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Would love to see us. To your point, take more of the bright spots and whats working and build on that. So do we. What else do we have that could be that foundational Building Blocks to move us forward . Sure terme. So we dont have to wait for a brand new curriculum. Um, so just so a couple of things is one, i feel like were building great anticipation for the schools to present. Um, and i think one of the things i just want to name is just the degree to which theyre being highlighted for the strength of their sight based practices. And i think one of the things youre going to hear from them is theyve really different staffing models. And so were going to hear about the range of instructional practices that we can learn from based on Different School types. Um, some of the bright spots i want to lean on a little bit more outside of just curricular, um, in addition to that, um, are some of the structures that have been put in place, um, within the district, both related to math, but outside of as well . Um, so one of the bright spots i want to lean on. And again, im not trying to steal presidios thunder, but just to give like a little taster, um, is theyre going to talk a little bit about common planning time and common planning time, particularly at the middle school level, as an opportunity for Math Department to come together in instructionally plan as a group. Again, im not going to steal their thunder and speak to the strength of that, but that specific move within the middle grades instructional schedule is something that middle school lead has worked really hard on, and that weve seen increase over time and has been a real game changer in terms of instructional planning and a bright spot at a lot of school sites. Um, thats number one. Um, the second piece i want to name that weve built on in particular, that were going to talk about, um, is one the utilization of lesson study structures. Um, when we talk about professional learning models, again, im not going to steal from your and sanchez. Theyre going to speak to that. Um, but that being, you know, math specific in this context but obviously usable across content areas and grade bands. The last piece i want to name, um, has to do specifically around some of the Lessons Learned weve had from our aligned pd structures. This year. Um, and the degree to which weve boosted site based professional development by centrally organizing professional learning for all different cohorts within our system, for teachers, for cohorts, for coaches, for administrators around a set topic in this year, its been focused predominantly on language and literacy. But how we can do that with math in order to lay the groundwork for the adoption of the curriculum, which is going to be part of our professional learning planning quickly, i just want to make an observation. Did you want to add on to say, lets get to it . Okay. I just wanted to i think context is important. Also, when we look at the state average for third grade math performance on the s, the smarter balanced test , um, its 45 proficiency who meet or exceed and were at 55. So were actually exceeding far exceeding the state average. And i think thats important for us to realize so and celebrate actually where we fall short. Obviously is we have a 40 gap, 40 point gap between African American students and all the rest of our students. Its actually more than that. Its more than 40. So the context is, i think that we as and we have been for years, the highest performing urban district in the state, and that is to be celebrated because we are doing a lot of things right and correctly. And thats wonderful. And we should accept those kudos. And we at the same time have extreme gaps that are unmatched across the state, which is where we should be focused. Okay. All right. Were going to get to part two. Um, if you want to put back up the presentation, well bring up our colleagues. Well, thank antp. Uh, thank you, thank you. Um, you two can stay or, you know, uh, yeah. And then lets bring up our. Okay. Theres four of them. Our sanchez, mira, and presidio colleagues. Come on up. Okay. So you can hear how we set the expectations sky high for you. Uh. No pressure when . Uh, no. But, um. Yeah, but in these progress monitoring reports, we appreciate that. Uh, uh, again, were starting to get a routine. And just hearing directly from school sites is, i think, helpful because theres a lot of talk about whats happening, uh, what we want to happen or what we think is happening at our schools. But we then have people from our schools to say whats going on in their schools. And there are bright spots to highlight. So, uh, were going to give muir and sanchez about 5 to 6 minutes to, to share what theyve been doing and some Lessons Learned. And then well hear from presidio. And if you could also just say your name and role to start. Ill introduce myself first. And sarahs working on her mic. Im anne martin, im the principal at sanchez Elementary School. Um, ive been at sanchez since 2005, so like year 18, i think, and ive served the community as a special education teacher, as an instructional reform facilitator, and most recently as its very proud principal. And im a parent at sanchez as well. Uh, good evening, commissioners. My name is sarah liebert. Im the principal at john muir. Ive been at john muir for 13 years. I was a fourth and fifth grade teacher. Um, and then i was an urf instructional reform facilitator. And this is my fifth year as principal at the site. Sure. Um, were going to talk. To you about lesson study, which is a name that i think is really confusing because you think about lesson study, like, oh, im going to study a lesson, but thats not actually what it is. Um, its a cycle of Continuous Improvement based in inquiry, and we use it at our site as our main form of professional development with our teachers. Um, weve been doing lesson study at john muir since i started. So my, my first year i tried to apply for the Master Teacher program and i was denied. And then i went back and applied again my second year. And i got in, and then i got to learn how to do lesson study. Um, and then in eight years ago, i believe, we, um, decided to try to go whole school with lesson study because we had enough teachers that had now been on lesson study teams and found it really empowering and really useful. And we were seeing really drastic results between classrooms that had teachers that were on lesson study teams versus classrooms that had teachers that were not on lesson study teams. Um, sean mandsager was the principal at the time at our site. Um sorry. And um, yeah. So thats just a little bit of background. So we did it 3 or 4 years prepandemic. We obviously took a break during the pandemic. And then once we came back in person, we were right back into it. Um, and so anne and i are going to kind of share these bullet points that you see on the screen. And and talk about some of, like the core components that, um, that we see as important to lesson study and why we do it at our sites. Um, so the first is really thinking around this professional Development Structure and how does that empower and motivate teachers. And you heard, um, the past team talk about how important the curriculum is. And so we do use japan math curriculum. I dont know that we need to argue this evening about whether its a good curriculum or not. Um, but the important thing to note about japan math is that it is a teaching through problem solving curriculum. And so i think that is a pedagogy that we should take into consideration when we adopt a curriculum or when we consider adopting a curriculum. Um, and so at john muir, in every single classroom, every teacher is comfortable facilitating a teaching through problem solving methodology with their students. And weve been able to align that and deepen our knowledge of what that looks like through these lesson study cycles of Continuous Improvement. Um, and one of the things we wanted to highlight is that, um, weve done a better job over the last several years in sfusd of coming up with an aligned and shared vision about what we want for students in the classroom, what we want, the Student Experience to be, um, and a place that lesson study has been really supportive at sanchez. And i know at mira as well, um, through our collaboration as pilot schools, we get a network. So we get to collaborate with one another around the way that this is impacting our sites, um, which is how we can speak kind of to each others experience as well. Um, but the alignment between the professional learning structure of lesson study and the vision for what we want Student Learning to be in classrooms. If were asking teachers to take on risks and create classroom environments where students have a really strong sense of agency and feel like theyre in control of their learning, then its really important to create professional learning spaces for our valuable and very capable teachers to experience that same kind of learning. And so the lesson study process allows them to engage in whatever curriculum happens to be in front of them. And weve been taught that kind of curriculum is like a medium sized shirt. And what really matters is what are teachers doing with that curriculum as they take it to students. And then even more than that, how are students responding to that . So the real learning for teachers, through the lesson study process and the way it really echoes that experience we want for students is its not about did the teacher teach it . Its about did the students learn it . And what did the teacher learn about Student Learning and about their own teacher through this process and teachers have access to one another to engage in that work. So its not the work of one coach. Its not held by one professional, one administrator at the district. This is the team of teachers who are working together on this, and thats how we want students to feel in their classroom. We want them to feel ownership over their learning, their classroom environment and giving teachers that experience in a professional learning structure makes it so much more likely for them to be engaged in bringing that experience to students. As um, and then i feel like you covered the next part. So for time, why dont you go with the glcs and ill do the last one . Great uh, sorry about that. Um so the structures to support team collaboration, this is obviously one of the things thats really, really important. And this has been a focus, um, for our collaboration as admin raters who are working as part of this lesson study pilot. Um, because its so vital that teachers have time, they need what we realize is, yes, of course they need materials and they need a materials that give them access to this teaching through problem pedagogy. But more than that, they need access to one another. They need access to each other for support, for planning, for support, for looking at student work, for having their eyes on each others teachers or on each others students. Excuse me. Which is what happens in a public lesson. Um, so the teacher has a support of their team to have eyes on students so that they can give feedback about what did we notice students learning. And that all takes time, right . So in we heard you talk a little bit about whats happening at some middle schools around common planning time and all of our Elementary Schools. Weve also figured out ways to align those Additional Resources that come to our site from certificate Staff Members who are so vital to our communities for so many reasons, like classroom librarians, pe teachers, artists , and weve created master schedules that align time so that our grade level teams have common planning time. And thats been really vital to making sure that they have the time to do this work. In addition to using the wednesday Early Release and being able to have the ability to use that wednesday Early Release for engaging in these cycles of inquiry tells the teachers, we trust you. Youve got this. It gives them that sense of efficacy that were looking to build and allows them the time and space they need to make those changes to practice that were seeing have impact on Student Learning. Um, so the last thing im going to talk about is around the teacher culture and cohesion and, um, this was something that was like a welcomed surprise, guys, to learn. I think, um, when mira made the decision to try whole school lesson, study, it was really because and what im so appreciate so many of the commissioners bringing up this evening, we are a predominantly an almost exclusively black and brown school, and we had a massive achievement gap. Our students were um, i, i thought it was like 13 proficient in math. Our African American students, um, and so we thought, okay, if we can replicate what weve seen in a couple classrooms that are doing really, really well, we will see better achievement for our African American and latinx students. And we have seen that. But in addition to that, we had this welcome surprise of this, this collective efficacy that we see in our schools. And so the thing about lesson study is you start the school year building a vision on a common vision with your staff and a common theory of action that is really specific. For example, at mira, weve had a full year that we talked about building academic, academic conversations among students in math. Weve had a full year of thinking about how do we make student thinking visible in our mathematics classroom, and when you can go really, really deep and you have a set of colleagues and youre all working towards the same goal, you build this like sense of, okay, we can do this and we can do it together. Um, in addition to that, that mira is classified as a hard to staff school. I have no problem with turnover anymore for, um, as a principal, hiring is not one of the issues that i have. Its the opposite. I have a lot of people that want to work at mira. I dont know if that is just because of lesson study, but i think that it has a big part of the culture at my site. I think teachers ultimately really want to do their job well, and they want to be in a community where they feel supported and have people to plan with. And lesson study provides that for them. Um, and then weve also seen and were working with, um, the, the research and Assessment Department in San Francisco to really analyze and uh, we have a whole assessment plan. And we have we gave students a survey this year to find out how they feel about mathematics and if they feel like they can make mistakes in their classroom. And were finding that our students love math at mira, overwhelmingly in k through five. And also feel really, really comfortable and i think it was over 80 of our students felt i think it was over 90. I dont know, i dont have it in front of me. It was a lot, um, that felt like their teacher valued their ideas. Um, and so this is. Yeah, i just think thats really important to highlight and the only thing i would add is the piece about, um, teacher relationships. I think i talked a lot about the importance of the collaboration between teachers and, and one of the commissioners mentioned kind of this, this like the years of growth since covid and its been rebuilding for everybody, and its been rebuilding for the professional and the adults in our building as well. And we thought a lot about at sanchez, about how can we really remind people that theres joy in their learning, that they actually love coming to their job, that even there there has been fear over the last several years, like this is this is great. We actually like this. And we talked a lot about how to really intentionally get people connected with one another. And you can do that through Building Relational trust. Or you can do that by Building Work teams that are aligned around a common goal for Student Outcomes, which is the reason were all in the building. And then let them look at each others growth as they go. And that has been really, really impactful in terms of connecting teachers back to the, you know, what they love about being there and also to one another and building that system of support. Thank you. And i know were eager to ask questions, but were going to let presidio share. We got to hear at the elementary, um, some really powerful practices. And lets hear whats happening at middle school. Great go first. Hi everyone. My name is karina chiu. Im a sixth grade math teacher at presidio. Its my fourth year there and seventh year overall teaching. Good evening, commissioners, my name is kevin chiu. Ive had the honor of serving the Presidio Community since 2019 as an assistant principal. And this year, my first year as principal. Um, prior to being at presidio, i was a math teacher at burton high school. Um, and its just an honor to speak to you all today. Um we are presidio. The data says it right there. We use dreambox. Um more than more than any other middle school. Um, theres a reason for that. You know, we started using dreambox pre pandemic in 2018. Um, we were one of the earlier middle schools to utilize chromebooks in our classrooms. And so when we made that decision of like how do we utilize that technology . We had a really Strong Teacher leader, um, lead that charge to say, hey, lets utilize dreambox. Lets make it a regular part of our classrooms. Um, ill have karina speak more about how we use it today. Um, that teacher leader is still with us. She has since retired, but is now with us as a family. Partnerships coordinator and has worked really closely with our Math Department. On the instructional side, um, really want to speak to common planning time. Um, all of our departments this year and in previous years are, you know, from from math through pe to our department. Um, are constantly engaging in these cycles of inquiry. And when i say cycles of inquiry, i really mean what how are we delivering content curriculum to our kids . How do we know its working. Right. And what kind of data are we collecting . Um, from our kids. What are our kids showing us . So student work protocols, um, street data in the form of empathy interviews. Were were heavily engaged in that work. Um, and that work is made possible by the common planning time that we were able to build into our school day. Um i take a ton of pride in the three year process that presidio engaged in to make a seven period day possible, not just to give access to enrichment and the arts, to all of our students. Um, but also to be able to embed common planning time in the day. There is one period where every department has a common planning time. Um, thats 140 minutes a week for our teacher teams to engage in things like curriculum, how we how we do, how we deliver curriculum, how we collect data from our kids. Um and just really proud of that process. Um, and all the work that it took to get us there. Um, karina, do you want to speak about your cpt first up to you . Okay, i guess ill do dreambox. Um so for dreambox, at least for me, i assign an hour a week and its up to the kids of what they want to do. I assign lessons based on what were learning. So for example, today, um, im looking at the expressions and equations standards, and i can review the lessons beforehand and see what questions theyll be asked and see if the kids is, um, if its connected to what weve learned before and is related to what were learning now, and if it is, then i assign those two lessons and i give them a week and its actually up to the kids if they want to do lessons or not do them. Um, for me, im looking at time spent because i do understand that there is less time spent on math than there was before. Um, and that that percentage is just the kids. I feel like our school, were lucky to have students who just really want to do well. And thats probably why its so high. Um, im looking into doing five lessons a week rather than an hour a week, and seeing if that will help me get a better idea of what theyre understanding. Au at the reports and i do see what standards that theyre hitting and what standards that theyre still working on. Um, and i do appreciate dream boxes feature where they tell me like, they like kind of flag the students that arent understanding standards and might need a little bit more support. I do use the reports in that sense, and i kind of go to that student and talk to them. One on one. If theyre not understanding the standard um, and might need more support from me. Um, but otherwise i like that. I can see at a pretty easy glance who is understanding it. Which standards specifically, and which students like and which students that might need more help, might need more help from me. Um, for cpt, like kevin said, we do get one period a week with our whole departments. Um, and i love that time because then we can talk about our goal for the semester, which is literacy across all the content areas. So how are kids showing think, how are they showing their thinking like what intelligences do they have and how do they have chances to show that in every class . Um, so for math, were trying to look at student work, um, trying to help each other, design lessons and design assignments. And im using what ive learned through unbound ed to see vertical alignment and seeing where standards are connected across all three grades. And seeing which are the most important standards and which one are maybe more supporting standards. And im trying to, um, maybe have more consistency in the structures of how we do assignments, because maybe if the less, maybe if like the, the requirements look familiar, then it wont be as scary to do like a new math topic, if that makes sense. Um, yeah. Okay. Great um, so thank you both. I want to thank our school sites for presenting. If you go to the next slide, um, and, and so just up here, i guess ill speak to this one. And just up here is a nexus for professional learning and, and seeing how were trying to build on this idea of common planning and schools working teams, working in professional professional learning communities. Um, and you. Know, just im kind of reflecting on the previous discussion when we talked about the curriculum and, and, you know, there are times when we do need to mandate that, that everybody across the district does something and we shouldnt shy away from that. And as we go through the curriculum adoption, well make sure were removing forward with that. But i think what you hear from both school sites is the power of taking an approach that really respects our teachers as professional and engaging in inquiry and looking at what their students are doing in front of them, and i mean, thats what we, you know, here can drive the work and, you know, thats something that we cant really mandate is we need to create the conditions in the district to do that. And then our job as district leaders is how to support schools and creating that district, that those conditions district wide. And so thats what you see around our guardrail, around curriculum and instruction. Um, you see we want students, teachers to be reviewing data and progress monitoring for Continuous Improvement. So thats another way to say it to say what happens in in lesson study. And again you know, teachers getting feedback on their classroom practice from colleagues as well as their School Leaders and so those will be these are just some ways that what were learning from our schools that have had success, we can inform the district wide work. So if you go the next slide, i think i think weve talked about next