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But if someone puts a hand on you, respect the cemetery. If you join the people outside, you are going to lose your job. Maybe your grandkids would want to sit on your lap 1 day because they dont right now. All of you are going to burn in whatever figurative hell you are going to burn in. The dirt you would make would not bring flowers to life. Public speaker hello, i sat for 2 hours just now just watching live stream, you greg suhr have not changed your facial expression once on tv. All of you have sat here just looking bored, bored. You guys are getting paid for this right now. My community is right here behind me. My 12yearold sister is scared. She is scared of me just leaving the house just now to come and speak because she thinks that i can be the next person. Greg suhr, i remember you came to my high school when you said we can be officers that we are in the community to serve. Community, like mario woods, alex nieto that are now gone. They are gone. Do you know how much that hurts . They are gone. They are people just like me, brown skin. You will never understand that because you are white. You are white. And before i never hated the cops. I had so much love for cops. Before i was exposed to all of this, all of this racism, all of this Police Brutality. I have grown up in my life seeing more death and negativity about cops. My sister is in that line. She knows more negativity about cops. Is this what you really want our next generation to hate cops . Public speaker im here today because i have an 18yearold son. I grew up in San Francisco. Im scared to let my son walk the streets. I really am. Its a shame. Im actually sending my son back to college because i dont want my son here. If something happens to my son its going to kill me. I have friends that are Police Officers. There are good Police Officers out here. What i cant understand and my cousin made a very good point the other night. You dont need training to have morals. I have stood in front of people with guns before trying to kill people. I have stood in front of police pointing the gun at me before because im out in the community trying to do something and trying to help everybody out. We have to come up with some type of resolution for everyone. We have all seen what slavery does. Someone said ptsd. We all have it. Youve got kids, i have kids. Im trying to help other kids get it together and help them get to school and get jobs. This does not look good for San Francisco. You have good people on the force. We need good people that are going to come out to the community and get out sidewalk with us and come talk to us and listen to what we have to say. I care about your kids like i care about mine. I care about everybodys child. Dp we cant get on this platform where we are putting this first, then this whole city is going to burn in hell. Jermaine, come back here. I will talk to you. I love you. We are going to turn this around. We love you, man. Public speaker i dont know what that was, joe marshall. It was my turn. I go by equip. I lived in San Francisco and i witnessed a lot of brutality. Its time for justice with alex nieto and mario woods. I would texting my friend he said chief suhr is a good guy. He would sit with my grandpa. Im hoping thats real. Its not too late to change. Even if you step down, you on the side and listen, if you step down especially and talk with the people and understand it you work for a corrupt organization. Thats the bottom line. I feel the good cop because we know the people personally. You might be a good person. But you have no compassion in your heart if you understand whats going on and want to understand the people. You might have worked hard to get to that position but it nothing different than what people are going through right now. I know you can relate. Just like mario woods needed help. Thats all he needed. He didnt need to get shot up like that 25 times. Its never too late. You can sfep down man with the people and walk with us, brother. You really could. It would make a world of difference, but until then you should be ashamed of yourselves. Public speaker any my name is max and i was born and raised in San Francisco. I myself have experienced Police Brutality with the Police Department and how i know the system doesnt work is because there are people i grew up with in this city who have become Police Officers and these are not the kind of people i want to be Police Officers. Not to say all Police Officers are bad. I mean just like humanity, there is good people and bad people everywhere. But the thing is, the police need to be held to a higher standard. You know. They carry guns. They are here to protect and serve the public. They really need, there needs to be a hiring process to screen the psychological backgrounds of the people who apply and somehow feel like determine what their morality is. I know a lot of Police Officers. A lot of people i grew up with are on the force now and these are not people i trust to be Police Officers and people i trust to be policing my community. A lot of these people are naive, uneducated, racist and these are not the people, sexist, misogynistic and these are different people who are hiring people. There needs to be a screening process where we hold people to a higher standard. Its just ridiculous. Public speaker good evening. My name is paula robles. Stop killing people. In the same week i was in two protest and funeral for a woman killed in the mission and for mario woods. Stop killing our people. I am in the tepid tenderloin in the communities. Instead of paying you guys, with should use the must money in a better way. We need your support. I dont think we need you. Public speaker i actually had left and was i have been here. I felt enough had been said and i know enough great things have been said, but like everybody else, im so affected by this and because i see it as so unnecessary. I have to Say Something just so i can live with myself. I have got a boy 26, not much different than mario woods. Maybe in some ways. Maybe hes had a better way to go, but i know in certain situations because i have been im 72 and i have been black all my 72, i think. Because of that i know my son has suffered the same end and hes a good dude. Hes a goodman. But i know how it works. I have been in the military. I have played