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Im happy to join the mayor in establishing a fund to expand the Navigation Center program to accept private matching funds specifically for this program im a great fan of the Navigation Center the Current Center operated 5 months have processed homeless and many sent outing home to family and friends with 3 million of donated funds the funds the mayor is proposing we will establish and receive demons for Navigation Centers that will be matched by the city to help further this Productive Program the rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor christensen supervisor cohen. Madam president seeing no other speakers that concludes the introduction. M please read. Of the board pursuant as a whole and not to individual board members, no one is required to comment on your matter. Items 18 through 25 sorry and if you need to put up a document on the overhead advise sfgovtv, and take it down when you are finished. Items one through 15 Unfinished Business or the Community Business pursuant direct our remarks to the board as a whole more to the audience speakers using interpretation will be given the twice the amount of time and when you have a document put it on screen and remove that after you are done. First speakers ray heart for San Francisco open government and on the screen youll see the order of determination which reads in part as follows the dishonest task force finders supervisor president breed selfviolation of sunshine ordinance a for failure to respond to the immediate requests in a timely and complete manner in addition the sunshine ordinance finds supervisor president london breed the board of supervisors in violation of the administrative code section 67 is the sunshine ordinance for failure to send a knowledgeable represent to the Sunshine Ordinance Task force. Thomas teaches willful ignorance is a mortal sin you wouldnt look at me because of your emails or basically, he have a hard time understanding how an elected official who took an oath will blatantly and knowingly violate the Citizens Rights under the law but ive got 24 orders of determination that shows length officials appointed officials and commissions to side exactly that because basically, they consider once they put theyre back side on the seat their above the law she knew that was a legal request and failed to do anything for 4 months and present that we have no responsive documents she could have done that on day one that was a knowing and willful violation and finally. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, plea please. Thank you. Next speaker, please hi, im pallet brown id like to use the overhead again im here concerning my son or before i that was murdered august 2006 to a semiautomatic gun thirty bulls left that gun into my son we were talking about hearing you talking about gun violence and people that are getting guns in the wrong hands and i was also concerned about the person that is getting the memorial were talking about a memorial why we cant have a memorial for our children im not knocking kate shes going to the same thing why not have a wall for the children that are murdered on that senseless streets my innocent boy died saving someone elses life he was not in a gang and thats known by everybody gavin newsom mention this in his article that my son was not in a dwang and he says he knows who killed my son the da knows who killed my son and police know who killed my son what do we do that about it homing we cant have a wall for our innocent children my son was not in a gang i have to fight for that so that my sons name wouldnt be disgraced how come we cant have a Memorial Wall for our children ive been hearing this since i have been sitting here. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank you supervisor president breed and other members of kabul im christopher living 10 blocks and 14 nearest meters from sea level i rise to comment about injust the following words is the equivalent word of justice honest and we can indirect injustices any situations lacking oversee qualifies are night i have seen injustice can i possible have seen injustice you let goldstein buses take up profile private that is injustice you continue to do things like sign long Term Contracts for short time tasks that is not the results of an objective analysis that is injustice and there is honest honest and truthfulness one you could have offered truth by requesting all life on earth will die if humans burn fovlz fuel wrong people the green plants will love it honest have not you been listening with i talk about the balance of the carbon cycle do you remember i described how green plants suck in what your smokestacks spew out the truth is that animal take in organization and plants take in Carbon Dioxide this must be restored anything also is injustice thank you supervisor president breed and. Thank you. Next speaker, please. How many of you want to make a profit . All you have to do is buy a Radio Station and put on the Alex Jones Show youll make a huge profit i was listening to inform words on sunday he mentions that alex johns lost 70 of his station arrest nfl he refused to stop talking about building 78 and other facts in controlled demolition and there is a station in Orlando Florida within two or three months he rows to the top ratings above rush bmi both and 6 meg korptsz that control the media they panicked and changed the format and it is doing music or sports but a huge cover up the cia well not know the facts concerning the news it goes to show if you want to make a profit buy a Radio Station and put on the alex jones a man and woman ten times better than and he actually is i go battery if ten 40 from el election jones and switch