absolutely see bodies and completely understand the neighbors who get fed up with the creepy think that is going on started small and creeping block by block and not safe as a the gentleman pointed out no transit can compete with free transit well not get enough free unmanaged parking citywide and not enough because free and unmanaged i think the flexibility that the face based community is zigzagging for is a great theme to takeaway and ask for that same flexibility back as we hopefully direct staff i think that feels like we give you impossible projects heres another one lets manage the parking so everyone get the chance to park for people that need to drive we know interest people that come into the churches and restaurants again need to move forward we cant turn a blind eye and not continue to creep up the block so ill go ahead and support this with that request this becomes a large Parking Management discussion. Anything. One the request for staff on this thank you for all the harry reid and Community Members that spoken on this it is contention ill curious about the members of the public were talking about in terms of blue to accommodate people are people with disabilities and folks that may not not assessing the transportation city theyre interested in ceasing the medium parking im wondering with medium parking looks like with people with disabilities and wondering if there is you know something we can do in this neighborhood to improve the accessibility for parking for folks that absolutely cant take transit. Thank you director rubke. As a part of our initial and the evaluation we did we reached out to a number of city departments and Mayors Office on disability was one of those to identify owe zones to add in the neighborhood as a part of any Pilot Program and looking to make a recommendation to legislate that in the conversation with the Mayors Office on disability they asked for a not only the low hanging fruit but places to pursue not future you know theres an acknowledgment the medium without paving it over will be virtually impossible to make assessable but in order to get the Mayors Office on disability well have to make a concerted effort to make sure we are accommodating people who needed the blue spaces throughout the area to offset in any parking issues. Thank you. Directors director ramos. Thank you director nolan nothing brings unity like parking laughter it is fascinating to see this unfold i appreciate everyone that puts thank you for your time and consideration and i have to commend mr. Knox white for his navigating us to the point and like the vice chair i too thought this was really a changing thing and didnt know how to face it when i came on the board i knew that was an issue to deal with skoovrnt but the more i thought about it recognizing that again as we see this city grow it is not unlike you all of us living in a small apartment and have kids and suddenly the studio or one bedroom apartment doesnt work we have to make the space and do better with the space you have what happened an over and over geography or accidental creation of overflow parking over is years it is feels like what happens as things gone on not a terrible reason not to do it and so we didnt enforce it because there are clearly and need for it and unfortunately for a lot of us especially that less likely likes to see this city change it is changing and more and more demands for space everyday and we have to if were going to stay functioning and accommodate people that Everyone Wants to come to San Francisco we had a better job of managing the space so this feels like the best attempt at the managing this space when i play this out n my head and see where it goes in a couple of years i dont see how it didnt expand and not just the limited times but it expands being so more hours and for more days as time goes on it is such a huge swath of spaces and streets are wide and as director borden said it is scarey to walk or drive along delores when not parking the traffic moves so faster through that so i think that ill be supportive of this but im going to i want to separate well be back here and a demand for more regulations in a year this parking is going to get eaten up quickly but whoever will need it and going to see there will be a need and demand for better managed parking we only have so much says that the city is not the same thing year ago we want it to be that way we have to accommodate folks and a transportation to demand management not only this space but every square inch of the city i applaud the staff for coming up and ill support it and looking forward 0 revisiting this but i suspect well be more transportation to demand management really suggest that the counsel and the interslar face council hire a cooperated and figure out how to get our demands met for the a lot of us couldnt afford to stay here weve been pushed out without a choice and want we demand on the services and institutions to keep a close knit fabric despite all the things happening we value our services and have to recognize were facing a Global Warming economy that is putting unprecedented demands to manage our capacity thank you all i applaud you all. Commissioner. I just wanted im glad the way you added director ramos that was speculation what happened in 12 months no speculation well be back here reconsidering this 12 months after the Pilot Project. The idea well be back sooner to have you legislate a project that lasts 12 months and mrepts of opportunities for discussion for Public Comment, and also to explore some of the additional related issues that the board has raised. Okay. So i am not it is to me procedurally what happened we hope for a consensus but this will not be a consensus because people want no parking and people that relied on the parking for years and you know have a vested interest in the property that is there dating back to the funding of nation weve heard i