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Commissioner president wolfram commissioner president honda commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda and commissioner pearlman thank you, commissioners commissioners, that places you under your is general Public Comment at this time, members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. Each member of the public may address the commission up to three minutes. I do have one speaker card. Georgia swedish. Go ahead. Thank you. Good afternoon. Im georgia swedish here last time i just want to bring up the issue i think there are two issues occurring now with regards to the facadism the main we know but i think it is concerning when a building is basically defendants next in order and an ocher stark facade with a lot of glass takes it mrs. Place in noah valley and in neighborhoods labor Bernal Heights and glen park many of the oldest neighbo neighborhoods the city is logging b rated building inspection building with texture for which the city is known whether you study this issue of facadism i was hoping you can examine the issue of this what i call pe verse facadism a building is denounced congratulated if a building b to c but yet in the meanwhile window replacement get scrutiny those facades changes dont so here quicken in the interest of time if im with the overhead those are if google earth this is 2008, 2011 im trying to look at that building there, there in january of 2014 underway and here it is today and then the other one 2008, 2014. December 2014. And here it is today so thats just some examples favoritism youre welcome to have this i went 0 google and with the address on the badge and family for the minutes thank you very much have a great day. Thank you. Ada changing but the filipino Cultural Heritage district illinois want to thank you thank you. I heard about the culture being spoken so how he experienced it thank you and looking forward to work with you the more detailed you deduction around the Cultural Heritage and want to talk about things the south of market the fulton fair date was moved twice for oam i correct . Occ oracle world over time it will dwindle if we change the people plan on it plan oncoming to very much so appreciate this conversation coming forward and table and the staff to have the culture Implementation Plan started this year there will be a great Implementation Plan so it will be great if we start more often on that thank you, very much very much. Is there any additional Public Comment . Hello commissioners with the San Francisco heritage i want to introduce or note very within new internal starting sfrooit paris france susan and shes a student at the institute of the pat anyone and training to an curator for the momenumen for 7 weeks helping us deputy a paper on the facadism and welcome her and let you you know she might be interested in talking with some of you. Thank you and welcome to San Francisco do is there anyone else who wishes to speak on this item if so please step forward seans Public Comment is closed. Commissioners that places us under Department Matters on directors announcements. Good afternoon tim Frye Department staff it is in your packet help to answer any questions. Commissioners seeing none, item two past event and announcements again tdooiftd no formal report from the commission, however, many of you saw an article by john king in todays paper regarding the main within the kemper arena xhechlt district a district and designated early the City Historic Preservation Program as you saw the interior is for consideration to expand the existing landmark designation this is something youll be seeing the near future were currently in the owner outreach part of the project right now, were discussing the interior character defining features with the Property Owner and there air ideas for prospec tenants so as more information come forward well share that with you and certainly be before you i would say before this summa summer ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Should you have my. Seeing and hearing none commissioners to commission matters president s report and announcements. No formal report or announcements. Item 4 consideration of draft minutes for february 3rd, 2016. Commissioners any corrections to the minutes. At this point well take Public Comment on the draft minutes of february thirds 2016 is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on this minutes seeing and hearing none and Barbara Boxer do i have a motion to adapt. I move we adopt the minutes. Thank you, commissioners for february 3rd commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman commissioner hyland and commissioner president wolfram 12340e67 so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and places us under item 5 commissioners questions or comments. Commissioner johnck and i was interested in the speaker that spoke at the omn time republican impression e expression regarding the Filipino Community and maybe could you give you an update on that tim or schedule that at another meeting i was interested the fact that the point being made the date was changed twice and whether to brought to your attention of our efforts for Cultural Heritage to the may amayor and have a lette of or some kind of documentation that because i was postponed i it mayor. Sure from the commission is amenable to us providing an update in our staff report and at this point you can decide in a formal letter weve made process with the Supervisors Office and stakeholders one the community to give you an update on that our work to date. Folks will be amenable to that thank you. Commissioner hyland. A few things as an ad on to commissioner johncks commentsito would be good if our commission was made aware some of the significant cultural events dates changed at the minimum provide a letter to the board of supervisors you know expressing our concerns and this is monarch an event lib the fulton street fair is probably major for these who come every year a commissioner johnck and i are on the waft plan update working group and we had another meeting last week and the topic was all they were representing and giving us context of the mr. Chairman marge maritime activities and the difference between the port of San Francisco and the other ports within the bay area as well as other ports up and down the weight of this was fascist i think they reinforced it if youre interested in scanning through that the last thing is the had the Cultural Heritage Assets Committee prior to the hearing and Susan Goldstein the architect with the San Francisco Public Library a fascinating conversation theyre continuing to digitize tombs of information and the efforts theyre going to make that Digital Information assessable is something that we on the full commission might not interested in hearing more about several things that came out of that discussion one i want to bring up the notion of our Plaque Program and how we had a are still you know bronze plaque and discussed how to capture significant information about the history so that can be shared and maybe an opportunity to a digital plaque or mobile either on a building in a development to the Community Space that a lot of the developments negotiate to provide the cultural district the cultural we have at physical Cultural Centers the city and the rec and Park Properties that you know we could provide access to this amazing Digital Information so just thought youd be interested in that. Thank you i had a couple of questions one was i say the paper that the l rate theater was closes and maybe at the next hearing have a status of report and talk about that any information about that that would be helpful and can you remind me i forgotten where we left off the facadism conversation. Commissioners tdim frye justin from our office is preparing the second insult and we were hoping to bring to you this month we believe that will occur in march so based on the conversation this Commission Time to see more examples of projects already completed projects the