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Can you also make a motion on reporting actions . So you donot want to report actions . That is included in the motion. Second. All in favor . Aye we are item 12, commissioners matters. Any Public Comment . Seeing none, item 13, new business agenda. Public comment . Seeing none, 13 is closed. There are no communications and 15 is adjournment. So moved. Second. Thank you commissioners. [meeting adjourned] [gavel] president omotalde we will officially call the meeting to order. We will do will call. Commissioner bermejo present commissioner hoyos present commissioner wald , present. President omotalde x item on the agenda clerk quick announcement at the use of cell phones pagers is on producing Electronic Devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised the chairman made order the removal of the minimum any person responsible for use of cell phone pager or other similar sound producing Electronic Devices. Note to the public, theres an opportunity for Public Comment both after each item and in general Public Comment for items not on the agenda. There are a limited number of speaking cards at the table. You may complete a speaking card and handed to me and i will pass it on to the president for you to be called up. You do not need to complete a speaker card to speak during Public Comment and you may also speak anonymously. So, if we do run out of speaker cards, dont worry. Youll still be able to speak during Public Comment. With that item to approval of minutes of march 22, 2016 commission on the environment regular meeting from these predatory documents are the march 22, 2016 draft minutes. This item is for discussion and action. President omotalde is there any questions, commissioners . Discussion . Seeing none, ill open this up to public, to any Public Comment . Specifically on item 2. Testifier my name is Philip Johnson and i been here since 2001 on this issue. [inaudible]. Seeing there trying to solve the water [inaudible]. I dont think its necessary because in doing my regular duties in sacramento have been putting together [inaudible]. Other lawyers in talking to [inaudible]. She was one of the chairman [inaudible] president omotalde thank you very much. Any further Public Comment . Hearing none, Public Comment is now closed. I believe we can move to a vote. The itc okay we have the motion to vote. Commissioner wald has moved. Lose that. President omotalde all in favor say aye. Any opposition . Hearing none, the motion passes. Anthony, among the agenda clerk next item is public, good numbers of the public may adjust the commission on the matters that are are within the commission stirs jurisdiction and not on todays agenda. Testifier my ms. Shelby johnson. [inaudible] i like to organize the [inaudible] and do regular proceedings. What needs to be done. I put a policy for on these issues need to be fixed and do emergency for businesses. [inaudible] for the industry to improve president omotalde thank you for your comments. Next up testifier my name is ethan tucker with save the debate here to talk what Something Else can i also just want to quickly president omotalde can you speak into the microphone . Thank you. Testifier i want to quickly mention aa, the clean and healthy day ballot measure on the june 7 out is important to raise money for wetlands and restriction around the bay area. I know youre all about mentally interested people, without a little reminder for that very important issue. Thank you. President omotalde thank you very much. Next speaker former commissioner pres. Thats the next item. Apologies. Can we move to itemany other Public Comment . Hearing none, Public Comment is now closed. We will move to next item on the agenda clerk item 4, presentation of the commission on the environment Environmental Service award. The sponsors jaclyn omotalde. This item is for discussion. President omotalde no, i am very very very excited about the launch of the commission on the environment. Environmental service award. Its a collaboration between the commission and director rafael to engage the community. And to just recognize some of the outstanding work of both individuals and organizations within San Francisco. It really and truly is an opportunity to learn from the work to be inspired by it and to be motivated by a good presentation in the format is a certificate. Based on other successful award programs and a special shout out to the board of supervisors and the commission on the status of women for cooperation and assistance with the launch of this populous program. By fellow commissioners and i are able to nominate an individual guided by the purpose of the commission. And consider what theyve done to help us fill the mission. The city charter says the Commission Shall conduct Public Education and outreach to the community honored by mental issues, including but not limited to, Solid Waste Management and recycling, energy conservation, Natural Resource conservation, environmental inspection, toxics, irving forest three, Natural Resources, Habitat Restoration and hazardous material. The charter gives this commission responsibility for the longterm sustainability of San Francisco. Except for land use. To the extent possible, we plan to nominate both individuals and or organizations that are either reside or work and do business in San Francisco. The idea is to really get people, again, inspire and motivated and really recognize all the wonderful folks out there doing the work to make San Francisco a more environmentally sustainable place. Before i announce the first word i welcome my fellow commissioners or director rafael, to add anything. Thank you. Thank you president omotalde. I like to say there is never a bad time to say thank you and theres so much amazing work going on by residents and nonprofit throughout the city do we thought this was a wonderful way to say thank you and not with a giant award with a competition, but for each of you to put out who you think you would like to say thank you to in a way that expresses not only a personal thanks for the thanks of the commission and that apartment. So, this is the beginning. This is the first one. Things program will take shape as you decide how to give it shape. In the years and months and years to come. So, today is the first and a great launch and on looking for to working with you to see how we grow this and make it our very own program. Thanks. President omotalde so, without further ado other any other comments by my fellow commissioners . Commissioner wald commissioner wald i think this is a Wonderful Program and a wonderful idea and i commend those who think who thought of it out. I do have one suggestion. That is, i read in the accompanying memorandum that there were to be no criteria for selection. I would like to suggest that not at the beginning, but as time goes on, we devote some criteria that would be used to identify appropriate winners of this award. With the notion that those criteria would ensure into the future that the award has value and has meaning. Some of us, and maybe even all of us wont always be here selected to have criteria that would capture what we all think this award should be would be a very useful thing. Going forward. President omotalde thank you commissioner walker and if the comments my fellow commissioners . Hearing none, i just want at i concur with commissioner walker i think as time passes by sometimes the notion of white it was started gets lost and to make sure the integrity of the award and the recognition, i think its a really good idea to think about what you just said. Thank you for bringing that up. President omotalde thank you, commissioners. Any other commissioners . Seeing none, i would like for a phenomenal woman to stand up. Her name is Alice Carruthers. Please do stand up and come to the front. [applause] president omotalde so, i just want to take this opportunity to tell you all a little bit about one of my personal heroes and truly a force within the city and county of San Francisco. Within northern california, within california, within the united states. We need 1 million Alice Carruthers and bulimic just tell you a little bit about her. She is a mentor to countless children will grow up in the southeast neighborhoods of San Francisco. Particularly, to youth in the many projects. From a young age she was extremely good at working with her hands. She worked with word and with metal. She remembers being told