ball all my life and i know the police and the jock mentality. The reality is chief and members that in 2015, if the only way that we can deal with someone who is unresponsive to commands, who knows why. Being unresponsive should not result in a death sentence. The only way that we can deal with someone whose posture is benign. His poster was benign. It was his posture was not threatening. The knife may have been considered a threat but it was not an imminent threat of danger. If the only way in 2015 we can deal with that is through death and then 1625 shots. If you are stopping the socalled threat when hes shot and hits the ground hes no longer a threat. Why would you keep shooting. Hold on. Dont take my time. Except and this is why weve been talking about sensitivity training not by Police Trainers but by people who do that for a living because the only reason you would do that is because you do not recognize that young mans humanity. Even when i break the law, im still a human being and i still deserve passion and compassion, man. Thats the only way we are going to change this culture. I say this on the cops behalf. Dont get so carried away because even when we dealt with those police text, if you dealt with every department in the city, you would find the same text except the cops have gone and operate under the color of authority because black people are marginalized in this town. God knows we shouldnt have to come here again for this. Thank you. Public speaker i grew up in the deep south. In that deep south i saw a lot of things i didnt like. I went to college and ended up here thinking it was better and it was better for me. But in all honesty it was never hard for me. But i will tell you this, it affected my father. My father is African American. Hes afraid to come to this city. He lives in louisiana. You may believe chief that in holding that position and not doing the right thing by the victim, you are complicit in his murder and it breaks my heart. I now fear that because of your police force on this television knows that im black that im no longer safe. I see you looking at me, sir, but do you hear me . So im asking you. Im not asking, im not demanding that you be fired. Im asking that you do the right thing and stop people and start demanding to be fired. Im asking this commission to realize that after all the grief and heartache and loss of life, that what you have done in the past its not doing anything and not healing anything. Subpoenas as much as you demand a quorum, mr. Mazzucco, if you dont do the right thing now you are no better than than the cops in mississippi and the cops in selma. Public speaker good evening, president. My name is Linda Maldonado and im part of the Harvey Milk Club executive board. Im not very good with public speaking but once i saw mario woods video, i was triggered personally to come out here and speak. I went about 5 years ago i was in the standard post Police Academy and i, you know i went to the training. I was at the top of my class and just my experience is there with the higher, the people that were in the academy themselves were not people i would ever want on the police force. I would say about maybe 30 were good people and the rest had several types of biases whether it be sexist or classist or racist. And there was an incident in which we were talking about Police Tactics and there was a specific video that had a guy that was hunched over and surrounded by Police Officers about 15 of them of all sides and he was hunched over and essentially the guy showed what was a flip flop and then bullets came out from everywhere. When i saw that video i couldnt be a part of that system. Although i graduated at the top of my class. I cant be complicit in that system and i dont know how you guys can even sit there and say that tactically that is the right thing to do. You could have secured the scene, you could have contained the scene in a different way. Next speaker. Public speaker i was waiting for everybody to end. You know i have been coming here for 15 years talking about Police Accountability and reconstructing the San Francisco Police Department. What we have to be clear of is so sad that all the documents, all the meetings in bayview Hunters Point begging this commission, as well as supervisors all the way throughout state of california we need to do something not only totally different. But if we keep allowing this to happen, you are watching the city go up in smoke. The people are angry. And thats the bottom line. The only way you can speak to that anger is you have to do something historic. This is a no brainer chief suhr. This is not personally to you. Resign, remove yourself. That is the best move to make. No. 1. No. 2, as a commission, lets face it, the commission has to do way better than this if you want the trust of San Francisco. I have been seeing for five straight years the department of Justice Needs to come into this city and help you guys because how can you help yourself when you have political favors, we have scared to death supervisors, we have scared to death people who work in the Mayors Office and people who cap late capitulate as reverends and pastors. Cmon you guys, if at the end of the day people are warning you, you dont want do see anarchy in this city and we havent called for it yet, but at a certain point an eye for an eye, if you keep killing black people, white people are going to die in this city. Thank you, sir. Maam, you have already spoken. If there is further Public Comment you can stand up over here. You only have one at some point. Im enforcing rules. So there is a representative from the officers citizen complaints that can talk to you. The Deputy Director can speak to you. Thank you. Next speaker, please . I feel your suffering. Im with you and weve had enough. Im not even talking to them. Im talking to you and the people out there wherever the cameras are. My name is melissa, educator, activist with black lives matter and Peoples Education movement. Enough, enough, enough, enough is enough enough is. I have got some things i want to say but im just wondering im wondering how many of these injuries. This whole country, this whole country is a lie. Manifest destiny thats called communist. Disorder has been spread for centuries and what did they do when they stole the land . They enslaved people. Im not talking about traditional