steps. So well get to discussion. Cool. Thank you so much. Thank you to all the presenters. And thank you for all the hard and great work you do in our schools. Uh, i think my question is right to the superintend ended. I think im curious of how are the lessons and the best practices transferable. Throughout the district . Kind of given the variation, um, how do we expect to overcome some of our historical struggles with implementation and kind of the challenges of taking a pilot from a site to a district Wide Initiative . And if you could talk through a little bit about the specific data to related to the individual school sites that make them, i think good examples of what were going to see across the district and what you feel like is projectable from, i guess, these individual schools, in regards to the data and the interim goals and how you kind of expect us to hit them. I think its great to have school sites here, but really get in. I think your insight about how these school sites and their pilots and their work reflect the district for the whole reflects the vision for the whole district and how were going to go about getting there, i think would be really helpful to provide some additional clarity about how were going to be going to kind of equalize outcomes for students as we kind of move forward and kind of what the plan is for that. Thank you. Again, youre answering some about how high school as well. Um yeah, just just a few small questions. You got commissioner boggess, but i think so when we think so, taking what weve heard today, i think when were thinking about that district wide implementation question and how to make it effective, theres a few areas we need to look at. And i think thats the resources we have. The structure in in place and then as well as the culture and so for the resources, were actually working with the lesson study team on what Additional Resources are like minimally required. And then what, you know, what does maybe the, you know, fancy version look like. And so they theyve done their work and then they actually got a, um, got uh, were able to bring in Additional Resources through a partnership with the city, uh, that has helped accelerate the process at the schools. You heard muir was doing it before those resources were there. And weve had examples throughout the district of it happening. And so thats part of our, frankly, part of our planning process. I dont have a definitive answer for you, um, yet. But knowing there there does. Its not going to happen just with, uh, you know, a principal trying to make this happen or one individual teacher trying to make this happen. So we do our committing to coaching , supported our schools and then how to support it. Um, this kind of collaboration in terms of the structure as you hear about the common planning time, we have it at our schools and where i know, um, like muir has been really innovative. Is using the um, um, the beacon program, their after school program, to help during the day with, with some of the, uh, of observations and as well as, you know, using the common, uh, the what do we call them, not the, the specials. Do we call them specials . The, the pe math library to create those times. So again, as schools are working on their schedules, sharing, these are some of the expectations we have around how to organize your time to support that. The common planning time we figured out for, uh, middle school, theres ways to do it in Elementary School. In high school, we do have an Early Release, uh, a release day. Uh, you know, you get out early on wednesdays, and so that structure is there. Um, and i think then its providing the support in the high schools less than its more through the Department Chairs that that collaboration happens. Then through coaching support that that is more likely in, uh, particularly in the Elementary School, um, and then, you know, the culture one is a hard one. And i think youre speaking to that as well. And thats really supporting the leadership. And the teacher leaders to, uh, create that space where, where, you know, kids can feel safe to make mistakes, but also teachers can feel safe to try something new and do something, um, different. And then to your point, in terms of, yeah, well, similar to when we brought glen park forward, we are looking at the data to see where, you know, where are we seeing progress in the bright spots and particularly, you know, where are we seeing progress in in the targeted groups that weve identified to make improvement for okay, i think that gets at some other parts of my question. I guess the thing im most interested, if you could just talk to and we could get more specific to a particular Student Group or just kind of students in general, but just like looking at the pilot sites, what what are we assessing from, i guess, out come gaps from were seeing from different students. And how is that affecting kind of what comes next. Where are there gaps in the pilots of where, like Student Groups or populations that we arent seeing the results from it . I guess how is that affecting our thinking . Like, i really appreciate the school sites coming, but i guess im worried that were might get lost in what their individual successes are and the magic theyre creating. And its not actually really representative of us doing anything different as a district. And i just feel like i dont i dont feel that we have, i guess i dont feel that youve presented to me like a response of how this is going to become a part of a best practice around the district and what parts of it really ensure we get Better Outcomes for students, in addition to us just having what are identified as best practices, which i think are good, but i guess im not sure if you feel that that is enough for us to reach all of our goals and to kind of bring equity to the district, or if that is just the baseline for us not to be failing our audit so aggressively. We yeah. I mean, i at its core, you know, what i think the most important thing we need to be working on is the whats happening on a daily basis in the classroom, that classroom practice. And so i know we talk about our, you know, the different groups of students. We have. But, um, its not its not what we see. Is there are classroom experiences are different. And so its raising thats what the audit is showing. And its raising that baseline expectation. It is for whats happening in the classroom. And we know that will meaningfully impact, uh, the students who we havent served. And so yeah, it is i mean, its ultimately, you know, our students spend 1000 hours in the classroom. Its how well those 1000 hours are being used. And what were trying to do that i do feel, is building on what we learned from the school sites. But then thats different than weve done district wide, is to define clearly, like, what does that look like in terms of having good practice, where students are really engaged. And thats the key for me about it. Going back to the core rubric, which gives us that common, uh, under it starts to build that common understanding of what kids are doing in the classroom that really leads to learning. And so even though i dont know that sanchez and muir are like, you know, the theyre, um, using the core rubric to assess whats happening in the classroom, but they are looking at what their classroom practice and studying whats happening in the classroom. And thats, thats whats key. And so but for our district wide approach, its the core rubric is the entry point for doing that for us. Well go okay, here we go. Um, thank you to our hard working principals and teachers. I know that tomorrows an Early Morning for all of you. So appreciate it. And have the same year was one of the first schools that i visited, um, and was just so impressed. And, uh, im now now very excited about being able to visit sanchez and, um, go panthers because im a presidio family. Um, yes. Uh, so i have a question, and maybe its slightly related to commissioner bogguss question, but its actually for you all for our for our educators. Um in terms of Culture Shifts, it seems like, you know, from, from a perspective of, of educators like that cycle of inquiry and, and wanting to engage and wanting to learn and wanting to study is what has drawn you all to this profession. And so it doesnt seem like there needs to be some major Culture Shift from the perspective, from the perspective of educators in terms of how do we how do we appreciate this core common planning time . How do we get into this aligned pedagogy and vertically aligned. Curriculum . It sounds like this is something that you all are excited about, and that that your colleagues are excited about. So my question is what from from from a perspective of you all, what can the district do to better support you all . Being able to lean into what i think is that that natural appreciation for being able to Work Together and Learn Together and Grow Together in order to support and teach our students and not to put you on the spot to be like yall are doing a terrible job, but like, are there other things that that that weve done that worked well or other other supports that can come from the district to make that easier so that you all can can do the jobs that youre so great at. Okay. Um i think coming so wednesdays we have our district pds, right. So coming from the dreambox centered district, pds, i the feeling is that we dont want as teachers, we dont want to be given more. And we dont want to be told that were not doing enough for our students. So i feel like the feelings around dreambox from other teachers is that like were forced to do it, and if you dont do it, its not a good thing and youre not doing enough for the student. I think its more like we need to feel like the district is supporting us, like 100. And if with if we have like new curricula or new protocols, then i guess i just have to be packaged in a way that its going to benefit you. Its going to benefit the students. Its and its not going to be a huge lift and take more time than youre already giving to this profession. So i, i guess its just the packaging of how you present things to us. We just dont want to feel like were failing all the time. Because i feel like as educators , we kind of put that on ourselves already. And then seeing seeing the numbers of like, um, students and what math levels they are at, like as a math educator, its even more like we just dont feel like were doing enough. And i would like support and just come from a place of like, were here to were here for you. So like, please, you know, trust this. I guess i have a i have a build on to that. Um because i think thats really meaningful and i think a lot of teachers feel that way. And i think, um, the like lesson study specifically as different from a cycle of inquiry starts with teachers like sarah said, like thinking about what do we notice about our students . Like, what do we notice them doing . And wheres a place we can dig in on . Um, and i think that when teachers are guiding their own learning, like teachers are developing that question, and we know that that question is related to overall performance. Like we know that, we know that thats our job. But giving the space in collaboration, by adopting a professional learning structure thats based in inquiry that Centers Teachers and teacher leadership in the Decision Making around the question that they want to look into. Yeah. And, you know, training administrators for what does that mean to support a team . It has happened where i had an idea about what i thought the kindergarten question should be, and they developed a different one, like, is that okay . And like, of course its okay because its about inquiry. And theyre super engaged in their question and its going to be great. Theyre going to learn and their students are going to learn and outcomes are going to improve. So i think there are ways that we do this. Even when we set up collaborative spaces that clearly at a baseline, we need that time and space for teachers. And then we also need to know as administrators, how do we cultivate a culture in our schools where teachers know that we trust you to make those decisions about the learning that you need to engage in. Thank you. Commissioner weisman ward, for oh, sorry. Sorry, principal liebert. No worries. You can call me sarah. Um you know, ive been looking at one of the slides that tp, um, shared with the four. It was like grade appropriate assignments, strong instruction, deep engagement and High Expectations. And we scored lowest in strong instruction. It was 28. And it says that thats teaching that asks students to do the intellectual heavy lifting in class. And so i think the that we need to consider and im including myself in this, we if we want teachers to facilitate classrooms where students are doing the intellectual heavy lifting, we have to consider the professional development that we ask our teachers to engage in, which means top down. You listen and you just do what i say isnt going to help them change their teaching practice. And so i think we as a district have to think about how can we model the kind of teaching that we want with our teachers so that we can bring them along to do that in their classroom . Um thats my thought. Sorry about that. Its very sorry about that. Um, and that was a fantastic question. Um and thank you, principal liebert, for opening up your school for lesson study for many of us to attend. That was actually that was a lot of fun for me. Um, and to hear the lesson framed not from, um, who, you know, who jumped rope more, but what you know, what math concept are we going to use to figure just i mean, even that slight framing difference to me was just, you know, and ive started to use it with my own kids. So thank you. Um and at the end of the day, we did a debrief and i asked that specific question in the, in the Central Office debrief of what resources do we need to bring to bear to take this from a pilot into something and scalable . We came up, you know, the need for coaching. One of the other things that came up was that this is partially funded through the board of supervisors right now, through supervisor hillary ronans office now. So as we as we look at resource allocation, what are our plans as a district to make sure that these bright spots have the coaches, the pd time, the everything they need to help improving outcomes across the district . And as we think about, you know, um, some of our focal populations are students. You know, one of our, our, our inner, um, goals here is around, um, you know, students who are not proficient, you know, who are multilingual learners still. Right . So, so when we talk about this professional development, are we including our english Language Development teachers . Are we including our special education teachers in this . Are we giving them the release time to for those students who are furthest from equity, 75 of our kids with disabilities actually sit in gen ed for the majority of their day. Are there resource specialist teachers . Are there study skills . Teachers included in this professional development to and in middle school in particular to the way that we block. We have math and science together, right . So not any more. Not any more. Okay, i guess im an og. My kids are all in high school. We used to block it. You know, like at least in every middle school where my kids went, that it was the math and Science Teacher were the same block, right . None of the middle schools do that anymore. So we dont have to worry about how math impacts science anymore. All right. Im an old im an og, i guess. All right. Forget that question then. All right. But thats enough questions piled into one there. So ill hand it over. Yes, please. About. Well it was more to. It was that was more to district leadership. And i think Central Office leadership. My questions around resource allocation, making sure that weve got resources aligned. For um, you know, not just talking to this, but actually implementing it appropriately. Um, and everyone having the release time needed to participate. Right. Commissioner fisher, i can speak to just a couple things that maybe we do at presidio. Um, we have a really robust, uh, Resource Program at presidio. Um, we offer cotaught classes where where students are receiving specialized academic instruction in math and english. Um, our our coteacher is do have the same common planning time as our departments. And so we theres regular time where our resource teachers are collaborating with our math and english teachers. Um, really, really happy we were able to do that. And fit that into our master schedule. Um, i will also add that, uh, one of the big guiding questions for our Science Department is how to support students in reading graphs. And so, um, theres definitely that connection constantly. Um, and, and similar connections between english and social studies as well. I really want to thank our site leaders for being here and our teacher for being here and presenting. It just makes my heart full of joy. And i just want to speak a little bit to glc since i helped to coordinate that at cleveland. We had that for my last three years there, and it was two and a half to three hours a day. So kindergarten on on mondays for two and a half to three hours consecutive time with each other. And im just pulling up my old google docs about how we structured that and how just to your point around trusting teachers, the teachers are in it for the right reason. The vast majority of teachers, um, but they need that support and they need that time with each other. And with that time with each other. They need the trust again to do the right thing. And with that time, um, so i would say, and i think we it was brought up with glen park when they were here too, that i think they have a glc component as well. Um, that, that is a leverage point. I think that we should be if were not already really diving deep in that for all of our Elementary Schools, uh, common planning time, obviously, for middle and high is equally as important that we do that because when especially as were rolling out new curriculum for math and literacy, we need to have our, our teachers, all of our teachers really trusting the process. And this is one way thats thats motivating and gets buy in. And if done well, well get the results we want. So its not a question. Just thank you. Um, so i do have a question. Um, and i want to focus on the elementary, um, principals and um, pick up on the superintendents comments around creating the conditions for schools, resources, structure and culture. So resources is obviously important. And, um, i think you both mentioned some of the strategies that you use to create at that time during the elementary day, which is more challenging maybe than in middle school. Um, you just got some preliminary draft budgets this week with our baseline budgets that are supposed to adhere to our guardrail around resource allocation. And i want to really appreciate the superintendent and staff for getting those draft versions out super early. Normally this happens in march, and theres no time to, um, talk about it. So i just want to take advantage of that. And in relation to our resource allocation guardrail, i want to ask about your comments on is your sense that those budgets are are baseline sufficient to operate your school while addressing inequitable inputs and creating more equity and excellence in Student Outcomes, which is our guardrail. And again, related to this work specifically, is it going to positively impact, negatively impact your efforts. Um, well, ill just speak to, um, we were just talking about grade level collaborations in that Elementary Schools have to think outside the box to create that time. Um, and so the way that we do it at muir, and i believe the way that a lot of Elementary Schools have been doing it is we utilize, um, the time that the students are in art and pe and library to give teachers a 45 minute, twice a week grade level collaboration. So at muir, they have one for ela and one for math. And then we use our wednesday um, Early Release as a combination of professional development, mainly professional development and some grade level collaboration. But we embed most of the grade level collaboration during the day. Um i dont know yet how thats going to be possible based off of our current, um, arts librarian and pe allocations, we dont have them enough time to continue it. I havent played with it enough to see if i could figure it out, but, um, yeah. So there were reductions. Youre saying that make it hard . Yeah yeah. Um, the changes to the Library Allocation and the arts allocation and the pe allocation are the most impactful for the grade level collaboration. For sure. And i think in terms of other things, we take the approach. I think that we know that coaches jobs are to work themselves out of a job. Right. And so we like i really think right now the thing that were most grappling with is just how to make sure that that grade level collaboration time is maintained. Its so vital. And weve been working really hard on using our Coaching Staff to support teacher leaders, to step up and support their grade levels and facilitate a lesson study team. And we know that over time, we can do that. The kind of shock of seeing it happen, like, right now is, has been a lot to kind of wrap our heads around and figure out, but were committed to the work moving forward and this is helpful feedback as we figure out the budgeting. I mean, i will say at the systems level, we did commit to at elementary coach positions. So thats one that, um, um, you know, thats a typically has been up to the discretion of the school or maybe part of an mts allocation, but schools still had choices, i think in these other areas thats as we go through the process of the Budget Development and then what we are challenged, you know, we are both, i guess, challenging. Ill put it in the affirmative, challenging our schools to do is theres some of whats the what were allocating. And then there are other funds that are available and doing the same thing were doing as a district thinking through where, where is the most important area to invest those funds, you know, and, and so if a you know, how to support these kind of activity is, um, if a school, you know, uh, uh, when schools, the schools see the value of them to improving, improving instruction. I do think it also goes to back to some of these questions my colleagues asked about systems. Right. So like if we think systemically, i guess my question would be kind of like systemic. If weve made a decision, i dont it sounds like this is a draft. So we havent. But if we made a decision to cut art, pe and libraries that arts that has impact on kids, obviously and services, but it sounds like it also has an impact on teacher collaboration, which i didnt wasnt necessarily obvious to me as someone who hadnt worked in Elementary School. So i just think it would be good to hear as we think about the resource allocation question, whats the Strategic Thinking . Not necessarily now, but if that decision goes forward, how are we going to maintain . When we heard tonight that the teacher collaboration is a core part of your strategy on that, right. Yeah, yeah, i think the, you know, but what i can share is the Strategic Thinking that we said, not this. Yeah, i guess it is Strategic Thinking, but the budgeting plan was around more staffing to contract. But so then this is why we wanted to get them out