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Id like to call roll at this time. Commissioner president fong commissioner Vice President richards commissioner antonini commissioner moore commissioner johnson and commissioner wu are present expect commissioner hillis to arrive late commissioners, that places you under your is consideration for items proposed for continuance 79 castro discretionary review and various are property to july and items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 cases bush street, ellis and Market Street and sutter street Fourth Street discretionary review 19 are proposed for indefinite continuance as under departmental matters at Market Street the informational presentation is proposed for continuance until june 9th and under the discretionary review calendar we did receive a letter signed by both parts for 23 ab at grant avenue and place discretionary review and variance request for june 2nd continuance. Okay opening it up for Public Comment on any items on the continuance calendar okay comment is closed. Commissioner Vice President richards. Move to continue items 1 through 7 and 10 to the dates specified and second. Thank you on that motion to continue commissioner antonini commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner wu commissioner Vice President richards and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and then the two variances 1b continue those to the dates specified that places us adaptation of the draft minutes for 2016. Any Public Comment on minutes not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner antonini. Before i make a motion i think when commissioner Vice President richards made the motion to continue he said item 9 i think that was item 12. The informational. The informational i believe that is actually item 12. No item 9 under the directors report. Oh, it is over here not item 12 hes right im wrong thats due june 9th a june 9th. I move to approve the minutes. Thank you, commissioners to adopt the minutes for 2016 commissioner antonini commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner wu commissioner Vice President richards and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero commissioners and places us on item 9 commissioners questions or comments. Ohoh commissioner antonini i apologize youre correct the number is item 12 he apologize. Change that back to 12 owe assume that is noted in the approval of continuance. Jonas can you remind me june 30th a cancelled date read the reason. It was cancelled procedurally as it is the 5 thursday of june. Okay. Very good thank you. Commissioner Vice President richards. A couple of quick things a oral in the pittsburgh it was Research Center at ucla they do a lot of surveys around technology and housing and demographics theyre showing in most metropolitan areas in the u. S. All but 2 the amount of middleincome people aribnb between one hundred and 40 and 60 percent are local ami has been shrinking in fact, 79 metropolitan areas are showing a majority of upper income folks versus 37 in the year 2000 so the issue were sitting here in that city is pretty much replicating the cities secondly, was a little bit disappointed it the eastern neighborhoods cac was not able to get a quorum on the agenda they were going to vote to clear to move forward with the monitoring report they have to do that next month it puts everything off im disappeared to hear that. Commissioner moore. The new yorker an article called dorm life forever speaks about a new form of housing and without going into detail ill copy it is definitely an eye opener a new form of collective housing to minimum the private space but a communal opportunity for deputies. Thank you commissioner antonini. In regards to the calendar i noticed were not in session on the 26 of may and the Theodore Roosevelt of june, i would propose that one of those dates be added back in were switzerland items into august now it is not fair to everyone involved in projections weve had to calendar them so far so perhaps june date might be more practical a timing problem with the 26 of may i want to put that out there for the other commissioners to consider. Commissioner moore. Supporting that comment i had the public talk to me about why drs when we have fill calendar during the normal hours that puts particularly elderly or people with children sit here all day at a sdaemgs to participate in the discussions together were he often tired when it reaches 8 oclock or 9 oclock hour i want to spread out the calendar we have large projects and dragging onramp for all of us. Commissioner johnson. Thank you designee how were only a couple of weeks out from the may 26th date id like to proposed propose well put the june 30th date we want to make things easily and put may 26 is a short notice and the other thing ill supported commissioner moores comments about drs one thing to consider to light else the load with the june drs make them all on the 30th one meeting so we can hear other large projects and have june 30th a dr hearing. laughter thats why commissioner wu says its fine. Commissioner Vice President richards the may 26th is two earlier to add back honestly i would support the june thank god for dr only and consider that periodically in the future do dr meetings. Commissioner antonini. Yeah. Im, of course, supportive of adding back june 30th historically a period of time probably 12 years ago for a short periodic period of time flip flopped them so entering making them not as rigid but putting the drs on occasion might you know be a little bit fair to these involved no drs. Commissioner moore. A comment to the director the department is doing a lot of information presentations some of them quite important and require. At thoughtful comment i will see sometimes we are getting adding ant two overloaded and not spending a lot of time on the discussion so if if this there are particular items to group that that be appreciated as well. Commissioner antonini. So do we need to vote to add back the 30th or the consent calendar. Well certainly make a motion and vote the june 30th hearing date back both your schedule. I so moved. For clarity only for drs or only cases that commissioner Vice President richards is interested only in drs. Drs it might be more flexible. Mostly drs. The reason to not bumped to august or september my motion would be more flexible. Second. Commissioner moore. I think as the director has anything in the back pocket may in conjunction id like to have that informational and dr depending on how many drs we have. Commissioner Vice President richards. I think commissioner antonini is on to something potentially things we continue to august we have no room we might be able to accelerate one of those on the june 30th calendar. That depends on the 90s because some things require everyday notice. June 30th works well, i want to note as the person that manages or tries to manage the schedule it is easier said than done there are requests from supervisors there are requests from staff and legislative items that require our time i would you to take into consideration. laughter . Ill take the opportunity to thank you jonas every week and every month you juggle that not just the commissioners schedule. I appreciate that there is a motion that has been seconded to add june 30th into the hearing schedule. Commissioner antonini. Commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner wu commissioner Vice President richards and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and begin switzerland items for that hearing immediately commissioners commissioners, if theres nothing further, well move on to under commissioner kristens kristens drourments. One announcement in light youve heard the City Attorney filing suit on the academy of art i wanted to assure you, ar moving forward with the first time and on schedule a commitment from the attorneys to move forward and continue to complete that Environmental Impact report by july 1st, the date weve been working toward and continue to happy or happen i want to make sure you knew we have that commitment to complete the work so allow us to keep on moving forward with your actions in the future and we are still schedule for a informational hearing with the academy well preempt your are preliminary thoughts in terms of recommendations on about specific sites in the academy portfolio were on schedule as previously said thank you. Thank you. Commissioner item 11 review of past events no Historic Preservation Commission Beyond any doubt. Good afternoon aaron starr, manager, legislative affairs. For to the Department Staff this week no items at the Land Use Committee and full board the landmark for 9092 Second Street passed the second reading the landmark tree designation for the norwalk pine locked only cook street passes is its second reading and the permitting accessory massage with conditional use in the north of market in the special use district spordz by commissioner gilman pass the First Reading two introductions the first planning Code Amendment for the Student Housing store inclusionary housing supported by supervisor wiener it academies e amends the planning code into 5 to 2 years Student Housing be leased by