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Okay. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, i want to welcome you to the wegz the meeting will come to order this the the Land Use Commission im supervisor cowen chair and skwloin e joining us will be vice chair oh, Supervisor Scott Wiener joining us to my left is supervisor kim ill also like to acknowledge ms. Lisa and thank you to jim smith and the staff for broadcasting this meeting madam clerk, any announcements . Today. Electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the december 1st board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Or the thank you call item one. Number one the ordinance for the administrative code for the prosecution on the advertising ever sugary drink beverage on City Property thank you, colleagues in june the board unanimously passed legislation to prohibit advertising of sugary drink beverage on City Property along with two other accompanying piece of legislation concerning sugary drink beverage requiring the warning rablz on sugary drink beverage advisement and city is eliminating city spend on sugary drink beverage a week after the psa of the law the Supreme Court ruled on in a court case reed with arizona regarding the First Amendment the City Attorney reevaluated the legal issues by the sugary drink beverage advertising band ordinance this is for this reason to repeal the band well continue to enact the warning label and the spending legislation the two pieces will continue to move forward awhile needless to say this is a disappointing situation i want to assure those folks that are obvious and recognizing with us on the band for sugary drink beverage we can lift this First Amendment hurdle to destine our fight against the big soda i want to assure were committed to a long fight begins in industry and continue to craft thoughtful policy aimed to protect the health of san franciscans supervisor wiener i think you have a few remarks. Thank you, madam chair and thank you for your continued leadership in trying to move us in a good direction of Public Health in reducing the accumulation of sugary drink beverage soda theyre helping to fuel the type 2 diabetes in our country including xhoong children in low income communities and community of color 40 percent of americans have type 2 diabetes and well have to take strong steps to reduce the accumulation of those drinks as around cigarettes a madam chair we have 56 percent of tax vote 10 million was stacked in the soda industry against us unfortunately, we had a change in the law that was the Supreme Court didnt look at the First Amendment but the it is what it is and i do want to stress we continue to move forward aggressively with our legislation the first of its kind and passed by the board this year to require Health Warnings on advisements for sugary drink beverage with the soda industry has suited San Francisco over that law we feel good well defend it in court and aggressively i look forward 0 those Health Warnings go on going on advisements and reminding people and educating people that those drinks make people sick. Thank you, supervisor wiener so folks why not see go ahead and open up for Public Comment any Public Comment . Just want to remind you have 2 minutes with a soft bells chime with 30 seconds waiting and open up for Public Comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed for item one. Thank you, thank you very much. Colleagues, can i have a motion to send that to the full board with a positive recommendation recognized by supervisor kim that passes with a positive recommendation madam clerk two. The rezoning map for the Residential District and the Mission District i believe we have Diego Sanchez with us from the Planning Department staff hell be presenting on this item. Good afternoon desegregates with the Planning Department supervisors on june 18th the Planning Commission considered the ordinance for the rezoning for the ocean avenue in house from the rh2 m1 to the ocean avenue nc t after taking Public Comment which was in favor of this ordinance they deliberated and considered the departments recommendations for the department recommended favorable this to the Planning Commission the Planning Commission vote in favor of this ordinance that concludes my presentation. Ill be happy to answer any questions. I appreciate that brief presentation the Planning Department can also do that is there a representative from jims office. Jen come on up thank you, madam chair im here on behalf of the supervisor yee were talking about how we can support Small Businesses and here we have a very pro tem commercial confronted on mission avenue inform encourage the Small Businesses without raising height limits we count on youre showcasing support and it fits in the balboa park area plan to sfrelg the commercial district for the moscone in the area it fits with the plan we have general support from the public and from the supervisor thank you. Thank you very much appreciate youre showcasing remarks at this time seeing there is no colleagues that want to speak why not go ahead and open up for Public Comment Public Comment is anyone else follow this gentleman. Good afternoon. Supervisors my name is dan weaver speaking today as the executive director of the ocean Avenue Community benefits district otherwise as the ocean Avenue Association we developed this idea together with tom because we noticed that in the cv d the corridor the most pedestrians in the to and from city college to the bart station have no services along the streets so this seems like like a logical way to encourage that without calling for a major skroern e rezoning district and everyone in the neighborhood supports this cv d supports it unanimously this is something people can do but dont have to unless questions tassels. Thank you very much there anyone from the public that wishes to speak at this time seeing none, Public Comment is closed and colleagues is there a motion on this item. inaudible . A motion made to move forward with a positive recommendation well take that without objection. This motion passing and mr. Clerk. An ordinance for the measurement of the methodology for the Creative Process for the in fills in existing structures in a c3 that exceeds the height. This was