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Economic Workforce Development we submitted our dynamic package to the Planning Department in 2008, and put the project on hold for several years due to the 2008 economic downturn this past december in january it went front of the of the rec and park to review the project it the this on lot m cast a shadow in the midmorning hours of december a few days on the see of soltice appear before the capital and the bulk commission the project get two anonymous approvals the project itself conforms to the zoning criteria created for the lots the project is a 5 story 55 foot tall set of two buildings on lots m and n there are sliver lots and unusually the front faces octavia boulevard making the lots one hundred we 20 feet wide by 18 feet deep so basically just one room deep. The lot is zoned popper a zero setback at the roof we held the rear wall of our project one foot 6 off of the rear Property Line because of the somewhat factor not seismic portion of the Building Code to building dont crash into each other this acts exceeds 10 percent of the buildable area of the lot new parking is required open that site were providing no parking with the goal of creating a Transit Oriented Development with that were providing secure bicycle that concludes my remarks in the lobby and on the street above the minimum standards to encourage bicycle use there are four stories of affordable units with a common rooftop open space the rail units are on the end of each building with large sliding donors that open up to octavia and to the adjacent side streets this is an intentional design to activate both the octavia street and to encourage hickory alley a live additionally it adds 24hour units have to the city 12 in each time building with 1916 two bedrooms units this as 12 one half percent of inclusionary housing with one of each unit type and in addition to this weve agreed with the office of economic Workforce Development that the construction on the project will be done at prevailing wage. We are seeking four variances are one for the legality of the lot size i found when i read after working on the project for 10 years these lots were created with the left over space smith and wesson the pathway of the freeway as the footprint of the current boulevard and assume those are considered viable as part of mosaic plan with the bay projects ore design takes the total allowable projection for the facade instead of having them in the typical projections we distributed them to align what the Living Spaces of the units to preference the quality of the units themselves on the very small lots regarding do extension over the sidewalk we have typical 3 foot bay windows projections and the op openable are when they are an additional 4 foot plus they say reason the octavia boulevard is to wide 5 lanes of traffic plus two local lanes and two mediums regarding the active use the footprint is so small not even 25 feet depth and no basement no other space to publicity the few required buildings servicing elements the garbage room and the elevator and a room for the retail units the rest of the ground floor is meets of exceeds this requirements finally were requesting a conditional use authorization for having blow 40 percent two bedroom as required in the market octavia plan we are providing 33 and 1 3rd 8 out of 24 unions achieving over 33 and 1 3rd impossible with the side depth and the requirement of stair course which basically is balls theres no way to cross over a stair core with the units because the site is so shallow as part of the sf competition we had all efficiency units with the project and in this is all about the market octavia plan it is even adopted in the past year at the request of the Hayes Valley Association transportation and Planning Committee we modified the design to get as many two bedrooms as possible and jason and others from the h m a wrote the letters that we were able to achieve the revised design. Hallmark of 3 buildings design a facade of vertical sun shades that are sun sensitive and which means theyll automatically close when the sun couples but individually controlled so on the screen i can see the building being mostly closed and partially open and then fully open another hallmark is the transparency of the second layer of the facade with a large degree of openness between the facade and the street they have been questions from Planning Department staff about the materials and per rationed were looking for a company that as north america subsidy those are did he plowed in europe amend and the per rationed we agreed to work to continue to work with Planning Department staff on this issue i also brought at the request of carli a sample of the drawings the facade that was drawn not painted in broejz color will age over time and a few more comments as evidence as our commitment we were the architects and curators and by the end of 2020 when we are done a decade long activation of the neighborhoods on the two adjacent lots to m m k and l proxy by a request from the office of economic Workforce Development and we responded to an open rfp. Thank you, sir, your time is up. The commissioners may bring you up for additional comments. Opening up for Public Comment. Gamechanger commissioners, i apologize for my being a novice this is my first time in front of a commission i apologize for my nervesness and speak im a native san franciscan i was born and raised here in San Francisco seen many, many changes over time here in the city im good not good at all and my prospective is building that is being developed would be really bad me personally and 16 units that face that octavia fairway this building was built if i can use the overhead i apologize for not the color. This building parcel is exactly where fell street there is a balcony that is right there and that faces that octavia boulevard and with the building of this building is will block our balcony, light, sun, windows, and everything that that building that is beautified for that area we have a few pictures what would be moving this is basically my front door and the beautiful sunshine that comes through in the afternoon this is your balcony, this is this building is proposing to take away our quality of life if you ask me, im sorry to say that but these are a few more pictures this building will be pushed against our balcony that will take away to me after 22 years of living in in building i would be opening my door to the back of whatever those louvers are they mentioned this is another picture basically where the Patricia Green is over in this side over here i was really taken auerbach by the shadow study youve not heard of a shadow study it was at a park staeftdz taking into consideration this building will be blocking on feel street i felt disrespected none take into consideration this building about totally block our sunlight and fresh air i have more but it seems like mike my certain time a up please take into consideration the other attendance that will be looking at the back of the wall thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good evening ladies and gentlemen, my name is alexander im a tenant of 33 apartment for 2 two years the lady before that he explained very well how this new contraption looks like i will bring up 3 issues we just have heard a report about shade effect on greens isnt it bizarre none approached me and my neighbors house and talked about the shadow effect now the most important issue this building through the department was designed as heading facade on all streets on octavia and feel street and this facade on octavia not only blind wall but side windows contains balconies and on the structures with the architect how does this considered in the architecture attempts to attach a building to facade of other buildings it a fraud with within it is for me im not an architect but it sounded like crazy for me as a tenant extremely important i will losses one window that goes to the i will losses entirely the for myself this is 82 apartments in the building and all the tenants enjoy balconies on their floor so this balconies will turn into dark closets so it is urban imaginable one day this building this entire building will lose its property because now there is 16 apartments which have opened air view to the octavia boulevard and balconies and all that will be lost so from the point of view of the owner that the owner must be concerned it diminishes the properties thank you very much for your attention. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, thank you commissioners i ceremonial it for you guys im from elizabeth open and sunshine country and happy in San Francisco living to find sunshine and im a victim and this is really makes me a victim when the building is putting in front of my the open air share day and night night is like the air and sunshine in the daytime it is important for consultation im a Public Servant and ive been living in that building for 23 years and the other people have lived and the balcony is part of my life rather than the chemo or the radiation maybe that putting a roof that we can get a nice light and were all in urban countrys an urban living were all missing vitamin d and dark light because we live in concrete buildings and this building is directly blocking theville part of any life rather than the construction and the parking problem adrc to it thank you very much i appreciate it. Thank you. Hello, im victoria student ive lived open this this almost my whole life this will effect my life i live on the 3r of where this is constructed and block the balcony and it will also disrupt sunlight but you guys are also building a building without a parking garage there will be 24 more vehicles on the streets that will comet with the parking at night i hope i hope im sorry. Im a little bit nervous. Its okay. Thank you. I come here i my home that will block the light because i live there almost 2 two years thats it. Im living in south street i know the persons will do the building going to block any windows completely it touch my windows i can show you the pictures this the does the very, very tiny space with the windows it touched the wall to touch to my window and the whole reason no light or air i dont know, you going to do are new window what kind of window this is not a good thing to build a nice building i wanted to mention about that thank you. Gamechanger my name is david im here wearing two hats the onsite manager building manager on feel street work for Bridge Housing the developer owner and manager of the site the property i have been the onsite manager for 20 years and seen many of the people grew up as kids and grandkids when they saw the sign posted they started coming to me and i told them to contact the website theyre here on their own i didnt tell them one way or the another i was neutrality my one hat and i do want to make sure that is clear that the west side of the building bridge in the 2, 89 and 92 we got the property from loma prieta earthquake therapy conscious of the neighborhoods aesthetics and building and sdooiven of this this to fit in with the neighborhood aesthetics with the historic attitudes and the community and i think they were very successful on a permanent basis thats my other haiti live and work there so i try to live twentyfour hours a day there the breezeway is on open breezeway that will be blocked by a solid wall excuse me and it does face west so i will no longer and many of my other residents that live on feel street on the off street will not be able to gown into the breezeway and enjoy the beautiful sunsets we occasionally have on feel street and over the hill i want to do make sure that the developers taking into consideration all that and. Couple of tenants excuse me showed you the one picture i have 4 units on one side and 4 on the other side one on the feeling street and one on the hickory street with windows these windows does not open for fire safety reasons but they are in their living room and, of course, on gave them western sunshine theyll be losing thank you for your time. Hello commissioners thank you for having me. My name is jody ive lived in the neighborhood for seven years and my wife in the neighborhood for 10 additionally im a professional evict my previous employer was just here mr. Hiller and circling in the process of having a multi buildings throughout San Francisco im opposed to the project first, im opposed to the conditional use variance this project if meet the 40 percent required 80 two bedrooms units which one we want to meet in the close proximity of schools with the two bedrooms are typically singlefamily units and additionally im opposed to the request to adopt the shadow study finding octavia or Patricia Green is one of the most widely use parks in the whole city instant use twentyfour hours a day from people walk their dogs and doing jogging year by year o yoga for people enjoying the facilities into the wee hours of the night additionally im opposed to the request for variance so if im going to understand correctly the dynamics will offer hang the narrow sidewalk but 7 feet that exceeds this allowable for San Francisco the other buildings in the area does not overhang the sidewalks by that much or two harder any degree i see no reason the dynamic facade should in addition you know to respond to some of the comments that the pravenl of envelope a and d mentioned well in particularly to the variance octavia is wide youre right Economic Development and infrastructure is a wide highway, however, the side street the sidewalk are very, very narrow and a 7 foot overhang will encompass the offer hang im not sure how that will be for the street trees planted on