the Educational Institutions the second one a sdroer supported by supervisor campos the planning code by the not rezoning from the current designation at 60 r having x and that concludes my remarks ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Can you explain the current Student Housing for inclusionary. Sure if youre Student Housing and you sign a contract with an Educational Institution 5 years we consider that Student Housing and dont need the inclusionary podium but once no longer Student Housing we this have to provide did inclusionary. Yes. For two years from. Some developers felt institutions didnt want to commit for 5 years they felt that was too long. Thank you. Commissioner antonini. You answered my question this was no in regards to owning properties prior to the passage of this legislation for percent has to do with with the inclusionary. Right two think Property Owner and the school to use it as Student Housing. Thank you and the board of appeals met last night only one item maybe of interest 1095 Market Street a letter of condition for the project before the commission twice and 2010 approval inform convert from Office Building to hotel authorization in 2013 after the extension was the Building Permit for the project there were changes in the configuration of the hotel but existing Historic Building no changes in the building, however, elements we found it in xhoefrps and work is underway an appeal was filed but one cant be heard because it was issued pursuant to a conditional use authorization it said the appellant sought the letter of determination for the conformity with our decisions and which i found in con formation im available to answer any questions. Commissioners item 7eleven is considered that places us on general Public Comment i have no speaker cards. Of him out a accord. Hi commissioners im here to ask that you direct the planning Department Staff to provide the summaries and their responses to all projects that are in the pipeline for development and provide to the public at least two or three weeks before the Commission Meeting meets the beast an bryant comes up and four days ago didnt get a summary under the Department Staff ive been told toe by the Department Secretary to have my draft in writing 3 days is not enough time for the public to accurately review especially those large projects i know that the commissioners also would like input in advance and understood by conversations with each of you many of you, you also want to see the informational go packets two weeks before if you need our packets two weeks before certainly anybody of the community that want to review and come before you coherently and give you a head up we need those packets in the world at least three weeks if not 4 to accurately respond any deadline is the deadline if i say it is due on the 5 and comes in on the 8 that item should be postponed i received template cookie cutter approval that had a bunch of xs and Square Footage would be at life or death documents not sfield out by itself Mayors Office of housing and got as i said the summary 4 days ago so i cant possibly write that fast and think that fast to give you a coherent response so director rahaim to be able to commit well have those things he said well have them by may 5 and they didnt come on may 5th they didnt come up come to a couple of days ago the go commission should ask director rahaim for his staff to get the things out so well not have to tell you in 2 minutes and you said make a quick decision Everybody Needs a thoughtful process thank you. Next speaker hi happy bike to work day i want to talk a little bit about the bicycle lanes in San Francisco and how some of the decisions that youre making are impeding the functioning of the bicycle lanes a project that you approved i think that was last week or the week before that was on inaudible 16th street street underwear jackson by the park side in their document they said they wanted both block the 16th street bike plain a lane for the possibly lanes of construction for the project they suggested that bicker e bike Environmental Impact statement eers get to get to use the bike lanes and developers shouldnt take the bike lanes for the entire construction period 17th street talking to bicers approximately have a lot of rail lines aliens lanes it is dangerous for people not prepared and people wipeout the bike lanes an Caesar Chavez theres a lot of uncontrolled dust an Caesar Chavez the bike lanes has huge trucks but really need to be protective of bike lanes when you design things and you should not allow encroachment i rode in on bike tour day that is valencia street a truck on bike to work day on valencia street when i did it last year octavia had a long term blockade in terms of the the construction someone who bikes with their twins regularly for 10 years that was blocked for a currently amount of time and also, of course, when trains and caltrain really need to make sure this is the bike lane this is a bike lane you really need to make sure that bike lanes are fundamental for people to use and that during construction they are honored and also during the project that they does not do loading zones and therefore create obstructions everyday i think people are used to inaccurate loading zones for bike lanes a colleague said on howard i guess target didnt have a proper loading zone thank you and happy bike to work day. Any other general Public Comment . Today. Okay not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Very good that places us under our regular calendar multiple proposed by the Art Institute located in the office of the Small Business commission an institutional master plan. Good afternoon commissioner president fong and commissioners Department Staff an phenomenal item for the institutional master plan for the San Francisco Art Institute planning code section requires medical discussions U Institution and post secondary institutions to have a current i mp for that institution when the insinuation was determined by the Planning Department the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearings with public testimony and shall in no way be a approval or disapproval San Francisco a nonprofit that offers programs associated with the study of contemporary art it was funded under a different name in 1871 about facilities until 1926 when the main compass was on Chestnut Street in 1969 a major alienation was opposing open of floor area on a lot with footage along chestnut and San Francisco and has a total enforcement shy of 6 hundred students with 2 3rds of undergraduates and incarcerating folks with 90 Staff Members roughly hosts a number of programs for one thousand people for the studio programs that provided free underserved youth ss a i is a employer that leads in intellectual multiple city of voices in addition to the main compass on Chestnut Streets it has buildings in 2002 secret were opened on third street with the dog patch neighborhood and pdr one g inform provide graduate studio space this facility is on the second story of the existing American Industrial building beginning in 2010 it began leasing space on sutter street and geary street within the rc4 for Student Housing collectively those two buildings serve one one hundred and thirty and 40 students the majority are the students in the first year it was brought to your attention that those buildings didnt go through the proper use to convert the Student Housing it passed the compliance was identified in ss a i for the Student Housing within the coming months. A failure to initiate the process will result in Enforcement Actions ill be available for the use of those building for the Student Housing as part of document s f a i it is anticipated plans for the coming decade the Main Development will be the transition of the graduate from the location the dog patch into a facility at the historic pier 2 of the mason center for argument theyve worked closely with the park to receive the policy act the proposed art use it provide a slightly larger facility for trader to three quarters needs and a cohesive experience with chestnut one mile away they anticipate the conclusion in fort mason in june and complete in august of 2016 they have commissioners a structural report in a Historic Preservation commission for the help to provide appropriate care improvements to the building a anticipated, however, likely within the existing envelope entirely the department has received two comments from the i mp there is public assess to the main compass it is reduced since the 1980s for from chestnut through the building into francis street and congestion and trash that generates despite their efforts to be Good Neighbors after reviewing the staff documents it recommends the commission accept that has complete following the testimony that concludes my presentation. Im available to answer any questions okay project sponsor. Presentation. Hi and heather im the society Vice President for the operations and facilities in the review theyre dedicated to the value of art and its environmental role as a difference artists they provide the its with an education for life in the arts for the environment and integrated Critical Engagement of the world founded in 1871 