continued by the committee a few weeks ago i believe we have aaron starr Planning Department no pressure but diego has a short period of time i dont know if you could do that but it would be appreciated if you could. Good afternoon, supervisors aaron starr Planning Department the proposed ordinance on july 23rd and the Commission Voted unanimous with approval with modifications to require the Zoning Administrator to review by permanence in the ordinance that that concludes my remarks ill be happy to answer any questions. Im proud of you, mr. Star supervisor kim anything to say and ill be making a motion to continue. Majored were going to continue this item until december 14th lets go ahead and open up for Public Comment anyone do so at the podium seeing none, Public Comment is closed at this time is there a motion on this item. Id like to make a motion to continue this item excuse me. To monday, december 14th that item passes well take that without objection. Okay mirena burns call item 4. A hearing on, on expansion of the staff to put in a totality program for the maintenance of the Public Toilet facilities. I cant wait to hear about this pit spot supervisor kim is the author. Ill excited for this Program Throughout the city and in youre showcasing district youve called to ask the city to expand the success tenderloin and some pit spot program to additional locations every neighborhood should have access to clean and Public Safety ive asked the Controllers Office to do and thank the team under mr. Rosenfeld to expand in the successful pits spot our office employed in the summer of 2014 the critical components of what makes this successful is the regular maintenance only possible with staffing when i first came into the office i heard over and over that we need more safe clean toilet option and it often are Small Businesses or the j. C. Barrooms are not a good solution and, in fact, the j. C. Program was dangerous for families and the residents dont feel safe there is a clear demands for the facilities on average everyday almost a one people use the 3 pits spots in july alone reduced were used over 4 thousand times the city savings over 4 thousand gallons of water because we have a reduction in the steam cleaning requests from the neighborhood i want to repeat a reduction by 50 percent from the tenderloin those facilities made our streets cleaner with garbage collected a secured read you needle drop off for the collection of needles i want to thank my colleagues for unanimously approving this to make the pit spot permanent with our support and the port of the city family the pit spot has expanded to the south of market and mid market and 16th street i want to recognize and thank you to public works who worked with us between 2012 and 2014 to come up with this Creative Program we knew that putting Public Toilets on the street wouldnt address the issue in the restraints i residents that dont have access or the neighbors need a place to go whether there is toilet paper and access to sinks and handwash to go into a place of dignity no one wanted to say go to the toilet own the streets it is made renewally by many people and this that will help keep our streetcars cleaner and it is unacceptable our residents have to go to the bathroom on the streets this is also in a need or problem unique to the population in San Francisco it impacts all of us the use of a public bathroom restroom is a human necessity and our pit spot at the plaza the children and farmers and shopper at the heart of the Farmers Market in our backyard are able to use them residents and others we need clean and safe Public Restrooms youve used them in the neighborhood we can fully leverage the exciting resources to help make this happen and looking forward to the hearing from all the possibility i also want to recognize again, the Controllers Office public works and also rec and park for the time theyve spent studying this issue and thank you to the many residence that leading lent thorough support to those coming out today to speak on this issue well be hearing from public works and the Controllers Office to present their naturals i see the idnuru. For making this success. Ill acknowledge supervisor wiener for putting three and four before director star are and commenting for your work on the Pit Stop Program i found to be successful as mr. Nuru will attest weve had a long, long problem with the j. C. Code toilets the one in front of the the Market Street and market and buchanan it was really just horrible and a lot of people myself included talked about how to move it elsewhere until it was completely fail people with or living in there and shooting up florida in under except for the call of nature. Thank you to mr. Nuru it is staffed and what it is not staffed it is closed for those specific hours and since it was taken into the Pit Stop Program ive not had a single complainant but the toilet ive noticed in the surrounding area and it shows what happened when you have the proactive approach to make sure that everyone in the city has access to the roormentz in a thoughtful way i want to thank you for bring up that particular toilet into the program. All right. Im glad to hear this presentation i want to hear with supervisor kim has done in ore district and rolling it out in the district so with that, said director nuru. Thank you, supervisor kim for calling the hearing as supervisor kim said the concept was born a little bit over a year ago we were having a budget meeting and landmarking for a solution to the concerns around people who defecating in the streets and also that year we talked about drought and how we could reduce water and as a result, the Pit Stop Program was conceived at the Public Works Department and the program is a very really straightforward program it provides bathrooms to the public and the bathrooms locations was selected bans a little bit of some data we collected in the toipd and the first 3 locations were seconded and youll hear if the presentation we have 9 locations in the works the bathrooms is pretty sure as youve heard what makes the difference is the supervision scott wagner having someone under at each location and every one of the locates recognitions location we have test applied and seen an increase well show the number