back and listen to rush and back to alex jones 90 percent bunk though i love talk radio when he come to the word of god the bicycle says in due time christ died for the thinking gold and the fullness has come dba libraries had 4 when the fullness sent his son thank you. Next speaker, please. Health care system sfgovtv please. My name is silva johnson im talking about Health Care System republican the cures to cancer and nothing to explain with my this is kind of throwing everything off in the world and the Health System and the housing we have here is not even you know to explain where owner understands it and where this governer has not you know gotten any kind of information and nothing about it i mean in 2006 there was proposed to be some things in the office ive not gotten nothing they want to throw me out of San Francisco and not even i know cure cancer im trying to get job replacement and seeking im going to college i guess what youre trying to say but this is been really you know if you want to get out fast the news is really ignore real factor about cure of cancer and put everybody off especially, when the governor is go out for contacts and policies and you know. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please tom Ronald Reagan apartments thank you another heat wave weve slept with the windows open balancing the air with noise noise is increasing and its been neglected next to mayoral and previously requested a formula to get 3 minutes for Public Comment im willing to companions how about 2 minutes and 30 seconds were citizens and third lets do housing 5 points ellis act evictions and band them, no no fault evictions and band with an appeal now think outside the box the market rate rents frozen i met a gal four years in the south beach apartment the 4 year of a 450 increase she was a gem a black africanamerican in tech gone we have to think we would like to reset the residence also for long term residents whats a long term residents 8 to 10 years and while were freezing the rents from market rate we are establishing a rent control for the entire city and fourth the renters receive a share of every property sale that helps them move and fifth Community Housing all new instead of 60 percent or more for market rate housing thirty percent for market rate housing and thirty percent ill call zip codes People Living in the area gets preferable and 10 percent if a city disconnects and theres more id love time. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors im louis im a current chairman the San Francisco Youth Commission i want to give Public Comment today, i want to perp give my gratitude to all of you who reflected fox news attempt to get a anytime out of you from kate steinle family this is terrible this one thing this one story i think incriminates all of us immigrants i know down the line details that are not arguable or questionable but the fact that some of you have very unfriendly encourts with the reporters you guys he wanted in mind option for immigrations and time cures all wounds. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Mr. Duffey north of market residents nearby i appreciated the memorial that is going to go up, up for the comfortable women i have a daughters and interestingly bring the problems embarrassingly a child of an american gi that happened in 5 years after world war ii i appreciate well bring this closer to hope home and looked at it what happens to women as they go to college but much more likely to get a Sexual Assault if youre a woman and go into the military we should look at that the women that dont go to college actually about 60 percent of women will never will not go to college or graduate we have had to start i mean in my neighborhood all sorts of people for one reason or another sidelined to a lowerincome lifestyle how is that happening obviously the comfortable women i appreciate that and the hope is in the western atmosphere and United States i think this is a wonderful thing that happened today. Thank you are any others members of the public that want to provides Public Comment Public Comment is closed. And madam clerk can you please read the adaptation without committee references. Items 118 through 25 are a single roll call vote may enact those. Any member want to sever any of the items seeing none, madam clerk madam clerk, please call the roll. On items 18 through 25 supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor christensen supervisor cowen there are 11 is arrest those items are approved unanimously okay madam clerk will you please read the i am memorial and today is meager will be adjourned in the following beloved on behalf of sxair for the late affidavit. Okay. Colleagues that brings us to the ended up of our agenda madam clerk, any other business before this committee . That concludes our business for today. Seeing 10 were adjourned thank you, everyone as we bring events in the city, and know that we have partnerships throughout the communities, i think, there is a lot more confidence about what were doing and its exhibited by the people who tap into our sf72. Org. You remember that . [laughter ] , as well as the very enthusiastic support we have for our nert program. And for the ongoing resiliency programs that a number of people have had, and to our resiliency officer, who is helping dem and city administrator think through things around the corner that we need to Pay Attention to. There are a couple of things that i also want to do. Let me say thank you to all of you who have also helped in the lake county sonoma, napa and butte areas in their disaster and maybe a quick moment in our own minds and hearts about the lost lives there. I think its appreciated. And i also want to give particular thank