has a long list of alumni here in San Francisco and abroad you know the mural that was painted in our gallery in 1931 and adam in 1945 founded the Photograph Department we were the hub on the west coast in 2010 katherine an alumni was the first woman to win an oscar heres the list of excellent alumni we offered degree programs and art and technology, film and painting and photos addresses studio art we say is offered m a in contemporary arts and infection with the study you can get a dual degree an ma and f a the campus is open to the public we have a library, two galleries in the main compass excellent views of the bay and the city we consider ourselves as having an integrated mission between education and exhibit shuns are free and open to the public and recent arts have guests elect yourselves calling names this is our main compass at fort mason about a mile door to door. And then our 3 incredible views this is looking at being so fort mason with the main entrance in the greatly. And we will be building a level and moving in about one hundred and 72 graduates and studios with two galleries and theatre and two classrooms were on Chestnut Street own the property third we leased a portion of the second story and the building of the american 717 sutter street and the next property to begin construction in june. Okay. Thank you open up for Public Comment any Public Comment on this item . Okay not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner antonini. Yeah. A couple of comments and then questions for staff it looks like the uses of the two residences Student Housing facilities that are in the process of being legalized or going through the conditional use ill assume 717 sutro sutter street was a tourist and 630 geary was a residential is that what youre records show prior to the acquisition of the institution . So 717 sutter street both the tourist and hotel rooms 16 Tourist Hotel and 19 residential and 630 gear was 540 entire remain rooms. Reading the report it seems like there are 3 things that are required for an institution to create Student Housing based on grandfathering situations speaks for itself they have to be owned and operated as august 30th, 2010, and have institutional master plan on file and nonstudents amongst the residents have to be less than 20 percent is that the case. Thats correct the section will allow the conversion to Student Housing it if it meets the requirement for the sutter street and it was entirely cyber purchased and documents that there was interest in the building prior to the date so it was eligible for conversion and that building there were 8 occupants at the time of purchase currently there are 3 all have left through natural attrition. Thank you for the information i know that is only an updated institutional master plan not before us today, i want to establish this is a policy that applies to all Educational Institutions if they meet those requirements. So it was interesting to hear that that is a wonderful institutional master plan seems to answer all the things we need to know about the institution and so ill see what my fellow commissioners have to say. Commissioner johnson. Thanks yeah, im a little bit confused im not sure i can support the i mp to start off with the question is around the current Student Housing we received a memo from the Planning Department that list out a number of properties where a u is using the properties for the housing this students and seeking to legalize this is a lot of you add up the numbers 20 or thirty people why are those properties not listed on this. Sorry to interrupted i can explain the prohibition on conversion of the residential. This is not a u but the sprat institutions sorry it is confusing. I know that totally messes yes. But theres a provision in the planning code. Preview and well to my second question which is i am sorry, sorry San Francisco artist were not an Artist Institute any second question he appreciate theyre getting fort mason do they have im sorry yeah. My other question their knowledge a space in fort mason any other further expansion plans in terms of the growth there was a lot of things on fort mason but not any other spaces. At this point the document and perhaps the project sponsor can speak no other plans aside for the Historic Building. I get it. Followup question i apologize to the project sponsor i apologize are i mean should we then have i dont know maybe a hearing to talk about you know conversion of certain uses like i know that one of these is a Residential Hotel theyre seeking to legalize. So currently there are lease options extend for them until the year 2020 the 6 30 geary building that is the rc4 district to convert 4 Group Housing before the commission as a conditional use authorization will need to be 3 months following the acceptance the i mp for sutter street the housing no conditional use requirement only a filing of the a zoning permit for the Tourist Hotel rooms into residential Student Housing. Okay. I will only offer my apologies this is were talking about the actual aau but have a short item with the commission to talk about Residential Hotels and the future conversions of the Student Housing it is coming up in other context and might have that discussion as a whole again now. Commissioner moore. The Artist Institute is definitely world Renowned Institution for none on the Chestnut Street it is absolutely beautiful the comment i want to make the institutional documents is not quite reflective on the quality of the institution partially because while it contains the information the way it is put together falls short of what weve seen and not speak to the level of standards im push for again and again with the Hastings College of law setting back the example for the bulk on the shelf and referred to as we go through the next 4 years with the sold pages that put together with contention that lacks the clarity by which id like this institution to present itself some of ocean slides shown in the power point were very nice the documents itself is given to us i think false fall short of what i expect to be in the files more an institution. Commissioner commissioners, if theres nothing further, well move on to no ax required for you to take. Sorry would you curious about a response i guess the i mp is a standard thresholds and we reviewed this at the planning code it outlines the standards for an im p the staff reviewed that and found the requirements are met, of course, i have and the academy of art the minimum requirements were not met and requested Additional Information a series of hearings the i mp was cut to 2011 if there is specific information the commission would like to see we can request that and come back at a at a later time to have something that meets our standards and 1esh8 ill note the enforcement issues for the conversions nothing can happen until they get the i mp on file but the commission if so overall wants to see the Additional Information well request that from the sponsor and bring that back to you. One of the most important comments the locational and correlation against the map so people can understand them a google map didnt quite do it i want to know where is the housing relative to where people go to psychological there was a verbal comment moving being so fort mason a fabulous idea a mile a way away are those comments should be documented so we have an understanding we need to do that we have to have apples to apples as we are describing other institutions not doing the proper job this institution does the same i dont believe that the documented for the disclose of property didnt meet this. So from the commission likes we work with the Art Institute to you come up with a map and bring that back also it is clear direction if you like we can simply work with the Art Institute and develop a map and add that to the i mp to do a memo at a later time if you want to accept the i mp but noting that we would update 9 and improve the map another option. A question whether or not you wanted another hearing to get the map. I think what youre saying that maping this is a great time to ask for specifics and apply that in an attached memo. Your do you have can do that on your own we need to do apples to apples what were asking for one institution has to be done by the other ones to do what their supposed to do. Well do an improved map and send it back but accept the i mp. Thank you commissioner tan. Yeah. Im fine with that it is so noted and make the necessary upgrades with not another hearing it is well done aside from the point that was brought up by commissioner moore. Okay next item, please. Jonas thank you. Very good that places us on items 14, 15 or 15 ab for e and x at 16th street and 17th street first commissioners you will take up the matter of certifications for the first time please note the draft eir is closed the Public Comment period end on october 4, 2015, and Public Comment received at this point may not be included in the final eir youll hear if staff on the adoption of ceqa finding and large project authorization from the project sponsor and then Public Comment on those items and then act separately on the certification. Thank you. Good afternoon commissioner president fong im