the along the sidewalks thatll theyll mature and additional this sidewalk in this area needs no cultivation it is active hayes valley is a very popular designation and lastly the issue of the 18 foot deep lot you know doesnt meet requirement no shortage of housing projects in hayes valley but several across the street one some are complete and some to be completed we dont need this development thank you very much. clapping . Excuse me hello commissioners. Im aaron im a native of the San Francisco and almost 20year resident of hayes valley so ive seen the freeway come down from and apartment and the owner and proprietary of restaurant and a sister beer guardian restaurant and some of the other development in hayes valley i can only speak as a Business Owner and resident of the valencia seen incredible growth that tinflux of people i unprecedented in San Francisco i think all the considerations of the people are valid and the concern the stress this is a pit on the neighborhood itself and the history or the provision of this being angle award winner of a small sliver lot from my own point of view any addition to a market octavia plan that continues to bring foot traffic up and over the hill from the mission to Market Street so long overdue a long freeway as another speaker mentioned through this is wide it can be likened to other tuff blood vessels that have had to make concessions for people to live there as well i cant speak to any specific person other than my own and seeing the influx of hayes valley but would be a shame to see this 10 year process for the sliver lots not get and then opportunity to make this an interesting solution to one of the most heavily used neighborhood maybe in the world but so i think that San Francisco has always been the proxy Development Points to that in a temporary way i want to see that happen thats my comments so thank you very much commissioners. Thank you, commissioners im mac im a resident of 333 feel street first a question for the developer i want to know since this building is 5 stories on a sliver lot is it earthquake safe. This is not a q and a period you can submit our comments. Thats a huge concern we have a shared wall with that believe im a small Business Owner i work from home the construction noise from 2, 3, 4 development would end my business and lastly a simple request were 82 units mostly for disabled and seniors mr. And mrs. Please dont compromise 42 years of a building that didnt meet the planning code thank you. Hi my name is gail im wanting Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association ive received my letter already basically, he do want to acknowledge i think what the residents from the Bridge Housing implementation are facing weve been going through the process for over 10 years and theres been Much Community outreach im sorry theyre coming to this at the Lieutenant Governor to voice their concerns we have a cafe architect that worked and developed an interesting building that is considered all of the issues and i believe this is one of the most initiative buildings built in San Francisco and in addition the it embodies the market octavia plan it is a street level activation instead of homeless encampments on the site we have a plan or he has a plan to activate into the area that is quite different than right now this is a an abandoned space i look forward to our approving the cu and approving this site give it a green light. Can i take the opportunity to you turn off your monetarily devices and those folks leaning up against the walls youll hit the ada door opener if i could not hit the door opener that would be great. Hi, im jim i lived in hayes valley for about 14 years now and have been active in the whole market octavia development and all the parcels we know that every inch counts part of city every element of market octavia is very careful fought over and contested there was no provision for these parcels that were to be left alone you know the financing with the market octavia was with the sale of those parcels ill be hardpressed to think of a more thoughtful or well rated use of those parcels Everything Possible every inch has been thought of all the materials, liveability it is a truly remarkable project for such a tiny complicated small space i dont underestimate the concerns of the people in bridged housing have to looked bridged housing a large complex runs a block long this is one end of that effected part if youre measuring maybe 2, 3, 4 or 4 percent of the facade not to take away how to affect certain individuals but we have to look at the entire outlet of that we need to look at the additional and the streets 24 project is worked very, very hard to get the retail at street level the alley entering faced and the ability to have those tiny units face out the ability to get as many 80 two bedrooms into a tiny project like this the thoughtfulness that has gone into this is incredible and we are urging you to support it remember 23 years ago the view they had out of this was a double decker freeway it is a dynamic city not perfect but by far the best solution i think you can envision for this difficult sliver of a lot thank you. Gamechanger commissioners robin a 25 year resident of hayes valley as lived a block from the site all the time in hayes valley so i know it very well im pleased to be here to enthusiasm support 24 project i walked by that vacant lot amend and think about the effort hayes valley put into getting rid of the freeway and those vacant lots are last weve been trying to tie the neighborhood together this is an opportunity to put another piece of pulses back together i want to rim people i thought awaken by fire engines a homeless person kelly whitcraft set a couch cars on fire it is an attraction for crime it is attraction for trash im very happy to see the development of those lots go forward it is a very, very difficult site as people pointed out and nothing to dislike about this building a creative beautiful building it consortiums with the market octavia plan, it has in my mind zero parking is a positive thing the important Parking Spaces the more traffic you attract, we already are inundated with traffic this building will help to activate market octavia boulevard and finish the vision restarted over 10 years ago to create a beautiful boulevard pedestrian offended boulevard and if we stopped everything project we wouldnt build anything in the city there was a freeway next to that building when it was built so not like there has not been anything there and it does only cover a small portion of that building so as much as and syntheses are with the neighbors i think that is more important for the neighborhood for to beautiful project to go forward i strongly support it thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . On this item. Good afternoon, commissioners rob poole San Francisco Housing Action coalition. I live close to the site on hate and webster i come by here when im going to restaurants im supportive of project ive as and said i walk down there a lot i want to say frankly octavia is essentially with the soft lots and i just im liking to be around love people he want homes and retail and you know people so people can enjoy hayes valley i hope and enjoy San Francisco and i could share with them but i also think that just looking at some other comments when we have proposals for new proposals we have trouble milking was it could be and hopefully im respect thats okay the market octavia was completed and it was dirt for a long time in the neighborhood and now it is buildings and a lot of construction it is annoying but there is a big alleyway and there are People Living there and more hang out in any neighborhood and im next to the building that burned down and now scornfully the building will be clean and yeah this is a terrific project im an architect and theres a lot of you know, i hope it can be built after 12 years of work and the city to activate hayes valley we have some housing on narrow lots so i hope you support today thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment on this item. Okay Public Comment is closed. Commissioner Vice President richards. Yes. The architectural drawings dont really measure the adjacent building with bridge hours that was built in 1992 i was seen the freeway was near prostitution a horrible area and 23 or 24 years later a fabulous building how it relates to the building next door the question i have is the distance between the wall and then the actual balcony i mean low the wall come to the balcony i look at the photos of 3 30 feel Street Building it looks like it kinds of goes in sculpted wait the diefrment to the balcony rail i mean, if there were no overhead im sorry to ask the building manager where is he at wheres the measurement from the edge of your building to the actual balconies in the middle im trying to understand can you please speak to the microphone please, please. I havent measured that all the way from feel street to hickory is no it is one hundred and 20. The depth. The depth. The kitchen living room and 1012 you know within 18 feet from the edge of the building on feel street to the youre talking about the balcony you commissioner is asking how far back from the building. If you measured from the wall the new building into the actual portion of the balcony where people stands. How much how many feet. Im sorry youre talking about it in set. Yes. The in set below it in set and solid wall from the ground up. I understand that is where parking is. Huh . Parking. To the wall and. multiple voices . A two foot building and theres a breezeway. 3 feet. Within two or three feet right. The way the departments is out this provides a lot of light if you slice those floors this way each one of these half floors how many apartments on this side as there are 4 stacked one on top of the other and no, no that particular one is a stairwell and wraps up and goes to hickory street. How many apartments per floor. 2 three bedrooms and two bathes and one studio. The question this apartment if we built a wall on the top or the bottom only the light through the front window. Well, if you put a wall theyll not get that only from the top down. If theyre not getting light in the does the front of the apartment is the only light. No, no in the living room thats not the only window on the one side to feel street and in the living room and on the other side theres a window looking at out a hickory street there is a secondary window. So the apartment 1 from street to the other street. No, they run down the side. Ill be happy to the drawings. If we cut the building in two parallel to octavia right down the middle how many apartments on this side 8 . On the hickory side. We cut it right down the middle i have a three bedrooms and a stalk of 4 bedrooms and two bedrooms because a fire exit the other side is a studio a hallway and innovate another three bedrooms two baths. If but put a wall with a 3 foot setback we basically are cutting off most of light in the unit. Maam, excuse me only one person can speak at that time, and the question is to the gentlemen at the podium. Again, thats the only light that is truly west facing in the afternoon sun they get the west sun the 1 on feel street has a northern closer with no sun and on the other street. May i have a motion the windows that face the building do those units that face the buildings have other windows on the street. Yes. How many windows and are they into the living room. They have another set of windows. multiple voices . Those are two separate units one set of units. multiple voices that window facing feel is the only light they get. Directly sunlight not the only light. Theres a bay window jets out the side. It worries about me not like were creating a lightwell you actually have a floor if two or three feet not a lot of light 2, 3, or 4, etc. Im worried about the liveability we get and deal with sros and we real want to have matching light bulbs. Im trying to make that clear the amount of light the three bedrooms into the living room those 4 windows face west so yearround get direct sunshine. Indianas thank you. Got it. Got it it. Do the entire h interior of the apartments get much light. The interior of the apartments will not, affected. One more question what year was that building built. 