Please call the roll. Commissioner buell, here. Commissioner low, here. Commissioner bonilla, here. Commissioner harrison, here. Commissioner mcdonald, here. Commissioner levitan is on the way. We have a couple announcements. We arethe order we are going in today we are going to start with the president s report which is extremely short. We are then going to item number 4, which is general Public Comment. After that we are going to item 8 which is ceez arstadium and then the other things on the agenda. If you have sound producing devices please turn them off. In regards to Public Comment if you fill out a blue card well call those first and then open up to everyone on each item. How many minutes do you want . General Public Comment. Because we have 15 minutes in the first period lets give 3 minutes and well look at other items. 3 minutes on general Public Comment and then he will see how many people want to testify. During Public Comments the commission nor staff will respond to Public Comment while it is going on. Commissioners may ask staff to respond when comment is closed. We go to ititem 2. This will be brief. Many heard my say over the years 220 parks in San Francisco that everybody has a opinion and rarey do two people agree. Having said that the chamber of commerce in the survey of services enSan Francisco reported that the San Francisco Recreation Park Department had the highest rating of approval in San Francisco at 70 percent positive rating with only 14 percent voicing discontunt so i would like to give my congrat ulations to general manager and staff for do a extraordinary job. Any Public Comment on the president s report . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. We are on item 4, which is general Public Comment is the first speaker is catherine howered and once she is done leo you can have your folks come up. Good morning commissioners Catherine Howards [inaudible] march 2, examiner contains a article about the concern otartificial turf. 200 players developed cancer afterplaying on the material. [inaudible] rec and park will replace a few fields with something other than the infill and there is no problem for Players Health on the current field. I have a flier i would like to give you from healthy soccer sf about the impact of infill and artificial turf on players. If rec and park is truly serious about Players Health, they will immediately replace all fields with a proven healthy infill and if they are truly certained about the environment they will replace not only infill but plant new grass fields which is the healthiest and safest and best environmental alternative. Thank you thank you. Next speaker, come on up. [inaudible] each of the members the commission. Ill ready. I think it is fine. First of all, good morning to everyone and the fist time i do this so i apologize if i break any procedure. Well be sure to tell you if you do. I know you will. But im here representing a number of families, players and clubs that participate in San Francisco soccer life. What we feel what we are asking the commission is investigate practices we think are not appropriate for San Francisco park and rec or rec and park. Let me be very clear, we are [inaudible] on the working and perform ance of San Francisco rec and park for the field man agement which we are very happy and agree they are doing a good job. The intrusion and pollution with the management of the San Francisco Soccer League or sfys. The reason is this pollution which is causing in a situation of unfair, unclear practices and rules is causing clubs and families to be negatively effected by decisions that are unclear, rules that dont adjust to whatever the outcome wants to be and then lack of explanation and ible] of responsibility. We respect what rec and park is doing and [inaudible] that is what we want to do. What we want is for the members that are actively involved and the management of San Francisco park and rec to sus feign from active roles in San Francisco youth soccer organization. This practice also calls term oil in the recent elections. We believe in the elections of the board member of San Francisco youth soccer. We believe like every democratic processes there are candidates that are elected and perform and have the same members have the right to choose whether they did a good job and whether they have the right to stay on for the next term. Like i reelection you can squin moves, members express their vote. We are verywe feel good about that particular process, but now that is diverted. That is one thing, the intrusion. The second part which is very important is that the reasonwhich is threatening to take away fields every time things are not in line. [inaudible] im not referring to breaking the rules, im talking in absence of rules when the behavior is not in line with what some of the people, some of the management think your team is threatens which means you dont have a club or team and kids dont play. We appreciate it. Next speaker, please. Good morning [inaudible] im a parent of 4 kid in San Francisco, this is my second time coming here. My main concern is transparency and equal for everybody to have access to fields in San Francisco. Now everybody pushed the [inaudible] those clubs have violated the permit process that you have set up where people are not supposed to make money. Vikings have two million in access and half a million in the bank. Our legal has a half million in the bank. The place they try to funnel all the best players to, San Francisco elite, we play against them and there is no diversity. 14 to 16, there wasnt a latino girl or boy so if you have your best players in one club and dont have kids of color you are lying to yourself so i ask the panel to look at that. Im okay as a parent if my kids have a better place to go but if there is no transpairns and equal Playing Fields for the kids it is never good for the kids in San Francisco. Our kids are pushed out of the mission and the majority are in the bayview and for you to tell me there is no African American, asian or lutino kids 14 to 16, it is embarsing. Park and rec darms who travels. 3 members of San Francisco youth soccer legal, we have 5 team squz all our teams have to win out to travel. Now they want to change the rules so the teams are allowed to travel before they hit the age of 15. For us, we need a even Playing Field for our kids to have a chance to go to college, to use soccer as a means to get a better education. Right now we dont have that. Park and rec made decisions that are really impacting that and got papers here, the same 3 people on the board are on the board of San Francisco vikings, San Francisco elite and they just change their names around. It is the same people but they change their names. If this was somewhere else this is boarder line conspiracy and today im sorry i didnt bring copies but ill email you what i have because it isnt right for park and rec to do that. Again, i ask you to please create a Oversight Committee from you guys to help us clear this up. We all want to Work Together. I was part of the 11 people nominated, i am a San Francisco resident and want what is best for our kids, there is no lutino or African American or asian there. Im for pro socker. Thank you. Next speaker. Heny pegler, happy Saint Patricks day. Happy Saint Patricks day i was a volunteer coach of a u 10 team that i have been a volunteer for a number of years and that team has consistently done well throughout the league. We were informed we wont be able to travel because we didnt meetd certain criteria. As a result we havent been able it practice on fields for 6 season. The team is 4 fire fighters, two Police Officer kids and have no place to practice in the city. We have forced to go out site and play on [inaudible] it is a conflict and problem for the parents who have to travel. I was told the team had not reached certain criteria, which my understand is there a Committee Forum who gets the right to travel. The teams that were traveling, clubs that i coach beat that team that was given the right to travelfelt the team that wont allowed to travel because they were not considered good enough, the gold league, silver, league and District Club twice and golden gate individual finalist so this team is capable of traveling and competing at the highest level chblt i understand there are restrictions on fields and it is hard to accommodate all the teams, but the bottom line is these players if they wasnt play they will quit. It isnt a challenge, it isnt good for the players they are playing against and not good for players trying to develop as player jz go on to collegeism one of the fears within the club is volunteer for different teams and joined a [inaudible] team and stayed there as a volunteer coach. I brought it up to a higher level about the way we were treated and it was fear the club would be retaliated against and would lose access to different fields so for that reason i didnt bring that forward earlier on. After 6 seasons the families said we cant do this anymore. We are not driving to pacifcaor daly city. We hope someone will give us the field or pay for field tooz play. It isnt right and need a better system in place so we understand the process. Thank you all for your time. Next speaker. Just to let you know you will hear two bells, the first bell means you have 30 more seconds so dont worry. My name is shawnee simp son and San Francisco native, grew up in San Francisco, played youth soccer in San Francisco and polished and professional soccer in San Francisco. A few years ago i started night school for law school and was coaching a few team tooz make a little money to get through school and the San Francisco field is a league called nor cal since inception. The rec and park representative made a role you cant play nor call which i ignoreed because with law education i looked through San Francisco codes and rec and park paults and there is no rule that says San Francisco youth are not allowed to play in the nor cal league. I wencht to the office to rent a field for the team playing the nor car legal and told you are not allowed toerant fields, but i was still given a field. As i was 4r50e6bing the representative told me, simp son you need to get your organization in line, which im not sure what she meant. I know some have a slip of the tongue. It was offensive but as a San Francisco citizen and dont see why the rec and Park Organization is telling youth soccer where they can and cant play. I think that the clubs should be able to decide if a child is able to play nor cal or not able to play nor cal. Nor cal is a competitive league. If you do a bad job with the club the parent will not longer want to be with your club so i would help rec and park will get outf the telling of children or clubs where they can and cant put the youth of San Francisco. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. We have time for two more speakers. Thank you and good morning. Mikemic neal and director of soccer clubs here in the city. In the past we had a youth 13 team that was not allowed to travel. They won all the perspective prep league jz played a age group up and we were not given permits to travel in nor cal. Now this fall we see other organizations get two trachbl permits that never competed before in a prep league and they are desinating the other clubs in the city. There is a undr 13 girls team that is getting permits to travel when they have never once practiced or played together and they are taking away from the other clubs in the city and this organization is able to have a relationship with park and rec and get what they want. We ask that [inaudible] good morning. Joe mu cormic and coprecedent [inaudible] all over europe. In 2010 we formed a Youth Program to give kids a better place to play soccer in San Francisco, a alternative to what was there. We kept the fees at a minimum. For the first 3 years we ran at a deficit. We pay to give the kids a chance to play. The club grew and grew substantially and over the last year or 2 i noticed something that is disturbing, the fees in soccer have gotten out of control. I told myself raise your fees or lose your teams. Listen, raise your fees, lose your coaches, lose your players to my face. This is the prose precedent of the league. If he is saying it to me who else does he say it to. [inaudible] charge 2500 to 3,000 for kids to play soccer. My son is one of those kids. This year the fees went up to 2500 plus. There is no one African American or hispanic american and one chinese. It is a white affluent club. Over the years seeing that location, San Francisco Vikings Soccer Club [inaudible] if you go back to the records and ask you to look at the location for summer camps for the last 10 yearsism. Saf viking soccer club received [inaudible] 6 to 8 weeks in a row. It sin the records. Everyone has been pushed all over the city. The first year [inaudible] San Francisco vikings. Who has it 6 weeks in a row, San Francisco vikings. Who is the president of the San Francisco viking . Liby is involved with the San Francisco youth Soccer League. 25 percent of the votes from the viking soccer club and it is wrong. There are 13 on the board and 25 percent are San Francisco viking. The San Francisco youth board and academy board. [inaudible] thank you. Last speaker. Good morning commissioners. My name is leo casied and this is dave and rb son and combined together and we are one of the largest soccer clubs in San Francisco. We have 8,000 members in our club. Our club is one of the oldest club since 1961 and we believe we have the best volunteer based in the city. We have a girls team you just heard of that got banged by sf rec and park and those girls were 10 years of age, 4 years passed and now they are 14. Why on earth rec and park is involved in sf youth soccer, how they run their business amazing me and it is absolute degrace how long that went on for and what [inaudible] a team for 4 years and who is the [inaudible] it is a absolute outrage. Continuing on, we do a rec tournament and we do it for the kids in our club. There is no other rec tournament in the bay area for kids at this level, it is always about the elite players and this that and the other so we requested to do that tournament this year in [inaudible] on beach la for 5 years. We stood in the corner for beach la for 5 years. The kids sit on corners and on voting day we participated at every hearing [inaudible] we got denied for a reason. Now, there are members on the rec and park commission, members of sf viking and sf viking league and it is all tied together and you guys have to investigate and put the [inaudible] together of why and where and when and what is going on. There is a lot of stuff these people are well educated and very savvy, these people are very very very calculated behind the political process and all we ask at the end of the day is for fairness level Playing Field for everybody across the board. I really appreciate it, thank you very much. We are probably all going for a drink now shortly. Thank you very much. Happy Saint Patricks day. Real a quick i would like to see if there can be more transparency in the public approved benefit process because i did apply way back when i started the club and i was new to soccer in the city at that time and didnt understand it so much, but i have come to understand it seems like it is tightly guarded with the big 3 organizations, so i just wonder if that is open to everybody or if that is locked off. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We are at time for general Public Comment. The item will be continued to item 11. With that, we are now going to go to item 8, ceezer stadium approval of permit with scsfllc. Before we start the presentation i ask the general manager if staff can prepare a report for the commission on the Staff Perspective on this. Keenly aware of the fact soccer is growing at a rapid rate in San Francisco and that the demand on all the fields is challenging. I might add that that is our participation in the program, not the politics internlly of all the clubs, but having said that i like to get the Staff Perspective back to the the commission. If i can include in that a articulation the role the department plays in the process. It is my pleasure to do that. It seems to be soccer day on saint pattys day and let me say a up couple of things. Your observation is correct, this is a unfortunate downside of all the good works we have done. We added 90 thousand hours of play in the last 5 years adding 5 thousand kids. We have 12,000 kids playing youth soccer. We have 900 Youth Soccer Team you heard a few voices of people that are unhappy for a reason, xy or z. There is much to celebrate about youth soccer and we are happy to share z submit a report to all of you. Thank you. Good morning commissioners. Im here to present a ititem related to ceezer stadium, it is discussion and possible action to octerize the department to enter into a permit with scsf. The delta for a period up to five years to hold between 15 and 20 soccer games per year at ceezer stadium. It is in the same forum as the draft we have to wait a minute. I do need to make a note that commissioner i apologize commissioner buell ill have to recuse myself because my law firm represents sf delta. We need a motion and second to let him recuse himself moved and seconded. All in favor. Aye. So recused. Thank you, if you can hold up until he leaves. Sorry dana, go ahead. Starting where we left off. Good morning. This is a discussion and paunl action to octerize department poointo into a permit with scsf the deltas for a period up to 5 years to between 15 and 20 soccers games at Kezar Stadium. Authorize the general manager to approve the sale and consumption of alcohol at Kezar Stadium on annual basis pursuant to park code 4510 providing the consumption of alcohol will not interfere with the use or enjoyment of Kezar Stadium. I have a slide show. Proceed. So, the first thing is why are we proposing to bring you this permit . We believe this provides a number of benefits to the city. First, it offers San Francisco residents a opportunity to watch high level soccer in San Francisco. Right now there is no stadium in San Francisco, candle stick is no more and people want to see a high level game they have to go to san jose. It will provide significant stadium improvements to a stadium built in 1991. Third, we worked hards to insure the schools will not be displaced who use kezar as their home field and will hear more details on that as well. Last laly, it is affordable rec for families. 3 thousand tickets per game under 20 dollars and it is now 200 tickets, this was change. 