slavery. This is twisted shit and they hung us. They had parties. This is our history, but we also have a history as a people. We suffered, we struggled and now we are saying enough is enough. There are people rising up around the world. Its not just San Francisco. Now is the time. Now is the time. Thank you. Good evening and welcome. Public speaker well in the video it seems like they surrounded and trapped him and then they started shooting. You have batons. Im wondering why they didnt use the riot gear to compress it so he would actually be its like you are shooting a bunch of rounds but its like you miss 80 of the time. So as you said he was going to do something about legislation. The question is when do we get a draft . I mean months, years, do you count by how many people die . When do we get this draft . And the other problem is, you see all of these incidents happening all around the country. Why do we have to wait now until someone dies in San Francisco before anybody is trying to be proactive and do something. Im from north chicago, illinois. The pleasant just tasered somebody 11 times. And they are paying 3 million. The police are using the tasers as a torture device. They are not using it to apprehend people. How much time do i have, mr. Marshall. Im not supposed to answer questions. We want to start the process tonight. The thing was to hear everybody and to answer questions for you. Well do that when we finish with Public Comment. Im here with the sunshine ordinance. You do have the right to respond not during my Public Comment time, but after and the sunshine ordinance says that you can Exchange Information except to make it a dialogue or agendaizing it. So whats your response. I gave you my response. My time is up. Anybody else here to speak . How much longer, mr. Marshall . Once Public Comment is done. The commission will begin to respond to your question. Im the last speaker. We have to officially stop Public Comment and then begin. Just be patient a little longer. Thank you. Your comments. Public speaker good evening my name is deedra smith. We in bayview have been asking for a long time for community police. In the past weve had the officers that if something happened late jameson just to name a few, if something happened in our community they would contact the parent or someone to let them know what is happening and what is going on. They stayed engaged in the community. The officers that we have now dont even know us. Are they concerned to know who we are . We are not sure. We have asked commander osullivan who i know for a fact is definitely community but now he has moved to a different status and so he is not with us as much as he used to be. I think its unfair what happened to that young man because it didnt have to happen. They had other opportunities of calling the dogs, they had other opportunities to continue to shoot that young man with them bean bags since we dont have the tasers, but they didnt even take that into consideration. Whoever the individual was that gave the officers that okay, he must be from the military. We are not the military like they did in oakland. Thats what we are not. All im asking is for them to start looking at us having Community Policemen again. Bring slade back in, bring jamison back in to train these individuals in the communities now. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues, we heard a lot tonight and i think before we proceed just like business as usual, i think im going to exercise my discretion as chair and start with the items 3a and the discussion of this departments use of force. I want to say this i want to say in the wake of last weeks officer involved shooting of mario woods, we have seen the video. We have had conversations about what that video meant to us. What we saw, what we didnt see, what we wish we had seen. Now, as we speak there are three investigations into this shooting. One by the sfpd, one by the d. A. And one by the officers citizens complaints. It is essential that these investigations are complete and thorough. And i for one will not prejudge an investigation, but we as a commission are not waiting to have a conversation about the use of force in the San Francisco Police Department. We are starting this conversation tonight for one reason and we are heard it tonight over and over and over again, and i have heard it from my neighbors, from my friends, from my colleagues, from elected officials that viewing that video has rattled the trust that in particular people in the African American community have in this Police Department. I have also had people tell me that suzy, as much as you want to talk about policy and what can be done has nothing to do with the way i feel about that video. People feel different things. Weve heard a lot about it tonight but they feel they wish it ended differently. There is a large paradigm shift that is happening this this country around policing and a lot of it has to do with the use of force. It is a question about how the department is training its officers on handling conflict and what tools they have. Because of that, tonight we are having an initial discussion on the current policies for use of force. It is the policy that current governance the department. I have asked the chief to update us on the current policy, what other departmental orders related to the use of force and any bulletins he has issued. I have also had conversation with the executive Research Forum to get outside Technical Assistance in reviewing the use of force policy and identifying best practices from across the country that we can use here in San Francisco. The department will update you on a program that they are involved in around reexamining the use of force and i think that is very promising, but i do want to say that tonight was about listening and the coming months will be about action and tonight we begin. Colleagues i invite any of you to say anything before i ask the chief to give his report. Dr. Marshall . So, that thing was terrible, man. That thing was really bad. I wanted for me who works with young people all the time that was really painful. We cant hear you. Im sorry, im trying not to yell. Im hurt. Anyway. Im just saying it was really really bad. I point to jermaine, you and i have been together a long time and thats the last thing i wanted to see. We work so hard to close the