chris from the Vinyl Department this is a certification for a final Environmental Impact report or eir for the proposed 16th street and 1200 17th street with me the senior environmental planners and the current planner chris towns the draft eir was published on august 12, 2015, and hearing on october 1st, 2015, and the Public Comment closed on october 5, 2015, the response to the comments document was as l t c and published in 2016 before discussing the eir i want to call your attention to errata items and available for the public here first, the comment letter submitted during the draft eir was not limited to and the comments were addressed in the rtc and a correction to the range of not that i recall for the for seeable growth in the plans this rank is recorded on page 55 in rtc was anticipated by the western neighborhoods e eir that was the draft if august it was based on those july 2015 this figure was inadvertently left in the rtc document it was recorded in the rtc based on the most recent valued data with the noifrl that is less than anticipated by the eastern neighborhoods eir this is the only change for the development recorded in the rtc to conclude on the erratas the inadvertently lesser the for seeable nonresidential growth in the eastern neighborhoods presented any information that alternates the conclusion in the draft eir or trigger the need to redistribute this to the needs of the California Environmental quality act so there is many comment in the eir with the development of the eastern neighborhoods plan area and at showcase Square Castro Hill as exceeded what was evaluated in the eastern neighborhoods staff compiles the data ones open quarterly basis 2r0ish8 to the plans area it is important to point out that the eastern neighborhoods example eir evaluated projected under abc when we say projected development the development that could precede with the Zoning District approved in 2015 prior to this date were not resident on the changes in the eastern neighborhoods plan the most recent data shows the amount of for essential residential and that nonresidential has not exceeded the upper limits the range of development that was considered for the eastern neighborhoods or the showcasing either in terms of the dwelling units arrest Square Footage of noirnl or population moving to the resources the eir forms the determination of the staffs evaluation respond and defining in august all in favor, signify by i by the Historic Preservation commission that the majority of the project site not eligible for listing on the historic register only the brick Office Building which will be rehabbed as commercial space for proposed project is individually obstacle as a Historic Resource the eir further determines not an impact on the status of brick Office Building monkey off my back to land use the eir finds the proposed project is a considerable contribution to the impact identified not eastern neighborhoods eir with regards to the cumulative loss of distribution and repair or pdr land uses you know the city adopted a overriding impact as discussed in the eir for this project the proposed project contribution to cumulative loss of pdr was anticipated by the eastern neighborhoods pdr eir the Planning Commission adopted it on march 2016 establishing that awning delay as described by the level of metrics is no longer considered a Significant Impact under ceqa however, because of this resolution was a adopted after the end the Public Comment period with the draft eir the eir now includes the analysis the automobile to reduce the automobile traffic when considering the los significant and unavoidable impact to 3 sdpshgz or intersection and cumulative impacts would occur with implementation of the project the analysis of the proposed projects contribution to 9 d m t and reduces the traffic found less than significant with the unavailable impacts will need to be adapted from the commission showings choose to adopt this emails were attachments to the staff in the Planning Commission and if keith and rod on behalf of the Old Neighborhood group raises concerns that were addressed in the draft eir we would like to further respond to one comment the draft eir is sufficient it if take into consideration the truck routed in the vicinity the commenter is correct the signage state truck route and directing trucks to turn north on to mariposa and San Francisco doesnt have a map with advisory in this case due to weight limitations on westbound streets regardless the eir study congestion using traffic counts of both automobiles and trucks to disclose the effects on congestion this includes identified the impacts think sdshgsz the commenter is correct the sfmta is proposing to add commuter shuttles buses along did east side of mississippi street this is 17th street if approved the puss zones have loss of 4 that concludes my remarks were considered in the eir analysis for parking conditions the loss of 4 Parking Spaces will not change the conditions of eir with the parking demand brought about in the vicinity those comments dont present any new information in the eir are trigger the need to recirculate the draft eir pursuant to ceqa to date, no new information submitted that will alternate the concludes in the draft eir or trigger the need to reroute the dir they recommend you adopt the motion with the report are accurate and adequate and the procedures for the final eir was prepared comply is California Environmental quality act the California Environmental quality act guidelines and charter 31 that concludes my presentation. Ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you. Yes. Good afternoon Planning Commission chris with the planning Department Staff my portion is a large project authorization coupled with the associated e k for the adoption of ceqa vnldz forever the mixed use 17th street under the large project authorization were seeking modifications to the planning code for exceptions including rear yard aid blockage of the street and parking and loading and onStreet Parking and onStreet Parking loading and a horizontal mass reduction and modification to the dwelling units the site is located in the umu Zoning District with the castro corridor that connects to mission bay the broader neighborhood is Light Industrial with land uses with grocery and Light Industrial and schools and residential restaurants and mraechlt theyre the property further north through pdr 1b and property to the south further south are rh2 it messenger 4 lots into 2 with 3 and a half acres inform demolition parking lots and the approximate one hundred and 9 square feet of presidio use in which it is occupied by a company the project will construct two new 4 to 6 buildings mixed use with the North Building with the 16th Street Building in your packet and that believe will be 6 stories 6 to 8 feet tall nuked with over one hundred unit and retail and 200 plus Parking Spaces the South Building is the 17th Street Building 4 stories 48 feet in height and mixed use with over one hundred unit and 46 hundred square feet of retail and 100 applause offStreet Parking it has a middleincome alley on the north direction on the western Property Line as well as an east west pedestrian pathways into of remain uses only combined the two buildings will construct over one hundred dwelling units with 24 thousand grow square feet of retail and offStreet Parking 4 hundred and 55 class one bicycle and other bikes parking space that rain a historical brick building along the 17th street frontage that is incorporated spot Property Line at the time of the packet mailing the department got 15 letters of support including the dog patch Merchant Association and the book keeper those comments of support support the project design and program the proposed density and also its rip to the 16th street corridor the department receives 25 Community Letters and three hundred plus community of a petition and over one hundred signers have concerns about the heebtd and scale and the lack of open space its neighborhood compatibility and lack of commercial uses and traffic impacts as well as inaccuratecy of the eir staff is supportive of the project as as whole and executive expectation with the onStreet Parking modifications and wards to the offStreet Parking administrations the sponsor seeks a one by one ratio with the bedrooms over one 0,000 square feet, however, the stat staff is not able to support this because of the planning code more it is consistent with the transit first policy subsequent it has minor edits and added the shadow to the park it is under construction and although the project didnt cast a shadow on the rec and Park Department it does cast a shadows on the open space which be waernlts a finding under planning code section, however, please note the shadow impact other damaging even though park is considered minimal and acceptingable staff recommend approval based on the following the project come plies with the planning code and consistent with the policies of the general plan as well as the castro hill area plan, the project is located in a Zoning District where the residential use are principally permitted 9 project has a mixed use Residential Development with streetscape improvements important with the better straights that adds Housing Stock with commercial retail use and includes landscaping and common open space within open east west middleincome and residential use the project complies with the hiring Promissory Note Program and lastly it utilizes the eastern neighborhoods with the Affordable Development impact fees with the project that concludes my presentation. Additional staff presentation. Okay opening up for Public Comment project sponsor please. 