January 14th, 20th San Francisco Police Commission. No, you are not having a flashback. Im filling in tonight for commissioner loftus who along with chief greg sur and joyce hicks are flying back from washington, dc where they spent the last 3 days at a group called perf theyve been back there since sunday essentially looking at what other Police Departments have been looking at in terms of what options to Police Departments have in dealing with individuals who have knifes and sharp objects. Its part of what were doing concerning the use of force, they went back there all three together and we will have a report on that last week. Thats why we are not here tonight, we have 4 commissioners, we worked hard, one commissioner is not feeling well but we really wanted to have a meeting to accommodate all of you. Item 1. Item 1, adoption of minutes, action for the meetings of october 7, 14, 21, november 4 and december 2, 2015. Commissioners, you have the minutes in your packet. Are there any questions or additions . I move for adoption. Second. All in favor . We have to have Public Comment. Public comment regarding our minutes. Mr. Petrellis good evening, is this working . My hearing aids are busted and theyre in the shop, both of them. Okay, listen, you are adopting minutes from october. October . I dont know why it is taking the commission this long to approve your minutes from october three meetings in october, one meeting in november and one meeting in december. I have issues with this because i think that youve got to be putting the minutes out sooner on the web. Im just assuming, ill check it when i get home tonight, that the minutes from october are not yet on the web. If theyre not, thats not okay. I dont know how they could be on the web until you have approved them. Youve got to put these things up sooner, youve got to process them sooner. Thank you. Any further Public Comment regarding the adoption of our minutes . Hearing none, Public Comment is closed. We have staff working with commissioners and many issues and they do a great job. Please call line item 2. Did you vote on the first item . Were all good. Item 2, consent calendar, receive and file action. Police Commission Report of disciplinary actions 4th quarter 2015, request of the chief of police to accept a 50 burlington gift card from mr. Jim kennedy, burlingtons regional Loss Prevention manager to be donated to a local charity or a family in need. I move to accept. Any Public Comment regarding the 50 gift card that the chief is going to give away . No, its on all consent items. And the gift card. And the disciplinary actions. He says to a family in need, right . Ill take it. I dont know if we can do that, miss brown. Well, you said. Thank you. Mr. Petrellus, would you like the gift card . Well, we cant do it. I apologize. Any further Public Comment regarding the consent calendar . Mr. Petrellus. Were talking about the 4th quarter firearm things . Im very glad that you have a paper copy of this document here. What troubles me, though, on page 2 it talks about the first case oid00615 and then the other case was ois 15005. Theres no information about the officers. They are not named. There really has to be word coming from this Police Commission that you understand the state law prevents you from naming these cops, but when you are presenting these reports excuse me summaries back to us and you are talking about discharging of arms you are telling us about an investigation about what happened in these two incidents and we dont know the officers names, this is really then rendered pretty worthless. Youve really got to find a way to call on the state to change the state law that would allow Police Forces around the state to disclose the names of bad cops. Thank you. Any further Public Comment on that . Hearing none, Public Comment is closed. Please call the next line item. Before we go. Public comment now, miss brown. Before we move to Public Comment the commission would like to report that there will be 4 Community Input sessions on the use of force policy. There will be 4 forums on january 19th, january 21st, january 26 and january 27th for the community to provide input to both the commission and to the Police Department. These will be each of those nights from 6 00 to 7 00 pm and there are flyers on the table and we will post this to the web site. Given the time constraint this commission has put on itself with reference to looking at the use of force policy, rather than have fullfledged Commission Meetings were going to do what we have done in the past so theres more community access, more meetings. Were going to have meetings through the Police Department, we will have 2 or 3 commissioners present, we will not have a quorum present. As you heard from sergeant killshah, the dates of january 21, the 26 and the 27, those dates have been chosen. Later on tonight i will be asking for commissioner volunteers, the location for the 19th to be determined, the 21st is the baptist church, the 21st is bayview ymca and the 27th is a location to be determined. So were trying to spread this out and get as much exposure as we possibly can in a short period of time. So now we can move into general Public Comment. Item 3, general Public Comment. The public is now welcome to address the Commission Regarding items that do not appear on tonights agenda but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. Speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department or occ personnel. Under Police Commission rules of order, during Public Comment Neither Police or occ personnel 94 xhirs are required to respond to questions presented by the public but may provide a brief response. Please limit your discussion to 3 minutes. Mike, you are first. Good evening, im not in a very good mood and ill be honest with you. This mr. Wood case has turned into a nuke. We have the board of supervisors tied up in it. Why . The whole system failed. They should have had tasers, okay . I was all over this city with greg sur and george, lets get the taitz taser, well give it to you but you have to carry a defibrillator almost. Now what have we got. I can tell you tasers that just happened today in chicago and new york that makes this look kind. I have friends around. But why . We blew it. We could run to get the body cams, oh, hurry up, hurry up. Body cams dont kill civilians. Why . Why arent we taking a vote tomorrow or whenever to get these tasers . Why . We want to kill another one . Yeah, did you read the comments on that article about the supervisor . I gave it to her. You ought to cut it out. He stabbed his brother, details of the whole case. Its not hidden now. But, no, they obviously unload id like to see that me report, ill bet you that poor body looked really sweet. So we all failed. You failed. You failed. Now we got a dead body and probably a six or 7 rr Million Dollar lawsuit. Have a good evening. Next speaker. My name is angel van stark and ill be representing the harvey milk democrat club. Dear police chief ed sur, the Police Officer association and the San Francisco board of supervisors. We write to you today to demand justice for mario woods and the individuals that have been mrur dered by the department. We stand in justice for mario woods. Release a public apology, payment by the San Francisco Police Department and the city and county of San Francisco for the funeral of mario woods, termination of police chief greg sur, an external investigation into the murder. San francisco has been a wellknown leader in many social justice causes. Sadly, however, our Police Department has lagged behind implementing 21st Century Police techniques. Despite the fact that San Francisco Police Department has adopted Community Policing policies, these policies have no point of accountability or enforcement. Additionally police chief greg sur allow racism, homo phobia, transphobia instead of allowing the board of supervisors to vote in favor of protecting all citizens of San Francisco and not just the most elite. Far too many black and brown folks, people with physical and mental disabilities and members of the lgbt communave suffered at hands of the Police Department. This is not unique to San Francisco, it is a national endemic but we refuse to let it happen here. inaudible abuse of power and bigotry that is causing unjust pain and suffering in our communities. It is clear Current Training and practices being deployed by the San Francisco Police Department are part of the problem and that Better Solutions like antioppression training, deescalation and conflict resolution are necessary. The Harvey Milk Club demands immediate action be taken to ensure justice for victims of police brutality, including mario woods and alex nieto and for the Police Commission to aggressively pursue measures that include transparency and best practices. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker . Somebody can go ahead and go first. My name is rodney williams, im a real estate tired 28 1 2 year member of the San Francisco Police Department, retired as an inspector of police. Last week i was at an seiu meeting with 40 other organizations. Commissioner dr. Joe marshall was our guest speaker and at that event he explained the functions of the commission, which was to set policy for the department and to conduct disciplinary hearings on charges of misconduct, police misconduct. Why am i here today . Im here because the question and answer discussion, the commissioner was asked who he representings and much to the surprise of everyone, practically everyone in the audience, including myself, he said he represented himself. And people were just puzzled by that answer and they asked him again, commissioner, who do you represent . Emphatically he said, i represent myself. As a former director of Police Community relations i address Many Community groups and when the question came up about the Police Commission i said basically, in the final analysis, they represent you. At that time they were just appointed by the mayor and now its the mayor and the board of supervisors. But i said, basically the mayor appoints these Community Citizens as commissioners and they, in turn, represent you, just like any other agency of the city, he cant personally supervise them and he appoints people to do that. As i said, everyone was surprised and shocked and i was, too. And im here today to find out actually who do the commissioners represent . Thats a question. Dr. Williams, ive known you for many years. Were not allowed to respond to questions but suffice it to say the commission represents the public. Im sorry . The people. The public. I think, and thats a great question and dr. Marshall is not here to respond. But i would imagine that when we are a body, together we are a body but individually if you invited us to speak we do not represent the commission when we are asked to speak to the public because it is not the commission that is sponsoring the speaking engagement, it is as individuals we cant speak for the full commission. So im wondering if thats what he meant. Well, it was my understanding that the question was who do you represent not as, in his case, not as dr. Joe marshall, but who do you represent as a Police Commission. And were asking him not as a personal thing but as a body, a member of a body. Thats what we were concerned about. I would like to have gone back to the next meeting of the seiu and explain that i did appear here and now its been explained to me that the commission does represent the community. Okay, thank you very much. Thank you, dr. Williams, good to see you again. Next speaker. Miss brown . May i use sf gov for a short part of this video . Its a different part. Violent death impacts families, friends, relatives and the community. I pray that you would let your angels watch over us and keep us. Help us be the light in a dark place. Help us inaudible . Fall unto you and you will answer us. These are times we needed to rely on each other. We turn to the church when services and programs have been too few or inadequate. Let me say this. The thing that we are here. We speak out and tell our stories. We lost four. My son was murdered in 2005 along with sharelles son. Killed. My grandson. On september 9, 2004, we started the healing circle for the soul support. Go where people understood where people understood what youre going through. We met upstairs and people understood our feelings of loss and frustration. I am here because i have friends who dont understand. All of us know about inaudible , sun is shining, radio is playing, you are feeling good and all of a sudden, bam, out of nowhere that vision, that voice, that look, that laughter, that morning and all of a sudden you are transformed back into that first shot. We spent the whole day. Survivors came from all over to tell their stories and by speaking out, we began to process the trauma and support one another. He just received that diploma. He should have been walking across ta stage, but i did. They were my children and they wont come forward. inaudible i would like to sit down and have a conversation with the one perpetrate err that we had in custody. We soon found our direction, we found our purpose. Thats why were here, so our loved one did not go in vein. Weve got to keep bugging them and letting them know your family member. Thank you, miss brown. Next speaker . Welcome back, mr. Crew. Thank you. I want to respect your time. My name is john crew, im speaking as an individual, im here really responding to the invitation of your president last week where she invited interested members of the community if they had ideas, suggestions for the issues you are facing to come forward. I wasnt sure i could attend. I, too, like inspector williams want to invoke commissioner marshall. I was struck by what he said last week talking about the woods shooting. If this is within policy then policy has to change. There is some simple clarity to that. But the unspoken corollary that you cannot and the public cannot lose track of, if this was not within policy then you must have accountability. To focus only on the first and not the second risks losing the publics trust. We need to be honest and speak about these issues. The accountability is not just a matter of discipline, whether or not the officer should be disciplined or terminated, for statements that leave the public assuming that the investigation into the policy investigation is biased from the start. This department has a lot of work to do and this commission has a lot of work to do to rebuild trust and confidence, not only from this incident, this tragedy, but from what has been going on for the last year at least. And thats a longterm project and i completely agree with dr. Marshall, its much larger than who the chief happens to be at any particular time. But there needs to be some basic truthtelling, basic clarity. You should be doing this policy review. But we know now you are not going to change the basic deadly force