gap and that is all that was done just like that. Im sorry for everybody. I said on the news, i said this from the beginning when you look at that whole thing and this is me personally, it didnt make any sense. It just didnt make any sense. Weve got to make sense. Weve got to make sense. And basically my thoughts were no. Is 1 could we have done Something Else and if we didnt, why didnt we . If we couldnt have done Something Else we have to change the policy so we can. The two things that didnt make obviously, well for me didnt make sense and i have said this and i continue to say it because this is a first thing i want to look at as we begin to change the way that we do business is the first thing was and i think he had a knife. So why were we using gun policies and tactics with a knife, no. 1. No. 2, is the whole notion of support fire. Does everyone know what i mean . When one officer shoots. I dont get that . Let me finish. Its my turn, okay . I dont get that . So those are two glaring issues, problems, it looks like we have a one size fits all thing and you cant have a one size fits all thing. The only way i know how to do and i know what we can do is change the way we operate. We can change procedures, we can change policies, we can do something about training and do something so what you saw happen doesnt happen again. Thats going to take time. Its not going to be easy. And sometimes, this is really the hard thing to say, an unfortunate incident like that points out all the gaps in the policies and procedures that we have. We got to go to a deescalation mindset. We have to build in all of those things so that those things what you saw doesnt happen. I personally have buried too many kids. Thats why i started what i do. Thats why im so glad to save him because he was on his way there. I dont want my kids being shot by anybody. I dont Like Community violence, i dont like police violence. So i said well change it. We are going to start the process. What i try to tell people, it takes time. It takes time. We are not going to be able to give you a time line tonight but we are going to put the thing m motion and we are going to give you feedback. We have to do the best practices and we have to find out what everybody else is doing. We have to see. When we get it back, well let you look at it and let you say if its a good idea or not a good idea. Change is going to come because it has to come because of that young man. Commissioner dejesus . So i looked at this video and we have to reflect how we are going to go forward from this tragedy and how we are going to improve Police Performance and i think its simplistic to say we needed a taser and been done with this. I think we can echo tonight that the department with tasers to panacea is a problem. I have to point out thats interesting again that they want to get tasers when everyone else is getting out of tasers. Taseers are the one that actually kills people when its used in the manner. If you recall you cannot shoot someone in the head or the chest. There is a 3inch prong. One in a liability issue, if you tase someone you have to tase them in the leg or the back. They are saying why didnt they shoot in the leg or the back. Taseers is not going to answer that question. What we need to do is listen to what the community is saying. They brought some really good points and we need to reflect on the points they brought and we should analyze the situation and see what the response is. What i heard at the Community Meeting and here tonight, the inquiries is how many years of experience did the officers have at the scene. What i heard is two officers had 5 years experience. Thats something we should be looking into in terms of tactics and how we partner our officers up. The other issue that the community mentioned were is bayview use for Training Ground as training for the community. Yes it is. Maybe we need to reevaluate that in terms of see if thats having an adverse impact in the community and that needs to change. We are taking a hard look at these questions and keep in mind and analyze and see if this is the best practices for our community. So maybe that needs to be reevaluated. One change i saw in the articles is the officers dont have any tools. They have a baton. They have shields and so before we jump to say that we need tasers there are other tools in the arsenal. One of the things that people have brought up and one of the things i know we talked about before in front of this commission is how you set yourself or how you position yourself. In moving cars, officers are not to put themselves in a position to use lethal force. You dont stand in front of a police car. Im not sure, i was not there, but whether its a tactical and the way they operate is a tactical decision to look at and see if we can improve that in the future. And in terms of experience and training, i mean, you see officers surrounding the individual and closing in on it. I understand the cit officer was present but one of the ways to deescalate is to step back and take a moment and give people time to breathe and also assess the situation. You wonder in terms of examining that to what commissioner marshall said was there someone in charge there that they were handling it and why did, i guess one of the questions the community had is why did all officers had to discharge their weapon at the same time. Was there any of the commands. I know there are other issues going on. I know this was 4 30 p. M. And people at the bus stop and a lot of other concerns going on. Even though i dont want to second guess this, this is a tactical decision and we need to see what we can do and how could it have gone better and there needs to be more training. This is something we need to look at and try resolve Going Forward. But i certainly dont think tasers are the answer especially when tasers can do a lot of harm and it just raises the concern of where these tasers are going to be used and what community are they going to be used on. So we need to look at the use of force and attack tactical use of force. What is still in our use of force procedure is the choke hold which has been outlawed. Its called the carotid restraint. Thank you, commissioner. Vicepresident turman . I agree 100 percent with a lot of what with commissioner marshall said here tonight. Of course i am disturbed by this action. Im disturbed