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This is over a five year period thashgs is started in the fiscal year, 14, 15, and soar in year two of the five year period, and prop k, should leverage on funds to deliver, two neighborhood scale projects, small to mid sized projects and levelling is core to the prop k program and it continues to be core to the ntip, primarily on the capitol side. And there is also, funding for program, development for sfmta and to Work Together and to help to develop the projects. This outlines the amount of funds that are available predict and the amount that have been allocated to date and the funz that are remaining, we allocated six Planning Projects and three, capitol projects and in the subsequent, slides i will review what the status of those projects is. This is a map of p the projects that we funded, and the three capitol, and a little blurry on the screen and it shows the spread of the projects throughout the city. We have already, seen a number of positive results from the ntip program. From the projects that are out and run and this highlights a few of those out comes on the planning side. And we have been working to advance, the projects, possibly sooner, than they otherwise would have advanced. And including a wide range of Community Involvement that has been taylored for the project and you will see that demonstrated throughout the presentation, and the Planning Project, recommendations that the envision would become the capitol projects and establishing the pipeline obama the capital size, advancing projects quicker, and such as the v cha vez area or the projects that you will see further in the presentation and improving competitiveness, when the funds were put on the design phase and then it obtained the funds from the active Transportation Program, for construction. And so, advancing projects to show a demonstration of the local support. For the district one projects, for the district one project, rather, for this is annual , allocation, and as you heard, craig just describe the work that the mta is doing to prioritize, the capitol projects stemming from the bicycle strategy, this is picking a few of the corridors and the district one, and then advancing those as a stand alone, planning effort and this is for the safe walking and biking along the east and 23rd avenue as well as along a. Rguello. And we can mending improvements for further study and the improvements on the corridor and coming up with designs for arguello and has completed that work and has multiple rounds of ouft reach that has been conducted. And the next round of Public Participation on is schedule for january, 28th, from 4 00 to 5 30 p. M. And for the folks watching at home you can meet at the north east corner for the walk through that will be conducted at that time. And additional for this plan and the final report will come to the transportation, authority, board or sorry for the plans and programs complitty for adoption in june of 2016, as is the ka israel for all of the Planning Projects they will come back to the board for adoption. District two, the Planning Project funds have been allocated to sfcta for managing access for the crooked street portion which is determined the crookedest street in the world this is to evaluate and identify the circulation and we want to keep the streets character and manage congestion and avoid, spill over, but recognizing that there is, there is an issue to be at least, explored for how to manage this streets access. We have completed the condition analysis and we have done a first round of out reach, regarding condition and Solutions Working closely with superintendent far rals office and will will work to bring it over the coming months and bring a final report in may of 2016, a lot of these reports will be coming doo you in may june and july that you will be seeing several presentations on these planning studies. For the capitol projects, the lumard street, and this is the larger corridor, project for the pedestrian and transit improvements and this is to be done ahead of the cal transpaving project, schedule for 2018. The scope of work includes 19 but and pedestrian bulbouts and mta has been working on this for the last several months and working to complete, engineering and working closely with the Supervisors Office and with the public and also with cal transto come up with the design recommendations and integrate the feedback into the designs complicated as far as the number of agencies and there is a high level of enter agency, coordination and design and environmental and cost, estimates and construction. And so that is something that has been able to be advanced with the funds, and the prop k, funds are levelling as i mentioned the regional acting transportation grant and the general Obligation Bonds for the construction phase and it is an advertise indicated to be done this summer. The next project is the kearny street, for transit and performance and bike facilities and the project, limits are on kearny and montgomery from market to broad way and from washington to clay. Sfmta has reviewed, existing conditions and has been putting together, work for out reach, and plans to do the final report, approximately, one year out from today. Commissioner peskin has a question. I am new to this panel, and i have done a little bit of out reach to Community Groups in the area that i think that have actually worked with mta in the past that sounds to me like some of this has already been studied. I would love the opportunity to meet with you and your staff is maybe we can put a little pause on this until we do that . Okay. Certainly, all right. Thank you. And i believe that the project manager is here as well. So he is hearing it first hand. And will Work Together on that. With your office. For the district