standard. Theres four elements, been that for a long time. There needs to be a subjective belief thats reasonable that theres imminent danger of serious Bodily Injury or det. You definitely should consider giving greater deescalation to officers, the crisis training that was promised many years ago. Why it hasnt happened, i dont know. You should do all those things but in the end you have to enforce the policies that you have, you have to signal to the public that you mean it. And when the chief of police, the current chief of police, perhaps with good intentions very shortly after this incident twice within a matter of days, at a press conference at a Community Meeting shows a freeze frame off a video and suggests that the deceased was raising his arm when the shots were fired, and when the poa in the wake of that sends a letter to the board of supervisors criticizing the supervisor saying you cant talk about this, the chief has already opined that this was within policy. You have a problem. You have a problem because the public i mean the poa thought the conclusion had already been met, what do you think the public is going to think . The chief was asked last week about that statement and he responded, no, i wasnt issuing a conclusion, i was merely commenting about the facts that were known to me at the time. Fair enough, but that cries out for more questions you need to ask. If you can give out partial information that it turns out if you look at the video carefully and parcel it down, that arm was not coming up until in reaction to the shots being fired, doesnt the public if you want them to have trust sdroif an update on what do you know now if you are giving out partial information. Furthermore, who gave him that information and why was it relied on at that stage . I apologize, we have a 3minute rule. Do you have any questions for me . I hope you do come to some of the meetings. You have been involved in the Police System for many, many years decades. It would be valuable to have you there. I have to say on the crisis intervention side we have more than 400 officers crisis intervention trained at this time which is more than any other Police Department so thats important to know for the record. Next speaker. Just to point out, there was a crisis intervention officer at the scene. My name is greg coralis, i was sworn into the San Francisco Police Department on september 2, 1969 by chief of police tom cahill. Having served just short of 45 years i reluctantly retired from the department on may 29th, 2014. During my career i served 15 Different Police chiefs. Some of those chiefs were strong on law and order but they were challenged when it came to Community Relations. Other chiefs had very solid Community Relations credentials but when it came to fighting crime they couldnt find a felon in san quintin. Greg sur is the rare example of a police chief that is not only an exemplary crime fighter but he is also a police chief with a careerlong history of compassion and sensitivity toward Community Concerns. Now, we all know that police cal expediency rears its ugly head everywhere in city politics. I know it derailed my career but i have no regrets about that. I knew San Francisco was a political city, yet i chose to serve in the San Francisco Police Department with that knowledge in mind. As we all know, Police Commissioners are political appointees. There will always be a certain amount of legitimate political give and take by all Police Commissions. At this time, however, i would like to fervently emphasize to the members of the commission the importance of taking a stand and doing the right thing by supporting chief sur despite any political pressure being exerted. In closing, id like to explain my motive for addressing you here tonight. My wife was born and raised in San Francisco. Between the two of us we have served the San Francisco Police Department 75 years. Were home owners in San Francisco, we raised our daughter in San Francisco. We love the city of San Francisco. We want what is best for our city. Now, greg sur certainly is not perfect. He proved that by never promoting me to his command staff. You got to wonder about that. But despite his lack of acumen when it came to promotions, hes been an outstanding chief of police and he has earned our support. Thank you very much for your attention. Thank you, captain krause, and thank you for your years of service. Next speaker. Good evening, my name is mike petrellis and im here to speak about a number ever things. The first item is, again, mario woods is omited from your agenda. Since mario woods was killed by a cop you have had several meetings and not once has his name appeared on your agendas. I dont know if its going to take a complaint to the Sunshine Ordinance Task force to wake up this commission to really get with giving us detailed agendas before your meetings. It is not acceptable that meeting after meeting it says chiefs report and the first item is review of recent activities and then of course he presents just verbal information. We never get a written report from the chief. The chief and this commission need to put on the agenda the death of mario woods. You can no longer bury what happened in vague chiefs reports. The next item i want to address is the media department. It took a Public Records request to get three pages of information that came today about you have dozens of paid personnel who are maintaining twitter accounts. You have 8 people in your Public Relations department. This information comes from inaudible and i cannot listen to anyone say we dont have enough personnel to give you more information, michael, because i see you have 8 paid people in the media department. The information that they gave to me today is going to go up on the web. Ive created a new web site, government access project blog spot dot com. If you go there youre going to find a few months worth of the Police Chiefs calendar. Im urging everyone to cares about Police Accountability in San Francisco to go to government access project dot blog spot dot com. Read the Police Chiefs calendar. He is refusing to put his calendar on the web. I find that unacceptable. We need Real Transparency of the Police Department and part of that Transparency Equals the Police Chiefs calendar must be on the web, ill put it up every month that you give it to me so people can find out how he is spending his time. Transparency is going to lead to some better policing in San Francisco. And that transparency can start at this commission when you put mario woods death on your agenda. Thank you. Any further Public Comment . Good evening, acting president mazzucco, commissioners, deputy chief sinez and the staff attorney, i didnt get your name, my hearing is not too well. Ladies and gentlemen, im here to support the chief and the officers involved in the mario woods shooting. Im a retired San Francisco Police Officer, i live here in the city, and in my duties i served over 8 years at the bayview station. And during my time in the department i also served on the Critical Incident Response Team which, as you know, responds out to assist officers that have been involved in a traumatic incident. And officerinvolved shooting is considered one of those traumatic incidents and be from my experience use of force is never pretty. Its ugly, no matter what, whether its hands on, using a taser, using less lethal or having to use deadly force. Its not nice, ever, for an officer to have to punch somebody its ugly. For an officer to have to grab somebody its ugly but at times it has to be done. From my time on the Critical Incident Response Unit i can pretty much guess what those officers are going through. They are probably wishing they had never gone to work that day. They are probably wishing that mr. Woods had submitted to their orders. They are probably wishing theres something, anything, that they could have done other than what they had to do. You know, they had him in an area and people said, well, they should just let him go. Well, they were with the understanding that he had stabbed somebody and i can tell you today that if they let him get past them and hurt one of my family, one of my friends, because they got out of the way then id be up here calling cowards. Instead im up here to call them heroes. Thats what they are. They showed up for work that day, they put that uniform on not knowing what was going to happen and that is a day that they had to do what needed to be done, that no officer ever wants to do. I did over 32 years in the department and i was lucky, never lucky, that i never had to use my gun but im here to support the chief and those ofrsers. Thank you. Thank you, chief frost. Any Public Comment . My name is brandon weiss, i am a post doctoral fellow in Clinical Psychology and my area of expertise is ptsd in addition to all the issues that im sure Everyone Wants to talk about, i think that one very major problem that i at least dont see nationly let alone in San Francisco is doing something about Mental Health reform and stigma for Law Enforcement officers, Critical Incident stress debriefing is not bad but the efficacy data is not very strong over time. In that moment it might help but what they really need is to be able to destigmatize coming out as having issues witnessing traumatic events every day over time and the symptoms that can come across because of that. I think, i dont know about in this incident, but i know a lot of times when you have experienced chronic Traumatic Stress one response you have, its not only to be very hypervigilant but also to sometimes act impulsively. So even if its a split second gut reaction i think a lot of things could be avoided if this was actually properly identified and addressed. Its not going to happen until the culture surrounding Mental Illness changes really nationally but especially within the Police Department. Because as im sure you are all aware, people dont come forward because not only do they not want to look weak, they are also afraid of losing their jobs if they are deemed to be unable to actually serve and many folks can have ptsd and other Mental Health disorders and still do their job very, very at adequately and can get very good treatment. I think that would be something worth looking at and investing in especially for the future of the police force. I wanted to mention that. Any further Public Comment . Ufr already commented once, im sorry. No, im sorry, i apologize. Any further Public Comment . As the next person is making their way, what the last speaker spoke about is actually an issue the Police Department has been addressing in many fronts. On the one front, as we said, we have over 400 crisis intervention trained officers but you may want to meet up with Lieutenant Frost i cant afterwards, this commission has put in place for the officers inaudible when ptsd kicks in as you probably know better than all of us its down the road and we werent recognizing that and now were recognizing that. Police officers are very good about helping; they are not very good about asking for help. You bring up some good points but we have a strong and Robust Program in place. Several years ago we realized some of these officers involved in incidents ended up down the road needing discipline. Yes, sir. Im a Clinical Psychology student, study trauma, brandon is my best friend. And i was on the bart train in oakland this past saturday when a man was shot and killed by and all of the footage on the media was mine and like brandon said, a lot needs to change with Mental Health stigma and how we put, we sort of misconstrue what Mental Health is, what Mental Illness is. One of the problems is that, you know, a lot of what people do in those critical moments that i saw when i was slammed down on to the ground of the train and thought that it was a terrorist attack and i was certain that i was going to die, one of the things that you see are the snap judgments by everyone. So its really not just the Police Officers, its all of us. Apblds a lot of us dont want to be afraid, dont want to be sad or scared. And we want to prevent other people from being sad and scared and what not so a lot of times we push off a lot of the things were feeling in these moments. One of the other things i think we do is we dont want to fail, we dont want to do the wrong thing, we dont want to dehumanize someone, we dont want to see the color of someones skin and be like and assume that they might be more likely to hurt us or that they may not more likely to be a criminal. And on that day i think that its important to point out that there was one black man who killed another man, but the person on my train who i was very scared of in the moment was a very large black man who screamed at all of us to get down. And i didnt know if he was the person who was going to attack me or if he was the person who was trying to save me or help me and he was definitely the person who was trying to save and help me, as well as two people in the back of the train who were also black who likely had been through some gun experiences before because when they were laughing, which they werent laughing in a xheedic comedic way, they were comforting some people on the train. Some people when they started laughing at them started yelling at them, dont you know this is a traumatic experience . They responded by saying, yes, of course we know this is a traumatic experience. We experience gun violence all the time. People in our family have been killed by guns by the police, you know . So another person who was, i guess, you could say acted heroically, i with also say that thats accurate but also more true was the fact that a lot of people in those moments had the training to act really against their stereotypes. There were nurses who were able to resist the emotional experiences that they had and move through the chaos and to the scene of horror to the able to be there for someone who most certainly was going to die. You know, i recorded all of that because i knew that we often get this information incorrectly. I also listened to the Police Officers who were a couple of them were really amazing and comforting and i think thats important to point out, especially some of these women who were just absolutely horrified and, at the same time, in some ways trying to protect those women from having to say too much. They asked a question, i dont know if i want to ask that question, they would continue and accidentally cut things off and almost frame the questioning in a very leading way. I apologize, your three minutes is up. May i read one thing . Im sorry. May i request that . No, i really apologize. If you stick around, when we talk about current activities, why dont you come back. We have another, we have the chiefs report, you can come back after that. I apologize, we have to follow the rules. I really do. Just stick around. Thank you. Next speaker . Hearing none, Public Comment is now closed. Three minutes and. Good evening. Good evening, im