1992. So thats after the freeway was taken down; correct . The freeway was there when i moved 94 but the freeway was down low not all the way up like market octavia boulevard and have the feel street offramp going down to feel street and by the time okay. Thank you. Feel street. I understand so i think, sir the problem after the freeway was taken down i think were done thank you after the freeway was taken down new real estate was create otherwise that was a Property Line and we wouldnt have recommend this the department wouldnt recommend putting skyline or windows; correct . Yeah. inaudible . Correct. Maybe have a lightwell. So thats the rub. And was there any chance this project could have been more modular and have been built in 3 sections giving way to the balconies or the lot line windows and you would be dealing with 3 very tunnel. I understand. Sticks. So i think the problem with those sites there are so little saleable area compared to facade the project is already a really kind of tenuous project the facade is the most expensive part of a building and so it is already kind of really a tricky situation in relation to the lightwell the corridor that is a those are building assess corridors i wouldnt describe them as balconies people may use them and have a benefit there is a essentially theyre going from the elevator and into theory units it is equal to a common hallway that most of other buildings have. Understand their functionality but for those apartment theyre preserved as balconies or access to their properties you. When you call this a challenge by the shape and size it is challenging and what youre abutting that is more challenging so in relation to the propelling windows those must have been no more than fixed windows we built many projects in San Francisco and whenever we do a Property Line window you basically have to file the papers you understand from the project is built there that those will be removed those windows are not the on windows for the Living Spaces theyre a windows around the corner they add to the level of light around the Living Spaces but there are bedrooms and those bedrooms have windows the living space has a projected bay window it is an axiliary window not to diminish the impact i have empathy for them for the situation. Yippee clearing understand the challenges as it stands it is difficult to fully support this project. Commissioner antonini. I see the difficulty this is in the work for a while i believe when we made this Space Available for housing the city had an idea that was compliant this project is highly compliant and probably the separation from the adjacent building was about the most it could possibly be what you have 18 needed depth on the existing plan the minimum amount ive heard is one foot and a half; is that correct and as you drop into the areas more recess only the two windows north and south of the particular apartment theyll still have light not direct sunlight the building will be there but you know, i think that is probably about as good as it gets not much more to be done and this is challenging without that being there. A couple of other issues theres the issue that was brought up about the number of two bedrooms we know from the site we approved at market if there is a challenge spatially were allowed to grant by conditional use fewer two bedrooms units this certainly fits that qualification the one on the other sites was also granted he was able to put two additional two bedrooms units in the and still feel short of the 40 percent and then it adds you know it adds new housing and retail and i dont think that shadow on patricias green is of significance those are 20 20 items before us im in favor the project. Commissioner moore. That project has challenges positive ones the families on the tight site a challenge and the challenge in the abstract has an interesting solution the question i i feel comfortable in the architect would have keyed it up without neighbors telling us the problem how it impacts us to speak about it as a discretion item hit the problem head on i dont believe your drawings fully describes the contextual content how we need to look at windows can you explain that in terms of from our prospective part i would have liked in our presentation for you to speak about it and perhaps you have drawings and sensitivity towards the design of the rear of the building which addresses some of the questions but have not heard pew speak to that catch up and do that now. Weve been in the i think you asked about what outreach weve done and communication was that the first part of our question. Im asking what you did to make the rear side and 0 i dont mind their color we we put windows and Property Line windows on the hallway to create some lastly of interest and engagement essentially we see that recess balcony area as an interior courtyard were facing part find building we have windows that face that and well grab a little bit of light also there so there is some communication not just a blank wall essentially on every floor the eventual youll come out of the slate with a series of windows as you go through the corridor we are also one foot 67 off the Property Line were not right up against the Property Line so i think that that balcony recess will be about a 9 foot recess well be about a 10 foot 6 lightwell it is also my understanding that those balconies dont have windows on them they have doors like a common hallway will in a multi Family Residential building but not windows in the recess there are plans and people circulate through that and theres obviously it a benefit for the units to have plants and light but there are not windows in that recessed balcony only doors to the unit. What is the color various to the rear of the building relative to since those people look against the light whats your own treatment of materiality. Right now a stucco wall and it would have any color ill be happy to for it to be colored to be decorated or mural right now there was nothing in the design whereas a specific color ill be happy to work with the people in the Bridge Housing building to provide an amenity there. For us telling the truth there are wonderful things and put in our choices of the materials and sun shading, etc. , etc. The question that is extremely important we have few projects and particularly sentence tied do the best we can to have more than you can express in words to protect the functionality and the performance as well as the quality of life of people that live in housing youve heard us earlier sitting here for a couple of hours a search for apples and oranges and the burden on us to be cognizant together with the Mayors Office and graduates that as a viable city is heavy on our shoulders i have to listen to the particulars of how that effects the building the favor coming to grade indeed is not equivalent to putting a four Story Building right at the edge of the Property Line you dont given the narrowness have any requirement for staying off the Property Line or varying how you meet that edge youre on that one foot 6 id like to go sideways to squeeze it is very, very difficult to see that as a totally acceptable option over the lens of the building im torn and really torn i wonder in the commissioners feel like whoops let me ask you one other question a wonderful Positive Side to the rigor of our building in question this is something modern and appropriate to the setting where it occurs for me one question that is at the corners where your retail meets the octavia boulevard side as shown on drawings page 820 and how the ada assessable bathrooms. Uhhuh. Dont quite work for my part i like the idea but the released of having a direct look into the ada public bathroom in a residential building is hard for me to accept politely look the other way an market octavia and the doors to the toilets is open this is on a street that has a lot of pedestrian activities so you leave the door open especially someone in a wheelchair going in this is not acceptable to me thats a challenge. I think we could put a value lance but essentially thats a beggar part. I think you should discuss that where the public realm that is not open im still on the fence regarding the other. Commissioner wu. Thanks so i think that maybe the Zoning Administrator understands the situation i want to give you a chance but first wyoming be helpful to either see the plans of the neighboring building to understand what the condition and anything in terms of rendering all the i feel like the views from the street edge but not under the from the building is unclear why it is done the way it is overlooking a freeway it is odd already so maybe the Zoning Administrator halls more information. Sure so the little i believe was approved in the jurisdiction the Redevelopment Agency but the timing of construction in your reports 1994 mines that the freeway north of feel street was removed from the 2 they cut off the off ramps and the demolition but looking at photos of the area in question trying to figure out the impacts on the naeb it will be a question for the building manager looking at google street view it looks like that is entrance doors to units that face on the courtyard on the ooze of the building and the windows a couple of balconies are more entrances outdoor entrances to the units rather than the balcony that provides the open space or the windows that face on the aero from the building manager or someone can clarify exactly what is in this lightwell. I think first of all, let me say partly last minute confusion yeah allison park ive been on feel street for 20 years in 2005 we had one meeting one other person from bridge corp. They talked about and contextual conceptually that was 2007 or 2008 we didnt hear anything and it it would be nice if someone would have come to me and have a tenant meeting we didnt mention anything to our tenants about the pocket it is kind of pie in the sky for many years until we saw the sign literally saw the sign on the railing are the fences on health codey street. So the first, you heard of the project. Recently really moving forward. Were you invited for a preapplication. Not to my knowledge. Store wanted to get that clarified ill be happy to work with you and get the issues out okay first of all, the tenants residents are calling that a balcony it is not a balcony it is a breezeway like a molt you exit out and you know youre open air the key factor this is west facing it is lovely beautiful direct sunlight coming and flooding this breezeway number one, the 16 units have any lights windows directly into or onto the breezeway they have doors thats good exit the doors and the on windows youre talking about is one on the west side that service the living room and not the only windows in the living rooms. Thank you. I that would be helpful. Can you answer when looking at the aerials do those windows have facing into the courtyard of the building. So the ones on the hickory street side do in their bedrooms because thats where our courtyard on the hickory street side okay. This is a giants place and on the film street dont but their windows looking at nesting into feel street. That would be helpful to have the plans i think so the reason the building was designed that way those are actually shared external hallways so thats why theyre designed that way they were not designed as balconies because the tenants are using them that way it is understandable but designed for the entrances on a shared kind of exterior hallway and let me follow with the project design have any kind of treatment to look at having potentially a wall. It didnt but ill be happy to have that be a feature. One question with the woman with the sorry about that glasses im confused when i hear beige think of sliding glass doors whats the balcony area. When you come through when the elevators in the middle of the circle when you come down the hallway out of the door and come off our saying and breezeway ive been there 2 two years thats a balcony i used it as a balcony we come out when the sun is out i opened my door and get sun not much sun on the windows in the courtyard because of the way the building is shaped when the sun does come up it is 20 minutes in the morning and thats it the only sunlight i get is from my balcony call it what you want i call it a balcony. Even though no light where the loft penetrates but on the doors. We enjoy the trees and the people walk by and. Thank you. I guess if theres a commissioners im having a hard time understanding where the light is coming from it appears this is a breezeway love to see the floor plan so i can understand what they look like and where they get theyre light thats where im at. I make a motion to continue before i do that. Acceptance. The reason is because first of all, that is a substandard lot im not sure how it feel there the cracks if someone is not paying collectively paying attention to all the parcels when the market octavia plan were approved but before probably wouldnt have been allowed. We Community College it was clear it was a substandard lot we went through an interns to see if they couldnt be developed everyone knew this it was the nature. So the staff recorded made it seem otherwise my apologize it sounds like people would be more comfortable more visuals from the facade facing fell i dont know if ill ask for a floor plan ask the project sponsors but like to see many renders from the backside from the parcels and to see what are the views at least if the project sponsors and possibly m m and what are the plans from the side of the building when how look at the renderings the street side and want to see what the other side looks like and then he guess from there, i just a general comment and like the layout and commissioner moore said that best a good design challenge to have i think the project sponsor did a Public Comment is closed. Job with the challenges they had with the substandard lot and appreciate the residential and onsite affordable but sound likes people are not consistent how the impact of the property next to it so rather than delay the thinking i havent had ill make ta a motion to continue. Second. And well put the date. How far woo like to continue it. As not as far out as possible. Pick a date theyre all full. Okay. Ill do that. If i had to recommend one i would go with. June 9th. I would not recommend june 9th. Okay. June 23rd maybe. Okay. All right. Oh. Campaign. Yeah. Im you know probable going to go along with the continuance it will in the gain us anything we might be able to consider with work with the project sponsor so create more spaces between the two lives are buildings any building at this site will block the direct sunlight to that balcony or whatever we call it the balcony so if theres any building regardless of the separation not going to be direct light to i dont see what well gain by the continuance id rather than make the decision but in favor of what the commissioners say. Commissioner moore. Director rahaim ill be interested were those considered for hire density or originally started to continue what you see on hickory that is basically