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Orders of magnitude increase for people participating for relatively low cost and people participating who normally dont. I got a call on one of these and was able to do it during dinner and while doing homework. Last but not least in the short term and longer outreach we would engage in various strategy tooz reach out to communities of concern with multilingual and other and welcome input on how to do that. I guess that, if you want to add anything, otherwise that is all we have for today. I think that is it. Well take questions. Colleagues any questions for staff or comments on item 8 . Seeing none rsh move to Public Comment. Any Public Comment on item 8 . Please come forward, i see a few people. Good morning Peter Strauss boferd San Francisco transit rider jz part of the transportation Justice Coalition. We are herethis is a information item but here to strongly support this process of developing the transporitation expendsture plan. It is a continuation of the unmet needs identified or some identified as part of the 2030 process. We worked with sfr visor avalos and wiener and particularly with your Transportation Authority staff and thankful to tilly and maria for the time they have given us. This isnt the time to dwell on the nuts and bolts but would like to mention a few things. We very much support the Transportation Authority being the allocation agency for the expenditure plan. I understand this isnt something that is completely decided yet but it is embedded in what is at the board of supervisor jz feel this is pornt because of the continuity and expertise. We are in strong support of a element of the sales tax to support unmet Service Needs and in particular things identified as part of the transit exwuty strategy. Like the evening and night Service Needs. Things like providing additional metro capacity and service. All are many needsthality are not met and we do not center the ability to meet under our present structures. We support the vision zero processes inclusion and developing complete streets. We are also in support of looking at partial funding for affordability programs such as free muni for youth and seniors particularly because of the regressive nature the sales tax. Thank you and well continue to work with the staff and developing the transportation expenditure mpt thank you for your time. Thank you, next speaker. Hello commissioners. Jans lee and serve as a advocacy director [inaudible] our city is getting more and more expense v by the day and that lack of safe and affordable transportation aupsh option places a growing burden on low income working communities. It is important first step that you be board of supervisors have taken to develop a transportation expendsture plan that address the known Capital Needs and new initiatives since the 2030 planning efforts. We also know that of the original t 2030 task force we need to continue pursuing every revenue option beyond the go bond in [inaudible] plan to insure that the expenditure plan is properly vetted by the public and there are real ways to insure engagement and you chiming in how to make that work. We also look forward working with staff to get the word out and grothe number of people beyaunds the transportation Justice Coalition because we know transportation effects everyone, every san franciscan regardless of age, where you live or what modes you do and dont use to get around. The San Francisco Bike Coalition recognize there is a different cost not reflected here in the numbers which are the lives of someone injured or killed on the street. We want to make sure the final expenditure plan does everything it can to build out safe complete streets for the city and most vulnerable user which are those biking and walking. Thank you for your attention brought to the plan today and look forward working with you to meet the cities needs. Thank you, next speaker. Good morning commissioners. My name is jackie sax and im a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee for Transportation Authority. I worked on two transitsales tax packages already. The property sales tax passed in 1989 and prop k sales tax. Before you consider this sales tax package you got to remember in the few years we will have to goif you want to put this on the ballot in november for another sales tax package you have to remember in the few years even though prop k is 35 year package, in a few years we will have to go before the voters to have them extend prop k like we did with prop b when that was half way through the process. Also, regarding prop k, one of the projects in prop k you are all looking forward to the geary bus rapid transit, but there is nothis project is supposed to be rail ready and the 5 year ppp that i worked on for many years at intervals, the last one there was no money for a geary lightrail Transit System and the geary lightrail Transit System is the only project from prop b that was grandfathered into pop k that isnt getting funding and you should look into that before you look into anymore sales tax packages. Thank you. Thank you. Any Public Comment on item 8 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. This is information item. Item 9. Iletm 9, introduction to new items any introductions today . Seeing none, any Public Comment on item number 9 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Also a information item. Item 10. General Public Comment any general Public Comment . [inaudible] National Integrity and foreign relations. [inaudible] successful relationships for [inaudible] this is a principle of politics that governs the nation of [inaudible] leading a common effort of [inaudible] and success. National leaders bear the responsibility of maintaining a state of developmental progress [inaudible] National Leaders should drop [inaudible] and disagreement for being in unity to lead political platform to nourish [inaudible] a better understanding of true principles. [inaudible] can show bright wisdom for [inaudible] what you have a complete [inaudible] to the plan of policies in details for a set of [inaudible] thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Last february the Citizens Advisory Committee had information item regarding the other 9 to 5. We were given a multipage outline of what was going to be done for the people that were after 5 oclock at night or those people that worked at hotels and restaurants downtown. I have been involved in the working group since october of last year and i think that i told them at our last meeting that they should bring their final reportbring the progress to the Citizens Advisory Committee tomorrow this month so we know what is going on and i feel that before anything gets done, before they [inaudible] does anything they should come to the Citizens Advisory Committee first to see what we have to say especially the new members in district 3 and see how he feels about the 9 to 5 before you take action watt what so ever. As far as the geary bus rapid Transit System is concerned the money in prop k was priority 3 