you to our Fire Department, and our firefighters, who over the past week have not only gone up there in as many volunteer hours as possible, with equipment, hopefully we never have to use down here and hopefully, we keep our fires down, but in response to that tremendous disaster that you you already know the statistics on. 800 homes, thousands of peoples lives destroyed, that were there to assist. If it isnt medical and now perhaps our Public Health is being asked to submit Mental Health professionals to help. As our firefighters giving toys to kids who lost everything and giving them a chance to have some play as people rebuild their lives. That reminds me this is the 10th anniversary of katrina, and knowing that a huge disaster happens in the other counties constantly were more than observing and engaged in those not just to help, but to take Lessons Learned and about rebuilding and recovery and things we have been associating ourselves with ever since katrina where mayor Gavin Newsome allows me and others to represent the city and we took the opportunity not only to bring lawn mowers to help certain areas, but took our time to stand in areas that were devastated and wondered how our city would prevent that from happening . And in those moments it wasnt just wishful thinking, but brought that opportunity back and that is what began a more solid resiliency plan and volunteers and people from both berkeley and harvard. That studied it from all over the country, if not the world, to see what San Francisco and other places could do to anticipate better our expected challenges on both an earthquake, but also now more and more it can be the expected el nino, plus an earthquake, plus drought, plus anything else. And so this is my way of saying that we take every opportunity that we can to support you the others that are doing and then we learn. And then we take it back here. For el nino, as all of you know, all of the experts are predicting historic levels of flooding. I have already asked harlan for his favorite list of catchbasin sites that he and public works have already identified, and can already vacuumsuck all of that stuff and make sure that we dont have backups that will compromise our pedestrian vehicle, and access safety for everybody. But that is just the small stuff, relatively small, i think. We need to concentrate on those areas of flooding, but also prepare people for that particular aspect of our weather while were still into how were going to get out of this drought. And that is taking the opportunity to say thank you to the puc, because all of you there have been working hard to make sure that we do everything that we can to respond to the drought. I think we have done it effectively, that were at historiclevels of conservation. I can use my bill as one example. But i know that were always cautious of our water use in the city and i noticed everybody has got dirty cars, fine. Im accepting of dirty cars. I also want to say thank you to our city administrator. She has kept me very much informed on our lifelines, utility councils and what each of the big utilities are doing and practicing. Again, on the eve of yet again our i guess this will be the 26th anniversary of loma prieta next month, that we are also taking that as an opportunity to remind everyone that yes, that there were real shakes in piedmont, along the hayward fault. That is extremely that is right there its close. And its close enough that there is earthquake experts that are zeroing in on all of the different plate movements that are going on in Northern California if not even in the Cascade Mountains that i have been studying a little bit, because i have relatives up that way as well. We need to be very cognizant of that, and the same experts and some of them are working on early earthquake Warning Systems and im glad to see now there is a growing investment, where we can have a Warning System that would allow us to do some early things while the precious seconds are there trembling. We can also have some maybe automated things that help our Fire Departments keep the doors open, elevators get unstuck, these are all important things to consider as kind of lessonslearned and lets do better and lets keep on investing in the proper protocols for that. I know that were investing in our disaster Workers Program with our city employees. And making sure that we have both through the Lifeline Council and through our hr a robust return as best we can knowing there will be participation challenges. That we have to have the multiple modes coming back into the city, so that utilities and lifesaving support systems can be up. Most importantly, i need to remind everyone here to make sure you are personally prepared. There is no excuse for us not to be in the situation that we have, and we are the center of leadership and so we have got to have our own families and friends ready for this at any time. And then to have your departments that you are in charge of, you do the same thing for your top management. You ask them to be personally prepared, and to work on those things that get them freed up, so that we do what we do best, which is serve the public. I want the public to know that our investments in nert in resiliency programs is all in an effort to prepare for those 72 hours and we should never, ever be caught in an unprepared way. We should always expect this disaster to happen. Then its a planned response, not a surprise response. And that is the huge difference in San Francisco. We always want our disasters planned out in advance, so that we can take care of a lot more things, and i think we have found out that when we do preplanning whether its in our fiscal arena or in any other event planning, we always have a