of uses as high as 50 percent or more the bathrooms created to be a safe place for someone to be able to use the bathroom but as part of the program we also provide an area where people can discard the needles and also an area where people can pickup doggy bags they come together the actual bathroom a doerl deeper we call a pit stop the bathrooms have to be very clean so the pilot were using actively provides fresh air and make sure the toilets are clean, make sure there is soap to wash our hands everything youll except concept in a bathroom the next slide shows steam cleaning request in the city citywide as you can see the concentrations of where the Department Needs to respond to steam cleaning and as you can see the tenderloin is very, very dark the mission and selma, the castro parts of hate street and their skaurtd throughout the city the concentration are mainly in the mid market area and towards mission. A little bit about the program itself the program itself as you can see does a does a number of things most important when people need to go have a place to go it is a Job Training Program so the partnership is a lot of the people that manage these bathrooms and training he get them ready for a job the bathroom also provides the areas where people can get rid of things by having the bathroom staffed when people come along with you know pads or shopping cart or something the staff assists to keep an eye on those facilities those are some of the benefits of the program. Where we are were in the locations o locations in addition to data there is some locations we are just piloting and seeing what a difference it will make as you can see a contemplation in the south of market a around 16 and mission and the 2020 location. Excuse me. Director nuru how did you select the locations for the current pit stop and how to select the future locations. So when we started the program we looked at our data on areas we received a large number of calls steam cleaning and those areas were primarily in the tenderloin we went out and did some field surveys for a couple of months collecting the data for the most appropriate locations one of the key areas we found out in the our studies that many of those areas are the soup kitchens are located there was a contemplation not enough facilities is the pilot showed an indication those were some prime areas and in addition to other areas that we had based on the area the first 3 were rolled out in the tenderloin and two of them close to programs that provide meals and one of them is the program that a lot of people like to hang out. The pit as to the in the tenderloins are they staffed or nonstaffed. All pit stopped are staffed thats the concept of the bathrooms and our program is two types of toilets one well hear from the j. C. City Group Toilets been around for many years those are permanent and the mobile ones those can move so mostly in the tenderloin were working on mobile toilets yeah. Thank you the next graph actually show us from data before we started the pit stop, stop youll see the blue requests for steaming and as we implemented the pit stop over others last year and few months as you can see the huge reduction in the request for steam cleaning so in those areas where altercation using our data we had to respond to calls those areas we targeted and seen a reduction in the request for services but also in some of the cleaning up of those areas citywide were still struggling citywide as you can see citywide, you know, it the data is fluctuating but you know we dont have this program all over the city we said to share that data so you can see yeah. Okay i think one of the areas we did want to share some detail with you is the mission the program in the mission the program in the mission had a combination of both j. C. Growth and the pit stop and theyve the pit stop is more located closer to 16th street and cap and the other on the bart plaza but from just when we started the Pit Stop Program on 16th street and cap street weve seen the huge increase by 51 percent and on the j. C. Coffee toilet on the plazas weve seen an increase as high as 92 percent so thats 92 percent matt haney going above double the number of flushes in the j. C. Corridor so that tells us weve found this in our locations the having staff at the location and making sure that it is clean and available for when people want to use them more people are using them and the number of flushes increasing because of more use the next slide just shows citywide where we have the various types of toils the greens are the j. C. Coffee and the ones in the blue are pit stops and the ones with the darker blue the pit stops that are staffed so right now we killer have 9 locations in the city those locations are next slide, please if you want yeah 9 locations but the pit as opposed mostly the hours of operation of days a way week and 5 locates for the 3 of them in the tenderloin and the one in the mission and the other 1 of street 4 locations those are staffed for twelve hours a day two of them one at the corner of larkin and grove and the other on the corner of Market Street and the one that supervisor wiener talked about at 2020 Market Street across from the whole foods and the fourth one is located in the mission on the bart plaza and with all of them we have seen huge increases in the number of flushes, in fact, the one at civic center and the plazas are going triple the number of uses just by counting the number of flushes and weve also seen an increase in a lot of calls to our agency for people who really appreciate having the bathrooms that are there a lot of the children and others are using them so you know we strong belief in staffing for the costs of staffing the main toilets for the pit stop a little bit over seven hundred thousand for the 5 locates and the j. C. Already permanently there the cost is 200 and 35 thousand or so is being budgets this year in the works were looking at locations were looking at hate ashbury so were in the budget and working with the recreation and Parks Department to figure out where that locations will be the it is currently there the plan to staff j. C. And also need to bring the pit stop somewhere along hate street maybe towards the middle were working on that that is funded here and in