project and [inaudible] think about that before you try tothe fact they dont have money in the 5 year plan for geary lightrail, think about that before you do anything. Thank you. Any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item 11. Item 11, adjournment. We are adjourned. Thank you colleagues. [meeting adjourned] Everyone Welcome to San Francisco on behalf of the California Host Committee i welcome you to the clean energy in the great city of San Francisco im jim wonder man and have the honor of serving at the ceo and president of the Bay Area Council weve been honored to work with the department of energy to put together those events the Bay Area Council is a Business Association representing major businesses from the bay area and very, very proud of our work weve done over the recent years to address climatic change and proud and pleased youre here San Francisco Silicon Valley and california have made clean tech a corner of Economic Development and very, very proud of our results while california has the largest population in the largest economy of any state in our nation were also one of the most request Energy Efficient states compared to other states california ranks among the lottery in the nation both for per Capital Energy consumption and per capita spending it took a lot of work but california has shown you can embrace clean energy and cut Green House Gas emissions and at the same time grow our economy in fact, since 1990 california has cut its g h g Emissions Per Capita by 25 percent and at the same time increased other energy by 37 percent how do we do those things because of leadership we have incredible leaders two of whom youll hear from today so, now let me ask the mayor of San Francisco ed lee to come to the stage. Mayor ed lee is mayor of a global city hes a global mayor hes worked hard to make San Francisco one of the most of the welcoming alternate Cleanest Energy city in the United States of america were proud of his leadership and proud of our friendship with him ladies and gentlemen, the mayor of the city and county of San Francisco the honorable edwin lee. clapping. thank you, jim secretary and distinguished guests americas cup im 0 truly honored to be in the company of so many leaders around the world that share in the belief that action only climatic change is necessary and utter will this gathering that the First Step Towards the implementation of the historic all the time many of the nations room drafted in paris last year when i attended the gathering of mayors at the the have and have nots con on climatic change france eloquent expressed a true economic california approach must respond to the cry of the earth and of the poor st. Francis is the patriot saint we pride ourselves on a worldclass and great city deficits and qualify and sustainability and social justice are all San Francisco values those values drive our commitment to lead and act with resolve only climatic change in San Francisco weve reduced Green House Gas emissions 23 percent below the 1990 levels and were proud of this especially considering our population as grown by 15 percent and our economy has grown by 49 percent over the same time period and as we grow we are growing sustainability sustainable we are productive first hand that solutions u solution to climatic change is a benefit all people of all income levels and in all neighborhoods still as a look around the room and this about drought and Sea Level Rise and wildfires and conditions weve experienced in our own countrys the truth is the impacts of climatic change is have San Francisco real city, state, or National Boundary lines thats why we need to address the problem that is bigger us but were each be contributing to while citys take up only 2 percent of landmass wear responsible for 40 percent of land use and global emissions what happens in citys truly changes the world for the better and worse as contributor to global climatic change the responsibility to address the problem also rests on our shoulder which is work i want to talk about the role that cities should play when it comes to climatic change in the environment and San Francisco strategy to reduce our aggressive is represented by 3 simple numbers, zero, 50, and one hundred zero waste to our landfills 50 percent of trips by methods other than cars, 100 Percent Renewable Energy, let me briefly share with you awhile zero, 50 and 100 percent are important first zero waste the production transportation and disposal of our wastes comprise 42 percent of Green House Gas emissions in the United States recycling and compost mandatory in San Francisco help cut this down by creating jobs and conserving resources zero waste is among the quickest and more cost fiscal strategies for governments to implements thanks to our residents and Business Partners San Francisco is an 80 are percent waste diversion rate today next 50 percent transportation. In 201043 percent of san franciscans San Franciscos cash footprint came if transportation related emissions our country must move people out of cars and go mass transit and bikes and pedestrian trips in San Francisco were investing everyday in bike share and Pedestrian Network and our Public Transportation system and im pleased to report that San Francisco reached the 50 percent at the end of counsel table just a few months ago years ahead of our schedule our challenge is now to main and grow that number finally 100 Percent Renewable Energy just over half of our Green House Gas emissions come from energy use in our citys commercial and residential buildings the birth cash source we have first, we need to use less energy to power and heat our buildings and second we need to change the Energy Supply and source for Renewable Power how were we accomplishing this were leading by example we launched the city solar incentive that helped to install over 3 thousand three hundred solar installations and created green jobs along the way this program focus on empowering low income and the members to benefit for the citys growing economy has been especially successful we recently launched Renewable Energy program that offers San Francisco residents and businesses an electricity option cleaner then their existing energy and just as affordable San Francisco is not the only city taking action too there are over 2000 actions teacher to reduce the Building Energy demand by over 46 cities and countries who ministers are representatives here today for example, to achieve the goals by 2020 the city of vancouver is on the neighborhood e neighborhood Scale Development a neighborhood strategy focusing on hi density areas of that city to improve heating and cooling services for those buildings the city of cop hasten has the goal of the first cash neutral capital in the world by the year 2024 and begun transforming the district heating from cool and natural gas to sustainable bio mass 98 percent of cop happiness buildings are connected to the system when is one of the older of its kind the city of seoul in the represent of korea launched the project to reduce energy demands they