early. Because what are the implications to doing that. Because if youre staffing to the enrollment more it could. Were not intending to cut you know, the slam, but it could result in fewer sections available that then make. And thats what it sounds like at least at these two schools happening. Then thats what can make it challenging to organize this. I have like a string of questions, sort of, um, you you mentioned that you used to work at burton. Um, how transferable do you think this work is to the High School Level . And if it is transferable to, like, a good extent, how how soon do you think it would be reasonable to expect the district to push for that . I love talking about my time as a teacher at burton. Um burton has a seven period day, so it makes it offers a ton of different opportunities for students. Um, really want to highlight just all of the different career technical pathways that burton offers as well as many of our other high schools. Um, when i joined the burton faculty in 2014, we had common planning time embedded in the day. And so we spent a ton of time, you know, in, in whole departments, in curricular teams. I taught everything from algebra one through the precalculus, compression course. Um, i always had somebody to work with. It made our lives easier in terms of planning and implementation. Um, what are some of our partners said about, you know, really strengthening the curriculum, taking what we had and really finding ways to supplement it, right, to provide extra practice for students. Um to make things more relevant. When we needed to, we had the opportunity to do that because of common planning time. Um, i took a lot of those ideas to presidio. Um, when we began to engage in this process, i was really, really excited. Um, because i just said, hey, this is we could do something similar. Um, and we were able to do that. And so i think its absolutely transferable. Um, i leave it up to the superintendent, however, to, to figure out the system to make that happen. And then kind of adding on to that, this is something that a lot of High School Students are concerned with. Is part of that common planning time able to be used or like has it been used to have deadline alignment to ensure that like really big deadline lines arent happening all at the same time . That was something we worked on. I remember 2016 was a really big year where grade level teams, um , got to meet up a little bit and we talked about how to support students. Um, developed sort of a focal student list. Some things that we do at presidio as well. Um, and yeah, absolutely. Talking about when we talk about tests, um, how, how, how we dont want to, you know, schedule social studies, history, english, math at the same time. Absolutely. Okay. And then last is specifically focused towards, um, john muir because, because, um, ive gone to a mix of, like, primarily white institutions and then like majority minority institutions. So what was your sense of belonging like before for a lot of this, um, common planning work and then how did you see it change. Um. Im trying to think how i want to. As a principal, ive been principal for five years at muir, and i was a teacher prior to that, so ive been there a while. Um, and i dont know exactly if this. I do think this speaks to a sense of belonging, because i think if students feel physically and intellectually safe and they feel cared for, for, um, they can focus on on making friends and theyre learning and whats for lunch that day and theyre not in a fight or flight mode. And so at muir, we my first year as principal, um, i did a lot of behavior calls, a lot of splitting up of fights. Im just im being transparent. Um there were a lot of black students out of the classroom. There were a lot of black students in my office, and that thats not the case anymore. Um i assume that that means that they feel a better sense of belonging at that site. Um students rarely get sent to my office. Students are rarely out of the classroom anymore. Um, they seem really happy. They seem joyful. Um, but i dont have, like, data in front of me to name that. I can precisely say that they have a higher sense of belonging, but from like, my perspective of the person that has the kids sent to their office, theres been a dramatic change. Do you think theres room within common planning. Time to do parts of that equity work that a lot of people have been working towards and has that been implemented to any extent . Yeah, thats a great question. So this year we started having two, uh, research questions. So we have an academic focused research question. And we have a Equity Research question. Our Equity Research question this year is whose voices are we uplifting and honoring in the class when we teach and then in public lessons . Technically, when we teach the lesson and we observe each other, we bring in an outside specialist. And weve always brought in a math content specialist. And this year were also working with a professor out of san jose state that is focused on ethnic studies and english language learners. And hes going to do knowledgeable other common theory and help us like unpack what he saw in relation to our english language learners and our African American learners. And that equity question around whose voice are we uplifting and honoring . Yeah, of course. Thank you. To our site leaders and to our educator for being here tonight. Um, i have a question for principal chou. Particularly, im honing in since my colleagues have asked about the elementary cohort. Um, similar to the elementary cohort and what weve heard, the benefits when your cross collaborating across sites and might be cross collaborating across the city. Um, kevin, if you can share on opportunities that you think either, um, are occurring or could be occurring between the middle School Cohort because some editorial from my perspective, i would love to learn more about the opportunities around the middle school as specifically around this math. Um, goal and what were seeing in, in, um, the audit, what were hearing directly from students and their families and their experience overall. So id like to just give you a chance to share. I want to echo something that devin just devins here. Um, devin talked a lot about central pd and that third wednesday of the month being dedicated to, um, teacher teams coming together across sites, um, all of our math teachers for example, attend those central pd to talk about, um, instruction. And lately dreambox, um, we are also part of an ell curriculum rollout. Um, were piloting the new, uh, ela curriculum for grade six through eight. And so thats another opportunity where our team of teachers goes every third wednesday to, i believe, 2020 fifth. Um to all the same place. And they, they come together, um, i also want to speak to my own experience as a teacher, you know, being able to cross collaborate. But, um, i was part of a of an early, complex instruction cohort, which is the set of practices that that are meant to really interrupt status in the classroom, especially in the math classroom. Um, and it provides structures that really help students develop those math practices that we talked about earlier. Um i really i felt like i had i had the opportunity to grow my practice the most through those cross site cohorts. Um, i know that its not always available. I know that its not what it used to be. Um, but when i came to presidio, you know, complex instruction was something that i really. I was a big proponent of, um, and made sure that our entire department was trained. So our entire department is trained. Um, i would love to send i would love to send my department back to complex instruction cohort to do things like video study. Um to do things like doing math together, finding opportunities in the curriculum to write, create multiple Access Points for students, things like that. Thank you. And ill just comment. I raised this amongst my colleagues and to the superintendent. We through these workshops, we get to learn and go a little bit deeper about the bright spots. But i think one thing that were have so much growth in is the scale. Like, how are we going to scale, how are we going to monitor . And this is why weve built in this governance approach, um, Student Outcomes governance. So i think thats a continued question on a really how were going to be able to scale this. And retain it over time. And i think im leaving here like really being reflective. I feel like whats actually coming out of this workshop, im going to add on to what youre saying is, how do we scale in a way that supports the kind of Teacher Learning and ultimately Student Learning that we see is necessary. And so, you know, hearing from our teacher, we hear, you know, so we like one of the ways were scaling. Were trying something new is having this district wide district aligned professional development. So i think as the system leaders, we all see the appeal in that, because when we talk about having some common practices across the school that that accomplishes that, but how are we doing it in a way that, as you said, doesnt, you know, isnt just come to this meeting and learn one more thing to do, but were here, you know, come to this meeting because we collectively care about our students math progress in this case. And particularly, um, you know, the students who have not served well. And how do we explore this tool together. And so figuring out at scale that creates that engagement and commitment is what im leaving here is, is were going to have, you know, we continue to have to think through that kind of top down, bottom up or bottom up, top down approach, where to find that that balance. And i would also just name kind of what im hearing around. The power is also. So when it comes as a complete school site environment and so some of the discussion tonight has been about the educators in the individual classrooms. But thats one of my question around the middle School Cohort is around the identity that it is happening as a School Culture and i think thats where weve weve heard tonight. Weve heard time and time again, both at the student level and at the site level, that thats where, um, that joy, that engagement, that influence really happens. So i think when i say to scale, not to scale for scalability, but scale at like as like the entire school community, we. Um, is all right. If this is the last question and. Okay. And it actually and i was our next agenda item is our board eval and when this the this, um, exchange made me think about one of the things that were asked to do as we approach Student Outcomes focused governance and start to master, that is how we recognize the accomplishments of students and staff regarding progress towards goals and interim goals. Um, and i, i part we intentional. We brought you all as representatives of the um you know, math educators who have really gone above and beyond to identify where there are gaps, how we how we want to serve our students, what our students are capable and also fostering, um, a environment of learning in the whole school. And the other thing id like to thank staff for part of part of why we knew to invite you and particular presidio is because we now are starting to look at data and see where we do see those bright spots and to exhibit curiosity about what is happening there. And how we can learn from you, as opposed to one way communication at you. When you are mandated to go to a particular room on a particular day. And so as we scale and are looking to because we do want to have standard experiences, you know, we want to have an experience where if a Student Needs to leave john muir for whatever reason and go to another Elementary School in our district, that theyre going to have a same great experience and be able to walk into that classroom prepared and understanding what is happening. Um, and so but fostering the two way communication, not just within school sites or within departments, but with the district. So that, um, we are as we monitor, were getting feedback about how a pilot is rolling out what you like about it, what where there are gaps that you need extra support and so forth. So, um, i know im personally interested in that. And im wondering, superintendent, if you have, um, thoughts of how that is as we scale and how that two Way Community is already being built out or, um, you know, how you intend to hold to, um, both. You know, the guardrail around curriculum instruction and also around baseline allocation as well as achieving these goals . Yeah yeah. And i think, um, we, we, i think what were doing with the literacy pilot is a curriculum pilot is a good example where were getting the feedback from the teachers about how, you know, how its working and what support will be needed for that. And i think, you know, model using that as a model as we move forward with other areas is will be important. And then i do think the other area, uh, particularly around the curriculum instruction guardrails, like, you know, we collect data, data from our surveys, were expanding that and like, you know, that and thats where we get the system wide feedback. And then following up with that on on the, um, you know, hearing from our sites about, okay, were seeing this, then how do we adjust what were doing to, um, to be able to get that buy in or make sure its being responsive to the needs . There was a question about what to. Oh, yeah. Sorry, cutesy excuse. We use so many acronyms and thats the quality Teacher Education act. And its a survey we do. But our rpa team has expanded it to try to get us more information during the year. So we know how how things are going. Well with that, i would close out this agenda item unless theres anybody who would like to make some parting remarks and say, thank you very much for taking time. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you to our School Leaders. And i do want to thank our district leadership team. You know, they, uh, you saw the same team here for literacy and math and but in the audience, too, we have, uh, you know, curriculum and instruction leaders, lead leaders. And just thank you for, for all your efforts to make this a system wide effort. Thank you. Yes um. It was a two hour conversation. All right, i know. Okay so this one, im going to make a little. And Vice President alex sander, if you would tell me if this is comfortable for you because you and i talked about this agenda item. So when we put. At the end. Yeah yeah. And i said that, yeah, i sent that a couple different times. So Public Comment will come at the end for both agenda items. Um, board eval. We are suggested to do this quarterly. Um, but that does not mean were going to go through the exhaustive like go over all the points and all of this. What we were thinking of doing is going through and really pulling out the places where weve made progress and areas we want to focus and identify. If theres priorities. There was also an email that was sent to you all from aj earlier today that contains very similar information. And so i frankly would be fine pushing out to that a little bit and shortening this discussion to an extent. But um, that said, if you do have your, um, your governance framework, um, sheets, we can can just really quickly go through and highlight, um, and you may have already done this before, um, highlight progress or areas of next steps and this isnt, you know, i think weve, we have accomplished a lot since the last. So does that make sense to you, Vice President alexander, are you fine with that . Um yeah, ill just add on. I mean, when we were in agenda review, we knew, you know, these are these workshops are, uh, substantive discussions and theres only, um, but it just it did feel important to at least publicly share how we are looking at this. And you people might not have picked up on it, but what commissioner fisher is doing is tracking our conversation and just, you know, really being transparent about our efforts to, uh, continue to implement the council of great city schools Student Outcome focused governance framework. Right. Its been over a year and an and i appreciate that this is not like, okay, we did that. Now lets move on. But i agree i think and as one who supports the governance team, maybe just everybody sharing one, i dont even need to go through the presentation. You saw the materials, but like one area where you feel like, oh, weve made progress. And then one area, um, for, for growth. And then with Board Leadership, we can determine how to integrate that into, into our meetings and the other practices we have. Okay. I like that. So if people are prepared, we could go round robin or i could add, um, i could kick us off with some some positives or. Take it away. Okay all right. Um, so, so we okay. So im just going to really quickly vision and vision and goals. Weve gone we have adopted most everything that weve set out to do in there. We still have work to do around smart goals. Um we values and um values and guardrails. We are working on here. Let me i did make notes and i am pivoting a little bit. So hold on just a second. Weve gone through the guardrail process. The areas that i were i was more focused on was really, um, highlighting that we are tracking time more regularly and there are last two meetings. Commissioner fischer has been tracking time. And at our 1st february meeting, well have a report out about that. Um, we have this is an easy one, but we have really good attendance. Guys um, we also, though, had the ethics and conflicts, um, Ad Hoc Committee that and we adopted and signed, um, those at the last meeting. We have um, the big deltas that i see. Um, and again, we can circle back to this, um, in other ways and through our communications with aj, are really around Community Engagement. We did see in the presentation, um, thats attached to this agenda, that there has been big improvements in our use of Board Meeting time and having these monitoring sessions. Um, but i think that, in my opinion, there are ways to improve how we do our public facing Community Engagement. We have gone out and had those. But i think theres time for reflection on how we want to do those better. Um and, and im going to leave it at that and let other people bubble up. What theyve seen from our last, um, our last time doing this and a full scoring. Oh yeah. I think that last discussion showed a lot of progress, at least from what ive been able to see. I think, like everybody kept their time, like commenting and questions like to a reasonable extent. And also like everybody was very effective, like following the guidelines for effective question asking like with their stuff. Um, in including me, like specifically as a student delegate, um, like getting those guidelines was helpful. And i think like that discussion in and of itself was a vast improvement. And it might have helped that we had like really great people answering questions. Um, i think thats thats a good, positive. Agreed. Um, i think obviously you were mentioning the time spent on Student Outcomes is that is a positive. Obviously, if going from. 5. 7 to 31. 7 from last year to this, or 2223 to 2324, i think that thats a very obvious improvement. Obviously we want to get to 50 plus, um, and then you mentioned kind of our, our outreach going into the community and presenting on our governance, etc. Math attendance and literacy and college and career readiness. Were in the middle of that. But i feel that because we havent been unable for myriad reasons, to attract the kind of attendance that we need, that its im glad you said like its we need to reflect and figure out, you know , what we can do. If anything, im hoping we can to make sure that we are attracting not just more people from our community, but and not the right people, but people that you know, are the parents and guardians of our students. Weve weve seen that we do. And i value it too. We its a lot of nonprofit folks that are coming out that partner with our district. And thats great. Um, and they will continue to come, but we need to reflect and figure out how we can make this worthwhile and get more folks out. I im actually very impressed with us as a whole. Um, for our how align weve been to Student Outcomes, to holding ourselves accountable to it as a group. I have to say, i appreciate how boring weve made these meetings in so many ways. So thank you all for that. Um, um, and i hope when we do our full evaluation, we will get a higher score than zero. I think the work weve put in will definitely get us to a higher score than zero this time. So yay we cant go down. Um, i think my specific one, we look at the rubric here, um, some of my specific quick comments and areas. Uh aspirationally. Where i would like to see us do some work this year. Um, uh, looking at the vision and or the values and the guardrails, im not sure that all of our interim guardrails are predictive of their respective guardrails. So i think we have some i would love to see us have some more conversations. There from Community Engagement. I think this is district work, um, leadership work as well as board work, you know, aligned around what an overarching, um, Community Engagement strategy looks like. You know, especially i, i mean, im really proud of us for, um, scheduling Community Feedback sessions, but when we have six people showing up based on the amount of work that our district staff has put into, you know that i dont think thats a the best use of everyones time. How do we reach more people more effectively . Um, you know, after all, our job is to reflect back the what the values of the community. So weve got to hear those values from the community. Right as far as the monitoring calendar goes, id love to see us. You know, theres a lot of theres a lot that we need to be monitoring from a governance standpoint. And im not sure that one workshop session a month does that. So coming up with, you know, maybe some other not necessarily more meetings, but, you know, some interim reports between meetings, you know, some more public facing documents that not just shows us as a, as a board, but also helps build trust in the community by sharing more of the work that were doing in a public facing way. Um, weve heard time and time again that we have a lot of trust building to do. Um, within the community. So um, and just the, the communication and collaboration are Consent Agenda is getting better. Um, but holy guacamole, its still a beast. Um, i dont know if for our contracts, especially some of our really meaty contracts, theres some way to put an executive summary in there so that not only do we understand them better, but the public and anyone whos interested and really understands, like, you shouldnt have to get to page 85 before you understand what the contract is really about. Um, uh , i dont know. I mean, i keep some people in business, i guess, but, um, id rather it not be that hard. Um, and, um. So. Yeah, just. Yeah go us wants to go next. Um. Or did you. Yeah. You meant. Um yes. I tend to agree that i think we are, um , have leaned into the growth mindset and are willing to hold ourselves accountable and be really honest when were not where we want to be, and then push ourselves to be better. Um, and i also agree that we, um, theres we have a lot of, of growth to continue to do. I think where um, i think that we probably see, at least from my perspective, have the most growth is i think, consistent with others around the community and collaboration. And i dont know that its necessarily for lack of trying, but