200 ticketerize donated to youth and non profit groups. A little of a background on keza. It was built in 1925 and held 60,000 people and covered local college and school games. The east, west game was held there every year. It was the home of the 49ers for a number of years, the raiders was their ink you baiter home. After it 9ers left it fell into disrepair and the city adopted prop d in 1987 to renovate there stadium. The stadium was reduced ipsize to the current configuration. Just before the stadium set to open, there was a bunch of controversy how it would be used. There were Community Members that wanted no fencing or lights and wanted to limit the events and limit the sound. The stadium can hold 18 thousand and they wanted to limit totony thousand and there was a prohibition put on alcohol at the time. In 1991 the Commission Adopted a interim policy that was to last for two month jz people were supposed to come back and report on it and it stayed in place since 1991. At that time, the kezar Advisory Committee chs formed which still exists today and consult on issues as they come up over the years. How is the stadium used since 1991 . Not listed here is the primary use which is our schools. It is used for high school and middle school track meets all spring. It is used for Football Games, the turkey game. The Mission Legal home field. It is Sacred Heart Home field t. Is use frd the bruce mu honey game between sacred heart and si so those are the biggest users. It is used by a variety of professional teams ranging from soccer to ultimate frisbee and rug be. There are events up to 10,000 and recently there Big High School games projected they had about 8 thousand attendance. There are traffic and security plans developed. One condition in 1991 is there was a huge traffic assessment done what you need to do when there are 10 thousand people coming and they exists today and use it student implement traffic plans. For the games thereern a prohibition on alcohol in the stadium so people set up beer garden ajaistant to the stadium in the parking lot between Kezar Pavilion where people can walk into the beer garden, consume alcohol and walk out to the stadium. So, why are we here now . The nasl, the north american Soccer League came to us about 2 years ago and they have a number of teams on the east coast, 13 teams now they were interested expanding to the west coast. We met with them and had a number of different people they may have chosen. They require a significant investment to start a team and had people that were possibly investors so we talked to them over the years. Their current average atened sns 5, 912. They run a split season in april and finish in auctd with a month off in the middle and have very flexible scheduling. Laet last fall they came with a new team they would support, the San Francisco deltas. It is their First West Coast fran chize, kezar is a [inaudible] ultimately build a stadium that would hoz house them in the bay area but this is a incubator. The very first thing we did is sit down with the deltas and said we cant do this if we impact the school youth so we met with the schools and worked on schedules and said this is fundamental and dont need to go down the road. As part of this they want to make stadium improvements which well talk about and provide affordable recreation for San Francisco residents. So, here are the details on the proposed permit. Stadium improvements a minimum of 500 500,000 is put to improve the stadium. The details of what will be done is still resolved. Priority for school use, the permit requires school use have priority for scheduling events, the team can not play on Schedule School game days. We are meetingthere is going to be laid out in the permit in the late fall where scheduled will be worked out with sth School District and sacred heart and any other school or Group Community users that want to use the facility and plan out so everyone has access. Affordable and community tickets, really important to us. 3 thousand tickets will be at a 3 thousand tickets will be at a cost under 20. 200 tickets tolocal community groups. The session is 15 to 16 season, then there are potentially two preseason game squz if they do really well, they would be in the play off. There is a maximum of 20 games per year they are allowed to do. Each year the team must submit a comprehensive operation plan for department and review and approval and that will include a traffic plan for how parking will be plan, a security plan. This is also written in the document as a evolving and it isnt like we dwem one for a year and it doesnt work, we come back and forth what work squz doesnt and sure the fan base will be small initially and grow over time and the plan will need to evolve. What works we continue and what doesnt we will fix. When they came to us they indicated selling alcohol as part ofprofessional sporting evonet is what customers expect and it will be necessary to move forward with them so we propose for the sale of alcohol in the stadium. Sales must end 80 minutes after the start of the game. When they came to us initially they wanted both hard alcohol and beer and wine. We Heard Community concerns and they agreed hard alcohol is limited to a designated bit section the stadium and not leave the area. We dont know where the vip section is, it will be smaller and evolve that. Sfpd and department will review a alcohol monitoring plan and that will be a continuing review. In addition to game fields they are looking for practice space and the team will practice at boxer and other fields up to 5 days a week 2 hours a day. This will not impact the kids and users anxious for space because they will practice in the school hours and it is a mix of synthetic and grass so the wear isnt bad. The standard fees will apply. We are not charging a percentage of ticket sales but just the standard per use fees and our fees for the practice fields are based on the park code. We will offset the permit fees gaenls the investment in the stadium. We say we are investing in the stadium we are paying for it because it comes out of the permit fees providing we are guaranteed 30,000 a year which is similar what we get on Kezar Stadium. They are also required to reimburse 100 percent of all the staff and game day staff cost. The team must play for 12 Police Officers so wont take out of the communities for the event, there will be extra Police Brought in, their own security and dpt Traffic Monitoring if necessary dependent on crowds. A little on the improvements. One of the things they are looking to improve is the lighting. The lighting was built in 1991 using old technology. The lighting comes straight out, it is measure not adequately sufficient to service the field. New lighting will focus down directly on the field. They would replace and refurbish the benches, as you can see many need help. They will also be improving other seating adding ada seating at kezar and look to refurbish the locker room which is really old and also at boxer. There will be investment in boxer as well. The tunnel that leads from the locker room on to kezar which is beloved by kids because it is where the 49ers ran through it has a leak and they will look to seal it for us and improve the lighting and experience for the kids. This is a estimate of how the improvements would becould be allocated, the final details will be revolveed as we get full cost estimate but we cant move forward with that until we have a agreement because they will put significant investment in. The deltas and we have done significant outreach getting Community Feedback about concerns and want to go through each of those and tell you how we analyzed them and what we have done to try to address those. First, was the concern this was increased use and would have a impact on other users. The primary time the games will be played are saturday evening, maybe a occasional wednesday evening. Runners casual runners who like to run the track, it issaturday evening isnt a popular lets go for a run time so we dont think there will be a Significant Impact on users because of the timing of the games. The second concern was traffic on game days and obviously there will be need to be a major traffic mitigation plan, but there are other factors we think help. Saturdays in the later part of the day Golden Gate Park clears out. People can come from the park into the stadium and we will be diverting people encouraging them to use the music concourse garage which didnt exist at the time. They can use the ucsf lot up the hill. We can encourage people to walk in the park. They are required to supplement Public Transportation so there is adequate transportation when people want to leave. Will also look to having fly wheel lift and uber sites in the park so the drivers are not circling around the neighborhood looking to pick people up but they go to Golden Gate Park. Those are some the plans we have been working on with them. The under the next is concern of community impact. We will work with the police and met and spoken to the police. There is a history of alcohol with the beer garden. People have been consuming call just not in the stadium proper or people have brought it in. The pavilion has events with alcohol and not have issues with that and boxer has alcohol and not had significant issues. You will hear how the park code prohibits alcohol at the stadium, the park code lists 35 parks where you need the general manager or commission to approve to have alcohol including [inaudible] where we have opera in the park, including a variety of our parks and so it just requires approval that you cant bring alcohol in without any approval, but it doesnt mean it is prohibited thmpt only sites where it is prohibited is childrens play ground under the park code. A little bit of Community Feedback. We received letters from a number of different groups that support this, not without reserveation. They say we want to make sure there is a security plan and safety plan. Those includes [inaudible] sun set heights association, responsibility people; friends of alfred lake, haight ash berry. We received 1400 letters and emails supporting this from a variety of people and think you will hear from some of them here today. In opposition we received letters from coal valley neighborhood, the hate rr ash perry [inaudible] and kezar Advisory Committee. Two in favor and the remaining opposed. For the reasons we outlined earlier and we received approximately 23 letters in opposition. The parks and recreation and open space committee, asked to come and speak on this and had a resolution that would have opposed this if they considered. That resolution was defeated with 18 members present and only 4 voted in favor of the resolution that said we dont favor it and we received good feedback on it. That is my presentation. The department and supports this and if you have further questions, happy to answer. Dana, i have one question beforeon the alcohol permit, the Police Department is involved in the issuance . Absolutely it is my understanding that is subject to annual review . They are talking about doing it as a day permit so each one is probably 3 at a time. I dont know if park station could come today. They came to operation and spoke and said they will work with the deltas on that. Thank you. Couple questionsmaybe one but it is addressing 3 items. I think you referenced 3 elements of the plan to be determined, one the renovation, the