by this shooting. Of course i have feelings about it. Of course i have emotions and of course i care what this community thinks. I dont have a son but my mother has three black sons. Any mother, any parent would care, any mother with a child would care. I am deeply concerned about the state of policing all over this country and particularly here in San Francisco. Our use of force policy has to be examined and it just cant be us looking at it. Im glad that president loftus says justice, a third party but we need to go a little bit further. Commissioner dejesus raises a more important point when she points out that there are things such as choke hold that is in our policy that needs to be reviewed and we need to guard against anything like this happening again. I dont understand how the presence of ci t did not lead to a better escalation scenario. I think looking at the video there is a lack of common sense that should accompany the policy. I dont understand this situation. Im used to policing as someone working with Law Enforcement we owe the community better. We should dough do better and that starts tonight. Anything else before we ask the chief . We need to move on. Just briefly i heard my fellow commissioners. I too have seen the video and i have already heard from the community tonight. There was a strong showing from the community and that i appreciate and there was a comment made by the commissioners looking stoic or not paying attention. Unfortunately we are here to listen. Thats what we are trying to do and hear what you have to say. For all of you that came tonight, thank you. As a commissioner, we shouldnt comment on what took place on that video if we are going to pass judgment later on when reviewing an officer involved shooting. We can take a look at what we have. What do we have in our policies and procedures, what can we do to make it better. What are our best practices. Thats our job and we need to look at that. We looked at the use of force twice with the issue myself with commissioners, we have looked at the use of tasers and seeing if there is anything better out there. What took place is a tragedy in the community. With that we should move forward and take a look at whats the best practices. Hearing from president loftus, an excellent idea. Lets see if there is something that we can do better with our use of force continuum. Lets do it. Its what we as members do in the community. Lets start that process. Excuse me one of things that we would like for to you think about is is is is if you want to have a dialogue with the people in the commission. You need to look at that seriously and consider that we are here to listen. We are not here to pass judgment until we have a plan in place and decide what this Department Needs to do at this time we are not discussing any specific strategy. Nothing has been put on the table. So i would like to move forward and begin to look at those possibilities. Thank you. Cheer is chief suhr . Yes, i too saw the video. I found it upsetting. I dont know that i talked to anybody that didnt find the video upsetting. There are three independent investigations Going Forward. One by our hospitalized division that looks at all officer involved shootings, one by the District Attorneys Office and one by the office of citizens complaints. Those investigations are Going Forward. When i gave the update at the town hall , i gave the facts as i know them to that point and when officers are allowed to use lethal force. Thats where we are on the investigations Going Forward. There has been some conversation today that i should apologize to mrs. Woods that happened. I have talked to her and i apologized for the loss of her son. I was actually contacted that night by a Community Member with her at the time she didnt know and we were able to connect her with the Homicide Division and i apologized to her too about that procedure that it wasnt and sadly hasnt been good before. So we are looking to making that a better thing where anybody at the scene would have a better number to contact. That said, i have been in meetings with the commission and the mayor about what to do immediately to try and avoid a repeat of this. We have done some things. I was on a Conference Call this morning with a group back east of 30 Police Departments that will be working on reengineering on Training Police on the use of force adapting a model used in scotland. You saw that in a train station spoke of tonight of a person in the middle east stabbed two of them and the london Police Department was able to subdue that subject with use of a device some people calling it a taser. That worked and that person is alive. If that same exact situation happened here had San Francisco, that would have resulted in lethal force because we dont have Conductive Energy devices. I know thats a whole other discussion. We will work with this group to work on officer, everything to protect the sanctity of life while protecting officers safety at the same time, critical decision making, the national model, proportionality with fire, how that should work, Tactical Communication skills, time and distance strategies. We have a strategy in place here in San Francisco when an edge person in crisis is only in danger to himself. Some of those events have gone overnight and been resolved peacefully. I think someone brought up here that we need to come up with an active edge weapon other weapon strategy that is different from an active shooter strategy. We have identified shields that are used in scotland. However contentious it would be, i would ask the commission to pick up the discussion we left on in april of 2013 with regard to a pilot. This time i dont think its as has been pointed out by Mental Health professionals have a device used as a special weapon that only our police that get the additional training uses like our Tactical Division or specialist. There was a specialist at the scene this day so there would have been one on scene. I think thats the discussion that we need to have because it does put something between the beanbag gun of what we have ordered almost doubling the content. We have ordering for additional nonlethal round. So again why didnt we just keep using nonlethal rounds. We need to get that amination we have the best training in the department in the country and we are the only department in the country that