great deal of success. And no less for Disaster Response and to be planned in every jurisdiction we have interviewed since katrina knows that when you make the fundamental investment, you will have some clear and better results, and the residents will feel that. Because they will be directly engaged in that effort. So with that, i just want to say thank you for being part of this council. Im proud of what the city is doing. Lets keep doing it and lets keep having an attitude of always been prepared. That is how less fear and more about the engagement that we have in front of us is going to be the standard always to be working with our communities. I know there is a lot more things that people want us to do, whether its Potable Water on the west side, whether its more paramedics to make sure ambulance responses are there, whether its ongoing investments like we have done with hiring more firefighters, paramedics and 911 callers and more equipment and more police officers, i think we have those resources. We have demonstrated in the budget this year with the nocuts budget for the city that queer were willing to invest in all these things to make our city. Nowhere else do i think its adequately prepared dem, and i know well be on display for fleet week as we emphasize wellbeyond the celebration of our military is the practice of a number of things that i have already seen the scheduled for and im excited to be participating in everything from the practice zones to the desktop practices with our you our coast guard, with our military, that would most likely be here in a major disaster. This continued practicing with them, so that our cultures within departments can get used to the names, the acronyms that they use, that we use, that we understand each others acronyms and get used to those things so we have good partners coming in and bringing good equipment and have the places to do it. Everything from debris management to supplies has to be here and we have to anticipate that. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much, mr. Mayor. As the mayor mentioned we are responding currently to the valley fire that was a very fastmoving fire, started a week ago saturday with 40 acres and by the time we woke up on sunday morning, i think it was almost at 40,000. So it was very quick. About 75,000 acres have burned now, and three lives have been lost, which is just very sad. Over a thousand structures. Its going to take them a long time to rebuild. The city has deployed from the Fire Department, from my office, from Public Health and from the puc, up to help in lake county. At the same time, the Fire Department is also still currently in butte county. I think you have six Engine Companies up there is deployed. So we really are providing a lot of mutual aid for our partners here in california during this very rough fire season. We have is deployed a total of 17 personnel just to the valley fire so far, and again, as i mentioned, well probably going on for many, many weeks we will be asked for help over that period of time. I wanted to mention just really briefly that we finished our urban shield exercise a weeking a. Urban shield has grown into a comprehensive fullscale regional preparedness exercise, assessing the overall bay area and the Regional Response capabilities related to multidisciplinary planning policies and procedures and specifically San Francisco was very involved with the yellow command exercise, which happened a week ago friday. What we were doing in fullscale exercise was simulating three different events around the bay area. Stimulated terroristtype of events or that is what we thought, but of course as you are in the middle of it, you really dont know what is happening. So as things are taking place in different counties, trying to pull the intel together, the information we had our joint Information Center activated. We had many, many personnel involved. We did a stimulation down at levi stadium for a soccer game. What happened is some kind of explosive device went off there, and so i think we learned a lot from urban shield. And every year it gets tighter and more people participate. San francisco had the most staff participating this year from fire, police, my office, health, puc. It was many, many different departments were participating. And it really is viewed on the nationallevel as the exercise to emulate. I was at the Femas National Advisory Council in washington, d. C. Last week. I had the honor of sitting on it and representing San Francisco and i cant begin to tell you how many people came up and asked me about urban shield specifically . And if they could come out and to partner with us and find out what we do. So more to come on that. I wanted to mention that fema requires us to do a Hazard Mitigation plan and keep it updated every three years. We did complete our Hazard Mitigation plan at the end of 2014. We covered climate change, and sealevel rise, temperature rise, precipitation changes, and we received Many National accolades and requests for guidance to integrate those new components into other peoples Hazard Mitigation plans. So again, i think we are viewed as leading the pack in that. Since our last meeting, we have had a number of different exercises. I mentioned urban shield and we had ebooltabletop series a 3part series. We did a massfeeding tabletop. We did fleet week logistic tabletop and as the mayor mentioned and you will hear more about today, there are additional exercises occurring in next week. We activated the eoc a number of times last year for the wonderful giants playoff and world series. The world series parade, our winter storms of 2014, its rather difficult to even think about winter storms today when its 90 degrees out. But new years