guess my issue is this im happy to have a Pilot Program come forward well regulate it and see the benefits of that and whether we go further with regulation or return to the current state i dont anticipate that happening but the question is about procure so you come back to us and have a more concrete plan is the group going to discuss this or wait to have it because im not saying this as kick the can down the road but it seems to me the Community Input is important and make sure that goes on when we get backs after a year to reevaluate having that ongoing and not starting over i think that delays and fruits the folks and not the most efficient way thats my procedural question staff will put together a program to use the community but not a draft proposal; is that correct. Correct. That Pilot Program, however, we adapt it goes in and my question what sort of Community Input will that be the same committee or a new Committee Going on in the year for the Pilot Project. Thank you a thats a good question when we proposed the project to the committee we wanted quarterly check ins and was develop the pilot to come back and a a blast to get the feedback from the community to make sure it is working and also to make sure that we are obviously going to come up with the Community Feedback along the way i dont have a specific answer we didnt provide that but certain make sense to rely on people already participated in this i think this is an interest and having a few more voices to participate. Yes. I agree with that and thank you for all your hard work on this project i will urge we let the whole Community Know that is a 12 month project and solicit the feedback that a year now we are implementing something permanent. Is there a motion by the board. To direct the Pilot Project. Move to approve. Second it i want to call the Parking Management aspect of this Pilot Project and get a Temperature Check if the all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The is have it. Well take a brief recess you. Back into session. Okay. The board will reconvene and deal with the items for 3 oclock. Approving the transit along the Rapid Transit corridor. Thank you mr. Bring out he will good morning. Good afternoon. Good afternoon director nolan and director reiskin im matt with the transit distribution and here with the Rapid Transit team with phil and thank you for your time and consideration today, were returning within an update on the project you approved in december of last year and discussed the project modifications on the legislative chaernd and start to make sure that everybody is on the same page and talk about the changes were recommending today the scene okay. Great. So as we discussed in december of last year Mission Street is a key route for moving san franciscans the 14 r and the 49 carry on average 65 thousand people a day a vast majority that low income and prior to the corridor were talking about corridors or are unlikely it is combined with heavy ripen on average during the week can i h day 60 percent during nonpeak hours excluding in the peak hours in addition Mission Street was the highest muni collision corridor in San Francisco this is primary before us of the existing lanes nearer on the width of the buses this is changes during the implementation of the changes but beyond muni one of the high injury corridors the number of streets that are contributing to a high portion of the high injury of the pedestrians in San Francisco the reality necessary commissioner adams a change to the roadway design to better in terms of how many people are using this corridor specifically the list is utilizing the Design Options for the corridors given the usage of the street that is heavy weighed in the muni ridership the design nufltd the ability to improve safety and muni reliability while at the same time, we need to balance the people that use the corridor merchant and others people that use the corridor including the bart riders displayed an exist look at the streets with had wlanz this is south bay on 20th street and this is one of the conditions this is the condition we no longer see in the street today, the project goals have two options to gather feedback and adjust on comments the designs unfortunately were constrained because of the width of the roadway ideally four lanes weirder and transit given the wifth the roadway not possible thats why the go option two lanes in each directions and two red lanes as well. With no forces right turns, however, requires the removal of parking for the corridor the second option shown below a rendering when the changes have been implemented that insulated 3 wider lanes and preserved the parking on mist and nearby streets the trade off the 6 right turns that county exist on the streets today so a major portion of what you legislated in december has been implement we start the communication in february and finished in april the term restrictions and others striking changes additional changes are still to come with changes to add pedestrian boubz and the photos that are taken concurring construction and after construction i want to thank all the sfmta shops that were involved in getting the work the sfmta and painted shop and the parking control officers, and the muni inspectors worked in tandem and coordination under budget and zone safety so what we see on this streets is resulted in pro tem results in terms of of safety and muni collisions have dropped dramatic prior to the corridor as i mentioned prior to the project that corresponding was the high section of streets with collisions related to muni 3 a week and since the project is less than one per week and this is primary due to the wider lanes and the operators more a fair condition to operates safely we are hearing from consumers about the improved experience both the revised travel time and to emphasize how important reliability to customers the average salesforce by riders