offers low cost loans that cover 100 percent by increasing the krofrj from to 100 percent they saw an increase in loan if 4 million in 2012 to 20 million in 2014 and finally i would be remiss if i didnt recognition our own Nations Capital in about washington, d. C. They entered into a 20year power purpose agreement that supplies roughly thirty percent of d. C. Electricity for wind power the largest wind power of its kind and entered in by the American City and protected to save transpires that 45 million from over the next 20 years well, all of those examples illustrate judge industries are a crystal partner to advance Clean Energy Solutions cities and states should be the focal point and leverage for the clean ministers to advance goals and have actions thanks to the advance and the sciences and technology from the private sector partners the intersection between the decashtion of energy and the economies is closer but advancement still requires investment and thats why i want to thank our u. S. Secretary monohe is and the department of energy for in their continued leadership of providing grants to the City Attorneys Office San Francisco to scale up new Clean Energy Technology in closing sniff you may know the charter of the United Nations was actually signed into creation right here in San Francisco in 1945 and a gathering of 50 nations that excluded over 8 hundred delegates rep 80 percent of the are worlds population imagined was put to paper and action to make the world a more Peaceful Place for all citizens i believe that 9 climate agreement forgot in parking garage the work today is just as historic it will be recognized as a time when our Global Community united to create and healthier future for the planet and transforming our economies sustained so i commend our effort to tackles this challenge and honored to host you here in San Francisco thank you very much clapping. thank you, ed lee. Thank you, mayor it is wonderful your the amazing innovative things in San Francisco and as well as here what the cities around the world to foster clean energies next my honor to welcome tony early to the stage. Now were a very expensive region from our perspective tony is from detroit i can we have 3 governs in the room actually, i see govern gray davis hi. Good afternoon how are you but that a 5 govern in tony it turns out that tovn i didnt was recruited inform run for govern of the michigan by jennifer and he instead tony decided to take a much easier job and moved to california to run pg e now im sure that tony has his days did i make the right decision we never wonder an absolutely expensive leader of an Important Company please help me welcome the mr. Chairman and president Affordable Housing and ceo of the pg e tony early. clapping. jim told my secret jim thank you very much and thanks for mayor ed lee hosting this in his city the mayor is a great advocate of investment in infrastructure to move the city and state ahead i want to thank secretary for eyes and ears to hold this very important meeting here in San Francisco i want to start any remarks this afternoon by asking you to picture a scenario in a prosperous Western State the climate is b of a weird decades the unafternoon rainfall has product a drought and farmers are despite and everyone is prop i for a pacific rains unfortunately, they get their wish the heavens opened and failed to close from one state to the other and deserts are flooded 4 feet deep and washing away community in low lying regions the water reaches the tops of light poles and even the state capital is submerged on Inauguration Day the newly elected govern gets to the ceremony by row boat had the water resides thousand are dead and with an in every 8 homes ask ruined or carried out away that didnt sound evict a scrip for a bad hollywood movie all of that happened in california over the winter of the 18 61 and 62 thanks to a river storm it produced 43 days of rain in a row, in fact, every number associated with that event staggers the imagine not only a loss of life 200 thousand cattle and 29 percent of economy was destroyed and built i the gold rush was driven into bankruptcy the land in denounced sacramento was raised 15 feet and the governor added an extra story to the mansion just in case what is truly mindboggling 1 and 50 years later the lessons faded the supreme weather is not new weve seen education in california and around the world by climate says those episodes with increasing if density it and the rising Global Temperatures make them less predictable to unlike our predecessors in 18 61 we have the guest of understanding why this they come again. How much is at stake thanks to the agreement struck in paris to pg e power plan and the mo u weve taken steps to heed the warning of a century and a half ago i believe we can be successful over the next decades to create the solutions to stave off a Global Climate discharge in the government setting the right policies and individuals stepping up to do the right thing but even if im relevant that wont change at fact warm is unavoidable well have to contend with those the melting of the parlor ill say sheet in for your or San Francisco bay area more than 200 square miles are vulnerable to the Sea Level Rise with the more powerful id like to surges a storm lasting a few days can cost economics damages thats why at pg e our focus on sustainability so the need to adopt to the climatic change to make your systems for resilient were developing robust procedures and conducting a comprehensive assessment to vault storms and Sea Level Rise as we see heat waves pg e is among the utility that joined the partnering for climatic resilience to share best practices weve also commented 200 and 50,000 in stakeholders fund to protect and restore wetlands around San Francisco bay area and provide to join with other corporate members of the abusing council and voluntarily supporting that with Public Officials andville organizations were now and then a new program to granted money to publicprivate partnerships to share the instantaneously for Climate Resilience and specifically one Million Dollars to support local planning throughout our service area to help Community Better understand plan four and respond to Climate Change risks some stisz have sophisticated plans underway others are getting starred or face problems those grants we can learn from and with a focus on disadvantaged areas where the resources are lacking we see this as ass our commitment in support of communities we serve now for me that mission has then e taken on a personal resilience in the last 6 months i made two trips the first with governing california designation to the United Nations Climate Change and part of geography to ann art can i cack with a faith in our ability to work collectively to solve this problem and i cack from ann articulate how crucial we fulfill that promise sooner than later a Prominent Research has seen temperatures rise 12 degrees in his years of working and paris made clear the world is looking to california for some of those answers and gave me the privilege