require every Academy Graduate to be is certified and they get deescalation training and firing training in the academy and that will continue to grow. What we have done immediately, weve already given new instruction to our range qualification and install deescalation. A deescalation portion prior to the officers going to the range. Weve created more pause to slow everything down because again the support fire is something that is concerning. We are also now able to discourage the threat so the officers would know when they should stop. Again the different bulletins we put out like responding to persons in crisis, trying to avoid the unlawful shooting like this one would be and addressing any officers that might shoot at vehicles. So, again, a lot of things in motion already. A lot of things will unfold in the next 30 days. This Group Engineering on police use of force will have this completed by the end of january so all Police Departments around the country can thank turn from the culture of using police force and now we can talk about our own use of force general order which no commission has sought to reopen. Since im looking at the date of october 1995. To that end, i will read the very first page of the policy. The policy of the San Francisco Police Department to accomplish the Police Mission with the highest regard as possible with the minimal reliance upon the use of physical force. The use of physical force shall be restricted to circumstances authorized by law and minimal necessary to accomplish the police task. B. Officers are confronted with situations where control must be exercised, control maybe achieved or advised where the use of reasonable force, force can not be used unless other alternatives are exhaustive or clearly effective under certain circumstances. Officers permitted to use whatever force is reasonable and necessary to protect themselves but no more. The purpose of this policy is not to restrict from the use of force to protect themselves from other guidelines of the force to be used and excessive circumstances officers should use any force reasonably necessary to protect themselves and must be able to articulate the reasons for implementing such force. This order is the governing general order and seven orders including this order that touch on matters of force additionally there are 3unit orders that need to be considered about incorporated general order and 14 active Department Bull tins that also modify this general order things like officers are prohibited from shooting a person using lethal force on a person in crisis that is only a danger to themselves. I bring up i know as controversial as the device, that in embarcadero and there was a conversation that we dont have enough trained officers and no at the scene, there should have been another officer. All of those things were there last wednesday night and none of them worked in that instance. So, to that end, i think in fairness to the officers, a very restrictive policy that would only allow them to use the Conductive Energy device as an alternative to lethal force of the continuum to those officers that give them the training with regard to use in any weapon in situations officers should be able to call for them so we never have a repeat of anything close to what happened last wednesday. Thank you, chief. I would add that there is in the pipeline officer training and that is working its way up and very relevant because it speaks to the direction around deescalation. I did forget one thing. I did have conversation with people in this room to discuss cultural competency training at the academy that would involve members of the community. We do do a lot of cultural competency. We have a racial profiling class that reverend brown brought up that we brought back in january and weve gone through quite a bit of implicit bias training and attended procedural justice classes. All of these are planned to go forward for all members Going Forward into 2016 the help of the community. Chief, i did read and im going to ask the commission to puts this up in our website. Training and the perf report. Chief, can you speak to the departments effort that the department is going to be a pilot site. If you can talk about that a little bit and i want to highlight some things that perf has already said. So, myself and the Commanding Officer and the Training Division as well as lieutenant mario molina who is the officer in charge of our crisis intervention training will be traveling back to washington d. C. In january on a 2day working group and going back again at the end of january to finalize this is a top priority for all of laughed in Law Enforcement in the country to get this change in Police Culture to go towards deescalation and other alternatives to lethal force so as was spoken to earlier that really the only time that a firearm would come into play would be when we were dealing with a person with a firearm. I just want to read a section from this report because we are squarely from a conversation. This report was a perf from an executive Research Form convening from sheriffs across the country. The report says there is a growing recognition in the policing proefgs profession that a review of an officers use of force solely for the use of force, instead saying the review should led up to the incident and officers should be able to deescalate to whatever point reached use of force is necessary. Thats why people wonder why did that officer shoot a homeless man because he had a knife. Why couldnt they tase him or pepper spray him or wait it out. They didnt have to kill him. Police are increasingly recognizing this and considering when considering use of force. The reason i say that is to credential perf and significant chief that you have committed the department to this and i think its very promising. I will share this with all the commissioners and make sure its available on our website. What i propose, colleagues because we all went through a process with creating a body camera policy is to suggest we are dark for the remainder of december. We reconvene in january. There is a number of bulletins and things need to be put together as a starting point. I also would like the experts from perf to advise on behalf of the commission, the department in revising that and i would like to set a tentative goal which dr. Marshall usually says is