last decade or so and have an opportunity to look at the pros and cons of each of those projects and maybe there is one in particular that stand out or maybe a combine of contribut tribut triniti attributes it could have a solid policy how the city uses these facade projects hes prep that information and hope to binge to you in march. Thank you me other questions or comments. Commissioner hyland. I dont know if this is a disclosure but we received a series of emails in support of various owners and one email in particular talking about the agenda items about a missed piece of information murals at the whatever the agenda item. Yeah. All right. Thank you. Commissioners, if theres nothing further well move on to considers of items proposed for continuance item six the central soma and Historic Survey is proposed for that continuance to march 16, 2014 and commissioners ive received a request for continue item 8 under our regular calendar for case the africanamerican historic statement however, i didnt receive a proposed date do we have a proposed hearing date tim. I believe april is our suggested the department is in support find it to allow the Partnership Webinar public more time to look at the document it is lengthy were extending the Public Comment for those interested in providing the commissions additional comments i believe that. April 6th. April 6th or 20. 6. So then item 8 to april 6th. You can take them up separately. We should take Public Comment. Yeah. No. Any comments from the commissioners about continuing that is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on the proposed continuance of the central soma Historic Context statement and the africanamerican context statement seeing and hearing none Public Comment is closed. And back to you, commissioners. To the commissioner, i heard the motion to. To continue both items. Second. Thank you commissioners to continue items 6 to march 17 and item 8 to april 6th. Mr. Cranshaw commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman commissioner hyland and commissioner president wolfram. So moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and places us under our consent calendar all matters listed hereunder constitute a consent calendar, are considered to be routine and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests in which event the matter shall be removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. Item 7 for case at 101 townsend a certificate of preference holder certificate of appropriateness any commission wish to take it off consent. No, it is a great use. Is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak request this be taken off the consent calendar zero pu opportunities for Public Comment seeing and hearing none Public Comment is closed. And precede to the item. A motion to approve the consent calendar. Second. Then on that motion to approve item 7 under consent commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman commissioner hyland and commissioner president wolfram so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and place under our regular calendar item 8 continued to april 6th and leaves us what item 9 case this is a consideration to initiate landmark designation. Good afternoon. Commissioners shannon with the planning staff im here today to present the departments recommendation regarding landmark and hospital and Health Center the Excelsior Outer Mission neighborhood the building was added to the lookeron may 20, 2015, after the department got a landmark application the alamany hospital and Health Center part of the Emergency Hospitals that became known and was want comprehensive and eloquent Health Services constructed in 1933 the alamany was the final piece in this system. The buildings were designed by master architect Charles Sawyer the architect and over e overseeer of the amuse hospital buildings to the city but prepared the alamany plans for the alamany Health Center and the buildings for the significant example of his work. The Emergency Hospital has a spanish with a scheme and Health Center with that itself example of the spanish could not only style the supervisor features painting by many paternity the alamany Health Center were funded by the art project and sponsorship of the Relief Administration the Planning Department has shared the definition with the department of real estate and talked about the landmark designation and the department received to additional letters after packets were published one in supportive and the other was not in support because of the perceived association with dan white as part of buildings significance the buildings are not significance such dan white their centuries for the fonts effo events anticipate as the master architect and contains the murals the Department Buildings the buildings meets the dpoiblt and landmark the Department Recommends it be a landmark designation the department will return at a hearing for the resolution recommending the landmark designation that concludes my presentation. Ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you, commissioner any questions for the staff. No . Seeing none, well proceeded to Public Comment that i have 3 speaker card calling names and youll have 3 minutes with a warning bell 30 seconds before. Thank you mr. President , and commissioners my name is david hooper serve as the president of the new terrace Improvements Association that s which which is one of the many neighborhoods active Neighborhood Associations the Outer Mission the for instance i want to say thank you for the forest to do this and the primary person the first person i want to thank that helped lift evry voice and sing i cant was Richard Rothman it focused on the murals and i learned a lot about that and thank you anthony is from the staff it moved to another job and Shannon Ferguson they made a difference id like to thank supervisor avalos and supervisor avalos for their staff and the History Center your waving aware from an earlier preservatintatio ill hit on the points i think that well use the 3 minutes effective and the question when does the alamany integer hospital will represent and to recognize historically and the 80 steps there was an obligation to provide heathlth d safety with a significant design times by a persistent with getting adequate fund that never stopped the Emergency Hospital or the Public Health building a relationship with the community if you were raised in town ever itself knew where the Emergency Hospital were tuyou were taken there i got there 3 times the Grattan Elementary School change the model for providing the Health Care Services whether the effort in 1978 to represent the possibility of closing the integer hospital the communities of Outer Mission the exwifes at the history stiffer and i kn that the enterimergency hospis still closed some communicated services on site the last i was familiar with the adult daycare 7 years ago they closed the complete closings of both buildings the 0 recognize of the importance to this community and final finally the question of what the reuse of those buildings for the community can represent to Mission Street that have seer economic problems and many vacate storefront there are a lot of people involved in trying to use our assets as a community to revive Mission Street the Outer Mission thank you. Thank you. Lisa. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is lisa i wrote the background report supporting the provocation i want to thank anthony and shannon and ferguson and the Planning Department this whole thing was at the history expo at the old mint the professor showed me his map that indicated a location in my neighborhood i have no idea we had this in our neighborhood that led me to Richard Rothman trying to save the murals inside of the Health Care Center building i spent 9 most of weekends researching the his history and the neighbors special affirming and the story of that kind of murals. Our neighbors and local Community Groups were interested to learn about the history of those buildings and oare extremely supportive of this the buildings were slayed to be sold though the citys Real Estate Division we gardened overwhelm Community Support support to save them and the murals and supervisor avalos agreed to expand his support of murals to include the safes of the building we hope with the support from the community guess so architectural bill, the Planning Department staff, and supervisor avalos office that this landmarking effort will be approved we respectfully ask the Commission Consider and shading landmark designation today if you have any questions, ill be happy to answer them and thank you for your time. Thank you very much Richard Rothman. Why not go ahead and start speaking sfgovtv. Good afternoon and thank you for having this hearing my name is Richard Rothman and these murals are sort of a lost give me the city i give tours and acquitticoit tower and got folks one day i he was at the meeting with her, she happened to tell me about this mural at the same time the Art Commission found out about or refound out about this from the department of real estate that they were going to sell this building and asked the Art Commission about it i wanted to take my time to talk about the kind he was born if mr. Odonnepoland and came td states as a furnish maker but decided to study mural i was panting he went to france to study and came back and studied with the diego river the first mural we do was as Jewish Community center the wedding this was done in 1934 it is saved from the orange e origin location up on to stall hard to find but you if ask people youll see thask the next one was a coit tower and this was up there and after that, he did to the murals at the title of them was health at home and communicated spirit and growth and the bottom one combroerth was white washed under zach was a friend of herb cane and herb said that was done by accident so those are beautiful murals i want to thank beth and supervisor avalos for seeing we can keep this building open to the public those are murals that should be seen then finally the last ones he did were at usf the historical of medicine in speakers shall address their comments to the commission as a whole and neither the Police Commission nor the land hall and been unin there theyll starting to by the time let people in there the murals are sitting in the context of the bernard and pained and should, recognized and should be open public when i started on this none in the public knew about those murals its important they do. Thank you very much. Thank you. Beth rubbiinstein i have bn talking about the carbarn and others that is definite one of the Community Assets it is architectural history and community atheism i love the fact that 4 youve seen the photographs of the murals that was built as a Community Living room i read the history report they speak about the design of that to be the neighborhood Health Center to be welcoming and it is literally built and we basically want those buildings back as neighborhood assets the board of supervisors has been working with the Mayors Office and the office of Economic Workforce Development to re vials those to be health and social services we building that landmark status is part of this process of reactivating the building weve been the supervisor will say hes been impressed and inspired by the community outpouring for the rerelocating location of those buildings those are important leaders but many, many more people we got letters from are represent by this work it is an important building the community so i urge to support it. Thank you very much. Is there anyone else who wishes to speak on this item . Hello, im desiree with the San Francisco heritage we were here to offer our support for the landmark designation and architectural Significant Resource and the home of the alamany Health Center artist bernard. And in addition, we know that this project has been important to several of our heritage members and including be richmond r09 man a wonderful advocate and were work with him on other projects that actually he helped to secure the funding for George Washington high school and a contact statement well hopefully be nominating others people and dpw era reverses for landmark designation and lastly were encouraged that this landmark designation is the neighborhood that has few designated hectic district and this Community Generated landmark nomination can serve as a future four collaboration thank you. Thank you very much. Is there anyone else who wishes to speak on this item if so please step forward hearings Public Comment is closed. And back to you, commissioners. Commissioners comments on the report. Commissioner this is so e was generally from the history expo i was there and seeing the busses the buzz it was exist i thrilled to see this come out of that thank you to the community from the president of the Neighborhood Association and jumping on that he doing the work a year ago im thrilled and i guess there is another aspect to this i think there is no question that this commission will support is the in violation of landmarking for this the building i guess one of the things id like to think about and in revision the architecture all murals are one of course, a big piece and the community athei activism but the point was made about the leadership e living room i love that and sharing the kindness of values we checker so iall i think abo is the thread that go through it ill offer a motion in support of initiative landmarking. Other comments. Just to get this going laughter your commissioner pearlman i second the motion. laughter . Were not ready for the motion laura multiple voices . Okay. Lets have a little bit of discussion commissioner pearlman. I want to thank the Community One of the joys have been being on the commission is learning about part of city i know nothing about ive not spent time in that part of city and certainly learning about the Emergency Hospital system, the Health System and i knew a little bit about that but now im learning more i wanted to dovetail on what commissioner johnck said that is amazing the community is there is so much discussion how crazy sfta San Francisco it has become and a from nerve and displacement and all those things you look at the neighborhoods who is embracing the values that were present because of so much we have so many emails and clearly a heck of a lot of support i hope they like the geneva carbarn so is that can be you know in a credible positive way this is a great, great building and great project so thank you. Thank you commissioner hyland. I wanted to echo previous commissioners said and thank the community for coming up and speaking up about this Community Asset he offer one suggestion in the actual designation report on the characterize defining features their listing the skylight to look at page 13 that is 14 this is a lesson weve learned my form firm learned from the Jewish Museum identifying the skylights as a feature is sometimes not enough it is the reason the skylight are important and the relationship displaced brown below i ask we add a comment to that statement or that item other than the list is catalyst of defining feature the skylight only page 14 of the skylight are tdr under but a wall the middle that. Thats an amendment to the motion. Okay. Before i would like i was going to say i appreciate commissioner johns entertain you were not at the previous meeting with the discussions i would before we take the motion like to chanthank the Community Hard work for the landmark designation and happy to see this information is really shows the support of community and also teaching us about an important aspect of the citys history and tom sawyer and the enter hospital a lot of people i think donna today dont know about that is a great designation it has so many layers it is fantastic new and i think ive heard a motion in commissioner johns that was with the amendment from commissioner hyland. Okay thank you to the maker and the seconder so there is a motion that has been seconded to initiate the landmark designation to