hickory and oak street facing buildings stacks on the housing, etc. Probably get less than half of currently in terms of units that would be a pattern on a 8 foot wide lot not have the problems that we have here im not saying to change that but trying to the how you thought about sorry i couldnt answer he was wasnt here part of dowel to have a footage facing octavia. As opposed to the size of the building as well. Now the reality of everything that happened rapidly not been able to when we revisit this in june. Commissioner wu. I second the request for renderings to see what that looks like from the federal and will ask the developer to meet with the building residents that will help clearly the city i understand that we cant turn our backs but whatever to mitigate the presence of a building just seeing the steps taken to do that would that would be helpful. Commissioner Vice President richards maybe to commissioner Johnsons Point it was built in 199 had the plans are on file in the Public Domain they have to be so should be easy to pull them and bring them id like to see thank you. Commissioner moore. I would ask we any comments regarding the two public bathrooms facing with an open door on the sidewalk before we examine it. Commissioner johnson. Sorry real quick commissioner moore i agree with with our comments normally going i dont like continuance but feel the way the apartment was on m m ill call the infrastructure the kitchens and the bathrooms and the hallways are hard to tell what is the facade so it is a little bit more of a myth someone had Something Else there was a little bit more quality but the backside of the apartments is facing others buildings if this is how it appears extraordinarily there are changes we can suggest sew commissioners, if theres nothing further, well move on to there is a motion that has been seconded to continue this matter to june 23rd with direction from the commissioners commissioner antonini commissioner hillis excuse me commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner wu commissioner Vice President richards and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to store and ill continue the variance to the dates specified. Xheshgz on item 10 egging burt a conditional use authorizati authorization. Im sorry rich if i can interrupt you for one second excuse me people exiting the room we have additional business excuse me, sir, sir excuse me can you take that conversation outside. Thank you sorry rich. Hi richard the the item before you is a conditional use authorization request to establish an internet challenge an egg better avenue and q a conditional use authorization planned Unit Development with modifications and requirements for offstreet parking the project will be change of use for one hundred and 32 thousand square feet and selfstorage for the challenge exchange with an existing building on egbert avenue it constructs a new 4 story addition for mechanical support along the north side and constructing new infrastructure and mechanical cooling and emergency back up power and have new paving for the concrete splabz slabs for the tanks and electrical switch gears and a rooftop gear and offstreet parking for 45 offstreet parking and 45 handicap spaces on may 4th it was reviewed by the cac and through they didnt have quorum the 4 members and members of the cac expresses their support without quorum the cac didnt center an full enforcement to data few inquires several have expressed opposition to the project as analyzing the staff recommends approval the Department Finds the project is necessary and desirable and specifically the project provides Internet Service challenge a necessary use because of technology and the project maintains. With the pdr rh2 and previously approved and constructed and the project sites is a critical part of infrastructure and the ports facility for internet and 12 communications that serves the area it is in the city is essential for the infrastructure and that supports businesses the project underwent environmental analysis with air quality and noise and through the mitigation measures will to the result in increase in the sheds at the project site in addition installation of a new acoustical wall a required addition will lower noise and the final deck found that has no significant effect on the project the project sponsor has prepared a short presentation that concludes my presentation. Im available to answer any questions thank you. Thank you. Project sponsor you have 5 minutes. Gamechanger commissioner im David Silverman im working with the project sponsor on this application for conditional use approval this project was approved in 2003 and built in 2004 as a special purpose for internet use the certificate of final occupancy was issued in 2004 and included in the packet amongst the features the building consists of concrete panels that breakfasts noise through the wall the floor and height was a 16 heat 2 inches to accommodate the equipment and cables the network capacities have been provided for foreclosure know for 4 inch conduits specialized design and features necessary for an Internet Service facility costs the owns many times the cost of incremental construction as mention in his presentation the project was originally approved for Internet Service use but the Planning Department and planning code have a rule if youre use does not occur within 3 years after construction the use is considered abandon you a have to go back and get approval again in addition to the conditional use requirement was adapted after the building was built thats why were before i today seek reapproval for the internet for which the facility was especially constructed its situations in an industrial in the Hunters Point Industrial Zone it is part of this application the owners will construct a 4 story air as a matter of fact, for natural cooling and Significant Energy salesforce every software and Technology Related company a dont want on storing their data the data center is it operating in San Francisco are all at near capacity a new facility is necessary for accommodate the future needs it is a necessary part of infrastructure to expand the diverse economy and provided services for the quality of life in the city all the emergency generators for the facility will be looked at insides of the concrete building on the 4 floor to handsome noise during the emergency uses such as during black outs cooled by outside air that had been circulated within the building Charles Associates does did the Detailed Analysis and said any noise had well be within the cities criteria thank you for your time and consideration ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you opening it up for Public Comment i have no speaker cards any Public Comment on this item close this portion of the hearing. Commissioner antonini. Yes. As pointed out by the project sponsor i assume that was originally built as a serviceer requirement and not used because the demand gooshd and now revised for that purpose i know we approved a couple of others on cold case wall i believe and a number throughout San Francisco but as pointed out the demand is great because the internet and other related activities are growing in her complexity and the amount of usage so storming is essential and this is make sense there is no sound impact no other impacts to any adjacent properties i mean, ill move to approve. Second. Commissioners, if theres nothing further, well move on to there is a motion that has been seconded to approve that matter with conditions think outside the box that motion commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner moore commissioner wu and commissioner Vice President richards so moved, commissioners, that motion passes anonymously 4 to zero and places under item 11 case excuse me 11 ab for c e cases and third street conditional use and large project authorization. Good afternoon, commissioners rich adachi the the item before you is a alleviation with and continual use authorization for the proposed project obtain third street per planning code section the project requires conditional use authorization from the Planning Commission to establish a hotel within the m u o under the large project authorization it is seeking modifications with the planning code permitted obstructs a it includes one story mcdonalds and an 11 hotel with approximately waterproofs and 3 thousand square feet grow square feet measures one hundred and 5 sfooet feet tall with gross square feet of ground floor retail and offstreet parking the project includes one loading space 8 class one bicycle Parking Spaces and two class two bike Parking Spaces has a courtyard and terrace and a vegetable terrace it will undertake the removal of the driveways and extensions of the bulb outs and relocation of the bus shelter and installation of new trees the department has received public correspondence in support and opposition to the project and copies of all the correspondence have been brought the department made minor changes given to the secretary those changes dont alternate the conclusions priority and addition ive included the public correspondence weve received at the time of the publication two letters of supported and one in opposition per bulletin number two a processing of project that will construct more than 10 thousand square feet of residential feet with the platinum certification after analyzing the staff recommends approval with continents with the amble planning codes with the planning code and has greater retail with upgrades with sidewalk while and landscaping and corner bulb outs and the project is could not have and respective the massing and scale for the relative and come plies with the hiring and adds guest rooms to the hotels their notable for the rooms and for the city and their contribution to the city tourism street tree industry the project sponsor is present and that concludes my presentation. Im available to answer any questions thank you project sponsor 5 minutes. Okay. 10 minutes im sorry. Good evening, members my name is scott im representative of the project sponsor just wanted to note just a couple of things well be not only the developer of the project but also the owner and operator we see ourselves as a long term neighborhood and we did a outreach to understand the concerns count community and as part of architect well get into it in detail we changed the massing and enhancing walls in an effort to create the kind of neighboring support we wanted to give the project and as part we were able to get the 3 adjacent reports properties the hoa and able to get members to support the project as well a short presentation on the actual design any questions ill be happy to answer them. My name is michael im the architect for the project pull up the power point. Overhead. So the third street is a terrific location for a hotel it is one block from muni and metro two blocks from caltrans and two from the central subway and close to a major draw the site as rich mentioned a mcdonald boundaries on the would commercial business that is extends to king street and next is the residential and on townsend are the 8 and 11 story magazines of townsend street as mentioned 2 willed and thirty rooms with ground level parking an lshaped with the major facades facing townsend this is a massing that reenforces the street wall of townsend and third street and enhance the pedestrian environment it has an advantage of open space isnt center of a plain clothes with a relationship with the open space that at the other projects the ground floor is the lobby in the center and the retail on the corner and the driveway to the underground basement is used for parking and the deliveries for the hotel on the right as rich mentioned we paid attention to the sidewalk and completely curves with street trees along townsend street the bus shelters it is located to the corner a proper location well no longer have the curve cuts from mcdonalds the corner will be bulb out out that increases Public Safety are the safe streets and the circulation thought and the continues light for hotel arrives this is a conceptual view of particular note number fingerprinting the raised roof the ground floor oriented towards the residents in the adjacent one 18 street an is licenses the new walls of our courtyards will be below the residents on either see typical plan the hotels on level 3 through 8 because of the setback we have two roofs on this property we be paneled to the design of the roof this is the roof the lower revolver on the negligent floor the limited hotel guest activity will take place on king street the bulk of the roof nonacceptable a raised planter towards the courtyard heres the plan of levels 10 and 11 above that is the next of our roofs and the slide is an indication how is that will be masked in similar fashion on the upper roof all the guests activities will be focused towards townsend and third street and the areas facing the courtyard will be a large inassessable to the raised planter and green roof yeah, heres a conceptual view showing the green planter in the areas of the two roofs not gift assessable and scott mentions oh, this is the massing blind drawing the massing of the building in the townsend elevation with 8 and 11 story sections to the level on the next slide the massing of the building on the third street wall with the 18 Street Building and beyond for the buildings on the corner if you go to the next one and focus on the third street section it gave us a better feeling for our approach we see this as a building that combines glass and steel and brick and plastic and wood the traditional materials of the neighborhood we have a corner act sent with the gazing and