district 9 working with supervisor campos expressed an interest in funding he has to explore a location in the mission. The future the Program Objective we are in a pilot phase but one of the i think key challenges is to begin to make sure that these bathrooms are more ada assessable and starting the process of going into a design phase of what types of ramps can work and the challenges are mostly with the pit stops we have to move them from place to place and what kind of amenities and looking at the types of bathrooms additional amenities we can add to make them more comfortable for the public. Ill leave it with a slide from one of the quotes from someone who has relevance interviewed with a retiree that says the pit stop is private, it is clean, and it has a sink, it has soap and seat covers and paper twoeldz and light that is comfortable and a blessing a wonderful space thank you. Thank you. I love that comment too it is very important a human elements to add to the presentation i want to talk about the costs of pit stop it seems like to be fairly expensive to run and operate the portable pit stop is this number 700,000 figure is that to manage the pit stops in existence. The 5 you have but includes the cleaning and also includes the transporting to the various sites those are the mobile toilets and brought ultimate and brought back. To the same locations every time. Yes. Normally around the same location. Is theyre going back to one of the previous slides of the future requests have you identified money e money in the budgeted to absorb the potential locations. In this budgeted that was passed that was the first new edition of funds previously the 3 location one halfway through the budget and now 9 locations we are pilot and going to be adding two more to that up to 11 and as we collect data and for the locations we study those locations so the future of public bathrooms being staffed is really being looked at very, very closely he have an opportunity right now with Public Toilet contract out on the streets in their soliciting vendors to apply for the contract that contract will look at the existing toilets and possible even adding toilets were using the data to locate the potential areas but studying the toilets those toilets have not been staffed in the past and trying to staff those locations so see what types of feedback but from the admissible studies weve done and the initial feedback made an enormous amount of change. Let me ask a question i know you know the bayview on the list of potential sites nothing on the third street corridor i wanted to get youre showcasing opinion is that an oversight or a demands just not where that needs to be i think with every situation and ever request for where in their located needs background when we were looking at all parts of city including did bayview we looked at the third and other areas as a potential location owe felt we have communities groups e. R. Amenities in the area with the jolie rec center and the nonprofit in the area were not received a request asking for it but looking at that could be a potential location. I appreciate that unusual or usually those are facilities the Homeless People are discouraged from using those facilities of their rec and park but it is is growing demands for the pit stops along the corridor we have numerous requests. You know which one person needs to leave it in Good Condition we say staff to make sure theyre not abused and really you know have a good experience. Thank you so much supervisor kim. I just wanted to you know comment on the human aspect the pit stop and mentioned ive talked with countless avoid or individual another woman talked about how she goes to the same pitted stop every afternoon it is the one time during the day she gets to be my herself and spends time meditating there are countless things beyond the basic necessity of a clean bathroom but i really 20789 commend director nuru when i brought up the issue of access to clean and safe bathrooms in the Tenderloin Museum i want to give a shout out and our con coconcepts we came up with ideas we didnt think would work we saw with the j. C. Bathrooms prior theyre under utilized and a magnet for dangerous activities we wouldnt have this fireman today and hopefully, well demonstrate not only the other aspects were safeway money through this program im exist to see this citywide every neighborhood should have this program thank you. All right. Thank you director nuru. I Public Comment cards. We have the Controllers Office my apologies the Controllers Office is here to do a presentation we have pike stephen on and other this is a citywide analysis from the Controllers Office kind of comping through the data. Thank you very much welcome back ms. Stephano son. Im head the Controllers Office and ill turn it over to claire and phil were asked to expand the analysis and bring in other data sources and if you want to look at the data where you should site toilets in the city this is designed that way if you want us to well walk you through the analysis it is interesting. Good afternoon Committee Members im claire with the Controllers Office and with my colleague joel and well present a special accessibility on the Public Toilets. So were to provide a representation of the Public Toilets are located and the toilets can be added to provide for access in the higher demands areas were proud remedies for pit stop analysis and expansion and provide a cost comparison for Public Resources and staffing. Im going to move through this quickly that is what public works has presented but the tack away a total of 9 locations in the pit stop and theyre all staffed. So the types of current Public Toilets we included in the analysis are permanent locations that is rec and park and parks and libraries and hospital as well as parking garage and fire stations and portable the 5 location and the future locations the city determines as well as the semi permanent the j. C. There are 25 j. C. Throughout the city and 5 of them are currently staffed in the pit stop and 20 unstaffed are the ones that are open 24 7 with that, im going to turn it over to joe to walk through the analysis. Good afternoon, supervisors jump cerebrothe analysis figure a on the vein the location 200 and 74 half of those are maintained