by a teacher that she should be a carpenter. Like so many young people, at one point theres twists and my throat and sometimes you dont necessarily follow the right path at the right time, but you know what you learn from that. So, yes, she went on the wrong side for a little bit but she learned from that. She recognized that wasnt the right path in a path that lead to jail or death. She turned her life around and she got her carpentry license. But she didnt stop there. Which for most of these that wouldve been enough to completely turn our lives around, have carpentry license and go do the trades. But she has this call to really help her community and to work with the young people who were in jeopardy of going down that same rocky path. So, she really really started to engage young people around her and mentor them and talk to them and both save them mentally and save them physically what a month ago she rescued a young man was an amber alert for and literally pulled off the freeway to almost certain death. By telling her story and by working with individuals, she really has become a force in a deacon and someone that people in the Community Look to for advice and thoughts and feedback. Then, in 1991, she started out on many farms. Adjacent to the alimony project. As a safe space for kids to learn, to work, and to stay off the streets. She has become a true leader and in a movement and all her work and activism and kerry and dedication because the cleaning work is not always easy work. Definitely should be recognized and im so so honored and humbled, and excited, to recognize your work here today at the environmental commission. So, on behalf of myself, on behalf of my fellow commissioners, and behalf of the department, thank you for all you do for the city and county of San Francisco. The state of california and for th world. Thank you. [applause] testifier im impressed. Thank you very much. Before i say what i have to say, i just want to thank someone who is here today. Could you stand up please . Beta said he was born and raised in San Francisco in alamein he could she came from the islands from samoa or in hawaii. She, a mother of six out i knew when she was allowed little girl but now she is my program director. Shes doing a great job in the community. So, hopefully one day she will have my shoes. Right . Im playing on that. Shes doing a great job. So this is been a be the next Alice Carruthers. [applause] testifier one more person. The valley was one of my youngest kids out there in alamein he housing development. Everybody went through summer blocks. She was one of the great workers as one of the little kids when we first started at 12 years old all the way to 15 years old. She came back and work from 137. Then, after mom moved back to come back and help me in the community, now she is my Program Manager at the farm. The farm manager. So, she is 14 staff under her. [applause] testifier another one. He had a summer blocks also. A lot of them have been in and out of jail getting in trouble. A lot of people have sold drugs in the community and now working with this program alimony resident management corporation, which is Alice Carruthers, he turned his life around. He works on the form. He was one of the staff also. So brautigan a shout out. [applause] testifier over here with a hat on and thats my sister, my oldest sister. My mothers oldest child. Shes my second mom. After my mother passed in 2011 she was my second mom. Thats my oldest sister betty turner and her husband george turner. They dove down to be here today. [applause] testifier so i just want to say to the commissioners and the people who are here today, commissioners, thank you very very much. You know josh you my number one boy back there. I got love for josh. Anyway i just want to thank you guys my work is not easy. Its really not easy. But at the same time god gives me strength. I understand real clear because i was born and raised in Public Housing. As my mom and dad were navy people. So, im the youngest in the family. As you know into a struggle. But i made it. So in the midst of my making it them i get back to my community of 37 years helping the kids and the adults in the community, working with probation juvenile probation, and hopefully, soon, i can retire out and until the end i am here. If you need any support for me i am here. So thank you all very much for this award. Thank you very much. [applause] president omotalde alice could use that therefore more second . I like to open up the floor to my fellow commissioners as well. Commissioner hoyos commissioner hoyos . Alice, i just want to say how inspired we all are and by your leadership and my kids go to school and the Spanish Immersion School in the mission we have a lot of kids from alamein he and its just inspiring because its so clear your mentoring people and youre all about like we might not all be here 1530, 40 years from now who is stepping up and the fact that you invest the much loved and that clearly, is just something that we need more of, like you said. So i just want to thank you for your leadership and thank you for your vision and thank you for your commitment and thank you for being a role model for kids and communities. President omotalde commissioner stephenson commissioner stephenson thank you so much for everything you do. I want to point out you get this award and it seems so fitting that we give the first award to somebody who stands up here, turns around, points to our community and cause other people out and then you finish talking to us and say what can i do for you. I just think that such a testament to what youve done in your community and the city as a whole i really really appreciate your work for all of us. Thank you. President omotalde . Any other commissioners . I want to say thank you for everything youre doing and echo what my colleagues said. Its not enough to just be the one person that makes it but the brings other people along. Its just so inspiring and what a perfect model for the award that the inaugural recipient of good so thank you for all your work. President omotalde testifier thank you very much. Like i said, its not easy. Its really rough but i have to ask god for strength and he gives me strength. He gives me strength. So, each each day be good so im just excited to see the Community Crime is going down. He owns the homicide out there. You dont see the cup dead bodies up the street. Uca community branching off with each other giving them love and its like a family unity and if you dont bring other kids together with other districts, it isnt going to be right. Also, we have other people from kids from other districts that we bring together. We even have a three on three basketball tournament to make peace and then they get that energy off and you know there walked around laughing. Guess what, theyre not shooting at each other no more. They may change his mouth are working on the site together. So thats what that last part is and thats what makes my day. President omotalde thank you. Thank you so much. [applause] president omotalde i like to open up this item to Public Comment and one comment card and that is from our former commissioner pres. Testifier good evening, commissioners. Joshua karsay community member. Its really great to be back. I have not been here in a couple months. I miss everybody when i heard that you establish this amazing award, which is i think such a tremendous thing that youre honoring such an Amazing Community leader, environmental leader, someone who really brings it all together, as you heard, with what its all about, i just want to come out and be here with allison say that the community members, the youth leaders and just thank you for doing this. Because, i think what is so special about what alice is doing is you have an environmental initiative. You have cleaning Community Cookbook food justice. You have the use of the space and the sustainable weight at alamein he farms. The nexthouses talk about solar panels up to date alimony farms off the grid as the next iteration of the sustainability and conservation type of approach to whats happening there. It is incumbent on your sustaining the community, the youth. This is a Violence Prevention Program that this year will serve up to 20 young people to get them onto this that help move for two jobs to the next leaders of tomorrow. So much so the cities now looking at supporting an additional 2040 other use mother Public Housing sites at in