putting another information request in, get this one signed as received. I guess the problem is, you know, you talk about the police being traumatized, im traumatized by the police. You know, just, you know, continuous violence from them, you know. You know, they attack relatively with immunity. I hear stories where they are pulling assault rifles on people sitting in their vehicles and they are just sitting in their vehicles. You know, i got a video, i put it on you tube, the police are just parading through the bart station and they start taking selfies. I mean, they are in the milds middle of the bart station with their shotguns. Its just worse, police threatening to kill me, police threatening to plant evidence on me, i mean i brought it here, this body thought it was okay. So, i mean, its what bad to be a Police Officer because of the post Traumatic Stress disorder but its bad to be a citizen because of the violence they commit on us. I could talk about mario woods and Different Things like that but its just one of the numerous people that have been killed by the police. The video doesnt match, i mean i keep hearing the video doesnt match what the police said, it doesnt match what the Police Reports about my last information request, i put in a request for documents. I didnt get a response, you know, so im just wondering what the intent is. I put in a response for documents, i get nothing back, you know, so just as long as you know, as long as you know, i know ray hearts, i know crossman, i know those people and that is part of the people that i run with. So, you know, you dont have to respond right now, you dont have to respond in 24 hours like the ordinance says or you dont have to produce documents in 72 hours but somewhere along the way eventually give to the board of supervisors that you refuse to basically follow the ordinance of the city and county of San Francisco. Thank you. Any further comment . Hearing none, Public Comment is now closed. Call the next line item. Hi, im laz stanford tree. Here i want to show you a picture beneath the stadium, im always last to comment. I came here last time, i was here december the 2nd, i didnt know that had happened to mr. Mario woods but this was a picture of a little boy with his daddy close with some flowers, my quonset picture. I thought these got taken on sunday but they were in my briefcase. What i would say, i went to the funeral, i seen a 17yearold guy there, he looked 17 to me, and the idea that he had read people like langston hughes, james baldwin, i felt part of me darryl was a very wellread child and i stayed there until 5. 52 that evening taking pictures. I hope this will bring us a chance to have, i wore my blue shirt, blue piece, diana ross liked the police, sing the blues. I hope by this time tonight that also i have 4 lottery tickets. If i within the lottery im going to make sure that we have a new kind of peace, justice come together with the Police Officer association, Officers Police citizens, Police Officers and the community because, you know, the president spoke last night, he didnt say anything about violence in america but i was honored to hear that president london breed said that she would have someone look into it because i know i lost my brother in chicago january the 3rd, 1986 and thats been some years ago. Its just hard to think that you can be shot because of who you are or shot because someone has not been i also think in london, england, the police dont carry guns there. I was wondering what could we learn from england where they dont carry guns unless you have to have that. You know, i had told people growing up you often see execution and hangings from the old days for Different Things but you never actually seen a public execution. I was hoping there was a clip, a movie strip, but it was for real but i pray that we all my other thing is the tenants at my building, the bachelor hotel, we want to know can we get Police Cameras on the 5th floor, the Hamilton Hotel used to have Police Cameras because we getting a lot of eed in our building and we want to know can we be like the Hamilton Hotel. Any further comment . Public comment is now closed. Item 4, reports and announcements, review of recent be activities, presentation of the annual report regarding the departments work with the joint Terrorism Task force, jttf; presentation. 4th quarter 2015fdrb findings and recommendations and ois investigative summary. Welcome. Good evening, commissioners, members of the community, my name is inaudible hector inaudible standing in for chief sur. As you mentioned earlier in your opening, chief sur is in washington, dc with president loftus and director hicks, they are attending the Police Executive research forum, also known as perf, researching the Police Force Training forum. Some of the things discussed are going to be part of this curriculum and i will touch on those briefly. They include officer safety, sank sit of life, critical decisionmaking model, Tactical Communication skills, time and distance strategies, handling persons with Mental Illness and crisis and as you mentioned, commissioner, the program is well underway and is now part of our training curriculum for the basic Academy Class. Every Academy Class graduated from now on will leave the academy with those basic skills. Also the deescalation skills so i look forward to the chiefs report on this when he returns. That concludes what i have for this commission. I now call up lieutenant darryl faupb with the joint Terrorism Task force. Good evening, lieutenant fung good evening, lieutenant mazzucco, fellow commissioners, my name is darryl fung, i will be presenting the Terrorism Task force. This annual report was comprised with a view of addressing Community Concerns such as advancing justice, asian law caucus and the council on americanislamic relations. The department continues to welcome any input or feedback to alloy the publics concerns. San francisco staffing of the jttf consists of one fulltime employee. This employee departed in may of 2015 for another assignment and was replaced by another member who currently serves as the sole jttf member in a fulltime capacity. This employee works approximately 2,080 hours per year. The officers use personal equipment issued by the San Francisco pd but other expenses remain the responsibility of the fbi. The fbi remains familiar with our Department Policies and procedures. Specifically the sfpds guidelines for guidelines, the bureau on jtf operations, fo bfrplt order 201107 and the ordinance and they are aware of the sfpd must comply with provisions contained therein. inaudible the fbi also understands restrictions placed on members of the sfpd and have been cooperated in efforts assigned to sfpd the sfpd remains a close professional working relationship with our colleagues within the fbi. There are noish shies related to the sfpds process of ensuring the ordinance was implemented. Direct supervision is maintained. No member of the sfpd assigned to the jttf was used in undercover work or used as an infiltrator in 2015, nor were there any requests that they perform such work. They do not manage informants nor conduct case work involving undercover informants. There were no violations or possible violations of the ordinance in 2015. The department is briefed by jtf members on their cases consistently and these cases are vee viewed on a quarterly basis to ensure compliance with Department Policies and procedures. State and local laws as required by the ordinance. Command structure. The jttf officer works under the command of the inaudible reports to the commander of investigations who reports to the deputy chief of operations who reports subsequently to the chief of police. While assigned to the jttf the officer reports to the special agent and this agent reports to a special agent in charge who reports to the special agent in charge. The sfpd assigned to the jttf is trained and is familiar with the ordinance and reviews are conducted on a quarterly basis. The jttf member reviews these policis on a quarterly basis with their sfpd supervisor. They also have weekly contact with their immediate supervisor who was in charge with the division. In 2015 the primary role of sfpd officers assigned to the joint Terrorism Task force is to maintain inaudible information sharing by Law Enforcement partners consists but not exclusively include information which has a potential impact to Public Safety. Sfpd officers assigned to the jttf work on a team who is mission is to identify potential terrorist plots and identify crimes and suspicious activities which may have terrorist related motive or nexus. The sfpd member assigned to the jttp also provides security for many special events including giants games, the sf marathon, fleet week, halloween, new years eve and the 75th anniversary of the United Nations treaty signing. In addition, the sfpd member has been an integral part of security planning related to upcoming superbowl 50 and superbowl city. Number of cases. The sfpd member assigned to the jttf were assigned to a total of 35 cases from tips or other Law Enforcement agencies. Those cases did not always result in full investigation. While tips are provided to the fbi being credible to have a nexus to domestic or foreign terrorism are forwarded to the jttf for followup. The sfpd is not able to release the names of members assigned to the jtf due to safety and privacy of its members. The jttf reports suspicious activity reports to the regional activity data center. Based on preidentified risk indicators with a potential nexus to terrorist or criminal activity. The jttf is a recipient of this sort of information as are other Law Enforcement agencies. Sfpd officers have investigated cases involving bomb threats, possible weapons of mass destruction, Critical Infrastructure and other criminal activity with a potential terrorism nexus. These leads are provided by sfpd as well as other Law Enforcement agencies. The private sector as well as the member s of the public. Private sector partners involve business, mass transit, et cetera. Sfpdjttf officers are intimately familiar and comply with Department Order 5117 to ensure suspicious activity is not reported as a result of racial or religious profiling. Types of tips sfpdjttf officers have handled tips that come from private citizens as well as public activities. They involve bomb threats, threats to life, suspicious photography, suspicious activities as identified by reporting parties. The sfpd officers do not engage in interviews regarding solely constitutionally protected activities. Sfpd officers do investigate activities that have a possible terrorism activity. inaudible as a followup to calendar year 2014 annual report, on march 26, 2015, after the 2015jttf annual report was presented, the San Francisco Police Department was notified of a complaint filed with the office of citizens xlaipblts by the council on American Islamic relations during the course of an investigation conducted in 2014. In addition, the complaint questioned the accuracy of last years jttf annual report. The sfpd stands by the accuracy of the 2014 annual report presented to the Police Commission on february 4 of 2015 which was based on facts known to the department at the time in which it was reported. The complaint filed with the occ in march of 2015 is still open and ongoing at this time. The department is cooperating with the occ in their investigation in compliance with the Department Policy and procedures. The member named in that xlaipblt complaint is no longer a member of the jttf we were unable to disclose specifics of the case due a nondisclosure agreement with the fbi which could result in civil and criminal activities. The member currently assigned to the jttf has no complaints related to his duties tt jttf that concludes my presentation. Thank you very much, lieutenant fong just for the folks in the audience and those watching, we went through a process with significant Community Input during a period of time when there was discussion regarding the San Francisco Police Department participating with the fbi in the joint Terrorism Task force. Many of our partners including the aclu, many of the grueches in the Community Came forward with their concerns, they told us in this jurisdiction many things they were concerned about and there was a protocol put in place. I see some folks in the audience tonight that we will probably hear from regarding theres been one complaint but we established at the end of the day to summarize everything lieutenant fong told you, there was significant disclosure and transparency we do as far as we can go when you are dealing with sensitive nature of alleged terrorism for alleged criminal matters but we made it clear to the entire borld and the fbi that we have Department Orders that would trump anything the fbi would ask our officers to do. We would not allow our officers to do surveillance at a place of worship. Its absolutely forbidden, if theres a conflict they are not allowed to do it and the fbi understands that. Those are some of the protocols we put in place. This was something we reached in consensus with the community, a delicate balance of safety for the community and a matter of trust. Well hear about that in Public Comment. Commissioner dejesus has a question for you. This is the one thing that disturbs me quite a bit. What i dont like about it, it gives all this information but it really doesnt. Everybody is reporting to everybody but we dont get any meat or any real information in these reports and i have brought this up before. From my understanding there is a commissioner assigned to meet with the jttf or to meet with the Department Regarding the jttf or am i getting that confused with the First Amendment . I can tell you what happens, once a month the commission through the Commission Secretary and the Commission Staff provides, they rotate it through commissioners to sign off as to whether or not they advise if theres been any sort of activity in relation to 8. 01, if im not mistaken. 8. 