by the recreation and Parks Department police and fire stations 20 percent dpw and the library has between 10 and 11 percent and the rest is dpw Health Clinics and parking garages and others to be built we dont have complete data on the hours of the locations but in general we know for example, the parks facilities and pit stops Library Close others 9 00 p. M. We identified the one siding there are a number of them fall from the map in particular the number drops into 200 and 74 down to 278 difference between daytime and night time but from here our analysis is daytime hours we dont look at variant including the staff that library has on different days and we dont have know how many people can request to use the bathrooms at police and fire stations and people that are comfortable to provide the conservative ascertainment of the situation we saw those at the ends of the analysis we have anecdotal two tenth of a mile is someone will walk to use the bathroom this is a 2 million buffer and to give you a sense of conform, however, this didnt account for the amount of demands in the next slide Homeless People are not the only users we want to understand how assessable to the population and that is what you see represented in the shading on this map here we used the location of the restrooms in combination with the 2015 homeless sense census data and the darker shaded areas are the lower and the lights err the higher accessibility the others are the room to help said we focused on the sunset neighborhoods and the lower position a brightlyly shaded area here we have a number of rooms coauthors to the census data on the index higher and right police have that with a lower ascertainment because no restrooms located in that edition bull a lot of demand in this area as well in contrast the tenderloin as you can see a number of rooms but no stated has lower accessibility more people significantly more people in that area so to focus our attention on the area that needs it the most thats not not showing up on the screen we took out the areas with either a higher accessibility or a low demands and last in figure 57 this is a big area it is further to focus our attention we analyzed 311 data to see the hot spots for street cleaning to human wastes and thats shown on the map in the upper left we did the same thing with the pilot data people will use the restrooms that exist if they feel comfortable so weve done this the figure on the right this is starting with 311 hot spots spots where the additional locations could be placed and indicating there purple where the hot spots overlap the 311 opposing help to identify the areas for additional staffing figure 7 a brings the information together and figure 7 b sodiums in the primary area in the Northeast Corner of the city weve identified here 6 different areas where the we feel the area suggests that the program could be expanded the first one in the vicinity of Market Street between montgomery fremont were not suggesting that the portable attests be placed at those locations but nevertheless, the data suggests it has identified needs that should be addressed the second one on the map is in the vicinity of thifrd and bryan this is near the i 80 overpass we know this is the homeless encampments and the third one is this is in the invented of 6th street and brian the hall of justice and the Police Station as a result of we factor in the hall of justice is there and that may influence the outcome the fourth one is the larger area near 9th street and fulsome the fifth in the vicinity of fulsome again an overpass and skate parking in this area that didnt have a restroom and finally this is in the vicinity of brandon im going to turn it over to claire to discuss her findings. So the felt out of this analysis the first is it there, there are a number of displacement rooms throughout the city and a few locations with a higher demands and a limited number of locations that need additional toilets our second significantly less availability citywide for an assembly toilet between 9 oclock at night and 9 oclock in the morning and they disclose by the rec and park facility although they differ on schedule forefront from dawn actually dusk based on those finding a number of recommendations the first is to continue this data driven approach to develop important staffing locations and to evaluate the opportunities to expand public restroom housing and staff and to evaluate the pilots and the restroom use so there are a number of Public Toilet resources that are out there and can be beneficial they have different benefits to start the porta potty the city is familiar there are short term and longer than to different locations and the costs are low those costs didnt include the Culture Service only the one expense a portable personal toilet that can be used for cam and carried with someone they told her e folded up into a brief case and they can be individual to a person. Where are they available how do i get one. You can find them as the r e i a number of Online Stores that provide them. You threw me it applies to other Public Resources i thought that was a public resource. No. Those are the toilet options for the Public Resources so porta potties in addition to the Public Toilets costs considerations in the Public Toilet the bags needs to be replenished and the air p and p the applications to search and see what is in youre showcasing area a variety of businesses will advertise their toilets anywhere from zero to 5 conflict of interests some offer toilets free of charge and just is if youre available in this area come in and use the toilets others will charge from one to 5 to use the toilet peruse another option the p planter the p mraeshts are available any time there is a bit more trains ill talk about that in the next slide and also the portland ill talk about that and those are similar to the j. C. Designed for that urban areas so to get to the p plan it is selfcontained theyre out in the open theyre a bit more transparent in the picture some plastic and also a planter that provides transparency and dignity to the use the restroom in the public space. Do we have any in San Francisco. We dont currently. Where are those available oakland did a pilot and it is a startup theyre working with other