10 minutes. Good afternoon commissioner president fong commissioners im josh with the castro project sponsor and Property Owner this project represents 10 years of consistent outreach to neighborhoods on or about potrero hill some unique features that have come up as an steven outreach a familyfriendly Residential Community that includes 22 one bedroom and plus two bedroom bath units a familyfriendly secure outside place for families play with their kids and infrastructure wide promenade with a stair free pathway as wide enough for two double strollers to pass xhovn and a unique design weve engaged 3 earthal firms in San Francisco and calling names the architecture is distinct and celebrate the castro hill industrial pact but looifltd the architectural vocabulary that is widely braced by praised by the booster the brick building at the corner of texas was turned San Francisco a neighborhood serving retail space and some said the shed we have eliminated 9 unit and have a stand alone shed for the industrial past in response to concerns voiced by the bottom of the hill numbering the residential unit on the ground floor facing 17th street closet to the bottom of the hill was replaced with a nonresidential and the unit will be air conditioned and soundproofing no order to activate 16th street and 17th street the project includes 25 thousand square feet of ground floor retail use so that neighborhoods serving can offer them a convenient place to shop and socialize in order to address Affordable Housing crisis 42 onsite bmr units and give to the Mayors Office of housing more 7. 2 million additional pledge of allegiance to renovate jackson park our project is several blocks away from jackson park hire a Union General contractor to build it and as required by the eastern neighborhoods plan well be paying 2. 9 million for the additional 3 million in childcare fees we hope youll agree that project benefits the entire community and meets the s our architects will talk about that. I hope we can get this slide. The existing site consists of metal shed warehouses and chain linked fence and other Office Buildings on 17th street those metal sheds are a continuous wall with expectation to the brick building that believe will be restored and will be the focal point with several buildings spaces on the west the north a squared family play area and two internal courtyards along 17th street the architecture style has been changed in response to Public Comment and facing 17th street on the west we have the allegiance across from the bottom of the hill to address the noise and the entraps now not in the brick building. The courtyard is the separation is between the old building and new construction the brick building will be available for restaurant or bar which can be a vocal point not just for the residents the spaces are long 17th street rather than just residential unit and at the corner a new second story retail building instead of is a 4 story residential building the architectural style it from the neighborhood and on the west going down the pedestrian promenade the building will be a concrete and the residential building above is setback to create a second story data line with the height of the brick building the brick building is composed to be a public use and rankle u restaurant and war so the entire neighborhood can experience the the building on the wetsdz it is an open entrance with an entrance intro through the secure family play area at the corner the retail building it is reduced in height from two to four stories and unique identity for the retailer is unique adjacent are the flex spaces that open on to 17th street so overall did composition completes contextual taller and cograced concrete and brick and board concrete interning the corner along mississippi street with a second story retail building up to a 4 story residential with the north facing at the corner our second residential liquor the bicycle lobby on to a plaza that joins the 16th street and 17th Street Project and chris will talk about other issues. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is chris im with c ar architects to talk about the project along 16th street and mississippi this is showing the ground level the active uses on all sides of the building n judah 16 residential units to the south and west this is for regional consumers 2, 3, 4 is showing a typical residential level the residential courtyard to lead to the directly to the family play area from studios to two bedrooms and as we starred is it look at the design we looked at carefully at the neighborhood context we were looking at our building on 16th street we were drawn to the wide range of warehouses for inspiration those are buildings in the neighborhood for one hundred plus years simple building with limited ornamental design our goal not to replicate those but have a xhaerg interpretation this is a view from 16th street and the middleincome pedestrian alley the largescale windows and walls the large step down to the left this is where one of the residential lobbies and residential terraces that help to activate the street blow and a lot of pedestrian alley a setback that was added to the building as part of dialogue with the neighborhood heres a ground level shot a view that shows the same area with the wide area into the alley with the residential balconies above this is from 16th street and mississippi street currently this street is blank walls the contemporary tailor and parking lots our goals to transform 16th street into an active retail with buildings that echo the massing the neighborhood we have a second story retail expression that emphasis the commercial eyed along 16th street this render is the opportunity for entry and a small outdoor plaza the view along mississippi shows the variety the aesthetics and scale that reflective the neighborhood and a public plaza into the family play area my final slide the middleincome alley this will create a wonderful open space after the neighborhood and surrounded by upper level place to help to activate the neighborhood. Good afternoon. Im alumni beggar from alumni beggar deslu were to utilize any elements on the site and the Site Specific art for the project am i done . Okay what we did in going through the project those are simple buildings simple industrial sheds built by Steel Companies that store steel not much to them except incredible steelwork with trees that have technology that have a delicate qualify to them and came up with the idea of utilizing them as trellis that enhances the outdoor public spaces so weve marked the entrances and did middleincome pedestrian alley with those with the intention theyll be grown with vines, flowering etc. The one exception the existing brick building does a nice job of marking that so we didnt do anything it there we eyed it on the dominant corner the 16th Street Corner there and mississippi to become a vertebral element and become an element that provides the virtual sculpture and signage marks it in sort of a dramatic fashion so there it is. The trellis are build of pieces on the site Internal Revenue beams that are sort of enclosing them essentially no new material from the existing pieces there. And the last piece is that on this vertical piece at the corner weve incorporated the old watertank which is kind of an iconic it is visual throughout the 16th Street Corner if missouri any of you been to hard water a crisis can he bar we used an old light fixtures it is your that was a very large interpretation of that gesture i think the old water piece has a nice quality marks the center of the site we want to find a way to oozed use to restore the smooth base but left the outside we need the penetration the rust as we light that not only lights through the fixture itself thats an interesting piece thank you. Thank you. If that concludes the project sponsor presentation well open up for Public Comment calling names . Good afternoon, commissioners my name is a jim mime partner and i own a large property directly facing this proposed project on 12th Street Corner excuse me 17th street and texas and a multi unit a 5 unit building at the corner of mississippi and mariposa so were very concerned in what happens to this area currently well have very familiar with the car breakins and the debris and used furniture the regular graffiti that has as tendency to come up the adjacent block the overall unwelcomed aspects of this region this project is a welldesigned family welcoming living space that is sorely needed San Francisco plus the 25 thousand square feet of neighborhood retail is welcomed and i personally go look forward to it the attractive and fitting architecture which does well into into the neighborhood historic and industrial role is also been