to tell our story that about that success while much remains to be done a Clean Energy Future is moving faster they than we thought possible we made progress at pentagon this year we expect to deliver 33 percent from qualified renewables and when you include our large ohio plant under california laws dont fit the definition more than 45 percent is cash free light years ahead of most other places within the next 15 years well be approaching 70 percent as we meet the target of 50 Percent Renewables and one key to the progress is bold target by the policymakers and the wisdom of utilities as partners a critical part of this is reaching barriers probation officer notify solutions the utilities have the unique ability to achieve and accelerate the use of low cash technologies and do so on the quick scale and demonstrated we can move Renewable Energy and drive down costs and keeping the grid reliable and customer bills down we can continue to do that if we Work Together with the right steps i think that 3 keys are crucial the first is continued investment in the grid the grid is the backbone of the economy and makes more than life possible the smallest grid it the backbone of a Clean Energy Economy with more distributed intelligence online privately owned solar and electrical vehicles and the like the grid is more acceptable we see the grid that services what the internet dont say platform a network that pulls the energy and integrate them to have more value for everyone the second key to the future adopting our empower right now the Market Forces are evolving faster the Regulatory Framework that largely is stuck in the year of thank god that stalls our progress for example, in the u. S. An ongoing debate in meter that is an attempt to put bandaids on a antiquated process we need to make a changes and indeed examples Regulatory Environment slows down not just limited to the energy spear for those of you who flew into San Francisco you might have noticed the span on the bay bridge the original part of that bridge is the part that is Still Standing and at the time that was built had the longtime suspected radios radio that is ahead of the grand jury designed is pencils and slide rules and built with more pleasantly labor than modern projects and took over 3 years to build the new span that is half as along with the Engineering Software and technologies and the crucial pieces are being reworked as we talk about the need for the infrastructure ill life you to decide where this fraction can meet the climatic change and the third key comes from the spirit and letter of Paris Agreement to keep the focus on recuse carbon rather than one particular mix of resources by doing that it gives the utilities and entrepreneurs the freedom to find the options and maximize innovation and provide consumers progress we know the issue of climatic change is no fixed address many of you come from far aways places with our history id like to offer a few points i hope you can take back to our home first, as a tackle the numerous challenges of clean energy and solving the low cash look to the utility sector as a solution this is an industry that is used to doing big things an industry that was designed to serve the Public Interest part off dna were good partners and the second as you look at those problems that need solving remember that we are more Energy Providers we can help with the resilience and clean transportation and we can help with Public Awareness and education utilities reach into every home additional business in your country we have relationship with millions in for the billions of customers and third look at the utilities in our areas as partners just as individual countrys cant eliminate cash neither can we our industry is hunger for partnerships you can help to facilitate and nurture well continue to make progress offender climatic change we have to take advantage the utilities and all of us to Work Together to accomplish things in a big way but to unleaf this well need the right policies the road to paris leads through this room and through all of you the decisions you make in the next few years shape the world for decades and essential to the ability of our countrys to deliver on the promises it is your engagement in overseeing issues that assure that future is right and the stories like the california meg flood remain in the history books where they belong thank you very much. clapping. thank you, very much. Tony, say with great confidence not a Business Leader utility leader or company that has shown greater commitment to clean energy and pg e we appreciate our leadership so, now we will have a Highlevel Panel decision a sustainable urban systems so let me ask the panelists first welcome the executive director of International Energy agency, mr. Lien norris leader of petroleum and john first deputy mayor of china, and Raphael Gonzales the ceo of the north america inc. Thank you for being you are here today enjoy the discussion. So ladies and gentlemen, i wish you, please enjoy the american lunch here while were going to do discuss a few important issues before going to the panel which is a very expressive panel as you can see i want to make a few remarks two racks one about the year 2015 and the second is a major report we are going to release in half an hour 2015 much has been perhaps the most incredible years in terms of the fight against climatic change not only because of paris ill talk about paris in a moment two other reasons why i believe 2015 could be a wonderful year for the fight against climatic change one 2015 ladies and gentlemen, zero two emissions did not increase like 2014 two years in a row we have seen zero emissions didnt increase even though global g dp increased more than 3 percent this has not been the case in the history we have seen only 3 times in the history when it didnt increase and all the 3 years is the financial crisis other than that for the first time two years in a right now 14 and 15 emissions remain the same good news now the year 2015 more than 90 percent of historical capacity the energy were renewable empowers and solar followed by other not the case 90 percent is impressive driven by china, u. S. , europe and india and all other countries this is the second excellent news for 2015 and third was, of course, the power agreement i see the years in paris and he can assure you that paris the beautiful paris became much more beautiful after december 2015 i can assure i have many french theyll definitely agree with me and in paris in addition to the historical agreement there are two other important elements that needs to be underlined number one our agreements were agreement attempts it was not only a top down target but a button up all the countries brought their targets their policies how their issues extremely important and second paris also brought new actresses into the picture in addition to governments we have now the businesses and act dam and others part of game and other actor is local governments the cities therefore the paris is not only the amendment of all the countries