five, the western plan, this has been a project that is focused on pedestrian safety, and security, throughout the project area. And i have a map on the subsequent page, but it is geary and fulton are the general areas for outlining the project area. 100,000 has been allocated and these funds are a community, based and so we are seeing the leveraging on the planning side and in addition to the capitol side. Mta is partnering with mo magic and the existing condition analysis, and they are nearing the second round of out reach, and completing that and will integrate all of the feedback that has been done into a final report, which is expected in march of 2017 p. And the 100,000 for the study and to minimize the impacts of the potential future development of the reservoir, and the future and current activity at the city college and the activities in the side, and the sunny side, neighborhoods and it refers to a set of strategies. And that are aimed at reducing the demand for the roadway travel and particularly, the occupant, vehicles and so one of the studies is to come up with an invin tory of possible, measures that may include, transit passes or permit areas, or etc. And we expect a final report to be issued in october of 2016, and the project team, involved with sfmta as well as cal trans. And just to make a plug, if you were interested in getting involved www. Sfcta. Org with a low on the left, high on the right, next up is cesar chavez. , and this is to advance the design of wider, multiuse or separated bike and pedestrian path to makeup grades, lighting plans, for the interchange, area. And so the public works has already, surveyed the key areas, and it is coming up with the initial, lighting plans, and mta has had a walking audit of the area and working closely with the bike coalition, and supervisor cohens office and other stake holders, and has actually performed a walk through of the project area. And this project stems from the transportation, authority, 2015, neighborhood, transportation plan, and for, a weak design for constructing the bulbouts with the planting at five intersections and in the area, and the terrace and the Public Housing sites and we are expecting to be completed in 2016, but we are working to get a revised, and this is part of the Parks Program which has been implementing a host of projects in 2015. Just a question, who would be responsible for maintenance . That is a good question, unless somebody behind me knows the answer, i will get back to you. I dont want to say the wrong, agency, so let me get back to you. Okay, because i am concerned, always, when we make improvements, and we beautify neighborhoods, and no one takes responsibility this happened to us on corridor with the trees and some of the improvements made and i just want to make sure that things that could be used to work with the folks who live there to have them actively involved in some way and i just want to make sthur that when the improvements are done, they are maintained and supported by the community in some way, thank you. All right, thank you for your questions. Okay. And the final slide, is for the current and the future scoping efforts and so the ntip, Planning Fund has yet to be allocated for districts 4, 6, 8, 10, and 11, so we have allocated for six and these are five of the districts that remain, to have funds allocated for projects. The ntip capitol funds are available for every district, two of the district to highlight, where there is active, project, development, and are district six, for the pedestrian, safety, and soma youth, family zone and this is for the Planning Project that the board will likely see in march. And also, for the golden gate, buffered bicycle lane that you will see next month in february as well as the mid block crossings at bessie and that will be a capitol project, actually the last two would be capitol projects. And in district eleen for the san jose, gene va would be for planning and working with the station area, and cac and mta and bart, ta and a host of agencies on coming up with the best projects scope to advance and working closely with supervisor avalos as well as the traffic calming locations in the area. And we also look forward to working with chair tang. As well as others, to advance, projects in the other districts as well. So if you have any questions. There are several, project managers here to answer questions, that you might have. All right, thank you very much for your presentation. And any other questions or comments from Committee Members . Okay, i just say that i do appreciate the ntip program. And if you put in place, and we do look forward to continuing working with you on this. And so, at this time, then i would like to see if there is any member of the p you believe that would like to speak on item six . Seeing none, item six, the Public Comment is closed. And if we can get a motion on item six, please . Information. I am sorry, it is an information item. And since, we have commissioner breed here, i apologize, i would like us to go back then to item four, on the geary brt, cac. And apologize, to keep the am mrip applicants waiting. Thank you, and thank you. Commissioner tang i just want to express my appreciation to the members here for appointing richard hoshimoto and i know that we have another, seat that we want to fill today. And he has been very involved with all things related to japan town, and geary and the corridor in that particular area and he has been instrumental in helping us, move things forward. And make the appropriate changes and he has been a great, representative for the community. And so i am gla glad that he will be continuing his service and with that, i know that there are two applicants and at this time, i guess, they can come forward to express their interest, starting with fong is the