eve, the warriors nba finals just to mention a few. The last thing im going to mention we try all the time to really reach the community about being more prepared. I think most of you, hopefully, all of you are aware of our sf72. Org. We use our outreach. We try to use special events to get the word out to people. This year in a very innovative fashion, i think we were at out lands with the table and simulating what people would do in an earthquake at outside lands and used the opening of the san andreas movie, the premiere as an opportunity to have a panel to discuss what you do in an earthquake . And to just you again highlight what we as a city are trying to do. Any means that we have to bring people into the fold and get them to be prepared at home and at work is something had a what that we look for. So thank you very much. And well move on to the next item on the agenda our el nino citywide planning. Mike dayton our ems director is going to be presenting to us. Thank you. I just wanted today to give you a little flavor of how the planning effort is going. Some of the assumptions that were based in the plans on, obviously on previous events. We had the great benefit of having our executive director anne serve as Incident Commander during the el nino 19971998 event. If the predictions hold true we anticipate see a lot of mudslides. In 78highway 101 in pasco cific pacificka was shut down at one point we had 80,000 people in San Francisco without power and if you think about people with access and functional needs things can really turn south when the power is out for an extended period of time. That is going to be informing our Planning Efforts. We opened up temporary shelters for the homeless and obviously, if its like last winter when we opened up, activated the eoc during the winter storm for three operational periods, we expect with el nino type of events its going to be a marathon of storms for the winter months. Were planing for a more extensive operational period. Also in 199798 we declared a state of emergency with 14 million in damages. So were anticipating similar damages during this year with if the predictions again, hold true. During the next month well be convening smaller plan groups and also holding a meeting october 2nd within our Faith Council and thank you michael for pulling that together. And by november 1st well have a revised concept of operations. We had a conop last year and were taking that and revising the base and dem will be staying in Constant Contact monitoring what the National Weather service will be in contact with state. And the feds and if there is a forecast for severe weather, and i mean that is high winds with a large amount of rain and isolated areas, then we will host a coordination call with all city departments and brief them on what forecast is. If the National Weather service agrees that earlier briefing to be part of the call, so you can hear it from the scientists and not the emergency managers. Based on those Conference Calls well take actions whether or not to activate . And that is all in support i know there is already prePlanning Efforts going on with the puc, the department of public works and we look forward to pulling them together with 311, and our dispatch center to really focus on the communications in next month to have a solid conops. That is where we are at with planning for el nino. Thank you. Thank you. Any questions about our Planning Efforts . [ inaudible ] agencies should be prepared, because its not going to be as fast a recovery [ inaudible ] thank you. Any other comments or questions . Thank you, michael. Thank you. Okay. Next on the agenda is our super bowl l update. Were all excited about super bowl l, anna sop is our dem Operations Coordinator and she is going to be presenteding. Hello and thank you for having me. Im here today to share our super bowl l Planning Efforts. We have been working with the Host Committee and work in partnership with the afl and events planned for the bay area. As many of you know the game is scheduled sunday february 7, 2016. Prior to that a week long series of events will be hosted in San Francisco. Nfl experience and were working with our firstresponders to identify how to continue to provide essentially you City Services seamlessly. This obviously requires multiple requires coordination with multiple safety agencies, a mix of federal, state and local municipalities and private sector. Within San Francisco, we have developed branches that we can work from that can be a point of contact for us. For instance Law Enforcement and sfpd has been working with usand escorts, traffic safety, tactical response. For the fire branch we have with chief francisco working with firerelated focus. For San Francisco, we have the City Services branch working with peter albert for transportation, Public Health, and all of the other different functions that are actually impacted with these events coming to the city. And we started to really when we focused on this with dem, we really looked to our firstresponders for a collaborative effort. So that we can maintain early communication and begin a series of exercises and we could look at operational awareness, planned development, and validation, training and exercise, and ultimately, leading up to operational coordination. We will have our Emergency Operations center active during the super bowl events. All stakeholders are invited to participate and assist with coordination and can i probably speak for the Police Department and multiple dpw and Fire Department will be operating in different instances. So we had three dates for the exercise series we held last month, the planning review workshop. We

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