other neighborhoods near alamein he in bernal, mission, over in the excelsior, and then you have something really special in the Environment Commission tonight would look at that holistically, sustaining communities and the environment my thing is just so exciting and thanks for doing a. Its great to see everybody again. President omotalde thank you. Any other further Public Comment . Testifier my name isjohnson. I worked very hard i work that farms myself. Since i was thinking i was three years old that been playing guitar and its very hard work. [inaudible] to make sure this environment [inaudible] learn some of the things i have. The housing so that we wont have disasters and improve in the police academy. Doing a lot of other things that are real fun. Making sure this world goes [inaudible]. Thank you very much. President omotalde thank you. Any other further Public Comment . Hearing none, Public Comment is now closed. We will move to the next item on the agenda anthony clerk items five, approval of Consent Agenda. This is an action item. Commissioners, youll notice typically we dont have a Consent Agenda. By way of background, the Consent Agenda is an opportunity for us to approve for you to approve items without discussion and in this case, the item on consent has been reviewed by both commissioner stephenson and omotalde in the Operations Committee and be forwarded to the full commission with a recommendation to approve. Once i read the title of all the items on the consent and in this case is only one item, commissioners can pull the item from consent for discussion and will have that opportunity if they so wish. Items folder will be treated as standalone regular item and if no item is polled believe Public Comment and a motion to approve. So, with that item 58 except the recommendation of the Operation Committee by proving a safe Drug Disposal stewardship ordinance schedule of these. President omotalde i would like to give the sponsor of this director failed to introduce it. Dont need it okay. Lets go for. So, is there any commissioners would like to remove items from consent . Nine . Okay. Then we can ask for a motion. Clerk yes. President omotalde is there a motion . Commissioner stephenson has made a motion. Second . Commissioner bermejo has made the second. Public comment . Hearing none, Public Comment is now closed. Theres a motion and a second on the floor. All those in favor say, aye. Opposed . Any abstaining . The motion so passes. In the next item on the agenda clerk next item approval of resolution file 201609 supporting the wood looks to prohibit the scale of products made of polystyrene foam that are nonrecyclable or noncombustible. The explanatory documents are resolution file 2016 food service impacting waste reduction or listed the sponsor is Deborah Rafael director. And the speakers are Connor Johnson of supervisor london breed and jack macy commercial 08. This action is for discussion and passionate staff has eight amendment two page 3, line 5. So, page 315 should read whereas supervisor london breed has proposed supervisor aaron vance peskin has cosponsored a food service and so on. So, page 3, line 5 should read, whereas supervisor london breed has proposed and, supervisor and peskin has cosponsored and remove the wood, have and propose. So supervisor london breed has proposed and supervisor aaron peskin has cosponsored. President omotalde thank you. Director would you like to introduce this speakers this item coming before you has actually started its way through the board of supervisors and we have two outstanding presenters to give you the big context. As you know, this is about zero waste. Its about environmental health. Stop the health of the oceans as was the people and the planet at large. I think whats important for you to know as we go forward is that San Francisco is not alone in looking at the issue of expanded polystyrene foam that their are other cities who have taken a look at this and done actions on their own. We are starting with our food where. This is an expansion of that previous ordinance. The good of each, seattle Manhattan Beach Santa Cruz Los altos watkinsville solana beach, those are all communities but also tackled this issue beyond food where looking at various uses of expanded polystyrene foam. Worrying about it from a number of Human Health Environmental perspectives as well as zero waste perspective. So, with that i would like to introduce supervisor london breed outstanding assistant and advisor on all things environmental, Connor Johnson. Testifier thank you. Connor johnson. Staff to board of supervisors pres. London breed and good afternoon commissioning this is exciting standard report allfemale commission. I feel like its a famous Sandra Day Oconnor action in San Francisco. Three days before we celebrated the 47th birthday, president breed into some of the strongest incremental protection legislation in the country. After months of work and collaboration with your department with businesses and advocates, she introduce this ordinance to ban the sale styrofoam cups, plates, clamshells, meat trays, egg cartons another food where. Packing materials including those incessant packing peanuts styrofoam coolers and ice chests, who and beach toys and styrofoam dock floats, buoys, another marine products. The legislation also bans the use of styrofoam Packing Material for items packaged in San Francisco. Styrofoam is actually a trademark so i we use the word polystyrene from here on out. We are city prized for Natural Beauty surrounded by water on three sides. We have a moral and Public Health and frankly a financial responsibility to protect ourselves from clues like polystyrene foam. Polystyrene cannot be recycled through San Francisco blew been recycling collection program. It essentially never decomposes. Its a significant source of litter on our streets parks and Public Places which are often only a stopover for its trip to the date were the ocean. Plastic pollution in the ocean continues to worsen with polystyrene been perhaps the most egregious. Polystyrene breaks down into smaller nonbiodegradable pieces that see birds and other wildlife often mistake for fish eggs. Unlike harder plastics, polystyrene contains a chemical used in production called styrene thats metabolized after ingestion and friends the entire food chain including humans who eat contaminated marine wildlife. Styrene is linked to cancer and other mental disorders according to the us fda it reaches into our food and drink it we use polystyrene food where. The science is clear. This material is in environmental and Public Health pollutants and we have to reduce its use. More than 100 us cities have ordinance restricting Polystyrene Food Service wear and were packaging materials. Many local businesses and National Corporations have successfully replaced polystyrene in their products and packaging. We in San Francisco advisor prohibited serving food in polystyrene since 2007 thanks to an important 2006 law by supervisor aaron peskin who incidentally is a cosponsor on this legislation. Through the diligent work of the department of environment staff that 2006 ordinance has an almost 100 compliance rate. What this legislation proposes is the next step. The 2006 law just the Immediate Health impacts of the eating from polystyrene containers. Now, were working to stop the broader environmental and Public Health harms of using polystyrene foam. Other jurisdictions like seattle and Palo Alto Party taken similar steps and there are no ample costeffective alternatives to polystyrene on the market. With that in mind, we put together the toughest antipolystyrene of law in the country including new uses that are never been regulated in other cities. With this legislation, we will replace hazardous products with compostable recyclable ones. We will continue our work toward vision zero were towards zero wastedifferent zeroprotect the Public Health and Natural Beauty of our waterways and wildlife. I want to just briefly thank some of the people made this possible. Russell long of sustainable San Francisco is here. Russell, there are he is. Thank you. Clean water action and save the bait. What dedicated staff, jack macy, yum oh but reduced and your director debbie rafael. The sf chamber of commerce. California Grocers Association at walgreens, postal chase, and all the other comedies felt that the final legislation of course are legendary and told sadly soontobe retiring deputy city