the 34 work through 45 avenue as amended to include under character defining features the skylight and to the relationship of space commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman commissioner hyland and commissioner president wolfram so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero i have no further items on your adjoined. The hearing is well, thank you for coming this morning ladies and gentlemen, our city over the past few months had not been grammatic grappling with a crisis in far too any citys between the trust of color and Law Enforcement in the breakdown of this trustee can most awe kufl the shooting death of mario woods this past december and since that sdooub incident ive ordered a number of reforms to the use of force policies to prevent Police Officer involved shootings whenever possible ive proposed comprehensive farmz removes the department of justice own recommendation and the president obama to rebuild the Community Trust im joined by many in our community more calling for an independent review of the Police Departments policies and of the death of mr. Mario woods ive asked and tasked achieving chief suhr and others to submit a detailed plan for further reforms after a series of Community Meetings around the city and with stakeholders input this is not been an easy task by any means i want to say first hand a deep gratitude i have to the volunteers of our Police Commission of who spent count countedless hours working with volunteers from the communities, to make sure that this reflected deserv desires coming from the community as well as professional ideas and today, i accept their comprehensive reform packages it youll hear in detail in a moment a reformed package that is developed in partnering with the community and already directed any budget direction to incorporate those into the Budget Planning i believe because of the input that has been given by countless hours by you are africanamerican reform and review form and also by a number of conversations ive had not only with this forum but engages engagements throughout the community substantial and meaningful changes to policy to training, and to equipment and they do sdmafkt have agree change in craigslist as to how and when offers use force already, weve seen the benefits of those new tactics earlier this month for example, the Police Department encountered a man with a knife and the man didnt drop the knife avenue verbal very clear verbal instructions or after getting hesitate that beanbags and pepper stray our Police Officers retreated in this incident to create time and distances and eventually were able to apprehend the superintendant without firing the guns our policewomans protecting did public without using life or death force we are fundamentally reengineering the ways Police Officers use force awhile at the same time increasing transparent and other within our San Francisco Police Department we already have one of the most transparent process hes and open processing for governing the police the country and this comprehensive reform will build on the foundation and help our sworn officers to strengthen their ties with the community while keeping e keeping the city save this is a time to rebuild and build and go forward it is a time we recognize we must hell the wounds and at the same time bridge the challenge between our communities and those scorn to protect them and again, i acknowledge this is no single task it requires the continuous efforts on Police Reform and job training and violence protection but has to do with education, housing and Violence Reduction the communities i and many of the other standing behind me representing our communities and our departments h are committed to the work i know everyone here as well is committed i know that more is needed to be done and more needs to be said well continue this dialogue and this action and also wanted to make sure you know that with us today are march and Deanthony Jones a couple of the youth leader that are part of that process we engaged our youth as ma many along with our faithbased leaders and the Community Advisory form weve been working hard at with that, i want to let you know this document that is presented to me does reflect what i asked for mayor ed lee and it reflected an approach that im proud has been reflected of our Community Input and, in fact, stat through a couple of the sessions including the one last week to march or make sure theyre on track and d to go into detail will be the Police Commission and police chief let me introduce exclusively greg suhr. Thank you, mr. Mayor and good morning years weve been working as a Police Department with the Community Members many standing behind me and many more that will end up finishing this story to foster trust and good relationships with the Community Realm in policing without the trust the community we cant best do our jobs that trust was shaken for many recipient especially in communities of color on december 2nd with the use of mario woods and weve been working hard under the leadership of the compamayor an commissioner president loftus to try to get to a place where we can minimize that force with regard to weapons and other situations we need to figure out a way to reengineer force weve collaborated with experts from around the country around the world and met with people from the United Kingdom and members and 3450i67 have been back eatist tries the main goal the sanctity of life for everyone that everybody walks away whenever possible as the mayor stated on the story 90 on february 8 Fourth Street officers enoccurred a superintendant of 6 foot that mr. Plus with a knife in one hand and a key the other and wouldnt surrendered the weapons we tried the tools and were unsuccessful used the language were talking about the deesclation practices where we wanted to create time and distance to formulate a plan and tried to deescalate those are makes sen things weve been training for the last few weeks and the day ended they realized what was not going to work and plan b getting an arsenal of the superintendant and wrestled him again sanctity of life, deesclation, proportionality and the time for distance are the basis for everybo everything tweezer talking about with with any weapon short of a firearm the vast majors of shootings that have happened in San Francisco by a recent study inside 5 minutes and 19 months create time 15 and distances 15 yarld we can avoid the officerinvolved shooting short of a firearm weve made the planning of a firearm with the use of force it might not seem significant to a regular person but meeting with the community they want an explanation every time an officer points a firearm and will get it supervisors are not required to respond to an incident to take over and hopefully get inside of the 5 minutes that is the firearm qualification to a from a one or two basically just confidence for the firearm to a 8 firearm training with the first half of the day everybothing on but ucll force the officers will carry the helmet and explosive and batons anything that creates the time and distances and double did capacity the way of beanbags and climate devices over the same amount of time weve putdown for the under surveillance nufl cis an activiy and declapgs within the policy an officer against a danger to themselves this is a policy driven but not institutionalize as a policy as from 2011 it laid the deesclation and bans the use of restraint or choke holes and prevents the officers from shooting other vehicles the vehicle itself is the only means of assault and were asking for additional tools including that training with shields i know much is on for the the swat teams and phenomenal o only for use when someone is a danger to others and staexpanded the cris intervention i wish for members from the community withat were helpful 5 hundred officers tracing e training in intervention and every recruit graduates from the academy and the trainers we want to come up with advanced crisis intervention short of hostage norts for an aptitude for