agencies. You evaluate their pilot program. I believe that public works will be able to speak about what we found and speaking with them they mentioned when we looked at the p planter theyre really only used for urine not for all types of public wastes so it is specific to areas that have issues with urine and but we can look into the other locations that have used those in the pilots to see their educational to look that the benefits the p planters the use of gray water and the plants are reuse the water and it is treated so there are not issues are odor and available 24 7 the portland this was designed in pormd not only the city of portland but san diego is using some their designed to be duringable their 0 in the pictures notices at enclosed you can see above and below theyre a bit more transparency to that safety aspect of a Public Toilet and on a sting inside it is on the outside where people wash their hands and thought of better for urban investment since no way to tell if the sing was left on inside of the Public Toilet and more transparent if someone leaves it on it can be turned off by another water source who uses the water source outside of the public room and it is electrical by ac lighting and low flush we require a sewer connection so this is something to consider when thinking about costs and locations and 2012 portland paid one thousand 40 theories thousand and every one was after that lower like 12,000 so we talked about that many benefits of Public Toilets the environmental cycle water supporting the public works Expansion Efforts to have an area that is clean and safe important people to use as needed cost also is reduced for street steam cleaning and save facilities that are assessable to all the benefits of staffing really goes to that clean and safe place and jobs program with Workforce Development and low income individuals so staffing for others 9 staffing location are all staffed the portable toilets are staff 8 hours a day and the other ones 12 hours a day public works prior his the soup kitchen location did a walk through service and public works they are on the streets and the 311 human waste requests public works promoted a staffing at 87 thousand theres for the pilot location at church and market value and public works is in the process of identifying the next location a few notes on budget of the violated portable part of pit stop the cost is one hundred and one thousand plus per units the staffing is the 87,000 plus for staffing in addition another budget a 060 thousand add back from supervisor london breed to staff the j. C. Toilet at mueller this shied gives American People overall comparison the toilets weve tubed as you can see the different between those that are available the date hair available in the evening and again, the j. C. Are upcoming staffed are 24 7 those are available at night and the porta pot emmys are twentyfour hours and the portable toilets are currently just during the day part of Pit Stop Program is closing by 9 oclock at night so we have the estimate costs the higher ends of the costs are the public works and the planters in blue and for the staffing costs estimate were assuming expands hours to 14 hours a day from 6 at night and 6 to the morning or 7 to 9 00 oclock but summoning u assuming 20 dallas an hour that is one hundred thousand applause plus or minus if the hours are expanded more vaeblt between 9 oclock at night and 9 oclock in the morning for a 14 hours day those are the costs estimates and the total cost the j. C. Estimated annual cost per unit the city is not paying right now but the j. C. Contract comes up at the end of negotiation and so if there are other options youll see that the costs are a little bit higher for the porta pot emmys on the lower end and the others between twohundred do and 50,000 that concludes my presentation. And ill be happy to answer any questions. Staff any questions. Supervisor kim and no questions i want to say outline you iuoe how the Controllers Office helped with the multiple source of data to understand the resources the city circling has to utilize without additional costs and maybe improve some of the access to those like our libraries and rec and park and be interesting to look at the firehouses as well but to look at the data with the gaps it is incredibly interesting i want to make sure we have a citywide data driven to put the resources where the need is this is a really nice study and look at the possibilities and what other cities are diagnose and the costs benefit or the cost analysis so thank you for your work and we have one final quick presentation from the rec and park. Good afternoon. Supervisors we are mostly available for questions but pointing out out an expansion as the Controllers Office mentioned we got an ad back from supervisor president London Breed Office to initially to staff a restroom at hate and daniel at Golden Gate Park with the communication with the recreation and Parks Department and the lessons through the pilot shifted to the j. C. A half block further that is a lesson for all of us not every single room is appropriate for staffing given the location and some of the chronic restraints wanted to let you know that excuse me. Im fighting a cold that our rooms are there are different categories of restrooms in our system we have a total of one and 66 rooms 50 of those are expanded alone the type of rooms in the panhandle in Golden Gate Park 3 three of those are internal to the rooms like supervisor cowen at the jolie rec center is staffed and open much later on dusk 68 of our restrooms are we call associated with the building but they also face the exterior of the park for example, on hampton arock arock Center Restrooms that serve the interior but assess them from the playground and because were looking at to by the people from Obligation Bond we have of restrooms that are under construction. Thats all thank you. Thank you. Lets go ahead and take Public Comment i have a few cards ill call up a few people calling names my apologies in i mispronounced the names are you edward. I am. Good to see you. Good afternoon edward a proud residents of district 10 live a couple of blocks from the plaza im happy to hear supervisor cohen mentions i think that is an convalescent location for one of the