attorney, stating so, tom. This legislation is carefully crafted to help businesses comply and accommodate those who can. We provided a waiver provision for individual cases and for categorical cases theres no feasible alternative to polystyrene yet. The department has already drafted a waiver to accommodate pharmacies and Drug Companies that ship meditations and as of this afternoon im excited to say, we have a consensus solution to help grocers beto polystyrene meat trays. I am brought im proud to say the Small Business commission unanimously and does our legislation earlier this month. This is landmark environmental legislation. But we want to bring everybody together to make it happen. Our shared goal is clear. To stop the environmental and Public Health harm polystyrene packaging gets used for media week or two sometimes less than that and we tossed the item in the styrofoam last for another few hundred thousand years in the landfill or the ocean. The city committed to zero waste plan to stop sending anything to the landfill over a decade ago and the only way we can achieve that goal is to confront products like this. Polystyrene doesnt biodegrade. It is an recyclable in any practical sense. Its a pollutant is Better Options we can use. So, commissioners for environment, our economy, our Public Health, and on behalf of board president london breed ask you to join us in support this legislation today im happy to answer any questions. President omotalde thank you very much. Any questions, commissioners . Commissioner wald commissioner wald i dont have any questions. I just want to say that i feel that this legislation has been a long time in coming. Im thrilled that it is finally here and i commend you and everyone who worked with you to get it to this point and i hope it passes and once it does, it will undoubtedly make a huge difference. Thank you. President omotalde i have to echo commissioner wald and to say thank you and thank you to president breeds office. Shes always leading the way in all things and our mental and i thank her for that. Yes, im in 1 of its for the legislation but i think is the right way to go and is commissioner wald said its been a long time coming. Commissioner Stephenson Stephenson commissioner stephenson i fully support this legislation and im thrilled to see it. I also love to dot is and cross the street i note peoples up questions and one of the things that was asked of me was why cant we recycle it. So maybe someone from the staff or some event that answer could address that and let us know kind of what the reasoning is beyond not being able to cycle it . Testifier president omotalde perfect segue toward speaker. Testifier good evening commissioners on jack macy. Zero waste coordinator. I first want to applaud supervisor board president breed for this landmark legislation in a really appreciate all the great work like Connor Johnson her chief of staff has him can i also appreciate that russell long has initiated this. I agree, it is overdue and we had a Great Success with our 2007 ordinance where we we have achieved 1 compliance with the 5000 food establishments across the city good we been able to show that there are many good safe feasible cost affordable alternatives to polystyrene foam. In the food where area. So this a logical extension that makes sense that weve successfully stopped restaurants from using it, we should not have store sewing it to the public, and going out and having picnics in the parks or on the beach using styrofoam plates and cups they get blown into the ocean. So, it really is overdue. Whats really exciting is that we seen a development of alternatives not only for food where within wellestablished, but for many other products. The packaging. Styrofoam peanuts, which have static electricity and stick to you. So another one starch peanuts. Some of you may have experienced them put them in a bowl of water and that is all like right away. Many other products that are available that are recyclable were composed of all i dont have this deciduous impact that polystyrene foam has. So, let me just cut right to your question. Is polystyrene foam recyclable . They limited market out there for polystyrene foam you to have it be very clean so any polystyrene foam used for footwear is not recyclable if theres any food residue or food soil. Take that off the table. What about the other stuff we pick what about the packaging, the peanuts . Technically, yes theres top of places. Ubs packaging type stores can take them and they can reuse them, which is good and theres one dropoff recycling which ecology has for their facility in the brisbane. In talking with them theyve now got the stateoftheart equipment. This still takes a lot of time for them to handle this very volume this mature which is 95 and. They spent many hours trying to corral the stuff and feed into this machine so it can intensify and then they have to haul it many miles and they spend what really comes out to be thousands of dollars per ton. But basically figure so they can go talk with it. The may take it to a mike. So even though we have that infrastructure now, were seeing a completely insignificant level of recovery. As long as youif you dont have it acceptable in the Curbside Collection program, then that inconveniences can end up in the about. So why can we accept it in the Curbside Recycling Program . The nature of the stuff that breaks apart really easy into small pieces. So when you put it into the recycling truck in compactor with materials starts breaking apart goes to recycling facility. It goes over the screens in different conveyors and machines breaks into smaller and smaller pieces and adjust is a nightmare to deal with. So its very hard to recover. Cost prohibitive. Theres really no examples where you have any significant recovery of recycling. The industry loves to say its recyclable and hang it on the technical, but theres many policies were literally hundreds of carries a backseat and polystyrene foam at the footwear level and is the director mentioned, some examples of committees gone further. So i totally agree its time that we go beyond that set an example for more to follow. The ordinance provides some really good flexibility could weve had a lot of experience in helping businesses adapt to the changes and we will continue to do that. Researching the examples. Working with distributors helping businesses giving them enough time to do that providing the list on a website and then theres opportunities to get waivers that you heard about if they are needed. Waivers can go up to three years if necessary and even berated. So, with that, but may stop and see if you have questions. President omotalde commissioner hoyos . Commissioner hoyos . I also like everyone else am really excited about this. I have a couple questions my first question is maybemy anecdotal experience with some of the food containers plastic bags, im sorry, is there still thicker plastic bags that get used by restaurants and such and are not as bad as like the plastic bag to get walgreens again, doesnt but theyre still around. We talk about waivers, i am wondering what is this may be what is the high think you anticipate a lot of waivers . Either particular sectors in which you were getting pushback from vendors . Im just looking at sort of the way things could fall through the cracks and if theres any big spaces where that could happen . Testifier we really do like to minimize giving waivers out. Actually, we are not needed to give a waiver out since 2007 on the alternatives to polystyrene foam for footwear. We are now moving into a whole new area so we have the medical Community Come to us and say the really concerned about cold shipping and temperature range. We basically said will deftly give you a waiver if its needed. Weve agreed to that. That others come to us and we been able to help them find alternatives. So, different businesses have come accessing their concern. We are in dialogue with the life science people and are showing them alternatives and will resolve that. We have a call tomorrow. So, were finding out there are lot of alternatives out there that we can meet all the needs and we like to actually minimize waivers. Commissioner hoyos they have to come due for request for waivers thats an opportunity for you to explore alternatives with them . Testifier yes. Example the prostatitis defendant was that assetbacked actually had to meet a performance standard for reusing go throughout