unreasonable. But at the end of january for that process to come back to the commission for next steps which would include Community Input before its finally adopted to give some structure to the process would be my suggestion colleague. Im certainly open to suggestions. Commissioner dejesus. Im okay with that. I do have a problem with the draft before we have the community involvement. I do have concerns about that. I think its better to have other commissioners . I think the timeline is reasonable. With reference to this use of force, there is different documents that need to be put in place and we need to look through the experts including perf what other level can we put in there and we have supervisor browns we can streak stream line this process a bit. My big concern of course all of our big concerns. I have to expect a draft that was looking very different from the current way we do things. I just we did that report im very confident that the draft we put together looks very different from the way weve been operating and well shore up and i could be wrong. You know, if its not then we probably wont accept it. Shore up the glaring i think glaring deficiencies in the way we are currently doing things. In many ways weve been lucky. This points that we have to do something quickly and do it well and i believe its going to happen. If its not like that, then we just wont accept it. Thank you, doctor marshall. Commissioner dejesus. One of the things you mentioned this 14 bulletin that modifies this order that should also be made to commissioners available to review that to compare to the draft in january. I can make sure you have that in your next packet. That was going to be my primary comment. I think you are right on giving us information a year ago. We certainly took in a lot of input, not just tonight but from the naacp meeting and the Community Meeting last week. Lets get to drafting and lets get something out there and get to this sooner rather than later. I thank you vicepresident turman. I understand commissioner dejesus where a first draft makes you feel you are committed to it and i appreciate the point that you are making and there is an urgency now and this commission has shown that we have the ability to set policy and working in collaboration with the community and as a first step, chief suhr, if you and the department can do this work, we will bring in perf and work out those details and certainly layout a Community Process that again will be worthy of how significant a shift this will be for this department. Colleagues anything further . Let me just say for me, this is not an us against them thing. Police, im trying to be cool. We are in the community, okay . This is not us against them. That kid means as much to me as jermaine and any other kid i have worked with. Thats the way we feel. If we can do, do whatever you have to do. This is not us against them. That will help us move this thing forward. I have to say that. Be very clear about that. All of us are feeling this. Lets get that straight. Im saying that for joe marshall. All of us are feeling this. Wait a minute. I have got the floor. Its not us against them. None of us like this. And we are going to move forward so that we can do our best not to have this happen again. One thing i do think is important to say is that four of us are appointed by the mayor, three of us are appointed by board of supervisors. We all have terms that expire. There is a public process where you can weigh in onthejob that weve done and whether or not we are entitled to another term. Thats the way this process works. We are not voted in. We are appointed. Anything further on this matter . Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to, im going to move back into agenda to go back to where we were. I did move this out of order. Sergeant, please call the next item. City clerk item 3, reports and announcements, review of recent activities, status update regarding social media policy, presentation redepartment general order. Given the late hour. I will leave it up to you whether you want to offer up these reports. President loftus, i will not be present at your next meeting so the next time i will be able to give these reports would be at just the first meeting in january. That is our next meeting m january. If i could speak briefly and the rest of the report we can defer until january. I just wanted to say as a director of the officer of citizen complaints in an officer involved shooting. I too am a mother of an African American son and one in another county has been subject to less than gracious treatment by a member of a sheriffs department. And i have made it my obligations to give my son the talk. However, and i as i should say as others on this diose am disturbed by this video as well. How ever i am charged with the officers on complaints to deal with fair and impartial investigation so i cannot prejudge and my staff cannot prejudge complaints filed by civilians whether they be a neglect iv duty or an officer involved in the shooting of a death of an individual. The officers have complaints from the death of mario woods and we will investigate those complaints fairly and impartially. And we have already assigned staff to do so and we will be providing full resources to do this very very serious task. In addition to our job of investigating complaints, the oc c has also charged pursuant to charter section 4. 127 with making policy recommendations to the Police Department to the Police Commission that would serve to enhance community and Police Relations to that end our office too will have involved in reviewing proposed changes to the departments use of force policies. Moving on then to some recent activities that are relevant. Last tuesday, mayor lee did meet with Department Heads and advised us that due to the Retirement Fund expenses each general Fund Department would need to provide a 1. 