portable toilets in the staffing for that toilet ive person witnessed people urinating and Dennis Herrera kate around that a utility box on upcoming daily and third street it is a full urine sitting at the base this will go along ways to help that situation ill urge you go you to support it. The data didnt support what we know as a reality. Ill take issue where the opera house is under construction and not knowing what it is to be implemented ill not aware of the Public Restrooms in that vicinity just look at how people on behalf of in the real world well agree that a pit stop would be helpful there. Well keep our eyes open calling names . Supervisors im james sword the president of the hate ashbury council for more than a year pushing for the pit as to the in the hate ashbury were disappointed they entered others neighborhoods first but in addition to the gentlemans comment i want to point out it looks on the status to rooms in the neighborhood that are listed that will available to the public are not i believe the j. C. The one at page and cannon i can think of 3 off the top of my head that needs the rooms from mosaic to other parts in the tenderloin should be brought into the neighborhood like the hate unlike neighborhoods that meet the high demands we have visitors were a high tourist location and as you may know tourism helps to run this city ill urge to help you move those into the hate asbury by the need them and we have a lot of calls regarding the feces and urine ive made those calls ive seen people from all walks of life and know a neighbor that lives a block away clean up and it is not just the people the franchises ive seen people jumping out of cars and urinating in hate ashbury and continuing i think that cross all economic values that needs to come to the hate and please bring the tenderloin pit stop to the hate ashbury thank you. Thank you calling names . Thank you, supervisors my name is kevin a Business Owner and residents in district one Business Owner in district 67 one of the locations that was mentioned actually is on 6th street and brian on fulsome street i can say we need more Public Restrooms i experience it coming to work and have a 7yearold daughter it is difficult when a little girl asking to find a room in San Francisco as a Business Owner we have clients our clients are Large Companies like other than and drop box and we have instant problems with people urban nationally and defecating so i completely support it as a Business Owner to move forward to the board of supervisors and expanding this program thank you for your time. Thank you. Hi, im carly with the have the nonprofit that works with Homeless Youth in the hate this issue of having access to clean public radio restrooms is critical like with just visual part of our programs is actually clean power the street and the user rinses are having to clean up after it is a major issue the number one issue that is brought up in the Neighborhood Council and the administers association when people are speaking about problems our neighborhood is dealing with and the idea there are Public Restrooms available like the Police Station and the Fire Department i didnt know that is a resource that is available let alone tourists and the homeless like they realize this is able but wouldnt consider that a resource but a Clean Environment is crucial so thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please my name is christian and representing the hate ashbury Merchant Association ill read a letter from the hate ashbury Merchant Association they support to staff the public rooms whether the existing parks or the roving one little needs for twentyfour hour public assess for residents and visitors to use and the president will send a letter to you guys regarding this well also on the Fire Department and the Police Station most of those bathrooms are out of order maybe not for the general pub public we had kids go and try to use the public station theyre denied assess the only these boardrooms are the downstairs the ones weve attempted to use are out of order and the ones upstairs are for the firefighters we have been talking to dpw and supervisor breed about putting the pit stops in the hate and have a Workforce Program that is designed to work with the kids and a Successful Program that we provide housing for services they work and clean up the streets and willing to man the toilets on a volunteer basis and it is a working model we can actually have worked with the pits stops in the hate asbury thank you. Thank you. calling names im sorry no, no you were in line after this next speaker calling names . Supervisors thank you. Im chris s c h u l l i thought we were down with the names im representing the lower Polk Communities thank you to supervisor kim and supervisor wiener and supervisor cowen for you know hanging out and listening what we have to say i think lower Polk Communities district has been working closely with the la boss in the tenderloin work with sergeant ma custodial that is correct we heard allowed the room is a big problem for that park the safety and drug use and prostitution is an issue they said the number one thing theyll do to improve the park staff that restroom im pleased did benefit district about make a commitment to staff that room next year were working with dpw and j. C. On the details and it will happen to so the benefit district will staff that hoping to get improvement and really hope probation officer work with the city longterm to get it staffed beyond 2017 thank you for your time and looking forward to working with supervisor kim and her staff thank you. Thank you, paul i didnt. Good afternoon. Im the director of the engagement for households Community Housing partnership 100 percent in favor of keep that in mind the pit stops to defendant indicate inside with dignity i remember chris daily going at it in his chambers thinking that Sigmund Freud was alive they would be pleased when we talk about the defecating the solutions with really, really good to give people a pot to pea in and do what every other thing that human beings do and echoing the comment not just about homelessness i would in the marina for a short monument and those kids have problems with respecting a toilet as well im now it is really excited to see were moving away part of San Francisco from the penaltytion and ticketing and sending people to 850 bryant and coming up with solutions that work for all of us thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, im dane with the korea im all for the public bathrooms because of dignity and Health Issues and coming out of youre showcasing place and seeing people urinate between cars e cars is not pleasant. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon, supervisors im the Public Policy manager at the partnership and a residents of district 8 i live a half block away from Public Toilets my objections is or not and people are going there it is clean theres an tenant there so you know, i see that as a huge asset where i live and as a Public Health professional i want to say that health is not a privilege but a right for everyone and basic sanctuary it is good for Public Health im in support of extending this program thank you. Km. Good afternoon, supervisors my name is elie im a residence of district 6 for several years especially in the tenderloin im here to ask you to talk with youre showcasing colleagues ta to support and expand the Pit Stop Program there is only one problem i have unlike everyone else i have the exact same thing my blood didnt go by a clock those 0 would be denied shelter cant stay at others locations they need to use the restroom maybe the tourists out drink in the hate or castro they needed need to use the program of this is expanded for 24hour hours a day at least to 1 or 2 clock in the morning thank you. Im a Community Organizer with of the Partnership Im in support of expanding the Pit Stop Program citywide i want to call your attention to the workers that are mann the stops and consider that is xoeld rainy and cold very shelter to stay ive seen them out there often they do really hard work maintaining the facilities i want to call outs their situation not being able to sit or have shelter if the elements on the job thanks. Anyone else that want to speak on item number 4 please come up were going to close Public Comment soon oh, hi. Jennifer coalition on homelessnessness it is supporting expanding the pit stop and what a beautiful thing to talk about Actual Solutions to an issue that is really wonderful and i think that theres nothing there dignified than be able to use the restroom in private it is just so important to human integrity i cant say emphasis that enough none uses restrooms outdoors it is just not in human nature about that activity so i want to thank supervisor kim and the rest of the supervisors and we really support this thanks. Thank you that is good to hear is there any additional Public Comment on item 4 seeing none, Public Comment is closed. At this time supervisor kim any last minute remarks if not well move on. I just want to thank everyone for coming out it is not often that we launch a program that is gets 100 percent actually 100 percent positive favorable from the community this is a rarity in San Francisco although i hear we definitely need to expand the hours our blackboards dont run on a clock it is in the night time ill glad to see the staff are operating at longer hours im looking forward to expanding this program weve demonstrated its success in district 678 and south of market and the tenderloin all communities can use the toilets we need a space like this in every single neighborhood and you like i said, it is a great resource for the residents and our nightclubs but maybe our 50 50 Hotel Residents that dont have the great right restrooms ive used the restrooms as someone that grew up in the city i know i have a map of restrooms that are available which mcdonalds and gaps and starbucks i think many of us do and it is better for the tourists and our Farmers Market vendors have something you dont have to figure out what public rooms whether youre a customer that is a great story and thank you director nuru it is his leadership in getting this program off to a great start the program is incredible. Thank you to the Controllers Office and rec and park were looking at many ways to expand this program and i think in the most Cost Effective way possible take advantage of the resources and i do want to thank make the Community Advocates in helping us bring this program to life i want to that thank any colleagues supervisor malia cowen and supervisor wiener and many in our driblts. Supervisor kim you want to file this item or to the call of the chair im open to both you if you want to move that forward or happy to file it. Okay. Ill make a motion to file. Okay motion by supervisor kim to file this item well take that without objection. That motion carries before this body . Theres no further business. Ladies and gentlemen, thats a wrap thank feel like it really is a community. They are not the same thing, but it really does feel like theres that kind of a five. Everybody is there to enjoy a literary reading. The best lit in San Francisco. Friendly, free, and you might get fed. [applause] this San Francisco ryther created the radar reading series in 2003. She was inspired when she first moved to this city in the early 1990s and discover the wild west atmosphere of open mi its ic in the mission. Although there were these open mics every night of the week, they were super macho. People writing poems about being jerks. Beatty their chest onstage. She was energized by the scene and proved up with other girls who wanted their voices to be heard. Touring the country and sharing genx 7 as a. Her mainstream reputation grew with her novel. Theses San Francisco Public Library took notice and asked her if she would begin carrying a monthly reading series based on her community. A lot of the raiders that i work with our like underground writers. Theyre just coming at publishing and at being a writer from this underground way. Coming in to the library is awesome. Very good for the library to show this writing community that they are welcome. At first, people were like, you want me to read at the library, really . Things like that. As a documentary, there are interviews [inaudible] radar readings are focused on clear culture. Strayed all others might write about gay authors. Gay authors might write about universal experiences

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