testing get all that. I know its like more passive bags but that wasnt wavered that was actually allowed under the ordinance and they are charging for that so we have seen a great reduction in bag use. Commissioner hoyos the second question, on the industry fund, other any big opponents here you are concerned about or does this feel like its going to have requisite support . Testifier i think will have support. Not surprisingly weve had attorneys from the industry right us. With their concerns. They making the case that its recyclable. Saying, dont worry that its perfectly safe. Dont worry about it we can cite studies that show it can leach into food and its a neurotoxin. Proposition 65 and so forth. So i dont think their arguments are very strong in the industry typically will despond to say, dont target our product. Commissioner hoyos thank you. President omotalde any other questions fellow commissioners . Hearing none, thank you very much. We will now open it up to Public Comments. The first individual whose name i have is russell long. Testifier commissioners, miro name is russell longer sustainable as that and also friends of the earth. Thank you so much for entertaining this ordinance today. I will be brief. I want to add to whats been said that i spent my 20s racing sailboats across the oceans of the world hit i was a professional sailor. Since then, i can tell you from personal experience it is a travesty the amount of styrofoam that is floating everywhere around this planet. So whatever we can do to limit and restrict it is a huge environmental victory. Coupled with the fact that theres no links to styrene that we may in just this. Theres a toxic concerned with all this, i think this is clearly the right step. Hopefully other communities will follow if we pass this in San Francisco. Finally, i want to say in the process of researching this ordinance, i spoke with a number of manufacturers of green foam. This is by upgradable compostable foam products, and they are so thankful that San Francisco is looking at this and bringing more visibility to compostable foam, which they now have them a which is available as a replacement product. This will help their segment of the industry to grow. Theyre concerned obviously, the laggards in the industry dont want to convert, but they do. They have made significant investments in order to do that and by passing this, we are supporting that process. President omotalde thank you very much. Next up, we have ethan tucker. Testifier good evening commissioners. My name is ethan tucker. Im with the save the bait. On behalf of save the day, i would like to thank supervisor breed as was Connor Johnson and her brothers and russell long of sustainable San Francisco for there were putting this ordinance together and i like to urge the commission to support the ordinance. We think its a really good idea. As you know save the bay has been working for many years to ban polystyrene products in food where around cities could cities all around the region. We worked on a hollow alkyl ordinance that connor mentioned and San Francisco has been a leader in reducing the most commonly littered items like plastic shopping bags and styrofoam cups and takeout containers. We think this is an opportunity for San Francisco to be a leader once again seen waste reduction and environmental production. I think a ban on all types of styrofoam packaging of the city reaches zero waste goals. Itll also go a long way to reducing trash that flows from our urban areas into the creeks and San Francisco bay. So, please consider save the bay as a resource and a partner and for implement in the span reach out to the community when hopefully it is adopted. So, thank you very much. We look for to the nay model. President omotalde thank you very much. Next individual i can read the last name which is far acute i cant read the first name. Rene, okay. Thank you. Testifier hello. My name is renee ferrell. Im employed by some fabricators and were a manufacture of polystyrene. Im here today representing the Eps Industry Alliance and my objective here is to oppose the proposed ordinance and believe the issue needs closer study. So, i listen to all the nice folks speaking and my understanding is that the ordinance is really in regard to transportation a polystyrene. Is that better . Okay. I want to address that at some point, but we talk a lot about the styrofoam Food Products and how that has been established, but my understanding is this ordinance is a little bit different than where we were going with that. It seems like its a little bit more for commercial items so to speak. So, in particular, i think many of the findings in the proposed ordinance are not correct. Eps is not a styrene. Its a polystyrene. So, styrene is a liquid and its been identified as a carcinogen. But polystyrene is a solid and is not a carcinogen. Its a classic. To speak to that, the fda originally approved polystyrene for food contact. Federal and california regulators and make clear theyre not risk using eps products. Eps is also very useful material. Its lightweight. It reduces energy costs of transportation. Which i think is the point here. So, in my industry we manufacture pallets that are very light weight so they help the Transportation Industry in regards to putting pallets on airplanes and making things a whole lot lighter as opposed to the hardwood pallets that way probably four times as much. Its ideal insulator for hot and cold items. So, for specific things like the biomedical and pharmaceutical industry, theres no other product besides eps thats when to hold a specific temperature for a medical product that has very little time on. It has very little change in temperature. It cannot get 2 hotter or colder. So theres no other product thats when to be able to do that besides eps. We also support the frozen Food Industry and those types of its widely used as an effective president omotalde your time is up. Thank you. Next speaker is trent noris. Testifier my name is trent noris, attorney at arnold are present in the Eps Industry Alliance as well. This is a very short period of time. We submitted written comments as well. We have attempted to contact Connor Johnson to discuss the legislation could have not received a return call. We would like to have further discussions about this. I want to emphasize that polystyrene is recyclable. It is when i percent recyclable. It can be turned in to plastic. It can also be turned into polystyrene. Theres a strong market for recycled polystyrene. The fact that its not in the Curbside Recycling Program is probably the reason why not much of it is collected here. In the city of San Francisco. We question whether transport packaging materials is a significant source of litter. We enter stan the findings of studies related to food service where the transport packaging, when i order something from amazon and arrive semihouse, thats a light fixture or piece of class where or something this transport packaging. This is hard polystyrene. Thats fully recyclable. It doesnt end up on city streets to theres no evidence that is what occurs here. It does end up in the landfill however. There are questions about, about whether this legislation, indeed, in dresses the problems noted about polystyrene in the landfill. This is only banning San Francisco businesses from selling and using polystyrene to ship outside of San Francisco. Were even within San Francisco. But the vast majority we dont have a percentage on it, but its easily more than 9 of the styrofoam that ends up in landfills in San Francisco comes into the city from somewhere else in the country and San Francisco is not addressing that in any way whatsoever with this particular ordinance. As a result, we dont think theres a meaningful connection between this proposed solution and the problem thats been articulated here as well. So, the ups Industry Alliance is committed to working with governmental authorities to address the waste stream issues that are here. We disagree vehemently with toxic issues because this is probably starting, not starting. Itself. We are not talking about food service in any way. We are talking here about transport packaging. So, we dont believe this addresses the issues that have been articulated be happy to meet with the sponsor of the legislation, whidbey primary commission, with staff of either or the department to discuss these issues in more detail. Thank you. President omotalde thank. Any further Public