preservation there is as call for independent review and the Department Department of justice the cops office formed an initiative is coming to San Francisco theyve been here well have one meeting in las vegas and other plaza places and asked for a command level that person was appoint and stands behind me Deputy Director tony can capita r chaplain for the mr. Nolan and will speak in a minute on those subjects and transparency asia accurate data and technology is Something Else that the community is calling for well collect the data in realtime using the webbased whatever and smart phones the officers ahave been issued to process the tickets detentions and field intervienss over time he we believe will come in ahead of the supervisor cohens bills hoping to improve the transparency, of course, body cameras and hopefully the first body worn camercameras in maybe sooner with everyone the San Francisco mr. Police department barbecue being a Body Worn Camera by the end of 2016 and opted into the capitol Hill Initiative were additionally posting Public Information on that website with regards to arrests, demographics within the department and on and on so regardless of there is a disparity the numbers in their transparently posted and working to address any disparities weve tried to identify and improve the Culture Committee we have the officers sworn and services taken an oath to each sought bias and speak to it but inside the department and outside the department all officers will receive preschool judged training by the end of the year and partnering with the Community Leaders some will be instructors the training and the indict level captains with the we respected community to identify hot spots and Senior Officers to resolve conflict where people might have neighbors in their community that might need special attention doing everything we can to create a devised workforce it is critical that the splpd look like San Francisco for the first time pretty much ever we have a 24 7 application process whereas it was not that long ago that was a two week window to apply to be a San Francisco Police Department now pretty much anyone can apply around the clock were we having an 8 Human Resources credited course to help people fought u figure out what they need to do to become an mrofrd and africanamerican restrictions have a workshop we have barriers to entry to get to people to a place to become San Francisco Police Officers im going to turn it over to commissioner president loftus to speak about yards in regards to policy and introduce chief capita listen. Thank you chief suhr and mayor ed lee and sheryl Brown Community parts on december 9th of last year a week after the use of mario woods the Police Commission challenged and heard speak a speaker express anchorage, frustration, grief and sadness what they saw the video of the use of mario woods ill say this again 3 separate investigations that are ongoing into the actual shooting and thorough and complete the commission, however, would not wait for the conclusion before opening a discussion of policies and procedures used regarding use of force on the Police Department we commit to joining the naturional forest t ve reengineer the ways that Police Officers use ellis weve been meeting no small and large groups at the Police Commission to work with the Community Members subject matters and commissioners to chart a path forward a lot of what the chief mind is true ear boring context from the achieve from the wants 21st century on task force on 126 policing but it has to fit San Francisco in order to rebuild trust it is a relationship and it requires all parties at the table. And the thing im proud of in this effort the words on that paper and the path 10 headings and thirty sub blues with the result of communities across San Francisco what that takes to rebuild this relationship of trust in particular i want to thank the young people from the Community Safety initiative that facilitated those discussions if you were there those were tough and lead by young people prominently the Public Housing in San Francisco who lead the conversation with grace and a real commitment i want to thanks the Community Members the consortiform the ch africanamerican forum and those who spoeak out everor come up t myself or fellow commissioners weve heard you all of you loud and clear as a result of the conversations suggests and discussion temple areas of focus as was move forward and it comes down to this regardless of the zip codes everyone deserves to have a relationship of trust with the police this plan recognized that while there are countless neighborhood cross San Francisco the communities they enjoy that relationship many have that relationship disabled and the mayor has directed us to work on rebuilding that relationship that it it will require everyone as the chief mind 10 areas i invite Police Officers and advocates join us first, as a chief indicated reengineering the use of force the commission has asked the department to redo the policies around use of force in this process what weve learned if we can train the officers with the skills, equipment and tools needed to create time and distance with suspended armed with a knife we can see a reduction of up to percent fewer officerinvolved shooting s as the chief indicated month officerinvolved shootings happen within minutes of patrol recording to the scene if we put that poorer at the frcenter tha person might be under thirty years of age the question does that officer have all the training skills and equipment to have the time and distances khacan they create a safe perimeter can decree bye time to allow a senior officer to arrive someone that is crisis interferenventio trained to further preserve life at the heart it is considered now sanctity of life everyone decision is around preserving the sanctity of life and the commission has a group of stakeholders to review the policies and the United States department of justice acholic beverage reform has reviewed the policy and the focus a accountability youll hear from con in any chaplain and asked for the staff to support our Initiative Data and transparency is the next focus on our path forward the commission has directed the department to have a study to disagree gait the studies specifically we need to better understand the gpa disparities in particular the Africanamerican Community with the less rates to do better to close the gap the chief said Body Worn Cameras have been a proprietor of the department and the commission we believe in 2016 all officers had been armed with body cameras and the next focus is eliminating bias referred has said it is sometimes a motivatatter of com sense but it is understanding the community your sworn to serve and train on the justifies will be infected a Community Partnership to have the confidence that reverend brown discussed in Community Forum to those hospital to identify the officers that are struggling before theyve gone too far and want to make sure it works and the next phone call focus sheryl davis will talk about the process with the young people prominently in this community that came in and talked about the relationship with trust our relationship of trust it can work for one of the ears of focus is the sustained effort to recruit the young people to identify ways to do better the chief talked about recruiting a exists wvng and represents for obama 21st Century Policing and the last 3 things ill mention when we had those meetings the community we vaufld them a survey how effective you think that was we heard loud and a clear we loved you asked our opinion by excuse me. Criticisms the ideas will be action and as a result of that weve commit to establishing an academic constitution it actually evaluates plenty of time but the commitment to evaluate it live or die with the results were left to hold ourselves account and allow the commission to hold the Police Officers accountability and beyond the scope beyond the scope one is Community Member after Community Member addresses if we dont say where a community