the entrance the stair tower with the transition to the differentiation of the 9 story roof as scott mentioned a couple of areas we had addressing to the neighborhoods the rest of the 177 townsend street mass are at their 8 story section here the originally proposed the building out to the Property Line there was a roof and as you can see on the lefthand side the results in the 11 story wall that will be fairly close to the residential units on townsend so it is angle encouragement weve recessed that 12 and a half feet from the townsend building and 10 and a half from the street that resulted in the transition bay between the massing of the two building on the lefthand side of this slide in a similar fashion a similar item to address at the 188 king site we while 25 feet back from the closet windows we protrude from the developers is urging with the encouragement we were able to modify the massing and move the entire section that protrudes in front of the last windows on 188 street this is a view of the view along townsend street as you can see weve paid attention to articulating the brick wall well put soldier coerce at the soles of each the windows going up the facade and in the brick plain at the tops of the windows and at the base well have recessed he heather courses on a alternating rhythm of 10 bricks were project by project wooden canopies that is sliding down the streets and see back that go back the articulation of the bay windows metal or with what we think is a good entertainment it makes it more trophy and contemporary building heres the courtyard looking at courtyard giving you a feeling of the outdoor space on the left is the green roof and street trees we planned to provide the buffer for this street this is a length time view the veteran in closing a pleasure to work with staff on this hotel weve gotten better in refinancing it is going to be a very successful urban in fill and take one of the broken keys in the street wall and fix it and in fill in a way that is will be a gracious hospitality and comfort the pedestrian environment and look forward to the commissioners support of it were available to field any questions you may have. Opening up for Public Comment calling names . Good evening commissioner president fong and commissioners im kevin the executive director of Hotel Council of San Francisco and is honor and privilege of working with the city that helps welcomes millions of people to the city this hotel we urge our board and organization urge your approval for what is before you on the authorization us adding another hotel to San Francisco especially in my neighborhood is really a positive thing. This city hotels obviously employ individuals but the majority live and work in San Francisco we have a High Percentage of our employees that dont and allows for the activation around the hotel that is positive for the neighborhood as well hotels contribute that adds to the tax and helps with the city of San Francisco general fund the Hotel Industry is a largest single trshltd to the general fund general funds and that tax helps all sorts of city programs lake the arts and tax as well as this hotel is exciting because it is close to transit many of the guests arrive by transit and this location is great for that as well and especially with the extension of the subway that will be a strong add as well plus the visitor that are coming for conferences and to enjoy the city as a tourist and at the ball park well utilize this hotel in closing, i want to thank you for thank you for your time and thank you for your support to help another new hotel in San Francisco and welcome our visitors to our city thank you. Next speaker, please. Im howard in my opinion the design defining feature is a very large sculpt that was put together by mark stevens and now on the building one 77 off third street a very high latitude and it seen by a large area in the area of third street and townsend on king street if you want to see a good view ill suggest you go to the intersection of clyde and townsend the sculpt main theme was done in the fall of 2007 and sf gate had an article on the hoisting p of this sculpt you are and called it the enormous sculpture and, in fact, they said the lethal of the stain also steel was one hundred thousand pound 5 pieces 3 of the pieces have a length of 4 stories so it is quite a site to be seen and in San Francisco on that street so for this reason since the height of the proposed building will completely obscure that viewing of the current viewing of the sculptures wouldnt be available my suggestion is that the height be something be done in fact, the view the sculpture a available especially in view of the fact that there is a rapidly increasing foot traffic in soma and lots of pedestrians and this is really the structure that will be see right now and enjoyed by foot traffic in the area so for this reason he oppose the current plan a heal a Health Height height building. Good evening ill heave life hey card ive lived in the neighborhood at south beach rincon hill mission bay for over 20 years and the president of the local Neighborhood Association although i speak only more myself very much in support of this project and heres why that corner at king third street townsend is dirty for many marina years the members of the association have complained about specific the doughnut and chicken place in the corner of king theyre on third, i know that wells fargo atm is going away this block we avoid it it tracks attracts the wrong kind of person dirty not safe this hotel will be an amazing upgrade and give stone bridge a call out when they started looking this at welcome to the peoples palace hey you need to contact the Neighborhood Association and he has and kept us up to date and lastly i didnt want to come without speaking to people that live directly next door i dont in my neighborhood not there so i contacted the hoa president and immediate past president an third street i said you know what do you guys that they have the 3 restricts that are reasonable they said otherwise were more the project bring that hotel inlets make the situations cleaner and wider and safer a better place for a pedestrian experience thank you. Good evening, commissioners joel loophole workers local 6 here in strong supports for the project as proposed were urging your approval of it today hotels are particularly a tough nut to crack theyre typically more likely to have an outoftown out of state developer more likely to ship in out of state contractors and workforces this can be seen at the recently finished axiom hotels on powell that recent formally another hotel done im not using any Building Trades for that project also one 4 had king also not a Building Trades utilized project very nearby stone bridge was assessable and open to communication they returned our message as soon as we contacted them and have a terrific relationship with the general contractor worked through the Building Council and the energy and Environment Committee and kieftd to have them a local contractor heading the charge and again, were here in strong support of project hope you approve it thank you. Next speaker, please. Im a neighbor on third street i support in project but i have some concerns he feel like the hotel will be great for the neighborhood and stone bridge has angle interested in hearing what we have to see made some steps to address some of the concerns that the residents have the biggest concern is the shading of the building my unit is extremely effected by the shading of the building on the site on thifrd we simply have not of the light im okay i know that is true no matter what anything is built im not a fan with that said, i think there are other units including some of the affordable units in the building that are most effected by the statewide shading of the building on townsend street on the west most face of building the developer has made some effort to reduce the impact of that shading i think that is is right direction id like to see them do and you support is to revise the project a little bit more or engage with the neighborhoods a little bit more so as what can we do to further reduce the impacts of this building on those units that can have the Impact Review again, im in favor of it i appreciate a what theyre doing just more that can be done thank you. Good evening my name is susan president of the third Street Association that represents 177 townsend and king street ill leave my card here one 77 townsend is right next door to the hotel and thank you sunlight will not be eliminated more will views of the sculpture theyll be limited but that sculpture will still be visible from a number of key points ive studied very closely the shade studies to the courtyard area to 2 henry adams on the units on the front the developer has been very interested in our opinions and very responsive to us theyve made a modification to the structure to setback some of the hotel rooms on the corner and that is cost them 400,000 it has removed 60 square feet from the hotel rooms and it improved do sunlight 100 percent in the summer 42 percent in the fall and 25 percent in the spring so we think that is significant there was one large concrete wall our residents will be looking at and the developers came up with a nice design and assorted material to make that for appealing were considering that now theyve agreed to be a Good Neighbor with everything from trash cans to help to clean up a filthy block we want cleaner sidewalks so many people go dot ball parks a im happy to see the we believe this developer will be a very Good Neighbor to us we heartily support the project thank you. Again commissioners i think im mention at local 2 to support the project at 701 third street as youve heard us is before and again, it is our concern the Union Representing the hospitality workers to work so new jobs are created about lift up the community the the living wages and working conditions for the men and women that work in our city and the Hotel Workers have supported those jobs we signing agreement to remain neutral and no employees to form a union the developer of this project stone bridge reached out to us and has signs an agreement they are setting an example as such for future developments in the soma and the city as a whole were pleased to support this project for that reason and here to answer any questions you might have thank you. Good evening commissioner my name is simon an immediate neighbor at the 170 of the building and i live on the 177 townsend side i live in the immediate stack that was pretty effected by the extension or the hotel going in and going up to the Property Line and i do appreciate how both the developer and the architect have heard our concerns about the as one of our previous speakers mentioned that you know thats you know appreciated and welcomed it would be nice to see more the effect is now itch less it is been reduced to a point where it is not going to have a big of a detrimental effect on the natural sunlight those units will only get light if that northwest corner they only get evening light with the extension of the building up to the Property Line we are we were going to be in shadow in the living room a big wall next to our wall its been reduce we appreciate that and other concerns again, some of the shading and so on so im in favor and agreed that is a much better neighborhood than the mcdonalds and the current use so i wanted to add my voice to that thanks. Good evening, commissioners dan settle local 104 were here to support this project to it is a near the tradition station and muni and were pleased to announce well pattern with them using Union Plumbing a sheet Metal Workers contractor that means middleincome and good paying construction jobs for local residents that will create career packets for local residents to the state apprenticeship programs we look forward to your support. Is there any Public Comment okay Public Comment is closed. Commissioner moore. It is interesting to see the transformation of the right use of the right density coming in at that time i think the mcdonalds as out lived his significant but a type of building traditionally use in this kind of a setting blare 2, 3, 4 a circular driveway id like to ask mr. Stanton questions. The drawings are they what you presented today. Are there additional changes. After we the dry rehearsal we added some 3 dimension rendering like the blow up that we showed in the slide of the materials and samples an townsend street i dont believe that is in the package which did the commissioners get the site modifications to the massing in response to the 188 we have that i believe commissioner moore with the expectation of the renderings everyone Everything Else or everything is consistent. Id like to ask you on 177 townsend street the building adjoining to the north side he is a lightwell which is not being respond to an your side im wondering why since this is a pretty dense building im wondering why you werent not able to respond to match that lightwell. Im scrolling back to the milk image of that. One 02 and one 02 both go up we have a lightwell. Here we go it is it is a little bit blurry but the lightwell we considered initially on 4 windows into the lightwell the lightwell itself if you look at the street lights side that guarantee goes across the no parking is indicated youll see four sliver windows the only windows into the lightwell my understanding there are ancillary windows to other rooms and so not a case that were depriving the light. Could describe the ancillary rooms given ocean buildings are dense id like to know at least what is behind them typically we do expect matching lightwells. Anybody. I 19, sense weve