5 budget reduction. When we submit our budget next year. The Police Commission is aware that office of citizens complaint has struggled with not being able to fill vacancies due to budget shortfalls. The occ target for reduction is 64,000 for 128,000 additionally. I have been advised by the Budget Office that the occ office must hold totaling 364,000. I will be meeting with the mayors budget director with the heightened expectations of the occ in light of these recent tragedies and in light of the communities expectations of over sight not only with regard to investigations and policies as well. I will keep the commission informed of our progress. Thank you. Any questions for director hicks. Sergeant please call next item. Item 3 c commission reports, Commission President s reports. Commitment announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration at future commission meetings. Colleagues, weve flagged already for the end of january a discussion. So Commission Secretary if you can mark out that date for us. We still maintain a need to have a discussion about the social media policy. In that i would include what the department ace policy is around the release of mugshots many a question that weve been asked. Anything further, colleagues . Can i have a clarification, the Third Commission meeting of the month is the Community Meeting and we are in the tenderloin. That would be the last meeting in january. Did you want to put back the draft on the second or did you want to move it . Can we see if we can move our Community Meeting to be in the tenderloin on the 15th so it gives us more time. We are looking for folks following at home january 13th, the first two wednesday at the month were in city hall and the fourth wednesday we are dark. We are doing a little scheduling in realtime. To give the amount of time if we can be back at city hall on the 20th but tenderloin on the 13th. I know the captain has been very accommodating. For people in the audience, the next meeting will be the first week in january, 6, 2016 at city hall beginning at 5 30. Im going to be out of the country on the 20th. I would ask you to select a different date so we can all be here and participate in this discussion. I would love for all of us to be here and participate in the discussion. I actually can pick a date. Thats my job. So i would like for you to be able to be here. Lets do this. Chief, do you have a sense, i know we talked about this. Is the 13th too soon. I just, i want to pick a date and meet it. Commissioner dejesus is out of the country and in order to accommodate that, do we need to move it to february . I think that would be best. January 13th is one of the dates for the reengineering. Well all be in washington d. C. And since they are planning on finishing. We are planning on finishing our work for january 29th. We can incorporate it for whatever comes of that curriculum into the use of the use of force policy would give us the most forward thinking policy. In light of that lets set february for the target to come back and work with perf on behalf of the commission. Yes. Okay. Great. Thank you for clarifying that, sergeant kilshaw. Anything further on this matter, colleagues . Okay. Well now have Public Comment on items 3ad. Basically on what you just heard. Do you have any Public Comment on it right now. Im wondering what letters will go out regarding information and when do you think you will get those type of documents back because im sure some of that information is online. How many different policies and procedures do you believe you will have when you come back into session on january 16 . Th . So, thank you. I will briefly respond that what i will direct the commissioner secretary to do is we have a body camera page on our commission website. We can have a use of force page, current use of force as well as the information and that will be available on the website. When a draft policy is is provided to this commission it will be put on the website so everyone can follow that discussion. We will be back on january 6th, and we will have the discussion as we said of the draft policy on february 3rd. I would just like to add for you to consider bringing in a negotiator for these issues for your intervention by having a negotiator public is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item 4, Public Comment on all matters pertaining to item 6 below closed session Public Comment on vote whether to hold item 6 in closed session. Is there any Public Comment on item 6 closed session. I think the sunshine ordinance allows for a brief description for what the closed session is about not excessively like names but whats the closed session about . So i will again provide a brief response on what is able to be responded is available on the public agenda. Its indicating what we will be dealing with tonight with the information that we precluded by law from sharing. I will also indicate that we go into closed session for matters that have to do with personal litigation and matters that we cant go into in public session. Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item 5. Vote on whether to hold item of in closed session including vote on whether to is an assert the attorneyclient privilege with regard to item 6 00 a. M. San francisco administrative code. Colleagues, do i have a vote on whether to hold item 6 in closed session. So we are back in open session. President loftus, you still have a quorum. Thank you, sergeant. Please call the next line item. Item 7, vote to disclose nr all discussion on item 6 held in closed session. Do i have a motion not to disclose. So moved. Second. All in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . Motion passes. Sergeant please call our next item. Item 8 adjournment, action item. Colleagues do i have a motion to adjourn. So moved. Second. All in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . We are adjourned. [ meeting is adjourned ] this coffee memory i remember having coffee with any grappled. In the old days myelogram ma get together i was six or seven i made a faces a good face. When i was younger i know it did something to my body. Ive been Drinking Coffee since i was 17 really the only thing im good at i was trying to find out what i was good at i got a job at the coffee shop i decided to do that the rest of my life. I like the process of the coffee and what are those beans where do they come from oh, they come from a fruit. The coffee stays with me since i was a kid i grew up and opened coffee shops everybody. In the 8 i visited over 11 hundred coffee shops maybe more to see why people go to coffee shops were searched the beans all over the world from east afghan and tokyo. When i wanted to do was get into aspect of the personal coffee and the processing and

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