last name is that person here . Commissioner breed, we just had one other applicant who was here today, newsome who gave a presentation, if you like to call him up again. If you could come up . Thank you. Thank you, commissioners. Sorry i missed it, but i did take a look at your application and the other application, i was really impressed and if you could give me an overview of your desire to serve and what you want to do on the committee, that would be great. I have lived in your district, and the entire time that i have been there and i would love to anything that i can to improve it, and i am an attorney and i have some experience with eirs and eis and some understanding of what is going on there and i have a vested interest in doing that i can to improve it and the neighborhoods around it. And did you look at the meeting schedule, on the number of meetings and how often they meet and the time, that is involved and investing in those meetings as well . I did. And it doesnt seem unreasonable at all. Attendance is really important to me, and so i just want to make sure that you are prepared to commit to time in order to represent our community, on this committee. And so, thank you for your interest, in serving. And i am happy to support, moving your name forward. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you for being here. So, it sounds like why dont we go and rescind the vote for item four. So moved. Moved by breed, and seconded by yee. All right, so we have, and now commissioner breed do you want a make a motion . Okay. I would like to make a motion to reappoint is this the are we rescinding . For the whole entire thing. I would like to reappoint, richard hoshimoto and also to appoint, william, newsome. Is there a second to that seconded by yee, thank you very much. And why dont we do, i guess that we could take this without, objection or actually you know what . We will do the roll call in case. Because commissioner breed was not here earlier. And take a Public Comment. Okay. Any members of the public who wish to speak on item four . All right. Thank you any other members of the public . Seeing none, closed. On the motion to reappoint, hoshimoto and new so many. Breed. Aye. Far ral . Absent. Peskin. Aye. Tang. Aye. Yee. Aye. The item passes. Thank you and congratulations to our appointments. All right. And now lets move on to item 7, please. Item 7 introduction of new its ems. Public comment on item seven . Good morning, commissioners, representative a short of achieving of the Common Wealth of society, inaudible others to the people. Stud j should be agreeable with passion inaudible this way. Our selfnature and destiny inaudible nature, and so nature inaudible rest upon inaudible mighty nature inaudible personal inaudible selfdirection on course inaudible internally inaudible and taking on inaudible with time, place, man and affairs. inaudible and well adjustment, naturally having inaudible all right, thank you very much. inaudible life obstacles. inaudible parental love bound ward inaudible manners, inaudible thank you. Okay. Any other members of the public on item 7 . Seeing none, okay. Public comment is closed on item 7. And that was an information, item and item 8. Public comment . All right, any members for item 8 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And that leads to our adjournment. And the adjournment, thank you. You. Our meeting is adjourned. [train whistle blowing] global warming. [whistle blows] some say irreversible consequences are 30 years away. 30 years . That wont affect me. [brakes screech] i have 2 job titles. Im manager of the tour program as well as i am the historyian of city hall. This building is multifaceted to say the very least its a Municipal Building that operates the city and county of San Francisco. This building was a dream that became a reality of a man by the name of james junior elected mayor of San Francisco in 1912. He didnt have a city hall because it was destroyed in the earth wake of 1906. Construction began in april of 1913. In december 1915, the building was complete. It opened its doors in january 1916. Its a wonderful experience to come to a building built like this. The building is built as a palace. Not for a king or queen. Its built for all people. This building is beautiful art. Those are architecture at the time when city hall was built, San Francisco had an enormous french population. Therefore building a palace in the art tradition is not unusual. Jimmie was an incredible individual he knew that San Francisco had to regain its place in the world. He decided to have the tallest dome built in the United States. Its now stands 307 feet 6 inches from the ground 40 feet taller than the United States capital. You could spend days going around the building and finding something new. The embellishment, the carvings, it represents commerce, navigation, all of the things that San Francisco is famous for. The wood you see in the board of supervisors chambers is oak and all hand carved on site. Interesting thing about the oak is there isnt anymore in the entire world. The floors in china was cleard and never replanted. If you look up at the seceiling you would believe thats hand kof carved out of wood and it is a cast plaster sealing and the only spanish design in an arts building. There are no records about how many people worked on this building. The workman who worked on this building did not all speak the same language. And what happened was the person working next to the other person respected a skill a skill that was so wonderful that we have this masterpiece to show the world today. This coffee memory i remember having coffee with any grappled. In the old days myelogram ma get together i was six or seven i made a faces a good face. When i was younger i know it did something to my body. Ive been