presented that lightwell as being a wall in front of it so since the First Community meeting over a year ago and nobody brought up the question because we feel the four windows at the top levels that is the only floors that have windows the other side is completely blank and perhaps with an the residents of the building might know more about what is occurring in light lightwell. A person raising her hand can you explain to us is this a standard question we have to ask but apples to apples we ask anyone else as well. I live in that floor plan so i dont i dont have a window the room that window looks at into is a small thin secondary room not a bedroom not loubd bus no windows on the lower floors but the only light into that room so on my floor that room has from light on American People artificial on the others they get the evening sun. Pretty much inundates that room he spoke with one of my neighbors and said it would be great to get light i dont know what is practical i know that people that live in floor plane have the windows appreciate the light in f that room. I have to express my bias ive lived in apartments with variance place and situations in apartment buildings you are not having the amenities of a single singlefamily home with ground gardens so any light you get an essential it makes the quality of where you live the light in a den is an important part and for sake of contestantcy a let that might not have the depth of this but minimum be 3 feet and match the lightwell across that is what we standardly expect and perhaps harder to do in that hotel none of the remain buildings what would happen if we challenge this to be add. Hold our question and given you a little bit of information the image i put up shows you the back and forth the modifications because of the concern that the neighbors have voiced of light on townsend street facade before we made the shift the lightwell before we pushed the Building Back we had the lightwell over lapsing with the edge of our building so we were not closing off so which we have earnestly plans so initially we were not covering up the lightwell it seems in some the concerns of neighbors were far towards the effects since you brought up the lightwell the best thing to shift the guests rooms 10 feet 6 inches i mentioned from townsend street thats why it is covered up overflow room it wasnt it was in response i know you asked me a question i know. Im following have to admit the front recessing the front of the building is the better possibility to the corner thats not as aggressive if it would be where you showed it overflow room are you able in in no way, shape, or form to get the upper floor rooms in the area the texture of color by which a lighter color helps to bounce light so it didnt look like a blank wall. Can you give me a hand and find the image that shows how we treating that adjacent wall. We can out of weve removed no building but that image indicates a pattern were proposing in the panel system facing the terraces is that are on the 8 percent, 9 and temple on the 8 level and terrace and the balconies on 9 and 10 we can expend that material down into the lightwell so that the materials in that lightwell at the levels where the windows are will be both reflective and Higher Quality so we can certainly make that observation. I should for the sake of not effecting the people in the units a Higher Quality of material not busy or in the effect basically give the scale but lightness and should be better than that a stucco wall a stucco wall with that kind of lightwell is hard to maintain in the long run so whatever you can do for that nonexisting match it to elevate the experience and city see something not adjusting to your face thats a suggestion. Well make it so commissioner antonini. Yeah. Im post this is a very good project and i appreciate the fact that the project sponsor is worked the neighbors and will continue to work with the neighbors on issues that were brought up. I frequently go to giants games and can attest this is a great replacement for the mcdonalds as a farther than i usually prefer Second Street to third street and it is pollutant but it is a great improvement and need hotels the fact it is close to transit maybe people will oftentimes stay overnight and have a car that allows them to do that 4. 3 million in impact fees you know the building at 170 off third is supportive of that the design is really good eliminating curb cuts and a couple of setbacks mentioned to. 4 and 50 in the other, 2 thousand feet of retail in support of Hotel Council and labor are all good things ill move to approve with continuing to work with neighbors and in particular address the color scheme of the area adjacent to the lightwell to reflect as much light as we possible can. Commissioner johnson. Sorry. Hi yeah supportive of the project just as a closure i live a block from this property i rent he live around there a couple of things great project one thing from the staff a note nonetheless youre familiar with the developer in of the area or read the fine appoint youll not realize there is two other hotels in construction or being planned within like two blocks so to note not clear from the staff report that may have the information the commissions want the other things on the ground floor the lobby area of the hotel ill concerned about this circulation usability if youve been on third to a ball game it is a circus people are returning up and down the street when i look at the ground floor the hotel with the Revolving Doors and the layout proposed not necessarily conducive to the horror on the other side of the wall ill challenge you to think about things for example, sliding doors so open to the street or other ways to egress or otherwise make that a little bit more assessable and not so much like when youre in the lobby and cant leave the building so this is one suggestion ill make to 9 project sponsor but appreciate the project and the southeast grows in provision and economic i know diversity and Development Homeless are a necessary part of the fabric of that communities appreciate it. There is a motion that has been seconded to approve this matter with conditions the amended motion yes. Yes. Also including to continue work with the neighbors and to use reflective colors for the adjacent side waltz commissioner antonini. Mr. Would you, please not call is reflective or but light reflecting with the light colors reflective. I was repeating what the maker of the motion. The better term is light colors. Thats fine with the berserker. If we added a motion to work on the lobby. Thats one, two i think the project sponsor has acknowledged this to continue work for the lobby with particular reference towards egress and at times of heavy foot traffic in the area. Is that amenable commissioners on that motion amended and staff and amended by the commission to continue working with the neighbors and to use light colors for the just a minute lightwell and to improve the lobby lay out commissioner antonini is commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner wu and commissioner Vice President richards and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and commissioners this will place us under our discretionary review calendars for items 12 ab for 10 and 9 and at fulsome street this is are discretionary reviews please note own march 31st after Public Comment is closed. The commission continued to thursday, may 5, 2016, commissioner johnson and commissioner wu were absent commissioners in order to commissioner in order for you participate matter you must acknowledge youve reviewed the materials and the previous hearing and yes, he have thank you commissioner wu commissioners the chair has determined because we this is the second hearing on this matter but also recognizing the unique case and there are 19 dr requesters we are providing the dr requesters a combined 10 minute presentation the project sponsor will then receive a 5 men presentation and then each members of the public that worries about it testify not part of dr requester or any of the dr requesters team or the project sponsor team will receive one minute to submit their testimony one thing i didnt clarify that did come as a request into the dr requesters or at least some of the dr requesters attorney representing to please split that 10 minutes into a 8 minute presentation with a time for two minute rebuttal. Okay. Lets do that thats fair. 8 minute presentation and two minute rebuttal therefore the project sponsor wish to cut their 5 minute time for time for rebuttal may do so as well very good. Sir. Hold on jonas campaign. Yeah. Even though it is a modified dr after the their presentation tea to the project sponsor there is always a rebuttal for the dr requesters anyway. This the second hearing. I understand but have each other present. Now we are. Understand. It is generous of the chair to provide this much time. Sounds like good. Thank you for recognizing that good evening commissioners irish the item before you a request for discretionary review for the Building Permit associated with the new construction of two singlefamily residences on fulsome the prompted project located on two vacant lots measuring 20 by 70 if the rh for the special use district and 40 height and bulk curiosities those parcels have direct sidewalk improvements that portion is a paper student not improved the two sfinlz are 2 1 2 street tassels and the two measures 2009 plus square feet and since the last public hearing in 2016 the commission directed accident staff to have additional consultation with at city agencies with San Francisco public works the public works and the department of building inspection and the San Francisco Fire Department per dpw has confirmed the layout it feasible and the associated grading plan the Planning Department has given a tentative approval it requires additional review by the San Francisco Fire Department if occur until after the packets were published the project sponsor will proud will Additional Information dbi shares the restricts are not reviewing the extension again, the department firms their opinion their appears no exceptional or extraordinary it is kept with the planning code and the Bernal Heights and recommends the commission not take discretionary review and approve im available to answer any questions that concludes my presentation. Thank you. Okay. Thank you dr requester good evening. Im ann with the Bernal Heights slope Design Review board and pardon me the Bernal Heights design board wishes to emphasize the nature of the Building Sites just a minute to fulsome and their unique with a Community Garden and city space along the boulevard merits sensitive solution not beginning the development but not support the development that disregards the guidelines in particular there are 3 points we would like to make the guidelines encourage the design that relates to the site typography by the steep hill massing down the sleep is not dominating between the buildings each building has flat roofs and boxy forms this massing will result in buildings that loom over the surrounds surroundings does that thats the present plan that we had reluctance for the front facade of building secondly, we are guidelines call for side yard to provide visual relieve between the building bulk and provides opportunity interest architectural articulation there are side yards on the buildings their and rear the buildings so as a result, it is a bit following the letter but in the the spirit of guideline the end result a solid wall effect and twothirds the guidelines encourage the use of facade elements to break down massing and provide dimensional texture it fronting on fulsome the south facing chapman the the address and the west facade both buildings the north facade facing bruno heights boulevard open fulsome will be visible prominent in the neighborhoods those facades are underdeveloped and the facades facing the boulevard take advantages of the view more to over the passenger side the view will be sitting down effected by those buildings and hope there be be some mitigation as were saying were not against the building but for the other 4 under developed lots that are built in the future. Thank you. Good evening commissioners Ryan Patterson on behalf of the dr requesters family secretary and i have a few packets for the commission thank you commissioners, i want to take the brief time to not to rehash previous issues or even to devolve into new issues i think there was concern the issues raised last time were valid but not necessarily within the planning code purview so i wanted to take this chance to explain why new issues are truly Planning Commission issues and hopes youll take them seriously pr First Parking is required in this neighborhood under section 242 and has to be fundamental from the driveways dont meet the standard the project cant be considered for offstreet parking the proposed would be so steep and not functional what happened when the developers attempted to build driveways coming off the steep road on block two blocks away this is a wheel coming off above the ground several inches. Significant evidence in the record from engineers attesting this driveway is unfunctional and violates the planning code section not a dpw issue this is a planning code issue so there has to be functional driveways and on top of cant are a driveway if no street going up to it the street that is proposed according to the project sponsor own new submissions in this weeks packet are still not being signed off by dpw navigated if you look at these emails filed by the project sponsor look at tab f in this packet it is refer to quote pending approval from other departments dpw and others