very, very well tlouft we welcomed the activated of the twentyfour hour lights and pride of individual who will live in this project and we also feel the developer josh smith and most importantly his team of professionals heels been able to socially especially it supreme welcoming of feedback as well as recommendations from the neighborhood and also very active in neighborhoods meetings related to this project but also other things occurring in the neighborhood having attended a number of eastern neighborhoods planning meetings and a long term prudent person who will be directly effected by this project i feel this project fits well within the plagues and intent i welcome it to the neighborhood my partner and i wish to express our support for the project and urge you to support it as well. Thank you. Next speaker. However, ill tell you what if you line up on this side of the room you can cue up. Im not the former mayor he had an emergency i came up i promise to be short my experience of this project comes in 2 ways in if you know where the castro hill and windows josh brought you know project information after project information and talked about it and walks to the window to take a look at it and see what happened down there my experience of his project and the california arts of college not the other ones that did a particular simple kind of process with having us part of input of what they were going to go 80 do to expand those projects will be the i call it the good the bad and the ugly those are the good part we have bad parts of buildings across the street from where this is going to be that built oversized and now i guess entitled by this sidings is it okay to say god awful on 17th street and 16th street so i say yes to every single step that josh as taken driving this project and look forward to what it it is going to mean in our neighborhood thank you. Thank you. Gamechanger mr. Chairman and commissioners my name is my name is art a long time resident of potrero hill and a local politician i wanted to thank you for your service i remember when was i in city hall i spent a lot of time on who will be on your Concession Commission because the decisions you mange cant be changed long term policies all the other commissions we can change with the next administration thats why im here to support this project i have followed it 10 years ive lived on potrero hill for 50 years it is important we continue the altercation of making this a familyfriendly neighborhood this project more than any other in the last 10 years doesnt exactly that 3 years of last 6 had no two bedrooms housing and two bedroom were limited this project has more two bedroomss with two full bath than any other project youve approved more two bedrooms united with two full baths than youve approved approved to date and a friendly or frame friendly flexible unit youve heard the developers propose across the street from other commercial entities so that we now have i think one of the new ideas or at least a fresh idea for artists with families to live and work in their home in this project. So i respectfully ask you to listen carefully to what the supporters say we need this kind of familyfriendly housing this developer has been working hard to listen carefully to all of us and you cant pleas everyone youll hear opposition to protect but we know what is important to this city advancing familyfriendly housing thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is a katherine im a dog patch resident of 16 years i have been following this and involved project for 10 of the resident and got to know josh as a founder the Education Fund and his support of the work anothers Daniel Webster for the entire time trying to that around and been successful ive heard from the people opposed to this project in the work is josh and his team has done he licensed and reacts i travel the intersection where this project will live both on 17th street and mississippi and 16th street i rode my bike only this is quite a hairball not friendly for anyone whether youre on footed or bike or in a car it is kind of a disaster could use some attention from a traffic stand point beyond this project ill also say as a founder member of the castro Education Plan we been tracking the growth of families in the community for quite a few of the and the number of units particularly this project has is mind blowing so many other developers seem to say it is not practical and possible thats showing us it is and in addition to the onsite play space and the pedestrian assess for nonresident it has it all with all that i ask you to please port this project and let it be built thank you next speaker, please. Hello my name is frank im the Vice President of the castro dog patch Merchant Association and josh is outreached more than any other developer ive been on the castro hill for 11 years a lot of builds try to rush thing hes great for the community all the fundraisers could josh is there this is the kind of guy we need to develop in our neighborhood. Good evening members of the board thank you for your time you get tired of hearing about josh but in 10 years im with the dog Patch Neighborhood Association not representing it here but we vetted probably 20 different projects in the time ive been there and worked with a lot of them and josh has been the most open to change and the most listening and flexible person that truly want to get the right thing for the neighborhood i have a tremendous amount of respect for that thats why im here in support we have to fight with the developers to get any two bedrooms and 22 of them in this project as well as sterilized number of two bedrooms it is more Family Friendly with a 34r5urgd onsite and the middleincome passage that goes to the damaging even though playground i have seen on the cca is a great benefit and the design weve continued josh has continued working with us to get something that is truly going to be great for the neighborhood in terms of having great architecture weve been firefighter for in dog patch at t and not always getting and the activation of that area that is very, very important 17th street especially is just theres nothing going on there to activate it and to engage it in the community this project will do that mississippi street needs activation as well and the neighborhood serving retail on 16th street is going to be a tremendous benefit so i encourage you to approve this thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners director rahaim my name is corinne woods im a long time neighbor o this neighborhood ive worked with waldon development with josh not only the 10 years hes been working on this project but through the eastern neighborhoods planning process i can echo everything that everyone has said i will say that the biggest concern in the eir for this project and the biggest concern for all of us is the traffic and circulation transportation issues scombrosh has been supportive of all the work weve done particularly particularly on the 16th street and 17th street problem we continue to work with him and planning, and mta open traffic and transportation issues circulation will change once some of the roads in mission bay get build out and ton to follow that to improve the conditions this is an excellent project i hope youll approve it thank you. Thank you. Commissioners ron ive on been on castro hill 10 less than art has 40 years 10 ive been following this project please certify the eir i spoke to you about a couple of weeks ago on 16th street i wont go into to how to had you had occasion on the eastern neighborhoods and the 16th street controlled you have the 17th street corridor the on thing ill comment in 3 regard was the comments by staff regarding the fact that is is over parked you have to take into consideration not parking on 16th street the transit street and not 0 parking on 17th street the bike lane when you take those things into consideration a little extra porking parking for the neighborhood might be out of line the other things that the Family Friendly and the basic architecture and the work with lumberg has been able to pit in ill use a word i learned the historical part of neighborhood has actually been preserved and shown to the public this was an industrial neighborhood this one works. My name is andrew gri live in the sunset and want to ask you to support the changes that are encouraged by the people of save the hill theyre not saying their against the project but have concerns those concerns are justified i ask you today to support the changes their encouraging what we consider the design aspects of this project. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Alison castro hill responsiblyly this one matters do i have have an opportunity to approve the corner to a liveable complete neighborhood that will be a lasting benefit and define the areas for decades to come or abandon those objectives to marketrate Housing Development this will have little regard for the open space transit, recreational facilities and Neighborhood Services and sufficient space to provide jobs for a difference workforce healthy city involves and adapt as they grow and they change and respond in in kind the ooirmz seeks to balance growth over 25 years but instead growth is compressed into short 5 years with no support as you approve the project after project all the evidence shows the eastern neighborhoods plan are clear objectives had never to enforce the goals of a project level with little investment in infrastructure the city failed to hold up our bargain to make sure we center complete neighborhood castro hill and Insurance Companies showcasing have lost 60 percent of the space and this displaces over one hundred thousand square feet of pdr as for housing the preferred project in 2008, with lapse of 3,000 residential units recent planning analysis as of february projects with three hundred plus projects are completed an Environmental Review this project with three hundred plus with zero pdr is the one that brings us over the top we need to activity the battle to accommodate a large proposition of Small Businesses with Neighborhood Services and pdr maker components the metal shed alternative is environmentally aspire alternative with a balance mixed use and additionally through the adapt active use it honors the neighborhood industrial path while inviting a unique space your consideration to ton to the point of no return and approve this or take a deep breath and insist open a responsibly development that is a legacy and benefit to the neighborhood for years to come. Good afternoon. Im janet a resident of dog patch a member of the dog Patch Neighborhood Association and the potrero boosters id like to concur with the previous speakers the eastern neighborhoods rezoning has gone overboard we need to take a and can you help me out with the green space and the public transportations that is not very good at all in our neighborhood with that said, i have been following this project for 10 years and i do think that im happy theyre keeping the brick building on i think 17th street the small building intact not just as a wall facade and we have worked with them to provide the 3 two bedrooms unit that is pretty much every other developer has told you they cant do it afford the people dont want it we keep on asking for more two bedrooms and this project is doing that also, we do still need to keep parking in our neighborhood im not in favor of our per 7 Parking Spaces the public tramples infrastructure is not allowing us to work perhaps in 5 or 10 years we need parking im happy with the public walkway greenway connecting our flat land and dog patch to further north we need every bit of green space we learned from working with the Planning Department serve years ago was that we are to by previous calculations get more open space like a park and, in fact, not one new park with all the thousands and thousands eve new people coming in into an area not much parkland thats smug need to consider coming forward soon gups a nice big Open Space Park mommy weve been working with the planners to try to get the walk throughs and keep the green space coming but still kind of small the other thing as far as the design im happy to see the two architects this helps United Parcel service get projects project that looks at individual and not one large monumental project i support this project and hope you will thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners im rodriquez a korpd of save the hill this 3 nature is a Gateway Location to the potrero hill neighborhood the developers proposals squanderers an opportunity to treat it as such it is larger than the nearby shakz has a Significant Impact on the potrero hill neighborhood numerous meetings and steven outreach for the past few years have priorities along with the following modifications one reduce height and scale and mass of scombrooit building that is oversized with the residential and Small Business character of castro hill the building takes design accuses from mission bay and fails to make a distinction between Large Mission bay institutional building with the potrero hill go residential neighborhood in fact, the project is a prime example of mission bay creep as currently dined city the project sponsor it ignores the showcasing and policies to respective the typography and lower heights on the sesdz of 16th street as call the roll proposed it as a canyon effect loan 16th street two increase the Public Open Space wed like the north south pedestrian alleyway widened throughout the site and like the east west gated in a publicly assessable way and tloo 3 the conceptually designs were with the chairs those should be improved to make the metal warehouses in the design rather than treat that as afterthoughts the project sponsor squanderers opportunity to treat the sensitive location as an important gateway into the neighborhood and for you with the diversity of projects we want more commercial use like approve or disapprove and trade shop space and finally the eir has the shed alternative transportation save the hill supports those alternative transportation for choice on behalf of save the hill i ask you to do the right thing and make this more respective of our neighborhood and reminder the safe the Hill Submitted a petition with three hundred plus hundred signers our grassroots groups enjoys 8 hundred are supporters they say save the hill it is a small and dedicated group were dedicated but certainly not small thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is Richard Hudson ive also on mississippi street for 48 years ago ive seen a lot of changes and there is another one coming down the pike while im generally supportive of development i like i was in that business when i was a working person but i would like to support all of the comments and concerns that have been expressed by the safe the hill i want to bring your attention to the 16th Street Building which in effect creates a can john effect but if that building were to be redesigned it looks like must not structures instead of one wall it would, improved i do support the metal shed alternative transportation pause it reduces the density and scope of the project so i just ask you to consider those things in your deliberations often approval of this i think 16th street site should be setback in the drawing thank you. Hi my name is a jan ive also on potrero over 20 years i want to tell you a story i decided to go down damaging even though the most massive disgusting piece of architecture ive seen i walked into the at large office and 2 3rds is empty so here we have another high density Housing Project you guys have approved has gone up over 2 3rds empty people are not lining up there is a woman on castro that is a fixture of the hill her name is trisha he was evicted and went to damaging even though and paying 2,800 a month she had to enter a lottery her number did not within there you have that and 28 hundred is not enough to live in damaging even though in a studio my question to josh how much is a 3 unit going to go for i have to tell you down at live mission about a 2 two bedrooms is two to four theres no way that will be 3 dudes or maybe a woman that lives behind a computer for 18 hours a day that is the kind of clinic tell that had been renting this high density housing there is high density housing going up everywhere i walk my dog on 1010 their everywhere we dont need this im for the dog patch active reuse in the heritage to keep the character of the hill ive lived there over 20 years 24 years im so opposed to this im having anxiety over this this is two blocks away i rely on Street Parking where are the people going to park when damaging he will will get filled where will they park they cant park ash 16th street and 17th street i know you guys are more into shuttle papers but not not here he appreciate you look at me okay. And also id like to say you know maybe the people that are not people dont work for josh maybe paid off by him maybe we are telling you the truth we experience the gridlock everyday i experience the parking situation everyday i love architecture by the way. Good afternoon, commissioners jerold i think that is save to say that project means a lot to a lot of people that is between the micro concerns and some of the macro concerns with the eastern neighborhoods plan and this project which its location and size and in the pipeline brings this bridge together josh predates me in the booster hes a wonderful guy we love josh we hope he stays in charge but to make that building fit in better with the community there are small things to accomplish and the approval to get us there the booster haves not taken a formal postoffice box there is no a lot of differences of opinion but your committee came up with a few small things first of all, we appreciate the change in the design and its evolution the materials 2 has come to rb9 better the neighborhoods so thats a positive comment and on the macro were glad that josh contributed to the open space groups and continuing to make open space donations but to the Little Things we address one of the activity along 17th street the project changes or changed the unit to be flex unit we see that has a positive change and it would be better if in their dedicated pdr dedicated to remain at 130116th street we appreciate the flex we know there is concern theyll, by reciprocal i urge you to consider that if our dislikes and