its, um, we need to meet folks where they are in a meaningful way and engage in conversations that, um, are welcomed. And, um, you useful. So thinking about the content and the how and the why and the when and the where. Um, yeah, that would be, i think, where, where i would want to see us to probably grow the most at this point. Yeah, i think id echo a lot of the statements that other commission hours, um, have said. I think weve made a lot of progress, but i think still a little bit more progress to move forward. And i think a lot of this is us demonstrating to the rest of staff and to the district, to the San Francisco community, um, that we are committed to improving and that we arent satisfied with our status quo or the other status quo in the district. And so i think the fact that weve been modeling that has been really helpful and that as we continue to push forward, well continue to improve. Um, but those are, i think the key things i would say that are echoing what everyone else has lifted up. Uh, check. Do you want to. I wanted to raise, um, the work that i think we need to deepen on for vision and goals is, um, particularly looking at our interim goals while we have set major goals, we know that we are far off track on a couple of them. And i think its worth, as a board and talking with the superintendent around as part of monitoring whats realistic. Certainly, i think the board was being responsive to what we heard directly in community. Now that weve had about 18 months under our belt, so to speak. Um, we have some clear, um, of the ending point. And just from like tonights discussion, right. As an example, we are far off track. But at the same time, we want to celebrate the progress that we are making. Um but also the acceleration that are necessary. So i think thats going to be worth some further discussion. I also want to, um, raise that we dont have, um, monitoring of all of our interim goals, including my fake one, even though were not supposed to have favorites, strategic partnerships, guardrail number five has not been, um, included in our governance calendar. As an example and just deepen kind of the fidelity around, um, the goals and guardrails monitoring. Um i agree, theres a lot of a lot of where im personally digging in is on the monitoring and accountability work. And, um , one of the things that Board Leadership is working on right now is developing a monitoring calendar that will include operational and compliance components, as well as goals and guardrails and add clarify board responsibilities. So thats a big part of why were having this conversation today. Um, and asking for increase ist, um, engage with aj around governance , training and governance resources. This is to help us, um operationalize the work that were doing and keep track of all the things that we want to keep track of. Um on on a bright spot. Were also looking i couldnt find it in here. I know its in here, but we are looking to post our goals and guardrails and interim progress publicly here in this room. As a reminder of where we are and the progress we are making and want to make. So, you know, really being helping to do the work. Um, as our student delegate was saying, of keeping us anchored on what it is that we are here to do. Um, so, so. Yeah. I think two areas where i feel like theres room for growth. One one is the accessibility of the meetings themselves in terms of like the content. Im like, for example, this is like a very picky thing, but its just an example. Like when im looking at these two graphs, i just dont know why the color changed of like each section, like it makes it like really as like for example, i can attest, like as somebody with like a developmental disability, like its im like immediately lost and i think that thats something we need to consider considering. Like the student population who might want to engage. And then also know adult populations. And i think part of that is the language that we use sometimes i hear a lot of really big words and acronyms that either like its s, its it can be more considerate to just like you use an acronym and then you just say what the acronym is, or there are some words that can just be replaced with simpler words. Its something that like we get taught in ap language, in composition, where its like, you dont need to use the biggest word you can think of. It is like its usually easier and like more persuasive if you just use the word that you mean. And then i think that kind of ties into Community Engagement. I feel in these workshop meetings, we feel a lot more productive than when then in the regular Board Meetings, because there we can see visibly how our community is feeling very unseen and unheard, and even with the amount of time we spend with Public Comment, they still feel unheard. And i think that that is a deficit. And putting a lot of work. I dont know if thats necessarily i dont know where that work lies or with who, but i think there is a lot of it does lie with us as Board Members. How we can engage with the specific communities that feel unseen. Um, thats a very large and daunting task. But i think we can put more work to our immediate community, just like there feelings. Instead of being completely, not completely, instead of being more numbers focused. I think there can be more. For example, like sense of belonging as a statistic. Um i agree with pretty much everything everybodys been saying, and ive been taking notes also. Um, the only thing i might add is, um. Well, maybe commissioner fisher said it, or maybe youre just doing it, which is the monitoring, the question monitoring and time monitoring. I think, which i think were on our way to doing, but its something i feel like i want to get better at. And i think, um, especially the question part of like, how do we keep i agree with i think you said that we did a better job tonight, and i think we really did. And i think just keeping up with that work so that were modeling and creating the kind of space we want to create. Um, but yeah, so in terms of process, we the, um, president muhammadu and i were going to take these and, um, reflect back. Uh, well, we already have some pieces of it and well get it out and then we want to also encourage our colleagues to, to tell us what theyre interested in working on , and that each of you hopefully will want to work on something. One of these pieces. And we can then think about structuring some some Ad Hoc Committees. Right. I dont know if theres more you. Uh, basically taking the feedback and the work that we want to do and figuring out how to put it into bite size pieces, whatever that may look like. Um and so thats the homework that, uh, Vice President alexander and i committed to doing. So so and, um, expressing your interests and volunteering is welcome. Or, you know, its great if you just hang back and then just want us to volunteer. You um, thats thats an option as well. So um, anyway, but thank you, i think. Yeah. This is really just a check in board eval and, um, at the six month mark, well do a deeper dive. Um, but the quarterlies are just kind of progress monitoring, and, you know, the door is open to if you, whenever you want to have these conversations. And with that, im ready to close out this agenda item and then move into Public Comment. Um, how many cards do we have . Judson we have five for inperson. Okay, so well do in person here. And then move to online. Great thank you. So everyone who gave me a card come in. Line up right now. Supriya, ray jeff lucas, patrick, wolf. Michael, wait. Do we want to take a we usually move to do. Yeah im sorry. Yeah yeah. Let us sorry. Yeah. Let us move so we can actually see you. And you dont. Youre not talking to peoples backs. Sorry about that. Thank you for your patience. Please tell me what you. Okay so im sorry. You can come up now. Other folks are called supriya, jeff, patrick, michael and meredith. One minute each. Uh, president motamedi one minute each. Yeah. Sounds great. Great. Whenever youre ready. Thanks. Hi um, supriya, ray and i want to thank you all for holding this, um, meeting, both for monitoring the math outcomes and for monitoring board governance. Its such such a great thing that were doing these things that nobody was engaging in even a couple of years ago. So i thank you for doing that. Um, one point i really wanted to emphasize is High Expectations. Tnp has repeatedly, both in the literacy and math audits, now, talked about how important expectations are. And i find it really distressing that in both audits, uh, tnp found that many, many teachers did not have High Expectations for their students with that sort of viewpoint, its not surprising that, you know that students arent necessarily doing well in classes. And interestingly, tnp pointed out that High Expectations was actually the biggest factor actor in terms of improving the performance of students who started out substantially below average. So i just wanted to say i think that is something to keep in mind and something we should look at why that is the case and how to change that. Thank you. Good evening, im jeff lucas. Um teaching and learning is both an art and a science. Tonight we heard from a lot of what i would portray as artists who are perfecting their craft and being Great Teachers and leaders, but the science part is building a better system, a system that works without a lot of personal ingenuity and leadership. But that works across the system. Uh, one example that we did in october is we looked at a root cause analysis for attendance and came up with a great strategy and a fishbone diagram for attendance. And we havent done that for math. Where is the root cause analysis for math . Two specific things havent been mentioned tonight that might lead into that is one is attendance. We know attendance affects outcomes, but theres no mention of that in the tnt report. They dont look at attendance that could affect Student Outcomes. And that could get tied into the math goal. The second one is pacing. How much curriculum do students actually complete in a year . In a year of content . My experience is they dont get a full year of instruction. Thank you. Hi. Good evening, patrick wolff. I have two comments to make. Ill try to be succinct. Uh, the first is i think we could benefit quite a lot from more aggressively looking at other districts. We believe are high performing, um, and trying to learn from them. Long beach, for example, is a district we like to compare ourselves to. Why dont we invite them down here . We could make a trip to long beach. Its not tokyo, i understand, but its fairly. Its fairly, um, nearby. Um, and on a serious note, i think it would be very good culturally for us to check our egos at the door and learn as much as we possibly can from districts we think are doing well. The second point ill make briefly, i want to amplify what jeff just said about attendance before the pandemic. Our chronic absentee ism levels among black and brown students were as much as 50 higher than the california average. And post pandemic, its a calamity and i think we should really be exerting as much energy as possible as we can on that across it will affect all different subjects. Thank you. Uh. Good evening, im mikhail, thank you all for your work and your service here. Um delegate simpson brought up retention in math as a challenge for students. I think thats a common problem in math. And its specifically in math. A challenge because math builds so much from year to year over the curriculum. And thats probably related to the drop off between third and eighth grade and the meeting standard percentages. Uh, this also, um, this challenge amplifies inequity because those, uh, kids who forget stuff they learned or didnt quite absorb it can get help from parents at home or from other resources they have. Unless they dont. And uh, um, and so its sad, but not surprising that this problem was worse in the communities of concern. Um theres also an assessment gap between third and eighth grade. Um and, uh, retention isnt something in the audit, and its not something thats emphasized in the curriculum or that teachers have explicit time for. We trust the teachers, and we have to create opportunities for them to do this work. Thank you. Hi. Good evening, Meredith Dodson with San Francisco parent coalition. We advocate for excellent, equitable Public Schools. Um, there was a lot of great discussion tonight. It was great to hear about the bright spots again from muir and presidio, um, schools that are beating the odds and showing whats possible for our students and simultaneous, we cant turn away from the significantly off track. Um, and i dont think that we heard enough in terms of solutions and what were doing and how were reaching each and every child, each and every student whos behind, um, falling further behind, about to fall behind. What is the plan . We dont have one. Um, its great to plan ahead. Its great to hear about the bright spots. We know we need to get more of those bright spots out there and heard by the community. Um, but also each and every one of those students deserves your attention. Youre accountable to them. And youre accountable for a solution to meet all of their needs. And i dont think there are enough solutions. Um, being offered tonight. Um, so please do better. Were looking to you. Thanks thank you. That concludes in person. We currently have two hands raised for virtual. One minute each. Okay. At this time we will hear Public Comment from our virtual participants. Each speaker will have one minute. Can we please have that repeated in spanish and chinese . Mr. Cada persona tendra derecho a un minuto. Muchas gracias. Chinese hai hai. A motion. Now, uh, you can. Go. Thank you. Thank you. So i see aaron brandy and vanessa. Um, well start with aaron and aaron. Youll have one minute to speak. Yes thank you. My name is aaron from parents for Public Schools of San Francisco. And i really appreciate what what the auditors presented and the inputs and the teachers on how this, um, decision on changing algebra is working. Um, one question i have is how has the dreambox program been assessed for accessibility for students who are blind or visually impaired, or students who may have, uh, mobility issues with their hands for typing and needing to use Different Software programs that are not always compatible with different programs. They might be, um, excelling in math, but not being able to use that specific program or application of dreambox. Thank you. Thank you. Brandy. Brandy markman. Um im a Public School parent. We are the San Francisco education alliance. Um, a while ago wrote a statement about dreambox, how we really need teachers working with our students instead of silicon valley. Editor uh, edtech funded programs. Um, im also a former teacher, so i work with adults. I worked with adults most of them quoted by initial local just about billionaire billionaire money in schools. Uh keep in mind that tntp is funded by Charter School billionaires, was founded by michelle rhee, who was behind the documentary the antiunion antiteacher documentary waiting for superman. I just also want to talk about three of the Public Commenters we had who are connected with sf guardians family for San Francisco and the s. F. Parent coalition, all backed by Charter School billionaires. Either mark arthur rock and or michael moritz. So, um, i just hope everybody keeps that in mind when, um, when theyre listening to Public Commenters is that theres a lot of billionaire pro privatization school money. Um, that has been thank you. Brandy, im so sorry to have to interrupt you. That is your time. Thank you. Vanessa. Hi. Good evening. Can you hear me . Yes, we can hear you. Thank you. Happy new year, everybody. Vanessa from parents of Public Schools of San Francisco. Im a parent of three children, two with ieps and i serve San Francisco for a number of years. Mark sanchez was my principal back in the day. I am excited about all of this, um, strategy, scaffolding, differentiation supports thinking about resources. Im going to encourage you to have a well delineated plan for target population, such as students with disabilities, students of limited english proficiency, and also African American and latino students. Im not seeing that. Not seeing it doesnt exist. But please have a plan because we dont want these students to get further behind. Have a good evening. Thank you. And catch. And its actually kelly from the cac. Um, i just wanted to just request beyond dreambox, which is not not all students take to it. And please strengthen your tier two and tier three interventions. Its crucial all along with the curriculum changes and also id like to know specifics about, uh, specifically what youre doing for students with ieps and monitoring learners. And perhaps the next presentation, because i didnt hear a lot about that. Beyond that, thank you very much for your time. Thank you. That does conclude our virtual Public Comment. Okay. The meeting is adjourned at 915. Meeting is adjourned at 915. [music] San Francisco developing programs specific low to increase the amount of Affordable Housing throughout the city. The Affordable Housing Bonus Program provides developers to include more housing for i have low, low, moderate and middle income households. This program does not rely on public subsidies but private developers who include it part of their project. Under california density bonus law. Housing prejudices that include affordable on site may be request a density bonus. It is an increase in the number of Housing Units allowed under zoning laws and based on affordable units being provided. However, the state law does not address all of San Francisco needs does not incentivize middle income housing. Associating the city is proposing an Affordable Housing Bonus Program for higher levels of Development Including middle income u firsts providing a stream lined application review and approval process. How does the program work in it applies to mixed use corridors in San Francisco. And offers incentives to developers who provide 30 of affordable in projects. To reach 30 , 12 of the units must be affordable to low income household and 18 per minute nap to middle income households. In exchange developers will will build more and up to additional 2 stories beyond current zoning regulations. 1 huh human affordable will be offered up to 3 additional stories beyond current regulations. Each building will be required conform to guidelines ensuring meets with the character of the area and commercial corridors. This program is an opportunity to double the amount of Affordable Housing and directly address the goals established by twenty 14 hosing element and prospect k paddled by voters last year. Pacificly, prop circumstance established a goal that 33 of all new housing permanent to low and moderate incomes this program will be the first to prosecute void permanent affordable projects that include middle income households. To learn more about the Program Visit once i got the hang of it a little bit, you know, like the first time, i never left the court. I just fell in love with it and any opportunity i had to get out there, you know, they didnt have to ask twice. You can always find me on the court. [ ] we have been able to participate in 12 athletics wheelchairs. They provide what is a expensive tool to facilitate basketball specifically. Behind me are the amazing golden state road warriors, which are one of the most competitive adaptive basketball teams in the state led by its captain, chuck hill, who was a National Paralympic and, and is now an assistant coach on the national big team. It is great to have this opportunity here in San Francisco. We are the main hub of the bay area, which, you know, we should definitely have resources here. Now that that is happening, you know, i im looking forward to that growing and spreading and helping spread the word that needs that these people are here for everyone. I think it is important for people with disabilities, as well as ablebodied, to be able to see and to try different sports, and to appreciate trying different things. People can come and check out this chairs and use them. But then also friday evening, from 6 00 p. M. Until 8 00 p. M. , it will be wheelchair basketball we will make sure it is available, and that way people can no that people will be coming to play at the same time. We offer a wide variety of adaptive and inclusion programming, but this is the first time we have had our own equipment. [ ] television microphone distorted in today were at Emergency Operations center for apec one activation so this is one of my activations that is for apec has more than into to one hundred people another one time and 5 of departments and local partners and regional and federal and state partners were here in the apec Emergency Operations a critical part and were the single voice for the city about all issues related to apec and the Emergency Operations a lot of operations went into setting you were the 234id and and activate managing the things as they come up and managing the people and make sure that everyone is really doing the work with the objectives as keeping the goals in mine with Emergency Operations spaces. I organ the center and whatever that is inperson and or to the transaction one authorized on the side whenever ill get a response right now. Please check in. My really is the jic to help with the operations we do that by sharing information and coordinating the activities and with Additional Resources when though feel the Emergency Operations speeds the capacity of the work in process. One of the first agencies part of the planning for apec we microphone distorted with the agency that we do streets and transit and we do taxis so involving in San Francisco under the umbrella. And the activation there is parts of the city have been cut off and limited assess and sometimes the information is combhifg so the information is not necessarily always refined for their knowledge. This activation is different from the activations were waiting and if we dont video the resources currently 1r5i7b8g this to pea meal it and because of this we make it happen. For our department the 911 dispatchers and Emergency Operations and with the jic the Operation Center where we are right now. multiple voices . By insuring the rights of people we make sure of the First Amendment rights we didnt want people to think because the federal government was coming into town that the federal government would be cracking down on people just looking to demonstrate the sfpd and Law Enforcement insuring that people can do and keep everyone safe and something we or microphone distorted . So jic has responded to over 200 media parts and on the Emergency Operations and when people should ambulance for travel and we definitely not have been able to do that without everybody in the room and. An event like this people grow and they strengthen themselves and they have to rise to occasion that they didnt know they would have to and across the board asking the city to make it safe. And been a good learning experience, you know, city admin but also the region is different across the city working together in the room and being part of an activation effort feels like a Meaningful Service where everyone is needed. Yeah. What when i do matter a lot i cant take credit for everyone. When i do if we can tie a ribbon around it. Get the community to that is exciting we serve the city we love and it is rewarding and. It