second the traffic and transportation mitigation plan and security and alcohol. When will those be developed . As soon as this approved they will get the budget items to identify specifically the items and cost to be allocated between each of the items. They are expected to look like the list you saw, which is the lockers and those pieces but well work starting next week on identifying the specific items and how the money will be allocated. The alcohol and transportation plans we have rough drafts of those already and just like with all of event we bring to and with these permits, those evolve up to the last minute as we see where is the vip section going to go and expected attendance and those will be reviewed at that time with the department. On theand with the community. We will work security plan . Same thing. On the alcohol, thewhat is the intended plan around duration of sale during the game . Soccer games and short and so it is 90 minutes. So a typical soccer game is 90 minutes and alcohol is sold up to 80 minutes of the game. The advantage of soccer versus other sports is it is continuous and there is a very short half time and no time outs, commercial time outs and things like that so it is a fast run. Thank you. Seeing no further commission questions i understand we have some 40 cards signed for speakers and given the great number i will use the prerogative the chair to allow 2 minutes per speaker to try and move it as fast as we can and i understand we have a representative from supervisor london breeds office so i would like that gentlemen to please come up. Thank you. Good morning commissioners. Connor johnston staff to london breed. Kezar stadium is in district 5 and want to thank everyone for coming out. This is a amazing turn out and hoped i could take the afternoon off and play soccer but i am terrible i havent played since i was 10. Supervisor breed said publicly and recognizes the dealty will be a fun addition to the neighborhood. We heard a lot of support and also heard concerns and the Department Presentation addressed those about Traffic Management and alcohol sales and the impacts the sales can have on the neighborhood and prioritizing youth team sports. She recognizes this is your decision and so all i ask on her behalf today is you please insure there is strict and consistent oversight to make sure the neighborhood concerns are addressed and there is a frequent opportunity to reassess how the neighborhood is impacted. We want to make sure if the deltas come in they are a welcome kwr popular part the neighborhood and ask you provide that oversight on a consistent basis and thank you again and thank you for everyone who came out thank you and thank you supervisor breed. Public comment. I will call several names if you are hear the name and in the north white court come up and let the sheriff know you are here. Ill call names and you can come in any order but if you can line oneter side of the room and when one person is done come up and keep going. Brian, eric, joel recollect malmer [inaudible] john, todd and danny to start with. Good morning commissioners. Brian and ceo of San Francisco deltas originally from columbia, but San Francisco is my home. I moved here 13 years ago and brought my family with me, my sister convinced me to move out 12 years ago and my parents were here 3 years ago. I dont from money but this is my home and god is fortunate to bless me with success and had the opportunity to bring the sport and love which is part of being columbian and being from a lot of different places and what i first want to say is rec and park is great. They have [inaudible] people who are looking out for the best interest of the park. It isnt just lip suvs but we cannot displace our schools and she was disciplined about that and made be jump through a lot of hoops and hurtles but dana and phil and andrew and peter was diligent about this so this isnt something that was taken trivialy. I am overwhelmed by the support. Even though there is a lot of support i would say that this is the same thing i told everyone at the community outreach. We should listen twice as much as we talk and the same thing i told them ill tell you, we are perfectly [inaudible] it is bad business if we have problems. I dont care if it is alcohol related or traffic related or fighting, we want this to be fun and safe for everybody so i am doing this because we want to do Something Special for the community. You heard the non profits we will work with, juma is great to have innercity kids sell concession. Please ask me questions. Two minutes isnt a lot of time to cover what we want to [inaudible] thank you. Next speaker. Eric viser. Im the director at Solano College at fairfield so ill make it 90 seconds because i have a meeting otnoon. I have a 36 year history at university of San Francisco. I was athletic coach from 78 to 2014 so aware of the challenges and opportunities in San Francisco soccer. My main reason to support the deltas is because it gives more opportunity to go to kezar pub after the game saturday. My reason being involved in soccer in United States for 36 years especially San Francisco i have been waiting for the time and you look at the proliferation of youth soccer and professional soccer around the country especially cosmopolitan city, San Francisco is trying to have a quality professional fran chize like the deltas place in the wonderful environment of kezar. The location of the stadium for the community to embrace affordable entertainment for San Francisco youth and citizens not having to drive to the san jose earthquake squz not driving to sacramento but embrace a franzchise in shf San Francisco is long over do. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning. My name is marg reta [inaudible] and im brians mother and we are very happy to [inaudible] i am from columbia and soccer in my country is very big and i enjoy it very much. His father has kept something that i have something i kept for so many years and this is my sons uniform when he was 4 years old. And so i know in my heart he is going to do everything in his power for the team and everything he has to take responsibility and so everybody is going to be happy and have a great time. Thank you very hutch. Much. Jerry hellmic, im brians father. When brian was that size i used to drive him every week and his friends to soccer games, so this for me is a dream come true because i am now looking forward to brian transporting me too his [inaudible] thank you. Next speaker. My name is joel [inaudible] lived in San Francisco for the last 4 years. I come in support of the game of soccer. Iant to tell you how it impacted my life. My parents came from india and they knew cricket and soccer. One i was able to play here, soccer. That is the International Nature the game and frame those friendships i was able to immerse in the American Culture and had a goodallowed me to become american and those friendships introduced my to baseball and basket ball. As i grew up i was introduced to video games so didnt make it as a professional soccer but am a fan. It doesnt matter where you are from or your economic status as long as you have the colors woo ecan talk and be friends. I hope San Francisco supports this and excited and would love to go to the stadium. Stadiums are sacred temples where everyone gets together and it is the memories we share together and hope the city and have this experience. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello. John [inaudible] 12 year resident of San Francisco. Bay area native, long Time International Football Supporter and there is no sport more popular globally than soccer. Football as we call it everywhere else. It is critical sf takeathize place on the world stage, this is a big step doing that. This is a opportunity for city pride to that extent. It would be great to bring my daughter to a name. Not head down or over seas where a lot of the good players are. Even then when we do go to kezar to watch gameatize is one game a year and then it is at a stadium that is subpar in the condition now so there are a lot of good things that will bring the stadium up. Thousands of residents have waited for team sf from all over the world. There isnt a week that goes by i dont have 30 or 40 conversations at local coffee shops or dinner places where they are so excited about the prospect here and really looking forward to it. Lastly i have known the owner over 10 years i was a customer of his and i guarantee you and vouch that it is the most high level of professional management and integrity you can dpet in a owner. When he says he is look frg alignment with the community he will get to a better solution than anyone else i can offer up. Ill read a few more names. Michael [inaudible] kenneth, vincent, marcelo and karen. Here to support bringing the deltas to kezar. My name is dana [inaudible] i am in the soccer family and have a wife from rio and two childrens a 7 year old and 5 year old, and played soccer since i was 7 years old. [inaudible] talking about flu mango and all the gear and ask who his team is and he looks at he and says the giants so help me give him the team. I already bought him the gear, he is going rio with it. I will say one other thing being a father watching the son play soccer. The baseball isnt exercise for a 7 year old kid. He spend half the time throwing the mitt and the other half waiting to bat. I love taking him to soccer practice but he needs a team to go to because the inspiration and community of going to the games puts him outside and want to play. For kezar wife and kids are particular with it. My wife is a circus acrobot. Many saturdays we spend taking plass and walk through kezar [inaudible] think of no better way to continue the day and see a soccer game. 30 seconds. The concerns of everybody they addressed valid whether it is alcohol or traffic, and seem manageable. Last thing about brian who i have known for 13 years, he is one of the team leaders and know him from graduate school at stanford. He spends his personal time helping those [inaudible] helping those find foster care who dont have parents and there are people attracted to sports looking to be around entertainment. Brian is motivated by fostering community. Im done. Next speaker. Hello commissioners thank you for having me here. My name is [inaudible] im born in bosnia and grew up in denmark but i live in San Francisco and consider San Francisco my home. This is where i graduated, this is where i met some of my best friends and where i started by business, this is where i met the girl who will become my wife and where where want to have children, this is where i want to be forever and as i think about having children, i think about the times when my dad took me to the game frz the first time and the bond it created between us the same way with brian and his dad. The sense of community and belonging that it gives us all and i think San Francisco as a city should have a soccer team. I want a son or daughter and take the muni from mission to kezar park and bond and learn the values soccer is bringing about hard work, about being work and about passion and persistence and all those things that have helped me throughout the life as a 3 time immigrant. I want to make sure that we have the abilities to have access to the game and do it locally and live and breathe it and feel like it is part of our identity and who we are and thank you very much for considering this. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Hi. Ill say the same as i said two weeks ago. I think what happened this morning is amazing, people from all racing were saying that youth soccer is very wide. I have been to other countries and lived in south africa where people from all races it is [inaudible] soccer changes people from all colors jump together and celebrate with our kids for the first time they went to lunch and met each other. This guy is born and raised here, yesterday he saw his first peniment kick out which the dutch team lost unforchtinately. That is why we encourage the deltas. [inaudible] soccer i think it is really important. I want to echo what the other guy said, it is one of the most active sports. During a game we are watching for 90 minutes so there can be one two beers, 1 before and one half time so i think the alcohol concern will be minimum. And i just think also what i said last time it is important for these guys to have heroes to look up for them. Unfonchinately all the dutch games are way too early and think when he is oldinger i want to bring him to a soccer game where he can rult route for his team and be with his friends. San jose is too far. I hope this will go through. I think with all the support this is like a european or world cup and americans [inaudible] and other the other countries have a chance as well so hope you take this into consideration and give the guys the permits. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Hello commissioners. Michael and here to support the San Francisco deltas and bring them to kuzar stadium. I have 4 children and the idea of bringing professional sports team the area and bringing them to a game is something that i cherish when where think about growing up in youth sports. Im a youth sports coach and believe yooth sports and sport in general teach life lesson that cant be learned in a classroom or on the streets or video games. Being able to witness high level soccer is a hughes opportunity. San francisco a internationally recognized community, city, source of innovation and place of diversity. I was moved this morning with the passion brought around just access to fields. It is clear that soccer is as you mentioned, growing and beams more and more more popular and the idea of bringing it to San Francisco really excites me. The idea of bringing my kids to a game, having them cheering and creating those memories are just so invaluable, memories from xhie childhood going to events with my parents is something that you cant put a price on. I look forward to pictures and creating those memories with my family, so thanks for listening. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello commissioners my name is kenneth [inaudible] i have been a resident of San Francisco for over 20 years and a resident of the sun set district. Because of my shared love of the game it would be great to walk to a football match. I would like to invite friends and family to join as a affordable price so like to show my support for the deltas and thank you very much for your time. Thank you. Ill read a few more names. Charley, adam, ed, don and david. Thank you for the opportunity to address the commission. My name is [inaudible] and the Spokes Person for [inaudible] of San Francisco. I love soccer and hope to see [inaudible] and im here to support the San Francisco [inaudible] is is known professional sports bring money to the city. San francisco lost the 49ers, warriors are not here yet, we just have the giants now. With too many pressure issues in the city such as homelessness and housing professional games can bring potential income, professional team can bring future to the city should be considered in my opinion. San francisco deltas proposed to renovate the stadium and continue to be available to the public so correct me if im wrong, but i dont see anyone else with plans to revamp that stadium and these are great reason tooz bring the deltas to San Francisco. They have plans to evolve youth at risk or under represented in their plans and soccer has been inhas a great [inaudible] why not start this tradition here as well. Lastly but not least, San Francisco deltas have the potential to create jobs full time and part time as they go and thrive. San francisco can benefit from having more entry level positions in [inaudible] tech jobs that have been createdilately. This is my reasons forthat should be added to the [inaudible] you heard here today as why the San Francisco deltas should be allowed to be in the city and i ask you to consider approval and welcoming of the San Francisco deltas in San Francisco. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning president buell and commissioners, jim [inaudible] native San Francisco born and raised in the mission. I lived in San Francisco my entire life and i raised 4 kids in the mission district. Obviously you probably know this better than most of us, but soccer is a National Past time in south america, Central America and mexico and during ththlast 10 years there is a growing love affair in the lutino community with soccer. Kids light up on the soccer field and has a positive impact. Those that raised children in San Francisco as i have, i have lived in San Francisco my wlole life so i would know, it is very difficult to find a family venue, a positive family venueism you have this commission, this panel and all we have that bring quality of life to san franciscan and San Francisco families. You now have that ability to make that decision here. I dont know the owner of the franchise but can tell you from what i see, he wants to insure that families are in a safe and nurtureing environment. These kids need positive role models. You have to a opportunity to do that here this morning and emplor you to make that decision as a body and thank you for all the good work you do here. Thank you commissioners have a good morning and happy saint pattys day. Same to you. Thank you. Don collins, im the commissioner of athletics for the scoom district and [inaudible] section. I am in support of this and i am also here to confirm what dana told you that brian and the deltas did work with us and made sure that we would have no conflicts and we will not have conflicts. Indeed it would be difficult for us to have them this whole thing is structured, this entire arrangement in a way that minimizes the possibility of conflicts. The deltas play saturday evening and there are no [inaudible] they did acknowledge we have the high school all city track meet, we also have middle school all city track and there deltas have worked with us to make sure we always coordinate scheduling. We have regular track meets and football and other things, they are day time activitys and will coordinate on the few wednesdays they play there wone be conflict, so we are fine. In effect there is no conflict at all. Im here to conform that and we should all be able to coexist quite hap lael, there is no reason not to pursue the deltas coming in on behalf of students in the School District and the ath letting problems nor in the [inaudible] which other schools. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning everyone. My name is [inaudible] ram osand i came to the country in 88 and im brazilian and did soccer games with my brazilian friends [inaudible] now a days i have a Soccer League in berkeley which 600 people are playing. I also have 3 kids. My son i have two [inaudible] i have one junior at high school. He still plays soccer for the mavericks and also have a lot of kids who play for bay oaks, you name it, [inaudible] and those kids when they heard about there San Francisco deltas they went crazy because they play club now and go to college and then from college what . Are they going to go overseas . I have kids i coached them and playing on the puerto rico and [inaudible] i just want to know it will be great one day to see some faces we saw like we saw the [inaudible] the little kid uniform. It would be nice to see those kids we coach and also coach the [inaudible] soccer club and [inaudible] maverick soccer club and bay oak so it will be nice to see those kids one day we coached them and see them playing professionly. We see some playing over seas but nice to go to San Francisco and see some of them playing right here, so we do support San Francisco deltas. Thank you vaer much. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello commissioners, my name is adam and San Francisco resident, bay area native and excited about the deltas coming here and hopefully playing Kezar Stadium. I play soccer my whole life and still play and community and peers are excited about this too. It will be great for the community and excited kezar can potentially be there location and some the upgrades will make it better. I have gotten to know brian recently and know him and his team will do a excellent job bringing the Community Together and do it in the right way. Ill call a few more names. Choug, denise, ted, rick, lawrence, daniel and car linea. Good morning, [inaudible] i come to you from the sf [inaudible] i think the proposal is very well put together. Any criticism that could have been taken and holes were presented to you. We hope everything in there was sufficient to show the logistic sides and we will talk about the emotional and social side. I work and live in the mission with students of color, they are low income residents. A lot work for dooma and a lot are immigrants and work and live in the mission and love soccer. Myself as a woman not allowed to get into soccer because my culture wasnt advanced enough [inaudible] im here in support the sf deltas and want to go back to why the parks [inaudible] the parks are for the people. The people areprint and what they are saying is there a community here and want a place to join together, share their culture, socialize and change ideas and values and grow from each other. So, i think that with Golden Gate Park being created for the people and the people being present and saying this is what they need and want to be able to change values of other people and grow together, i think it is important for positivity on all the different degrees to be challenged. I think there is a lot of positive tay dealing with revenue. A facet for the students who need mentors where they come from all different places of the world to interact with them. Dwee have people who probably cant play soccer and have people that are born a few months ago [inaudible] you can see the large spectrum of people in support of this and [inaudible] fan point and mother to all the children to be able to let this happen. Thank you. Thank you. Good morning. So at the risk of getting into trouble i have to confess i omlike soccer. Im here to support my husband who loves soccer. But i have been a San Francisco resident for 25 years, refi gee from texas. And im here to speak as a san franciscan because i think this is going be something that will great for San Francisco. I have a independent interest in park design and urban planning and broughtgeny jacobs quotes to share. Great American Cities but i wont do that because the testimony you heard from the great feeling and lif will bring to San Francisco is more than enough. I will say one thing, liveliness and variety attract more lifenliness, so i think bringing this to Kezar Stadium is a boom to the community. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning, charley hatfield. I think it has been shown earlier that the demand of the growth of the sport here is growing rapidly in the city and think the opportunity of providing the next level. We heard earlier about the field situations and know you are going across and there was kind of the issues of who is in charge and this and that, i think the opportunity of the San Francisco deltas can bring the people of the Community Together and give one goal and focus so it takes away from that so think that is exciting. My experience, i coached at the youth level and the College Level for over 20 years, a little at the pro level and seeing the impact it had over kids lives anywhere from very small and sense of usually with teams are very involved in the community. I know there is some push back from the community about how to deal with the parking and stuff. I was impressed different plans they are looking at recollect aults about the situation of selling of alcohol. It is in their best interest to make sure it goes smoothly because they provide something for the community. It f it dozen people wont come to their business so it is in their best interest to make sure it works well. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning commissioners. Chad lowen burg and president of the haight ash berry [inaudible] we think this is not only good for children and sports in San Francisco, but we also see this as a terrific opportunity for the community to businesses that are near the stadium will see extra foot traffic and extrabusiness that comes out of a having a World Class Organization that brian presented today. We think reasonable people can Work Together to mitigate potential problems and as i said previously we should have a committee of representatives from neighborhood groups to be part of the assessment, ongoing assessment of how the plans are working and what problems need to be solved but think there are solution. Prohibition endsed 1993, we now have a lot of experience and think a lot of good will among people in the community and particularly in the neighborhood as to how to deal responsibility with alcohol sales at the stadium. We support you this and ask your support and look forward to the improved Economic Impact of this operation of the hate rr ashberry neighborhood. Next speaker. Good morning [inaudible] 25 year resident of San Francisco and i have two daughters, 11 years old and 22 years old. They both play soccer. They are very activemost of their friends are so the way i look at it, there is such a disconnect between how much soccer the kids play and then once they move to adulthood there is nothing to follow up so by bringing the San Francisco deltas they will fill a huge gap in terms of that continuation. I also of course want to acknowledge the fact there is a lot of lose ends and fine tuner to be worked out and of course as a resident of San Francisco, just want to hope that there will be just worked out. Couple more things that i want to mention is that we want the United States at one point to be soccer World Champion and perhaps that will happen in twnt years and just San Francisco by having a professional soccer team will add a little to that and help that. We need that. We need role models and need thousands of kids having the role model to help the United States come toog the next level. Lastly, without the challenge that it might have bringing the team here, there is a Business Case for this because the way soccer is going in the United States, in 20 years there is a chance it will be big and having a team here that brian is bringing in making the team, it will be a national team, it will make all of us be proud of it. Thank you very much. Thank you. I will read off a few more names. Charles, don, collin, cory, phil, larry and eileen. President buell, commissioners, Lawrence Rosen feld representing sunset park neighbors. You should have a electronic copy of our letter. 20 year resident, 6 and 1 half blocks from Kezar Stadium and sunset park stadium most members live less than one block flafrom the stadium and heard from them and people farther out. We had input from both sides of the story, people that want to see soccer in San Francisco and people who are profoundly concerned about the impact of professional soccer at Kezar Stadium. In the letter we outlined the things we believe are crucial to this where risks are mitigated. The major objection is alcohol. We heard today there is a verbal agreement in principle on reviewing the alcohol permit and think that is a splended idea. We believe on duty San Francisco Police Department staff shouldnt have to bear the burden of controlling crowds, that is addressed we hope to the greatest extent possible. Mta should provide service on all routes and believe that will be addressed. Parking opportunities have been addressed. One thing that hasnt been mentioned is on site medical emergency and hope that will be addressed. The verbal agreement in principle is one thing but ask the commission to insure these points are in the written agreement. Next speaker please good morning, car linea [inaudible] and im brians sister. Im in full support of the deltas and brian has singm handedly been the most influential person in my life and im bias but i can speak to his character. We are very close, close all our lives. My brotherer does things well. He does things with tenacity and compassion and he has heard everyones input in the community and i assure you he will continue to hear the community if there is more future concerns , if there is word i have to pick for my brother the first is empathy. He is so empthetic and understands things from all points of view. As a leader, i think a lot of leaders have blinders on and operate on the bottom line and the bottom line is important to any business but my brother looks at the big picture. I have two small children asking me when tios team will play and keep saying soon so hope you approve this. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. If we can ask secondary conversation if you can take those outside, please. Good morning, rick [inaudible] president of California Soccer Association north. We were established in 1902 in San Francisco and we are the affiliate of the United States soccer federation. The 2 thousand members in the city and 8 thousand in california urge you to support this project. I cannot tell you how much of a impact a professional came can have on a young boy. I [inaudible] myself because im older than most of the folks in the room. In 1954, i saw my first professional soccer game at Kezar Stadium. [inaudible] playing all stars and that led me to continue. We need a professional soccer team in San Francisco. I attended the meeting where the franchises were bought at the jack car hotel here in San Francisco for this very league way way back. So, there is a great basis here. The San Francisco league and soccer Northern California has produced other national champions. It isnt just the giants who are national champions. The great americans, [inaudible] have all Won National Championships and gone unrecognized because we only look at professional sports. The last year the olympic club 1 two champion sons, mens over 30 and [inaudible] the Womens National champion sp. So, we have a lot of [inaudible] and have a lot to look forward to. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning commissioners. My name is charles head and Vice President of Sunset Heights association of responsibility people. 100 plus members with monthly meetings. We have a terrific boundary of lincoln bay on the north, 19th on the west and [inaudible] and 5th laguna honda on the east. I played soccer in high school and college and as a teacher in connecticut and florida coached teams there. My children played soccer also. [inaudible] came to speak with the board of directors last month representing brian [inaudible] bring soccer to keza r in San Francisco last year [inaudible] we discussed issues including traffic problems and sale and consumption of alcohol and the plans being [inaudible] to deal with these. At the end of the meeting the board includes two former soccer coaches, one person who is a pingpong player who hates soccer and a person who grew up near kezar and has plent memories the 49ers games there. Anyway, i composed and brought the letter at the ends of the meeting when we decide today support the application to the Operations Committee meeting thursday march 3 and have a copy here today for you as well. Thank you. Thank you very much and i come here to ask to give the deltas a chance to play soccer and here and have green here too so [inaudible] before we have the next speaker, if you name hasnt been called you do need to take a seat. Only the people who names are called and about tospeak we can have standing so, next speaker. Hi, commissioners. My name is eileen [inaudible] and my husband and i have lichbed across the street from kezar the main gate for 38 years. Our house is in the bus zone so we hear lot of what goes on in the stadium and in the parking lot and after the streets. We have a big representation from the Soccer League. I know there are a lot of soccer fans in the city and possibly elsewhere, but i havent heard anyone from the neighborhood accept some of the neighborhood organizations come forward. I think possibly some of that is because there hasnt been such a professional effort to reach out to the neighbors. We use the stadium often and love the stadium and enjoy watching the kids play sports in the stadium. We take responsibility for helping keep ordser order in the stadium, keep bicycles out of there and skate boards and we take personal interest in what goes on in there. Um, the northern american Soccer League is submitting request for a license agreement to rec and Park Department developed in collaboration with rec and park staff. I know there are serious problemwise the proposal that will be hard to resolve such as traffic and parking but my issue is the demand of nasl to [inaudible] 4. 10 of the park code, a 25 year ban on consumption of alcohol in the stadium. The nasl insists selling beer, wine and hard liquor as a essential part the deal. They acknowledge the need for security and sure they are thinking about behavioral you are at time. Ill give you 20 more seconds. There are lots of private homes and Small Businesses surrounding the stadium. The neighborhood is vulnerable to acting out after games. When people are drunk as many remember when the 49ers played interaction become aggressive and daerjs. I beg the commissioners to carefully consider how the aadditional of alcohol will impact behavior. Surrounding areas of the neighborhood will not be well poparoled by the park police. I have nothing against soccer and hope the problems can be worked out recollect it is the addition of alcohol it is likely to interfere with use and enjoyment of the area. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Good morning commissioners, cory bennett, and im a attorney and father and my wife and i lichb in the city about 10 yearsism i want to speak in support the San Francisco deltas. Im a life long soccer fan. Group up in arizona and i lived in a small town and when i was about 8 years old there was a Junior College that started a Soccer Program and that was the only entertainment out of mubies and bowling. I chs a Soccer Player and loved they brought in college kids from all over the worlds that played at a high level and it was street and down the street from me. Now that im a father i think what do i want for my son and think what if i didnt have that opportunity because growing up as a boy and then a man, soccer gave me opportunity, it was a currency when i traveled to germany or Central America. It is a common language we all speak no matter how much money we speak and having the gooder fortune to run into San Francisco deltas employees [inaudible] i know this group, the Ownership Group was doing something right because score is a organization near and dear to my heart doing good in San Francisco and know reaching out to those people and kids that those kids and maybe my son will have the opportunity to grow up like i did and experience the high level of soccer that is quite affordable. I firmly believe the San Francisco deltas can make kezar great again. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Hi. Collin [inaudible] executive director of american scores, resident of district 5 and father of 3. American scores runs soccer and literacy enrichment programs for more than a thousand kids in San Francisco at 35 low income Public Schoolsism the programs are absolutely free, not a thousand dollars, not 2 thousand dollars, not 3 thousand dollars as ree heard some of the clubs are charging and i will say dana and her staff, phil under his leadership have been very supportive and accommodating for field usage, sharing for the populations that america scores work with so wants to say thank you to that. In addition to the programs we are also doing a asphalt to turf Field Initiative and like to suggest there may be opportunity to the field space problems as part of this initiative. We are transforming asphalt to sports stations. There is a lot of asphalt that can be transformed. We believe soccer is a tool for social change and a way to bring communities together. We see it throughout the city in our communities with families, with parents and their kids, and among families. Well see it tomorrow in front of this building on the plaza where we bring 150 kids from the tinder loin and surrounding to play soccer. We encourage you to see that. Phil and i and [inaudible] are hosting a rekick off reception. All this is to say we support soccer at all levels, we support the city and supporting soccer at the highest level, we support sf city sc and night hawks and the womens prm and support the sf Delta Initiative and revitalization of keza. Catherine, sean, heidi, tess, eileen , dennis and elizabeth. Hello commissioners. My name is cory smith, i am the treshier of the district 5 Democratic Club and also a resident of the haight ashberry neighborhood and live 5 blocks from the stadium. Im here in support of the deltas. I think it is a fantastic addition to my neighborhood. Everybody i talked to my age that lives around me that bring this up to them they are enthuse astic. There are not too many opportunities to attend professional sports games let alone down the block where i live. The positive benefit to the businesses in the area is something we need to Pay Attention to for saturday night game, if somebody is traveling far away and maybe they take bart they have lunch oen the haight and go to kezar, watch the team win and go out and have a beer and come home. It adds to my neighborhood and highly encourage you to support it and look forward to the first game. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning, my name is phil freed and sf director at sacred heart along with public high schools we are one of the main users of the stadium and have been for over 50 years for home Football Game squz Practice Track and field and play some of our soccer gamesism everyone is talking about there Great Community support that sf deltas will bring to the city, i am here to talk about the improvements and how they will benefit not only us but the other schools, middle schools and high schools throughout the city from the locker room to the tunnel, stands, lighting and sound system. I was there a up canal weeks ago and shared at that point in time we had a play off game out there and we have two games in a row and the first game i used the sound system for the stadium and hadnt been out since the last game so figured well use the sound system and it was horrible so the second time we had a game i had to bring my own portable sound system because the one the stadium has isnt functional to the degree it was useful. The improvements will be immeserable and dana and i and brian and dawn have talked and collaborated how scheduling will happen and how we will minimize or eliminate conflicts we have with things we want going on out there as well as with the deltas and Public Schools have so full support of. I will read the rest the cards. I have ethyl, miru, david and walter. Good morning commissioners. Larry burghimeer, a 30 year member the Kezar Stadium Advisory Committee and live 100 feet from the stadium. I support soccer at the stadium with limited attendance. Im opposed to [inaudible] the stadium wasnt built for professional use. Events of 2,000 to 4,000 are working but 6,000 or more dont work well for traffic flow as most streets are single lane. Shuttles get caught up. The neighbor on the block across the street from the stadium for 60 years told me when the 49ers played in the stadium they were trapped in their home most of the day. Kezar Advisory Committee worked to keep alcohol out of the stadium and have been a benefit to the [inaudible] youth events, open public use, occasional use for adult events but not 35 events. The plan use for delta in 5 years will double the professional use of the staid dium over the last 25 years. [inaudible] negative effects on alcohol and traffic congestion. The value oof improvements of the stadium are minimum compared to pup upgrade the stadium. [inaudible] i hope you will take serious consideration for the impact. Thank you. Next speaker. Tess [inaudible] with haight ashburry Neighborhood Council. We like soccer and support kezar use for non professional local Soccer Playersism we met with the delta team and have no traffic plan. They said uber car squz muni can handle sish thousand cars. 6 thousand cars doesnt work. There is no general Public Outreach such as signs posted arounds Kezar Stadium to alert neighbors about the issue and over 85 neighbors signed a petition in opposition to having this professional use. There are many vacant or partially used stadiums throughout the bay area and even the at t park can accommodate usage by the team. Week nights may be a win there. If rec and park has frequently said they need more fields for local soccer teams, if they dont find use on saturday night they need to advocate rather than taking over areas for that. But the privateization is there key thing here for me is we do not want this to see this the firstinose under the camels tent, we dont want to see privateization hof it public facilities. Neighbors use this to walk and sit and job and the local teams are using it and dont want the competition from private uses. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning everyone, my name is sean [inaudible] Resident Home owner in inner sunset and live a block away from the stadium. I have been a resident in San Francisco for 36 years. Im here to support the delta club and request rec and park grant them the right to sell alcohol bev erages during the games. Im aware the issues relating to the Public Events selling alcohol but i [inaudible] in this instance and believe if managed properly the delta soccer team will have great social, financial benefits for the area, such as the opportunity for families to watch professional soccer at a affordable price. Increase transport and parking and food sales. More plarntly importantly San Francisco is the only major city in the west coast with a professional soccer team. I would like the opportunity to see a professional soccer at Kezar Stadium and have it be successful. We are taking the family to a giant game is a small fortune. The option is a San Francisco delta soccer game. I can tell from my own experience ateneding games at kezar my children thoroughly enjoyed it. I would just like to address some of the issues as far as traffics is concerned. My recommendation as game days are concerned is all attendees enter the stadium through the east gate at fredric and willered or west gate. If the east gate is objectionable to residents the west gate is the single point of entry. Following the conclusion of the game all attendees exist the stadium the north gate or north east gate at the bake of the stadium both are ajaistant to the Police Station and residents. Thank you. Next speaker. Commissioners, my name is dennis mus cofeian and 4 nive year resident of sunset. Im also a district 5 representative to the parks Advisory Committee. Unforchly named pro sack. In the 80 p i was a part of the group that helped built the Affordable Housing Development Across from kezar and thaen we went after tearing down the old 49ers stadium and rebuilding the new stadium in 1999 the community and school rec facility. One of the premises of the opposition is no alcohol. Now im not on the kezar cack but others and that is a rule since 1991. I understand that actually rec and park told other teams like the stompers alcohol wasnt available to them when they requested it, but here we have alcohol and that is one of the reasons i came here to talk about this. I thought when dana ketcham presented the reason for the alcohol at prosac it sounded funny. First it was necessary because the owner of the future team will walk away from the table if he doesnt get alcohol and thought as a negotiator what a piss poor decision that is. I would never walk away from the table. I know better than that. Worse than that, it was said there were beer gardens outside and set a precedent so they didnt want people walking in and out of the stadium for boos and alcohol and should have it on there inside. I think if nothing else you need to look at the thing to shift the responsibility for consequences of alcohol to the neighbors, community and San Francisco police when you dont need the alcohol, it will attract more families with more children to watch the soccer. By the way, i support soccer, my daughter played soccer. 3 more cards, mar cello, billie and alexander. If there is anyone in the north light port and you want to speak come up now. Anyone here if i havent called your name and want to speak be prepared to come up once all these folks have spoken. Eileen bokeen and resident of sunset park side and in solidarity with the haight ashberry Neighborhood Council and Kezar Stadium Committee Opposing the proposal which includes the stadium for games and pogueo field and boxer stadium. I believe best use is activities for children and youth, not professional sports. Since 1991, the park prohiblted the sale of alcohol at kezar, changing this would send the wrong message especially to kids and create policing problems. This proposal will create parking and traffic issues. The installation of quality lighting will have impact on the neighborhoods. Outreach to the neighborhood is lacking. This is bad policy and bad business. The majority of upgrades would benefit them. The majority the 500,000 is use today install quality lighting. Rpd receives little from revenue and murchendous sales. Next speaker. Good morning commissioners. Ethyl [inaudible] im a board member oof haight ashberry Improvement Association but more importantly im a 3 year resident and as such im well aware of what happens and doesnt happen on a saturday night in the haight ashberry so would like to underscore the outhization of the permit because it is good for the kids and team and sport, but it is also going to be good for the community, the haight ashberry to have a organize, supervised healthy alternative for saturday night activities. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. My name is elizabeth [inaudible] i have been a long time user of Kezar Stadium before the 1999 renovation to the beautiful renovation i took my son there to learn to walk because it was a open area, i like to exercise there. I think having the deltas come therewe had soccer teams Come International and play there and havent had a lot of games there in the recent past and think it would be great if we have that because you can watch barcelona on tv but would rather watch a live game. I watched the sacred heart game because it is exciting to see the live game. I think there are ways to compromise on some of the issues and maybe it is traffic pattern or shuttle but many other cities have stadiums in the middle of the resident and they figure it out. Stadium goes police it so there is less likely a neg tchb element in the park if if families come and go through there. They have a positive presence to the area so hope you support the deltas and their proposal. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker and again if you are in the Northern Light court if i havent called your name and want to speak come up now. Good morning commission. David noa and a 4 year resident in San Francisco on the ingicide district and father of two, also my wife and i run a Youth Soccer Club in San Francisco. I had the pleasure of playing a soccer game at Kezar Stadium and beautiful facility for what it is worth. I know the staff of the sf deltas. I havent met brian but heard remarkable things about him. The plans they have to revitalize the stadium and turn it into a professional soccer stadium which will share access to the community sounds like a phenomenal project. As a father of 2 i know how important it is to reinforce the values and ideas and wonderful things soccer brings with having a professional backbone to support it and for us to have the opportunities to bring our kids to a professional soccer match, fantastic venue in San Francisco speaks volume for the sport and what woe want to share with our kids. Thank you. Next speaker. Hi there, my name is [inaudible] work for the deltas but prior to working w for them i played soccer 4 years at sf state and last 4 years a youth soccer coach. If you look at the rosters around San Francisco at college and within San Francisco, very few kids come out of San Francisco earning the scholarships and think the energy we can provide to the young kids to go after this will create opportunities educationally. When i met with bien about this opportunity i was curious about who he was and i have to say he is a incredible leader and person. 50 percent the staff is wem squn think that is unprecedented and he hears my voice when i say i dont think that represents women properly. A lot of women are here, we love soccer and want a organization that represents that. 2 3 of the staff are minority and in a work force in the city that struggles with that issue, that is something that im proud to represent. The other thing is follow through, we are not a organization that will come away and say we dpot our deal, lets forget all the issues discussed, we will follow through and want this to be the cities team, we want everyone to feel it is their team so well hear and work with them to make sure they feel good about the deal. Next speaker. Hello all, my name is Marcelo Rodriguez and here to speak for my two daughters, one is 13 and the other about to turn 11 and both are at school. My daughters are chinese, argentine partially jewish but one thing they are 100 percent is san franciscan and soccer fans. One of them is a junior and the other is [inaudible] and we have huge sites at home, people in the audience who fallpo soccer would know what that about. Each of them can tell you every member the starting line up of barcelona. They can even tell you the starting line up of madrid, boo. Soccer is passion in our home and passion

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