that addresses the realty that violence destroys communities and in certain communities in San Francisco without intervention we Opening Statement awill havea 6yearold that witnessed hom homicides we do want to work with the Police Department and improve the procedures and Public Health response in community effected by violence we can enter keyed the cycle of violence and create save communities for everyone and finally we have asked the mayor to identify the Additional Resources to help us to comfoer additional Police Officer in Foreign Languages that is another way to build trust thats the final recommendation and as we moved in the prelims of those paroles that we have one of the most open and transparent processes for governing police the industcry invitation lets use it to make sure our city lives up to its values thank you my job to introduce deputy chief. Thank you, commissioner the mission has a new bureaucracy to contributor to excellence in Law Enforcement but increasing professionalism and maintaining high levels of accountability within the San Francisco Police Department through theus of doj finds the bureaucracy was created by the chief suhr for the policies and procedures and allow and implement changes to bring San Francisco Police Department into the 21st century of policing a major component of that to pass the doj acholic beverage or more process that lets us to see what good and not working with that said, President Obama Task force in 21st Century Policing had 48 represents and 91 action items the report the department agrees with has implemented and or will implement all the recommendations or the action items directly related to Law Enforcement one of the main point is having Additional Resources phenomenfor unsolved s most impacted by violence were committed to take the doj recommendations and implementing them this is a two year process well will not wait for completion we intend to begin immediately during the review process itself this way as issues or deficiency are identified they can be creating corrected at the request of the mayor well have a dashboard available on the website to monitor the process of implementation of the Task Force Recommendations and keeping with the transparency and the accountability of the San Francisco Police Department if so a challenging undertaking this is a browsureau not before existed this is will be for the whole department and have issues push the change to them i say what were doing will be for the good of the city and county and most popular for the people we serve the fact that the chief is involving a deputy chief and bureau it an credandle stick th bureau adds bureaus as part sfpd those vunts i units are the Youth Community engagement that gives of i us access to proactively have the members of the department y c e opens up the lines of communication between the police and the community to have a better rapport and trust the Services Unit that allows to modify the certification and training needed for training with althsd mental states that archives the goal of 100 percent cit certification and gives us our offers an additional tool for time and distance in terrible situations the third and final unit the directed unit that is responsible for facilitating the review, development and publication of the policies and manuals and forms that concludes my report the delivery method to push the change to 9 desire department while San Francisco has seen measurable drops in 40e7homicid weve seen the trust that needs to be mended and it will be more Community Involvement and day to day operations with that, ill comploos my introduction to the standards and principle relationship bureau are a reminder that, plea police are public and the public it the police i with that, im going to turn it over to reverend brown. Thank you, very much. Dpw chief capita listen mr. Mayor, i should like to first commend you for responding to the appeal that came from the wom womb or Africanamerican Community that appeal was that we should in times of crisis and tragedy not turn on each other but turn to each other and because we turn to each other in this city of strans we have really created a dream team team that has been referenced in terms of persons and personalities who came together, secondly, as a history buff i want to make sure there will be no redacting on this matter we will San Francisco Transportation Authority set the record straight chief suhr 20 months ago assembled the Assembly Hall of historical Third Baptist Church with his command staff and at that time, the wake of the fallout staten island, ferguson, and many other communities were there have been unfortunate expressions loss of life and violence chief suhr responded to the call of the naacp that we will get involved in a difb active focus intentional endeavor to make sure that San Francisco would not be a republic indication of what happened in other areas of the country, however, i unfortunately missed the process we lost life one mario woods we again were confronted with a apparent grieving, a community disturbed and some folks are getting on the defensive rather than coming togeth together. And before i end my remarks i want to say that i am issuing now a respectful, loving appeal to the San Francisco Police Officers association to come to the table, come to the room and lets sit down and talk we are not your enemy we are your friends. We with you, when youre right, were still with you when our wrong to make sure you get right. I did not feel it is disrespectful to make this comment at this time the naacp has unsuccessfully reached out to the Police Officer organization that put up a firewall rather than to see all humankind as members of the team of our maker and that people tend to hate each they dont know each other they dont know each other because of a lack of conversati communication it is time i repeat that the Police Officers association join this dream team and agree to disagree about being disagreeable. I pledge to you our dream te team. The naacp will be looking, well be watching to make sure that these plans, these words will not ring hallow but we are going to in the words of nike just do the right thing we must move beyond truth telling, meetings, and engage in counters of scene of this accident we are on our way and hold out hope and not let go of justice rose down like waters and rightness in this Police Department and this community will offer flow as a great moving mighty stream and now i present to you ms. Sheryl District Attorneys Office as she comes let me acknowledge that the moral campus of this dream team is expanded, strengthened and shines brightly we have here the room rabbis anthony and beth singer of temple manual representing the Interfaith Community who are standing with the mayor, with the chief, with all people of goodwill and justice. Thank you reverend brown. As reverend brown made his appeal to the piaoa i worked an the appeal to make sure that the voices of community were included i wanted to thank the chief and commissioner president loftus and the mayor for providing that space also that first time want to thank the people that host those xhfgdz to take the reflex to challenge in a space they invited people to come in and share the magic shawn helped to rally people and boys and girls club in the tenderloin, reverend brown and third baptist that hosted the first workshop and i see others here those were some hard conversations to have and begin i want to acknowledge i know that D Anthony Jones grew up born and raised in the western edition in a couple of Housing Developments and morgan ran deep in the Hunters Point those people leads those working groups and managed the break out groups and the hard conversations they were hard because they were critical this was not a come and sit thouhow t San Francisco and the Police Department lets talk about what that needs to change and what we do to change it i want to acknowledge some of the other folks folks that are here km africanamerican young men germany that led the working Group