Comment . Testifier my name is only johnson and for a long time [inaudible]how this product [inaudible] the outside environment and [inaudible]. This has been going on for a long time. I have asked in 2001 for these people that are not forgetting our environment better it has always been worse and worse and even our plastic containment. I do think that we have different ways because [inaudible] because butter health issues. I have been ill because of this and this is all programs by [inaudible] because of an agreement that we never come to. And still havent. [inaudible] im real serious about this. The world is messed up by the combination and also with the police department. I know some things already. [inaudible] president omotalde thank you very much. Any further Public Comment we pick hearing none, Public Comment is now closed. Commissioners, any further discussion . Hearing none, is there a motion . The motion has been made by commissioner hoyos and seconded by commissioner wald. All those in favor say, aye. Opposed . Any abstainers . The main route but the record with the commissioner trend wan is not present next item on the agenda speaker item 7 presentation and discussion on San Francisco Climate Action study. Under the city charter the commission on the environment conducts Public Education and outreach to the committee on San Francisco sustainability efforts. His item is for discussion and action. President omotalde before i turn the microphone over to the director, i would like to say that theres something atypical that happened this evening. Which is that typically, we have outreach that i think but today we have moved it to item 7 because it fits in with our theme of 50, 50 transportation, which the director will speak usc introduces the legislation. Director raphael thank you. As you know, the citys Climate Action strategy is summarized as 050100 words in Mission Meeting we take a look at one of those items like to focus discussion or action items around that topic. Tonight will be looking at 50, the issue of transportation. But youll notice in tonights presentation that sometimes those decisions are not so bright between them because one of our 50 presentations is actually going to have an intersection with our 100. So, often when we are looking at transportation were also asking things out energy sources. Look at how, electrified and how can we clean up the electricity source when we do a electrified. The other thing that youll notice is that this is a strategy for the city that takes a lot of partners. It takes various city agencies, or department of the environment is actually very small part of that equation. We work very closely with other city partners, whether the planning department, the mta, cd, the alphabet soup of all the transportation world could its pretty extensive. This Community Organizations and private sector partners. Tonight youll hear from her variety of them. We are going to start with perhaps the largest of our transit entities in the sense of infrastructure and reach, and that is art bart system. Who we have tonight, im very thrilled of another past commissioner here. Nick just that of its was not only commissioner of the department of environment but now an elected board commissioner. With him, holly gordon, with the sustainability manager for part. So, we will start with looking at but and then we will go to bicycles, looking at bike share and then from there we will go to the departments own efforts around what we call Transportation Demand management trying to get people out of their cars. So, that is the context. This is an information item because were going to your presentations. What we hope to do is give you a taste of some of the things going on in the city around 50. President omotalde clerk items 78 presentation on efforts to modernize and achieve one global electricity powering the Bay Area Rapid transit bart system. This paper is nick just a support member bart board of directors and holly gordon Sustainability Group manager of part. President omotalde testifier commissioners, director met a president , mdm. Pres. , thank you very much for having me. And for having my college, holly gordon here. Its excited to be back. Were doing really exciting things would bark at him and said to come and talk to bit about that and hopefully therell be opportunities to collaborate with that apartment in with the rest of the city family on summer projects were working on. The typing of contacts. But is one of the 10 largest electricity consumers in northern california. We have to carry 44 and 50,000 writers every day run the system on 1 electric vehicles. Despite the fact that because of some foresight of the built folks that built part in the 1960 about both Aerospace Engineers that built part with the latest train cars of any system in the country. They made out of aluminum rather than steel. So it takes less energy to move them. Despite the fact we use 1000 v to power our cars rather than usual 750 bowls were over most other subway systems youd theres less energy loss transmission despite what youre really terrific things about the bart system, we still consumed and more and more power to get people around, and it is something of a focus of ours. Its tried to reduce emissions profile of that power that we purchase. It wasnt so long ago, less than a decade ago that part was actually moving in the wrong direction. When bart was first came online, it was largely purchasing hydropower from federal projects in the northwest. About 10 years ago, parts actually reversed course and pitched in with a bunch of other jurisdictions to build a natural gas plant in the central valley. Which, i dont need to tell you, not the direction we should be going or anybody else should be going. I think, this was in sort of the 1980s before people realize this was a big problem. This was in the 2000 when the only just how big of a problem it was. I think it really speaks to the evolution of art as an organization. We are actually in the process of putting in place a policy and a plan to go 100 Greenhouse Gas free on our electricity procurement, and then hopefully transition after the two 100 renewables, where its probably speaking a bit ahead of where everybody elses in the organization but think that certainly something i see as achievable, and i think itll be not only terrifically important for parts, but equitably terrific example to set for everybody else. As increasingly our Transportation System becomes more and more electrified as we move away from fossil fuels i think its a real opportunity for bart to be a leader and share the leadership that i can debate area expects other. But, about 7080 of our power goes to powering our trains. Kind of referred to that as traction power. But thats probably the only thing we use energy from. The remaindermost of the remainder of that goes to powering our shops and our stations. One of the things that were starting to really focus on is how we can deploy the nobles onsite to sort of be difficult to deploy a new renewables onsite to generate enough power to power our trains so we can suddenly deployed nobles onsite to power stations and some of the loads and our shops in our offices. So, really for the first time, were putting in place a comprehensive plan to deploy solar, especially, on the rooftops of a lot of our yards, on the rooftops of the stations were make sense and that is really exciting. Its not all committees we operate in its easy to work with the San Francisco which says a lot. So, sometimes it takes a few years to get community buyin to put solar on a parking lot, because it turns no green and stuff like that. So, but were working to that here we prioritize that. Prioritized the sites were going to be able to have the most impact. I think thats a huge step forward. We also have a number summer people who drive to our stations every day. We are 48,000 Parking Spaces, which are pretty full basically full everyday at 8 am. Theres an enormous opportunity to try and implement a policy which will encourage folks to use electric vehicles to drive to our stations rather than fossil fuel vehicles. But with the station hierarchy and access hierarchy which is the things we should do moses encourage people to walk than by, then take transit, but between transit and driving a suv or a hummer, this electric vehicles. Its incredibly important from a common perspective because weve done so well on reducing the Greenhouse Gas emissions