of the world by the moeshltd were extremely important and in my view down to earth now great paris this to our panel we are going to do present or publish a major report in a hour of time two things i want to tell you about this this report focuses on a the progress in technologies we have a tasht in paris below two degrees and it is important to see how we are doing in Different Green Energy technologies im not going to details youll not lose your appetite were not doing well there is some move a process but there are any areas we say are significantly lagging in our report highlights where we are progressing better than expectations with a target established in paris the second area the report focuses on the cities as already mentions about the 70 percent of the emissions come from the city 85 percent so if you want to solve this problem we have to solve the problem in the cities and the cities in our report theyre two areas extremely important one the building be sector from the installation of the building to the for example, the cooling requirements which or go to psychopath in the next years to come and what kind of cooling units were going to use the standard is extremely important for fighting against climatic change the other area we look at the transportation we look into how we can see even a bigger move in terms of the electrical vehicles which one million cars another good news but much for electrical cars and what are the favorable conditions but also the underlined the Public Transportation how to subsidize Public Transportation and the rest of the moves in the city we see in the beautiful city of San Francisco but ladies and gentlemen, the main issue is the emerging countries cities which number of buildings built in the city and the buildings is 75 hundred years of time we should look into the future in the buildings which are not efficient so those are the issues that we deal with in our report maine the buildings and the transportation issue so we have now an clean out panel here one minister from the government and the mayor from the e merging country and the company which is dealing with energies i will move to the panel and perhaps start to ask the gentleman the minister of norway mr. Minister your country is the highest share of electrical cars in the world into the total car fleet in our country how do you see is measures put forward and what is it in the future so far as 20 percent if not share of cars in norway are electrical cars which compress the gloeshld average of unfortunately zero want one percent so how do you do that. Mr. Minister. Thank you, dr. For your kind words and a moment to look at in a moment in time negative impact 2012 the paramount decided the goal to have 50 thousand electrical vehicles and that goal was already xhoetsd last year and today 70 thousand fewer electrical vehicles and hybrids if we have hybrids bylaw but basically most of benefits were put in place already in 2002 and 3 and the car didnt take off until 2000 but not before 2011 and so what are the reasons i think the obvious reasons for things to happen in 2011 was the fact that there were cars on markets that were really cars that could meet the needs of families in a safe manner you have the problem were starting to address in a proper way to say a greater range in norway we have a power system like 8 percent renewable sources nobody in norway were able to say okay. Your changing our diesel car with pure renewables, of course, the tax and obviously of great importance a high new car sales tax for cars and however no new car sales tax for electrical vehicles of course, the same goes for petro and hardly any tax think Renewable Energy on the policy on the basis there is free parking in cities free ferry rides, access to bus lanes and from the government does we have good strong efforts into building capacity we targeted isnt urban where most people live establishing with the transportation for everybody and now were actually connecting the major cities in norway and this has led to this norway with 4 Million People the second and the Third Largest market bean by the u. S. And china which has more people than norway as you can imagine and a fiscal benefit the in fact, that is when it comes to fueling meets the connection from petro fueled cars which will forever have high taxation and a competition in the decades ahead but if i might add one thing before i leave the word back to you why do a tremors effort in reducing local pollutions reducing and co2 emissions they come up Justice Department just as much space on the roads to have the basic strategy for ongoing electrical vehicles instead of building Public Transportation system could be a wrong solution. Thank you very much mr. Minister for highlighting the Critical Role of public transport even though the cars are moving fast in terms of populating the global fleet and mr. Minister said if you have to have electrical cars certain share of your car fleet we need policies and also some regulatory measures and very important as i mentioned mr. Minister that in order to have an amount of benefits electricity fitting the car must be also clean otherwise the benefits may not be so obvious so i just mentioned that the statistics are important for climatic change but the E Engineering countries are important so were very lucky the first deputy mayor of in china under jack and you mr. Mayor have an excellent experience in our city of the pushing this smart upper Public Transportation and Sustainable Energy can you tell us how you realized what steps you took and whether or not the story you have in your city can be a model for other cities in china. Thank you sorry dont speak good english so i need a translator. speaking foreign language. i want to thank the california the governor of office for inviting us to attend this meeting the president of the china has made a commitment via the unclimatic change in paris the reduction of cash emissions in china and now the whole country is taking action im very glad our city is very glad to endorse the mou and now under the leadership of the Central Government we are connecting with california we find the plan of actions with california and now we are promoting our policies closely. speaking foreign language. this is a city in east of china been shanghai the american female writers who is also the the nobel prize in litter she grew up in china for 18 years and described as her hometown in china. speaking foreign language. this morning i heard the speech by the government of california gosh and i agree with him very much we need to transfer our commitment to actions. speaking foreign language. so our apart from the separate transportation we have conducted many efforts for the reduction of cash emission in the city and our efforts can be concluded from 5 perspectives. speaking foreign language. first, we set up the goal of achieving cash peak. speaking foreign language. at cop 21 pointed out that cashier emissions will peak in around 2030. speaking foreign language. based on a scientific analysis and calculations