is extremely regarding and the great relationships that work my name is Alex Sinclair of willow on the green in San Francisco. We are the only british tea shop on the west coast and focused on high quality luxury goods from the u. K. And we have teas and baked goods. We came up with the name because willow is made with baskets and the parklett, a willow green and that is a picnic in the park. I have come up with the idea because i have lived in the neighborhood for a year. Seven years ago we had a tea shop. During covid we needed to have a new flavor and rejuvenate the business. We are between two beautiful businesses. I realized with the shop opening next to the bakery, we had a beautiful tea shop in the area. We started with british teas and want to support local tea makers in the local area. And once you have cheese and biscuits need tea and jam and lemon curd and chocolate and all of these parts basically imported from the u. K. Our most popular products come from wales. Its an extra cheddar and next popular product is a jam made with alpine strawberry. So you get a taste of a nice strawberry. This is about supporting cheese makers and business in the area and womenowned businesses around the world and always want to support the community. We support concerts, we support charities and come to the aid to those in need such as the British Society and the San Francisco society and the if you have never had british cheese, i recommend you come in on weekend. All of our staff are highly knowledgeable of all of our products and we are really passionate about what we do here and gives you a chance to explore our culture and food and our values. I encourage you to come to the inner sunset with a beautiful park to be young and academy of sciences here. Come to the shop. We have beautiful baskets and blankets so you can enjoy this wonderful nature and you can support these wonderful businesses out here. 5 oclock. music . Cofounder. We started in 2008 and with the intent of making the ice cream with grown up flavors and with like and with tons of accessible freshens and so we this is many people will like it and other people will like you my name is alice my husband were the owners of you wont see ice cream in San Francisco and really makes fishing that we are always going together and we we provide the job opportunity for High School Students and i hired them every year and. Fun community hubble in San Francisco is my district i hope we can keep that going for many years. And im alexander the owner of ice cream and in San Francisco and in the outer sunset in since 1955 we have a vast of flavors liar choke oclock but the flavors more than three hundred flavors available and i am the owner of the ice cream. And my aunt used to take us out to eat ice cream all the time and what can i do why not bring this ice cream shop and unintelligible joy a banana split or a great environment for people to come and enjoy. Were the ordinances of the hometown and our new locations in pink valley when i finished law school we should open up a store and, and, and made everybody from scrap the first ice cream shop any ice cream we do our own culture background and a lot of interaction and were fortunate we can get feedback and serve to the king of ending and also [music] welcome to the Ethics Commission introduction to gift rules. We will discuss why the city and county of San Francisco and the state of california have rules regarding give and accepting giftss an employee or officer. As city officers and employees we serve the public. Everyone who lives, works or plays in San Francisco trusts us with important decisions every day. This trust is honored boy making decision for the public good. If someone gives you i gift than i miexpect manage in return. If you accept i gift you mifeel pressureed give something. Even if you dont feel pressured, members of public could perceive it different low. Creates the appearance of i conflict of interest real or perceived. To foster an environment gentleman decisions are fair and in the based on person interests tr are restrictions on giving and receiving gifts employs well wellace reporting requirements. These may include refusing gifts the people you serve or those doing business with your agency. Only accepting gifts below a certain value or public low disclosing the gift you received. Because gift lus and limits vary depending on circumstances, it is always important it seek guidance before accepting i give to avoid violating the lu. Rules support the trust tht people of San Francisco have put us. Had our decisions are fair and transparent and we are accountable we live up to ideals. For more information visit the San Francisco Ethics Commissions website at sfethics. Org or phone, e mail or in person. Thank you for watching. In cases where there is a hello, hello. Now the queen was walked in herself now that the queen has walked in herself. Day day day. Were here to celebrate the the wiz you all say that with me the wiz. My name is rodney el mar jackson junior born and raised proud black artist and owner of the Theatre Company and proud to be here side the wiz coming to San Francisco 2024 amen, amen. The the wiz um, clapping. and a special place in my heater i think a lot of off the have come here and without that we wouldnt be the artist we are today and cant believe that is the very, very first, you know this is the first relief of the the wiz . Those trail blafrz like diana ross from the movie stephanie millions in the musical were doing everything we can at sf jazz to simplify and theatre im going to introduce laughter the incredible producers without producers how do we do this work . Lets have bryan a moorland come on up clapping. mr. Bryan. Thank you rodney thank you, thank you really. Thank you. Good afternoon, everyone how are you . [off mic. ] i just got off a plane waiting to be be here on a San Francisco im going to ask you one time how are you . That good afternoon [off mic. ] thank you, San Francisco thank you so much San Francisco im thrilled to be here thank you for having us rodney has said in the the wiz for whatever reason diana ross and Michael Jackson. But goes back further it goes back back to 1974 in oakland an unknown show called the the wiz an unknown girl starring Stephanie Mills and others and showcasing the broadway critically panned. By the oaklands press threatening to shut down the theatre and it went obtain to win tony awards the first time a black choreographer one george the first time is a black dprishg one a tony award and the first time a black designer one for costumes so many first came out of the the wiz and a production opened after 45 years the first rival in 45 years and incredible; right . Around that . clapping and this particular production has a couple of unknown people art is agree the unknown girl straight in schizophrenia virginia 24 years old a voice of an angel and have Dominican Republic are cox and deborah plays a really pretty sure by lena horn and jazz artist we have deborah cox and get the very, very fairs talent a wonderful man named wayne grady our the wiz and a lot of you have the square crow and making placing the line and others and so in first and the list goes on and on. If you are is fan of the lets see coachella or lemonade a around the world well, youre a big fan of the cosponsor graphic we have xhooikt choreographing the the wiz clapping. if you are a fan of the black panther and looking at this and we are pleased to know were the first having a black History Month to win an award for this; right . The first africanamerican woman to win a oscar shes designed the set of the wiz we have here and say ray arrest drama girls or jingle a worker was sharon davis designed all the costumes in the the wiz we cant wait to come to San Francisco thank you for your opening your hearts and minds and bringing people to the theater presidio is a show about families and about friends. It is about finding your place in the world and about being Something Like that you are welcomed and you are wanted and desired and needed. And who does need that right now not to mention filled with enjoy so much joy in the the wiz two hours two hours or fun unadulterated fun and enjoy and laughter all being director by the first blame woman in 45 years her name is Shelly Williams clapping. so theres many, many people surrounding it this production to make that the best and we have others along with me and common and we have a lot of people a lot of people i want to say to all of you thank you, thank you fewer having us we cant wait for you to see the show when you come bring a friend and had you go home go back and tell your inwards you guys will be your 11 city only the board one more city after you guys were soldout and people are saying i dont know. I dont know. So get our tickets any for the the wiz. Thank you very much for being here. Thank you. You entice dont know that mr. Producer but Shelly Williams was my Society Director traveling around the country with those stories thats where she and i got our first interaction shes a trooper there is a motion and a second for ms. Shelly williams. All right. A special, special equities our mayor london breed will give a word london breed. clapping so first of all, bryan you talked about all those incredible up and running stars but didnt recognize our own iep star Rodney Jackson junior who let me tell you something not only in motown but also in across the bay this guy is incredible star and inspiration in the arts and i am so proud born and raised in San Francisco in the Fillmore Community and i just like to see him grow and thrive thats why were here today and why the the wiz is so important to San Francisco let me dully im sfrurp excited because people forgot our relevant history of what things used to be like especially for africanamerican we going to to the shows and werent a lot of things for us to see in fact, not the social media and all those other digital things we have now but had like the the wiz and you remember when the the wiz came on tv when Michael Jackson and diana ross it was an all black cast this is seeing had is familiar to us that was not normal. That was breaking barriers and when you think about it too you think of those people as incredible stars like diana ross and you can only imagine what they had to go through in the movies she held to trailblaze and create and path those incredible stars and producers and could say stomach designers paved the way for the next generation of the Young Artists who have no limit who have an opportunity to guarantee and thrive in production all over the world. And when i think about San Francisco as a place to feature the the wiz i couldnt be more proud we went through a difficult time enjoy is now important than before so of again negativity and other things happening we can take a moment to experience enjoy and experience happiness and to appreciate all of what the the wiz represents and San Francisco is the place to do it. Just recently the hip i think trip at abc. And it was sell out amazing fun exciting and now broadway is bringing the the wiz to San Francisco with an allstar cast. And with an opportunity for us to make sure there is a connection. So we are out in the neighborhood. Not only providing for free ticket but opening up doors for people not able to afford the ticket but deserve to experience this enjoy like anything else want afford it thats what today is making sure that we provide over not just in San Francisco but all over the bayview welcome adams in the Oakland Chamber of commerce in San Francisco and everyone xrefrng what we have to offer in the arts and bringing people together i see our director of the Culture Affairs ralph is here and so many of the commissioners and folks pursue involved in san jose thank you for showing up because you are going to be the people to get the word out to make sure that everyone night is sold out show and each one chernz experiences we reminder see ourselves how significant so have a production of this nature in san jose. And im divvied, you know, how we never thought well be old people when i was coming up i no further thought ill be the person but you are lucky you got this we didnt have that and so thats what the the wiz it is we want everyone to see that especially young people to see what were talking about this is what we want you to experience and understand why it is so for that when chief success because you stand on someone elses shoulders who went through trials and tribulations. And thats why it is so significant. And i want to thank broadway and im excited by the the various folks involved in the the wiz all those stars, awarded people in the destroy that are saying im going to focus on broadway and the sites what that means we the have open arm in San Francisco and welcome i to the enjoy to know it very much appreciated for you to be here in San Francisco and choose to do this production in San Francisco with the opening happens and the 18 i want all the shows i want the shoes to be so soldout and the next city sorry to the next city were going to have at the expand in San Francisco. Thats what i want to see and so welcome and say for choosing San Francisco today, i want to have you come on the stage my baby rodney been around for 20 years still my baby on behalf of the city and county of San Francisco were to officially declare the the wiz in San Francisco. clapping. and on Opening Night were going to light up San Francisco in the yellow brick is it yellow . Yes light up city hall in joel to recognize the yellow brick road on the the wiz and continue to make sure that there is a celebration and theres enjoy and excitement we couldnt be more be honored and proud to have you and your cast and people involved in the the wiz walking the streets of San Francisco and eating at the rauchts and make sure you get our dinner reservation in San Francisco we want to show people not just the joy of the the wiz in San Francisco thank you all for being here today clapping . laughter [off mic. ] two more things for the people thank you, thank you 2 or 3 this thank you so much. The artists are important ernest person in the cast is not only a performerer but a mentor we will have parents comes up in the cast and all of them building everyone has a story and so if parks and recreation with all of you in the city of San Francisco and in broadway we are honored to give one hundred tickets to sweat shirts students across the city to come and enjoy the the wiz clapping. what you, you doing today. More good news good news and the cast is traveling down to san diego we have a very special performance if a wonderful, wonderful artist named rita and will give you guys a sneak peak with two selections a beautiful song and also believe in yourself give a great big restrooms for rita west. Reunion abound. It is very small community. Oh. [off mic. ] well, good afternoon everyone this is wonderful. music . Wrap our arms around unintelligible . Like when you unintelligible . Then you know i love you now because i loved you then. Though you may be trying sometimes, i need you, youre not there music . I might be mad and turn you away you know ill always unintelligible . You, you know, i watched the movie the other night and when you i got it get older and you live a little bit with everything it is going on now you realize so many metaphors and things going on in that 3450e6 that hit me in a different way. And unfortunately, were still struggling in the movie scenes if you think what i mean . music . If you believe within our hearts youll know that no one can change the path you must go. Then youll be and know that is right just because the time will come around and youll say it is yours. Building that you can grow old building i can unintelligible . Click your heels three times if you believe that your there. Building in yourself right from the Start Building in the magic inside your heart. Building on the things not because i told you see. But building in yourself. You got to believe in yourself. Just building in yourself as though and say believing in you you, you. Believing in you. music and clapping. yes rita. Yeah. clapping. and another remaining for rem ma webb. On behalf of the entire company of the the wiz a big thank you, one time thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you, mayor. Breed for coming here today and welcoming us and for hosting us and every single that has taken the time to come here i know we made a pack but see ernest of your bright and shiny faces to the wiz; right . And thank you for helping us and giving us your gift today. Thank you. If you. Will you help me with the. But we have a couple of tickets with terrify you cant have questions our first question is let me see oh, oh. Thats a good one. Okay. So jeffrey holder quick quick jeffrey holder was married to a wonderful woman specially in the event and might remember him in jell will dmerlz but in a 3450e6 the very, very first movie is start another unknown little girl does anyone know the name of that movie . Other peoples money i got it. Thats jazz you got free tickets. You got free tickets. Oh, we got you all right number with two. This a really good one. Okay. Thats a really, really good one. Okay. Okay. So in the movie in the movie of the the wiz demeanor they has to put on her slippers we have all things twisters and turns one what a the slippers and anyone know the color of the slippers we wear in the the wiz . Oh, mr. Alex jones that was supposed to be a trick question. They are silver. He got two tickets to the the wiz thank you so, so much we are only giving that many out so, thank you. So this yes, this serves as a africanamerican culture complex thank you, mayor. London breed. So dont forget were hosting a whiff event for the children 5 or 6 blocks away at the africanamerican Culture Center at 4 00 p. M. With a lot of kids and cast members will be there and a wonderful conversation for the choreographer and so if youre there come own over we have a space for 250 people we know the the wiz but time to give this the wiz to the next generation come on out and fulton street ease on down the road thank you, mayor. London breed and all right. I think with all due respect. I live in behaving. So we will be hosting on the bayview open today house and also will be more tickets giving out at the Coastal Centers this thursday come out this thursday and tuneup own your history and we have a shout out for the Surgeon General thank you for coming out and yeah thats it thank you, guys for making this magical. Thank you. Locals. music . The work go ahead offered i didnt the rec and park fridays local young people between 14 and 17 to be part 6 the workforce and eastern responsibility and professionalism and gain job skills and assignments in neighborhoods parking and Recreation Centers and includes art and crafts, sport, cooking, gardening and facility support and so many more. multiple voices . I think were part of the this is the fact were outdoors and it is really great to be in nature and workreation is great first step to figure out what you would like to do workreation covers real life working skills and expansion can be allowed unintelligible it is a really Great Program because um, students get placed all the time for what they like. Join us in the experience and opportunity and i really like the workreation program it is fun to workout at the summer camp with all the kids each is different and the staff is really nice. Why . Is because i used to go to the local park often when i was a little kid. With my mom i often had to translate for my mom i applied in the hope to provide assistance for other people with first language was for the english. I like this job we have fun and working and i feel welcome. Hi. Like how a job actually works like maybe before then i didnt know like all the jobs i dont know any of that now i do. It has to be self aware of things and independence of value of this taught me how to be progressiveal but still learning as i go on. I learned a lot like a got to adapt and challenges and obstacles come up everyday and. I like that were able to really work with other people and gaining experience like how in the real world hoe how he work with other people. If youre looking to develop your live skills as well as cash and working in the parks, and meeting great people and working with great staff i definitely recommend the corporation. It is fun. I definitely do the scombrifrm again that the workreation and park and ill do that again. I will good morning, thed meeting will come to order. This is the january 22, 2023, rules committee. Im supervisor hillary ronen, chair of the committee. Im joined by supervisor walton and soon be joined by supervisor safai. Mr. Clerk, do you have any announcements . Clerk yes, Public Comment will be taken on each item of the agenda wh. Your item of interest comes up, please line up to speak on the right. Alternatively, you may commit in writing in the following ways, email them to me. If you submit Public Comment by email it will be forwarded to the supervisor and included as part of the file. You may also send written comment by u. S. Mail to our office, at city hall, room 244, San Francisco california 94102. Please make sure to silence all cell phones and electric devices. Documents should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted today, unless otherwise noted. Thank you, can you please call item number 1. Clerk item number 1 is the motion approving objecting the controller for city of San Francisco tenyear term. There is a request that this matter be sent out as a committee report. Thank you very much and before we hear from mr. Wagoner, i want to say that when we got notice that our extraordinary controller is going to leave his post in february, my heart sunk to the ground and ive never really honestly have not been more worried for San Francisco. Because ben, you really have kept us going. Have maintained the trust of every one that i know. I dont know a Single Person who does not respect and trust you. And really are the adults in the room figuring out,000 solve problem wz no political agendas underlining your judgment. So i thought how are we going to survive without you . And the pit of my stomach remained until the mayor brilliantly chose to pick mr. Wagoner. Ive been working with you, mr. Wagoner as a legislative aid for the past four years, at the time you were budget director working for then mayor now, govern gavin newsom. And when i started this job, it was during an era, i guess that was not changed. There was a lot of friction between the board and mayor newsom at the time. And i remember being in a battle information, i was also brand new a lot xhunger and came from the world of being an accountist so i was addressing my job in this way. I expected to be embattled and it was the opposite, youre the biggest pleasure to work with. You never played games, you were straight and honest and brilliant and helpful and when you then moved to the department of Public Health, the department that i worked with more than any other department in the city, you just continued to come up very similarly to, controller rosenfelt with the good ideas to solve the problems really for the people. I could not be more excited about your nomination. I want to thank mayor breed for the Perfect Choice as far as im concerned. And just say that, i now have faith that our city will continue to be in good hands because youre willing to take this leadership position