Working Group i love the story of germajeramy a man was accept and the voice was louder and louder and germany went over to talk with him i dont know what 83 he said the man sat down and laughed germany what happens how were you able to calm the moment he had did pins on his shirt and asked him one of the pins frhe skmd asked him what d you know may i angela would do she wouldnt be happy and calmed himself and reengaged those who attended the working groups and sessions appreciate the space to talk e talk to be heard and respected the youth that facilitated the conversation it provided an opportunity for young africanamerican youth who are most likely to be impacted a lot of time we talk about be those conversations were doing the work and forget the voice of folks and it allowed them to have voice to lead the conversation to be part of there were 4 sessions led by the youth kichr, i want to recognize that whasn reactive those were since this summer and 3 forums that interviewed hundreds of people across the city and two documentary movie how people feel about the police and change the place was an honest critique as commissioner president loftus mentioned people are concerned those will be more conversations that go no where were hoping that today is really not symbolic of moving forward but some movement to happen and some may disrepair ibut ill agree that is a National Model to engage with young people and giving voice to communities can shift the dynamics so take the recommendations from community and implement them we can see the change we want to acknowledge many of the young people are criminal justice involved they have been on probation or over probation for them to come in and lead the conversations to be in the room with the Police Officer is huge and to also feel like those Police Officers are hearing what they said reverend brown talked about the idea of coming together with visitation e reconciliation that was humanizing on both sides the young folks got to see the Police Officers as human and Police Officers got to see everyone as human we are hoping this is the giving up of more conversations and not the end especially with lead by as you kn young people a comprehensive approach that xfrz the most impacted by the failing system i think we cant stress the idea and notion we engaged the community in the process to define how things can improve will help us to improvement i wanted to hangith the mayor, the chief, president and the Police Commission for leading the effort and time will tell but based on what has transpired were looking at a pro tem and hopeful future. Thank you sheryl and thank you reverend brown and deputy chief chaplain and commissioner president loftus theyll be here along with others to go into dependent on the package of reforms weve committed to and against with the budget you i assure you that shortterm rental and everyone well followup on every single one of those as the commission has done a lot of work with the Community Folks we have to honor that and our youth abowill know whether t of the matter we dwekeep our wo by implementing those changes those are not going to be easy this is what im getting everyone ready a change that will effect the officers and the training will effect the way we hire and community and certainly the incidents were seeing are trauma we know of others youre welcome to talk with the chief about other incidents that have already shown the results of those changes take place with the officers and the criticized Response Team with that, ill open up to a couple of questions and i invite you to follow up with the individuals yes, maam. inaudible . We dont have a total amount weve already ive gone this document is being reviewed now with the police chief and the commissioner president loftus with kate howard and were the beginning of the budget we have cost factors for all of those hthat will be implemented we are adding this to what ive already been committed to i have a robust it program the interrupt policing and the Community Organizing that has been successful over the past few years in reducing the number of homicides but areas of our city weve yet to reduce that dramatically this is where i challenge the Reduction Program leaders to take this opportunity to come in with us and see what can work more were in a good trend but have to do more in education there is more than ideas theyre implementing ideas we want to have reflected in the budget the Community Based Violence Reduction are key but the rec and park in making sure we have a spring and summer so the kids can be active because i doness will not help and in education were always trying to find alternatives to additional education that didnt reach all our kids i belive that we have a very good conversation in both public and private resources that hopefully can be aimed at the Health Crisis in our Africanamerican Community as was stated earlier the trau traumation of kids who see this over and over again, we cant dismiss that as being simply a scientific later xrerpt that effects kids going to School People we sadont want to drop t we can reduce that and make sure we have healthy environment that takes a lot of coordination and cooperation no objectithats wa this takes everybody and the youthism about being a village it is true everyone has to work at higher levels in order to get a better result. inaudible . Well again and heres where i will accept the criticism ill be deliberately slow in talking about tasers because i didnt want othut of respect for all t communities input we dont believe that tasers is the panacea the answer to reducing violence we dont believe that that is a truth here it is one tool it can be valuable in certain situatio circumstances but time and distance, retraining, backing off and having other alternatives are more than being studied theyre actually being implement that is why i want you to talk to the chief about other things that show really good lifechangi league of wom lifechanging results. inaudible . Well you know, i think reverend brown respond to it let me add we respect the poa and the officers need to be represented but like we said on those crisis situations we have to come together and figure out we have to go forward not accusing each other of having different views but having a commitment to a overall goal of reducing crime in the city the poa has a very Important Role in rebuilding trust this is what were trying to do with the collaboration we have retirement boaverend brown thank you, mr. Mayor the cleric said no men and women is an island into themselves as the bell told us is tolls for thee now it is unfortunate that the poa took issue a life was lost that should be the busy business of all were all part of human family i hope theyll rethink that position the Board Members were expressing sympathy and support for the mother it was not to condone the actions of this young man at all and i think what we are doing as a team would indeed less even and stop this unnecessary force that destroys human life i hope well not phone cafocus on tase it is about trust, it is about Police Officers getting into the community and the Community Getting to know the Police Officers and working together as a team and i wiant to acknowledge the presence of Shawn Richard that put his life in hormonarms way the midst of this great tragedy and that is were saying to the Police Officers association dont relate to us through the past come and sit down and talk with us as weave sat down and talked with each other over those two months 20 most. One last question and ill over offer you the opportunity to talk with everybody. First of all, let me say this ever life it is lost is a very big tragedy and while that is under investigation i want to appeal and join our commissioners and our Police Department and Community Members we have to reduce violence the circumstances here call for our community to come forth with any information they might have in order to assist us in making sure the individual or responsible wiare held accountability it is