10. Its been a long day. Theres reporting wheerpb or not and i know the two or three times ive signed it theres been no activity. Thats my problem, theres really no rotating. The rest of the commissioners dont get anything but this report which doesnt tell us anything. It really puts a lot of trust into what you guys are really doing because if something blows up the rest of us are going to take the heat and i dont know whats behind it. But i have a question for you. When you talk about last years report, the followup to the report last year regarding the complaints, and maybe im just reading it with lawyers eyes, you said stand by the report which is based on the facts known to the department at the time. But it begs the question whether after it was presented whether other facts came to light and is there something we should know . It begs a question that maybe something did come to light after the report was presented and is it something this commission should know what those facts are or have run by any of the commissioners who are reviewing it, is there a discrepancy in the report . I understand it was accurate at the time but if something happens to change that, has it been brought to the attention of the commission. For clarification, commissioner, as i noted in the report, we do stand by the accuracy of the report. There have been no further information that has led us to believe that it is inaccurate and we are cooperating with the occ in the course of their investigation into the allegations. Okay, that was my question, thank you. Commissioner hwang. You expressed a lot of my concerns. This report is very conclusionary. One question i have, i will say i have signed off on some of these reports. I havent. I dont have any information, most of the time its presented to me, there are no, there have been no incidents that raise concerns so we want you to sign this and thats what ive signed. I guess a specific question with regard to this one complaint from 2014, can you say, i dont know if it can be disclosed or if its part of the investigation, was that incident disclosed to the commission in terms of this sign off . Was it listed as an incident we would have signed off on . No, commissioner, it wouldnt meet the criteria. Can you tell me why . I dont understand why it did not raise any First Amendment concerns and what would come up on our review . If there was a request in terms ever written authorization to conduct a criminal investigation thats affiliated with First Amendment activities then it would be, the protocol would fall under that particular general order and the commission would subsequently be notified of such written request. So in that respect the commission would be notified as part of their monthly sign off and we would brief you on the nature of the request. Would it just be that one commissioner . We dont get those reports. I guess to followup, the way i understand this incident, and i dont know anything from the occ, i just remember this incident being raised to us through Public Comment perhaps many months ago, but the way the complaint was raised to us was there was a voluntary interview that was, where sfpd officer participated in response to some type of Public Records request, right . So that seems like it would be some kind of response to a First Amendment activity and that seems like something that would want to be reported to the commission for review and consideration. Again, you know, without being able to review details based upon a nondisclosure agreement to the specifics of the case, again, it did not meet the criteria in which a request would have been made. I understand the allegations that have been brought forward to the occ and certainly that investigation is ongoing at this point and i certainly cant speak to that. I defer to occ in regards to the allegations and the specifics or the details in that case. But, again, it was not disclosed as a written request because it was not something that met the criteria for disclosure, if you will. If i may ask, again, we dwot got to be very careful were talking about disciplinary matters that may come before the commission. An investigation. Let me ask one quick question. What you are saying is that the allegations that have been made are for conduct that would not fall within 8. 10, is that correct . Thats correct. Based on the information that we, thats been brought forward, the allegations that are made with occ, the information that we have did not meet the criteria under that particular general order. I think we have to be very careful, commissioners, were getting to the City Attorney on this. Thats the problem we have with this general order. One Commission Gets information, nobody else does and if it doesnt meet criteria im not sure what it is or what it isnt, it doesnt get reported at all. This is a dgo we have to look at in terms of the reporting in a manner that we actually get some information. Another process question. I know you probably received some comments back from the Community Group that also indicated sort of following up on director hicks comments last week that there were some difficulties or obstacles in interviewing this particular officer. Can you discuss is there a timing issue involved here . Is there a statute of limitations issue, is there a reason why this officer cant be interviewed . Im just wondering where are we in this process and perhaps pending the outcome of the occs findings we would need to take a look at this report again, right, and see where we are with this additional information. Commissioner, inaudible that issue and the department has not been notified by occ that the officer, theres no indication that the officer has not cooperated with the occ or has refused to be interviewed, so as to the obstacles that we understand, its not because the officer has refused, to my knowledge, to be interviewed. Maybe miss franco can talk to those issues a little bit more. An occ complaint, maybe its. I think it should be additional researched. I would feel more comfortable at this point if we just stopped the discussion and i think occ should check with their City Attorney, jenna clarke, to check in on that. Commissioner mazzucco if youd like to but im starting to get a little uncomfortable with the discussion, getting into too many details. Ask another question if i may. I remember there were some Community Concerns around these sar, suspicious activity reports. I know you mentioned sfpd has received a lot of suspicious activity reports. Do we also generate suspicious activity reports and forward them to the Regional Intelligence Center . We do, commissioner. There are, they come from various sources. They come from, as i mentioned in the report, from citizens in the community, business partners, you know, other Law Enforcement agencies but we also do provide suspicious activity reports through the department as well. And we have a protocol for screening them before we would send them to the Northern California regional. That is correct. And do we, is that a Public Policy that we. There are department bulletins in terms of as part of our see something, Say Something policy as well as theres criteria and what identifies, theres previous indicators which actually define suspicious activity and what should be reported and vetted for further followup. Thank you. Just one last issue, if i might. I think you have received a, i think our protocol is that we send a draft to the Community Groups and they send you responsive comments. I remember last year you addressed you addressedtheir comments one by one. We did receive some drafts of responses to the report. The department welcomes any further input into whatever information we can provide to address their concerns. Well, thank you, lieutenant fong, we have a group here we will hear during Public Comment with their concerns. Please call the next line item with reference to the chiefs report. The next item i have, xhirs, is a presentation. Fourth quarter fdrb findings and recommendations. I call up Sergeant John greudo sergeant greudo, if you can introduce your new partner. I would like to introduce Sergeant Dennis tumor who is moving over from the admin side. I had to pry a few arms, but i finally got sergeant tumor to come over and hes going to work ois with our teams. Its been out at some ois teams with me in the past. You may recognize him, he was a pio officer at one point. Thank you, sergeant tumor and thank you for volunteering for a very significant assignment. Thank you, sir. Rather look at that. Commissioners, miss franco, deputy chief sinez, i am with the internal Affairs Division officer involved investigation team. Im going to present the Fourth Quarter report which includes the most recent firearm discharge review board as well as sort of an overview update on where we are with officer involved shooting investigations. The board previously convened on september 22, 2015, which would be third quarter, 2015. At this most recent fdrb convention, which was wednesday, december 23, 2015, two completed investigations were ready for review and those cases presented were officer involved discharge 0015, nos 15005. This slide includes the members that composed this panel, deputy chief ali was the chair as the dc of the administrative bureau. It was also composed of deputy chiefs redman, tom schmidt, commissioner mazzucco was the member from the Police Commission present, commissioner hicks was present, captain yet was the acting captain from the Risk Management office and Sergeant Tang was there from the range. So the cases that were reviewed were officer involved discharge 0015. This occurd september 5, 2015 on the 3000 block of engel street and as a brief overview of the case, at about 10. 05 hours, 10. 05 in the morning, bayview station officers responded to a report, phone call to 911 of a vicious dog malling a child. They saw a pit bull that was in the middle of a fatal attack, a smaller dog, a crowd was attempting to intervene, to scare it, pull it away, without effect. An officer in fear for the people present as well as to try and save the smaller dog, fired a departmentissued shotgun one time at the vicious dog which was struck and immediately collapsed and the dog expired at the scene. This was found to be an in policy use of firearm. The other case that was reviewed was officer involved shooting 005. This occurred inaudible this was the case that was reviewed from san mateo county. Location, us101 san bruno avenue, the intersection of those avenues, its a complex, theres several streets on and off ramps all in the area, but a brief overview of the ipbs doepbt, an officer assigned to the Airport Bureau responded with other officers to search for a hit and run driver who fled from a motorcycle officer who was investigating. The suspect in this case attempted to car jack several vehicles in the area in an attempt to flee the scene. As the officers closed in the suspect turned toward one officer and advanced on him. The officer fired twice in response to an imminent assault and the suspect was struck once in the torso and taken into custody. The use of firearm was determined to be within policy. With regards to the other recommendations, you do have the report that the chief gave you submitted to the commission and there were two additional recommendations with regards to the officer. We had to be sure that officer had been upgraded with the new holster. He had some difficulties with transitioning because he had an older model holster and in addition it was recommended that he receive training with regards to force option transitioning. The recommendations of the firearm discharge review board were forwarded to the chief, who accepted them, and you have his letter to that effect. The next fbrb is tentatively scheduled to convene wednesday, march 23, 2016. That would be the First Quarter 2016fbrb with regard to open investigations where we are in terms of the snapshot at this point, the last time that you received a quarter update was october 5, 2015. So some major developments since that time, we had the one ois case i just talked about, 15005 was presented at the last ftrb, a summary letter is forthcoming, its actually on the chiefs dechk right now, so we wait for him to come back, sign it and you will have it. Two discharging letters were received from the office of the District Attorney of San Francisco, 13008 and 14001. The department received those on december 15th and then 4 investigations since october 5th have been opened. Osi15007, 15008, 15009 and 150010 and they are active criminal investigations by sf homicide and San Francisco District Attorneys office. There are also, as you know, open administrative investigations at this time. So looking at all the open ois investigations at this time there are 18 cases. Two of the cases, as i mentioned, have been reviewed by the sf District Attorney with charging decision letters issued with regard to the officers and those are expected to be presented to the firearm discharge review board at the next ftrb there thereare 11 currently under review. The clock is paused on those. There are also 5 active criminal investigations. One is with san mateo Police Department and four are with the sfpd homicide detail and the District Attorney. So just looking at sort of in a year by year in this case 2013 to 14 in bold the developments would be those two cases, 1308 and 1401 we have received the charging decision letters so the final reports are being prepared by homicide and by internal affairs for presentation at the next ftrb the cases open at this time are 13003 and the dates of the incident are presented alongside it, 14002, 005, 006, 007 and 008. In addition cases from 2015, cases 1 through 4 are awaiting a charging decision from the District Attorneys office. Case number 5 you just heard, so that will disappear from this list, and case 6 is an active criminal investigation with san mateo pd so the remaining case for 2015, these are all new since the last report, dates are listed alongside, and in all cases a criminal and administrative investigation was opened on the date of the incident and for your benefit the return to duty presentation which give you also brief overview of the case as known at the time was presented on november 4th for two of the cases, december 2nd and january 6. So thats the quick snapshot and if there are any questions. Thank you, greudo, any questions for sergeant greudo regarding 15005, she wanted to look at the differenceness processing charging time between the san mateo da and our local da, i wonder if you have any thoughts on the process. I have talked to a number of other agencies and the time frame that our standard investigations are going for, they are talking to i have to formalize everything, im still collecting information. But talking to a number of san jose, sacramento agencies, agencies in alameda county, there are different processes obviously for each county and in most cases while the pieces might be managed a little differently they are generally managed the same. But the time frame is generally consistent. San mateo county, however, really emphasizes these cases at their District Attorneys office and with their, they have a joint task force, they have a multi agency county task force with a criminal side and their da commits a lot of resources to, they basically put this stuff at the top of their list. So they have a relative to other bay area and california agencies they seem to have a very quick turn around. Our time frame appears to be kind of on the longer end but not by an order of magnitude or anything, its sort of in the similar time frame. I would say 18 months kind of seems more of the average where were sitting at about 24 or thereabouts. And im really still collecting the data, just sort of a law report on that. Thank you. Commissioner dejesus. Thats my question. I am looking at 13003 and thats 3 years