and i have no doubt well, which will be approved bit board of supervisors. So with that, unless you want to make any opening statements, please mr, wagoner, join us. Thank you so much chair ronen, i appreciate those comments so thank you. I really deeply honored to be nominated for this position and considered by this board for approval. It is an inspiring and unique opportunity for me to serve the city that i love, the city i live in and we are raising a family. And ill give everything to the position if im approved. I spent the last 14 years working in Financial Management and other efforts to improve Public Services in San Francisco, as you said, chair ronen, formerly as the mayors budget director and for the last 12 years as the chief Financial Officer and chief operating officer in the department of Public Health, the citys largest department. I hope that work has prepared me for this position. Controller has a number of roles, as the chief Financial Officer and auditor for the city and county. The discharge of those duties and confident and affective manner as an affective stone of government. But the office is also a voice for integrity, ethics and accountabilities and a steward of the citys best interest. It is a voice for the use of data and information to apply to Decision Making about our critical Public Policy and operational issues and its of course a partner to leaders throughout the City Government. Many other cities across the country, were facing a challenging financial and economic moment. And, its true that there are probably some difficult decisions and times ahead but i am truly optimistic about the future of San Francisco. And im optimistic about our collective ability to Work Together and solve these problems. Like, all of you, ive been around through previous challenges that includes the years of the great recession, that includes the late 20 teens when we had a fed Cal Administration that attempt today dismantle our financial safety net through covid and many other ways. Those were tough but i took from that experience the path to resolve is to have all the stakeholders working together, Mayors Office, the community, our department heads, our advocates our Business Community and that is not always easy but we keep our north star on our eye on the north star of providing the best and most Efficient Services to the public. And thats my cause for op at this sifm. Optimism. If i have the honor of being confirmed for this position ill do everything i can to take those experiences and values into my work. Im definitely eager to get to work in the Controllers Office among those using, the teams and the Controllers Office to analyze their teams to tackle some of the big problems and big issues facing our city, homelessness and Behavioral Health improving the streets and others. Were in a moment of economic transition, im eager to jump into that conversation and work on a data driven strategies and option to see present to policy mainingers for how we can navigate this change into the next phase of our citys economy. We also need to continue the work and im anxious of continuing the work Guiding Light throughout our City Government and i take that roll very seriously. I had the privilege of working with two great controllers, Ben Rosenfield and before him, ed herrington, i learned a lot by watching them do the job. They both approached it in different way to see a certain extent but there was a core common denominator which was competence, integrity, independence, accountability and focusing on using data to improve through government services. Ill take that into my job. Im aeg tore get to work and to work with the absolutely remarkable team in the Controllers Office it truly is a special group of public servants. I would like to thank my colleagues at Public Health who have supported me through this process and over the years and with that, i will stop talking and im happy to hear thoughts from the Board Members here and answer any questions that you may have. Thank you very much for the honor of being considered for this position. Thank you so much. Supervisor walton. Thank you, chair ronen and thank you so much mr. Wagoner for being willing to step up and move in a different direction. I know you already have a good job, so taking a leap to another role is a positive. I know i have a couple of questions, one thing i want to hear just on record because we know the role of controllers independent, but the appointment is not, so just want to know how you would deal if your job entails the decision. Thank you very much, supervisor walton, very good question. Its true, the controllers information is appointed by the mayor, confirmed by the board and serves for a term of ten years. And independence is critical in the nature of the work. There are a lot of things that i can say in answer to that question. The most important point though, is it comes back to rooting your Decision Making and your conduct in the office in the city charter, with the city charter defines the role to be and the ordinances and the admin code and otherwise that describe the discharge of those duties. So reading the charter which eveb rereading the sections related to the office of the controller, is clear to me that their roles for the controller must independently make decisions. For example when there is a over spending projected in one of the citys accounts, the Controllers Office must step in. But its also clear to me that independence means, youre not isolated and the charter requires the Controllers Office to have an on going relationship and conversation with both, the Mayors Office, the board of supervisors or other elected officials and city departments. So take that role seriously and use the, use the language in the charter and responsibility outlined in the cheater as my guide for navigating those decisions. Thank you, and then, just curious what would be your focus on improving the ability for nonprofits to be successful but also make sure that theyre in compliance with contracts and of course, making sure that they benefit the city in a matter where they can do their job and execute contracts, but also make sure that the city is able to be on top of the work . Thank you, that is a question that is close to my heart coming from Public Health which has both depends on contracts with our private organization to see deliver our services but also where ive heard a lot of the frustration and challenges of working with the city from our partners in the nonprofit sector. There is a process that has started to show some tangible gains that is lead by the Controllers Office working with the group of Community Base organization sxz that is looking at some things like how do we treat the cola, the compensation, the colas for nonprofits in a more consistent way and how do we do a better job of having stream lined and coordinated monitoring . I think it would be a priority for me to work on taking that work to the next stage. You mentioned a couple of key issues, there is challenges with the city to officially administrator contracts. I believe that we can do a better job broadening the pool of potential applicants for rfps and other city contracts and supporting organizations as they come in and express a willingness to do work for the city. And also providing support where our partners need Capacity Building and trying to develop that system of support. The other piece that you mentioned, which is also a priority for me, is working on how do we do a better job of being clear about metric thats were using to evaluate success under our city contracts and i think that the controllers is in a position to help facilitate some city wide conversations, its a tricky topic, but there is a lot of our work that depends on successful relationships with our contractors. I think there is a opportunity to spend quite a bit of time on developing tools and data and option to see bring to policy makers for how we can improve in that area. So im excite today work on that topic. And i also think, i will mention, there is an opportunity to expand or change the compositions of that group that is working on that process that we have a an inclusive perspective on organizations. Thank you. Supervisor safai . Thank you, supervisor walton asked a question that i was asking. The auditing has been helpful for some flt organizations to kind of guide them and im talking about nonprofit auditing from the Controllers Office, im thinking about the department of Public Health. Im thinking about some of the programs inhousing and Supportive Housing. Some of it intended to guide and road map to strengthen organizations but we found some instances where there is been a significant problem, can you talk about that a little bit in the role that the Controllers Office plays in that . Yes, absolutely, supervisor, and youre correct, Controllers Office audit role is one of the fundamental responsibilities of the office under the charter. There is a team that controls those audits, there are, there are challenges in delivering city services, i think its critical to have active and robust action where identifying where things are not working well and were not getting value for public dollars. And even when there may be misuse of public funds. So that is certainly a Critical Role the Controllers Office. I have started digging in with the team on the work planning, i would like to spend quite a bit of time for the audit function. Ive heard, and will continue to cult with members of this board, where they think opportunities may be. But, im absolutely, committed to carrying out that role and making sure that we have a process for ensuring that public funds are used effectively and the programs are being successful. We started that program with the current controller with the department on the Supportive Housing that was about a measure that i lead last year. And some of that work is beginning, i think thats an important work between controller and yourself. Just at the beginning of auditing showed some significant deficiencies and some problem within that department. So we need to prioritize as a goal for your transition. A second thing i want to talk about at least from my term on the board and i think my colleagues will agree. The position the controller plays is one of solutions and problem solving and helping the guide a us in an independent way when we have policy debates or looking for solutions in those. Can you talk about how you will embrace that and how the role that the controller plays in those positions . Yes, thank you, supervisor. I think i view the role of the Controllers Office as a not a Decision Maker about those challenging issues but as you described voice that can support, can provide data to policy makers, that can bounce ideas off of members of the board or the Mayors Office. And take those ideas and put our analytical capacity to work to create options that may be available to the board. I think with a tactical stand point, i would certainly be meeting regularly with the members of the board, to talk through the issues that theyre concerned with, the areas where they need support and using the teams to my best of the best of my ability to do so. The Controllers Office is in that special role and this goes back to the role and the charter of it stands outside the board of supervisors and outside the Mayors Office and that role of helping facilitate conversation and using data i think is core to how the office needs to conduct itself and that is one of the things that i have watched from our former two controllers and learned lesson and i will continue to cult with our former controllers and all of you to learn how to do that, well and better if im given the opportunity to have this position. I would take it a step further, i feel that when a controller puts stamp of approval on idea, it helps all the stakeholders in the city. So i think thats a really important role. Absolutely, supervisor, there are times when the board or the mayor says to the controller, we dont just want data, we want to you give us a memberation. I understand that point. So the last thing i want to talk about is coming into this year, in particular youre stepping, youll be stepping into this role in a very tenuous time in the city, about 800 Million Dollars deficit, i think the feeling is that that number will keep growing as we get closer to budget negotiations and potentially have, potentially grow further with that amount. Some of that has to do with the 40 million empty office space in the downtown. Some of the tourist industry, transfer tax, not as robust as it once was because of the deflation and devaluation of property, Property Owners are going to foreclose more rapidly or hold until the economy comes back. All of that plays into a larger and larger deficit and yet, we have a significant number of services and positions in this city, city positions that the mayor chose to not fill over the last five years, whether it was 911 call operators, nurses, paramedics, a whole host of our kind of social safety net all over the city. Just wanted to hear your thoughts about the structural deficit that is upcoming, the amount of services that will be impacted and some of the ideas that you have in terms of recommendations going forward. Thank you supervisor, that is the i guess its the build question. I have a lot of thoughts and i spent a lot of years tackling questions of this nature but a few to share here at this moment. So number 1, as you described, the shape of the projected deficit includes a shortterm deficit but also a structural, structural imbalance between structures and revenues. We have a shortterm problem to solve in this twoyear budget but we also have a growth in the deficit in the out years so. I think thats going to take multiple years of layering on solutions. There is some things that we can look at in the current year, and in the shortterm, there are other things that will take a longer lead time to develop ideas and analysis, flush out some of the ideas so well be ready in next years budget or the year after to put those on the table or into play for Decision Making and the budget process. I think a few things that we can certainly do, the shortterm things that the Controllers Office will help with that are in the technical financial analysis, things like looking at the citys debt portfolio, looking at the general fund, things at the rate where we can draw our fema reimbursement, we will certainly do those. The other piece of this is, at your, you described that economic transition that were in. I think the current state of our forecast is, we have a good forecast but we also have an unusual amount of uncertainty. And so, there is going to be both shortterm and long term work for the Controllers Office and much of that has started in partnership with the treasure and Tax Collector to continue to get a better handle on what those projections look like as more data becomes available so. Projecting out what the Economic Situation means for property and property base taxes, so that we can have a clearer picture of deficit. But lastly and i think, importantly to your underlying question, i think there are opportunities that the Controllers Office can use to support Decision Making by this body and by the Mayors Office. For as i understand, the first time and quite sometime, we have a nearly fully staffed city performance unit, which is the team that youre often reading reports and hearing analysis from. And in that capacity is something that we can use to flush out some of these concepts or ideas both shortterm and long term. Things are there opportunities and consolidated city services. How can we analyze programs where there is overlap and look for, savings, opportunities, opportunities to deliver services more efficiency. Those things take time and thought and complicated to implement, i think thats a place that we can help. The team at the Controllers Office is already, working on some of that work to try to think through, leading into this process. How we can use the office to help with some of that analysis and flush out some city priority options leading into the budget and that could include things like looking at vacant positions, looking at what is going on in our contracted spending or other topics of that nature. So we will be supporting to the best of our ability in that regard. So, i just want to ask you directly something that i know a lot of us with thinking about. I heard consolidation savings, vacant positions and contracted adjustment of contract spending. But i dont know if that gets us to 1. 4 billion in terms of deficit. And unlike, probably anytime in the last 7580 years, this downtown recovery in this downtown vacancy will continue to have a Significant Impact in the short and medium term. How do you, how do you think about the Overall Service delivery and thats what i started with in terms of the basic important services. How do you approach that without thinking about revenue . Thinking about where our Revenue Sources are . And how we adjust those sources. I think its one that we have not seen in a very very long time. Yeah, absolutely. And the question about revenue goes to the earlier discussion about about that on going analysis of the economic drivers which translate into our tax base. So there has been a lot of base line work that has been happened on that but i think there are multiple. The Controllers Office has the office of city economist. The toint say a couple of things, i will not ask questions, i promise. As somebody that has worked with greg in a number of years and the number of roles that hes held and ive held around the government, its important to mention some of my experiences with his approach and the qualities, i think he would bring to the job and ill mention a couple of areas that are important for the role. First, i think its absolutely critical that whoever hold the role be an honest broker and under in their approach to the work. And i know greg will do that, having seen him in his approach in tricky situations in the past as mayors budget directors and other roles, he has held in the city. I think the respect that comes for the office comes in part because its understood that, when were kind of saying something as a Controllers Office it comes with thought t comes from analysis from a tremendous group of people and the answer is the same, regardless of who is asking but that would be a mayor, a board of supervisor member, it would be a member of labor union a nonprofit organization, you are an honest and straightforward broker of information and often contentious situation and i witnessed greg doing that over the many times over the years. Other, i think its critical that whoever hold the role have a belief in the power to place to do good in the importance of government. So while the control and the controllers improving that youre saying no, a lot. And you are. You really want somebody in the role that wants to be helpful that understand what is wanted and identify issues and try to help people get there. You know, seeing greg troubleshoot tricky situations have seen him, kind of work through complicated issues, listen carefully and bring his knowledge and the knowledge of those around him to troubleshoot problems. So just a couple of my perspectives as i step out of role and look for this body approve to work with greg on a clean transition. Thank you so much, i appreciate that. And now if we can open this item up for Public Comment. Clerk yes, members who wish to speak on this item, should line up to speak at this time. Each speaker will be allowed two minutes there will be a chime when there is 30 seconds left and a louder chime when your time has expired. Would anybody like to make any Public Comment on this matter . Is there does not appear to be Public Comment. Public comment is now closed. So, the advise of the city attorney, i want today offer an amendment to the item, if we could amend the language basically to clarify when, greg would take over as controller. So the language would read moved that the board of supervisors approves the appointment of greg wagoner for the terms of 10 years which shall be the latter affective date of the motion or resignation of controller ben grossenfeld. Second. Would you also like to include deleting rejecting. Oh sure, i can do it in one. And then its my great pleasure to make a motion to remove the word rejects, is that the language . Clerk i believe it is. I have not been on this committee for a while. Remove the word rejects, from from this motion. Can i have a roll call. Clerk voice chair walton. Aye. Clerk supervisor safai. Aye. Clerk chair ronen. Aye. Jaot motion passes without objection. And now i make a motion to send the amended item to the full board with positive recommendation. Clerk as a committee report. As a committee report. Clerk yes recommended as committee report, vice chair walton. Aye. Clerk supervisor safai. Aye. Clerk chair ronen. Aye. Clerk the motion passes without objection. Passes unanimously. Congratulations, thank you. Mr. Clerk, can you please read item number 2. Clerk item number 2 is a a appointment of Food Security task force. We have two vacant seats. I would like to bring up hannah if you can tell us about yourself and why youre interested on serving in the seat. Speaker im the associated directer on meals on wheels in San Francisco and i would like to be a member of the Food Security task force because i think that Food Security is a essential to moving the needle on Health Equity and social justice in our city, in my position, i interact with members of the community everyday who are, managing chronic conditions and experiencing food insecurities. So i think that im well positioned to provide good feedback and to advocate for members of our community to the task force and help make the recommendations to you and the other supervisors. Its a topic that is really important to me, i love San Francisco and i just want to be part of making it a healthier place for members of our community to live. Wonderful, thank you so much. Any questions . I have one quick question for you. Because were heading into a difficult budget year and because in the past Food Security has been, you know, on the chopping block several times, something that many members of the board have fought very hard to protect. Do you have any thoughts about what the task force may be able to do to sort of, lift up the importance of Food Security as an item . Yeah. And that should not be cut . Absolutely. One thing that i task force is working on right now is the biannual report. And what the food securities means for the community and down streams, i think illustrating that with personal stories from people in our community and paring that up with data to illustrate how important topic it is. Something that the Food Security task force does tries to do. I think i can help advocate for that, our organization serves every zip code in San Francisco. And i talked to people from all over the community all the time. I think that paring those things can try to, you know, drive home the importance. I appreciate that a lot. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. For not only applying for this position but for the work that you do every single day, its so important and crucial and really appreciate you. Its a pleasure having you. Thank you. Thats all thank you. And next, well hear from laura jones. Good morning, im laura jones im the Program Manager for leas pantry in San Francisco and were a non prove thait does Trauma Informed Initiative in San Francisco imanage our Community Base programs. We work with the department of disability and aging to provide education with older adults and adults with disability and a cal fresh living grant to need assessment in specific areas in the city that has the highest need and to do Community Engagement to try to lift up the voices for older adults and adults with disabilities. Thank you. Any questions . No . Ill just, ill take the opportunity to ask you one question, can you talk about the impacts of covid and the end of the covid emergency on Food Security in San Francisco . Well there were so many extra supports, i was not here during the lock down in the pandemic i was living in oregon but arriving and seeing all the, the extra money that was going into cal fresh benefits and the extra support that the city was providing to the foodbank, and now seeing all of those things cut and the longer lines all around the city of people needing food and families struggling and knowing that the direct relationship and how children are going to perform in school, the possibility of people losing their homes because they have to choose between feeding their children and paying their rent, just undering how critical Food Security is to the well being of people in the city. So. Thank you, thank you, i appreciate you taking the time to apply. Mr. Clerk, can we open this item up for Public Comment . Clerk yes, members of the public wish to speak on this item, should line up to speak at this time. Each speaker will be allowed two minutes. Speaker thank you, for letting me allowing me to speak on this item. Its very important, i think Food Security task force and im glad i was able to catch this item. My time is going out, i dont want to take too many of your time. I just want to applaud this board and body for, for being mindful of this task force. And knowing how important their job is. Especially when you consider the population like the Homeless Population that really relies on the pantries and the city support the dietician sxz nutritionist and the foodbanks, making sure the food is safe to consume. Because anybody can just walk in and serve you. I tried to eat at anthony, i was at dorothy day at berkeley, its awful, people push you around. So we can have a more strict proses for allowing people to volunteer and serve, being in charge of food, and serving a really sensitive population. Because the Homeless Population that im a part of right now, is really vulnerable. Sol thank you guys and i appreciate you. Thanks tore your testimony. Clerk are there any other speakers in this matter. There are no more speakers for Public Comment. Public comment is now closed. Is would like to make a motion to recommend hannah grant for seat 18 and laura jones for seat 19 and send that item to the full board with positive recommendation. Clerk vice chair walton. Aye. Clerk safai. Aye. Clerk chair ronen. Aye. Motion passes unanimously. Congratulation sxz thanks again. Mr. Clerk, can you please call item number 3 jao. Item 3 is a appointment electric commission appointee. Thank you and we have one seat and two applicants. First i would like to call out ruth, good morning, hi. Thanks so much. Tell us about your qualifications and interest in serving. Speaker yeah, for those i have not met, im ruth kowitz, i first got interested when i spent sometime in 2019 volunteering in supervisor stefanis office when i was between jobs. And i loved engaging with the constituents and being here in city hall and also the volunteers that i got to work with was a wonderful community. Since then i went back to work fulltime and i was not able to come back and then i had a baby, my daughter is two and a half now so im excited to come back and tribute to the community again. And specifically why i thought this was a Good Opportunity for me, i dont have a ton of experience in civic policy or elections policy, but i feel that i have strong experience from my professional career that i can bring to the commission and contribute in that way. So im a product manager in the Tech Industry and there is two real skills i can bring from that to this commission. The first is data analytics, as we heard from our speakers, its really critical that we both set appropriate metrics that are measuring the right thing. Measure them in the best way possible so we get good data and then analyze it to understand what its really telling us and take the right actions so i would love, ive been doing that for my entire career and i would love to work with the team and help support them in any way i can. And secondly, stakeholder management. Product manager is a really key central role that has a lot of responsibilities but very little direct. So its part of my job to bring groups of people who dont have the same agenda, who dont have the same point of view and get them working on the same goal and mission. Its engineers and marketers and data scientists and designers and executive in getting around them altogether and i can take that same skill set and apply it to the teams here with my fellow commissioners, with the, with the Department Members of the department of elections and the other department thats we would need to work with to achieve our goals. Im really excited about the opportunity. Im happy to answer your questions. Thank you so much. Any questions . Supervisor walton . Thank you, chair, and ill ask this to ever applicant how important do you think for voting to be made accessible to anyone and do you have any ideas on how to get people registered and to the polls . Thats a great question. And i think its critical that we get as many people to vote as possible. I think thats probably the most important thing that the commission does and the ways that the commission can contribute. In terms of specific ideas of how to get people to the polls, im sure there is a lot of programs already that are doing out reach, i just received my pam let yesterday to anyone that can vote to this address which i really appreciate it. So there is a lot that is happening already. And i think, there are probably opportunities as i mentioned that is not really my area of expertise and somewhere where i have a ton of experience. So i would be looking to my fellow commissioners and department of elections to come, to come with those initial ideas and be able to help bring me along to learn what those key things are and i can contribute in other ways on constitution and things like that. Thank you. Supervisor safai. And it says here, you hosted polling station at your resident . I did yes, in 2022, yeah. So i live on the same block with the Mission Campus of city college. So during the pandemic, that location is closed thats usually where they have a huge polling station. So instead we had a smaller one in my garage. I just got a letter in my mail that said, we identified that you may have space, i was so excited and called them back immediately. I only got to do it once, after that, the city college opened back up again and thats a much more better suited than my garage but i was really sad i want today get a bunch of americana day core but i didnt get to it. Thank you so much. And then, just last question, what would be your priorities if you served . Yeah, what supervisor walton mentioned about getting as many people to the polls as possible would be a really really high priority. And also just ensuring that were creating a collaborative environment between the department of elections and commission. You dont want that relationship to be advosaryial, lets get these people together and coming back with the best ideas and doing as efficient as possible. Thank you so much, thank you for applying for this position and your willingness to serve. Thanks. Next and next well hear from kelly wong. Good morning, im kelly wong i stand here to seek your support for my nomination to the Elections Commission. I believe this position will not only allow me to promote aoek al access for voting but for me to uplift the voices of immigrant communities. I have to start that my background may be uncommon compared to those who have historically served on elections. Im a non citizen and a broad sit en born in hong kong. Many may wonder why a newcomer like myself would seek this position. It is exactly because im an immigrant that i understand how it feels to be left out of important policy decisions and conversation that i am packets my life. For a long time after moving to the u. S. , i felt defeated and struggled to hear my own voice. But rather than staying in violence or working in washington after graduation like many did, i moved to San Francisco to serve my communities. Through my work of chinese for affirmative action, i saw how low income immigrants face barriers that prevents them to vote. To breach this communication gap, i host and produce podcast to voting rights, in a creative way that is not accessible but understand by mon lingual votes. To me, access is not just about translation but understanding. Of course, these issues dont stand in isolation among chinese immigrants but also apply to the broader immigrants group that i have had the privilege to work with, across San Francisco immigrant legal and education network. Im grateful that some of them are here today to vouch for my support on behalf of their own, im sorry, their own organizations. Over thesorry, over the past three months, i work to dr. Angs from the department of elections as well as commissioner preston and three esteemed members of the commission. We all share the same vision of empowering individuals to exercise the fundamental right to vote. This includes community of color, low income graourntionz number efficient voters and immigrants and people with disability and hopeful and committed to make sure that every one has an equal voice that impacts their well being and of their children. In closing, i take pride in rediscovering my voice so i ask for your support today where my voice will not only be amplified but also the voices that im proud to represent in the Elections Commission. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you so much. Supervisor walton. Thank you so much chair ronen, and thank you so much for being applicant. Same question, how important is it to you that voting be accessible to every one and do you have any ideas of how to get people registered and out to the polls. Speaker totally, like i mentioned in my opening statement, would i like to stud collaborate with trusted organizations. Because of my network with multi racial coalitions, i would like to talk to them and identify and address the specific needs of under represented communities and try to find a why the communities have lower disproportionately lower registration rates. And as i mentioned also, i love to you know, language and Cultural Skills to examine the voting mater. On a mixture that those materials is not only available in multiple languages compliance with all access ordinance but also done in a way that is competent for immigrants voters. Knowledge is power, without that, im mono lingual would not have access to ballot box sxz make important positions with informed materials and knowledge. So these are the tentative things that im going to work on and things that i have compliance to that im already working to. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor safai do you have any questions . And i have the same question, what would be your priority . I think for the most part i talked about, but i can do, at that, i spoke to Commission President and dr. Earns and commission stones and commissioner sigh and parker and i think sense that everybody is on board with tha. I also know that the president try to create a committee to cultivate agencies so we can have more information on our Registration Data and how to engage with data, sorry from diverse back grounds. And i think i can be the person on that committee, you know hopefully to solicit inputs from my communities and also be that person that people can reach out because of the trust already built with the groups. Thank you. Thank you, thank you for applying. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Clerk, can we open this item up for Public Comment jao. Yes, i would like to clarify before i make my statement, that zentecia withdrew their application. Members of the public who wish to speak, each speaker will have two minutes. Our first speaker. Speaker good morning, every one. Thank you for operating for open space for people to comment. Im tim, im here in support of kelly wongs application for this position. Throughout my work with kelly, ive been able to see her operate in various group making spaces, coalitions as she mentioned, multi racial, multi ethnic coalitions and ive been struck by her commitment to you know, the democratic process to putting her efforts where her mouth is and actually uplifting, you know, these believes that many of us have but not all of us have the opportunity to actually you know, follow through with. I also want to mention that its a huge strength that she is from hong kong not only for communities that speak cantonese, when we uplift voices, were able to see the gaps in our system. And i have personally from work ining los angeles and other states that, you know, the voting process is not just accessible for immigrants but many, and i think, when we uplift voices from specific groups, that see those barriers, we make it for accessible for people and the immigrant community in the San Francisco is a massive part of the community. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Speaker my name is vincent pan, im the coexecutive of chinese affirmative action caa. Its a Community Civil Rights Organization head quart erred in San Francisco china town and we support the appointment of kelly wong to the San Francisco Elections Commission. We advocate for systemic change that protects immigrant rights and remedies racial and social injustice. Demo cot i can processes and civic participation. Kelly has been on staff since august 2022 as a immigrant rights advocate. She has demonstrated track record for migrant populations both in San Francisco and abroad. She has a commitment and expertise about how to create more access for those who are marginized due to class stat uts, race and migrant experiences. This would make her an invaluable member of the Elections Commission. Caa has reviewed the rules of Elections Commissioners and incompatible activities. We will ensure that kellys work will not include any of these activities to exclude kelly from involvement from my election work. Kellys role is to conducting Community Education on Available Service sxz resources for the same population. We respectfully support kelly wong candidacy for the Elections Commission of San Francisco. Thank you. Thank you. Speaker good morning, im brent turner ive been involved with the Elections Commission for quite a few years advocating for open Source Software elections system. On behalf of the public, i want to first and for most thank chris as being a great cad list for this effort as well as the local effort that was first brought forward here by supervisor tom amiano. The budget cuts that were con templating for the Elections Department and the mayor has mandated can be accomplished by following mr. Jerdonics direction regarding deploying open source elections in San Francisco. Unfortunately, weve been frozen in place here in San Francisco byebye lobbyist pleasure. So if we could make sure that the incoming commissionr is well versed in open source and understand the issue as a National Security issue that can also be fiscally responsibility in the work of San Francisco, i think that would be smart and i appreciate your time today. Thank you. Speaker good morning, i am the Program Manager of leadership at urban habitat. A 30yearold organization that works through power and lifting the voisz of low and low income and color as well as supporting, leaders in these communities in our board and commission which kelly is currently a a fellow. I want to speak in support of kelly wong, the voters passed prop n. And that was just upheld by the court in august. As a san franciscan and in my professional role i think its important to move that forward and hopefully, non citizens will be able to vote on all of their elected officials. And talk about the tax thats they have to pay. We believe that Language Justice is component of racial and class justice. And to have that voice on this commission is really critical. Those whos language, first language is not english, or notice not their dominant language has something that understand them and has that lived experience. Given that there is no current immigrant in that commission, kelly would be the perfect for tha. I also want to say that kelly shows just a great level of solidarity, she does not only represent her community, of cantonese but all immigrants in the city. We have seen people be divided in the pandemic especially communities of color and i think her bringing a voice of accountability and solidarity of others, is important. We hope that you support this as well. Speaker my name is indicatecaden, im here to support my support for kelly wong. I know ms. Wong personally and i know her to be a very bright and moral and ethical person. And i believe she has applied for this position for this commission solely because she wants to serve the entire community of San Francisco. In my brief statement i want to provide my support here and my expression and my belief that ms. Wong would be an excellent commissioner. Thank you. Clerk are there any other speakers who wish to give Public Comment . No additional speakers. Public comment is now closed. Supervisor watson. Thank you, i want to say first thank you to both candidates. Thank you both for stepping up and i want to en shaourj all of you to continue to pursue a way to participate and the work here in San Francisco. I appreciate boasting you for applying. Supervisor safai. Thank you, and thank you for saying that supervisor walton. Its a tough job to make a decision when there is multiple applicants. And sometimes we get very qualified and motivated and engaged citizens and resident of San Francisco that want to participate. So i appreciate both people for coming out. I did want to say, i think one of the things that, that we have not done well in San Francisco and need to do better is fighting for advocating for immigrant communities that have language as a barrier to participating in the elections process. And i think that having somebody from that community that strangely cant even vote themselves but is that motivated to be part of the process, i think in this public time, in this public moment is the right person for this opportunity. Its no knock on ruth and the work that she has done. I think she would make a phenomenal commissioner as well. But given where we are with increasing amount of immigrant communities moving to San Francisco as supervisor walton said, engaging and encouraging more people existing to participate in the elections process, i think is an important thing. We made a very important decision in San Francisco, much to the chagrin that wanted the status quo to move our Mayoral Election to november. And just that move itself will increase the participation by almost 30 percent of voters in San Francisco in the most important election here locally. So appreciate both of the applicants, but, i think we should at this moment, support kelly wong for this position and i would make a motion to put her into the seat. Thank you, supervisor safai. I would agree and almost for all of the reasons that had you laid forward, so i will not repeat those. But i will say that, is it wouldcowits or kowitz, i had a great time talking to you. Your willingness and enthusiasm about serving the city is so, infectious that were not going to let that go to waste, we will be in touch from my office, i really really want to express my gratitude to you for not only applying for this position but, for doing it so thoughtfully and so enthusiastickly want to go serve the city. I would support that motion and if we can have a roll call vote. Clerk yes on the motion to appoint kelly wong to seat 1. Vice chair walton. Aye. Clerk supervisor safai. Aye. Clerk chair ronen. Aye. Jaot motion passes without objection. Passes unanimously. Thank you to you both, well be in touch. Mr. Clerk, can you please read item number 4. Clerk item number 4 is mayoral appointment to mus caltrans portation agency board of directors, janet tarlov. Hello. Good morning, hello. Speaker good morning, good moansinger chair ronen, supervisor walton and supervisor safai. Im very braitful for the opportunity to discuss my candidacy for the directer of msf transportation board. I appreciate your consideration of my nomination to the seat that was recently vacanted by manny for his term completing on march 1 of this year. In 2006, i founded canyon market with my husband. And we rant store for over 16 years still late 2022. We were proud to employ 100 employees, support 250 active vendors and serve an average 6700 customers a day. Road construction, commercial loading sxen forcement issues were part of our daily conversation. My presidency of glen Mark Merchant association and my service as Vice President and chair of the legislative committee for the San Francisco council of district merchant association, thought me that i have a passion for public service. Last yae, i spent some months considering what my next professional step might be. And i began to Research Opportunities to serve on a city commission. I believe strongly that mta has a fundamental impact on anyone who visits, works and lives in San Francisco and merchants play an integral role in that system. Im supportive of the practice of filling one seat of the mta board with somebody like myself from the Merchant Community. San francisco must have safe, reliable and clean, and affordable Public Transit and soundly engineer system of roys and parking if we are to be an equitable vibrant and environmentally sustainable city. If confirmed, i will work to expand my understanding and the many urgent issues its facing. Im eager to represent an independent voice for the mer xhant community, while at the same time, taking holistic approach to making decisions that profoundly impact so many people. Finally, i would like to thank you, chair ronen and supervisor walton and supervisor safai for your work on behalf of all san franciscans. I know the challenge of making decisions on behalf of others and i admire and respect your efforts. Thank you and ill gladly take my questions you may have. Thank you, supervisor walton. Thank you, chair ronen, thank you so much for being willing to serve. I have a couple of questions, once the only vehicle triaage center that we have in district 10. And curious, your approach to addressing the side of people who live in cars and in railroad vs and vehicles. Yes, so thats a very very difficult topic, vehicularly housed, this is a term that i recently learned. Its important that i maintain a kena wareness that this population is the most vulnerable to becoming homelessness. And there is a significant number of families with children in this represented in this population. I think the only way to solve this problem is for the agencies to collaborate with one another. Mta plays a role, certainly, but we need to Work Together to