break in in a neighborhood we are embraced with trying to change for the better and have a lot of challenges the fillmore and this is obviously a tragedy and this represents the reason why we have to keep and have strong group of people to prevent those tragedies and getting the guns out of the hands of folks that will misuse them and making sure that people have a way to resolve their differences without shooting each other and making sure we hold those individuals accountabilile and is a young person a 20yearold was a victim and how much time have we eaten even that and have to work more conservatively with that, i invite everybody to followup with the members of the community thank you, everyone for being hi everybody, we down here at the ep is a center which is our pop up space down here in San Francisco where we operate a store front to educate the policy from the home owner who has center which is our pop up space down here in San Francisco where we operate a store front to educate the policy from the home owner who has never done anything in the house to the most advanced structure engineers we have working around here. We were going to here from kelly to talk a little bit about San Francisco. How are you doing kelly . Very well, thank you for having us here. In front of us, we have a typical soft story building. When i see this, i think this is some of the most beautiful architecture our city has. A lot of people dont know these are problematic buildings. Why dont you tell us about some of the risks he we have in these buildings . Soft stories are vulnerable in past earthquakes and the northridge earthquake to this type of building and character of building. When we talk about the soft story, what were talking about is generally a ground story that has less wall or other pwraeugs to resist the lateral forces that might be imposed by the earthquake. So were looking for something that is particularly weak or soft in this ground story. Now, this is a wonderful example of what some of the residential buildings that are soft stories in San Francisco look like. And the 1 thing that i would point out here is that the upper force of this building have residential units. They have not only a fair amount of wall around the exterior of the building but they also have very extensive walls in the interior and bathrooms and bedrooms and corridors and everything that has a certificate amount of brazing yea its significantly less country srabl in those stories. Now very often, we get even a garage or storage or sometimes commercial occupancy in this ground story. That very often not only has a whole lot less perimeter wall but it often has little or no wall on the interior. That wall is the earthquake bracing and so he see very significant bracing in the top floor and very little on the bottom. When the earthquake comes and hits, it tries to push that ground floor over and theres very little that keeps it from moving and degrading and eventually paoerblly keeping it from a collapse occurring. So we know theyre vulnerable because of this ground story collapsing is this only a problem we see in sentence france . San francisco . No, this is certainly a national problem. More acute in western but more up to california, washington, moving out into other states. This kind of building exist and this kind of building is vulnerable. When youre involved with the Community Safety, this is a different way of thinking about these types of things. We had a Community Group of over 100 people involved and upper 1 of them. Tell us about how that conversation went. Why did we decide as a city or a community to start fixing these types of buildings . There were a lot of aspects that were considered well beyond just the engineering answer that these are vulnerable. And that effort brought in a lot of people from different aspects of the community that looked at the importance of these buildings to the Housing Stock and the possible ramifications of losing this houbgs in the case of an earthquake. The financial implications, the historic preserve vacation s implication as you mentioned, these are very handsome looking buildings that are importance to the tourist city ask which make San Francisco something that people are interested from outside in coming and visiting. Its such animation story when you think about the 10 years that the community spent talking about this seurb but we actually did something about it. Now we have an order unanimouses put in place to protect 100,000 residents in San Francisco and retrospective in 2020. So on behalf of residents and employees in San Francisco, we want to say thank you for the work youve done in pushing this forward and making people more aware of these issues. And it was a fantastic community effort. So in an earth quake, what happens in these kinds of buildings . What happens when an earthquake comes along is it moves the ground both horizontally and vertically. Its mostly the horizontal that were worried about. It starts moving the Building Back and forth and pushing on it. When you see im pushing on it, the upper stiff of the wall stay straight up but the lower floors, they actually collapse just like i did there. Luckily, we can put this building right back up where it came from so its a lot easier. Now kelly, obviously these arent real frame walls here but when you talk about buildings, what makes the property for stiff . The easiest and most costeffective type of bracing you can put in is either put in a brand new wall or to potentially go in and strengthen a wall thats already there where you dont need to have an opening is where you maybe have a garage door or access to commercial space, you might go to a steel frame or other types of bracing systems that provides the strength and stiff if necessary but at the same time, allows continued use of that area. But some combination of walls or frames or other tools that are in the tool kit that can bring the building up to the strength thats required in order to remove the vulnerability from the building so that when ground shaking comes, it in fact is a whole lot more resistant and less vulnerable. Ideally, this story down here would be made as strong and stiff as the floors above. If im a Property Owner, what is the first thing i should do . The first thing you should do is find professional that can come in and help you evaluate your building in order to, 1, figure out that indeed it does need to be retro fitted and 2, give you some idea of what that retro fit might look like. And third, evaluation and design to help you determine the retro fit requirement. Well kelly, i cant thank you enough for being here today. Thank you so much for your wealth of information on how we can take care of our soft story problem in San Francisco. And you the viewer, if you have any questions, please feel free to visit our website. Working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change weve been on the edge after all were at the meeting of land and sea worldclass style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the citys Information Technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at San Francisco General Hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house Senate Regional wearout system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of San Francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the citys future but for considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco [gavel] all right good afternoon everyone. Welcome to our special rules Committee Meeting of february 16, 2016. I am katy tang chair of the committee. To my left i have Supervisor Malia Cohen and to eric mar and joined by aaron peskin today. Our clerk is derek evans and i would like to thank our sfgtv staff. With that clerk do you have any announcements . Thank you madam chair. Please silence all cell phones and electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and files somebody submitted to the clerk. Thank you and i know both items on the special

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