we are waiting for formal charging from the District Attorney and im looking at 14002 and 14003 in a matter of weeks, a month and a week were looking at over two years. Yes, maam. And i thought we talked to the District Attorney in terms of why does this take so long . And the reason i bring this up is exactly what you said here, were tolling, were tolling any kind of administrative action and sometimes we lose stuff. I thought we talked to the District Attorney with respect to speeding these cases up. With respect to tolling, what the tolling does is paus the statute of limitations, the time frame by which we have to get that done. That doesnt mean were pausing the investigation, were moving the investigation forward and doing as much as we can do without some other elements or pieces we will need to conclude the investigation. What is typically happening, and i think youve seen this in action over the years, is we get the declination letter, they have made a decision with regard to the officers, the criminal investigation can be completed and closed which is a major dependancy for the criminal investigation but were using that date, the date on the das decline letter, to end tolling. So the two reports we received on december 15th, which was 14001 and 13008, 13008 was dated 1210 and 14001 was dated 128 so we have a year from then to complete the investigation administratively. Whats happening is we are targeting the next ftrb when we get that, presuming we have sufficient time to do that. Worst case would be the next one thereafter, which would be 6 months at the far end. So were getting those done within the time frame. I understand you guys are getting them done. Its the District Attorney, i thought we still want to talk to them about moving. I know theres been some discussions which, you know, at numerous levels and obviously its not an area that i control. No, i know. But i will say that compared to the reports, the letters that we got, you know, 8 years ago, which might have had two lines saying the officer will not be charged at this time, period, now we get a letter of several pages with a lot of analysis and legal decisions, court decisions, that kind of explain the analysis and the reason for the decision thats made. So its obviously a very valuable tool for us. Perhaps you need the commission to speak to the District Attorney. Just for the record it was about a year ago or a year and a half ago i spoke with District Attorney gascon about the commissioners concerned. He jurpbed jumped on it real quick and you saw that where we suddenly saw a lot of the cases closed out. The numbers now are not as bad as they were in the past in terms of the time frame so im not sure what the issues are with regard to these particular cases but the da did make a concerted effort to get back to us and things started to move quicker. He was responsive. Any further comments for the agent . Thank you very much, sergeant. Please call the next line item, 4b 4b, occ directors report. Good evening, miss franco good evening. As has been stated a few times tonight, director joyce hicks is in washington, dc, she will be back tonight attending the perf conference and i am actually here filling her spot at the last moment and she will be giving her report the next time we have a meeting. Some matters have been discussed tonight as well relating to some pending occ investigations and they are pending and therefore i will make no comment about that. Thank you. Thank you, miss frankel item c, Commission Reports, discussion. Commissioner president s report, commissioners report. I will say on behalf of commissioner loftus i received a text message from her and she was back from the perf seminar she was at with both the chief and the president of the occ and she says theyve learned some great things. Shes excited to come back and share what they learned on the use of force issue. Commissioners, do you have anything you need to report . Item 4d, commission announcements and scheduling of items identified for next Commission Meeting action. The next meeting for the commission p be at the community in the tenderloin district. Im going to be out of the country january 20 through 27. All right, now its time for Public Comment with reference to line items 4a, b, c and d, you are going to come forth and discuss the issue of the joint Terrorism Task force. Welcome. This is with reference to the chiefs report, the occ Directors Office and the Commission Report. Im not understanding. Never mind, miss brown, just go ahead. My name is miss brown, i wanted to use the overhead again. I just wanted to make a comment, i dont even know if you can see it. Well, anyway, i want to make a comment on mario woods, the mother, and i was really embarrassed about what the officer said earlier that if that was his family, i dont think he took into consideration that that mother was grieving too. I dont think chief sur should be fired, i think he should be held accountable and i think those officers definitely should be fired. That was a firing squad on that young man and if that mother, and i stood with her and i felt her pain yesterday at the board of supervisors and i stood with her and i think people should acknowledge that mother and for the officer to get up here and say, i can understand if that was his family and that people need to be protected. But he should have also acknowledged that mother too. And my other thing, i want to use the other overhead again, please, my son, arby arbocasa who was did heed in 2006 by a semiautomatic gun, his case is still not solved to this day. As a mother i am looking for justice for my son. I bring this up because mayor gachb newsom know who killed my son, the da know who killed her son, they can name addresses, identify people. This is what im left with, my deceased son, my son, my 17yearold beautiful son. They have the names of all the perpetrators that murdered my son. Im looking for the names and i have them with me but i dont have them. But one of them is paris moffett, thomas hannibal, and i believe paris moffett is probably going to be out of jail if hes not yet. Im looking for justice for my son. I want closure, i havent any. My son went to vernal heights recreation center, he worked there for the city and county recreation center. I had to walk across the stage and receive his diploma. Im not just fighting for myself, im fighting for other children and families and mothers who are selfmedicating at home and cant get out. I come here every wednesday and im just looking for jut justice for my child. No mother should have to go through this. Thank you. Thank you, miss brown. Ladies and gentlemen, there is a Police Tip Line if you have any information regarding the murder of aubrey abracause is a. 5754744. Miss brown comes every wednesday in honor and memory of her son. I wish the community would step up to the plate and participate in the successful prosecution of the young men who took her sons life. We sit here every week and we hear from her, yet we hear nothing from the community, even with the 250,000 reward. Its embarrassing. Next speaker. Good evening, im maria barkses, thank you commissioners and sfpd for the opportunity to speak with you briefly concerning the fourth report on the safe San Francisco civil rights ordinance. As you may remember many dozens of arab, muslim and Southeastern Community members and 70 civil rights and Community Rights organizations worked for years for the passage of this ordinance. Overall we are extremely concerned that the ordinance has been violated and continues to be violated despite reports and assurances to the contrary. Last year we anticipated that sfpd would discuss the comments we sent them in advance of the meeting and they did not. I have copies. We got the report on tuesday and im sorry, on monday and we sent this on tuesday just so he could have a sense of what our extremes were and as you can see, our concerns were extremely extensive. Were very disappointed in this report. The law in San Francisco is clear. Sfpd officers working with the fbi are supposed to follow the reasonable suspicion standard. The inspector who is the subject of a complaint that our organization has filed has still not even been interviewed and as you well know from the recent situation with the text messaging there is a one year statute of limitations. That statute of limitations is in march. We are on the record here, everyone knows that statute of limitations is right around the corner and that officer has not been interviewed. The fbi mou is inconsistent with San Francisco law and its preventing the occ from doing its job. The thing is, we had this fight and San Francisco law won. Thats why we have this ordinance. I guess my question tonight is who runs San Francisco . First it was the mou that wasnt permitting all of us to talk about and figure out what in the world is going on in San Francisco, today we hear about a nondisclosure agreement. What is it, who runs this town, is it sfpd or is it fbi. Riding roughshod over our laws shouldnt be an option, a filed complaint that files all of those complaints out of the water is not acceptable. Resolve the fbi attempted strangle hold over sfpd, its the law. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Good evening, commission, thank you for having us here tonight, my name is bries ham mock, i work with the islamic inaudible earlier on there was a comment that only one incident has been reported out of the sfpd jttf partnership. As far as we were recorded, there was nothing wrong there were no incidents that even approached violating the ordinance yet that turned out to be false. The agency is a federal agency that is extremely secretive. As commissioner mazzucco commented theres only so far we can go. Mr. Gelani when he was approached by the sfpd officer he was only asked about his religious affiliation, traveling and the sort. I am someone who works with the fbi quite recently. Just a few weeks ago i met with a jttf officer in san mateo just a few weeks ago for nothing more than being a muslim, this person was visited by the fbi, we are in a starbucks, he is being urged to pledge allegiance to the United States, that he is not violent, et cetera, et cetera. The threat of this is really high mainly because sfpd does not hold any secrets they launch an investigation based solely on inaudible profiling. Its important our agency not interact on agencies that are blatantly doing so. With that said, i would request the sfpd remove themselves out of bed with this agency so it can fully comply with the constitution and other orders in place. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, councilor. Good evening, i am the Community Advocate at the asian law caucus. Id like to share some more information about suspicious activity reporting which is briefly mentioned in the annual report and reiterate our concerns from last year. Sfpd submits information about socalled suspicious activity to the local Fusion Center called ncrc, a collaboration of bay area Law Enforcement, the fbi and other agencies. Suspicious activity reporting, sars for short, is currently the basis of a lawsuit. It risks labeling people as potential terrorists in Government Data bases shared with Law Enforcement around the country. The risk stems from the federal governments request to local Police Departments to report, quote, suspicious activity that could be related to terrorism. But what does suspicious mean . Sars uses a loose standard that is even lower than the traditional Law Enforcement standard of reasonable suspicion. In practice that means sars is at high risk of promoting racial profiling and collecting information about innocent and constitutionally protebted activity like photography. In response to Public Record acts requests, we have received thousands of samples of sars that confirm our fears. One report from california was about, quote, two middle eastern looking males taking photographs of folsom dam. One read suspicious middle eastern males buying large pallets of water. The reports ive quoted were not filed by sfpd, they are from the sacramento area, but thats because the public has no idea what kinds of reports sfpd has filed with ncra notably the local Fusion Center ncrc was the only Fusion Center to refuse to disclose its sors reports. Ncrc has inaudible why the secrecy . Why are other Fusion Centers able to share their sars reports but not ncrc why are other Police Departments able to share their sars reports but not sfpd, especially since sfpd is on report in this jttf report that they use information then as a community we believe sfpd can and should do more to explain its sars activity to the public by disclosing redacted versions of the report it has filed in past years. We fought for transparency and accountability and that is what we want. Thank you. Thank you very much. Good evening, my name is lana casane, i am the head of the arab reporting 17 center here in San Francisco. This is why we fought so hard against this relationship with the joint Terrorism Task force a few years ago, as was mentioned, and the compromise was this report that we expect to get each year and we expect a lot more. The fact that it was mentioned that it made people uncomfortable the way this discussion was going, well it makes us uncomfortable, this entire relationship, impacted by the interrogations and the practices of the jttf very uncomfortable by the surveillance, very uncomfortable by the impacts on the families and we expect people in positions of power to see and address and reflect the positions of people, people impacted by these types of programs. We also expect things like jttf are the antithesis to transparency and tonight is very indicative of that. This report does not at all reflect the experience and stories that we add Community Advocates and organizers hear about. This does not reflect the stories we hear about who come to our office with the Business Card of a jttf staff person, intimidated by them, enter gated by them, whose families and communities have been devastated with them. There should be no involvement with jttf with the city and county of San Francisco. We have no faith in the San Francisco Police Department, particularly chief sur. As there are demands that we fire him, we have officers coming to talk about how they revere him. Federal Law Enforcement is not accountable, is not transparent and actually completely undermines human rights and civil rights in this country. So what we are asking for is that these types of relationships end. What we are asking for is that you invest more in the communities that you should be serving, that we receive in programs that actually build up Community Alternatives to policing, what we are asking for is that we build trust with Public Officials and not create different types of programs like this that distance our communities from being able to come here and speak to you directly. We want to build a city where people feel like they are