coming from electricity thats really one of the places that we have the largest climate commissions do we contribute the most to climate commissions is and people accessing our stations. So, under the guidance and the leadership of holly, we just started to put in place in electric vehicle policy which were going to be deploying charging stations, first off some pilot stations and then hopefully more broadly and we will be put in place policies around that which encourage people to make that choice when the purchasing a car, to purchase a look at electric vehicle. Its not just a trip from home to bart were from bar to the office that is the potential to be decarbonized but the lifetime emissions of that car. And of that driver. So, thats some of the really exciting work that were doing at bart on lectures at the side of things. Trying to decarbonized our electric generation weve done in collaboration with sen. Lenos office he authored a bill 1502 which allowed us to procure power directly from renewable sources, which allows us to get much more competitive pricing that we would have otherwise. But, i think underlying all this achievement is the fact we able to bring on to run our Sustainability Team of that caliber of holly. I think it is as you all know, the one to have grand visions and want to have grand plans, but it sort of especially in a Public Agency very difficult to cut through the crap and get anything done. So, i think an indication of the potential that we have at bart to be a leader in this space, as well sort of the our ability hopefully not to execute on this patient is represented when holly came to work first i want to make sure wendy apollyon opportunity to talk bout the exciting work shes doing and maybe also on the zero way side of things because the city is close to zero waste. And talk about about the opportunities she sees at bart. President omotalde thank you. Testifier thank you. My name is holly gordon. On the Sustainability Team at bart. I just joined in january. As director mention, its been a big change for me. I was and col. Justice lawyer for love, and work in the private sector in the solar industry. So, making a switch to government was a big decision for me and i really have thought long and hard about this update was because i saw the was an opportunity to transform transportation and particularly transportation in my local community. We have about 95 of our electricity grid driven contracts expire at the end of this year. They been placed alongside. The above really big opportunity to procure a lot of Renewable Energy and i look forward to that doing that over the next six months. The main area i focused on at bart are using our ghd emissions. Energy efficiency, waste reduction and water reduction. Water use reduction. So, i Waste Reduction Initiative is we put in some pilot programs for smart trash receptacles and theres theres a number of them throughout the system and will doing a second pilot over hopefully later this year and believe the ones we have right now several of them are solar pocket were excited about that. On the waterfront, were still working to that were kind of tired of Backend System and to our it team so we can measure those reductions and were looking at reductions in our train washing and dual flush toilets and so forth throughout our system. President omotalde thanks. Testifier i want to say were not close the toilets out of the sustainability goal. The downtown stations that close for all the wrong reasons. So, i dont know if you have any questions. Some stuff im happy to talk about that i think might be interesting to work on together. But, president omotalde any questions, commissioner, director . Director director raphael im so gladly holly you made the decision to come to the public side of things. I delivered a homework just in our own inventory because we have to count your emissions in our community inventory. So, for you to go 100 renewable or 1 Greenhouse Gas free, i was curious, how that impact San Francisco inventory . 2012, which is the year we have those reliable data, we found that art only for your San Francisco leg of your trip, not the rest, invaded 57,000 metric tons of co2. That was equivalent to 61,000 pounds of coal being burned. So, thats not insignificant its about 1 of our community emissions. So if youre trying to get from 23. 5 240 we love you to be one harper sent renault. So, holly when you said you of these 95 of your contracts are expiring at the end of the year, what do you think the mix will be of your procurement . Will it be 1 for that 95 . Testifier thats a good question. Lets start with what we have right now so we can have a baseline. We have unspecified power coming across the world on board. Is primarily hydroabout 60 percent of that is had. Theres some gas, probably 2530 gas, and then we have some onsite photovoltaic and onsite photovoltaic which makes a small percentage up at this point. I can say for sure exactly upper foley will look like. Debbie up to our procurement goes in what the board decides and we are looking at keeping a lot of that hydromy personal goalim not speaking for the direction, but to rid us of that gas could come across the border. So looking at it probably makes i would say hydromaybe some wind. Solar. It depends on what opportunities we see out there with the cost of the site as well. President omotalde commissioner speak stephenson commissioner stephenson i think with excitability talk about is the opportunity to really affect our climate goals with the work youre doing. I think thats so amazing and wonderful. I am also very interested in our transportation goals and specifically, increasing ridership on Public Transportation. All that to hear a little bit more about what are some of the exciting things that you guys are exploring are looking at to encourage people to actually write more often instead of getting in their cars . What can we as a city or as a commission, due to help in some right to move the needle on parts ridership . I know for me personally, when i choose the moments where im taking a bike or walking on jumping on Public Transportation were getting in my car, really depends on bikes but did experience in each of those arenas. My kids with me is one choice of going on my own its a different choice from going pointtopoint into different choice that i make. What are some of things that art is looking into doing to make it the first choice for more of those decisions . I love to hear more about that. Testifier thats a great question. Something we think about all the time. A bunch of Different Things i can talk about but ill talk about three of the ones i think the most exciting. The first one comes back to the parking space did bart was basically built in the 60s that of commuter system to more people between his you would get in the car, from your singlefamily home out in lafayette drive to the bart station to be tons of free parking and would ride into the city and cadillac style. Sort of bart train our seats are wider than firstclass airline seats. So, that worked for a while but it doesnt work anymore. Not the vision we think a lot of us want to try and promote for communities. Part of the reason it doesnt work anymore is because our 40,000 Parking Spaces are also. Please write or should we can do it by having more people drive to the bart station. So, this year weve gone through great comments of station access policy reimagining. Which is, how are we going to get more people to our stations as sustainably as possible . So, one of the things for instance when commenting for the first time is that it turns out one of the reasons people dont walk to our stations has nothing to do with what happens on our property. It to do with what is between their home and our station. So for instance, in all our communities, the sidewalks on safe with our new crosswalks across the highways people have to go. Theres insufficient Street Lighting so people dont feel sick that night. Theres not enough people in the street to walk alone late at night and feel sick. We never really looked at the issues presently to understand what other things that are stopping people from walking to our station. If they live within walking radius. So, the policy part of the policy going to look at the conference of leave trying to get in as much data is again from a variety different data providers and were going to start working with communities and actually invest in part resources to