Drinking Coffee since i was 17 really the only thing im good at i was trying to find out what i was good at i got a job at the coffee shop i decided to do that the rest of my life. I like the process of the coffee and what are those beans where do they come from oh, they come from a fruit. The coffee stays with me since i was a kid i grew up and opened coffee shops everybody. In the 8 i visited over 11 hundred coffee shops maybe more to see why people go to coffee shops were searched the beans all over the world from east afghan and tokyo. When i wanted to do was get into aspect of the personal coffee and the processing and Everything Else there was multiple steps in making coffee and we did have a lighter roost because of the qualities of the keep once you roost it it home gisz the coffee. One thing about the coffee they were special blends and i spent seven years on one blend so thats my pleasure. Each bean they were all chosen and blended with each with different cultural and beans is like people and those people give me a reputation i cant buy. People love you my clients love me they take me to the moves movies. Fell in love with coffee and went to the coffee shops the Community Aspect i really enjoyed. I think its important to have a place for people to show up and talk to their neighbors and recorrect. Your surrounded with all those behalf communicated i communities i love my city San Francisco has a good name my has every cultural in this planet living in San Francisco its a small city 7 by 7 but its huge. I really like the idea of staying in the neighborhood and living in the mission ive lived here the whole time and the community really stick to it people talk about seattle and portland now they talk about seattle and San Francisco. Or portland and San Francisco but San Francisco is definitely on the cuttingedge of the coffee scene in the entire nation. Theres so many romance in coffee is surrounds the sourcing of that and thinking about where it came from and how and coffee is wonderful. I know for a fact i was born to make coffee. I have a notice from the dad let the life i live speak for me and lets have a cup of coffee and talk about it. Good morning, everybody. Thank you for coming to city hall first of all, thank to all the departments it under the general umbrella of the Emergency Management public works and area our Economic Workforce Development office including our faith cbo community and penguin and others weve been explicit expecting some big storms to come our way as conversations with meteorologists i think thats their property name and scientists warn us of the el nino storms that are coming here that will certainly our city and our area will be a focus of what necessary expect to be flooding i havent seen any rain yet but i want to be and so our department desirable reduce if we lucky well be offeringly prepared we deal with unexpected dangers about you it is good he appreciate the departments and our direction coming together and doing everything we can to prepare not only themselves and their operations but to the public to the medium large and Small Businesses particularly to the residents for most now we know that with the exceptions weve been working in the private segment and Public Sector as well as with the faith based partners to make sure were all ready and reemphasis that everyone should continue at their time when there isnt a big flooding going on to assess sf 72. Org that is where there is good information we work on that site very well to prepare everybody and again thank our department of Emergency Services for putting out robust sets of information for i cannot we will definitely be taking care of people on the streets as much as possible and hear more detail but 11 hundred more beds more than the shelter beds and in addition to the winter she will not beds that enter Faith Council is helping us to identify that are Human Services will identify an additional 11 hundred shelter beds for those people that that she will not should that large storm come our way were preparing those sites and want to make sure that people who are on the streets know we have your outreach teams letting them know we have additional shelter so we simply do not try to experience the effects of a large storm by themselves but reach out to as much as possible thank you to public works and the Public Utilities commission for Work Together ive seen the crews and done videos with their volume trucks i know how loud 38 they are theyve been looking every catch bacon and with all the leaves theyll be plugged so we have to refresh those catch bacons by unfleg influencing them and any residents that see them plugged for trash or leafs report those to 311 and those agencies will get out to take care of them and make sure our infrastructure can go as much as they can to deal with 9 emergency our office of Economic Workforce Development i want to thank them theyve been in communications aimed at our Small Businesses that are particular flowed prone areas their preparing and making sure we know what they can do and the services we Office Public works and other agencies working on those sites well have those sites up where residents and visitors can object 10 i think 10 free he moomd for their use at locations that convenient for them this is one location well have them at a number of locations nearby historically identified places of flooding but i do want to say our attitude as city hall is one we want everyone to know that alert sf and the 72 hours. Org is there were preparing for a disagreeing discharge that is man made or otherwise were prepared and want to put out as much free information as possible so when people plan for those disasters it is less changing more before corning sea making sure they take care of the communications and their families and businesses