building in integrity and dignity, not being surveiled and interrogated on a regular basis and not expanding the power of Law Enforcement when we know at this very time what we need is more accountability, not more power. Good evening, commissioners, my name is dee kaly and i do want to remind the commission that this was absolutely a compromise and that the call really from the community was to end this relationship. So where we are now is that we have a report that we are telling you looks to us as if it is being presented in bad faith with incomplete information, it was the result of a compromise and we cant be asked to compromise more and really get no substantive information. I want to thank commissioner dejesus and wapk wapk for asking questions. I think there are mere questions remaining. I want to point out that one of the issues here and it was addressed in a letter you were sent is activity reporting is still being done on the basis of photography and i want to point out that the suspicious photography, this is in the report on page 3, suspicious photography may include sensitive and secure Access Points including iconic landmarks. I want you to ask yourself whether it makes any sense for us to have any suspicious activity reports being filed on people who are taking pictures of iconic landmarks . Thats ridiculous. Frankly thats a really good example of exactly what the problems with these kinds of activities are. The suspicious activity reports, i am one of the people who made a document request and i didnt get a single suspicious activity report, not even one that was redacted. In contrast in los angeles the Inspector General there actually did a full audit of suspicious activity reports and looked at numbers and what those numbers showed, this is information thats a couple years old, they showed 74 percent of the suspicious activity reports in la were filed on nonwhite people. I think we would see similar things here, that it would show the same sort of thing. I want to read you a couple things that pertain to why this is such a problem. Fusion centers have been the subject of a lot of criticism. An october 2012 report talked about how they produce intelligence of uneven quality, often shoddy, sometimes taken from alreadypublished publish sources. Is this what we want our officers to be doing . I dont think so. I also want to point out that Fusion Centers have been getting attention from the privacy and Civil Liberties overzulgt board oversight board. These Performance Measures include a number of suspicious activity reports, not quality, numbers. So we are putting a San Francisco Police Officer in cooperation with an agency that is motivated by numbers and thats not what we should be doing. I urge you to end this relationship and followup on this report and do some investigation on these reports. Thank you. Hi, thank you, commissioners, officer, thank you, lieutenant, for the report back. My name is miriam sesunis, my family operates a Corner Grocery store and i am here with a simple request to honor the social contract meant to uphold the democratic process in this city. In 2012 you made a partnership with the members of the arab and middle eastern and south asian communities and 79 partner organizations. We put confidence in the due process of the system with the expectation of transparency and the solace that our concerns have been heard and taken seriously, the demands of which echo the number of requests for autopsies that have gone unheard in this city. The climate of this country alone as it relates and as it views arab communities is enough for you as a body on Public Safety is to do Due Diligence on this piece of important civil rights organization. Thats what i have to say and thank you for your time. Thank you very much. Mr. Crew. John crew again speaking as an individual. So i think with all due respect its time to cut through the double speak. What do we know here . What we know is last year this report was given and the statement was made that the sfpd did not participate in any voluntary interviews with the jttc a xlaipblt was filed in march about that incident, yet the sfpd is still claiming that the report they gave you last year was true. Are they calling care a liar . Did this incident not happen . The fbi spoke about it in the newspaper. Look at the San Francisco examiner, they confirmed this happened. The complainant that was interviewed was interviewed by the occ in july. Last week the occ director told you that they had requested an opinion of the City Attorney about their, quote, ability to interview the officer. Theres no legal doubt about that. The voters created the occ33 years ago, its in the charter for 33 years, the sfpd must fully cooperate. As far as i know you havent suspended that General Office or gave them permission not to follow it. The chief put out a bureau order within weeks or days of his taking office that said exactly what you said tonight, commissioners, local law trumps. A local ordinance was drafted, thank you for saying it again, local law trumps. Theres a complaint that hasnt been investigated, theres a deadline coming up, yet we are given this double speak. Whats clearly needed, this is what im talking about earlier. Policy reforms mean nothing if you dont apply the standards, if you dont use the authority you have been given. Let me briefly say i am speaking as an individual but i have a lot of history on this issue. I was appointed by your predecessors to a committee after the human rights Commission Said we need a policy on intelligence gathering on this issue, theres been too many issues. Chief will casy was happy to collaborate, sat down with me, i would recommend its a long document its based on best policies from several Different Departments and if you will indulge me briefly, several Different Departments around the country, thats why its complex because its based on best practices and it doesnt say what the lieutenant just said it said. This action clearly required prior authorization so that there would be a paper trail and it would be an audit and it would be reported. There is a provision in that general order that says these policies apply not just whether or not you label it a criminal investigation, thats the best practice. If you allow them to just label it Something Else they can keep it off the books and evade the policy, it wont work. Ill leave you with one more thought. Ask yourself why does a report thats supposed to be about compliance with local standards and policies not quote those local standards and policies and, in fact, use the language of the fbi guidelines . This talks about a nexus to criminal activity. Thats the fbi standards, thats not the sfpds. It talks about we do not investigate activities that are solely based on First Amendment activity. Thats not the sfpd standard, thats the reason the general order exists, thats the fbis loophole. Same thing with the discrimination policy, the biasbased policing. Sfpd, unlike the fbi, does not have an exception for national security. Thats the whole concept here. Were 4 years after the fact and were not getting clarity and its not because, with all due respect to the fbi saying you cant say this, its apparent to me that the sfpd apparently thinks its okay to apply the fbi standards. They told you there have been 35 cases they have been involved. Thank you, sir, thank you very much. Thank you for your time. Sorry, mr. Crew, thank you for your participation. Pardon the rant but at this late date its more than a little frustrating not just for me but for these community members. Thank you, sir. Any Public Comment . We just got through listening to half an hour of this guy and half an hour of this guy and half an hour of this guy, but in truth we get no time. Three minutes is nothing. As far as being a hero or something, id like to be one. You know, its one of these things you always pray to be. You know, without the Fire Department i wouldnt be a hero because they asked me to put out a fire and i did and saved a lot of lives. A bunch of police around and everything, they said we have to keep this silent. For sure we have to keep this silent because when it comes right down to it, the worst thing i ever seen was that murder. It isnt going to go on any more tvs, theyre not going to talk about woods any more because its back in the woods. No one talks about it, you know. Its sad, you know, when we come to being a hero, my mother, she had to face something. You know, she had to get to be one of these people that suffer, you know, beyond it, you know, she went to a priest said, we went to visit my son three times at the jail and he wont come down. And the jailor and everything, you know, and my mom said, priest said, wait a second. Dont say anything. He went from monteray all the way to salinas and when he got there, he said, hes coming down or im going up. Im a priest. Thank god for them and you and law and order. But there was no law and order. My mom wanted to know what was wrong with me and i was sitting here like this and i wouldnt talk and i was scared. So when she finally got my father to have me pull down my collar she fell over backwards, knocked her cold. You know, as far as a hero, im proud to be who i am here today. My fathers in heaven and hes an naacp president , he was in 1960. So every time they called and gave us a bunch of shit there was a lot of it back then. I just let them know, im white, im sorry. Unknown comic, they wont tell my joke anywhere because i am a big joke. Im funny, how he treats me. Im on a border one time, this is for the mexicans, i was on the border, i might get a little extra time, maybe, i was on the border, hopefully. I was on the border one time and i was barefoot and in a restaurant. And a lady comes up to me, says spare change and i start to get the change out and all the people in the restaurant jump up, run around me and i start handing out the money. When i get to the last penny i go to hand it to her and i hope for five minutes, please. No, sir, sorry. Please . No. No. Just for you, then. No. Your time is up. Any further Public Comment . Can i speak to you . Commissioner dejesus. This is on my own. Im sorry, sir. Sir, you are out of order. Thank you. Were done, were closed. Closed . Get my minute, close up. Go ahead, commissioner dejesus. Sorry, juicy the Public Comment brought up some concerns i didnt have when we were talking about it, but i guess the question is, maybe we should ask what the processes of the department in deciding for these suspicious activity reports if they are released, how many are requested, how many are given, even if they are released heavily redacted, why arent they released in some format. Im looking at the letter quickly, maybe the sample we are looking at is using fbi language, it would be better to have a report that follows the language provided in the dgo and whether or not the criteria is being met with our own language rather than this other report. I dont know if we had a sample that we were using but i think we should retaylor that and look at each of our criteria, use the language of our criteria in terms of answering the report. We should followup on this and im happy to talk to commissioner loftus about putting it back on for the issue of these suspicious activity reports and how many are being made and how many are released and maybe redoing this report in a format that meets the criteria of the general order. Commissioner wong. I just wanted to indicate to the Community Groups i will make a commitment to follow up with director hicks when she is back just to make sure there are no statute of limitations issue and this investigation can be completed within the time period and see if we can remove any obstacles, if there are any, to finishing up the investigation. Thank you, commissioner hwang. Commissioner melara. I heard of some anecdotal information regarding potentially other violations. And i think that the best way of dealing with those matters is for the occ to be involved if you do have other complaints from other people you should go, you should file those xlaipblts complaints with the occ because we deal with evidence and we deal with things that we know. If we dont know about it, if it is something that is happening in the community and its not being investigated there is nothing we can do about it. So i would encourage you and those that you represent to come forward and do file complaints with the occ thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, were going to move all the way down to adjournment because all the items that come forward after this deal with going into closed session, were not doing that. Im going to turn the mic over to commissioner hwang. I would move to adjourn tonights meeting in honor of franco fleming, i received several emails he was beloved by his colleagues, by the folks he worked with at city hall and by many folks in the das office who cribd described him as somebody full of life. He was assigned to the mta bureau, he was formerly a member of mayor newsoms protection detail and in his private life officer fleming was named a member of esquires best dressed list and there were photos of him on the web. I would adjourn todays meeting, january 16, 2016, in memory of officer franco fleming. May he rest in peace. Motion for adjournment. Second. Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen, we adjourned. meeting adjourned . All right 2, 1 you innovation on or was on over 200 years they went through extensive innovations to the existing green new metal gates were installed our the perimeter 9 project is funded inform there are no 9 Community Opportunity and our Capital Improvement plan to the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood it allows the residents and park advocates like san franciscans to make the matching of the few minutes through the philanthropic dungeons and finished and finally able to pull on play on the number one green a celebration on october 7, 1901, a skoovlt for the st. Anthonys formed a club and john then the superintendent the Golden Gate Park laid out the Bowling Green are here sharing meditates a permanent green now and then was opened in 1902 during the course the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that citywide much the city the greens were left that with an ellen surface and not readers necessarily 1911 it had the blowing e bowling that was formed in 1912 the Parks Commission paid laying down down green number 2 the San Francisco lawn club was the first opened in the United States and the oldest on the west their registered as San Francisco lark one 101 and ti it is not all fierce competition food and good ole friend of mine drive it members les lecturely challenge the stories some may be true some not memories of past winners is reversed presbyterian on the wall of champions. Make sure you see the one in to the corner thats me and. No . Not bingo or scrabble but the pare of todays competition two doreen and christen and beginninger against robert and others easing our opponents for the stair down is a pregame strategy even in lawn bowling. Play ball. Yes. Almost. clapping . The size of tennis ball the object of the game our control to so when the players on both sides are bold at any rate the complete ends you do do scoring it is youll get within point lead for this bonus first of all, a jack can be moved and a or picked up to some other point or move the jack with i have a goal behind the just a second a lot of elements to the game. Were about a yard long. Aim a were not player ill play any weighed see on the inside in the goal is a minimum the latter side will make that arc in im righthand side i play my for hand and to my left if i wanted to acre my respect i extend so it is arced to the right have to be able to pray both hands. clapping. who one. Nice try and hi, im been play lawn bowling affair 10 years after he retired i needed something to do so i picked up this paper and in this paper i see in there play lawn bowling in San Francisco Golden Gate Park ever since then ive been trying to bowl i enjoy bowling a very good support and good experience most of you have of of all love the peoples and have a lot of have a lot of few minutes in mr. Mayor the San Francisco play lawn bowling is in Golden Gate Park were sharing meadow for more information about the club including free lessons log beha the staff at st. Anthonys it is great to have your here this morning. [applause] here at st. Anteanys work with people who are homeless and those on the virj of becomes homeless and what we have sheen more aunch unforchfootly than not is people that feel isolated and excluded so very happy to see when the mayor has something to say about the homeless pop ylgds he comes to the tenderloin and st. Ancyanys. We insisted those we serve the homeless in particular are not the problem, they are brothers and sisters. The problem has to boo with us and the way we structure our liferb jz cities and thijsss like that see great to see when we want to do something about homelessness the mayor is coming forward and making good proposals for how we can solve our problem, not fix the homeless. [applause] there are a lot of people here working for years on that problem. It is a problem for the whole community but it is also one we need to thitsy to step forward to help us do so we welcome the mayor in his remarks today. Without further ado, i would like to recognize a couple people here that have come and been long involved ing these issue. Angela alota is here today. From the San Francisco interfaith counsel we have mikem pops and rita chimal. Supervisor marc farrell is here. Supervisor jewel jewel yechristensen and all the Department Heads here of the city and all the Community Based organizations that are represent. Thank you for coming and welcome to st. Anthonys good morning everyone. Thank you all for being here. Let me begin with just comment about some things that have occurred in the last 48 hours that i know are on peoples minds and want to address that right off before i get fl to had body of the speech. But i want to start out with some words about the officer involved shooting that occurred yesterday in the bay view and rutted in the death of a man. Let me first say that any time, any time, there is a officer involved shooting i take that extremely seriously and so does our chief. I have seen the video too you know, you look at the video and you justbefore my words came out, we were yelling drop the dam knife. I already spoken to the chief and there will be a thorough and transparent investigation of this incident without delay and know the public deserves this and expect it and i expect it as well and will make sure the Community Knows all the details about this. I also want to take a moment of silence with all of you to remember the victims of the tragic and sensely shootings in san Dern Bernardino yesterday. Our thoughts are with the victims and families and the people of San Francisco grieve with them. But you know, you know what they really deserve . Those families deserve action. Deserve the congress that will stop this madness, stop and by enacting sensible limit ozen deadly fire arms and they need to do that now. [applause] we cannot just accept this. We cannot just accept this. Thank you. Thank you. And again, good morning everybody and thank you for being here. First again i want to say thank you to the [inaudible] and barry for hosting us this morningism barry you and the staff for helping the needy and velinable throughout the city is a inspiration to me and it is never tiring to cut turkey with you bury. I also want to say thank you to our elected and appointed officials and Community Leaders and pleny of the nonprofits providers are here this morning, thank you for joinsing us today. Im very proud for being reelected your mayor. This is a wonderful city and want to say thank you to the voters of San Francisco who believe in our Solutions Oriented and collaborative approach to solving problems and have asked us to return to do more. Thaupg for placing your trust in me for the next 4 years. This is the greatest city in the world and im honored and humbleed as the mayor to serve another term. You know, i often said and will continue saying i love the city, i love it as much of any of you and also with you. I love that we never run from the challenges. We confront them with our progressive optimism and something that has come to define our city in all of us. We tackleed a whole lot this last 5 years and some the most complicated and intractable challenges remain and i ran for a second term so we can work on them together. Foremost among the challenges wrun we struggled with for decades is homelessness. Let there be more doubt, the collective best effort like Service Providers like all you in the room today have certainly made a difference. I know that because i have been paying a attention to this for many years. While i may be a little silent sometimes, i watch, i talk to people, i engage and once in a while i might be lucky enough to hand out a key. You are the ones, everyone in the room, you are the ones giving the hor heroic rfts at front line staff on a midnight shift at the shet ers and do the outreach and are case managers with a challenging loud. Or you may be the one cleaning up the streets so people might have a cleaner street to be on because that is the only place they have. The best evidence of all of the work collaboratively is the over 20,000 formally Homeless People living indoors. Living independently and with the social and emotional support that they need and that the needs that are met with our City Services or they might be back in their home towns. But, despite this we havent eliminated homelessness. As we house and serve thousands, they are replaced by new thousands. People, people who fall in homelessness here, people sent from other states or people who arrive every day seeking a better life in our city. As a result we continue to have People Living on the street, under the freeway, in tents on the sidewalk and some even without tents. All together, more than 3500 people are street homeless in San Francisco. Human beings. Human beings with hopes, with fears, susceptible to cold and rainy weather. Human being who deserve or compassion. We know there are nearly the same number of people without homes that are living in our shelter, treatment programs or temporary situations. Friends , this isnt a healthy way to live, you know that and i know that, especially if children are a part of that family. It is not just a growing problem here in San Francisco by the way and we all know that as well. Major cities across our country, la, new york, honolulu, seattle and more and the state and federal governments offer us too little assistance. Thats why next week ill join at least 5 other mayors on the west coast and our federal government representatives to explore federal funding opportunities and policy changes in the area of homelessness. I know we look at the streets sometimes and the encampments and the depth and complexity the problem jz to some it all might feel hopeless, but as your may frr the next 4 years im optimistic because today in San Francisco all of the ingreedgents of success are here to end homeless for thousands of our fellow citizens. Thanks to a historically Strong Economy we do have resources. We certainly have creativity and know we got the passion. For our serviceers providers and city staff, we have the energy that is required. We have public support to try new more effective approaches. But you know what is missing . What is missing is the ingredient lacking for generations, it is what we call, real cooperation. We cant solve street homelessness, but it will if we want to , it will require cooperation. We have seen this cooperation at the place called, the Navigation Center at 1950 mission street. When Community Providers work with city departments, when the private sector in the surrounding community all come together with us, we actually are creating a National Model for ending homelessness. So, next year we are going to do something bold that skills up the cooperation and coordination this requires and we see at the Navigation Center all of that happening across the board on homelessness. I will call apauss all the departments to Work Together with our Community Based organizations, advocate and National Expert to ert change and reform or government and other, and will create a department with a mission to end homelessness here in San Francisco. [applause] i begin by not just makingi know people have worked on this for years and want to acknowledge first the great work of our past mayors, feinstein and agnos, mayor jordan and willie brown, of course gaveen newsome. I want to build on each of their legacies for addressing homelessness. Of course our former supervisor alota talks about passion. She dedicated a life time to the work and want to say thank you for being here and thank you for being a trusted advisor and advocate and one that reminds everybody we got to get to Better Solutions. I want to also acknowledge the good work of our former supervisor bevan dufty and director of hope for the last years for tireless work with Service Providers and client to move people into better lives. I learned a lot with bevan, but i felt his passion avenue day he has been on the job. And today, building on the work that came before we begin a new agency, a agency with a budget and mandate to solve homelessness. Well bring together under one roof the multitude of homeless outreach, housing, shelter and Supportive Services that exist across many Different Departments. Over the last 20 years, we increased our spending on homelessness because the crisis got worse. But because we didnt have a Central Department for homelessness we layered program upon program across a dozen Different Department said and then we expected the better outcome. No one agencyies mission was homelessness and today we fix that. With greater coordination we expect better results, more efficiencys and deep er accountability. To make this new department a realty next year ill be calling upon the leadership of barbarager seea director of public ehealth, trent roar director of human sunchss and [inaudible] director of hope. Together we have aurltd r already implemented some the most forward thinking progressive homeless policies in the country. We created the nations first Navigation Center, which is just 9 months that we have successfully moved more than 250 people off the streets into healthier settings. Great progress towards ending chronic veterans homelessness is done these last few years tackling family homelessness we made great progess. A new investment in Supportive Housing of 29,000,000 this year. I want to saw they think to tren, barbara and sam and all your team said for pourer your hearts in this work and thank you for joins forces with us to take it to the next level vlt i want to say a special thank you to public works. I know that department. You kept our streets and have done your best and for always having a positive interaction with the Homeless People and compassion and thank you for taking on the smelliest dirtgist jobs in town. I also want to say thank you to all of the people who are own Single Room Occupancy Hotels in the city thmpt hotels that are cooperating and working with us to make these Units Available for people transitioning out of homelessness. That is stock of housing. We never thought through our past loousts and insistence to get code enforcement, we didnt realize how valuable they are to us and a valuable assess they can be. I know some people will say, a department to solve homlessness mayor. 93 eve. We cant solve homelessness in San Francisco. I know that will will be peoples comments. I say we will end homelessness every every single day for least one person. For at least one family. For at least a veteran every single day. I know because i have felt the power of giving keys to people exactly in those situations. We will end it for every 1 for every day for someone who suffers on our street. That is what the purpose of creating this department is about. I want a staff at this new department, each person on the staff will come to work every morning with a single minded focus on ending homelessness for people on the streets. I want the measure of the work of this department and my office to be answering this question, what did i do to end homelessness on our city streets today and what did i do to give people a stable shelter, a home and a path to a healthier life. That is what i want them to ask themselves every single day. I want that to be the question that they ask of themselves. You know, ending homelessness in a very simple way is a matter of priorities. To get there we have to double down on programs that truly work. We have to coordinate with partners, federal, state and other cities. We have to share and do the best practices and we have to also share our challenges with each other. And you know, i always am focused and concerned about congress and as you know, congress is largely abandoned homelessness in the country and we in San Francisco cant wait frathe politics of waug wash dc to arrive, we have tolead and we lead with values. Our San Francisco values. That is what being a san franciscan is all about, isnt it . It is our values. To be fully able to achieve this vision im inviting a group of National Experts to advise how to create and set the mandate for this new department. I have spoken to president obamas point person on homelessness, matthew dorty and he agreed to come out and advise and has the expertise of looking at programs across the country to see what works. We want to be egressive on this but want to be practical at the same time. How will we define sausking street homelessness . What are the investments we are making and how can we double down on this . Is there something that we can be doing that we are not