solve this issue which is incredible urgent for both the people who are living in those circumstances and the, the neighborhoods where this is happening. There is an urgent need for appropriate parking that is secure and provides basic Services Like sanitation, water and power. I look forward to digging into it and being part of the solution. Im not, im not, i have so much empathy for every one on all sides of this problem. And, and i looked forward to doing what i can to help. How do you feel about mta raising fares . I think that the budget is a very important part, we have to have a sustainable system, i think we need to be looking at the Revenue Sources carefully and critically all the time. Fares are very in and out part of it, it goes to the services being provide. The answers that ive heard from the staff side have been that, you know, revenue needs to stay at a certain level in order for services to remain at a same level. What ive been told is not as simplistic as that and message is not as simplistic as that, but, weve been very fortunate to receive a bit of a stay on the urgency around raising fares in the immediate future, but there needs to be a lot of work in order to avoid that, if the services are not going to be impacted. And i think thats work that needs to be done and its not an impossible problem to solve. Afford sablt tremendous important particularly for, for communities where the Household Income is low. Or people who are disabled or senior or students, affordable muni and we need to do what we can to protect and preserve them. Are you familiar with family tolls and what would be your vision on preventing them. I dont know im familiar, but the name seems to tell 34e that its peoples vehicles that are maybe non functional, maybe you can tell me a little bit more about that. Its the premise for folks getting fined for parking i willy but they dont have the ability to pay for them. So they lose their vehicle. And fines can increase and continue to grow and really puts low Income Community members in a position where they may not be able to get their vehicles back. Right, and then there is the cascading, series of issues for folks that. So, i, i think that the staff needs to be working very very hard to have to identify those situations. And find ways to help people out of those situations. That the level of the fines, you know, just having received some myself, they dont seem to be compensatory or appropriate to the infraction sometimes, 100 is a lot of money. And thats, those are the fines that ive seen. So thats something that i think about a lot. At my business there were a lot of students and people from low income households who worked for us and and whenever there was a ticket, it was a big issue. And we as employees had to step in many times to help people in those and similar circumstances. Where they didnt have enough money. So im very sensitive to it. I dont know the solutionds today but i think its very important issue and i appreciate you bringing it up. There are some policies that work to alleviate the burden on low income from members of the community that suffer these fines. I hope you read up on some of those and come up with some items to come up. And sorry to, but, you know, towing is a vehicle is a drastic step. Drastic for the person whos vehicle is getting towed and it should not be taken lightly. So thank you. Supervisor safai. Thank you, chair. And thank you ms. Tarlov for a good discussion this morning. How often do you ride Public Transit . And did you ride Public Transit here today . And what lines do you ride . I ride Public Transit not infrequently, my preferred way is by bike. I do own a car and i use it several times a week. And in terms of, arriving today, i took the m, i got it at castro station and got off here. Since being appointed or, nominated for this role, i made it a point to leave my bike at home and ride muni more frequently than i have in resent years. I would like to say that ive been pleasantly surprised at the cleanliness and the operation of the vehicles that i encountered. It was, encouraged to use muni more. And particularly, it came in very handy today because it was raining cats and dogs and i wanted to dress well for this hearing and, wearing rain pants was not part of my idea. So thats my answer. The reason i ask that question is for the seat in this particular, they look for people that are regular riders of Public Transportation, so thats one of the qualifications. Yeah, i believe there is a certain number of seats that are required to have regular riders of the Public Transportation system its not a requirement for all of the commissioners. And then, the other thing is, we talked a little bit this morning, supervisor walton talked about one of the questions i had on impact on low income communities, so i appreciate you asked that question. My next question is there is not technically a seat for perspective of Small Business owner, if you read the charter, its not written that way, but i think they reserved in a seat to appoint with that perspective, so i want to give you an opportunity to talk about that. I know you spoke about founding canon market, big fan of that establishment ive been going there for 15 years, since you opened. Can you talk a little bit about how, over the last few years in particular, there is been a lot of conflict between Small Businesses, commercial corridors and many of the decisions that the mta has made. I want to give you an opportunity to talk about that. Sure, so, your question is specifically about the last few years in conflict with the Merchant Community. Small Business Owners, Merchant Community and how they have interacted with them . And how you manage those conflicts . As you might have imagined, i have given this a lot of thought. Particularly the community that i, that i have the most importance with is is our businesses with employees and who operate 7 days a week. And have a public facing component the. And Owner Operator are if you, think about it as a section of the whole population of San Francisco, its an incredibly small number of people. You know, maybe there is 2000 of us, im really not sure, i would be interested in data related to that. However, we have an enormous impact on the quality of life for the people in our communities. And so, the one of the reasons that im so interested in taking this position, is i feel with mta in particular. There is a nrs a real urgency around having somebody with that experience having a strong voice. And then at the same time, i dont want to forget that the job of a directer as it is of any board is to take the tote alts of the issues before her and and make prudent decisions that take into account all the points of view. But i do come from that merchant background, speaking for myself, i have certainly felt felt the the measure of making decisions that impact my business by mta and other city businesses, frankly very keenly. In particular, when i was in my business, we would divide our time so we were divide our time to always be there and we were closed 3 times a year and we were there on those days. And to have antion say we could not get ahold of you, was a little discouraging. As we talked about on the phone, i feel like that lived experience of that out reach that did not live up to its promise, just to put it kindly is something that i would like to see. And just in the last few months that have had a lot of input at this several of level at the hearing level from members from the mer xhant community. And if they come down and make their voice heard, it means that something has gone wrong before then, if theyre coming down, it should be, i understand what the decision that has been, thats being considered is, and while i may not agree with every part of it, i want to, you know, just recognize that there is been out reach. And i dont see that happening. Does that answer your question. A bit. I like the part that youve under scored and were concerned about the out reach job that mta does when decisions are made and how they Impact Communities and merchants. I gave you multiple examples, we were talking about on the phone that the mta. One of the things that the mta has said in the past, at least to me, i dont know if they said that to my colleague was that they were intended to have a point person, maybe they would overlap with multiple districts but at least there would be some to handle those problem and be as an interface. That will has never been realized. So i think thats an important thing to carry. I think you said to me, that would be one of your top priority would be engaging and improving out reach. Yes, and i appreciate what youre saying about the direct link because, because the as resident and as a Business Owner, thats my point of contact. So if there is strong communication with the supervisors offices, there is a link. The supervisors know who the loudest voices are and what the points are. They also know the people who are quietly working in the background. And are doing good work but maybe not as vocal about it. Hearing that as our experience as supervisor, i think thats an area to pay strong attention to. And youre right, that that is what im passionate about. I think i told you that running my business one of the things that hi learned is that employees and customers and vendors, they just want things to work. There is a lot 6 leadership. That people understand and if, and you dont get everything you want, you at least know that you were heard and you got some of what you want. Thats a really important faoes and thats something that i would bring to the board. One of the things that i noticed about the mt a, its very top heavy, its very managerial heavy in terms of the amount of positions. If i ask a question, i want to meet and discuss this, ten people will show up. So i had to turn back and say, im only going to interface with the director and director of libable streets. What im talking about in terms of community out reach and those on the ground, one of the biggest frustrations for many people is that the way the charter is set up, the mayor appoints all of the commissioners and all the decisions are board of the body but we receive a significant amount of requests and concerns about the mta. So anything that you can do to prioritize is important in which the operations. To try to anticipate concerns that may come. I would just end with, i think its important that have somebody with your perspective that is interface with both potentially the good and the bad from this agency. I did ask you and ill just end with this, why you would want to be a commissioner for this commission . I think youre going to make a lot of enemies and disappoint a lot of people and understand, probably will be the only commission that you ever serve on in the city. Very very infrequently, so going with that with eyes wide open, im not trying to be a downer but trying to be very realistic about the endeavor youre about to take on. All right, thank you. You can say that about any role in the city where. You go and serve on the commission, but mta, you made a lost people upset. In fact, every one, if your bus is late, your day is ruined. There is a pothole in the street in front of your house, you hate the seed humps, whatever it is, everybody has got a lot of passionate opinions. And to respond very briefly. I know the dinner parties would change and the and the inner actions would change. You know, i would like to, believe that, there are a lot of people who have interacted with me over the years who appreciate im a person of integrity and that you know, do my best and im very transparent in my communications possibly too transparent sometimes. But i really want to do well by the city and bit people. I think its important if people think that the, the board, the directors have some kind of elevated group. We are san franciscans and i think that very basic understanding is important. Im aeg tore saefsh and im not disuaded by your questions. Good answer. I have just one question, when we spoke on the phone, i want to talk about vision zero for a moment. We did better last year than the year before, which was one of the deadliest years that we had for traffic fatality but it continues to be a major challenge for us. I would love to hear any thoughts you have on vision zero and the importance it would hold for you, et cetera. Thank you, thank you for that question. We got cut off before having another chance. As mentioned before, i get around on my like, primarily and you know, i get sternd talking to, its great to wear a helmet and your safety vest and all of these things, but you know, a neck injury, youre life is forever altered. So when im a driver, the thought of causing injury to somebody else is haunting and frankly terrifying, thats one of the reasons that i do cycle is it reduces the risk that i could ever hurt somebody that badly or cause a death. San francisco for our level of population has higher incidents of these issues. And i really appreciate that we made a commitment to work on it as a city and ive had an opportunity to meet with a number of the you know, nonprofit organizations that are working hard on this issue. Related to trying to further Vision Zero Mission that our, you know, deeply unpopular. I mentioned the speed humps, the prohi bysing on right turns on read that are coming in slowly slowly. And recently the state, requiring the daylighting of intersections. All of those have fans and attract orers. But i believe the safety has to be the number one priority, and its a little harder to find a parking spot for its it takes 5 minutes longer for where youre going. Thats just, how i feel about that, thats not a merchant point of view, thats a human point of view and i cannot stress enough the importance of that. I, i guess, thats all i really want to say about that. Thank you, thank you so much for being willing to serve in this role. Mr. Clerk, can we now open this item up for Public Comment. Clerk yes, members of the public who wish to speak on this item, should line up to speak at this time. Each speaker will be allowed two minutes. There will be a small chime when you have 30 seconds left. And a louder chime when your time is expired. Speaker thank you very much. Im paul terry im a Small Business advisory in San Francisco and have lived in glen park for about 35 years. When janet and her husband took over, she was immediately involved in working with the community that we were cleaning up the community and dealing with offramps and on ramps, and as i spent more time in the community, and got to know her more, she recruited me to the board which is influential, she was nones me to do that. And i worked with her over a year while we were on the board and i think, what i wanted to say about janet is that i know a lot about Small Businesses because i work with them all the time and having a business of a certain size, it allows to you see a large perspective on the impact that you have in the community. And when her and her husband are working with 5060 employees, a lot impact the business and the community. So she didnt just stick to the Small Business of the business but looked at community at large. Also how the impact of being a business of a certain size impact on travel or community or the population that they serve. So as a Business Owner, have you to look at the clients you serve and employees that you maintain and she brings that Broad Perspective of handling things. So, for those reasons and many more, i support janets approval on this board. Thank you. Speaker hello im flow kelly and i lived in district 9. And i work with the coalition on stof poverty tows. And im really thankful to the requests that the rules Committee Members have been asking of janet tarlov, i admit, i knew nothing about her, but because of your que,z i learned a lot and im very happy. Im very happy by what i heard. I appreciate her openness and her empathy towards people that have such tight budgets that any huge thing like having to pay a ticket, having to pay registration even are things that they cant possibly predict like you know, yeah. Yeah, all kinds of expenses that come up whether it be, medical expenses or what you have you, things that you cannot predict. And it throws everybody for a loop and it may mean that they end up living in their vehicle. And i appreciate that, janet tarlov sounds very empathetic towards that situation. And very happy to learn more and has an open mind and asked questions. So i would like her statement that towing a vehicle is drastic. I really appreciate that. I think this is a janet would be a good person. Thank you. Speaker good morning, chair and supervisors, thank you for the opportunity to speak to the committee on behalf of janet tarlov. Im a 28year resident in San Francisco and 266 those in district 9. Ive known janet for nine years through our childrens work and more recently where i work. Im a frequent shopper at canyon market that janet and her husband started. She im so excited that she is appointed, she has done a lot of work, building up the membership and services in the area. And helping steward the organization throughout of the covid pandemic. She is trust i partner and cares deeply about the Business Leaders and neighborhood residents. Her work through the Council Associations has given her a city wide perspective of the businesses in San Francisco. And her voice on the board will be an important one as they navigate opportunities and challenges in the years to come. Janet is devoted through service through San Francisco, its resident sxz its future. She has demonstrated a willingness to serve her community in multiple capacity and works collaborative to seek solutions. One example, we recently had a rat problem and janet worked with a wide variety of city department, neighbors and Business Owners and others to work towards solutions. She is always organized and prepared. Finally, i believe janet will serve San Francisco well, she listens and cure yu, principaled and she will approach the issues and concerns that will come to the boateder with equity and forbearance. I enthusiastickly support janets nomination. Thank you so much. Speaker hello supervisors shark here to speak on behalf of janet. I went canyon market is my local market. I went down to go frao myself. Im a Small Business owner myself, ive always been impressed how she ran. If you walk in the connection to both the community and the employees, its self evident, when she joined cdma, she would come to the Small Business meetings, she would often be the only person there. Quietly listening, asking thoughtful questions and i would always listen very carefully to her, because so carefully thought through the issues and was a really thoughtful partner in trying to advance in citys interest. What, you would experienced just now talk to go janet is the janet that ive come to know. She is thoughtful, she is kind, she is empathetic, she is honest and diplomatic. I support her with all of my soul and anybody that wants to volunteer with the city with those characteristics, we need so much more of that, and i urge you to vote her to the board. Thank you. Speaker good morning, supervisors thank you so much for taking the time to listen to all of us, my name is sam, and im the founder and one of the owners of the business here in San Francisco. And ive known janet for well over 20 years. As a fellow parent and Business Owner and fellow citizen of San Francisco, janet has one of the highest levels of inat thingity of any person that i know. Her genuine concern for San Francisco is at the highest level, she talked a little bit about the challenge of being a Business Owner. Our staff who we need to care for. We have our employers that are trying to sell the food, peoples livelihood are dependent on the commerce. General neighborhood in the community, that we also have to serve in janets perspective has always been one of compassion and care for every single one of the stakeholders and she cares about her micro community but cares about the larger region of San Francisco. I couldnt think of anyone better to serve on the board and i encourage you to vote her through. Thank you so much. Clerk are there any other speakers for this matter . No additional speakers. Public comment is now closed. Any last comment . Well, thank you for coming out and giving testimony and thank you for your thoughtful response, ms. Tarlov and i would like to make a motion to remove the word project, i guess. And send the motion as a community with positive recommendations. Clerk yes the motion to attend the motion to deplete rejecting throughout legislation and recommend as a committee report. Vice chair, walton . Walton aye. Supervisor safai. Safai aye. Chair ronen. Aye. Clerk ronen aye, the motion passes unanimously. Glazesing. And mr. Clerk, do we have any other items on the agenda today. Clerk there are no other items on the agenda today. The meeting is adjourned. Making to may grandkids a program all about pop ups, artists, non profits Small Business in into vacant downtown throughout the area for a three to 6 months engagement. I think San Francisco is really bright and i wanted to be a part of it revitalization. Im hillary, the owner of [indiscernible] pizza. Vacant and vibrant got into safe downtown we never could have gotten into prepandemic. We thought about opening downtown but couldnt afford it and a landlord [indiscernible] this was a awesome opportunity for us to get our foot in here. The agency is the marriage between a conventional art gallery and fine art agency. Im Victor Gonzalez the founder of gcs agency. Thes program is especially important for Small Business because it extended huge life line of resources, but also expertise from the people that have gathered around the vacant to vibrant program. It is allowed Small Businesses to pop up in spaces that have previously been fully unaccessible or just out of budget. Vacant to vibrant was funded by a grant from the office of Economic Workforce Development that was part of the mayors economic recovery budget last year so we funded our non Profit Partners new deal who managed the process getting folks into these spaces. [indiscernible] have been tireless for all of us down here and it has been incredible. Certainly never seen the kind of assistance from the city that vacant to vibrant has given us, for sure. Vacant to ibvooerant is a Important Program because it just has the opportunity to build excitement what downtown could be. It is change the narrative talking about ground floor vacancy and Office Vacancy to talking about the Amazing Network of small scale entrepreneur, [indiscernible] this is a huge opportunity that is really happy about because it has given me space to showcase all the work i have been doing over the past few years, to have a space i can call my own for a extended period of time has been, i mean, it is incredible. Big reason why i do this is specific to empower artist. There are a lot of people in San Francisco that have really great ideas that have the work ethics, they just dont have those opportunities presented, so this has been huge lifeline i think for entrepreneurs and Small Businesses. This was a Great Program for us. It has [indiscernible] opening the site. We benefited from it and i think because there is diverse and different [indiscernible] able to be down here that everybody kind of benefits from it. [music]

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