and their neighbors i want to say again, thank you to our event our Police Department theyll be out there making sure they respond to any specific needs that are there along with public works as we have our deniable that can assist people in inspecting areas the city or the homes and apartments what might be needed as well as public works we emphasis that if there is any lifethreatening emergency people for sure call 911 but when no lifethreatening emergency please call 311 steady and that will be taken care of and the distinctions are in the tree branch falls on the street none it hurt thats the 311 but if a life wire ryan falls and people around that that is a 911 it is lifethreatening we need to distinguish that so we dont have our lines filled with inappropriate calls to those lines we want the public to be read i again offer my thanks to the departments that are here today they are ready and theyre willing theyre able to engage in the departments and we want our city to be safe and prepared and doing what we do early and often so again, thank you and up now with more details along with the other departments is ann from our department of Emergency Services. Thank you, mr. Mayor and good morning in the early 80s and the late 90s we had huge storms here in the bay area well, actually throughout california according to a recent released e released report 46 days of rain in january and february of 1998 thats a lot of rain we learned from each experience each large storm that go things happy you you know you have downed power lines and the mayor said and Power Outages and flooding all sorts of thing we need to prepare weve gone through 4 years of drought a lot of trees coming down they dont have the root structures and the mudslides we have been preparing for this the impact is on the whole community of San Francisco we started developing plans last fall working with all of our city departments agency and our nonprofit partners in the Faith Community and developing a game plan for el nino this year our concept of proclamations or game plan is continuous operations through a storm it if a severe storm tweezer in constant contract with the National Weather service that provides us with information on point telling you the impact and severity of the storm and the potential hazards to San Francisco we will queen a Conference Call with the city storm Incident Management Team or i m t to update the Partner Agencies what to expect with the upcoming storm if necessary well open our Emergency Operations on 1011 turk to make sure were Court Reporting our response activity with rains as the little spitting rains out p there and right now our city is preempt twentyfour hour to make sure that the residents and citizens and the visitors to San Francisco are safe our game plan relies on the corridor response at all levels of government navigate our lead integer managers my lead el nino plan is meeting with fema to talk about our Court Reporting response effort our success relies on all our partners like pg e, and our communitybased organizations who are integrated with us at all levels of Emergency Operations in the field on the tv monitor youll see sf 72 hour or city now the information hub and find information updates id like to take the opportunity when not an emergency this is a live site i encourage people to go check it out and finally with alert sf our text Merchandising Service in San Francisco we have a new feature that will make that easier for people to sign up all you have to do a text 888777 triple 8, triple 7 and type in alert sf youre connected to this Environmental Service i encourage all people in San Francisco and visitors to sign up for alert sf by registering youll be able to keep yourselves save. What to expect as we approach the el nino storm on that note im going to turn it over to trent roar the director of our Emergency Services. Thank you. Im trent the Human Services and hsa is the lead agency for providing shelters in emergencies and were stepping up for el nino on both ann and i were actually involved that the shelters in the 7, 98 a lot of lessons we learned the biggest one we dont want a single shelter with one thousand plus people but shelters where the homeless are and a plan as the mayor said 11 hundred shelter beds with others depending on the demand located throughout the neighborhoods in San Francisco admission and south of market, tenderloin, civically and southeast part of city and bayview and the hatred Golden Gate Park but the process well undertake when we prepare for this storm will be meeting with the National Weather service well look at winds and temperature and duration and amount of projected precipitation based on those factors well decide whether or not to activate the shelters well prepare in phases so if we do make the determination we need to activate for our long phases do it in phases the way we stage the locations allows us to bring the shelters up to two or three hours so that excludes mats and partnering with meals on wheel easy this Salvation Army and others meals on wheels and staffed with city staff as well as the nonprofits the shelter will operate on to a form 700 to project how long it will last and probable a half or a day after the transitioning out of the shelters the types of location the first thing we look at where are the existing be shelters are providing shelters for folks our Emergency Shelter some is 15 hundred and 25 beds right now at hsa and thats 1 hundred plus for single adults women and families and some have drop in areas or cafeterias to allow individuals thats the first place well look and activate and have our partners with the rec and Park Department their 3 rec centers that will be used and then the nonprofit partners and others who have facilities we can use and lastly other facilities ymca for