environmental clean up protocol a single contributor point of contact there could be mitigation planned meetings the neighborhoods are involved in what is going on go with the construction and how this goes we request that is part of the approve and late i have to defer with some of my colleagues and neighbors parking is discriminate a new parking into showcasing that alleviates the 16th street we thought that keep kept the parking were redoing parking in castro hill to get rid of the meter last time we had a presentation from sarah and wade about the transportation and as we looked at how we can keep one of the mother k34e7b8d intersections in our city with caltrain and 16th street, 17th street, mississippi sdprshgs clear as we va have all the development i ask you deny the request to not increase the Parking Spaces thanks. Gamechanger commissioners my name is judy im representing friends of jackson park we ask inform green space and familyfriendly hours in our neighborhood im confused about the familyfriendly housing place i thought there were 14 not 22 three bedrooms therapy at the minimum of 4 polluting plus i know this is true with that said, were not an Anti Development it is our preference for the working groups i currently them at the park given the amount of building and constructions to everyday life with the projects in our neighborhood we feel that they can and should do to Bring Community benefits to potrero hill to that end im pleased to say the project sponsor has promised one Million Dollars to give to jackson once this project is settled we thank them and hope theyll continue to work with us to raise the additional Million Dollars were only 3 blocks away from their project and it will be the space there are hundreds of residents will come and were looking for 100 Percent Development and were glad to have them join now ill turn my remarks as you may know the eastern neighborhoods has several oifbdz with the streets and open space part of their plan few have survived the open space for the parks for the open spaces should beautify the neighborhood and strengthen the will environment and friends of jackson is looking to strengthen that we want real open space so we would like to see side passage ways theyve inward to 22 to be two grarnth spaces and not just a walkway and the east west passage open to not just to the private but it would be great to the mariposa project widened on ungated the pedestrian walkways friends of jackson park we like the youth alternative with the final eir we think that is helpful and speaking of make sense our neighborhood finally get a new open space open damaging even though and now this project might shadow it for several months a why doesnt make sense we would like to see the support of north side of the building for the reduction of height or setback we ask you to consider all the residents both current. Thank you. Hi my name is rick hall live 90 on potrero hill and member of all the committees youve heard about i support metal shed alternative you dont know i dont like that word it didnt sound nice but alternative reviews is the only way, however, i say this project is neither necessary and desirable at this time when the e m plan were approved now we see many of the plan it had no concept of pace we naturally assumed Residential Development will take place evenly now seven years into the plan we see visually all the residential units con soepd seefdz in the plan are in the short time pipeline for approval and 2 3rds of pdr lots contemplated in the plan is pipelineed into the first seven years and now understand we cannot it afford this much pdr loss while also keeping a balanced population with adequate bluecollar opportunities and clearly new we see that umu zoning hsa as implemented is a failure the true mixed use concept as part of the new rezoning until the end and this language disappeared without clear reason or Community Knowledge we now see the Infrastructure Improvements needed to make the plan viable cannot took place or keep pace with the offer paced development a recent survey is shows one 24ird the residents are contemplating leaving within 3 years because the costs and congestion this likely applies to the green Plan Resident also i live in potrero i can afford to stay but till looking to leave in the 3 year timeframe the city is becoming unattractive an urban liveable for me the poorly executed over paced prelims of the plan is responsible just too much too fast and the consequences are that respect a city with 8 percent of the residents can afford the luxury units youre building a plan that cant be managed to the housing balance we committed to a city agreed does not take into account the social Economic Impacts of its acts we speak the language of economics with social impacts are ignored our actions seem to say greed is good and next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is cashing im a resident of castro hill and im going to be reading a letter from ruth miller who lives on mariposa. Commissioners, i respectfully urge the Planning Commission to reject this thing development as currently proposed and encourage a moiftsd proposal one that prioritize longterm and diverse benefits for over developers up upscale housing with the sensitivity to the environment the history and the neighborhood infrastructure to address did existing let alone rapidly development while mr. Smith neither a resident of castro hill nor a san franciscan can sell this development as soon as he secures entitlement others of us have to live with willful and pathways by this wall Like Development please consider how modest and creative restrictions to the towering height and massive bulk that transformers the principal proonl from a eyesore that disables fingers the top gaffe to a gateway to the neighborhood and meaningful link 29 between its past and present the current proposal is egregiously out of scale with the neighborhood and an architectural two wrongs not making a right it has damaging even though places monolithic slab rather than providing craft and xhekts that can be provided juxtaposeed against you further the massive scale casts shadows on including damaging even though park the respite to damaging even though 16th street facade the towering impact of the proposed project can he grades the aesthetics one that combines the big sky openness in a hellish rain and natural and human beauty of later we rely on krr9 urban planning with the height and scale and various seethes of the hills elevation the unique look of castro hill is part of the courage capital and contributes to the quality of life i urge the commissioners to consider this development which could be modified in consideration of the otz yield impacts thank you, ms. Miller. Good afternoon. My name is a shawn im a resident on area of the Homeowners Association and castro hill responsibility ill opposed to the current proposal of the development in castro hill due to the negative impacts hitting us evidence everyday we have department numbers and this project is the Tipping Point that surpasses the eastern neighborhoods for housing estimates to be achieved bye bye 2025 nunth of im encouraged the support of metal shed alternative transportation under which all the existing warehouses on site would, remained and refreshed and reused thereby respectfully our unique neighborhood character at the traditional industrial space now ill speak from the heart of someone that loves castro hill with the project sponsor and friends of familyfriendly housing ill point out 14 three bedrooms and 40 want 5 percent are two bedrooms the rest are luxury apartment. To single contributor highend professional or child also couples not Family Housing and freshly for the project sponsor to say that where will the kids play after 3 years of coming to our thursday meetings and im deeply disappointed our as were committed residents on potrero hill theres a complete failure to told her the development until the promised Community Benefits to be able to support this were angry and furious we say this is ugly apartment that offer no benefits to the neighborhood i predict that today your commission will do as usual and ignore ignore the examiners and make the wrong decisions i predicted youll see and if you do that has predicted we are prepared finally with retained council to sue your commission to get the point across thank you shawn gamechanger commissioners so to speak an a as a concerned citizen ive not heard about a potential liveable workable space im happy to hear that is under consideration well owned and operated oppose this is ill read my letter we request you have a one by one replacement of pdr says that the supreme loss of pdrs will come back to haunt us if were not some may argue it is underway once again we request this commission take into consideration the negative impacts of the presidio on hiring and one of the unstable areas the city the Mayors Office released a study to keep a range of jobs and keep a more balanced economy how we can do that if we allow the pdr loss approximately insist the developer change the flaw in the design instead of spec retail on the ground floor spectacle

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