going down to the email same tab quote public works cannot speak on the equipment and vehicular requirement the street as not signed off and cant be signed off because it didnt meet even though Fire Departments vehicular Access Requirements especially for ambulances cant get to this project. And from the Fire Department tab g quote allowable grades tempered with the operations from rich brown with the Fire Department now what did that mean dpw in principle with this but and thats showing trees immediately along the 26 inch gap transition pipeline under tab h there are not approving it until the other departments give approval what do you mean for planning i suggest two options the terrors first is that hearing not ready for prim time should be continued until the other departments give their comments this didnt meet the offstreet parking and therefore should be approved with us sfoochz with a variance this would be satisfactory without the safer streets in the neighborhood and that is the more rational path this is as been said among San Francisco steep it streets this is the only one that has garages coming off not a workable plan and lastly another reason to continue that the neighborhood to purchase this prop as parking space the project sponsor immediately took up the offer we want to have the time to do that thank you very much. Thank you okay. The speakers in support of dr requester or not part of dr requester team. All right. Public comment but they cant be part of dr requester team. Right if you filed the dr requester or part of the team you cant speak but have one minute. Good evening long evening for you im speaking on some of the issues that are confined to public the entitlements for those two developments are approved that is an entitlement for m minnie subdivision the utilize are connected to the others loss and this is piecemealing this is a general issue that is limited issue to working city assess rather than the vehicles to bottom out and people turnover delivery trucks stop and block the hill because of the street sleepiness and nearness of width and addition overflowing neighborhood parking because no parking and this is arrested a major issue so for those issues concerning the entire 6 blocks of parking and limit access to injecting we dont permit this thank you very much. Good evening, commissioners id like to read a letter from the Bernal Heights Democratic Club the Bernal Heights club supports the upper fulsome Street Development necessary Bernal Heights based on significant Public Safety concern there is clear danger from the more angling of the pg e pipeline stereotypeness and narrow width to the proposed street and unresolveable liveable assess the two lots seeking permits will be followed but for immediately adjacent those teaches construction will do nothing to address San Franciscos housing crisis and unsafe and unappropriated developments on those lots we appreciate our consideration of our input in this matter thank you. Hello commissioners. Im speaking on behalf of many brewing a long time resident of San Francisco specifically Bernal Heights id like to express my opposition to the upper fulsome street below the communities gardens and adjacent to Bernal Heights park if in development go goes through that negatively impacting the space an braets boulevard critical the promoted development has to onstreet parking parking forces the delivery trucks and others vehicles to eye the limited Public Parking along the boulevard any reduction in Public Parking along this section of Bernal Heights hinders the additionally the proposed houses will block the special view of bernal valley of a your disabled and cannot climb the hill this exact spots on Bernal Heights boulevard directly above the boulevard has the last view that can be seen from Bernal Heights critical for the disabled on. Thank you, maam, your time is up. Im sorry thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello my name is barbara we still are concerned about the safety of that site there is as mentioned before only 3 assess points to this ear and with the street being unresolve that is one of major assess points to all the houses above this area and with the elevations being you think determined at this point it is still two early to know how the street will turnout actually assess tattoos proposed building so when thank you. When the building or the elevation is too high and the garages not able to be built what will you do to assess those garages pursue permitted to be built not able to the assessed if thats the streets process that is unresolved thank you very much. Good evening commissioners im reading a letter on behalf of the charmane one of the organizes im a professor of horticulture over thirty years i do not reside in Bernal Heights but gardening with the Bernal Heights Community Gardens caring for the areas directly surrounding the National Areas with the rec and park the entire areas is adjacent to the project being considered the physical impact of the project must be considered as part of design as the existing are even modifying grading supplies and equipment like complains and trucks arriving we need to assess from above on Bernal Heights boulevard as using fulsome street will be impossible that will bring more traffic of all kinds to the boulevard there be physical impact on animal and their habitat. There last year or will be. Thank you, maam, your time is up. Youre welcome to leave that with us. Good evening, commissioners im a stroke neurologist i came here to get treatments as soon as possible possible a street one of the steep it in the world one the steep it in San Francisco i think that is irresponsible to delay treatment with that assessable to an ambulance. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . In support of the dr requester not seeing any, project sponsor. Good evening commissioners, i spent a lot of time trying to gather the information you requested last hearing i think weve been able to provide most of the information we needed i provided the information that was given us but street Design Advisory Team showing we do i provided the approval from street and hows and dpw has approved the street tree profit and the Fire Department and pg e and the sfpuc we met with San Francisco Fire Department and they agreed that the street is not part of what needs to be provided to give the fir apparatus section 403 requires the apparatus and ambulance get assess with an where we have to assess points within one hundred and 20 and plus on the other corner for the process the Water Department said theyll work with us as soon as the site permit is approved they dont want to spent a lot of time on the layout but dont see any issues in finds ways to provide water and sewer to the project the same with pg e and the departments have said dbi will thank you very much. Good evening commissioner president fong and members the Commission Im chair mars with the Law Enforcement of Charles Olsen i will run through a couple of issues i know one request made by the commission was to bring back indications from the various departments that the proposed extension of fulsome street was usedable i believe the presentation indicates that the various city agencies have look at that a bit of a catch22 the request from the dr requester attorney to have further continuance until every Single Department has signed off this this is virtuosity of having Small Business Small Business from a local approval with the employee employees make sense some departments dont want final approval or other aspects the project unless they know the project as a site permit and thats the case in terms of a few issues the parking the project sponsor has been working were other departments for more than a year to make sure it expectation b will work and offered to pay for the design of the driveways that currently exist on the you think approved revise we dont know interests any reason for the driveways will work and no need for a variance in terms of the other lots as i said San Francisco is not for seeable a review application and ruled since 1984 and only two applications in for approval here in terms of the poem and the board packet youve received had two reports from pg e and 19 percent of the pressure and the construction is seen. Folks in support of project sponsor not part of the project sponsor team. Good evening, commissioners again, we heard a lot about fire gas lines and Street Safety unfortunately, neither of those topics belong in this room because they dont belong in this room didnt mean their voices wont be heard merry the way you our process works after the planning signs off the plans are route to the various agencies including fire, puc and dpw when those plans are routed to those agencies they will be viewed upon the neighbors will have an open conversation and dialogue with staff that had experience and expertise with the codes and policies that are applicable unfortunately Planning Department staff or this commission does not have those expertise or experiences you having your expertise is in design it is in the planning code. Sir. Those are modest in scale thank you. Next speaker i spoke for. Correct. My name is a joe i know other people spoken in a whatever seriously retracting the Firefighters Union that is retracted and most importantly with what did the Fire Department say it is raised about the steepness the hill and the Response Time when an apparatus parked in that area how long to take into consideration to get to an individual im a San Francisco fire officer worked in the mission and worked in Bernal Heights i can tell you the Response Time to get to any person that is trapped is well within our limits but but locations that are further away further away than this location so the area is safe folks. Thank you. Good evening, commissioners Structural Engineer project sponsor is now suggesting this is simple building i dont know project sponsor recognizes this will have to go through different agencies no such thing as a simple project in San Francisco only those structurally challenging for disabilities thats why god created surveyors Structural Engineers and Civil Engineers theyre going through a process most liken and this will be reviews by the proper agencies and people are will have the opportunities to challenge them and question them the commission is to look at the plan aspects and nothing else accessibility and engineering structural Advisory Commission and sole protection in other jurisdictions thank you. Thank you. Okay. Any other speakers in support of project sponsor okay not seeing any, dr requester you have a go minute rebuttal. Thank you. Roof line patterson i want to respond briefly to the same thing first, the project sponsor may say that is a fungal but substantial evidence from one of the citys for most enters and for most engineers here today says to the contractor up to the commission to assume that the evidence shows otherwise it is out u outside to commission purview but section in the planning code are win this commission purview and it is up to this commission to make that determination that is c if you care to review section 35 the fir letter that was produced in the project sponsors response for today was written by the project sponsor and not a substitute by the Fire Department so until the Fire Department officially assess this is approval despite the codes section with the steepness we just cant take that at face value mr. Dulavich speaks to a few things including the photo on a computer yeah showing this intact. Yeah. As you can see interest a balloon we tested the actual height of the structure in the trees puncture blocking that vista the planning codes requires this that there be egress and egress to get in and out were not talking about the streets you can make a street 100 degree and drive up and down pretty fast but turn and drive both a driveway do goats into the driveway that driveway your responsibility and you can as thank you, sir, your time is up. Thank you, sir, your time is up. Thank you. Okay project sponsor a two minute rebuttal. Sorry one minute. Thank you commissioner president fong. I cant attest to the substantial evidence that was submitted to the commission tonight not provided in the packet and not received. At the end of the day four people and patricia and james trying to billed two singlefamily residences is with too singlefamily homes and time to let them get their site permits thank you. Okay. That concludes the public portions of that item and commissioner testifier the project sponsor so charging him separately, under construction of the two singlefamily residences, which is under the commissions purview, thats basically happens parallel. If it upon a public works was to deny that street improvement permit, project sponsors still can move forward with the construction of the house and under and interpretation if the to [access to a street or any kind of improvement theres not required to provide austria part. So the parking it is so sweet there, theres no parking requirement. So in that case were recruiting and correct. Industry was not to be built that garages kind of storage and noble and poet, basin. It can be used for cars. Cars are not required to. Then, i guess the question there is could we ask this budget come back to us for instance, they could get approval of a street and the gutter project that we could just approved with the garage is i think thats a little odd, you know, . Coucilmember zapf typically what happens after the commissions action on a discretionary review, it writes relates directly to whether not sign up and then approve the Building Permit. So, if the Commission Wants to take discretionary