it is one of the earlier city to achieving 10 years earlier than the National Goal and average. speaking foreign language. preceding in the Current Situation were confident it we have the ability to realize the goal. speaking foreign language. second we need the best tools for the contractions how much the cashier emissions like Drinking Water we have to take sip one by one to know how much water we can drink. speaking foreign language. by using clot commuting i owe the technologies we segregate land use, environment and sources and industries and safety reduction and cashier emissions by doing so we can hanger and reexamine and check the cash emissions reduction in the city. speaking foreign language. now we conducted realtime online monitoring over 48 key emissions companies in the city the total emissions is 80 percent of the cities total. speaking foreign language. during the past 5 years over three hundred chemical plans were shut down. speaking foreign language. nearly 11 towns of cashier emissions is reduced. speaking foreign language. third, i think about apart from the activities of the business sector one important actress in the reduction of cash emission is peoples livelihood. speaking foreign language. so the motorer mentioned buildings and transportation are very important factors in the reduction of cashier emissions. speaking foreign language. so weve taken 9 major actions to reduce the cash emissions in the city. speaking foreign language. is action include optimizing the industry and encouraging the low cashier industries for production developing cash buildings and low cash incurs and low cash transportation for low Cash Development. speaking foreign language. so, now the low Cash Development and the awareness have come to has been raised amongst the people. speaking foreign language. fourth we highlight the highlight of our efforts zero cash demonstration projects in the city. speaking foreign language. we select city and two islands in our city as pilots. speaking foreign language. last i think that the most for the International Cooperation like the meetings during the two days a very Good Opportunity to learn from other countries and regions. speaking foreign language. in october of this year we were Holding International infection of low cashiers and products the interact welcomes companies and expert from all over the world to join us id like to extend our opportunity and hope you have a look in the country city and our low development. Thank you, mr. Mayor for this excellent presentation of achievements of our city is it so interesting what you said your citys image as 2020 before the aggregate promise emissions this is one of the in my view most important outcomes coming from paris the architect of Paris Agreement and she was agreeing with me the peak in 2020 both the underlying agreement is critical to reach our goal now the other thick that is critical to reach you are goals within the energies in greece in the urban systems and the entering green power is one were fortunate to have other green power with gonzales is with us and can you tell us about our sclernz how do you merge the smart renewable and just the generation of models. Okay. Good afternoon and thank you for inviting me to participate first, let me explain the activity of urban power that is part of a viability and it is investing in renewables and investing in conventional duration that works and we we have activities in other places as well lets start to explain the our vision and strategy for how we are implementing these in the notifies in the renewables so our region is open power to solve the main challenges of the world open power needs to supply energy to the people they dont have energy supplied. Open power means a tool to be open to innovation and new technologies and to use this system technologies as well as on a different way in a way we have here in nevada an assembled combination of technology, solar tv and solar concentrated open power needs to find and open ways to manage the energy on a different way as well in relation to the demand and generation and to be open as well to paris so we cant build this by ourselves we need to have paris in this sense so how we approach what is the Business Model smart cities were taken so our vision we are open to the scope and to the local initiatives so it is different for example, in mellone we have builds for the first time in the world the first smart city refell fill a city designed for one hundred thousand people supply Renewable Energy solar and we see the light systems as well as market the light systems and Smart Mobility and smart challenges and the system is implement to manage all this on the right way this is an assembly all assembles are depends on the local scope and the local needs we have all this examples in mellone another smart city by started almost 7 years ago so a combination of generation of solar as well and integrate these in a smart way and incorporate these on a different way and obtaining at the same time efficiency in the management of the grid the salesforce are important and in this instance sustainable were doing the specific initiatives with sharing cars for example, and bus car in chillingly and electrical taxis in above the blue and windy sea to were contributing utility on those different specific requirements and it is important sense the corporation with the place the local authority and government is very supportive on this sense we cant do this type of initiatives without the support and the engagement of the local activities the most the locals say the local communities and consumers and so much it is necessary to solve with them this project so make it as sustainable and reliable and affordable thank you very much so ladies and gentlemen, were at the end of this two things if i may undermine we understood the cities are extremely critical if we were to address our climate challenge number one and number 2 local governments we need to be bring a critical roll in terms of which measures then and how when it comes to buildings and when it comes to the transportation and when it comes to the Electricity Generation weve seen the minister show up how hi country increases cars and from the mayor how successful in emerging countries and how successful and seen from the ceo they agree and visit us and still make money if those 3 can do we can all do as well thank you very much and thank you clapping. thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, sir and thank you panel it is very, very go back this is the conclusion of Lunch Program so at this point well be splilt into two groups if youre among the ministers youll go to the room next door in the colonial room and the c e m along the tower thank you on behalf of the Bay Area Council it is a pleasure to have you here in San Francisco and the bay area hope you enjoy the lunch thank you very commissioner serlina commissioner loo commissioner itani commissioner ow commissioner roy and commissioner sims and please note that executive director sheree is present. Could we have i have a motion to approve the june 1st agenda. So moved. Second. There is a motion and a second we approve the agenda. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The is have it. That motion carries we have a motion for the Consent Agenda discussion. So moved. Second. Commissioner ow. Oh, yes. I want to ask questions if i can have the presenter for this theres no presenter. I will inaudible . Well it is simple i thought we have somebody in the adults in house doing the computer work you know those other Senior Centers. Aaron allow can answer why were asking for the contract. Good morning project manager. Oh, any question is you are it in house computer person you know take care of the other Senior Centers and inputs and why is this necessary to have this extra contract. So weve hired a nonprofit firm to provide the Technical Support for the computers in the computer lab prior to the 09 contract i ran around and can do it for all 55 computer we hired a contractor what is going on we were given money to replace the computers a project to replace some of the internet were giving money to deploy to take out the old ones and thats whats happening and how many facilities do we serve computers for senior. About 55. That many. Yes, sir. I thought we had 10 you know it is news to me, you say more than 200 computers. Over 200 and 50. So this is a small contract. Yes. How many in the office besides yourself. You myself and another analysts. Yes, sir. After you contract out what did you do roughly. laughter . We still run the rest of the program we monitor the contractors and help with the training thank you very much you answered all my questions. Thank you, commissioner. Yes. Ill move to accept this program. Okay been moved we approve the consent all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The is have it. So that motion carries thank you. Approval of the Commission Minutes meeting minutes. Motion to discuss. Can i have a motion to discuss. So moved. Theres a correction commissioner president james was not here last month. Thank you. Any other corrections hearing none a motion to approve the minutes of may 4th with the i. Opposed . The is have it. That motion carries employee recognitions the Department Agent will honor daniel from the public conservatives office. clapping. come on up dont be shy. Good morning. So congratulations dan and before we talk about a dan and what people peers have written about him, i want to Partnership Webinar people from the conservatives office stand not often. clapping. not often to recognize them in this room it is great so the commission can see you and know what you do is really hard work i think that you guys know you work with some of the people in San Francisco who were probably most difficult to work with and needs the citys Services People that are greatly disabled because of Mental Health disabilities and people sometimes misunderstood you guys have a lot of strength had you come into the community and do know why youre not picking up people off the street and people have certain civil rights i know ive heard from a lot of you a lot of compassionate and create strong relationships with them and care about that and obviously the one person in their lives who is this year to make sure theyre getting adequate treatment and care a so i want to say that is what the public conservatives office does and great for dan to be here to recognize the team i want to say that one of the things that daniel brought in along what silva both of them have brought a sense of order to the office, i know that the staff around you, you guys people count on you to make sure that things are filed and where they should be and also know youre trying to Bring Technology to the public conservative and sometimor and s a challenge your not just about the public conservativorss joined as a tip i thought this is obsolete and manages the main phone line and presents guarantees with a warm voice and arrived with cheer and a sense of humor and brings in energy and enthusiasm one year hes transformed our files from a dinosaur age to the electronic age and undertaken soichlts with reforming all the Court Documents and is a valuable member of the conservatorss office thank you, dan. clapping. on behalf of the department of aging Adult Services my pleasure to present you with the award of employee of the month for june 2016. clapping. next item will be the report the directors report. Good morning commissioners so i guess the big news this week the budget the mayor released his budget and submitted to the board of supervisors and a lot of great things for the department of aging Adult Services so i want to quickly go over those items and unfortunately, im reading that off any phone small prinlt you know that you approved a budget we submitting to the Mayors Office in february and has items that basically no cuts in the addition with positions for adult prospective services and other stray positions but not a lot of extra things in the budget lying enhancements for Community Services we were hoping that there will be a way to get those into our budget as well and the mayor certainly wanted to get some of those in one of the things the first thing i think that the Community Members have been asking for on our 5 year plan to include this this did portfolio that is the senior Disabilities Program he serve that has gotten transaction on the east coast i think and it is kind of a work Subsidy Program for older adults in our says adult disabilities 2 0050000 a great start for us to wade into that world and try a pilot there so thats exciting and Case Management enhancements people in the community youve heard the Case Management in dos has been kind of not that funding has not kept up with the need for increases in salaries and the mayor recognized this is a program that has really not kept up even at the level of the some of the programs kept us u up to the Case Management programs have continued to lose staff and a decrease in quality the challenge of hiring people that you are bilingual has been greater than in the past so when we look at the workers we have in internally in department of aging Adult Services or in the city and the salaries in the community obviously dont keep up near where they should so people leave etc. So the mayor has put one hundred and 75 thousand so we can start the process of raising the salaries and hopefully with worker retention in the Case Management program the conservatory the department of health and the department of aging Adult Services has started thinking how to streamline the conservatorship is he people are significantly in emergency and needs conservativelyship and people are living in the community and need the corn certificateship services were trying to make that happy with dpw and others so people slipping through the crack on the street and the recidivism pattern before and after within between the street and facilities well help them better there is positions in there and also upgrades for the current staff to be at the same level of the adult prospective