already doing . I aults want to invite the local homeless coordinating board to serve as a formal advisory body during the process. We convened San Franciscos best and brightest on that commission and definitely need your input. I invite all of you here, every one of you, the people working hard every day day in and out to join in defining the new effort as well because ill present this plan with the budget this coming year. Foremost among the efforts of the department are expanding the successful Navigation Center program. We learned that by removing barrier tooz entry into the Shelter Program and pairing ever Navigation Center with a housing exist we are making a difference. We already committed the funding in the budget this year to double our capacity at the Navigation Center and the department will significantly increase to this model. Well coordinate outreach and build more centers and secure more housing exists. Certainly this requires serious funding. Since i took office we have spent all most 100 mil yen more every year on Homeless Services and housing and my commitment today is this, to never let our city slip backwards on our funding priorities. That means movering forward well spend at threes 250 million a year on outreach and housing for 10s of thousands of people. We know success isnt mesered by how much money we spend, you know that. Accountability matters. We are measured by the number of human beings we lep off our streets and into a better life and by conditions on our streets also improving at the same time. So, im setting a ambishish but i believe an achievable goal for the second term. By the time i leave office we will move at least 8 thousand people out of homelessness and well remove them out of homelessness forever. [applause] and well build a system that ends a persons homelessness before it becomes chronic. That is another thing we learned from the Navigation Center and well do this and achieve this all together. Well do this by housing families, veterans long term homeless to Homeward Bound Program and Long Term Care for the seriously mentally ill. I also need cooperation for the private sector and philanthropic partner tooz participate as well. I already started conversation with San Franciscos Business Leaders on this particular goal. Business leaders, big and small, about a Multiyear Partnership to add additional Navigation Centers to the cities portfolio. To them across the board i say thank you and begin by saying a personal thank you to our first anonymous private donor to the the first Navigation Center. Im excited for our partnerships to develop more in the coming months just like the way we started our first Navigation Center. It was a partnership with faith and Funding Sources and community in the mission and then everybody else. We need more Partnership Models like our effort to end family homelessness in the Elementary Schools which is the focus of [inaudible] 2 great civic leaders. No less different than our Technology Leaders like nob nub who also became a partner to end veterans homelessness by funding a viable new housing for them in mission bay. Letting people live on our streets exposed to violence and whether that isnt compassion. It isnt healthy, it isnt safe and it does want represent who we are as San Francisco and it is not our San Francisco values. You know, im also proud of our city coming together over something that used to be controversial and im talking about lauras law. Thank you for visor marc farrell, thank you for your leadership in this effort on a issue that used to divide a lot of us, now it units us with a comma causs because we are figuring it out. Since we launched our consensus program just last month we have already received 28 referals from ern concerned family members and Service Providers. Some of the most severely mentally ill they are finally getting help. Lauras law is one the many compassionate programs we should be doing in partnership with our courts and District Attorney and Justice System. San francisco values means we wont lock people up or persecute them just for being mentally ill. That wont happen and wont happen as long as im mayor, but we can use the resources our Justice System to make sure people are Getting Better heltier outcomes. I want to challenge the courts, our public defender and District Attorney and Health Provider tooz come together in the same spirit of collaboration that i proposed today. Coming together with your diverse responsibilities and your legal mandates to better serve those desperately in need of our help because i will challenge you with the same outcome im calling upon everyone else. Lets talk about not just our legal mandates, lets also talk about outcomes for people. [applause] it is not compassionate and you will agree with me on this to let people suffer silently, to medicate with drugs and call and live an unhealthy life on our streets, that is not compassion and we are empowered to help the seriously mentally ill people but first have to agree to coperate. In a new year ill invite all our gurchlt stakeholders and Mental Health and criminal justice to convene with me. I bring this group together to get past the reasons we cannot do things and figure out a way we can do it. Lets say for example, you take this program, some of you in the room know what the 51 50 program is. It is a program with people in personal crisis and danger to themselves we take them to the hospital for 72 hours, but you know what is the challenging part of that 51 50 program . Once they come out they go right back on the streets and into the same unhealthy situation that they were literally 48 hours ago. We pulled them out and bring them right back in. That is 51 50. Lets redesignthality program for a better outcome, a sustained outcome for those individuals. Lets redesign conservativeship programs to serve the intended populations while respecting their civil liberty. We can have a better outcome on that as well. The seriously mentally ill deserve our best efforts. It is complicated and thats why we take that challenge up. As we focus on getting people into healthier settings, we also need to refocus on the people who are not homeless. The people who prey on our homeless. Drug dealers who target the addicted and mentally ill contributing to Serious Health problems. Im calling y i am calling for stepped up enforcement for predatory drug dealing around our Navigation Centers and shelter and Homeless Service locations and every place we house our homeless. [applause] we need to clean up drug dealing around the buildings where Homeless People are trying to clean up their lives. We are not criminalizing drug addictions, we are enforcing existing laws to protect the most vulnerable. I want to thank supervisor and president of the board of supervisors president london breed for being a leader on the reforms. She is a strong voice the quality of life and reforming our treatment of the mentally ill. Thats why friend i am optimistic. A new department, ambitious goal, a will in our city to succeed on this. We can make homelessness rare. We can make it brief. We can make it a one time event in peoples lives. We can move at least 8 thousand people out of homelessness forever. For too long deeply held and ideological differences divided all of us. Some say we are not tough enough. Others say we are not compalgzinate enough. Some say we spend too much money and others say we havent spent enough. It is time to reconcile these disagroogruments not to set them aside but work through them. If we can cooperate to solve homelessness the sky is the limit on what else we can achieve together. I want to say to you again, we can end homelessness for each individual that we touch, for each family, for each child, we can do that for them. Thats what we can define as ending homelessness. If we do it together, we will have demonstrated that collaboration and cooperation is the best way to move forward. So, i want to end by saying thank you to all of you for taking time out of your busy day to listen to me. Im excited to work with you, this will give a struck chur to work effectively with all of us. We can do better and will do better, im excited and we are San Francisco. Thank you very much. [applause] hi everybody, we down here at the ep is a center which is our pop up space down here in San Francisco where we operate a store front to educate the policy from the home owner who has center which is our pop up space down here in San Francisco where we operate a store front to educate the policy from the home owner who has never done anything in the house to the most advanced structure engineers we have working around here. We were going to here from kelly to talk a little bit about San Francisco. How are you doing kelly . Very well, thank you for having us here. In front of us, we have a typical soft story building. When i see this, i think this is some of the most beautiful architecture our city has. A lot of people dont know these are problematic buildings. Why dont you tell us about some of the risks he we have in these buildings . Soft stories are vulnerable in past earthquakes and the northridge earthquake to this type of building and character of building. When we talk about the soft story, what were talking about is generally a ground story that has less wall or other pwraeugs to resist the lateral forces that might be imposed by the earthquake. So were looking for something that is particularly weak or soft in this ground story. Now, this is a wonderful example of what some of the residential buildings that are soft stories in San Francisco look like. And the 1 thing that i would point out here is that the upper force of this building have residential units. They have not only a fair amount of wall around the exterior of the building but they also have very extensive walls in the interior and bathrooms and bedrooms and corridors and everything that has a certificate amount of brazing yea its significantly less country srabl in those stories. Now very often, we get even a garage or storage or sometimes commercial occupancy in this ground story. That very often not only has a whole lot less perimeter wall but it often has little or no wall on the interior. That wall is the earthquake bracing and so he see very significant bracing in the top floor and very little on the bottom. When the earthquake comes and hits, it tries to push that ground floor over and theres very little that keeps it from moving and degrading and eventually paoerblly keeping it from a collapse occurring. So we know theyre vulnerable because of this ground story collapsing is this only a problem we see in sentence france . San francisco . No, this is certainly a national problem. More acute in western but more up to california, washington, moving out into other states. This kind of building exist and this kind of building is vulnerable. When youre involved with the community safety, this is a different way of thinking about these types of things. We had a Community Group of over 100 people involved and upper 1 of them. Tell us about how that conversation went. Why did we decide as a city or a community to start fixing these types of buildings . There were a lot of aspects that were considered well beyond just the engineering answer that these are vulnerable. And that effort brought in a lot of people from different aspects of the community that looked at the importance of these buildings to the Housing Stock and the possible ramifications of losing this houbgs in the case of an earthquake. The financial implications, the historic preserve vacation s implication as you mentioned, these are very handsome looking buildings that are importance to the tourist city ask which make San Francisco something that people are interested from outside in coming and visiting. Its such animation story when you think about the 10 years that the community spent talking about this seurb but we actually did something about it. Now we have an order unanimouses put in place to protect 100,000 residents in San Francisco and retrospective in 2020. So on behalf of residents and employees in San Francisco, we want to say thank you for the work youve done in pushing this forward and making people more aware of these issues. And it was a fantastic community effort. So in an earth quake, what happens in these kinds of buildings . What happens when an earthquake comes along is it moves the ground both horizontally and vertically. Its mostly the horizontal that were worried about. It starts moving the Building Back and forth and pushing on it. When you see im pushing on it, the upper stiff of the wall stay straight up but the lower floors, they actually collapse just like i did there. Luckily, we can put this building right back up where it came from so its a lot easier. Now kelly, obviously these arent real frame walls here but when you talk about buildings, what makes the property for stiff . The easiest and most costeffective type of bracing you can put in is either put in a brand new wall or to potentially go in and strengthen a wall thats already there where you dont need to have an opening is where you maybe have a garage door or access to commercial space, you might go to a steel frame or other types of bracing systems that provides the strength and stiff if necessary but at the same time, allows continued use of that area. But some combination of walls or frames or other tools that are in the tool kit that can bring the building up to the strength thats required in order to remove the vulnerability from the building so that when ground shaking comes, it in fact is a whole lot more resistant and less vulnerable. Ideally, this story down here would be made as strong and stiff as the floors above. If im a property owner, what is the first thing i should do . The first thing you should do is find professional that can come in and help you evaluate your building in order to, 1, figure out that indeed it does need to be retro fitted and 2, give you some idea of what that retro fit might look like. And third, evaluation and design to help you determine the retro fit requirement. Well kelly, i cant thank you enough for being here today. Thank you so much for your wealth of information on how we can take care of our soft story problem in San Francisco. And you the viewer, if you have any questions, please feel free to visit visit our website [train whistle blowing] global warming. [whistle blows] some say irreversible consequences are 30 years away. 30 years . That wont affect me. [brakes screech] begin. Good morning today is tuesday, september 22, 2015. This is the regular meeting of the department of Building Inspection Commission id like a remind everyone to turn off electronic devices. Roll call. Commissioner president mccarthy commissioner mar commissioner lee commissioner mccray he is expected commissioner walker and commissioners french is expected and commissioner melberger is updated. Welcome

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