review make modifications, we would make sure project sponsor program the changes the permit to match what the commission approves. The commission was denied the project also, then staff would likely have to disapprove the permit. Commissioner hillis what about the case that a street is approved by dpw . I imagine that the process but neighbors are notified and theres an appeal to that permit or go through a process to appeal the permit or wherever it may be appealed to the so theres a separate process to build the streets. Through dpw that neighbors will have recourse id imagine the Fire Department will look at that and others as well as pg any as this may impact the pipeline. Testifier correct commissioner hillis what if dpw crews the street but the access to the, the issue that came up, you can get into the garage . Or theres no way to get into the garage . Testifier that would be something by the Building Department. The slopes of the driveway are something that the Building Department would review basically. Commissioner hillis so you could not get into the garage or it could not work speak you testifier it from the planning codes perspective, if theres no double traffic like if the lots dont have access or if the grades between the two are they can access each other, they would not have a parking requirement for rn. Commissioner hillis they would not they would just modify the project to eliminate the garage testifier correct. Given how should grades can be adjusted, but rates can be adjusted so would be something a sponsor has within their control to adjust. Commissioner hillis to make it accessible, okay. I think thati mean, weve got a bit distracted on this and i appreciate you all doing the research that you do, but i think there is a process that the neighbors and the project sponsor and i would imagine is very rigorous about building a street and how you go about doing that in dpw would be part of that and the Fire Department would plate and so would pg e would be notified good im most concerned about the street can i think the one thing that we do have purview over that doesnt come up terribly often is the design of the buildings. I mean, i think would be helpful because we havent talked about it a lot, to have the continue to work with staff on the designs of the building especially the can of the northern and southern sides given that there are no buildings adjacent to this and we dont know what one would be built especially the canopy of you, from bernal houtz boulevard and up in the part. So, that would be my concern Going Forward but i think we can kick to staff, if this concern is to continue to work on those design elements. So that the facade its a little more visually interesting because it is facing the hill on the part. President fong commissioner commissioner antonini i can understand why its expensive to build any hundred obviously neighbors have concerns but this is an have to be the place that we taken appeared in this is infeasible that will be built. If its feasible it will be built. Some of the runs to build a singlefamily home on their own property, and its appropriate design, i think it something we should be approving. So, thats basically my feeling on the thing. I think staff made a lot of good suggestions and the fact that they might suggest try to do some kind of turnaround at the end of the street if im not mistaken, and also trying to put some possibly stairs of 2 bernal blvd. Which are nice features that would probably bei know it would take dr to do that, but its some of the things the project sponsor could continue to work with staff on and street , those also like really important things and get a couple issues raised. The Fire Department has said that, they only have as far as emergency treatment, they only have to get to i think 150 feet or some figure two where the victim is and they would go from the getgo that hoses the go that far. So, they dont have to be able to bring their engines up there. And everybody else seems to be talking about feasibility and their letters but the proof of the pudding will be when a ghost for these different agencies whether it gets approved or not. Then, the argument in terms of their view i mean, this is a picture we have and it shows theres a whole great big area Bernal Heights boulevard where one can look to the south. The one small portion of that might be partially blocked by these homes. But, it would take away the view everywhere else. So, i mean i really dont see the public view issue being brought up here. So, anyway, thats my feeling. I would like to move to not take the dr and approve the project with project sponsor continuing to work with staff on the design and other issues to make it as appropriate as possible for the site. President fong commissioner mar commissioner moore i think the project applicant has answered at least the questions i feel we asked and the previous hearing. The confluence was about getting some form of the but and its very clear that the department dont step out of line in a process which is sequential for all people can theres not all of a sudden because we are raising issues that even within our jurisdiction they would step out of line and kind of do which is only really sequentially approved and department [inaudible]. So i am quite comfortable that all of the emergency brakes, something not in those areas which are not in our jurisdiction would all come on should something come. Some supportive of the project. I do only want to see that the north facade as were limiting additional design input to the north facade but not to the entire building, i think this building has come through and through reviews and adjustments and im in support of it. President fong commissioner richards. Commissioner richards . One question. I was out in the hall when you get your opening remarks. Do you know what the standard is that the dpw is for access to streets 82 garage . Is it a checklist . Do they go out and model . Commissioner zepp im not required on the family video dpw requested i would assume that the code that guides what grades can be when access would be and so the sponsor would have to follow the public works code commissioner richards my only concern is the street for some reason can be put a car up there. You dont build a garage that we give you direction that usually it Something Else or you, dated some other design that having a garage does not is kind of stupid. I support the project with that intense. But you dont build the project cant use it. Thats determined by dpw. President fong commissioner mar coucilmember loar we need to remember that the street itselfthis is not somebody asking for an extension of subdivision which does not already exist. If that was the case it would most more scrutiny would be required but thats not the case here. So the fact is that the street is not built is not the first time that we are approving a project where the planning is there. The street is not built because you need a certain number of participants in order to build the street. I do not see that to be really a question that isnt indirectly implied. President fong very good, since theres a motion has been seconded to not take the dr and approve the project as proposed. With the direction that the project sponsor continue working with staff on the north facade on a motion. Clerk [roll call vote] clerk so moved the commission that motion passes unanimously 60. Commissioners that places on us on item 13. [reading code] president fong good evening president fung testifier departments that. Coucilmember zapf the proposed budget 503 anderson said. The proposed is to construct a new to our city put three story Single Family dwelling the proposed building the height of a puzzling 25 feet up on the back of tempe. A rear yard of approximately 19 feet and overall building depth or possibly 406. During the public notification. As requested discussion reviewers five the request for discussion of you the residence was 19 review the project and apartment in our request for the changes to the project. Budget represented in the three notifications the project before you today. Since april 25 when you receive the commission packet, theres been one letter of support which provided copies for you today. As a project provides a matching [inaudible] the cable go to minimize the amassing as well as a setback at the rear of the third floor. A raised entry to columbia stylish pattern of entries on the pocket nickel compliant garage door. The Department Finds this project to be find an consistent with the character and scale of the neighborhood. Department recommends the commission not take dr and approve the project as proposed at this concludes my presentation and am available for questions. President fong think. Dr requester. Testifier testifier sorry, im not used tohi. Thanks for your time. I know its a late night. My name is carly mckenney. We my husband and i and our three boys with that 501 anderson. The property just north 2503 anderson. Tonight, i want to go over three things just a history. Our findings and and or request and answer questions what you have. Since we moved in to our home, or personal our home was built in 1906 we purchase it in march of last year at the end of march and we moved in inmate and a first meeting with mr. Machen and his designer was the first weekend we moved in with our three boys and thats when we first heard about this project. So, two years to their planning. Already and i think three versions into it. The thought of a want to build a threestory house that maximizes the height on the lot size. We also gave us their intentions to cut off 36 inches of our roofline and pop outs and we saw the plans and thought they would block the light air and safety draft from her only bedroom window in the house. We are ready to respond immediately so we left a note we wanted to go [inaudible]. To our findings, we had to request. One is a 5 foot setback for the length of the building to mitigate the reduction of light and air to our property. And also avoid fire safety issues. We have a one bedroom one bath house. We have three small children and they are in the bedroom. There isthe window goes on to the next property. He was also, again built in 1906. So thats where it is. Also, we respect the pontial historic wine around your we also requested small twostory house on a threestory home as the plans are provided. Again, we may getting the reduction of light and air and also maintain the scale and character of the immediate lock and neighborhood. Youll see some pictures as well. Going to the store potential significance of our property, appear ucd sanborn map. I cant use the mouse on this lichen on the map but we there is a gap therebetween are two properties originally and we kind of want to preserve the staff that was grisly there with the properties. Theres a picture you see of our kitchen with refrigerator. Thats where what about dropouts is you can imagine 30 squarefoot home we are trying to leverage all the space we can get. When we put the fridge rater there, we took out a shelf and we had to put a new drywall, but we found was newspapers in the wall from 1906 as well as that would structure. Which is indicative and means towards eight earthquake shaft. Thats kind of what we found there. Weve included some pictures of our own sins that were not included in the packet for you, but on the left youll see a picture from the artist rendition that also obscures our house with the trees that i took back right now but in this picture, you dont see our pop out good you also dont see our debtors here as well. The other picture on the right is from the bedroom window. Yes, we all agree is kind of an ugly building thats there, but right now they do have a cd egress should there be a fire. Next, this is our treat them back on the left. There represents the height of our current structure. Then, the buildings look like everything is really one story on this upper half of the block. Everything is built in the early 1900s. When you get on the other side it was the 19 teens and 1920s. So everything here is one story. Some of them have the peak roofs with the annex. With a line here on the left showing where the legend Property Line is and what the proposing to cut off of our house. Talking about the fire safety issue, i try to with the blue, thats our window. Then, we have our second day yellow lines on the floor level so we have essentially, not much space safety in terms of egress getting out of those window should be a fire and then going back to your guidelines for building, the building residential guidelines, theres a picture here that shows building to scale in form and whats not uniform and thats essentially what this project is proposing. So again, to request 5 foot setback in the two smaller twoStory Building. President fong thank you. Are there any speakers in support of the dr requester . Testifier good evening good i do not mean come today to those walking that my dog is but i dont even know the people that live in those houses but i saw a sign up that someone was going to stick a threeStory Building on this block in bernal where everything is one story. I lived in Bernal Heights for 30 years. Im a big supporter of the community and involved in the church, the committee summer, the rec center and, in the elementary project as well. I cant believe that someone would present this proposed units as being in the character of bernal. This outside of bernal lots are what 25 x 75. Dar smaller lot. The houses on either side of the proposed threeStory Building our single story box. Not only what you impede on the quality of life for

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