services were looking a clarification change there we also looking at a supported home pilot were calling 2 that is something that supervisor eric mar and a number of advocates in the community and our communitybased providers are trying out behaving because we know there is a need for inhome care for people that dont qualify for the so theres obviously people with a lot of money can a pay for their own home care but the middleincome or others in San Francisco that cant afford it the budget and the legislative 234569 estimated first year thousand people to stay at home safely were try a polite from the Mayors Office put one Million Dollar in annually for the next two years to try this out and were going to have some issues around prioritization who gets to serve but really to see if we can change some of the outcomes for people if they get that home care theyll go to a hospital fewer times and end up in Nursing Services and thats exciting to get to try that out for the different populations the dignity fund the Mayors Office has put a plug in for the dignity fund at a place for 6 million in year two which is 20162017 and year one prelims we need to staff up a little bit in the dignity fund passes were lucky positions and consultant to get off the ground the Mayors Office put in 6 million for 20172018 and the dignity Fund Legislation was introduced by supervisor cowen last week at 2 percent the property that will be more library 33 million in the firefighter to malia cohens office the Dignity Fund Coalition and i will be meeting to figure out a way to get closer so the Mayors Office and the coalition and the board are more in agreement about startup amounts and nutrition so one of the things you may remember that last year the board of supervisors had quite a bit of money into Nutrition One time only money and generally speaking when the board does things one time the mayor didnt pickup and maybe not the way it was intended and in this case the mayor really wanted to put money into nutrition so 1. 2 million thats about half; right . So the mayor put in 1. 2 million of the 2. 4. 01 time back into his budget and so that maintenance a lot of the services we started this year and enhanced this year and in addition to that, the mayor has put in an ad back for the one time only housing Subsidy Amount we got last year that was 700,050,000 so that again was a one time add back with the board and the mayor elected to backfill that completely it is now in the baseline budget and i think just to give you detail about the nutrition so what that 1. 2 million that the mayor has elected to backfill 9 Lunch Program with the Chance Program the routine i Restaurant Voucher Program and home delivered groceries and home delivered meals yeah. Those 3 things so it will help because we wont have to cut back on the services but not getting us quite there i guess the last thing i wanted to mention the scattered site Housing Contract that was with with the department of health will be moving to the department of aging Adult Services and the contract is now with the nonprofit provider called brilliant corners it is great well have if that and actually sit in the Community Fund and it is something that the Community Living fund is able to assess for a long time it is great so it seems like it is in effect i think that about it in terms of the enhancements from the mayor as you may know now the board has the budget and the board will be looking at other things we want to commend fund and maybe things they dont want to fund and asking us for a lot of details for the positions we got into the budget and president some justification on those but looking at our vacant and all those things obviously they have interests in theyre own district and interests in terms of the program oh, one other thing i didnt i neglected to mention the mayor put in a second Deputy Director for our Department Im personally excited but it is become really grown a lot a lot of work for one permanent to analyze so thats in our budget as well i think the only thing i want to say two things one i was at the californias association of agencies our aging one of the things theyre talking about this year is trying to enhance kind of the face of angling in california and there were going to be doing a Media Campaign california wide to put a positive face on angling and everywhere i go im conscious and im sure you are as well we see so many negative images of aging how bad it is to get odd old and great reasons we should be paying attention to aging this year a number of us that are aging in this country and going to need services and going to have to support each im excited were b be working and actually ill be chairing the Education Committee it will be interesting to see what other peoples takes and promoting the best practices if every community in california and get that out into the public and have a much Stronger Public presence i guess so thats exciting and then the last thing i wanted to mention on june 8th and i think all of you gotten an invitation on june 8th well be celebrating world elderly abuse day in San Francisco and our celebration will be at the herbst theater it starts at 4 and goes to 7 and Paul Henderson and from the Mayors Office will be the master of the ceremonies and hes running for Supreme Court judge and very entertaining 0 it should be fun and then dave jones commissioner will be coming to speak in the beginning and talking about elderly abuse awareness i believe that still will be lit up in purple in awareness of elder abuse there is a lot going on and the senior at the adult and protective serves will be there and people will come back by thank you that concludes my report. Thank you. Any questions. Yes. Wait. Go ahead. Commissioner sims. Thank you the additional budget that was provided by the Mayors Office this is one time only or ongoing is that will be ongoing funding. Those are baseline items. Okay. Concerning the dignity fund do we have 6 supervisors. Signed in . You know im actually not sure about that part this is a question for the Dignity Fund Coalition i believe. So from the dignity fund passed the 32 million will be affected; right . In cases that it didnt pass the mayor will put in the one Million Dollars. Well, no i think what will happen the Mayors Office and the coalition and the board are all working together to find a way to come to agreement about the legislation ultimately looks like we dont know it would be that it goes in that way and a different way. The 2 percent is in the subsidy. Correct. Okay commissioners did you have questions. Anyone else . Yeah. Sherren you were talking about it in home support for the middleincome and one Million Dollars for two years. It is one Million Dollars for each of two years. For each of two years. Right. A pilot project. Right. Whats the plan for dos to get this program off the ground thats a great question we didnt found out until this week that will be in the Mayors Office budget we have to look at setting it up to study it so we

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