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As a result some have taken action against platforms that have failed to meet the San Francisco law and those are within resolved weve heard informally if various platforms but not had in writing and look forward to hearing from them. Any other questions for mr. Barns . And if i might on the third amendment briefly the way the permit process right now the permit is looked at every two years not like a renewable the office of shortterm rentals building this is a minor process and. So right so were all clear and the members of the public are clear that is the intent of this legislation that those approximately no less than 17 hundred individual that have joined the last two years since the original law legalizing shortterm rentals activities passed its in 2014 those registered will urban design grandfathered for the duration and so there was concern that mr. Guy raised as to the way it was drafted which was to be 3w57b8d clear kw4 you renew our permit youll remain in the grandfathered class well make sure that amendment is made before the end of this meeting. Thank you, mr. Barns in San Francisco objection supervisor campos is at the behest of the supervisor president breed now a merry member of that panel a Voting Member of the Government Audit Oversight Committee why not open up for Public Comment i have a huge stack of speakers so why want 2 minutes ill start with mike and calling names . Morning supervisors thanks for having the hearing and supervisor campos and supervisor breed and supervisor peskin thank you very much for leading legislation im speaking mike casey speaking on behalf of the Labor Council they have anonymously comboeshsz that says something not often were all on the on the same page on every issue were all on the on the same page and because not only this is about jobs certainly our union suffers the loss of jobs we estimate 5 or 6 hundred a year thats not our main focus but the housing crisis and the airbnb unregulated as it is has contributed to many of the members forced out and unable to find housing here we welcome the notation that airbnb wants to come to the table we understand that airbnb is here we welcome the fact that airbnb wants to participate it is a little bit late we think we should find solutions unfortunately, it is difficult to understand how heartfelt 24 commitment they have an outstanding lawsuit well encourage us to sit down and talk we expect airbnb to show goodwill and good faith by what are you their lawsuit the judge indicated theyll rule in favor of the legislation or in favor of upholding the large project that is incumbent on airbnb to leveling the Playing Field we stand strong in favor of that legislation we think this is a balanced approach that people should be able to make money by representing out rooms were not opposed to that thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. Good morning Board Members im a registered home sharing and opposed to any changes that have been voted by the people of San Francisco in the prior election as a citizen id like to feel that my vote has been accounted and weve already voted on this this is why im here im all for regulations which that comes to enforcement the laws that are being voted on. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker. Good morning, supervisors. Im kevin the executive director of the Hotel Council our organization and board of directors fly support those amendments before you today we building r is a 60 day cap that show who is renting and not renting the united the 17 hundred people that legitimately are operating under the current registration we absolutely support the people and individual availability being able to do that we lived that is important to have those options for the visitors but we firmly believe that this these amendment will help with that confusion that is going on right now and help with the enforcement weve heard from mike casey our union member and we support the amendments before you today thank you for your support and encourage you to move forward thank you. Thank you and after this speaker calling names . Supervisor peskin and supervisor breed and supervisor Campos Calvin share better San Francisco of the coalition seeking solutions to the problems of shortterm rentals the last two years strongly supports the legislation including the amendments made today you know that is important we understand what problem were addressing and the best way to understand it to go back to california history and remember the don our party the don our party theory the theory that airbnb is adopting to address the retention of the middleincome from the history that don our party uaw was made up of 19 sent from the east and west to traveled to california to make their fortune they didnt make it to the absorbing nevada and gaged inform shortterm rentals in the don pass they eating each other can only blichl is a strategy of survival it is not elevated to a popping thats the problem were trying to address how to survive the middleincome without choosing winners and losers and cannibalizing the Housing Stock for the middleincome people in San Francisco this measure will do that thank you. Hello im Glenn A Castro resident and homeowner for the past seven years i started potting on airbnb a year ago because of a negative experience of alvarez to sprarnz strangers after laid off and to may i my mortgage if im only to share my home for 6 days of year i will be forced to sell my home i building we can Work Together on a compromise my feeling the hoefrm effected by the airbnb host is not fitting the inventory most people on airbnb will not be leasing out their places on a long term base because of families and friends that are currently staying in the unit and when the family and france are no longer allowed have to leave the city while those rooms are staying vacant this is the one way the residents make a little bit of money thank you. Jump in. Next speaker, please. Hi, my name is reaping a nature the San Francisco for 40 years to ask you to please rethink the shortterm rentals this legislation will devastate others i started using home sharing to support myself after the death of my father been a software contractor but in an ever changing field ive helped to create ways for my family to stay here and continue toe work in a city i love you applied for the Business Licenses and thought in doing so i did everything necessary when i found out there was additional steps for registering with the city i went and do that imagine my surprise because of my application the fair rules ive been 3w0id by will no longer be able to use a part of my home to allow visitors to support our local economy and 60 days a year is 5 days a month none can create enough income under those circumstances please ask ourselves how making that easier for private Interest Groups to encourage people to register it does the opposite and asks people not to register and 0 who does that registration help certain offices of our city and definitely not me as an example lets see. It feels to me that helps ousted corporations a lot more than individuals at the lease consider changing the cut off date like in february of 2017 i think that gives people more time to register. And for those who didnt hear the earlier comments if as i think youve aware you are amongst 17 hundred individuals that have gone to the effort of registering during the last two years with the home sharing became legal youre a grandfathered and in that date in the amendments he introduced will actually go all the way until tomorrow if you came in october 25th you should be again go ahead. Im kevin a host and my wife in the sunset district we are registered 272 first of all, thank you for grandfathered us until our grandfathers this is important we do in principle theres roof issues i have with that, i think in general like to remind us were in San Francisco and the values were expressed out in the hall earlier about unite and welcoming people to our city and the hospitality is the number one industry and technology in our city airbnb is kind of that the nexus of that i think that is important to remember not to escape goat airbnb or other classrooms home sharing i think as at the same time it is important to preserve the long term housing and so on but a lot of people come to the city that stay with us from parts of the world and state we have trumpet supporters and had interesting cycle and left with our values of the city and learned about the recycling and a lot of things you know laughter until they meet People Like Us with that experience and it is about the money it helps to pay the bills i am a i think my key message is appreciate the efforts youre making in the legislation and an important issue for all of us but that is important to remember were the tech capital of the world and the lets innovative around that and not limit home sharing i appreciate your listening and thank you very much. Thank you after him calling names . Good morning, supervisors my name is a period of time coming down the pike with the Democrat Club a registered host in district 3 i want to make a point that supervisors supervisor breed and supervisor campos made at the beginning of todays hearing the importance of preserving Housing Stock i go agree that is a worthwhile and urgent call; however, last may San Francisco Controllers Office of connective analysis issued a report i quote the percentage of available rental stock has remained relatively steady over the 2006 to 2013 a rapid increase in the rent since 2010 and the availability of Online Platforms for shortterm rental have not reduced this percentage so i think that in blaming the

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