example, has stepped up to provide their give him nature in the western edition and activating weasel be learning was a as we go it is hard to anticipate but in 1998 we had a thousand beds that seems to me you looked at sort of the homeless places in the at any given time 3 thousand people on the streets some dont want to good indoors and at risk of our harming themselves partnership with other agencies and temporary accommodations for two or three nights and others for the homeward bound the Transportation Program in other cities and shelter the remainder as we assess the storm and the demand and already have contingencies for hundred additional beds should we need that the facilities will not be some discussion or word on the street to have tents theyre not tempts those are permanent structures that will be adding mats and other things to some of the facilities some of the bigger sheds might be heat and in those cases erect a tent inside of a structure but no plans for tents on the city streets and thanks to the partnering with tdm and others nonprofit partners with the department of health well be doing the street outreach and the hope sf so we feel that were prepared and almost finished with the memorandum of understanding and contract for locates well be ready to activate within a couple of weeks we anticipate the weather is hard to anticipate but the heavy el nino rains from january so february well be prepared for the homeless residents thanks. Thank yous interpreting well hear from barbara garcia. Good morning the district will have roving teams to make sure that the medical needs and the Mental Health needs of clients are taken care of were working with the outreach teams for the serviced to make sure they know that the sheltered will be available particularly our Homeless Outreach team that have mooeveng relationships with the people over the years will have the ability to get the people into is the she recalls we feel confident about that and our teams will insure that any individuals that Needs Services and ongoing support will be provided by the teams the roving teams are ready to go thank you very much. Thank you bearing now well hear in Mohammed Nuru the director for public works from San Francisco. Thank you like the mayor said over the last few months all the agencies have been working to present prepare for the upcoming storms as part of work weve done over the last few weeks had a couple of sandbags give away gaze and 15 thousand sandbags were given out we still have a large supply of sandbags and any residents feels their vulnerable to any kind of flooding through the garage or door or the back of their house come to our yard chavez a large number to supply people and in addition our crews are scheduled to work around the clock performing inspections of trees any potential tree hazard that the public seize they should let us know when we have storms were vulnerable to branches and trees falling so call 311 number will allow us to get and work on that emergency preparation for the storm it is fall and with the fall we all see the leaves with a little bit of wind the wind leaves can clog our cap baselines so if you see any catch by an that has a number of leaves again call the 311 number the 311 comes through the system to us well have crews that will be out there to clean up the catch baselines with the rain like el nino can flowed pretty fast and if that catch by an is not clean quickly water raise and jumps the curbs and gets into homes the public can help us you know when you see a situation like that it is an easy job get a rack or broom and put the leaves in a bag so were ready for the storms and well be working around the clock but possess importantly the public eyes on the streets so when you see things you believe that creates a situation please call 311 and well be out there thank you. Thank you, mohammed next Michael Deputy general manager of the Public Utilities commission. Michael. Good morning so were youre wart and Power Providers in San Francisco and the bay area many of the remarks are my remarks on that and i think to emphasize with the mayor said we need to be prepared we are we have been working on this for quite sometime and corridor with the public works and actually working with the City Attorneys Office if we do get into a situation where there is damage in the city one of the things that mohammed said i want to emphasize youll help yourselves by clearing storm drains 25 storm drains in San Francisco we can get to 9 thousand plus so many well not be able to get to if you get out there and make sure that the water goes away from buildings and protects the property the other thing in a low lying area youre there elevate our belongings and put them up high to not get disadvantaged i dont know wants to lose their prized possessions and fled insurance you can take out flowed insurance and lastly we have a Grant Program at the Public Utilities commission for eligible pertaining to help to protect their property from flooding and finally if flooding 311 were monitoring that our crews without with the department of public works and thats the best way to respond to our concerns thank you. Thank you very much, michael this time id like to acknowledge our partner here with us today ashley from the meals an wheels, bruce makinna with the corporation thank you. Major sheryl with Salvation Army and marty with project open hand thank you. And charles from st. Anthonys and Berry Anderson from pg e that concludes our press conference well stick around and answer questions if i want to do individual interviews thank you all for coming thank interviews thank you all for coming thank ui want to do indi interviews thank you all for coming thank want to do indivi interviews thank you all for coming thank

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