improve Pedestrian Access and bike access outside of our boundary of our station. I think thats going to be not only encourage people to walk, not otherwise want to but its going to be a real asset to the communities we serve. In San Francisco, San Francisco is pretty advanced. Its got great mta is doing a lot of [inaudible] so were working in partnership with them and are facilities that passes all have as many resources of that are part of transportation is something going to be really transformational for them. So, i think thats kind of a prerequisite to getting more people on our trains. The second thing that i think is a prerequisite, right now, but most people want to write ride which is during or around the commute, there just isnt any space anymore. Our trains were bills to have to 104 people on them. They now carry about 145 people during the commute. Which is why you may expect the sardine phenomenon. Not only does that mean that a lot of people cant get on the train were kind of the bus shows up and you can on. Were expensing that had parts. It just a much less pleasant experience. So, we have athe two lieutenants were doing to increase capacity currently have 663 cars and athlete which means we cant 110 car trains gravy train. Were going to be purchasing over the next five years and start getting delivered in a few months 750 new train cars. The same cars are going to have fewer seats. The seats are going to be smaller. Theyre going to be more appropriately sized to fit speed san franciscans and others writing in them. That means would have a lot more capacity for our existing trains. What more trains and more people on our existing trains. In addition to that, in november were going to be putting eight 3. 5 billion bond measure on the ballot which is going to go primarily to operating systems from the 60s that a phone into disrepair. And which also limits how make things we can run. So, right now our electrical system then it says to running 23 hours 23 trains an hour through the transbay two. We can place our [inaudible] and upgrade electrical system which is of this bond passes will be able to run 29 trains an hour here at which to put that in context, 2910 car trains an hour running to the transbay two, we will to carry 10 times more people than the bay bridge does every hour. Would you be a huge increase in capacity. Between the new train cars and the new control system and electrical system will expand our capacity by 200,000 daily riders, we think which is more than the capacity of muni metro today. So to be just an enormous capacity boost i think we will provide many new riders the opportunity to ride commute. Not to bang on about but the last thing one the of exciting things were doing is often its not critically pleasant experience ride parts. Even when its not crowded it sort of dirty. The stations are bit funky. It is not necessarily the greatest customer given medication. So come i think what we doing is going to be doubling down on Customer Experience. Weve hired new on set of cleaners in downtown San Francisco. Compared to this time last year we have eight third more cleaners in our downtown San Francisco stations. Which one of the things im working on is to we think what this cleverness means in the context of bart. We publish of the measured in terms of baggage area per square is. That stop people out feel. Its what actually makes people think that bart stations are dirty and pleasant maybe its a combination of the lighting and the smell of the escalators or Something Like that. Thats what we should be targeting our resources rather than doing it the way we been doing it for the past 2030 years. Our lighting, francis is something that i think these were terrible station environments. Its also very energy inefficient. The local wedding pictures date from the 1960 could one of the things were pretty starting to an highlighting dr. Rogers is retrofitting our entire station lighting were all the lighting for the public space. Not just to make it more energyefficient but so we can turn it off tonight we dont do at the moment. But so that we can actually have much more, much better Customer Experience and to give you an example, one of the Design Guidelines diverted to lighting. As a sort of something to contribute to the Customer Experience. Along with that, possibility and commenting and art policy. Reports income in this country weve had a sort of habit of Building Public buildings intensely ugly because it makes people think [inaudible] value which i think is just like a crime because of ugly is generally fairly good value. So, working to be trying to rescue the bart system from the ugliness and dreariness and we just hired a terrific hardcore nader as well. To try bring some of the vibrancy of art communities across the bay area into our stations to activate them and so when youre standing on a platform, its not when its my train coming but is more the disneyland experience where it becomes part of the extensive. I could go on. I dont want toits a very good question. President omotalde thank you, director. I one question because on that speakers are bike share and because one of the things you mention is how you reduce people from driving to bart stations, are there any is parking [inaudible] going on with bike share that could take a bike share two neighborhood bike to sub bart and leave it there . Testifier i think the special by sure is one of most exciting things that happened bay area transportation. Its a development of a holy Public Transportation. I think what were seen elsewhere is people start using bike share then all of a sudden this incredible momentum to build the bike infrastructure brawled bikers. Around the community each scene in london using in dc and in paris. We want to hug by sure as close as possible to bart. We are working closer with them to try put bike share stations at all of the parts stations within their service area. I dont think its been a quite feel like Grand Central would have 186 bay areabike share bikes outside of the station or whatever it is. City bikes. There we go. I think its an incredible part of that. Believed to last mile solution and one of the things that we came to work closely with San Francisco on and other cities that we make sure we can locate those bay area by station parking things. As close as possible to our stations. And then so people know where to get them. Thanks for the question. President omotalde thank you. Commissioner hoyos commissioner hoyos thank you so much for the presentation. Some of you say there were some ideas you had about how we might collaborate in and i were doing on time but soon be interested in hearing testifier thank you for suggesting that. I think one of the things were really working on at bart is our waste. Our stations are dirty and its not just because we dont clean them properly. Its also because we dont have a great waste policy and people are not throwing their trash away. Thats obviously a huge expertise that this department has, is zero waste. We also very low divergent rates. You remember what the diversion rates are . So, we dont know exact numbers. Will assume zero. Its not zero. But i think he would bebut had the opportunity as i mentioned in passing to director rafael, we would appreciate the opportunity to benefit from your expertise and in sort of the plane and developing a sort of a zero waste policy. Especially, in our stations and especially in the wake of our Customer Experience. We also benefit from some your zero waste grants to oppose along with that but i think those two things probably go together. Thats one thing that sort of immediately comes to mind. The other thing that i think is exciting to work on would bei know that the puc that is in collaboration with the department of environment, its getting up clean power as that and i think there might be some opportunities to Work Together on purchasing renewables and other Greenhouse Gas regeneration so that we can take advantage of the work that each other is doing and maybe help economies of scale there. I would bewe also director rafael at it would be helpful in helping us understand how to create the position of the sustainability director and i would was key to work the work were doing and this much expertise thats sitting around the stable and in that apartment that it would be key to have all the good ideas you want to throw at us. I think we now have

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