is 10 minutes that is objective far grandchildren greater than were contributing this to the buses are showing up up more reliability and weighing less and theyre getting to their designations quick you may hear comments today regarding the outreach we heard quite a few of the comments ive talk about i want to briefly summarize what we the prior to the legislation and some of the activities we did notably held open houses people were invited to come and provide feedback and hosted a number of engagement opportunities with the communities and ridership the ridership in particular i mentioned in december youve heard is a difficult to get feedback from and show up to Community Meetings we wanted to reverse that trend and go to where the risers were we did adds pop up and bart station and activities on the bus. Before legislation immediately before implementation and after prelims we did a number of merchant walks with focuses when we did ism of them prior to legislation and focused on legislations and getting feedback how to manage the converse side parking and looking at all the different uses along the corridor in terms of parking and had the opportunity to adjust based on feedback and more outreach conducted was think prisoners from merchant ill talk about that in a minute as well so we also prior to legislation in interaccept ask a this is shows a vast majority getting to Mission Street to visit the institutions by walking or transit the survey indicated 12 percent of people invite the streets are driving so as you can imagine the outreach during this phase of the project generated ideas and comments and views we were able to incorporate them into the design but a lot of feedback that shaped the recommendation that came to you in december didnt even the economic importance of Mission Street to the whole neighborhood and the city i recognize that how people are getting to Mission Street there are people that need to do so we presented the plan if you dont have the parking it will be hard for people to drive to the corridor the current design you legislated balanced the muni rider and publishing those to maintain as itch parking as possible i want to shift to the feedback since implementation or since the start of mromgs we heard a lot of feedback that has been positive and negative but come from all sources email or online or in person and hundreds and hundreds of emails and other comments submitted to us ill summarize a few not a recommendation of everything but highlight a few now. First youve proefbl heard this is it is hard to drive on Mission Street weve heard from regional drivers there is confusion the restriction on Mission Street dont exist in other areas of the city and to the corridor of entire community especially the latino and understandable this is shocking to come to a corridor and see the restrictions were heave weve heard about the congestion in the corridor and done what we know that didnt require the prelims of changes as quickly as possible based on feedback weve received as you can see two photos on the bottom weve dramatically improved both the roadway and the timing atdz at shakespeares and implemented a number of signal changes to improve the flow and make sure that drivers and muni drivers can move in the corridor. In addition to that i think ability to drive on Mission Street weve heard assess to the stores and designations have caused problems for institutions and merchants specifically weve heard most prountdz the turn anothers cesar chavez and it created a wall that separating the two mission basically from other communities while still possibility to walk or drive a bus autos are required to turn right at the intersection we did evaluate the restriction at the intersection and north bay mission a single lane that will be far worse than before that means both drives and muni drivers have a less good experience than when they were in the project youve heard about park not enough packing supply on Mission Street we moved Parking Spaces and added some and consolidated but some removed and we have been monitoring the parking meter usage and has not changed since the project was implemented, however, we do feel that removing some the required right turns will improve the access and the ability to find park what a lot of drivers radio experiencing a parking spot at the cant say access it to improve the re conditions weve worked with the merchants to install green and yellow and white zones based on feedback to better utilize this spates and in the critical feedback weve heard overwhelm amount of positive feedback specifically two primary thing it is safer to walk on Mission Street and likely a variety of factors for the things to be done we think is effecting the feeling of the recreation of left turns that is common and dangerous collision patterns and implemented early walk signals at the every single corridor and pedestrians are out in front of cars their visible and that is likely to contribute to safety and lastly this is received mixed feedback fewer cars using Mission Street as a through street it creates a calmer nature on the corridor that is likelyaving a effect of traffic calming people are interpreting as being more safe and he comforting the muni weve received lots of expressions of appreciation for the corridor and we heard from occasional and frequent riders and some the acrossal riders choose muni over bart because of the prompt quickness now shift gears to talk about the project modifications you have before you today over the past of past few months worked with supervisor campos and others shareholders both understand what the needs are and the concerns are and also to develop ideas for how to address those concerns those are some of the activities ill briefly talk about what weve learned and the results as youre aware we are held a meeting in the june in the

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